#Down with the sickness that is thinking about flowers and plants and rocks and cool sticks and how people have always loved them
flower-seller · 2 years
I apologize in advance for the amount of posts about Hisui's plants, their symbology to the inhabitants new and old and their extended medicinal or ceremonial uses that I know I'm about to start and eventually unleash
I will try to be concise 🥲
— Salem FlowerSeller
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
Sense and Other Specific Headcanons
What does your muse smell like? Before the world went to hell, Beth would make her own essential-oil perfumes and soaps. Better for the environment, less likely to hurt a patient or ruin a lab culture, and far longer lasting than the alcohol based ones sold in drug stores and ultra-exclusive boutiques. What little she has left, she hoards like gold. Uses it only on truly special occasions. Firstly it’s because Walkers seem to be attracted by smell as much as noise, and because when survival is the only order of the day, she doesn’t have the luxury of beauty routines. Her favourite scents are a combination of lei flower {plumeria; which can be described as sweet, somewhat citrusy, but like jasmine or gardenia} and clary sage, or sandalwood and blood orange. Even in the humidity and heat of Georgia, or because of it, she always does have a hint of tropical flowers or juices. What does your muse's hands feel like? Beth has never been able to give up the habit of constant hand-washing, whether it’s with little bottles of sanitizer found in abandoned truck stops, or the luxury of using lukewarm water that’s cooled down after it’s been retrieved from a stream and boiled to within an inch of its life. One would think that this would dry her skin out, but she takes care to keep the smooth, callous free and soft. They are small and fine boned but they are as capable of the same hard work as others do just as much as they are trained in the medical arts.  She also carefully trims and files her nails. Despite thin, earth can be found beneath them and in the lines of her palms or knuckles. Fortunately, her group does not need constant medical care, so she makes herself useful in a variety of other ways; collecting edible nuts, seeds, fungi, and plants. Gardening when they settle down for long enough stretches. Helping strip, clean, and maintain their armoury. Whatever is asked of her, and a lot of things that aren’t. When she is caring for someone sick or injured, her hands are gentle, they are cool and dry, and they are steady.
What does your muse usually eat in a day? Even before the Wildfire Virus was unleashed on an unsuspecting world, Beth was never the kind to indulge in food as a means of nourishment and comfort. From her teen years, her medications often put her off on food. Her dedication to preserving life lead her toward being a pescatarian, and then work as a Doctor often meant that she was too tired by the end of the night or day to even want more than a piece of toast, half abandoned beside her coffee or tea. More often than not, it was wine that made its way inside of her. Her brother would complain about her being underweight ~technically, she is, despite her short stature~ and now when things are scarce? She is inclined to give a majority of their meals to the ones that need it most: the children of the group or community, the men who do most of the heavy work and the protection of all, and the older souls who might not be able to thrive on smaller portions. Beth’s normal diet might be a protein bar nibbled at as if it had done her and her kin deepest wrong packet or instant oatmeal, and preferably coffee with whatever they can find that will pass for cream and sugar. Drinking something sweet is the quickest way to get carbs into the bloodstream, after all. If she’s feeling indulgent, and they’re lucky enough... she might eat an two egg omelette with wild mushrooms and wild onions. A piece of toast. Lunch might be a repeat of breakfast, depending on what was happening for the day. She takes what she can get and doesn’t complain. Though she misses simple things like spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread, or pasta Alfredo. She might be willing to kill for coconut curry or a plain grilled cheese. Does your muse have a good singing voice? Beth can sing. It doesn’t mean she should. Music was always Andy’s gift. He could play any instrument, and had a perfect voice for blues and rock, though he wasn’t half bad at country either. Beth however was far more gifted with dancing and art. She can sing along to songs she knows by heart, but learning new ones is an excruciating process. She also mishears a lot of lyrics and because she’s been teased about it in the past, she usually politely and shyly declines when asked to sing. She is incredibly soft-spoken, barely talking above a whisper, and her voice happens to be husky. Pearl Jam is her favourite band, and she knows every word of every song by heart. She also loves the Beatles, Pink Floyd, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. These are the easiest songs to get her to come out of her shell. Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks? Beth tends to hide her smile behind her palm, rarely flashing her teeth openly. Her canines are pronounced as are most of the others, and they are a little crooked. While she could have had cosmetic orthodontics at any point in her life, she’s never had them fixed. However, she’s been told that they are unsightly and no one wants to see fangs in a human mouth. Beth will often bite the inside corners of her lips or suck her lower lip between her teeth when she’s deep in contemplation or holding something back. When possible, she’ll self-medicate her feelings or lack there of by drinking wine or if it’s particularly bad or horrific, vodka. She doesn’t allow people to touch her left leg, and goes through great pains to keep it “hidden” due to the horrific scarring caused by a shark bite. She says it is kapu. Whether she means this in a sense of it’s sacred, or whether it’s taboo is anyone’s guess. Due to her audio processing disorder and difficulty with spoken language, Beth is often speaking Pidgin, a Hawai’ian creole dialect, though she can and does speak perfectly good English when she wants or needs to.  What does your muse usually look like/wear? Being extremely tactile and sensitive to touch, Beth has a difficult time with too tight, too form fitting clothes when the texture of them is off-putting. Being as physically small as she is, it is often difficult to find clothes in her size, too. When she started her search for her brother, she took a sea bag worth of clothes with her. Two pairs of scrubs, two pairs of hiking shorts, her lab coat, two sets of thermal leggings and long sleeve shirts, two pairs of jeans, a couple of her brother’s tee-shirts to sleep in, a week’s worth of underpants and socks, a pair of sneakers, hiking boots, and ‘slippahs’ {flip flops}. She has a denim jacket for cool weather, and a winter coat that can double as a pillow or blanket. Somewhere in this mess is also two of her favourite bikinis. Beth is thankfully slight enough in built that she typically doesn’t have to worry about wearing a bra, but she knows the importance of layers. All of this is a far cry from her favourite clothing which is long flowing skirts and sleeveless shirts. She used to wear as little as possible. She doesn’t have that luxury any more. Is your muse affectionate? How so? As a byproduct of being a medical professional, Beth literally cares about every single person she encounters. Some might say overly so, some might say she wears her heart on her sleeve, or call her a hippy-tree-hugger. Those people aren’t technically wrong, and because of her own tragedies, she’s especially fond of children and the elderly. She doesn’t think twice about giving someone’s arm a squeeze, a reassuring pat, or a hug when it seems like they need one. She’s quick to laugh at other people’s jokes. She tends to stand or talk closely with others {which helps her read lips and watch for micro-expressions}. She is very open, giving, understanding. Above all else, she tries so hard to live by the motto “First, Do No Harm.” Part of it is cultural, part of it has to do with being a doctor, and part of it she just doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. On the downside, she is easily misled, and for someone so smart, she’s incredibly naive. What position does your muse sleep in? When Beth can get sleep ~she has been a lifelong insomniac, prone to night terrors and bouts of sleep paralysis~ it’s because she’s sleeping beside someone she trusts, and in those moments, she falls asleep however she finally ‘drops’, but most comfortably she sleeps on her side. Small-spoon style. If that isn’t convenient, she has a need to be touching the other person at least with her toes or finger tips. She never actually sleeps in any one position for long, and is likely to toss or turn several times a ‘night’. Sometimes, she inexplicably cries in her sleep, silent tears that soak into her pillow. Can you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
You’d have an easier time hearing a mouse creeping forty feet below ground than hear Beth make a single-foot fall. She walks softly in every sense of the word, and spent a lifetime learning to be as unobtrusive as humanly possible. She is not a loud talker. She is definitely not a mouth-breather, and doesn’t snore. More often than not, if she can manage to be still for a very long time, people will forget she’s even there.
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Tagged by: my darling Kennzie @deputygonebye​
Tagging: Go ahead and do it. If you’ve done it before, pick a fave au <3
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59writes · 3 years
part two of @honeyylin ‘s request!!! sorry it took so long honey ㅠㅠ
also check out honey’s acc!!! they’ve recently started writing fic so give em a visit!! <3
today’s photo theme is green green green green green green green green green green
(I didn’t proofread this I will when it’s not 5 am lol)
tw: food, injury
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• *insert terrified screaming*
• yikes. this man. this poor fellow.
• he’s so worried about you!!!
• like. you’re fine. it’s not a big deal you just won’t be able to walk without crutches for a while
• but this man PHYSICALLY refuses to go to work
• Jihoon even comes to your apartment to beat Seokmin’s ass gently request he come to work cuz they kind of need him
• but no, because “y/n needs me more!!”
• please you’re fine. you can walk and you work from home already. you’ll live. You’ve been injured before.
• this goes in one ear and out the other!
• he will stay home and baby you and peek in your room every ten minutes like “hey are you ok???? do you need anything???”
• it’s kind of endearing
• the calls you keep getting from Seungcheol and Jihoon are not though because SOMEONE keeps forgetting to “call in sick” to work!!
• it’s just part of the whole shebang. he calms down eventually and gets over the anxiety of you getting even more hurt or struggling and goes back to the others
• but you bet your ass when he comes home at night you’re not going anywhere and he’s gonna baby you until he deems you all better
• also he definitely just likes babying you because he doesn’t declare you better until a week after the doctor does, “just to be safe!!!”
• he loves you very much and if anything we’re to happen to the love of his life he’d like. Evaporate on the spot
• 10/10 man right here
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• ok so we know how clumsy this man is
• he technically knows how to take care of injuries
• also the injury was sort of maybe his fault ):
• he tripped over a damn rock and made you stumble too, falling and scraping up your leg
• and this poor man is apologizing faster than he raps
• you’re not badly hurt, and when the pain wears off you’re laughing
• and Mingyu’s all pouty lol
• and though you assure him that you’re ok and everyone trips up sometimes, he just wants to make it up to you
• he is also one of the other mfs who would make soup. him and Josh r gonna open a soup kitchen s2g
• but he’s also super cheesy and you wake up from a nap and see that Mingyu’s gone out and gotten flowers and made some nice food and made a little mini date in ur apartment
• and he just feels so bad !!!! please help this man
• once you joke that maybe you should get injured more often so you guys have more dates like this he finally really calms down
• but like I said, he’d know how to treat any injury
• maybe not well, and I’m sure this man’s instinctive response is “I will put a bandaid on it and move on with my life” but how focused he is when he is just wiping off dirt from your arm or leg or whatever and making you sit still while he gauzes it up is just really sweet he cares so much
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• this man does not know anything.
• I mean don’t get me wrong he’s incredibly smart and emotionally intelligent but also. there’s nothing in this man’s brain except for dastardly ideas
• and you nearly breaking your arm is not exactly a dastardly idea
• so he kinda just shuts down
• he wants to help !!! So bad !!!! but he can’t do anything !!!
• like he’s genuinely such a kind dude and always willing to help even if he teases about it and just always there
• and this is the one thing he can’t help with!!!
• so frustrated ):
• so he spends his time with you by lurking with a pout, ready for any request you had
• he definitely looks like a lost puppy ㅠㅠ
• maybe you act a little more helpless than usual so he can feel better about himself. just maybe
• seeing him brighten when you ask him to get the pasta from the top shelf or help with the laundry is completely worth getting hurt for!!
• eventually he cheers up and goes back to his normal and teasing ways
• and once you heal up he’s so glad he can hug you super tight again (:<
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• Ah, Seungkwan.
• be prepared for lots of passive-aggressive scolding
• I mean when it first happens you can see the panic in this poor man’s eyes
• ok well technically you texted him about it but his reply was violently misspelled and he showed up at your house within 15 minutes
• tbh you should be scolding him because he definitely was speeding to get home that fast
• but he was scolding you!!!
• like wtf you’re already feeling shitty and then Seungkwan comes over and is acting like your mom
• but this man is emotionally mature!!!
• he notices how frustrated and snippy your replies get and calms down, hugging you tightly where you sit on the bathroom counter as he cleans you up
• complains about getting blood on his shirt tho the bastard
• but he definitely hangs out with you for the rest of the day and you catch up and eat ice cream while you lie around on the floor and it’s just. aju nice. (lol)
• he does his best to keep your mind off of any pain or struggling, and we all know this man is a master of distraction so it goes very well
• he’s a very home-y person and you always feel safe with him (:
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• his literal response is “well that’s not good”
• you fuckin call him like “hey sol I’m in urgent care kinda like. broke my arm” and he’s just like “Yeah that’s a problem”
• thank you Hansol “Sherlock” Chwe
• he is just. out of his element please this man will just stare at your cast or whatever with wide eyes like “yo you broke your arm” yes Vernon
• he’s kinda just fascinated ngl
• he lets you tell your story with wide eyes, beaming proudly when you said you didn’t cry
• he’s like “yeah that’s my partner (:< so cool and badass”
• he’s just very silly about it and doesn’t treat you any differently
• which is nice because you kinda hate people bringing attention to it cuz it’s annoying as shit already ):<
• and he’s already so helpful and willing to do chores or whatever so you don’t have to worry about carrying things or washing dishes or whatever cuz Vernon’s got it!!!
• plus it’s adorable how literally every night he’s just like “it’s so cool how you have a cast” like it’s the dumbest thing ever but he finds it so entertaining. like not even the fact you got hurt just like “holy shit like. it’s cement they basically cement your arm in place you have cement on your arm y/n you could knock someone out with that”
• he’s a cutie lol
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• ok contrary to popular belief I think he would handle it very well!!
• don’t get me wrong this man is PANICKING under the surface but like. he’s so calm about it on the outside??? hello????
• you call him during practice like “hey so I kinda got hurt I’m ok tho, at the doctor rn” and he’s just like “yes ok are you ok?!”
• little dude lol
• and even though you are, in fact, completely fine, he’s gotta worry smh it’s his job!!
• he comes home and listens to the story as he helps you change the bandages with the most gentle hands ))))):
• and being near you definitely helps calm him down
• he’s back to teasing and being goofy in no time
• this man also definitely knows some medical shit idk what makes me think that but he knows how to like. deal with an injury.
• he definitely is very medically aware idk man I feel like he listens to doctor speak cuz it’s cool and is like “oh yeah go ice that you don’t want it cramping up” whenever one of the other guys complains about something minor lol
• he’s very caring ): I love he sm (:
• he can be a little rat but he knows when to stop and be an ally and what an excellent ally he is!!!!!!!!!
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I’m so sorry I’ve never done an after note like this before but seeing all the green and plants makes me think of this damn tweet and I can’t stop laughinh
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“he has pollen allergy” I’m sobbing please
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marvelatthetwilight · 3 years
The Last Secret
Part 1: The Secret
Part 2: The Secret’s Out
Part 3: Secrets and Lies
Part 4: Sick of Secrets
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Demetri’s POV
I follow Carlisle, carrying Y/N into a room at the end of a hallway. The room is set up as a study, but there is medical equipment to one side. Carlisle gestures to the bed and I place Y/N down gently. I can still faintly hear her heartbeat, although her breathing is raspy and laboured. I look at Carlisle, pleading with him to help her.
“She’s lost a lot of blood Demetri. I will do what I can, but the only way to save her may be to turn her” his face looks anguished as he speaks, I know that Y/N was close with all of the Cullens so they will do what they can to help her.
I wince at the idea of changing her so soon. We hadn’t had the opportunity to discuss her feelings, although we have talked about spending forever together. She might be expecting her forever to start in a few years. A few years that I should have been able to give her. I wasn’t able to protect her like I should have. I took her away from her friends and family and put her at risk.
He ushers me out of the room as I stand bewildered, looking out the window, listening closely to Y/N’s faint heartbeat.
Edward appears beside me, I know he has been listening to my thoughts, and normally I would be furious, but today I do not care, I just wish for Y/N to be OK.
“Demetri, I think you should come and talk to Bella, she and Y/N are very close and she may be able to give you an insight into Y/N’s feelings on being turned.”
I nod, and follow him down the hallway to the living room, holding on to the faint sound of Y/N’s heart as I walk away.
I walk into the room to be greeted by Bella, the small child and a creature who I assume to be one of the wolves Y/N told me about. Jacob I think? I look to Edward for confirmation and he smiles as he nods.
“Renesmee, Jacob, this is Demetri, Y/N’s...mate.”
The young girl walks towards me with her hand outstretched and hesitates before looking to her mother for approval. I lean forward slightly and she places her hand on my cheek.
Flashes of memories fill my head; Y/N holding Renesmee as a baby, rocking and cooing her as she sleeps, Y/N and Renesmee playing hide and seek, playing board games with Jacob and cuddling on the sofa watching movies.
The final memory is longer, it doesn’t flash in my head like a snapshot, there is sound like a video.
Y/N and Renesmee planting flowers in the garden.
“Are you going to become like mother and father and be with me forever Y/N?”
Renesmee looks to Y/N, and her face lights up as she smiles.
“I will be like your mother and father, but I won’t be able to stay here, with you forever Nessie. I will lead my own life, with my love, but I will try to visit you, and you can visit me.”
The memory ends and Renesmee looks to me expectantly. I realise then that my mouth is wide open in shock, and Renesmee laughs as I quickly close it.
“Demetri if you have to make the choice today, make it. She will not be mad with you, this is what she wants. She wants to live out her life with you.” Bella states as she walks towards where I am standing still with Renesmee.
Why are they all being so kind after everything I have done? I took Y/N away without saying goodbye, I knew that Aro had a nefarious plan and I did not help.
Edward coughs slightly, to gain my attention. Oh yes, he can hear me.
“We know you only did what you did to protect her. That you would do anything to protect her. We hold no ill will towards you Demetri.” Edward says as he steps closer to Bella and puts an arm around her waist.
“Demetri.” Carlisle’s voice rings out from the room down the corridor.
I quickly make my way to him and can immediately tell from his face that a decision must be made.
“She has lost too much blood. I have repaired her wound as best I can but I cannot be confident in her outcome. If you wish to save her, I believe she must be turned.”
I nod. But I’m immediately unsure if I have the willpower to stop myself to turn her, and I look back to Edward, knowing he has heard my concern.
“Demetri, you found Y/N covered in blood, you carried her here without the thought of tasting her even crossing your mind. Your bond is strong, I don’t think you would be able to hurt her.” He pulls Bella towards himself as he speaks again.
“I know from experience, when it comes to saving your love, the taste of blood does not matter.”
I turn back to Carlisle. “I will change her” I state with confidence.
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I make my way into the room, Y/N is pale, her stomach covered in a bandage, hiding her stitches. Hiding where I failed her.
Carlisle and Edward stay in the room with me, just in case.
I hold her hand up to my face and kiss the back of it softly. “I love you” I whisper, before turning her hand and biting into her wrist. I bite long enough to let me venom flow through her but not to drink, though the sweet taste of her blood lingers on my lips from my bite. It’s like nectar, not like any blood I have ever tasted before. I shake my head to shake away the thoughts and pull her hand away.
“Should I do it again, to be sure?” I look to Carlisle for confirmation and he nods.
I move closer to her, my face now next to hers, and I take in her scent, before turning her head away to reach her neck. I lay a soft kiss on her neck before biting down, the sweet nectar of her blood filling my mouth. I feel like I am drowning in her before I am pulled away by Carlisle and Edward.
“Enough Demetri, enough.” Carlisle shouts, his voice pulling me out of my thoughts and back into the room.
“And now we wait.” I sigh.
“Now we wait” Edward and Carlisle repeat.
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Three days pass in the company of the Cullens. I travel to Seattle to feed, as promised, but I hate being so far from Y/N in case she wakes. I make quick work of it, finding the first person who takes my fancy and making my way back to the Cullen’s house as soon as I have disposed of the body.
When I open the door to the house, the house is buzzing with movement, something I had not noticed for the past few days. Jacob had taken Renesmee to the Reservation to be safe, just in case Y/N had trouble with her thirst, so the active, childlike energy had disappeared. Most of the Cullens took to reading, waiting in anticipation for their friend to wake up.
But suddenly this was different. Alice meets me as a I close the front door.
“It’s nearly time.” She states with a grin on her face.
“How do you know?” I ask in confusion, I still don’t fully understand how her power works, and I’m not sure if I want to know what she has seen.
“Edward can hear her”. This has piqued my interest.
I follow Alice into the room where Y/N lay on the bed, Edward and Carlisle standing to her left.
“She’s thinking about you Demetri” Edward whispers with a smile. “It’s mostly memories of her human life, but I can hear her, she’s nearly ready to wake.”
Carlisle ushers everyone but me out of the room, I pull over a chair from the edge of the room to Y/N’s bedside and hold her hand. I gently caress her face with my other hand, my fingers running the outline of her jaw, her lips. The venom has lengthened her eyelashes, her lips plumper, but she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen when she was human, so there was little vampire venom could do to change that. I bring her hand to my lips and close my eyes as I kiss it, willing her to wake.
“Demetri...what happened?”
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My eyes flutter open and I look around me. My vision is...different...I can see small speckles of dust flying in the rays of sun shining through the window. My eyes dart around the room before landing on the fair hair of Demetri, his head bent forwards as he kisses my hand.
“Demetri, what happened?” I whisper, my voice hoarse from not speaking.
“Y/N, my love, you are awake!” Demetri cups my face with his hands and peppers my face with kisses before pressing his lips to mine.
I laugh before I feel a burn in my throat, I scratch at my neck in an attempt to ease the pain. Demetri’s eyes widen before he rushes to the fridge in the corner of the room and retrieves what look like blood bags.
“What are those for?” Demetri looks at me with a pained expression, his eyes willing me to understand.
“I’m...I’ve...been turned?” I look up at him, his face showing deep sorrow, and I realise that he feels he is to blame for whatever happened.
I take the bag from his hands and place it in my lap before taking his hands in mine.
“I don’t need to know what happened, I know that you would have done everything you could and that this was the right decision.” I pull him towards me and kiss him.
“You don’t want to know?” He questions.
“It can be the last secret between us. I don’t need to know, I don’t want to know. It’s not needed. But what is needed is this, how do I do this?”
I hold up the blood bag to my mouth and I’m immediately hit with the smell. The burning in my throat intensifies and I bite into the bag in desperation, guzzling the contents within seconds. Just as I finish the first bag, Demetri holds up a second, and then a third, before I feel the burning begin to cool in my throat.
Demetri holds up a fourth bag and I growl possessively, I reach out to grab it just as a zap noise leaves my palms and Demetri shouts out in pain, dropping the bag onto the bed.
“What on earth was that Y/N?” Demetri growls as he rubs his hand defensively.
“I think that was me?” I say sheepishly, before grabbing the fourth bag and emptying it.
Edward appears at the door and shares a look with Demetri, his eyebrows raise at me.
“Well, that’s an interesting development Y/N. You appear to have a gift.”
@volturidoll13 @fatiguing-thoughts @clearwater-hoe @teampaul @wallwriterstuff @like-rain-or-confetti @moviequeen51 @awesomebooklover17 @cncogirl18 @raindancer2004 @officialfictionalwreck @megzdoodle @slasher-sweetie @evakipara @reclusive-chicken-nugget @icarusinstatic @holl2712
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miraculouswolf99 · 3 years
The Language of Flowers
I love Chloe Salt and while this is not the most action-packed of one-shots, I hope you all appreciate the effort that I did to research each and every meaning of the flowers.
Lyon and Vallia Garden.
The first, a teen that would be described as having a heart of ice and a gaze that could freeze you solid. His twin sister, on the other hand, was pretty much said to be a flower garden made human with tree sap instead of blood.
Yet the two stuck to each other as if they were one of those pairs of conjoined twins. The two were opposites in personality, style, and even how they talk. But even then, they were as close as a brother and sister could be.
Nobody in Ms.Bustier's really had any idea about the two foreign students in their class. Of course, they knew that it was part of a program for students of different countries to experience other cultures. But it was almost like having two ghosts in class. They would come and go each day, silent as ever, and it was like they were never there at all.
There wasn't really much of a problem with them, especially since the first day they were there was pretty much the only time they had ever spoken. But they spoke only to give the class brat, Chloe, a good tongue lashing that they all thought she deserved when she tried to make the two as submissive to her as Sabrina. But since then, the two were so silent that most people that were not in the classroom thought that they were mute.
"They two of them are such a mystery," Nino says, a lot of the class hanging out in the classroom during a break since an akuma attack was recently stopped.
The twins were not in the room for reasons no one else knew.
"A mystery wrapped in an enigma and stuffed into a riddle," Alya added, the reporter in her really frustrated.
"They are not as bad as you guys think," Adrien tells them, a bit tired after his fight as Cat Noir.
"How can you be so sure," Alix crosses her arms. "They don't talk to anyone but each other and never in a language we understand."
"I've seen Lyon at his archery practice sometimes when Kagami and I are at fencing," Adrien says. "He probably just has high expectations expected of him like Kagami and me."
"It is probably the same for Vallia, as well, then," Marinette agreed.
"They could, at least, make an effort with us," Kim said.
"My calculations say that there is a less than five percent chance that the two will speak with any of us," Max says.
"They need to learn their places," Chloe sneered. "Bowing at my feet."
"Why are you even here, Chloe," Alya put her hands on her hips. "Everything that ever comes out of your mouth is about as trashy as that dumpster akuma last week."
It had been a garbage man that was having a bad day. Apparently, his daughter was sick, his partner in the truck would not stop singing opera, and then one grosser bags he was trying to put in the truck ripped open. All that combined made him a prime target for Hawkmoth. Luckily, Ladybug, Cat Noir, White Wolf, and Beautifly managed to stop him from turning Paris into one giant landfill. Which, ironically, was his villain name. Landfill.
"My father will hear about..." Chloe tried.
"Shut up, Chloe," Marinette yelled. "Maybe the reason they don't talk to us is that they think we are all just as under your pathetic thumb as Sabrina."
"I'd rather be turned back into Timebreaker than be her minion," Alix stated.
"Adrikins, you going to let them talk to me like that," Chloe tried to whine.
For once, Adrien didn't even try to defend her. He turned away from her, shaking his head. To say that the young model was sick of her never-changing attitude would be the understatement of the century. He did a lot of thinking after the Despair Bear incident. Chloe would never change how she was. She has gotten away with it for too long to ever even want to change. She especially didn't change after being turned into Queen Wasp not too long ago.
"They've only been here for a little over two weeks," Marinette reminded them. "Maybe they just need more time to adjust."
"Having friends would help them adjust, girl," Alya put her hand on her best friend's shoulder.
"There is an 86.5 percent chance of them adjusting better with friends by their side," Max said, Markov floating by his head.
The class would have talked more, but they heard the sounds of two people chattering away in a foreign language coming toward the classroom. And since Lila was still MIA since her first day in class, that meant that it had to be the twins. Everyone quickly scrambled to get into their seats and not look like they had a class meeting without the entire class.
When Lyon and Vallia walked in, the silence that had fallen over the classroom seemed to be a lot worse than being caught in a class meeting. But the Greek twins simply walked to their seats in the back and sat down for class to start up again.
"Vríkate ta sostá louloúdia," Lyon whispered to his sister. Translated: Did you find the right flowers.
"Me píre lígo, allá to ékana," Vallia whispered back. Translated: Took me a while, but I did.
The two silently had smirks on their faces.
The next day, the class was unbelievably shocked by what they saw when they walked into the classroom. There were bunches of flowers on all of their desks. A different flower was on each of them. No two desks had the same flower. Except that Ms.Bustier's desk seemed to have a flower bunch with one of each blossom in it.
"Geia," the Greek twins greeted them, standing at the front of the classroom.
Most of the class was too shocked by the flowers to notice that the two of them had actually talked to them.
"Was there some type of flower akuma and we didn't know about it," Alya looked disappointed that she might have missed an akuma attack for her blog.
"Pardon," Lyon crossed his arms.
The class suddenly realized that the twins were talking to them. The two of them were also each holding a few roses in their hands.
"Are you two actually talking to us," Alix asked.
"Eínai tóso dýskolo na eísai oraía," Lyon says to his sister. Translation: They make it so hard to be nice.
"Páre, aderfí," Vallia responded. Translation: Behave, brother.
"Class, sit down," Ms.Bustier instructed. "Lyon and Vallia have some things that they have collecting in order to share with us."
"Flowers," Max asked, confused.
"We basically grew up surrounded by nature," Vallia says. "Plants can be a language all on their own. You just have to know how to use them."
Lyon took a small sniff of the roses he was holding.
"Take roses, for example," he said. "They perfectly describe us. Roses are said to represent people that are quiet and traditional. Quite fitting for the two of us, isn't it."
The class all sat down in their respected seats. Adrien and Marinette were probably the most interested ones of the class, even if they were all curious. Except for Chloe, of course.
"We spent these last couple of weeks getting to know you guys from a distance," Vallia explained. "It is one of our family traditions to give flowers to someone when they enter the family. By marriage or birth."
"We decided to take that tradition and make a classroom version of it," Lyon says. "Each of you has been given flowers that match your personalities. It took us a while to find the right ones and get them here. Luckily, we have a very wide range of flora at our family sanctuary."
"You spent over two weeks getting us flowers," Alix raised her eyebrow.
"Can there really be a flower for each of us," Mylene wondered out loud.
"You have them all in front of you," Lyon looked a little annoyed.
Vallia did have to admit that she was a tab annoyed as well. While they did not know just how much nature meant to them as a part of their lives, the doubt was still annoying.
"We figured this would show that we are more than two foreigners that like to keep to themselves," Vallia says.
"Keep in mind that I still like to keep to myself most of the time," Lyon said, Vallia knowing how much her brother likes the quiet.
"So, what do these flowers mean," Adrien asks.
To his surprise, neither of the twins pulled out a list or anything that could help them remember all the information. They must really know their stuff.
"We can start with Mylene," Vallia says, the small girl blushing. "We gave her peony flowers. They represent those that are kind and also like small gestures."
Ivan was particularly shocked by that. He had only gotten together with Mylene because she read his song as a poem after his second time being akumatized as Stone Heart. She was not up for the big-time rock and roll version he wrote it as, and just liked it as a simple poem or soft song.
"Ivan's was simpler to find," Lyon said. "The carnation flower has always been used to describe down-to-earth people. Ones that are very grounded."
The other members of Kitty Section looked at Ivan, knowing how that was very true. Ivan had always been the first to calm down any fame that might go to their heads after the Captain Hardrock incident and their performance. Well, after Luka that is. Juleka's brother was basically a saint when it came to being cool, calm, and collected.
"We chose poppies for Alix," Vallia explained the red flowers in front of the skater. "The traits that they represent are those that are creative and bold."
That was definitely Alix to a "T." Her art was a mix of both since she did spraypaint street art. And her natural athletic abilities did make her do some pretty bold things.
"Max and Kim, I thought, were the easiest to match," Lyon said. "Max has the aster flower, which represents those that are smart and devoted. Kim has hydrangeas, for those that are athletic and team players."
The class was starting to see just how much the two had worked on their "project."
"I, personally, liked to say that I enjoyed finding flowers for Rose and Juleka," Vallia smiled. "Mostly because I am holding one of their names."
That got a giggle out of the pink-dressed blond and an eye roll from Lyon.
"Get on with it, Vallia," Lyon says. "We still have actual classes to attend, sister."
The class had to hide groans, especially since Bustier was in the room and they did not want to insult her by accident.
"Fine," Vallia sighed. "I thought that tulips matched Rose because they are for the bright and cheerful. Juleka's are also my personal favorite flower, the lily. They are for ones that are quiet but also inspirational to others."
Juleka tried to hide her face in her hands, knowing that she was blushing. Rose was over the moon, for herself and her best friend. If there was any flower that was spot on for anyone in the class, it would be the one that Rose got.
"Nathaniel and Adrien ended up having the flowers that tie as my favorite," Lyon admitted. "I chose the iris for Nathaniel because it is a flower for daydreamers and the imaginative. Orchids are Adrien's because they represent those that are sophisticated, refined, but have good hearts."
Both mentioned boys blushed. While Adrien did have more friends than Nath, both of them were naturally quiet and not used to such praise. Yes, Adrien is a model, but it be a miracle to hear any sort of praise from his father. And Nath was only just starting to come out of his shell thanks to Marinette.
"Sabrina was a tad bit more difficult to match," Vallia almost did not want to admit. "But when you learn about who she is, she is optimistic and also tends to be a morning person. Those are the traits of the daisy."
Sabrina was shocked, as were most of the class. As usual, Chloe didn't care. She had been sneering at the flowers in front of her since she had sat down. Sabrina was internally jumping up and down in excitement. No one had ever tried to get to know her, especially after she became friends with Chloe.
"Alya is a very modern person while Nino also very much in the tech universe, so they were also a little difficult to translate to our olden tradition," Lyon says. "But we did think that Alya best matched with the daffodil. It represents those that are very social and also love friends and family. Nino's flower is the sunflower, a blossom for the warm and those that tend to be very happy-go-lucky."
Both of those descriptions perfectly matched the two. Alya was probably the most social person in the entire school. She had to be to run Paris's most popular blog.
"I thought that Marinette's was very much telling about who she is," Vallia says, Marinette a little embarrassed. "The calla lily is for hardworking people, but also represents people that can be said to be quite rare as well."
Marinette was now bright red as she hid her face in her arms, Alya patting her back. But you could see the look on the blogger's face that she was enjoying someone telling Marinette how special she was. The girl was too humble for her own good.
"And last, Chloe," Lyon did not look happy about it being his turn to talk when it came time to tell the brat about her flower.
"Saving the best for last," the blond ruined the nice moment the twins had created. "About time you two start giving me the respect I deserve."
That was when Lyon got the most ice-cold look on his face that the class had ever seen. Rose even shivered a little bit, as if she was actually cold from the look he gave the brat.
Adrien remembered seeing him give that look only once more. It was last week when he was at a photoshoot after school. Lyon and Vallia had been in the same park as the shoot and had heard the photographer becoming rather aggressive with him. After a few words about acting like a model should and not a teenage boy, Lyon got in the photographer's face and gave him that very look. He had not said one word, but that look was enough to make the man weak in the knees. He had not spoken to Adrien again the entire shoot and a different photographer was assigned to him soon after that day.
"Alright, here is what your flower says about you," Lyon's voice could freeze the Atlantic. "The gardenia flower represents those that like living in a life of luxury. Those that like the lifestyle of the one percent..."
Chloe seemed to be happy with that, but Lyon almost smugly popped her bubble.
"Basically, it's the flower for spoiled brats that need to get taught the meaning of the word 'no," he finished.
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yyxgin · 3 years
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pairing: childhood best friend! yang jeongin x fem! reader genre: coming of age (??), best friends to lovers au, kind of slow-burn, fluff, a tiny bit of angst word count: 9.5 k  warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, a lot of internal angsty monologue
synopsis: your last two weeks before the end of summer break bring you a new sense of anxiety as you fear losing everything you’re used to.
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Light shade falls into the space of Jeongin’s room, the room you’ve spent most of your days in the past three years of high school, the room you’ve made most of your high school memories at, while you sigh heavily at the thought of leaving next week and not having the comfort of coming back to it every day after school. The room has memories everywhere you look - from the polaroids you cheesily gifted your friend on his last birthday in a cute shoe box, from which he took them out and stuck them to the wall beside his bed, as if he wanted the comfort of looking at them the last moment before going to sleep and the first moment of waking up in the morning - to the medals from useless school competitions on his bulletin board on the opposite wall, to which you accompanied him every single time. You mourn at the feeling of losing something, even though in reality, it’s not your best friend you’re losing. It’s the routine you’re going to miss.
“I’m gonna miss your room, Jeongin,” you snicker, seeing your best friend playfully glare at you with a pained look on his face he pulls out every time you tease him for something.
“Woah, one would think you’d miss me out of everything, but yeah, I get it, my room plays a much more important role in your life than my presence itself,” rolls his eyes the dimpled boy, causing you to snicker. Of course you’re going to miss him. You’re going to miss everything from his playful teasing to his caring nature he showed to you rarely, and when he did, it was disguised in a form of short glances and noisy questions.
“I just don’t like the idea of coming home from school and not having the comfort of your room right when I need it,” you giggle, shrugging. It was his presence in the room that you’re going to miss the most, though. But you weren’t cheesy like that to say it to his face out loud. Maybe if you didn’t say it, it wouldn’t be true. As if you didn’t want to admit it to the world. If you don’t say it, it doesn’t exist. That’s how it works, right?
“You’re going to have the comfort of your new college dorm room, and that is just as good. If not better,” grins Jeongin, and in a sense, he’s right. Your college is just what you’ve always dreamed of, from the literature major you’ve chosen long time ago to the way dorms just look way more comfortable than your own, small room at your house. You bet the college is filled with educated and smart people you’ve always wanted to accompany yourself with, from the cool hipster girls you’ve only read about in your young adult books to smart guys with cute rounded glasses and alternative rock music playing in their headphones. It’s everything you dreamed of and more. And you got in. That’s the path you’ve chosen for yourself in your life. You think you made the right decision. It definitely feels right to you. 
The only thing that feels wrong is that Jeongin is no longer going to be by your side every day of your boring life. Yang Jeongin has always been there for you. Every single day of your high school experience, every single day of your growing up. He was there when you got your first goldfish and he was there when you had to flush it down the toilet after forgetting to feed it for a few days. He was there when you cried on pepero day, because your poor self got no snacks when you were ten, making him share his sweets with you and tickling you until you cried of laughter, because that was his only way of cheering you up at that time. He watched you grow. And you watched him grow. You were like two trees in a garden, roots intertwined, because they grew at the same place. You shared your childhood with him. But now, the branches of each of your trees were growing apart, and you didn’t like the fact that you’re no longer going to grow side by side.
“But you’re not going to be in my college room, Jeong,” you snicker casually, as if to not show your vulnerable side to him now, when the reality is closer than ever and the day of your departure feels the realest it ever did. 
“At least I won’t be there to annoy you anymore,” he grins, but there’s something behind his words and not so sparkly eyes that you understand all too very well. He doesn’t want to say goodbye. And neither do you. You both know the day will once come that you have to say the hurtful words, but the day was not today. So you’ll both just act like you don’t think about it every second of your miserable summer days, until the day comes and you can finally let it all out. 
“I like your annoying, though,” you smirk, already missing the way he would always tease you about your good grades or when you foolishly got pouty over the smallest things, “life is boring without all your drama.”
“It’s not drama, excuse me? We have Hyunjin for that,” he giggles at the thought of his older friend who graduated just a year ago. You haven’t seen him in a while either. The fact that all your older friends left the town for college and came back only for holidays made you sick to your stomach, because that’s what you’re going to do now. With no contact with your small hometown and your childhood friends, with no contact with your family other than video calls and visiting them on their birthdays. What if the unbreakable bond you had with them breaks? What if you no longer feel like you belong to the small town when you come back one day? You feel like that would crush you the most. Not feeling like at home anymore.
“Whatever you say, Jeongin,” you mumble, coming closer to him and throwing yourself at his body laying on the bed. It’s nothing unusual for the two of you, considering you were called the biggest cuddlebug right after your friend Felix, but something about the gesture feels like you’re hugging him one of the last times in a long time. But this isn’t your last opportunity, so why does it feel like one?
His arms automatically hold you around the waist, your nose nuzzling into his neck. The smell of your best friend is all too familiar to you, and the softness of his bedsheets feels like coming home. You wonder if you’ll be able to get that feeling in your new dorm room, telling yourself that you’ll probably have to wash your sheets with the same fabric softener to feel like that again. You feel his heartbeat under you, your heart swelling at the giggle that escapes his lips when you shuffle a little on top of him to get yourself to a more comfortable position. Your head ends up at his chest, legs intertwined like the roots of the trees in his backyard, rosy cheeks reminding you of the heat of the summer that’s currently creeping on you outside of the house. It reminds you of the last week of summer. The last week you have with your best friend by your side.
“Why couldn’t you just choose the same college as me?” you ask, lips pouty. You know it’s a selfish question. You know Jeongin could probably ask you the same, but he wouldn’t. Because it seems he is much more accepting of the situation than you are. Jeongin has always been the more reasonable between the two of you.
“Because I don’t like literature.” he laughs under you, making your whole body shake with the impact. 
“And? There are plenty of majors to choose from, at least we’d still be studying in the same building.” you mumble. You silently curse at yourself for sounding so needy and desperate. But the truth is, Jeongin is the only thing you are sure of in your life. And you aren’t ready for the feeling of security to go away.
“But there’s no acting major there.” he says, smoothing your back to relax your tense muscles. Does he realise how hard it is for you? Probably yes. He knows you like the back of his hand.
You bite on the chapped skin of your lips for a while, sighing. “I know. Sorry,” you say, voice low and defeated, “I shouldn’t be acting like this. It’s just…” you mumble, not being able to say it. You can’t say you’re going to miss him, because that would make it true. 
“I know,” he sighs, poking your sides a little with his pointer finger, tickling you, reminding you of the way he used to do it when you were nine and he didn’t know how to talk about feelings yet, cutting off your sentence with an unspoken sense of understatement, “but the fact that we’re going to different college doesn’t change anything in our friendship, you know that, right?”
“Of course,” you hurriedly nod, looking into his eyes with sincerity, “I know. You can’t just earease our whole childhood with one stupid college.”
“Right,” he giggles, lightening up at the sight of your smile. It does look a little sad, but it’s enough for him. It’s the sign that you’re at least trying to look at it from the brighter side. “I’m always going to be the one to annoy you.”
“Right.” you nod, grinning, “nobody will ever take your place.”
“Nobody on this whole entire world,” he smirks, “not even a lanky indie boy with a book in his hand you dream of so bad, right?”
You laugh at his remark, shaking your head. “Not a chance.”
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“Tell me, why exactly do you choose to water your plants at night?” giggles Jeongin at your figure pacing around your tiny room with a glass of water in your hand, because you didn’t manage to buy yourself a proper watering can in the long five years of owning the beautiful greenery. You turned to taking care of plants and flowers after the disaster that was your first and only goldfish, because it seemed like much less work than to look after an animal, but you always forgot to water your plants when you were supposed to and only came to think of it at late nights full of overthinking, when your legs hurriedly shot up and you turned to water the poor creatures so you wouldn’t forget about it in the morning.
“They like it that way,” you say instead, grinning at your stupid excuse, “and be quiet, my parents are already sleeping and I don’t need my mum to come here and shout at me again like the last time.”
This was probably your last sleepover of this year. You had sleepovers at each other’s places quite often, but you chose your room as the destination 9 out of 10 times, because Jeongin had siblings and it was easier to have some privacy at your house, considering you were an only child.
“Right, right,” he whisper-shouts and puts a hand over his mouth in a poor attempt to muffle his giggling. The memory of your mother with baby pink hair-curlers comes into your mind, the image of her shouting at the two of you to shut up because she has to go to work the next morning appearing much more funnier in the late hours of night than it originally was. She told you you two weren’t allowed to have any more sleepovers that night, but you both knew that was just a meaningless threat just so you two would be quiet already, because truth be told, sometimes you felt like she liked your best friend more than she liked her own daughter.
“So,” you shigh out as you plop to the bed next to him, the two of you passing the stage of one of you sleeping in a sleeping bag at the floor long, long time ago, “what were we talking about?”
“Oh, that,” he lights up at the mention of the previous topic of your conversation, sitting up so he is now resting his back against the wall next to your bed, glancing at your figure lazily lying next to him, “my parents are going away on the last saturday of the summer. And they're taking my siblings with them.”
You sigh again, knowing damn well where the conversation is going already. “And?”
“And the two of us are leaving on sunday. So that means…” he trails off, wanting you to finish his sentence like you always used to with his stupid ideas.
“That means…?” you act stupid, not really fond of his idea this time.
“That means I can throw my last high school house party!” he cheers, hands up in the air in a winning gesture, making you roll your eyes at him.
“You mean your first and last high school house party?”
“Exactly,” he nods with a big grin on his face, the proudness of finally being able to do that overflowing on his features, but it disappears soon as he notices you don’t mirror his happy expression and look uninterested instead.
“Hey, why aren’t you excited?” he asks, brows furrowed.
“It’s a stupid idea,” you shrug, simply looking away from your best friend gazing at you from under his long eyelashes, looking around your room instead, as if you didn’t know every single centimeter of it by heart already.
“Why do you think so? It’s not. And it’s also the last time I can invite all of our friends to hang out before they leave for college as well,” he says, thinking of all of your older friends that left for college before you and whom you dearly missed every single day of high school, because it wasn’t the same without your big group. 
The 9-member friend group started slowly getting smaller and smaller once Chan and Minho graduated. Changbin graduated a year after that, leaving you with a 6-member friend group, which was still bearable and your table was still the loudest one at lunch, but after Felix, Seungmin, Hyunjin and Jisung graduated, the school halls became empty with only the two of you - the youngest ones of the group, remaining in high school. At least you still had each other. You really don’t know what you’d do without Jeongin by your side.
“Your mum would be mad if she found out,” you mumble, not meeting his eyes.
“And? She can’t stay mad at me for long when I’m leaving on sunday, she’ll get over it.” he shrugs, “come on, Y/N, I’m only gonna invite the nine of us, if it bothers you so much.”
“I just… I don’t know,” you sigh, finally meeting his eyes, “I don’t feel like throwing a party.”
“Stop being so melodramatic already,” teases you Jeongin, but you see something behind his eyes shift at your saddened expression. Is it really that hard for you? He hoped a party would surely cheer you up and make you forget about having to leave at least for one evening. He would be fine without a party, for sure, but he thought seeing your friends one last time would be good for you. He teases you, but you know what he means by his words. He wants you to stop being melodramatic, because he wants you to be happy. You’re not a bother to him when you’re sad, he just likes your smile much better than your frown. Because your smile, at least, doesn’t break his heart.
“Fine,” you sigh out after a while spent by a staring contest with your best friend trying to cheer you up by putting on silly expressions, “but only if you invite the 9 of us only.”
“Of course,” he nods with a grin, finally settling next to you on your bed and hugging you around the waist so you can cuddle up to him safely. He was rarely the one to initiate the cuddling between the two of you, but recently, he knows you need his cuddles more and more. Perhaps he feels like he’ll miss them too.
You huff out when he lands next to you, securing your hands around his on your waist, looking up to the ceiling. You’re not so fond of the idea of a party. Sure, it would be great to meet all your friends before leaving to all go your own ways a day later, but the idea of spending time with someone just to lose them the next week, in a way, makes you feel kind of sad. 
You also wish you could just spend your last days with Jeongin. You’re acting like a clingy girlfriend, and you’re very much aware of that, but you can’t help it. You’ve spent all your days with Jeongin and nobody else last year. You share a special bond with him. You feel like once he’s not only one call or a 10 minute walk to his house away, something will be missing inside of you. It’s silly.
But can anyone really blame you?
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“I wanna do something spontaneous before the summer ends,” you mourn out, sitting at the front porch of Jeongin’s house, the darkness of the summer night enveloping you like a warm blanket. You were supposed to be home a long time ago, but you guess your mother doesn’t really care where you are as long as she knows you’re with Jeongin. That, and you also heard her calling Jeongin’s mum a little while ago when you didn’t arrive home before your curfew, being notified by Mrs Yang that you may be staying over tonight. Actually, you had no idea if you’re staying over. You had no idea where this night was taking you. You just knew you felt empty, you felt bored. As if the summer was wasted.
“Like what?” asks Jeongin, kicking a rock under his black shoe, watching it bounce away from the front porch, glancing up at you right after.
“I don’t know. Like… dye my hair blue or something,” you laugh out, looking at him, “I just wanna do something, you know?” you snicker.
“Let’s do it, then,” he grins at you, standing up from his position next to you on the stairs and reaching out a hand for you to take.
“Let’s do what?”
“Let’s dye your hair blue,” he shrugs, looking at you with sparkling eyes, the lampposts behind his head making him look as if he had a halo around his head. 
“Oh hell no, that was a joke,” you laugh out, shaking your head in disapproval.
“Yeah, and the mourning about wanting blue hair for the past two months was a joke as well, right?” grins Jeongin, still standing at his place with an out-stretched hand to you, “let’s go!”
“Let’s go where? We don’t even have dye and I can’t dye my hair on my own, and I’m enrolling in college on monday, I can’t show up with a blue head!” you mourn out, but giggle nonetheless, finding the idea amusing in a way.
“That’s not a problem, we can get that box dye in the convenience store. And I bet all the tall lanky literature major boys will fall on their asses when they see a cute girl with blue hair on their first day of college,” says Jeongin and forcefully makes you stand up on your own two feet, taking you by surprise by his compliment.
“Yeah, watch me fuck it all up and look like a sad blueberry on my first day of college,” you giggle, but follow his steps that are most likely heading to the convenience store. 
“I will do it for you, you know I’m an expert at hair dye,” laughs out Jeongin, making you crack up at his comment.
“Jeong, bleaching your head once in eighth grade doesn’t count for being an expert at hair dye and you know that.” you roll your eyes, but still follow his footsteps with your hand in his, swinging your hands forward and backward like little children on a playground play-dating for the first time.
“As far as I’m concerned, it surely does.” 
“It didn’t even look good in the first place, how am I supposed to trust you with my hair?” you laugh, seeing his playfully hurt expression accompanied by a dramatic gasp worth of Hwang Hyunjin himself. 
“You told me it looked good back then!” he pouts.
“And I lied.” you shrug, “things like that happen.”
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“This is such a bad idea, Jeongin, I will throw up, I swear to god-”
“Oh my god, chill, woman, it’s going perfectly fine!” giggles Jeongin and shows the glass of cheap wine you bought along-side with your box dye in the convenience store almost half an hour ago to your face with his hand dirty from the blue dye.
“You’re just saying that because you’re drunk.” you roll your eyes and drink the bitter liquid nonetheless, thinking that if it’s going to turn out horribly, at least you won’t register it at first if you’re drunk enough to not notice it.
“I’m not drunk,” giggles Jeongin as he smears another blob of hair dye onto the roots of your hair, “just a little tipsy.”
“Oh no,” you laugh out, knowing damn well Jeongin’s ‘just a little tipsy’ means ‘I can hardly know which one is you because I am seeing you twice’. 
You two are currently sitting in his bathroom, you with your back turned to the mirror so you don’t have to see the disaster that is currently happening on your head, much better to Jeongin, because the light shines from that side and he can see what he’s doing better this way. It’s 2 in the morning and the cheap wine is starting to taste better after every gulp and truth be told, neither of you drink much and you only decided to do so tonight, because Jeongin kept whining about how he hasn’t used his ID to buy alcohol yet and he is now legally allowed to do so. You bought cheap wine, but forgot to buy plastic gloves, though. At least your hair isn’t going to be the only blue mess left when you wake up in the morning and Jeongin will pay for your spontaneous idea as well. With his stained hands, and his stained t-shirt too.
“Stop moving around, you’re making it difficult,” laughs Jeongin, praying in his head his mother doesn’t wake up and chime in to the bathroom to see the disaster happening, because even though he is a legal adult, he is one hudred percent sure she’ll confusticate his cheap wine and wash off your blue hair dye before it even has the chance to work. 
“Are you sure it’s me moving or is it your head that’s spinning?” you giggle, finishing the glass of wine and putting it on the floor while your best friend’s hands are still in your head, your movement causing him to spread some hair dye all over your forehead. “Oh my god it’s in my eyes!” you laugh out, quickly shutting them so they won’t burn.
“No it’s not, you stupid, you just have it all over your forehead,” he grins and continues working, threading his fingers through your locks, your body leaning forward to the head of the chair he stole from the kitchen, relaxing.
“That feels good,” you mumble, noticing the way your sentence might sound a little weird in his ears and feeling your cheeks burn up instantly. You really do sound stupid sometimes, don’t you?
“What does?” he furrows his brows at you, clueless.
“You playing with my hair,” you confess, laughing a little to ease the tension you feel. 
“Oh, does it?” he smirks, scratching a little at your scalp, earning a little whine from your lips that makes him giggle. “And we’re done!” he smiles as he stops, taking a step back to admire your blue, messily covered head. 
“And now we wait,” you giggle, hearing him washing his hands in the sink, even though it doesn’t help him drown out the blue that is now on his hands for the time being.
“Look, we’re in this together,” he giggles, showing you his stained hands as he puts a plastic bag over your hair to make the dye work better, stopping in front of you and gazing into your eyes with his, slightly hazy ones due to the wine you both drank.
You snort at his comment, but continue to stare into his eyes. You notice how they sparkle, even though it may be due to the alcohol, but it still makes your heart flutter with the image of them that just seem so love-struck at the moment. Something inside of you wished he would look at you like that all the time. Like you held the world in your hands. Like you were the most important thing in his universe.
He breaks away the gaze just to poke your cheeks and get out a little laugh, turning away and taking a seat on the hard floor, against the bathtub, with his phone in his hands. 
“I’m gonna set the timer so we don’t forget about that,” he informs you, seeing you nod.
“I doubt we’d forget though, I mean, I have a ridiculous amount of box dye on my head and it burns a little, so…”
“We had two glasses of wine, Y/N, everything’s possible at this point.” he snorts, finally looking back at you after setting his phone on the floor next to him, shooting you the look of admiration you experienced a minute ago once again, making you shy away from his eyes.
A comfortable silence overtakes the room, making you wonder how you even ended up in this position. The feeling of wanting to do something exciting overtook all your senses. It wasn’t like you to do such spontaneous things. Perhaps something inside of you just wanted to see how change feels for the first time. Perhaps your mind wanted to get used to the feeling of something new first, before having to experience the biggest change on monday. 
This change felt good. Kind of exciting. But you’re not quite sure how leaving and changing the place you call home will feel next week. You bet it wouldn’t feel the same.
“Thank you, Jeongin,” you mumble after a while, locking eyes with the black-haired boy sitting on the floor.
“For what? For ruining your hair?” he giggles, his dimples on full display.
“No,” you roll your eyes, suddenly feeling sentimental, “for being my friend, you know? I know I’ve been a little annoying these past days, but I am just scared to leave, that’s all.” 
You see him nod at you, smiling to himself. “I know. It’s okay,” he says, “but you don’t have to be scared. You’ll do great. I mean, you were the top student of our class. And you’re like, really smart, you know. There’s nothing to be worried about.”
You hum in response, nodding at his comment. He was right. But that wasn’t exactly the reasoning behind your silent worries. It wasn’t about your grades dropping or about you not being good enough. Truth be told, you never even thought about that. There was a deeper sense to your worries, but at the same time, they felt more silly than the ones Jeongin thinks live inside that head of yours.
You’re scared to leave your town. Your family. What if you don’t find any friends in your new college? What if you’re left alone? Alone turns to lonely really quickly, and there's nothing in this world you fear more than loneliness.
For the past year, you had no one else but Jeongin. With all your friends away, it was easy to get lonely. But Jeongin was always by your side. He never even gave you a chance to feel that way. Not once did you have a noisy thought in your brain that would make you feel like you have to be scared of being alone this past year. 
But without Jeongin by your side, you’re sure you’ll feel it. The loneliness. You’ll feel lonely without his constant teasing. Without his honest eyes, without his bright smile. You’ll miss your best friend so much that it hurts you already.
What if he forgets all about you? What if you’ll grow apart completely? What if the branches of your trees won’t touch anymore, what if the bond you have will break? What will you do without his calls? Without his presence in your life?
You worry about that the most. Losing him to the distance. But you’ll never say it out loud to him. Not when the end is near.
And so you just smile and nod, humming in response. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”
And with that, the alarm on his phone rings, signaling for you to wash the hair dye off, praying it doesn’t look like such a disaster as you feel like it’s going to.
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“Mum can you please stop yelling? My head hurts,” you grunt while you sit at the kitchen table, putting your head into your hands and wiping them at your face. 
“What did you think? Dying your hair blue a few days before enrolling in college?” she screams, making you rest against the chair and roll your eyes.
After rinsing off the blue hair dye at night, you fell asleep in Jeongin’s bed without even blow drying it, effectively staining his pillowcase as well, forgetting about the wine bottle in his bathroom and about your mother all together. Jeongin’s mum woke you up in the morning with the empty bottle in her hands and a questioning look on her face, telling you to run home, because your mother is causing a scene and she’s tired of listening to her screaming on her phone. Your and Jeongin’s mums were best friends, so you know she doesn’t exactly mean it, but you ran home with a sigh nonetheless without even looking at yourself in the mirror beforehand, preparing yourself for the screaming you’re gonna hear at home.
“I just wanted to have a little fun, that’s all!” you mourn out, looking at her with half-closed eyes, seeing her pacing around the kitchen.
“So you got drunk with Jeongin after you didn’t respond to my calls for the whole evening?!” she scolds you, seeing you sigh.
“I heard you calling Mrs Yang, I know you knew I was there,” you say, tying a strand of your freshly dyed blue hair around your finger and glancing at it. It didn’t look that bad, but you haven’t seen yourself in full display yet, so you can’t really tell if your best friend did a good job yesterday.
“And you’re just gonna glaze over the fact that you got drunk?” she looks at you with wide eyes.
“Mum, I’m literally 19, what do you expect me to say?” you burst out, glaring at her with sharp eyes. You really had no idea where she was coming from with this whole discussion.
She gazes at you for a while before sighing at taking a seat next to you, relaxing her tense muscles. “You’re right. You’re totally right, I’m just over-reacting,” she says, hands clasped on the table, “it’s just… You’re growing up so quickly and I’m not- I guess I’m not ready for you to leave quite yet.” she confesses, looking at you with sad eyes.
Your whole life, you haven’t left home for more than a week. You only did so one time when you went on a field trip with your school and even then, you missed your mother a little. The truth is that after Jeongin, it felt like she was your best friend. It sounds lame, but it is true. The almost idyllic relationship you share with your mother has always made you feel safe and loved. It’s going to be hard for you to not have your mother there to wake you up in case you slept in in the morning, or when you felt sad and wanted to mourn over a cup of hot chocolate in the evening while watching a soap opera. 
You never realised your mother could miss you so much. I guess you were just so self-indulgent in your own pity you never realised other people could be scared of the change as well.
“I’m not either, mum,” you snicker, taking her hands into yours, “but there’s nothing we can do about it now.”
“I know, I know,” she nods, gazing into your eyes, “but it’s going to be empty here without you. I won’t have my soap opera partner here anymore.”
“We can watch soap operas together when I come home over holidays, don’t worry,” you smile at her, seeing her relax a little.
“You bet I’m going to annoy you and call you every evening just to make sure you’re okay,” she laughs at your face full of misery, enjoying the teasing. 
“Please don’t, the college kids will think I’m not cool if you do,” you mourn, but on the inside, you’re screaming ‘please do’, because if you’re alone on the cold nights in your new dorm room, at least you know you always have your mother to lean on. 
“Oh please, with that hair? Everyone will think you’re the coolest girl around,” she grins, pointing at the blue color of your hair, making you snort out in surprise.
“Does it really look cool?” you ask her, beaming with joy.
“As your mother, I’m legally not allowed to say that, but it doesn’t look twice bad, you know,” she says, making you jump out and move to the mirror on the wall in your hall, admiring your new image and admitting that your mother was, indeed, right, and you don’t really regret your spontaneous idea that sparked inside of your head yesterday.
“I’m surprised it’s not blotchy, considering you were drunk when you did that,” smirks your mum from behind you.
“Oh, Jeongin did that,” you point out nonchalantly, “and we weren’t that drunk yet, we finished the bottle after rinsing this off.” you giggle.
“Jeongin did?” she gasps in surprise, laughing.
“Yeah,” you shrug, “the wine was his idea as well, by the way, so if you wanna be mad at someone, it’s not me.”
Your mum shakes her head in amusement, laughing a little at you. Her little girl is growing up so well, she thinks. She looks at you as if she knew something you didn’t, making you quirk up your brow at her questioningly, but she just shrugs it off.
“Go and eat some breakfast, sunshine, you must be hungry,” she just says, making you grin.
“Okay,” you nod, moving back to your spacious kitchen, turning around in the doorway once more and shooting a teasing question to your mother, “does that mean I’m not grounded or anything? Because I have a party to attend this saturday.” you laugh.
“I’ll think about it, young lady.”
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“Remind me again, why are you packing your things on a friday night? We could have been doing much more fun things than that,” mourns Jeongin as he watches you rummaging through your closet, picking up the things you’re going to take with you to a whole new, different city across the whole country. 
“Because I have to leave at noon on sunday,” you huff out, “and you chose to have a party on saturday. And tell me, what other exciting fun things could we be doing right now?” you glare at him from across the room.
“I don’t know, like… watching anime?” he giggles, making you roll your eyes with a small smile of amusement.
“Yeah, right. Anime won’t pack my bags, though, so if you don’t wanna help, at least stop whining for a while.” you mumble, packing your shirts, throwing them into your carrier.
Jeongin rolls his eyes at you, but moves closer to your closet nonetheless, eyeing the mass of clothing inside, silently judging you for owning so much, even though you wear the same three shirts every week. His eyes stop at your hands, seeing something suspicious in them, eyebrows shooting up in question.
“Is that my shirt?” he laughs.
“No…” you mumble, feeling red in your cheeks, stuffing the white fabric into your bag, desperately trying to hide it from his eyes so he won’t tease you about it.
“I’m pretty sure it is.” he grins, catching the blush creeping onto your face. What was making you so flustered? It’s not like you haven’t worn his clothes before. He shares his shirts with you all the time when you sleep over.
“And what if it is? Once it spends more time in my closet than in yours, it’s automatically my shirt, you know.” you explain matter-of-factly, looking him in the eyes, finding a playful spark in them that is ever so present and familiar to you every time he teases you about something.
“Right, right,” he nods, leaning on the wall of your closet, “is there any reason why you’re packing that shirt with you for college?” he asks.
“No reason, I just like that shirt,” you nod, not once meeting his eye, because you’re sure you’d be a blushing mess if you did, desperately wanting him to change the topic and leave you and his shirt alone. It was embarrassing enough for you to keep it for that long, not even talking about you packing it with yourself for college. You never even wore it in the first place. Or Jeongin hasn’t seen you in it before, that is. He must have left the shirt there at one of his sleepovers accidentally, not caring about it enough to remember he lost it. 
And the truth is, you never wore it. You just kept it because it smelled like your best friend. 
Your mother definitely wasn’t so thrilled when you shouted at her in panic when she almost threw it into the wash one day, but she was understanding of your little secret. Your mother knew more about you than you ever did anyway.
“Is that so?” he asks, quirking up an eyebrow, sending shivers down your spine. You usually didn’t mind his teasing this much. 
“Yeah.” you nod again, voice low and shy. There was a sense of unspoken words behind the simple response, but you had no courage in giving those words a name or a particular feeling yet. All you knew was that if you ever miss your best friend as deeply as you can only imagine you will, you hope the smell of his shirt will keep you company. 
And as if your best friend knew, he doesn’t tease you any further. He just stands closer to you, hugging you around your waist from behind and playfully nudging your sides.
“Okay.” he says, voice barely louder than a whisper, his arms feeling like a home you’re soon going to lose.
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The stairs of your best friend’s front porch are a familiar place to you. You know every lamppost in your vision, you know every noise around. You recognise every neighbourhood dog just by the sound of its bark. The chilly air or the summer night makes you shiver, a feeling of nostalgia overtaking your senses as you hear the background noise of the eight people inside, cursing at yourself for not being there with them to spend your last evening in your hometown with your closest friends.
It feels heavy, though. Listening to their laughter, knowing it’s going to be the last time you’re going to hear it in a while. Seeing them smile when you know that tomorrow, you’ll be so far away from each other. And it hurts to say goodbye. 
You don’t feel like seeing Minho grin at you across the room when you know he won’t be there to tease you about being nervous from your first day of college on monday morning. You don’t feel like listening to Changbin’s stories when you know you won’t be there with him to make some new ones. You don’t feel like listening about Jisung’s and Hyunjin’s shared music major, because you’re secretly envious of the fact that they still get to meet each other every day. You don’t feel like watching Chan’s father-like smile when you know you won’t see it for such a long time. You don’t feel like watching Seungmin bickering with everyone when you know he won’t be there to make fun of you when you forget to change from your pyjama pants and go to school in them again. You don’t feel like sitting around in a hug with Felix when you’re more than sure you’re going to miss the way he so lovingly held you once you're sitting in your empty dorm room. 
But you don’t feel like sitting there and watching your best friend laughing in his living room with a can of beer in his hand the most of it all. Because it feels like time’s running out. It feels like if you don’t soon do something, anything, all of those people will forever disappear, even though you know you will always have the chance to meet them on holidays. 
You don’t want to look at them when your heart hurts at every chance of that encounter. 
You miss them all already.
You turn around at the sound of the front door opening, seeing Chan standing there with his usual warm smile, but it doesn’t make you feel safe this time around. It makes you feel longing, it makes you feel like you’re far, far away already.
“Why are you just sitting here, Sonic?” he laughs, nudging your side with his elbow as he sits next to you on the stairs of the front porch, making you break out into a small smile at his teasing nickname comparing you to the blue cartoon character. 
“I don’t feel like partying,” you shrug, not meeting his eyes just in case they tell on you. You watch the stars instead, noticing the way they have never shined brighter, as if they wanted to show you how beautiful they can be the last night you spend in your hometown.
“Don’t be scared,” mumbles Chan, putting his hand on your thigh, comforting you, “you know we’re all just one call away, right? We may not see each other that often anymore, but that doesn’t mean you’re losing us, you know that,” he says, speaking the words you needed to hear for a really long time now, making you look at him with a sad smile on your lips.
“Yeah, I know,” you nod, seeing that father-like smile appear on his lips again. Chan has always been like your older brother to you. He knew you like the back of his hand. You almost forgot how see-through you always were for the boy when he left for college three years ago.
“But this isn’t about us anymore, is it?” he grins playfully, but still considerably enough to not hurt your already fragile feelings.
You scoff, shaking your head in disbelief. He really did know you better than you knew yourself, huh? There was something about Chan that always made him seem like a trained therapist. Maybe it was because he was the oldest of your friend group, always taking care of the eight of you whenever something bad happened. He looked after you all. His heart has always been full of gold. 
“No,” you shake your head, biting the inside of your cheek, lost in thought. 
“You’re not losing him. Ever,” he says firmly, “I promise.”
“Chan, I-”
“For the past year, it was just the two of you. The two of you against the whole world. Do you really think he would throw away something like that just because he won’t have the chance to see you every day?” says Chan, gazing at you with caring eyes.
“No,” you shake your head, “but the distance… I will miss him so much.” you say, feeling actually kind of relieved after the confession you kept all inside without being able to say it out loud for so long. Because once you say it, it’s there. It’s the truth.
But that’s how it is, it is the truth. You will miss your best friend so, so much.
“But he’ll always be there, the distance doesn’t change anything,” Chan says, voice warm. 
“What if-” you start, laughing at yourself in self-pity, “what if he finds someone better there? What if he won’t feel like he needs me anymore? It will be so lonely without him, Chan.”
Chan gazes at you for a while, as if he was studying the way your eyes held all the sadness they possibly could at the very moment, before he speaks up again. “Tell him.”
“Tell him what?” you ask, furrowing your brows at Chan. 
“You know what I mean,” he says, laughing light-heartedly. 
And you know what? He’s right. You know what he means. And maybe you always knew, but you just never said it out loud. Because once you say it, it’s there, and it’s the truth. And hiding from that truth was all you did these past months, even though it’s always been there.
You shake your head again, as if to let him know how well he knows you, staring off to the distance. You feel like you know every car that passes by, every bird that chirps from the tree branches in Jeongin’s back yard. This place feels like a home to you. And you’re not ready to leave home yet. You’re not ready to leave Jeongin. 
“Don’t be scared okay?” asks Chan, standing up, but you know that this time, he means it in a whole different sense. Something about his words makes you calm down, nodding at him. 
“Are you leaving already?” you ask, seeing him nod. 
“Gotta leave early tomorrow,” he says, mimicking your sad smile, “call me when you arrive in your dorms, alright? I wanna hear all about it.” he says, making you smile.
“I will.” you say, seeing him take long steps backwards until he’s at the end of Jeongin’s driveway, waving his hand at you with a bright grin on his face.
“Bye! I’ll visit you some time!” he calls, ignoring the silent hours, knowing damn well Jeongin’s neighbours don’t care about those ever since the last time you went out and screamed out all your bottled-up frustration from your failed maths test last year with Jeongin.
“It’s a three hour long drive, Chan!” you shake your head.
“And you don’t even have a car!” you laugh, seeing him burst out into a fit of giggles.
“I’ll find a way, believe me!” he says, and with that, he leaves. The empty space next to you on the front porch makes you feel sad now, contemplating going inside the house and at least trying to talk to your friends one last time, when you hear the door open again, revealing Jeongin standing there with a frown on his face.
He doesn’t ask you anything, nor does he say anything as he takes a seat next to you, much like Chan did just a few minutes ago. His eyes don’t even meet yours. All you feel is pure melancholy, pure longing for the boy next to you, pure love beating out of your chest as he leans his head onto your shoulder and places a hand on your knee.
You swear you could do it any time. Say it. Just three words - that’s all. Easy. But you know that maybe if you did, saying goodbye would be much harder for you in the morning. It wouldn’t feel right, leaving him with the knowledge you spilled your deepest secret to him. 
And so you do the next closest thing, you say the next closest words to the three most important ones just sitting at the tip of your tongue: “I’ll miss you.”
The words feel so vulnerable. So intimate. Like you’re spilling out your heart to him.
“I will miss you too,” he says back, voice muffled and sad. He said it. It just made it real.
You look at him, his head coming off your shoulder, seeing the sparkle in his eyes mirror the stars in the night sky, reminding you of the beauty of your hometown, because to be honest, no place feels closer to home than when you're in his arms. Your breath hitches in your throat, your body shivering under his gaze. He wears the same love-struck drunken gaze in his eyes, but this time, you’re sure he’s not drunk enough for you to confuse his feelings for alcohol. 
Your eyes flicker to his lips, hesitantly looking into his eyes for any sign of rejection, but finding none as he leans in a little, nudging his nose with yours. 
This surely isn’t your smartest idea. But it sure does feel like one. 
You can almost feel his lips on yours, the ghost of them glazing over yours with his warm breath, when the front door opens for the third time this evening, making both of you jolt away from each other as Jisung’s loud voice cuts through the silence.
“Here you are! I was looking for you two!”
You look at Jeongin with wide, rounded eyes, seeing him gazing to the ground. The expression breaks something inside of you, making you brokenly smile at the boy in the doorway currently looking the two of you up and down, forcing out a laugh.
“Yeah. Here we are.” you say, passing past him, entering the living room to hopefully drown your feelings out in the noise of the seven people left in the place, desperately needing to forget about everything - your college, your mum, your friends, Jeongin - everything.
The kiss didn’t feel like your best idea anymore.
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You load the trunk of your mother’s old white mini cooper with the luggage you packed with Jeongin on friday, a frown sitting on top of your lips as you take a look around your house for the last time in months. It will be weird to not see your small house every day. You never knew you could miss that place. 
Sunlight hits your eyes as you watch your mother step out of the house, looking at you with a sense of pride, opening her arms wide so you can hug her goodbye. You lounge yourself into her body, breathing in her fruity perfume, feeling like you have to breathe in enough so you can remember the smell even  when you’re far away. It’s another smell that reminds you of home. You never realised it until it felt like it was too late.
“Be careful on the roads, yeah? I didn’t leave you my car for you to break it somewhere on your first day of driving it, alright?” she says with a playful, scolding tone of her voice, although you know damn well she doesn’t mean it harshly. She just doesn’t want to say it with a sincere tone of voice, knowing her sensitive daughter might just cry if she does so.
“Right, right,” you nod, breaking away from the motherly hug, seeing her eyes move somewhere behind you, a knowing look settled on her features.
You turn around, seeing Jeongin standing at the end of your doorway, out of breath, a worried look plastered on his face as he watches you take long, slow steps to his figure.
“I thought you left without saying goodbye!” he screams out at you, making you painfully look to the ground. His words hurt you. Because you know how worried he must have been when he thought you didn’t even care enough about him to hug him one last time.
The truth is, you wanted to do it. Leave without a word. You woke up in the morning on the sofa in his living room, visiting his room to find him in his bed soundly asleep, the warm light flowing through the blinds making him look ethereal. The reality hit you at the sight. It felt too hard to say it. To finally leave. 
“I’m sorry, Innie-” you start, only to be cut off by your best friend again.
“Why are you pushing me away? Now, out of everything? When we have so little time left together?” he almost mourns, hands shooting up in the air. 
You look around helplessly, seeing your mother disappeared into the house to give you two some privacy, already knowing what is the topic behind your conversation without you even needing to enlighten her in the first place. It’s so visible in both of your eyes. Nobody had to be told to know about the feelings you share for the other.
“I’m not…”
“Yes you are. What are you so afraid of, Y/N? I’m not disappearing just because I’ll be away,” he helplessly shakes his head, frustration written all over his face.
A lump forms in your throat, making you forcefully swallow it down, looking into his eyes. “What will I do without you? This doesn’t make it any easier for us, Jeongin, and I don’t want to be in pain for all this time without you.”
“Just because you refuse to say it out loud doesn’t mean it isn’t there, you know,” he says, gazing into your eyes, reading your mind perfectly.
You stare into his face again, admiring his features as if it was your last time to see them. His beautiful eyes that always looked at you with admiration. His pretty lips that looked so inviting ever since the moment you two shared at his front porch yesterday. The hair falling into his face, obviously not brushed at all today, since he ran all the way here after not finding you by his side in the morning like he thought he would. 
You stare into his face again and your heart beats with admiration, because Jeongin’s right. Just because you refuse to say it out loud, doesn’t mean you don’t love him. And the fact that you confess won’t make it any harder for you. You would still miss him the same. 
“I-” you choke on your words, seeing him shake his head.
“If you won’t say it, I will,” he speaks up, leaning in closer to you, his hand finding its way onto your cheek, his starry eyes gazing into yours as his breath glazes over your lips again, “I’m in love with you.”
You almost feel your eyes well up with tears just in time when his lips meet yours, shutting them close, immersed in the feeling of the kiss. It feels like your lips were made for him to kiss. Like the two of you were the trees in his backyard, so close to each other, always meant to have your branches and your roots intertwined.
You feel like you never want to pull away, but after a while, you’re forced to. 
“Jeongin, I-” you take a deep breath, feeling the time ticking as you know you have to leave soon or you’ll come late, “I’m in love with you too.”
He nods, a wide grin settled onto his features, acting as if he knew all along and he just wanted to hear the words leave your mouth.
And there they were. 
You said it, so it made it true.
You were in love with him.
But the truth is, you always have been. You just refused to admit it to yourself.
And so with the last kiss before you hopped into your mum’s old mini cooper, you try to remember how it feels, you try to remember how Jeongin’s lips taste against yours. 
They taste sweet. Soft. Just like him. You try to remember how your heart flutters with every butterfly touch of his hand, you try to engrave his glittery eyes into your memory. 
Because this is what you’ll think of when you feel the most alone in your first days of college. You’ll think of Yang Jeongin and the feelings he made you feel. You’ll think of home.
Because your heart has always felt at home when he securely held it in his hands.
“Call me when you get there,” he mumbles against your lips.
“I will,” you nod, not ready to let him go just yet.
“And don’t fall for any lanky literature major while you’re there, okay?” he giggles, nudging your nose with his, making you laugh.
“I wouldn’t dare.”
“Good.” he nods.
“Good.” you repeat, gazing into his eyes.
“I’ll visit you when I can.”
And you know he’ll keep his promise. The ride will be long, but Jeongin will do everything just to feel at home. Because the only thing you two need to feel at ease is each other. And he’s not planning on disappearing just yet.
Not now, when he finally has you. 
Not ever.
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kingsragesqueal · 2 years
someone already made a post like this and i don't mean to copy them but i find myself thinking about it kind of a lot so i'm gonna do one piece character animal crossing headcanons!!
Luffy: loves catching bugs and fishing, like it's definitely his favorite part of the game. he likes all the villagers and doesn't rlly have much of a preference, though he does rlly like the Lazy villagers bc he finds them very funny (and relatable). he doesn't care if he gets ugly villagers bc he doesn't care about character designs that much. he can't decorate his island or house for shit and just places items wherever with no theme or structure. doesn't use paths and puts waterfalls in random ass locations bc he thinks they're pretty. he's never gotten above a 3 star rating but he rlly doesn't care, though he is jealous that his friends get to have cool gold flowers
Zoro: loves the Jock animals for obvious reasons. doesn't care much about decorating his island or home like Luffy, but he is a bit more put together about it than him. his house is just a personal gym and he doesn't have wardrobes or closets bc he doesn't care what he's wearing. always forgets to use his net when shaking trees and ends up getting stung by wasps. constantly buying and crafting medicine. manages to get lost on his own island and often has to use the Rescue app, but he gets rlly grumpy and indignant when this happens. gets lost on his friend's islands too even if they're guiding him or they have clear pathways laid out.
Nami: takes getting that ca$h money v seriously. constantly planting money trees, hitting rocks, shaking trees, etc. doesn't trust Tom Nook as far as she can throw him. hates that u can't haggle with Timmy and Tommy or the Able Sisters on prices but still has a full wardrobe of cute outfits. she has orange trees behind her house and sells them in bulk. her house is lavishly decorated inside and out and she has the money and gold flooring. worked her ass off to get a 5 star island so she could have gold tools and flowers and likes to give (paid) tours to her friends to show off. she likes villagers w/ big personalities and cute/fun designs. rlly loves Tangy and other cat villagers. decorates her island w/ pride stuff and loves the fact that nintendo doesn't censor lgbt+ stuff
Usopp: like Luffy, fishing and catching bugs is his favorite part. absolutely loves popping balloons. goes thru a LOT of slingshots. loves crafting tools and furniture and would rather craft things than buy them. gets rlly excited when he catches a new type of bug and takes it personally when Blathers is repulsed by them. his island's name is Sniper Island and his character is a brave warrior of the sea who fears no tarantula. loves that there are natural hair options. doesn't rlly have a preference for villagers, though he doesn't care much for the Snobby villagers. would lay down his life for Merry. he loves when Flick comes to visit and has a ton of bug models decorating his house. he feels like he and Flick understand each other on a spiritual level.
Sanji: honestly wasn't even interested in ac until the 2.0 update when he found out u could cook now and kind of flipped his shit. loves the fact that u have to gather recipes and ingredients and the fact that u can make gourmet shit. doesn't like fishing but does a lot of it bc he likes having fish to cook. made his island one huge outdoor restaurant with lots of fancy tables, chairs, signs, mood lighting, etc. he doesn't like the Jock villagers bc they remind him of Zoro. prefers female villagers. always wears a suit and hates crafting things, would rather buy them from the shop. has a fondness for the mice villagers.
Chopper: can't decide between keeping his island in a perpetual state of winter or keeping his switch set to April so he can have cherry blossoms. rlly hates that u can only have sakura trees in April and wishes they were available year round. loves crafting medicine and giving it to villagers who are sick. he always has far more medicine in his pockets than is necessary, but insists it's better to be prepared. absolutely loves the fact that u can redeem ur miles for a cotton candy machine, but is a little sad that u can't actually eat the cotton candy. he loves Fauna; she's his favorite villager hands down. actually kind of likes villagers who are a little mean to him bc they remind him of Doctorine. gets excited about discovering new species of wildlife but feels guilty for scaring Blathers when he donates bugs and always whispers a little apology under his breath.
Robin: her island is very chill and relaxed. she has lots of bookshelves and fossils as decorations. absolutely loves digging up fossils and is very happy when she completes a dinosaur/prehistoric creature for the museum. the museum is her favorite place in the game and she spends a lot of time there looking at specimens and enjoying the calm music that plays. feels a little bad for bothering Blathers so much by waking him up and scaring him w/ bugs, but she finds his reactions very cute so she doesn't feel TOO bad. absolutely loves that u can decorate ur island with ancient ruins. she uses vines and statues a lot. she works hard to make her island look nice and have the aesthetic she wants but doesn't stress out over it bc in the end it's a game, and games are supposed to be fun. secretly ships Blathers and Brewster.
Franky: loves crafting and spends most of his time building shit. runs out of materials frequently. decorates his island to be loud and proud; lots of neon lights and colors and flashy things. kind of a retro 80's vibe going on but with futuristic elements. loves how the villagers of the island, Isabelle and Tom Nook all come together and act like a big family sometimes. maybe cried a little when he got a personal concert from KK and nice letters from the animals on his birthday ("maybe a little" meaning "definitely a lot"). loves KK Slider and rlly digs the vibes he has going on and collects his music. all in all just very Extra in the best way.
Brook: thinks the game is very cute and funny and plays it to relax while sipping some tea. loves the fact that u can actually play instruments in the game and has an entire orchestra in his house. his favorite villager is Lucky and he wants to protect him. decorates his island with instruments and tea settings. is scared of the skeleton that throws it's arms up when u touch it. it surprises him every time, no matter how many times it happens. gets a kick out of the fact that u can actually use the toilet and does it frequently just for kicks. always washes his hands afterwards ofc bc he is a Gentleman. wishes there were whale villagers but understands how that might be weird/hard to design. he isn't interested in island ratings bc he just plays as a hobby, not to achieve anything. also loves Blathers' little bowtie.
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cruecifymesixx · 3 years
Love and Leather /part eighty eight/
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: Enjoy! Things will get better soon
Warnings: language, angst
Taglist:   @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol​,  @a-simple-salmon,  @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @awesomealmostdopestudent, , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls,  @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @criminalyetminimal, @trapt-in-a-dream,  @broke-n-bitchy,  @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @herbertweeest, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001,  @waywardprincess666, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @zoenicoles, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,  @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist, @sleepyjunhong  @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier @youretheonlyonewhomakesme, @xxisxxisxxis, @dogmom2014, @cruesixxlover1991, @xpoisonousrosesx,  @m0rnlngstar, @love-struck-aries, @findingmyths,  @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @patheticgay69 @rocknroll--baby, @redlipscrystalskies14, @samanthadegaro @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @thechangingme, @idkmanhereisshitilike, @makaelahdelvalle
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*Moscow 1989*
"It's fucking bullshit!" Nikki shouts as he and the rest of the band come barreling through the dressing room door, "He's seriously going to let Bon fucking Jovi headline? Seriously? We deserve more than that!"
I glance up from filing my nails as each and everyone of them, besides Mick, looks pissed.
"Who the hell does Doc think he is? We're more of a selling act than he is! We didn't fly all the way out here just so we can be out at the bottom of the lineup. It's a complete waste of our time. We could be getting ready to promote Dr. Feelgood!" Tommy then joins in on the screaming match, well at this point I would say it's an ego match.
I move a piece of Nikki's disheveled hair out of his face as he sits next to me on the leather couch, "Fucking Doc promised Jovi that he would be headlining and bumped us down a few notches. If you can't handle managing big names than maybe you should get a different fucking job." Nikki explains to me as he swipes the bottle of sparkling water off the table and takes a sip.
I look around the room as Vince is staring off into space, Tommy is fumbling with his wedding ring and Mick is in his own little world strumming some chords on the guitar. I clear my throat a bit, "Baby, it's not that big of a deal.."
"Not that big of a deal?"
Nikki and I stare at each other a moment, "You know this event is for the fans, the kids that have never experienced American rock before. I don't think it really matters whose headlining and whose not, ya know?" I express my opinion gently as he just continues to stare at me, a dumbfounded look plastered across his face.
"You're just saying that because you like Bon Jovi." He snaps back with an added eye roll,
I chuckle a bit, "You're right, I do, but I wouldn't care if he was headlining or not. Just like I don't care if Mötley was headlining or not. Doc is doing what's best for business. The whole line up is star studded, Nikki. Whether your first or last it's not gonna matter to the audience. What matters is how good of a show you put on. Plus...with you guys being sober, not having performed in over a year and with the new album coming out, it just gives the band the chance to prove that you guys are doing better than ever before."
"How could you not care if Mötley was headlining or not?" Nikki questions, his tone shocked as I groan in annoyance.
"That's really all you took from that?" I eye him as his lips tug upwards in a small smile.
"It just fucking sucks Van. Our first big show out of rehab and he has us being the opening act for Bon Jovi. It's ridiculous. Doc was our manager first. We should take precedence. Not some fucking wannabe cowboy that sings power ballads."
*End flashback*
*Nikki's POV*
"She really wants to play soccer?" I look at Vanity as I lean against the doorframe of the bathroom, "Arianna hates when she gets dirty from playing in the backyard so why would she want to play soccer?" My nose wrinkles up in confusion as I watch Van brush her teeth.
She shrugs at me before spitting and rinsing her mouth, "I don't know. She just said she wanted to play so I grabbed the papers from the bulletin board at her school. I think it would be good for her Nikki. She likes staying busy so I think some little league sports would be good. We can still think about it and talk, the packet isn't due until April."
"No, no. I agree too. We'll just have to explain that she would have to stick with it and try to participate as much as she likes being active she is lazy sometimes." I notice she grabs her make up bag and start pulling stuff out, "You going somewhere?"
She turns her head looking over at me as she rubs cream onto her face, "Yeah? I'm going out with Jon...I told you like three days ago."
"Jon? Oh, right...right...the guy from the diner." I chuckle as she lets out an annoyed sigh.
"If you're gonna start already you can just leave me alone." Vanity tells me, eyebrow raising in mischief as she begins to put make up on her face.
I cross the threshold and pull myself up on the counter, "Where's he taking you? Somewhere romantic?" I tease her as she glances at me, "Oh? It is romantic tonight? That's cool...Donna's out shooting some stuff for Baywatch so she's kinda busy."
"I'm sorry you're lonely." Vanity smirks as she blows me a kiss, "And he's taking me to the beach. There's a horse stable in Malibu and we're gonna ride some horses and have dinner."
I let out an boisterous laugh, "Fucking seriously? That's the most corniest date I've ever heard of."
"Don't be mad because you didn't think of taking me first." She's quick with a comeback as I steal the blush from the counter when she reaches for it.
"Baby, If I wanted to take you on a romantic date I would fly us to Paris." I explain as I hand the container over, "Yeah...Paris, we could get some really nice wine, I'd take you to the best restaurant, get you some fresh flowers from the florist cart. We would take a stroll at the Jardin des Plantes after our dinner. You'd love it Van, there's twinkling lights and always people singing love songs." I explain to her as she glances at me smiling before rolling her eyes and looking back at herself in the mirror.
"Last time I was in Paris, I found out I was pregnant."
My eyes narrow as my head slightly tilts to the side, "During Dr. Feelgood? You knew you were pregnant then?"
"Yeah.." she nods as she starts putting the make up away and tousled her hair with her fingers, "And don't get upset because I didn't tell you. I had to take tests in Paris, remember? You thought I was sick from the sushi? I just had a feeling something was off and I also didn't want to tell you in case they were wrong. One test was negative so I just wanted to wait until we got back home and as you know what happened next." She chuckles a bit and looks at me, "Do I look okay?"
I sigh a bit, trying not to be upset "Yeah doll, you look perfect."
Vanity comes over and stands in front of me, placing her hands on my knees, "If you're gonna be bored go hang out with Tommy-"
"He's too obsessed with putting his head against Clems stomach since they heard the heartbeat at the doctors appointment last week." I explain as she smiles at me.
"You can't be mad at him for that. What about Mick? I'm sure he could use some company or Corabi?"
"No, Micks been wanting to stay to himself and Corabi got a girlfriend...I'll just wait for you to get back. You are coming home tonight, right?" I question her as she leaves the bathroom and I quickly follow, "Right, Vanity?"
"Yes Nikki. I'll be home. Do I have a curfew?" She looks at me over her shoulder before she walks into her closet to pick out clothes.
"Well...now that you mention it..." I laugh when she throws a pair of jeans at me before she slips a pair on and pulls them over her ass and hips, "So it's a casual date?"
"Mhmm...not that romantic like you think it is." She tells me as she pushes hangers back to look at sweaters. We both look at each other when the doorbell goes off.
"Nikki! Wait!!" She yells for me as I run out of her room with Anarchy chasing after me.
I run down the stairs, my eyes narrowing when I see a figure outside the glass paneling of the door, "I'll get it Van! You finish getting dressed!" I yell back at her, nudging Anarchy out of the way as I open up the door. The arrogant smile I had on my face dropped when I saw a dozen red roses and a pearly white smile hiding behind it.
"Jovi?" I stare at him as he chuckles, "You lost?"
"Uh no actually. I'm here to pick up Vanity." He explains, clearing his throat, "We have plans."
My hand grips the doorknob as we stare at one another, "Oh really? You're the guy she's been seeing? You do know it isn't a serious thing between you and her, right?"
Jon laughs at me as I glare, he holds the bouquet of flowers in his hand, "Look Nikki, I wouldn't want your feathers to get ruffled. We're just having fun with each other, that's all."
What the fuck was that suppose to mean? Fun? With each other?
"Yeah, well she can't go. She's sick. It's really nasty, she's been vomiting all morning and stuck on the toilet if you know what I mean. I think Arianna brought the bug home. So I'll have her call you, yeah?" I try closing the front door but he puts his hand out to stop me, "Get off my property before I call the cops."
I feel a hand on my side before I'm being pushed out of the way, "I'm glad you two were able to catch up." Van says, glaring at me before rolling her eyes, "Lets get going Jon." She smiles at him as he hands over the flowers and she's giving them to me "Put them in a vase for me would you Nikki?"
I reach for her arm and pull her back in, "Give us a minute would ya Jon? It's a family meeting." I glare before shutting the door in his face, "Seriously?! Bon fucking Jovi?!" I yell quietly as she reaches for the door handle but I grab her wrist.
"What? What's the problem? I'm doing what the therapist is asking us to do?" She fakes stupidity as she smiles at me, "Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Why him? Of all fucking people? You know I don't like him." I speak through gritted teeth, "You could have picked anyone but him."
"That's not my problem Nikki. I am doing what you wanted so I am going to have fun on my date and I will see you when I get back."
My jaw clenches as she reaches for the door, I wanted to find the words to tell her not to go, to just stay with me and we'll figure it out but I just couldn't get them out of my fucking mouth. She looks at me before closing the door, hearing them talk before a car door closes and the engine starts. I grip the flowers in my hand before tossing them into the trash can.
*Vanity's POV*
I lean down against the drivers side window, feeling Jon put his hand against my cheek "I really had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you." I smile at him as his thumb runs over my cheekbone.
"Can't wait to see what you plan for the next date, I don't know why but I'm expecting it to be over the top." We both chuckle a bit as I nod in agreement.
"I'll have to think of something good then.." we both look at each other for a moment, before I lean forward to give him a kiss, "Goodnight Jon."
"Goodnight sweetheart, I'll call you."
I sigh a bit, waving bye to him when he drives out of the gates. I hold onto my purse as I walk up the front steps to the door, reaching for the handle as it doesn't open. I groan a bit and dig through my purse for my keys "Damnit.." I look through the glass, seeing them on the entry way table being illuminated by the kitchen light.
I step off the porch and walk over to the gate leading to the back yard but it's locked. Fucking Nikki. It's never locked. I try reaching over the wooden boards but I wasn't tall enough to grasp the latch. I sigh and go over to the door, pressing the doorbell and knocking loudly.
I hear a window open above me and i step back seeing Nikki, "Babe! Open the door. I left my keys here!"
"Oh you did? Well that sure as hell sucks." He says as he looks down at me.
"Nikki c'mon it's cold! Just let me in!" I shout back at him as I hear him laugh "This isn't funny! Open the door or I'm breaking it!" I hear him grumble before he leaves the window. I wait impatiently, ringing the doorbell again before the hallway light flips on.
"Why'd you forget your keys, Van?" He looks at me with a smug smile as he opens up the door.
"Because you were yelling at me." I lean against the wall "And we never lock the side gate so what gives? How childish are you to lock me out because you're jealous?"
"Jealous? Of course I'm jealous! How did you even meet him?! What the fuck Vanity, it's gonna get out to the press!"
"It's already in the press Nikki!" I shout back at him, "They already released pictures of you and Donna looking pretty comfortable at some god damn club! Everyone already knows! I met him at work Nikki-"
"So you've been lying to me?"
I stare at him as I laugh, "Are you joking me? Lying to you? I haven't lied about anything! I told you I was seeing a guy I met there!"
"But you didn't say it was Jovi! God, why do you have a thing for fucking rockstars! If it's not me, it's Tommy, if it's not Slash, it's Jovi. Whose fucking next!? How about I call up some of my friends and you can pick! You're nothing more than a glorified groupie slut who got lucky and popped out a rockstars kid!"
My shoulders drop as I stare at him in shock. Eyebrows raised and my lips parting slightly, "Hm." My eyes close with a light head shake as I reach for my keys from the bowl. I keep my purse on my shoulder as I turn from him and head back out the front door.
"Van, it's the middle of the night, I am sorry." Nikki's tone is panicked as he follows after me, "I'm mad and I didn't mean that. I said it out of anger." I feel his hand wrap around my elbow as my own hand reaches for the door. I tug my arm away from his grip and open the car door.
I stare at him for a moment, trying to come up with something to say, "Yeah, no. I'm not doing this." I sit down and shut the door, quickly locking it as I see him trying to open it. I put the key in the ignition ignoring the constant tapping on the window and my name being yelled as I put it in reverse and start backing out of the driveway. I'm not really sure where I was going, but I just knew I didn't want to be here with him suffocating me with apologies.
Later the following week, I find myself sitting in our therapists office clutching an iced coffee as I wait for Dr. Peterson to come in. I wanted to have a solo session as Nikki was in meetings with Alan and the band to discuss the production of the up coming tour and Arianna was at school.
Nikki and I haven't talked about our argument the other night, nor have we spoke more than 5 words to each other at a time. It makes me laugh because talking is easy, it comes naturally for the two of us as our own persons. Nikki had also been leaving after Arianna goes to bed and coming back early in the morning before she wakes up, my guess is he's staying at Donna's but at this point I've been finding myself asking do I even care anymore?
"I am surprised to see you by yourself." Dr. Peterson pulls me from my thoughts as I hear the door click shut and watch her walk over to her chair.
"Yeah-" I smile politely at her, "Thanks for seeing me on such a short notice too. I really appreciate it." I watch as she opens up her folder as she brings her glasses up to her face.
"At least I won't have to replace the candy dish mid session because Nikki decided to inhale the whole thing." She jokes as we both laugh a bit.
"I decided it would be better if I went solo on this one. Would save us both the headache and keep Nikki out of the dentist."
"Of course, so what would you like to discuss today?"
I shift on the couch as I cross one leg over my knee, "Well...Nikki and I got into a pretty heated argument the other night essentially over us seeing other people and I left because I didn't want to say anything I regretted like he did. I don't know...I'm just, I'm conflicted." I glance over at her, "The more him and I see other people, the more I don't feel like we have a chance of being together how we want to be. We're more distant than ever before. It's like there's some heavy, crushing weight over us."
"We-we rarely talk, only when it involves Arianna. Sometimes we have sex still so it's just confusing because he'll tell me one thing and do another."
"Okay...Have you two done any of the other ideas I told you about? Spending time with one another? Doing things you normally wouldn't do? Spending time together without Arianna? Adults need their time too, Vanity." She questions as I shake my head, "You two just jumped into seeing other people?"
"Well Nikki did, I didn't-" I sigh when she puts her hand up, "I forgot, don't place blame on the other person. Yes, we both did jump into seeing other people. I mean, we did hang out and spend time together alone but it was only once. He started getting busy with the album so we just haven't had the time."
"You haven't had the time? Or you just don't want to make the time?" Dr. Peterson asks as I look at her.
"Well...I don't know!" I chuckle a bit, "Nikki's busy. He has a lot on his plate at the moment."
She narrows her eyes at me, "He's busy? Is he even too busy for Arianna?"
"No, he's never too busy for her. He'd wipe out his whole schedule for Arianna."
Dr. Peterson leans back in the chair as we look at one another for a moment, "So...he's not too busy for Arianna and he's not too busy to make time to go on these dates from what you're telling me. So why do you think he's too busy to make time for you? Or are you worried he's going to tell you no, Vanity?"
"No, I'm not worried he would say no....I just don't feel like I'm one of his priorities, so why would he waste his time?" I shrug my shoulders as I look away from her for a moment.
"Okay....you've been going on dates too? How are they? Are you enjoying your time?"
I take a deep breath and exhale, "Yeah, I am. They've been really good and a lot of fun. He's really nice and pleasant to be around. It's like a fresh of breath air, but I feel so much guilt when I'm with him and I doubt Nikki feels like that." I roll my eyes as I meet her stern gaze, "I shouldn't assume how he's feeling." I mumble lowly to her.
"And has Nikki expressed how he feels about you going on dates? Has he told you?"
I nod a bit, "Yeah, he usually just jokes or teases me about it. But he got mad over the weekend that I was going on a date so we got into an argument. Nikki wasn't happy about who I'm seeing because he knows him and doesn't like him. He locked me out of the house, every door and side gate was locked. Even the garage. He kept saying I had been lying to him just because I didn't tell him who I was seeing.. I didn't tell him who I was seeing because I knew this would be the outcome." I lightly shake my head as a sigh escapes me.
"Vanity, I know you want things to work."
I stare at Dr. Peterson as my eyes swell up with tears, "Is that so wrong? That I just want to be together? For Arianna to have a family? I don't think that's a bad thing to want." I feel my voice get shaky and my bottom lip quivers as I look away from her.
"No, you're right. It's not a bad thing to want. However, is it Arianna who wants a family or is it you?"
My eyebrows pull together tightly in confusion, "What do you mean? I'm certain Arianna would want to see us together."
Dr. Peterson chuckles slightly as she glances at me, "You always use Arianna. Let's be honest, Vanity. You want a family because you weren't close with your own, same with Nikki and you are doing everything under the sun to have Nikki just want you, and only you. He's been your only support, stable support system. Yet, you don't know if you want him in or want him out. You're so worried about if he wants you that you probably don't stop and ask yourself, 'hey, do I even want him?'."
"Because he always says he wants me and only me. I'm sorry that I believe him?" My face scrunches up as I become frustrated, "My family was around enough. I wasn't completely abandoned like Nikki was. I just don't know why I keep thinking he's going to change, he never does. It's a never ending fucking cycle we're fine one minute and then the next we're not. It won't fucking stop." I grumble, slumping back against the couch as I look past her.
"Then maybe this is when you need to change instead of waiting on him. You decide if you want to take this situation into your hands and decide the outcome."
My eyes find hers, "Are you telling me to leave him?" The expression drops from my face and a frown replaces it as she doesn't say anything in return, "But I love him...and I barely knew how to function in New York without him." I blink back tears as I stare at the green and white pattered carpet, "I just- I wouldn't even know how to bring it up to Nikki without it turning into one big pile of shit."
"You could always do it here. It is a safe space, ya know?"
"I know it's a safe place...I'd just be scared he'd storm out of here and I'd find all my stuff thrown out in the street."
She chuckles, "I highly doubt Nikki would do that to you." I shrug at her words, "I'm not saying to jump to conclusions Vanity. Think it over, listen to what your gut, mind and heart are saying. I can only give you so much advice, it's your turn to decide if you want to take it or not."
I take a deep breath in as I breathe it out slowly, "I'll think about it for a few days and then I'll talk to him. And whatever happens, happens."
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Possibly another adopted by tokomaru hcs but if they were all adopted together?
I gotchu~
~ Mod Noire
"We'll Save You"
(TokoMaru x Platonic!Warriors Of Hope)
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They heard that they were going to be adopted by Komaru and Toko, and were all instantly ":O" faced.
Masaru and Nagisa immediately take on the protective roles of the rest, stepping in front of them at all times, as if ready to accept a beating in order to protect the others.
This deeply saddens Toko, who reassures all five kids that they have nothing to worry about.
Monaca gets shunned for a while by the other four, despite deeply regretting all she had done to them prior.
This is intervened by Komaru, who stages a mini "intervention", so to speak. She basically allows Monaca to express her regret, and the other Warriors to hear her out.
"Deal with it." - Komaru, in the middle of a peaceful argument with Toko.
Masaru, surprisingly, broke down crying, and the other Warriors were not happy.
Honestly, if it weren't for Monaca and Nagisa, both Komaru and Toko would have probably gotten killed by Kotoko's wrathful self-
Jataro was the comfort to Masaru, and Monaca joined in on that after mediating the fight.
If anyone says the word "gentle", I kid you not, Nagisa socks them in the jaw so fast-
NOBODY gets to hurt HIS little sister. His words, not mine.
Kotoko helps Monaca bedazzle her wheelchair with cute jewels, stickers, and googly eyes!
The first time a Warrior called one of them "mom", it was completely an accident.
And it was, surprisingly enough, Jataro who said it.
Toko was helping Jataro sew up his mask after it had come apart, when he blurted it out.
"Thank you, M-M-Mom."
Toko's heart felt like it could burst right then and there.
But it shattered when he began apologizing for it.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what g-g-got into me... I didn't mean t-to... I'll never s-say it again, I p-p-promise..."
Toko hugged him so tight, she almost squeezed the oxygen out of him.
"N-No! No! I like that you see me as your mom, because that's what I a-am now!"
Jataro was confused. All his life, his mother hadn't wanted him. The idea that someone did, especially someone so kind and sweet, baffled him. It just seemed so foreign to him, and the warm affection almost seemed to burn.
"N-N-Naegi-San, too?"
"Yes! Naegi-San is happy to be your mom, too! We love you! We both love all of you!"
The first secret came from Monaca, where she revealed that she had faked her disability. She was willing to give up the faking, but wanted to keep her wheelchair for comfort. Komaru agreed to this, and allowed her to keep her wheelchair as a comfort item.
Kotoko and Nagisa were a bit upset about that, but they eventually forgave Monaca, understanding that she only used it to obtain sympathy enough to escape from the abuse of her brother and father. Masaru and Jataro forgave her right away.
Nagisa revealed once that he was getting picked on in school, and that he wanted to be homeschooled because of it.
Genocide Jack was NOT HAVING IT.
He showed up at the school, and threatened the kids' lives with scissors had a talk with them.
That was when Nagisa realized that he really could depend on the two women. He did begin to show affection, albeit in his own kuudere way, much more often.
For example, he was a lot less snarky when correcting their grammar, math, etc., and he genuinely smiles and compliments them all the time.
Kotoko gave the first hug. She was so overwhelmed with emotion, that she shamelessly, unapologetically hugged both Komaru and Toko!
Uncle. Makoto. Is. Their. Favorite. Person. In. The. History. Of. Everything.
Komaru and Toko totally put all five of the kids in therapy for their trauma.
None of them are upset with it, though. They actually appreciate it.
New Year's is a surprisingly fun holiday with this family!
Kotoko, Masaru, and Monaca stay up to watch the ball drop with Komaru!
Nagisa, Jataro, and Toko are all out before eleven o'clock.
The four that are awake do fun things while waiting for the ball to drop!
For example, Monaca reads them her favorite books! She takes requests, though, and if one of them requests a specific story, she will try her best to read it. Komaru makes sure not to request anything too difficult for someone her age.
Masaru gets them all to play ping-pong with spoons and mini cupcakes.
The rounds are as follows: Masaru vs. Monaca, Masaru vs. Kotoko, Masaru vs. Komaru, Komaru vs. Monaca, Komaru vs. Kotoko, and Kotoko vs. Monaca.
Kotoko paints all their nails. Yes, even Masaru's. Masaru genuinely doesn't care, and he wants his the brightest, boldest red color she has. Komaru goes for a paler green. Monaca goes for bright green. Kotoko gets her nails painted by Masaru and Monaca; one hand for each of them.
Kotoko ends up with a half pink, half black handset, courtesy of Monaca and Masaru, respectively.
Toko and the others are disappointed that they missed all the festivities, but Komaru reassures them that there's always next year.
Valentine's Day is another fun holiday for them!
Jataro saves up all his allowance for almost four months in order to buy everyone presents!
Precious babey-
Jataro ends up giving Komaru a Ouija board, tuna eyeballs, and a new electric fan to talk to.
Yes, Jataro has witnessed her strange habits, and is curious of them.
He gets Toko a little clip-on nightlight to help her through her fear of the dark. She clips it to her shirt twenty-four-seven, and always makes sure that it has batteries.
Masaru is given a cool red basketball with his name written in white letters. He never plays with it, though, preferring to keep it in a safe place, where it won't get dirty or broken.
Nagisa is gifted a large encyclopedia. It's a simple gift, but he appreciates it, and gives Jataro a long, genuine hug.
He gifts Kotoko with a cute book with kawaii, adorbs stickers. Surprise, surprise, everybody wakes up with their faces stickered, and there are stickers all along the walls, floors, and appliances. Anybody who comes over thinks it's cute, and that only encourages Kotoko to "spread [her] adorbs-ness everywhere"!
He gives Monaca a sewing machine, because Monaca had brought up her love of fashion. He thought that maybe she would want to design her own. Monaca burst into tears, exclaiming that she felt so selfish for accepting a gift from someone she used to treat so cruelly. Of course, Jataro reassures her that that's in the past, and they're siblings now. Monaca ends up with a soft smile, and hugging the life out of a very blushy, flustered Jataro.
When St. Patrick's Day rolls around, Monaca puts her Valentine’s Day present to use! She makes cute green outfits for everyone, and takes their senses of style into account. Masaru's is designed like a jersey, Kotoko's has lots of glitter and frills, Komaru's and Toko's are designed like schoolgirl uniforms, Nagisa's is formally styled, Jataro's is leathery, and her own looks steampunk.
Kotoko convinces everyone to go look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, or at least some leprechauns.
They didn't find any. :(
April Fool's Day is a D A N G E R O U S day to exist, as long as they live with Masaru.
Masaru is basically a miniature Kokichi Ouma when it comes to pranks.
He switched the sugar for salt once, and Kotoko ended up sick for two weeks, considering she eats too much of it, and probably eats it in spoonfuls.
Mother's Day is a fun one! They split Mother's Day up into five days, that way each kid got to spend time with each mother.
On the first day, Toko took Masaru to a basketball game that she had scored third-row tickets to prior to Mother's Day. He cheered so loud, and it warmed her heart to see his joy at her surprise. Masaru ended up giving her a pack of colored chalk for her to write on her chalkboard with. Komaru ended up taking Nagisa to watch Harry Potter in a theater with her, after realizing they had both read the book. In return, he gave her a meal of tuna eyeballs that he cooked, himself. They weren't perfect, but... he tried. :'3
On day two, Toko took Nagisa to go write short stories together. They googled writing prompts, and each used the same one to comprise a story of under five thousand words in ten minutes. Then, they judged and gave constructive criticism to one another. He gave her high-quality pens to write down her ideas with. Meanwhile, Komaru took Jataro to plant a garden of vegetables in the backyard, and tend to it everyday. Sometimes, Jataro talks to their plants when he feels lonely. He gave her a pretty rock. Again, he tried. :'3
On day three, Toko took Jataro on a food tour, where she drove around and they got a small snack from every food place they drove past, eventually ending up with a whole big meal! He gave her a pretty flower. All the while, Komaru took Kotoko to a fashion show where they showcased pretty glittery idol clothes and lolita clothes. She gave Komaru a song she had written in her honor. Yes, Kotoko actually spent weeks writing a song for Komaru, and even got the other Warriors to play the instruments for the music. Masaru played guitar, Nagisa played the piano, Jataro played the drums, and Monaca played the bass. Of course, Kotoko was the vocalist. (Band AU?)
On day four, Toko took Kotoko to a Morning Musume concert. I swear, everyone must have had bleeding ears from how loud Kotoko screamed for it. She ended up getting an autograph and a picture with Tanaka Reina, so she was a very, very happy girl. She gave Toko a pink card that had a painted sweet message on it and was practically swimming in pink glitter. Meanwhile, Komaru took Monaca to play video games and order Monaca's favorite food. It was something simple, but something Monaca really appreciated. They played Pac-Man, Super Smash Bros., Sonic The Hedgehog, and Crash Bandicoot. And they had tons of fun. Monaca gave her a cute new outfit, made in steampunk design, that she made, herself.
On day five, Toko took Monaca to a planetarium, where they looked at all the beautiful constellations. Monaca, being the smart cookie she is, told her all their names, what they represented, etc.! And at night, they went stargazing for real, Monaca pointing out her favorite constellations again. Monaca gave Toko an invention of hers: a program she designed that filters out spelling errors, grammar errors, etc., and suggests new ideas when writer's block comes around. Meanwhile, Komaru took Masaru to play laser tag! Komaru got "shot" sixteen times, while Masaru got "shot" three times. The two made jokes about it the entire way home, and it was just an overall fun day. He gave her the baseball that he had batted to hit the final, winning home run in his last game. It was the only winning baseball he had ever hit, so Komaru felt quite special receiving the gift.
Now, onto Father's Day~!
Genocide Jack takes an hour to spend with each kid!
He plays soccer, basketball, and baseball with Masaru for the first hour!
He reads stuffy, boring novels with Nagisa for the second hour.
He cooks the best, most fanciest meal with Jataro for the third hour!
He acts out movie and show scenes with Kotoko for the fourth hour.
He helps Monaca make inventions and sew for the fifth hour!
He refuses all of their gifts in return, however, as he doesn't believe that children who have been hurt in the past, just as Toko herself was, should be allowed to pay homage to adults.
Despite them not technically being his kids, he cares enough to step into that role for them, Toko and Komaru allowing him to do so.
The fourth of July is great!
Genocide Jack brings up the idea of taking the kids to a carnival for it, to which Toko and Komaru agree.
They all get facepaints, funnel cakes, and they ride all the rides!
They play most of the games as well, and win eight or nine stuffed animals!
It becomes an annual tradition to take the kids to the carnival for the Fourth Of July!
For Halloween, of course they're all the cutest things!
Masaru is Yasutaka Okayama. Nagisa is Albert Einstein. Jataro is Frankenstein's Monster. Kotoko is a Fairy Princess. Monaca is female Izuku Midoriya.
Kotoko has no issue using her cuteness to get extra candy.
When Thanksgiving rolls around, it's always fun!
Toko and Komaru prepare dinner the night before, while the Warriors aren't allowed downstairs. They have to call if they want something, like water, and there is a bathroom in the attic.
In the morning, when the actual cooking happens, Kotoko and Masaru beg to help, but only Nagisa is allowed to, because Nagisa is the responsible one.
Even so, they invite their family members that they are still in touch with, such as Uncle Makoto, Aunt Kyoko, Aunt Aoi, Uncle Byakuya, Uncle Yasuhiro, and even Genocide Jack makes his "grand appearance".
Honestly, it shouldn't even be surprising at this point.
Christmas is another fun time!
They do Secret Santa, but Komaru and Toko make sure that they get each other.
Masaru gets Jataro; he ends up getting Jataro a whole new array of spices and flavorings for his cooking hobby! Jataro appreciates this greatly, and uses it whenever he cooks.
Nagisa gets Kotoko; he gets her a toy microphone that works like a real one, just on a smaller scale. Nagisa can now consider himself the reason "One Room Sugar Life" is belted through the house at two in the morning every day.
Jataro gets Monaca; he buys her a whole stack of fashion magazines with her beloved Big Sis Junko in them, along with new fabric to sew with. She appreciates the gifts, and assures Jataro that he can revel in despair with her when she obtains it.
Monaca gets Masaru; she gifts him with a ping-pong set, a table tennis set, and an air hockey set. Masaru is surprised that she cared enough, to which Monaca replies, "Monaca is a changed person now. Monaca cares about you now."
Birthdays are the same as Christmas, but all their efforts focus on that one person.
They grow to all love each other very much, and all of them would happily die in defense of the others.
Monaca even eventually gives up on her obsession with Junko, hope, and despair, with their help.
All the Warriors will forever appreciate everything that Toko and Komaru have done for them.
Overall, just a completely wholesome family.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 3 years
Eddie in Wonderland (Part 1)
[This is based off of the 1951 film of Alice in Wonderland. I will be skipping some parts and characters, since the cast is pretty small. Please excuse any errors I make. This art is NOT mine, but it goes along with the story.]
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A meadow of beautiful daises looked to be dancing as wind blew through the luscious green grass. It was a warm day, a day where animals would be roaming about, a day where children would be playing together, a day where everything was at ease. A woman's voice calmly read out words from a page of a history book, slowly and particularly gentle to make sure each and every word was pronounced correctly. Soothing, but awfully boring.
Above the woman sat a boy in a branch, who was supposedly listening to the words she read. He picked daisies from the meadow and began making a flower crown, holding his dear kitten, Sadie, in his lap. The young boy's foot slipped off of the branch, close to his mother's face as she read. Her blue eyes drifted off the page as she looked at his shiny black shoe, then up at him. "Edward, would you please listen to your history lesson? It's rather rude not to listen."
His ginger hair fell into his face a bit as he placed the daisy crown on his kitten's head. "Sorry, mother. It's very boring to read a book with no pictures."
"Edward, there are plenty of interesting books out there that have no pictures." His mother gazed off at the meadow for a moment, knowing her son wouldn't be listening anyway.
"That can't be true," he tells her, watching as the crown fell to the ground. "In my world, books would only have pictures!"
"In your world? Edward, please. That's absolute nonsense. Now, from the beginning." His mother began to read once more.
"Nonsense? That's it, Sadie!" He sang, scooping Sadie up in his arms. "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because it would be what it isn't! And contrary wise, what it is, it won't be! And what it wouldn't be, it would! You see?" Eddie puts the grey kitten down, jumping off of the branch without his mother noticing. Sadie let out a mew, still on the tree. "In my world, you wouldn't say "meow." You would say, yes, Mr. Edward." The kitten lets out another meow as Eddie picks her up, holding her close to his chest as he began to walk towards the woods. "Oh, but you would! You'd be just like people, Sadie. And all the other animals too."
Eddie sets Sadie down in the meadow, patting her head softly with a smile. "Why, in my world..." Eddie began to sing,
"Cats and rabbits would reside in fancy little houses...
And be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers..."
Eddie lays in the the flowers, almost disappearing into them. He gazes up at the sky, seeing that the blue moon was already beginning to show.
"In a world of my own...
all the flowers, would have very extra-special powers.
They would sit and talk to me for hours
when I'm lonely, in a world of my own..."
A blue bird then passes him by, causing an even bigger smile to rest upon his cherry cheeks. It reminded him of their small bird at home, who looked very similar.
"There'd be new birds,
lots of nice and friendly "how'd you do" birds.
Everyone would have a dozen blue birds,
within that world of my own..."
Eddie grabs Sadie and began walking down towards the wooded creek. The water was rushing by quickly, so the boy made sure to hold onto his little friend tightly as he skipped over a few rocks.
"I could listen to a babbling brook,
And hear a song that I could understand...
I keep wishing it could be that way,
because my world would be a wonderland!"
Eddie crouched and touched the cool water with his hand, feeling the stream go through his pale fingers. Sadie sat next to him, staring at the liquid as if it was a monster. Eddie's ginger hair was very clear in the reflection of the water, which made him sigh. He never liked how it looked or framed his freckled face. Suddenly, it began to look different. The reflection twisted and turned, showing Eddie's shocked face and a man standing right behind him. He turns quickly, only to see a tall gentleman with black hair, two white rabbit ears, bandages all up and down his body, and wearing a fairly fancy outfit.
Eddie turns around slowly, only to realize that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. There was actually a man, a rabbit man, standing there behind him. Before Eddie could speak, the rabbit man looks down at a huge golden watch then points at it with a sickening smile.
"You made me three seconds behind. Now you have three seconds to run. That's only fair."
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Eddie's green eyes grow huge and his kitten ran away as quickly as possible. He then saw the bloody knife in the man's hand, falling into the creek, but immediately getting up and running away. "MOTHER! MOTHER!"
The rabbit-man chased after poor Eddie, hysterically laughing as the boy had tears streaming down his face. His panic got the better of him, making him become lost in the forest. Eddie was nowhere near the meadow anymore, but he could just barely recognize where he was. His heart was beating out of his chest, feeling his foot fall through a hole and dropping him down who knows where. He let out a terrified scream for his mother, but nothing came from it.
However, his body felt light. He wasn't falling, rather, floating. His white dress shirt fluttered around a bit as his blue tie flew in his face from the unexplainable gravity. "Wha...? What's going on...?" Eddie mumurs, fixing his tie. The hole grew darker and darker, leaving a pit in his stomach grow. However, he could just barely see something that looked to be a lamp on a table. He reached out towards it and flipped the switch, illuminating the area. Random things were around him as he slowly fell, such as tables, chairs, and potted plants. They all seemed to be items that would be in a house regularly, but definitely not in a rabbit hole.
Eddie passes a mirror that catches his horrified expression, then a nightstand with books on it, then a rocking chair, all the way until he fell right on his bum. He was then in a hall with odd coloring floor tiles and weird doors. At the end of the hall stood the rabbit-man again, who held his golden watch. "I'm late cause of you, brat." He then showed Eddie's mask that was supposedly fell out of his back pocket as he was running. "I got this from you, lil-shit. Thanks."
Eddie gasps, knowing that was one of the only things that weren't a hand-me-down from his older brothers. He stood up and chased after the bandaged man in a fuss, forgetting how dangerous this cold be. "Hey! Give that back! It's mine!"
The man ran through a door at the end of the hall, Eddie racing after him in a spur of anger and fear. The door seemed to get smaller when he came closer, but blamed it on his imagination. He opened it, only to see two other small doors behind it, he had to crawl through it into a large room where there was another door the rabbit-man went through. He stood up and grabbed the handle, only for it to wail.
"Oh!" Eddie cried, lifting his hands up and touching his face. "Oh, I'm ever so sorry!"
The doorknob wiggled around like it had a life of it's own. "It is quite alright, young one. What is it you need?"
The voice sounded like a sweet elder gentleman, which comforted Eddie a little bit. "A man has something of mine. I must get through to get it back! It's very...important to me."
"Why, you're much too big to get through."
"I don't understand how he got through when he's taller than me."
"This is Zack we're talking about," the doorknob muttered. "Oh, but you could get through if you drink that substance in the bottle. There is a wooden table over there. It will have a bottle with liquid in it and a key underneath. Drink the liquid and use the key to enter."
Eddie followed the instructions, grabbing the bottle and key on a wooden table in the spacious room. He looked at the both of them, feeling a bit uneasy.
"Uhm...I'm sorry to be rude, but I'm not sure I should trust a liquid such as this...and this key has blood on it!"
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"The blood must be from Zack...forgive it please. I have known Zack since he was a mere child. I cannot see, but I am sure the substance is safe as well."
Eddie felt naïve, but he truly believed that the voice was telling the truth. "Alright, I surely do hope I won't get sick from this."
The ginger then took a drink of the blue liquid, tasting the delicious flavor it had. Cookies, now bubblegum, now cake, now caramel. However, after it was all gone, the bottle became bigger and bigger, in which Eddie couldn't onto anymore. This is when he realized that it was not the bottle that got large, but he had shrunk!
"You should be short enough to go through now," the voice exclaimed. "Be careful, young one."
"Mhm! Thank you for the help!" Eddie gushed, opening the door and going through.
He was now in a forest-like area again, seeing the rabbit-man, supposedly named Zack, further in the woods than he was. Eddie hurried to catch up, but it was difficult to keep track of where he was. The trees were so thick and dark that it ended up confusing his eyes to thinking it was the man. "Stop! Please, wait!"
Eddie was then stopped by two pairs of hands grabbing him and pulling him back. He quickly spun around and fell over, in fear of whoever had touched him. There were two gentlemen with long black hair and strange tattoos on their faces. They looked identical, standing next to each other while gazing at Eddie.
"Oh! Why, hello there...!" Eddie nervously giggled, backing away from the two. "I'm sorry if I caused any trouble, I was just looking for a man named...Zack? He was running around just a moment ago. Again, sorry for the bother...it's been nice meeting you! Goodbye-!"
The two gentlemen then stand in front of Eddie, blocking his way from leaving. Eddie chuckled nervously before backing away a little.
"You're doing it backwards." One of them says.
"Yes, you go, 'how do you do?' and shake hands." The other completes the thought.
Eddie gasped, putting his fingertips against his lips. "Oh! Pardon me! My name is Eddie, how do you do?" he giggled, shaking their hands.
"We're splendid!" One says.
"Splendid!" The other adds.
"What are your names, if you don't mind me asking." Eddie puts his hands neatly behind his back, standing on his tip-toes.
"Our name is Shin." They both say with a smile.
"Ah! That is a lovely name! Uhm...I need to get going now, bye...!" Eddie goes around them, trying to speed off and catch Zack. However, the two jump in front of him again.
"Want to play hide-and-seek?"
"Or who has the button?"
"Thank you for the offer, but I really must get going." Eddie tries to walk around them again, but they both grab each of his arms to hold him back.
"Why?" They both ask together.
"I must catch up to a rabbit-man who has something very dear to me." Eddie says in a tender and loving tone, trying to convince the two to let him go. "Please, allow me to find him."
The two look at each other with a smirk, grabbing the boy and pushing him onto a small log to sit on. "We will tell you a story first." They both say together. Before Eddie could reject the offer, the two begin dancing around and singing.
"There once was a boy who made graves and got nothing of his own,"
"The only thing he got was the smooth and flat stone!"
"And over the trees,"
"And over the hills,"
"Laid a grave-robber at work."
"He took all the bodies,"
"It was his hobby,"
"And began to sing this song! Ohhh,"
"These bodies will make me rich, my boy! These bodies will make me rich! Take them and hurry, runaway, scurry, and watch him go berserk!"
"The young boy decided enough was enough,"
"Knowing what the man had done!"
"Grabbing his hand,"
"Pushing him in,"
"And began to sing! Ohhh,"
"This grave will be ugly, with no beauty at all! I'll put the robber in the casket with no one else involved!"
"The robber screamed,"
"And wailed,"
"And cried,"
"But no one came along!"
"This is why you never steal from a grave-keeper's son! Hurrah!"
Eddie stared at the two with complete confusion, looking genuinely concerned. "That story...has a moral to it, huh?"
"Don't steal from a grave-keeper!" The two shouted with a twisted grin, almost implying that Eddie would know this.
"...Well, I ought to be going."
"We have another song!"
"Yes, about a girl who stitches people up!"
The two began to sing about another odd topic, Eddie sneaking away when the two weren't looking. He saw a glimpse of bandaged rabbit ears behind a huge tree in the distance, regaining his composure and chasing after the man. "Wait! Please, wait! Wherever are you going?!" Eddie soon finds himself running down a dirt path, leading towards a garden of flowers. Since he was still so small from the drink, the flowers looked huge and out of the ordinary. He entered the flowerbed as he looked around for Zack. "Where are you?! Please, come bac-!"
Eddie was then met eye-to-eye with a flower, which had a face. It clears its throat, lifting up a small stick and beginning to orchestrate a song piece for the other flowers to sing. They all sounded wonderful. Eddie couldn't help but to watch them all flutter around gracefully with their petals in the air. His eyes then lock onto the most humanoid looking one; White petals, beautiful golden hair, and two big brown eyes. She laid by many spider webs underneath the sunset, the dew on her making her look so angelic. She was by far the prettiest, the most talented, and the most separated from the other flowers.
Eddie and the flower made eye contact, only for her to blush a rosy red and look away sheepishly as she continued to sing. The young boy was then stopped by the other flowers who surrounded him, seeing that he was the only one not singing. He nervously giggled and looked around to see all eyes on him.
"My, you are all so wonderful." Eddie praised their performance with a gentle smile. The girl flowers all swayed over him, whispering about his looks.
"Thank you very much, dear." The orchestrater rubbed her petals against Eddie's cheek before pushing him a little closer to the rest of the flowers. "Now, may I ask what flower you are?"
"Oh, why, I'm a steady-ready-Eddie flower!" He sang, causing the girls to swoon again.
"A steady-Eddie-what?"
"Look at that stem!" One flower exclaimed, grabbing his suspenders and yanking them a little.
"And those petals!" Another shouted, running their leaves through his ginger locks. "They smell like pumpkin spice, not very much like a flower though..."
"I think he's gorgeous," the white flower girl spoke, only to be hushed by the others.
"What flowerbed are you from?"
"None, ma'am."
"Are you a wildflower?"
"No, I'm not a flower at all!" Eddie finally told them. He didn't know that their response would be negative to that answer. Everyone began to whisper about him and the white-petaled girl looked a bit distressed. He was going to ask what was wrong, only to be grabbed and thrown away.
"He's a weed!"
"A weed!"
"We don't want weeds in our flowerbed!"
"I'm not a weed!" he cried, landing on his hands and knees. The flowers then began throwing water on him that was stored in their petals above. Eddie clenched his fists and stood up, now soaking wet. "Well, if I were my regular size, I could pick each and everyone of you!"
"Get out of here, weed!"
Eddie huffed, dusting himself off and looking back at them. The white flower girl gave him a small smile and waved, causing Eddie's anger to dissolve as he did the same. He then turned away to see that the dirt path led into a meadow that looked like a jungle, since he was so small. Each strand of grass was as big as a tree and all of the mushrooms were almost as tall as Eddie himself. He began his way through, knowing that the white rabbit must have gone this way. His black shoes that his mother had just polished grew muddy as the path grew wet. This was awfully annoying.
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I will post Part 2 later today~❤
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finnwrld · 4 years
Nights like These
for @hufflefluff-writer​‘s writing challenge, A Very Harry Potter Summer
Pairing: Remus x reader 
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: tensy bit of angst and a load of fluff hehe. also dialogue heavy, and a bad ending lmao
Summary: You and Remus reminisce during Harrys second birthday. (my prompt was Sitting on the porch at night)
A/n: ahhh im so lucky to be a part of this tehe
oh i also used @write-it-motherfuckers​ prompt for one part because i loved it so much (the precious memory bit) 
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(not my gif)
“Hey, I -um- am going to go outside,” you croaked to Remus as he sat in a rocking chair reading in the corner of your small cottage. He glanced up from his book and nodded, smiling at you. Grimacing out a small smile, you quickly made your way to the door leading to your porch. The door creaked as you opened it, exposing the star-filled night. 
The warm summer air rested gently against you as you made your way outside. The sky was shining bright with stars and it glittered against the grass of your backyard. The warm air smelled of the flowers planted in your yard, still so vibrant in the poor lighting of the night. Fireflies bounced around the trees surrounding the property. Moths gathered around the feeble light emanating from the house and the small lamp on the porch. It was nights like these that brought a real smile to your face. Nights like these that reminded you there was still peace in the world. Nights like these could calm you down. Nights like these reminded you of love. 
But even such a wonderful night couldn’t dampen the sick feeling rising in your stomach. It was little Harry’s second birthday. A birthday he would spend with people that didn’t want him there. You wished you could’ve taken him in, but with Remus being a werewolf the Ministry didn’t think he seemed fit. Dumbledore had tried, of course, but the Ministry wouldn’t let up. They were feeling particularly powerful after the defeat of Voldemort and the capture of his “biggest supporter”. 
You made your way to the chipped white swinging bench, steadying it as you sat down. The cushion was cold against your skin and the bench creaked as you put all of your weight on it. As you started to slowly rock the bench, the feeling in your stomach resided a bit. You scanned the yard. It was quaint, filled with life, and utterly perfect. Although it was slightly overgrown, it had a load of character, as Remus told you almost every day. The ring of trees surrounding the yard gave you peace and privacy that the two of you needed. And a plus was that many animals seemed to be drawn to the whimsy of the garden. 
An animal’s eyes were peeking out from the dark of the trees. You tilted your head and squinted your eyes to get a better look, but the rest of its body was hidden beneath the murk. It slowly moved out from the trees. 
It’s lean body moved gracefully from the brush. Its long neck and pointed ears staying alert. The most prominent feather of the animal though, its wide and crown-like antlers. 
A stag had walked into your garden. 
Tears started to slowly fill your eyes at the sight of the animal. It was surreal. 
“James,” a voice whispered beside you. Your eyes drifted from the stag to Remus, standing in the doorway holding two glasses of pumpkin juice. 
“Yeah,” you said, turning back to the stag. It sauntered over to your flowers and started sniffing them. Remus sat down next to you on the bench, handing you a glass. You gratefully took it and started to sip on the cool drink, eyes still locked on the stag meandering through your garden. 
“It’s so weird having them not around anymore,” Remus said, breaking the silence. 
“Yeah, like I still feel as if Lily is gonna walk through the door bickering with James or something,” you added. It felt good to finally talk about it. Remus and you had avoided the subject for the whole year, it felt almost taboo. Anytime that James, Sirius, Lily, or Peter were mentioned it was like they were still there. It made you feel weird, it was strange to pretend it hadn’t happened. 
Remus chuckled a bit as he intertwined his fingers with yours, giving them a reassuring squeeze. 
“Remember that time that they were arguing about which of their dates were the best,” you reminisced, giggling a bit at the memory. Remus let out a laugh that brought a smile to your lips. Laughing was so rare these days. 
“Yes very vividly… ‘The picnic date at Hogwarts is my most precious memory Lily!!!” he mimicked James. You let out a real laugh. It burst through your lips and lifted some of the weight that seemed to have been sitting over your chest. It felt wonderful. 
“He and Sirius were always drama queens... I wonder if it actually was his most precious memory,” you said airily. 
“Probably was, James was always a sentimental guy,” Remus added. 
“What’s your most precious memory?” you questioned, genuinely interested. Remus didn’t even pause to think,
“The Friday of our first week at Hogwarts.”
“What, why?” you asked. It was a strange day to remember, you couldn’t even remember anything prominent that had happened.  
“You were crying in the library, so I came up to you. I didn’t really know how to comfort you so I just… gave you a piece of chocolate.” 
“Why is that so special though?”
“It was the first time I ever saw you smile,” he said simply, staring off into the sky. You stared at the scarred man sitting beside you. He had been through the wringer, losing four of his best friends, but he still managed to say things like that. Things that made you feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Things that brought butterflies to your stomach, like the ones you would get as a schoolgirl. Things that could bring a smile to your face anytime. Why was he so nice?
“Really?” was all you managed to get out. He turned to you, a large smile on his face,
“Of course.” 
“Oh. My. God... Remus,” you said, covering your mouth to stifle a laugh. “Do you remember our first day at Hogwarts.” He turned to you, eyes wide.
“Oh no.”
“I came sauntering into your carriage, all of the confidence in the world,” you chucked. 
“I was there with Sirius, James, and Peter and -oh god- you sat down next to me… and I was so terrified that I spilled my pumpkin juice all over you!” he said, blushing slightly at the memory. 
“Yes! I almost slapped you right there,” you said, throwing your head back in laughter. Remus was giggling a bit too when he gasped.
“Oh god, but it couldn’t have been as bad as the first time i asked you out.” 
“Oh- what was it, ‘Y/N WILL YOU GO ON A DATE WITH ME,” you yelled, barely even able to finish for laughing so hard.
“I had practiced so much and then I just got up to you and just… screamed it at you,” Remus said, facepalming. 
“You are so lucky that I liked you, otherwise I would’ve been scared out of my wits.” 
Remus let out a big laugh adding, “But then you wouldn’t have had our amazing first kiss.” 
You raised your eyebrows at him, “... yeah, it was pretty amazing.” 
“I’m impressed with 16 year old me,” he said.
“I was just impressed you hadn’t planned it out,” you joked. He playfully pushed you as he said,
“Hey, not fair! I was always so nervous around you.” 
“Oh yeah, like that time that we were hiding from Filch in that broom cupboard with James after he enchanted all of the suits of armor to shriek,” you said. Remus covered his face with his hands.
“UGHHH. Stop that was so embarrassing.” 
“And then you accidentally fell into me-” you pushed.
“Y/N NOO UGH!” he cried.
“And what was it you said…” you pretended to think.
“Spare me please I cant hear this again,” he said through his hands. 
“I am so sorry your highness,” you finished. 
“UGH IT WAS WHAT JAMES KEPT CALLING YOU AND IT JUST SLIPPED OUT!” he shrieked. You were buckled over in fits of laughter. 
“It was cute Remus,” you said, putting a hand on his shoulder. 
“I was probably the most nervous for the last day of school though,” he reminisced. 
“Oh, but it was so cute, and you weren’t even that awkward asking.” 
“Yeah this time it was more of a ‘Y/n Y/l/n will you move in with me’” he said, quoting his past self.
“Don’t forget the ‘so we can get away from this wretched place’” you giggled. 
“I don’t even know why I said that! I loved Hogwarts. I was so awkward in school I have no clue how you put up with me,” he said, smiling at you. 
“Neither do I.” He rolled his eyes at you, but there was still a smile on his face. 
“You weren’t awkward after that until you met Harry for the first time… it was the first time I had seen you at a loss for words since your school days,” you remembered. 
“Yeah but then from that point on all we did was hang out with Harry,” he said, his tone getting slightly sadder as he kept talking. 
A sad silence fell between you, leaving you feeling like you had when you first came into the garden. 
“I just wish I could talk to him, to tell him he has somebody out here that loves him and cares for him,” you admitted. Remus turned to you, taking your hands in his.
“We should write him.” 
“But he won’t be able to read them!” you said, feeling helpless. 
“Well, we will just send them all when he can. Imagine how great he will feel when he knows that somebody has been looking out for him for so long,” he said, his old ambition creeping back up.
“That sounds nice,” you said, giving his hands a squeeze. 
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parkers-gal · 3 years
boomerang pt. ii
wc: 2.5k
warnings: violence & car incidents (brief)/ hospital trips
The foxglove of the plantains, or the digitalis, blew in the wind like a beaut on a horse. Its colors, encapsulating, vivid, vibrant, radiant, rich. Sweet smells from the pollen and nectar wafting through the air, luring in those who dared to have such a sacred piece of life. Petals as delicate and fragile and intricate as stemware, filled with crimson winery, sweet and bitter like the flower's nectar. The middle, the center, the inside. Intimate and exclusive, blossoming only to those willing to experience the pain that came with such a devilish plant, full to the brim with nightmares disguised as daydreams. But even with all the beauty; colors and petals and scents and tastes as wonderful as they were, it was still deadly. Intoxicating, fatal, poisonous. And the disease spread faster than Nutella on toast.
How poisonous she was, Tom did not discover until her pollen was left behind, leaving a bitter aftertaste in his mouth as pressure from the heat settled and sizzled to nothing, realization kicking in that she was gone and her absence did nothing but destroy. And destruction was merciless, especially for the person that had prompted it all. Tom built a machine he didn’t know how to stop; it's self destruction in the worst way.
Four weeks had passed since she had walked out. Four weeks since Tom had fallen asleep in the doorway in the middle of the hallway, hoping to wake up from the nightmare disguised as a daydream. But it wasn't a daydream, and it wasn't a nightmare. Because this is real life, and he supposed losing her was worse than pining after her. At least then, he had her in his life. And now.. he isn't even sure on where he stands. He's stopped standing actually. Instead, he'd been pushed off the edge, the cliff with a drop so deep only Earth knew the end's location. He supposed again, that he's still falling. Because after the drop, there's a whole layer of rock bottom, and directly under that, is a new layer of crap and waste and vile memories, building and forming and making the Tom today. Angry, melancholic, heartbroken, remorseful and regretful. His happiness is just about as bright as the broken nightlight in the corner of the bedroom.
The echo of knuckles against wood rings through the house, alerting Tom that somebody is at the door. And though he knows it's unrealistic, he wishes and prays and hopes to god that it's her, coming back like the boomerang she is. It isn't.
"Tom? Mate? It's me and Harry," Harrison calls out, cautiously stepping through the doorway and shutting the door quietly behind Harry, the lock clicking as they placed the drinks down. They stopped at Nando's on the way to Tom's, knowing he probably resorted to coffee and mashed potatoes as his main filler.
"Bro, where are you?" Harry sounded, placing his cap on the table by the couch, the two of them venturing further into the house until reaching the slump body on the ground in the den. Tom's hair is disheveled, his eyelids drooping, accompanied with dark, heavy bags.
"Get up," Harrison nudges Tom with his foot, and Tom groans in annoyance before picking himself up and standing in front of the two boys.
"The fuck do you two want?" he rubs at his eyes, dragging his feet to the kitchen for a glass of coffee – it's a lot easier to whip up than tea. At least, in his opinion it is, because if his tea isn't perfect then he doesn't want to go through the hassle of preparing it just to be disappointed and let down at the first sip.
"We're checking in on you," Harrison states it as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. He's leaning against the counter, elbow deep on it, Harry beside him.
Tom hums at the two of them before spinning around and swiping through the swing door and into the living room.
"Have you.. talked to-"
"Don't fucking say it," Tom's voice is sharp as he turns around abruptly, cutting his brother off. "Don't you dare fuckin' say it."
Harry puts his hands up in defense, in innocence, eyes darting to the floor as Tom turns around again.
"We're worried about you, man," Harrison speaks after a few moments.
"Yeah? Well don't be," Tom spits out sarcastically, his voice disgusted and laced with bitterness. An ugly flavor.
"You haven't picked up mum's calls in weeks," Harry makes a point of mentioning. "I get it... if you don't want to talk to us. But at least talk to mum – she's worried sick. Dad's a bit pissed too."
"I don't owe them anything," Tom grumbles, plopping into the center of an armchair, sipping the drink from the table. Harry and Harrison exchange knowing glances before hesitantly stepping forward.
"Tom," Harrison places a hand on his knee as he sits across from him. "Will you listen to us?"
Harry takes a seat next to Harrison, joining in. "Don't be such a twat about this, Tom. We only care about you. Everyone here knows this is entirely your fault- you dug yourself into this ditch. The least you could do is be grateful we're trying."
"The fuck did you say?" Tom's voice raises, eyebrows changing position as he stops sipping the cool beverage.
Harrison removes his hand from Tom's knee and turns to look at the younger Holland, concern flooding his irises, taking over the blue orbs.
"I'm your brother, Tom," Harry goes on, voice unchanged. "I love you. And I'm worried about you. We all are. And we love you enough to be brutally fuckin' honest. You let her walk out. Ya' acting like you had to fight to keep in her in your life – but that's a fuckin' lie. You didn't do a damn thing but sit and watch," he points a finger, irritation from his voice setting tension between the brothers.
Tom's pupils dilate, his veins flooding with vengeance and vexation. "Get the fuck out of my house."
"Tom," Harrison cuts in, voice calm and soft and soothing. "Calm down, let's talk about this-"
"No!" Tom swipes his hand off of his shoulder. "Get the fuck out of my house!" Tom stands up, finger pointed in Harry's face as he takes a few steps back.
Harry merely shakes his head, curls jostling. "No."
"No?" Tom repeats.
Harrison's so caught up in his worries that he doesn't catch Tom before he lunges at his brother, fists swinging and knuckles cracking against Harry's cheekbone, sending the boy flying to the ground, blood and all. All the while, Tom is yelling and screaming, fighting against Harrison's restraints.
"Get the fuck out!" He yells, trying to get rid of Harrison's arms on his torso. "Let me fucking go!"
"No!" Harrison yells, glancing at Harry with wide eyes. "Go. Get up, get out!" he manages, and Harry looks up in shock before scrambling to his feet and slamming the door on his way out.
Tom huffs before his body relaxes, and Harrison feels comfortable enough to release him from his grip. Tom runs his fingers through his locks, the strands soft but greasy on his fingertips, and he exhales like a bull. Harrison envisions smoke coming out from his nose, and he thinks Tom almost looks like an underground boxer, but he doesn't mention anything.
"What the fuck was that, Tom?" Harrison asks after a few moments.
Tom glances to him, jaw clenched and brows furrowed. "What was what?" he spits out.
"That!" Harrison gestures to the ground and then to the door. "You just punched your fucking brother!" he exclaims. "Now no discredit to him, but you've been training with professionals, T. You could have fucking killed him!"
"Yeah well I didn't!" Tom matches his voice level to Harrison's, standing up, chest out almost like a challenge.
"Don't you dare try anything on me," Harrison points. "I trained too. I can fucking take you if I really tried."
"Seems like you don't want to try."
"That's not what I'm here to do; I'm not here to fucking fight you, T," Harrison sighs, hands finding his hair too. Tom scoffs before relaxing his posture a little. "I saw her a few days ago," Harrison speaks quietly.
At this, Tom's head is shooting up in Harrison's direction, eyes wide and curious as he aches to pry into Harrison's brain at all the knowledge he has on her. Tom looks to Harrison expectantly, and he sighs again before going on.
"I was in the supermarket, but we still talked a little. She seems... fine. Great, even. I think she's really," Harrison holds his breath, "happy. Really happy."
Tom sits on the arm chair again, glancing to his fingers, head down. "I could never make her that happy," he whispers, tears falling.
"You did," Harrison spoke. "You just... I don't know, Tom. I really don't know what to tell you. I don't know everything that happened between the two of you, but when I talked to her she seemed to believe you had just completely given up on her."
"But I didn't," Tom pleaded, eyes glossy as he looked up to Harrison. "I swear, I never would. I loved- I love her so much, I could never just- just give up like that."
"Then why did you?" Harrison whispers back.
Tom looks to his lap again, silent. Harrison plays with the arm of the couch before patting it.
"Tom I'm not saying things could ever happen again between you two, and I'm not saying that it isn't a possibility," he was at the door, hand on the knob as he turned around to look Tom in the eyes. "But you gave up on her and now you're giving up on us." His voice dropped to another whisper, voice cracking as he opened the wooden door and closed it shut, the lock clicking.
"God," Tom whispers to himself, wiping his face with both palms as fresh tears emerge to the surface and break through the barriers, falling down his cheeks and all the way to his knees again. He looks to a picture frame, one of the only ones she'd left behind, and for a moment, he was back in the past, reliving the joy that came with being a boyfriend and a best friend and a big brother. He closed his eyes, imagining the life that was so distant and obviously changed, and new tears awoke.
The next morning, Tom showered and put on a fresh pair of sweats, a black tee too. Harry and Harrison had taken Tessa away a few weeks back, deciding Tom couldn't take care of her with the state he is in, and the house felt all the lonelier. Now, he had just left the house, feet tapping on the concrete pavement, to the direction of the park.
Greens and trees and playgrounds in sight, Tom breathed in the fresh air, eyes closing as he relished in the feeling of his lungs finally getting new oxygen.
"Tommy?" he'd heard, and his eyes shot open. Spinning in the direction of the voice, he couldn't find the source. He glanced again, spinning in circles before crossing the street. Then, he'd heard it again, and he froze in place. He spun around, looking in all directions; to the trees, the houses, the plants, the futbol field, and the flower garden. He was rotating in circles now, slow but rapid movements. Inconsistent as he ran his fingers through his hair pulling at the strands, and then the voice called for him again. Her voice.
Spinning one last time, he'd spotted her, and relief flooded through him as he breathed out her name. But too soon, because the cold metal of a bonnet was lodging into his legs and his side, and the world went dark as he hit the ground with a thud, car doors closing as he laid in the middle of the street.
Hours later, he'd awoken in a hospital room, Harrison and his mother in the chairs beside the bed, Harry standing in the doorway with an ice-pack on his left cheek.
His chest burned, legs ached, and his head pounded. A man in a white coat had just entered the room, and Tom sat up, his mind foggy as he was drifting in and out of the conversation.
"Tom, is it?" the doctor said, a clipboard in his head. Tom nodded. "The driver that hit you said you were standing in the middle of the road, looking out to... something?"
Tom nodded, clutching the right side of his head, jaw sore too. "I saw a girl."
Harry and Harrison seemed to have stopped breathing.
"We talked to the driver, there was no one there. We checked you out."
"And?" Nikki breathed out, clutching a handkerchief to her chest.
"He's been hallucinating," the doctor informed them.
"Hal- hal- halluc-?"
"What's causing it?" Harry cut her off, avoiding Tom's gaze.
"Could be a number of things," The doctor glanced at his clipboard. "Sleep deprivation, depression, drugs. The good news is that he's going to be alright."
"Thank you," Nikki replied, and the doctor nodded.
"I'll be back in later to discuss further details. I'll just give you four some time," he smiled a tight-lipped one before leaving the room.
Tom's head hit the pillow as he groaned, irritation at the situation setting in.
"Tom what the fuck happened?" Harrison exclaimed, hands going up, and Nikki gave him a look. "You're lucky to be alive, Tom. What the fuck were you thinking?" Harrison went on
"I don't know- I wasn't," Tom breathed out, eyes rolling.
"Damn right you weren't."
Tom sat up. "I don't need you mothering me like a brother you aren't!" he yelled, and Harrison went quiet as Nikki gasped. "If you're going to lecture me than you can just fuckin' leave."
Harrison looked around the room in spite, jaw clenched. After a few seconds, he made for the door, slamming it, and Harry was following him out, muttering words under his breath that even Tom could hear.
"Giving up on more people," he'd whispered.
Tom rolled his eyes, looking at his mother who was sitting in her chair, eyes on her phone as she texted her husband. Tom glanced around the room, spotting a vase of foxgloves, their magenta, primrose shades calling out to him like the girl in the street.
Devilish and merciless they were. Tom wanted nothing more than to inhale their poisoned beauty, their toxic sweets. Tears fell from his eyes like the petals in autumn, and he started praying to the god that still doesn't exist.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “To learn.”
My brain wanted to write something in first person present tense today. I have no idea why, but I let it go wild. I hope you all like it :) A little bit different than my usual style :)
I just needed some time.
You ever tried putting yourself back together after war, it isn’t easy, or at least I don’t find it to be. I don’t know, call me a sissy, but I don’t actually like war., I don’t take pleasure from killing, but it is part of my job, a big part of it and if the universe continues the way it is, I am going to see war a lot more often.
I wish it didn’t affect me so much.
I wish I had a better way of handling it.
People think I’m a strong person, but they’re wrong. There are plenty of people who could take up my mantle and do a more badass job. They wouldn’t grow sick as the sight of carnage, and they wouldn’t hesitate to put the armor back on.
I’m not like that ….
I’m a coward.
If my friends knew…. Well I have no idea what they would think of me.
But that’s why I had to take some time. Since my first injury, I have never been totally alone. There was always someone there to check on me, there was always someone there to help me deal with my issues. I don’t think I ever figured out how to take care of myself, which is why I decided to take this trip, alone.
The others didn’t understand it…. well , one of them did but he still didn’t like it, but If I am being honest it will be good for them….. Especially her…. The last thing I want to do is make it so we can’t function alone.
I think its called…. Codependency or something.
I don’t know sounds like the sort of thing I’d get caught up in.
I suppose it's for all those reasons that I ended up here. 
Looking out the window, I can see Anum suspended against the sky glassy in shades of blue purple and green like a lucky marble. It almost feels as if I can reach out and touch it.
The last time I saw this place, it was receding into the distance,.
I lost a lot here, my leg, and my mind for a short time.
Now it kind of makes me laugh to think that a piece of me was left behind to fertilize some of the plant matter. Of course, it looks a bit different now that the dark season has abated. I had only ever seen the place when it was covered in ash, but it's actually quite beautiful. 
The pilot of the shuttle is pretty average, and I only feel like tightening my hands on the seatbelts just a little as we enter the atmosphere.
Fire rolls up around us as friction begins to heat up the outer hull.
Around me men and aliens alike rock in their seats.
Most of them are miners, come here to work on extracting the precious metals from below Anum’s surface.
Personally, I prefer asteroid mining, but statistics say that is more dangerous and expensive so of course corporations like it a lot less, and besides, all of this was sort of just a massive pissing contest with the GA forcing the Drev to pay for the damages caused during war. I don’t think they should, but who am I to give my opinion.
I’m just a soldier.
It doesn't take us long to leave the atmosphere, and it isn’t long before we are looking down at a massive open mining operation. The face of Anum has been scoured with a massive terraced hole overrun by machines and workers cutting into the stone. Volcanoes pipe smoke in the distance.
The scars of industry really are ugly sometimes.
I’ve seen pictures of anum during the bright season, without the machinery.
It's honestly very beautiful, but maybe I'm a bit biased. It’s the one part of home that Sunny misses, and I’ve always wanted to see it for myself. With all the times we’ve gone to earth, you think we'd have visited her home planet too, but I guess the cosmos have ust never taken us this way.
Red lights blink above the doors, and I unbuckle my harness pulling on my bag and gear with the rest of the miners, though I’m not here for the same reason they are. Boots clatter loudly on the ramp below our feet, and I head outside.
It smells clean and cool, though for a distant tang of sulfur.
You barely notice it though, less bad than visiting the hot springs at yellowstone, so your nose adjusts quickly.
The sky overhead is blue, just like on earth, though the ground beyond the launch pad is an amalgamation of rainbow color. I have to blink a few times to adjust my vision, pulling up the eyepatch to take a look from my mechanical eye and its UV filter.
“Holy shit.”
It's beautiful, the sheer amount of color is astonishing like the Lucky Charms leprechaun had some sort of horrific accident. T
he miners ignore me and continue on their way towards the docking pad. 
I don’t plan on following.
I am not here for them. I drop the patch back over my eye, and adjust the bag over my shoulder striking it out into the bush, barely looking back. No one notices, or cares, and it isn’t long before the launch field and the mining operation disappears over the horizon. Anum’s circumference is just a little smaller than that of earth with the horizon eating up anything beyond that around three miles.
Gravity is somewhat lessened too, which makes it easier as I walk.
My boots are silent against the multicolored moss at my feet, this stuff teal in color. Little white flowers spring up from the surface like clover back home. A light gust of wind rolls past me causing the flowers to ripple. I lift my head closing my eyes and allowing the wind to carry with it distant smells.
This is the same wind that Sunny would have known growing up, the same feeling under her feet.
I decide to stop a couple miles out under the meager shade of a coiltree. I have never actually seen one before now, and I can see why it’s called a coiltree. Honestly it looks like something straight out of a Dr. Seus book striped up the trunk and with branches that curl into spirals. More little whit blossoms erupt from the trunk, and between those are little white berries. 
I seem to recall those being edible.
Reaching up, I pluck one or two down from the branches and pop them into my mouth. Though the skin is white, the berries juice stains my hands purple. One of them is horrifically sour, but the other is pleasantly sweet, probably more ripe than the other, though I can’t yet tell the difference between them. 
I sit there under the tree for a little while looking out across the lonely landscape. Something is moving on the distant horizon, though I can't exactly tell what they are, a herd of some sort of animal or another. They are very tall as far as I can tell, just a little shorter than the coiltree.
As a last moment decision, I kick off my boots, and strip my socks tying them to my bag before standing.
The moss is very soft under my feet erupting upwards between my toes like a shag carpet, but you know much less hideous.
My footsteps are even softer now, though the prosthetic clatters sometimes when metal hits stone.
Sweat runs down my back,sides, and front.
I have no idea where I am going, but I know they will see me soon enough.
They have patroll parties out here, and if they aren’t watching me already, then they will be soon enough.
I keep walking heading parallel to the volcanic chain.
For the most part, my hike is uneventful, except for that time that I stepped on something slimy and wriggly. I hate to admit it but I squealed like an idiot and nearly fell over, only made worse when I looked down and saw the giant pale maggot burrowing into the moss and underground.
I nearly gagged, and my skin crawled.
Sunny had mentioned those, though I forgot their names.
THey lived primarily off of decomposing plant and animal material, very common in areas where war had continued.
I didn’t like it, but it was probably one of those nasty suckers that ate my leg.
I contemplated putting my boots back on, but kept walking instead. 
A group of unknown flying critters appear overhead. They have two sets of membranous wings, kind of like those of a bat, no tail though, just a long rail of fur like the streamer of a kite.
These ones are bright colors like pink and yellow.
Pretty cool.
Its nice to walk in the silence, though after a while my brain devolves into humming the star wars theme, and then singing stupid songs dancing around and hopping about from one foot to another as I badly sing the choruses to all the songs I know.
My eye of the tiger rendition probably left something to be desired, though I doubt anyone out here would know the difference.
Then comes the stupid dialogs with myself as I try to imagine what Krill Conn and Sunny would say about all this.
“Commander, I will have you know that you behavior is highly disquieting, I insist we get an MRI on your brain to make sure you have not developed a severe case of bilateral goop disease.”
“What kind of dumbass just goes wandering around with no idea where he’s going. The dumbass kind of dumbass.”
“Adam, I need you to understand that Anum is a dangerous place. I know you grew up on earth, but there are still things that can go wrong on Anum. Do you know how common surprise hot springs are. What if you fell in and died.”
Speaking of which, “Thanks imaginary Sunny, I totally forgot about that.”
Other than that, what can go wrong, it is a bright shiny day, the temperature is perfect, nothing someone like me can’t handle. Oh and is that a crunchy pink orb I see. I fucking love those, they taste so good.
I hop over the rocks, my feet warm on the moss, and reach down to pluck one of the spheres from it’s short stumpy stem.
And that's when the spear appears at my throat.
I drop my hand back and look up to see a drev that is at least three feet taller than me, holding his massive spear orange eyes narrowed. Holy shit, I didn’t even hear her/him coming. Honestly I should have seen them coming long before anything else bright fuschia as they were.
“Lod tsa ee nin tsa daeen darish.”  They jab the spear at my neck, and the obsidian lined head cuts through my sin like butter. 
Oh shit, uh, my translator is not picking up shit. Guess these guys have a different accent than we’re used to. I rack my brains trying to remember how to speak what little I know, but it seems that it has all fled me when I needed it the most.
“Lod tsa ee nin tsa daeen darish!” I stumble backwards onto my butt and hands. Shit shit.
I hold up a hand.
“Cheeyat neahasan!” Shit I forgot to conjugate the verb. Damn I must look like an idiot yelling ‘to speak slow!’ at the top of my lungs 
However, my botched attempt at speaking seems to work, and they pull back. “Tsa dzhal Cheeyish.” 
Oh I understood that one, “Yid zhe cheeyi dzhal.” yes, yes I speak Drev, “neahasan.” Slolwy anyway. 
They pull back. I don't know why, but I’m getting a female vibe off this one. I can't tell though, Drev voices all tend to be rather deep.
“Lod tsa ee nin tsa daeen darish” She says it slower this time, and all around her I watch as a small group of other Drev move to flank me from the sides. They are listening very intently.
I think I understand this time, the rough translation being who are you and what are you doing.
I want to speak with your leader, “Zhe zhegingi s tsak eeda cheeyat.” My voice is halting and I am butchering the pronunciation, but they seem to get my request.
She trusts the spear at me, “Tsaee!”
I hold up my hands, “Woah woah, easy easy…. I uh.” Shit what was the word to learn, “zhe….zhengingi hak tsa…. “ Damn it… I can’t remember,  “um….. Rekazat nin dzhal….. Rekazazh.”
Oh wow, that sounds really intelligent. I wanted to learn from them but instead apparently I ‘want to know what they know.’ riveting conversationalist that I am.
She stares at me confused.
In frustration I point at her spear, “Zhe zhengingi…..zheengat?” 
Uh this was going poorly. I clearly did not know as much of their language as I thought I did.
I want to know to fight.
Wow excellent work their commander that will convince them.
They look back and forth at each other, and fire off some quick shot dialogue that leaves my head spinning.
She turns to me and lowers her spear, “s jya Hajish.”
Come with us.
Great a sentence I understood.
It was in the next few hours that I was either going to live, or I was going to die horribly. 
A pretty exciting time in my life.
And I followed.
Not like I had a choice at this point. 
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aj-allen97 · 3 years
Reactions on Jungles Cruise the Movie!!!
Tears of healing???? Rapunzel is that you?
Wait is Disney mixing up their movies again? Or did they see the Healing Flower of the Sun and go sure people loved that let’s use that again!
So basically the Fountain of Youth?
So Conquistadors being Conquistadors?
I’m guessing guy in purple is the bad guy?
Yep definitely the villain.
😂 fare please 😂
Prince? Prince of what?
Whoa this guy just got homicidal over his name.
Ahhh the mighty jungle!
Ahh yes let’s bring our kids on the cheapest jungle cruise money can buy! I’m sure it’s safe!
Dude Move! If your that worried about being impaled then move!!!
The Dad Jokes! They brought the Jungle Cruise dad jokes to the film! And the jungle Cruise props animals!
Not only the cheapest but the most traumatizing!
The also brought over the back side of water jokes!!!
Cue Title Card!
Time for the Mistaken Identity dance!
CGI Jaguar ignoring at the easy fresh targets for the main characters trope.
I’m gonna bet that Prince in a purple suit that speaks German is behind the CGI Jaguar?
Ahhh it’s Frank’s CGI Jaguar reeling in new customers for Frank!
😂😂😂😂 Man has more luggage then his sister.
Brother also dropping the ball on keeping his sister safe.
The local salvaging brother dearest luggage - probably to sell.
Ok so we have Frank, Lilly, Lilly’s Brother, and Possibly German Prince yeah?
Leave the monkeys the monkeys are fine - Frank
She was on a roll Frank - she was on a roll.
I’m putting my money down on the fact Lilly can’t swim.
Poor Lilly can’t catch a break.
Called It!
Also check your person, make sure you still have the token necklace.
Wait is German dude a Nazi? What year is the movie set in again?
Is a submarine in the Amazon River possible?
So does Franks Jaguar live in the boats engine house? If so is he ok?
Technically Mr. Nino this isn’t Frank’s fault more like Lilly’s fault and that German dude?
Also it was sweet of Frank to include the brother in the hug.
Frank Finally found someone who found his jokes funny.
Maybe don’t put your fancy camera right there - it’s just asking to accidentally lose it in the Amazon river.
Piranha Dinner!
I feel like Franks gonna try to steal the arrowhead!
They were having a moment until it was broken by Frank’s Jaguar.
So would Lilly be the Rapunzle of this movie (both blonde, both be named after flowers/plants, both are linked to a magical flower?) if yes does that mean she becomes the flower?
So if Lilly is Rapunzel does that make Frank Flynn Ryder? And German Dude Mother Gothel?
Some one is cranky after their nap/death.
I feel like the Medusa Conquistador hybrid is gonna betray Nazi Dude.
So did Lilly have a prophetic dream/nightmare or did her nightmare just lined up perfectly with that jump scare?
Yep called it Frank wants the Arrow Head.
Poor Lily
Poor Jaguar got a hangover
Now everyone is sick except Frank
😂😂😂 the Log scene
Spy Snake! The best spy to use in the Amazon
Awww did Frank install kitty doors for his Jaguar?
Frank likes Motocars?
Is that Disney’s way of saying Brother is gay? Without saying gay and alienating certain audience?
Poor Lilly realizes Frank is shady?
Onion of Deceit
Uh oh tribal people - just when Frank and Lilly were making headway into their relationship
Ooh Fancy! Now I want a cool moving throne!
Brother may be a dandy but he’s got a punch to him!
Trader Sam is Back!
Brother Dearest knows his baby sister (is she baby sister?)
Well that’s convenient.
Why do I think Lilly needs to do a ultimate sacrifice?
Poor Trader Sam is stuck in between a lovers quarrel and she looks like she rather be anywhere but there.
Ahhh the snakes are back!
The heck? The heck!
Not just the snakes! But the Medusa Conquistador is also back!!!!
Wait? Was there a conquistador buried in the back of that throne?
So we have Medusa Conquistador? Throne/tree Conquistador? Honey Bee Conquistador? Mud (???) Conquistador?
Now they gotta find the Moon Tears so Lilly can pull a Rapunzel and save Frank
Ahhh the good ol River ex macia
Sooo…kind of like the curse in the first Pirates of the Caribbean Movie?
So wait? Is Frank Also immortal? Is that why he never returned home?
He Is!
Even the kids come to watch! 😂😂😂
This must be a normal occurrence for Frank!
Didn’t Trader Sam tell Lilly to stay away from the river??? Why did she go back to the river?
Poor Big Brother trying to shield young eyes only to faint himself.
Again isn’t this the plot of Rapunzel except instead of a sick wife it’s a sick daughter?
A chant! Just like Rapunzel hair!
Rock music appropriate.
And no one noticed Frank was never aging?
Poor Trader Sam stuck with Big Brother!
😂😂😂 Trader Sam just bailed! Can’t say I blame her!
They really should have brought brother with them!
Ahhh romance! Only took removing a blade from his heart to jump start it!
But not moving picture! Or automobiles!
And you don’t think Honey Bee Conquistador won’t end up noticing he’s a few bees short?
Wearing White Underclothes to go swimming in! I hope you don’t mind the male gaze
Well that was a quick swim lesson - so much for being afraid.
They kiss? Odd time to be doing that? Or is that a way to give her oxygen?
Technically “We” Frank.
Just accept her proposal Frank.
Ok Ok fine I get his reasoning.
Uh Oh
Welp the rest of Conquistadors are a coming!
And they will (hopefully) kill this German prince.
Ok so the brother is the baby brother?
So what’s with the singing? To freak them out? Cause I’ll admit it making me nervous.
But only Frank knows the chant. The chant is still important right? To make the petal work?
German Prince is impressed by Lilly
Where your Jaguar Frank. I feel like she would be really useful about now.
There she is!
Murder Cat!
She Got petal!
Here Comes The Conquistadors!
Go Frank Go!
How is that Dude still Alive?
Oh hey now we got Wizard of Oz!
Frank we barely knew you
Ok Lilly go pull a Rapunzel and save Frank now.
What No Chant?
Lilly? How about True Love Kiss? You didn’t try that yet?
Oh! Petal worked without the chant!
Baby Brother approves of this union!
Frank should definitely bring back his Jaguar with him to London!
Magic? Sure these old men can accept that. Lady Chief? Gasp!
Women in the gallery! Heck Yes! Go Dr. Lilly!
So no more illness? They have cured every disease known to man with one petal?
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Could you tell me a story of one of the places you visited, please? You're a pretty good storyteller, btw.
I know! I'll tell you this one.
It was when I was still learning how to use correctly my portals... I was so happy to finally be able to use a bit of magic! And I was so eager to try it that I left at the moment to a foreign place. It was foolish. Really. I wasn't aware of my limits.
In fact, my portals are restrictive. I can only create a portal at one and only one location in an au.
Hold on, lemme grab my notebook...
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If I need to create a new portal to leave, I need to do it at the exact same place as the first portal I used to come in.
This day I stuck my portal in a tree, a big tree. First mistake.
Hum hum let me tell you about the place I fall on this first "fly".
It was quite beautiful. After climbing down the tall plant (falling on the butt), I took time to look around. The forest I was in had giant blueish trees with fiery leaves. Some birds were singing a soft song. I learned their names long after but it's another story.
Despite the pain from the fall, I was looking around astonished of this new wolrd. I'm pretty sure, one of my eye was a star at this moment. So much new things to discover! I spend quite a time looking at a mushroom pumpkin. Yeah! A mushroom pumpkin ! Little round orange things with blue and white hats! I wondered what the taste could be ? More mushroom or more pumpkin ? I had an answer quick. Rotten apples. Makes me sick for half an hour. Don't eat weird plants. Curiosity kills the dumb cat. Don't worry, I didn't die. It would be a pretty bad story if I died from pumpkin mushrooms... Or was it mushroom pumpkin? Not sure anymore.
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I followed a path of green flowers after the effect stopped. I should stop putting foreign objects in my mouth. Never did me any well.
Followed the path for a while, the night was already here before I found anything.
But what I found then is a small village. Empty. Well, I thought it was empty. The houses were the color of the dirt. The only colorful element was a statue in the very middle of the village. It was a pink pig... With wings...? I found it instantaneously awesome ! It was a rough work, all in rock. The paint was fading here and there and plants were climbing on it but!
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Boi I was excited! I absolutly loved the idea of flying pig. Are there actually flying pigs here? Where ? In the trees? Is that why the trees are this tall? Where there flying pigs's nests in the trees? In fact I don't really remember about what I thought but I guess it was something like that...
I spend so much time looking at it that I didn't notice the place wasn't empty anymore. Of course when I fell no-nose to nose with a pig very much alive, I was a bit... startled. I screamed.
Pigs, pigs, pigs everywhere. Looked like they heard me coming. They must have hide. I was kinda worried about the number of the pink beasts. One came closer and just stayed there staring at me. I stared back obviously. The pig won the stare fight.
Pig gave me a banana after so I guess I didn't need to worry... It was a great day! I don't know if you've ever been at a pig party but it's pretty cool. We played touch-the-pig, pigball, pig-pong and so more! I don't really remember the other games but I'm sure I had fun anyway. I learned about the flying pig's legend. Not by the pigs mouth. Pigs don't talk, crazy nut. But they aren't half bad to draw and write. If I understood right, the flying pig is a deity. If a pig succeed to reach and climb the tallest tree of the land, the flying pig give them the ability to fly. But when a new pig climb up, the blessing is taken from the former and given to the new. At the end, the pigs never try to fly, scared to lost the ability too far from the ground. I don't know if there is some truth in this legend but since I had to catch a tiny piglet falling from the sky at one moment...
The party ended at dawn and sleeping corpses were in every corner. I decided to go home then. Not enough tired to sleep on the ground.
I panicked when I found out I couldn't open a portal... I tried very hard. But no magic portals. I calmed down the faster possible. Panic wasn't the good answer. Of course I didn't take any devices that could be use to go home or call someone. Sitting on the ground, eyes closed, deep breaths, emptying my head. Why couldn't I open a portal? I came with one just fine! I could almost still feel it! Wait...? I could still feel my portal back where I opened it. It didn't close itself after or something like that? I needed to go see. So I went all the way back to the tree. Tall tree. I'm sure the size is average here but oh dear it was tall.
I must have a sketch of it. Here !
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Oh but it's getting dark... You won't see anything.... Hold on- A bit of light, please?
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It was a no-no for me. I was far too tired for this. So I stayed staring at it. For a while... I didn't know any other way to leave. At least, the pigs are funny and the place looks safe. This one, in front of me, have a green bow on his tail. It's cute.
What are you doing here, piggie? You followed me? Where are your friends?
The piggie had followed me. And the pig friends stood behind me, forming a huge pile of pigs.
One, two, three... twenty-eight, twenty-nine... 29 pigs... On top of each other... And if Piggie climb up, it would 30... No 30 is too much. Stay there Piggie. But the pile was enough to reach the top of the tree... It seemed. I must have stared for too long because Piggie bite my hand.
Ok, Ok, I'll climb up and be the 30th pig.
I won't talk about how it is to climb a huge pile of pigs. You'll have to try it yourself.
When I was finally there, I tried to found out my portal. Not there. No portal. Last try, opening a new portal here. The portal opened and it felt right.
Yeah back to home!
That's where this story ends. I always think about it when I'm eating ham.
Oh and before you leave ! Thank you for telling I'm a pretty good storyteller ! You're a great listener!
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The SOLDIER and The Baker || Cloud Strife || Pt4
Part 1 || Part 2. || Part 3
A/n: Also vote....if you don’t mind cause that part is coming up soon{{ vote here }}
A/n 2: I totally gave Sam a wife cause i love this man...annd here is the dress. I will do my best to describe it.
A/n 3: Since i was taking forever on this Part 5 is going to be the who thing with Cloud in a dress / the ghost train yard and the whole.....err the thing with the Plate.
A: 10
B: 1 
C: 10
Tag List: @ayamenimthiriel​ || @kitsamii. || @courageouslystupid.
If i forgot to tag you....just let me know and you’ll be added.
.And the dress Here
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“The first time I’ve meet your mother....she was covered in dirt and grime....tryin to rescue some animal.” Sam snorted shaking his head, a small smile forming on his face. “She had no other family...she was alone...this ten year old...well my Ma wouldn’t have it so she took the girl in.”
Listing intently, your fingers clutching your dress tightly. You held back your tears as the man continued to talk about your mother. 
“So after E-” Sam caught himself from saying her name, you wondered if it was to painful for him “-- your mother became my little sister and as the years went on I started to notice somethings...things Ma and Pa didn’t see. Your mother would talk to things that weren’t their. Know things that she couldn’t have known. Animals flocked to her, flowers seemed to grow...not to mention how she could use magic with out Materia.”
Frowning you glanced down at your own hands, you just thought you were seeing things. The spirits you’d talk too though it made you feel better that your mother could do it too. “So...if you know all that about my mother...she wasn’t human...was she?”
“No...no she was not.”
“Then what was she? I need to know.”
“Y/n...I believe your mother was a Cetra.”
Taking a deep breath in it felt like the world was moving to fast, your started to feel sick. “A...and my father? did you know him.”
“I did.” Sam spat, it sounded like he couldn’t stand the man. “Do you even remember him.”
“I..do...a little...I remember his smile.” You then frowned clutching your head tightly, a painful memory resurfacing. 
You wanted to remember more but everything was fuzzy, you saw spotty images of your father and mother. Images of you playing with Rufus then something went wrong. You father was arguing with a man, he stormed out then the next thing you knew you and your mother were living near Aerith’s church.
“Your mother was an amazing woman, she did her best to help the people of Wall Market and if you’re anything like her. I know you’ll be able to do the same.” Sam gave you a smile. 
“Your father...Reeve Tuesti....he works for a dangerous company...so be careful Y/n...I’d hate to see anything happen to my sisters kid.” Standing up Sam then slipped off his hat, his fingers clutching the brim. “Stay far away from Shinra...the Turks and Reeve Tuesti...It will bring you nothing but trouble.” Clearing out his throat he gave you a nod placing the hat back on his head blinking away a few tears that have formed in his eyes.
“Now little lady...I made a promise to you, that I intend to keep.” Smiling he held out his hand for you to take. “Don’t hesitate to kick that mans ass.” Giving your hand a squeeze he pulled you up from the chair, walking with him you could feel your heart hammer in your chest doing your best to wrap around everything you were told.
Stepping into a from you were greeted by a pretty blonde that was a few inches taller than you, she gave you a kind smile then turned to give Sam a small glare. “You must be Y/n...Sam has told me an awful lot about you..”
“Huh?” Glancing over at Sam the man held his hands up though it took a few strides for him to be standing next to the woman. Planting a kiss on the side of her head you then spotted the ring on his finger. 
“Just try not to make her too beautiful darlin.”
Rolling her eyes, the woman gave him a smile. “You know I can’t do that.” With a wink she then shoved the man out. “Now leave us be!.” Slamming the door shut she then turned her attention back to you placing her hands on her hips. “Lets get started.”
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Cloud scowled to himself, the people who passed him to scared to even look at the man afraid they might set him off. Aerith rolled her eyes watching the man, he sure wasn’t scaring her, the only thing she felt was annoyance. 
“You’re acting like a child Could, Y/n will be done soon just you wait!!.” She smiled giving him a wink though she then turned to the attention of all the voices. Whatever it was seemed to cause quiet a stir among everyone. “Oh.!” and that must has been the reason why the people were talking.
Stepping threw the parted crowed your cheeks flared from all the talk, did everyone really think you were that beautiful? Though the flashes from the camera were a bit to much and of course their had to be fireworks.
Turning to see what the commotion was about Cloud could feel that his breath was taken away when he spotted you. You were wearing a long voluminous strapless dress, different blue’s that flowed together. He really liked the darker blue that was layered over the more soft blue, the sparkling fabric seemed to make your eyes pop more and for a moment Cloud couldn’t breath. You hair was pulled to side tied off in soft waves, the blue flower he had given you was the only accessory in your hair. You looked perfect, like he was staring into the night sky back at home. 
“C-Come on...I don’t look that bad to do?” You tired to ignore the cheers from the people, the one’s opinion you really wanted to hear from just stood their dumb struck.
Cloud blinked as he tried to take this all in. Where you wearing lip stick? and just how soft could your lips be? Boy did he want to find out. Opening his mouth the man tried to respond only to receive a scolding from Aerith. 
“Cloud...say something.”
“Wow...you look...” What could he even say to you?, a simple word really couldn’t do you justice.
“I know....Corneo’s got certain...tastes.”  You sighed glancing down at the long elegant dress, the soft blue seemed to make your skin glow. Sighing you shook your head twisting around, the dressing flowing with your movements. “I mean it’s so gaudy...I can barley move in it.” You were starting to miss your dress that was covered in flour.
“Y-Yea.” Cloud swallowed thickly, it was hard to take his eyes off of you.
Sighing you stepped closer to the man to peer in his face. “Cloud.?”
Aerith sighed as she grasped your hand then Clouds. “I think what he’s trying to say is that you look beautiful....right Cloud.?”
“Right.” He said quickly though refused to meet your eyes.
“Annd he would like to take you out...on a date.” Aerith beamed as she waited for Clouds answer.
“Right...wait wha-”
“Perfect!” Aerith quickly placed your hand in Clouds, the man to stunned to say anything and judging by the smug look on her face you thought she was planing this all along.
Laughing she quickly waved you off, your carbuncle following after the florist. “Don’t you worry about me! Madam M agreed to sign me up! have fun you two!.”
Sighing you then glanced at your joined hands, about to let go an apologize the man gave your palm a small squeeze. “I...let’s okay.”
Taking a deep breath you two walked in silence, doing your best to ignore the whispers of the people. Did they really think you and Cloud were together?God you shouldn’t be thinking that, not when it made your heart race so fast.Nibbling your lip a habit you seemed to be doing lately, you  glanced up noticing that his pale cheeks were tinted pink.
Using your free hand to clutch the silky fabric you tried to focus your gaze on anywhere but the man now. 
Chuckling that you both managed to answer at the same time you shook your head then tugged him to a food stand, doing your best to not get the dress dirty.
“So...what would you like to know about me Cloud?” Giving him a smile you at least wanted the man to relax, he looked like he was going to keel over.
“I...what was your mother like?”
“Oh” Surprised you thought he’d ask about something else but this was an easier topic for you to talk about. “She was wonderful....when ever I was sad she’d always bake my favorite cookies then hold it out to him and with a smile on her face she say. ‘A cookie a day...keeps the sadness away.’ s-she’d then take a bite of the cookie then give me a kiss.” Feeling a few tears slid down your cheek you then felt the familiar hand on your skin, the coolness of his glove calming you down.
Cloud didn’t know what made him touch you, but he found himself hating seeing you cry. It made him feel useless that he couldn’t stop it and angry for whoever took your mother away from you. “It’s alright to mourn your mother...to miss her.” He let his thumb slide across your cheek. “But you should know that you’re no longer alone. “You have the children of Leaf House, Aerith....and me.”
Sniffling, you could feel Cloud brushing away your tears though shaking your head you gave him a smile before grabbing his hand gently. “Haha! you’re right! look at me! I didn’t mean to be a big baby! come on! I wanted to try one more place.”
Cloud blinked a few times though his lips twitched into a smile, to bad you missed it. 
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Cheek’s still burning from the kiss, your mind was still reeling. You never thought that Cloud would kiss you, you never thought that his lips could feel so soft but what you did wanted was from him to kiss you again. Cloud refused to look at you, the man seemed determined to keep his gaze everywhere that wasn’t your face. Did he not mean to kiss you? If so then why did he even do it in the first place.
Fingers gripping the blue fabric of the dress you were about to question him until Aerith bounded over to you. Not sensing the awkwardness between the two of you, the young woman smiled as she rocked on her heels. “I know a way to get Cloud in with us!”
“What is it?” Cloud quickly turned his attention to her, anything to keep his mind off that kiss.
“First! We gotta go to the Honey Bee Inn.”
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