#David Pujol
dadaonice · 1 month
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Waiting for Dali by David Pujol, 2023.
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stuff-diary · 1 year
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2022
Smiley (2022, Spain)
Directors: Marta Pahissa & David Martín Porras
Writer: Guillem Clua
This is the cliché gay romcom that we've always been waiting for and the one we deserve. It's hilarious, romantic, melodramatic, messy and full of feels, and I loved every second of it. The writing is fantastic, the acting feels absolutely natural and the whole cast shares some crazy chemistry that makes the relationships feel truly real. I also loved that it featured a wide array of LGBTQ relationships and characters of diverse age and looks, cause it's something that tends to be missing in the genre. This is definitely my favorite Netflix Spain Original (although that wasn't too difficult tbh) and one of my favorite romcoms of the last few years, and I strongly recommend you watch it. Hell, it's even holiday themed, so it's just perfect for the current season.
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realmadridnews · 10 months
EURO U21 2023 and EURO U19 2023 - dates
Spain U21:
Antonio Blanco
Romania U21 - Spain U21; EURO U21 2023; group stage; 21st June 2023, 8:45 PM CET
Spain U21 - Croatia U21; EURO U21 2023; group stage; 24th June 2023; 8:45 PM CET
Spain U21 - Ukraine U21; EURO U21 2023; group stage; 27th June 2023; 8:45 PM CET
Spain U21 - Switzerland U21; EURO U21 2023; quarterfinal; 1st July 2023; 9:00 PM CET
Spain U21 - Ukraine U21; EURO U21 2023; semifinal; 5th July 2023; 9:00 PM CET
England U21 - Spain U21; EURO U21 2023; final; 8th July 2023; 9:00 PM CET
Spain U19:
Edgar Pujol
Gonzalo Garcia
Manuel Angel
Cesar Palacios
David Jimenez
Iceland U19 - Spain U19; EURO U19 2023; group stage; 4th July 2023; 9:15 PM CET
Greece U19 - Spain U19; EURO U19 2023; group stage; 7th July 2023; 6:00 PM CET
Spain U19 - Norway U19; EURO U19 2023; group stage; 10th July 2023; 9:00 PM CET
Spain U19 - Italy U19; EURO U19 2023; semifinal; 13th July 2023; 9:00 PM CET
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lescroniques · 4 months
Cadaqués i l'elogi de la premsa anglesa: "Conserva l'esperit local"
El rotatiu britànic ‘The Sun’ recomana als seus lectors el municipi costaner, a tan sols dues hores de vol des d’Anglaterra i “sense guiris maleducats” ‘The Sun’ recomana als seus 8,5 milions de lectors visitar Cadaqués / iStock Que els britànics estan enamorats de la Costa Brava no és cap novetat, mentre dinamitzen un dels principals motors econòmics del país. Recentment, el sector turístic ha…
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reportwire · 2 years
Why isn’t Albert Pujols being sent off like Derek Jeter and David Ortiz?
Why isn’t Albert Pujols being sent off like Derek Jeter and David Ortiz?
Albert Pujols is one of the game’s all-time greats.Image: Getty Images “The Machine” Albert Pujols said prior to the start of the season that 2022 would be his final season in MLB. Pujols is a three-time MVP, former Rookie of the Year, two-time World Series Champion, and is fifth on MLB’s all-time home run leaderboard with 683. He is a sure-fire first-ballot Hall of Famer, and barring a few…
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useless-catalanfacts · 3 months
Hola! Soc de Màlaga i estic aprenent català, ja vaig pel B2 :D
M'agradaria que em recomanessis sèries i també llibres en català. Estic al dia amb CRIMS (m'encanta aquest tipus de sèries) i també de misteri, terror... En els llibres m'agraden les mateixes temàtiques, encara que no m'importaria llegir una cosa interessant. La idea és continuar aprenent ^^
Moltes gràcies!
Hola! Wow, què bé!
Algunes sèries policíaques o d'estils semblants que potser t'agraden:
Núñez: sèrie documental sobre el que va ser president del Barça i com entra en lluites de poder, la il·legalitat i l'ambició.
Kubala, Moreno i Manchon: sèrie de ficció de tres detectius que investiguen crims.
Nit i dia: sèrie de ficció sobre una forense que investiga un assassinat.
Moebius: sèrie de ficció sobre una professora nova arriba a un institut on s'hi comet un assassinat i decideix investigar-lo.
Altres sèries:
Plats Bruts: el sitcom català per excel·lència.
Polseres Vermelles: sèrie de drama sobre un grup de nens i joves que viuen ingressats en un hospital i es fan amics.
Lo Cartanyà: una altra sitcom.
Com que t'agrada Crims, crec que també et poden agradar aquests pòdcasts:
Tor, tretze cases i tres morts: "true crime" on el Carles Porta (el mateix que fa Crims) explica el primer cas en el que va treballar.
Debriefing Garbo: explica la història real de l'espia català Joan Pujol, àlies "Garbo", que va tenir un paper clau a la Segona Guerra Mundial enganyant els nazis.
Mix 97: ficció sobre una escriptora de novel·la negra que descobreix un cas d'assassinat.
Pel que fa als llibres, si vols llegir traduccions d'altres idiomes, tots els típics de novel·la negra (Jo Nesbø, Andrea Camilleri, Camilla Läckberg, Donna Leon, etc) estan publicats en català. Per novel·la negra escrita originalment en català:
La fada negra i Tothom ha de morir de Xavier Theros: els dos primers llibres (em sembla que n'han de venir més) sobre un capità de vaixell de la Barcelona del 1843 que investiga assassinats.
La Companyia Nòrdica d'Albert Villaró: un soldat prussià es troba als Pirineus durant la Primera Guerra Carlina i investiga unes situacions relacionades amb la mitologia dels Pirineus, alquímia, etc.
La noia del vestit blau de Laia Vilaseca: en un poble dels Pirineus s'hi profanen tres tombes d'anys enrere, la protagonista investiga el cas posant-se en perill quan hi ha qui no vol que surtin a la llum secrets de fa temps.
Purgatori de David Marín: un equip de policies investiguen l'assassinat del director d'una escola religiosa de Balaguer, alhora que la descendent d'una bruixa que va ser condemnada a la forca al segle XVI arriba a un poble i comencen a passar coses estranyes.
Totes les novel·les d'Andreu Martín (algunes són més per a adolescents).
Com sempre, deixo els comentaris oberts per si algú més en vol afegir.
Espero que et serveixi, i molts ànims amb el català!
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mccanns · 2 months
for the record i love baseball i love the cardinals i used to sing the anthem at cardinals games as a kid with my school but i don’t know anything about baseball. i just sit in front of my tv for four hours and watch the cards lose horribly forever fueled by when i watched them win the world series thirteen years ago. none of the numbers mean anything to me. i don’t know anyone’s names. albert pujols. yadi. matt carpenter. david freese. the last time i went to a game i was like 14 and they lost 11-2 and my dad and i left in the 7th inning
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quinnhills · 1 year
what are your like, musical inspirations? :D
Animal Collective, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Ben Folds Five, Beyoncé, Billy Joel, Black Belt Eagle Scout, Bob Dylan, Bon Iver, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, Dan Deacon, David Bowie, Destroyer, Dolly Parton, Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, Giorgio Moroder, Green Day, Haim, Hank Williams, Heart, Indigo Girls, Iron & Wine, Joan Baez, Jonathan Larson, Johnny Cash, John Prine, John Williams, Kendrick Lamar, LCD Soundsystem, Led Zeppelin, Leonard Cohen, Lil Nas X, Lizzo, Lorde, Miles Davis, The Mountain Goats, Mozart, Nina Simone, The O Brother Where Art Thou Soundtrack, Phoebe Bridgers, Prince, Pujol, The Rolling Stones, S.G. Goodman, Simon & Garfunkel, Stephen Sondheim, Sufjan Stevens, Tom Waits, Townes Van Zandt, Tracy Chapman, The War on Drugs, Wendy Carlos, Weezer, Weyes Blood
to name a few :)
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themakeupbrush · 2 years
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Miss Grand Dominican Republic 2022 National Costume- ¡Arriba República Dominicana!
My country is not only known for beautiful beaches and good people. It’s also recognized by major league ballers, victorious athletes and our Caribbean Queens. Who have won 22 gold, 14 silver and 12 bronze medals. All of them make us proud in each of their performances! The feeling that Marileidy Paulino is reaching the finish line is an indescribable feeling...  Seeing David Ortiz in the Hall of Fame is a pride Albert Pujols and his 700 homeruns watching Niverka Marte give his finishes in the last points is complete adrenaline. Today, I not only represent Dominican Republic but all the athletes who due to their effort must be more supported in their athletic discipline. I use my social networks and participation as a platform and promote support to our athletes who require medical insurance, studies, with a quality of life, because they represent us day after day in each of their practices that require constant discipline. Today I am you, on a stage where thousands more people, will know that on the same trajectory of the sun exists a cradle of stars. 
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hjellacott · 2 years
Pujol made a tasteless joke, but don't pin this on Casillas. I'm a Spaniard. I've been reading about Casillas all of my life, and the idea of him being gay was entirely absurd as soon as I read it. It made 0 sense. Like, not just because the man was married to a woman and has children, but like, he's always been with women, and normally in pretty long-term relationships, and he's always been one of the most respectful, exemplar, well-educated, kind, generous, nice footballers in Spain. He's incredibly respected for that. Trust me he's not the kind of guy who would EVER spontaneously go and do something to make fun of, or hurt, the gay community. Never. And he's about as gay as David Beckham.
I do believe he was hacked. And yeah people now poke and make fun like saying "seriously? why would a hacker go, put this tweet and go?" well precisely for what's happened. To take perhaps the 1 footballer Spain has that everyone unanimously respects, fan of football or not (and I'm not), that has a great reputation and that when he had heart failure a few years ago, there was no one in the country who wasn't worried, and ruin his reputation and drag his name through the mud.
Hackers don't always do anything visually big. Sometimes they just steal the data, and that's it. My FB account was hacked a few months and the hacker didn't really do anything but steal my data and so I only realised when I found he'd put his own phone number and contact info and taken mine away.
Like come on, if you don't know the guy, don't make fun and say hackers wouldn't do that. They absolutely would, and they absolutely did. Iker Casillas is a good man. And since you won't ever hear me come to defend any other footballer ever, you might as well listen.
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wetheoriginals · 10 months
Shohei Ohtani double-header special: pitch a complete game shutout in G1, add to your league-leading home run stat in G2. Unreal. Glad to hear you're keeping him for the duration of the season, wish your team well for it's playoff push! (I would post a link but it won't let me 😂)
yeah i’m not getting my hopes up
i still remember the last run which was the 2014 playoff run where the angels were the best team in the league, mike trout as peaking, we had albert pujols, we had playoff legend david freese, we had josh hamilton. everyone thought the world series was ours to loose. my brother and i were so excited we spent all our summer job money on tickets to game 1 only for them to loose and then get swept. never forget.
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tallysdhericky · 1 year
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Sinopse: "Em Barcelona, dois homens e seu grupo de amigos enfrentam medos, inseguranças e oportunidades perdidas em busca do tão sonhado amor verdadeiro." Escrito por Guillem Clua Dirigido por Marta Pahissa, David Martin Porras Produtor(es) executivo (s): Guillem Clua, Francesc Tabelião, David Felani Cinematografia: Hermes Franco, Pol Orpinell Editor(es): Frank Gutierrez, Luis Calvo, Luis Rico Estrelando: Carlos Cuevas Miki Esparbé Eduardo Lloveras Giannina Fruttero Pepón Nieto Ruth Llopis Ramón Pujol Meritxell Calvo Gêneros: LGBTQ / Comédia / Drama Baseado em Smiley de Guillem Clua País de origem: Espanha Idiomas originais: Espanhol / catalão Companhia de produção: Minoria Absoluta Distribuidor: Netflix Nº de temporadas: 1 Nº de episódios: 8 🎞 Tempo de duração: 36 minutos ~ 45 minutos 📅 Lançamento original: 7 de dezembro de 2022 ~ Presente ⚠️ Classificação Indicativa: 🚫 16 Anos 🚫 🟡IMDb: 8,1 / 10 🧑🏻‍💻Eu: ⭐️⭐️ 🍅Rotten Tomatoes: 100% de Aprovação 🍅 1ª TEMPORADA: 100% de Aprovação 🍅 Consenso dos Críticos: "Com um divertido elenco de personagens coadjuvantes, Smiley realiza exatamente o que seu título prediz: coloca um sorriso em seu rosto." #smiley #smileyseries #netflixoriginal #netflixoriginalseries #anetflixoriginalseries #espanhol #Espanha #smileydeguillemclua #guillemclua #carloscuevas #mikiesparbe #martapahissa #polorpinell #lgbt #lgbtq #gay #Comédia #drama #comediaromantica #recomendaciones #recomendado (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYzLTKO5yZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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agenciacomunicacion · 2 years
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#Periodistas #españoles #asesinados en el ejercicio de su #profesión desde la llegada de la #democracia.
«Nuestro deber es pedir investigaciones y exigir #justicia para los periodistas asesinados».
José María Portell #JoséMaríaPortell, asesinado el 28 de junio de 1978; Luis Espinal #LuisEspinal, el 22 de marzo de 1980; Juantxu Rodríguez #JuantxuRodríguez, el 22 de diciembre de 1989; Jordi Pujol Puente #JordiPujolPuente, el 17 de mayo de 1992; Luis Valtueña #LuisValtueña, el 18 de enero de 1997; José Luis López de Lacalle #JoséLuisLópezDeLacalle, el 7 de mayo de 2000; Miguel Gil Moreno #MiguelGilMoreno, el 24 de mayo de 2000; Santiago Oleaga #SantiagoOleaga, el 24 de mayo de 2001; Julio Fuentes #JulioFuentes, el 19 de noviembre de 2001; José Luis Percebal #JoséLuisPercebal, el 11 de febrero de 2002; Julio Anguita Parrado #JulioAnguitaParrado, el 7 de abril de 2003; José Couso #JoséCouso, el 8 de abril de 2003; Ricardo Ortega #RicardoOrtega, el 7 de marzo de 2004; David Beriain #DavidBeriain y Roberto Fraile #RobertoFraile, el 26 de abril de 2021.
#InMemoriam. Por la #LibertadDeExpresión
Foto: #MiguelBerrocal / #AsociaciónDeLaPrensaDeMadrid
Más acerca de #Periodismo en: https://www.rafaelangel.es https://www.agenciacomunicacion.com https://www.periodista.be
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realmadridnews · 10 months
EURO U21 2023 and EURO U19 2023 - results
Spain U21 reached the final of the EURO U21 2023, but lost against England U21. Antonio Blanco was chosen to the best XI of the tournament.
Spain U19 reached the semifinal of the EURO U19 2023, but lost against Italy U19.
Romania U21 - Spain U21 0:3 (Baena 55', Miranda 62', Sergio Gomez 90+5')
Antonio Blanco - played the whole match.
Spain U21 - Croatia U21 1:0 (Ruiz 1')
Antonio Blanco - played 91 minutes.
Spain U21 - Ukraine U21 2:2 (Zhelizko (OG) 49', Ruiz 90' - Vyunnyk 43', Sudakov 81')
Antonio Blanco - played 37 minutes.
Spain U21 - Switzerland U21 2:1 (Sergio Gomez 68', Miranda 103' - Amdouni 90+1')
Antonio Blanco - played 100 minutes (90 regular time + 10 extra time)
Spain U21 - Ukraine U21 5:1 (Ruiz 17', Sancet 24', Blanco 54', Oroz 68', Sergio Gomez 78' - Bondarenko 13')
Antonio Blanco - played 75 minutes and scored.
England U21 - Spain U21 1:0 (Jones 45+4')
Antonio Blanco - played 83 minutes.
Iceland U19 - Spain U19 1:2 (Thorsteinsson 90+1' - Gasiorowski 16', Barbera 47')
Gonzalo Garcia - played the whole match
Cesar Palacios - played 92 minutes.
Manuel Angel - played 83 minutes.
Edgar Pujol - played 2 minutes.
David Jimenez - didn't play.
Greece U19 - Spain U19 0:5 (Barbera 11', 45+1', Angel 14', Palacios 17', Casas 57')
Manuel Angel - played the whole match and scored.
Cesar Palacios - played 67 minutes and scored.
Gonzalo Garcia - played the whole first half and assisted Barbera's first goal.
Edgar Pujol - played 23 minutes.
David Jimenez - didn't play.
Spain U19 - Norway U19 0:0
David Jimenez - played the whole match.
Edgar Pujol - played the whole match.
Manuel Angel - played the whole 1st half.
Cesar Palacios - played the whole 2nd half.
Gonzalo Garcia - played 23 minutes.
Spain U19 - Italy U19 2:3 (Barbera 58', Gasiorowski 74' - Vignato 52', Pisilli 66', Lipani 85')
Manuel Angel - played 88 minutes.
Cesar Palacios - played 81 minutes and assisted Barbera's goal.
Gonzalo Garcia - played 57 minutes.
Edgar Pujol - played 19 minutes.
David Jimenez - played 2 minutes.
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aestheticvoyage2022 · 2 years
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Day 266: Friday September 23, 2022 - “700 club″
For the second Friday night in a row, I was fully entrenched in baseball theatrics - history on display.   Judge didn’t hit his 60th, as we seem to tune in for every at bat, but our guy Albert came through in a dramatic way.  My buddy Chad was at the game with his family and I so enjoyed chatting with him throughout as if we were sitting there together in Cardinal Red.  It enhances the experience to be able to fill him in on all the tidbits I can see on my big screen from the Great Room.  In his second at bat of the night he took a hung curve way out to left field - a no doubter that left me hooting and hollering.  699 was a beast.   Tonight could be the night.   And 27 minutes later, he was back up to bat - the Dodgers went to the bullpen, brought in a righty and when another curve got hung, slap - and it was driven out to the first row in left field.  Everyone erupted, including myself alone but feeling as if I was there, as he soared around the bases sky high with a huge smile on his face.  Crossed homeplate a member of the elite 700 club and I wondered how many of those I had witnessed, heard, and cheered.  He hugged Yadi, and high fived Beltre, and took a curtain call in Dodger Stadium, where he tried on this role last year.   It gave me chills. This was a really big deal.  I was glad that I saw it live.
 I first came to St Louis in the summer of 2006 - a young Pujols was the face of the franchise; their star led them to World Series championship that year and again in 2011.  Id got to games, and score those $5 grabbag seats that would put me up the third base line where Id use my first “nice camera” to zoom in on him batting, trying to capture that perfect swing as the ball left the bat out to Big Mac Land.  He was a machine. This is when I first became a Cardinals fan.  And after years of begrudgingly watching Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa swat steroid fueled big-flies, here he was doing it totally clean and never a question - how could you question that beautiful swing?  And I’ll always remember how that 2011 Game Six went - but I’ll also remember that it may never had happened if not for Pujols’ 5 for 5 game with three home runs as my Mom and I watched from Arizona after hiking the Grand Canyon - perhaps the best World Series performance of all time (if not, it would only be behind David Freese’s Game 6 show).  It was a sad day when our hometown hero, took the money and left town after that year. I had left town too and went out West.  But over those ten years, the stats kept stacking, and he kept going, and following the chills in 2019 when he made his first appearance back in Busch, Chad and I would chatter about how cool it would be if he could come back and finish his career with the Redbirds.  When the crowd pulled for a curtain call after he hit a Home Run, no one remember the big contract he took - just that he was loved, and he was a hero so many times over.  It reminded me of the old Sparky Anderson quote - “The great thing about baseball is when you’re done, you’ll only tell your grandchildren the good things.  If they ask me about 1989, I'll tell them I had amnesia.”   How cool would it be if we could just forget those 11 years he was gone and get a little bit of St Louis Summer back.  And when the DH rule came to the National League this year, it was all the baseball Gods needed to make this a reality. We saw him go 0-fer in Fenway this year, and get a single in Arizona - but after the all star break where he participated in the Home Run Derby as a legacy selection to the team, he got on a fire and a late season power surge in a hot Cardinals first place lineup, he belted 20+ home runs to make history after committing whole heartedly that he was done, no matter what.  He had made it - he had gone the distance.  With just 10 games to go, he cemented his place in an elite milestone.  An inner circle Hall of Famer, with the likes of Aaron and Ruth.  And I can say I spent many a summer night, and fall evening, emotionally involved in it.   Tonight, over text with my buddy Chad, projecting the game on the big screen, it gave me the little bit of joy I needed at exactly the right time.  Just another reason to love this game so much!   Baseball immortality.  Next stop - jersey retirement, red jackets on opening day, Cooperstown.
Song: Bill Conti - Going The Distance
Quote: “The tragedy in a man’s life is what dies inside of him while he lives.”― Albert Schweitzer
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kingarthursass · 2 days
Explore the legal implications of business decisions with Melvin’s Business Law and Strategy PDF. This comprehensive eBook is not only suited for business students but also for anybody who wants to learn about the legal aspects of the business industry. The practical, real-world examples and critical thinking taught in this book emphasize that the law has an impact on each business decision taken, irrespective of the industry. The strategic framework of the Business Law and Strategy ebook helps the readers to examine how businesses can strategically use the law to their advantage and create a competitive edge. The text content is supported by a robust technology suite that includes online assignments and activities that help you participate more actively in the learning process. The online activities also emulate typical business situations where you get to explore the consequences of your decisions, which helps sharpen your strategic thinking skills. This eBook is available under several ISBNs, making it accessible to a wider audience. Please note that ISBN 978-0078023828, 9780077614690, 0077614690, 978-0077614690, 0077614682, 1260956881, 9780077614683, 978-1260956887, 978-0077614683, 9781260956887 can access the eBook. Get your copy of the Business Law and Strategy eBook in PDF, which is available for sale. Please note that this product sale only includes the eBook version of Business Law and Strategy in PDF. No access codes are included.
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