attud-com · 10 months
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antimnemonic · 4 months
jets cool. giant robots epic. but the world building required to justify the existence of such technology....... awkward. in that regard, oban star racers, f-zero, IGPX, g gundam etc all have the right idea
sports anime
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adventures-or-death · 2 years
Scotland Trip Itinerary
Day 1, Aug. 1: Dalgety Bay, walk through Long Park to Town Centre, meal at Louie Brown's
Day 2, Aug. 2: visit to Rosslyn Chapel and brief walk to Rosslyn Castle ruins then to Cramond and back to Dalgety Bay;
Day 3, Aug 3: by bus to Edinburgh for wander, visited the Royal Mile and the John Knox House. Lunch and bevy at Deacon Brodie's before tour of Mary King's Close. Walk to Grayfriar's Bobby and church; back via Princes St. and Rose St. to bus stop on Queensferry Rd;
Day 4, Aug. 4: Cowden Japanese Garden, tour and lunch, then walk to Dollar Glen to view Castle Campbell;
Day 5, Aug. 5: to Paisley to visit Friends. Went to the highlands and a great pub.
Day 6: Toured Glasgow and went to the tenement museum.
Day 7: Ferry from Gourock to Dunoon, visit friends. We had car troubles, but got those fixed then on to Puck's Glen and Jubilee Point, then to Cairndow for overnight stay and dinner at the Cairndow Stage Coach Inn;
Day 8: to Inverary, visit jail; get new spare tyre; on to Kilmartin to see standing stones and Pictish carvings; then on to view Stalker Castle of Monty Python fame and then to Oban; night ar the Muthu Alexandria Hotel, best fish and chips and then drunken evening in The View and in hotel bar;
Day 9: on to Fort William then to Spean Bridge, Dalwhinnie and Blair Atholl where we stayed in the Blair Atholl Arms Hotel, had dinner in the cozy bar and then breakfast in the dining hall next morning;
Day 10: Visited Blair Atholl Castle and gardens then back to Dalgety Bay via Pitlochry (where we lost each other), fish ladder, lunch, walk to The Hermitage at Dunkeld where we went into the Duke of Argyll's folly;
Day 11, Aug 11: Lazy day in preparation for night at The Tattoo. Bus to Edinburgh and side trip to Edinburgh pharmacy before a drink at Deacon Brodie's and then dinner in the castle (haggis and whisky) and The Tattoo.
A quiet morning visit to Dunfermline Abbey and Pittercrief Park (known Ally as the glen) then Ralph's spectacular spaghetti and packing for the journey home
Scotland is a wonderfully magical place. The cities are full of cool things going on, and when you get out of one of the cities, you can find yourself hiking through magical forests choc full of waterfalls and fairy holes. I want to live In a fairy hole
F i r s t P h o t o S e t of S c o t l a n d
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piermanwalter · 5 years
F Zero, Redline, and Oban Star Racers are the holy trinity of unjustly unappreciated Formula One but with aliens and world-changing stakes.
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All seriousness aside, watching this mother fucker dodge most of TMN’s attacks while summoning this demon thing only to get fucked by the thing’s coffin lid is super funny
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scotianostra · 7 years
Seil Island Sunset by Matt Lethbridge Via Flickr: Seil Island Sunset, Oban, July 2017. A beautiful summers day comes to and end with a magnificent show of colour at sunset. Chamonix 045/f1 5x4 camera, Schneider Super-Angulon 90mm f/5.6 at f/22, Kodak Ektar 100. Scanned with Epson Scan on a V800 flatbed. www.mattlethbridgelandscapephotographer.co.uk/
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nordictwin · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
@clearwillow You overestimate how many fics I've written 😂 Most are WIPs, so I'm going to include some here, too.
Something Else (Elsewhere University) - my current project, and by far the biggest thing I've ever written on my own, though it's a little neglected at the moment due to internships.
Caught in the Game (Yu-Gi-Oh) - on indefinite hiatus, but it still holds a special place in my heart.
The Stars Will Be There Tomorrow (There’s always another chance to shine next to them) (Oban Star Racers) - the fic that tossed me into the wonderful little Oban Star Racers community that I didn't know was thriving! I also need to work more on this to celebrate the kickstarter for the blu-ray succeeding!
Of Powerful Fathers and Wise Daughters (The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker) - a WIP. This is a story set during the time where Tetra was captured by Ganondorf, featuring half!Gerudo Tetra and bio!Ganondad.
Blue Shadows in Golden Dawn (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) - a WIP. Essentially an AU where a m!Byleth thought "what happened to me as a baby was really messed up" and set out to find a timeline where he (and all the other Byleths he picks up along the way) could stop Rhea and let that child have a normal childhood. Which all leads to a (renamed) f!Byleth growing up as the little sister of an alternate version of herself and joins the Golden Deer, because I love Claude von Riegan and love student!Byleth AUs. Basically a mix of Azure Moon and Verdant Wind.
That covers that! But I've got plenty more stories in the background, too, such as more Fire Emblem and more Elsewhere University!
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swanalogwelt · 7 years
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Schottland No.12 - Oban
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samael76 · 5 years
Princely (A Widojest mini-fic, set after C2E81 and written before E82)
The Lavish Chateau. Evening. Caleb’s room. 
He looked up from the spellbook he was studying, to find Jester hovering above him. They had all accomplished the unthinkable yesterday. After barely managing to put down Halas’ malformed clones and nearly losing Fjord and Beau in the process, they had found Yussa and succeeded in burning away the Laughing Hand’s heart. The creature was mortal once again; Yussa assured them of it.
Now they were taking a well deserved rest at the Chateau, while Yussa conferred with Allura, the archmage from Tal'dorei. As partial thanks for their assistance, the elven magus had gifted Caleb a potent book of spells, which he was eager to dig into. But Jester took precedence.
She always did, these days.
“Yes, Jester?” Caleb asked, giving the faintest smile.
She was leaning against the doorframe, seemingly deep in thought. He could only wonder what she had come to say. Was it time for dinner? Did Nott or Beau need to speak with him? Had Yussa sent a message?
“Do you really think I already look like a princess?” Jester said, rubbing her neck.
Caleb felt his heart start to beat faster. This was most unexpected.
“Er… I…well, of course. Yes, you…you check all the boxes,” he stammered. “Out of a storybook.
She shook her head and walked into the room, only a foot away from him now. Thump. Thump. Thump.
"But I donnnn’t! I’ve read soooo many books about princesses and like…I don’t really seem like any of them,” Jester whined. “Like this one!”
She reached over to the shelf behind Caleb and pulled out a bright blue book, with silver pages. She pulled it open and showed it to him. The page had a colorful drawing of a pale human woman with long golden hair, standing above a kneeling knight in shining armor.
"That is Princess Arabella Wintermist. Mama used to read this to me all the time. She’s super pretty and kind and has lots of gold-ok, so like, I have those parts obviously, but she’s…she’s a human. They’re always humans or sometimes elves. And like, one dwarf.”
She sighed. “There are no tiefling princesses. If there are, I’ve never read about them.”
Caleb closed his book and stood up. He looked Jester in the eye and frowned. "So this is an issue of race, ja? I find that surprising, considering who we travel with and the alliances we have formed. In the months since…we formed this company, we have worked alongside giants and kobolds…kenku and pirates…we have personally had an audience with a dark elf empress and seen a city filled with people who make tieflings look quaint in comparison.” He gave Princess Arabella a dismissive glance. “Scheisse on the stories. The world we live in shows the truth.”
Jester was silent at first, before she began to giggle. Thump. Thump. Thump. “That was really good Caleb! If the wizard stuff doesn’t work out, you could like, run for marquis!” She paused and put a hand on her chin. “…Is that even something you can run for?”
It was Caleb’s turn to laugh. A rare occurrence, but the idea was well-worthy of mirth. “I will…take it under consideration.”
Jester laughed with him for a moment longer, before she looked back at the storybook. “I do have a few more things in common with princesses, though…”
“Oh? What are those?” Caleb chuckled.
“I was kidnapped by a monster,” she whispered. “And a…dashing man died trying to rescue me.”
Caleb felt a chill run down his spine. He felt images flash through his mind; memories he had tried to suppress. An empty campsite. A grinning, blood-covered man. A friend lying upon the ground, eyes frozen open.
“J-jester, I’m so-” he started to say.
She shook her head. “It should have been a dragon, right? That’s what takes the princesses in stories!” She laughed again, but it was joyless. “But no…the first dragon I saw nearly…killed me! Nearly killed all my friends! And then the next one did too!”
Jester picked up the storybook and chucked it at the wall nearby, where it impacted with a loud BANG, the spine caving in and flopping onto the floor. 
“Then there was the demon bug…thing! That was fucking creepy! And the…the fleshy mouth pit! And then, I had to watch my friend get her brain taken over by Oballsack the Dickhole!“
She fell backwards against the wall, slumping into the wood and landing on her rear. She was crying now, openly. Caleb rushed over and knelt down next to her. He didn’t say anything. Not yet. He just listened.
"And…I’m the one who sees her…I’m the one who has to watch Yasha, every time I take a peek at what they’re doing. I watched her killing all those people…she was crying, Caleb,” Jester croaked. “She was crying and I know she fucking hated it, but she couldn’t stop it. And I couldn’t save her! Not even last time!”
Jester had begun to clutch at her knees and dig into her skin. Caleb reached out and took one of her hands into his own. Her skin was warm, but tougher than many might suspect.
“We have failed…many times, in the last few months. But we always fail together, as a group. We learn and grow, every time. And when we do succeed, like we just did…the victory is all the sweeter,” Caleb stressed. “Oban may not yet know one of his champions has been made mortal. Just imagine the shock on his dummes, hochmütiges face when he sees the Laughing Hand brought down for good.”
Caleb made a faux-shocked expression, his eyes wide and mouth agape. Jester gave a weak chuckle.
“How could this beeeeee?! My beautiful Gigglefist, killed by the Mighty Nein!” Caleb whined, doing a truly atrocious Oban impression. But it seemed to work, as Jester laughed again, much more naturally.
“Yasha will not be prisoner in her own flesh forever. If we can kill the heart of a dark god’s servant, breaking the shackles on our friend should be a piece of kuchen.”
What he did next felt instinctual, but it still shocked him as he did it. Leaning his head down, Caleb kissed the back of her hand. Thump. Thump. Thump. He looked up at her, staring right into her eyes.
Jester looked a bit shocked herself, but it soon morphed into a wide, bright smile.
“You know Caleb, maybe I am a princess after all, cause…you sure seem princely.”
She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. It was only a few seconds, it felt like an eternity. Had he finally unlocked the mystery of chronomancy?
“Caleb! It’s time for dinner! Some kind of fish! You can reply to this message!” Nott’s voice echoed in his mind.
He tried to form the words he needed, but all that came out was…
Jester looked puzzled for a moment, but then her eyes lit up. “Oh! We’re having Silverscale Salmon and croquettes! It’s tasty as shiiiiiit!”
Jester stood up, pulling Caleb with her and hugging him tightly. “Thank you, Caleb,” she whispered into his ear. With one last wink in his direction, she strode downstairs, yelling something as she did.
“Nott, you better save some for me!”
“I PROMISE NOTHING!” Nott shrieked, from below.
Then Caleb was alone, standing stock-still and processing the last several minutes. His face was as red as some of his favorite spells.
Willy crept up behind him, with Frumpkin draped around his neck. Caleb looked down at them and took the golem’s stubby hands, beginning an awkward dance.
“Oh meine Schönheit, oh meine Schöne. Mit deinem Gesicht aus Lilien und Rosen…” he softly sang, smiling. Frumpkin purred and rubbed his head on Caleb’s arm.
He went down for dinner a minute later, feeling like royalty. 
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Frankly I imagine this is an accurate depiction of how Sam would act if he had indeed been up for 44 straight hours and was surviving on Red Bull
We’re so blessed that Laura and Taliesin sit on the same side of the table as Sam because their reactions are amazing
Laura doesn’t have a clue what’s going on in the Game Ranch and it’s pretty hilarious
Hi Essek pls help us here you can have our horses
HA he smiled! :D
He loves them
Also they didn’t even clearly tell him where to go
Do not file a complaint or ask him for anything else omg
Poor Essek
Guys no
Guys NO
I take it back he hates them xD
Caleb constantly trying to be the one who communicates with Essek and also mostly taking the blame whenever the group messes up is sweet
"The Traveler loves you so much :D"
Fortunately they rolled nice and high
Okay he really does love them
"There would be nothing I would love more.... than to not be around you anymore for the remainder of this day." loves them
I love the little eye squint/crinkle thing Matt does as Essek sometimes
B: "Hey Essek? Are you mad at us?"
E: "Mad is not the right word... I would say, uh... ready to leave."
J: "I’m so glad he didn’t say disappointed."
I wanna know what those whispers to Caleb were about
"Be careful, be safe, do not be stupid, and, ah, goodbye." He loves them.
Cad just talking to the forest
"Probably start a fire who knows" lol
Toad just eats the fly and Cad’s like Cad: "Not cool man! That was definitely not cool. Don’t suppose you want to help."
Toad: "croooooak"
Cad: "yeah, didn’t think so. Shoo."
F: "are we following the frog the toad the??"
Cad: "no no he’s no help"
I’ve got a bad feeling about this
Okay they’re pretty close
Caleb wants to save Yasha, save her from her own head
Oh dear...
Something about this is reminding me of when they went to clear out the Gentleman’s hideout and there were the two dead bodies and the fish people. I know it’s probably 100% unrelated but still.
Wraithwood tree
"Beware the bark that bites"
Oh I love this
Fjord is right they need to be ready
Imma gonna fight Oban for treating my girl Yasha so bad
"Don’t forget you were the one to find me, Orphanmaker." Don’t like that.
THAT’S my girl! Fight him!
Oh they’d better kill that demon fuck before I do
Caleb can’t whoosh y’all away though guys
This is going to be a fucking disaster
This plan is bad
All the plans are bad
Except for the plan where they rest
I think Fjord is right and honestly while I know it’s bad if this next evil thing wakes up, it’s not their sole responsibility to stop it and the risk of one or many of them dying is HIGH
The fact that we’re getting the break before the 2hr mark tells me Matt is anticipating a fight, and probably a long one
The whole plan is already falling apart smh
They’re gonna die
Fuck fuck fuck
I can’t believe
Oh god oh god oh FUCK
This is all going so wrong
You guys are fucked
Fuck fuck fuck
Oh god
Oh no a map
Death is coming
I like the idea that Cad goes invisible instinctively like it’s an animal defense thing.
I also like to think his ears droop and lay flat whenever he’s scared/unhappy
I’m just trying not to think about what’s happening right now
...oh my god they left
I feel like they’re forgetting that if the laughing hand laughs and snares any of them with it they won’t be able to run and this whole plan will be for nothing
This is terrible this is so bad they are 100% not even remotely prepared for this and they need to accept that and STOP
Like I know they want to stop them but they will not be able to and it’s not worth dying
Oh god oh god oh god
Y’all need to LEAVE
Please don’t have the components because summoning the demon is not allowed
No Matt DONT allow it
Not to criticize Matt but I feel like maybe he should not have dropped this on Travis/Fjord right in the middle of an episode. It should have been discussed after and implemented from now on.
God tho I still didn’t want him to be able to do it
Do they even have any healing spells left because Jester doesn’t have any and if Cad doesn’t have any they’ll be relying on just cantrips and potions
So now Cad is out of spell slots and they’ve got hellhounds after them. Lovely.
Fuck fuck fuck FUCK
Banishment Plz Plz Plz
wait fuck Matt no
Matthew Mercer
Oh thank god what was that
Fjord is such a badass he just saved their asses
Fjord honey NO you can’t stay behind we can’t split the party
Okay please just keep moving I guess if you’re not gonna leave
You should leave tho
That could have been good or terrible
Oh god here we go
Matt’s gonna have to call it for the week, no way can we start a huge fight this late
Oh GOD if this works I will die if this doesn’t work we will all die
The tree lives!
Okay that could be good... useful at least
Noooo he got it?! Fuck
Here we go I can’t breathe
Please please please please be safe Nott
I’m almost too tired to be stressed at this point but only almost
Now they’re double screwed because they don’t have an out
I’m so tiiiiiiired
Insight greed huh that’s interesting
That was so anticlimactic and I’ve never been so glad
NO you cannot kill the laughing hand you are all EMPTY and you need to go home. You need to sleep. There was no way that you could possibly have done this anyway.
Matt, out of game: Marisha my love please be careful with that pencil I am legitimately scared
Cad and Fjord and Jester are right that is as good as it was going to go y’all were not going to win
God I’m so glad they didn’t die
I’m sure you can stop him next time
Liam and Marisha are genuinely so annoyed lol
And Fjord still didn’t get to use his sword
Matt’s mood is very interesting I can’t place it
Love you Matt! Thanks for not killing the whole table!
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attud-com · 10 months
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antimnemonic · 4 months
so Striders (bara on fire) is my f-zero/roller derby OC project and the vibe is mostly edgy and violent, dykes beating each other up for glory on twisting roller coaster tracks in front of bloodthirsty audiences yadda yadda, the songs I have associated with it are mostly serious
Last night tho I drawing Da Gorls and I got reminded of Oban Star Racers (my fucking jam as a depressed middle schooler) and I ended up listening to the theme on loop for 4.6 hours--
-- and anyways I change my mind. I need to be a cartoony sweeping adventure (with a deeply hidden undercurrent of tragedy) immediately. My aliens need to be kookier and and wackier and unfuckable save to genuine weirdos
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universal-kitty · 5 years
.: Imagines and x Readers :.
   I’ve noticed the community has been pretty bummed out over the lack of LGBT+ related content. The gay/lesbian rep. The NB rep... And generally, what feels to me as a slight increase of uncertainty of love from F/Os. Maybe it’s the time or maybe it’s simply a rising awareness [for LGBT+ specifically, but I know I also went through a major depressive phase that made me feel like my fictional babes weren’t....”good for me” I guess, so there’s that, too].
   So I wanted to try again with this! My offer of doing Imagines, Headcanons, and x Readers! Here’s how it works, if you’re interested:
I write these for FREE, as they are for anyone!
However, I do have a Ko-Fi button on my page; if you like what I do, a donation would be much appreciated!
All Readers are default gender neutral unless specified to not be specifically.
I do the following for free: Imagines, Headcanons, x Readers, Positivity Posts (i.e. the character says something positive for you; kinda like RP or IC answering; no ACTUAL RP, tho), and doodles of F/Os [alone].
Pay me to: Write a drabble of you/your F/O (Ko-Fi), a one-shot or multi-chapter fic of you/your F/O (commission sheet here)....and I do self-ship art, too!
Got F/Os in the Steven Universe or Danganronpa series? I have blogs for that! @imagine-stevenuniverse and @imagine-danganronps! The latter hasn’t been updated in a long time, but I plan to revive it if there’s interest!! (Also, if you ship specifically with Jaal Ama Darav from Mass Effect Andromeda.... @do-i-love-jaal-today!)
Please refer to the fandom list I will put below the cut for writing reference; I prefer to write for what I know, as it helps me be as IC as possible for you. (I don’t do less, my friends!) However, I will draw ANY F/O as long as you give me a name and series!
Do we share an F/O? I DON’T CARE! I will still write them for you! (Yes, even if it’s Wrench.) Why? Cause sharing is okay with me, first off, and secondly.... Bringing happiness to people is my greatest achievement. If it brings you happiness, let me do my best!
   And that’s about it, I think! If this sounds interesting to you, feel free to hmu! It’s still my number one goal to bring more positivity to this community and I’d be more than happy to continue to try and do so~! 
   OKAY, I ALMOST FORGOT: fandom list under the cut-
Legend of Zelda
Black Butler
Invader Zim
Harvest Moon/Rune Factory
Mystery Skulls Animated
Steven Universe
Animal Crossing
Devil May Cry
Marble Hornets
Sailor Moon
Tokyo Mew Mew, 
Ranma ½ 
Marvel (MCU, Deadpool)
DC Comics (Batman)
Diabolik Lovers
Oban Star Racers
Big Hero 6
How to Train Your Dragon
Attack on Titan
Death Note
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Ouran High School Host Club
Full Metal Alchemist
SGT. Frog 
Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
The Book of Life, 
Fallout 4
One Punch Man
Mass Effect
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Watch_Dogs 2 
The Shape of Water, 
Detroit: Become Human
Dragon Ball
Hazbin Hotel
Sally Face
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robbanisti · 5 years
“Jangan buka diary ini sebelum aku mati, kecuali bapak, mamah dan nindy”
HAHA begitulah hampir di setiap cover diary aku waktu SMP. 
Udah beberapa kali aku nulis tentang dia, cem milea aja lu ndy. wkwk
Nah, untuk kali ini mau nulis seolah olah “ask me question” walaupun engga ada yang nanya. Jadi nanya sendiri jawab sendiri kek orang halu. Tapi ga apa apa sih demi nindy apa sih yang enggak #gombal ae bambaaaaaaaaaaaang 🥴
1. Kapan pertama kali ketemu nindy?
aku dan nindy satu sekolahan tapi beda SD. Dia SD 1 Zakaria, aku SD 2. Kebetulan nindy termasuk anak hits pas SD, eh ya gasih, pokonya terlihat anak gaul aja gitu dibanding aku yang cupita. Tapi pertama kali ketemu langsung sih waktu ujian akhir pelajaran olahraga kelas 6, Qodarullah kita dipasangin karena tinggi kita sama (di masanya). Tapi part ini aku belum ngeuh bahkan sebenernya lupa hahaha ini juga inget karena dulu dia pernah cerita.🤣
2. Kapan mulai deket?
Waktu itu SMP kelas 7. Engga tau gimana ceritanya, aku duduk sebelahan sama doi pas pelajaran kimia. Kebetulan hari itu aku ulang tahun dan aku ga tau dia bisa tau darimana, lalu nindy bikin tulisan alay di buku kimia ngucapin selamat ulang tahun. Sejak itu juga ternyata kita sama sama punya hobi ngehias tulisan. Jadi nulis judul itu pake tip-eks, terus tulisan tip eks nya diwarnain pake spidol warna warni. Sampai sampai kita juga kek menetapkan warna gitu hahah naon sih, kaya misalnya aku selalu warna pink, dia hijau. Kita punya map hijau dan pink buat naro hasil hasil ulangan yang kadang nyelundupin hasil ulangan “batur” buat disimpen (w doang sih kalo ini wkwk).🙃 Yang engga ngerti lagi, kita sampai bikin pin samaan, iya, pin bulet, satu gambar sapi satu gambar bebek, dan bertuliskan “V2″ wkwk jadi kita ngeceng orang dengan huruf depan V (ga V juga sih, sebenernya F dan P cuman ameh keren merennya teuing ah haha). 💩Tidak sampai itu, kita juga beli bros penguin biru yang kembar terus kalau ga salah ada jadwal kita pakenya ga sih. HAHAHHHA garila sister. Kita juga punya buku curhat gitu, jadi selama pelajaran kita mah anak baik baik ga ngobrol tapi nulis di buku curhat. wkwk dan sampai hatam 2 buku maksudnya apa ya...... 😭
3. Pernah berantem?
Seinget aku sih engga. Paling “cemburu-cemburuan”. wkkwk waktu SMP nindy suka bete kalau aku main sama yang lain. Sampai dia pernah bilang “harus bisa bagi waktu” etdaaaaaaaaaaahhh anaknya teh bijaksana ya ndy? wkwkwk tapi aku juga suka bete kalau dia sama yang lainnya kelamaan. hahahaha
Eh, eh, pernah sih tapi cuman dia ngerasa bersalah aja, padahal engga salah juga. Akhirnya aku nyuruh dia nyanyi lagu “rebecca” (hanya Allah, malaikat dan nindy yang tau sih kalau ini ewwhhh)
4. Momen yang paling diinget?
Engga tau kenapa sih ndy, aku paling terkenang saat kita naik naik atap masjid sekolah pake taraje terus fofotoan pake hp barijeung back light tea.. #nyang penting gaya wkwk. 
Salah satu yang bikin aku kangen dari dia dan satu sekolahan sama dia.. kalau aku dateng (mau itu aku kepagian atau kesiangan) dia selalu nyambut aku dengan matanya yang “hilang” itu.. “Obaaaaann...” hampir di setiap pagi, sedangkan sejak SMA aku ga liat  “mata yang ilang” lagi kalau pagi. :( wkkw
Sebenernya setelah SMA kita masih suka random gitu sih, kaya susuratan yang bener bener berlembar lembar dan dititipin ke adik aku. Entah kenapa, padahal HP asa geus usum :( Kita juga masih sering ketemu dan cerita cerita banyak hal dengan polos gitu :) , padahal mah :)))) 
5. Kesan dan Pesan?
Bagi aku, nindy orang yg spesial. Sahabat yang udah kaya saudara. Karena tanpa aku ceritapun dia ngerti. Dia selalu dukung tapi tetep ngasih nasihat nasihat yang ngena tapi engga nyakitin, karena yg aku liat dia orangnya “bisa menempatkan”. Hal-hal engga penting mulai dari aku mimpi apapun diceritain dan ditanggepin padahal mungkin disaat itu dia lagi riweuh ngurusin anak anak. Makasih ya ndy, Jazakillah..... 
Pesan untuk ndy, tetep jadi sahabat aku di dunia dan di akhirat, nanti tolong cari aku ya! Tapi semoga kita langsung ketemu di Surga-Nya. Aamiin...
Lalu, happy birthday to you.. Love, Oban (panggilan yang kamu ciptakan) :))🥰
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scotianostra · 3 years
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Iain Crichton Smith was born on the 1st January 1928 in Glasgow.
It's sometimes stated that Crichton Smith was born on Lewis but his first two years were spent in Glasgow, a fact he refers to in his writing. He went to school in Stornoway, attending the Nicholson Institute, then gained a place at Aberdeen University, where he took a degree in English. Having trained as a teacher, he worked at Clydebank High School and – from 1955 to 1977 – at Oban High School. In both Clydebank and Oban he lived with his mother, until her death in 1969.
His years in Lewis proved to have a lasting influence on his creative work, in particular the "Wee Free" Kirk  strand that permeates much of island life, which he saw as dogmatic and authoritarian, even anti-art. In an early piece of work, ‘Poem of Lewis’, Smith tells us that ‘They have no place for the fine graces of poetry.’
Crichton Smith wrote a huge number of poems  almost a thousand , short stories, novels and plays in English and Gaelic, twenty-seven collections of poems appeared during his life or posthumously, alongside fourteen novels and numerous critical articles. 
He is generally more respected in Gaelic for his prose, in English for his poetry. However, his achievement in both genres, in both languages, is remarkable and distinctive, with various features and concerns carried across genre and language borders.
A number of his poems explore the subject of the Highland Clearances, and his best-known novel Consider the Lilies  is an account of the eviction of an elderly woman during such times. Elderly women and alienated individuals are common themes in his work.
In previous years I have posted Crichton Smith's poignant poem The Iolaire, about the tragedy I posted about earlier, this time I will post another poem, in this one we should all take a wee bit f the verse with us, 
Build me a bridge over the stream
to my neighbour’s house
where he is standing in dungarees
in the fresh morning.
O ring of snowdrops
spread wherever you want
and you also blackbird 
sing across the fences
.My neighbour, if the rain falls on you,
let it fall on me also
from the same black cloud
that does not recognise gates.
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selfsaving · 5 years
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               i  have  a  new  oc   !     and  i  can’t  be  arsed  to  write  a  full  bio  so  here’s  a  messy  post  with  a  lot  of  random  information  about  her   !
her  name  is  ASTA  SELKIRK   !     she  . . .   does  not  like  her  name.
her  dad  is  english   //   her  mum  is  scottish   &   has  lived  in  scotland  nearly  all  her  life ,  but  is  of  finnish  descent.  she  was  born  in  scotland.
parents  divorce  when  she’s  about  10.  it’s  pretty  amicable  ——  her  mum  realises  she’s  gay   &   her  dad  can’t  really  resent  her  for  it.  mum  stays  in  scotland  and  dad  moves  to  london  for  work.
asta  stays  until  the  end  of  secondary  school ,  then  moves  to  london  with  dad  age  16  for  sixth  form.  sadly  loses  her  scottish  accent.  but  she  sees  both  parents  pretty  regularly  throughout  her  childhood.  her  dad  dates  a  lot ,  then  remarries  when  asta  is  14.  her  mum  remarries  two  years  after  that.
she  has  loads  of  siblings.  a  brother  3  years  younger ,  daniel ,  with  the  same  parents   //   a  step - brother  6  years  older ,  tristan ,  from  her  mum’s  new  partner   //   and  a  step - sister  13  years  younger ,  ellie ,  from  her  dad  +  his  new  wife.  all  the  families  are  still  friends.  even  do  christmas  together  sometimes.
really ,  nothing  that  interesting  happened  the  rest  of  her  childhood.  she  grew  up   //   stellar  student.  studied  law  at  uni ,  worked  at  a  few  law  firms     (   but  never  as  a  lawyer   ).     joined  mi6  about  30  and  has  been  there  since.
she’s  asexual   &   bi   !     doesn’t  really  have  much  of  a  sex  drive ,  but  isn’t  at  all  squeamish  about  sex.  actually  has  quite  a  lot  of  it.  listen  . . .   she  likes  being  a  spy.  really.  she  likes  showing  off   &   doing  good.  but  . . .   she’s  really  pretty  and  a  TERRIFIC  actor  and ,  really ,  if  the  easy  way  to  take  down  a  target  is  to  sleep  with  them     (   and  not  get  anyone  KILLED   ) ,     that’s  just  the  way  it  goes.  which  happens  a  lot.
‘  but ,  isabella ,  you’ve  already  got  an  oc  who  sleeps  with  all  the  villains  ’   shut  up  ok  this  one’s  a  spy  and  a  wlw  and  i  can  do  what  i  like
she  has  photosensitive  epilepsy   !     it’s  pretty  common  in  her  family.  her  seizures  are  only  triggered  by  flashing  patterns ,  and  she  has  reasonably  low  sensitivity ,  so  she  never  used  to  be  medicated  for  it.  HOWEVER ,  she’s  had  a  couple  of  seizures  in  unfortunate  situations     (   aka  . . .   while  chasing  a  bad  guy   ).     plus  she  often  has  short  episodes  of  psychosis  after  seizures  SO  she  started  getting  medicated  in  her  mid - thirties.  she  doesn’t  actually  take  her  medication  that  often ,  though  don’t  tell  mi6.
she  lives  in  london  by  herself  with  a  varying  amout  of  cats.  fosters   &  takes  in  strays ,  then  finds  them  a  new  home.  there’s  usually  three  or  four  around.
she  sees  her  dad  +  that  family  quite  often   /   her  scottish  family  less  often   /   but  still  regularly.
she  generally  uses  asta  brown  as  an  alias  when  working.  partly  she  doesn’t  like  her  surname  that  much   //   partly  she  thinks  it’s  too  NOTABLE.  she  used  to  be  teased  for  it  a  bit ,  especially  in  sixth  form  and  then  when  she  started  at  mi6  ——  got  her  the  nickname  SELKIE.  she  doesn’t  really  mind  it ,  but  prefers  it  doesn’t  spread  any  more  than  it  has.
she  loves  a  midnight  snack.  actually ,  just  loves  snacks  in  general.  anything  savoury ,  especially.  always  carries  something  around  with  her.
loves  funky  socks   //   HATES  odd  socks.
loves  the  kingsman  movies     (   definitely  has  a  crush  on  harry   ).
takes  any  opportunity  to  show  off.  especially  all  the  languages  she  speaks.
owns  an  absurd  amount  of  lingerie   &   ALWAYS  wears  matching  underwear.
worked  on  a  ferry  in  her  teens     (   they  moved  from  fort  william  to  oban   ).     loves  boats   &   sailing   &   the  ocean  in  general.  great  swimmer.
has  been  in  court  a  RIDICULOUS  amount  of  times.  jury  twice   //   defence  witness  once   //   prosecutor  once   //   prosecuting  witness  twice  more.  not  to  mention  all  the  times  when  she  was  WORKING  for  a  law  firm     (   although  she’s  never  been  a  lawyer  in  court ,  even  though  that’s  what  she  studies   ).
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