#Engine of Epic
engineofepic · 2 months
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Finally, some Engine of Epic banner art to kick off my (several months late) 2024 Art Blitz!
It was my new years resolution to do a couple things: Draw every day, post (to insta) once a week, and finish a project by the end of the year. I have kept up with those first two so far...
Of course, I hate keeping promises, so instead of finishing one project by the end of the year, I plan to start maybe half a dozen or so over the next few months. Of course, I have more ideas for projects than actual time (all characters represented here all have a story attached, and there are many more where these came from); That's where you (hopefully) come in!
How I proceed with these potential projects largely depends on the response on each of them. If something takes off, I might drop everything else to work on it— but that seems unlikely to happen considering I have a whopping double digit followerbase of a community (yes, across platforms lol). I will be polling you lucky few on what ya'd like to see first, since that only seems fair! When IF that inevitably gets no interaction (because, let's face it, I haven't really given a reason for people to a give a damn yet), I will consult my backup plan instead.
Here's to a happy blitzing. Cheers.
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Closeup variant :>
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nyaskitten · 28 days
If I had a dime for every time a Lego show with some form of heavy Asian influence (whether it be set in fantasy Asia, or futuristic China) had Some big animation shift related to Wildbrain Studios, which caused a large amount of mixed reactions and negativity initially, I'd have two dimes, which isn't a lot but it's insane that it's happened twice now.
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aeli-tan-art · 5 months
Get in the Water wip [ Epic - the Musical ]
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monstersteam · 25 days
Based on a dream…
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devsgames · 8 months
Today Epic Games laid of ~900 of its workers by emailing. Some were already locked out of their emails and weren't even able to receive the message that they were no longer employed.
This year has been incredibly difficult for games workers - I read a statistic that this year the layoffs in tech number in the hundreds of thousands. Heck, I won't forget that earlier this year Microsoft laid of 10,000 of its workers. Layoffs are hitting the games industry incredibly hard.
If you want to learn how you as a worker in the games industry can take action to protect both you and those around you via organizing your workplace (an effective and time-tested method), CODE-CWA offers free training here:
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ruthytwoshakes · 8 months
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Think I forgot to post this before but boom!! Kid fortress designs!!!!! I’ve got a whole au planned and written out for this bad boy and if I ever stop coming up with new projects maybe I’ll get the chance to work on it!! Yippee!!!!!,,!
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Woah here they are! In stunning HD! And JUMPSCARE JUMOSACE ITS MY TF2 OC ,, ,,THE GLIDER,, 1000 NIGHTMARES FOREVER!!!!!
anyway engineers design is absolutely taking inspiration from Kid Cosmic, the best animated tv show ever,, and one my partners said that the that colander soldier is wearing reminds them of the Flying Spaghetti Monster religion,,,, , so do with that what you will. Demomans name is a reference to the film The Sea Beast, whose main character is also a black orphaned Scottish girl lmao. Go check all of the things out, ,, if you wanna. (Using my evil autism powers to make you watch kid cosmic oooooOoOooOoooOo)
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ermg33 · 9 months
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My piece for the TF2 Big Bang !!! it was so much fun and PLEASE GO READ THE FIC HERE!!!!
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employee052 · 5 months
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combining two hyperfixations in one
if you want context to this post, here is a kinda prelude/part 1 to it!
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James, May I hug you please?
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What can I say I'm a professional 🙄🫴
Not here 😮‍💨
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pinkyberet · 2 months
Pop Narrow Gauge Epic
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To Me, Sir Handel & Peter Sam Give Off Popuko & Pipimi Vibes :3
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zeldathusiast · 1 month
I'm currently listening to "The Underworld" from EPIC and haha oopsie I made it LU related. buckle up because this one HURTS. best read while listening to the song >:D
Warriors' face is hardened as he gives his orders, the boat creaking beneath the Chain- what's left of it- as they enter the Underworld.
"Alright. Malanya's instructions were clear. No matter what we hear..." he shoots a look at Legend, "... Full speed ahead, until we find the Spirit." He takes a deep breath. "This land confuses your mind. No matter who we find..."
The entire Chain winces at the reminder of the member they'd lost, then repeat Warriors' earlier words. "... Full speed ahead, until we find the Spirit."
The boat creaks dangerously and the wind howls as long-forgotten souls grasp at the ship's sides. Warriors sees every solider, every friend he'd lost in the war, still in battle formation as though they cannot conceive that their duty is done. Here in the underworld, the past seems so close behind. 558 men who died under his own command. They cry his name, some angry, some desperately sad.
And then, terribly, the entire chain hears a young voice that's so horribly familiar.
"This life is amazing, when you greet it with open arms!"
"Whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart."
Someone is crying. Maybe everyone is. The visage of their youngest stands atop a nearby rock, smile as wide as ever, wind waker in hand as he speaks.
"No matter the place, we can light up the world, here's how to start: greet the world with open arms, greet the world with open arms!"
The boy's spirit blows away in the wind. There's sobbing from even the most stoic of them, but there's hardly a moment to breathe before another figure appears, one only their Smith is familiar with.
Four sobs, a broken "no" escaping his lips.
Four dares to look up, tears gathering in his eyes. "... Grandpa?"
"Waiting... little one when you come home, I'll be waiting. Even if you're the last thing I see, I'll be waiting..."
Four shoots to his feet, nearly tumbling over the side of the boat in his rush. "I'm right here, Grandpa! Can't you see?"
His Grandpa, still sharpening one of Four's favorite daggers, doesn't answer.
Four wails, sinking to his knees. "...I took too long."
His Grandpa continues, speaking to no one. "I'll always love you..."
Four only sobs. "I ventured too far."
"Waiting... waiting... waiting..." his Grandpa whispers, and silently, with a last swipe of the whetstone, he disappears into the breeze.
Four's voice cracks, barely above a whisper. "... Bye, Grandpa."
The boat creaks loudly again as it continues onward, and everything is silent except for a faint song on the wind that makes Legend cover his ears as though trying to forget who's singing it.
Finally, the home of the Spirit they seek appears on the water's horizon.
There is nothing to do but continue.
Full speed ahead.
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jitteryjive · 2 months
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i received two paper cuts and also my lineart pen got fucked up but i finally colorized my m&o designs!! they’re fun to traditionally color because i use different methods for each guy
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aeli-tan-art · 5 months
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monstersteam · 12 days
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A clearer look at that one Edward design
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Sir, may I give your Percy a Hug?
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S-Save them for the Thomas day outs
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