#ESTJ priorities
mistype360 · 1 month
how mbti types procrastinate
entp, enfp, intp, infp: considers possibilities of what to do instead of said task. starts typing but gets distracted when trying to choose a song to listen to. probably scrolls through tiktok. thinks that said task is too overwhelming. can't schedule an appointment on the phone by themself.
intj, infj, enfj, entj : plans out everything, but doesn't actually do it. wayyy too perfectionistic. has a bunch of pinterest boards (or playlists) related to said thing. not inspired. not enough pressure. "scheduled procrastination."
estp, esfp, istp, isfp: thinks the task is stupid and boring, and there are more fun/interesting things to do. also thinks that they have enough time to get it done but actually only has 2 hours. doesn't narrow down priorities. probably forget it existed in the first place
isfj, istj, estj, esfj: associates task with bad past experiences and avoids it. thinks it's not important + a waste of time compared to other things. keeps getting stuck on minor criticisms or flaws. doesn't put said thing on their to-do list (not in sight, not in mind!)
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orangemocharaktajino · 5 months
So with Ai Di being an ISTP his functions in order are Ti (introverted thinking) Se (extraverted sensing) Ni (introverted intuition) and Fe (extraverted feeling)
Chen Yi as an ENTJ has the functions Te (extraverted thinking) Ni (introverted intuition) Se (extraverted sensing) and Fi (introverted feeling)
As thinking dominant types they both prefer to make their decisions logically and with their feeling functions being lowest priority, neither one is particularly intune to their emotions at all. ENTJs tend to ignore their emotions because they view them as irrelevant or a sign of weakness. ISTPs tend to ignore their emotions because they view them as unimportant or irrational.
ENTJs with underdeveloped Ni can be prone to oversimplifying and making hasty decisions.
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ISTPs with over-reliance on Ti can be prone to being dismissive and apathetic. Sometimes if they have underdeveloped Ni, they even willfully ignore their own problems by doing absolutely nothing to resolve them (like keeping their feelings to themselves for four years instead of addressing them).
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For another example of the (mostly unhealthy) Te-Ti couple dynamic, see also Sun (ESTJ) and Mork (ISTP) from Dark Blue Kiss
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Te is more focused on action and efficiency while Ti would rather wait for all the information to become clear so their solutions can include all the factors. Te doms value results, Ti doms value self-sufficiency.
Both ENTJs and ISTPs can be blunt, aggressive, and have little patience for things that don't make sense. Both value competence, facts, and problem solving. Both use Se and Ni so both tend to be focused, impulsive, and like being active and present.
Ai Di has good attention to detail and insights himself but despite that he always looks to Chen Yi when there is a problem that needs immediate action.
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hint hint do something
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When it comes to feelings, both consider them to be a low priority until they build up to the point that they simply can't be ignored.
Chen Yi uses Fi which is more of an internal process. He is vaguely aware of his own emotions because they provoke strong reactions from him (usually in the form of jealous outbursts) but he doesn't always understand why. He can be especially oblivious to other people's emotions or preferences.
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He misinterprets his feelings for Ai Di until he's had a lot of time to think about it on his own. When Fan Ze Rui questions him about his feelings for the boss and Ai Di, his initial reaction is anger and defensiveness but afterwards he can't stop thinking about it.
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He doesn't really seem to talk to Fan Ze Rui about anything other than business or Ai Di and he doesn't appreciate being questioned like this. He also somewhat resents his close relationship with Ai Di.
Ai Di and Fan Ze Rui both use Fe and Ti and can easily communicate with one another. Fan Ze Rui is a feeler (INFJ) with well developed Fe and he is good at encouraging Ai Di to open up by not being pushy enough to trigger his automatic "it's none of your business" reaction. Fe is all about finesse and social harmony, which are not things that ISTPs usually care about.
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Ai Di doesn't even mind that he brings it up multiple times because he likes the affirmation. We see this in his relationship with Bai Zong Yi as well, he likes to fish for validation of his feelings once he starts acting on them and he knows that Bai Zong Yi is also a no bs kind of guy.
When it comes to conflict, Chen Yi often acts impulsively or wants to address the issues and get the solution going immediately (sometimes to the point of kidnapping but hey, kidnapping gets results and results are the priority, eh?) while Ai Di is more evasive.
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And when Ai Di does evade, he typically goes off to indulge his senses at the bar by getting drunk and being reckless. He knows lots of people at the bar but these relationships seem somewhat shallow.
Chen Yi likes to get drunk when his feelings creep up on him too but only in his lowest moments. We rarely see him doing anything alone but when he's in his feelings, he goes off by himself to have a pity party. And in true Ti-dom fashion, Ai Di is too brutally honest to be any good at consoling people.
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not entirely
Also, Bai Zong Yi and Ai Di are an interesting pair because ISTPs don't care about following social norms or rules they consider arbitrary while ISTJs prefer to work within the system.
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more Kiseki MBTI rambling
Ai Di - ISTP
Chen Yi - ENTJ
Bai Zong Yi - ISTJ
Fan Ze Rui - INFJ
Bai Zong Yi and Fan Ze Rui's ISTJ x INFJ couple dynamics
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blueopinions49 · 1 year
Mistyping on MBTI
The purpose of this post is to understand what are mistyping and how they happen. I’ll explain some of the patterns ive noticed when it comes to some of the mistypings as well as some of examples ive I personally disagree with. Please dont take any of this as a personal insult if any of these examples I give are things you've done in the past or the typings I disagree with are your own. 
Case #1Misunderstanding Functions 
-What I refer to by the misunderstanding of functions I mean it's the general purpose of the function and how does this function work and perceive reality. I understand that functions can be complicated and Carl Jung’s definition of Ni can be convoluted and confusing (sometimes just plain vague) however I do think that typing people/characters  needs at least allot of backing up with your knowledge of functions. Usually the misunderstanding I see with each functions comes out in these ways.
Si- Memories/Any form of previously obtained knowledge 
Se-Impulsiveness and Aggression
Fi-Sensitivy and Emotionality 
Ti- Thinking in any capacity 
Ne- Quirks and Quips 
Ni- just knowing stuff
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Ex-Sasuke Uchiha (ISFP)- Sasuke is often typed as an INTJ due to his preference for Ni-Fi HOWEVER when it comes to how he perceives reality and his way to deal with conflict its pretty clear he is an Fi dom. There is this misconception of Fi=Sensitivity and Emotionality. However this couldn't  be farther from the truth. Fi is simply preferring your Core Values and desire over the other. His goal was always Fi related NOT Ni related.   
Case#3 Simplification of Functions
Following the last case this is usually the more common one I see when it comes to mistyping usually people will flatten functions or just straight up default to god awful stereotypes of each type when it comes to typing them. You'll often see people “Trope Type” certain charcaters. Most of their arguments revolve around the aesthetic of the character and then their functions. Which is why those peoples typing will usually look like this.
ESXJ-Mean Girl and stuck up
ISXJ-Boring ones
ESXP-Immature,Dumb or straight up substance abuse 
XNTP-Quips and Quirks but always the smartest 
XNFJ-Kind Humanitarian
XNFP-Sentimental mess
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Ex-Naruto Uzumaki (EXFP)I know I previously typed him as an ENFP however I've been thinking of the relation of his Se-Ni throughout the show and I might change my typing. However thus far every single Se dom argument I read for Naruto reads like this “ Well he is immature” “he is impulsive and reckless” “ can't be an Ne dom because Intuitive=smart and Sensor=Dumb” sometimes they don't say this word for word but their arguments boil down to this. And I find it quite frustrating cuz those same people look at you straight in the eye and say that you're intuitive bias, even tho they are the ones defaulting to stereotypes. 
Case #4 Positioning of Functions 
Character development in MBTI is more complex than character development in Enneagram. Depending on the movie/tv show the character might either develop their inferior function or their tert function. Which is why understanding the position and model you are using for MBTI and be consistent using it. The position of function is important because they are what defined the person and how they approach data management. Also certain characters might have preference for their tert function rather than their aux functions. Some Characters just use their stack in a very balanced way. 
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Ex- Sokka (ESTJ)- He is often typed as an ENTP due to his exaggerated use of Ne in the later seasons. To me at least he is an ESTJ with a preference for TeNe. Sokka never really uses NeTi in the first book. His priority came in form of TeSi (Organizing the environment with a solid metric and detailed positioning of others). His development came in the form of his Ne not Fi. To the point he ends of sticking to it in Book 2 and Book 3. 
Case #4 Character Traits=/=Cognitive Preferences/Perception
Often people conflate how a character/person acts instead of how they think and proceed with conflict. MBTI isnt really a personality theory but rather and understanding of your cognitive process and preference. It's based on how you perceive reality and how you make decisions based on your dominant function. If anything enneagram would be closer to an actual personality test. 
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Ex- Amy March (ESFP)- I took such a long time to come to this typing because similarly to Naruto people only talked about how she was an annoying immature child. However her monologue points to her stresses and how she must stick to her SeTe rather than SeFi due to how the environment is working and suppressing women in that era. 
Case #5 Just making things up 
This is the most common one I see when people type characters, they usually just make things up. Sometimes there isn't any contextual evidence on what they are talking about and will mostly differ to broad and vague statements that hold no wait or aren't represented in the narrative. Sometimes they'll just take things out of context and will just go with them and end up convincing people even if their argument is 95% fabricated stuff and the 5% is misunderstanding on their part. 
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Ex-Ada Wong (IXTJ)  Ada Wong’s Ti is non existent and no one online has ever written an argument where I there is enough evidence on what they are saying. Ada isnt a person who is interested in analytical process and internal understanding. Even character development comes from XiFi not Fe. Sorry but liking Leon but not really isnt a good argument for low Fe. Her development isnt about understanding the emotional state of the other or in relation to the other but rather the self. Even OG Resident Evil its stated that she struggles with her own values and emotional state . It's almost as if their argument hinges on ISTP=Spy characters. 
Case #6 Misogyny (yeah...we are going there). 
Often in typology you'll notice a dichotomy between Female characters vs Male characters. You'll notice that female characters are twice as likely to get typed as Feelers even when they dont show much usage of any feeling function. Often the arguments I see its in reference to either showing the character struggling emotionally or reacting in some way to something bad happening in their life. But when male characters such as Homelander and Patrick Bateman who have multiple emotional outburst in their runs but most people type them as Te doms. While Female characters that have emotional outburst such as Asuka and Jennifer Harding (Both Te doms) both get typed as ESFP because=SeFi=angry and emotional. It often happens in cases such as Bakugo who gets typed as an ESTP but if a female character does the same thing she gets typed as an ESFP. Im not calling you a misygonist  if you typed any of this characters like this I just think that you should reconsider your typology process. 
Ex-There are allot of these so I just gonna point to a few 
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Alice Liddle (INTP) - Being typed as an INFP but very clear her struggle is between Ti-Si and understanding her Fe.
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Nancy Wheeler (ESTJ)- Being nice=/=Fe she has always preferred TeSi (organizing and structuring things in step by step processes) Over using Fe. 
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Madison Montgomery (ESTP)- Her character is pure SeTi and her struggle with her Fe is shown in both S3 and S8. 
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Yenneffer (INTJ)- NiFi reaching the ideal self is her goal also her Te is very on your face. 
Part 2 will focus on the enneagram 
Please dont take any of this as an attack its an analysis on things ive seen and read if you are gonna disagree please be civil. 
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mbti-notes · 2 months
Anon wrote: hi, mbti-notes! ESTJ-friend-meltdown anon again. thank you for the good advice! i think that i will definitely try to be gracious if they ever want to open the door to having a conversation again… but yes, i think i agree that this is only if they want me and our friends to be their helpers.
for context though, if there were any further thoughts you had, you were on the money about them being the type to swallow their stress until it explodes. the primary sources of stress, as i understand them anyway, were external to us (financial, family, health, etc.) though.
speaking for myself also, the meltdown itself wasn't surprising. it was the way they chose to go about it, lashing out and then cutting off myself and our friends, that caught us off-guard.
in terms of immediately precipitating events, i did have a confrontation with them where an unusual-feeling scheduling conflict led me to pointing out that their behaviour had felt a bit erratic lately and that their intentions were confusing me. b/c of aforementioned bottling up, they often resort to passive aggression, and i felt i needed to ask for an explanation b/c it had finally gotten too hard to read and upset me. i asked for them to confirm whether they were trying to passive aggressively communicate something to me, whether they were just not thinking very clearly under stress, or whether our values/priorities were unaligned (and then whether this was something we could see eye to eye about, or was this a serious issue).
when they confessed to feeling under immense pressures, i believed them and switched gears to focusing on comforting them and assuring them that me and our friends would find ways to help and that their honesty meant a lot to me. when we parted ways, it was on a good note and with concrete ideas of ways to help with some of their load (ex. giving them food to take home to help minimize their stress about meal prep, etc.). i felt much better after that, and i felt empowered to focus on being a good friend to them - but this is where things have gone sideways.
when they came to me to cut things off, it was uncharacteristically vague and flighty and with outright refusal to explain themselves, almost implying that they believed i would manipulate them. they confirmed they had felt better after we talked too, but that others had convinced them otherwise. between the first asks i sent and this one, it has more verifiably come out that they are likely being encouraged to treat myself and our friends this way by someone who has apparently, unbeknownst to me, had a grudge against me for some time too. i definitely feel blindsided by this aspect, and i am processing a level of betrayal/hurt now. this has become altogether a rather strange and upsetting situation.
oh, also i should say thank you for taking the time to read through these messages and offer advice. i've been a follower of your blog for some time now and have learned a lot from it.
Health and money problems are generally the most stressful kinds of problems because of how existentially threatening they can be. Existential stress eats away at the foundation of one's sense of self and brings to light the true extent of how fragile, weak, and vulnerable it is to be a mortal being. From what I've observed of inferior grip, one should not underestimate the power of existential stress to twist up people's thinking and behavior.
It's certainly unpleasant to be on the receiving end of passive aggression. Such behavior isn't uncommon, so it pays to understand why it happens, if you hope to help rather than hinder conflict resolution. Passive aggression is a sign that a person is bottling up their feelings, which means they don't feel free to express their truth and advocate for their needs.
There can be a variety of reasons why people don't feel free. Perhaps their parents silenced/shamed them every time they asked for something. Perhaps they were trained by teachers or authorities to be self-sacrificing and put others first. Perhaps it is a matter of stubborn personal pride and not wanting to burden others. Perhaps their feelings were never validated or constantly invalidated in past relationships. Whatever the reason, the main point is that they've met negative consequences for expressing feelings and, as a result, have come to believe feelings are a "disturbance" to be avoided.
Unfortunately, what they don't understand is that bottling up feelings and emotions doesn't get rid of them and even causes them to become more and more unstable. When feelings are minor or inconsequential, it's easy to set them aside, and this can be a good way to get on with life. However, if the root cause of negativity isn't addressed, negative feelings will generally recur. Recurring negativity builds up pressure in the mind and eventually forces a way out of the body, one way or another. At that point, feelings come out in a very distorted and even disturbing form, because the negativity has escalated to the point of hijacking the rational thought process.
Imagine how tense the mind gets when a person has very strong feelings to express but doesn't believe those feelings are allowed or even feels too ashamed to admit them to oneself. It's no accident that we describe emotionally unstable people as being "out of their mind". Emotional instability makes people highly vulnerable and more likely to fall victim to bad logic. Since they are desperate for a return to stability, they might embrace anything that brings some emotional relief, even if that something ends up being harmful. For example, they might accuse or attack, believe in conspiracy theories, do drugs, or get tricked into quick-fix schemes.
Whether your friend is being influenced or not, the most important point is that they are in a vulnerable and unstable state of mind. If you truly want to be of help, the key is to be a reliable source of strength and stability, rather than worsen their vulnerability and instability. You need to avoid getting triggered into being unstable yourself. It's not easy to accomplish this in close relationships. The people closest to you have the most power to influence you, so it's hard to stay strong when they're baiting you, pushing your buttons, lashing out, or being passive aggressive toward you.
For example, you could easily get pulled into a "competition" with this other person influencing your friend. You might feel compelled to counter their claims. However, this would result in your friend getting stuck in the middle of a tug-of-war. It would be very difficult for them to regain stability with two people constantly pulling them in opposite directions, each vying for power over their perception. You'd be applying even more pressure when what they really need is space away from pressure to sort things out.
My previous suggestion still stands. If you want to salvage this relationship, the best you can do is keep trying to be a good friend. Some general points:
- Maintain objectivity. This is especially important if you're being suspected of things like manipulation. Don't get baited into battles or drama because that would only "confirm" that you have some kind of ulterior motive. During communication, focus only on information gathering and learning the truth. It is necessary to understand as much as possible about their state of mind and their situation if you hope to discover good opportunities to move forward. If they're unwilling to open up, express that you respect their boundaries and leave it to them to open up when ready.
- Be affirming by validating their feelings. People feel what they feel, at least until they have reason to feel otherwise. Feelings reflect a person's truth, so it's futile and foolhardy to argue against feelings. It's possible to validate people's feelings without addressing the factuality of their beliefs. Express that you want to understand where they're coming from and why they feel the way they do. Invite them to speak and then listen without judgment. Whatever it is they say and no matter how negatively they put it, try to figure out what it is they really need, deep down, and work your way up from there.
- Be realistic and know the limits. There's a fine line between being assertive and being pushy. "Help" should not result in people feeling even more stressed. You ought to be assertive and offer help when you are in a good position to help. However, when you're not in a good position to help or they don't want your help, it's probably best to step aside and cheer them from the sidelines. Express how sorry you are that you can't help but still do what you can to help them access all other available resources.
- Be kind, patient, empathetic, compassionate, and forgiving. Always focus on the bigger picture of working toward a healthy relationship. Reiterate that, despite whatever negativity has transpired, your concern is always about ensuring everyone's well-being. Express that you value the friendship and would be open to reconnecting and resolving issues whenever they feel ready for it.
You have a right to your feelings, whether it's feeling confused, hurt, or betrayed. You have every right to maintain protective boundaries whenever you get mistreated. As ideal as it would be to seek resolution from your friend, timing is everything. They are obviously not in the right headspace to discuss the relationship in a constructive way. You either have to sit on your feelings until the right time, or find another way to generate closure for yourself.
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leorawright · 3 months
hiii can i get a romantic genshin matchup please ☺️💖
she/her, heterosexual, taurus, estj, neutral good.
i’m very outgoing and extremely extroverted like my friends say. i’m the type of person that is always talking 😭 if you put me in a room with a stranger, the chances are extremely high that i end up befriending them (unless i feel like they don’t want to talk). but i get bad days too like other people and sometimes i just shut down and won’t talk unless spoken to.
while i am friendly, i also keep my circle small. i don’t have the ability to maintain a thousand of friendships so i have only a handful of friends that i am reallllyyyy close to.
i am very emotional and have the worst case of fomo. when i see my friends hanging out without me, i immediately feel like it’s the end of the world which is stupid and currently trying to resolve that. the way i cope is usually joining whatever org i can which makes me an extremely busy person at times.
i don’t get mad at people very often (i am easily annoyed though) and when i’m mad, i easily forgive but i /never/ forget.
i love discovering new music but my current favorite artists are phoebe bridgers and haim. i have a short-ass attention span when it comes to series and it’s been forever since i finished one. i’m more of a casual viewer, so i like movies better (especially romcoms)
what i don’t like is people who are extremely judgy and only see people negatively. it’s a pet peeve of mine when people are so quick to judge. i also hateeeee liver (although my mom encourages me to eat it bc i have iron deficiency…) but i love eating a mix of vegetables.
i’m a hopeless romantic by the way! i genuinely think that i won’t ever settle for any other than the tender and sweet kind of love. my love language are acts of service and quality time. i also really appreciate if someone listens to my ramblings tirelessly.
one of the things that i look for a partner is that he’s an active member of the community like me; it helps me see if he’s truly responsible. i also want him to care about his studies as much as i do and he should have a set goal in life. i want someone to have a direction in life, and knows that we shouldn’t be each other’s ONLY priorities.
i love to read fantasy and historical books. i also write whenever i’m on the mood and have time. one of my current obsessions is lord of the rings (which is weird bc i alr went thru an lotr phase when i was like… 6) AND I HAVE A PUPPY 🥹 i love her sm she’s so cute!!! i adore her sm and we spend time together through sitting on the floor and her laying her head on me 😭🥹
thank you smmm have a great day and take care of yourself 💖
I had a lot of choices but I've decided on...
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He's definitely an active member in the community and gets along with about everybody
He's got a goal with wanting to become a Wushu dancer and he'd be delighted if you support his passion
He also supports your goals in life, and whatever you want to do, he'll help as best he can
His love language is acts of service so whatever you need help with, just tell him and he'll be at your side
He's not usually much of a reader, but if you have any suggestions, he'll happily read them and talk about them with you
Absolutely adores your dog as well and will sneak her treats all the time
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windudemon · 1 year
socionics quadras with some good art
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this is alpha quadra. alpha quadra is democratic, judicious and merry. from left to right: esfj, entp, intp and isfj.
the idea behind quadras comes from cognitive function “blocks”. when people has Ne and Ti together, then they like:
highly theoretical concepts as a source of intellectual stimulation and fun rather than for their practical merits.
logically consistent beliefs and ideas, and behavior that is consistent with personal values.
follow through on their ideas in the form of group activity.
then, when people also has Fe and Si together they like:
participating in groups where there is free exchange of positive emotional expression in an atmosphere pleasing to the senses.
discuss stories told in detail and according to the sequence in which events happened, rather than “jump to the point” quickly.
show affection for others in the form of small practical services or gifts.
feel energized in the positive atmosphere of special events, such as public holidays, parties and special celebrations.
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this is beta quadra. they are decisive, merry and aristocratic. from left to right: infj, estp, enfj and istp.
ti along with se:
Beta quadra types prefer situations where the power structure and hierarchy is clearly defined according to consistent rules where ambiguities are minimized.
Beta quadra types are more confident analyzing realistic characteristics of situations, people, and objects, rather than alternative and could-it-be scenarios.
Beta quadra types are inclined to attribute to a new acquaintance traits that they have previously observed in other individuals belonging to the same group as they see the new acquaintance as belonging to (Aristocracy).
Beta quadra types are inclined to look for general rules explaining people, politics, mechanisms and trends, rules that once defined can be applied generally, rather than go about things in a case-by-case way.
Beta quadra types are energized by competitive situations where analytical tactics are emphasized
fe along with ni:
Beta types tend to enjoy group activities where the whole group participates in generating a common emotional atmosphere, as in laughing at jokes, etc.
Beta types tend to feel energized in the presence of people who share their beliefs and express them with obvious enthusiasm and emotion.
Beta types tend to give more value to feelings when they are demonstrated with clear emotional expression, and tend to increase the level of their own emotional expression in order to get a reaction from other people.
Beta types tend to describe personal views of special meaning with “poetic” or “dramatic” expressions and language.
Beta types are often deeply concerned about social issues and the direction the world is heading. They believe that apathy is a significant cause of societal problems, and work to fight against it.
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this is gamma quadra. they are decisive, serious and democratic. from left to right: intj, isfp, esfp and entj.
te along with ni:
Gamma types take a longer-term view regarding efficiency and profitability, giving lower priority to the short term. Likewise, they tend to aim at the broader benefits of decisions, rather than only at those affecting themselves, giving them an inclination for self-sacrifice.
Gamma types like to talk about where present trends are leading in terms of potentially profitable events and undertakings.
Gamma types tend to give more value to ideas and concepts that are firmly connected to factual information.
fi along with se:
Gamma types take a hard-line approach regarding ethical principles and the punishment, even revenge, on those who break them.
Gamma types place high value on personal loyalty, once they feel a close relationship has been established.
Gamma types like to discuss personal relationships in a realistic manner and are skeptical that “jerks” can ever become “nice people”, for instance.
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and finally this is delta quadra. they are judicious, serious and aristocratic. from left to right: enfp, infp, istj and estj.
te along with si:
Delta types make a point of talking about the rationale behind their actions and emphasizing the productiveness or unproductiveness of different ways of doing things – even in such emotional areas as personal relationships.
Delta types value peaceful, refreshing activities where they are doing something useful and balancing out their inner world at the same time.
Delta types have the philosophy that they will have to rely on their own industriousness to achieve their goals rather than on luck, speculation, group effort, or strong leadership.
ne along with fi:
Delta types love to share personal experience mixed with their own sentiments regarding their experiences, but all in an insightful and non-dramatic manner.
Delta types like to talk about new beginnings, opportunities for personal growth, and their plans and prospects for the future.
check out my main blog @ demonwindu.wordpress.com
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trilobi-te · 10 months
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Otto (pre-orb) and Cider circa the late 80s/early 90s? I haven't put together a timeline. Someone get this man a hairbrush please. Mm I am annoyed because Otto is my favorite character (along with Cider) and I cannot draw him in orb form to save my life. Why is he so difficult to draw. This whole concept was funnier in my head.. oh well
Transcriptions below the cut. Also I must infodump about Chipspeech characters' MBTI so that too.
Otto: This human form is limiting Cider: Otto please calm tf down
Okay it's MBTI time. I go from fandom to fandom finding the weird scientist characters and then I observe them with my little autistic eyeballs. The fact that both Cider (ESTJ) and Otto (INTJ) are high Te makes me (also high Te) very happi because usually scientist characters end up being high Ti. Cider especially because I often find xSTJ science-related characters to be unlikeable and he is decidedly not. I am an ESTJ-adjacent creature and I must scream
My opinions on Chipspeech characters' types: Cider: ESTJ (TeSiNeFi) Otto: INTJ (NiTeFiSe) Dandy: ESTP (SeTiFeNi) Dee: ISFJ (SiFeTiNe) Vosim: xxFJ (high Fe) Bert: ExTP (aux Ti, tert Fe) Rotten: ENFJ (FeNiSeTi) Spencer: ESFP (SeFiTeNi) Lady Parsec: ENTJ (TeNiSeFi) Sam: idk man, probably on the Ni-Se axis Pedro: ESFP (SeFiTeNi) Voder: ISTJ? Maybe? Definitely somewhere on Te-Fi and I think Si-Ne but I'm open to being wrong. Terminal: ESTJ? He's said his personality is low priority in his system and it's not always running, so idk if he's even really typeable.
One day I might make a post with an in-depth analysis of each character's cognitive functions because every fandom needs a typology nerd that everyone else politely ignores but that'll have to wait until I can actually figure out everyone's stacks in full.
Also obligatory PSA: if you want to take an MBTI test that has a pretty good likelihood of typing you correctly, the best one out there imo is Mistype Investigator, or Jung's Igloo if you want results that are easier to read. 16Personalities is not actually MBTI (Neris is closer to Big 5), and Sakinorva and Keys2Cognition both tend to overestimate Ne so probably avoid them. MBTI is not real science but it's fun to apply to fictional characters, just don't take it too seriously. I feel the need to say all of this because I've had problems in the past where this information would have been useful to have, maybe it'll help someone else. Idk
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indepth-mbti · 11 months
First of all your Instagram posts are the best. I learn more about mbti and enneagram from you guys than from any other website. Anyway my situation is as follows: I'm kind of confused. My first mistype was Istp because of a test I took in quarantine for Covid and all my life I considered myself quite introverted. But now I am Entj? Regarding cognitive functions I always had Se and Ni between first and second place and I knew I was never the emotional type.
The most I can say is that I never followed the rules. Since I was little if I was told not to run the first thing I did was run and all in an immediate and natural way. I had a great imagination, all the time it was dreaming about what I could do. Even the reasons I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing was because I was thinking about what I would do next. As a child I wanted to have fun. Clearly I grew up, changed schools and became somewhat closed off. I was one of the best students because of my intelligence and I was always looking to get good grades. I was one of those "heartless" people who received a secret love letter, tore it up right away and threw it away in front of everyone and topics like love I always dismissed, there were times when I might like someone but having a partner was not a priority and I let the feeling just disappear.
With Entj's stereotype of being a leader I felt quite identified because I unconsciously always assumed the role of leader in any group. Actually I let a colleague be the team leader but I find it very funny that whenever they refer to our team they always think that I am the boss, I am only dedicated to organize the contents of the work. Another detail is that everything I do now is for a future that I want to achieve. I am one of those people who say to myself: "You have to work hard, you have to keep trying to be the best, if you keep doing that you will achieve what you want". Since I was little I was told that the world was a competition and although it was shocking I understood it perfectly. I'm a little bad at details, for example: making a mistake in an exam question by thinking and answering too fast without paying attention to what they were really asking for.
Outside of school I am flexible for routines and I try to keep my room in order but it is not my best quality. I consider myself a person capable of engaging in conversation with any group. I know perfectly well that I don't agree on tastes or topics of conversation but I was always able to talk to anyone. In front of adults I assume a position of a totally responsible person, mature (like any other). And with my friends I am quite spontaneous to a certain extent, they know that with topics about school I am extremely serious and focused.
Sorry for the length. It would help me to have some opinion with more experience on the subject. According to the enneagram I am 3w4. But I'm still reading to confirm if this is the case.
I think that Te dom seems correct. I'd say ENTJ but don't dismiss ESTJ. In my Instagram Guides you can find a detailed guide of ENTJ and ESTJ, read both of them and compare the auxiliary dynamics.
According to the Enneagram... you are either E6 or E3. You seem more focused on head triad issues than on image triad issues. But take a look at the hornevian groups according to enneagramer:
E3s belong to the assertive triad: Moving against others, focus on what the self needs/wants, they “demand” needs from others and the world. E3s in general are goal-oriented and based on action.
E6s belong to the superego triad: Moving with others, focus on what others’ need/want, society, “earn” needs. Focus on building a secure environment for all, being “human,” tribes.
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robynarchives · 5 months
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Rei & Maki: bound together by unspoken trust and unwavering loyalty
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˗ˏˋ relationship overview
Slow and steady, but sure-fire one. They take their time getting to know each other and forming the bond they have. Rei's emotional sensitivity and ability to sense Maki's mood enables her to avoid conflicts with Maki, understanding her needs and acting accordingly. Maki, on the other hand, appreciates Rei's thoughtful nature, finding comfort and security in her perceptive and emotionally intelligent presence, while Maki's more headstrong and forward personality encourages Rei to be willing to share her thoughts and feelings.
Rei's fear of vulnerability and tendency to people-please are balanced by Maki's more forward and headstrong nature, allowing Rei to be more confident and open with Maki. Rei's perceptive nature allows Maki to feel comfortable sharing her thoughts and feelings, while Maki's strong-willed nature helps Rei to not be too sensitive and protective of her emotions
They are simply two halves of a whole— they know each other inside and out, and have complete trust in each other. They are so in sync that they often know what the other wants without even being asked. They share a bond so close that they can rely on one another for anything, no matter how small or big. This deep understanding of each other creates a touchingly special relationship that is both rare and beautiful.
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˗ˏˋ the relationship’s balance and compatibility
As an ENFP, Rei often takes a more playful approach to life. Her lightheartedness and carefree attitude create a laid-back, entertaining atmosphere. With Maki as an ESTJ, their dynamic can be a bit more serious and structured. Rei's fun-loving nature can sometimes catch Maki off-guard, but they also work well together to reach their goals. Despite these differences, Rei and Maki manage to balance each other out and make for a well-rounded pair. Each bringing unique strengths to the table, their relationship is a testament to the importance of understanding and respect for differences.
By recognizing their own unique strengths, Rei and Maki have formed a dynamic duo that allows for balance and growth. Their relationship serves as an example of the power of empathy and open communication. Despite their differences, they have formed a valued partnership and have created a strong foundation based on trust and respect.
As a people pleaser, Rei often finds herself struggling to balance her own needs with those of those she cares about. Her commitment to those in her life, even despite their flaws, can be both a strength and a weakness. While her dedication is admirable, her fear of isolation and tendency to avoid vulnerability can sometimes result in self-doubt or a reluctance to express her true feelings. However, her perceptive nature allows her to understand and acknowledge these insecurities, enabling her to navigate her relationships with careful consideration.
Maki often strives to maintain her own priorities and values, rather than compromising for the sake of others. While this can initially seem jarring or even frustrating to Rei at first, Maki's firmness and conviction can help her recognize and assert her own needs. This balance allows for a more collaborative and mutually beneficial relationship between the two, where both Rei and Maki are respected for their respective strengths.
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˗ˏˋ their habits in the relationship
Even before they started dating, they greeted each other with a special handshake/gesture that Rei developed. Maki initially thought it was overkill, but as Rei persisted in this habit, Maki eventually gave in and agreed to participate in the secret handshake she helped improve. Over time, until they started dating, it became a ritual they did every time they met. Maki came to find comfort and solace in it, even finding joy in performing this simple gesture.
When grabbing breakfast together at jujutsu high hall, Rei and Maki often grab an extra beverage or snack for the other person. Whether it be coffee for Maki's early-morning pick-me-ups, or the soup of the day for Rei to enjoy as a snack, the act of getting an extra course for the other person is a token of their shared affection, no matter how busy they are with their schoolwork.
Knowing that Rei is passionate about performing and putting on a good show, Maki always agrees to help her with her performances by helping her rehearse her lines and throwing out any lines that she needs. Maki's willingness to help despite her busy schedule and academic obligations is a touching show of her care and consideration towards Rei. She always does her best to participate in Rei's performances to help her star girl shine.
Being mindful of Maki's love for junk food and her occasional cravings, Rei always carries some spare change with her on school missions, just in case they come across any vending machines or stands where they can indulge in a quick bite to eat. Rei's awareness of Maki's needs and her efforts to accommodate them, no matter what the circumstance or mission is.
When Maki spots trinkets or accessories that she thinks fit Rei's style, she often goes out of her way to purchase or obtain them for her. These range from jewelries, keychains, or even a small plush toy. Every now and while, Rei would find herself tying a dainty charm to one of Maki's weapons or belongings, even if it's not her style at all. This gesture is a subtle way for Rei to express her thoughtfulness and care towards Maki, highlighting her attention to detail and Maki's preference for simplicity. It's also a playful way to brighten up their routine and to remind Maki of Rei's presence, even in the midst of a challenging mission; which Maki treasures dearly.
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˗ˏˋ ideal dates
A training/sparring session would be a fun and meaningful way for Rei and Maki to spend quality time together. As fellow Jujutsu High students, they both understand the importance of staying in shape and honing their skills, and it's something they enjoy doing together enough to consider it a date. The training session would also offer a chance for them to have a bit of fun and take a break from their regular academic and mission routines. Maki's experience and knowledge provide valuable insights for Rei, while Rei's creativity and enthusiasm also bring an enjoyable aspect to the training sessions.
During the breaks in between, they can take a moment to relax, catch their breaths, and bond over their experiences. It's the little moments like these that make Rei and Maki's training dates special. By allowing themselves to take a step back and enjoy the little things in life together, this became one of the few moments Rei allows herself to be vulnerable around Maki.
Festivals are one of Rei and Maki's ideal dates, because they offer the chance to bond over various activities and competitions in a lively atmosphere. Maki is confident that the mini games are rigged, but proceeds to easily clear them anyways. Rei would always be cheering her on enthusiastically. Sometimes, Rei and Maki would team up against Fushiguro and Yuuji. They could be highly competitive and work together to win against their friends, even if the vendor would think they were all overdramatic.
Rei's love for performing arts is well-known and is something that she shares with Maki, who was never exposed to the art form growing up. When Rei takes Maki with her to a musical or theater performance, it is something that Maki comes to appreciate and admire. She sees Rei's joy and enthusiasm, and is touched by the way she sings and smiles during the show.
On one occasion, Gojo found out that Rei and Maki were going to see a musical or theater performance together. He decided to purchase the entire row of seats behind them so he could join in on the fun. In exchange for allowing him to accompany them, their sensei sponsored their dinner.
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˗ˏˋ a poem
my soulmate is my best girl,
captivated by this feminine energy.
my heart is bound to you forever,
as I couldn't imagine it in the palms of anyone else.
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innammoratta · 2 years
MBTI Types as Michael Scott Quotes
ENFJ: “Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked, but it’s not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised.
INFJ: “Society teaches us that having feelings and crying is bad and wrong. Well, that’s baloney, because grief isn’t wrong. There’s such a thing as good grief. Just ask Charlie Brown.”
ENFP: “Sometimes I’ll start a sentence, and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.”
INFP: “Well, well, well, how the turntables...”
ENTJ: “The only time I set the bar low is for limbo.”
INTJ:  “Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don’t know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I’ll hit somebody with my car. So sue me.”
ENTP: “I saved a life. My own. Am I a hero?… I really can’t say, but yes!”
INTP: “My philosophy is, basically this. And this is something that I live by. And I always have. And I always will. Don’t, ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who you are with, or, or where you are going, or, or where you’ve been. Ever. For any reason. Whatsoever.”
ESFJ: “Yes, it is true. I, Michael Scott, am signing up with an online dating service. Thousands of people have done it, and I am going to do it. I need a username. And I have a great one. Little Kid Lover. That way people will know exactly where my priorities are at.”
ISFJ: “I love inside jokes. I hope to be a part of one someday.”
ESFP:  “Sometimes you have to take a break from being the kind of boss that’s always trying to teach people things. Sometimes you just have to be the boss of dancing.”
ISFP: “I am Beyoncé, always.”
ESTJ:  “Toby is in HR, which technically means he works for corporate. So he’s not really a part of our family. Also, he’s divorced, so he’s not really a part of his family.”
ISTJ:  “You know what they say? Fool me once, strike one but fool me twice.... strike three.”
ESTP: “Two weeks ago, I was in the worst relationship of my life. She treated me poorly, we didn’t connect, I was miserable. Now, I am in the best relationship of my life, with the same woman. Love is a mystery.”
ISTP:  “Friends joke with one another. Hey, you’re poor. Hey, your momma’s dead. That’s what friends do.”
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geekmediatypings · 1 year
🧭 Stranger Things: Myers Briggs Types Part 1 🧭
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📺 Eleven [INFP] The Dreamer
“INFPs are highly intuitive about people. They rely heavily on their intuitions to guide them, and use their discoveries to constantly search for value in life. They are on a continuous mission to find the truth and meaning underlying things. Every encounter and every piece of knowledge gained gets sifted through the INFP's value system, and is evaluated to see if it has any potential to help the INFP define or refine their own path in life. The goal at the end of the path is always the same - the INFP is driven to help people and make the world a better place.” (Source: Personality Page)
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🧙🏻‍♂️ Will Byers [INFJ] The Protector
“INFJs search for meaning and purpose in their lives and in the outer world. They tend to have an immense interest in deeply understanding culture, society, and the universe as a whole. INFJs naturally see how every thought or action could potentially have important consequences, either positive or negative. This reflective and curious worldview gives INFJs a unique perspective and thoughtful approach to how they interact with others and the world around them” (Source: Personality Page)
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🎲 Mike Wheeler [ENFP] The Inspirer
“ENFPs tend to be curious about others and preoccupied with discovering the deeper meaning in people and ideas. They want authentic experience and often seek emotional intensity. ENFPs are easily bored by details and repetition and seek out situations that offer an escape from the mundane. Novelty is attractive to ENFPs, who often have a wide range of interests and friends from many backgrounds. ENFPs prize individuality and often consider the pursuit of happiness to be the highest priority in life, both for themselves and for others. They place great importance on personal freedom and self-expression, and want to be able to go wherever inspiration leads.” (Source: Truity)
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🏹 Lucas Sinclair [ESTJ] The Guardian
ESTJs command a situation, with the sense that they know how things should go and are ready to take charge to make sure that it happens. They are task-oriented and put work before play. Confident and tough-minded, the ESTJ appears almost always to be in control. ESTJs appreciate structure and often begin to organize as soon as they enter a room. They want to establish the ground rules and make sure everyone does what they’re supposed to. (Source: Truity)
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🧭 Dustin Henderson [ENTP] The Visionary
“This ability to intuitively understand people and situations puts the ENTP at a distinct advantage in their lives. They generally understand things quickly and with great depth. Accordingly, they are quite flexible and adapt well to a wide range of tasks. They are good at most anything that interests them. As they grow and further develop their intuitive abilities and insights, they become very aware of possibilities, and this makes them quite resourceful when solving problems. ENTPs are idea people. Their perceptive abilities cause them to see possibilities everywhere. They get excited and enthusiastic about their ideas, and are able to spread their enthusiasm to others. In this way, they get the support that they need to fulfill their visions. (Source: Personality Page)
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🛹 Max Hargrove [ESFP] The Performer
ESFPs love people, and everybody loves an ESFP. One of their greatest gifts is their general acceptance of everyone. They are upbeat and enthusiastic, and genuinely like almost everybody. An ESFP is unfailingly warm and generous with their friends, and they generally treat everyone as a friend. However, once crosesed, an ESFP is likely to make a very strong and stubborn judgment against the person who crossed them. They are capable of deep dislike in such a situation. ESFPs are likely to be very practical, although they hate structure and routine. They like to "go with the flow", trusting in their ability to improvise in any situation presented to them. They learn best with "hands-on" experience, rather than by studying a book. (Source: Personality Page)
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Nancy Wheeler [ISTJ] The Logistician
“ISTJs are quiet and reserved individuals who are interested in security and peaceful living. They have a strongly-felt internal sense of duty, which lends them a serious air and the motivation to follow through on tasks. Organized and methodical in their approach, they can generally succeed at any task which they undertake. ISTJs are very loyal, faithful, and dependable. They place great importance on honesty and integrity. They are "good citizens" who can be depended on to do the right thing for their families and communities. While they generally take things very seriously, they also usually have an offbeat sense of humor and can be a lot of fun - especially at family or work-related gatherings.” (Source: Personality Page)
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📸 Jonathan Byers [ISFP] The Artist
“ISFPs can be difficult to recognize because of their tendency to express themselves through action rather than words. They may initially appear distant or aloof, but if you watch closely, you can observe their caring in the thoughtful things they do for others. They are carefully observant of the practical needs of other people, and often step in with quiet, unassuming assistance at just the moment it is needed. ISFPs prefer to take a supportive role and are rarely assertive or demanding of attention. They are typically tolerant and accepting of others.” (Source : Truity)
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🕶 Steve Harrington [ESTP] The Doer
“ESTPs have an uncanny ability to perceive people's attitudes and motivations. They pick up on little cues which go completely unnoticed by most other types, such as facial expressions and stance. They're typically a couple of steps ahead of the person they're interacting with. ESTPs use this ability to get what they want out of a situation. Rules and laws are seen as guidelines for behavior, rather than mandates. If the ESTP has decided that something needs to be done, then their "do it and get on with it" attitude takes precendence over the rules. However, the ESTP tends to have their own strong belief in what's right and what's wrong, and will doggedly stick to their principles. The Rules of the Establishment may hold little value to the ESTP, but their own integrity mandates that they will not under any circumstances do something which they feel to be wrong.” (Source: Personality Page)
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🛸 Robin Buckley [INTP] The Thinker
“INTPs value knowledge above all else. Their minds are constantly working to generate new theories, or to prove or disprove existing theories. They approach problems and theories with enthusiasm and skepticism, ignoring existing rules and opinions and defining their own approach to the resolution. They seek patterns and logical explanations for anything that interests them. They're usually extremely bright, and able to be objectively critical in their analysis. They love new ideas, and become very excited over abstractions and theories. They love to discuss these concepts with others. They may seem "dreamy" and distant to others, because they spend a lot of time inside their minds musing over theories.” (Source: Personality Page)
*The way I would die for all of these characters. No questions asked.
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orangemocharaktajino · 11 months
I loved the ATOTS and Bad Buddy crossover. Even just from a personality conflict standpoint alone, all the different dynamics are delicious to me.
Like in Bad Buddy, the whole deal is the connection and conflict between Pat (ESTP) who is loud, high energy, spontaneous, rough around the edges, and somewhere on the continuum between lovably charismatic and obnoxiously annoying depending on who you ask-- vs Pran (ISTJ) who is more calm, organized, cautious, fussy, diligent, and studious.
ESTPs like Pat are lead by Se (extraverted sensing) which focuses on the joy of gathering new sensory experiences and getting out there, getting their hands dirty. They feel restricted by planning and prefer to just go for it and figure things out as they go. Sometimes that thing they figure out by jumping right on in is that there are leeches everywhere.
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ISTJs like Pran are lead by Si (introverted sensing) which likes to steadily acquire sensory experiences in a more deliberate way and compare them to past similar experiences. They have more fun when they have a game plan and have some idea of what to expect. An impromptu hike through the wilderness at night is probably not their pick.
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Pat and Pran have some similarities in that they're both competitive, both loyal friends, both not very open with their own feelings, both like to address problems head on, both are easily annoyed and aren’t afraid to get loud in an argument.
Though they're both sensors rather than intuitives and thinkers rather than feelers, the way they go about everything is different. Their cognitive functions are all in the same order of priority but one is introverted while the other is extraverted. Pat has Se Ti Fe Ni while Pran has Si Te Fi Ne.
With Tale of 1000 Stars, we have Phupa (ESTJ) who is rigid, stern, dependable, active, and likes to stuff his feelings way deep down and pretend they don't exist vs Tian (ENFP) who is open-minded, curious, lively, a free spirit, and likes to go on spontaneous adventures but tends to be under prepared for them.
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Phupa and Tian are both slightly more extraverted than introverted (but neither are as crazy outgoing as Pat). They outwardly seem more like opposites because their priorities for taking in information and making decisions are mismatched. As an intuitive feeler, Tian goes by what feels right or wrong and trusts his gut (even if it doesn't make sense to others) while Phupa defaults to going by the standard procedure or the logical consensus (even when his heart wants him to do something else).
Phupa is lead by Te (extraverted thinking) so his focus is on efficiency. He likes taking the lead to fix problems, protecting his loved ones, and he takes pride in doing things himself to make sure things get done the right way. He also has a ton of Si like Pran (who himself uses a lot of Te too) but I do think Phupha uses Te more. Despite not being particularly extraverted, him favoring Te over Si is what made me lean ESTJ over ISTJ. Also, as a side effect of his emotional constipation, he tends to project.
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Who is the stubborn one again?
Tian is lead by Ne (extraverted intuition) so he gets excited by different possibilities and perspectives. Unlike with Pat's Se, Ne doesn't necessarily have to go out and actually do all of the things. Ne users like daydreaming and putting themselves in others' shoes. With Torfun, Tian went all out because his secondary function, Fi (introverted feeling) helped him feel a deep connection through her diary and motivated him to do something positive in her memory. Although they prefer to focus on the big picture, sometimes they can be careless with details and get themselves into totally avoidable predicaments.
Tian and Phupa have all the same cognitive functions. The order isn't quite opposite yet it isn't the same either. Tian favors Ne Fi Te Si while Phupha uses Te Si Ne Fi. Their strengths and weaknesses match well when they work together. Tian helps Phupa by adding some variety to his life and getting him more in touch with his feelings while Phupa helps Tian by being a source of stability and practicality.
Tian and Pran also have all the same functions but the order is exactly opposite. They had a little conflict due to Tian’s poor planning/ getting them lost but tbh maybe some of that is on you for following a drunk man and a child into the jungle, Pran. Both prefer to avoid conflict but stepping on their morals is a surefire way to get them pissed off.
Phupa and Pat have all different functions and different priorities. Neither shies away from a fight or a challenge. Both have a protective side that can turn scary. Both like to get things done and stay busy. At first Phupa sees Pat as reckless, obnoxious, and ridiculous kid. Pat sees Phupa as an overly serious hottie, probably in part because he can tell it makes Phupa short circuit a little bit to be flirted with in such an open and playful way and Pat likes to stir the pot.
I’m glad the play saw Pat as Tian and Pran as Phupa because they are far more similar to each other with those pairs.
Tian and Pat are both the odd man out in a way. Tian is the only NF in the group of STs and yet Pat is the only one that uses Se Ti Fe or Ni. Both are extraverted perceivers and both are friendly, positive, giving, usually easy going, like to improvise, and don’t like following the rules exactly as they are written. They both put on a show with dramatic sulking when slighted but forgive easily.
Meanwhile, Phupa and Pran can easily be differentiated by their preferred habitats. Mountain man, Pran is not. Both believe rules exist for a reason and prefer to follow or enforce them. They can both be overly critical and harsh, sometimes unintentionally. They both seem cold on the outside but they are more sensitive than they let on and can hold a grudge. Both can get a bit bossy. They both have to try to pull their partners back down to earth sometimes. They prefer to use their Ne to stir up possibilities of everything that could possibly go wrong. Both are great at planning, problem solving, and can be depended on.
Anyway, that was a lot to say I liked the interactions and I’m glad they all kinda helped each other. The last episode warmed my soul and gave me everything I wanted.
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dark-sirenparis · 8 months
About: Paris Ness
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Full Name: Paris Aegon Ness Nickname: N/A Do they like their nickname?: N/A Birthday: January 28, 1459 Birthplace: The Dead Sea Hometown: The island Delos Species: Siren Ethnicity: White Religion: None Pets: None, he doesn't want any Subject: Sculpting & Carving Current Occupation: Professor Sexuality: Heteroflexible Relationship Status: Married, to Selene Ness Do they drive? What kind of car do they own? He drives an ivory Aston Martin Vanquish
Height: 6'2 Body Type: Athletic Hair Color: Sandy Brown Hair Type: Curly, wavy if it gets too long Eye Color: Blue Glasses/Contacts?: Not needed Prominent Features: A very square jawline, his bright eyes Scars: One, from a incident with 16th century pirates - on his tail, it shows up as a white line by the fins, and on legs, it’s a six inch curved line above his ankle, on his shin. Tattoos: None Piercings: None Health Problems or Conditions: None Style: Sharp dressed, tailored suits. Expensive sunglasses, designer clothes every time. Vacation-wear is always Ralph Lauren, Armani, Gucci, and Saint Laurent Notable Jewelry: A necklace with his wedding ring around it, sometimes on its cord, or a substitute on his finger. Grooming: Well kept together
Mother’s Name: Kalliste Mother’s Maiden Name: Status: Alive Relationship: Paris was a bit of a momma's boy when he was younger, and sometimes if he's home to his family for too long, he reverts back to that Father’s Name: Ambrose Status: Alive Relationship: As good as any father/son relationship can be. They aren't very affectionate, and when they get together, it's often talk of business or the arts, nothing very emotional. Siblings: Bastion (+3) and Dmitri (-4) What was their childhood like?: Fine, the Ness boys all had their early responsibilities, so there wasn't much childhood and mostly preparation for adulthood. Not a ton of play, but Paris never felt he missed out on much. He was still able to be rebellious, to hop onto land and mess around with the humans in his teen years. Earliest Memory: Happiest Memory: His wedding day Saddest Memory: Education: He's gone to university settings a few times, with degrees in Philosophy, Art History, Painting, and Sculpture. Past Jobs: He's ran all sorts of business in his life - statues, woodshops, art galleries, clothing lines, furniture brands. Police Record: He's a ghost, never had any issues. Major Past Trauma/Illness - Are they still affected?:
First crush: Selene's sister, technically First sexual experience - Was it a good or bad one?: With an island maiden, they snuck off together during a rainstorm. It was fine, it was one of his first times on land and he managed to figure sex out pretty quickly. Never saw her again. Sexual Type: Dominant Turn Ons: Oral Sex, Hypnosis, Choking, Bondage, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Shower Sex, Multiple Partners, Sensory Play, Body Worship (Receiving) Turn Offs: Bathroom Play, Blood Play, Temperature Play, Feet, Clinginess, Wax Play, Infantilism Love Type: Devotion. He's only devoted to Selene, though, and everything else is just a fling. Nobody has ever caught his attention like her, and while they may sleep with others outside their marriage and have their own relationships, focus is never lost. Significant Past Relationships: Just Selene. They married young, were engaged young. He's only ever known life with her by his side.
Psychological Issues/Mental Illnesses: Short Temper Outlook on Life: It has always benefited him, so life can be a beautiful thing he thinks Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ESTJ Temperament: Choleric Sun Sign: Aquarius Moon Sign: Leo Rising Sign: Gemini Venus Sign: Pisces Alignment: Neutral Evil Hogwarts House: Slytherin What/Who do they value most?: Selene What/Who are they willing to die for?: Selene, maybe his mother Personal Philosophy: That he is priority, everything else is secondary. His needs and wants matter the most Biggest Fear: Submarines of too curious explorers Are they superstitious?: Yes, but he doesn't let on that he is Greatest Strength: His voice Greatest Weakness: Obsession - if things catch his strong obsession, it's difficult to veer him off that course Good Characteristics: Passionate about his interests, will raise up people he thinks are good at their jobs or deserving of some help - which is rare. Bad Characteristics: He is extreme at everything, which can be a problem. He has a horrible temper and is very demanding to his students and employees. He's very selfish - he doesn't see it as a bad thing, but the kind of selfish with no regard to people, even if their lives are at stake. Favorite thing about themself? Why?: His looks and tenacity. Least favorite? Why?: There is none - what's to dislike? Biggest regret: Proudest moment: He was the first to do any college, so his first day truly on his own. Quirks: He stays on his routine like his life depends on it. Music during sex is preferable. Very neat and needs everything in a certain order. Very particular about the way his kitchen of all places is laid out. Do not touch any of his art equipment. How are they in crisis? Excellent, unless is personally affects him. Then, not so well. What do they wish to change most about themself?: He doesn't believe there's anything wrong with him.
Pace: Slow and Deliberate Voice Tone: Typically a bit condescending, more when he is talking to someone he believes is below them - which is most people Accent/Dialect: Mostly British, a bit of Greek in there with certain consonants Speech Patterns: Very enunciated, very proper Favorite Words/Phrases: "No." Mannerisms/Demeanor: Demeanor is always suave and confident, he speaks very surely of himself Posture: Always poised Gestures: Normally none, but the more worked up he gets, the more he talks with his hands How good are they at lying? Excellent
Finances: Paris is excellent with finance, but he can also afford bankers and accountants for the necessary upkeep and investing Alcohol Use: Not an alcoholic, but it wouldn't matter anyway since it doesn't typically affect him. He likes having a drink with dinner, sometimes with lunch. Drug Use: He doesn't bother. He doesn't need any - but certain fish or jellyfish when consumed can give similar affects, he learned in his youth. Morning/Night Person?: A morning person primarily, but can function at being both. Morning Routine: Paris wakes up early, and exercises almost immediately. He showers and eats a lavish breakfast, preparing everything for the day. Day Routine: He dresses, takes any calls in the morning he needs to take. None of his classes are offered past 2pm, so he spends the days in his university office, grading projects and papers and teaching. Lunch is brought in by one of the slaves, typically, sometimes he pulls one in to have sex in his office. Evening Routine: He has an early dinner typically, and does any of his personal work. He'll usually have some alone time swimming in one of the pools in his home, or just in the ocean. He calls or spends time quality with his wife. Night Routine: He stops by the trench or checks in on one of his other ventures on the phone. He is in bed by a reasonable time, and rarely is he ever alone - but, typically, once he's done with them, he makes them sleep on the floor or kicks them out of the house altogether so he doesn't have to worry about them in the morning. Sleep Habits: Not for very long, he only sleeps about 5 or 6 hours in the night. Special Skills: Swimming, he's an incredible artist. He plays most string instruments - his favorite is the guitar, but he does enjoy a harp. Excellent dresser. Very good singer, but that's a given. Unskilled at: Being patient. Not the greatest with technology, but he's learning. Video games. Not a good writer. Bad at finishing television shows. Hobbies: His art, woodworking, gardening/landscaping, reading.
Book: The Odyssey by Homer Movie: Picnic at Hanging Rock TV Show: Mad Men Album: Get Your Wings by Aerosmith Artist: Frank Sinatra Song: Love Me Do by the Beatles Sport/Sport Team: British Football, Manchester City Color: Blue Meal: Garlic and Parmesan Crusted Salmon Drink: Gin Martini Snack: Caviar on fresh baked bread slices Outfit: 3 piece black suit with a teal tie and matching pocket square Quote: Suave Mare Magno Prized Possession: His wife
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mbti-notes · 1 year
Yeah I know it's Easter not Christmas, but I'm having trouble deciding between ESTJ or ISTJ for Scrooge. He's introverted or at least isolated, but story is about confronting inferior Fi (admitting he lost himself in work to avoid dealing with heartbreak/bereavement, that he DOES care nobody likes him & he's going to die alone, he DOES care about his employee's family) not inferior Ne crisis which would be more about having to open up a rigid/secure worldview to other possibilities. Thoughts?
[addendum: also ISTJ often seem more service oriented and self-denying than personally ambitious and acquisitive of wealth and power, as Te doms tend to be.]
It's a good idea to watch a Christmas movie any time you need cheering up. I agree with your reasoning. Did he have more trouble with Te+Ne or Si+Fi? Remember that people exhibit much more difficulty with auxiliary+inferior functioning due to it going against their natural E/I orientation. He had no problem living the life he aimed to live and he also had no shortage of clever ideas for achieving his goals. But he had serious problems with setting proper priorities due to his negative past experiences. This indicates that Si+Fi is the underdeveloped pair. He's not introverted because he really wants to be. He's isolated because he's stuck in Fi grip, feeling sorry for himself, wanting to protect himself from pain, and using a misguided sense of victimhood to justify dishonorable behavior.
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practicaltyping · 2 years
ISTJ vs ESTJ: The Differences
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“One of the first areas where ISTJ vs ESTJ will differ is in their top cognitive priority. ISTJs are first and foremost an introverted perceiving type. As such, their main priority is to create a subjective impression of the world around them. This typically manifests in them taking an “observation first” attitude toward most situations. They will want to take in whatever...”
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Just thinking about the Ortiz fam in the iZ!AU again.
So. Roman’s an ENFP - his cognitive functions being:
Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
Introverted Feeling (Fi; shares this judging fxn with both parents)
Extroverted Thinking (Te; shares this judging fxn with both parents)
Introverted Sensing (Si)
Remus is an ENTP:
Introverted Thinking (Ti; neither parent shares this judging fxn with him)
Extroverted Feeling (Fe; neither parent shares this judging fxn with him)
Rómulo (dad) is an ENTJ*:
Introverted intuition (Ni; neither twin shares this perceiving fxn with him)
Extroverted Sensing (Se; neither twin shares this perceiving fxn with him)
Mara (mom) is an ESTJ**:
Si (shares this perceiving fxn with both the twins)
Ne (shares this perceiving fxn with both the twins)
*Remus basically has nothing in common with his dad (at least in cognitive fxns, he probably still picked up some tendencies/mannerisms despite himself). :,D
**Roman shares all the fxns with his mom, just in different priorities/strengths. He has the most in common with both parents, compared to Remus (who only shares perceiving fxns with his mom, here).
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