#Douglas booth!nikki Sixx
crystalbaby12 · 2 years
I just want to read Nikki Sixx fanfics. That’s the vibe
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But also, Douglas Booth as Nikki
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qutequeersstuff · 2 years
I just love Eddie’s voice. It’s the same thing with DB’s portrayal of Nikki Sixx. Their American accents are just incredible and captivating.
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fanfrelon · 3 months
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Iwan Rheon & Daniel Webber & Machine Gun Kelly & Douglas Booth in The Dirt
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80scupiid · 2 years
apparently we have a type of man ...
long-haired man >>>>
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 4 months
The Dirt (Your Version)
Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Trigger Warning- self-harm, language, past drug and alcohol abuse
Previous Chapter
Chapter 20- You're All I Need
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Over the next few months, you and Nikki became closer than ever before.
You had opened up to him and exposed your deepest emotions and Nikki shared his own with you in response. The trauma you had both endured as children and the darkness that plagued you both as adults only pulled you closer while you learnt how to navigate the world together away from the darkness and into the light.
Nikki was sober now. No alcohol. No drugs. Nothing. He still struggled with his addiction though. The lure and temptation were always there, but he was strong. Stronger than anyone else you knew.
You both had relapsed a few times, Nikki with alcohol and you with a blade. But you were able to pull each other back up and support each other through those bad days. You spent more time at his mansion than your own house by the beach. He liked having you around and you didn't really want to go back to your empty cottage alone.
Neither of you had put a label on what your relationship actually was, but it didn't need one. He loved you and you loved him. And that was enough.
John Corabi left Mötley Crüe. It was bound to happen, and nobody was surprised. The fans wanted Vince back and the band's latest tour with Corabi was a total failure.
Not long after finding out about Corabi's departure, you received a phone call from Vince and by just simply hearing his voice which shook and sobbed a little less, you knew your brother had come out the other end.
He was out of rehab and sober. He could now look at Skylar's grave and decorate it with flowers for her birthday, and he could finally smile whenever he remembers the funny things she used to do. He was still grieving though. He always would be, but Vince was getting better.
"I'm heading to the store. Do you want anything?" You called out, slipping your boots on.
"Grab some bread, if you can!" Nikki's voice shouted from somewhere in the house followed by his laughter. "Wow, that sounded so fucking domestic."
You snorted softly, "bread it is. I'll be back soon."
Out of all the things Nikki could have asked for, he had to ask for the one thing that the grocery store was running low on. He couldn't have asked for milk or something?
Walking down the bread aisle you spotted one lone loaf sitting on the shelf and you sighed with relief before reaching out just as a tattooed hand grabbed the other side of the packaging at the same time.
You opened your mouth about to fight for a stupid loaf of bread, but your voice died in your throat when you saw who's hand it belonged to.
Tommy Lee.
"Holy shit, Y/N?"
You smiled, "hey Drummer."
Suddenly the world around you faded away and you forgot you were in a grocery store surrounded by random people as you stared at Tommy in person for the first time, in a long time.
"I'm so sorry about Skylar." Tommy quickly said, his hazel eyes saddening as he thought about the little girl that used to follow you around backstage like a shadow.
"Thanks." You replied, glancing down at the ground not knowing what else to say.
Tommy didn't say anything for a moment while he stood there biting his thumb nail. It was a nervous habit he has had ever since high school and it seemed after all these years, he never managed to kick it.
"I've missed you."
You lifted your head at his words and met his gaze as Tommy smiled softly at you.
"I've missed you too." You admitted before he held his arms out silently asking for a hug without trying to force it and you instantly stepped into his embrace before his long arms wrapped around your body tightly.
He rested his chin on top of your head as you closed your eyes, savouring this moment.
It had been too long since you had seen Tommy. You missed him. You missed hugging him.
Slowly, Tommy pulled away but rested his hands on your shoulders holding you in front of him and before you knew what was happening, his lips were meeting yours. You froze for a moment at the unexpected kiss, but was quick to kiss him back, nonetheless.
"Tommy." You whispered against his lips. "This isn't a good idea. You're married."
"I'm sorry." He sighed, pulling away resting his forehead against yours.
"Don't be."
You tilted your head up and placed one last gentle kiss to his lips before taking a step away and smiling sadly at him.
"I'll see you around, Drummer."
You turned and began to walk away.
"Y/N, wait." Tommy called out and suddenly his hand was grabbing your wrist, stopping you.
You let out a pained hiss as his fingers grasped your sleeve. The still healing cut that you had been picking and reopening for the past week suddenly flared in pain.
"Whoa, sorry. Are you okay?" He asked, instantly letting go. "Shit, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry."
He hadn't grabbed you hard. If it wasn't for the cut, it wouldn't have hurt at all. Tommy might be a little hot headed and easy to start fights when he was drunk at bars, but he was never violent around you. If anything, he was overly gentle, always afraid that he might hurt you by accident, despite you having to constantly reassure him all these years that you weren't some fragile piece of glass.
Although, right now, that was exactly what you felt like.
A fragile piece of glass. Glass that was already cracked and damaged, and on the verge of shattering at the slightest touch.
"You okay?"
You realised that you had taken too long to answer and quickly nodded.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
You knew your voice didn't sound convincing, but you gave him a reassuring smile anyway. Tommy stared at you for a moment, those bright hazel eyes full of sudden worry.
"Why are you wearing a jacket? It's like 85 degrees out."
"Uh, I've been inside most the day. Didn't realise it was so hot." You lied easily with a shrug of your shoulders.
Tommy didn't say anything for a few seconds, his eyes glancing down to your sleeves before an uneasy expression washed over him. And you knew that he had figured it out because when you were kids, he figured it out too.
Vince had gone off to the beach after school with his friends leaving you alone in the back of Tommy's van.
It had been nearly a week since you and Vince ran away from home. A week since Tommy smuggled you both into his van in the front yard without his parents knowing. And it had been less than 24 hours since you broke your promise and started to cut again.
It was a stupid mistake and you regretted it as soon as you saw the blood. Vince would be so disappointed if he ever found out. He had told you to talk to him if you ever felt like that again, but you didn't.
"Knock, knock!" Tommy's voice called out from outside the van.
You smiled softly, used to his verbal knocking whenever he came out to the van. You sat up and reached over pulling open the side door to find him standing there, his wild brown curls blowing across his face.
"Hey, hitchhiker." He smiled brightly. "I didn't see you much at school."
You only shared a couple classes with him, and you had different friend groups, but the two of you always seemed to cross paths throughout the day between classes and during lunch, but today you had just hidden behind the gym. You weren't in a very sociable mood and didn't want to be around people, especially Tommy because he would be able to tell something was wrong.
"Sorry. Had a lot of work to catch up on." You easily lied.
Tommy stared at you for a moment, his warm hazel eyes glued to yours like he was trying to figure out if you were speaking the truth before he simply nodded and pulled out a small Tupperware container out from behind his back.
"My mum baked heaps of chocolate chip cookies. Figured you and Vinnie might want some."
He held out the container of cookies towards you and your heart fluttered at his kindness.
"Thanks, Drummer." You smiled, holding your hand out to grab them but then Tommy's eyes shifted down to something.
"Hey, what's on your wrist?"
He grabbed your hand and brushed your sleeve up before you even had a chance to register what he was doing and by the time you did, it was too late.
A shocked gasp escaped his lips when he saw the self-inflicted cuts carved into your skin. The container of cookies slipped from his hand and dropped to the floor of the van as he took a step back, his hazel eyes widening in shock.
"Did you... did you do that to yourself?" He asked, unable to process what he was staring at.
You hastily pulled the sleeve back down and folded your arms across your chest so he couldn't see, but it was too late to hide it.
"Don't worry about it." You dismissed, looking away from him.
"Don't worry about it?" Tommy repeated in disbelief. "Y/N, are you... do you want to... did you try to kill yourself?"
Your head snapped back in his direction so fast you nearly gave yourself whiplash, "no!"
"Then why did you do that?"
He didn't sound judgemental or look angry. He just seemed sad and confused, which was worse.
"It's none of your business."
"If I find you dead inside my fucking van, then yeah, it is my business!" Tommy responded, his voice rising a little as he spoke before he ran his fingers through his hair nervously.
"That's not going to happen. I only did it because the pain... it helps." You tried to explain but Tommys brows furrowed in confusion. "I don't expect you to understand, it's okay. But if it makes you feel better, I regret doing it and it won't happen again."
He nodded and remained quiet for quite some time, but to your surprise, he didn't run off. He remained standing by the side of the van watching you carefully.
"Did you treat it?"
His question caught you off guard as you blinked and glanced over at him, his eyes glued to your hidden wrist.
"Did you treat the cuts? I don't want them to get infected."
Oh. Oh.
He was worried about it getting infected. That hadn't even occurred to you. It should have, but it didn't.
Your silence was enough of an answer.
"My parents aren't home. There's a first aid kit in the bathroom. Let's go get it cleaned up." He said, holding his hand out towards you. "C'mon."
You stared at his hand for a moment before shaking your head.
"It doesn't matter." You whispered, looking away from him. "I don't care if it gets infected."
"Well, I care."
"You shouldn't." You muttered quietly, glaring at the blanket beside you like it had personally offended you, instead of meeting Tommys eyes. "I mean, look at me. I'm fucked up-"
"You're not fucked up."
You chuckled almost hysterically and shook your head.
"I am. I know I am. I'm fucked up. I'm broken, Tommy and I-I can't be fixed. I know that. I mean who does this? And you know what the real screwed up thing actually is? I-I like it. There I said it, I like it. I like the pain and I know I need to stop, but it's the only thing that helps. The pain... the pain helps, and I don't... I don't-"
"Hey, hey, breathe. Y/N, just breathe." Tommy quickly said noticing that you were working yourself up into a panic and you realised that you were in fact not breathing.
You couldn't breathe.
Shit, you couldn't fucking breathe.
"It's okay, just breathe. Deep breath in, come on. Breathe in, one... two... three. Breathe out, one... two, three. Good. Good. And again." Tommy coached climbing inside the van and sitting beside you.
His hand grasped your shoulder gently as he sucked in deep deliberate breaths for you to copy.
You stared at his necklace, focusing on the silver chain like a lifeline while you mimicked his breathing. Tommy continued to coach you verbally, your eyes glued to the chain trying to focus and after a few minutes your breathing slowly started to even out. You looked away from the necklace, your eyes locking with his beautiful hazel ones.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry." You sighed. "You didn't- you didn't sign up for this. Just, go. I'm sorry."
You lowered your head fiddling with the loose thread on your jeans, too afraid to look at him as silent tears trickled down your cheeks.
"I'm not going anywhere." Tommy replied. "You're more than just Vince's sister. I care about you, Y/N. Please, come into the house so I can clean the cuts properly. Please."
You tilted your head up and met his concerned eyes before you nodded, "okay."
"Show me." Tommy ordered still standing in the bread aisle of the grocery store as he stared at you with sad knowing eyes.
You blinked in surprise, "w-what?"
"Your arm. Show me your arm." He said again taking a step forward.
"Uh, no." You said, simultaneously taking a step back. "Why?"
Tommy sighed, "you know why. Show me your arm."
You held his gaze as he raised his eyebrows at you impatiently because he knew exactly what you were trying to hide beneath the sleeve.
"Fine." You sighed, lifting the sleeve of your right arm that you knew was bare. "Happy now? I gotta go."
"Your other arm." He quickly said before you could walk off. "Show me your other arm."
You opened your mouth to respond but then an elderly couple walked down the aisle and came to a stop beside you while they stared at the limited selection of food on the shelves. You closed your mouth quickly not wanting other people to overhear this conversation and Tommy seemed to catch on because he remained silent too.
Tommy held your gaze, his eyes filled with so many emotions it was hard to decipher any of them before his eyes flicked over to the elderly couple that had finally chosen their wholemeal wraps and were walking away.
"How many times?" Tommy asked once they were out of earshot because he didn't need to see the evidence to know what you were refusing to show him.
You sighed, "too many."
Tommy lowered his head grabbing hold of the shelf beside him as he sucked in a deep breath before meeting your gaze once again and you were taken back when you saw tears shining in his eyes.
"Look, I-I know I have no right to tell you what to do, but don't do this to yourself. Please."
"Tommy-" You tried to say, but he kept talking.
"I was so scared when we were kids. Even after you and Vince moved out the van, I worried about you. I didn't want to lose you back then and I can't lose you now."
"You're not going to lose me." You insisted.
His eyes shifted down to your arms folded across your chest hiding the cuts, "you sure about that?"
"If you asked me that a few months ago, my answer would have been no." You admitted causing Tommy's eyes to sadden. "I... I wasn't okay. I... maybe I'm still not okay, but I'm getting better. I'm trying to get better, and Nikki is helping me."
A look of relief washed over him at your words.
"Sixx mentioned that he was in contact with you again." Tommy replied smiling softly. "I'm glad that he's helping. I'm sorry that I haven't been there for you-"
"Tommy, don't." You shook your head at him. "I left. And you have a wife. You have your own life to deal with. I'm okay."
He tilted his head with a sad smile, "but you're not okay."
You took in a deep breath and nodded.
"But I will be."
Those big hazel eyes softened as he stared at you before you leant forward and placed a gentle kiss against his cheek.
"I should go." You whispered, stepping back giving him a small smile. "It was nice seeing you again, Tommy."
You turned and began to walk away before he called out your name.
"Yeah?" You said, turning back around just as he tossed you the loaf of bread.
You caught the bread with one hand and Tommy gave you a friendly smile as you nodded your thanks before walking away.
A few days later you were sitting on Nikki's bed strumming away at his acoustic guitar to the tune of Home Sweet Home when he walked into the bedroom and tossed a magazine down on to the blanket in front of you.
You stopped playing the guitar and looked down at the magazine in confusion until you saw the picture that was covering the front page.
It was you and Tommy kissing at the grocery store with the title: 'Tommy Lee Steps Out On Heather With Y/N Neil'
Your stomach dropped.
You and Nikki hadn't put a label on whatever it was that the two of you had going on. So, you had absolutely no idea how he was going to react. But as you looked away from the magazine to gauge his reaction, you found the bassist smiling softly.
"You still love him, don't you?" He asked, but it was clear he already knew the answer.
You had known Tommy for a long time. The two of you were never close in high school, but when Vince had shown up on his doorstep with you injured in the car and asked for a place to stay, Tommy never hesitated.
He had been there for you from the very start. To sleeping in his van, to looking after you whenever you had migraines, to ditching his honeymoon to be there for you during the miscarriage and everything in between.
"I do. I love him." You admitted, staring back down at the magazine. "I'm sorry."
Nikki walked over taking the guitar from your lap and resting it against the wall before he stood beside the bed and gently pulled your body into his stomach wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
You reached up and wrapped your arms around his midsection leaning against his side as he bent down and placed a kiss to the top of your head.
"It's okay to love two people at the same time." He whispered stroking your hair gently. "It's not like Tommy and I haven't shared you before."
"Wait, but-"
You pulled away as Nikki released you and you looked up to find the bassist smirking happily.
"I want to get the band back together."
Holy shit.
He sat down on the edge of the bed and reached for your hand lacing your fingers together.
"For so long, I thought it was about... what did you used to call us? The Terror Twins?" Nikki began to say, and you smiled with a small nod. "Tommy and I... we thought it was about us for so long. We forgot that we were a team, and Vince was the quarterback. We forgot what made us Mötley Crüe: the chance collision of four very different, very flawed, and very difficult personalities and the girl that kept us together."
"I haven't given up on Mötley Crüe." He stated, squeezing your hand. "Can you help me?"
You grinned, "hell yes."
Next Chapter
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If anyone wants to be tagged just let me know
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teddypickerry · 1 year
can i request douglas booth! nikki x reader where it’s all of the crue members and they’re in their rehearsal room just relaxing & the reader is sleeping on the couch and subconsciously reaches out for his hand & he grabs it and just smiles and the boys see the interaction and tease him a bit (sorry if this is too specific or makes no sense at all, totally okay if you dont wanna write it either! thank u! 🖤)
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pairings! douglas booth; nikki sixx x fem reader
word count! 800
warnings! swearing, mentions of drugs & alcohol (no fucking shit it’s a mötley crüe fic)
a/n! hope i did your request justice;) pretty short fic, also unedited!!
the typical day in the life of a rockstar is something the average joe cannot mastermind. no matter how they try, very few are fit for the partying until six in the morning, taking some random girl to your hotel room, kicking her out by seven-thirty, and then falling asleep for a few hours. until afternoon rehearsals, which you're fueled by drugs and alcohol. then the show, then all over again.
it was safe to say sticking to the tour with the crüe was challenging, to say the least. the crüe did it like no other. so, joining your boyfriend nikki on his tour was the most exhausting time of your life. the first night was thrilling and ran on pure adrenaline. but as it got a few days in, it got draining and boring. the crüe was never boring but the idea of partying anymore or taking one more sip of alcohol made you sick. so you decided to leave the clubs after only an hour or two and revert back to your hotel room. but when that got too boring you were left alone with sleep. even with that, it still wasn't even to suffice for a good night's rest.
twenty minutes into rehearsals, it hit you hard. heather finally made you lay down on the couch in nikki's room backstage. by the time he came back, you were passed out and heather was curled up in a beanbag with a book. "she was really tired but didn't want to miss the show..." the blonde woman explained to the bassist who watched your sleeping figure with soft eyes. he swallowed before turning towards her. "cool."
she nearly laughed at his masked demeanor, trying to put on a more 'mysterious' act as if he wasn't watching you with pure life in his eyes. nikki was a tough guy and it didn't take falling for a girl to ruin that. he took off his shoes and comfortably made his way under you. he lifted your legs and sat under them, your thighs rested on top of him. the silent action kept you asleep as heather watched in awe with how gentle he was.
"man, did you see that girl-" tommy's giddy voice was cut off as he entered the room, mick appearing behind him, as heather slapped his leg. he held onto it as if he'd just been shot and glanced over at where her eyes followed. the drummer noticed his bassist's warm embrace on your sleeping figure. he nearly shit himself when he saw the never seen before sight. tommy's eyes light up with a goofy grin as he mumbled something and took a seat with heather on the bean bag. mick made his way over towards the chair beside them.
the look on nikki's face was obvious. one word of this and they'd all be dead. that somehow made it much more amusing to the two. "awe hush nikki, you're such a good mommy." tommy whimpered as he 'cradled a baby' with his arms. nikki couldn't help but roll his eyes as he crossed his arms. mick took a sip of his drink before turning towards tommy. "look drummer, nikki can hold his girlfriend all he wants. if he wants to be a little pussy bitch then by all means, let him."
tommy's mouth burst open into a fit of laughter making heather slap his arm hurt fully. mick only smiled as he toyed with his bottle cap. the abrupt sound nearly awoke you, stirring on nikki. your arms stretched slightly as your hand traced nikki's arm, he immediately uncrossed his arms as your hands came together. for a moment he forgot what was going on as a smile danced across his lips. nikki was used to your grasps during your sleep, or waking up with your arms wrapped around him. but the still new feeling was a comfort.
"why don't you hold me like that?" vince pouted from the doorway with a playful grin, catching the attention of all. nikki would have jumped up and chased him until the blonde barbie fell or was tackled to the ground. but the warmth of your body was too enticing to skip out. "okay fuck you guys. she's just laying on me, what fucking ever, man."
"oooh," tommy mouthed with the twirl of his drumsticks in his left hand, while the other arm locked around his wife. "sixx's gone soft."
"if you don't shut your goddamned mouth-"
"don't wake up sleeping beauty, bassist."
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deeloveskiss · 5 months
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the dirt (2019)
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prettyyoungandbored · 3 months
Crushes [’You and I’ Side Story]
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x Female Reader
Author’s Note: Takes place before the events of “You and I.” I was driving through Hollywood and saw a cute couple that reminded me of these two. So thank you, random strangers.
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Nikki exhaled as he closed the door behind him. He was relieved to be home after a somewhat mediocre gig.
London was slowly but surely losing its edge. He could feel it and mentally, he was preparing himself for the eventual breakup.
He made his way into the bedroom, setting down his bass. His head turned to see Y/N curled up in bed, hugging his pillow. He smiled, throwing off his shirt.
He knew she felt bad that she couldn’t make it to the show. She worked a double at the diner for the second time that week, exhausting her. He told her there would be other shows. He wasn’t so sure now, but either way her rest was more important.
His pants hit the floor and he kicked it away. He lifted the blanket and crawled under the covers. He threw an arm around her waist, moving his body closer to hers.
Just as he was about to close his eyes, he heard whimpering.
Her whimpering.
He opened his eyes, hoping she was having a sexual dream. But then he noticed the scrunching in her face and realized he needed to step in. He leaned up and gently shook her.
“Babe, babe, babe,” he coaxed her.
Her eyes shot open as she let out a sharp gasp. Her hand was on her chest and he moved closer to her, putting his hand on hers.
“Hey, it’s ok,” he soothed her. “Babe, look at me,”
She turned her head to him as he pulled her into his arms.
“You’re ok,” he assured her, kissing her forehead. “You’re safe.”
She let out a final sigh. “Fuck.”
“Bad dream?”
“That’s putting it lightly. One of the scariest dreams I’ve had in a long time.”
She leaned back onto the pillow, the palm of her hand rubbing her eyes as if that would take away the memories of her dream.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he murmured, his fingers carding through her hair. “It’s over and you’re safe. I promise.”
She looked over at him, flashing a small but grateful smile. She moved her body to him, snuggling her face into his chest and letting the smell of sweat, cigarettes, and Jack Daniel’s soothe her.
He smirked. “I can think of one way to get your mind off it.”
He leaned his head down to see her smirking back at him. “Nice try, Sixx.”
He chuckled as he kissed the top of her head again. “Worth trying.”
She hummed in agreement. If she had woken up on her own without a nightmare, maybe.
“How was your gig?” she asked.
“Eh, it was a gig,” he replied with a shrug. “We were good. The band before us fucking sucked though. They were a bunch of KISS wannabes which made it worse.”
“You don’t like KISS?”
“I thought they were cool when I was a kid, but they didn’t stick with me like other bands did.” He glanced down at her. “What about you?”
“I had a big KISS phase.”
He paused. “That…somehow does not surprise me. Did Gene Simmons’ tongue do it for you?”
“No, but Paul Stanley did.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Really?”
She looked up at him. “You judging me, Sixx?”
“A little, yeah,” he snorted. “I wouldn’t have taken you to as a lead singer kind of girl.”
“I’m not,” she insisted. “I actually find other musicians who play other instruments in other bands attractive.”
A pang of jealousy hit Nikki, but he wasn’t going to show it. Instead, he smirked. “Oh yeah? Name ‘em.”
She propped up on her elbow, her eyes meeting his. “Eddie Van Halen, guitarist. You should know that considering I told you that I lost my virginity to a Van Halen song.”
Nikki made a face. “Yeah, I sorta pushed that out of my mind because I don’t like hearing there were others before me.”
“There was only one, Mr. Possessive,” she reminded him, poking his nose.
“Yeah, yeah. Ok, Van Halen is fine. Who else is there? You’re forgetting a big one.”
“I am?” she questioned. Then she snapped her fingers. “Oh yeah!”
“Yeah,” he nodded.
Nikki’s face fell. “That’s not-.”
“Roger Taylor from Queen.”
He sighed, shaking his head. “So those are your choices? Paul Stanley, Eddie Van Halen, and Roger Taylor? You sure you’re not missing any other key band members you find attractive?”
She thought for a moment. “Ok so there is a bassist.”
“But it’s not Gene Simmons.”
“It’s not Gene Simmons.”
“Ok,” he nodded. “Tell me more.”
She rest her chin on his chest, sighing dramatically. “I don’t know if you know him.”
He knew damn well where this going, but he was down to play her game. “I might.”
“He plays for this band London.”
He chuckled. “London…yeah, I’ve heard of ‘em.”
“So he’s super sexy.”
“Super sexy? Sexier than the men on your list?”
“Ooh. Ok, go on.”
“He plays like a god. Like his talent is incredible.” She snuggled close. “He has impeccable stage presence.”
“Impeccable?! That’s some high praise, princess. What else?”
“He’s got black hair. Gorgeous eyes.”
He hummed. “Gorgeous you say?”
She nodded. “He’s also really good at comforting a girl after a nightmare.”
His jaw dropped, slapping his hand on his chest. “It’s me?”
“Surprise!” she giggled.
He leaned his head back. “Wow! I don’t know what to say. I didn’t see it coming.”
She laughed, burying her face in his chest.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Out of all those crushes, which one do you like the most?”
She snorted and lifted her head up. “Who do you think?”
He shrugged. “You tell me.”
“Do you need me to stroke your ego some more?”
“So it is me?!”
She rolled her eyes as he threw his head back laughing. “You’re lucky I think you’re cute.”
“Obviously you do since you have a crush on me,” he reminded her. “So embarrassing.”
She pulled her lips back. “We live together, dumbass.”
He kissed her nose. “For what it’s worth, I have a crush on you too.”
She hummed. “And how many other crushes do you have?”
“Just one. You. You’re it for me.”
“Until you become a big rockstar and then have groupies.”
“Nope. I’m always gonna have a crush on you.”
She snorted. “Yeah, ok then.”
His smile quickly fell flat as his dark eyes softened. “Hey, I’m serious. I don’t want anyone else. Just you.”
The sincerity in his tone lifted warmed Y/N’s heart. She always knew he was serious about her, but every now and again, she needed a reminder that he loved her even if he couldn’t outright say it.
It was an issue she knew she would have to work on.
“And Y/N? I’m never going to let anything happen to you. I promise you’re safe with me.”
She pecked his lips before snuggling back into his chest. “I know. And I know you know you’re safe with me.”
His hand rubbed her back soothingly. “I know.”
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elscaptive · 1 year
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Random "The Dirt" cast photos (๑-﹏-๑)
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Totally normal, platonic, straight ways to react to another man
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need help ~ nikki sixx;the dirt
word count: 1789
request?: yes!
“The dirt Nikki sixx x female reader, the reader been best friends with Nikki sense they were kids and became friends through them having terrible home lives, when motley Crüe started up she was their cheering him on. The reader also been in love with Nikki for a long time but when Nikki starts taking heroin she ends up finding him and taking care of him and this happens more than once but after he overdoses the reader snaps and says that she can’t keep watching the man she loves doing heroin. Please and thank you”
description: after finding her friend overdosing, they have a heavy talk about his addiction and his desire to get help
pairing: nikki sixx x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs, mentions of overdosing, lil angst?
masterlist (one, two)
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It wasn’t the first time I had found Nikki in the midst of one of his highs. In fact, it was becoming such a regular occurrence that I usually expected Nikki to be high as a kite whenever I went to see him.
What I didn’t expect this time around was to find him almost dead. Or...I guess completely dead.
I had gotten a call from one of his junkie friends - also nothing new. He sounded frantic and scared as he tried to tell me there was something wrong with Nikki. I thought at first that maybe he was just too high and was freaking out because Nikki was also high, so I wasn’t too alarmed at first. I drove to the address that the guy had given me, convinced that I was going to have to carry Nikki back home yet again and nurse him through his heroin hangover.
When I showed up to the house and found it completely abandoned, a feeling of dread started to grow in me. I walked into the house to find Nikki on his own, passed out, with ghostly pale skin and dried vomit on his mouth and chest. My heart stopped as I fell next to Nikki and checked his pulse. When I couldn’t find one, I immediately called 911.
The ride to the hospital was mostly a blur. The paramedics let me ride with Nikki, but I was basically curled up in an anxiety filled ball as I watched them trying to operate on Nikki. Just when I had lost all hope of him being helped, one of the paramedics injected him with something and he gasped back to life.
Nikki was put in a hospital room to make sure the drugs fully left his system before he was discharged. They allowed me to stay with him since he had no other immediate family to call. I slept in the chair by his bedside while he went through his detox, which was probably the most uncomfortable I had ever been. But I didn’t want to leave until I knew Nikki was okay. I wanted him to wake up so I could tell him that I couldn’t keep doing this.
I was eating a bland hospital food meal when Nikki woke up. I watched him slowly come to life before taking in his surroundings. He turned his head and focused his attention on me.
“(Y/N)? Where am I?” he asked.
“The hospital,” I responded. “Do you remember much about last night?”
He shook his head. “I don’t remember anything.”
“You...um...well, you overdosed, Nik. Your heart stopped and everything. One of the paramedics managed to re-start it in the ambulance.”
“Oh.” I couldn’t read his facial expression, but I assumed he was shocked by this news. Or at least I hoped he was.
I sat at the edge of my chair, looking down at my hands. I couldn’t look at him. The words bubbling in my throat were hard to get out.”
“Nik, I can’t do this anymore.”
“What do you mean?”
I started picking at my hands. My vision was becoming blurry, but I refused to let Nikki see. I had to remain strong so I didn’t back down from this decision.
“I can’t keep watching you nearly kill yourself with drugs. I can’t keep finding you high out of your mind and having to take care of you until you’re well enough to shoot up again.”
“What are you saying, (Y/N)?”
I took a deep breath and forced out, “I can’t be friends with you while you’re like this, Nikki. I can’t keep doing this to myself.”
Silence filled the room. I was picking at a hangnail on my thumb until I accidentally made it bleed. I stuck my thumb in my mouth to try and combat the bleeding, which resulted in me finally looking up at Nikki. He was looking at me with sad eyes. I was a little caught off guard by the reaction and felt guilt building inside of me.
“You...you don’t want to be friends anymore?” he asked. “(Y/N), we’ve been friends since we were in diapers. You really want to end all that?”
I nodded. “I have to, Nikki. I can’t do this anymore. This isn’t good for me, and I can’t come to your rescue and worry that I’m going to find you dead permanently.”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“I didn’t think so either, until I walked into a crack house to find you unresponsive and alone.”
“That’s because those idiots left me. That won’t happen again.”
I shook my head. My guilt was quickly being replaced with anger. He wasn’t understanding what I was saying. He wasn’t understanding the severity of the situation I had found him in the night before. He wasn’t going to get clean, he was just thinking about when he could get his next high.
I had to get out of there. I was no longer worried that I would go back on my decision, but rather I was worried of what I might say while angry. I got up from my chair, my body aching from being there for so long, and collected my things to leave.
“So this is it?” Nikki questioned as I headed for the door. “A lifetime of friendship and you’re throwing it away while I’m recovering from a near death experience?”
“Don’t give me that shit, Nikki!” I snapped. “It wouldn’t have been a near experience if it weren’t for me! In fact, there has probably been a number of times I’ve saved your ass. And do I get so much as a ‘thank you, (Y/N)’, ‘I appreciate you, (Y/N)’, ‘I’ll stop taking drugs and nearly killing myself, (Y/N)’?”
“I never asked you to do any of that.”
“No, you didn’t, but I still did. Because I love you. And I can’t watch the man I love killing himself anymore!”
The silence that hung between us was thicker now. I felt a wetness on my cheek as I realized I had finally let the tears start falling. This was exactly what I hadn’t wanted to say, but now it was out there and I couldn’t take it back.
I quickly threw myself out of Nikki’s hospital room. I made a beeline for the elevator, trying to put as much distance between me and that room as I could.
At least admitting my feelings made it easier for him to let me go, I thought to myself.
The sudden sound of hospital machines beeping followed by voices yelling drew my attention back to Nikki’s room. The brunette rock star was trying to shove past the number of hospital staff that was trying to coax him back into his room.
“Sir, you’re still detoxing, you have to go back to your room until the doctor discharges you,” a nurse was saying as she tried to push Nikki back into his room.
“I’ll go back in if she comes with me,” Nikki said, pointing towards me.
I felt my face heat up with embarrassment as the staff looked at me. “Nikki, you have to finish your treatment. Go back in and I’ll come see you when you’re better.”
“I don’t believe you,” he said. “I think if you walk out now that I’ll never see you again, and you can’t leave me after what you just told me.”
It felt like my throat was closing over from trying to hold back the fresh tears welling in my eyes. I managed to choke out, “I can’t.”
Nikki finally managed to break away from the staff trying to restrain him and rushed over to me. Before I could realize what he was doing, his hands were grabbing my face and his lips were on mine. It was far from being the picture perfect kiss you see in romantic comedies. It was rough and almost felt desperate. But it was a kiss, and I couldn’t help but get lost in it because it was something I had been dreaming of for years.
It was broken up when two hospital guards appeared and grabbed Nikki, forcing him away from me and back to his room. He tried to fight against them, but when he saw that I was following them now he stopped and allowed them to put him back in his bed and hook him back up to the machines he had been attached to.
I sat back down in the uncomfortable chair and we were right back to where we had been moments before, as if the last ten minutes hadn’t happened at all.
“So,” I started, “was that...real?”
He gave me a funny look. “How could it not be real?”
“I don’t know, it could’ve just been a tactic to get me to come back into the room.”
Nikki chuckled a little. “You don’t think there’s even the smallest possibility that I did that because I also have feelings for you and I didn’t want you to walk away without me telling you that?”
I shrugged my shoulder, which caused him to laugh again. “You’re so cute.”
It was hard not to smile when he said that, but I quickly wiped the smile from my face. “I still mean what I said, though. This admitting that we have feelings for one another isn’t going to change my mind. If anything, I’m much more firm on my decision that I’m not going to sit around and watch you kill yourself.”
Nikki sighed and nodded his head. “I know. I have a problem, (Y/N). I didn’t want to admit it, but I always knew that I did. I crashed Tommy’s wedding because I was high, I’ve ruined friendships, I almost died. I almost lost you. It’s just not worth it anymore. I can’t keep living like this.”
I moved closer to his bed and took his hand in mine. When his eyes met with mine I felt like my breath was taken away. He was always so handsome, even now when he was being his most vulnerable with me. Especially now that he was being his most vulnerable with me.
“We’ll get you help, Nik,” I told him. “There’s plenty of good rehab facilities you can go to, or you can try and do it on your own without the help of professionals. Either way, I’m going to be by your side every step of your recovery.”
“And when I’m clean, I’m going to do what I should’ve done a very long time ago and I’m going to take you out on a proper date.”
I smiled again at him and said, “It sounds like a deal.”
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crystalbaby12 · 2 years
If anyone sees me spam liking a bunch of their fanfics it’s because I’m saving them to read for later. Don’t judge me
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𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 ; 𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐱 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
!! disclaimer before we start this girliez !!
it's gonna be a multi-part fic
it's based on the movie (i read about the band's and nikki's life, but it'd be complicated)
fem!reader will be half russian and half of another nation (you can insert yours here)
it's gonna have some TW parts as cussing, drugs, sex, miscarriage, depression so please read with caution!!
word count: 2.308k trigger warning: cursing, pole dance, smoking
1981, hollywood, sunset boulevard
♡ 𝐘/𝐍 ♡
the fake lashes tickled her eyes as one of her colleagues helped her to ruffle up her hair, well, if you can name the other girls who pole dances with you in a night club 'colleagues'.
"i fucking hate this shit" she muttered, putting lipstick on her lips. jessica, the girl who helped her shrugged her shoulders.
"when you're done with that, you can go off with a guy. old men pays way much more then the broke, skinny rock and roll wannabe-ones."
"it's a good idea jess, but i want to use my young years, and maybe get a normal relationship." y/n knew that this decade had its own fuckboys, just like the teddy-boys in the 60s with long coats and hair with much gale, and the hippies in the 70s with those fucking irritating and bad-looking flares and too much color, and now... they had log hair, black clothes and bulked up with studs, now just on their clothes, but on their face, too. sometimes it was fucking disgusting, even worse than punks, but other times, it was pleasant dig into a boy's long hair while he ate her out.
"your choice, baby. two minutes and simon will come in, so prepare yourself." simon was the guy who talked with them; when to go to the stage and when their shift ended, handing out the girls' 'salaries' to them, always in cash, of course. dancing here wasn't her first option; y/n wanted to go to somewhere, where an audience could tell that she had a good voice, or just tell her to fuck off, getting into dancing and singing, acting universities were difficult and expensive to get in. but since she had to pay the bills in the house she shared with two other girls, collecting money wasn't that easy.
in two hours, she was dancing in the big area on the counter, letting men tuck money into her panties and throw it in the front of her legs. shaking and crawling her body to the music, she almost completely shut the world out from her own world. at least she could dance, and she liked dancing, as soon as...
a bolting light shone through the bar. it was impossible to miss that is was a camera light. what the fuck, she turned and saw a couple of guys standing there, making pictures in front of where she was dancing.
"the guys will be so jealous when they're gonna see this! okay, brad, could you-"
"what the fuck do you think are you doing?" y/n stopped dancing, getting their attention.
"just making some pictures, don't worry, babe."
"don't fucking babe me! you can't take pictures here, do you understand?" she hollered, climbing down from the counter.
"could you take a picture about us with your friend in the back? or could you call down her?"
y/n snatched the camera from them.
"if you don't fuck off, i'm gonna trash this piece of shit."
"i'd listen to the girl." two other guy stepped in, they had long hair just like the rockers they probably listened to. one of them, the curlier and brown one carried a drumstick with himself, tucked into his belt.
"sorry, but what the fuck are you?" fuckface brad's one friend asked him.
"just a guy who walks in here from time to time and doesn't break the rules."
"i don't fucking care, could you please go away? we have to take some pictures, give me back that shit!"
"this?" y/n asked, looking at the camera, then, with her heart stomping in her chest, she trashed it down to the ground, breaking it into thousands of pieces. the fuckfaces got shocked.
"are you fucking mad?!"
"you deserved it anyway", the drumstick-boy's friend said, but the next moment, y/n got a punch into her face, crashing into the counter where people stood before it. looking up, she felt something warm running down to her lips, but instead of crying being hurt, she grabbed the nearest bottle she could find, breaking it, she successfully scratched the boy's arm.
"fuck you!" she screamed, aggressively waving the bottle in front of her. "fuck off, right now, motherfuckers!"
"y/n, what the fuck are you doing?" simon got in the picture. y/n looked around; some of the guests and jessica stared at them, the rocker boys stopped punching the other two guy as she fretted the third of them with a broken bottle. "if you do it again, you are gonna get fired!"
the girl looked at him, laughing, grabbing as much as money she could.
"yeah? then you won't gonna get the chance to fire me, because i quit! fuck you, simon, and fuck everybody in this craphole! i'm done!" screaming, she walked back to collect her things. not saying a word to anyone, carrying her clothes and her wallet, she walked beside simon, pushing his shoulder with hers as he tried to talk with her. but now, she was mad and unstoppable.
"you can never go back here if you quit now!" simon yelled to her as she stood at the door, now everybody staring at them.
"you know what simon?" she asked, licking her lips. iron from blood. with money in one hand, she dropped her things for a second and showed up both of her middle fingers.
turning around, she left the place that was her second place to go, but not her second home. out the door, she saw that people were staring into the bar, probably they heard the fight.
"hey dude! give me a fucking cigarette." getting one, they lit it to her.
"do you know what happened? we heard yelling and screaming." a woman asked, y/n nodded, blowing out the smoke.
"yeah, it was me. and don't come here, because the motherfuckers replace half of the whiskey with water." then walking away, she sat down on the side of the road, smoking the stick between her lips as she put on her skirts, top and her jacket. she couldn't think about what's gonna be with her. there was always a place for a crawling, dancing girl who could dress up as a slut.
"hey, are you okay?"
turning around, it was the same two guy who tried to defend her. she couldn't blame them, she blamed the brad-kinda assholes. holding the cig with her hand now, she bit her lip.
"except that the fact that now i'm jobless, that my face hurts and got rearranged, i'm pretty good, thanks." they sat down beside her.
"we're sorry for what happened. but we beat them up."
"you were cool, too! with that broken bottle. i'm tommy, by the way, and he's nikki."
"i can talk myself too, tom."
"i'm y/n. and that's my job... well, was."
"sorry that we couldn't stop it." nikki looked at her. he had pretty, green eyes, not the ones she could see everyday.
"don't worry, it was just a matter of time. otherwise, if i have to handle those three, maybe i'd be in jail now. and i hate this shit", she added, tearing down the fake lashes.
"would you actually stab them?" tommy asked.
"of course. if they break the rules, i break them head." at that, the two of them looked each other. "what? you don't meet girls everyday who smash others for being a motherfucker?"
"no, most of my girlfriends cry and scream, or throw something at me." tommy shrugged his shoulders. "i'm gonna borrow some cigs, do y'all want some?"
"yes, please." y/n said, and nikki nodded, also. now, it was just the two of them. she turned to the guy.
"and you? any troubled girl?" he shook his head.
"not one yet. but an upcoming band, and it's gonna be fire."
"upcoming band? you drive in bands?"
"yeah. but the last one was shit, it was called london."
"bands with names of towns never work, didn't anybody tell you that before?" nikki laughed at her question. "well, now you know. and any plans about the new one?"
"it's gonna be... the best band you've ever seen. but i still need some members in it, now i only have tommy. so tell me, can you sing?"
it this the hand of fate? y/n was far too much played to believe in some guy's promises and questions.
"well, nobody wanted to beat me when i was carousing in my rent." laughing at this, nikki turned to her.
"maybe if you can really sing, i'll count a frontwoman into my band."
"frontwoman? don't joke with me." y/n shook her head at his words.
"why would i joke? why do you think it's a joke?"
"because i got fucked up by some people before, and i don't believe to empty promises. see, i'll go there, and if the band is cool, then i'm in."
tommy came back, handing the cigarettes to them, showing up a bottle alcohol.
"guys, i found this on the ground, it's only half empty!" he said, making y/n grimace.
"watch out, maybe it's piss. happens a lot of time." the two guy laughed again.
"were did you learn these comments?" tommy asked. y/n shrugged her shoulders, letting nikki light her cigarette.
"anywhere. i spent my childhood with people i learned a lot from."
"were you in orphanage?" nikki asked, and she nodded. another piece of ash falling to the ground.
"kinda. i grew up in sacramento, and getting out from it, i came here."
"that's fine. i sent my mother into jail, but she was an asshole anyway." nikki added, making y/n pull up her eyebrows, nodding approvingly.
"do you wanna go to party? tommy?" the guy asked, tommy shook his head.
"sorry, but i gotta be home. i think that girl broke up with me, but anyway, it was nice to meet you, y/n."
"see you again, toms."
"how so?"
"your friend just invited me to sing in his upcoming band, the one that never anybody has seen before." she teased nikki.
"wow, that's cool! i thought we're gonna have a guy, but that's okay."
"can't i be as good as a guy?" she asked back, making tommy look at nikki. "whatever, it's only a trial."
as tommy got away, y/n finished her second cigarette. "it was a pleasure to meet you, nikki, but i gotta search for a new place to work."
"why? until 4am, they're open. it's not a big deal."
"come and party with me instead of it. or just sit down and talk, hm?" the girl smiled at this, rolling her eyes.
"are you trying to fuck me? other guys just pay me the drinks and help me to get to the bathroom."
"no, i just wanna get to know more about you. you're probably not pure american, judging by your accent." nikki answered, helping her stand up. y/n looked at him.
"it's true that i'm a half-blood. half russian, half (y/na). every cop asks for my id, everybody thinks that i'm a fucking illegal immigrant, but i'm just as an american citizen as this fucking ford!" she said, pointing at the car beside them.
"fuck the police anyway. and... you said that you were a foster kid, how so?"
"i don't want to talk about it. besides, not everybody's choice to get their parents int jail."
the truth was that her mother was truly an illegal immigrant, and in the short half and a year she was in the states, she got pregnant with her from a fellow guy she met with. when y/n was born, her mother had a beautiful, lovely six months with her baby, but then, one day the police knocked on her door. having no father and living in a mother's home, it was an instant way to get into orphanage.
"i'm sorry about that. do you want to forget these things with some booze?" nikki asked as they turned down on the road.
"do you have an actual place to live?" she asked him.
"do you have a place to stay?" nikki asked back.
"hell yeah, just because i'm stated as a slut by the society, i'm not a homeless one!" y/n spread her arms beside them, almost slapping a guy. they both laughed at that. "lead me to your place."
"right away, princess." he replied, setting his arm around her shoulder. "can i?" nikki looked at her, y/n looked up to her from her real eyelashes.
"people can think that we're going up to me to fuck." y/n laughed, shrugging her free shoulder.
"and do i look like i give a fuck about what they think?"
y/n could be only one girl from all those who he met through the years, but she wasn't. he was unsure about that he really should invite her to the band, because if they really would get famous, everybody would bully her do death. and maybe she wouldn't get it on herself, but he would blow up from all the shit she'd get. looking at her, he only knew her a couple hours ago, but the way she protected herself from the creeps in the bar in underwear, the way she talked, she could be a pure ghetto chick, but she was more than that. it was like... she born into the wrong place, wanting to be more than she was now.
"is something bad? or are you just thinking?" she asked him.
"what? no, i just hope that i locked the windows before i started the night."
"i fancy the simple fact that you are a guy who is capable of thinking."
he wasn't a fan of fast and strong emotions, but if she doesn't stop replying sarcastically, he's gonna marry her.
it was just a matter of time...
...and tons of drugs, music and trouble.
a/n: i gotta get into writing since i just got back, but i hope you still like it. if you want to get on the taglist, dm, comment or write here
take care and stay safe girliez
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geekforhorror · 1 year
can we appreciate how fucking fine daniel webber is in the dirt bc i mean LOOK AT HIM.
has me blushing and shit
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littlecrow-rogue · 2 months
Trough the Lens: A Mötley Crüe fanfiction - Chapter One
So the other day I made a post aboute writing a Mötley Crüe Nikki Sixx x OC fanfiction.
I did it!
I am bit nerves posting it cause english is not my first language so this was a bit hard, and even tho I asked some help from Google and transolaters to fix my grammer mistakes probobly there are still some mistakes left or wrong usage of words. But I hope it's still enjoyable.
If you read this have fun and let me know if you think and if you'd like a second chapter for it.
XoX - V
Chapter 1: "The Beginning"
The band members of Mötley Crüe sat huddled around a cluttered table in Nikki's flat, the air thick with anticipation and the remnants of their brainstorming session. Empty beer bottles mingled with scattered papers, evidence of their search for the perfect promotional plan and a testament to the chaos of their creative minds.
Tommy tapped his fingers impatiently against the table, his dark eyes darting restlessly around the room in search for inspiration. The weight of their first gig hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of the task at hand.
Suddenly, Nikki's voice shattered the silence, cutting through the haze of uncertainty that had settled over them.
"Alright, guys, time to get down to business," he declared, his tone commanding attention.
Vince lounged back with a smirk, tossing out a suggestion that earned a mixture of amusement and disdain
"A little spray-painted graffiti on the side of Sunset Boulevard could drum up some serious buzz”
Nikki shook his head with a wry smile.
"As much as I appreciate the guerrilla marketing approach, we need something more polished," he said, running a hand through his tousled hair as he leaned forward, his gaze fixed on his bandmates.
Mick nodded in agreement.
Nikki arched an eyebrow, his gaze locking onto Tommy’s with a curious intensity.
"Do you have any ideas, Tommy?"
A mischievous grin spread across Tommy's face as he leaned back in his chair, confidence radiating from every pore.
"Actually, I do," he declared, capturing the attention of his bandmates.
"My sister, Katie, she's a photographer. She could help us make some flyres with some killer shoots."
The mention of Tommy's sister piqued the band's interest. They had heard stories about Katie Lee, Tommy mentioned her a lot, but none of them had ever met her.
Mick, ever the pragmatist, cut to the heart of the matter with a single question.
"Is she any good?" he asked, his skepticism evident in his gravelly voice.
Tommy's response was immediate.
"She's incredible," he declared, his voice brimming with pride.
"She's been working as a photographer in downtown LA for the past two years, but she has been obsessed with photography since we were kids. Trust me, guys, she's the real deal. "
Vince grinned.
"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go pay Katie a visit and see if she can work her magic for us."
As their car glided to a halt in front of SutterLux Studios, the first thing that caught their eyes was the imposing sign, polished to a mirror like perfection, a testament to the studio's prestige as it boldly announced its name to the world. It stood as a beacon of elegance amidst the bustling cityscape, its modern architecture a symphony of clean lines and sleek facades that mesmerized passersbys. Every detail, from the smooth curvature of the walls to the precise symmetry of the windows, spoke of craftsmanship and artistry that left an indelible impression on all who saw it. Surrounding the entrance, a meticulously curated garden, a lush oasis of greenery, provided a tranquility to the building's exterior.
As they stepped out of their car, the band's rock and roll style clashed brilliantly with the polished surroundings. Leather jackets, ripped jeans, and a smattering of tattoos made for a striking contrast against the backdrop of elegance.
Stepping into the studio, they were greeted by a receptionist girl seated at a marble-topped desk, her workspace packed with notepads and notebooks in neat order wich spoke volumes about her attention to detail. With a shy smile playing on her lips, she chirped a warm welcome, while her eyes scaned the group of men before her.
"Welcome to SutterLux! What can I help you?” her voice was light and airy.
Tommy leaned casually against the desk, flashing his trademark grin as he addressed her.
"Hey there, we're here to see Katie Lee. Is she available?" he inquired, his voice laced with confidence.
The receptionist's bashfulness only added to her charm as she inquired about their appointment, her eyes flitting towards the calendar as she searched for any openings.
"I'm her brother, and I just want to talk to her if she's free," Tommy explained with a nonchalant shrug, his charm evident in every word.
Recognition flickerd on the receptionist's face as she realized who Tommy was
"Oh, you're Katie's brother Tommy? She's mentioned you," she remarked, her shy tone melting into a warm, friendly demeanor.
"Let me see if she's available. Please take a seat. I'll be right back."
With a graceful gesture towards the plush black sofas on the other side, she disappeared into the depths of the studio, leaving the band members alone in the lobby. The air crackled with anticipation as Vince, Mick, and Nikki exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what to expect when they finally met Katie Lee.
As the receptionist girl reappeared with Katie by her side, the room seemed to brighten with her presence. Her fiery red hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall of flames, framing her face with an aura of vibrant energy. Her eyes twinkled with a mischievous sparkle, and every step she took radiated confidence.
"Tommy!" Katie exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight as she enveloped her brother in a tight hug.
"What are you doing here?"
Tommy returned the hug with equal enthusiasm, his grin stretching from ear to ear.
"We came to see you, sis," he replied, pulling back to gaze at her with fondness.
"Who’s we?” she asked couriously as her gaze shifted to the other men standing behind Tommy, her smile widening at the sight of them.
"Nikki, Vince, and Mick," Tommy introduced, gesturing to each member of the band in turn. "Guys, this is my sister, Katie."
The band members exchanged greetings with Katie, their admiration for her evident in their eyes. Her easygoing demeanor and magnetic charm left an impression on each of them, drawing them in with her infectious energy.
"Do you have a little time to spare for us sis?” Tommy asked eagerly.
"I hope so.” Katie replied with a grin.
"Sam, when's my next client scheduled to arrive?" Katie turned to the receptionist girl, who quickly returned to her desk.
Sam scanned the schedule and checked the clock on the wall before responding,
"You've got about an hour and twenty minutes until your next appointment."
Katie nodded thoughtfully.
"Great. In that case, why don't we head over to that coffee shop down the street? We can grab a table and chat," she suggested, turning back to the band with a warm smile.
"Sounds like a plan," Tommy cheered, his excitement matching hers as they left the building.
As Katie and the band strolled down the bustling streets of downtown LA, the city pulsed with an electrifying vitality and amidst the vibrant chaos, they sought refuge at a quaint corner table in a cozy café, where the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped them like a warm embrace.
After placing their orders, Nikki leaned forward, his piercing blue eyes fixed on Katie.
"So, Katie, Tommy's been singing your praises as a kickass photographer," his voice as smooth as silk. "We're on the hunt for someone with your skills to help us make a splash with our upcoming gig."
Katie nodded, her interest piqued.
"I'm all ears," she replied, leaning back in her chair.
Tommy, unable to contain his excitement, leaned forward eagerly.
"We've headlining at the Starwood Club next month," he announced, a grin spreading across his face. "But we're not just looking to play; we want to rock the joint!"
"And to light up that stage, we need some badass posters, flyers, and all that jazz, something that draws  a lot of people in" Vince chimed in, his voice hyped.
Katie soaked up their vibe, a glint of excitement dancing in her eyes.
"Consider it done" she declared, a smirk tugging at her lips.
"But first could guys maybe show some of your music for me? Just to get a better image of Mötley Crüe.”
The band exchanged looks, a smirk playing on their lips.
"We'll crank up the amps and give you a taste," Tommy promised, a grin spreading across his face.
"You just got a backstage pass to our sonic circus," Nikki added, a playful twinkle in his eye.
"Why don't we invite you to my place? We've got a rehearsal space set up there, so you can experience what we're all about."
Katie's eyes gleamed with excitement.
"That sounds perfect," she exclaimed, a radiant smile gracing her lips.
"Then it's settled," Mick declared with a decisive nod. "We'll make our way to Nikki's place once we're done here."
With the first part of their plan solidified, the band and Katie lingered over their drinks, their conversation flowing with easy.
As the time drew near for Katie's next appointment, the group decided to escort her back to work. Upon the arrival, Katie vanished into the studio to finish her job for the day.
As the band settled into the reception hall, time seemed to stretch out before them, each minute feeling like an eternity as they waited with for Katie's return.
At long last, the door creaked open, and Katie emerged with a satisfied smile playing on her lips.
"Sorry for the wait, guys," Katie apologized, her voice carrying a note of excitement as she joined the band.
"I'm ready to roll now."
With a renewed sense of anticipation, Katie and the band made their way to Nikki's car, the excitement practically crackling in the air around them. As they headed to the Sunset Strip, Katie couldn't suppress the thrill bubbling within her, eager to delve deeper into the realm of rock 'n' roll.
Arriving at Nikki's apartment building, Katie was greeted by a surge of excitement at the thought finally getting to know the band wich her brother was part of.
As Mötley Crüe and Katie entered Nikki's flat, they were greeted by a space that perfectly encapsulated the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. Posters of iconi musicans adorned the walls, while instruments were scattered haphazardly around the room. Amplifiers hummed softly in the background, hinting at the music that was created within these walls.
The furniture was a mix of vintage pieces and modern comforts, giving the space a lived-in yet stylish vibe. A plush couch sat against one wall, its cushions worn from years of use, while a sleek bar area beckoned from the corner, stocked with an impressive array of spirits.
Nikki led the group into the room with a grin, gesturing for them to make themselves at home. "Welcome to my humble abode, where the magic happens" he said, a twinkle in his eye turning to Katie
"Make yourself comfortable."
As Katie and the rest of the band settled in, Nikki made his way to the fridge, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Alright, folks, what'll it be?" he called out, opening the fridge door to reveal an assortment of beverages.
"Beer, wine, whiskey? You name it, I've got it."
The band members exchanged glances, a collective smirk crossing their faces.
"Surprise us, Nikki," Vince replied, a playful edge to his voice.
Nikki chuckled as he retrieved a selection of drinks from the fridge, passing them out to the group with a flourish. As the band settled in with their drinks, Nikki turned to Katie with a grin.
"Are you ready for your private show, Katie?" he asked, his eyes alight with anticipation.
Katie's face broke into a wide smile.
"Absolutely," she replied, excitement coursing through her veins as she leand back comfortably in the couch, drink in hand. With a casual ease, she propped her legs up on the coffee table, fixing her gaze on the band with eager anticipation.
With that the band took their place on the stage, wich was the other side of Nikki’s living room, and launched into their first song. The music was filling the room with its raw energy. Katie's eyes danced with delight as she listened, completely captivated by the electrifying performance unfolding before her.
Song after song, Mötley Crüe poured their hearts and souls into their music, each note resonating with passion and intensity. Katie couldn't help but be swept away by the sheer talent and charisma of the band, her appreciation for their music growing with each passing moment.
As the final chords faded into silence, Tommy and Nikki took their seats on either side of Katie, their faces flushed with exhilaration. Vince and Mick settled into the armchairs surrounding the coffee table, their expressions mirroring the sense of accomplishment that filled the room.
"So, Katie, what did you think?" Nikki asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
Katie's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she took a sip of her drink, considering her response.
"I loved it," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration.
"Each song had its own unique energy"
With the mood buoyed by Katie's praise, she launched into her ideas for the flyers and posters, drawing inspiration from the music she had just heard.
The band members listened intently, nodding in agreement as Katie outlined her vision for the promotional materials.
"I love it," Vince exclaimed, his eyes shining with enthusiasm.
"It sounds like you really understand our vibe and what we're all about."
Katie smiled, feeling a surge of pride at the band's reaction.
 "I'm glad you think so," she replied.
"I can't wait to get started and see what we can create together."
As the excitement of their collaboration filled the room, Katie and the band members of Mötley Crüe quickly settled on a date for the photoshoot.
"How about Saturday, two days from now?" Katie suggested, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.
The band members exchanged eager nods, they couldn’t wait to see Katie's vision come to life. "Sounds good to us," Nikki replied, a grin spreading across his face.
"We'll make sure we're ready to rock and roll."
With the date set and plans in motion, the group toasted to their upcoming photoshoot, excitement buzzing in the air. As they continued to chat and laugh late into the evening, Katie couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the creative journey that lay ahead.
As the evening wore on and the excitement of their collaboration began to wind down, the band members of Mötley Crüe started to make their exit.
Vince, with a mischievous glint in his eye, rose from his seat, his voice laced with playful banter.
"Alright folks, see you on Saturday. I'm off to see my girl" he declared, his announcement met with teasing cheers from the rest of the group.
Shortly there after, Mick followed suit, offering a nod of farewell before vanishing into the nocturnal embrace of the city.
Tommy glanced at his watch, realizing it was time to pick up his new flame.
"I better get going, my date is waiting" he said, flashing a grin at the others.
"New girl?” Katie asked quirosly.
"We will see” he answered with a huge smile still plaster on his face
"But before I head out, Nikki, do you mind taking Katie home?"
 "I'd be happy to make sure she gets home safely." Nikki nodded in agreement, a warm smile on his face.
Katie smiled gratefully
"Thank you, Nikki," she said
"I appreciate it."
With goodbyes exchanged Tommy dissapiered and soon after Nikki and Katie made their way down from the flat to Nikki's car, the cool night air greating them as they stepped out side. They exchanged casual banter as they walked, their laughter echoing off the surrounding buildings.
 "So, Nikki, where did you and my brother crossed paths?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.
Nikki's gaze drifted to the road ahead, a nostalgic smile gracing his lips as he recounted the story.
"Well, it was after I had a falling out with my former band's singer and decided to quit London," he began, his voice tinged with nostalgia.
"I was feeling pretty lost and unsure of what to do next."
He paused for a moment, lost in thought, before continuing.
"I found myself sitting in a diner, flipping through the ads of musicians looking to join a band," he explained.
"That's when Tommy walked up to me out of the blue."
A smile tugged at the corners of Nikki's lips as he recalled the memory.
"He was this cocky guy with wild hair and an even wilder personality," he said.
 "I remember him saying he had my poster on his bedroom wall” he laughed and Katie started giggeling next to him.
"And then he just seated himself infront of me and started twireling his drum sticks and as they say the rest is histroy”
Katie glanced over at Nikki, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.
"It's amazing how things just seem to fall into place sometimes," she remarked, her voice filled with admiration.
"It's like the universe has a way of bringing people together when they need it."
Nikki nodded in agreement, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Yeah, it's funny how life works out like that," he replied, his voice tinged with reflection. "Sometimes the most unexpected encounters can change the course of your life in ways you never imagined."
They fell into a comfortable rhythm of conversation, sharing stories and laughter as they made their way through the city streets. Before they knew it, they had arrived at Katie's apartment building, the glow of the streetlights casting a warm halo around them.
As Nikki pulled up to the curb, he turned to Katie with a smile.
"Well, here we are," he said, his tone lighthearted.
"Thanks for the company, Katie. I had a great time tonight."
Katie returned his smile, a sense of warmth and gratitude filling her chest.
"Thank you for the ride, Nikki," she replied, her voice sincere.
With a final wave goodbye, Katie stepped out of the car and watched as Nikki drove off into the night. As she made her way up to her apartment, a sense of contentment washed over her, grateful for the unexpected connection she had formed with Nikki and the band.
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 4 months
The Dirt (Your Version)
Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Trigger Warning- self-harm, mentions of past child abuse and cancer
Previous Chapter
Chapter 19- Truth comes out
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"Who did this to you?" Nikki questioned, his fingers brushing over the dark bruise around your neck.
It had been a long time since you had heard that protectiveness in the bassist's voice. It had been a long time since you had seen him. And an even longer time since he had touched you like this.
"It doesn't matter." You sighed.
"Was it Vince?"
"What? No! He would never hurt me. Never." You insisted and Nikki nodded, his brows furrowing as he brushed his thumb over the bruise carefully.
"Tell me who and I'll fuck 'em up."
"It was my father and Vince already fucked him up."
Nikki's eyes widened in surprise knowing you hadn't been in contact with your father since you were a teenager. Nikki had questions. You could tell that he had many questions to ask but seemed to be holding himself back.
His sea green eyes were watching you worriedly. The last time you saw each other was that day at the studio. The day Vince had quit, and you walked away.
The guilt of that weighed heavily down on your shoulders. Mötley Crüe were finished. It didn't matter that they had a new singer, the band was over the moment Vince left and it was your fault.
"If you want me to leave. I'll leave." You whispered.
"I don't want you to leave, princess."
Just hearing that old nickname bought tears to your eyes and you lowered your head so he wouldn't see them fall. Nikki Sixx had seen you cry too many times to count over the years. You didn't want him to see you cry anymore.
"Come inside. Can I get you a drink?" Nikki offered. "I'm sober, so there's not many options."
You smiled, heart swelling with pride hearing that.
"Water is fine."
He disappeared in the kitchen, and you walked over to his couch and sat down hugging your knees to your chest. Nikki returned shortly after handing you a glass of cold water which you took with a small smile.
"It's not that I'm not happy to see you after all this time, because I am. But what's going on?" Nikki asked worriedly.
"Skylar died."
"Oh, fuck." He sighed heavily the shock of that information hitting him hard. "I'm so sorry."
You fiddled with the glass of water as Nikki walked around the couch and sat down beside you.
He asked what happened. You told him about the tumour and cancer that spread through the little girl's body. He asked about Vince, and you told the truth. Your brother was a mess but was trying to get himself better.
The two of you sat together in silence after that, Nikki trying to process everything while you sat there fiddling with the empty glass trying not to cry.
Grieving was hard.
Whether it was for your own baby or someone else's. Grief in general for a lack of a better word... sucked.
The suckiest part about it was how lonely grieving made you feel. And yeah, sure, your family had been mourning the loss of Skylar. But you've been mourning the loss of your own baby too because you had never really allowed yourself to grieve that unborn child until now.
And then you'd felt angry at yourself for it because that was in the past and Skylar had just died. Your little niece had just died, but you weren't only thinking about her. And that made you feel guilty. And then that guilt turned into anger. And you were angry at yourself for being angry because dear God, it wasn't like they had died on purpose, but it happened, and you couldn't save either of them.
So, you were angry.
You were angry at the world because it kept spinning after those horrible deaths. And you were angry that you were still living when Skylar had her whole life ahead of her and your own baby never got to draw its first breath.
But you know what? You'd take the anger, the sadness and the guilt because the only reason all of that existed within you now was because love existed first. Because it still existed in you now. And you knew that if you had loved Skylar less or never found out about your pregnancy, things would be easier, but you didn't want to live in that world.
So, yeah, you had a lifetime of those sticky grief feelings ahead, but you welcomed them with open arms because you had four years of love with Skylar and a couple months of knowing about your baby and that will always, always be worth it.
"Shit, princess."
Your head snapped in Nikki's direction to find his sea green eyes swimming with tears, and you very quickly realised that you had just said all of that out loud.
"Can I hold you?" He asked, wiping his teary eyes.
Nikki shifted closer on the couch before wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling you gently into his side and kissing the top of your head. You buried your face against his chest and squeezed your eyes shut not wanting this moment to end because you had missed this. You had missed him so fucking much.
Nikki eventually let go of you, saying something about needing to piss before he disappeared leaving you on the couch. You were pretty sure that the bassist just needed a moment alone to compose himself because he hadn't allowed himself to mourn or grieve over your unborn baby until now either.
You reached up and rubbed your thumb over the scars and cuts on your wrist thinking about your brother. Thinking about Skylar. Thinking about Razzle. Thinking about your unborn baby. Thinking about everything.
You were so lost in thought you didn't hear Nikki approaching until he sat back down beside you causing you to nearly jump out of your skin at his sudden presence. His shoulder was touching yours and you quickly shifted your bracelets to cover the cuts.
You leant your head against his shoulder, the two of you remaining quiet for quite some time, but you didn't need to fill the silence. That was the nice thing about Nikki, he could appreciate silence when others wouldn't. Not needing to speak just for the sake of talking.
He kissed the side of your head and squeezed your hand for comfort, knowing how everything was taking its toll on you.
But he didn't know everything. He didn't know about those dark thoughts that still haunted you. He didn't know about the cuts hidden beneath your sleeve.
"Let me see your neck." Nikki suddenly said, speaking up for the first time in a while.
He hooked his index finger under your chin tilting your head up as you lifted it off his shoulder. You hadn't had a chance to look in the mirror and see the damage yet, but by the frown forming on Nikki's face, you knew it wasn't great.
"Does it hurt?"
You shook your head and gently touched the angry purple and blue finger shaped bruises with a small wince, "I'm fine. It only hurts when I touch it."
Nikki didn't seem happy with that answer. His frown only deepening as he inspected the marks carefully.
He shouldn't care about you though. Nikki should be angry at you for what happened in the studio. He should be furious. He shouldn't be worrying or caring about you. You didn't deserve it. You didn't deserve him.
"You should hate me." You whispered.
Nikki's eyes met yours, "what? Why?"
"I'm the reason for Mötley Crüe's downfall. It's all my fault."
"It's not."
"It is!" You answered a little louder than you meant but you couldn't help it. "I mean, fuck, you warned us at the start, Sixx. You said hooking up with me would jeopardize the band and now look what happened."
"That's not on you."
"It is."
"It's not. That's on all of us." Nikki insisted and you knew there was no point trying to argue with him on this.
You sighed, "I should go. I-I don't know why I came here. You have your own life... I'm sorry."
You stood up from the couch but before you could walk back towards the door, Nikki suddenly reached out and grabbed your hand stopping you.
"Don't go." He said, his voice nearly pleading as he looked up at you with gentle sea green eyes. "It's getting late. Just stay here tonight. You can take the spare bedroom. Please. Just don't go. Not like last time."
You hesitated for a moment as you glanced over at his front door before looking back at him and nodding in agreement. Nikki's shoulders relaxed instantly, and he gave your hand a gentle squeeze before he showed you to the guest bedroom.
Given Nikki Sixx's track record with girls, you were expecting him to try make a move or convince you to share his own bed, but to your surprise he was a complete gentleman. He had matured a lot since the last time you saw him. So much had happened since then, yet for some unknown reason, Nikki still cared about you.
You ended up sleeping on the couch that night because the mattress in the spare room had a very distinct scent of urine on it. Underneath the black sheets were multiple yellow stains and although they appeared to be old, the smell was definitely there, so you retreated back to the couch.
It wasn't so bad. You had slept in worse places especially while on tour with the guys. So, a blanket on a leather couch was actually pretty good in comparison.
You laid there staring up at the antique looking ceiling fan above you in the dim light unable to fall asleep. Your mind wouldn't shut off. You kept thinking about Skylar which then turned into thinking about Vince and what your father had said.
Your entire life had been a lie.
Vince wasn't your brother, and your father wasn't even your real father. And your mother... she killed herself after giving birth to you. Did she not want you that badly? Did she really think that leaving you with that abusive piece of shit would be better than whatever she could provide? Was a bullet to the head the only choice she had?
Your mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as you laid there squeezing your wrist feeling the calming sting of the cuts.
You must have fallen asleep sometime though because the next thing you knew, your eyes were snapping open, and you sat up gasping for air.
A gunshot echoed in your mind. Your mothers blurry figure falling to the ground in a pool of her blood. Your fathers angry voice screamed in the background somewhere. You could still feel his hands around your neck choking you.
"Y/N, hey. Just breathe. You're okay, just breathe." Someone's voice suddenly said, but through the haze in your head you couldn't figure out who the voice belonged to let alone trying to focus on breathing.
You couldn't breathe. It was like your father was still choking you. All the air had gotten sucked out of your lungs and there wasn't anything you could do about it. You could feel your chest tightening as you buried your face into trembling hands trying to calm yourself down, but it wasn't working.
A small voice in the back of your head was telling you that you were having a panic attack, but that little piece of information did nothing to help.
"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Y/N, look at me."
Somehow you forced yourself to lift your head and your eyes locked with familiar sea green ones. Nikki was looking at you in worry, but you just shook your head unable to shut your brain off as the lingering nightmare flashed through your mind on repeat.
"It's okay. Deep breaths. Y/N, princess, just breathe. Copy me, okay?" Nikki instructed, kneeling down in front of you as he took in an exaggerated deep breath, and you mimicked him before he released the breath slowly and you did the same as he repeated the action.
It took a while, but eventually you managed to get your breathing under control. Your heart was beating out of your chest, your body shaking, but you were breathing. Small victories.
Nikki was kneeling beside the couch watching you worriedly and you only just realised that he was shirtless. Has he been shirtless this whole time? How the fuck did you miss that little detail? Or big detail because Nikki had definitely been working out since the last time you saw him. His chest and arms were more muscular than you had ever seen them.
You rubbed your face with trembling hands trying not to think about his attractive body before you slowly sat up on the couch with a heavy sigh.
"Shit, I'm sorry." You whispered, realising that he had just witnessed you totally freak out.
"You don't ever have to apologise to me."
"Did I wake you?"
"No. I was already awake."
It was a clear lie to make you feel better, but you appreciated it. Nikki didn't move from beside you though. His hand was hovering over your arm like he wasn't sure if he should touch you right now or not.
"Are you okay?"
Nope. Not even remotely okay, but were you going to admit that? Absolutely not.
Nikki didn't say anything after that and you were pretty sure he saw straight through your lie, but he didn't call you out on it. He was good like that. He understood not wanting to talk after nightmares, God knows he was riddled with his own demons in his sleep too.
"Do you want to be alone?" He asked eventually, breaking the silence.
You shook your head because the thought of being alone with your thoughts sounded like hell.
Nikki simply nodded before he stood up and sat down on the couch beside you leaving a respectable gap between you to give you some space.
You traced your fingers over the bruise on your neck thinking back to what your father had said.
"Is it hurting?" Nikki asked worriedly watching you touch the bruise gingerly.
You shook your head, "no. I'm just thinking about something he said before he, uh, strangled me."
"What did he say?"
"That he's not my real father. Said my mother dumped me on his doorstep as a baby and then killed herself."
"Jesus." Nikki swore softly under his breath not knowing what else to say to that.
You remained quiet for a moment biting your lip fighting back tears you could feel coming. You were so God damn sick of crying.
"It means Vince and I aren't even related." You whispered.
Nikki must have heard the crack in your voice because he turned on the couch to face you properly. The only good thing about your childhood was having Vince as your big brother. But it turned out that he wasn't even your brother at all.
"There's more to family than blood, Y/N." Nikki said gently, hesitantly resting his hand on your shoulder. "I know that better than anyone."
You sighed with a small nod wiping the tears from your eyes before they could fall, and Nikki squeezed your shoulder comfortingly.
Vince had said that it didn't matter. He said that you were still his sister no matter what, but it still felt wrong knowing your entire childhood and sibling bond had been bought up on a lie.
"You and Vince, you're family. Nothing is going to change that."
You glanced over at Nikki and smiled softly needing to hear that more than anything, "thanks, Sixx."
Neither of you spoke for a while after that. Nikki flicked on the television giving you a much-needed distraction from your thoughts. He switched the channel to MTV and lowered the volume down while he leant back against the couch and kicked his feet up on the coffee table.
"Why were you sleeping on the couch?"
"Spare bed smells like piss." You answered honestly glancing over at him.
Nikki sighed, "that would've been Slash. He's peed on that bed a few times. Sorry, I thought it was clean after the last time."
You screwed your face up in disgust which caused Nikki to smile before he turned his attention back to the television and the two of you fell into comfortable silence after that.
An hour or so ticked by. The clock on the wall across the room indicated that it was nearly six in the morning. Nikki had fallen asleep beside you a while ago. His head was tipped back against the back of the couch, his hair covering the side of his face as he snored softly.
You watched the bassist sleep for a few minutes before you quietly slipped away and made your way outside through the back door.
It was still dark outside and the view from his back porch was stunning. His house was on a hill at the far side of town and overlooked the entire city. The lights of Hollywood shone brightly in the distance, and you leant against the porch railing taking in the stunning view.
You rolled the sleeve up exposing the cuts along your inner arm that were now on full display as you glanced down at them in disgust. The skin was painted with a mixture of fresh and old cuts, some healed and scarred, others bright red and fresh.
You covered your wrist with your hand and squeezed welcoming the pain as the fresh cuts started to sting, but it wasn't enough.
The pocketknife in your jeans felt like it was burning against the fabric before you reached into the front pocket and pulled it out.
Your hands trembled as you flicked the blade out. Dry blood stained the stainless steel as you pressed the tip of the blade against an unmarked section of skin on your wrist.
Tears started to burn in the back of your eyes as you sliced through the skin like it was butter. Bright crimson blood instantly rose and trickled down onto the railing you were leaning against. You watched the droplets fall. The cut stinging as the outdoor air blew against it and you closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself.
The pain grounded you.
It was fucked up, you knew this was fucked up, but you couldn't stop. It was the only way you knew how to cope with everything.
The sound of the backdoor opening startled you out of your thoughts. You hastily tucked the knife back into your pocket and pulled your sleeve down trying to hide the blood and cuts.
Nikki hovered in the doorway, but you didn't dare look over at him because you had a sinking feeling that he had seen everything.
"I just need some fresh air. Go back inside." You said, barely even recognising your own voice.
"And leave you out here to cut yourself?" He questioned bluntly.
Yeah, you thought.
But you didn't dare say that out loud though. And Nikki didn't leave.
Suddenly, he appeared beside you and his hand grasped your shoulder gently. You tilted your head up at him, but he didn't look at you, his wide eyes were glued to your arm that you were trying to hide, but clearly not very well.
You glanced back down and there was no mistaking the crimson stains soaking through the fabric of your sleeve.
"How long?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "How long have you been cutting yourself? Days? Weeks?"
You didn't look at him as you spoke, not wanting to see the disappointment and pity on his face.
"Fucking hell." He whispered to himself.
Nikki let go, you could no longer feel his touch on your shoulder, and you fought the urge to reach out and stop him from leaving. Instead, you looked back out at the city lights watching the sun that was now slowly starting to rise along the horizon.
You listened closely for footsteps, but never heard any. Why wasn't he leaving?
A few tense seconds of silence ticked by before Nikki let out a loud exhale and leant down against the porch railing beside you.
"Princess, look at me."
You expected to hear him sound mad, to sound angry or pissed off, but he didn't. He almost sounded sad.
"Please. Fuck- please, Y/N, look at me." He practically begged.
Reluctantly, you lowered your hands from your face and glanced over at him through teary eyes and had to do a double take when you saw his own eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Seeing Nikki on the verge of crying was all it took before the flood gates opened. A violent sob escaped your lips as you cried, Nikki's expression breaking.
"I-I'm sorry. Please... please don't hate me."
Nikki's arm was instantly wrapping around your back, resting across your waist and pulling you into his side which just made you cry even more as you leant into him.
"No, no, sweetheart. I don't hate you. I could never hate you." He insisted, holding you tightly.
"I'm sorry. I-I... I'm so sorry." You whimpered, burying your face against his chest.
"it's okay. Shh, it's okay. It's okay."
He kissed the top of your head gently and just held you while you cried. You had been trying to hide your pain from Vince for so long, trying to be strong for him, but now, you allowed yourself to let your guard down and show your true feelings for the first time in what felt like years, knowing you were safe in Nikki's arms.
Eventually, Nikki lowered his arm, and you sniffed rubbing your face with trembling hands trying to calm yourself down.
He pulled out a red bandanna from his back pocket before he grabbed your arm and began to carefully pull up your sleeve. Nikki paused for a second when he got a look at your inner arm properly for the first time. A soft gasp escaped his lips, and you fought the urge to pull your arm away from him.
It was too late. He had already seen it. The damage had been done.
"Fuck, princess." He swore softly under his breath.
He pressed the bandanna against the still bleeding cut and neither of you said anything while he kept his hand pressed down on your wrist with the bandanna to slow the bleeding while you stared out at the view.
Nikki was staring down at your arm with a frown plastered on his face which was better. A frown was better than tears. You could deal with Nikki being mad at you. Anger you could handle.
"I-I didn't know... I never knew things were this bad." Nikki admitted, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."
"I was the one that walked away."
"I should have called."
"I'm not your responsibility, Sixx." You whispered, wiping the tears from your eyes with your free hand. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to deal with my shit. Not after what I did."
Nikki let out a deep exhale, "what happened that day in the studio wasn't your fault, Y/N."
"We both know that's a lie."
"What happened. Everything we did... I would do it all over again."
Your eyes widened in surprise and Nikki smiled softly.
"If I could go back in time, I'd do it all again."
"I love you, princess. I didn't get a chance to say it that day, but I do."
You shook your head, fresh tears spilling from your eyes because you didn't deserve his love. You didn't deserve any of this.
"You shouldn't." You whispered still shaking your head. "You should hate me for what happened. You should hate me for this." You pulled your arm free from his grasp, the bandanna sticking to your wrist as you held it up for him to see.
"This doesn't change how much I love you. Y/N, hey, hey. Princess, look at me."
When you didn't move, he lifted his hand pinching your chin with his thumb and index finger and raised your head gently until you were forced to look at him.
"I'm serious. This doesn't change anything. I love you, Y/N. The next time you feel like this, come to me. I want to help. Let me help you."
You simply nodded, not trusting your voice at the moment as a fresh wave of tears resurfaced at Nikki's kindness causing his expression to soften before he pulled you into a hug.
"I just want you to be okay." He whispered, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too." You answered, and you meant it.
You and Nikki had started out cautious of each other. You were his singer's little sister, and he was the mysterious bass player who seemed to hate you.
Somewhere between that first meeting at Rock Candys gig all those years ago and to this moment now, the two of you had broken down each other's walls and had fallen in love without realising it.
Next Chapter
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A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long. 
I just had to work 10 days in a row with 4 of those days on call after hours too (I hated it) but I finally got a few days off and I am already editing the next chapter which will be posted in a couple of days. 
I hope you are all still enjoying this story. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments ❤️ 
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