#Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers
blackypng · 5 months
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cons are finally over and i was able to finish this lineup for this year's confuror! i plan to reprint em since they were quite popular and i hope i can open a bigcartel acc eventually this next year!!
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digimonarchive · 10 months
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Digimon Music 100 Title Commemoration Release We Love DiGiMONMUSiC
Digimon Adventure
Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Tamers
Digimon Fronter
The goggle boys of four different seasons
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heckcareoxytwit · 10 months
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The Humans and Digimon characters in Digimon series
(Japanese and English dub names)
Taichi Yagami/Tai Kamiya and Agumon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (1st and 2nd pics)
Yamato Ishida/Matt and Gabumon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (3rd and 4th pics)
Sora Takenouchi and Piyomon/Biyomon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (5th and 6th pics)
Koushiro Izumi/Izzy and Tentomon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (7th and 8th pics)
Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (9th and 10th pics)
Jou Kido/Joe and Gomamon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (11th and 12th pics)
Takeru Takaishi/TK and Patamon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (13th and 14th pics)
Hikari Yagami/Kari Kamiya and Tailmon/Gatomon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (15th and 16th pics)
Daisuke Motomiya/Davis and Veemon of Digimon Adventure 02 (17th pic)
Miyako Inoue/Yolei and Hawkmon of Digimon Adventure 02 (18th pic)
Iori Hida/Cody and Armadimon/Armadillomon of Digimon Adventure 02 (19th pic)
Ken Ichijouji and Wormmon of Digimon Adventure 02 (20th pic)
Takato Matsuda / Takato Matsuki and Guilmon of Digimon Tamers (21st pic)
Ruki Makino / Rika Nonaka and Renamon of Digimon Tamers (22nd pic)
Li JianLiang / Lee Jenrya/Henry Wong and Terriermon of Digimon Tamers (23rd pic)
Juri Katou/Jeri and Leomon of Digimon Tamers (24th pic)
Hirokazu Shioda / Kazu and Guardromon of Digimon Tamers (25th pic)
Kenta Kitagawa and Marineangemon of Digimon Tamers (26th pic)
Ryo Akiyama and Cyberdramon of Digimon Tamers (27th pic)
Li Shaochung /Lee Shiuchon/Suzie Wong and Lopmon of Digimon Tamers (28th pic)
Mako, Ai and Impmon of Digimon Tamers (29th pic)
Alice McCoy and Dobermon of Digimon Tamers (30th pic)
Happy Belated Odaiba Memorial Day / Digimon Day!
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animalinvestigator · 10 months
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odaiba day celebration
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
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clawz-out-archive · 1 year
Okay Digimon fandom, what is your most controversial unpopular opinion? Go!
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
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Posting them all together. (4th pic is my take on the WS Digimentals)
Before you ask: Yeah you can make armor digimon with them, but don't steal them ;o; (Also please credit me?)
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otakween · 11 months
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Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers - Final Thoughts
This game was great, but my experience was slightly negatively affected by the lack of information on it. The one walkthrough I was able to find really did me dirty lol.
Anyways, I stand by my previous statement that the Wonderswan games deserve more love. I think they're definitely the best of the Adventure/02 era.
-Okay, time to vent a little. I used this walkthrough and whoever wrote it was just flat out wrong about a bunch of stuff. They made me believe I had to go WAY harder than I needed to with fusing digimon (a very slow and tedious process if you want a lot of jogress points). They then led me to believe I had to beat the 2nd to last dungeon 10 times to get 10 pieces of a digimental...that ended up being not true at all, so I beat that dungeon 10 times for no reason lol. In the walkthrough they went into the final battle with a bunch of OP digimon with like a zillion jogress points. I went in with a bunch of weenie hut jr. digimon and was fine. Most misleading walkthrough I've ever followed! If I hadn't followed its advice, I probably would have finished this game a week ago. Luckily, I did find some YouTube Let's Plays and some tumblr posts that set me straight.
-Once I figured out how things worked I realized this game is a little too easy. As soon as you get a stun ability, you're basically unstoppable, even withweaker digimon on your team. If you manage to stun all 3 digimon on the enemy team, you automatically win. You don't even need to touch their HP! That's crazy and I've never seen a game do that before...felt like I was cheating.
-I thought it was a little weird how many dungeons in this game used baby or in training level digimon. Like I would expect that from the first dungeon but they were still showing up like mid-way through! Again, not much of a challenge.
-The variety of digimon was good and I liked the inclusion of fusion, but I wish fusion was a little more straightforward/predictable. Without any guide I was just gambling every time. The worst of it is that you have to raise your digimon from baby-level every time you fuse, which really held me back from progressing the game.
-Techniques were really confusing compared to the first game. Whereas in game 1 my digimon would gain new abilities constantly, it seemed like the only way digimon would gain abilities would be to fuse them and start from scratch. I would use the digivice to befriend powerful, mega-level digimon, but their abilities would be so trash that doing that was completely pointless. (I think you need to fuse digimon like 100+ times to get a decent mega which would take ages).
-The ending "puzzle" was just batshit. You have to defeat Millenniumon as Ryo and Ken using the same number of turns. Of course, the game doesn't tell you that at all. It just gives you a door with a number on it and goes "~oooh, what could it meeeean?~" Well, I wouldn't have figured out in a zillion years what it meant if it wasn't for a random post on tumblr. Walkthrough dude didn't figure it out because he thought it was something else that unlocked the door and a let's player I watched just seem to unlock it out of dumb luck (he defeated Millenniumon in 2 turns with Ryo and then Ken). My number was 10 by the way...this was before I was aware of the stun ability's OP-ness
-The game dramatically ends with Ken becoming the Digimon Emperor. I guess if you didn't see the anime that would be kinda a "wtf" downer ending. Wormmon tries to keep it positive by saying "I know he'll be good again someday!" It's definitely sequel bait (although I'm not sure exactly where the next game fits).
-I never really learned what some of the stats meant in this game. Defense is "PP" but I have no idea what that stands for. There's also "Y?" Which I think has something to do with a digimon's age?? I don't know why old games had to be like ";) we'll never tell" instead of just explaining things.
-This was a very relaxing game to play YouTube videos or music over, perfect for weeknights. It was very light on story, so I didn't need to pay much attention.
-I wish they did more with armor evolution. I kept buying/equipping armor but it never seemed to do much. Veemon was the only one I could really get to armor evolve via one of his attacks. Definitely missing something there...
I give this game a 7.5 out of 10. The lost points are for all of the confusion I endured lol.
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ran-orimoto · 1 year
I want to know you bettah. A favourite character and ship for each Digiseason
Funny, Anon!!!!!! ~~~~~ I don’t really have defined opinions on the series that come after the first four, with the exception of Appmon and Ghost Game. So, sorry if I will skip those other three!
Adventure 01
• Mimi: My princess💕. Along with Katara from ATLA, she’s my own definition of what a girl character should be written like, but I don’t think you want to read long explanations😂.
• Michi: Mimi was a second mc by Taichi’s side. I feel like she had a mirror role in comparison with Taichi’s, as if she’s some sort of girl icon for the franchise. I don’t know how to explain it, but she has got so much presence in the anime, in the merch, in posters; she is voiced by AIM which allowed her to have her own ending, and somehow it feels like this fact makes her omnipresent in the history of the Digimon anime. Wishful thinking, but I like them together because of so many other reasons. THEY JUST CLICK SO WELL.
-Adventure 02
•Miyako: I know I know, she’s not that jewel of character when it comes to her writing, bur her concept has always intrigued me even when I didn’t know Digimon that well. She’s funny, clever, she’s connected with Mimi, she’s also got such a cute design ngl. Can I say she’s my favourite because of these shallow reasons? I think I will find many others when I rewatch 02.
• Daiyako: MY GUILTY PLEASURE. They’re so precious in each other’s regards, always being in the middle of teasing sessions but eventually showing to care about each other so much ? They can work platonically too, and I love pairings that are amazing both platonically and romantically.
KINDA HARD, I will admit it. I like the characters from Tamers but I don’t feel that connected to them. I used to have a huge adoration for Jenrya but it faded somehow. I like Ruki and Hirokazu but not that excessively. I relate to Juri sometimes but she has got so many moments that make me cringe out. It’s … A complex relationship…
• Takato: Again, I’m not THAT attached to him but he is a huge cinnamoroll and a great new beginning for the franchise. I like he’s so ordinary and creative, because…I can relate🤣. And I admit people often call me a girl Takato, sooooo🤣. Like you can see, I don’t have anything to say ahahahha.
• Rukato: MY BBIES, my bbies who are so pleasant at the sight too, thanks to their matching palettes. I confess I come from being a huge Jenruki shipper. Then, I’ve grown bored of those two and I’ve started getting so attracted by Ryouki and Rukato, but the latter eventually won especially because of Runaway Locomon. How could I keep myself from shipping those two after that film? I know there’s Jurato, but the future dramas made me dislike the way things develop…
• Junpei: my only prince son💕
• Junzumi.
- Appmon
• Eri: I like how she finally brought back a kind of digigirl who could be considered a real character with an interesting story, a nice and quirky personality, meaningful relationships. I had got tired of so many sexualized and pretty uninspiring digigirls (starting from Frontier era SIGH).
Eeeeh I don’t know. I liked Eri and Torajirou but I’ve discovered he’s 11 and she’s 14, so ehmmmmm. Even if the anime pushed it a bit, maybe it’s not the case to ship them ahaha.
I’ll go with • Haru x Yuujin because they are a parallel Jurato✨.
-Ghost Game
• Emma: I KNOW SHE IS NOT PART OF THE TRIO AND SHE APPEARED FOR LESS THAN AN EPISODE, but she ensnared me and makes me salty whenever I see her, because she would have been a perfect four member. Leave me alone, I need to cry and mope.
• Ruri x Kiyoshiro: The total flop this shipping was because in GG the kids had 0 interesting interactions and I want to cry again, because why is that anime so unfair. Still, I ship them, I don’t care. Ruri had her small teasing moments with Kiyoshiro and their personalities CLASH. Idk Ruri would take him to the worst night trips in forests, parks and he would tag along because Jellymon’s and Ruri’s personalities are so perfectly aligned!
Thank you for the ask!💕
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digi-lov · 10 months
how do u even start getting into Digimon?? there so much stuff, i dont even know where to begin. like, there is like a hundred shows??? do i start with the first one that came out??
Idk man it just happened??
No, but seriously, don't worry about it! There aren't even that many shows if you ask me. I'll put a list below the cut! I'll list all movies too, so it'll look like more than it really is. Also the dates are the japanese air dates.
Obviously starting with the first season, Digimon Adventure is an easy pick, it also has the most sequels and movies.
But aside from the Adventure related media, all other Digimon Seasons are completely self-contained, and you can just go and watch any! They also all explore "Digimon" and the Digital World in different ways. I personally loved them all.
For the anime I also highly recommend watching the Japanese original. I'm sorry for anyone who grew up with it, but I can barely stand watching the English Dub at all. If you know German though, the German Dub is really good. I still prefer the Japanese original, but the German Dub is at least a translation and not a fan fiction.
The same basically goes for the games. You can just pick any of them up! Also, all Digimon games kind of do their own thing in terms of gameplay and mechanics. There's similarities too, but usually each have their own vibe. A lot of the DS titles do work very similar though!
Adventure: Digimon Adventure (Movie) (1999) • Digimon Adventure (Season 1) (1999-2000) Digimon Adventure: Our War Game (Movie) (2000) • Digimon Adventure 02 (Season 2) (2000-2001) Digimon Adventure 02: Hurricane Touchdown!! Supreme Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals (Movie) (2000) Digimon Adventure 02: Diaboromon Strikes Back (Movie) (2001) • Digimon Adventure tri. (6 Movies or 24 Episodes) (2015-2018) Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna (Movie) (2020) Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning (Movie) (2023) [Digimon Adventure: (Reboot) (2020)]
Tamers: • Digimon Tamers (Season 3) (2001-2002) Digimon Tamers: The Adventures' Battle (Movie) (2001) Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express (Movie) (2002)
Frontier: • Digimon Frontier (Season 4) (2002-2003) Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon (Movie) (2002)
Savers/Data Squad: • Digimon Savers / Data Squad (Season 5) (2006-2007) Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! (Movie) (2006)
Xros Wars/Fusion: • Digimon Xros Wars / Fusion (2010-2012)
Appmon: • Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (2016-2017)
Ghost Game: • Digimon Ghost Game (2021-2023)
Games: Generally known Games in bold, more obscure or never released in the West in small I also left out most Phone and Smart Phone games since they're shut down
· Digital Monster Ver. S: Digimon Tamers (1998) (Sega Saturn) • Digimon World (1999) (PS1) · Digital Monster Ver. WonderSwan (1999) (WonderSwan) · Digimon World: Digital Card Battle (1999) (PS1) · Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer (1999/2000) (WonderSwan) · Digimon Adventure 02: Digital Partner (2000) (WonderSwan) · Pocket Digimon World (2000) (PS1) > Pocket Digimon World: Wind Battle Disc (2000) (PS1) > Pocket Digimon World: Cool & Nature Battle Disc (2001) (PS1) • Digimon World 2 (2000) (PS1) · Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers (2000) (WonderSwan) · Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers (2000) (WonderSwan Color) · Digimon World: Digital Card Arena (2000) (PS1) · Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley (2001) (WonderSwan Color) • Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit (2001) (WonderSwan Color / GBA) > Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5 (2002) (WonderSwan Color) > Digimon Frontier: Battle Spirit / Battle Spirit 2 (2002) (WonderSwan Color / GBA) • Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution / Rumble Arena (2001) (PS1) · Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer (2001) (WonderSwan Color) • Digimon World 3 / 2003 (2002) (PS1) · Digimon Racing (2004) (GBA) • Digimon Battle Chronicle / Rumble Arena 2 (2004) (PS2 / GCN) • Digimon World X / World 4 (2005) (PS2 / GCN) • Digimon Story / Digimon World DS (2006) (DS) · Digimon Savers: Another Mission / Digimon World Data Squad (2006) (PS2) • Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight / Digimon World Dawn & Dusk (2007) (DS) · Digimon Championship / Digimon World Championship (2008) (DS) · Digimon Masters (2009) (PC) [Korea only] · Digimon Story: Lost Evolution (2010) (DS) [Japan only; Fan Translation exists] · Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red (2011) (DS) • Digimon World Re:Digitize (2012) (PSP) > Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode (2013) (3DS) [Japan only; Fan translation exists] · Digimon Adventure (2013) (PSP) [Japan only; Fan translation exists] • Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (2015) (PSV, PS4, Switch, PC) • Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory (2015) (PSV, PS4, Switch, PC) • Digimon World -next 0rder- (2016) (PSV, PS4, Switch, PC) · Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (2016) (3DS) · Digimon New Century (2021) (Smart Phone) [China only] • Digimon Survive (2022) (PS4, Switch, PC, XBO)
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emptystarhead733 · 7 months
I want you to know that I take requests. Be it something you want me to draw or a chapter to write on wattpad. Sadly I cannot take animation requests due to my pc being a true pain in the ass. The last animation I made took me like two days because my pc was laggy, so just art or wattpad oneshot request.
You have a few series to choose from:
Digimon Adventure, 02, tamers ect.
Lego Monkie Kid
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
+ custom oc's and my oc's that I will upload.
Please keep in mind that if your request is not age right (Like SWK x MK or Pigsy x MK), I will NOT draw or write it (Excluding the age gap between Redson and MK of course).
With that said, go crazy. I will continue to upload fanart, my own oc's and when I have the time and nerves short animations aswell. I do not judge weird ships unless as I already said, the age difference is very illegal. 'kay, now byee! (Btw. Too lazy to add ALL the tags there are, becuause there are too many.)
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digitalworldbound · 2 years
Digimon & AO3/Fandom Statistics
While on the Fandom Stats website, I got curious and did some research about the Digimon Fandom!
Disclaimer: These statistics will only be accurate to the Archive of Our Own website, and will not include statistics about the fandom on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Fanfiction.net
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When searching for fanfiction about Digimon on AO3, there are a total of 6,616 underneath the general "Digimon- All Media Types" tag. This is not a fair representation of the total numbers of Digimon fanfiction, as there are FIFTEEN Digimon categories an author could label their story under.
Listing from highest number of fics to fewest fics, these other categories include (as of Nov. 5, 2022):
Digimon - All Media Types: 6,619 fics
Digimon Adventure Zero Two: 2,637 fics
Digimon Adventure: 2,037 fics
Digimon Adventure tri: 1,043 fics
Digimon Tamers: 602 fics
Digimon Frontier: 575 fics 
Digimon Xros Wars/ Digimon Fusion: 172 fics
Digimon Savers/ Digimon Data Squad: 150 fics
Digimon Universe - Appli Monsters: 125 fics
Digimon Ghost Game (Anime): 89 fics
Digimon Adventure (Anime 2020): 73 fics
Digimon V Tamer 01: 50 fics
Digital Monsters X-Evolution: 16 fics
Digimon NEXT: 12 fics
Digimon D Cyber: 2 fics
After inputting all of this data (aside from the “Digimon - All Media Types” tag, as this tag can reference all Digimon media) into a graph, it is clear to see which characters the fandom tends to favor:
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(Some of the numbers are really small - I’m so sorry!)
Digimon Adventure Zero Two takes the lead, while Digimon Adventure follows close behind. Between the two, there is only a difference of 600 fics. These numbers are unsurprising, as most Digimon official events revolve around the Adventure and 02 cast!
According to the Fandom Stats website, fanfiction (specifically AO3) in the Digimon Fandom heavily gravitates towards General Audiences, with a total number of 2,551 fics using this tag. Other tags include: 
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(Graph found on Fandom Stats) 
While Teen and Up Audiences have 2,214, Mature and Explicitly tagged fics have a combined 1,307 fics. 
Now, onto the pairings! Though 35% of the fics are general, the other 65% of fics include some kind of romance! 
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(Graph found on Fandom Stats)
In the lead, we have M/M relationships at 33%. Of these 2,155 fics, 29.7% are Daisuke/Ken! Taichi/Yamato are a close second at 22.5%. (Taichi/Koushiro comes in at 7.5%, and Daisuke/Takeru is last at 6.2%.)
With 1,889 fics, F/M relationships share 29% of the total non-general fics. Of these, 18.6 percent are Takeru/Hikari! Sora/Yamato cover 17.7%, while Taichi/Sora covers 8.6%. Lastly, we have Mimi/Koushiro at 7%.
I couldn’t find any statistics on F/F, Multi, or the Other categories, but I will try to search in the future.
On the Archive of Our Own website, the fandom shows clear favoritism in characters and pairings! Now, I wish there was a way to factor in data from Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and FanFiction.net. Let me know if you have any ideas!
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fifty-ten · 7 months
(for the ocverse asks (if i'm allowed to do multiple) answer for whichever ocverse you wish)
3, 17, 24
multiple is more than fine! the more questions the merrier!
3 - "any recurring images/elements?"
let's see... for Maroon Z in particular, hearts are a very prominent form of imagery! (Ideally, I want the audience's stomach to drop a little when heart iconography shows up by the end of the story...?! but we'll see ←has been rewriting the back end of the story a ton). They act as an emblem that represents the concept of a magical girl. This also includes both the cartoony "❤️" kind of heart, but also the more literal kind of heart.
To speak way more broadly, I think that hand-holding imagery is really prominent in just about any story of mine ... it's a way to share power, it's a way to show simple affection, and so forth! it's very versatile imagery! and, it's just nice to make characters hold hands. (as an aside, you might read below and think, "oh, did they pick this up from pretty cure?", but this repeated imagery actually stems from tag battle-related pokéani headcanons from when i was a kid.)
17 - "describe the "required reading" to understand your vision. be as pretentious as possible."
to speak more broadly again, pokéani is probably kind of required to understand just about anything I write (lmao?).. it kind of forms a "backbone" in how i interact with making my own stories. at the same time, there's also stuff I watched a little as a young kid that left a big impact on me even if I don't remember a lot about it, like Ojamajo Doremi, or the 4kids show Chaotic, or random manga i picked up from libraries over the years... (though, I guess the question asks for specifics and not broad things...)
When it comes to Maroon Z, Futari wa Pretty Cure is definitely required (and... maybe RGU depending on how much my brain chemistry is altered by the time I finish watching it). In general, I think having an understanding of Pretty Cure is pretty necessary for understanding any of my magical girl OCs, since it's been really influential for me.
For my OCs that are of the "mons genre" ... well, again, pokéani (specifically DP) informs a lot. i think the digimon series adventure 02, tamers, and appmon are also kind of necessary to understanding how I approach the genre? (kinda bakugan too). To give a more specific example, I think that to understand what I'm going for with something like Imagination Defenders (i still wish i had a better title for that...), I think Tamers, Bakugan Battle Planet, and Xros Wars Hunters (←also a Digimon series & it honestly executes exactly the kind of setting I'd been imagining for ImaD...). Video games are an important influence, too! For example, it's easiest to understand Avi Battler if you're familiar with both Appmon and Smash Bros (specifically custom fighters/amiibo fighters in smash 4).
Well, I don't know of all of that is necessarily required reading, but I like talking about the kinds of things that influence the stories I make.
24 - "best scene youve written?"
hm... this one kind of depends on how you define "written". I'm good at coming up with stuff, but not nearly as good at remembering to actually write it down...
When it comes to "published" things, I still like the ending of the Maroon Z pilot comic.
When it comes to unpublished things (and also still not written down things...), I'm actually really excited about how the rewrites for parts of Maroon Z as a whole are going & how they tie things together. Lately, I've also been having fun writing things up for MonRev and Avi Battler (especially the latter, since it's about video games).
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shihalyfie · 2 years
The frustrating part of Adventure/02 is all the lore they did not put in the series, or extra material and we only discover through Kakudou's twitter or blog, or some recent interviews with SekiP or some old staff members.
Like, there's a ton of things we don't know!! And things released later in a drama CD or booklet which has the suspicion to being part of the backstory/hidden lore from production notes ._.
I think Adventure implied the eight digimon from Taichi's group were made with the kids' traits, so they knew who were their partners and even their names as well ... Meanwhile the new three mons from 02 had to introduce themselves, ask for their partners' names and such...
Meanwhile Wormmon... We don't know anything about him. Since Ken has a Crest, i suspect Wormmon is in the same camp from Taichi's partners -- made with Ken's kindness trait which also originated the Crest of Kindness.
Do you have any theory or headcanon for him and the said Crest?
I personally figure that the answer is probably really mundane, honestly. That's a recurring pattern with stuff in Adventure and 02; sometimes the answer is the simplest one, even if it's not entirely grand or epic. The Adventure and 02 kids were not a singularity; there were Chosen Children before and after them, all implied to go on their own adventures. We have no evidence the eight Crests seen in Adventure were the only ones made, just that they seem to be the ones that survived the attack Gennai was involved with. For all we know the could have been a part of a much bigger set made to correspond to a bunch of kids who all witnessed the Hikarigaoka incident in 1995, but only those eight survived that attack. So, likewise, there's nothing saying Ken's Crest wasn't also made around that time, or even later as an experiment afterwards.
Personally, since there are so many contradictions between Tag Tamers and the anime that you can't take them simultaneously at face value, I prioritize the anime and only draw from Tag Tamers as needed, so the version of Tag Tamers' events in my head could easily involve a Crest being involved in some way. It would explain why Ken had it on his person and used it as a power source for his base, unaware of or having forgotten its original purpose.
In the end, I think there are certain things that can only be explained by the fact Adventure and 02 were too obviously written as they went along -- even though I argue often that they had more thought put into it than they're given credit for, it doesn't change the fact that both series' plots are built on retrofits. The biggest example is probably the fact that the Adventure kids just all happened to simultaneously move from Hikarigaoka to Odaiba and attend the same school; Hikarigaoka's on the other side of Tokyo, so I can't stress enough how implausibly convenient this is. The real-life obvious answer is that the first movie and the TV series were developed separately and the TV staff had to come up with excuses to rationalize how they were in Odaiba when they used to be in Hikarigaoka, and in fact the staff struggling to keep up with contradictory movie and media mix compliance was exactly one of the reasons we didn't get a third Adventure series at the time. So the explanations are forced, and the staff knows it, so to a certain degree you just kind of have to roll with it.
That said, the Adventure novels do provide a suggestion that there is some kind of higher power beyond even Homeostasis's awareness (referred to as "God's territory"), which was responsible for pulling the strings behind things like everyone in Hikarigaoka conveniently forgetting the incident in 1995. As much as a cop-out as it may feel like to resort to that, keep in mind that the Adventure universe has always been very linked with Shinto concepts; this is of course brought up most prominently in 02 episode 33, in that Digimon and the Digital World may not be all that distinct from the world of youkai and the gods. In this case, this should not be taken as "gods" in the Christian or Greco-Roman definitions, but the Shinto concept of gods that exist in everything and could potentially be good or evil (Professor Takenouchi brings up the example of tsukumogami, or objects that become sentient after a hundred years of existence, and Survive parallels this by depicting the Digimon as "Kemonogami", or "beast gods"). So according to Adventure universe lore, the development of digital technology has allowed us to start seeing and understanding more of those things we never were able to before, but that doesn't mean we'll immediately understand everything about it as humans, and Koushirou's character arc wouldn't work if it weren't for the recurring concept that even Homeostasis and the Agents and Holy Beasts aren't entirely clear on what's going on with the world. This is also why "destiny" comes up so much in Adventure and 02; the world itself is guiding you towards something, but at the same time, it's up to you whether you want to actually fulfill that, and that's why certain "coincidences" seem to happen all the time to give the kids chances to make use of them.
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clawz-out-archive · 2 years
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(Sorry for low quality, my phone is shit)
These are some old redesigns of Daisuke and Iori's Digital World outfits I made a couple months ago, along with V-mon and Armadimon. Probably around March, I think?
I never got around to redesigning the other 02 kids (i didn't really get invested in 02 until I recently rewatched it), though I did make some redesigns for the Frontier kids (minus Kouchi, sadly).
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
Tags to Navigate through my Blog
You may noticed that my own tumblr blog may be haphazard so...fear not! I have made my own Blog Navigation Guide that links to the reblogged tumblr posts through the Tags in my blog.
Writing Tips
Pet Care
Movies , Cartoons and Anime
Picspam of Characters and Icons
Long Post
Due to the long list of links, Marvel and Digimon are under the Cut. So Click on Keep Reading.
Avengers Academy
Doctor Strange
Fantastic Four
Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel Profiles
New Mutants
Pet Avengers
Superior Foes of Spider-Man
Young Avengers
Digimon Adventure
Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Tamers
Digimon Frontier
Digimon Savers/Data Squad
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