#Dua to get the child as soon as possible
Dua To Get Child as Soon as Possible
A child is one of life’s greatest blessings anyone can ever ask for in this lifetime. Dua To Get a Child as Soon as Possible You can have the world’s biggest treasures, but nothing compares to the joy of having that first scream in your house of a little angel. But, if by some draw of back luck, you are still not able to have a child, despite your best attempts, then it’s high time that you…
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olden-towne · 7 months
tagged by @oplishin
first 10 songs when on repeat playlist gets shuffled:
Love Again by Dua Lipa
Who the Hell Is Edgar? by Teya and Salena
Nightmare Night by GLAZE and WoodenToaster
Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl) by Green Day
Evidemment by La Zarra
Physical by Dua Lipa
Vampire Money by My Chemical Romance
Beyond Her Garden by GLAZE and WoodenToaster
Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz
Peacemaker by Green Day
my top 15 tv shows:
15. Amphibia: It was trying to be a disney sitcom with a whacky premise and also a shonen anime. For the most part, the shonen anime stuff was good, the sitcom stuff was not as much. Season 2 was my favorite. Also polyam rights.
14. Star Vs the Forces of Evil: I like Eclipsa. What the fuck was that finale? I mean, I know no one saw it. I know it is how it is because low ratings led to an early cancellation, but still, what the fuck was that finale?
13. The IT Crowd: some of it has aged poorly, chiefly the views of its head writer, however, I grew up with it, its hilarious and it still holds a special place in my heart.
12. Ugly Betty: What a fucking telenovela. I mean, it pretends to be a sitcom, but its a telenovela. Every twist shocked and delighted me with its insanity. Betty has bad taste in men.
11. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: I love every single character in this show. I love Kimmy and Lillian and Titus Andromedon and Artie Goodman. It runs on cartoon logic and thats wonderful. It has gotten in some hot water for its depictions of Native Americans, which I don't feel qualified to comment on. its not yikes, its just weird. Last season kind of drags though since everyone's pretty much done with their arcs and feels like the writing changed hands to someone less good.
10. The Good Place: I love all of the characters so much, good as this is a very character driven show. Hilarious, wonderful emotional arcs, masterful twists, and an amazing, heart wrenching ending. Jeremy Bearimy is the new wibbly wobbly timey. Chidi sees the time knife. There is no "answer" but also Eleanor is the answer. BORTLES!
9. The Owl house: great show, finale was the best it could be given the limitations imposed on it by homophobic Disney, those dickweeds. I love all the characters, except Amity, whose only character is being Luz's girlfriend.
8. Infinity Train: Volume 2 was my favorite. Bring it back HBOmax, you rat bastards.
7. Adam Ruins Everything: rewired my brain as a child. I wouldn't not be the person I am were it not for that show.
6. Fleabag: So good, so funny, love that hot priest. If you haven't seen it, you need to watch it all as soon as possible.
The top 5 is not my top 5 as a result of quality but of brain worms. Not to say that some of them aren't good, but still.
5. Gravity Falls: best Disney show ever. The spooky cryptid vibes, and the humor, impeccable.
4. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: my mantra for this show is often bad rarely boring. I saw all nine seasons, and it got bad after season six. You can feel the bronies pull on the show in the later seasons and that is a bad thing.
3. Sex and the City: has its good moments. Maybe not good exactly, but interesting, memorable, never not entertaining. Also intriguing as a cultural artifact in my opinion. It is very *of its time* plus I have the brain worms. Also fuck Big.
2. Doctor Who: also has its good moments. Has largely been downhill since RTD left, but I have the brain worms. I started watching it with my gf and RTD's coming back so its on my mind
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Best show of all time, fucking fight me
@whoateallmynachos if you'd like
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amliyatdua · 1 year
Wazifa To Convince Parents For Love Marriage
If you love someone then you would have all the desire to marry that person. You may have done a lot of effort to convince your parents and make plans for your wedding. But, remember nothing is possible without the will of Allah Subhana Wa' tala and when you pray to Allah Miyan for success in your love marriage, then you will definitely get married to your lover without any problem. Wazifa to convince parents for love marriage will ease your problem and make you marry your lover as soon as possible.
If your parents are agreeing to your marriage and you want to convince them then just perform the wazifa to convince your parents to love marriage and Insha Allah, very soon your parents will be ready for your marriage. They will happily participate in your marriage and support your decision. They will accept your choice wholeheartedly and be happy in your happiness. Islamic prayer to agree parents for your love marriage is a very effective and tested procedure. It has helped a lot of lovers in convincing their parents for their marriage.
It is very common for parents to not give consent for their child’s marriage. If you are also facing this trouble then you should keep in mind that they have the right to question your choice. You should calmly sit down and discuss their doubts about your love marriage. Then you should read wazifa for convincing parents for love marriage. With the help of dua for convincing parents for love marriage, you will be able to get rid of all their doubts.
Wazifa For Love Marriage To Agree Parents in Islam
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If you love someone but that other person has no idea about your love, then practice the wazifa for love marriage in Islam, and very soon that person will fall in love with you. Come to us and we shall provide you the best wazifa for love marriage in Islam and Insha Allah, with the blessings and grace of Allah Talah, the girl/ boy will fall in love with you and will be ready to marry. We have the best solutions to all your daily life problems from
the reference of the Quran. We will give you the solutions based on the Quran which will definitely give you positive results. The “fauran nikah ka wazifa” will help you marry your lover in the shortest time period. It will make situations turn in your favor and everything will ease your marriage route. Just perform the wazifa to make parents agree for love marriage with a clean heart and pure intentions and Insha Allah; you will surely get married very soon. It is totally acceptable for people to choose the person they wish to marry. Islam has given us all the freedom of getting married for love. For this specific purpose, there is a wazifa for love marriage from Quran. This dua for love marriage to agree parents is very helpful for those who wish for love marriage soon.
Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents Before beginning to discuss about wazifa for love marriage success, let us tell you what wazifa for love marriage success is. It is a very powerful Islamic wazifa that helps people in protecting their love marriage from falling apart. Written below is the process of wazifa for success in love marriage. Wazifa for success in love marriage - Recite 2 Rakat nafil namaz. In the first Rakat, the person has to recite Surah Faitha along with Surah Muzammil. In the second Rakat recite Surah Fatiha again with Surah Muzammil to complete your namaz. Then pray to Allah Talah with tears and dedication for your success in love marriage. Insha Allah, in just a few days you will be married to your lover and your marriage will be highly successful and happy. In case, you do not get results in a week time from dua for love marriage to agree parents, then consult our molvi Saab immediately in this regard. He will provide a customized solution for your love marriage success and Insha Allah; everything will happen in your favor and Allah Talah will bless you with a happily married life.
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ppersonna · 4 years
physical - pjm | m
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lights out and follow the noise. baby keep on dancing like you ain't got a choice. so come on, let's get physical - physical, dua lipa
↳ summary- you cant seem to escape the sexy fitness instructor that seemingly is everywhere you turn. it’s enough to make you irrational.
↳ rating- explicit
↳ word count- 6.2k
↳ pairing- park jimin x reader
↳ genre- smut, fluff, comedy, fitness instructor!jimin, honestly this is pwp but with like 20% plot
↳ warnings- oral sex (m/f receiving) penetrative sex, sex in public, exhibitionism, spitting, slightly dom!jimin, jimin is v mouthy during sex, jimin is also a brat, 
↳ a/n- hiiiii we back at it again.  this fic brings me to 1 fic per member so i can finally feel good about repeats looloooolll also, this was very fun to write because i got to incorporate my love for exercise classes and my bias uwu.  also jimin 100% would be the worst instructor to take a class from bc i would NEVER focus EVER AGAIN.  pls feel free to message, comment, etc etc bc i love friendship.  enjoy!!!!!
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The sound of your spin shoes clipping into the pedals is like music to your ears. 
You feel your shoulders relax as you roll them, warming and stretching the muscles of your arms and back. EDM beats play lightly over the impressive sound system, encouraging the riders to cycle to warm up for 45 minutes of adrenaline and heart-pumping cardio. 
Spin class is one of your happy places. Group fitness classes give you a rush that solo workouts can’t compare to. You love the camaraderie, the support and the built in friendships. Plus, you love having someone at the front of the room tell you exactly what to do. So what, you’re a little subservient? 
You smile at the ladies clipping into the bikes next to you, not knowing who they are but finding that everyone is friendly and wants the best for themselves and the group.  It’s why you love these types of classes.  Strangers become teammates. 
You hadn’t bothered to check who was instructing today, having clicked on the class time that fit your schedule best. You hoped it was your favorite Hoseok, but had learned that all the instructors were just as good Hoseok was just so vibrant, he made you work harder. 
The heat in your legs builds upon a low simmer, muscles warming for an intense class.  A melodic voice sounds over the speakers, your instructor coming in and securing their place at the front of the room. 
You take a moment to stop gaping. In front of you is quite possibly the most beautiful human you’ve ever seen in your short life. 
He’s incredibly toned, wearing a tight adidas tank and second skin-like leggings. He clips into the bike on the podium and smiles at the class. 
You’re sure you’re salivating. You curse yourself for picking the bike front and center today, now acutely aware how likely you were to drool over the instructor the entire time.  
He notices your stare and winks before he adjusts his mic and speaks again. 
“Good morning, everyone!  I’ll be your instructor today. My name is Jimin and I’m happy to be here,” his voice is light and sounds like honey. It slithers down your skin and oozes into you.  “Let’s get started at a quick pace of 90 rpm’s and warm up those legs!”
His dirty blonde hair glistens in the spotlight, thighs flex and ripple in his leggings.  You’re frozen in your seat and it takes you four thumping heart beats to realize the class has started.  Fuck. He will be the death of you. Nothing makes you lose focus in class. 
You push your legs and begin, and he turns his gaze back on to you. It’s as if he lights a match and throws it on you, the way your body reacts under his stare.  You wonder what it feels like to touch his chest, his toned arms. You bite your lip and pant, breathlessness unrelated to the exercise. 
Class is torture. Everything Jimin says is a double entendre to your ears and you find your core aching and wet only 15 minutes in. Jimin looks perfect, up in third position on the bike, standing and hips pushed back. You can see his pert little ass in the mirror, and you want to cry. It’s beautiful, just like the rest of him. 
“All right, let’s tap it back in 4, 3, 2, 1!”
Jimin pushes his hips to tap the seat with his ass, before standing back up as he pedals in time with the music. He looks delicious, sweat on his forehead.  He pushes his hair out of his eyes and you nearly pass out at the sly smile curved on his face. 
You attempt to do the workout but feel yourself faltering, missing the beat often. It frustrates you. Normally, you are at the top of the leaderboard, soaring above the others with your effort. Today you land near the bottom. All because of fucking Jimin and his perfect fucking body. 
The arms circuit comes next and you are grateful for the reprieve from heavy resistance on your legs and a chance to sit and catch your breath.  You grab the weight bar and hold it in your palms, ready to do bicep curls at the count of your instructor. 
Jimin unclips from his bike and grabs his bar, before walking the length of the front of the room.  He begins with the bicep curls and you choke. His arms ripple with the effort and his hands look so strong and veiny; your mind immediately fills with thoughts of his strong hands fingering you to completion.  He counts out the numbers and winks at you again as you falter in your push and pull. You shut your eyes, avoiding looking at him, and focus on the curl of your arms. 
It’s infuriating. You take pride in your fitness and find yourself most satisfied after an intense workout.  This class has proven to be intense in a whole different manner, but you’re upset at the lost opportunity to push yourself and focus. 
As your eyes flutter open again, Jimin moves to put the bar away and clip back into his bike. Only 15 minutes left. You can do this. 
You definitely did not do it. The last fifteen minutes were pure torture. Jimin kept his monologue of encouragement going, but his voice was tinged with fatigue and he panted hard into the mic. Sometimes, during particularly tough resistance, he would add little grunts and “uh!”s to his countdowns.  You felt your thighs tremble with each one, gasping at the fantasy of his grunts as he fucked into you. 
Blessedly, the class ended and Jimin was leading the group through relaxing stretches to calm you down. It didn’t calm you in the least.  You watch as he folds himself in half over the bike to stretch his hamstrings and you’re mesmerized when he stands on his bike to stretch his back out. You want to lick every inch of him, tease your tongue down every hard line of muscle you could see until it landed directly on his coc-
“Thank you, everyone! You did incredible!” Jimin cooes over the mic as he stands next to the bike. He bows slightly in reverence to the group, and the class is dismissed. 
You’re not sure if you want to book it out of the room first or linger. You’re sure if he tries to talk to you, you’ll implode. Maybe you can leave in a crowd, while he’s talking to one of the older ladies sure to hit on him. 
You pack up your water bottle and towel, patting the sweat on your face as you try to sneak past in a crowd of elderly women. 
“Hey!” Jimin calls and you freeze. You look up to find the object of your frustrations smiling at you. Fuck. He was talking to you.
“Great job today,” he grins. 
Little shit, you grumble internally. He knows perfectly well that you did dreadfully, coming in 12th place out of 15. A woman three times your age got first place, and it burned you more than you cared to admit. 
“Thanks,” you murmur, awkwardly patting your face dry.  You’re positive you look terrible. Red faced from exertion and arousal, sweating like a pig. 
“You come here often, princess?” He asks as he walks closer to you. You find your breath catch in your throat and you’re unable to reply.  He chuckles. 
“Cat got your tongue?”  His smirk is legendary and you want to slap or kiss it right off. 
“I’m-,” you croak out, then clear your throat and steel yourself. “I come every other day. Sometimes more.” 
Jimin can’t take his eyes off of you. He smirks again. “You should take another class of mine, doll.” 
You blush, and you hope the already flushed color of your cheeks hides it. 
“You could use the practice. Soon, you’ll get the hang of it.” He gives you a wink and leaves, leaving you stewing in anger and frustration at his words. 
How dare he?! He assumed you were a novice! Your pride and ego burned. You were a regular! You always came in the top 3 of the class! It’s his fucking fault you couldn’t focus on class! 
You grab your things from the locker you stored it in, change your shoes, and stomp out of the spin studio with only one thought on your mind. 
The asshole, Park Jimin. 
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You avoided spin like the plague. You rationally knew he didn’t teach every single class there, but you couldn’t face it, face the place where he hurt your pride so quickly and turned your insides into molten lava. 
You dragged your best friend Jungkook with you to yoga, a quick and heated vinyasa class. Jungkook was more of a weight lifting guy, but you had recently talked him into trying yoga, explaining the benefits of meditation and the stretching of his muscles and sinew would help improve his form. He caved and quickly found he liked it. 
You spread your mat down on the warm wooden floor and let out a sigh. You had been looking forward to this class all week, and you were finally here.  You ensured you were taking the class from your favorite instructor, Taehyung, when you booked you and Jungkook’s spot. 
You smile at Jungkook as he settles himself into his mat, and you both begin stretching and chatting lightly before class begins. 
The door opens just as you get into child’s pose, face toward the mat in between your thighs and arms stretched high above your head on the floor. 
A silky voice, most decidedly not Taehyung’s, rolls over your body. 
“Welcome everyone. I’m your substitute teacher today. My name is Park Jimin.”
Your head snaps up and you stifle a groan at the sight you’re welcomed with.  
Jimin stands on the mat at the front of the class, directly in front of you, wearing nothing but long, lululemon tights that cling to his skin. Again, you chose to be front and fucking center. You can see the way his legs form in his leggings. His chest is bare, and you can’t stop staring at the defined lines of his abs. You want to cry. 
He’s invaded your favorite spots twice now. 
He recognizes you, startled for a moment, but quickly covers it with a wink in your direction. You let your head fall to the mat with a thunk. 
The class is hot, literally. It’s 102 degrees Fahrenheit and you’re dripping with sweat. You move with precision through each sun salutation, ashtanga, and tree pose. The moves flow into one another, your favorite thing about vinyasa, and you pointedly avoid even looking at the instructor.  You’re grateful you know all the moves by heart and can position yourself into them by memory. 
You’re proud that you only falter a few times, heart stuttering every time Jimin walks by you to note your pose and call out the next position. You’ve never wanted to simultaneously fight and fuck someone so bad in your life. 
It’s the final, relaxing poses of the class and you sigh with relief as you maneuver into sleeping swan. You slide out of down dog and slip your right knee between your hands, lean a bit to the right, and press your hips forward towards the ground.  You can feel the delicious stretch in your hips and your eyes flutter at the release of tension.  You lay down over your knee, allowing your arms to lay flat above your knee and press your hips down as far as you can. 
It’s quiet, all you can hear is your breath. You see Jimin out of the corner of your eye assisting others push deeper into the pose, pressing his hands where they need the help.  You gulp.  Fuck. 
You turn your head back towards the mat and focus only on your breathing and the stretch in your body.   Jimin indicates to switch legs, and you do so effortlessly, sliding your left knee to the center and putting your right knee back. 
It feels good to stretch, especially on your weaker left side. You inhale deeply and let it out as you try to push your hip forward more.  
Suddenly, warm hands are on your lower back, right above the cleft of your ass. You bite your lip tight, knowing it’s Jimin, guiding you deeper.  Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. 
Your breath catches as he presses down, humming his approval as your hips move with his hands and you gasp at the feel of the stretch. It feels even better going further than you could on your own. He laughs quietly through his nostrils, as he smooths his warm hands up under your shirt to rest on the skin of your back. 
You feel as if you will explode. Just as your body reacts to his touch and caress, it’s gone and he’s moving to Jungkook to guide the weightlifter through his own pose.  
The class ends and Jungkook smiles at you as you both lift from your ‘namaste’ bow. 
“That was great!” He grins as he rolls up his mat. “Jimin’s a great teacher! We should take more of his classes.” 
You silently cry, not sure your weak heart and pussy can handle any more of Jimin and his stupidly hot body and his ridiculous smile. 
“Yeah, Kook,” you half-heartedly agree, not interested in divulging your sordid secret crush on the asshole who embarrassed you. 
You’re packed up and exiting the room when the same familiar voice chimes. 
“Hey, princess!”  
You and Jungkook both turn around to see Jimin smiling at the head of the room. Jungkook looks at you questioningly, wondering why the instructor is calling you princess. 
“You did good today,” Jimin notes. “You should come again sometime. We can make sure you’re really getting stretched out.” 
Your cheeks flame impossibly red and you splutter. Jimin winks at you. This fucking asshole. 
“Your hips seem a little tight. We can work on that.”  He knows exactly what he’s fucking doing and you want to kick him in the dick just as much as you want to kneel in front of him to suck it. 
“Sure, Jimin,” you grumble out before you drag Jungkook from the heated room. 
Jungkook is all grins. “What was THAT?” He asks as you exit the yoga studio and head towards the subway. “He was basically asking to fuck you right there! How do you know him?!”
You pout at your best friend. “He doesn’t want to fuck! He just enjoys getting me worked up,” you sigh. “He was my spin instructor the other day, and he got me so fucking heated I nearly came in last place! In a class full of grandmas!” 
Jungkook snickers as you both tap your metro cards and lean against the wall to wait for the next train. 
“Girl, he was offering to help you stretch you out. He wants you.” 
As much as it thrilled you, you couldn’t comprehend it. Jimin was ethereal. He surely had women throwing themselves at him. He simply enjoyed the teasing. 
“Whatever, Kook. He told me I need practice at cycling. ME! I’m the goddamn spin queen!”  The crowd around you watches you and you pale at the embarrassment. You lower your voice. “He just wants to see me fired up, for no fucking reason.”
“Okay, delusional,” he sighs, patting your sweaty head. “Believe what you want.” 
You hmph in reply and watch as a train approaches to take you home. 
You most definitely will believe what you want. 
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Jimin is fucking everywhere.  If he’s not instructing, he’s taking the same fucking classes as you. Barre, Pilates, yin yoga, CrossFit. He’s always there and always taunting you with his perfect fucking body and teasing words and your fantasies of him drilling you into a mattress until you can’t talk. 
You avoid group classes altogether. You can’t face him. Your fitness is suffering because of it. 
You suck it up and go to the gym, the regular ass gym with no classes, and you’re determined to run a few miles on the treadmill and maybe get a good 20 minute lift in. It’s been too long since you’ve had the thrill of a good workout, the satisfying ache in your muscles. The gym will suffice.  It’s missing the level of companionship that group classes provide, but it’s better than nothing.
You pop your earphones into your ears and click on some music, not caring what it was as long as it was quick, and press begin on the treadmill. 
Running is easy. The strangers around you melt away and it’s just you and the treadmill. You love the way your heart is beating, sweat forming at your forehead.  Finally. A good fucking workout. 
All thoughts sweep away as you run, and your only thought process is on the push down of your feet on the treadmill belt and the pull up of your legs to lengthen your stride.  The runner’s high was something you lived for, and you realize you should incorporate more running into your routine. 
You don’t even pause for water, so wrapped up in the run's high that you don’t feel thirsty. 
Your watch vibrates against your wrist, notifying you that the 60 minutes you set to run is up, and you slow your pace to a complete stop.  You feel like you’re high. Your heart is racing and your body feels like it’s vibrating. This is what you had been missing in the weeks of unsatisfying classes. The flood of endorphins after a perfect workout.  
You suck down some water, before removing your earbuds from your ears. The roar of the gym is loud, music and TVs and chatter from the gymgoers. 
“You’ve got great running form, you know.” A familiar sultry voice is suddenly next to you, and your arms prickle. 
You turn to gaze at the intruder and feel your body coil tight. 
Park fucking Jimin. And his fucking ridiculously sexy smirk and perfect hair and godly body. 
“Are you following me?!” You accuse. How the fuck is he everywhere you go!?
Jimin laughs out loud and leans against the treadmill next to you. “It’s not my fault you’re taking all my classes! One might think you’re following me.”  
You scowl and push yourself off the treadmill. 
“Hey, wait, don’t go!” he calls and grabs your arm.  
You turn to glare at him. “You going to tell me I need more practice at running too?” your tone is harsh but you don’t care. 
Jimin bites his lip and smiles at you. “Damn, is that why you hate me?” He asks. 
“You told me I needed more practice at cycling!  I'm great at cycling!  Better than most!”
You’re aware that others are watching, but you can’t find it in you to care. You cross your arms underneath you, pressed up against your sports bra you deemed appropriate as a shirt. 
“You looked like a beginner! I’m sorry!” He apologizes. “Hoseok told me later that you’re, like, one of the best!  I have to reach out to the new riders! It’s mandatory!”  
You suck your teeth, still unimpressed. 
“When I saw you in yoga doing everything from memory, I knew you weren’t just some novice! I’m sorry for assuming, okay?” He sighs. “What had you so fucked up in spin, anyway?” 
Your heart thuds to a skidding brake. There’s no way you can tell him the reason you sucked so bad in class was because you could only focus on how his cock would feel stuffed up inside you. 
“I,” you falter. For the second time, Jimin has you stumbling over your words. “I didn’t feel well,” you lie. 
Jimin snorts. “Bullshit.”
Your cheeks flush and you stay silent. 
“You got distracted by me, didn’t you?” He smirks. You gape at the size of his ego. You wonder if his cock compares in size and then kick yourself for still thinking about his fucking dick. 
“I’ll take the silence as a yes,” he winks as he throws an arm around your shoulder. 
“You’re an arrogant prick, you know that?” You snark as you push his delicious, toned, silky arm off you. 
“And you’re a selfish, competitive bitch.”
The grin on his face is shit-eating, and you find your blood boiling. 
“You take that back!” You demand. 
“Tell me I distracted you, that my presence fucked up the great ___, spin queen extraordinaire, and I will.” 
All you see is red.  Red, fiery anger. No.  There was no fucking way you would let him win, revel in your shame in the middle of a crowded gym.   You drag Jimin by his Nike tank top that shows almost 100% of his body, to the nearest ‘family shower’, pulling him inside and locking the heavy door behind you. 
You push him against the door and press a finger to his chest. 
“Fine! You did. You distracted me throughout fucking class,” you hiss. “All I could think about was sucking you off and seeing your lips on my pussy and riding your dick until we both can’t talk. Okay?! Happy now?!” You’re fuming, chest heaving with intensity. 
Jimin's grin lights up ten times brighter. 
“I thought the same things during class too,” he admits coolly. 
Jimin has you speechless for the nth time. “What?” You breathe. 
“When I saw you on the bike, I couldn’t stop staring at your tits and your lips. You looked so good. And then in yoga, that tight little ass was begging for me to spank it. While you were running, I was wondering what you’d look like cumming around my cock.” 
He shrugs, the words rolling off his tongue as if he isn’t admitting he wants to defile you as much as you do him. 
“Are you serious!!?” You squeak, heart beat thundering in your ears. 
“100%,” he smirks and rests the back of his head against the door. 
It’s silent for a beat as you stare each other down.
Fuck it.
Next thing you know, you’re launching yourself forward to press your lips to his in a searing hot kiss. 
Jimin kisses back fervently, tongue swirling into your mouth as his hands wrap around your body.  He finds purchase on your ass and squeezes it through the tight leggings. 
You gasp and shudder at his hands roaming your backside. Jimin pulls his lips away and smirks. God, that fucking smirk. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while.” 
“Yeah?” You ask as you move your hands to the front of his chest. He nods. “You know what I’ve wanted to do for a while?”  
He grins and tilts his head. “What, princess?” 
You drop to your knees, tugging his adidas tights down with you. His cock springs free, and you gape at the enormity of it. 
“Shit,” he hisses suddenly as cool air hits him. “That was fucking hot.”
You’re encouraged by him and you wink up at him, before you’re wrapping your hand around his length to give it an introductory pump. 
Jimin rewards you with a moan, unabashed in his volume. He doesn’t care who the fuck hears you two, this is the hottest thing he’s done in his life. 
“So thick,” you murmur. “I wondered how big it was.” 
Jimin can’t reply, because your lips are latching onto his dick with fervor and you lick and suckle at his length.  Jimin’s eyes nearly roll back into his head at the suction of your mouth.  
“Oh, my god,” he gasps. “Y-You’re ridiculously good at that.” 
You preen under his praise and continue, allowing his length to the back of your throat.  You let him gag you, saliva and tears both gathering at the sensation and Jimin stifles a cry.  Your hand comes to his cock as you pull away and take a harsh breath, wiping away the tears from your gag reflex.  You stroke him quickly, loving the way his weighty cock feels in your hands.  As you pump him, the tip of your tongue teases at the slit of his head and Jimin swears loudly. 
“Fuck!  Christ, gonna make me cum,” he’s whiny. It’s adorable. He purses his pretty puffy lips as he moans for more, more of you. “Such a good girl, shit, ahhhhh,” he gasps as you suck him into your mouth again. 
It doesn’t take long, the sensation of your hot mouth and hand jerking him sends him flying and he’s cumming hot stripes down your throat.  You feel you’re on cloud nine as you swallow his seed, sucking at the tip until he hisses from overstimulation. 
As you pull away, you open your mouth and extend your tongue to show him you dutifully swallowed his cum, and he groans. 
“You’re a fucking filthy little thing, aren’t you?” 
You nod in reply, and Jimin grips your jaw in his hand, forcing your mouth to stay open.  
You jerk in his grasp as he spits into your mouth; the saliva hitting your tongue. You’ve never been more turned on in your life.  He releases you, and you swallow again. 
“Kinky bitch,” Jimin cooes. “All for me.” 
He pulls you up to stand in front of him, pressing his lips to yours again for another burning kiss. 
It’s too short for your liking, as Jimin pulls away and manhandles you to sit on the sink. You’re obedient, smiling prettily. Fuck, you can’t believe it’s happening. You just sucked Jimin off, the same Jimin you’ve ogled and anguished over for weeks now. 
“Let me see these tits,” he asserts as he tugs up the sports bra from your body.  You comply, raising your arms up to allow him to pull it off. 
He throws the bra to the floor and cups your breasts. 
“Fuck,” he breathes as his thumbs rub across your nipples.  You shiver from the cold air and the heat of his thumbs. “I jerked off thinking about these tits after spin.”
He lowers himself to lick at a nipple and you’re whining for more. 
“Thought about pushing them together and fucking them like a pussy.”  He bites down on your nub, causing you to squeal and jump. He soothes the flesh with a suck from his lips and languid circling of his tongue. 
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He smirks, eyes boring into yours as he roves your nipple with his delicious tongue  “My kinky little whore wants her yoga instructor to fuck her pretty tits.”
You’re thriving, his words making your cunt ache. It’s dripping wet. You’re sure it’s leaking through the fabric of your leggings by now. Jimin being just as rough and filthy as your fantasies has you reeling. 
“Yes,” you whine. “I want you to fuck your cock in my tits.” 
Jimin hums around your nipple before switching to the other, ravaging it with the same attention as its twin received. 
“God, you’re a fucking whore,” he whispers as he bites at your nipple hard enough to make you jerk in his grasp.  “I love it.” 
Your hips are moving against his body, desperate for friction where you need it most.  It’s not lost on Jimin and he pulls off your tits with a pop. He marvels at his work. Your nipples are suckled fresh and red, perking and pebbling in the cold air. 
“Mmm, does princess want some attention here?” He asks as he slides a hand down to grip your aching quim.  
You gasp in response, shuddering at the feel of his palm against your core. 
“P-please! Pretty please!” You beg. 
He kisses at your breasts again, before he tugs your shoes and socks off, and pulls the leggings down your smooth legs and throws them to join the matching bra on the floor. He’s pleased when he notes you aren’t wearing panties.
You don’t care how you look, wanton and desperate.  You spread your thighs wide, feet resting on the edge of the sink. Jimin gazes at you like you’re fine art, the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. 
“Look at you,” he adores. “Spread out for me like a slut.  And you’re dripping wet too, mmm.” He rubs a finger up and down your silky thigh. 
“You’re such a good girl, aren’t you?” He grips your chin with one hand while the other continues rubbing at your inner thigh. “A good little bitch for me.”
You nod and gasp as his fingers skim impossibly close to your cunt. 
“Do you deserve it, princess? After you were so mean to me earlier?”  
You pout and shiver. “I’m sorry!” You gasp as his finger hovered over your pussy. “I’m s-sorry! I was j-just upset! I didn’t meaaaaaaan it!” His finger dips and taps at your clit, feather light, and you’re crying at the feeling. 
Jimin shushes you, finger still impossibly light on your clit. “Hush, baby. I forgive you. You sucked my cock so well, made me cum so hard.”
The finger increases pressure slightly and you’re aching, trembling for more. 
“Good little sluts get rewarded, hm? I think you’ve earned yours, princess.” 
You’re not given an opportunity to reply as Jimin harshly thrusts two fingers into your cunt and fucks you furiously.  Your moan is impossibly loud, loud enough you’re sure the rest of the gym can hear you but all you can focus on is Jimin, Jimin, Jimin and his thick fucking fingers thrusting into you. 
He lowers down and licks at your clit, flicking it up and down. He watches as your body trembles, wails echoing off the tile walls. 
“Mmm, my pretty little princess, so fucking wet for me.” He emphasizes with a kiss to your clit, before he sucks it into his lips. The tugging makes stars shine in your vision, nearly blacking out from how good it feels. 
Jimin can feel that you are close, and as much as he wants to get you off with his fingers, he wants you to cum on his cock more. He pulls away from you, and you’re whining at the loss. 
“Hush, princess,” he sighs. “Be good, no whining.”
You quiet immediately but still feel a throb in your core. He delivers a harsh slap to your cunt, surprising you and making you yelp. Jimin grins and kisses your lips.
“Stand up and turn around and face the mirror, doll.”
You move to comply, hop off the counter to turn and press your back against Jimin. You can see yourself in the gym mirror now. You look fucked out completely. Your tits are blooming red where he suckled at your nipples, eyes hooded and blown wide with lust. 
Jimin’s lips tickle at your ear and he whispers, “This is what I imagined during spin class. Seeing you so fucked out and wet for me.   These pretty tits marked by me,” he cups one, and pinches at the nipple. “My sweet little princess.” 
His hand moves up to your throat, giving it a solid squeeze, and you shut your eyes. Euphoria.  Pure bliss. 
“That’s right, baby,” he kisses the shell of your ear. “All mine.  Such a slut for me.” 
You’re nodding, eyes still closed, as he removes his hand and pressed your head down towards the sink.  You wiggle your ass and rub against his length, giggling at the feel. 
“I want you to watch yourself get fucked by me. You’re gonna watch me ruin this tiny little cunt,” he grunts. “You’re going to watch what I fantasized about in every fucking class I saw you in.” 
You realize you’re moaning loudly, the sound spilling out of your lips subconsciously as the head of his dick rubs your pussy lips.  He hisses at the wetness, loving the way it slicks up his cock with ease. 
“Eyes open, my love,” he orders gently when he notices you’ve closed them.  They snap open and your gaze falls on him in the mirror.  He looks so fucking good, so hot and feral. His muscles glisten in the light, a sheen of sweat from his workout and from the heat of your bodies pressing together. 
He winks at you, the same one he gave you that fucking blasted day at spin, and then pushes into your tight heat in one go. 
“Oh, fuck, Jimin!” you’re gasping as your walls stretch to accommodate him. 
He grits his teeth for a moment, savoring the feel of your silken walls. “Told you we needed to stretch you out, need to get you nice and loose.”
You shiver as he remains still inside of you, but he’s quickly pulling out of you to impale you again.  The sound of flesh slapping on flesh fills the room and you can hear the wetness of your cunt around him. 
“Shit,” he moans. “You’re so fucking tight, unghhhh. Gonna ruin this little pussy, baby.  Gonna make you never want another cock in you except mine.” 
You believe him. You’re sure after this you’ll never even notice another man.  Jimin has you wrapped around his finger, he has since the first day you met at spin. 
“All yours,” you squeak through the thrusts, watching your tits jiggle. He notices your stare and roughly grabs at one, squeezing it until you reward him with a loud groan and the tightening of your cunt. 
“That’s right.  You’re mine. Ahhhh, wanna make you my girl, baby. Gonna fuck this little hole every night. You’d like that, huh?”  You nod in reply, and he slaps your ass with his free hand. “Use your filthy words, bitch.” 
You gasp at the sharp sting and splitter a response. “P-please! I want you! Only want you inside me.”  You’re half coherent to the words you’re speaking, his dick is literally fucking you stupid. 
He grins in reply, swatting your ass again. The pain sends a tingle straight to your clit and you squeeze his cock inside you, causing him to groan out loud. 
“God, you’re so perfect.  So fucking perfect for me,” he babbles. “Gonna fuck you in the spin studio.  And at yoga.  Gonna fuck you in barre while everyone watches.” 
The high you’re feeling is unparalleled.  You’re sure you’ve felt nothing quite like this, never been fucked so good in your lifetime. Jimin knows how to work you up, both emotionally and physically, and brings out the beast in you. 
You can feel your release building, already so close from his incessant fingering and tonguing of your clit. 
“J-Jimin!” You’re heaving his name, harsh pants signaling your oncoming climax. “S-so close!”
He becomes rabid, fucking into you at a pace you’re sure isn’t human. He angles his dick to hit right at your spongy wall, thrusting into your g-spot with ease, as if he knows your body inside and out. 
“Yeah, cum for me, whore. Cum on my cock.” 
It feels heady, feeling him thrust inside you and murmur such filth to you. He wants you and only you. The notion is as orgasmic as his cock itself.  The tightness in your core builds, builds, leaning on the precipice of euphoria. 
“Cum for me, baby, come on. Mark me as yours.” 
His possessive tone is the last thing you hear before the waves of orgasm pound over you like a typhoon. Your cunt clenches and flutters hard around his dick and he’s moaning your name. You feel how tight you are, his cock stilling inside you as he reaches his own high. 
“Oh, shit! Shit shit shit!” he gasps. “Gonna be full of my cum, baby! You’re mine!”  
Hot ropes of cum coat your core, and you’re relishing in the feeling. 
“My god,” Jimin sighs. He lets his softening cock remain inside you as he presses a kiss to your back. 
“Is it too early to say I love you?” He jokes.  Your heart flutters as you wiggle your ass.
“No, but take me to dinner first.”
He slaps at your red ass lightly, right where he spanked it before. His grin lights up the room. 
“With pleasure.”
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“Hi, welcome to class, I’ll be your instructor today. My name is Jimin. Let’s get started.” 
You smile from your seat, front and center, and move your legs in time with the music. 
The instructor catches your eye and winks at you. 
Spin is even better now, if that’s possible. You spend your time in class with your deliciously sweaty boyfriend, who doesn’t go easy on you. He pushes you, makes you better and faster and stronger.  He rewards your first place spots by eating your pussy until you cry. 
Life is better.  You’ve found your person, the one who will do everything with you, for you. He loves you, completely and fully. You’ve never felt more cherished in your long years of living. 
Class ends before you know it, and you linger as the group meanders out to the lobby, leaving Jimin and you alone. 
“Hey, princess,” he calls to you as you rub the sweat from your face. 
You look up to see a sly smile on his face. 
“You should stay back and practice.  I think you need it,” he chides, teasingly. 
Your heart skips a beat as he closes the door, barring you from exiting the room full of bikes, and approaches you with a leer. 
“Oh, yeah?” You place a hand on your hip. 
“Yeah, and I think I know just the instructor who can help.” 
Jimin pounces on you with a kiss, and your giggles fill the room. 
Life is better now, and it will get even more so. Jimin glances back at the podium as you scurry to get your leggings off, his eyes resting on the velvet ring box. 
Yeah, it will definitely get better. 
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
OK, February 15 -- part 2 of 3
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars look pretty in pink dresses -- Dua Lipa, Jane Levy, Tiffany Haddish
Page 11: Renee Zellweger, Sophie Turner, Miranda Lambert
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Joey King vs. Hailey Bieber, Miley Cyrus vs. Amber Valletta, Olivia Brower vs. Danielle Herrington
Page 14: News in Photos -- Cara Delevingne leaving her hotel during Paris Haute Couture Week
Page 16: Eiza Gonzalez filmed a dramatic scene for her new thriller Ambulance where she plays a paramedic in L.A., Jodie Turner-Smith and husband Joshua Jackson out with their baby daughter in NYC
Page 17: Shirtless Charlie Puth out and about in L.A., Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez at a pal's birthday bash in Miami
Page 21: Gwen Stefani looked to be in good spirits while showing off her $500,000 engagement ring from Blake Shelton in L.A., Donnie Wahlberg and Marisa Ramirez smile on the set of Blue Bloods in NYC, Camila Cabello chatted on the phone during a stroll in Miami
Page 22: Pregnant Hilary Duff filming a scene for the final season of Younger in NYC, Carey Mulligan on The Graham Norton Show, Scout Willis running errands with an adorable pooch over her shoulder in L.A.
Page 23: Wells Adams and Sarah Hyland out hand-in-hand in Hollywood, Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey continued their island getaway with a boat ride around the Caribbean Sea in St. Barts
Page 24: Ben Affleck picked up a delivery of iced coffee and goodies from Dunkin' in L.A., Madonna's daughter Lourdes Leon on the subway in NYC
Page 26: Inside My Home -- Elsa Hosk's modernist marvel -- the supermodel has relocated to the west coast in style
Page 28: Kourtney Kardashian is officially dating Travis Barker and her famous family couldn't be more thrilled -- Travis has been in the Kardashians' inner circle for many years now and he's always had a soft spot for Kourtney and vice versa but it never felt right for them to date or hook up until now mainly because they were scared it might mess up their friendship but the chemistry has always been there and finally they've decided to give this a go and have as much fun as possible and see where it takes them -- the two have lived in the same neighborhood for years and they quietly took things to the next level about three months ago -- they usually hang out at each other's houses but also enjoy walks on the beach and hikes as well as dinner and movie nights and their kids sometimes tag along too -- everyone in her inner circle is really excited for her including her kids' father Scott Disick who's cautiously pleased to see her happy but he's keeping a close eye on the situation as any protective father would do
Page 30: Katie Holmes has been inseparable from Emilio Vitolo Jr. since they hooked up last fall but her romance with the chef could be a recipe for disaster -- Emilio's ego has been out of control and he's constantly checking out pretty girls on Instagram and even on the street when he's arm-in-arm with Katie and on top of that he's still in touch with a bunch of his exes and there are whispers that he's been bragging that Katie's lucky to be dating him not the other way round -- despite the warning signs Katie is convinced Emilio is a perfect gentleman and her soulmate
* Leonardo DiCaprio hasn't spent much time with girlfriend Camila Morrone while he's been filming Don't Look Up in Boston and the separation seems to be taking a toll on their relationship -- it's well-known that when Leo gets into character he's so focused that he shuts out everything and everyone else -- Leo and Camila still talk all the time but they're getting more cranky and restless with the things they say to each other and the distance is grinding them down emotionally and physically -- they've been solid for three years but if Leo and Camila don't get some decent couples time soon they could be in trouble
* Love Bites -- Joel Kinnaman and Kelly Gale engaged, Ioan Gruffudd and wife Alice Evans split, American Idol alums Gabby Barrett and Cade Foehner welcomed their first child together
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hurtfm · 4 years
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                             〔 SOFIA CARSON, 23, CIS FEMALE, CURSE CREATION 〕                         ╰  LUCRECIA  ’ LULU ’  MARQUEZ  just  came  over  half - blood  hill .  you  know ,  the  child  of  NEMESIS  who  was  claimed  three  months  ago ?  i’ve  heard  chiron  say  that  she  is  RELIABLE & SCHOLARLY ,  but  if  you  ask  the  aphrodite  kids ,  they’d  say  they’re  NARCISSISTIC & TREACHEROUS .  i’d  say  they  remind  me  of  perfectly  manicured  nails ,  clicking  of  high  heels  on  tile ,  and  patron  filled  shot  glasses ,  especially  since  they’re  NEUTRAL  TO  THE  NEW  CABINS . 
hello  beans !  i’m  weachy   &   this  right  here  is  lulu  marquez .   she  is  also  a  brand  spankin’  new  muse   &   i’m  so  excited  to  figure  her  out  as  time  goes  on !  however ,   what  i  do  know  about  her  is  under  the  cut .   trigger  warning  for   excessive  rambling  as  i  truthfully  don’t  know  when  to  shut  up   ––   like  right  now !   anyways ,   as  always ,   if  you  would  like  to  plot  with  her ,   go  ahead  and   press  that  little  heart  to  the  side   &   i’ll  snake  into  your  ims !   i’m  so  excited  to  be  here  and  join  all  of  you !
full  name :  lucrecia  ‘  lulu  ‘  rosalía  marquez . date  of  birth :  april  29th ,  1997   (  making  her  a  taurus  ) gender :   cis  female pronouns :  she / her sexual  orientation :  bisexual / biromantic goldy  parent :  nemesis  (  goddess  of  balance ,   retribution ,  vengeance  ) family :  matías  marquez  (  father  )  ,  isobel  marquez  (  step  mother  )  ,   andrés  ,   sebastían  ,   samuel  ,  &  gabriela  marquez  (  half  brothers  and  sisters  ) playlist :  beautiful ,   dirty ,   rich  (  lady  gaga  )  ,  do or die  (  tony velour  )  ,  affluenza  (  conan grey  )  ,  play date  (  melanie martinez  )  ,  cry for help  ( macy kate  )  ,  good thing  (  zedd  &  kehlani  )  ,  all of the lights  (  kanye  west  )  ,  would i  (  maggie lindemann  )  ,  &  hotter  than  hell  (  dua  lipa  ) influences : blair waldorf  (  gossip girl  )  ,  carla  roson  (  elite  ) ,   jackie  burkhart  (  that  70s  show  ) ,  guzman  osuna  (  elite  )  ,  madeline  mackenzie  (  little  big  lies  )  ,  &  alex russo  (  wizards of waverly place  ) tropes :  femme  fatale  &  corrrupter pinterest :  linked  here !
01 .  past .
   the  marquez’s  have  resided  in  san  diego  for  generations .   lulu’s  grandfather  came  over  from  medellin ,  colombia  with  his  wife  and  four  sons .   the  eldest  of  those  being  a  twelve  year  old  boy  by  the  name  of  matías .   at  the  ripe  age  of  eighteen ,   matías’   father  had  created  the   largest  and  most  profitable  oil  company  on  the  west  coast   ––   marquez  petró ,  inc .   all  four  sons  followed  in  their  father’s  footsteps  and  although  the  work  was  never  easy ,   the  profits  were  extraordinary .  when  matías  was  twenty - four ,   he  met  a  lovely  young  lady  and  a  year  after  that  came  lulu .   two  years  later ,   he  married  the  love  of  his  life ,  isobel .   
   however ,   by  the  time  the  two  of  them  had  kids ,   the  business  didn’t  seem  like  hard  work  anymore .   after  matías  took  over  the  company  when  his  father  retired ,   he  was  making  more  money  in  one  phone  call  than  his  father  had  in  a  month .   because  of  this ,  his  family  had  seen  more  of  him  than  he  ever  had  of  his  own  father .   isobel  and  matías  had  four  beautiful  children  together :  andrés ,  sebastían ,  samuel ,  and  gabriela .   their  father  had  always  told  the  five  of  them  stories  of  him  going  weeks  without  seeing  his  father   ––   hearing  a  door  creek  at  1am  noting  his  father  coming  home  and  again  at  6am  noting  his  father  heading  to  work   ––    almost  daily .   he’d  tell  stories  of  the  times  when  he  was  old  enough  for  manual  labor ,   he’d  go  out  onto  the  sites  himself .   however ,  the  five  of  them  never  dared  touch  a  tool  or  step  foot  onto  a  site .   dirty  nails  and  greasy  hands  and   soaked  shirts ?   something  they’d  never  experience .
   that’s  how  the  five  of  them  grew  up .   learning  of  the  struggles  of  creating  such  a  business  yet  not  living  them  themselves .   this  caused  entitlement  and  pride  to  sneak  in  the  way  of  their  every  day  conversations .   their  parents  had  tried  to  keep  them  grounded ,  to  remind  them  the  sacrifices  and  work  their  family  had  put  into  this  business .   however ,   the  multiple  houses ,   memberships ,   and  trust  funds  they  were  each  rewarded  at  certain  birthdays  put  any  of  that  effort  to  ground  them  to  shame .
   however ,   the  stories  her  father  wouldn’t  tell  were  about  her  mother .   lucrecia  had  always  known  that  isobel  wasn’t  her  mother ,   but  until  she  was  thirteen  years  old ,   she’d  never  really  known  the  truth .   however ,   her  father  had  kept  the  truth  from  her  to  protect  her  as  well  as  to  make  sure  that  she  was  old  enough  to  comprehend  all  of  this  information .   it  was  there  she  learned  her  mother  was   a  greek  god ,   and  instead  of  attending  a  regular  high  school ,   she  would  be  attending  camp  half  blood .   her  father  wouldn’t  tell  her  who   ––   she  was  sure  it  was  his  lack  of  knowledge  exactly  because  he’d  been  open  with  her  about  everything  else .
02 .  present .
   when  she  started  attending  camp  half  blood ,   she  was  a  resident  of  the  hermes  cabin .   ironically ,  she  was  thankful .   despite  the  fact  that  there  was  so  many  residents ,   it  made  her  feel  more  at  home .   she’d  grown  up  in  a  big  family ,   despite  the  fact  that  they  weren’t  crowded .   however ,   as  time  went  on ,   she  whole  heartedly  wanted  out .   not  necessarily  because  she  hated  where  she  was  living   ––   but  because  she  hated  the  fact  that  it  wasn’t  confirmed  who  her  mother  was .   
   she’d  grown  up  with  the  greatest  father  possibly  in  existence   &   the  fact  that  her  mother  wasn’t  even  keen  enough  to  claim  her  daughter  made  that  so  much  worse .   it  started  getting  worse  and  worse  when  she  started  putting  the  pieces  together .   her  powers ,   the  one’s  she  exceeded  at ,   all  pointed  to  nemesis .   more  ironically ,   when  the  law  was  passed  and  she  was  finally  claimed  as  such ,   it  couldn’t  have  been  more  fitting  that  a  daughter  of  nemesis  was  the  one  who  was  so  against  the  new  cabins   ––   against  going  unclaimed  for  so  long .   the  anger ,   the  vengence ,   were  all  things  lulu  experienced   ––   practically  first  hand .   although  she’d  never  been  extremely  close  to  lyssa ,   she  understood .   even  now ,   knowing  the  girl  was  her  sister ,   it  only  fueled  that  anger  in  her ,   of  going  unclaimed .
03 .  personality .
   personally ,   her  mortal  life  is  the  life  she  lives .   she  has  kept  her  rich  kid ,   better  than  you  because  i’ve  never  had  to  lift  a  finger  personality  in  camp  since  she  was  thirteen  years  old .  she  is  better  than  you  and  truthfully  believes  it .   not  that  she  expects  the  ground  she  walks  on  to  be  kissed  by  everyone  in  existence ,   but  if  it  happens   ––  she  wouldn’t  fight  it .
   unless  you  have  her  respect ,   she  pretends  you  don’t  exist .   she  is  not  one  of  those  regina  george  types  to  put  you  down  to  your  face .   if  she  has  a  problem  with  you ,   she’ll  only  put  you  down  behind  your  back .   however ,  if  confronted ,   she  won’t  deny  it .  a  lot  of  her  first  interactions  have  the  phrase  ‘   i’m  sorry ,   who  are  you ?  ‘   attached  to  them .   she’s  not  bad  with  names  or  faces  in  the  slightest ,   it’s  just  another  reminder  that  remembering  you  is  not  a  priority  of  hers .   however ,  if  she  deems  you  useful ,   she’ll  put  on  her  gifted  smile  and  practiced  charm  for  the  greater  good .   the  side  of  her  that’s  real  isn’t  known  to  much  of  anyone .
   she  excels  in  particular  aspects  of  camp ,   and  is  ruthless  when  it  comes  to  those .   apologizing  is  not  on  the  forefront  of  her  mind  and  making  new  friends  is  not  a  priority .   basically ,   when  she  turned  twenty  one ,   becoming  the  best  at  what  she  loved  was  her  priority ,   and  making  friendships  or  having  fun  were  only  side  quests .
04 .  instances  of  her  powers  in  every  day  life .
looking  back  on  it  and  knowing  the  truth ,   lulu  can’t  picture  how  she  didn’t  put  it  together :
  decision  making   –––   in  the  silliest  way  possible ,   she  has  always  been  the  best  at  decision  making .   any  tough  decisions  that  need  to  be  made ,   she  can  do  them  with  no  emotion  attached  and  put  the  plan  to  action .   almost  as  if  when  it  comes  down  to  tough  choices ,   she  becomes  a  brick  logic  wall .   vengeance  sensitivity   –––   this  was  really  useful  growing  up  in  a  house  with  four  younger  siblings .   any  tricks  they  tried  to  play  on  her  or  lies  they  tried  to  sneak  past  her  were  quickly  debunked .   any  im  sorrys  that  weren’t  truthful  were  denied .   it  made  her  seem  cold  to  them ,   when  in  reality  she  was  just  waiting  for  a  better  and  more  sincere  emotion  from  them .   best  ally   –––   if  you  are  fighting ,   you  want  lulu  on  your  side .   although  this  is  attributed  to  her  mother ,   nemesis ,   she  likes  to  claim  this  comes  from  her  father .   the  marquez  family  has  always  been  extremely  loyal  in  their  businesses  as  well  as  in  their  family  alone .   because  family  is  everything  to  them ,   they  will  always  stand  by  each  others  side .   however ,   for  lulu ,   it  runs  so  much  deeper .   any  sense  of  betrayal  is  almost  like  a  physical  injury  to  her .   it  hurts  her  soul  and  spirit  to  the  point  of  actual  pain .   loyalty  is  a  two  way  street  but  you’ll  never  catch  her  drifting  off  road .   curse  creation   –––   she  didn’t  know  this  existed  until  she  started  attending  camp  half  blood .  however ,   as  soon  as  she  realized  she  possessed  this  gift ,   it  was  pretty  clear  who  her  mother  was .   it  was  the  biggest  give  away  for  her .   it  took  her  almost  years  to  master  &  now  she  has  it  down  pat .   she  mainly  uses  it  on  quests ,   but  she’d  be  lying  if  she  ever  said  that  she’d  never  used  it  for  selfish  reasons .
05 .  wanted  connections .
   because  she’s  been  at  camp  since  she  was  thirteen  and  wasn’t  claimed  until  she  was  almost  twenty - three ,   anyone  who  has  lived  in  the  hermes  cabin  for  the  past  ten  years  she  would  have  lived  with .   i  would  love  some  people  in  that  cabin  that  she  would  have  gotten  along  with  and  maybe  some  that  she  didn’t .   out  of  the  cabin ,   i’d  love  if  she  had  an  ex  or  two ?   maybe  one  that  ended  on  bad  terms   &   one  where  they  ended  up  just  friends ?   friend  wise ,   i’ve  pictured  her  having  a  few  select  good  friends  and  a  majority  of  everyone  else  just  puts  up  with  her ?   i  also  would  love  1 / 2  people  she’s  gone  on  quests  with  before  that  have  maybe  gotten  to  know  a  little  more  about  her  that  has  nothing  to  do  with  her  hard  exterior .  lastly ,   any  other  friends  with  benefits  or  enemies  would  be  great  too !
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glitterdreamsz · 5 years
Scandalous (part 3)
Roger x Reader
Summary: Reader is an emerging actress who met Roger at a premiere of one of her movies. They immediately clicked and now they have been in a relationship for almost a year. There’s only one big problem: the reader isn’t the only woman in Roger’s life. In fact he is married and has a child. That makes them keep  their relationship a secret to the world. In the series I imagined Roger to be 32 years old while the reader would be 27. A/N: Aaand it’s finally here. I would define this chapter transitory as nothing tooo major happened. You have to wait the next two chapters and I will give you A LOT OF ANGST. English isn’t my first language so I’m sorry for any mistake. Hope you like it and don’t be afraid to let me know what you think!Have a nice day xx Oh! And if you want to cry while reading it I suggest you to listen to Say Something by A Great Big World, Save Me by Queen and Homesick by Dua Lipa (you can also find them in the series playlist) Warnings: a little of angs, a little of fluff Words: 2,1k+
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“I guess someone needs some drinks here” Freddie appeared behind you and you jump lightly, scared by his voice which took you away from your thoughts about Roger. “I don’t know Fred, I’m not in the mood.” You mumbled reaching for your bag. “Come on darling, you have to celebrate, we both have to.” He grinned  “Freddie, not today, I’d rather do it tomorrow.” “Well” the singer said picking his stuff “You have to drive me home anyway, I came here with Roger and you just made him go away” he pretended to be offended by your previous decision which made you chuckle. “Come on diva, let’s get you home.” You already knew what was in Freddie’s mind, he wanted to talk, he wanted you to talk. He was a great friend to you and you knew he only wanted to help, but talking about your situation with Roger was the last thing you wanted to do for the rest of the night. That’s why as soon as you got in the car you put your Beatles cassette on and turned up the volume as A Hard Day’s Night came out from the speakers. You were humming the song and tapping your fingers on the wheel “So, are you going to talk?” there he was, you pretended to not hear what he was saying due to the loud music in the vehicle “You know” Freddie said turning down the song volume “For being an actress you are pretty shit at lying in real life.”
“Freddie, what do you want me to say?” You sighed and stopped at the red light. “I don’t know, maybe how things are working with you and Roger? Where are you guys?” “I guess it’s pretty clear to everyone where we are, after what happened today we have the proof that maybe I will only be a secret lover for him. I don’t know Fred.” You turned to look at him “I feel like our relationship came to the finish line”. And that was the first time you left Freddie Mercury without a word to say. Once the light turned green again you started to drive again, The Beatles singing to the notes of I Should Have Known Better, what a coincidence for such a moment. You could have stayed silent but you decided that once you started it you could as well finish it. “I don’t know, I feel like we will never have a normal relationship. I don’t want to be a secret but I guess that this is all I will ever get from him.” “(Y/N), he’s a married man, what were you expecting? You knew from the first moment that you slept with him what you were going through.” Freddie’s frankness almost brought tears to your eyes. But after all he was right, you knew it since the beginning and his words were what you told yourself everyday. “You introduced me to Roger, it’s also your fault if I’m this shit situation” you chuckled trying to ease the moment. “Oh no darling, don’t try to use that card.” “(Y/N), I think I never introduced to Roger” Freddie said as his arm laid around your waist. You went to see a Queen concert as your friend Freddie asked you to attend one since you both were in the same town. The blonde drummer smirked as he got closer to you and Freddie. “No Freddie, you kept her all to yourself” he said “I’m Roger” he introduced himself holding his hand out. “(Y/N)” you replied shaking his hand. In that moment Freddie waved to a person who was distant from you “I will come back soon, I’ll leave you two here.” But before leaving he turned around looking at you “Be careful (Y/N), Roger does bite.” “What should that mean?” You asked  chuckling while looking at the drummer. “Oh, I have no idea” But both of you knew what Freddie meant. Roger was well known for his reputation with women, even his marriage didn’t stop his bad habit of flirting with girls after a concert and then eventually bring them in his hotel room. What you both didn’t knew was that it wouldn’t have been a one night stand, it wouldn’t have been a fling. After that night Roger would have kept calling you every night, asking if you were free, if he could see you, if you would go to see his concert. Then he would come to see you on set, making sure that no one would see him he sneak on your trailer. “I was bored and thought that a quick shag wouldn’t be a bad idea”. What you both didn’t know was that you would have end up falling for each other.
As you walked down the hallway of your flat complex you could recognize the figure of a blonde man sat on the floor right in front of your door, his back against it. You sighed recognizing Roger. “Roger-” you said taking the keys of your flat from your bag, but before you could continue he stopped you. He knew you were about to tell him that you wanted him to go to his family, so he just said “We argued.” It took you a minute to get who the “we” was referred to and then you understood, it was him and his wife. Hearing him talk about his problem with his wife was really the last thing you wanted to do in that hell of a day, but how could you tell no to him? So, after opening the door you gestured for him to walk inside. “Do you want to talk about it?” You asked taking off your coat and putting it on the hanger, Roger mimicked you “She didn’t believe you were only Freddie’s friend, she kept saying that you came there with me.” You nodded walking to the couch and sat down, you wanted to be sure that you had something to hold you for the conversation you were about to have. “I kept telling her that it wasn’t true, that you were there only for Freddie and nothing more but she continued stating that I was lying. So i stormed out of the house” he stopped for a few seconds to see your reaction but you said nothing. “I told her I would have spent the night at Brian’s.” But he wasn’t at Brian’s house, he was there with you, he would have spent the night, again, at your place. Roger moved to the couch and sat down. “I couldn’t tell her the truth.” You nodded, again, that was killing him, he kept talking just to see a reaction from you. Your silence was the worst feeling, were you giving up on him? “It wasn’t the right way to tell her the truth, not while arguing.” His fingers reached for your hand which was laying on your leg, he needed you to do something, even just playing with his fingers, an usual habit of yours, you did it any time your hands brushed against each other. But nothing, you just nodded once more. “I couldn’t end my marriage in that way, you understand right?” “I do” you said softly, those words sent vibrations throughout Roger’s body, finally you were speaking, yes, they were only two words but they were enough for him. He moved closer towards you laying his head on your shoulder, your hands started to play with his hair and Roger smiled kissing softly your neck. “But I will eventually do it, I will tell her about us.” The blonde man looked up at you. “You know it, right?” he needed confirmations from you. You looked down at him, your fingers playing with the locks of hair that touched the back of his neck “I know” But you knew he wouldn’t do it, he was about to leave for the tour and stay away for two months. His wife would have stayed at home and he surely wouldn’t tell her that he was having an affair with another woman the day before leaving for a tour. You were pretty sure he wouldn’t do it even after that he would have been back. “You’re still coming on tour, right?” he asked taking you away from your thoughts. “Of course I am” you looked at him with a reassuring gaze. His hands found your waist pulling you closer and making you sit on his lap. You straddle him to face him, your hands on both sides of his neck “Good, cause I was afraid that after what happened today you might have changed your mind.” You shook your head as your fingertips drew lines on his skin. “I didn’t. You know how long I’ve waited for this tour to come. I want to stay by your side all day and night, you may even get annoyed for how much time I will stay next to you.” You chuckled lightly getting the same reaction from Roger. “I would never get bored of you” His face hid on the crook of your neck as his hands were on your back holding you as close as possible. “I don’t want to lose you” Your heart ached, his voice was trembling. You could hear the fear of losing you in his words and you only wanted to reassure him, tell him that you were going nowhere and that you would stay with him forever, but you knew this wasn’t the truth. As for now you couldn’t promise him that you would stay always by his side. So you just held him against you tightly, your lips against his temple leaving tender kisses. “If you leave me my heart will break in million pieces.” “I won’t leave you” you wanted to say that while looking him in his eyes but you couldn’t, you couldn’t lie while looking at him straight in his blue eyes. How could leave someone who wasn’t even yours? You were both lying down on the couch, facing each others. You were both silent for at least ten minutes, Roger’s arm didn’t leave your waist. Your fingers were tracing his outline, going up from his arm, then his shoulder, his neck, his jawline, his cheek, his forehead, as they traced down his nose he closed his eyes just to open them when he felt your fingertips on his lips. He left sweet  kisses on your fingers and you smiled not looking away from his eyes. “What are you thinking?” Roger asked putting a lock of your hair behind your ear, Your brain kept telling you not to answer his question as you would only end up harmed. But your heart was so light yet filled with love for that man in front of you at the same time, and in that moment you decided to listen to your most irrational organ. “Today, when I saw you with your son...I never saw you in that scenario.” You intertwined your fingers with his “And it made me think if, if we could ever have something like that.” And right there you felt the most stupid person in the planet. Were you really asking Roger if you would ever have children? Were you really talking about babies with your secret lover? “Of course we will love” Roger replied to you, and to him it wasn’t a stupid thought, he was serious and the fact that you were thinking about children with him gave him hope that he wasn’t losing you. “I will give you everything you’ve ever wanted. We will have our own family.”  He didn’t even give you the time to reply that his lips were on yours, a kiss full of love and both of yours and his hands were roaming each other’s bodies. The way he could take your breath away just by small gestures was still inexplicable to you.
You alarmclock advised you that it was time for you to wake up, even though you didn’t have to work you had plenty things to do like packing your stuff for the tour and then you promised Freddie you two would have met, and you knew that would have take your whole afternoon. Still with closed eyes you brought the sheet up to your naked back as you felt a cold shiver down your spine. You stretched your arm to the other side of your bed finding an empty spot. Your eyes opened at this time but, unlike the previous morning, you didn’t looked around the room to find some evidence that Roger were still in your house. You already knew he was gone back to his family.
Taglist: (tell me if i forgot someone) if you want to be tagged write me an ask, comments on the post or dm won’t be considered. sorry, but it’s easier for me in that way @closertothesunwhenimwithyou @thewinchesterchronicles @borhapqueen92 @rogerfxckingtaylor @richiethotzierz @sleepretreat @stephrivno99 @starryoddity @discodeakyy @dccomicnerd-world @whatismylifeman @rxchel1999 ​ @dreamer7black @ziggysstarrdust @yourealegendroger @alien-alibii @nataliekilla101 @killerrogerina @crying-over-bucky @magicwithaknife @llaroztac @cosmiclunas @justonks @fuckinghurricanesoul
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umamunandar · 5 years
Review #2: Bumi (5/5)
OOH a 5/5? Y’all know this is gonna be good.
If you have read my tbr pile in the post before, you might have noticed that I wrote BUMI SERIES in the rereading section. Technically, I’m not rereading the whole series, just the first three because I just got the fourth to seventh books and I COMPLETELY forgot how the first three books go. I’ve gotten up to the third book now, by the title Matahari which translates literally to Sun In Indonesian.
The series consists of seven books:
Bumi (Earth)
Bulan (Moon)
Matahari (Sun)
Bintang (Star)
Ceros & Batozar (There’s no translation for it, its a person’s name (well two people))
Komet (Comet)
Komet Minor (Minor Comet)
Shall we take a look at the cover? Yes we shall.
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It’s an EH from me, I mean I prefer the older covers
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(I had to take those pictures myself, the internet is a hopeless place)
Alright, lets get to it I guess.
“Namaku Raib, usiaku 15 tahun, kelas sepuluh. Aku anak perempuan seperti kalian, adik-adik kalian, tetangga kalian. Aku punya dua kucing, namanya si Putih dan si Hitam. Mama dan papaku menyenangkan. Guru-guru di sekolahku seru. Teman-temanku baik dan kompak.
Aku sama seperti remaja kebanyakan, kecuali satu hal. Sesuatu yang kusimpan sendiri sejak kecil. Sesuatu yang menakjubkan.
Namaku Raib. Dan aku Bisa menghilang.”
And in English:
“My name is Raib*, I’m 15 years old, tenth grade. I’m a girl just like you, your sisters, your neighbors. I have two cats, Putih and Hitam*. My mom and dad are enthralling. My teachers at school are fun. My friends are nice and collaborative.
I’m just like most teenagers, except for one thing. Something I’ve been keeping since I was a child. Something incredible.
My name is Raib. And I can disappear.”
(*Raib literally translates to disappear.
*Putih and Hitam literally translates to White and Black)
So, what do I love about this series?
To be honest, it’s either nothing in particular or everything.
I mean it’s a fantasy novel, where the main character gets dragged down to an adventure of a lifetime, discover new things, possibly about their past, possibly taking someone they’re already friends with to the crazy deadly journey.
So let me introduce you to the weird, messed up team in this series.
Meet Raib, the girl we know from the description. She has been able to use her powers since the age of two, but only found out later. That aside, she’s an average girl. Average looks, average grades. A tenth grader who only gets good scores in language lessons.
Next, we have Seli, Raib’s tablemate and best friend. Seli got accidentally dragged into the adventure when a certain accident took place at their school. She’s a very confident girl with a great sense of fashion and loves Korean drama. One more thing. She cares a LOT about her surroundings, like animals and her teammates during their adventures.
Last, we have Ali. In Bumi, he’s nothing but a student who flunks tests and never does his homework. Apparently though, he’s a genius who prefers exploding laboratories and sneaking weird gadgets in Raib’s bag and around her house to find out about her peculiar abilities than receive an A for a math test.
These three are dragged into the Moon Clan for the beginning of their parallel universe adventure.
Alright, let’s start with the actual review
Considering that this is an Indonesian book, I’d have to give it a plus point. How the author managed to work everything out.
Plot. Everything about the series is amazing. It’s not too slow or fast-paced, making it just right.
A lot of things are thrown into the series, aside from the three’s adventures. You have a male character and you have two female characters. What does that give you? A love triangle. Though, it’s really faintly dropped, like the author really wants you to focus on the plot instead.
Really creative terrains. I really like how the setting is “a world walking on the same planet at the same time”. The Earth Clan on the surface of the planet, the Moon Clan just slightly under the crust, the Sun Clan high above the clouds, and the Star Clan deep down underground.
There are new creatures and strange ideas that come to motion like girraffes with horns or zebras with criss-crossing patterns, also cubic houses that lets you walk on the ceiling and doors that get connected with something you call a “shadow hall”
The series itself really teaches you things, just like the author’s other books. Like the second book, Bulan. It teaches us about nature and how they have voices. How we should listen to them.
I’m really uncomfortable with the language used in the series. It’s VERY formal and if I was imagining it, i wouldn’t think that teenagers by the age of 15 would talk in that manner, but considering that the author does write with that kind of language all the time, I guess it doesn’t count as a con. It’s just something I’m not really pleased with.
And that’s pretty much it. I don’t really have any protests for this series. It’s balanced and well-written. I’ve been following the series since the first book came out, back in 2014 or something, and up to this day, I still love it. If something like 68% of Tere Liye readers aren’t young adults and college students, I would’ve started a fandom.
Well, I guess that’s about it for now. It’s been a while since the last time I posted, and it’s going to be another while until I post again.
Also, I believe they have translated the book Bumi and publish it in English by the title Earth. I don’t know I don’t keep track.
Welp, I’ll see you all soon, bye!
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hadleyfxster · 5 years
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( DUA LIPA. DEMIFEMALE. SHE/THEY. TWENTY-FIVE. ) Hey, is that HADLEY FOSTER? I heard they’ve been in Salem for TWO YEARS and they’re working as a NURSE. Last I spoke to ‘em they were pretty +SAGACIOUS, but I hear they can be -DEFIANT too. I wonder if they’ve got anything to do with this. ( cal, 23, they/them, est. )
henlo, i am cal and this is my babe hadley. below you’ll find a whole shpeal about them. pls excuse how messy it is, i tend to word vomit when i write!! if ya’ll are interested in plotting pls lmk as i would love to establish some fun connections. i even added some potential ones at the very bottom ~ 
name: hadley mickey foster nickname(s): hads, haddie, mickey job: nurse age: twenty-five gender: demigirl pronouns: she/they sexuality: bisexual / biromantic birthday: april 2nd zodiac: aries personality type: the entertainer | esfp
label: the reveller - a person who is enjoying themselves in a lively and noisy way.
brazen ( adj ) : bold without shame astute ( adj ) : having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage sagacious ( adj ) : having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd. tactless ( adj ) : having or showing a lack of adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues. defiant ( adj ) : showing defiance.
growing up, hadley didn’t want to be a nurse. no, they wanted to be a police officer and fight the bad guys, just like their father. he was their hero, protecting their mother and them as well as their city. they understood his lack of presence at home was because of his job- they got that. so they often hid their disappointment at missed school events, birthday parties, and good night hugs.
being primarily raised by their mother, hads did their best to keep out of her way. unfortunately, they’d always been a bit on the wild side and trouble would always follow no matter where they went. between climbing things they shouldn’t have, a few boken bones, and getting in trouble at school for speaking out and starting fights in the name of justic, they weren’t a bad kid - just a difficult one. 
at one point, age eleven, they’d broken their leg and was stuck in the house one summer for months on end. this left them with little to do and led them into the great hobby that is art. haddie got so caught up in creating things and, subsequently, ruined so much clothing due to pain and pastels. it was amazing to them that they hadn’t gotten attached to art before this but it certainly resulted in a bit of an obsession. they circled between studying artists paintings and work and creating their own during the months they weren’t able to participate in any of their other extracurricular activities.
haddie’s childhood was pretty good, all in all. their family we well-off financially, their mother, despite them being unruly, loved them endlessly and thier father remained a hero in their eyes. they had some vacations together here and there. hads participated in a handful of different sports ( dance, soccer, swimming ) and kept their hobby of art. 
( murder tw, racism tw ) of course, things were bound to change and it burst their bubble, waking them from their daydream world like a bucket of ice water. their dad having a gun never really bothered them. he’d taught them the danger of it, as well as how to shoot one, and the never really considered the consequences of it. they learned about it on the news. fourteen year old hads had made it a habit to watch cnn to make sure to keep up to date on what was happening in their city of chicago. the video of their father shooting an unarmed black man ( no, boy, he couldn’t be much older than they were ) burned itself into their mind. the subsequent grief of his family weighed heavily on their shoulders as they remained glued to the television. the time it took for the trial against their father and the suspension to wrap up was too short for them to digest it all. he barely got away with a slap on the wrist and that family lost someone important- the whole city did. hadley had to stand by their father during the whole time, their mother’s hands holding them in place, her nails digging into their shoulder to keep them from retreating or reacting. the whole ordeal changed them. this was the point when their entire future path changed and their love for their father, and the police force, crumpled to ashes. 
( alcoholism tw, abuse tw ) the rest of their high school career saw them deeply troubled. they chose to test out of a few grades, jumping ahead in determination to reach their new goal. their mother, struggling with the torn relationship between child and spouse, did her best to support them with this decision. they’d come to appreciate her attempts later on but in the moment they were too stuck in their head. they had a goal and they needed to reach it as soon as they could. they dropped all their extra-curricular activities, stopped creating art, and focused fully on studying. when they weren’t studying, they would break into their parents stash of alcohol and drink their self into a tizzy. their parents didn’t really recognize the signs of their trouble child, too caught up in their own problems and work. it wasn’t until their father caught them with a bottle of rum one evening, curled up on their couch, that things seemed to come to light. he attempted to berate them, scold them, and ground them. his fury was huge but hads easily over powered him. their screaming match drew the attention of their mother, who couldn’t do anything to calm either. the fight came to a head that resulted in their father lashing out physically at them. his ring nicked their cheek, cutting a line along their cheekbone that would later result in a scar. the quiet that had settled over the room after that could be cut with a knife and hadley was the first to break it. the ‘get out’ they had spit out, voice already hoarse from the yelling previously, was strong and unmoving. the expression on their father’s face was twisted, as though he couldn’t believe the child that used to worship him could turn into what was on the ground before them. he left. their mother immediately collapsed, a sobbing mess that they couldn’t try to collect in the moment because their fear finally settled in. fear of a man they realized they never really knew. 
the aftermath was, surprisingly, unexciting. their father returned the next morning and acted as if nothing happened. he seemed to clean up some of his act, however, they were hardly fooled. their mother, though, she seemed to sink into an easy acceptance that things could be fixed- that her spouse would fix them. haddie knew better. there was no going back. ever since that faithful day in front of the t.v., there would be no reconciliation between them. with their mother’s approval, they started university as soon as possible, graduating two years early and finally getting out.
8 years later along with another early graduation on their part, hadley settled into a job as a nurse in salem, mass. their time in universty and subsequently med. school changed them quite a bit from how they were in their early and late teens. the freedom away from their parents allowed them to fully settle into their skin and the ease that came with it brightened them up immensely. they seemed to regress to their carefree and energetic nature they held as a child, picking up art again as well as a sport ( kickboxing ). the trauma and toil of their past buried close to their heart as they began their career in the hospital. 
mickey wears their heart on their sleeve and it didn’t take long for them to find love in salem. the two were together for a solid seven months before they ultimately fell apart and hads heart was torn apart. the horror of this particular break up caused some previous issues to emerge in them and they decided to swear off romantic relationships all together. 
they talk to their mother once a week and have yet to talk to their father. 
they’re not at all a fan of authority figures, especially police, and are defiant when faced with them.
they’re a bit of an odd personality to work in the hospital, but they seem to fit in surprisingly well. their character tends to be seen as refreshing and, though they lack tact, they make up for it with their enthusiasm and optimism. 
hadley has a big ol’ cat, a mainecoon, named baloo that they are allergic too but love with all their heart. they found him on the streets and couldn’t find him an owner so they decided to keep him even if they have to take allergy meds all the time and maybe wake up somewhat dying cause baloo decided to flop on their face.
their room is part sleeping space part art studio. they have a bunch of posters of famous paintings as well as some of their own on the walls and there’s definitely a ton of paint stains on the light hardwood floors. 
they’re a bit of a partier and tend to induldge in wine nights on the occasion. they definitely have a lot more control over their drinking then when they were younger and have come to manage their self fairly well. sure, they can sometimes get into trouble ( most of the time without intending too ) but they reached their goal of working in medicine and aren’t about to risk their job over anything. 
they love to give platonic kisses and hold hands and hugs. if you allow them to, they will hang over their friends with great enthusiasm. 
big fan of petnames and using them with everyone. 
ex-partner : it didn’t end well, in fact, they’re the reason hadley has sworn off any and all romantic relationships. the two don’t talk- mostly because hads refuses to even acknowledge their existence less her more fight-y side emerges.
housemate(s) : haddie has never really wanted to live by herself. she loves people and is really into skinship. somehow, someway she either roped them into living with her or they accepted her ad or she accepted their ad but now they’re housemates and hads couldn’t be happier to come home to a lived in house.
mega crush : even though she’s sworn off romantic relationships, her heart just can’t seem to stop itself from speeding up every time she’s around this individual. she’s doing a pretty good job of being in denial but it’s not the easiest thing to hide seeing as her face is an open book.
best friend : literal ride or die, she’ll do anything for them and vice versa. 
friends with benefits : 
patient : someone hads has had the misfortune of taking care of while on the job, can develop from there 
patient #2 : someone mickey here has, for whatever reason, ended up stitching/fixing up when not at the hospital. due to whatever situation she came to their aid and helped them out ( perhaps more than once ? )
bar buddies : someone haddie always runs into at the bar but has yet to push to be friends or anything further. the two have a pretty steady history of just making small talk together.
skinship buddies : they both love to hang off one another and get along swimmingly. sometimes they’re mistaken as being in a romantic relationship but things are strictly platonic- they just love to be close to one another
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undercovermuslimaa · 5 years
Allah tells in the Quran how He showed a miracle to Zakariya عليه السلام by bestowing an offspring in a very unlikely age which was a very impossible thing. Are these just for أنبياء or can we also expect and hope such impossibles to happen with us with sincere dua. You d say with Allah everthing is possible n always make dua but we usually dont see such impossibles happen around us.So are these miracles just for prophets.I ll be really thankful for your enlightening reply
To answer this question, we first must ask why Allah granted the Prophets their wishes, was it because Allah liked them better than the rest of his servants? Or was it perhaps due to the sincere faith, trust and obedience the Prophets placed upon their Lord? We know Allah to be the most high, fair judge and therefore we can conclude that Allah would always gift upon one's religion. So then why is it that sometimes the most faithful of servants don't receive their wish?
The Prophet said: “there isn’t a single Muslim who makes a dua, as long as it is not for something that is haram or that breaks the ties of kinship, except that Allah would give him or her 1 of 3 things: either He will answer his prayer soon, or He will store it up for him in the Hereafter, or He will remove something bad from him that is equivalent to what he is asking for.
Sometimes when we make dua, we don’t see its immediate effects. As a result, we get disheartened and lose hope in the effectiveness of our duas yet we must always remember that Allah is the best of planners and just because duas are not answered immediately or the exact way we wish it to doesn't mean Allah has ignored us. We must remember we're always two steps behind Him and therefore He can see what's best for us in the longterm and if He decides something is not good for us, or not at this time then it must be so. A parent raising an infant and not allowing him to have lollipops before bed may seem cruel to the child yet the parent knows of the benefits it'll reap in the future and so does Allah with our duas, we may not comprehend the reasons why now but in the future, the 'neglected' duas may be a blessing in disguise.
Moreover you've mentioned miracles and I truly believe with all of my heart that Allah does give miracles. I think the problem is our selves, our societies. It's clear that nowadays there is more sin and corruption, and more people dishonoring Allah. Allah has never forsaken us and He does miracles for us everyday! You've spoken about the miracle baby, but nowadays so many of the same exact miracles are happening! All around the world, women over menopausal ages are getting pregnant for the first time. Just last month an Indian lady of 73, had a baby for the first time when doctors told her it was impossible. How glorious is Allah? However in all of the news headlines nobody is attributing this miracle to Allah and His goodness, instead people believe it to be due to the woman's body miraculously regaining fertility. This is the problem, even when Allah answers miracles, due to us simply not associating it with His wonders it seems as if it did not happen with His accord. When we look around and give glory for all the miracles that happen we can then appreciate that the miracles do truly happen.
As the prophet has said, Allah always has a plan and we must trust that like the parent, He always has our best interests at heart and we must follow him, even if it means we don't get that lollopop.😊
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vivypotter · 5 years
Nickname(s): Vivy, Viv... I don’t really have a nickname.
Zodiac sign: Taurus. Not that I believe in astrology in any way.
Height: Five foot four -_- I am continually called short although I'm actually average height!
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw! Caw caw motherfuckers.
Last thing I googled: 'marie kondo episodes ranked’. I wanted to see if anyone else agreed with me as I have been on a binge and there’s nothing I love more than placing some things higher than other things. 
Favourite musician(s): Er... I’ve been very into Jade Bird recently? Billie Eilish, too. Sam Fender. Olafur Arnalds. Sigrid! Dua Lipa. First Aid Kit. dodie. half.alive. Hayley Kiyoke. girl in red. CHVRCHES. The Civil Wars. (Mostly gay icons ngl).
Song(s) stuck in my head:
‘Needy’ by Ariana Grande
‘It’s A Shame’ by First Aid Kit
‘Monster’ by dodie
'Johnny Johnny’ by Danny Gonzalez
‘I Say No’ by Carrie Hope Fletcher (West End Heathers Album)
Following now: I mostly follow fandom stuff, like other Tomarry authors. Also some Harry Potter meme blogs, art blogs, cute cat photos. A lot of meme pages actually ngl.
Followers: I have many a lovely follower but I don’t entirely know what this question is asking. I suppose I’ll use it as an opportunity to invite you to message me if you want to have a chat ever :) my mesages and asks are always open - although I am really bad at replying so if I don’t, I promise it’s not because I hate you, it’s because I’m the worst.
Do I get asks: I do indeed! If you’ve sent me one and I haven’t answered it, I really apologise. It either got lost or I was rubbish at replying. That said, if you send me one I will desperately try to answer it as soon as possible. (Anyone remember that time someone started a religion in my asks? 0.0)
Amount of sleep I get: I’m so bad at going to sleep at night. Not because I can’t, but because I’m a night owl. So anywhere from 6 to 5 (maybe 4 on occassion) hours on week days, and then like 10 or 11 hours on the weekend. It’s not healthy.
Lucky number: I don’t really have one, but I love the number 9.
What I’m wearing: My nightclothes, which is usually an oversized t-shirt and knickers, but this evening I’m treating myself to a nightie which I got years ago and no longer fits me! Sexy.
Dream job: Director. I love theatre and bossing people around - seems perfect. (Jokes, I know theatre is all about collaboration.)
Dream trip: Eh, I’m not really a fan of holidays? So probs a trip to London to watch some good theatre. But I am going to New York this summer and I am v excited. And Italy! So those are like my top two favourite places. (And Budapest, but that’s my first trip abroad with my friends so idk how much of the place we’ll actually see.)
Favourite food: Pizza! Or tuna paninis from Costa. Very specific, I know.
Instruments: My voice. Lol. I’m in a choir and I take voice lessons and do musical theatre. I did a bit of recorder when I was young, as does every British school child, but I couldn’t be bothered to practise. I really wish I’d learned the piano though.
Languages: I am disgustingly monolingual and I am so awed by people on tumblr who regularly communicate in their third or second language. I took two years of Russian so I can read the Cyrillic alphabet but I am beyond rusty, and I took three years of French, but again, very rusty.
Favourite songs:
‘Mr Brightside’ by The Killers. It’s an absolute killer at any party.
‘idontwannabeyouanymore’ by Billie Eilish. Makes me cry every time.
‘Feel It Still’ by Portugal. The Man. 
‘Christine’ by Christine and the Queens
‘South London Forever’ - Florence and the Machine
‘Hospital’ by Jesca Hoop
‘Walk with the Devil’ by Karliene
‘Be The One’ by Dua Lipa
So many more, literally so many. This isn’t even including my loves from musical theatre.
Random fact: So this is not so much a fact as it is a story. I was in hospital last Friday cause I was having respiratory problems. I was having trouble breathing in bed and my mum called the NHS helpline. Suddenly there were paramedics at our door, telling me I had to rush to A and E because I might have a pulmonary embolism. I had blood tests and waited for the results until 3am, only to be told that I had a indicator of blood clots in the tests and I’d have to come into hospital for chest scans the next day. Which was when I was supposed to go on holiday. So me and my mum missed our train to France because I was sit in a waiting room for a chest xray and scan all day, which turned out to indicate that I didn’t have a blood clot at all and I probably just had a virus. So we booked a plane that evening and I was in the Alps the next evening. Bit of a hectic evening.
Aesthetic: Eh I don’t have much aesthetic. Clothing-wise, I’m a fan of tighter or shorter tops (t-shirt crop tops, etc) and loose, wide legged trousers. My friend described me as always slightly too dressed-up for the situation xD In general, I like grand, sweeping architecture; I love old cathedrals. There are some gorgeous ones in France. Elaborate, beautiful stonework.
I tag (by the way, please don’t repeat this if you’ve already done it, and please don’t feel obligated to do it either just because you’ve been tagged)
@itslemonsoda @cybrid @childotkw @k-s-morgan I can’t be bothered to find more people I know, but if you read this, consider yourself tagged! <3
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haffizabdulji-blog · 5 years
Powerful Dua Or Wazifa to get married to some specific person  Wazifa To Get Married To A Specific Person Wazifa To Get Married To A Specific Person is a different type of wazifa that able to get married with your love. You can use this wazifa to get love marriage in one month also it will able to get married to the person you love.Wazifa To Get Married To A Specific Person Wazifa To Get Married To A Specific Person Most of the times, first of all, we don’t get the person we love. So if we have a person who reciprocates our pure love, we feel we are fortunate. And we indeed are lucky. Very few people nowadays, want to marry the person whom they are in a relationship with. Most of the times it is just the lust that keeps people into the relationship. There is no long term future that they see.So when they do, it is precious. But it does not always turn out to be like that. The other person might or might not have the desire to marry you. So at such times, you can use wazifa to get married to a specific person‘Ibamadul kabbadil subal em’nihaal subahnu shamadil khabair al’shamidi rukhakul-e-samaid khudair shizaab namal-al-shabaa khud namaid shidahul shud-al-subaid.’It means, Hey paravdigaar! Hey, creator of everything. I am your servant. All I want is love, love of (your lover’s name). Sprinkle some love from (your lover’s name) I am your servant forever. Grace me with your blessings.This is a very powerful wazifa that you can chant. It works wonders during the month of Roja. It gives result merely within three days. But in other months you will have to chant it for three weeks.Allah is very kind. He listens to all your prayers. And he gives you all that you want with your pure heart. This wazifa to get married to a specific person could be used after your namaz.Wazifa To Get Married With Your Love Parents always think in our best interest. But sometimes their decisions have a bias in it due to wrong old, misconceptions of the old days. So they tend to have false expectations from us. They do not realize that their suppositions might affect our well being.Due to parents, many people face enormous difficulty to marry their loved ones — that where you can use wazifa to get married with your love. There is a blank line in the following wazifa where you should put your lover’s name and recite this wazifa as many times as possible.‘Zubina alam kaadi sahd’kadaim suhaan makhadum astaf gullah alaik sahadum wa rakhamullah wallahi Alaikum sahaidikum salaam nawab khadaihi shammee.’It means, Hey the kindest! Hey, creator of the universe, I want to get into a permanent bond of with (your lover’s name). Please bless us with your grace so that we can get married without hurdles. I pray you to bestow us all the powers to remove all the (unwanted) difficulties.If you are a male, do not recite this wazifa by wearing any jewelry like bracelets, chain, gemstones of any sort, etc. An only silver metal ring that Islam allows is less than 10 grams in weight. Also, make sure you are thoroughly cleansed.Have a bath before you recite this wazifa. Make sure you do not even have a sweat. Cleanliness is something necessary, but the wetness of even water should not be there. This wazifa requires strict following of all the Islamic rules one has to follow.Wazifa To Get Love Marriage In One Month Roja month is a mighty and holiest month of the Islamic religion. People do wonders within this one month. Prayers in this month are mighty. Every Muslim guy has his self-esteem at a very high level during this month. If you have any love problem, then this is the month in which you can solve it as soon as possible.Many people face problem regarding their love life. Marriage connects two souls very emotionally, and it is a long term commitment bond. But due to some issues people have so much difficulty in marrying each other. So here is a wazifa to get love marriage in one month.‘Shubaidi khadi al’urigam magair ibaadi mulaiham ibar-e-mugham alahu yaaseen mahahidam qadeem rajeem rahmannir subhaan allah alhamido rabbe alam.’The translation of this in English could be something like this, hey Allah! I seek for your mercy. Your child wants to marry (your lover’s name). Please bestow me with power than I can marry (your lover’s name) with any difficulty within two full moons. I am your slave. Shower me with your grace.You might face financial trouble. Parents or elders could be a problem for your marriage due to their old and wrong conceptions. Maybe your job or business is getting in the way of your wedding that you are not able to take out sufficient time so that you can get married.You can use the above wazifa to get love marriage in one month because it is so powerful and you will undoubtedly get married within a month.Wazifa To Get Married To The Person You Love Have you ever tried wazifa? If the answer is no, then you must try it at least once. Wazifas are very useful when you have any specific need. When you are in love, your emotional power is so much higher than any other person who has any other type of need.So at such point, if you use a technique like wazifa, then you will certainly get the results instantly. And as wazifa is all about having a specific requirement, in love, mostly you have a particular need.For example, to marry a specific person, getting the love of a particular person, to gain compliance of parents of a specific person for the marriage, etc. Wazifa to get married to the person you love is the most potent wazifa you can ever see. Many people used this wazifa, and their lives turned upside down.The secret behind this wazifa working one hundred percent is, it is coupled with a person’s strong emotional desire. Wazifa to get married to the person you love might also influence both the people who want to get married. Hence. Allah always listens to his followers, and if you genuinely ask for something to him, he does not ever deny it.You have to ask for it, and he will undoubtedly give it to you. There is this molvi ji in Mumbra, who provide this wazifa for many couples. And these couples now have babies and still, visit molvi ji for various problems or to pay a visit and express their gratitude.He is very famous in the area. And people have so much faith in wazifa to marry the person you love
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soldierwinterthe · 6 years
1.  What is the last dream you remember? (describe)
The last dream I remember is when I volunteer in a hospital, and during a soccer game for children (for charity), there was Chris (Evans) near me. We didn’t talk, I don’t speak his own language, but I felt... relaxed, as if he kept me safe. I don’t know, it's strange, but beautiful.
2.  What is something that you fear will happen to you in the future? (Also Why)
I am afraid that I will remain alone. I already feel lonely, but I am convinced that in my future, I will feel even worse. And even if everyone thinks that I don’t care about loneliness, I actually hate it. I hate being alone, and I hate the fact that I will always feel like that.
3. Describe the best day that you can remember.
April 20, 2015. I left for a school trip to Barcelona a few days earlier, and that day we visited the Dali museum in Figueres. It was a breathtaking experience; Dalì is one of my favorite artists, and watching his works... One of the best days of my life.
4.  Describe your worst day.
It was a day like many others; in the morning I went to school, then I came home, I had lunch, and I immediately did my homework for the next day. That evening I would go to sleep with a friend of mine. Already as soon as I woke up I felt... strange, as if I felt something bad was happening. I was at my friend's house, it was very late; we had put ourselves to bed, and at the beginning I had dozed off. Then something awakened me; I felt as if my body had weighed down, the lungs could not store air, and I could not breathe. I could not understand what was happening to me, and I was afraid. I began to cry, but I remained motionless, and in silence, in my bed. I was embarrassed to wake up my friend. "It will pass immediately", I thought. But the feeling did not pass, and I felt worse and worse.After a while, I couldn’t stand still there, I had to get up, I needed to get out and breathe as much air as possible. I decided to wake up my friend, to tell her what was happening to me, and she immediately helped me out on the terrace. I remember she scolded me, because I hadn’t warned her before. After a while, she decided to call my mom; fortunately, my house is not far from my friend's, and so, after five minutes, my mother knocked at the door.I remember that my mother didn’t even have time to enter the house, that I jumped on her, and I began to cry, as I had never done in my life. She tried to calm me down, but it took me a long time to do it.That night was the first time I had a panic attack, and it was the worst day (and night) of my life. Sometimes I still have panic attacks, and the thing that makes me madder is that I don’t know why; but slowly, I learned how to calm down, and how to pass that feeling.But that day... I will never forget it.
6.  Do you believe in love at first sight?
Honestly, no. But I must also admit that I have never had a relationship before, and I have never experienced such a thing. But if one day I knew someone who would make me feel like I had a 'love at first sight’... then yes, I would begin to believe it too.
8. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
I believe the relationship I have with my parents is exactly as it should be. I love my parents - even if I don’t tell them very often - and I would do anything for them. Sometimes we fight, sometimes we do not agree on something. But then, there are those times when they and I understand each other instantly, without even needing to say a word. And that's when I think 'after all, I love my parents, and nothing could make me change my mind'.
23.  If you are struggling with something right now, what is it?
Myself. Yes, sometimes I quarrel with me. I make some crap, and then I say to myself 'what the hell do you do? You're really stupid!’I'm starting to think I'm crazy, that it's not normal to talk to myself, but there are people worse than me in the world, so it's okay.
54.  What would you do if you were going to die in three hours?
There are so many things I would like to do in my life, and would you like to do it in just three hours? lolAnyway, I don’t know. If it were possible, I would like to meet some people I have always wanted to meet (pity that they are almost all dead lol). Or I would like to visit some places, like the Uffizi Gallery (in Florence); I would like to see some works that I adore.Or, I would simply go to the nearest beach, and go into the water, blissfully waiting for death. I hope to die in the evening, so I could see the sunset one last time. I love the sunset.
76. What is the most immature thing that you do?
I think... run away from home. More or less; I had a fight with my parents, and I was so angry that without thinking seriously about what I was doing, I go out the house, and I left. I walked for a while, but then I realized that I was wrong. Escape is useless. So I went home, and talked to my parents, making peace with them.
101. What did you think was cool when you were younger?
To become an adult! But then I realized that being a child was not so bad.
103.  Do you think you are a good person?  Why or why not?
There are no good people, or bad people. I believe that people decide what they want to be; I have decided not to do bad things, to be good, but sometimes I quarrel with my parents, sometimes I say bad words, and sometimes I tease my brother or my sister. Does this make me a bad person?
109.  What was the last song you sung the lyrics to?
One Kiss, by Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa. I like it as a song, and I'm listening to it repeatedly so I can memorize it ahah
110.  What are your favorite lyrics from a song?
There are so much: How Deep Is Your Love, by Bee Gees, Don't Cry by Guns N' Roses, Can't Help Falling in Love, by Presley.
120.  If you were in prison, what do you think would be the worst part?
Being a victim of bullying. I don’t know what it means to be in prison, but I've seen a lot of TV series, and documentaries that tell about this 'lifestyle'. Many people are beaten, threatened, raped in prisons, and as these people are imprisoned for doing something bad, they don’t deserve it.
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Salam, I need a little help, I don’t know if this is gonna sound ridiculous/stupid... but I’ve been having feelings for someone for the past 3 years and I can’t seem to get over it, I make dua Everyday asking Allah to strengthen my heart and remove these feelings, I try to keep myself busy with work and worship but at the end of the day I still come back to this , the worst part is that this person is married. I will never act on this feelings but it hurts a lot that I can’t do anything
Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,
Everyone’s life seems to contain some unsolvable problems. It can be a chronic illness, poverty, having a disabled child, having an elderly parent that one is forced to take care of, having a grown child who constantly causes problems, having an uncaring spouse, not being able to find someone to marry, etc. Your unsolvable problem appears to be your love for that person. 
The main thing to do regarding life’s unsolvable problems is to accept them, to humbly submit to God’s decree and be thankful that things are not worse, and to realize that God could be saving us from many other problems that others suffer from. If our problem is solved, it is quite possible that a new problem may arise in our lives that is just as serious and painful as the one before, and most people’s lives appears to be a story of going from one unsolvable problem to another. This is how this world works, there is no way to achieve permanent peace in it. This world always promises us utopia but never delivers. Regardless of what we accomplish, in a few days or weeks we are always back to square one, always with new problems, worries and discomforts ruining things for us.
The thing to do is to sit back and understand that this is how the world works. We want to create heaven on Earth, but we can never achieve it. It is far better to keep in mind that this world will soon pass and that the comfort and peace we desire can only be achieved in a different world.
One thing you could do that might help you move on is to read a lot of books (50 or more). As you read more and more, your thinking and understanding will change and this can make it easier to get over the past and look forward to the future. You can check out this page on my my site for a list of books to read.
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muslimdua · 3 years
Dua to get pregnant fast after Marriage
Dua to get pregnant fast after Marriage
Pregnancy plays an important role in the life of husband and wife relationship and it’s an aim of every couple. To get a child as soon as possible after marriage and about 19% of husband and wife doesn’t get baby. Sometimes, they get the child after 2 or 3 years, and sometimes they don’t get any one of the children. About 69% of a husband and wife get the baby in their first year of marriage,…
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islamictantramantra · 3 years
Dua to get pregnant
Dua to get pregnant
Pregnancy plays an important role in the life of husband and wife relationship and it’s an aim of every couple. To get a child as soon as possible after marriage and about 19% of husband and wife doesn’t get baby. Sometimes, they get the child after 2 or 3 years and sometimes they don’t get any one of the child. About 69% of a husband and wife get the baby in their first year of marriage, we…
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