#Dog & Hat
roesolo · 8 months
Graphic Novels Catch-Up
Dog & Hat and the Lunar Eclipse Picnic : Book No. 2, by Darin Shuler, (May 2023, Chronicle Books), $15.99, ISBN: 9781797206899 Ages 7-10 This surrealistic comic series stars a dog, a sentient hat, and their best friend, an ant. In this second series installment, Ant dreams about her mother, who wants her to visit her cousins on the moon. Dog, who was already planning a lunar eclipse picnic,…
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boygiwrites · 8 days
Harley D. Dixon 29
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Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note.
Season three is here!!
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The sounds of dry snarling surround us as Rick kneels at the base of the fence, taking a pair of bolt cutters to the wire, snipping it open. Maggie brings her axe down on the skull of the nearest walker with Glenn's help, Dad jamming his knife into another's eyeball just a moment later. The bodies drop into the grass. Rick peels the fence back for us to squeeze through, with his sights on the treeline behind us.
My Dad makes it through first, helping Rick brace the wire apart as the rest of us follow after him, one by one.
I step into the gravelled walkway, suddenly up close and personal with the prison. My fingers tighten around the hilt of my knife, a faint sense of excitement rising from my toes to my scalp. It ain't Buckingham palace, but it sure feels like it. The yard sits just on the other side of the fence, so close yet so far, stretching on for what looks like the length of I'on even know how many soccer fields. The grass is green, green like a pasture on a milk carton. Walkers stumble around, with nothing better to do than bake in the sun. It's kinda beautiful.
"Hurry," Rick's hissing, just as T-Dog and Mouse bring up the rear; the last to slip through. "That's it."
I share a glance with Carl at my side, who's grinning cheesily under the brim of his cowboy hat.
"So cool," He says.
"Okay. That's everyone," His Dad grunts. "Close it up."
They replace the wire door. Glenn jumps in and starts knotting it back together with a spool of red wire.
As he's securing the last loop, a walker crashes into him through the fence. He jumps back just in time. It grabs a handful of nothing, reaching after us as we turn away from it, jogging down the walkway, slow but steady. All the walkers in the field are coming up to the fence to gawk at us, growl at us as we pass by. It's like we're the new guys in town. Are we gonna take all of them out? Can we?
We make our way through the open gate up ahead, gathering in the main gateway area.
The sun beats down on us, sweat slipping down my neck.
"It's perfect," Rick's smiling to himself as we come to a stop behind him. I think he's right. The dirt road we're standing on leads underneath the vehicle gate, all the way up the hill and comes to a stop at another, smaller gate which is open. It's letting the walkers wandering around in the concrete courtyard have free reign of the field. Not good. There's a guard tower on every corner of the yard, overlooking the place. We ain't never had guard towers before. I can see Rick getting all amped up, just like the rest of us. He turns, wielding his machete like a pointer in a class discussion. "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the field, we can pick off these walkers."
I try to count them. But once I get past ten, I remember it don't matter. We can do anything.
"We can take this place by tonight," He gestures.
No more sleeping in the car with Dad and Mouse, wondering what that noise in the trees was. No more running.
"So, how do we shut the gate?" Herschel starts thinking. I know he don't exactly love sleeping in the cars, neither.
"I'll do it," Glenn offers, squinting against the sun. "You guys can cover me."
Maggie shakes her head. "No. It's a suicide run."
"I'm the fastest. It makes sense."
"If speed mattered, Glenn, we'd be sending Harley in," Rick scoffs, tryna be funny. "She's the fastest."
I know he's only tryna make a point, but I can't help but think there's no bother. I am the fastest. I'm the smallest, I'm the youngest, and I'm the weakest, but I'm also the fastest. They saw how I ran outta camp that night at the quarry, how ain't nobody was able to catch up with me for a good five minutes. Ever since I got those keys at Thanton Memorial, I been wanting to do more.
"Why not?" I ask honestly, even though we've been through this before. "Why can't I help?"
My Dad turns a look on me. "Harley, baby, save it. You know the hospital was different."
"Yeah, but—"
"Mind yer mouth, girl. I said it ain't happenin'."
To soften the blow a little, Glenn adds, "Maybe some other time, you can help, okay? But... not now."
"Not now," Rick agrees. I done asked them so many times to let me help out. I ain't surprised they're brushing me off again. It's what they do whenever Carl does the same thing, but I'on know why. I got two hands. I'm smart. I can help. "No. Harley, you, T, Glenn, Maggie, and Beth can post up along this fence line, draw as many as you can away from me and pop 'em when they get too close."
I suck it up. I got no business arguing with them right now. "Okay. M'sorry."
"That's alright," He placates, before dolling out more instructions to the rest of the group.
Herschel and Carl make for the tower to our left, while Carol and my Dad make for the tower to our right. That leaves Rick standing in front of the main gate, hyping himself up to make a run for the courtyard. It reminds me of the day we crossed that frozen river.
"C'mon, Harley," Glenn grabs my hand, ordering Mouse, "Stay there, boy."
He leads me over to the fence line with the others, where he takes up a position next to me.
"You got your gun?" He checks, as Maggie and Beth start hollering at the walkers behind him.
"Hey, over here!"
"Hey! Hey, come here!"
Nodding, I unholster my small pistol as he holds out his palm to me.
Routinely, I pluck out my hearing aids and hand them over, the silence enveloping me. He stuffs them in his pocket.
'Okay,' He signs, 'Start shooting.'
I click the safety of my pistol off. As I line my sights up with the closest walker on the other side of the fence, I see Rick slipping past the main gate and into the field. If that were me in there, I'd be dodging and weaving 'em just like in a soccer game.
Focus, Harley, I scold myself, pulling the trigger. The lady-walker's cheek explodes onto her shoulder.
When I pull the trigger again, her entire head explodes, limp body collapsing like a sack of sand.
Rick continues making his way up the hill, hauling ass with a slight jog. The walkers around him are dropping like flies. Every chance he almost gets to shoot one down, somebody else does it for him. A crossbow bolt pierces their forehead, a bullet from one of the towers rips through their face, or they're turning their heads, lured the opposite direction as they catch wind of us folk at the fence.
They're pilin' up quickly, now. Quicker than we can shoot 'em down.
It's time to holster my gun, brandishing Merle's knife, instead. Rearing back, I stick the blade into the knee of a walker sidled up to the fence. It wobbles a little, its leg twisting, folding in half under the dead weight. Crouching down, I stab its leaky eye.
Warm, curdled blood spurts up my arm, and it's fucking disgusting, but I pull the blade out and carry on.
Taking down the next walker, I glance up to try and spot Rick. Where is he? Is he alright?
There he is. He's almost there; almost at the gate.
Right then, the ground in front of him is shot to pieces, the pebbles flying all over the place like he's stepped on a mine.
He skids to a stop, looking up at Dad and Carol's tower in scolding. Carol gives a little shrug as she reloads. Whoopsies.
Shaking it off, he finally approaches the gate. He takes the wire in his hands, kicking one of the walkers in the stomach and sending it onto its ass as he drags it closed, hooking some metal clips onto it. Once it's secured, he makes a dash for the closest tower.
He disappears behind the metal door. Thirty seconds later, he appears at the top, waving down to us.
'He made it,' Glenn signs to me, his hands bloodied.
'Are you okay?'
His expression softens. 'I'm okay. Let's finish them off.'
'Let's do it.'
With Rick outta the way, it's easy pickings; shooting ducks in a barrel.
The walkers keep dropping, one by one, sometimes two by two, until there's only one of the bastards left standing.
Everyone holds their fire for a moment, as if we're asking each other, Who wants the honors?
We watch Rick lift his rifle, peering down the scope. It could only be him. We all know that. It takes him only half a second to shoot a bullet into its head, and then its legs give out and it's the last to slump into the grass, leaving the field completely still. We did it.
Glenn hands me back my hearing aids, and the first thing I hear is Carol exclaiming, "Fantastic!"
"Nice work, chicken," Dad praises as they step out of the tower, ruffling my cropped hair.
"I killed five, Daddy," I brag a little bit, sheathing my blade as we make for the main gate. "That's, like, half of ten!"
"I know, I saw. I's thinkin' to myself, 'Is that Jackie Chan Junior down there, or what?'"
"Who the Hell's that?"
Glenn just laughs. "Never mind."
"Are you okay?" Carol asks Lori.
"I haven't felt this good in weeks," She sighs as we enter the field.
Holy shit. I know I said we did, but we actually took the place. We did it. All in the matter of an hour, we went from wasting away on a random highway to having an entire prison yard to ourselves. I chase after Carl as he runs ahead, squealing and holding my arms out, like I want the wind to hug me back. This is more than just cool. This is incredible! It feels like we got the whole world again!
"Oh," Carol laughs from behind us, "We haven't had this much space since we left the farm!"
T-Dog cups his mouth and calls out, "Wuh-hooooooo!"
I copy him, screaming, Wuh-hooooooo!, as I run myself around in circles. "We did it!"
"She's gonna drive herself dizzy," Maggie laughs, "Messin' about like that."
"Let her," Dad says as they walk past me, a hint of a smile in his voice.
"We did it!"
"Mmm," Glenn hums, sucking the meat offa the little bone in his hand. "Just like Mom used to make."
He throws it into the fire, knocking a piece of wood over and sending a flurry of embers floating up into the stars.
It's safe to say I ended up tiring myself out this afternoon. It's strange to be worn out, but not from fighting for my life or because I haven't eaten in days. I'm just a kid who's had too much fun. Sitting next to Carl on an old blanket, I peel off a bit of stringy meat with my teeth and chew it as I gaze out at Rick's small figure in the distance, pacing the courtyard fence line. I ain't sure he had any dinner.
This is it, though. This is the place he was talking about for all them months. It turned out to be real. I wish I could say I never doubted him, but there were some nights I thought we'd be on the run forever. I thought he was just spouting nonsense. There weren't no place for us to live like we wanted to, somewhere for us to call home. The work ain't done yet. We still have to get inside the prison. But with the warm night air sitting around us, and the sky twinkling over our heads, I'm happy to stay like this for just one night, even if Rick ain't. He's been at that fence for what feels like hours. He's like that dog again, sniffing out a bone he can't quite reach, not just yet. I wish he'd rest.
"Tomorrow, we'll put all the bodies together." T-Dog muses, absentmindedly petting Mouse.
I stop watching Rick and remember to swallow my mouthful, going in for another bite.
"Wanna keep them away from the water," He continues. "If we can dig a canal under the fence, we'll have plenty of fresh water."
"The soil is good," Herschel adds. In the light of the fire, I can make out the pinkish burn the sun has left on his face. It reminds me of my own sunburn, but it only stings a little. "We could plant some seed. Grow some tomatoes, soybeans, cucumbers."
"Eugh," Carl mumbles. "Tomatoes..."
Herschel's gaze drifts over to the fence line, then. He seems to remember Rick. "That's his third time around."
Everyone spares the man a glance, but only a glance.
"If there were any part of it compromised, he'd have found it by now."
"This'll be a good place to have the baby," Beth chirps, changing the subject. Rick's always a tricky one. "It's safe."
"The prison or the yard?" Lori jokes, idly cupping her belly. "At this rate, the baby might come tonight."
Wiping the grease from my lips, I muse, "Back in Sharpsburg, my Daddy said ya might let me name the baby."
"Oh, yeah? What would you pick?"
I give a bit of a shrug, taking another bite, 'cause I ain't given it much thought. "Sum' like... Bob."
Glenn humors me, "And if it's a girl?"
"Uhh... Bob...-ette?"
"Sure." T-Dog deadpans, shaking his head and chuckling. "If you want it to hate you for the rest of its life."
I throw my bone into the fire as Lori says, "We'll see."
That's adult language for, Not in a million years.
"Harley?" Carol asks me from across the group. "How's your Dad feeling about being in a place like this?"
I know what she means. A prison.
"I ain't asked him, yet."
She treads carefully when she asks, "It wasn't... It wasn't this prison, right?"
"Nah. He went to Arrendale State Prison." Nobody ever knows where that is, so I add, "It's kinda near Tennessee, I guess."
"Well, at least, there's that," Says T-Dog. "Imagine the world ending, only for you to end up in the same prison again. Woof."
I stick around for a couple more minutes, finishing off some more of the barn owl meat and baked beans, but after a while, I let everyone know I'm gonna go talk to my Dad for a bit. I know if I don't bring him some food, he'll end up going hungry for the night.
"We'll save your spot for you," Glenn tells me, instead of getting up to escort me like he usually does. It's safe here.
Grabbing a bowl of food, I stand from the blanket and cross the field, stepping up to the overturned bus.
I look up. "Uh... Dad?"
His face appears as he leans over the side, meeting my gaze through the dark. "Oh. Hey, babe."
There's a small problem. "How am I gonna get up there?"
"Well, ya climb."
"Oh. Thanks," I mumble, rolling my eyes at that remarkably unhelpful tidbit. I step onto the tyre, grabbing some sort of pipe on the undercarriage, and try to get a good foothold on another piece of metal, but it's too hard. I pull away. "Ugh. Dad. Help."
"I'm only playin'." He chuckles, setting his crossbow aside and laying on his belly. "C'mon. I gotcha."
Reaching down for me, he effortlessly catches me as I jump for his hand, pulling me up next to him.
"There ya go."
"Could'a done that in the first place," I point out, taking a seat by his side. "I brought'cha some dinner."
Bathed in the moonlight, his brow crumples as he frowns, eventually taking the bowl from me. "You ate?"
"Yeah. Makin' sure you get some, too, 'fore T-Dog eats it all."
"Thank you, baby."
"Ya welcome," I shrug, swinging my feet back and forth. "Carol's wonderin' if you're okay, bein' back in a prison and all."
Spooning some food into his mouth, he garbles, "Lady's almost as brown-nosed as Dale was."
"Well... I'm wonderin', too."
Something about my quiet admission gets him to actually answer this time. Swallowing his mouthful, the bump in his throat bobs up and down before he sucks in a big breath and lets it all out again. "I'm fine," He says, "'Sides, we ain't actually inside, yet."
I guess not. "But we will be."
"I said I'm fine, baby." He insists, biting down on a big piece of meat so he can pretend he can't say anything else.
My Dad ain't never talked much about his four and a half years in Arrendale State Prison, but I do know that when he came back, he slept on the porch for nearly a whole month afterwards because he couldn't stand being in his own bedroom. There were a lot of things that were better than they were before he left us. Like how he appreciated every meal, even if it was just a cheese sandwich. How most mornings, I'd wake up to him stroking my hair and just looking at me. But there were a lot of things that were worse. Enough to matter.
I overheard him telling Merle once that the guards used to beat on him extra, because they knew he wouldn't fight back. He had me to get home to. He couldn't afford to fuck up and add more months or years to his sentence. They all used to beat on him.
I don't want Dad to think I see him as a pussy or nothin', so I tell him, "I know. I's just makin' sure."
"I can tell ya what, though," He scoffs, slinging the bone over the fence, "I ain't gon' be sleepin' in no fuckin' cell again."
"I'm sure they got proper bedrooms somewhere in there, right? Like, for the guards?"
Holding back some bitterness, he tells me, "No, chicken. They don't."
"Oh. Well, we can just sleep outside or somethin', then."
"Ain't you been nagging everyone about wantin' a real bed to sleep in?"
Yeah. "But—"
"Well, you're sleepin' inside, then." He decides. "I want'chu to have that."
I want him to have that too, but I ain't gonna win that argument. So, I just agree. "Okay, Daddy. Fine."
"Jesus. We're already hashin' out terms," He jokes, "And we ain't even made it inside the courtyard, yet."
"We're positive thinkers!"
"You definitely are, ya silly monkey." He picks up his crossbow and slings it on, standing up. "C'mon. Let's head back, now."
"Okay. But only 'cause I miss the fire."
He climbs down first and helps me down afterward, catching me and setting me on the grass. We make the walk back together.
"Bethy," Herschel's saying as we approach, "Sing Paddy Reilly for me. I haven't heard that one, I think, since your mother was alive."
Maggie gives him a tense look. "Daddy, not that one. Please."
"Well, uh... How about Partin' Glass?"
My Dad and I sit down on the blanket as Beth shyly protests, "Nobody wants to hear."
"Why not?" Glenn asks, putting on a small smile.
There's no real reason not to, so she gives in. "Okay. Daryl, do you know that one?"
"Yeah." Maggie chirps, some of the sadness that was weighing her face down disappearing. "You can play us through it."
"I can try," He corrects her, before he gets back up and heads over to the cars near the gate, grabbing his guitar from the backseat.
As I notice Carol sending me a questioning look, I feel myself trying not to glare at her. "Don't ask him about it."
Understanding, she nods to herself.
When my Dad returns, he settles the guitar in his lap, looking at Beth.
She only hesitates for a moment or two before she opens her mouth, and the words that come out are some of the prettiest I ever heard. Slowly, my Dad adds a few strokes of the strings here and there, before he starts to get a real feel for it and pieces something real lovely and quaint together, something I think most people wouldn't think he'd ever be able to make, but he's just as gentle with the chords as an artist would be with his canvas and paints. She sings softly about spending her days in good company, memories she can't recall.
T-Dog lays with his arm resting under his head, gazing up at the stars as the melody flows over him.
Lori and Carl sway side to side, Maggie fondly watching her sister as she holds Glenn's hand.
She joins in singing at the passing of the next lyric, and it's obvious they prolly used to do this a lot when they were my age.
Herschel looks into the fire, a picture of peace.
It even lures Rick over from the fence line after a minute or so. He sneaks in while nobody has the opportunity to make a comment about how long he's been over there, sitting next to me and Carl. I pass him some leftovers, too, before he can weasel his way out of it.
"Thanks, honey," He hesitates to say as he takes the bowl, despite himself.
"Good night and joy," The girls duet, "Be with you all. Good night and joy... Be with you all."
Dad strums a chord one last time, finishing the song off.
"Beautiful," Herschel decides.
He sets the guitar on the ground, sending me a fleeting smile.
"Better all turn in," Rick clears his throat, reminding me of where we are. "I'll take first watch. We got a big day tomorrow."
Glenn frowns, "What do you mean?"
"Look, I know getting to this point has been a lotta work," He sighs, looking from one person to the next, studying the exhaustion on their faces. "This was a great win, but we've gotta push just a little bit more. Most of the walkers are dressed as guards and prisoners. It looks like this place fell pretty early. It could mean the supplies are intact. They'd have an infirmary. A kitchen. Commissary."
T-Dog jumps in, asking, "An armory?"
"There'll be one nearby," Dad guesses. "Can't risk havin' it inside, 'case a riot breaks out and some John Doe thinks he's Rambo."
"Makes sense."
"This place could be a gold mine," Rick exclaims.
I can tell he ain't got nobody on the hook with this idea, except maybe Dad, and me. Sure, I'm tired. I'm only eight but I could sleep for the rest of my life. That don't mean I ain't eager as all Hell to see what else this place has for us. Hell, I'd do it tonight.
Herschel is the first to speak up. "We're dangerously low on ammo. We wouldn't even make a dent."
"That's why we have to go in there," He says like it's obvious. "Hand to hand."
Alright. He really weren't kiddin', then. Tomorrow is a big day. Even bigger than this one.
"After all we been through... We can handle it."
Early the next morning, I notice slight movement from across the fire as I'm poking at a tin of leftover beans with a stick.
Carl lifts his head from the blanket, blinking away sleep like a dazed frog. It looks like a coyote came along during the night and got into a brawl with his hair, but I know it's just 'cause he had a good night's rest under the stars, feeling safe. There's nothing like it.
Clicking my fingers at him, I draw his attention.
'Want some breakfast?,' I sign, knowing my hair prolly looks just as messy, even if it's barely longer than his.
Yawning, he stands from the blanket and comes to sit next to me in the grass.
'You kicked me again,' I tell him while we wait for the beans to warm up, the smell of smoke and fresh dirt on the breeze.
'I did?,' He frowns.
'Yeah. In your sleep. I think you broke a bone.'
'That sucks. Put in your—.' He gestures to his ear.
Keeping a little scepticism, I dig into my backpack and fit my hearing aids in.
"What is it?"
"Drama queen," He enjoys saying very loudly into my left ear.
Startled, I smack him away. Ugh. Walked right into that one. "Seriously? You ain't gettin' a single bean, anymore."
He just giggles to himself, sitting back on his palms. He thinks he's a real comedian.
Apparently, by this time tomorrow, we'll all be sat up in one of them cell blocks together, living the life. Looking at the buildings now, I take notice of the giant letters painted onto the sides of the cement walls, the shambling masses of walkers on the ground, unaware of the birds on the fence watching them with stalking eyes, waiting for one to succumb to its weight. I can only imagine what's on the inside.
I'm reminded of Carl when he suddenly contemplates aloud, "Man. I hope it won't be like the CDC."
Turning to look at him, my heart gives a little kick. The CDC? What's he mean?
"Or the farm," He adds, but I'm sure it's not an afterthought.
"It won't be," I say almost forcefully, offended he'd even think that way. "Don't say that, Carl."
"Sorry," He mutters regretfully as he sits upright, resting his elbows on his knees. "You're right. Forget I said that."
I know I should prolly take a page outta my Dad's book at this moment. Whenever there's uncertainty ahead of us, or somethin' awful has happened, he don't spout some empty promise. There might come a day where he's made himself a liar. Instead, he says something like, We'll try our best, or, There's nothin' more we can do. I always find the insignificance comforting. I know as sure as I do that the sun's gonna come up tomorrow, he's telling the truth. You can't be let down when you're dreaming in the dirt to begin with.
I don't think I can bring myself to say them things right now, not after everything we did to get here.
Besides, I'm in the dirt no matter what I say.
"None of that matters." I try and convince him. "Everything's gonna be like we hoped. This is our second chance."
"Third chance," He corrects. "Technically."
"Whatever. Even better. Third time's the charm, ya know."
He turns a suspicious look on me, like I've just done something bizarre. "You're being, like... positive."
"I'm a positive thinker," I tell him, just like I told my Dad last night.
"Since when?"
"Um... Since yesterday. I think."
That makes him giggle. "Okay. But, you need to say something negative. It's weird when you don't."
Obliging, I drawl, "You's a sour-faced scaredy cat, Carl, and I'on like the way you think. Makes me wanna punch yer lights out."
He can't help but let out a snort-laugh. "Thanks."
"Ya welcome." I watch him as he gazes out at the prison buildings for a moment, before I ask, "You believe me, right?"
He glances at me. "Do you believe you?"
I was kinda hoping he would answer first. "Well... Yeah."
"I do, too, then." He says, much to my relief. "Even if you did sound like my Dad just now."
"Who the Hell's burnin' beans this early in the morning?"
Our heads whip in the direction of my Dad's voice. He's sitting up, rubbing at the pink indentations of grass on his neck. Oh, right. The beans. Grabbing the stick, I poke the tin outta the way of the smouldering ash and blow the thin smoke away from it.
It clears, revealing the perfectly saucy, not-burnt beans. The smell draws Mouse from his slumber.
"Uh. Nobody," I quip. "Want some?"
"Nah, babe," He groans, scratching the dog behind his ears. "You have 'em."
"What about me? Do I get some?" Carl asks as I grab a spoon. "I'm sorry I scared you before."
I don't hesitate to pick up a second one, handing it to him. "I'on care. Here."
Dad frowns at him. "You scared her?"
"Oh, uh. Yeah." The boy admits, sensing he might be in trouble. "I kinda shouted in her ear. It was dumb."
"Ease up on that shit a little," He chides. "And don't let me catch you doin' it."
"Sorry, Daryl."
"I'on care," I reassure Carl again, spooning beans into my mouth. My Dad's just protective. Sometimes, it can feel like I'm less of a daughter and more of a pet, but he's always been like that. Especially after I lost my hearing, and especially when he's stressed.
After everybody else has woken up and the beans are long gone, Rick announces, "Let's do this, then."
The courtyard is just as much a massacre as the field was.
The birds perched onto the fence fly off as soon as the first blood is spilled.
I drive Merle's knife into the walker's rubbery kneecap, twisting it around the bone, feeling some sorta crack, and finishing it off with a stab to the brain when it falls against the fence. Pulling the blade out from between the pink mush and browned skull, I watch them who's inside the courtyard make their way across it in a tight formation, lashing out at any walkers that get too close.
When they make it to the undercover area, all five of them skid to a stop.
They back themselves up against the wall, hiding from the sea of walkers just around the corner.
As they linger there, a couple sets of body armour stumble out from behind a dumpster. Wait, not armour. Walkers wearing armour. The only way to tell are the fingers poking out from under the sleeves, their arms raising as Dad tries shooting a visor.
The bolt ricochets off the plastic, landing somewhere in the piles of trash.
"Hey! Walkers!" Beth shouts, rattling the fence. "Over here! C'mon!"
"Over here!"
"Hey, ugly!" I shout at the walker closest to me, luring it in and stabbing it in the soft part of its knee.
When it falls over, Carl deals the finishing blow with his lead pipe.
"Thanks," I lilt, breathless.
The group realizes they ain't gettin' through that armour. In good old, Hand to hand, fashion, as Rick called it, they start charging at them. My Dad wrestles one up against the wall, grabbing its helmet and ripping it off, rearing back, bludgeoning it into the walker's face until it turns to mush, drops to the ground. Glenn slashes another's neck in two, kicking it away from him in a spray of blood.
When the opportunity strikes, Rick runs for the far gate, pulling it shut and securing it with more clips.
Maggie struggles to keep a big brute offa her, before she drives her knife up its nose.
The walker's blood freckles her face as it falls.
She's completely beaming. "See that?!"
Glenn and T only have a few seconds to be impressed, turning to hack down the next walker that approaches them.
Then, finally, the courtyard falls still.
Letting out a sigh, I sheathe my knife and grip onto the fence, watching the group talk amongst themselves in the wake of all the bodies. They point to a few of them, shake their heads some. I expect them to reconvene with us, but instead, they walk off.
"What's going on?" Lori wonders, as Rick and my Dad very carefully open the door to one of the cell blocks.
After a tense moment, they all creep inside, weapons drawn.
"They would only go in there if they thought it was safe," Herschel reassures us all. "We just have to trust them, and wait."
Carol glances at me and Carl. "You kids okay?"
"Don't worry about me," The boy says, while I just give a simple nod.
The next time the big, red door opens, Maggie appears and jogs over to us, pulling the clips off our gate.
"C'mon, y'all." She drags it open, that beautiful smile still plastered on her sweaty face. "Let's go get our things."
Her Dad asks, "You cleared it?"
She's already halfway down the hill, grinning at us over her shoulder. "We sure did!"
Wearing my backpack and clutching my soccer ball to my stomach, I follow everyone into the cellblock.
The dark, damp-smelling corridor stretches on for a while, lazily opening up to a huge, even damper-smelling room. I come to a stop with everyone else on the concrete platform, peering up at the sickeningly tall ceiling. Bands of sunlight drain in through the barred windows all the way at the top, too far outta reach for me to catch a glimpse of any of the greenery I know is on the other side.
"Nice, right?" Maggie smiles, right before a dead walker body falls from the second storey railing. Eugh.
It lands with a splat, T-Dog taking its ankles into his hands to drag it away.
Definitely no Buckingham Palace, alright, but like I said — Compared to being on the road, it might as well be. 
We continue on into the cell hall, taking it all in as Rick plods down the rusty stairs. "So. What do you think?"
"Home sweet home," Glenn muses.
"Home sweet home," He agrees, stepping onto ground level.
"I love it," I exclaim.
He laughs, his face covered in grime and sweat, but happy; very happy. "I knew you would."
Lori wonders aloud, "It's secure?"
"This cell block is."
Still eager to find out more, I ask him, "What about the rest of the prison, Rick?"
"We'll find the cafeteria and the infirmary in a few hours," He nods, hands on his hips. "Gotta clear the bodies from here, first."
Okay. "Can I choose a cell?"
"Sure, go ahead. S'all yours."
A girly sigh. "We're sleeping in cells—...?"
Behind me, Beth sounds disappointed with the idea, but I don't mind. When ya think about it, a cell is just a bedroom with a funny door. I step into the first one I come across that don't got any walker bodies laying up in it, and sit down on the bare mattress, bouncing on it a little. A smile creeps onto my face. A bed. A real bed. Mouse jumps up next to me, seeming just as pleased with this discovery.
"We did it, Mouse," I mutter happily, setting my things down on the bedside tray. "It's home sweet home."
"Knock, knock," Beth sing-songs, as Carl peeps out from behind her. "Wanna bunk together?"
Nodding straight away, I gasp, "Together-together? All three of us?"
Mouse stares at me with that sweet, empty-brained look of his.
"The four of us, I mean?"
"It'll be like a sleepover." She smiles, placing her blankets on the bed. "One of us will have to take the floor, though."
"I can do it," Carl offers, tryna play the gentleman. Gross. Before Beth can protest, he's scurrying away to grab another mattress.
"You want the top bunk or the bottom bunk, Harley?"
"I want the top bunk," I decide, pulling my blanket outta my backpack and climbing the ladder. Crawling onto the cold mattress, I splay the blanket out and give the limp pillow a few punches and a hearty shake, in an effort to fluff it out a little bit. "Perfect."
Underneath me, Beth exclaims to herself as she sits down, "It's actually— It's actually comfortable."
"Got one," Carl announces as he walks back in, stumbling around with a mattress in his grasp.
"Can you even see around that thing?" I tease.
"Yep," Without much care, he dumps the thing on the ground, proudly dusting his hands off on his hips. "There."
Rick saunters up to the door then, leaning against it as he smirks at us. "What are you guys doin'?"
"This is our cell," I chirp.
He shakes his head. "You kids are ridiculous. Don't you want your own space?"
"Nope," All three of us answer at the same time.
"Let me know how long that lasts," He drawls, looking the cell up and down.
Hopping down from my bunk, I follow him outta the room and climb up the stairs, finding my Dad at the top. He's got two mattresses laying on the floor of the perch, his blanket splayed out across the both of them, crossbow leaning against the wall.
"You find a cell, yet, chicken?" He groans as he reclines on the makeshift bed, tryna get comfortable.
I kneel down beside him. "Yeah, I'm sharin' with Beth and Carl."
"All three of ya?" He quirks a brow. "How's that workin'?"
"Carl's on the floor," I try not to laugh. "It's a bit like the CDC, ain't it? When we first got there?"
"The CDC? Ain't like there's air-conditioning or hot water in this joint," He scoffs. "I ain't so sure."
"There ain't no bombs, neither, so I'll take it." I move to lay down next to him. We both stare up at the ceiling, even though there's nothin' up there, except for a few mishappen stains and scratches, like constellations. "Carl says it's like the CDC, too."
"Did he?"
"And the farm," I add, knocking my boots together. "But not 'cause of the air-con. 'Cause of... everythin' else."
S'true. I lied to Carl, when I pretended everything was gonna be fine. I might got a dirty mouth, but I try not to make a habit of dirtying it with anythin' other than a few swear words, especially not a lie. Third time's the charm. I'on even know what that means.
He turns his head to look at me, frowning the slightest bit through his hair. "You was so excited just yesterday?"
"I know. I still am," I admit, "But—..."
He waits a while for me to continue, but I just end up shrugging. The words are anchored down somewhere, won't come out.
Dad must get my meaning, though. "Harley, there's a whole world out there. If this don't work out, there'll be somewhere else."
"But I like it here."
"I know ya do. You can keep likin' it, too," He pinches my arm, "If ya stop thinkin' about what might happen to it."
"What is gonna happen to it?"
That's a question nobody ever has the answer to, but everybody's always asking it. "I don't know, baby. Maybe nothin'."
I like that idea. Nothin' happening, ever, except for the sun rising and setting. "That's a lotta time to grow soybeans."
"Soybeans," I repeat, smiling. "Herschel said last night he wants to grow some. Tomatoes and cucumbers, too."
"There ya go, then. Just think about them."
"Nah. I'll just get hungry."
My Dad sighs for a moment, studying the ceiling, before he props himself up on his elbows. "I'mma get some fresh air for a bit."
"Ya heard," He dismisses me, mumbling something to himself as he scoots off the mattress, something about suffocating.
He's only been in here all of five minutes. I watch him pull on his leather vest, grabbing his crossbow and slinging it over his shoulder, very obviously trying not to look at any of the walls around us for too long. I ain't sure how he's gonna make it through the night in here, if he can't even make it through an hour of housewarming, but there's nothing I can do besides keep my mouth shut.
As he plods down the squeaky staircase, somebody else climbs up it, bumping his shoulder.
"You alright, man?" Glenn frowns, hesitating on the next stair up. "Where you going?"
"Outside," He pointedly replies, not looking back.
"Well, I can see that."
"I'm just gonna trail 'round the perimeter for a while."
We listen to his heavy footsteps retreat, retreat, retreat, and then the loud clanging of the metal gate.
After sharing a sympathetic look with me, Glenn continues on without a word, leaving me to get up and retreat back into my cell.
End notes.
I'm so excited for this season! I set aside some time to plan it all out in my notes and I had a lot of fun doing it. It reminded me of the times I was brainstorming for season one.
I hope you enjoyed this introduction to the new season!
Kindly let me know what you thought! See you next time :)
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best-fictional-cat · 1 year
Finally, what you've all been waiting for (probably):
Round 2+ brackets!!!
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(randomised - with very slight adjustments - using a wheel; possibly subject to change in the further rounds but very unlikely)
Group 1
Coco Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Miyuki (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Slugcat (Rain World) vs Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro)
Behemoth (Master and Margarita) vs Amp / Anp / Anpu (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots) vs Pixie (Pixie and Brutus)
Chi Yamada (Chi's sweet home) vs Rum Tum Tugger (Cats the musical)
Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher) vs Tangy (Animal Crossing)
Cringer / Battlecat (He-man) vs Cinderpelt (Warrior cats)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Scourge (Warrior cats)
Group 2
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods) vs Natsume Soseki (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Domino (Amphibia) vs Shoe + Wagahai (Ace Attorney)
808 (Hi-Fi Rush) vs Niko (Oneshot)
Squirrelflight (Warrior cats) vs T'Ana (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
Hong + On (Trash of the Count's Family) vs Alpine (Marvel comics)
Jaspers (Homestuck) vs Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan (Doctor Who) vs Caroline Coughs (Sparklecare hospital)
Mewo (Omori) vs Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns)
Group 3
Greebo (Discworld) vs Aldwyn (The Familiars)
Simba (The Lion King) vs Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Jenny Linsky (Jenny Linsky, Esther Averill) vs Findus (Pettson and Findus)
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) vs Mad Mew Mew (Undertale)
Felix the cat (Paramount) vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) vs Ghost (The Owl House)
Rosie (Animal Crossing) vs Talking Cat (Rick and Morty)
Hiili (Fox Fires) vs Mew (Marvel comics)
Group 4
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes) vs Tom Kitten (The Tale of Tom Kitten)
Meowthra (Lego Ninjago Movie) vs Jonesy (Alien)
Vodka Mutini / Dr.Meowgon Spangler (Homestuck) vs Lucifer (Cinderella)
Charmmy Kitty (Sanrio) vs Puppycat (Bee and Puppycat)
Nermal (Garfield) vs Lion (Steven Universe)
Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs Diana (Sailor Moon)
Midnight (Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones) vs Scout (Cattails)
Sakamoto (Nichijou) vs Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Group 5
Periwinkle (Blue's clues) vs Fluffal Cat (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) vs Frumpkin (Critical Role)
Ember (Cattails) vs Nyanky (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Amanojaku (Ghost Stories)
Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale) vs Catty (Undertale)
Kuro (Blue Exorcist) vs Catra (She-Ra)
Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom) vs Tigger Sugden (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Bungle the glass cat (Oz) vs Potato (Cat loaf adventures)
Group 6
Chairman Meow (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) vs Finley / Jelly Donut (Hustle Cat)
Cattail (Plants vs Zombies) vs Nameless evil white cat (James Bond)
Thomas O'Malley + Aristocats (Aristocats) vs Panther Lily (Fairy Tail)
Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach) vs Jellie (Double Life SMP)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY) vs Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Invisible cat (The Invisible Man, H.G.Wells) vs Haru (My Roommate is a Cat)
Pusheen (Pusheen) vs Yellowfang (Warrior cats)
Kirjava (His Dark Materials) vs Kuroneko-sama (Trigun)
Group 7
Gary the Snail (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Skitty (Pokémon)
Bob (Animal Crossing) vs The Kitty (The Bad Guys)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone) vs Capper (My Little Pony)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service) vs Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
The Black Cat (The Black Cat, E.A.Poe) vs Nyako / Meowy (Chainsaw Man)
Tabby Von Meow (Webkinz) vs Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Solembum (Inheritance Cycle) vs Lil' Judd (Splatoon)
Bagheera (The Jungle Book) vs Gatomon (Digimon)
Group 8
Plagg (Miraculous) vs Luxor (Tutenstein)
Meowth (Pokémon) vs Remlit (Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword)
Leafpool (Warrior cats) vs The Cat in the Hat (The Cat in the Hat)
Maurice (Discworld) vs Jemima (Cats the musical)
Xiaohei (The Legend of Hei) vs Artemis (Sailor Moon)
Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots) vs Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Shrödinger's cat (you know the one) vs The Cat (Coraline)
Pasty (Neko Atsume) vs Pangur Bán (Irish poem)
This round will start in a few days, I need a bit more time to make the pictures and arrange the polls ^~^
I think I'll be posting them similarly to round 1 except now each group will be out every 12 hours! I will update you on the exact time this round starts when it's done :)
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dailycass-cain · 11 months
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Spirit World #2 continues with Batgirl's adventure in said place. Where we get some twists and turns that open up questions from over 20 years ago! So here are my thoughts all about Cass (with a bit on Xanthe too)...
So this continues with the last one with Mr. Hong literally breaking into Po Po's place. Well, it ain't someone Cass knows but at the very least, writer Alyssa Wong again showcases their mastery of the character knowing the aggression of Hong behind the door last issue.
Likewise, I love the overall body horror design of "mutilated" Mr. Hong.  Artist Haining ups the ante of the two sisterly stretchy neck demons' last issue with well an amazing design with this one easily.
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Though an outsider, I do like that Wong clearly doesn't have Cass in the backseat when Hong breaks in and showcases why she's one of the deadliest fighters in the DCU.
But not only that but I do love the little winged-like appearance Po Po has with her scarf.
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The whole sequence is a nice establishment of three dynamics at play here. On why Bowen is with Po Po (Cassandra he is not), and how he pleas that even this tainted life is still a life (echoing to Cass's remorse last issue of slaying a spirit in the prelude issue).
That's another element I enjoyed as Wong expands on what can come into the Spirit World and what tethers a being here back to the real world.
By doing so we get a much more look into Xanthe's own past with full confirmation they passed away and that their link to the real world was their sister Stephie (who ironically wears purple and a hood).
I really got to admit Wong is just some real powerlifting this issue by doing this with Xanthe, playing into an interesting way of dead naming, plus just the weaving into family issues too.
For other authors, it might take many issues to do all this, but Wong knows they got in two already exceptional issues and teasing for more. And damn I want more even when this is basically the third issue.
That brings us to the big twist pertaining to Cass this issue. As to find out who wants to gobble her up Po Po, Bowen, and Cass meet another interesting mystical figure in To Shen who um.. is making me question things stupid sexy probably evil fox spirit.
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*ahem* Anyway, again the design is just crazy good and I'm curious to learn more about them and the connection they have to Cass as well.. we get the first ramification from Batgirl Vol. 1.
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Now already some are thinking Wong is doing some retconning and explaining Ghost Steph (and if so oh boy are we in for a wild ride).
The thing that makes me wonder if Wong will go for the hat trick as Cass has technically been on death's door three times.  Lady Shiva (#25), the Brotherhood of Evil (#61), and Mad Dog (#72).
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On two of those times, she was visited by a ghostly Stephanie.  And given To  Shen is a rocking blonde and given solicitation (which spoiled this). You just have to wonder.
Again, this is Wong showing how long they've been a fan of the character adding to what's already come in the past with Cass, by giving this mystical adventure to her she's not really had as a character.
It's a different avenue, but it's also one Wong looks to use steeped in Cass's past.  A past not many acknowledge since the end of Vol. 1. Literally, the only two who've acknowledged the series have been four times (Simone twice, Tynion, and recently Conrad/Cloonan).
It makes me scream why Tamaki wasn't allowed this much leeway with her Batman stuff. But I digress, offhandedly (by showing Huntress in NML and Jim Gordon referencing it) she's the one who put Cass's NML back to the forefront.
That leaves me more amped for #3. This series is just everything I wanted with the character. It's giving us new interactions (Xanthe, John, Po Po, and Bowen), a mystical adventure, and using past Cass stories to build toward SOMETHING. I am REALLY digging the kinetic energy Haining continues to bring with Cass stuff. It's soooooo good. More so seeing Cass's new design in action as well. Spirit World #2 is another exceptional issue. Something that fans who are reading should tell other fans. "Hey, you wanna read some good stuff? This is good stuff right here!"
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blackestnight · 2 months
8, 15, 72 and 91 for Ivorna!
d&d/ttrpg character questions!
8. What location encountered in the campaign has your character felt the most “at home” in, or just generally liked the most?
this is a bit of a weird answer, since ivorna (or "miss ivy") is a character i play in pathfinder society organized play, which is PF's equivalent to the d&d adventure league—rather than a contiguous campaign, she's a character who goes on single-session missions for the pathfinder society. that said, she's been on a couple of assignments to handle various messes at Nex House, which (besides being the oldest pathfinder lodge) also serves as a place of learning for magical students being tutored by the arclords. ivy is a former student of Chiroglyphica, a middling magical academy in her hometown of Oppara. she was expelled for fistfighting but that still makes her a former student, right? anyway, navigating the weirdness inherent in places of arcane learning is old hat for her.
15. What battle in the campaign has been most memorable to your character?
ivorna may not be a full-fledged wizard, but she is an innovator. she does things to magic that would make actual wizards cry. such as, for example, the time she was helping repair a dimensional tear in a magically-marooned pyramid in osirion, and go figure there was a weird fucking shadow mummy doing some fucked up blood magic, because it's always something. anyway the weird fucking shadow mummy got about halfway through her Villainous Monologue before ivy shot a firebolt at her own feet to propel herself across the room with a blast of hot air and cracked the mummy over the head with her staff, handily imbued with a nasty super-amped produce flame. turns out, mummy wrappings are very flammable! also, not a battle, but in her most recent adventure she did use her staff to pole vault over a bunch of fallen trees while being chased through the jungle by ravenous eldritch tentacle dogs.
72. Who in the party would your character trust the most to keep an important secret?
depends on the party—she works with a lot of pathfinder agents. there's a guy named Gregor she works with a lot though, and although he's a doctor from Ustalav (always a worrying combination) she'd trust him with her life and her secrets. dude has a mind like a steel trap. he doesn't do or say anything without playing five-dimensional chess to consider the consequences. also, Venture-Captain Taiwalei, whom she both trusts and lowkey idolizes. he's so cool.
91. What is your character’s guiltiest pleasure?
clothes shopping!!! she loves wearing fine silks, satins, brocades...look, she didn't come from a filthy rich family (by Taldan standards) but they had money, and she likes to dress nicely. also, she is the buffest elf you've ever seen in your life, and she deserves to show off those shoulders in a gauzy halter dress. her fashion sense and her lifestyle tend to end in disagreements that ruin her clothes, hence the guilty part.
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resaresa · 1 year
Hey wanted to give a gentle heads up about a recent reblog-
Unfortunately it has been brought to light that "gnomes" are being used as a dog-whistle by antisemitic groups :(
It's something I found out recently myself and I just wanted to let you know/spread that, seeing as it gives some unfortunate context to something the op said in the image
I originally learned about it on TikTok but have lost the video, so here's a couple of other sources if you want to cross-check!!
Tw for antisemitism and other nastiness
Oh thats really fucking upsetting :(
once again nasty awful ppl come in and try to ruin the whimsy
thanks for warning me hon
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rindecisions · 1 year
Stranger Tales: Part 8
A poll based Stranger Things fanfiction
Read the previous parts on AO3
Lee Aaron - Metal Queen
Joan Jett - Bad Reputation
The Runaways - Cherry Bomb
Patty Smyth - The Warrior
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Robin rolled her eyes and made a seventh mark on the ‘You Suck’ side of her tally board as Steve flopped with yet another group of girls.
“Do you really have to keep count?” Steve complained.
She shrugged with a smirk. “Keeps me entertained, and trust me, you don’t want to see me bored.”
“Whatever,” Steve sighed. “Just come take over. I’m going on break.” He beckoned her with his ice cream scoop.
Robin laughed and swapped places with Steve. He sat in the back room, glaring at the empty ‘You Rule’ half of Robin’s board. What was he doing wrong? The women used to throw themselves at his feet. He groaned when he realized he’d never really had to hit on women before. They came to him because of his reputation, and after everything that happened with Nancy and Billy, that reputation had gone down the drain. He sighed, took his hat off, and walked out of the parlor, deciding to at least get some food other than ice cream and bananas.
He hated the stupid sailor suit; he hated that he had to work this dumb job, but most of all, he hated that his parents could have been right. Maybe he did throw it all away because he didn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps. He glanced around the food court and a cute blonde girl at Hot-Dog-on-a-Stick caught his eye. It’ll work. Steve walked in that direction and tried to be smooth as he made his way to the counter. The girl was already smirking at him and his uniform. He sighed and dropped the ruse. He ordered the first thing he saw and walked back to Scoops as a group of cute giggling girls walked out. Robin had a stupid grin on her face as Steve walked past. “What the hell are you smiling at?”
She held up a folded piece of receipt paper. “Guess who got a number while you were gone?”
“No!” Steve whipped the paper out of her hand and unfolded it. There was a phone number on it and a name: ‘Sam’. “How the hell did you get a number before I could?”
She shrugged and took the paper back, tucking it into her pocket. “It’s called being real. Unlike you and your need to be a perfect macho man, I show the real me.”
Steve took a bite of his corn dog and spoke with his mouthful. “Trust me, no one wants the real me.” He swallowed. “The real me is a fucking loser.” He sighed and walked into the back room.
Robin shook her head and gave him a sympathetic stare before the counter bell made her jump. One of her least favorite regulars had shown up. A small, sassy girl with her posse. Robin closed her eyes, bracing herself for at least five minutes of torturous sample serving.
Eddie scoured through all of his cassettes looking for anything that could work. He’d seen enough of their shows to know he should choose something by a woman. He didn’t have many of those, so his choices were luckily limited. He could narrow down his hundreds of albums to just a dozen or so. He was able to find cassettes of Girlschool, Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, Warlock, Rock Goddess, Lee Aaron, The Runaways, and a few unmarked mixtapes. Wayne was asleep, so he grabbed his Walkman and listened to the tapes one by one, keeping notes of the songs that stuck out to him. Eventually, he got his list down to four possibilities.
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 9 months
What to wear to your first college home game
Fall is an exciting time for new college freshmen and their parents. It’s the first time your kid is living away from home. For students, it’s a time for new friends, new freedoms, and of course, football.
One of the traditions is tailgating; a vast gathering of cars, food and drink. For alumni, it’s an annual event where people load their cars with barbque grills, chairs and tables. They even bring the dogs. Many use this time to socialize and they watch the game on their computers while soaking up the sun.
What to Wear
Some of the most ardent football fans are found in the south. Here’s what Southern Tide has to say.
For women; leave pricey jewelry at home
Wear comfortable shoes
Wear your school colors and pair your jeans with classic sneakers; better for cheering from the stands. In fact, some schools like Notre Dame have a tradition of turning girls upside down when the home team scores. Be prepared!
Stay casual and cool; early Fall can be hot and you don’t want to ruin your look with a lot of sweat.
Getting your accessories right
Baseball hats are de rigueur; everybody wears them. This can even work on younger moms and dads, but if you’re an older parent or a grandparent; go for something more prep chic. For instance,  you can amp up your look with a pair of sun glasses – maybe even find rims or lenses in the school color.
Shorts and T’s
Khaki shorts are always a winner. Wear them with a school polo or T and a cute pair of sandals, and you can’t lose.
If glam is your thing
A jeans skirt and college t-shirt is a winner; especially for the leggy types. And denim cut offs on hot days are also acceptable, especially when you pair them with a cute pair of wedges.
A few no-no’s
Forget about the body paint. Even for guys, this is typically not welcome at home games. Your school may or may not have a dress code, but overdoing it with paint or going shirtless is usually not going to get you anything but a polite suggestion to cover up.
Feast your eyes
Here are some looks you’ll find at La Jolie MLN - Want to glam / ham it up for the big home game? Try our Game Day Embellished Headband. If your school colors include blue and white, this fun accessory will draw all eyes to you in the stands. Be the girl who brings the fun! 
Are you a Bears fan? Then at that Opening Day party, we suggest you wear our “Let’s Go” Jersey Beaded Earrings. They’re one-of-a-kind, and a sweet addition to your “Go Bears” look.
Just as fun—our “Touch Down” glitter earrings in navy and orange.
Finally, how about two jeweled footballs hanging off your ears? This are simply awesome; our Field Goal Embellished Football Earrings in blue and white are spot-on attention getters.
Spiff up your outfit with the right shoes
How about a little sex appeal with your jeans or khaki shorts? Try our Strappy Bohemian Wedges. They give you a lift and manage to keep you comfortable. Are you short, leggy, or just want to dress up your outfit? These are a must.
Platform sneakers are also a great choice. A little lift, but easy to slip on, and, best of all, we have them in a host of colors: red, blue, green, even purple.
Rainy day fashion
Don’t let the rain ruin your fun. Just slip on a pair of our Clog Black Floral Rain Boots. There’s bound to be a color in there that aligns with your team. And they’re so fun!!
Choose your game day look from La Jolie MLN
Make sure to visit our Get The Look section to find out more of the fun and how to dress for the big game.
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afterlife-archives · 1 year
My Ghost Hunting Equipment Checklist
Technology: EVP Audio Recorder REM- Pod MEL ION Dots Spirit box Thermometer 2-way radios Laptops Tablets Monitors
Lights: Handheld Maglite Shoulder light Headlamp Infra-red UV Nightvision Touch lamp
Cameras: Video camera Photo camera Infra-red camera Nightvision camera Security cams Thermal cam Tripods Harnesses and mounts
Spirit Communication: Light up cat balls Paper or coloring book and crayons Chalk Music box Glow sticks Doll/Stuffed animal Dowsing rods Tarot or oracle cards Pendulum board Spirit board Equipment Accessories: Mini Honeytone AMP Extra batteries Charging cords Adapters Microphone Spaker Noise-cancelling headphone
Protection: Holy symbols Protective symbols Rosary Holy water Salt iron
Safety: Personal Identification Emergency contact information Goggles Gas mask Regular mask Gloves Boots Rope Knife Small axe Whistle First Aid kit Extra clothes Warm clothes Hard hat
MISC: Tracing paper and charcoal Fishing or tactical vest Medication Water
Dog: Identification Owner information Collar Leash Harness Cameras Head cam mount Boots Goggles Jacket Cooling vest Extra carabiners Bandana Treats Poop bags Backpack Muzzle
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Basic Plumbing Tools For Your Targeted Home
Greenhouse Manual Film Roll Up Hand Crank . A small sprinkler with two short brass arms. The arms are filled with holes as well as have larger holes on the ends each arm. The arms spin from the force from the water imagine waters a circular arena. Adjust the size of find out what by turning the spigot up or down. Greenhouse shed circlip who gets elected President, we will probably be for a dramatic shift toward energy independence previously U.S. and very soon. It won't be a limited amount of thing. It'll have many health rewards. It could even pull us out our economic rest. Many workers will be needed, but the cream on the crop, dollars normally having medical doctors, will function as pipe welders. Robin Hood Dog Costume: This is often a cute outfit for your pooch. Using green felt, make a cape that really is as long once your dog's back but doesn't touch the garden soil on the sides. Make sure the cape can be tied around the dog's guitar's neck. Measure your dog's head and with the exact same green felt make a sailor type hat that is folded by way of the edges and glue or stitch a feather onto the hat. Now, a pace further, now because inertia = mass x velocity, say this is lots of molecules of the identical weight making the rounds that circular image. But some were moving really fast, and others slow, on the grounds that faster ones are moving much faster (and find more Shaped pipe inertia), they'll push the slower ones out of how. (Yes, just like the boulder and ping pong ball) factors why you should you know it, there's the hot (fast) molecules all through edge, and slow (cold) in the guts! And that's exactly what the interior of the Vortex Tube is! To be upfront, the Tube Screamer is a pedal the actual reason on the lighter "crunch" side. The wonder lies with it's ability to allow a guitarist's true sound to come through. Of the problem products and solutions don't dig your clean tone because then you ain't gonna dig the TS9. But seriously, what guitarist isn't obsessed their own own racket? Also, because it was first designed to push your clean tube amp, many guitarists find it's a great addition to your amp use. Teenagers and older riders like the deck style water towables, the larger the better. The rush and excitement level is higher, hard work more jostling and fighting for position and you can create the wild ride that teens some other thrill seekers are interested in. Type L and K copper pipe is acceptable for compressed air applications. Type M is not. Type M usually used in residential homes for the new water supply lines. The anxiety that a copper pipe can handle is reliant upon the temperature and length and width of the pipe - for more information, see Table 6, Publication 28E, of the CCBDA. The joints are ordinarily rated for fewer pressure from the pipe. Choose one having compensation system, collars that contract and expand, attaching the tube and dome while a diffuser that is slightly domed would throw light farther in area. 96% reflectivity or more is good. You should look for rating of Energy Star on skylights for bathrooms or whichever room it is that you want to be able to them. If you are living in hurricane prone area, go for skylights usually are hurricane described.
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alexsalteranim3fmp · 2 years
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/// ACT 1 Main synopsis: Young soldier fleeing the jungle stumbles upon a series of creatures boarding a mysterious vessel. Loud music and lights resonate from inside. The creatures pay not much attention to the human soldier, seeming fairly festive and excitable. (Short strange character interaction without music - breaks conventions) - A small fairy creature scuttles to a mushroom and starts nibbling on it, casually minding its own business - Suddenly a large foot squashes the fairy, left is the crushed remains, arms twitching and limbs spread in the indent (still frame shot - small twitch movements)
- Then transitions to a shot of the soldier running through the forest - helicopters and aeroplanes traversing above
- Quick intermittent shot of a bunch of train-worker goblins, powering a mysterious machine. Throwing food and scrap into the mouth of whatever is running
- Cuts to a wide shot of a forest - slowly panning right The forest sets on fire/ blows up - (in tandem with a build up crash cymbal) - main opening of the song.   - The main title card appears simultaneously - with the soar lines logo, cut to the drum beats - introducing it and establishing a fun rhythm
/// ACT 2
- Character enters the building - the guide smiling in an uncanny- overly enthusiastic fashion Lights fill the screen - as they clear it opens into a large auditorium A full 'explorative' wide shot, panning the heirarchy of the place
- Strange characters and creatures fill the place Transition back and forth between showing the place, the main band, and the character exploring.  ( the main idea here to show chaos, fill the screen with customers doing weird, bizarre, fantastical things - both as satire of human behaviour and equally creative characters and creatures) ( I also like the idea that these creatures are struggling to attain their ideal self, failing to achieve their goals in some form or other, for example someone trying to romanticise and flirt )
( I like the idea of showing a distinct hierarchy between the people at the festival - The higher up in the balconies etc, the wealthier you are - and how they look down on the people at below )
List of shots: - Stage with band members - showing each member doing something a bit weird while setting up their instruments and preparing to play, for example the drummer picking his nose or the guitarist plugging his jack cable into the amp and it explodes - looking to the left to ask for help - Creatures eating at the bar - perhaps bowls of noodles, with the noodle chef cutting meat - i want this to look like absolute slop, maybe eyes etc floating  - followed by shot of kitchen preparing the meal, the goblin creatures paying no attention to quality or hygiene ( dim the music down, have it as background ambience while cooking noises/Foley play, like thy have the song playing on the radio) - Goblins throwing trash bags out the window - Pan down to 'street rat' style characters smoking on the floor - I like the idea of plastering no smoking signs, so a bunch of hooded teenagers are vaping or smoking cigars in a small alleyway area
- Angry bartender flirting with a bunch of gross women - another bar opposite, that has no customers and the bartender looks very bored and alone - or is just smoking a big pipe in disapproval - merch stand, with a fat guy trying to put the t shirt over his beer belly/ trying to hide it - someone spills their drink, and a bunch of smaller creatures start swimming and bathing in it - or bring a large straw and drink it themselves/ start licking like a dog - show physically smaller and larger creatures as well, and how they navigate/interact with the culture and environment - character with long tail or neck has to drag sluggishly - doesn’t care, and a bunch of drunk characters trip over behind - character tries to tip his hat and his brain slips out, then later pans to him again with him trying to open a door for lady and his arm falls off - creature eats a whole lollipop and explodes in his mouth
/// ACT 3
Main character sinks down, falling and crashes into a similar room -but hollow and empty. This is the complete bottom of the festival and social ladder. this place acting as a haven for the ill and unwanted, desperate and lost. 
The character is surrounded by an empty room - colour fills his surroundings, light beams through in similar convention to being underwater - blood, limbs and bodies scattered everywhere from the concert - the goblin workers casually drag some of the bodies - a thick air surrounds the environment, tall ceilings but empty passageways and corridors scatter
Across the other side is an perfect glass elevator - glowing an ambient red, grass and shrubbery grow around, as if this hasn’t been used in a long time.
A silhouette appears in between, its the same guiding character from the beginning, except now is more eldritch horror looking - and starts to shift and change its appearance, growing in size and hunger, and simultaneously throwing up. As the villain starts to grow and contort, the break down/bridge section starts to build up, the character looking more fearful, clenching his gun. Until the chorus suddenly starts - and the villain smashes down towards the character, narrowly evading and a fight/ chase sequence concludes as the character tries to reach the elevator.
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best-fictional-cat · 1 year
Round 2 results!!!
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The green ones are moving forward!
Group 1
Coco Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Miyuki (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Slugcat (Rain World) vs Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro)
Behemoth (Master and Margarita) vs Amp / Anp / Anpu (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots) vs Pixie (Pixie and Brutus)
Chi Yamada (Chi's sweet home) vs Rum Tum Tugger (Cats the musical)
Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher) vs Tangy (Animal Crossing)
Cringer / Battlecat (He-man) vs Cinderpelt (Warrior cats)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Scourge (Warrior cats)
Group 2
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods) vs Natsume Soseki (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Domino (Amphibia) vs Shoe + Wagahai (Ace Attorney)
808 (Hi-Fi Rush) vs Niko (Oneshot)
Squirrelflight (Warrior cats) vs T'Ana (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
Hong + On (Trash of the Count's Family) vs Alpine (Marvel comics)
Jaspers (Homestuck) vs Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan (Doctor Who) vs Caroline Coughs (Sparklecare hospital)
Mewo (Omori) vs Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns)
Group 3
Greebo (Discworld) vs Aldwyn (The Familiars)
Simba (The Lion King) vs Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Jenny Linsky (Jenny Linsky, Esther Averill) vs Findus (Pettson and Findus)
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) vs Mad Mew Mew (Undertale)
Felix the cat (Paramount) vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) vs Ghost (The Owl House)
Rosie (Animal Crossing) vs Talking Cat (Rick and Morty)
Hiili (Fox Fires) vs Mew (Marvel comics)
Group 4
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes) vs Tom Kitten (The Tale of Tom Kitten)
Meowthra (Lego Ninjago Movie) vs Jonesy (Alien)
Vodka Mutini / Dr.Meowgon Spangler (Homestuck) vs Lucifer (Cinderella)
Charmmy Kitty (Sanrio) vs Puppycat (Bee and Puppycat)
Nermal (Garfield) vs Lion (Steven Universe)
Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs Diana (Sailor Moon)
Midnight (Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones) vs Scout (Cattails)
Sakamoto (Nichijou) vs Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Group 5
Periwinkle (Blue's clues) vs Fluffal Cat (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) vs Frumpkin (Critical Role)
Ember (Cattails) vs Nyanky (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Amanojaku (Ghost Stories)
Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale) vs Catty (Undertale)
Kuro (Blue Exorcist) vs Catra (She-Ra)
Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom) vs Tigger Sugden (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Bungle the glass cat (Oz) vs Potato (Cat loaf adventures)
Group 6
Chairman Meow (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) vs Finley / Jelly Donut (Hustle Cat)
Cattail (Plants vs Zombies) vs Nameless evil white cat (James Bond)
Thomas O'Malley + Aristocats (Aristocats) vs Panther Lily (Fairy Tail)
Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach) vs Jellie (Double Life SMP)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY) vs Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Invisible cat (The Invisible Man, H.G.Wells) vs Haru (My Roommate is a Cat)
Pusheen (Pusheen) vs Yellowfang (Warrior cats)
Kirjava (His Dark Materials) vs Kuroneko-sama (Trigun)
Group 7
Gary the Snail (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Skitty (Pokémon)
Bob (Animal Crossing) vs The Kitty (The Bad Guys)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone) vs Capper (My Little Pony)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service) vs Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
The Black Cat (The Black Cat, E.A.Poe) vs Nyako / Meowy (Chainsaw Man)
Tabby Von Meow (Webkinz) vs Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Solembum (Inheritance Cycle) vs Lil' Judd (Splatoon)
Bagheera (The Jungle Book) vs Gatomon (Digimon)
Group 8
Plagg (Miraculous) vs Luxor (Tutenstein)
Meowth (Pokémon) vs Remlit (Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword)
Leafpool (Warrior cats) vs The Cat in the Hat (The Cat in the Hat)
Maurice (Discworld) vs Jemima (Cats the musical)
Xiaohei (The Legend of Hei) vs Artemis (Sailor Moon)
Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots) vs Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Shrödinger's cat (you know the one) vs The Cat (Coraline)
Pasty (Neko Atsume) vs Pangur Bán (Irish poem)
Match-ups coming soon!
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edenbyfrei · 4 years
Revival [1]
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The Bournemouth & Boscombe Nude Beach Stroll is a joyous event that happens each year on the last Sunday in June. It starts at midday and goes on all afternoon, often into the evening, though not normally much beyond sunset.
Anyone can participate irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual, affective or otherwise expressed orientation, looks, or outlook: it’s really just an…
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crimmerssimmers · 2 years
cool hair cc for sims 4!! (mostly female soz) part 1
be warned, some of these need a mesh!! none pf these belong to me and credit is included:))
cosmic's wisp recolor - https://cosmiccs4.tumblr.com/post/188734579430/wisp-recolour-definitely-overdue-ive-been
cosmic's half and half hair recolor - https://cosmiccs4.tumblr.com/post/187896428850/half-half-hair-recolour-i-wanted-to-recolour-a
cosmic's half and half recolor (yes its different) - https://cosmiccs4.tumblr.com/post/186800585057/half-half-hair-recolour-im-very-happy-with
noodle's two-toned bangs recolor - https://noodlescc.tumblr.com/post/167964337299/cats-and-dogs-two-toned-bangs-recolors-sorry-this
leahlillith melanie hair (i cant stand tsr but if you can u do u) - https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/L eah_Lillith/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/leahlillith-melanie-hair/id/1327488/
leah lillith loren hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/Leah_Lillith/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/leahlillith-loren-hair/id/1418306/
leah lillith lala hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/Leah_Lillith/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/leahlillith-lala-hair/id/1418858/
leahlillith's moiira hair recolor by bobasimmer - https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/leahlillith-s-moiira-hair-recolor-half-amp-half/id/1474833/
ade martinez - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Ade_Darma/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/ade-martinez-without-bangs/id/1359847/
ade loren - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Ade_Darma/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/ade--loren/id/1414434/
sintiklia hair s17 - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/SintikliaSims/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/sintiklia-hair-s17-still-into-you/id/1298419/
feral poodles lucy hair - https://feralpoodles.tumblr.com/post/183167954783
feral poodles ginny hair - https://feralpoodles.tumblr.com/post/664785302289793024/ginny-hair-ts4-maxis-match-cc-a-long-pretty
distany sims farren hair - https://disanity-sims.tumblr.com/post/180571789064/hi-o-hat-compatible-ish-all-lod-ea-colours
niccole hair by maxis match cc world- https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/183977758745/niccole-hair-inspired-by-mimis-hair-from-oh-my
anto thorns hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Anto/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/anto-thorns-hair/id/1347437/
green llamas lois hair - https://www.patreon.com/posts/lois-hair-35671357
green llamas soleil hair - https://www.patreon.com/posts/25055713
green llamas maple hair - https://www.patreon.com/posts/maple-hair-29060219
nahi hair by marso sims - https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/187821864536/nahi-hair-this-hair-is-named-after-mananahi
sehana hair by marso sims - https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/189260809431/sehana-hair-heres-a-small-little-edit-of-a-hair
simmerstesia's organic flavors hair pack - https://simmerstesia.tumblr.com/post/182121326831/organic-flavors-hair-dump-4k-followers-gift
cs99's yukino hair - https://crazysimmer99.tumblr.com/post/186782766942/yukino-hair-recolor-of-meghewlett-yukino-hair-in
aharris00britney's gabbie hair - https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/174123053115/gabbie-hair
sul-sul's conjure hair - https://mystickylightcolor.tumblr.com/post/155204966023/conjure-hair-female-male-new-hair-mesh-not-hat
BLZ roxxane hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/blz--roxanne-%28hair%29/id/1329746/
wings sims - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/wingssims/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/wings-oe0202/id/1403956/
wings sims - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/wingssims/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/wings-oe0528/id/1415940/
sclub eric hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/S-Club/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-male/title/sclub-ts4-hair-eric-n22/id/1383594/
lilili sims alicia hair - https://callitheaccfinds.tumblr.com/post/186813779856/alicia-hair-18-swatches-ea-color-hat
jao dua hair - https://isjao.webnode.pt/l/dua-hair-flower-acc/
nightcrawler biscuit hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Nightcrawler_Sims/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/nightcrawler-biscuit/id/1425494/
nightcrawler bunny hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Nightcrawler_Sims/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/nightcrawler-bunny/id/1403376/
java sims jeana hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/JavaSims/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/jeana-hairstyle/id/1441517/
tekri sims katie hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/TekriSims/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets/title/katie-%28all-ages%29/id/1449692/
helsosiera aita female hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/aita--female-hairstyle/id/1391906/
kai sims mimi hair - https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/-KaiSims-/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/mimi-hairstyle_re-textured-%5Badult%5D-female/id/1330836/
will have to make a pt 2 for this, stay tuned :]]
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allhailthesanders · 3 years
Random JATP Headcannons: Build-a-Bear Edition
OMG thank you thank you thank you so much to @skateboardtotheheart for letting me use this absolutely amazing idea. Hopefully I can do this idea ( check it out right here) some justice. 
So since the first Build-a-Bear was established in 1997, but the boys died in 1995, so they never got the honor of going to a Build-a-Bear.
There were two main trips to the Build-a-Bear workshop the gang remembers.
 A band trip and a Willex date with the band crashing
We will talk about the first band trip today
This whole adventure started when Reggie saw one of the commercials on TV
He was super confused about the place "Where Best Friends Are Made" asked Julie about it, and she immediately BEGGED to take them to the workshop
The boys were kind of confused but Luke loves seeing Julie’s eyes light up like this, Reggie loves stuff animals, and Alex was looking for a gift for Willie for the next time he saw him
They went to the little workshop in the Glendale Galleria and picked out their stuffies.
Luke got a blue bear with an orange beanie with a recording of Julie and the boys sing a little bit of Bright
At first, he was really passionate about not naming it because it is just a “stupid bear”. But after heavy pleading a puppy dog eyes from both Reggie and Julie, he named her Em after his mom
That “stupid bear” became a comfort item for Luke  
whenever he is feeling upset he can always be holding all the people who are most important to him
Reggie got a yellow and orange puppy with a little cowboy hat named him Ranger
Ranger immediately became the band mascot, and he is always placed on top of Reggie’s amp
Julie got a little pig stuffie named Rose after her mom and when she squeezes it, it has Luke's singing and all the boys' voices showering her with compliments and love.
Whenever she is having a bad grieving day she changes into sweats, wrapped herself in a blanket holds the bear tight, and listen to the talking
Now the reason why Build-a-Bear means so much to Julie is because of her mom
Her mom took her to build a bear all the time. Every birthday or A on a test
This sparked Julie’s love for stuffed animals
One of the things that Julie still has that reminds her of her mom is this rundown purple bear named Dahlia that has her mom saying "I love you so much Mija. So so much, forever and always"
It's one of her prized possessions
Alex got Willie a little classic teddy bear with a helmet and skateboard
He names it Hotdog and Alex wrote down Hot dog belonged to both Willie and him like it’s their son
Julie left the store with five stuffed animals (she got one for Carlos too) and a wide smile
Alex looked over Hotdog straighten him up and poofed out of the garage
He went to the local skate park by the beach that Willie usually hanged out at  
“Umm I got this for you! His name is hot dog... you know because that’s what you call me,” he said shoving the bear with its mini birth certificate in the skater’s face. 
Alex scan Willie’s face observing how Willie’s face scrunched up.
“You don’t need to keep it I mean I would like it if you did. But like if you don’t want it I can keep it,” Alex said already thinking of all the ways that he just ruined his relationship with the shorter boy.
Confusion flooded Willie’s face before the corner of his mouth quirked up. He watched how tight Alex was holding the bear. He placed his hand on his shoulder before grabbing the bear and pulling Alex into a tight hug.
“I love it so much Alex, thank you. But I am bummed that now I have a cuter hot dog in my life. I just didn’t think that you could be any cuter but here I am,” he whispered in the blond’s ear. 
They break up their hug and Willie squeezes the bear closer toward him and a little muffled voice started talking.
“...guys I don't know what to say. How do I know when it’s recording? Wait it’s recording right now? Can I delete it???? No?! Shit! alright umm..” Willie hears multiple voices in the background laughing. 
“Hey Willie, if you’re hearing this I guess that means you like the bear. I picked it out because it reminded me of you because you’re soft and sweet and make me smile. Anyway, do you think that you would want to go grab a cup of coffee swing build a bear and see how the magic happens? Reginald I swear to God if you don’t stop laughing I’m going to kill you! …yes I know we’re dead. Julie are you sure I can’t re-record this? I want to this be special for him. Oh shut up Luke even you know that’s cheesy. ... fine okay. Willie I really like you like a lot and I would love for you to help be the father of Hotdog and I would really enjoy taking you out for coffee sometime,” the endless string of words came out muffled and sincere. 
Once again the corner of Wille’s mouth quirked up. He moved closer to a flushing Alex who realized how dumb the message might have sounded. “I’ll absolutely love to Alex,” Willie said before pecking him on the cheek, pulling him into a tight hug and, poofing away.
A/N: So I don’t know how to end this now. I think this is a good enough ending. I’ve never written this much for a fandom before, so hopefully this doesn’t suck too much. Like does this qualify as a fic?!?! Anyway I hope y’all enjoyed my ramblings and I hope my grammar isn’t too terrible. So yeah the boys love Build-a-Bear. Bye :) !
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sunnypogue · 4 years
jj visits you at school (headcanon)
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ok so i took a very innocent prompt and turned it into my old ass reliving my college days (this is an ode to college football + texas food)
(warnings: nsfw-ish, drinking, cursing)
after high school, you decided you needed to get the hell out of north carolina
didn’t even consider duke/chapel hill/state
applied to schools all over the country before deciding on university of texas
(jj was sad because you were leaving - and he wasn’t - but it was closer than cal, which was your next choice)
as soon as you settled in, you bought him a flight out for a home football game
basically a religious experience in texas
you swooped him late thursday night from austin-bergstrom, borrowing your big’s boyfriend’s chevy silverado
yes you had joined a sorority. yes you lowkey loved it.
you could barely see over the wheel, and were basically falling asleep because you had to book it to the airport right after your 2 hour bio lab
but you got so excited when you saw jj - he was all amped up from flying for the first time
he waved you down, holding his beat up duffle bag on the sidewalk outside of arrivals
laughed at you as you tried navigating the truck (it was HARD okay, your big’s boyfriend owned a ranch - it wasn’t meant for the streets of austin), swung open the door as you rolled to a stop, slid into the passenger seat, gave you a “howdy, ma’am” before leaning over the gear shift & tongue fucking you.
woke ya right up!
you welcomed him to texas the traditional way - honey butter chicken biscuit from whataburger
he inhaled it - “god, what the FUCK is this?”
y’all spooned in your twin xl bed - you elbowed him in the chest, twice.
took him to your gen ed history class the next morning - y’all hid in the back and sent each other dirty texts the whole time (nothing new there)
gave him the full tour of campus after & rewarded him with torchy’s after - peg leg margarita + trailer trash tacos.
he had never had queso before - blew his fuckin’ mind
“why is the food here so GOOD?”
took him to your sorority mixer that night - 70’s themed, so y’all blew it out of the water with some very authentic ABBA costumes that you coordinated with your best friend + her boyfriend
jj let you round brush dry his hair & wore the classic all white outfit to match yours
y’all fucked in the costumes later that night - you couldn’t stop laughing, and he wouldn’t stop humming “super trouper”
woke up at the ass crack of day for game day - 2pm kick off meant 10 am tailgate
jj let you dress him (you were worried about getting him into the tailgate - you weren’t really in the mood for him to have to answer the “who do you know here?” question a thousand times)
of course, you had the frat boy game day uniform all ready for him - black ut polo, wranglers & cowboy boots.
he drew the line at the cowboy hat, opting for a backwards baseball cap
he wasn’t excited about the boots, until you handed him a flask & told him that was the only way he was sneaking alc into the game
jj immediately filled it with jack, before slipping into the side of his boot - “alright alright alright”
shockingly, getting him into the frat tailgate was no problem (you wisely chose to bring him to your big’s boyfriend’s frat - while he wasn’t pledge master, he had a lot of pull, and didn’t bat an eye as you brought your semi-incognito boyfriend into the house)
and of course, he made friends with literally EVERYONE he met
shotgunning beers with your best friends and their boyfriends
betting people to ride the mechanical bull in the middle of the backyard (because what the fuck)
sharing his boot flask (“yeah, my girlfriend got it for me - yeah, she’s pretty great.”)
of course, you taught him how to “hook ‘em”
and suckered him into a picture 
literally y’all only got one good one, you on his back, throwing the horns, him grinning at you as he half-assed the horns
he was flipping off the camera in every other photo
when y’all got to the stadium, he lost his shit
easily the biggest place (with the most people) he had EVER been in
completely took it in stride - learning all the chants, (“we’re gonna beat the hell outta you!” was his favorite) cheering as pledges were forced to chug whatever crazy shit the older frat members smuggled into the stadium between the student section bleachers, going absolutely apeshit when texas would score
jj didn’t know football could be fun - football was synonymous with his dad betting big and losing hard, which meant he got the brunt of...that
after the game (horns win!), y’all headed back to your dorm for a shower & power nap before hitting sixth street later that night
you changed your outfit three times and your panties once, because SOMEONE thought it would be funny to finger you while you tried to do your hair 
you weren’t really complaining, tbh
y’all walked to a pregame, jj wearing his boots & sipping from his flask, arm slung around you
same group y’all tailgated with earlier, so jj was like an old friend at this point 
(he even got the invite to the fraternity mardi gras trip in the spring - he asked if you were going to be flashing for beads - you smacked him on the arm)
wrangled him into an intense game of rage cage (you won - he bragged about you for the rest of the night)
laughed as you and your friends sat in the uber to the bars, memorizing your fake id’s 
jj had the same one from high school - he had a whole life story for his id at this point
let you drag him to a country bar - he kept your drink full as you & your sorority sisters drunkenly line danced to “any man of mine” and “cottonhead road”
you even got him to two step 
he ended up half-carrying your wasted ass home - you passed the fuck out the second you were back in your dorm
being the good boyfriend he is, he helped you take your makeup off and change into your pj’s
you woke up in his cutoff coors shirt, and nothing else - for revenge, you woke him up with a blow job - obviously.
you both had mind numbing hangovers (he refused to admit it, but he was feelin’ a lil rough after a game day + night out on sixth), so you dragged him to brunch - hair of the dog, baby.
knocked a couple mimosas back & made plans to lay out by the pool - nothing like getting absolutely fried by the sun to revive your hungover ass
as you were falling asleep on the lounger by the school’s outdoor pool, you heard him mumble something 
“you know where austin community college is, baby?”
you nodded, not following the conversation whatsoever, playing around with his baseball cap (you forgot your sunglasses, he offered it up to protect your eyes from the sun)
“lookin’ at it” he shrugged, holding his phone up, home page for ACC on his browser
you sat up a lil bit. “you’d consider leaving the outer banks?” 
he didn’t respond right away - you poked him with your foot a couple times
“I don’t think I’d ever leave the outer banks for good - but for a few years? maybe.” “for me?” 
he poked you back “nah, i’m coming for torchy’s + whataburger. you’re just an added bonus”
you nailed him with the hat, square in the face. “shut up.”
he laughed - sat up, swung your legs onto his lap, “i’m coming for you. you shut up.”
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