#Discussion for gardeners
mossmittens · 2 days
i have this headcanon that laios winds up helping in the castle's kitchen gardens in his (infrequent) spare time. he does a lot of heavy lifting in the manga and i just don't get think he would enjoy being super idle as a king, ya know? he'd help the actual gardeners by moving stuff around, watering, weeding, small stuff. he'd also be interested in helping choose what's planted and he could specifically choose to plant herbs and veg that his friends like.
actually, i don't think laios would stop at just the kitchen gardens. you know what decorative gardens have a lot of? shrubs. you know what you can do with shrubs? trim them into cool shapes. you know whats a cool shape? monsterrrrsss. my guy would love a garden full of monster shrubs. or even just parterres that have cool monster-relevant designs.
and it's not just laios! early in the manga, marcille talks about using natural dungeons (like the one falin showed her) to plant mana herbs like mandrake without the danger of artificial dungeons. maybe marcille and falin have a greenhouse dedicated to experimental mana plants!
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nelkcats · 1 year
Garden of Souls
There are people who, when they die, do not really want anything else. No reincarnations or second chances. People who did not wish to stay longer than necessary.
When they die, the universe usually grants their wish. And a flower is born in the Ghost King garden. Pariah Dark never paid attention to all the flowers (each one unique in its own way), and left them to die. Although many of them prevailed, a lot of souls were lost.
Danny was different. He loved and cared for each of the flowers. His own sister had become one of them after all. Every day the King went out to the garden and closed his eyes, listening to Jazz's voice speak to him, he watered the flowers and smiled. Danny knew that his sister was no longer in the Realms, that she was resting, but her memories were imprinted on the flower, and her soul had become something beautiful. It was nice to talk to what was left of her.
That is why when John Constantine dared to step on one of the flowers in his garden the King was enraged. The Justice League had reached the Infinite Realms, investigating about it; What at first was a casual conversation turned into a fight as the heroes became fascinated with his garden, one of them daring to pluck one of his beloved flowers while Constantine unceremoniously stepped on another.
Although they had just discovered the dimension, Danny didn't plan to receive them again for a long time. No more help or peace deals, no one messed with his garden, the poor souls must have been terrified.
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bluuscreen-png · 4 months
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more sillies thanks to these tags from @roxannepolice lol
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i mean i was gonna draw long-haired 14 eventually anyway but the thought of the master being the one to brush and braid it was a nice motivator u.u
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burr-ell · 8 months
percy is the model train guy and fjord is the model ship guy, together they have the SICKEST miniature room
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kilfeur · 3 months
Moi (me) : Si Amalia voit Yugo en tant qu'adulte, ses fleurs seront en feu ! (If Amalia sees Yugo as an adult, her flowers will be on fire!)
Mon ami (my friend) : Non mais Yugo va butiner Amalia c'est sûr ! (No, but Yugo's going to forage Amalia that's for sure!)
Moi (me): Ça ferait du composte ? (Would that make compost?)
Mon ami (my friend) : Mais non ça va faire de l'engrais ! Faut bien faire germer la graine. (No, it'll make good fertilizer! It's important to germinate the seed.)
Nous (Us) :
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inkshine · 7 months
According to the Over the Garden Wall art book, one of the original iterations of The Beast was a devil-like creature called Old Scratch, but it was changed to the Beast. But it’s crazy how much of the old Satan-inspired influence the Beast still has. Most depictions of a devil or devil-like character in a children’s tv show depict evil taken to a cartoonish extreme, where they have no personality but wickedness and have horns and a pitchfork. But the Beast? The Beast is what Christianity wants you to think the devil actually is. He is the fear of the unknown. He preys on and pushes those who are either genuinely malicious (Adelaide*) or lost and alone (The Woodsman, and to a lesser extent, Greg). He cares of nothing but his own survival and can and will hurt anyone to ensure it.
(*footnote: we don’t know if Adelaide was always the heartless, conniving woman we were shown in the series. I think it’s pretty safe to assume that she was once a better person, but something happened to turn her selfish and cruel. Whether this event simply allowed the Beast into her life and let him corrupt her, or changed her for the worse even without his influence, is unclear.)
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ravs6709 · 12 days
idk if this is something im maybe hallucinating or maybe its just the posts that i see occasionally but ifl sometimes its hard for the fandom to let yjh exist outside of kdj?? like i know the whole kdj being the reason for the story and yjh as an extension to exist is a thing but yjh separating himself from the narrative and establishing himself as not just the protagonist but a person is Also a thing and i feel like we don't talk about it as much.
like i dont know man!! maybe this is all in my head but sooo much of the yjh content also doubles as joongdok?? and you KNOW i love good joongdok but where are the character studies. where are the deep dives. where is the acknowledging yjh as an intricately convoluted and complex characters with his own wishes and desires and the way those desires fuel the narrative like goddddd hes SUCH a Character i think we need to discuss it more. anyways hes my fave btw no one gets him like i do
Like yjh becoming a Person is his whole growth??? I haven't been consuming nearly as much orv content, and I'm pretty sure it's for this very reason cause I want more character studies so bad!! Or dynamics with other members of kimcom!!
You ever think about him and mia, mia who is suddenly so distant from her brother, you ever think about him and jihye, how she wants to be strong like him
Or sp!!! Who carries so much grief, and it saddens me that his "why is it not me, but you?" line got reduced to "oh he's jealous he doesn't have a kdj" when it's "he doesn't have ANY companions he doesn't have a SISTER A DISCIPLE A TEACHER"
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kentosbutterfly · 1 month
Dating nanami means getting your favorite flowers with a handwritten note with a sweet message and a quote that describes how lucky he is to be in your life
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spitblaze · 4 months
Okay. I have obtained more information. I'm unfortunately not too surprised to learn about a group of shitheads co-opting transmasc language to do their toxic masculine bullshit. They suck ass. Whether they leaned into the attitudes as some twisted signifier of maleness, are perpetuating misogyny and transmisogyny for short term benefits that are entirely not worth it, or were just...already shitheads, they suck ass, and they have no goddamn excuse to harass trans women and contribute to the bullshit they already have to endure. We're all on the same team here, you're not helping.
Now that I better understand! I get why trans women are suddenly more apprehensive of people using those words. please understand that their function is not to deny trans women their experiences and struggles, but to give our own experiences and struggles language. people who wield accusations of bigotry as petty cudgels are, pretty universally, shitheads, and I hope we can at least agree on that.
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ceoofmetagala · 2 months
so i saw on twitter you’re hosting an ask event for fecto flora, is it okay to ask a question?
for fecto flora: who is it that you hangout with the most?
//hi yes hehe
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casualexistingmoments · 9 months
My new best friend is a garden spider that decided to hang out in my weed garden.
Her name is Jeremy (I decided her name before I knew her gender) and I will protect her with my life.
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Just finished reading Pez Dispenser Debris (I don’t even go there but I am fueled by Wiki articles and a love for your storytelling) and first of all—amazing!!! 10/10, I think I need to watch this series now. 
Second, I  noticed that (while very much distinct) Yuuta & Izuku have a lot of similarities in the voice you gave them—maybe it’s the constant panic attacks or perhaps both of  them placing blame for everything squarely on their own shoulders, but ough it makes for the perfect blend of gut-punching angst. I’d love to hear any ramblings you currently have about either of them. I am currently obsessed with both of them now and am placing the blame on you <3
I’m gonna pretty heavily discuss some spoilers for my hero academia in this. I figured that was okay since you’d already read my fanfic and the wiki so the cat is out of the metaphorical bag. That being said, maybe wait to read this answer if you want to not be spoiled for more details in my hero.
Yuuta and Izuku absolutely have the most similar voices out of all of my narrators and it is 90% because they are both completely insane and in violent need of a Xanax and a nice soothing cup of chamomile tea. God I love them both so much. They should each be heavily medicated.
My hero academia is a pretty great watch through the Shie Hassaikai arc. The concept is entertaining, the characters are GREAT, and the world building is really cool.
Then the story sort of. Went to shit.
I tried for a while after that, but eventually had to stop watching. My friends and I have a group chat named “horikoshi just call us” because we got so despondent at the writing decisions after that arc.
Horikoshi. If you’re out there. If you’re reading this. Just call us. We just want to help.
That being said, my love for the characters maintains its death grip on me. I simply adore them. They’re delights.
Yuuta and Izuku, on their face, have a lot of similarities as protagonists. The aforementioned insanity and need of Xanax, of course, but the skeleton of the stories has a lot of common touchstones and themes, like:
Both characters have some kind of history with suicidal ideation or tendencies. In the second scene of JJK0, it’s established that Yuuta canonically tried to kill himself. In the first episode of BNHA, Izuku is told to kill himself by his bullies, in an act which appears to be common to izuku’s life, and the only reason Izuku comes up with to not do it is “then you’d get in trouble for telling me to do it.”
Both characters have severe self worth issues. Yuuta’s looking for a reason to be alive at the start of JJK0. He’s looking for a right to be alive. In a way, Izuku is too at the start of BNHA. At the open of action, he is told by everyone in his life that he is useless. His nickname is “Deku,” which uses some of the same kanji as “Dekunobo,” meaning blockhead. The most direct translation were given is that this is a way of calling him useless. He’s the powerless member of a society choked with superpower, and he’s been told his entire life that he can do nothing, that his dreams are pointless, and that he’s a burden who would be better off dead.
They’re both saddled with power they can’t fully control. Yuuta with Rika, and Izuku with One for All, a transferable power that’s too strong to be contained in his body.
They both have a close relationship with an impossibly strong mentor that they are implied to be the successor of. Yuuta with Gojo, as he’s second only to Gojo in the modern age, and Izuku with All Might (aka Toshinori Yaga), who he is more literally taking on the mantle of One for All from.
They both are chugging that Loving Their Friends Juice and have tried to kill grown men with their bare hands as a result
That all being said, they could not be more different characters and honestly aren’t all that similar.
I have this sort of lasting grievance with literary analysis when people take a list of common plot points or events and use them to make the argument that characters are similar or parallel one another. Like, that’s all facial. The real question is how do they substantively handle those events. How do their story arcs treat those things? How does their character react to them?
Yuuta and Izuku’s actual substantive characters don’t really react to those events in the same way at all. The analysis could go on all day in this respect, really, but the biggest difference is how their respective story arcs treat the cornerstone of their original conflicts.
Yuuta opens action with Rika as the cornerstone of his conflict. She’s who he wants to free, she’s who he’s chained to, and it’s her protection of him that makes him think he deserves to die. Izuku’s cornerstone, meanwhile, is his own Quirklessness. He desperately wants to be a hero, and everyone in his life tells him he can’t be because he is Quirkless. He’s useless because he’s Quirkless. He should kill himself because he’s Quirkless. He’s a burden and always will be because he’s Quirkless.
And while Yuuta’s arc reconciles him with his cornerstone, Izuku’s forgoes it entirely.
The story just. Forgets. That he’s Quirkless. They stop talking about it. It never comes up again. It doesn’t make any real big impact on his character or decisions. It’s one of my biggest axes to grind with how the story developed, and it’s actually one of the biggest reasons why I wrote pez dispenser debris.
Pez dispenser debris was actually inspired by this one piece of my hero academia art where Izuku is hugging his younger self. I don’t know if it was official art or fan art, and I have no idea where it is or where to find it because by god have I tried so I can find it and link it for credit/to boost it. I saw it literally years ago, thought “oh that’s cool,” wrote the original first scene of the fic (where Midoriya stops the bus and is hit by the Quirk), wasn’t feeling it, got distracted by other projects, went to law school, graduated law school, signed up to take the bar exam, and was suddenly electrified in the last fucking month of studying with this fugue state of feverish artistic inspiration. I have never written so easily or so compulsively in my life. I’d write for eight unbroken hours and it would be fucking magic every time. It was like an addiction. I was writhing with a need to create and had so much fucking anxiety about the test I was not studying for instead. The words could not be restrained.
Anyway I taught myself three subjects on the plane ride to the state I was taking it in and passed anyway so it’s fine we’re fine
The moral of the story is that this story has been cooking long enough for me to get two more diplomas than I had when I started it and I have no idea where to find that fucking piece of art that inspired it, but if I find it, I’ll reblog it so y’all can see it too.
The thing is, the narrative sort of forcibly excluding Izuku’s past as Quirkless would make total sense to me if it was used as something Izuku himself was doing.
Izuku necessarily had to hide the truth of his former Quirkless status at the start of action—he needed to keep the secret of One for All. Like, he could not let people find out that a Quirk was transferrable, but you know, just the most powerful one, and also he had it, please come torture it out of him.
But as the narrative goes on, that rationale becomes less important. He has people he can trust with it. And yeah, eventually One for All becomes more known, but the discussion is all about him being all might’s successor. Him being Quirkless and how that affected him and still affects him isn’t really discussed or treated as important. And Izuku doesn’t act like it’s important to him either. He never really thinks about it.
And I just hated that. Like. He spent almost his entire life as a member of society who was spit on. He’s had a Quirk for less than a year. How are his experiences with Quirklessness not important to how he interacts with the world?
The other point of contention I had was Mirio.
Mirio is this superstar of a senpai who takes Izuku under his wing. He has an extremely powerful quirk that’s only as effective as it is because he put in the work and learned how to handle it. He’s a perfect, eternally smiling paragon of heroism. He’s flagged early as the one out of everyone, including heroes with established careers, who is most likely to replace All Might.
He’s also the one who was supposed to get One for All.
His mentor had found him and trained him to be All Might’s successor. Before All Might could meet him, however, he found this feral raccoon child in a sewer and said “oh my god I can’t not offer him incomprehensible power within the first three hours of meeting him” and tripped face first into fatherhood.
During a rescue mission, Mirio loses his Quirk in a way that’s borderline irreversible. There’s no known cure, and the only possible one is dependent on a little girl learning how to control an extremely volatile and dangerous quirk and using it in a way she never has before.
So surely, they’re going to commit to that writing decision, right? He’s Quirkless. We’re bringing back having Quirkless characters. It’s going to be this sick as hell juxtaposition between Izuku and Mirio. We are at least going to force Izuku to reflect on his own times as Quirkless or have some kind of discussion about how Mirio is treated differently now that he is Quirkless.
But no. He gets his Quirk back by the next season. We don’t talk about it much. It’s more of a minor inconvenience than anything.
It’s almost as if the show accepted as an actual rule that you couldn’t be a hero without a Quirk. And then just. Forgot. Everything it had to do with its literal protagonist.
Anyway, I hated it.
In contrast, I fucking loved how yuuta’s storyline with Rika ends. That scene where Yuuta’s turning back to Rika, thanking her for loving him, telling him they can die together? I’m obsessed with it. I recently moved across the country and listened to that theme song on loop during the drive.
Yuuta and Rika’s love was unhealthy. They hurt each other. But it wasn’t malicious.
They just didn’t know how to love each other in a way that didn’t hurt.
They were in shit circumstances. But the love was there.
Yuuta felt guilty for Rika’s love for him and his for her almost the entire narrative. He thought he cursed her with his love. He wanted to kill himself because of how she hurt people out of love for him. It’s why I have moments in sea glass gardens where Yuuta talks about begging Rika to stop loving him—he didn’t know why love had to hurt so goddamn bad, and he’s sorry for that, he really is. He wishes he was better at it than he was.
At the end of JJK0, Yuuta truly is the last person who remembers Rika as she was and still loves her for who she is. He’s faced with Geto, who wants to use her as a weapon. Everyone treats her as a threat or a tool, except for Yuuta.
Like. Just that moment. Of loving someone so genuinely, and being the last one who does, and knowing that everyone else will just use them. I’m obsessed with it.
Yuuta reconciles with his love for Rika and her love for him, and they’re both finally freed. It’s this perfect moment of acceptance that I adore. He comes to terms with his past. It doesn’t hurt him so much anymore.
I wrote pez dispenser debris to sort of force Izuku to have that kind of reconciliation. As it is, he hasn’t reconciled with his own Quirklessness and how that affected him. I wanted to give him something he couldn’t physically escape and had to face.
#tw canon typical discussion of suicide#tw suicide#tw suicide baiting#pez dispenser debris#sea glass gardens#from a narrative voice perspective you are so so right#I tend to change my writing style a bit depending on who I’m writing#and Yuuta and Izuku I use VERY SIMILAR STYLES WITH#to the point where I reuse a lot of sentences between the two stories#I do shift my writing a bit#with Yuuta I tend to use shorter simpler sentences and have a lot of ‘distance’ in the sentences#I use a lot of ‘Yuuta thinks’ and ‘Yuuta feels’ when normally I would just cut to what he actually thinks and feels#like those are a lot of fucking words that aren’t the point. they’re dead weight in the sentence. most of the time they’re unnecessary#but I /want/ there to be that distance between the start of the sentence and the point because it gives more of a detached feel to the#writing and I think of Yuuta as a very detached narrator. he spent most of his life isolated and traumatised. the distance protects him.#he’s got space between him and the rest of the world.#I go off on way more asides with Izuku but that’s less because of a mindset I’m trying to build and more because it’s my silly fun story. I#wanted to write it ‘badly’ and break rules. I wanted the silly asides that have no affect on the story but existed in my head. I don’t let#myself do the same in sea glass gardens.#pez dispenser debris isn’t abandoned by the way I’m just burning myself out on sea glass gardens before I go back to it. I have to take#periodic breaks with stories and I’m trying to get through this one arc before I take one with sgg. that arcs the entire reason why I wrote#sgg to begin with actually. I have a LOT of stories that I /love/ that I never post because I know I only have so much time and there won’t#enough to finish them all. a story has to have something I really want to do for me to actually post it. sgg wouldn’t have made the cut if#it weren’t for this one arc that I found so damn funny that I decided to write the entire thing for the sake of one scene in it. it’s not#that I don’t like sgg to be clear. I love it. it’s just one of my much softer stories?#it doesn’t have a big climactic or intricate narrative. it’s softer and about healing.#its less narratively dynamic and more introspective and probably wouldnt have made the cut were it not for one scene ngl#ill probably finish toy rosaries next once i do that arc like im so close
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harpydrawsstuff · 7 months
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Local data base for gossip
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thenessiartist · 4 days
One Piece and Religion
I just wrote an accidental essay under a Skypiea first read video on Youtube and wanted it to be on here too because its one of my favourite aspects of the series. (Since this was under a skypiea video I will only take things into accord till the end of that arc, I know it could be so much longer even with what we know now)
One Piece has a really unique connection to religion We saw it first in Little garden but the story never judges people for believing in gods and such even when other characters don't share the belief. When the giants fought without knowing why but connected their honour to their gods, Luffy found it amazing. But the moment one of them was ready to fight under unfair conditions because this was supposed to be "Gods will" Luffy went wild with rage.
Similairly Noland never ever judged the shandorians for their beliefs itself. When he found out about what the trees meant he know he did a massive error and didnt even try to explain himself. His message isnt to give up on religion out of rationality but to honour both those that live beside you and came before by doing everything you can mortally are able to do (research medicine, fight for your land etc.) I think thats extremely fascinating because most other stories I see featuring religion either go into one of two directions: 1.Its the only way to salvation and you have to trust it blindly or
Its fundamentally bad and the opposite of advancement One Piece says no to both
Ive seen a lot of people critisize the skypians for starting to pray at the end because they think the lesson was to not trust in a god to save them but thats not completely right. Yes Luffy is a mortal man who takes down a so called god but that god was a false one trying to abuse the religious system and beliefs. However the bell is also part of the belief. The belief that despite Noland and Calgara dying under such terrible circumstances and without ever seeing each other again that theres still hope. For them to hear it still and reunite centuries later. And its the one thing the shandorians still have. The belief itself is good and the bell is wort so much more than the gold its made out of. And to finish this : I also really like how the Reader/Watcher in this as well. We never see their ghosts reuniting or any indication of spirits returning to the islans. There is no scientific proof it works. Yet its cathartik to have it ring. We are left with the belief ourself that yes this definitely did work and Nolands and Calgaras story got the happy end they so very much deserved
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luxlightly · 9 months
Tav: "We can't just kill all your spawn siblings for the ritual!"
Astarion: "Why not? We already killed a bunch of people on the way here."
Tav: "Those were evil people who chose to hurt others! These spawn were forced to kill people! They should be free to do what that want!"
Pale Petras: "I wanna kill people"
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solar-sunnyside-up · 1 year
this really cool article - https://www.bu.edu/bhr/2015/02/01/780/ talks about the history, particular England, and its grocery delivery system over the decades. How originally, you would send a list to a shop keeper for goods like Flour, sugar, milk, etc.. And have it delivered. Than the Cash and carry system, during the depression kicked off in order to save on delivery costs.  Basically putting all the work of Picking, sorting, loading, and transporting onto the individual rather than the business. But god, in a current system where you have something akin to a post officer do this?? It would really help decentralize cars as primary mode of transport if you didn't have to do all the work yourself. It's draining, its manual labor in its own right. Its not accessable. Its not efficient. It creates a competition on food that isnt necessary mostly for Perfect Produce. Lately we are starting to return to this threw delivery systems like Instacart (Gag) who exploit workers and customers for profit. But again, imagine for just a moment what this COULD look like. A neighborhood wide grocery drop off day like garbage pick up or the mail. Imagine having a day you knew was every week that you'd fill out a list and someone shows up with that sugar you where low on bc you wanted to make cookies. Imagine having the SAME rotation of ppl so you could know them. Imagine how different meal planning becomes, how communical it could be. How your neighbors might have over estimated how much tomatoes they go threw and ordered more so they brought you salsa.
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