#Energy drinks
incognitopolls · 1 month
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itswilliamleonard · 8 months
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yukari's vtubing career is finally paying off...
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aromanticduck · 9 months
Assume you're not trying to stay up late to get something done. Just a normal day.
If you'd have one type of drink later than you'd have another, pick the later time.
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justemothingz · 8 months
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Qotd: Wats ur fav flavor of ur fav energy drink?// monster orange creamsicle or java
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hileynoteson · 3 months
transfem battery acid spaghetti
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pink-onyx-au · 8 months
Caffeine?!! Steven, noooo!!! That's very bad for your heart, and we all know your's is already in a bad condition as is!
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affordablepunk · 5 months
How to DIY energy drinks for cheap
First, required reading: link to article
Energy drinks have a few vital components:
>bubbles (i never do that and don't know how)
Here are some of my favorite things to use:
>granulated sugar (sweetener)
>stevia leaf or granulated artificial sweetener (sweetener)
>kool aid (flavor, sweetener)
>loose-leaf herbs (flavor) (try hibiscus petal, chicory, even lemongrass and mint can be nice)
>lemon juice (flavor, preservative)
>kool aid (easiest flavor/sweetener combo)
Supplies you might need:
>kettle or pot for heating water
>tea strainer ball to keep your leaves out of the final product
>a nice ragu jar or old Gatorade bottle for pre-made stuff
>funnel for pourin
>ladle for scooping liquid into the funnel
Kaffn-8 or any other such liquid caffeine product will do you for caffeine. That brand is super easy and convenient. Kaffn-8 is my favorite for the quality and ease in dosing, as well as the value (15 bucks has lasted me 2 months of daily use).
I like to make a sugar-flavor concentrate, then assemble each glass as I need it. Sugar tastes better when melted with heat than when dissolved without heat, even once chilled. This also allows me to tweak caffeine content. Here is how to make it:
Fill tea ball with herbs (use about a handful or 1/2 cup for every quart of water, you're making it strong)
Heat water and pop the tea ball in
Simmer or keep hot for 10 min
Remove tea ball and turn off heat
While hot, add as much sugar as you had herbs, and mix until melted.
Mix in as much lemon juice (or other assorted acid or preservative) as you can stand. The more preservative, the longer it'll keep
Allow to cool enough to handle
Jar it up, put it in the fridge for later use. You can and should re-use all manner of bottle, just be wary of melting anything plastic or burning your hands w hot water.
A note: the smaller your batches, the less you waste. But high concentrations of acid and sugar keep it good for up to a month in the fridge.
To use: mix water in a cup with your syrup, tweaking concentrations until it tastes good. Add caffeine, measuring your dose carefully.
Then, do bubble magic to add carbonation if you can do that. Maybe you found a soda stream somewhere. If you don't have bubbles, you'll just have to enjoy your energy drinks flat.
And, you're all done!
Now, where to get everything:
(Grow your own herbs if you are mega brave. Mints are nearly indestructible little plants.)
Lemon juice, dollar store. Quality is the same, you've just got to shake it up.
if its a foreign grocer, they likely have herbs cheap. If its a Mexican grocery, they 100% have the best herbs. (Aguasfrescas drink mixes are cheap and THE BOMB, and hibiscus flower always comes in mega bulk) .
Herbalist and spiritual shops have herbs too, and are likely to have tea balls. Branch out! Catnip has been my favorite oddball herb.
Farmers markets also have some (like three if you're lucky) herbs, and you may have to dry them yourself. Since it's punk to reach out to your community, ask around at the farmers market to see if you can get any herb or dried flavorant that's on your mind- small businesses love consumer feedback! You just might have to wait for the plant to grow, heh, but if you're friendly then you'll make friends. Some examples: ask the jam bottler for dried fruit peels, the farmer for mugwort
I get my artificial sweeteners on closeout, my stevia from herbal shops, and my sugar at Walmart (bite me, its cheap and I'm poor).
Kaffn-8 can only be found online, as far as I'm aware. I promise I'm not sponsored, just a grateful caffeine addict.
Do Google your herbs for drug interactions if you take meds. Healthline has good info on herbs. Dried grapefruit rind can mess with my psych meds, for example.
Again, be careful about caffeine. Always dose your caffeine. Having high levels of caffeine on tap is a bit of a big responsibility: I know I nearly bit the dirt from the all-you-can-eat espresso bar at my college. Immaturity could kill you, caffeine is a drug. Count doses, never go above 500 a day, try not to go more than 200 in the same hour.
Now take that money you've saved and give it to a charity to blow a very mean raspberry at nestle. Or, yknow, feed yourself. Its a tough world.
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ayeforscotland · 7 months
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#Ad Hi folks, I know I've been hitting you with sponsorship stuff recently so hopefully this doesn't feel like I'm clubbing you over the head. Pleased to announce I've been sponsored by Rogue Energy - This time with a partner code which will give you 30% off in the first few days and will then become 20% off. One of the reasons I agreed to the sponsorship is similar to the Protein Works one. They list their allergens well, and when reaching out one of the first things they discussed with my was caffeine sensitivity, and how they ensure their drinks don't wildly spike your energy levels and wire you to the moon. They also have caffeine free options for those who aren't looking for a caffeine boost and are just looking to hydrate more. My favourite flavour so far is Pink Lemonade, if you'd like to give it a go and support me while you do it, you can use this link https://rogueenergy.com/discount/AYE?ref=RDNqbzdTTu1CW5 and it'll auto apply a discount at checkout. I'd like to add that getting opportunities like this still feels super surreal, I very much view it as a milestone and a clear sign of how my community and content are growing, and I'm super thankful to all of you for that💙💙
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oldinterneticons · 6 months
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Drink some Red Bull, get hyper
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incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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veryluckyclovers · 1 year
can u draw a pair of little guys (can be any little guys) enjoying peach monster ultra? or strawberry monster ultra? love u, have a good day <3
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I accidentally did a peach red bull first lol..
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stimboardboy · 1 year
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monster energy
x - x - x | x - x - x | x - x - x
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Modern AU Gaang Caffeine Headcanons !!!! ☕👀
As a teenager, he lived on energy drinks. 5 hour energy, Monster, coffee, whatever he could get, he took. It kept up in college, and got worse than middle school during a hard month. He once took an engineering lecture and it got his brain thinking, so he bought some bendy straws and four Monsters, then taped the straws together and moved them until he could take a sip from all four cans at once. Needless to say, he’s an addict, even if he won’t admit it. Tea isn’t really his favourite, but his uncle loves it, so he used to drink it a lot when he worked in the back at the Jasmine Dragon. He’s horrible at making it though.
She’s got so much energy naturally that she doesn’t need caffeine, though she drank a mug of black coffee for a dollar once just because Aang was so surprised that she liked the bitterness. She prefers to have tea, and used to go to a little cafe until it was shut down, so she semi-successfully taught herself to brew tea. When she was in middle and high school, she’d take recycled energy drink cans and fill them with dyed sparkling water and sell them to kids.
Caffeine kills him. It only makes him more tired, to his dismay, so he stays away because there’s not much point. Once every six or so months, he says, “this is the time when I finally get energised from coffee,” and drinks a cup. It never works.
Unlike Sokka, coffee doesn’t make her tired, but it doesn’t help her much. Perhaps a little buzz. But her father makes a cup of coffee every morning, and as she got older, she preferred to wake up early to drink with him. It became a morning ritual.
No matter how much milk or sugar is added, coffee is too bitter for him. If he’s handed a mug, he’ll drink it out of politeness, but he never makes it on his own. For a while, he was one of those, “you shouldn’t drink it! It’s unnatural, so it’s not good for you,” people, until he and Zuko became friends and the amount of glares he got from him was enough to make him stop.
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dark-nymph3t · 9 months
Okay girlies (gender neutral), I need your help; what energy drink flavor should I try next?
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gwydionmisha · 6 months
Death by Lemonade? (ft. Doctor Mike)
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