#Emma frost fan cast
marvelsgirl616 · 26 days
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marvel-ousx · 7 months
Margot Robbie as Emma Frost (X-Men Reboot)
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Marvel Fan Cast: Evan Rachel Wood as Jean Grey
“I destroyed a world... in my mind, I can still hear the screams of the dying... and it felt good! I don’t want that feeling ever again. And yet, I do!”
Marvel Fan Cast: Anne Hathaway as Emma Frost
“Of course I'm a threat. Why? Did you think for a moment that I wasn't?”
Marvel Fan Cast: Domonique Jackson as Ororo Monroe
“Am I not beautiful? And terrible? Do you not fear me? You should.”
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
i'm rewatching the crown s5 and god the charles propaganda is working over time. i didn't even realize how heavy handed it was at the time because i was too much in shock over how bad the season was but they really're pushing how modern and progressive he is! look at all the good work he has done! poor charles diana and the press are so mean to him :( the tampon gate episode literally ends with him breakdancing with some kids (???) with text saying how many people he has helped with his charity work. pray tell what brand of crack cocaine was peter morgan smoking?
I honestly have no idea, dude. Because if you were to ask me beforehand, I would've said:
Season 1--Great TV, if a little more conventional than other seasons; dominated by EXTREMELY good and character-setting performances across the board (I feel like Peter Townsend was the only semi-major player who didn't stand out, but in s2 it became very clear that Townsend being boring was The Point). Jared Harris wasn't even a true lead and he made me cry multiple times. Claire and Matt (and I say this as someone who generally doesn't care for Matt Smith) are superb. Lithgow? Knocked it out with a VERY well-known personality who's been played by other major actors. Vanessa Kirby? A definitive Margaret. Elizabeth gives Philip the ol' kneel and deliver. Amazing.
Season 2--Probably the best season of the show (even if the Kennedy episode was.... bad.... I feel like every one of the first four seasons has an episode that isn't great and is kind of totally out of step with the rest, and now I realize it was a harbinger of doom). Makes you root for a pair of objectively horrible people in an objectively miserable (if oddly loving...?) marriage. Matthew Goode shows up and does 60s excellence with Vanessa Kirby. No major standout PM performances on a Lithgow, but still, really good ones. (And I've come to realize ever since s5 and s6 dropped the ball--getting really good actors to play the PMs and seeing random glimpses of their lives was such a mainstay of the first four seasons, omg. HOW IS TONY BLAIR SO BORING???? WE KNOW THIS JACKASS.) Philip almost does a murder suicide with tiny Charles in that plane. It's GREAT.
Season 3--I wasn't as big a fan at first, but it's aged into a really solid season of TV. I think it took Olivia, who I think is one of the greatest actresses working right now so this isn't shade, a while to feel comfortable in the role. Tobias Menzies was immediately fab casting, though; I don't think I've ever seen a less than good performance from him, tbh. Helena Bonham-Carter isn't as good as Vanessa, but still entertaining and fun; and while Tony is not nearly as good in this season, he's barely there. BUT even if it's not the strongest season, you get Josh O'Connor and he is SO. AMAZINGLY. GOOD. He turns an awkward community theater performance by Charles into this intense monologue (was Charles that good an actor? No but who cares). He talks wistfully about how he'll only get a life after his mom like, dies in a helicopter crash or something. "mUMMY I HAVE A VOICE"/"NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR IT" hands down best Olivia line reading of the season if not her entire tenure on the show.
Season 4--Fabulous TV, dials up the soap opera drama, Emma Corrin is a perfect young Diana and Josh gets into his full bag as Charles. Olivia sets this tone between total unfeeling frost and a weird goofy humor that leads to the frankly hysterical "DO I have a favorite kid???" episode, where we don't know that it's Andrew but we kNOW. It's Andrew. The sense of doom builds up. Gillian Anderson devours as Margaret Thatcher. The ending with the cameras going off as we pull in on Emma Corrin's teary reflective eyes after Diana is lowkey??? Threatened???? By Philip???? Much more affecting than Diana's literal death in s6.
Yeah, man. I don't know. Peter has always very clearly been a royalist to me, but he seemed for a long time like a royalist more focused on Elizabeth and his fascination with and vast empathy for her. Charles... always got a sympathetic enough edit, sure, but in the sense that you got WHY he's such an emotionally deficient doorknob. Season 4 portrays him as outright emotionally abusive and? Tbh? Surprisingly predatory. That's something I think gets glossed over a lot. But Peter doesn't make Charles devoid of physical attraction to Diana, which I think a lot of takes on this story do. And he wasn't devoid of attraction to her. There were brief bright spots in their early marriage where Diana as much as said she couldn't keep him off her (and this was Charles so that was probs like thrice a week I dunno). There's been a lot of speculation that he and Diana DID sleep together before their wedding day; it wasn't this sterile thing it's often depicted as, at least not always.
And I think that the perceived sterility of the relationship has led some to overlook the fact that Diana got engaged to him before she was 20. She met him when she was underage and he was dating her sister. The Crown SHOWED that. Josh O'Connor PLAYED IT like Charles was checking out a 16 year old girl while he was all of 28 and about to go out with her sister within minutes. It's so deliberate? I don't know why anyone would ever be able to... not get it. So we go from that to "well yeah he had this awkward moment with his mistress, but everyone actually saw it as two people being in love" which just isn't historically accurate lmao. Charles and Camilla still get dogged out by that to this day. And look, I'm not judging what people are into--I more so judge the nature of the relationship in terms of how it pertained to, I don't know, his wife and kids, and this idea that people were NOT weirded out by it at the time lmao. Even people who aren't actively against Charles... the vast majority don't see him as this GREAT CHARISMATIC CHANGEMAKER lmao. Unless you're writing a biography of him in which he's feeding you sources.
I mean, I'll give credit where credit is due--he does seem genuinely into environmentalism, even if that's subsequently contradicted by his actions (though perhaps not as badly as is the case with Wills). He apparently dislikes Trump. Cool! But lol, this idea that Charles was really changing the world by like... doing charity work... that all royals do...................... Topped off by breakdancing......
It's SO cringe. I don't know if Peter got threats lmao. I don't know if he saw how much he made the audience hate the royals in s4 and went "oh no, that wasn't my intent" (and I will say--I do think that actors can affect things here; I don't get the sense from Josh's interviews that he is, ah, into Charles as a person, and maybe he went harder because of that) and tried to course correct...?
But he clearly made a huge change and it's such a bummer because the 90s are arguably some of the most interesting years for the Windsors and he just kind of flushed them down the drain. And he also got a perfect older Diana casting and wasted her.
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ethanreedbooks · 10 months
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Formerly known as the villainous Juggernaut, Cain Marko has undergone a remarkable transformation, earning a heroic spot among the X-Men. However, the precariousness of his newfound alliance becomes evident as he teeters on the edge of jeopardizing everything. In the midst of the tumultuous Fall of X era, Juggernaut's inclusion in the X-Men is not only sanctioned by his fellow mutants but also endorsed by fans worldwide. Yet, contrary to the celebratory atmosphere surrounding his integration into the mutant community, he finds himself entangled in a battle for the survival of his species.
In the upcoming X-Men #28, penned by writer Gerry Duggan and brought to life by artist Joshua Cassara, a gripping narrative unfolds. The preview showcases a startling clash between Juggernaut and his fellow mutant, Firestar. Recent events have cast a shadow of doubt over Firestar's loyalty, as she seemingly betrayed her teammates to the anti-mutant faction Orchis during the tragic Hellfire Gala, which saw the massacre of thousands of mutants. Unbeknownst to all, Firestar's apparent defection is a ruse, intricately woven by Jean Grey in her final moments using her telepathic powers. Regrettably, Juggernaut remains oblivious to Firestar's covert mission, and the forthcoming issue hints at a violent confrontation where he seeks to eliminate her.
The conflict between Juggernaut and Firestar serves as a poignant and tragic embodiment of mutant turmoil. Juggernaut's evolution from a bully and adversary of the X-Men to a valued ally in the fight for mutant rights is a testament to his personal growth. Paradoxically, he now stands on the precipice of assaulting Firestar, prompting the question: why this drastic shift in behavior?
Firestar, once a member of the Avengers, faced skepticism when she initially ventured to the mutant sanctuary of Krakoa due to her complicated history with Emma Frost, a prominent mutant leader. Manipulated by Jean Grey's psychic intervention, Firestar found herself thrust into the X-Men, a situation with an ironic twist given her refusal to spy for the Avengers. At the notorious Hellfire Gala, where Juggernaut's life was hanging by a thread after an encounter with Nimrod, Jean Grey's psychic manipulation continued. Fabricated interactions between Firestar and a fictitious traitor were used to orchestrate the downfall of the X-Men. Now isolated from both the X-Men and the Avengers, Firestar assumes the role of an apparent anti-mutant turncoat, a guise that seems destined to culminate in a brutal confrontation with Juggernaut. Regrettably, this clash threatens to awaken Juggernaut's dormant malevolence.
The complex history between Juggernaut and the X-Men is characterized by turbulence and transformation. While he closely connects with the X-Men, Juggernaut is distinct from mutants, drawing power from the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak and serving as its avatar. His history is marked by antagonism towards his stepbrother, Charles Xavier, and he once stood as a formidable adversary of the X-Men. Over time, he underwent a remarkable journey of redemption, evolving from antihero to bona fide superhero, even attempting reconciliation with Xavier. However, his belief in Firestar's involvement in the deaths of his new allies threatens to resurrect his old animosity and fury. Ironically, Juggernaut, now seen as a protector of mutant kind, inadvertently becomes a potent threat due to his quest for vengeance against Firestar, which could strip the mutants of their sole defense against Orchis.
Juggernaut's intricate association with the X-Men takes on a new dimension as he finds a sense of belonging in Krakoa. Yet, this newfound identity is precariously balanced, and his actions in the upcoming issue will determine his legacy within the X-Men. Will he be remembered as the reformed foe turned hero, or as a harbinger of doom whose anger and ignorance spelled the mutants' downfall?
Readers can delve into this gripping narrative when X-Men #28 hits the shelves from Marvel Comics on November 1st.
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For the folks in the notes of the Emma Frost vs Max Lord poll asking who the hell Max is:
Former Justice League admin guy/government liason/annoying manager from the era where the League was comedy-focused and made of C-listers, current Wonder Woman villain.
He got turned into an evil super spy because editorial decided nobody would care, despite the fact he was a cast member in an ongoing book when Countdown to Infinite Crisis released.
His most consistent traits are that he's a sketchy capitalist, he takes advice from robots when he really shouldn't, and he's divorced (even when an adaptation doesn't say he's divorced he radiates divorce energy.)
Sometimes he has mind control powers that give him an anime nosebleed, sometimes he's just a guy, one time he was whatever was going on in WW84.
If you pick from his appearances at random I think I have a pretty good shot at beating him in a fight. He's taller than me, but I don't think he'd be coherent enough to use his powers after being kicked in the dick, and I have the advantage of both comic fan and retail worker rage. Anything pre-2006 gives me a solid chance.
Go read Justice League International. I am not saying this because you should care about Max, it's just a banger of a comic. (The original Giffen and DeMatteis run that includes Justice League, not the newer versions.)
Thanks man I honestly didn't know enough about him to explain because all I know comes from supergirl lol
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rileytozier2343 · 1 year
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cannon for warren and peter literally look it up if you dont believe me
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ive realized that i seem very racist with my fan cast of jubilee so i decided not to make a fan cast because i dont know anyone else to use for a fan cast and i dont wanna further make anyone upset because of my stupidity. im thinking Grace van dien could be emma frost instead and i received a comment bellow and i wasnt sure how to respond and im feeling very horrible about it
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gaybezao · 1 year
my cast is so boring these days
No one is bold or creative and every super hero fan cast ends with the same actors as the top choice
Every fantastic four fan cast ends with John krasinski and Emily blunt as the top choices
Every batman and superman has Jensen Ackles and David corenswet winning
There are like 3 X-Men stories trending and all of them have Vanessa Kirby and Jodie Turner Smith as the top choice for Emma frost and Storm
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moonstone27ls · 1 year
Marvel comics...
heh small vent so don’t look into this too much.
Normally I don’t really get annoyed. At most I only really got upset when they retconned the Maximoff twins as Magneto’s. But every now and then stuff has changed that makes me go “whatttt”
I guess for starters that X-men Krakoa storyline. Has gone wayyyy too long. Too many characters which would not be so bad but too many to keep up with. And they don’t even bother catching up with the other characters. No I don’t mean the obvious main core cast. Referring to lets see I guess an example would be uhh Icarus, brother to Cannonball(to anyone who isn’t a marvel fan sorry you’re reading this and probably thinking I’m nuts). I heard some of the writers had thought of having him date Dust/ aka Sooraya Qadir. But ... as far as I know nothing has happened with his character since you know the whole resurrection crap. He’s kinda like a lot of characters they brought back, used for background maybe but no real development.
Another would be Kevin Ford/ Wither... as far as I know nothing either with that character. I dunno I thought they missed an opportunity to see if him and Selene would have interactions. Nothing, no “Oh whoa I was manipulated” or “I’m still loyal to Selene”. Then Northstar is apparently suppose to get his adopted baby resurrected... but haven’t heard a thing on that. One mention and its radio silence. I know storywise they got all these AUs, etc, etc. But so much goes on and all these new characters you forget there other X-men BESIDES the main core.
Uh not entirely fond that Marvel is apparently retiring Mary Jane as Peter’s love interest. Now before someone starts a shipping war with me. No I’m not entirely against Black Cat, no. Been use to her since the 90s.But I just you know added her in the cluster of love interests. A part of me doesn’t want them to shelve M.J. away. Just hope Marvel’s just doing this temporarily. Like how Scott/ Cyclops was with Emma Frost for a while. You’re use to the new gal but know the old love interest is just as important. I dunno I’m probably rambling sorry.
Anything else... uhh kinda find it strange that since WandaVision it seems Marvel is catering to Disney. I say seems. I only have two examples. Like how although Wanda was bettering herself and going on dates with Jericho Drumm / Doctor Voodoo... they still shoehorn in Vision. Pft... sorry Wandavision fanatics but I don’t care for Vision. That is a ship I wanna see retire, because it was always the SAME with them. Wanda loves him, he either gets reprogramed or treats her like crap Wanda goes through hell. Its why I couldn’t really like Wanda in MCU she put people in hell over a STUPID robot she couldn’t get over... not her twin brother. Her robot a robot if, he was so smart could have downloaded a copy of himself. (its been done peopleeee) 
And recently Agatha’s gonna be a villain now... I admit I’m not a 100% caught up in her history comic wise. Buttt... up until hat stupid show. I always got the impression Agatha was an ally. Soo why do this now? I dunno I really don’t oO. That one felt like to cater Disney+ subscribers and I admit that irks me a little. 
But oh well they need money I guess.
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mediamixs · 2 months
Top 10 Horror Comedies
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Horror comedies offer a delightful blend of frights and laughs, creating a unique genre that appeals to fans of both horror and comedy. Here's a list of ten top horror comedies that have left audiences screaming with laughter:
Shaun of the Dead (2004): Directed by Edgar Wright and starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, this British gem brilliantly combines zombie horror with sharp humor. Shaun, a slacker, finds himself fighting off a zombie apocalypse while trying to win back his ex-girlfriend and reconcile with his mother.
The Cabin in the Woods (2012): Directed by Drew Goddard and co-written by Joss Whedon, this film deconstructs horror tropes while serving up scares and laughs. A group of friends heads to a remote cabin for a getaway, only to find themselves manipulated in a twisted experiment.
What We Do in the Shadows (2014): Directed by Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement, this mockumentary follows the lives of four vampire roommates living in modern-day New Zealand. Their everyday struggles and conflicts lead to hilarious situations, offering a fresh take on vampire lore.
Evil Dead II (1987): Directed by Sam Raimi, this sequel to "The Evil Dead" amps up the humor while retaining the gore and scares. Bruce Campbell's iconic performance as Ash Williams, battling demonic forces in a cabin, has made this film a cult classic.
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010): Directed by Eli Craig, this film flips the "hillbilly horror" trope on its head. Two well-meaning hillbillies, Tucker and Dale, are mistaken for psychotic killers by a group of college students during a camping trip, leading to hilarious misunderstandings.
Zombieland (2009): Directed by Ruben Fleischer, this post-apocalyptic horror comedy follows a group of survivors navigating a world overrun by zombies. With a talented cast including Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin, "Zombieland" delivers plenty of laughs alongside its zombie mayhem.
Ghostbusters (1984): Directed by Ivan Reitman, this supernatural comedy follows a group of eccentric scientists who start a ghost-catching business in New York City. Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson deliver memorable performances in this classic film.
Gremlins (1984): Directed by Joe Dante, this dark comedy horror follows a young man who receives a mysterious creature called a Mogwai as a pet. Chaos ensues when he fails to follow the three important rules for its care, leading to the spawning of mischievous and malevolent gremlins.
Dead Alive (1992): Directed by Peter Jackson before he became known for "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, this New Zealand splatstick horror comedy is notorious for its extreme gore and dark humor. When a man's overbearing mother is bitten by a Sumatran rat-monkey and turns into a zombie, chaos erupts.
An American Werewolf in London (1981): Directed by John Landis, this horror comedy follows two American backpackers who encounter a werewolf while traveling in England. Mixing humor with impressive practical effects, this film has become a classic of the genre.
These horror comedies offer a perfect blend of scares and laughs, appealing to fans looking for a thrilling and entertaining movie experience.
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georgemiser · 1 year
X-Men Evolution sequel RP (1x1, Canons Only)
20+ rp veteran here. Does anyone else love and remember the X-Men: Evolution series from the early 00s? I know I still love it, even after all of these years. I always wondered what happened in the future in the world of that show, besides Professor X's visions, of course. To anyone who loved that show, I have an RP plot proposal. It involved the OG cast of the show, Some X-Men, Magneto and a number of the New Mutants, training 6 to 8 new mutant characters in their teens, from the comics (Basically anyone who never made it into the show for whatever reason is up for grabs), to become a version of X-Factor. The rules apply as follows:
1: Partner must be willing and, more importantly, able to write a long-term story. 2: Partner must be 19 or older. 3: Must be Literate or, at least, semi-literate. 4: Must be able and willing to play multiple canon characters at once. 5: Must be a fan of the series and have seen the ending.
6: Comic and Cartoon AU Canon characters only. Sorry. :(
With all that out of the way, let me show you the plot. Please read in full. Hope you like it. :) ___________________________________
The game's story takes place 11 years after the end of Evo. In other words, in 2014. Professor X and Jean Grey died 4 years ago during the event that came to be known as ''The Phoenix Saga.'' The old X-Mansion at Bayside, Massachusetts, has been closed ever since. During this time, Mutants, at least the more human-looking ones, are now more readily accepted by the population, thanks to Charles Xavier's sacrifice, the reformation of Magneto and the previous work of the X-Men themselves, making the need for the team's heroics seemingly un needed, leaving the team to break up and live the lives of celebrity superheroes.(All the former X-Men are now (mostly) in their late 20s/Early 30s now, obviously)
Nowadays, the Former members of the Brotherhood, now Working for S.H.I.E.L.D as their “Freedom Force” task-force and the New Mutants, now having partially gone their separate ways, are the closest things there are to them. (The former are mostly government wetwork agents and mercenaries.) Then, one day, a month before the start of the new school year in Bayside, the long-reformed Magneto, along with several others from the old cast, decide to return to their old, teenage stomping grounds, to reopen the Old School for Gifted Youngsters in the Professor and Jean's honor. Why? In response to two new threats to mutantkind and the world!
Those threats are 1:The recently established and secret ''Hellfire Academy'', An underground school and boarding house, founded to train young mutants to use their powers for the overthrow of humanity and the conquest of Earth. Led by its headmistress, the Telepathic mutant Emma Frost aka The White Queen, with its main teacher being Mystique, seeking to finally claim her revenge on the X-Men and her former Master.
2: An anti-mutant hate group calling themselves "The Friends of Humanity", who, unable to accept the growing acceptance of mutantkind in society, have banded together in order to persecute, attack and kill the ''dirty muties;'' that they believe will one day enslave Homosapien kind.
In order to protect their new students, The OG X-men have bought the old Xavier Mansion in secret under pseudonyms, maintaining the pretense of preserving and restoring the old house for prosperity while keeping it, seemingly, uninhabited. With Cerebro back online, (no longer needing a telepathic link to function due to technological enhancements,) a new class of 6 to 8 teenage mutants, all with very comparatively peaceful and normal lives up to this point, save for the anti-mutant hate they may or may not endure, will soon find those lives put on indefinite hold as they find themselves lured, recruited and, inevitably, declared humanity and mutant-kind's new hope for a peaceful world. ___________________________ Please dm me here and If you’re interested, I’ll link you to my discord.
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mcfiddlestan · 1 year
Ship it/Don't ship it: Scott Summers/Emma Frost
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
Mostly bc my interactions with the X-Men fandom have been limited to Erik, Charles, Raven, and Remy. I RPd an Erik and three different versions of Raven/Mystique at one point. One of my Ravens was in a Marvel Uni RP Twitter group, and she had a relationship with Remy. They called them Ramen. LOL anyway... I do enjoy the X-Men movies, but I'm super unfamiliar with the majority of the characters. I only got into Cherik after X-Men: First Class, and that was mostly bc of Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy. Same with Raven. JLaw was my first fictional wifey (I consequently left her for Brie Larson, but I still love me some JLaw), and I actually immensely dislike Rebecca Romijn. In saying all that, while I don't have an issue with James Marsden, and in fact enjoy him in many many movies, I do not now nor have I ever liked January Jones. Her casting as Emma Frost was meh for me. Emma Frost was meh for me. Until I joined that Marvel Uni RP group. After I got Raven going, I added two more characters. A super ditzy Darcy and biology professor with a hidden agenda, Nathaniel Essex, aka Mr. Sinister. My Essex became involved in a sordid love affair with Emma Frost, a grad student, and when things with the group went sour, Emma's writer and I took our characters out and continued to RP on our own. She wasn't a fan of JJ's, but Emma Frost was her #1. She started out using Jennifer Morrison but later changed her to Blake Lively. I used Ewan McGregor for Essex. Anyway, the RP made me a fan of Emma's, tho I don't really interact with much media of her anymore. So, maybe it's not that I don't ship it. I'm sure if I read more fics of them, I might.
What would have made you like it?
Being more familiar with the characters, probably. And a better actress, lol.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Hmm...I'm sure it's great!
Thanks for asking!
Ship It/Don't Ship It
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X-men fancast pt. 4
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Sophie Turner as Emma Frost
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zeddfrost · 4 years
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Commission from @evcairnsart. Casting a certain actress as Emma. 
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lostboyspidey · 5 years
Rise of the Guardians fancast
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Jack Frost: Thomas Brodie-Sangster
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Sandman: Josh Gad
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Bunny: Hugh Jackman
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Santa: Jeff Bridges
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Tooth: Emma Stone
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Pitch Black: Jude Law
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Tom Hiddelston
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Jaime: Jacob Trembley
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see-arcane · 3 years
Warning: Comic rant ahead
You know, sometimes I think about dipping my toes back in the waters of Marvel’s Latest Big New Universe-Changing Mega Event #616!! for some new comics. Not just for the (often vastly superior) short story collections, those Character: Black/White/Pick-a-color bits, but a genuine Capital A Arc or series run. Kibblesmith’s Loki was loads of fun, I was glued to The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl series right to the end, and I cherish Mike Costa’s Venom work.
So I’ll trick myself into thinking it’s safe to go back in the water. I can try to love a giant megaton series again. Maybe I’ll check out my original Marvel loves--let’s take a look at the X-Men! I’ll tell myself:
“Let’s see how they’re doing on their big magic-mutant science-powered Planet Krakoa where they’re very definitely not turning into a cult high on its own power and ownership of infinite resurrections where Mystique, Sebastian Shaw and Mr. Sinister are on their fucking council! The Hellfire Gala event looked so pretty and there were zany moments aplenty! Give them another shot!”  
And then I’ll see previews for things like The Trial of Magneto. 
In which...
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...this is the result of finding Wanda Maximoff dead (she and Pietro no longer technically being Magneto’s biological kids and/or deemed mutants after a bunch of bullshit with the High Evolutionary or whatever). Followed by a bunch of superpowered wrestling later on, because of course. Bonus points to Charles there, as they recently resurrected his son, Legion. 
I’m really hoping this turns out to be some big conspiracy powered by a psychic giving the main cast fucking brain worms to ruining their utopia*** and not the writers genuinely thinking anybody bar Magneto, Kurt, and Kitty were in the right in this scene. I mean, Emma’s hypocritical bitch-o-meter swings back and forth depending on the weather, but even Storm voting against it? 
Mystique I almost understand because Erik and Charles recently dangled the possible resurrection of her wife Destiny in front of her, but since she failed a little black ops mission of theirs, nope! Changed their minds! (Provided they ever planned to allow something as troublesome as a faultless oracle into their midst.)
And really, the whole mess really circles back to the big snafu of the House of M “No more mutants” thing where Wanda, whose brain was breaking under the pressures of a mountain of manipulative stimuli, switched off a bunch of mutants’ powers at once. Accidental deaths ensued. Wanda was traumatized to realize what she’d done. Everyone hates her. Misery for everyone. A++ writing.
And hey, I’d be on board with the Krakoa clubhouse’s hate-on too, if not for the fact that literally half the fucking room against resurrecting her (honestly everyone bar Storm) was very willingly responsible FOR MULTIPLE MURDERS, TORTURES, BRAINWASHINGS, AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND MUTANTKIND THERE AREN’T EVEN NAMES FOR.
And they’re hiding behind what, exactly? She and Pietro aren’t technically considered mutants anymore? Despite going their entire lives persecuted and attacked for being considered mutants, thinking they were mutants, fighting as and for mutants? Really??
Wanda never meant to kill anyone. Wanda was devastated at what she caused. Wanda’s been a routine victim of brainwashing, supernatural possession, and general mental manipulation fuckery that’s left psychic scars on top of scars. Wanda’s devoted her life pre- and post-House of M to trying to help others, to making amends she knows will never be accepted, to healing herself of all the shit she’s gone through.
Meanwhile, Mystique, Sinister, Sebastian ‘Hellfire Club Shitlord’ Shaw, and yes, you too Emma Frost the White #Girlboss Queen, are putting their feet up on the X-table, with their votes actually being counted against the Scarlet Witch’s being brought back. 
For X-fans’ sake, I sincerely hope the writers can pull a miracle out of this to explain away all the bullshit going on here, but I just wrapped up a series where my biggest anger point wasn’t the Actual Villains, but the ring of hypocritical do-as-I-say-not-as-I-doer victim blaming default ‘heroes’ (shout out to the TMA mutuals who Know 🙃) and I can’t stomach sitting through another round of this kind of crap. Ugh.
Fingers crossed that
A) Wanda gets put back together and/or some vindication
B) Billy Kaplan catches wind of this and goes full-on Demiurge
And, because I want to end on a good note:
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