#Does this count as yandere?
kiwanopie · 1 year
What would happen if we did try to leave kiyoomi like would he go haywire and turn into a madman or even a yandere (ps I love your work it makes me swing my legs back and forth while I twirl my finger in my hair 🤭)
Men as proud as him rarely grovel - they rarely beg. But when they do it’s overgrown by denial and a special kind of disgrace.
Talking to you like this makes him want to bite his tongue off. “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’ll let you leave me.”
You close your eyes as he steps to block your path to the door. Neatly packed bags weigh down the sleeves of your coat and even through grief are you still emboldened by the soft lights. Eyes cottoned by tears, still doey as they stare emptily forward. Nothing he’s said or done has invoked so much as a word from you since he’d returned home. Just a figure wisping away before his eyes, falling out of his hands before he can reason himself how to catch you.
But a man like him is used to threats and strong-arming to get his way. And though Kiyoomi doesn’t touch you, his tone is enough to make you wish he would. “You’re making a mistake. I mean it, ______. You walk out of this door and I don’t what I’ll do-“
“Move, Kiyoomi.” But you’re a contest to him. Just that nearly evokes a flinch.
Kiyoomi’s jaw tenses as you finally look up at him. And you know him well enough to know that his demeanor is a falsehood. It’s a show. A mask - not even well enough to hide that his eyes have already gone glassy. Neat scowl barely changed on his face but his fingers creak against the door frame.
He’s holding on by a thread. “You’re not leaving me.”
He steps forward as you try to step past him.
“You can’t keep me here, Kiyoomi. I don’t-“ Your voice cracks and so does his restraint. “I can’t do this with you anymore.”
“I don’t care.” Which he doesn’t mean. Really, the thought of you not loving him anymore makes him so nauseous his mouth kind of waters. He’s living out his worst nightmare right now, if you can believe it.
“You made a promise when you married me. You won’t leave me and I don’t leave you-“
Another side step. You let out a frustrated breath when he doesn’t let you push past. “You are my wife. Mine. Every breath you take is for me and you the same. That’s just how it is.”
“Get. Out. Of my way, Kiyoomi.”
“No. You need to think about this-“
“Get-“ You drop one of your bags just to push him out of your way. Nails somewhat digging into his button up but the force of the push slightly teeters him on his heel. You’re just as strong if not stronger through your resentment. Just as angry as he is if not angrier. But you’re not as ruthless as him, that’s for damn sure. And you find that out the hard way when you finally push the wrong button.
“Get out of my way, Sakusa!”
You’re pulled forward by the wrist.
It isn’t a hard enough grip to bruise but it’s stern, it’s promising something much worse should you start to pull away. - You meet his eyes and he’s wrathful. You’ve never seen him look at you like this before.
His voice is vexed, ireful and seething. “You really must be stupid if you think you’re leaving here scot-free. Do you know who I am? You think I don’t have the names of your family, your friends, any asshole dumb enough to think they matter? You really think I’m gonna let you leave here - start some worthless life with some one-off nobody? - Do you think you’re allowed to be happy without me?”
“I will kill - Look at me,” He inches you forward. “I will slaughter any and every one I have to just to make sure that I am the center of your life. Your husband. And if you think that any life, any relationship you have outside of me isn’t borrowed, then let me remind you right now,”
“You are my wife and I am your husband. Anything outside of that - is concessionary.”
You stumble as he releases you from his grasp.
Kiyoomi steps past you as you stand static still, already snatching up your bags while you look off in horror.
“Now,” He says over his shoulder. “Let me put these away for you.”
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666herescared · 1 year
Start of Something Awful(ClingPeachesAU)
Okay, so I decided to write another part of this AU. It's fun to write the emotionally volatile Wukong.
Mk felt awful. He had been living with Wukong for about a week at this point and he hadn’t even tried to leave! Worst part is that the king wasn’t even keeping him there. Mk has the ability to leave but he just- can’t! He’s scared. Not of the sage but of what his friends will think. He stayed that first day because he was in shock, and the second day the king had planned a massive celebration of Mk’s immortality, so it would’ve been rude to not stay!
  But after that… Aw, geez. He was terrified! Each day he spent with the Monkey King was another day he spent away from his friends. He thought they would hate him for staying when he could have just gone home. He wanted to go home! But he was too scared to bring it up with Wukong lurking everywhere. Mk hadn’t even managed to get out of monkey form, which delighted the king to no end! 
  His cub was responding to his chirps in this form, and the boy seemed cheerful too! He was so happy to see the kid being upbeat in his true form! Of course, from Mk’s perspective, he wasn’t glad at all. He forced a smile for the king, but internally, he was terrified! Why couldn’t he get out of that form?! 
  He just wanted to go back. Back to when he was just a normal noodle delivery boy, with the powers of the Monkey King. He knew he could. Obviously he could! If he just left and went home, he could pretend none of this ever happened! The only difference would be that he and all his friends were ageless now. They would get over any anger at him within a week and Mk was sure they’d eventually forgive Monkey King. 
  It would be fine, so why couldn’t he leave? His fears were unfounded! He hated himself for staying. He didn’t have to! The king wasn’t holding him captive! He was allowed to leave so why wasn’t he able to? He was waiting for a rescue he didn’t need! He could just go so why can’t he?! It made no sense- “Heya, cub!” The sage’s voice jerked him out of his thoughts.
  Yeah. Monkey King was calling him cub now. It had taken the place of ‘bud’ in the king’s vocabulary. “Hi, Monkey King!” The kid said, masking his previous fearful expression with a smile. 
  The older sat down right next to his cub- ‘Too close! Too close! Too close!’- and wrapped his tail around the younger’s waist. It was clearly meant to be a comforting gesture, so why did it terrify him even more? “Having fun?” 
  ‘Too close! No escape! Can’t run!’ “Yup! I’m fine!” Mk said with a forced grin and shuffled to the side.
  The king noticed and grabbed his cub’s shoulder to hold him in place as he moved closer again. “Why you tryin’ ta run then? C’mon kid! You can tell me!” He said, though the message was clear. ‘If you have a problem I will fix it.’ Something that some people might find comfort in, but for Mk, who knew the sage, it was terrifying! 
  Who knew what this impulsive wreck of a ruler would do to keep his cub safe? What if he decided it was Mk’s friends’ fault and dealt with the problem rather… drastically? Mk couldn’t risk it. “It’s nothing. Really! I’m fine!” He deflected with sweat running down his face.
  The king knew though. He always knew when Mk didn’t want him to, yet he was always oblivious to the general fear. “I can tell you’re lying, cub.” He tightened his grip.
  Mk let out a sharp gasp that almost sounded like a sob and gave in. He steadied his breath and asked softly,  “What would you do if I wanted to leave?” not wanting to anger the sage.
  “Hm. Well, I’d be sad, but as long as you keep visiting, I’ll be fine!” Was the ruler’s response. The look on his face made it clear he was telling the truth. 
  And yet, Mk still couldn’t even manage to want to leave. What was wrong with him?! He wanted to see his friends again, but he felt trapped without anyone trapping him! He was free to walk around and Wukong didn’t have anyone stopping him from leaving! Even though it was scary how the monkeys seemed closer when their king wasn’t near. He hated the thought; the thought that he was trapping himself but there wasn’t any other explanation! Wukong wasn’t keeping him there!
  He put on a smile and murmured, “Okay, Monkey King.” before moving his gaze to dodge the king’s.
  The grip on his shoulder tightening startled him and caused him to groan. “I hope you at least consider staying longer. The monkeys would miss you so much.” The older said with a threatening tone. Mk could almost hear the horror sting, before the grip loosened again and the ruler pushed him off of the rock. He knew better than to move by now. The king shifted to sit behind him and started grooming him calmly. “Sorry if I startled you, cub. I was just a little nervous. You’re so happy here and I don’t want to ruin that.” The sage stated. Like it was a fact.
  The kid started tearing up, the tension getting to him. Maybe he should stop pretending everything is fine. Especially since the king seemed to believe him. Though… as the king wiped his tears he considered; maybe he didn’t have to pretend. The sage wasn’t trying to hurt him. He just wanted to keep him safe, right? Maybe… he could enjoy himself! So he decided to just stop pretending. It was high time he let himself relax!
  His first mistake was thinking the king would let him go if he wasn’t happy.
  His second was not thinking about how his friends were gonna react.
  This was the start of something awful, and everyone was about to learn that. Especially the king’s former mate.
Part two complete! Any suggestions would be great! Again, feel free to make whatever in this AU and of course,
Have fun, and happy scrolling!
(Also, is there a term for Mk's condition? I don't know and I don't think it's Stockholm syndrome)
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bye-bye-sunbird · 2 years
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Imagine living in the Dawn Winery Manor.
The mist fills the windows with tiny pearls of water. A delicate, dewy scent of grapes and vines bewitches your senses as your head rests on the window frame. The soft, muddled sound of the rain lulls you almost to sleep.
As your eyes start to shut, your shoulders drop and your breath gently condenses on the glass in the shape of small clouds.
Outside, Master Diluc walks back home. Dragging with him endless guilt and memories, old wounds hidden behind new ones. An increasingly, evident tiredness weighs him down with each step he takes.
Will you ever accept him? He wonders, as his gaze rests upon the tender image you form.
The more he looks at you, the more every little wound hurts, like a grim echo of what he has denied himself. The things he would give for just a moment in your embrace. He imagines that it would melt away every single part of him, and it would be worth it.
But... would you do it? Could you ever forgive him? Could you ever garner enough understanding or sympathy?
For you, he could even settle on pity.
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(A/N: This took me a few days, many hours, and a lot of work and it's literally for one person. Please enjoy this garbage pile, I love you. Reader is gender neutral, referred to as y/n)
Content warning: G/N reader, noncon, rape, kidnapping, parties?, masks, cunnilingus, fellatio, threesome, bleeding but only a little bit, uhhhh tag me if I need more CWs
Summary: You owe someone a LOT of money. That someone is En. When En needs things cleaned up, he sends his cleaning crew. You get the picture. 4,566 word count
It's almost too bright in this shady nightclub. Well, shady only in the business it deals with. The whole place is lit up brighter than a fucking Christmas tree, and louder than god himself shouting at the earth. Actually, if god existed, you probably couldn't hear him over this music. Luckily though, you found yourself a private corner to light up a cigarette and take a moment. Looking back, perhaps this was a terrible mistake after all. You had left your shithole "Hotel" tent this morning actually hopeful you could find the sorcerer that could change your face so maybe, just maybe you could return home to the world of sorcerers. Being on the run doesn't really work well if everyone knows your face. So cue a big chase to the Hole, and here you find yourself- barely nickels to your name and about to literally change your face to get out of legal trouble with En.
Ah, yes. It's not easy to forget that you pissed off easily the most influential sorcerer there is. So what if you borrowed a little money? If you were rich enough to pay him back, you wouldn't have had to borrow in the first place! Stupid En... Anyway, it doesn't matter now. You're about to change your life for the better and put the past behind-!
"Oof- hey! Watch it, asshole!" You sneer as a tall man dressed in a tight sweat suit bumps backwards into you. You dropped your cigarette in surprise.
"Woah! Sorry, I didn't see you there!" The man (His voice is so high?) bends down a bit a sheepishly rubs his neck. "I'm actually looking for someone! A guy with a heart mask, have you seen him?"
The teeth in his mask is a bit unsettling, so you weigh being polite as the safer option, "No, sorry. I'm actually looking for an acupuncture guy, personally. Have you heard of him?"
"No," He looks around, "but he's bound to be here somewhere. God, this place is so big, and WAY too loud! Heeeeey! Shiiiiiiiiin!" He cries out into the crowd uselessly. Obviously, no one answers.
"Hey, let's go sit down." You tug the guy over to the bar, order a couple drinks to go, and pull him off to a side room. The music still reverberates the walls, but at least the two shoddy chairs, the rusty old card table, and stained matress on the floor hold up against the attacks of light and sound. You close the door behind the two of you and settle, tired in one chair; he takes the other. With a sigh, you take a sip of your drink. "So, what's your name?"
"Oh! I'm Noi, who are you?" Noi pulls up the mask enough to sip his drink. You notice his lips are pretty, pink, and soft-looking for a guy's. He's really well shaven, too. This tips you off a bit. He might be a sorcerer.
He also seems really stupid, or just doesn't care, but you care a LOT. So, naturally, you lie. "I'm Ginko. Did your friend leave you alone here, Noi? What's his name...Shin?"
"Yeah, but it's fine. We're actually looking for someone. I mean, I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I'm sure it's okay. Maybe you can help! Have you heard of (y/n)?
Oh. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuuuuuuuuu-
"No, I'm sorry. Do you know what they look like?" You put on your most polite, sweet smile.
"Sorta. Our boss just told us they have really nice hips and a great ass, so I don't think he really knows either. Man...this is such a pain." He looks dejected and peels off his mask. "Anyways-"
HOOOOOOOOLY SHIT she's the most BEAUTIFUL woman you've EVER seen?! Her long hair cascades in perfectly unkempt waves of moonlight, framing a full round face. Two shining ruby colored eyes set the face of an angel in front you, leaving you speechless. Fuck she's SO pretty...
"-ich is why I have to find them before my cousin gets more angry, you know?" She sips her drink.
You wish you were that glass.
Wait, you're in danger.
You nod, smiling tightly and laugh. "Right! Well that sounds great but I want you go- have you to- want to kiss- you are- go. I. Need. To. Leave. Soon." You finally force your stupid tongue to speak real human words.
Even when she's whining she's pretty, "Aw, man! But I really like you! Can't we talk a little longer?"
She likes you- "I really wish I could, but," you open the door, "-!"
"There you are."
A man wearing a heart mask steps past you in the doorway, blocking your exit. "Noi, you were here the whole time?"
"Shin! I made a friend! This is Ginko. Ginko? Shin!" She gestures happily between you two. Shin doesn't look too pleased by the introduction. He eyes you like you're a nasty bug he spotted in the corner.
"H-hey," you try your luck to escape, hopefully unscathed. "Nice to uh...to meet you. I actually have to meet someone, so....okay I'll be going."
He holds a hammer up under your chin. "...Noi, this is them." Of course, Noi isn't paying attention, which you have a front row seat in seeing how this annoys him. She's busy eating a granola bar she pulled out of thin air, or maybe found somewhere which is infinitely grosser. "(Y/n)." His voice commands your attention back to him. "Sit." Your betraying body follows his orders, knowing full well you could die if not. Hell, you might still.
Noi perks up when she sees you rejoin her at the table. "Oh! I thought you were leaving?" Her full mouth makes it a bit hard to understand her. She swallows her mouthful and discards the wrapper somewhere behind her.
"They were trying."
"This," he waves the hammer at you, "is (y/n)."
"How do you know?"
"The boss told us what they look like. Were you not paying attention?" He glares, and you can see past the darkness of the eye holes in his mask that he has striking teal eyes.
"Huh?! Of course I was!" She pouts, which you find cute despite the sinking feeling you get as you realize these are your executioners. Your hot, cute, tall, buff executioners with really tight asses. The stray thought crosses your mind that Noi might be the type of girl to insist on matching gym shorts for working out. You giggle at the thought - a bad idea since it drags the focus back to you.
"What are you laughing at?" Shin's got the hammer poised under your chin again, a domineering and cold stare to match the chilling metal. "Listen up. You pissed off the boss. All of this could've been avoided if you had made your payments on time. Now, I'm gonna give you about three seconds to cough something up, or I'm gonna bring your head back with me."
"W-wait! I don't have the money, but...b-but maybe I can give you something instead? Just to not kill me? I just need more time, that's all!" You beg. You're not above begging.
He opens his mouth to reply, but Noi pops up beside him excitedly, stopping him. "Actually, Shin, I think they're onto something! I mean, it's not an ideal place, but why don't we have some fun while we're here? It is a party after all!" She's beaming. Oh, even her teeth are perfect. How? How is she this pretty? "What do you think?"
"Well, we haven't had a vacation in a while...and I need to relax." He starts loosening his tie and sits in the other chair once occupied by Noi.
"So you're thinking what I'm thinking? Good! I was worried for a second there that what I said got lost in translation-"
"Right, well anyway," she smiles so sweetly for you. "So your name is actually (y/n)? It's a cute name. I'm gonna enjoy saying it." Her hands are roaming your body to undress you, easily lifting it from the chair when needed so they can pass across your plush rear. "They really do have a nice ass."
"Is that all you remember?" Shin finally undoes his tie and leaves it on the table, then works on his suit jacket next.
"Wait your boss actually said that about me?"
"He said it's your best quality." He removes the jacket and starts undoing a couple buttons of his shirt.
"Ouch. Harsh. I'm at least a good sorcerer."
"Not since you got caught by us." Noi chuckles and continues her work. When you're finally stripped completely bare, you're unceremoniously tossed to the floor. The strong woman takes her place where you just were and starts removing her track suit, revealing a large set of breasts, barely kept in by a black tube top.
"(Y/n), come." He taps the floor with his shoe (how are his shoes still clean?) Naturally, you obey. The other option is not really an option - make a run for it. You get the feeling you wouldn't make it to the doorknob. Plus, you might lose the chance to live. So, instead, you crawl on the floor to him and sit pretty on your knees. He reaches forward and plays with your hair. "Ew. Greasy." You don't even get the chance to retort as he grabs a fistful of your hair and yanks you forward. Your face is now buried in his crotch, and if that large, stiff object isn't a knife, then you're definitely terrified for what wreckage your body is about to go through. He moans through gritted teeth and grinds your face against what you're certain is his erection.
"What are you waiting for? Unzip me." He commands.
"They can't unzip you if you're holding them down, silly." Noi laughs, like he's just a silly little guy and you're all not engaged in an act of sexual coercion. He loosens his hold enough for you to lift your head and slip your hands beneath your chin to his zipper. He's wearing a belt, but even that doesn't take much to undo. Finally, you push his button through the hole and pull down the hem, revealing a set of solid blue boxers. So he's a Hanes man, huh?
"My patience is wearing thin." He warns. You know he won't warn again. Your trembling hands manage to pull the hem down enough for his cock to spring forth and holy shit how are you going to-
You don't get the chance to consider. He's already forcing your jaw open with his free hand while using the one in your hair to push your head where and how he wants it. It's not easy, either. He goes for all of it with the first thrust. The head hilts to back of your throat, and you come up coughing and gagging. He doesn't let you catch your breath, but forces his free thumb between your teeth to keep your mouth wide open for him as he mercilessly fucks your throat. You barely catch puffs of air as he takes long deep strokes, though air is short lived for you because soon enough your throat relaxes, allowing him to slip all the way to the base.
"There~ now, was that so hard?" Yeah, you want to say, it's rock hard and deep in my throat. I can't breath and I'm horny as shit now, and you feel so good in my throat but I feel like I'm gonna pass out! But you don't say that, and instead you moan. It's choked, but he hears it, and so does Noi.
"Oooohhhh~ I think pet wants some attention down here too." Her tone has changed, god did she always sound like that? Your senses are dulling as you lose oxygen, but you definitely feel the cold, dirty toe of her boot shove up between your legs. "Hey, spread wide for me. I wanna see what you're packing."
She hums in appreciation when she spots your folds dripping wet and ready to be entered. More importantly, she sees your enlarged clit hanging heavy like an ornament between your labia. "You look even better like this." Her boot roughly presses into your core, and as ashamed as you are of the situation, you love the way it catches your clit over and over when she moves her foot back and forth. You think she might be trying to be gentle, but it is anything but.
Shin finally pulls you off as the black almost takes over your vision completely. Your tongue lolls out, obediently waiting to lick and suck his cock again at his whim. He studies your mussy face all covered in slobber while you're sucking in much needed air. You let out a lewd moan, a mostly breathless moan since you're...well, breathless. He seems pleased, or at least you think so. You can't tell past the mask. But his eyes tell you a lot, and his heaving chest makes it seem like he was the one choking a moment ago instead of you.
"Okay, my turn." Noi leans forward to swat Shin's hand away from your hair. He's reluctant to let go, but once he does you almost miss his touch. You aren't left wanting for long. Noi pulls your hair much more gently than her partner did. She pulls you up to straddle her thigh. Her big, juicy, strong thigh. Her hands grasp firmly to your thighs and painfully push you down against the bare flesh of- when did she take off her pants? How? Wasn't she stroking your clit? When did she have the time-
Your intrusive thoughts are interrupted once more when her fingers bare a death grip on your hips and push your clit almost too hard into her thigh. It rips an orgasm from you. Had you been that close? You're worked through your rough first orgasm right into overstimulation. It's too much all at once-
"Hey, I wasn't done with them."
"You'll get your turn again, soon. Be patient." Noi's voice is gentle, but her touch is not. Her fingers are making bruises in your thighs, and your head is swimming.
"P-please....too much...." You barely get the words out between breathless moans. Noi is ruthless, sure, but is kind enough to let up when you beg.
"Sorry, sweetie. I didn't mean to hurt you!" She finally stops forcing you to grind against her. Instead, she starts trailing her soft lips from your earlobe down your neck leaving kisses and sucking hickies as she pleases. Past her soft breathing you can hear Shin behind you fisting his cock slowly, enjoying the show being put on for him.
"Now can I have a turn?" He asks impatiently. Noi sighs and lets you down from her lap. You try and fail to stand on shaky legs. Thankfully, Noi catches you and rearranges you instead to lay back on the shaky card table. It creaks under your weight, years of rust complaining at the misuse. Shin doesn't care about the age of the table, as you can see from the way he leans over you and aligns himself with your slit.
"Shin, you're sweating. Just take off your mask or you're gonna have a heart attack." Noi teases him. "It's just us here, you know?"
He doesn't say anything, but does as she says which saves you from immediately having to take the massive girth threatening to split you in two. You watch as the discarded cowl reveals a handsome face. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a strong jaw...this is literally the man of your dreams. It's really a shame you met like this, you probably would have asked him out on a date if only-
"Ungh- fuck! They're tight!" He groans and braces himself on the table. You're gonna fucking fall apart if this man has his way with you! But you can't force yourself to even speak let alone beg him to be merciful. His shaft hits all the way to the back of your deep pussy, and he's not even fully sheathed yet. Key word: yet. He's certainly trying, pushing deeper and deeper. It hurts - oh god does it fucking hurt - but he's taking it slow. You can't tell if it's for you or for him, but you're thankful nonetheless. That is, until he's satisfied with how wet you are (embarrassingly wet, why are you enjoying this?) He slams into you faster and harder with every stroke, and you would hear the table steadily breaking if you had enough thoughts in your already fucked out brain to comprehend it.
The two of you moan and clasp onto each other like a lifeline. His steady strokes push against your gummy walls in ways you didn't think were even possible, hitting places you didn't know existed. For sure you're no virgin, but by far he is the best lay you've ever had. He's not loud either, just quietly grunting and breathing, reveling in your flesh as he pleases. His left hand is braced against the table, effectively caging you and supporting him simultaneously. His other is gripping your hip right where Noi's hand had bruised you minutes before. And he is. Not. Stopping. His thrusts are rough and steady, until they're not.
The table busts and the two of you unceremoniously crash to the floor. Noi bursts into laughter immediately. "That's what you get for going all out right away!" You can't laugh with her. You're still filled up with a giant dick, and Shin is heavy as FUCK. You can't breathe- you can't-
The weight is lifted. Noi has pulled Shin up off of you, and his dick slides out with a wet squelch. "Goddammit, Noi...I was close."
"No you weren't. We've gone hours without stopping before." She points out as she's positioning herself between your legs. "Tsk....they're bleeding a little. You could have been nicer-"
"They're our target!"
"Still...." Noi pulls you up to straddle her hips and hold her neck while she carries you over to the forgotten mattress. You realize faintly that she's naked. She plops you down then hooks her hands under your knees so she can inspect you. "Wow....you're really pretty, y'know?"
You can't stop yourself, "Back at you, gorgeous." Your wavering voice actually sounds kind of confident with your little quip. She blushes and gives you a big, beaming smile.
"Thank you!" Her mouth comes down to start placing wet, sloppy kisses along your thighs. The strength she's got allows her to lift you higher as she works her way toward your core. By the time she reaches your firm clit, she's got you balanced on your shoulders relying on her to hold you up. Her lips wrap around the nub and she sucks and you moan so loud you're sure the party could hear you. Her tongue and lips are sooo soft and yet so firm and she's AMAZING at this! You're shaking with every pass of her tongue over you, in you, up, down, left, right-
Your bliss is interrupted by Shin when he straddles your head. Oh, great, he's naked too. "Mind if I join?" He asks Noi.
"You just had a turn." She's stops slurping your juices to answer him, pulling a needy whine from you.
"I can share. Can you?" He tilts your head up slightly and teases his cockhead against your lips.
She hums against your pussy - it feels so good - and licks a heavy stripe up your lips before she answers, "Okay, but only if I cum first this time."
"Yes ma'am." Shin agrees, and for some reason you open your mouth obediently for him. His dick slides all the way back down your throat, giving you a strangely erotic sensation. A shot of lust shoots through you when he moans your name. He brings his hand to your throat to feel himself as he starts up a steady rhythm fucking your mouth.
Noi is busy working you up to your second orgasm of the night. You feel it coming on stronger and stronger as you experience this intense fellatio. Your clit is throbbing, you can feel it pulsing in Noi's warm mouth. Almost- almost- so close- until the dam bursts and you're squirting all over Noi's mouth. She squeaks in surprise, but doesn't stop licking and sucking until you stop squeezing.
"C-close... uhn.....Noi~...." Shin moans and thrusts faster inside your throat.
"Don't you dare! You made a deal." Noi drops you so she can grab Shin by the shoulders. He stops, surprised at the sudden change.
"Oh...fuck, sorry Noi." He slides out of your throat. "Damn, they look cute all covered in spit." He notes with a smirk.
"Don't forget about me." Noi complains, and crawls around you so she can straddle Shin. She easily slides onto his cock with a very pretty moan. "Sh-shin~."
"That's it. You enioy that, Noi?" He lays back and beckons you over. At this point, you're so high from pleasure you've forgotten why you were scared of them in the first place. "Come here and sit on my face, (y/n). Face Noi; she gets needy when she's getting fucked."
You take your rightful place on your golden throne, and are very pleased to find he's just as talented with his mouth. He gets to work alternating sliding his tongue in and out of you and suckling your huge throbbing clit. Your moan is interrupted by Noi taking your face gingerly in her hands and kissing you. She bounces hard and rough on Shin's dick, but her kiss is soft and gentle. Her tongue snakes out to dance with yours, exploring your mouth and feeling the muscle inside. She wants to taste everything she can of you, and you want to taste her. Every bit of her.
It feels like you're kept in a state of pleasure limbo. Everytime you get close to climax, Shin seems to sense it and stops, dangling your release by a thread. You can both tell Noi is getting close, though. Her moans get louder and more frequent, until she's practically screaming and shaking. Shin takes pity on her, grabs her hips, and brings her crashing down into an orgasm. You watch a wonderful display of juices flying all over Shin's hips and Noi's thighs. You realize, like you, Noi must be a squirter. It's an incredible thing to watch. In your haze, you think she must be exhausted from that, but no. She slips off on Shin, whose chest is heaving with the effort of catching his breath.
"You okay?" She pulls you off of his face and toward herself.
"Yeah- hah...just gotta catch my breath..." He grunts and sits up.
"I wasn't asking you." She pouts, then returns to caressing and coddling you. "Think you can do one more?" She guides your head down to her chest. "I just wanna make sure of something~..."
"Yeah, anything for you." You don't even care, you just want to please this goddess. You don't register Shin moving behind you until he's already lined up with your wet hole. "H-huh?"
"Shhh, just be good." She guides your head lower until you're facing her white pubes (you never thought they could be that color, does she dye them?). She's got a full bush, and it's smeared with her and Shin's mixed cum. For some reason that seems to be the most erotic thing so far for you tonight, if the sudden ache in your pussy is anything to go by. And go by it you will, because as soon as that heavenly dick is back inside of you hitting all new spots, you swear you can hear angels singing. It might also just be Noi's moaning as you lick long, wet stripes up her cunt.
Your tongue swirls around her clit, exploring her nub and the fleshy folds it's nestled in. She tastes savory, but not bad. It's just...different? It has a different flavor than Shin's dick. And she's so warm and inviting. You slip three fingers easily into her, pulling a pleasured gasp from her pretty lips. Once your curl them, though, that's when she starts really singing. You're a person on a mission until Shin's starts to really get going.
As you are fingering Noi, he's rocking in and out of you at a steady pace. He's not going as deep as before. Instead, his cock is pushing into your g-spot and rubbing deliciously. You're being worked up slower than before, but you feel something bigger building. Your thighs are shaking, and your hips are starting to hurt where Noi had gripped you before and Shin is gripping you now. Exhaustion is wearing on you, but god you're so close, you can practically see the finish line in your mind!
Noi's moans start getting louder, matching Shin's uncharacteristic gasps of pure pleasure. Even you are giving them some loud cries between suckling and licking Noi's cunt. She suddenly grabs your head between her thighs. You might suffocate, but you'd die happy between these plush pillars of muscle. She holds you there, barely being able to move your head let alone your tongue, for a few moments longer until she's ready to release you, satisfied with your performance. She relaxes with a tired sigh and strokes a hand through your hair. Your moans get louder and more desperate while she coos and encourages you to chase your orgasm.
Your pussy squeezes Shin tight and suddenly the dam breaks and you're floating. Your cum rushes out of you with loud squelching as Shin chases his release. His hips stutter and he spills inside of you. It's warm, filling you up so much that it overflows and starts running down your thighs. You don't even care, it just feels so good. You can feel his cock and balls twitch as he empties himself inside of you. Once he's done, he pulls out slowly with a grunt and collapses next to Noi.
"Well, that was fun." Noi says softly, pulling you up to her chest. "We're gonna do that again soon."
"Agreed." Shin says, sleepily throwing an arm over you. "But first, I need a nap." The muted music from the party acts as white noise and easily puts the three of you to sleep where you are.
You look ridiculous in this outfit. It's better than death, you decide, but still embarrassing.
"So you mean to tell me you want them to be your underling? I sent you to kill them or get their money, not recruit them." The boss, En, doesn't look happy atthis turn of events.
"No, I said I want them to be under me!" Noi's smile is as bright and wide as ever.
Shin groans, "That's the same thing, Noi. Sorry, boss. What they mean is we are willing to pay back their debt, and instead they would work directly under us."
"So why the slutty maid costume?" He tilts his head quizzically.
"Aren't they cute?! I'm gonna put them in all kinds of outfits!" Noi squeals in happiness and shows you off like a prized mare.
"Well, if it makes you happy, cousin."
Wait, he agrees?! Oh no...You realize too late just what kind of situation you're in. Oh well, better than dead, you remind yourself. Better than dead.
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ambros1an · 18 days
guardian angel! sunday hcs
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warnings: guardian angel Sunday, implied fallen angel sunday, obsessive/yan sunday, biblically accurate sunday, gn! reader
a/n: i love the angel man
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Guardian angel! sunday who’s personally assigned to watch over you for his first task. Being one of the head angels is hard work enough, but since it was seraphim Gopher Wood’s request he has no choice but to obey.
Guardian angel! Sunday who’s always had an interest in humans. Their fleeting lifespan, choosing the paths of sin or redemption, working their hardest for the slimmest chance of success. Hoping that the otherworldly acknowledge their actions.
Guardian angel! Sunday who is content to watch you. Sure, he could implant ideas telepathically, but seeing your true intentions is so much more fascinating. He steers away potential troublemakers instead. That guy who was about to mug you? Seems that he forgot to turn the stove off. That older woman giving you a hard time? Her demeanor shifts 180 and suddenly apologizes.
Guardian angel! Sunday who realizes the world is just too cruel for you. The rich stomp on the poor to gain more. The weak will never flourish inside their man made prison.
Guardian angel! Sunday who becomes dissatisfied with simply observing. He has urges that something like him shouldn’t. He wants to caress your hair, wants to bestow a kiss onto you like the couples do. He wants to feel your skin against his. How he wonders what it would feel like. Would your hands be warm? Soft or coarse?
Guardian Angel! Sunday who appears in your dreams. “Be not afraid, dear,” his visage is of a golden eye, with giant rotating halos surrounding it, accompanied by several small wings branching off of them, “I will free you of this unjust world.“
For now he’s content to dream and not to act. But the black feathers spreading across his wings tell him that fantasy isn’t far from reality.
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anglingforlevels · 8 months
Open House (Yandere House x Reader)
When people say the housing market is a nightmare, is this what they had in mind? (The story goes out to me because I’m trying to get an apartment and it is Suffering. Please pretend this count as yandere.)
CW: not proofread, unconventional captivity, swearing, I accidentally had too much fun writing Abby and forgot the point of the story-
Minors DNI
When you proudly had reached the saving milestone to buy a small house in the countryside, you had opted to spend some of that money on a real estate agent, figuring it was a good investment, hiring a Ms. Abby Bardot – who, over the phone, had insisted heavily on being called Abby rather than Ms. Bardot – who had twenty years of experience in the field.
Quite quickly, you realized that perhaps she wasn’t the most conventional real estate agent.
Ms. Abby, you quickly noticed at your first meeting, was all hand-wringing and nervous sweating, though she seemed sweet enough, having clutched a tin of home-cooked cookies in all shades of black and almost-not-black, and had heartily insisted you’d take as many as you’d like (which was zero).
She had insisted on bringing you to an open house for what she had called a hidden gem of a house, that it would be a private tour. To you, once she mentioned it would be at 1 p.m., it was quite obvious that “private tour” meant, “no one else has or will be showing up”.
Ms. Abby had also enthusiastically shown pictures of the place, pictures she had ready-at-the-go on her phone, presumably she really needed a buyer for the house.
“Ms. Abby.” You had said, interrupted with a small interjection of, Oh please, just Abby. “Ms. Abby, that’s not quite a house and more so a small manor. I went over my budget with you when I hired you.” Ms. Abby had quickly recovered from the rejection and puffed out her chest proudly.
“Why that’s the best part, this is within your budget!”
You had sent her a dubious look at this. “Are the pictures… How do I put this delicately? Are the pictures recent and unedited?”
Ms. Abby deflated so quickly that it almost felt impressive, almost urging you to clap as if it was a circus performance. Of course, it felt mean had you clapped at her dejected look.
“It’s well-kept, I assure you. These pictures are all recent, I’ve updated them every year for almost my entire career!” She said proudly, and you almost felt pity at the fact she didn’t seem to realize her own slip-up but instead paraded it around like a badge of honor.
Though, all-in-all you were charmed, and somewhat endeared, by the honesty. But not very much by the house at all. “I think I’d like to look at other options, it’s awfully big for just one person.”
“Ah, wait!” Ms. Abby said urgently. “Please, before we continue with other options, let’s first try out the open house this Friday.”
“Is this protocol, Ms. Abby?” Ms. Abby’s lips wobbled at this and… “Are you crying?!”
“No, I’m a professional. Real Estate Agents don’t cry, I’m simply sweating, is all.” Ms. Abby sniffled, dubbing her eyes with a handkerchief, presumably you were meant to believe her eyes were suffering heat stroke on this fine autumn day.
“…Alright, I’ll go to the open house. Just give me the address.” You eventually relented, if only to avoid seeing the pitiful sight of a teary-eyed Ms. Abby.
That’s how you ended up before a grand house out in the middle of nowhere, the closest town was an hour-long drive away. Forest and fields were most of the surroundings, which was why the house was in such stark contrast, standing as a sole presence, the forests and fields shying away to make room for it, leaving a vast vacancy around it, stretching on for at least fifty meters.
It really was a pristine house, when comparing it to the pictures, it seemed to match right down to the placement of every rock and plant in sight. As if someone had consciously placed each leaf and pebble.
The plants and trees of the garden donned vibrant colors despite the season. You wondered how often Ms. Abby came by, or if she had hired a crew for maintenance, as you could not spot even the slightest hint of dirt or spiderwebs.
The only thing that looked aged was, unfortunately, the “For Sale” sign.
It felt a little unnatural, but you chalked it up to currently being a display house, and thus not lived-in either. You took notice of the way the trees beyond the reach of the garden were withered and wrinkled, and the grass yellowy, dry patches, barely hiding the dirt beneath.
“Some more forest could really do this place some good.” You mumbled. You hesitated for reasons you didn’t fully understand before stepping beyond dead plants clinging loosely to your feet and entering the garden.
You felt a prickling sensation behind your eyes the further you traveled, the door felt so far when the weight of something cloyingly attentive seemed to drag you down as if to prevent your advances.
“You’re here!” A delighted Ms. Abby yelled out before the sound of pitter-patter was interrupted by a loud thud against the door that rattled the frame. With her energy dampened, a sheepish Ms. Abby appeared behind the front door, simply saying; “It opens the other way.”
Right, something attentive could only have been the attention of the overzealous Ms. Abby.
“Come in, come in!” She invited, all but pulling you stumbling into a most decadently, lavishly decorated foyer. From distasteful stuffed animal heads to the ruby red furniture and mosaic glass tables, it felt quite uncomfortable, all sharp angles and very little homeliness to it, like an ornate display of wealth rather than a welcome into a household.
“Not very welcoming, huh?” You commented, which Ms. Abby elected not to respond to, though the small “eep” suggested she had heard the negative impression.
Looking the room over it was impossible for your eyes not to rest at the centerpiece of the foyer: A huge painting above the staircase. A solemn-looking guy stared out into the air, curly locks framing his face. Old paintings always looked miserable, yet you couldn’t help but feel there was a glint of genuine misery in his eyes. Noticing your attention had wandered, Ms. Abby followed your eyes.
“Oh, that was an owner of the house who had it commissioned back during the Renaissance, they wanted it right here, in the heart of the house.” She explained though you couldn’t say you agreed to a decadent foyer being the heart of a house, and if it was, that wasn’t boding well for Ms. Abby’s already poor sales chances.
“I’ve never understood why someone would want to pay money to look miserable in a painting, like you’re paying for it, at least make yourself smile or something.” Your jab was met with Ms. Abby’s impressive ability to carry on like you had said nothing negative at all.
“You know, the owner claimed it was a Jan van Eyck-original too.” Ms. Abby said as if letting you in on a secret, or town gossip. “Really, we’ve had it appraised.”
“And the appraiser confirmed it was a Jan van-whatever original?”
“…The owner really loved art; you’ll see plenty of paintings throughout the place.”
So that was a no. And speaking of no’s:
“Listen, Ms. Abby, I don’t exactly have the budget for a big house, as I already said. I especially don’t have the kind of budget that the kind of person who’d commission an artist to paint them for their foyer would have.”
Abby laughed nervously. “Well, you see, the value’s dropped as I mentioned. We haven’t been able to sell it for a long time, so the price just kept falling.”
“Right. But even so, it can’t have fallen that much.”
At this, Abby avoided eye contact, wringing her hands before, after a big breath, blurting it out. “The person in the painting was the last person to own the house.”
“Is this place built on top of an oilfield or something?”
Ms. Abby laughed a hearty if a bit shrill, laughter, before sighing and mumbling. “If only.” She clapped. “But! This is a charming house, why, let me show you the many rooms!”
“Ms. Abby, have you ever considered a field outside of sale?” You asked dryly but nonetheless followed along, eager to leave behind the painting, as you felt watched. The house consisted of many sprawling hallways, enough to almost make one dizzy, and you struggled to remember where everything was.
The house had many rooms, none of them particularly inviting, reading more like a historical display room lacking any warmth or heart (and perhaps even worse, any semblance of renovation despite old age), and all absolutely clustered with trinkets, knickknacks, and in the case of the walls, paintings – leaving very little free space.
It really did read like a historical display, as some rooms seemed older than others, suggesting partial renovation must have been done on some of the rooms. You’d like a word with whoever had been in charge of that lackluster, nonsensical effort.
Perhaps the lack of replaced furniture or renovation was why the house periodically seemed to creak and moan in odd ways, at times you almost confused it as Ms. Abby groaning or sighing, only to realize it was the sound of the house itself.
As for Ms. Abby, she remained undeterred regardless of how many snide remarks you made, which you had to commend her for, though the charm you initially had felt from it was quickly wearing off. Ms. Abby actually seemed increasingly happy, humming to herself. She didn’t think the sale was going well, did she?
“How much of the house is there left to see, Ms. Abby?” You asked, increasingly impatient and tired, having been dragged through an unreasonable number of rooms, which inexplicably, almost all were bedrooms (and yet, you had yet to see more than a single bathroom).
“Well, we’re still missing a couple rooms like the kitchen, oh! I know, how about the master bedroom since you’ll be spending every night there.” She said with a beaming smile.
“That’s awfully optimistic, Ms. Abby.” You noted, at this you received a good-hearted chuckle.
“Oh, this place is too lovely to pass up on, I think it likes you – it’s a match made in heaven. If you don’t like some of the features or decorations, it’s easy to change those, so it would be a waste not to live here.”
“I can’t imagine a house as empty as this holding much affection, and I’m not up for a big project.” All you wanted was a small but cozy house, a simple place. You felt exhausted just thinking about the amount of work you’d need to pour into a house like this to make it feel like home.
“Well, it’s perhaps not an easy house,” Ms. Abby admitted, her cheer at this point an unshakeable force, as a sense of confidence seemed to have sprouted in her. “But that’s why when that rare fit comes by one must take the leap and hold onto it.”
You’d feel insulted by the suggestion you were a good fit for this distasteful and unpleasant house, had Ms. Abby not already shown herself as incompetent but well-meaning. You simply sighed, giving up the conversation, figuring you’d find another real estate agent when you came home.
“Well, take me to the master bedroom then.”
Ms. Abby led you through the foyer again, the bedroom apparently at the other end of the house. Your eyes were drawn to the painting once more, its eyes felt more sunken in than before, shadows forming beneath, to which you tiredly sighed. “Me too, buddy. Me too.”
The master bedroom seemed to be at the stopping point to the sprawling hallways on the right. You were just aghast at the fact you had gone through another set of sprawling hallways, you wondered who had come up with the confusing layout of the place.
Ms. Abby tried to imitate a trumpet to build up suspense but trailed off after you shot her an impatient look. After a weak cough, she simply said “Tadaah” and opened the door.
You stopped up, your right foot hanging in the air, about to cross into the room. A sense of foreboding filled you; it was a bit different from the first time, however. The prickling sensation you felt and the cloying attention, it felt smothering, less like a shove away and more like… Being held in place.
Ms. Abby waited patiently inside the room, not commenting on your hesitation, though you had been snarky and displeased the entire tour, so perhaps this just seemed like more of that. You swallowed and ignored the pressure as you put your foot down and entered the room.
The air felt different here. You had hoped the odd sensation would disappear if you just carried on, like when you entered the house, to begin with, instead, it worsened. The air clung to you, terribly heavy and sticky. It took you a moment to actually focus enough to realize Ms. Abby had spoken, so when you finally snapped back to reality, Ms. Abby was standing in the hallway.
“-tively spellbound already. I’ll give you some time to look around and get acquainted together, one-on-one.” And then she closed the door in your face. The room was, oddly empty, compared to every other room. Nothing but a big, red bed, the empty walls that you could’ve sworn were further away when you entered, and that feeling of being watched, lodging into your skin like stitching.
Nothing except an almost empty room that didn’t feel empty enough.
That’s it. Ms. Abby had officially used up all her pity points, you were leaving. You opened the door, a tad more aggressively than what was perhaps called for, but Ms. Abby was nowhere to be seen in the hallway.
For how annoyed you were with her at this point, you found that you missed her company as you walked down the hallway, nothing distracting you from the odd sounds of the house that seemed to have increased. It felt as if the floor beneath your feet moved and rumbled slightly, the velvety carpets uneven and bumpy, as if walking on something breathing, something living.
You wished that Ms. Abby had given you the floor plans, as you struggled to remember how to return to the foyer through the hallways and occasional rooms you had to cross seemed to hold no real rhythm and didn’t feel as if it obeyed any rules about directions.
At one point you could have sworn you turned back, only to be in another room than where you had emerged from originally. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you found the foyer again. Even in your rush to find the door, your eyes were drawn to the painting, though you continued to rush by it. In your haste, it almost looked as if the painting’s colors were smudged.
You attempted to open the door but found it didn’t budge. It was an odd choice to lock the door, but you were certain that was the reason, it had to be. A locked door was no issue from the inside, but even after hearing the click of the lock, the door didn’t budge when you attempted to open it.
You attempted to kick, pry, tear, and even throw your body weight at the door, but with no luck.
Settling in the foyer after your final attempt at prying the front door open, you huffed, out of breath. You laid on the stairs, trying to settle your heart and pulse, when your eyes landed on the painting again.
…You rubbed your eyes and sat up, thinking what you had seen was owed to your tiredness and the upside-down angle, but no. The painting really did look smudged. Like someone had blurred colors and borders together, the hair’s vibrant color having lost its radiance.
And the mouth, it was oddly smudged between the lips, that it almost gave the impression of a mouth being pried open.
No, that was silly, you were being silly. The painting was smudged out, which was already creepy enough on its own, or rather, the house was already creepy enough on its own – your mind was just working overtime and was making up new things to get scared over.
“Well brain, if you like overtime, I guess I’ll have to put you to use and think of an escape. But you don’t have a union, so it’s unpaid hours for you, I’m afraid.”
If the front door was a bust, then you’d find a window. You struggled to recall any windows on the ground floor, but surely there had to be some. Or… That’s right! The kitchen, it had a glass door. You never got around to seeing the kitchen, having mainly been shown the upstairs so far, but you recalled Ms. Abby mentioning it back when she had given her pitch for why you should show up.
You hadn’t been on the left side of the house, at least not on the ground floor, so you figured that was a good direction to begin, in your search for the kitchen. You opened the door, urgency in your steps, only to find you weren’t in an unfamiliar room.
Instead, you were back in the empty master bedroom, which somehow felt much more crammed than any of the other rooms. But… That didn’t make sense. The master bedroom was upstairs, you had fought through a confusing hallway to find the foyer, so this… this didn’t make sense at all.
The air felt oppressive in the room as if your heart would be forced to a halt from the sheer weight of it, like a physical presence. This time you were sure that the walls were closer than they had been before. A bed table had been added next to the bed, and the part of you still delusional enough to hope thought maybe it meant that Ms. Abby was still around. As if this was an elaborate prank.
You tried to swallow despite how dry your mouth felt, your heart hammering painfully against your chest. This was ridiculous. You slammed the door open again, the door shaking on its hinges. Beyond the door, it revealed a hallway, but even if the hallway was confusing, you had been through it twice by now, you could do this, you could find the kitchen or a ground-floor window.
Hurrying along the hallway, it felt as if the floor and walls shifted and moved. Were you dizzy, or was this actually happening? The restrictive air of the master bedroom followed you, as you dragged yourself through.
“Huh?” you furrowed your eyebrows when you opened one of the doors. You were sure this was the one you had gone through before, but the room behind was unfamiliar. Cold dread filled you as a horrible thought crossed your mind.
No, no, no. You ran to the next door but behind it was another unfamiliar room. Were the layout… Changing? Your hand trembled as you tried to open a third door, and you felt like crying when all it revealed was the master bedroom again.
A lamp now stood on top of the bed table. Were new things going to be added each time you returned to the room? You thought back to the cramped bedrooms Ms. Abby had so cheerfully shown off. You weren’t sure what to make of it but felt sick all the same.
“I don’t have time for this.” You had to snap yourself out of it. You could spiral and panic later, but for now, you needed to get out. So, turning on your heel, you returned to the hallway. You’d go through each door that didn’t lead to the master bedroom, hoping to somehow find your way downstairs.
You almost cheered audibly when you finally saw the staircase, rushing to it. Once again, as you passed it, your eyes were drawn to the painting.
The painting no longer looked the same as before, the person it had been long erased by smudged and changing lines. You couldn’t tell what it was changing into but felt your heart race with familiarity all the same.
The mouth was a gaping hole by now, outstretched awkwardly. You thought it might have been a smile, but it looked much more like a pained grimace to you.
You only took this as further encouragement to get out of there.
When you failed to find anything of use, you realized there was one room that you seemed to always find. So, as counterintuitive as it seemed, you walked upstairs again, and as confusing as the changing layout was, it didn’t take you long to find it.
You saw the familiar bed, the bed table, the lamp, and the newly added clock on the wall (which didn’t seem to be working) and closed your eyes for a moment. You took a deep breath. And then you decisively walked in to grab the lamp, shivering a bit as you brushed against a much-too-warm wall.
If you couldn’t find the kitchen or a window on the ground floor, then fuck it, you’d find one up here. Whatever broken bones or bruises you’d get from the fall, you’d accept. Finding a window upstairs proved much more doable, as one would line the walls every now and then.
You threw the lamp against the window and braced yourself for impact.
But nothing happened.
The lamp fell to the floor with a hollow thud. When you opened your eyes, you found not a single scratch on the window. So, you tried again. And again. You tried punching the window, earning nothing but a stinging fist.
Yet you continued. At some point, it became more of a tantrum, an expression of your desperation colored in violence, than an attempt to escape. Hitting the window, kicking the wall. “Why-“ you hated this house. You hated it. Hated, hated, hated it. You just wanted to leave. Your ears rang, whether it was from your headache, or the way the house’s groans and creaks had grown in severity, you didn’t know, didn’t care, couldn’t care.
Already unsteady on your feet, your final kick caused you to lose balance entirely.
Stumbling and falling onto the floor, without realizing it, you found yourself by the stairs, and face to face with the painting. Your blood ran cold as you stared into your own lifeless eyes staring down at you from above.
Quiet had fallen over the house like a blanket, only the slow rumble throughout the house bellied any activity. In the heart of the house rested a painting, donning a toothy smile and a certain glint in their eyes.
A satisfied Ms. Abby removed the “For Sale” sign out front and drove away with a hum.
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turtlecleric · 2 months
Creepy yandere content??? Methinks yes
He's watching you sleep again.
The moonlight filtering in through the curtains gives him just enough light to see you. Face slack, lips slightly parted, with your legs tangled in the sheets. One leg is bent, hiked up and completely uncovered since your shorts have ridden up. If he angles his head just right, he can catch a glimpse of your panties amongst the shadows and sheets.
Too many sheets. Too many clothes. He may have to break the air conditioning again.
He wants to reach out. To trail his hand along your thigh. To dip a finger beneath the fabric of your underwear and pull it to the side, to slip his tongue inside and get a taste of you where he knows you're so sweet. To make you gasp, to pull those pretty little sounds out of you that he hears when he sneaks in at just the right time.
He wants. He wants.
But instead he watches you sleep. And he keeps himself quiet. And he imagines that his fist is your pretty little cunt.
You're not exactly a light sleeper, but he still has to be careful. He can't breathe too hard. Can't moan or growl like he does when he's alone in your bed. Can't do anything more than whisper into the night air about what he wants to do to you. About how he'd like to sink into you. To feel you against him, beneath him, around him. How all he wants is to fill you up, to make you say his name. How he'd take such good care of you, if you'd only let him.
He likes to believe you'd let him. If you knew.
One day he'll take you. One day he'll make sure you know who you really belong with. Who you belong to.
One day.
For now, though, he'll breathe in your scent. Watch the slow rise and fall of your chest. And imagine, imagine, imagine until he comes with your name on his lips.
For now, he'll watch you until the darkness threatens to recede, until he can't put it off any longer. For now, he'll kiss your temple and melt into the shadows.
For now, he'll let you sleep.
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lovelybee666 · 4 months
While I'm writing requests, I started to make a ranking of how dangerous each yandere Smiling Critters are! Because? Because I fucking felt like it(I hesitate to count this as a hcs because I'm just doing a little ranking with an explanation of why)
1. Catnap
Do I have to explain it? Bro's got the fucking red gas that he can do whatever shit he wants with and he literally killed all the Smiling Critters by himself, this cat can and will kill for you
I don't think he's strong like Catnap but he's the smartest of them all and he could easily manipulate you or I don't know, I just think that
3. Craftycorn
Did you hear their dialogues? Well thinking about it, I feel like she could maybe kill people and do some shit so they end up like paint (and this is a silly little scenario) But imagine that she crushes people (I don't even want to know how) to turn them into paintings and with that paint she finishes some drawing she made of you
4. Pickypiggy
Look first she's a pig, second she loves food, three she's a yandere, I easily imagine her eating people or even cooking her so that you eat along with her (obviously she wouldn't tell you that it was a person/toy)
5. Hoppy Hopscotch
I suck at writing for Hoppy but maybe she could lock people up and wait for them to die.
6. Bobby Bearhug
She refuses to kill people (she kill people whether on purpose or unintentionally, probably just hugs them too tight until they die)
7. Kickinchiken
Another one that is difficult for me to write umm...Maybe he just threatens them, although I doubt he kills them.
8. Dogday
I honestly see him incapable of killing or harming someone for you, he loves you and all that but he doesn't plan to harm someone or even want to steal something from you, he's too good😞 not really, he's a yandere for a reason duh but you get my point, right?
I honestly suck at rankings
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neverchecking · 1 year
hello! would it be possible to request yandere sage to a reader who got split from the chain but has a switch with them?
I adore your headcanons for him and I honestly would just love to see some more of him, perhaps he's trying to figure out if they're yiga or not since y'know only they see him as link without zelda and they just show it off reluctantly?
Ahem. Yes, you very much can request my precious baby boy.
For those of you who don't know, Sage is the Hero of the Zonai, A.K.A. The Link from Tears of the Kingdom-- if we go down the route that he's a different guy from Wild. So TotK spoilers.
Anyway, look whose got his own banner! SAGE DOES-
CW: Talk of death, but nothing happens (Bc Sage won't let it happen)
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He was very...unsure of you, to put it lightly.
Which was rare in and of itself since he knew most things. He knew how the Gloom hands would react should he hit them with a Dazzlefruit. He knew the exact force he would have to throw a splash fruit for it to burst in a splash of water. He knew the exact amount of force required to bend a Yiga's arm before it snaps a lot.
But he didn't know anything about you. Which put him on edge.
You came out of this weird...void thingy that he had never seen before and you dressed weirdly. You had began to call out desperately for names the second you had collected yourself (He had no clue who Wild or Twilight or Wind were, but whoever named those poor fools needed to be fired. Those names were awful.) . He watched you stumble like a newborn fawn, full of naive innocence and blind trust in the world around you.
What a fool you were.
Still, he couldn't look away. He didn't move from his place perched in a particularly tall tree, but he didn't let his attention wander from you. He couldn't. It was like you were...magnetic, drawing him in to your orbit just to keep him there.
Somewhere above him, the light dragon let out a warble. His ears flickered in that general direction, but otherwise he paid it no mind, clicking the claws on Rauru's hand against the bark of the tree.
You seemed so hopelessly lost, wandering about. It certainly didn't seem like you were the traveling type, so why you were out here, he had no idea. You would killed before long. He wondered how you would die. Something fast and quick? An electric arrow from a Lizalfos? (They had been getting unexplainably stronger now that he thought about it.) Maybe one swift hit from a Horriblin? Or maybe it would be something long and drawn out. Maybe a Frost Gleeok would freeze you so badly Hypothermia took over your limbs before freezing your lungs. Or maybe a Fire Gleeok would roast you alive before you even had the chance to register they were there. Perhaps the King himself would do both before shocking your battered form to hell and back. Or maybe the Gloom hands would grab at your flailing arms and legs, holding you still while they drained the life force right out of you.
Something full of anger lit up in his gut at just the thought of you getting hurt. He had no reason to get so livid at even a scratch on your form, but for some reason it had him snarling to himself, as if daring the universe to test him.
He wouldn't put it past Hylia at this point, that vengeful bitch.
It seemed she took his challenge to heart anyway, just as you slipped out some strange device about the same size as his Purah pad. You were so immersed in the damned thing that you didn't even hear one of the trees moving around behind you. Which was beyond him since they weren't quiet.
You didn't even look up until the shadow was looming over you and he was jumping from his tree. Riju's power sparked to life as he pulled out his bow, stunning the tree with enough power it fell with a pull of purple smoke. Something began leaking out of the discarded log, black and viscous, as it always seemed to do these days. It didn't make any difference to him, they all died the same anyway.
You had fallen onto your ass as he approached, watching him like prey would watch the predator. Nothing but wide eyes leaking with fear as he loped upon you. It made his gut swing with something foreign as he eyed you. He wasn't stupid. He knew the Yiga would go to some, frankly, extraordinary lengths to have his head on a stick. Whose to say they wouldn't set up some form of act where they attacked each other just to garner his attention?
He held out his weapon towards you, the Lynel horn glinting in the light as it prodded against your neck. You vulnerable and fragile little neck. You looked like you were about to cry at the action.
Unrelated, he pulled back just a bit. His snarl remained just the same. "Who are you?" He barked, daring you to avoid his question. Your...device was discarded at your side, which you quickly grappled onto as some form of protection. He'd have to remain weary of that. If it was anything like his Purah pad, it would be of an annoyance. Especially if you were a Yiga. They were able to replicate the Thunder Helm for Din's sake. (That was a mess and a half to retrieve.)
You swallowed hard, wincing away from him before fighting the urge to look up at him. His heart stuttered at the positively broken look you showed. You were so scared and so frightened.
He was supposed to be a hero.
(A part of him argued that he was the hero. Had been the hero. And look where it got him? Right back at the start. Fighting for his life once more. Fighting for someone who wouldn't do the same for him. Fighting for a Goddess who only used him as a pawn only to discard him when he was done.)
There was no way you were Yiga. You couldn't have been. None of them would've ever looked up at him like that. Nor could you have been a puppet of Ganon. Puppets and Yiga would burst out into an offensive attack the second they caught sight of him.
You didn't pose a threat.
But that didn't clear your name. "I asked you a question. I expect an answer." He allowed ultrahand to light up Rauru's arm in a warning red.
You blinked before shakily swallowing, holding your device to your chest. "...Y/N."
So that was your name. It was a nice name. Suited your features well and rolled off the tongue. Each syllable seemed built for your very being. He repeated it, using the tip of his weapon to tilt your chin up to face him again. That same, Goddess damned, look was sprawled on your features as he looked over you. You didn't seem injured outside of a bandaged wrap around your lower neck and left shoulder.
You had been hurt. Perhaps it was under that Wild's watch, whoever they were. They were unfit to care for you it seemed. He would happily take over if it meant you didn't get hurt any longer.
"You're...Link, right?"
He blinked, weapon staggering for a second. How did you know who he was? No one knew who he was anymore. Not without that wretched Zelda beside him, giving him a title he felt disgraced his very being. The swordsman. it was all Mineru called him and it burned something bitter in him.
He pushed the weapon further against your skin, watching it turn a harsh red before flashing to white. "What's it to you?" His teeth were bared as you tried to pull away, if only to breath just a little. He didn't let you. While it made his gut rot and knot at the thought of hurting you, he couldn't risk his own life. Not when he had a duty, Not when he had a vengeance. A vendetta.
"I can explain!" You hurriedly called, making him pull back once again.
"I would do so quickly."
You shook in your spot as your showed him the device. It seemed to have a selection of boxes, each holding a different picture. The one you hovered over read something in a language he couldn't read, but there was a picture of him. Right there. This was your explanation? It was pitiful. He almost did away with you, if only to move on, but you spoke before he could.
"You're Link. The wielder of the Master Sword. I- I'm from some other world. I, along with a group of others, are travelling to fight a dark magic that has been effecting many Hyrules across time. It's evidently effected yours." You gestured to the log, which now had an inky puddle beneath it. "We're here to help."
He pulled the weapon away, but didn't raise his glare from your form. "I don't need help."
"I never said you did." You let out a sigh full of relief. "But sometimes having someone watch your back is nice. I know you haven't had that person for you, which breaks my heart. This adventure is your second, third if we count...Ya'know..." You trailed off as his eyes narrowed. Were you talking about the Calamity? The Calamity he fell to? "You haven't had help, which I can only imagine as exhausting."
You were speaking nonsense. Nonsense that made him bubble with understanding of a sort. It was a clumsy attempt, but you were trying to offer support to him. Support he had never had previously.
He could kick his past (Three minutes ago) self for ever dreaming of hurting you, even if it was for his own personal safety. The thought of having someone offer just a tad bit of help to his battered and broken from, riddled with gloom, had him feeling a bit lighter.
He wouldn't trust you right away, he had gotten burned one too many times from doing that, but he would get you to a stable. Ensure you were safe from infection and whatever else before he made a decision regarding you and him in any sort of capacity.
Maybe take you to your group if only to see if those filth were worthy of your presence.
He would ensure you were safe in his, nevertheless. If he had to do away with the others, then so be it.
If he wanted to keep something, he would need to cling to it.
And this was just the start of his grip on you. Whether you knew it yet, or not.
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kit-williams · 5 months
I need to be folded like a lawn chair while big Black Templar man breeds me for all he's worth.
*cracks knuckles also pauses work on another boy*
Alright ya'll are getting Brother Roland again because he causes the most thirst. If you need to put this into a time line setting this is before Bun in the Oven
SMUT heavy breeding kink
He tried to be good to his Bäckerin but there were some months that his will would faulter. And as Roland would discover putting a baby inside of his Bäckerin wasn't as simple or as easy as he thought. He could smell the biological changes and the fact that something took but then he could smell her body change back. Frustrated he asked her not understanding that the human body was just too strong for it's own good. His Bäckerin soothed him by simply saying "well if my body reabsorbed it this early then there might have been something genetically wrong. A lot can go wrong... I'm certain you can put it in terms of becoming a Black Templar. Sometimes healthy aspirants just die during the process... sometimes what might have been a viable baby just doesn't make it." She would smile at him and just soothe his wounded pride.
She still humored him to make sure that they could both still could conceive and it was simply the roll of the dice. Though Roland knew him being a Space Marine probably wasn't helping him. He finished his prayer and headed to training as he was just stewing in his own mind. His Bäckerin smelt so good this morning... just like the day they first had sex. He couldn't stop himself from pinning her down and bullying his cock inside of her. Watching her whine and whimper under him just sent such a... a thrill up his spine. Chaplin Eckehard was so helpful for Roland during these times but even Roland would watch him stalk after one of his two wives.
Training was hardly helping as it just seemed to get his blood flowing faster to between his legs. His Bäckerin should be out... just a cold shower. He marched back to his quarters after bidding his brothers farewell. His Chaplin had explained that like with battle brothers once he had "imprinted" upon his mortal that he was suddenly acutely aware of her scent biology... he could still look at other mortals and find no desire stirring in his loins but looking at his Bäckerin and occasionally women who looked similar to his Bäckerin could cause the stirring between his loins.
Perhaps it was a bad idea to be where her scent was the strongest. But he was a Space Marine if he could not resist temptations then he was vulnerable. He did not wish to be a weak link when out in combat with his battle brothers. The cold water seemed to hiss against his naturally warm physiology but he could feel himself calming down... coming down from the frenzied high. Till he heard the front door open and his eyes snapped open.
He could hear her... he could smell her... he held his breath so he wouldn't taste her. He could smell the scent of flour, yeast, butter, and eggs against her... probably entangled into the scent of her hair. She was bringing home bread was all... she would leave... he waited those painful seconds as his eyes went over to the bathroom door... she would leave...right?! Oh by the Throne why wasn't she leaving?!
He couldn't face his Bäckerin just yet... "Oh Roland..." his ears picked up even muffled through the door. He twisted the water off and stalked out running his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he could smell her. He watched her pull her fingers out of her unzipped trousers and put them into her mouth licking herself clean.
"Bäckerin," He snapped, "Get on the bed now!"
He watched her jump as her head whipped her head to him seeing him fully naked and he watched her eyes fail to meet his as they were caught between his legs looking at the angry throbbing thing. His own eyes were no longer the soft honey brown but were black with how he looked at her with nothing but a predatory desire. But when she didn't move suddenly she was face first into a burly chest.
"R-Roland?! W-what"
"Less words." He felt himself salivating as he unabashedly inhaled her scent, "I'm going to fuck a baby into you!" He snarled as he threw her onto the bed as he punched a code into a terminal. Only the Chaplin could contact him or get in during this time. When he looked over at his Bäckerin he was pleased that she had stripped naked.
She flinched in unconscious fear as suddenly he was looming over her. She was still a mortal at the end of the day and he was a lethal weapon. As much as he wanted to pin her under him and thrust with reckless abandon, as her scent was coaxing him to do, he rolled over laying on his back. "Work yourself on. Please." He hissed giving her this one concession.
Lucky for him she was already so wet. He let out a guttural hiss from the back of his throat as her hips began to roll and bounce her way down his cock. "Du riechst so gut." He groaned arching and pushing himself into her more. She felt so full and whimpered as he gave her till she started to move.
She found herself on her back quickly as his hips began to piston in their barely restrained pattern. He really shouldn't indulge himself during these times of the month... but it was addictive to smell her fertile scent just mingling with his own when he fills her with his sperm. His drool splashes on her breasts as he is lost in his fantasy. Her breathy moans filling the room just as much as the wet squelch and slap of his hips against hers. The way his balls met her skin, the feeling of her feet against his chest and shoulders... oh he knew when he was bad she would press them against his neck to try and break him out of whatever trance he was in.
He pressed her down causing her moans to increase an octave as she was utterly cock drunk slurring his name as the bed creaked and rocked with the rhythm his hips had set. He sometimes wished his Bäckerin could handle him more... but he wouldn't give her up for anything. He could feel the way she clenched around him and the way she groaned in pleasure as he fucked through her orgasm simultaneously extending it but also building up the next one.
"So gut." He salivated on her shoulder before sucking a hickey into her skin. It didn't take him very long to get her to orgasm again but when she did he bottomed out snarling, "Meine Bäckerin, meine... meine... meine." All gutteral sounded and coming from deep within his chest and throat as he stilled his hips just rolling them as he flooded her insides. He knelt there just panting softly as he let her legs go and watch them just spread wide and she rested her feet on his thighs.
"Um... hi to you too?" She spoke softly.
"You're ovulating." Roland said as if it was completely obvious as to why he dragged her to bed, "I wasn't expecting you home."
"I was just going to leave some bread and... yeah neither was I expecting you." She moaned softly as he had softened and pulled out. He cocked his head to the side as he felt some pride and sexual satisfaction seeing at how wide open he would leave her. Pushing some of the oozing cum back into her quivering cunt. She moaned softly as he would do so. She wasn't staying as open as long any more. "Roland?"
"Hmm?" He finally looked up at his Bäckerin.
"Get my laptop I'm not going to be moving for a bit. Not with... that."
He just grinned going to get her some water and her device. He would pepper her with kisses and his tender affection till he had to return to his duties. But he was happy to return to them with a clear head even though it meant any plans his Bäckerin had were ruined.
Though he was certain she hardly minded.
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pienhime · 1 year
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666herescared · 1 year
Peach Treats(ClingPeachesAU)
This is a bit of a random fanfic for LMK that I came up with. Wukong tricks Mk and friends into eating peaches of immortality. ClingPeaches=Clingy Wukong BTW.
 Everyone was surprised when Monkey King invited them to his place on the mountain. Mk thought he was trying to get closer to his friends, so he (mildly) pressured them into coming, despite their protests. When they arrived, the monkeys didn’t rush to greet them, opting instead to sit in the trees and chatter amongst themselves. The monkey kid glanced at them and saw looks of concern on their faces. Why did they look… almost apologetic? What didn’t Wukong tell them?
  The atmosphere livened up a bit once they actually met with the king. He seemed cheerful, and was wearing casual attire. He looked so much more approachable; a hot pink hoodie with a logo and the words, ‘Feelin’ Peachy’ in place of the armor they usually saw. Pigsy approached immediately and asked why the monkeys were acting off but the king brushed it off as, “They’re like that sometimes’ instead of giving a proper answer.
  Inside of the sage's hut, he had already set everything up for a ‘Monkey King: The animated series’ binge; Bowls of chips were placed on the couch and there were bottles of drinks on the coffee table. Honestly, the oddest thing was when Wukong said he had a batch of peach treats in the oven.
  The day went as planned for the most part. Everyone was enjoying themselves and Monkey King wasn’t even slightly offended by the jabs Mk and his friends made. He seemed to be in such a bright mood, nothing could bring it down. His successor was shocked when he started grooming him, but he relaxed into the comforting touch easily. The day just couldn’t get better.
  Eventually, the treats were done and Wukong brought them out. There were two trays of twelve treats each. Definitely enough for the six people there. They were peach shaped snacks with graham cracker crust and peach pie filling. They definitely looked delicious!
  Mk was the first to take one, but he forgot to let it cool down first, causing him to burn his tongue on the yummy treat. His mentor chuckled and mentioned that, "you gotta let it cool down first" before pulling the younger onto the couch with him and wrapping him with his tail.
  Second was Mei, waiting for about a minute before taking one and blowing on it to cool it down. She was enraptured by the flavor and complimented the king, not noticing how his eyes shined with glee. Or maybe she did notice, but just couldn’t tell why it was there. 
  Third was Sandy, who ate one, hummed with delight, and washed it down with a sip of his tea. The sage was definitely pleased by this, for what reason, well… You probably read the description. 
  Anyways, number four was Pigsy, closely followed by Tang. Even their refined palettes had to admit the deliciousness! Wukong let out a chuckle at Tang’s satisfied smile and Pigsy’s backhanded, “I guess it’s okay..” The king’s grin could not be beat.
  When he went to pick one up though, the one he grabbed was snatched by an uninvited guest. “Sorry, Monkey King. I just had to see what everyone was so happy about.” Macaque stated, taking a bite out of his and being shocked by how good it was. He glanced at Wukong, about to make a snarky comment, when he was stopped by the other’s eyes shining in delight. “What… What flavor are these again?” The shadow asked with suspicion and dread on his face.
  “Peach. Obviously. It’s my favorite fruit!” The sage responded, his smile not dampened when the darker monkey jerked away from him.
  “What?...” Macaque muttered, glancing around the room before his eyes landed on Mk. “Kiddo.. Please tell me you didn’t have any!” He sounded distressed.
  The monkey kid said, “I had one first. What’s wrong?” with concern for the other. 
  The black furred monkey jerked his eyes to all of them; Each one filling his face with more concern until he gripped his head and looked down. “Stupid. Stupid!” He berated himself, hitting his hands against his head. “I should have warned you!”
  Mk tried to get up and approach but the Monkey King’s grip was too strong. “Warned us about what?” He asked, glancing at his mentor. Still smiling. Never even wavered.
  Macaque seemed nearly hesitant, with dread in his eyes, but he worked up the courage to say it. “Never trust Wukong’s peaches.”
  The king laughed, laughed, at the warrior’s dismay. “C’mon, Macaque! Longevity peaches never hurt anyone!” The rest of the room fell still. Mk could feel his throat close up. “After all, I made all of them immortal! They aren’t gonna lose each other! They’ll be fine!” The king held his successor closer as the younger processed the statement. 
  It was true. If those peach treats made them immortal, all of Mk’s friends were immortal too. A lot of dread still lingered despite that though. Maybe it was because he would still watch everyone else die, even if everyone in that room was now safe. Mk might not have had a biological family to speak of, but his friends sure did! 
  He glanced at Mei, panic clear on her face even though she was covering her mouth. What would her family think? What are they gonna do to Wukong? The image of Mei growing up and watching her family die flashed in Mk’s mind as he shifted his gaze to Sandy.
  Sandy, the gentle giant, friend of the forest, and team therapist… looked like he was gonna cry. How would he handle that? He already had so much survivor's remorse from his time on the battlefield, and now he was gonna deal with that sort of thing every time anyone dies in their fights. Immortality is no picnic. Wukong was the one to tell him that, so why did he do this?
  Then there were his parents. Pigsy was holding a crying Tang in his arms with so much fear in his eyes. He knew them. He knew they got attached to people easily. Pigsy, shockingly enough, became friends with a lot of his regulars. Mr. Tang was also friends with half his class. Knowing how much they would mourn- Hey! When did Mk start crying?
  Tears fell from his eyes as he came to the realization that- he was still in Wukong’s arms! He tried to pry the demon monkey's arms off, but he just tightened his grip even more. He glanced up at his face and saw that- that he was still grinning! Like he didn’t know how much pain he was gonna make them go through! Mk started desperately trying to escape his mentor’s hold, but it only got tighter, and tighter, until- “Why are you tryin’ to run, bud? I’m not gonna hurt you or nothing.”
  The sage finally looked around and he scoffed- Fucking scoffed!- at everyone’s faces of betrayal and fear. “I can’t believe you all! I worked my ass off to get those peaches and yet none of you look thankful. Really rude, y’know!” He said, like they were the ones acting off.
  “Wukong, Wukong! What have you done?!” Macaque asked, incredulously. “I know you don’t wanna lose them but- but this is too far! They have families! Friends, outside of each other! And yet, you think they’re the ones who are in the wrong?!” He sounded angry yet terrified at the thought. 
  The stone monkey seemed to consider the statement for a moment before saying, “If they were close with those people, they would talk about them! Honestly, I can get more! I mean- not too many or I’ll raise suspicion, but I doubt they have that many friends.” as though he couldn’t comprehend their emotions. 
  He probably couldn’t, honestly. The rest of that night was a blur for Mk; mainly consisting of tug of war, with him as the tug rope, but no one could overpower the great sage. Even if Macaque came close, he still couldn’t rip the king’s cub from his arms. Mk was too out of it to even realize he had shifted into monkey form, and that's without even starting on fighting back! He only came to realize what had happened after; when the king was holding him close and whispering comforting words, the thought crossed the wrong person’s mind.
  “What have I done?”
Alright! Please tell me if you liked it; if you didn't. It would really help out. Also, feel free to make whatever you want in this AU! Just make sure to credit me if you do! I'd love to see whatever you all make!
Have fun, and happy scrolling!
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echoingkarma · 8 months
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Cringetober Day 11 - Yandere
Can you escape this time?
Bonus art of John from a few months ago I never posted:
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coffe-and-tea-time · 1 month
TW: yandere, killing, blood?
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"now he can't interrupt us anymore, my dear! Why don't we kiss to celebrate?"
Tea gifted me an edit of my favorite! isn't he a cutie patootie?
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gunksh1t · 1 year
It almost hurts, how much I love you, but I'll endure for you. You're the one that even allowed me to feel your pulse under my palms. I need you so badly, I need you to be utterly and completely mine. Mine mine mine. Please just be mine, or I'll have to make you mine but I'm sure it'll be fine either way, right? That's why you don't mind my fingernails cutting into the soft flesh of your throat, right? Because I love you and I know you love me too. I just know it, I can feel it in the way you're gripping my wrists so tightly and scratching my arms, I just know it's out of all your merciful love.
So Pretty. Your tears are so so pretty, hehe I think your crying face is the prettiest. It's so beautiful, I wish I could keep this image in front of me forever, because you're so happy aren't you? so happy that we can finally be together forever that you graced my eyes with such a beautiful expression.
Don't worry, nothing will tear us apart anymore because I love you too much. I can't stand the thought of you being away, even if it's just for a moment. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you so much so don't ever leave me, okay?
Ah- I'm so sorry, please forgive me for dirtying you with such an ugly face like mine and such vile tears from my eyes but bear with it for just a little while longer. Just until we're finally one, please for me, just this once please. Just a little bit longer and maybe you'll even get those pretty marks around your neck again and they'll even last forever this time!
I can feel your adorable scratching get weaker and we're almost over and I'll finally be blessed with you being tied forever with such a disgusting existence.
But I know you'll forgive me because we love each other so much, right?
I love you.
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that-kitsune-ari · 2 months
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