mistype360 · 28 days
mbti/enneagram typing for @eheu-vae-mihi
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enneagram: 3w4 so/sp 8w9 7w6 387
straight off the bat, the fear of not living up to standards suggests you're somewhere in the competency triad (1-3-5). this is also why you seem to detach a lot from your emotions. struggling with introspection and trying to work through things logically is very similar to what someone in that triad would experience. you seem much more like a 3/5, as a 1 would focus more on being morally perfect. so3>5, as 5's don't seem to care about the guidelines for success set by society as you mention ("getting a good job", "earning money"...).
your wing for the 3 wasn't too strong, and was pretty balanced between 4 and 2. usually when this happens, it means that the wing is a countertype (meaning, the specific subtypes defies the stereotype/general description). between sp2 and sp4, the way you almost internalize/repress emotions was more fitting towards a sp4. this, on top of your answer to dealing with shame, which was very much internalized.
the part about wanting to make a strong impact on the world gives feeling in mbti mixed with e3, with a little hint of 8. the 8 is especially seen in your descriptions of anger (many ppl think 8's are feral angry rats but most of them relate to your exact answer). being fiercely protective of those around you is epitome of so8, plus the fact that you hate being controlled by others .
for your 8, 9 fits perfectly especially with how you don't find yourself being good at self-reflection. also with how you aren't too sure of where you want to go, suggesting you struggle with identity like a 9 would.
something that really solidified the strength of this fix was how when your at your lows, you find yourself worried about things, feeling worthless, and feeling life has lost it's meaning, which is how a 3 and 9 would disintegrate.
your 9 and 8 seem pretty balanced. i don't think that you're either a 9w8 or 8w9 tbh, because you seem to use them in a way that is complementary to each other- not really that one is stronger than the other. but since your mbti is an entp it made most sense to type you as 8w9.
lastly, for the final fix of your tritype, i notice you mention you want to do things w/o worrying about repercussions, which is pretty similar to how an e7 would function. most of the reasons for giving you this fix were slightly sprinkled throughout your questionnaire, there wasn't an exact answer that led me to it. some sentences gave me the impressions that you do value gaining experiences, while also slightly 'security" focused, like a 7w6 would be. an example would be your curiosity answer about preventing a big situation in the real world from happening, which was small, but still pretty e6.
mbti: entp
imo, the way you structure your answers suggests a lot of ne. you consider a lot of possibilities in the way you respond to certain questions, which is something a high ne user would usually do. in my experience people who say "it depends" a lot are usually a mix of ne and ti.
maybe it's my washy speculation, or maybe the intent was to add more info?? either way, this wasn't the only reason i gave you this typing.
i'm honestly too lazy to format so i'm just going to list reasons why you seem high in ne and ti that i noticed:
you're curious about "why and how" things work
you think "the past is gone, no use clinging to it" and think the future is "what we want it to be"
🚪🚶is the se/ni in the room with us?
values logical consistency
the future "is moulded by our visions"
challenging authority by own ideas
there are moments where you do value efficiency and seem to like having a sense of concreteness in certain things, but imo that's more attributed to your 8 fix rather than simply just te.
you also do seem to show slight se, especially through learning things with application. but i don't think that this se necessarily trumps your ne. i think your enneagram explains why you display some stronger sensory traits (having all 3, 6, and 9 in your tritype def proves it), but again, looking back to your cores fixes, it points much more to entp.
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mistype360 · 28 days
could i submit a typing rn? btw i love your account <3
yes, you can submit something (just make sure you give urself an anon name so i can tell the difference in my inbox)!
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mistype360 · 1 month
opinion: extroverts are easier to type than introverts
in mbti stacks, functions that are lower or inferior are often expressed through functions that are higher or more dominant.
especially if the inferior/tert functions are unhealthy, it's common to see that they almost "corrupt" or "cling" onto the dominant function, which is often why we see theories about loops, jumps, or grips.
this means that introverted functions are more visible when expressed through extroverted ones, since it's much clearer when they work together.
think of it like this: extroverted functions are windows, while introverted functions are walls. you can see through a window, but you have to break it down to see through a wall.
this also applies to objective/subjective functions, as those who are high in objective functions have higher visible subjective functions than the other way around.
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mistype360 · 1 month
mbti/enneagram typing for @sevilemar
istp 5w6 sp/so 584
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enneagram: 5w6 sp/so 584
i notice that in most answers about your activities, you almost seem to view them as a "skill" that you collect, rather than something that you do solely for the enjoyment. you're also pretty aware of how these things help you, particularly in the future or in daily life.
for that reason, you likely have a 5 somewhere in your tritype. 5's like to "collect knowledge/information," which seems to match with your intent of collecting "skills." this is also why many 5's main desire is to be "competent" in the world, because they believe it will help them in the future or in life, as you describe.
this is also what differentiates you from a type 3. an enneagram 3 would try to be more "competent" in order to succeed by societal standards, but i don't see you as the type of person to want to climb that ladder. for instance, you say that you find yourself analyzing people bc it helps you with your wants (make life easier, don't hurt you), which seems to me that you don't really care about success, you do it for yourself (5w6 - somewhat focused on security). while it isn't the sole reason, this is why you have a higher valuation on sp than on so or even sx.
you also repeat a couple times that you find yourself pretty interested in self improvement. i don't think this is EXCLUSIVE to type 5's (which would be ironic- since there are people from each type that are interested in enneagram and self improvement), but again, i think your intentions speak a lot more to why you are a type 5.
as for your wing, it seems to me that you have a so6. in questions about leadership and work, you say that you don't like doing things harmful because you don't agree with the intentions to maximize profit. you also say that your leadership style is personal, and you like to get to know the people. plus, you say that you find yourself valuing efficiency in more social/professional settings. i think this description by haiki.es about social 6's puts it well:
"They tend to orient themselves toward duty and doing the right thing. They can be quite efficient and responsible."
your tritype seemed balanced with each type, so it was hard to point out what exact fixes you had. somewhere in there though, i see you might have an 8w7, as i notice with some of your descriptions on anger as well as your emphasize on having new experiences. the 7 is especially present, although i can't repeat it in your tritype (although this makes sense, as your are very thinking prominent). your 4 wasn't too big, but it was more seen than having a 3 or a 2 :p
(link for anyone who needs help understanding cognitive functions!! + feel free to ask if confused)
for your mbti, you say that you learn from past, live in present, and are pretty much comfortable with future because it's "unpredictable."
this suggests that you have balanced sensory/intuitive functions, meaning they are placed in your aux/tert placements. the part about being comfortable with the future for the reason that it's unpredictable AND being pretty much comfortable with the past + present suggests to me that you are pretty balanced between si and se, so you are very sensory based.
something that solidified for me why you have ti is when you say that when you learn, you "put everything into [your] own categories and systems," and then "integrate it into what [you] already know." this is pretty much the defintion of ti.
the part about feeling stifled with set times/lists and liking structure, but not TOO much suggests that you have a lot of ti. also about how you disagree with rules, and might even break them if they don't align with your beliefs, means maybe even a slight more ti than you have si.
conclusion: ISTP
you are def very sensory based in general, so your si is mostly equal to your se. for that reason, since you have such a strong ti, i'd go with typing you as an ISTP (ti-se-ni-fe), which is the most likely. this also pretty much fits the vibe of your questoinnaire/answers!
if i type you by a crazier method, i'd say you are an ISTJ (ti-si-ne-fe) by a less commonly accepted/known way to structure mbti functions, since i think that you have higher si than ne. this is an unusual typing, since many think that two functions can't be back-to-back extroverted or introverted. also, this isn't the same as 99% ISTJ descriptions you find online, but i'll link some abt this specific type if it helps:
debate/analysis on this istj
most comprehensive blog on this structure i've ever seen
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mistype360 · 1 month
how mbti types procrastinate
entp, enfp, intp, infp: considers possibilities of what to do instead of said task. starts typing but gets distracted when trying to choose a song to listen to. probably scrolls through tiktok. thinks that said task is too overwhelming. can't schedule an appointment on the phone by themself.
intj, infj, enfj, entj : plans out everything, but doesn't actually do it. wayyy too perfectionistic. has a bunch of pinterest boards (or playlists) related to said thing. not inspired. not enough pressure. "scheduled procrastination."
estp, esfp, istp, isfp: thinks the task is stupid and boring, and there are more fun/interesting things to do. also thinks that they have enough time to get it done but actually only has 2 hours. doesn't narrow down priorities. probably forget it existed in the first place
isfj, istj, estj, esfj: associates task with bad past experiences and avoids it. thinks it's not important + a waste of time compared to other things. keeps getting stuck on minor criticisms or flaws. doesn't put said thing on their to-do list (not in sight, not in mind!)
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mistype360 · 1 month
i don’t know if i’m an intj or intp for sure (leaning towards intj) enneagram 5w4
hi! is there anything specific that made it hard to differentiate between being an intj or intp?
i was thinking of making a post to help people tell the difference between an intj and intp, and i was wondering if there was anything you noticed in yourself that made it conflicting? (since you conveniently messaged my inbox!!)
maybe things like your experiences, thought process, traits from each type??
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mistype360 · 1 month
mbti + enneagram typing for @hoteltrivagoallday
isfj 968 9w8 sp/so 6w5 4w3
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enneagram: 968 9w8 sp/so 6w5 4w3
let's start with your core type.
you say that you're "not very attached to reality," and you "daydream very often," which can be attributed to an sp9. 9's aren't completely detached from the world (as you say yourself). it's more of a coping mechanism that often happens in difficult situations.
on the same note, the way you describe staying attached to reality because it's necessary despite your 9 fix means you have a 6 somewhere in your tritype that keeps your 9 in check. this could work both in a positive and negative way- as 9's disintegrate in to e6's, which may explain the negative ways your 6 can manifest (i'll expand on later).
you then state that you're "very expressive" and "try to keep a positive attitude." 9's are a part of the positivist triad, which somewhat explains why you might find yourself daydreaming often and "suppressing" or "distracting" yourself from your emotions.
as many enneagram writers like to describe it, 9's prefer to 'narcotize' as a way to avoid negative emotions. the part about being expressive might stem from your 4 fix, which could explain why there are many conflicting parts of your questionnaire: on one hand, you distract and suppress your emotions- but on the other hand, you're expressive and self aware.
it's very common that ppl mix up 4 and 9 for this reason: how they deal with their emotions. i put your e9 before your e4 because there's a specific moment in your answers where you mention that emotions are important, but not that important.
another reason why, is that 9's are detached from both themselves and the world, but 4's withdraw from whatever pains them, which this website puts it very well. while you do withdraw from the world to understand your emotions, you mention suppressing them a lot more. you don't seem to place a high regard on it, as a 4 might find themselves doing. any attempt to withdraw from your situation might just be the way a 9 finds themselves avoidant of the world.
imo, any way a 4 would protect themselves by withdrawing is probably attributed to your 6w5 fix, who is INCREDIBLY protective and focused on security, which is also why i placed your 6 fix before your 4 (i'll expand later...).
as for your wing, you say that you can "get really angry and react to everything," which means you likely have an 8 wing for your 9, as 8's are part of the reactive triad. from what you've said, it seems like you value boundaries and hate having them crossed, which again, shows you have more of an 8 wing rather than a 1. i also think the part about hating attention seekers can speak to an e8 (from my experience 8s and 3s often clash w eachother 😭)
as for your subtype, i went with so8. the naranjo description of so8's is mostly that they tend to be ambiverted, which is the vibe that your answers give. you say that you would be a "respectful leader," which aligns a lot with how an so8 functions. tbh your 8 is not as aggressive as the other subtypes, which means that so8 is probably the best since it's the "softest" out of all.
lastly, you also seem to dislike change, which shows more of a 6 fix in your tritype. the parts where you don't like uncertainty can also be attributed to a 6. you mention the word “energy” a couple times throughout your questionnaire, especially when it comes to making decisions and not liking “energy vampires.” i read about it somewhere, but this speaks a lot to your 6w5, as 5’s are generally known for trying to conserve their energy.
something i also found interesting was what you daydream about. i'm too lazy to find the context/question, but it was about your reaction to a situation that was stressful. particularly, how you said you'd daydream "a way out," and "someone coming to rescue you." then, about how you'd think about scenarios that were suspicious between you and those around you. this speaks A LOT to an e6. on one hand, it could be a way your 6 fix manifests in your tritype, but it could also be how a 9 might disintegrate. i think this enneagram description by duran & catalan puts it well:
The “specific reaction” that is derived from this defensive suspiciousness toward the world is doubt. It is the expression of mistrust and it contains fear and paranoia
some of your answers give the vibe that you don’t like failure, and you prefer when things go your way, which shows that somewhere in your tritype you have a 3 fix, probably the wing for your e4 (which i placed last in your tritype).
mbti : isfj
there was a moment in your questions where you mentioned that you have an urge to point our other people’s mistakes, but you hold yourself back from doing it in consideration of them. imo this speaks to you’re ti criticism, but also to the way you’re considerate of the ppl around you, which is how ti and fe like to work together. since they seem to work together so closely, it seems like you have them in your tertiary and auxiliary placements.
then, you say that trial and error is how you prefer/tend to learn, which is very much a ti-ne relationship, suggesting that you're probably on the si-ne axis along with your ti-fe.
lastly, the part about your upbringing spoke so much to your ti/fe. you seem to be very aware of the social dynamics happening around you, but you also have a sense of care towards others (fe). on the other hand, this can relate to an e9, who is hyper aware of others needs.
from this, it was mostly process of elimination for me. with ti and fe in your aux/tert, it seemed your most likely types were isfj or entp. what solidified isfj for me was for a couple reasons:
you are comfortable with the past, and use it as a metric for the future (higher si placement)
you dislike change, especially things that are unpredictable (lower ne placement)
one of your answers is abt how you are a "curious person," which might indicate ti/ne>si>fe. while i think this is partially true, i think the placement of the functions matters a lot as well. i made a post about this a while ago, but the tert function is often the "boredom" function, which i think might relate a lot more to your curiosity, rather than being something dominant to your mbti.
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mistype360 · 1 month
quick poll for anyone who visits/sees my blog :)
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mistype360 · 1 month
mbti/enneagram typing for @typerfixation
isfp, 8w9 so/sp, 4w3, 6w5
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isfp 8w9 so/sp (if i could do sp/sp i would :p), 4w3 (alternatively 3w4), 6w5
your first answer directly shows a lot of e9. lacking a sense of direction, and particularly having "passion" (with strong quotations) is very close to what may drive an enneagram 9. the cycle of feeling as if you have a 'mundane' life shows that like the e9 fix you have, you are also high in sensory functions (as both tend to go hand in hand).
you haven't given a reason necessarily why you do this, but if i were to infer, it aligns with the enneagram 9 passion of sloth. you use words like "willpower," which also go with the enneagram 9's cycles of motivation. later, you state that comfort is super important to you- which again, aligns with how 9's desire a sense of internal and external peace. this also suggests that you lean towards sp9 as your subtype, which prefers having comfort in their environment, as well as many of the activities/habits that you explained you like doing.
as duran and catalan puts it:
“distraction” is the tool that allows them to escape from the commitment of complying with their true needs and becomes the need itself that motivates action.
now onto your core, i see 8>1. your enneagram 8, in combination with your 4w3/3w4 (which i'll expand on later), explain why you find yourself being self conscious. particularly, you mention how you don't want others to judge you for fearing death, and you hate appearing as if you're weak, stupid, cringe, or ugly (all things 8's hate being perceived as).
throughout your questionnaire, the reoccurring theme of not wanting to appear or be "weak" often comes up, which is very much an enneagram 8 trait. it also explains why in your answers about anger and frustration, you find yourself experiencing it very intensely. it's also the reason you hate being controlled or told what to do.
as for your subtype, your 8 was a blend of all of them. reading through your questionnaire, it was hard for me to pinpoint what subtype you were exactly. your 8 seemed to manifest in all the general traits that are associated with 8's, but didn't really fit into the specific crevices of each subtype.
considering how you mention that you are health anxious, maybe even "hypochondriac" (if that's the right word), your first subtype our of your entire tritype is likely sp. since your sp9 already takes up that spot, your 8 can't be sp.
if i had to pick, i'd go with either so or sx, leaning towards so. going by the naranjo description, these 8's have a tendency to be "cynical" and attempt to "portray themselves as supposedly powerful," which may be somewhat similar to what you describe. if i were to follow other descriptions, i might even put it as sp 8, which may follow along with the socially detached descriptions you provide.
the reason i put your 8w9 so/sx over your other fixes is that the 8 core strikes me as the most explanatory of your other traits (as enneagram tends to overlap). ideas of self image, infantilization, slight nihilism, and emotions can be explained by having an 8 higher up in the tritype.
moving onto your second answer, seeking security goes with enneagram 6. being incredibly aware of anything that may cause harm or death around you (especially death) can be seen as a manifestation of 6. later your answers on nihilism can also be attributed to having a 5 wing on this 6 fix.
then, you mention that you don't want, but wan't the right to express your self in every way possible, which gives me the impression that you have a lot of fi/e4, with a tertiary se to express your fi motivations. this explained your isfp mbti most. your descriptions of wanting to achieve things you feel you can't seem a lot like sx 4, who's often characterized as wanting what they don't have.
on the same track, you say that you're skeptical of being a fi dom because you're not "artistic," but i don't think that being a fi user necessarily means that's the case. those who are fi-se will find ways to express themselves externally, which is exactly how you explained it- through your appearance. later you say that you value aesthetics, which particularly matches an isfp.
you're also dependent on others opinions of yourself and find a sense of emotional support from it. while this may stem from your 4w3 fix (which is pretty image conscious), it may also go in hand with your 9 fix. 9's that integrate into 3's often experience this, which explains why you may act like a sx 3 even when you aren't strong in that regard. i also suggest that you take a look at this haiki description of an enneagram 3's past/background, which seemed a little bit like what you described of your own (though I might be wrong).
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mistype360 · 2 months
mbti/enneagram typing for @ten-of-imps
isfp 6w7
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enneagram: 6w7
your tritype definitely contains 6w7. straight off the bat, the first answer you provide tells me a lot about your relationships with others. you value having a sense of security, and especially don't like being abandoned by others.
on a lesser related note, it seems very reminiscent of an enneagram 9 or 3 (which i'm not entirely surprised about, as 3-6-9 is a common triad + integration/disintegration path). the idea of abandonment combined with an attachment to "liking" or "humoring" those around you scream of enneagram 3 and 9, either in your triad or simply further supporting your 6 core.
you then go onto talk about desiring "more" in life, and having "nicer" experiences, which is why i gave you a 7 wing over 5.
the next answer you provide has a more positive outlook on the world, meaning there is a part of your tritype that relies in the harmonic triad (2-7-9).
imo this sense of optimism is still a 6w7. you explain that change is good, but uncertainty is not, which suggests that there is still an aspect where you struggle with the future. after all, the Duran/Catalan fixation for enneagram 6 is "certainty." it's also a common misconception that 6's are entirely scaredy cats, but more often than not when they take action "they can seem quite confident."
At the same time, 7's prefer "actively avoiding negativity," and 6's are still prone to denying fear. As Naranjo puts it in Character and Neurosis, "The counter-phobic denial of fear is no different in essence from the covering up of anger through excessive gentleness and control, the covering up of selfishness through excessive yielding, and other forms of compensation manifested throughout the range of characters, particularly in some of the sub-ennea-types."
this optimism/comfort may even suggest integration into enneagram 9 (again, part of the harmonic triad).
another minor reason why your wing was 7 instead of 5 is how you rationalized your emotions, particularly within the last answer. your descriptions of shame being something "we learn to feel" and relating it back to the world seem very true to the way an enneagram 7 would try to reason the emotion.
you like "researching things that sounds off or brings me fear."🧍need i say more?
you explain that your life is "deeply and depressingly based in sensory culture" and dreams are often unattainable in society. however, it seems like you are more disappointed in the value/impact it holds rather than sensory culture itself.
when people see objects, you want them to see meaning behind them. in this case, it's not necessarily ne/ni, as you USE these sensory experiences (se) to express your own meaning (fi).
for example, your last answer on experiencing emotions rang loud of fi-se, with the almost "poetic" descriptions. connecting these real world experiences to your own emotions seems very, very much isfp (fi-se).
Minor Details/Speculation
the tone of your answers lean both melancholic and sanguine
slight enneagram 3 in tritype: "Get to be someone I adore. Be someone who is adored."
4 wing for enneagram 3 fix (authenticity): "I ope to be seen as a person, without prejudices, without any roles I have to take up, to act as."
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mistype360 · 2 months
hi mistypes!
if you haven't received a response to your typing submission, know that i probably have viewed yours and they will be posted soon with an in depth analysis.
i have been super busy, on top of the fact that it takes me a couple days to analyze some of your answers to the most accurate and insightful extent. i use a lot of sources to help support and explain the typings, including chestnut, jung, naranjo, mbti blogs (:p), etc etc
i'm also opening it up to more people on a rolling basis, so if you change your mind, feel free to send one in (my inbox is always open!).
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mistype360 · 3 months
Hello, just popping in to ask if you still have space for your typing thing?
yes! feel free to send something in :)
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mistype360 · 3 months
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mistype360 · 3 months
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mistype360 · 3 months
Hii is the free typing thingy still open :3?
yes! please send something in w/ description :)
or anyone reading this post please send in some asks! i still have a few slots left !
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mistype360 · 3 months
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mistype360 · 3 months
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