#Emma is such a gem she's so kind
ilikedetectives · 24 days
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"Let us dance together as we do in our art. You and I, together, add exciting visual flare to the world."
Artist: artbyclaina (x)
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heyitslapis · 5 months
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draw your (OCTP) as the one who is so touched starved it hurts & the one who can't keep their hands off of the other
(couldn't decide which color i liked better. Tumblr nerfed the images, so click for better quality) As always, reblogs are appreciated, but don't feel obligated to. I made this for me & if others enjoy it then thats a bonus!
Original image & credit under the cut!
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Original image by Benaya-Trash
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 8 months
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Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
Blank, ageless, and suspicious blogs will be blocked.
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The party was bustling with several guests as they mingled and enjoyed drinks together.
(Where is Emma now?)
She and I were separately entertaining the guests, but the merchants would notice me whenever I occasionally glanced at her.
Merchant: "You still seem to be getting along well with Lady Emma."
Merchant: "Speaking of which, I have an offer that she might like. Would you be interested?"
(These kinds of talks have been increasing lately.)
Silvio: "Alright, if you're so confident, show me."
The person who approached me was a skilled merchant who had gathered together a group of talented tailors.
He spread out before me the design of a gleaming, gem-studded dress.
Merchant: "This is a masterpiece crafted by a skilled artisan."
Merchant: "We also have matching earrings designed to complement the dress."
Merchant: "I think it would suit her."
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(It's quite flashy. Back in the day, I might have considered it, but now that I know her preferences...)
Silvio: "Rejected."
Merchant: "Huh?"
Silvio: "It's not about the design. Emma prefers simple dresses."
Silvio: "Having this many gemstones would make her self-conscious."
Silvio: "If you want me to consider buying it, bring something that appears simple at first glance but has intricate, elegant details."
Silvio: "Gemstones are necessary only in moderation. She's already stunning without any extra accessories."
Knowing her preferences, I naturally get enthusiastic about giving orders to the merchant.
(Still, these people don't really understand her.)
(If they observed her usual behavior, they could come up with better proposals.)
As I thought about it, a bitter feeling welled up within me.
(Thinking about it now, I used to do stupid things like this before.)
Silvio: "Well, no matter what dress it is, Emma will be able to pull it off."
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Silvio: "Someone as beautiful as her would outshine even the most glamorous dress."
Silvio: "That's why it's pointless for her to dress extravagantly. I mean, who could possibly outshine Emma?"
Merchants: ".........."
Silvio: "What?"
Merchant: "Nothing, we just thought that you truly loved her."
I suddenly realized the inappropriateness of my previous statement.
(What the hell did I just say?)
(She didn't hear me, right!?)
I nonchalantly scanned the room and made eye contact with Emma, who had been accompanying the noble ladies.
It seemed like she had heard the conversation as a mischievous smile played on her lips.
(I've made a fool of myself.)
Overwhelmed by embarrassment, I grabbed a glass of wine and downed it in one gulp.
(Damn it. Now that it comes to this, I'll humiliate her even more than she humiliated me.)
Silvio: "Now that we've talked about it, I might as well finish the story."
Silvio: "Emma is not just elegant and refined."
Silvio: "There's something more important than money to her, and she has a strong spirit that isn't easily swayed."
Silvio: "She's a cheeky woman who, despite her small stature, takes on even the toughest enemies."
Silvio: "But that's the noblest thing about her."
Silvio: "Despite being a rabbit, she has the ferocity of a beast when she bites back."
Emma: "P-Prince Silvio! How about getting some fresh air for a moment!?"
Unable to endure any longer, Emma took my arm and forcefully led me to the balcony.
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Emma: "Doing that in front of those people is so embarrassing!"
Silvio: "It's not a big deal. It's only normal to show affection."
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Silvio: "What? You were grinning like an idiot a moment ago, and now you're embarrassed?"
(But the one feeling more embarrassed is me, you idiot.)
(Especially since everything I said was the truth.)
Emma: "Of course I'm embarrassed!"
Silvio: "........."
Emma: "My heart is racing so much right now. I don't think I can go back inside."
Her whispered words sounded so fragile that they seemed to melt into the sea.
I looked at her as the light sea breeze blew and ruffled her hair.
(Her face is bright red, even in the dark.)
Unable to resist, I instinctively sealed her lips and put my hand on her blushing cheek.
Emma: "Prince Silvio! Are you trying to make me even more embarrassed!?"
Silvio: "You say that, but deep down, I know you're happy."
Emma: "Well..."
Emma didn't retort, and her expression suggested she wasn't entirely opposed to it.
(Another reason to fall in love with you.)
Silvio: "We're alone now, so let me have another kiss."
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(If I keep getting these cute reactions, I guess it's okay to be a bit more romantic sometimes.)
Taking her silence as consent, I leaned in to capture her lips again.
We enjoyed a kiss that tasted a bit of alcohol in the hidden shadows of the curtain.
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pictureinme · 9 months
hcs for taking care of cillian charcters when they’re sick & when you get sick in return?
thank you thank you for this! i decided to put a few more characters for this, i love the concept LOL
patricia 'kitten' braden
» she is the epitome of 'woe is me' when she's sick - pillows upon pillows, tissues everywhere, a hand upon her forehead as she wears her most extravagant nightgown... she has appearances to keep up! » she requests you to dote on her every need - spoon-feeding her soup, putting on her favorite records and lighting the loveliest of candles when the overhead light is just too much to bear » once she recovers, you've fallen just as ill - she apologizes PROFUSELY for making you kiss her constantly, but how could she abstain from you?! » she cooks for you, making sure you're getting every single nutrient to heal fast - picture soups full of veggies, assorted fruit, and, frankly, disgusting smoothies because she read about it in cosmo
neil lewis
» honestly pathetically arrogant, let's be real - swears he's just fine, tries to keep running the store but he sneezed on a copy of 'dr. strangelove' a customer was trying to rent and lucien kicked him out (for everyone's benefit) » once you have him at home, he wears three masks and gloves, spraying everything down with lysol for fear of getting you sick - the only thing he accepts from you is little snacks and the meds he forgot » you somehow get sick despite his best efforts ... even though he did make you throw out all of his various tissues - he immediately goes to webmd with whatever symptoms you present & definitely micromanages your meds schedule » asks marcia and her husband for advice, but only kind they've got is related to their little bundle of joy - they do, however, send him back home with a fuck ton of goodies for you to wake up to from your sickly nap
emma skillpa
» hides her sickness from you as long as possible, to the point of her passing out mid cleaning - luckily you catch her, and she is beyond embarrassed. "oh, please don't worry, i'll be back on my feet in no time!" » you carry her up the stairs, laying her on her bed, and she can't help but swoon at your control of the situation - she tells you exactly the things she needs, sometimes attempting to get out of bed herself to get them. she already has some soup frozen in the ice box, so all you have to do is thaw them » she goes full emma mode when you've fallen ill after taking such good care of her - calls your place of work, telling them you've fallen deathly ill and need a week off (what a gem she is). makes sure you drink every last bit of soup, no ifs or buts » genuinely does not let you leave the bedroom for the entire week, even if you've already recovered by that point - spends time with you, of course, but she has lots to do around the house! maybe being held captive by emma wasn't so bad, hm?
jackson rippner
» cannot STAND being sick, especially with the delays in his job that could occur - however, he very much enjoys you doting on him like his little caretaker. he can't resist playing house » makes sure you attend to his every need, especially while wearing a cute little outfit (nurse costume unnecessary, but not out of the question) - "come on, do a little spin for me, it's the least you can do. i'm a sick man who needs his meds from his oh so sexy wife!" » you falling ill was not in the itinerary, but he loves how cute you look bundled up in the sheets - he pokes fun at you, but still gets you all the stuff you need » if he has to leave for a job in the middle of your sickness, he leaves you with a nest of items you could ever possibly need, as well as an on-call doctor he knows for... reasons - "i'll just be a few states away, but if shit gets serious, don't hesitate to call my burner. yes, i need it for this job, i don't know why. please stop asking so many questions."
jonathan crane
» you can barely tell he's sick for the first few days, but you notice the redness around his nose - when you bring it up, he immediately shoots you down. "darling, if i was sick, i couldn't be doing my job, now could i?" » meanwhile, the next time you see him, he's passed out in his office chair with tissues stuffed in his pocket like a lapel. you bring him back to your place so he can properly rest - he wakes up confused, but silently grateful for the glass of water and medicine you placed on the nightstand next to him » having him stay at your place got you sick pretty fast, and you couldn't believe how he was surviving with the level of congestion you're having - he stays home from work enough to dote on you in his own special way, taking note of your symptoms to properly take care of you » he only goes to the office a few times to bring you back some high doses of medicine you couldn't get over the counter at a cvs, so you could heal as fast as possible - "i know the pills are bigger than normal, but you only have to take them once a day for the rest of the week. don't be such a crybaby."
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bellsolciere · 2 months
Diamond Chateau - Teal Diamond
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Teal Diamond is known for being calm, pacific and the one that holds all the gems together by spreading the words of the queen, along with Orchid and Coral, they're the most powerful besides the Queen of course
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Weather Manipulation - She can manipulate weather easily, she usually uses that to scare of gems that don't fall in line or to make the planet in good conditions in important days
Spirit Aura - Her aura has the capability of creating spirits to protect or curse gems, she does that so gems could improve or learn lessons without the need of rejuvenation or replacing gems
Energy Projection - She can create energy projectiles, beams and shields, it's one of the powers that she uses the most
Water Manipulation - She can manipulate water perfectly, she goes beyond and she can even alter the water molecules easily to change to any sort of water
VA: Emma Thompson
Twin Teal Pearls:
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These two pearls are known for their patience and kindness, they are very organized and always guide the other gems in Teal's district, maintaining the order and pacific ways of their diamond
Bless the…diamond?
(Reblogs are apprecieted)
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thosehallowedhalls · 3 months
Home Without, Part 4
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Book: Crimes of Passion
Pairing: M!Trystan Thorne x Emma Rose (F!MC)
Rating: Teen
Word count: ~2000
Summary: Trystan and Emma have cut off all contact. Will they finally move on?
A/N: We've made it to the final part! I hope it does justice to the previous three. Thank you all for following Trystan and Emma on this little adventure. They only needed a little competency to unlock this AU 🤭
Submission for @choicesmonthlychallenge, prompt: I never thought I'd see you again. @choicesficwriterscreations
Series masterlist
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And then she does what she should have done from the beginning: she blocks his number.
This whole debacle has made one thing abundantly clear: she can’t move on if the temptation to contact him is always there. And she thinks the same applies to him. So really, she’s doing them both a favor.
Which is not to say it doesn’t hurt like hell.
But she doesn’t cry. She won’t let herself cry. Trystan was always going to marry royalty. At the very least, an aristocrat like Juliana. Isn’t that why she ended their relationship in the first place? Still, she might as well have stayed in Drakovia for all the distance she put between them over the past two months. She only has herself to blame for where she is now.
Never too late to rectify things, she decides, ignoring the little voice in her heart that whispers it won’t be so easy as all that.
If she thought that Trystan’s name and face were everywhere upon his recoronation, it’s nothing compared to what an all but confirmed royal engagement does. A handsome prince and a beautiful princess are tabloid catnip, especially with Trystan’s storied history to spice things up. The whole world can’t seem to get enough of him.
Emma can relate.
To combat it, she devotes herself to her work with renewed zest. She doesn’t check any social media, and she avoids looking at any and all magazine stands. She lasts four days before she cracks and, in a jumbled mix of morbid curiosity and jealousy, googles Trystan’s would-be fiancée. She spends fifteen minutes reading her Wikipedia page and an assortment of articles, before embarrassment, sorrow, and self-directed anger snap her out of it.
Still, she’s seen enough.
Princess Jia is beautiful, and she has a reputation for wit and kindness that Emma finds profoundly annoying. She wonders what Trystan thinks of her. After all, he fell in love with the last woman he entered into an arranged engagement with. Perhaps history will repeat itself.
She knows she should like that idea. Trystan deserves love in his life. She wonders if it’s a moral failing that she can’t bring herself to wish for it.
She openly changes the subject every time Luke and Ruby talk about him, subtlety be damned. It isn’t hard – Ruby picks up the baton after the first few times and begins to steer Luke away from the topic of Trystan whenever his name comes up. Still, she doesn’t talk to Emma about him, for which she’s grateful.
Until she does.
“Are you ever going to tell me what happened between you and Trystan?” She asks, lifting a hand when Emma opens her mouth. “Please don’t insult my intelligence by pretending not to know what I’m talking about.”
They’re sitting at a table in their favorite café, a hopelessly tacky place whose kitschy appearance only a true New Yorker would know to look beyond to the gem it truly is. It has the best coffee in the city, and it’s one of Emma and Ruby’s favorite places to hang out together.
“I wasn’t going to. I was just going to say I don’t want to talk about it.”
Ruby’s shoulders slump. “He really hurt you, didn’t he?”
It would be easier if she could say yes, but she shakes her head. “He didn’t hurt me. The circumstances did.”
Her friend sighs. “I really thought he would come back. He wanted to. It was obvious every time we saw him.”
“Yeah, well.” Emma sips her coffee. “It’s not about what he wants anymore.”
“Do you think he’ll be happy?”
“I don’t know. I hope so.”
“And you?”
Her smile is forced, but it’s there. “Oh, you know me. I always bounce back.”
She does at that, but it’s so hard this time. She thought she could adapt to being without Trystan again – she’s known him for all of five months, for God’s sake. Why does it feel like part of herself is missing? What kind of messed up codependency is that?
Except that she knows, deep down, it’s not about codependency. She can take care of herself without any issues; she doesn’t need Trystan. But she wants him. So much. And being without him now feels like a dagger through the heart, so consistent that she no longer remembers what it’s like to not feel its steady, piercing stab. It’s this soul-deep, unrelenting pain that drives one truth home: she loves Trystan. Perhaps she has always loved Trystan.
She tells herself she’s being an idiot. She’s known him for such a short time, and she was with him even less than that. But Emma knows love, and she knows what it's like when it’s ripped away from you. She may not have that much experience with this particular type, but she doesn’t need to understand it in order to feel it.
Six weeks to the day after she returned from Drakovia a second time, she’s not made any meaningful strides towards moving on. She’s beginning to wonder if she ever will, if Trystan will always be an open wound, hidden beneath layers of time and life.
With a sigh, she refocuses her attention on the case file she’s been examining. She’s barely reread the basic intel when her phone rings. With a frown, she accepts the call. “Uncle Tommy? Is something wrong?”
“Uh… Kid? There’s someone looking for you down here.”
“Now? What do they want?”
“You should probably come over and see,” he hedges.
She sighs. “I’ll be right there.”
Her mind is still on the file as she makes her way down the stairs and into the bar, but her mind goes blank and her heart lodges in her throat when she sees the man sitting at the counter alone, a glass of whiskey sitting untouched in front of him.
She doesn’t realize she said his name out loud until he turns to face her.
“Emma.” It’s barely more than a whisper, but she feels it down to her toes.
“W-what are you doing here? I never thought I’d see you again.”
He stands. “I had to see you.”
“So I gather. What I don’t get is why. Don’t you have a country to rule? Or a wedding to plan?”
Tommy looks between the two of them and turns to the patrons in the bar. “We’re closed, people! Drinks are on the house, now move it!” He gives Trystan one pointed glare before looking at Emma again. “Say the word and I’ll kick him out.”
“It’s fine. His Majesty here won’t be long.”
Tommy nods. “In that case I’ll just… go for a walk.”
When they’re left alone, Trystan and Emma only look at each other. He takes a tiny step forward, his hand raising as if to touch her, before he remembers that they’re not exactly on those terms anymore.
“I would’ve called, but you blocked my number.” At her skeptical look, he sighs. “And I was afraid you’d tell me not to come if I did call.”
“I would have.”
“Yes, I know. Can we talk?”
“Is that not what we’re doing?”
“You know what I mean.”
“No, actually, I don’t. What’s going on, Trystan?”
He takes a deep breath. “I abdicated.”
She goes completely still. She isn’t sure she’s not hallucinating.
“What did you just say?”
“I abdicated.”
Hearing it a second time snaps her synapses back into working order. “What do you mean you abdicated?”
His lips twitch, as if he can’t help but smile with her. “I mean I gave up the throne.”
“I’m not asking for the Merriam Webster definition, and you know it,” she says impatiently. “Just… why did you do that?”
He gives her a look. An I-can’t-believe-you-just-asked-me-that look. “What do you think?”
“You don’t mean me.”
“Of course I mean you.” He takes one step closer, then another, until they’re close enough to touch. “I did it because I love you. Because I’m in love with you. And I’m done pretending you're not the most important part of my life.”
She wouldn’t be able to speak past the knot in her throat if her life depended on it.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a loss for words. It’s either enormously flattering, or a terrible sign for all my hopes and dreams.”
“What the hell happened? The last time we talked, you were adamant that staying in Drakovia was what you had to do.”
“You removed yourself from my life,” he says quietly. “Once you did, it became obvious that you’re the best part of it. I found myself hating the very country I was supposed to rule because it stood in the way of us. Hating myself for thinking there was ever any other choice but you.”
“Trystan,” she manages. “This is insane.”
“What’s insane is that it took me so long to figure out I would make a terrible king. Drakovia’s ruler ought to love her above all else. That was never going to be me, Emma. The one thing I love above all else is you.”
“You really mean it,” she whispers. “You’re sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
“What about your princess?”
A smile lights up his face. “First of all, she was never my princess. Second, she’s desperately relieved. It turns out that she’s in love with her childhood best friend but doesn’t know how to tell her parents yet. There’s a not inconsiderable chance she would have jilted me at the altar.”
A surprised laugh escapes her. “That must sting.”
He takes one more step forward. They’re only inches apart now. “Not at all. The only thing that would sting – that would break my heart– is if you don’t want me anymore.”
She’s pretty sure she resembles a cartoon character right now, what with the hearts she can feel in her eyes. But she takes a stab at one last half-hearted objection. “Aren’t you worried about leaving the country in Lydea’s hands?”
“Not in the slightest. I have you to thank for finally making things right with my sister. She will make a great queen. And I… well. I know Mafalda didn’t end up hiring anyone, so I’m hoping I still have a job.”
“Oh, you do, don’t you?”
“Mmhmm. But not nearly as much as I’m hoping I still have you.” He takes a deep breath. With a mounting sense of wonder, she realizes that he’s scared she’ll say no. “What do you say?”
She can only choke out three words. Then again, they’re the only words that matter. “I love you.”
His eyes glimmer with sudden tears. “Emma.”
“Are you honestly telling me you’re surprised?”
He grins. It’s the widest, most joyous smile she’s ever seen. “Maybe a little. Say it again.”
“I love you, Trystan. Bad jokes, concerning ego, and all.”
He laughs, a purely happy sound, before he frames her face in his hands. When he kisses her, it’s slow, achingly slow, even as it grows in intensity. Their breaths mingling, their mouths melding together… they both revel in the intimacy, neither in any rush to end this moment. When they break apart, he rests his forehead on hers, eyes closed, smiling slightly. Just… relishing each other.
Reveling in what they never thought they would have.
“I love you, too." His voice grows hoarse. "You're the love of my life, Emma. I want to spend what's left of it proving it to you."
She presses a soft kiss to his jaw. "I guess I could be persuaded to let you. On one condition."
"What's that?"
"You let me do the same."
His smile is so full of joy, it makes her heart tremble. "You got yourself a deal, detective."
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shortbeantum · 13 days
It's been a hot minute since I've posted a gemsona. I have a few cool ideas that I've wanted to do for a while but haven't really had the time. The only reason I did this was because I needed a bit of destress from studying for finals (wish me luck!). I guess I'll go into the lore info now lmao
Gem: Moonstone
Gender: Female
Court: Any
Purpose: Sings for the Diamonds to entertain them.
Weapon(s)/Power(s): Powerful voice that can reach deafening levels if the gem so chooses
Voice: Michella Moss
I had this idea for Moonstone when I decided I wanted a gem that's whole purpose was to sing for the Diamonds. I know that the pearls have already been used for that (such as for What's the Use of Feeling Blue) but I figured that the pearls would only be used when a moonstone wasn't immediately available. I designed her based off an opera singer because I feel like that kind of music would be something the Diamonds would listen to. My very first draft of her was her head looking like a music note but I couldn't really figure out how to incorporate that into her design without having it look awkward so I resorted to the spheres because I felt they still looked alien and other-worldly. I also debated whether she should be a fusion of Sapphire and Pearl because honestly, the design ended up looking like it. I ultimately decided against it because I felt like I could do more with her character if she was separate from the gems we already know, but I wouldn't be opposed to a fusion of Sapphire and Pearl being a moonstone, much like Sapphire and Ruby form a garnet, which already exists on Homeworld. Also, I imagine her voice would have the ability to be deafening loud, like a banshee. Finding her voice was tough for me. I had considered Kristen Chenoweth for a while but I felt like her voice was too high for me. I also looked at Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins), Cynthia Erivo (Harriet), Emma Rossum (Phantom of the Opera), and Emily Rohm (Ride the Cyclone). I eventually settled on Michella Ross (FNAF voice of Ballora) because she has such a mature, deep, and sultry voice. This was pretty close to what I wanted Moonstone to sound like.
Total drawing time took about 2 hours, but technically the whole process took like 3 years since I came up with her concept in 2021.
On a sorta related note, I wanna start using text watermarks because they're easier to read than my signature so if my artwork is ever stolen, I can easily be identified by just looking at the watermark.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 years
rewatching Pride and Prejudice (2005) and I -
i really do love this movie so much it’s stupid
as an adaptation i don’t think it holds up as well as i thought, specifically because Darcy isn’t unlikeable enough at the beginning. At the first ball he looks like a stressed-out puppy who has lost sight of his human and Lizzie is frankly cruel for judging him so harshly, the man is clearly drowning
like the point of darcy isn’t supposed to be that he was never really a jerk but that he was a complete jerk but *changed*
do i care though? no. MacFadyen’s Darcy is a hot mess and it’s a delight to watch
hand flex
Bingley and Mr Collins are possibly even funnier than i remembered (”No I mean it’s a pleasure that she’s here.......” Bingley don’t do it don’t do it dear god - “...being ill...” Oh god Bingley why) but there are some gems that I didn’t even catch before:
the proposal scene. my god. Collins just hands her the tiniest flower. Elizabeth is sat right in front of a ginormous ham the whole time. Neither one is looking at each other. it’s so funny.
I’m not even halfway through and Lizzie thinks Darcy is so hot. I feel like that didn’t happen this early on in the book and it’s honestly so funny because I cannot believe that she hates him because a) aforementioned kicked puppy look and b) she just. She just thinks he’s so hot. Nobody’s buying it Lizzie.
also Darcy’s look of raw unbridled terror at the sight of Lizzie keeps getting funnier. Emma gave the nosebleed to the wrong Austen character, 2005-Darcy just getting a straight-up anime nosebleed at the sight of Elizabeth at Rosings and everyone freaking out over the blood on Lady Catherine’s expensive carpets?? Honestly I wouldn’t even have batted an eye at it, he is so into her and would burst a blood vessel out of sheer distress.
the odd little pre-proposal scene where he bursts in at the Collin’s and runs back out a minute later? I’d forgotten, like...
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(his little glance. Like the briefest recollection that, ah, yes. Chairs. Anyway - )
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(the way he declines a cup of tea so incredibly earnestly with a look of utter bereavement on his face is so funny to me. You’d think he’d come to tell her that her entire family had died.)
the lead up to the proposal is so dramatic, and i think every viewer under the sun knows what is coming, but i would just like to point out that in a different movie this shot reads vaguely like a period horror film:
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his entrance is so sinister?? he’s obscuring the shot with that dark coat and towering over the camera and Lizzie - and then cut to the next shot where we’re right back to deplorable puppy, this time of the fell-into-a-pond variety
my god there is no preamble, he just starts ranting. i’ve consumed this scene in gifs only for so long i remembered it as pretty romantic if misguided but this is a trainwreck
see the first couple of lines here are where this is an odd adaptation. He’s so tortured you don’t even really notice that he’s kind of insulting her at first, and Lizzie seems genuinely concerned when she says “I’m sorry to have caused you pain” when in the book that is not the vibe I got, and then it kinda seems like it escalates a little too much
that said, it’s still glorious. I’m watching through my fingers. I can’t bear it.
Elizabeth Bennet, here seen looking at “the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry”
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sure, girl.
controversial opinion, but somehow, in a movie with famously grandeous beautiful Jane Austen language, this line is my number two most swoonworthy line of the movie:
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same, Lizzie.
the scene where Darcy gives Lizzie the letter is gorgeous. It’s also quite strange? it does somewhat suggest that she knew he would turn up - he literally pops up in the mirror as if she’d said Bloody Mary three times, and she doesn’t seem remotely surprised to see him
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also while I assume that was normal back then it does amuse me that he just up and walks into someone else’s house - and what did the servants think? he certainly wasn’t dressed for a visit, and young Miss Bennet certainly wasn’t dressed to receive visitors in any case! Scandalous!
if that letter had been read to Lizzie as it is to the viewer, she wouldn’t harbour that much lingering resentment. 10/10, no notes.
dramatic single tear when she talks about Darcy to Jane *sniff*
“Oh no, let’s not [see Darcy’s estate]. He’s so - he’s so - he’s so - he’s so rich!” oh Lizzie...
Lizzie’s acrid little giggle when they lay eyes on Pemberley SENDS me. It’s both “of course he’d live in there” and just a little bit of “....shit is this what I was offered?” and honestly, i get it
i’m not saying people didn’t have rooms exclusively for their collection of marble statues on a working estate, but it does seem... a bit much. Especially that you would have all of these lovely images of mythology and ancient nobility and then a bust of yourself right slap in the middle?? Like Darcy isn’t the type to comission a bust of himself, but even if we assume that his late father comissioned it (already a bit of a stretch since the bust hardly looks that much younger than Darcy) whose idea was it to put it there, among nymphs and gods? Was it in his father’s room and Darcy looked at it after his father’s passing and just went, it’s a statue isn’t it, just put it with the others?
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that said, the woman is done for (they even ASK her if she thinks he’s handsome like they don’t have eyes or something)
Georgiana and Darcy are so cute i can’t -
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also Darcy once again first dramatically appears in a mirror - I get it Joe, I get it, it’s a theme, they’re so alike, Lizzie is seeing it now (it’s pretty cool i don’t know why i’m so glib about it)
WHY IS THIS SHOT THO I’m dying this is so dramatic:
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“I thought you were in London!” “No. No, I’m not.” What you are is a desaster, Darcy.
The fiddly hands, the talking over each other, the almost yelling every other word, Lizzie is so desperately searching for ANY topic of conversation and he’s so stupidly earnest about her inconsequential traveling plans and god they both look like they’re about to start sobbing this SCENE
“We’re going to Mattlock tomor-” “Tomorrow??!” Stoppp my heart
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also the closeup of the hand say what you will but Joe Wright knows his audience
not Lizzie jumping headfirst into a storage room and hiding behind a curtain when she sees Darcy at the inn. i mean i would have done the same probably but still
Georgiana digging poor Darcy’s grave in 30 seconds flat:
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immediate flirting of the most desperate degree, and Mrs and Mr Gardiner stood right behind them for the whole thing, visibly wondering what the hell is happening:
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also Darcy doing anything to keep Lizzie around longer is so precious. Look at this man. This man does not fish with strangers. This man fishes in solitude. That is clearly why he fishes in the first place. Now he’s inviting some old man to fish with him. Just so she won’t leave.
Behold, a masterpiece:
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“This is grave indeed... I will leave you. Goodbye.” WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
god I love Lizzie taking Lydia’s wine glass away and then taking a good long sip herself because it’s all so hard to stand. And then suddenly in the middle of all her insipid chattering Lydia gives a damn fine observation of Darcy (because she isn’t prejudiced... get it) and takes back her wine glass
sidenote but i love how affectionate the Bennets are with one another, it’s so sweet
just this:
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Lizzie now hiding behind walls as there are no storage closets or curtains available
Darcy started wearing stripey waistcoats. You know who else wears stripes a lot?
-”I return to town tomorrow.” -”So soon!” oh how the turntables
Bingley and Jane are almost as tragic als Lizzie and Darcy. Jane is so dense where Bingley is concerned. And I would have LOVED to see how Bingley roped Darcy into roleplaying??? his engagement??? He’s playing Jane
Mrs Bennet sloooooowly herding everyone into the kitchen because Jane may get engaged so NOBODY MAKE ANY SUDDEN MOVEMENTS HE’S SKITTISH (except Jane obviously. Jane needs to be there. For Jane’s engagement. Naturally.)
meanwhile Lizzie and Darcy mourn the one that got away, apparently separated by a single tree
i love those little shots of everyone at Longbourne at nighttime, it’s so domestic and sweet, with the servant singing to herself and the sisters spending time together
“Perhaps Mr Collins has a cousin” is an underrated line for sure
the whole scene with Lady Catherine is WILD like she arrives in the dead of night, no servants no nothing, impertinent with pretty much everyone in the house, only Dame Judy Dench could pull this off
here it is, the biggest swoon of the entire movie bar none (again, controversial, but they improved on Jane Austen here. I will take no criticism at this time):
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“One word from you will silence me on the subject forever.” and she just gazes at him silently! they’re a lot
I really do feel for Darcy, he makes his whole speech and Lizzie just looks at him and takes his hand and says “well then” and “your hands are cold”, like, girl, you’re killing this man
(yes the sunrise forehead lean is peak romance i’m not made of stone!)
Okay so from Mr and Mrs Bennet’s point of view, Lizzie got yelled at by an elderly aristocrat in the middle of the night and when they woke up the next morning this dude that Lizzie has proclaimed to hate for half a year now is asking for her hand in marriage, looking like he literally rolled out of bed and walked into Mr Bennet’s office. And now Lizzie tells Mr Bennet that she loves Darcy while Mrs Bennet watches him pace holes into their front yard. Can’t blame them for being slightly confused tbh
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Darcy did not - I cannot stress this enough - Darcy did not go home to change??? He went into Mr Bennet’s home, still half-dressed, in only a shirt and that dirty-ass overcoat, no hat no waistcoat no CRAVAT like a HARLOT he couldn’t wait two minutes, men of his standing wouldn’t have been seen on the street looking like that, this is how you go and ask for your future wife’s hand in marriage?? This man is so horny
and probably terrified she’s gonna change her mind
this scene!!! they’re so cute
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the revolving door was unfortunately only invented in the late 1800s, because there would have been a prime opportunity for a dad joke for Mr Bennet otherwise
Lizzie and her father laughing the exact same way is the sweetest, most touching way to end this film (we don’t talk about the weird Sixteen Candles ending okay? Okay.)
i love this movie so much i’m not even mad i had to pay three euros to watch it again, 11/10, a delight
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ceruleanwhore · 10 months
Since I’ve seen so much Silvio hate since his route release, I wanted to take a minute to talk about why all 3 of the visiting foreign princes make me uncomfortable because I believe in equality. Please keep in mind that I am on a break from the ikepri app rn so I have not actually played Silvio’s route, though I did read a translation of it on here previously, but I’m going to try to avoid using stuff from that.
Starting with the man of the hour, first to be released, I’d sum up my feelings about his character as “eat the rich — literally not sexually ya numpty.” He is the embodiment of everything I’ve ever hated about capitalism and the 1% and genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, it would delight me to watch him die because of how he represents that. His jangling, the way he throws his money around (the fact he has, what, 10 billion for Rio to waste on a gem at auction in Rio’s route), and, most importantly, the complete lack of any apparent morality or humanity. He demands everyone respect him because of that money (respect as in deference that comes with authority) while he throws around his bullshit bootstrap rhetoric and refuses to treat anyone at all with respect (respect as in the basic human decency kind). There’s also a seriously sadistic streak in him and so it’s not enough to be a billionaire prince, he also has to take this random woman as his indentured servant and constantly upset her on purpose and demean her to punish her for someone else’s accident.
Next up is Gilbert who, to me, is just plain annoying more than anything else. He and Chev never really scared me or anything with all the violence since it’s super predictable with them, so that doesn’t really bother me, per se, but the way he’s a pushy little dick in social situations pisses me off and if I were Emma I’d be dead because I would’ve yelled at him within like 5 seconds of meeting him. The hell of it’s that he’s supposed to be this master manipulator but he doesn’t seem to even be all that good at manipulation since his is so ham-fisted, he’s just a pushy asshole. My thing with both him and Silvio is that I fucking hate money and I fucking hate authority and I believe that no one, including myself, should have it the way they do, and it makes me immensely angry to watch them use those things to abuse others.
Now, I saved Keith for last because he’s actually the worst of the three in my opinion and he genuinely scares the shit out of me, and not because he happens to have DID, but because of what sort of people main!Keith and alter!Keith are. 
Main!Keith just strikes me as being the kind of guy who would beat his gf and eventually kill her and, every time I see him, he reminds me of the Yellow Dress assembly my high school did about domestic abuse. He seems like the shy, insecure nerd who, in the early days, would worship the ground his gf walks on and just be so grateful that she decided to give him a chance, etc., until that turns into possessive jealousy over time, which then would feed into him isolating her, turning more violent, and then maybe killing her and hiding her body in the woods. Genuinely, the last event story I read with Keith made me INTENSELY uncomfortable from the very beginning because he had these vibes and I don’t know if I’ll be able to read his story because, in my head, Emma will already be dead, basically.
As for alter!Keith, he seems like the kind of guy who would literally be a serial killer, just going off the event stuff I’ve read, plus the second prologue and other act II routes. I could genuinely see him killing with no real rhyme or reason, unlike Chev and Gilbert who are so completely predictable. If main!Keith gives me true crime vibes in a OJ Simpson way, alter!Keith is more like a David Parker-Ray sort of true crime, and they both scare the living shit out of me. I can’t tell you how uncomfortable it is seeing so many people in the fandom talk about how much they love Keith and how nice and cute they think he is when, to me, he’s one of the scariest fictional characters I’ve ever encountered, mainly because I know he’s supposed to be a romantic lead in spite of everything I just said. Silvio and Gilbert would annoy me to death but Keith would do arts and crafts with my skin and hide my chopped-up body in the woods.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
What do you love most about Jane Austen's writing?
I actually really like how little description she uses though I know some people dislike that. I am not a visual reader, there are usually not pictures in my brain just a voice, so I tend to skip gratuitous description (looking at you Robert Jordan, still have not finished Wheel of Time). So I love that Jane Austen's writing tends to be heavy on dialogue and plot and low on description.
I love how she writes in third person but also kind of traps you in one character's perspective. Especially in Emma, it can be difficult to see the story actually happening without Emma's biases. But the books are also written so well that on a second or third read you can really start to understand the perspectives of the other characters and what they are doing.
She is also able to set the stories in a living world, which some authors fail to do. Maybe the best example of this is when Kitty says she forgets Darcy's name. And you realize that Kitty has not seen Darcy in 8 months and she hardly talked to him even then, so of course she would forget his name. It reminds you that a whole world is happening outside of Elizabeth and Darcy. And somehow she gives this impression of a whole neighbourhood and country existing around you without really getting into it.
And everyone says this but it doesn't make it less true, you discover something new every time you read. Like this little gem on my recent read of P&P, never noticed it before.
Between him and Darcy there was a very steady friendship, in spite of a great opposition of character. Bingley was endeared to Darcy by the easiness, openness, and ductility of his temper, though no disposition could offer a greater contrast to his own, and though with his own he never appeared dissatisfied.
I never noticed before that part about Darcy liking Bingley's personality without appearing to dislike his own. Hilarious!
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Congrats on 1k!
My favourite line would be from For Evigt by Volbeat: happiness, I'm sorry you've been on hold . I would love Tom Hiddleston himself, please and thank you, you gem 💕
a/n: Thank you so much for requesting and especially your kind words! 🥰 I hope you like what I wrote! 🧡 I chose a very young Tom for this, but we talked about this. 😉
Warnings: mutual pining? fluff
Word Count: 1058
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbs @kimanne723 @simping-for-marvel @coldnique
Lyric-Drabble-Mania Masterlist
Based on this song:
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The Long Way 'Round
"You are kidding me, right?" Emma literally snorted out, as she sat across from you at the small table in the cosy coffee shop in London. It was a very rainy day today. Big grey clouds were hanging in the sky of London - typically British weather. That was one reason why you agreed to meet up with your friend Emma - sister of your schoolgirl crush, and now, uh, adulthood and actor crush, Tom. The other reason was, that you hadn't seen her in ages and today, the both of you had finally time to meet up.
You shook your head, scratching the back of your neck nervously. "No, I'm not." The blonde, young woman shook her head; clearly in disbelief. "Y/N... I just can't believe it... For how many years are you drooling over my brother now, huh? Since when do you have a crush on him?" "Uh... Since, uh, since college..." "Exactly!" Emma exclaimed, throwing her hands helplessly in the air. "You went to college together. You went to university together; spent so much time together - and not just in school...  You did 'Unrelated' together - and are now about to do 'Wallander' together! Hence, Y/N, you two are obviously head over heels into each other! Everybody can see this - except you and Tom..." You felt your cheeks redden at her words. Emma wasn't wrong. You were head over heels into Tom - for years now. But you never gotten any signals from Tom, that you were more for him than just his best friend... Shrugging helplessly your shoulders, you replied: "H-He never gave me any signs... How should I know?" Emma looked at you, dumbfounded, blinking. "He didn't give you any signs? Sweetie, he gave you so many signs, I lost counting!" "W-What? What are you talking about?" Emma blinked again. "Seriously?! Did you never notice how he looks at you? Or how he always tries to be close to you? Gods, he's so nervous around you from time to time as well and he already introduced you to our whole family! His hand is always close to you and he smiles and laughs so much more! Y/N, if that isn't love, I don't know what it is..." You just stared at Emma for a moment, letting her words sink in. Nobody else had told you that before, but now that she had said it out loud, everything was suddenly making sense. Several scenes and pictures played out in your mind; your brain showing you the 'evidences' like a movie in a cinema. She was right... Emma was so right... Suddenly you saw everything clear now. How could you be so blind? "E-Emma, I..." You stammered; your brain overwhelmed by the sudden realisation. "Y-You are right, I... Gods, I was so blind..." The blonde woman nodded, giggling victoriously. "You were, yep... But don't worry, Tom is blind, too." Just as you wanted to answer her, you heard the significant ringtone, coming from your mobile - which told you Tom was trying to call you.
Emma seemed to notice, that you blushed even further, causing her to count one and one together. "Answer him!" She urged you, nudging your side. You did, accepted the call. "Tommy?" "Hi, darling." The Brit's charming, happy voice sounded through the speaker. "I just wanted to ask, if our date with the cinema still stands?" Your eyes widened. Shit, you forgot about it. "Um, yes, of course, sure!" "Great. I'll pick you up in an hour, alright?" "That's perfect, thank you." "Great! I'm looking forward to it. Bye!" "Me too, bye!" You hung up again, facing Emma again. "The cinema date?" "Uh.Huh. He picks me up in an hour, so, uh, I guess I should leave now. Is it okay for you if I-" Your friend didn't even let you finish your sentence. "Of course, go! And don't forget to finally tell him you love him!"
About one and a half hours later, you and Tom sat in the cinema, watching 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth'. It wasn't a super scary movie, but a few scenes caused you to flinch and reaching instinctively for Tom's hand. You pulled your hand away again, of course, but at some point, you just forgot to pull away. It felt so right, was so soothing and comfortable, that your hand stayed in his until the credits of the movie rolled. Only then did you notice your 'faux-pas'...
"O-Oh, Tom, I'm sorry!" You stammered, trying to retreat your hand from his hand. But Tom didn't let you, just gripped on tighter. He loved the feeling of your hand in his. "I-I just forgot about it a-and needed something to hold on and-" You tried to quickly and hastily explain - but got shut up by Tom's lips suddenly crashing into yours. It was something you definitely didn't see coming. It was quite a bit out of the blue. Before your brain was able to catch up and your mouth ready to kiss back, Tom pulled back again; now clearly embarrassed and sad that you seemingly didn't have the same feelings for him. "I-I, uh, I'm so sorry, darling! I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, because, I-I just took a chance, thinking that you probably are-" This time, you decided to just cut him off and lean over to kiss him, taking now Tom by surprise. The curly haired man's eyebrows shot up, shock, but also relief painted all over his face. He didn't hesitate, kissed you back and pulled you closer while cupping your cheeks in his hands.
Panting and out of breath from the long overdue kiss you shared, you smiled at Tom - and Tom was giving you a toothy grin in return. "Why did we do that only now, Y/N? Gods, we wasted so many years..." You huffed, knowing that he was right. "Yeah... Sadly this is true. We pretty much took the long way 'round, eh?" You said, taking both his hands into yours, not bothering the leaving people around you and him. Tom was beaming by now, his baby blue eyes shining. "Happiness, I'm sorry you've been on hold - but not anymore." You had to giggle at Tom's almost poetic words, before you nodded, "Not anymore..." and leaned in to kiss him again.
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renegadepack · 2 years
do you have any twilight blog recs? i’m trying to get back into it but everyone seems to have deactivated :’(
BOY DO I!!!! i've been waiting for an ask like this so long that many of the blogs i originally would have rec'd have deactivated or switched focuses. but good news there's always lovely new blogs joining the squad. here are some of my faves:
@howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen emma the light the angel a queen who chooses to bless us with her presence daily. she's an absolute sweetheart and i love her so much; i'm so lucky to call her my friend! emma reblogs a lot; mostly wolf pack focus but with fair amount of other characters. a lot of good memes. also has an impressively large twilight library and is able to answer basically any question about the saga, with references.
@panlight i'm pretty sure they're one of the OGs of the renaissance, long before it was actually a thing?? anyways an actual legend among people. we haven't talked too much, but they always post a TON. a pretty good variety of all characters, with less of a focus on the main three (eddie/bells/jake.) their responses to questions are so well thought-out and super interesting to read. they also run @keepingupwiththecullens which is truly the funniest thing on god's green earth.
@forkscult noy is another one i haven't talked to much, but they seem so cool!! another wolf-pack focus blog, but they have a pretty good variety of reblogs. a lot of really aesthetic content. they create graphics that im absolutely obsessed with, mostly focusing on a modern au. they're SO pretty and fit the characters so well, esp. with the lil descriptions!
@phil-dwyer-stan-account addison is so cool! their blog features some non-twilight posts, but they have a lot of reblogged memes and such! they made moodboards that are so so pretty. a very fun presence on the dash.
@the-most-pathetic-edge-marquis hello i love mj that is all. no but seriously they're SO sweet. they always leave lil tags when reblogging posts that are just so so kind and i love reading their thoughts. fair amount of reblogging but they ALSO have some writing and analysis that i just adore. super talented and i love seeing what they post! team jacob focus i think?
@musingsofvenus madi is so cool! another wolf pack focus (are you sensing a theme here? good.) she posts a lot of fic and it's so good! i haven't read too much of it, but i've absolutely adored what i have. (pink cheeks, two left feet anyone?) also v funny. an all around gem.
@paulxlahotee big billy black/gil birmingham focus, as we all should be. michele is so cool and funny and adds such an interesting voice to the fandom. has made some really cool and important posts on the indigenous rep aspects of twilight that i'm really thankful for. also super talented and sweet! makes the coolest beaded earrings.
@teamjacobthot dee!!! is!! a!!! gem!!! she's SO funny and has such good takes. wolf pack focus ft. plenty of clowning on the cullens as they deserve. also a brilliant fic writer; "nyctophobia" is six chapters (so far!) of *chef's kiss*.
@rosaalee i love bri with my whole heart!!! they're so funny and sweet and such a good friend - any time we've talked it's been such a positive part of my day! makes beautiful edits and brilliant af memes.
@the-golden-onion madly has no fucking business being so mf funny and yet??? everyday??? she's here??? being thee funniest mf around? no but seriously mads is so cool and her blog is such a delight to follow! also has the sweetest comments. i'm so glad to have her in my life.
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emisirrelevant · 1 year
Farewell, Big Shot
Well, hello everyone- though this is mostly directed to other fans of this show. So, I recently found out that the show Big Shot on Disney Plus was cancelled. It took me a few days to digest the news.
To be honest, I'm still processing it. I just feel like- ugh, I don't know if I'll be able to explain it with words. I'm disappointed. I'm actually not super angry- only the tiniest bit, but more sad overall.
I'm sad because I'll never see more of this show again. I'm sad that it's yet another show that won't get to continue. I'm sad that I will never get to see this team of girls together anymore.
I may have to stop soon or I might actually get too depressed thinking about it.
This show was one of those shows I just gave a chance on, but it turned out to be one of my absolute comfort shows.
And it hurts when your comfort show has been taken away. I'm just really sad. I really am going to miss the show so so much.
As for reasons to why it was cancelled, I did try to look that up and most of what I could find is that it was just a mix of Disney stuff. Personally, I just don't get why they always have to drop the shows no one is watching. I mean, I guess for marketing purposes I can acknowledge it.
But WHY? Why does TV only have to care about ratings and how many views they get? Hopefully someday this kind of thing is able to end. Because I personally think it's wild that someone sacrifices continuing a show for the sake of views.
If the creators, directors, producers, WHATEVER, started to really LISTEN to their fans, and take into account that there ARE actually people saying "this show means so much to me" or "the message and story of this show has inspired me" then wouldn't that make a HUGE difference?
Sigh. Anyway, I know I'm only just one fandom nerd in the world and no one will read this, but I will use my voice here. Because THIS is what I believe in.
Alright, I kind of diverted from Big Shot, but I'll turn back to it now, sorry.
What I am going to miss the most is definitely the team. The Westbrook Sirens are going to be missed every damn day by me. Just seeing each character's dynamics with each other was one of the best parts of this show. All the girls had GREAT dynamics with each other.
And to the actresses, I really hope they have successful futures after this because they deserve it.
I'm just going to miss it all so much.
We'll get to never continue so many interesting storylines.
We'll never know if Olive would have ever come back to visit.
We'll never know more about Destiny's situation with her mother, aunt, or father. Or if she ends up with Trevor and that's eternally canon.
We'll never know if Louise comes back to visit the rest of the team. We don't know if she'll be with Nick- although I personally headcanon that as a NO (because Louise x Ava endgame)
We'll never get to see more of Mouse and Harper. This one hurts especially. DAMN YOU DISNEY!!! (In my headcanon, they're still dating after they graduate high school)
We'll never get to see what it's like for Ava being able to stay in California with the rest of the team. (Sara Echeagaray was ROBBED)
We won't get to see Samantha and Ava doing the peer support group together.
We won't ever see more Emma and Maryvn father-daughter moments.
And the most frustrating thing- WE'LL NEVER GET TO SEE MORE OF KATE!!!! KATE WAS ROBBED TOO. KATE NEVER GOT A LAST NAME. The only thing we got about her was that she moved from Australia.
We really could have had so much more.
Okay, I'm going to go now before I end up making this longer than necessary, or start getting super sad about this all.
Thank you, Big Shot. I'm glad I decided to give you a chance. This may be the end of the game for now, but I know I'm gonna see the Westbrook Siren girlies go on to do even better things. I'm really going to miss this show. Disney, you really had a hidden gem with this one. Goodbye, Big Shot.
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hellsbellschime · 1 year
Hello, here to give you some context about the people attacking you: Lina is a person who is obsessed with Rhaegar x Lyanna, has been around the fandom for many years and is known to always start fights with every corner of the fandom, especially with people who don't think Rhaegar is a saint who did nothing wrong ever. Went as far to call Rhaegar a ephebophile instead of a p*dophile, as if that somehow makes it okay. Regarding her IRL opinions, she's very weird about Putin and issues regarding POC, which is often expressed through her opinions about fictional characters/races/families and has even expressed transphobic opinions. I've encountered her on twitter countless times; I'm neither pro-team Green or pro-team Black, yet she has been so awful and hateful that she's been called out numerous of times and most people know they should avoid her, both on twitter and tumblr. Brideoffires previously known as yendany has also been cancelled on tumblr before, I remember them from my old political tumblr days, they were called out as being anti black, racist, fetishiser of gay men and a weirdo overall. These people, along with the rest of "targnation" have been around the fandom for a long time, they will attack anyone they disagree with, including fellow Dany and Targaryen fans who don't "stan" Daenerys hard enough to their liking. If they don't like you, it means you're doing something right. I've always liked Daenerys, as a POC myself I've had issues with how racist her storyline is written, which has nothing to do with Daenerys, but the writer himself - and I got attacked for it and accused of being a "white bitch" which just puts me off the character and fandom and is extremely toxic and deranged. "Targnation" is known for being awful, attacking actors, being extremely racist and sexist and borderline transphobic, considering their treatment of Emma D'arcy when the HOTD casting was announced. This attack on you isn't because those people care about social justice, they've just branded you as a "Dany anti" and because they can't give a proper response to your metas and videos, they'd rather attack your personality and accuse of you things that aren't true, as they often do. All of this goes beyond fiction; war, racism, xenophobia, antisemitism is so much more important than "stan wars". It's not something you get to use as a "gotcha moment" because you disagree over fiction. It's absolutely disgusting. This fandom disappoints me every day. Anyway, keep being you, keep sharing your opinions, keep learning and growing. You're a gem in this fandom of awfulness, you're so well-spoken and smart and I hope you don't let these people get to you with their harassment and bullying because they've chased away a huge part of the fandom already. Sending love <3
Oh boy, well hello my fellow white bitch! And yeah, I don't know who this is nor do I really want to find out given what's been going on, but none of this is particularly shocking to hear. Obviously there are unhinged stans in every fandom, but it sucks when they make everything suck for everyone else. And thanks for the support but no one needs to worry about me, I survived the fucking Klaroline fandom so some kooks I've never heard of going nuclear on me is fairly old hat. It generally takes a lot for me to internalize this kind of fuckery and the only thing that actually bothers me is being misrepresented, and I feel like I made myself clear so at least people can form their opinions of me based on reality rather than the unhinged rantings of people who don't know me and who I don't know. Ultimately however people act is on me and not them, and stuff like this really is analogous to someone screaming "bitch" out of their car window as they drive by so it is not something I take personally, it is just weird because, due to the nature of social media, doing that can actually lead to some other people being like "wait what maybe they're right?"
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lockescoles · 9 months
harry potter for the fandom ask meme?
my favorite female character: Hermione! I related so much to her as a child/teenager and even now, I see a lot of myself in her. I looooove how she grows through the series!
my favorite male character: That one is harder... It's hard to choose between Harry, Ron and Sirius! I love the three of them so much for different reasons 😂
my favorite book/season/etc: My favorite book is the Half-Blood Prince! I was so excited to discover Voldemort's past and every time I re-read it, I'm just so invested!
my favorite episode (if its a tv show)
my favorite cast member: Emma Watson is such a beautiful human being and she has inspired me very much since my childhood. And also Tom Felton because I met him twice and he really is a gem! ❤
my favorite ship: Ron/Hermione really grew on me in the past years, which is funny because I really didn't like them when I first read the books 😂
a character I’d die defending: Ginny! People who only watch the movie don't know how much she's a strong character, but she truly is amazing, and I think people who don't want to read the books should at least read the wikia to see how she truly is because she's one of the best characters in the books, while she barely has screentime in the movies.
a character I just can’t sympathize with: Umbridge. I really can't stand her 😂
a character I grew to love: I developed some kind of empathy toward Draco while re-reading the books as I got older. He's a bully, when he was raised to be one, and the last book shows that he's a much better person than his father.
my anti otp: I have nothing major in mind but I guess the good guys with the bad guys and the teachers/students relationships!
Thanks for asking 🥰
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2022 End of the Year Fic Review
The wonderful @underragingwaves tagged me, thank you love! (I put the longest part under a cut)
1. What is your AO3 account? for the vikings fandom it's my pseud vikingstrash.
2. How many words did you write total in 2022? 117.233 *whistles* not too bad if one considers what a year it's been.
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots? 39 one shots and 2 multichapter. All Hail the One-shots!
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic? Longest was Kings of Kattegat with 39,878 words and the shortest Story as old as Time with 119 words.
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic? Most popular (going by subscriptions, hits, comments, kudos and bookmarks) has to be my VBB entry Kings of Kattegat. Personally, the most self-indulgent fic I ever wrote.
Least popular is Sweat. I guess it would be a lot more popular if it wasn't hidden behind the AO3 log in. And also if it had full on smut and not just teasing, but oh well, I like it and in the end, that's all that matters xD
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would? Huh, that's a weird thing to think of, I never really give it much thought if my writing is going to be popular or not so that thought of a fic not "perfoming well" is kinda...absurd to me. Anyway, if I had to take a guess, I'd say Greedy Gods? While it does have a lot of hits and a couple kudos, it's weird to me that for a fandom with so many people claiming they want more fic about the female characters and how much they love Aslaug, there was not as much love for it as I would assume. Must be a me-problem.
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would? Basically anything I wrote for D. P. - Deserter Pursuit. I didn't think there would be enough people in said fandom to read, kudo and comment, but was positively surprised.
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022? For Vikings: Valhalla, Daughter of the Fearless. I loved giving Altöra more background story and this glimpse of her relationship to Freydis. It was fun to write.
For Vikings, Strung up, Tongue-Tied. I mean....sub!Hvitserk restrained and dom!Amma playing with him? Ubbe observing, just being present without doing anything besides kissing Amma? Yeah, I loved that one. It's full of tension.
For D. P. - Deserter Pursuit, Pity. My dumb ass actually made it a published WIP because there was more to tell and I liked it a lot. Only the Gods know if I will actually write more though xD
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022? Well, for someone who couldn't be paid to read other people's fics, I managed to read quite a lot in 2022 for free. Mind boggling, I know. But here go my favs:
Gotta start with Not A Fairytale by underragingwaves, because...have you read that fic? It's really a fun read (for those who like crime stuff which is basically exactly what I love) and promising a bigger universe underneath that small treat she wrote.
Will totally never stop making hearteyes at Twice Now by ritual-unions. Love how Kara (heh) is so clumsy and unable to function in the real world and the way Ubbe basically just watches and smiles to himself, before his eye-roll moment that will make him intervene. I also love myself some good hurt and gosh, this is gonna hurt so damn bad at the end and I will love every second of it.
There were a couple to pick from and it was hard to choose, but when someone can make me read an Ivar fic, then it says a lot about that persons writing skill. The Mental Tyrant by grimeundglow deserves so much more love than it has been given.
Reactions Of Your Kind by Ulfrsmal was my fav of him in 2022, but only because I didn't really get to read the rest of his fics xD I'm sure there are more gems in his list, but this one stood out to me because...Hvitty and Ubbe 🥺
A Prize of Battle by Mercurygray, is absolute Emma/Canute goodness and Idk what else to say, because this womans writing skills are beyond anything I could muster, so hearteyes from afar will have to do for now.
For Mince Pie by emma-ofnormandy, another author that captures Emma and Canute's relationship so well and it's so fluffy, I wanna hold it really tightly against my chest.
And last but not least The Queen of Kattegat by northernxstories! I will remain deeply impressed by how effortlessly she managed to pull me into her story and made me read it in one go, even though it's 12k of words xD It was such a new way of approaching the characters and it's brilliantly written. An absolute treat in 2022.
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
most have already been tagged, but perhaps one of you want to do this? But no pressure! @emma-ofnormandy @nothingtolosebutweight @author-morgan @lmillay @barnes-lothbrok @errruvande and anyone who feels like doing the fic review :D
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