HAIL MARY "We don't worship Mary the mother of Christ Jesus they say, she's not our idol they say, yet they elevate her, pray to her, believe in her more and follow the traditions of man, dogmas not biblical. No we don't worship Mary, no, as they say Hail Mary, the very act of hailing Mary and not realizing they've already given themselves over to doctrines of demons."
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Just finished this Cosplay mask!
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Still thinking of names, maybe Tear or Deathstar?
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slimeful · 26 days
(pt: Dogmas /end pt)
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(id: 2 rectangular flags with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in order from top to bottom are dark green, green, tan, white, tan, brown, and dark brown. in the center of the first flag is a tan dog symbol outlined in white. /end id)
Dogmas; a subterm of wildmasculine connected to being male in the way dogs are considered/assumed to be male.
etymology; dog, “mas” latin for male
symbol from here (link)!
for anon!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years
O universo é totalmente indiferente a nós
Por Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga
O universo é absolutamente indiferente a nós, para não dizer refratário, e não se importa a mínima com o que eventualmente pensamos ou no que acreditamos, ou mesmo, em nossa limitação e insignificância, com o que fazemos, e segue imponente e impavidamente o seu curso, o seu caminho, a sua “agenda”, independentemente de qualquer um de nós. 
O universo, esta estranha e absurda "realidade" em que fomos condenados a “viver”, ou a "Matrix" em que fomos jogados e no qual estamos indefectivelmente aprisionados – como um personagem de videogame, adrede programado e sujeito às regras do programador –, como desejar, foi configurado – por quem ou o que?, eis a pergunta de um milhão de dólares – de modo que não faça o menor sentido para nós, que pareça o mais ilógico e absurdo possível, e por conseguinte injusto, e o fato de você achar isso ou aquilo, acreditar ou não nisso ou naquilo, não altera em nada o status quaestionis.
A ignorante arrogância humana, e suas maiores aliadas, a presunção e a prepotência, é que leva certas pessoas à ilusão de que alcançaram a compreensão plena da realidade e da própria existência, da vida e de tudo o mais, e passam a querer impor às demais a sua visão da totalidade, como se tudo estivesse vinculado a alguma razão, que é no fundo a dela mesma, aquela que ela mesma concebeu de uma forma precária, parcial, fragmentária, tendenciosa e incompleta.
Quantas religiões, ideologias e meras teorias “científicas” não foram assim concebidas e impostas a ferro e fogo e continuam a dominar mentes, a ditar comportamentos e a subjugar e escravizar povos e sociedades inteiras! De certa forma, não seria esse modus faciendi uma replicação e amplificação de nossas condições originais, de meras criaturas, de seres sujeitos a leis e regras que nos foram impostas por sabe-se lá quem ou que, e nas quais estamos profundamente imersos sem escapatória, só nos restando a resiliência, e não obstante, em vez de lutarmos ao menos um pouco contra essa natureza, essa tendência, de nos libertarmos desse padrão, refutando a programação adquirida e admitindo nossa incapacidade e ignorância com um simples "não sei", como a única resposta honesta ao grande e maior mistério que é a nossa própria existência, muitos de nós assume inadvertida, imprevidente e inopinadamente o papel de “deuses” que nem sabemos – e talvez jamais venhamos a saber – o que de fato são. Um simples "não sei" ao menos deixa espaço e motivo para que sigamos buscando pela “verdade”, ainda que, como disse, jamais venhamos a encontrá-la.
Já ouço alguém dizer a esta altura que a “verdade” é isso ou aquilo, e que eu deveria abraçá-la, sob pena de ser condenado, mais do que já estou, aliás, e ao que parece, o castigo é a maior, senão a única, constante do universo.
Em suma, o que cada um tem na cabeça é uma condição inteiramente pessoal, ignorada pelo universo, já que o universo e tudo o que acontece nele é uma propriedade do próprio universo.
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nando161mando · 6 months
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xtremeservers · 28 days
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Capcom has detailed an upcoming patch fo... https://www.xtremeservers.com/blog/upcoming-dragons-dogma-2-patch-to-nerf-dragonsplague-and-make-pawns-speak-less-but-theres-no-mention-of-a-performance-mode/?feed_id=137487&_unique_id=66227a2a76b76&Upcoming%20Dragon%E2%80%99s%20Dogma%202%20Patch%20to%20Nerf%20Dragonsplague%20and%20Make%20Pawns%20Speak%20Less%2C%20but%20There%E2%80%99s%20No%20Mention%20of%20a%20Performance%20Mode
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saltymusiccupcake · 2 months
"A verdade que você acredita e se apega, faz com que você seja incapaz de ouvir qualquer coisa nova"
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cosmiccarabao · 3 months
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intofree · 2 months
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I think dragon’s dogma players have truly gone insane in the decade long wait
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in-sightpublishing · 7 months
The Internet gives doubters a home
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: March 1, 2014 Web Domain: http://www.in-sightpublishing.com Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Journal: In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Journal Founding: August 2, 2012 Frequency: Three (3) Times Per Year Review Status: Non-Peer-Reviewed Access: Electronic/Digital & Open Access Fees: None…
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whatelsecanwedonow · 6 months
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DOGMA (1999) dir. Kevin Smith
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You don't have to believe what I'm saying, but at least do yourself the courtesy of seeking the truth, of reading the Bible (without the Apocrypha in it, if you do want to, first read and study the Bible make sure that you know it and then read the Apocrypha which was a addition to the Holy Bible) yourself and testing what you've been taught against it. If anything contradicts that, it's a false doctrine, of Satan. At least do that much instead of just believing everything you hear or see and pray. Ask God for wisdom and discernment, He will give it to you if you ask in faith and receive that which you asked.
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postersbykeith · 8 months
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years
The universe is totally indifferent to us
By Claudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga
The universe is absolutely indifferent towards us, not to mention refractory, and it doesn't give a damn about what we eventually think or believe, or even, in our limitation and insignificance, with what we do, and it remains imposing and its course, its path, its “agenda”, independently of any of us.
The universe, this strange and absurd "reality" in which we were condemned to "live", or the "Matrix" in which we were thrown and in which we are indefectibly imprisoned – like a video game character, programmed and subject to the programmer's rules –, as you wish, has been configured – by whom or what?, here is the million-dollar question – in such a way that it makes no sense to us, that it seems as illogical and absurd as possible, and therefore unfair, and the whether you think this or that, whether or not you believe this or that, does not in any way alter the status quaestionis.
Ignorant human arrogance, and its greatest allies, presumption and arrogance, is what leads certain people to the illusion that they have reached a full understanding of reality and of existence itself, of life and everything else, and they start to want to impose her vision of the totality too much, as if everything were linked to some reason, which is, at bottom, her own, the one she herself conceived in a precarious, partial, fragmentary, tendentious and incomplete way.
How many religions, ideologies and mere “scientific” theories have not been conceived and imposed in this way and continue to dominate minds, dictate behavior and subjugate and enslave entire peoples and societies! In a way, wouldn't this modus faciendi be a replication and amplification of our original conditions, of mere creatures, of beings subject to laws and rules that were imposed on us by who knows who or what, and in which we are deeply immersed with no escape, only resilience remains, and nevertheless, instead of fighting at least a little bit against this nature, this tendency, to free ourselves from this pattern, refuting the acquired programming and admitting our incapacity and ignorance with a simple "I don't know", as the only honest answer to the great and greatest mystery that is our own existence, many of us inadvertently, improvidently and unexpectedly assume the role of "gods" that we don't even know – and maybe we will never know – what they really are. A simple "I don't know" at least leaves room and reason for us to keep looking for the "truth", even if, as I said, we will never find it.
I already hear someone say at this point that the “truth” is this or that, and that I should embrace it, on pain of being condemned, more than I already am, in fact, and it seems, the punishment is the greatest, if not the only constant in the universe.
In short, what each one has in his head is an entirely personal condition, ignored by the universe, since the universe and everything that happens in it is a property of the universe itself.
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xtremeservers · 4 months
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Capcom has announced a Dragon Dogma's 2 ... https://www.xtremeservers.com/blog/dragons-dogma-2-showcase-set-for-late-november-2023/?feed_id=117306&_unique_id=65aee0bb5beca&Dragon%27s%20Dogma%202%20Showcase%20Set%20For%20Late%20November%202023
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olessan · 4 months
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(Dragon's Dogma 2: Get to Know the Sphinx - IGN First)
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