#Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight
ygoartreviews · 2 months
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Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight
Is it awful of me to say that I genuinely like this Dark Magician Girl Timaeus fusion more than either of the Dark Magician ones? Because I really, really do. Like, they gave her a whole ass sword and armor (that is questionable, admittedly) modeled after her normal outfit. The way they transformed her iconic hat into a knight's helmet is so fucking cool honestly. And of course, let's not forget how cool Timaeus looks here as well. Sure, he's much less of a focal point than Dark Magician Girl is, but once you notice that glare he's giving the camera, you just can't forget it. Definitely the best Timaeus has looked across all his cards; the texture work used to imply the presence of scales across his body alone is amazing. The light reflections off Dark Magician Girl's sword and helmet are wonderful as well. It looks like the air itself is being sliced up.
Rating: 10/10, If you're going to say she must be having an awful time riding this dragon, I already know and I don't want to think about it
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red-rose-corner · 1 year
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anthurak · 1 day
Funny little thought/headcanon I had while looking at Yugioh card archetypes, specifically the various ones that have spun off of Yugi’s iconic monsters, ie; Dark Magician, Gaia the Fierce Knight, Buster Blader, etc.
In terms of in-universe card-lore, I feel like many of Yugi’s monsters read like this oldschool fantasy adventurer party who banded together to go on a series of epic quests together.
You’ve got Dark Magician, the wise and powerful wizard who brings the group together.
Gaia the Fierce Knight is a knight who joins the party, and later tames a powerful dragon to be his new steed in Curse of Dragon.
Kuriboh is a little fiendish spirit who is probably Dark Magician’s familiar and becomes the party’s mascot.
Summoned Skull is a powerful fiend whom the party forges an unlikely alliance with.
Buster Blader, an up and coming dragon-slayer who joins the party.
Dark Magician Girl, the Dark Magician’s young protégé.
Really, I think it’s easy to picture basically ALL of Yugi’s monsters as being part-or-full-time members or affiliated allies of this hypothetical band of adventurers: Mystical Elf could be an elven priestess who joins the party, Celtic Guardian could be Mystical Elf’s bodyguard, Feral Imp and Horn Imp are a pair of petty demons who get bound to the service of Dark Magician or Summoned Skull, Silver Fang is a wolf the party adopts, the list goes on.
And all the individual archetypes that have spun off of each of Yugi’s monsters represent each of these adventurers going their separate ways to have their own big solo quests and stories after the party disbanded (ie; when the DM anime ended).
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Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl clearly continue to have their own long string of adventures.
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Possibly with DMG eventually forming her own band of fellow magical girls.
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Buster Blader became The Destruction Swordsman, adopted Buster Whelp and had… that whole adventure.
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With Gaia, for a while I’ve had a theory/headcanon that the numerous ‘Gaia Knights’ aren’t actually all the same guy, but rather various members of an ORDER of Knights founded by the original Gaia. With each Gaia Knight representing either a rank, position or notable member of the order. With Gaia himself forming the order after leaving the party. He also apparently took Catapult Turtle with him.
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Heck, Summoned Skull being retroactively classified as part of the Archfiend archetype could be read in-lore as Summoned Skull becoming an Archfiend after or even as a result of their time with the party.
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Gazelle and Berfomet go off to form the Chimera series and also join the Phantom Beasts.
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Celtic Guardian takes up a second sword and becomes Celtic Guard of Noble Arms.
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The three Face-Card Knights (or the ‘Poker Knights’ as I prefer to call them) probably form their own order of knights with Joker’s Knight and Imperial Bower and eventually become the Arcana Joker trio (with Queen’s Knight/Arcana Triumph Joker clearly having inherited some power from Slifer/Osiris, given her effect).
And the list goes on.
Oh, and the Magical Citadel of Endymion probably factors in here somewhere, given the existence of the ‘Skilled Magician’ monsters. Not to mention Yugi’s use of Breaker the Magical Warrior.
And I dunno, I think it’s really fun to think of the ‘in-universe’ card lore in this way, as well as tie together all of Yugi’s monsters in a cool way. Heck you can reimagine much of Duelist Kingdom, Battle City and the other arcs of DM into more classical fantasy adventures.
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zakurarain · 3 months
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Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight
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millenniumdueled · 2 months
The Day of Judgement: part 3
The wave of pain that accompanies the Seal's activation fades quickly, but the surge of power it brings does not. His skin seems alive with electricity as he drags himself back to his feet, staring down his opponent with a new, intense fire burning in his red violet eyes.
A smirk splits his face as he watches the crystal prison fall from around his Dragon Knight. But that expression quickly fades as the great dragon she rides disappears below her, leaving the Dark Magician Girl standing alone on the field. "What the hell--?!" the Other Yugi gasps in surprise.
Across the mesa, Raphael laughs.
"Didn't you know?" the Musketeer chides. "The Seal of Orichalcos and those Legendary Dragons are polar opposites. Light and dark, oil and water. They can't coexist. But don't you feel freer, Pharaoh?"
The Other Yugi's fierce eyes narrow.
"I can still play up to ten monsters now. You're going to regret giving me that card, Raphael," he growls, in a low, chilling voice that he hasn't used in so, so long. The same cold tone he spoke in before he found himself, when all he knew were Shadow Games.
He plays Hand Control, a card that allows him to bring back four monsters from his graveyard if he can just name a card in his opponent's hand. And of course he can-- he's the one who gave Raphael the Necromancy card he holds now.
This is it, the Other Yugi thinks, wild pride flashing in his eyes. He can win this. He can seal Raphael's soul instead. It'll be all over then, all of the plans of this so called Doma. He'll never have to use the Seal again, but he just has to win this first--
Their Duel resumes, and seems to do so in the Pharoah's favor. He attacks with Kuribabylon and Dark Magician. His second attack is negated, but he doesn't seem to waver. Though Raphael plays Swords of Revealing Light, Ither Yugi is undeterred. Using Catapult Turtle, he doesn't need to attack. He can sacrifice his other monsters to chip away at Raphael's lifepoints directly. One by one, turn after turn, his field is cleared. Monster after monster is hurtled at the enemy, bringing his lifepoints down to a measly 100.
But as his turn begins, Raphael laughs. The Other Yugi scowls.
"I told you that the Seal would reveal the truth," Raphael says. "So look at it! This is the truth of your soul, Nameless Pharaoh. Wicked, greedy, violent, and proud. You're trapped by your need to win, and your fear of losing."
"What did you say?" growls the Other Yugi. "From where I'm standing, you look like the one who's trapped, Raphael."
There's that annoying, condescending look of pity again.
"Look at your field, Pharaoh. Look at your precious monsters. Look at what you've done to your cute Kuribohs. To your Dark Magician Girl. Throwing their lives away for a reckless charge at victory?"
Suddenly, the Other Yugi's intense stare breaks. His stomach drops, and his chest burns.
This isn't right.
This isn't him.
"Your lust for power destroyed the one monster I truly feared. But you sealed your fate the second you chose the Seal over Timaeus."
The Other Yugi, the Nameless Pharaoh, tries to call out inside his heart. To reach the Partner he'd pushed away, to open the door he'd locked to shut him out. But he can't reach him. Can't hear Yugi's voice. Can't feel his love inside their heart.
Raphael draws, then plays two cards.
Lightning cracks overhead as his ace monster, Guardian Eatos, appears on the field, their massive, white wings outstretched. The Guardian raises a hand, and a spectacular Celestial Sword appears.
There's nothing that the Other Yugi can do but watch in horror as every monster he had so recklessly sent to his graveyard emerges now, pulled into that Sword, that glows and grows with every added beast.
"No... No..." the Pharaoh repeats, over and over, as he watches in dread. The Guardian's attack rises with each unfortunate soul it absorbs, until the monster that faces him now stands with 10,000 attack points.
"You did this. You used your monsters and threw them away with no regard."
"I didn't want this-""
"You rushed every turn of this Duel for the sake of what, your pride?""
"Don't LOOK at me like that!!!!"
But Raphael still holds that same look of pity as he stares down at the smaller man.
Then, he attacks.
And it's more than enough to destroy both Other Yugi's Kuribabylon, along with his lifepoints.
Somewhere deep, deep inside their soul, Yugi screams. The real Yugi, locked out of his own body by the Other Self he's trusted for so long.
This can't happen!
He can't let this happen!!!!
He was supposed to protect the God Cards, and he'd failed.
He could hold his Other Self back from killing Kaiba, but he couldn't stop him this time.
All he could do was watch in horror from the void between their rooms. The little silent duelist, screaming now, over and over, to a locked and heavy vaulted door, sealed in glowing blue light.
His screams turn to choked sobs.
His sobs slow, as the sound of his Other Self echoes through the void.
He can't feel sorry for himself now. He can't let him down again.
Maybe this is another puzzle. Maybe there's some way to break the Seal.
He remembers the last Duel, when Joey faced their old friend Mai. When that other Musketeer interrupted, breaking through the Seal of Orichalcos with that tiny stone he wore. He reaches for his neck, but that stone that his body wears isn't here, inside his Heart.
Desperately, Yugi takes the Puzzle in both hands, and raises it over his head. He screams, summons all the strength in his little body to drive the bottom point into the Seal that keeps him from his Other Half. Over, and over, and over. Relentlessly, as if his heart and soul depend on it.
Even as the heavy, stone door begins to crack.
On the Mesa, the Hero falls to his knees. His lifepoints at zero, the Duel decided.
The King of Games, undefeated no longer.
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the-dark-magicians · 3 months
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Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ Must be Fusion Summoned with the above Fusion Materials or with "The Eye of Timaeus". Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can send 1 card from your hand to the GY, then target 1 face-up card on the field; destroy that target.
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yu-gi-poll · 8 months
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(Click the image + open image in new tab for better quality!)
Thank you to my sister @marwamarwa for making the bracket image! It took a lot of work & I really appreciate it :)
This will be a 128-contestant, single-elimination tournament. The bracket will be split into four sets, each comprising of 16 polls that will last a week. Each set, aside from being shown in the above image, will be listed below alongside the date it'll be posted. When the polls come out, I'll link them below.
Match-ups written out below the cut:
Will be posted on Thursday, 10/12, with all 16 polls being queued for between 12 PM and 2 PM EST.
Kuriboh vs. Sangan
Kuribabylon vs. Kuribandit
Kuriboh Brothers vs. Silent Magician
Dark Magician vs. Dark Magician Girl
Magician of Faith vs. Witch of the Black Forest
Pumpking the King of Ghosts vs. Maha Vailo
Great Mammoth of Goldfine vs. The Snake Hair
Man-Eater Bug vs. Morphing Jar
Diabound Kernal vs. Divine Serpent Geh
Guardian Eatos vs. Guardian Dreadscythe
The Claw of Hermos vs. The Fang of Critias
The Eye of Timaeus vs. Timaeus the Knight of Destiny
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon vs. Obelisk the Tormenter
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon vs. Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Ancient Dragon vs. Dragon Master Knight
Black Luster Soldier vs. Magician of Black Chaos
Will be posted on Saturday, 10/14, with all 16 polls being queued for between 12 PM and 2 PM EST.
Flame Swordsman vs. Jinzo
Gilford the Lightning vs. Gearfried the Iron Knight
Alligator's Sword vs. Rocket Warrior
Beaver Warrior vs. Catapult Turtle
Baby Dragon vs. Time Wizard
Red Eyes Black Dragon vs. Thousand Dragon
Psychic Armor Head vs. Red Eyes Black Dragon Sword
Air Fortress Ziggurat vs. Chaos Emperor Dragon- Envoy of the End
Castle of Dark Illusions vs. Labyrinth Wall
Gate Guardian vs. Shadow Ghoul
Relinquished vs. Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Illusionist Faceless Mage vs. Legendary Fiend
Toon Dark Magician Girl vs. Toon Summoned Skull
Giant Soldier of Stone vs. Summoned Skull
Celtic Guardian vs. Breaker the Magical Warrior
Curse of Dragon vs. Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress
Will be posted on Monday, 10/16, with all 16 polls being queued for between 12 PM and 2 PM EST.
Dragon Lady vs. Dragon Piper
Kung Fu Nyan Nyan vs. Thunder Nyan Nyan
Kunoichi Ayame the Ninja Girl vs. Ninja Master Shogun
Insect Queen vs. The Legendary Fisherman
Prinzessin vs. Thorn Princess
Hexe Trude vs. Globerman
Harpie Lady vs. Valkyrie Brunhilde
Harpie Lady Sisters vs. Harpie's Pet Dragon
Cyber Harpie Lady vs. Amazoness Chain Master
Cure Mermaid vs. Injection Fairy Lily
Darklord Marie vs. St. Joan
Shinato, King of a Higher Plane vs. Exodia Necross
Exodia the Forbidden One vs. Winged Dragon of Ra
Right Arm of the Forbidden One vs. Slifer the Sky Dragon
Holding Arms vs. Holding Legs
Agido vs. Mystical Beast of Serket
Will be posted on Wednesday, with all 16 polls being queued for between 12 PM and 2 PM EST.
Marshmallon vs. Watapon
Petit Dragon vs. Shining Friendship
Flying Elephant vs. Zera the Mant
Barrel Dragon vs. Metalzoa
Machine King vs. Robotic Knight
Axe Raider vs. Orgoth the Relentless
Alpha the Magnet Warrior vs. King's Knight
Beta the Magnet Warrior vs. Queen's Knight
Gamma the Magnet Warrior vs. Jack's Knight
Knight of Twin Swords vs. Reflect Bounder
Cosmo Queen vs. Mystical Elf
Musician King vs. Trap Master
Black Tyranno vs. Serpent Night Dragon
Poison Butterfly vs. Parasite Paracide
La Jinn Mystical Genie of the Lamp vs. XYZ-Dragon Cannon
Glassman vs. Gearfried the Swordsmaster
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randomanimaticse · 6 months
Guardian Tales Masterlist
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The knight
None at the moment.. try asking!
Innkeeper Loraine
None at the moment.. try asking!
Captain Knight Eva
None at the moment.. try asking!
Red Hood Elvira
None at the moment.. try asking!
Vampire Girl Karina
None at the moment.. try asking!
Twin Fighter Lavi
None at the moment.. try asking!
Twin healer Favi
None at the moment.. try asking!
Leaf Fairy Aoba
None at the moment.. try asking!
Mad Scientist Gremory
None at the moment.. try asking!
Pirate Rachel
None at the moment.. try asking!
Sniper Hekate
None at the moment.. try asking!
Innuit Girl Coco
None at the moment.. try asking!
Engineer Marianne
None at the moment.. try asking!
Scientist sohee
None at the moment.. try asking!
Kung Fu Master Mei
None at the moment.. try asking!
Desert Mercenary Marvin
None at the moment.. try asking!
Aspiring warrior Craig
None at the moment.. try asking!
Swordsman Akayuki
None at the moment.. try asking!
Dragon Talon Clan Ranpang
None at the moment.. try asking!
Succubus Adventurer Yuze
None at the moment.. try asking!
Princess Aisha
None at the moment.. try asking!
Dragon Knight Shapira
None at the moment.. try asking!
Swindler Magician Dolf
None at the moment.. try asking!
Dual-personality Maid Amy
None at the moment.. try asking!
Fire Dragon Girgas
None at the moment.. try asking!
Dimension traveler Catherine
None at the moment.. try asking!
Battleball Girl Rie
None at the moment.. try asking!
Dragon Seeking Girl Neva
None at the moment.. try asking!
Goddess of War Plitvice
None at the moment.. try asking!
Knight Lady Lapice
None at the moment.. try asking!
Grand Admiral Marina
None at the moment.. try asking!
Executive Red Hood Arabelle
None at the moment.. try asking!
Idol Captain Eva
None at the moment.. try asking!
Flower Girl Bari
None at the moment.. try asking!
Ice Witch Lupina
None at the moment.. try asking!
Scrivener Lahn
None at the moment.. try asking!
Movie Star Eugene
None at the moment.. try asking!
Dancing Archer Tinia
None at the moment.. try asking!
Dragon Avatar Vishuvac
None at the moment.. try asking!
Eight-tailed Fox Nari
None at the moment.. try asking!
Noble Succubus Bianca
None at the moment.. try asking!
Mecha Warrior Oghma
None at the moment.. try asking!
Golem Rider Alef
None at the moment.. try asking!
Exorcist Miya
None at the moment.. try asking!
Future Princess
None at the moment.. try asking!
Nine-tailed Fox Garam
None at the moment.. try asking!
Dark Magician Beth
None at the moment.. try asking!
Santa's Little Helper Rue
None at the moment.. try asking!
Archangel Gabriel
None at the moment.. try asking!
Drunken Swordmaster Lynn
None at the moment.. try asking!
Future Knight
None at the moment.. try asking!
Chosen One's Archpriestess Veronica
None at the moment.. try asking!
Necromancer Noxia
None at the moment.. try asking!
Divine Beast of Harvest Mayreel
None at the moment.. try asking!
Android Mk.99
None at the moment.. try asking!
Demon Queen Lilith
None at the moment.. try asking!
Trickster Lucy
None at the moment.. try asking!
Scientist on the Beach Sohee
None at the moment.. try asking!
Lifeguard Yuze
None at the moment.. try asking!
Goddess of Wealth Eleanor
None at the moment.. try asking!
Flame Harpy Scintilla
None at the moment.. try asking!
Legendary Hero Erina
None at the moment.. try asking!
God of Harvest Kamael
None at the moment.. try asking!
Autonomous Android Mk.2
None at the moment.. try asking!
Warlord Mercenary Orca
None at the moment.. try asking!
Druid Kanna
None at the moment.. try asking!
Grim Reaper Hana
None at the moment.. try asking!
Elemental of Christmas Carol
None at the moment.. try asking!
The Bound Child Clara
None at the moment.. try asking!
Model Employee Parvati
None at the moment.. try asking!
Half Vampire Priscilla
None at the moment.. try asking!
Count of Demonshire Claude
None at the moment.. try asking!
Sea Witch Ara
None at the moment.. try asking!
Sword of Werebeasts Ray
None at the moment.. try asking!
Little Android AA72
None at the moment.. try asking!
Party Crasher Mad Panda Trio
None at the moment.. try asking!
No.9 Miss Chrom
None at the moment.. try asking!
Elite Royal Guard Captain Valencia
None at the moment.. try asking!
Kunoichi Sumire
None at the moment.. try asking!
Contractee Crosselle
None at the moment.. try asking!
Slayer Andras
None at the moment.. try asking!
Destroyer Pymon
None at the moment.. try asking!
Huntress Rosetta
None at the moment.. try asking!
White snow
None at the moment.. try asking!
1st Corps Commander
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
Cyborg Monk Chun Ryeo
None at the moment.. try asking!
Elder Dragon's Daughter Ameris
None at the moment.. try asking!
Sea Vendor Sia
None at the moment.. try asking!
Baby Dokkaebi Eunha
None at the moment.. try asking!
Overlord of the East Morrian
None at the moment.. try asking!
Incarcerated Scholar Vinette
None at the moment.. try asking!
Pill Refiner Win Ling
None at the moment.. try asking!
Private Investigator Odile
None at the moment.. try asking!
Plague Doctor
None at the moment.. try asking!
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turboacek-blog · 1 year
Yugi’s Pokemon Team
So there was a topic of Ash vs Yugi on twitter
And basically it just devolved into if they're playing each other competitive Yugi would win but Ash would win if they physically had to fight
Some also said Ash would win Pokemon and Yugi would win Yugioh/Duel monsters not just for obvious reasons but because Ash is more adaptive and Yugi is more of a planner
It made me think what would Yugi’s Pokemon team be?
As the idea is that Yugi would use some competitive Pokemon and that's why he would win as he would be less restricted in Pokemon and such similar to the actual competitive Pokemon play where they use legendaries, mythical, etc as if it's normal which isn't in the anime
But also Yugi’s deck had a theme (not an archetype) of mostly medieval with magic, knights, and dragons and there are pokemon that can meet that theme even if they aren't the most competitive Pokemon
So this was my attempt at a Yugi team
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Meowscarada is literally a dark magician lol and makes sense for a starter,
Braixen would have been the starter before gen 9 as it has the “magic rod” and everything but now it can fit the Dark Magician Girl spot (could be Delphox but thought Braixen for the apprentice aspect more since it's a middle stage)
Aegislash is for all the knight cards Yugi has from Celtic Guardian, Black Luster Soldier, Buster Blader, etc
Escavalier, after the dark magician, it seems Gaia the fierce knight is the most consistent of his stronger cards, as cards like summoned skull didn’t appear often and others aren’t as unique or strong, Gaia and Escavalier use the same weapon
Venonat, Venonat is the closest thing to Kuriboh and Kuriboh is such a big part of Yugi had to include
Rayquaza is the obvious pick for Slifer the Sky Dragon the Egyptian God that was the boss monster for them
So that's the team
Pretty strong, the starters are starters so they have good strength, Aegislash is versatile Escavalier is can be really strong, with Rayquaza as one of the most powerful Pokemon ever, Venonat is the weak point here but could be the equivalent to Ash’s Pikachu if we're concerned about stats
Could this team beat Ash’s?
Depends how strong they make the Rayquaza
As everyone else is possible with his starters, aces, Pokemon like Sirfetch’d are no joke, etc
So could be an even battle until Rayquaza comes then it comes down to is this a Pokemon that if he has Charizard, Greninja, Pikachu etc available can they do a legendary slaying performance or will it be like a Tobias Darkrai or a legendary raid battle where he stands no chance?
I made additional team's for if Yugi and Atem are separated for this
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Kept Meowscarada and Aegislash as in the Yugi vs Atem battle Atem had more of the magician and Knight cards
Atem had the Egyptian gods so he keeps Rayquaza for Slifer
Alakazam just represents more of his magician cards
Druddigon is the most similar to some of his dragons like Timaeus
And Kingambit represent more knight cards maybe specifically the Kings Knight, Queens Knight, Jacks Knight cards
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Atem had the dark magician girl in their duel but this magician can represent more of the fruit magicians he used in DSOD
Magnezone for his Magnet warriors, they had a crucial part against Atem in their duel and are another staple for their joint deck
Golurk for his Fortress cards like Stronghold, Metamorphortress as he used that combination in nearly all his duels
Klinklang for the gadget cards like red gadget, gold gadget
Gardevoir and Gallade for his Silent Magician and Silent Swordsman they are his equivalent to Atem’s Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl
Different teams, Atem has the same Rayquaza question but little Yugi, has a more technical team he's not going to overpower Ash but he could out-strategize him
Additional Pokemon to full out his reserves/deck
Sirfetch’d -another knight
Chesnaught - technically another knight
Armarouge/Ceruledge - fire knights might fit Joeys flame swordsman more
Corviknight - also another knight
Dragonite -another dragon
Charizard - another “dragon”
Mismagius- a witch for more magicians
Mr. Mime - technically a magician
Lucario and Rabscada - the Egyptian connection
Marowak or Duskull - Summoned Skull
Iron Valiant - “Combined” version of Gardevoir and Gallade if ever news to make just one team slot for them (also Silent Paladin)
Basically any dark, psychic, fairy, ghost, steel, or dragon type Pokemon as they generally cover a lot of the magic, knight, and Dragon, Yugi’s medieval theme has and some of Yugi’s toy/kid theme
I couldn't find a good equivalent for Gandora maybe a Pokemon like Zekrom but nothing I felt confident about picking
Same with Exodia don't know which Pokemon could fit that ionic card(s) maybe Regigigas as the ability slow start can match the need for all five cards to summon/win
Magearna - for the gadget cards
Swords of justice - knights
Hoopa - kind of a magician
Zacian/Zamazenta- knights
Mewtwo - psychic type can be a magician
So who wins?
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regalfairytaleacademy · 7 months
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Homelands for My OCs and their origins
Dragon Empire
Dragon Empire is also the origin for Dragons as the ancestor founded and built as the domain. Some dragons are sending to the Isle of Cornelia for protecting the school and riding by the students or staffs if there's any danger. Also they used for train students for improve their bravery and have a bond of the relation.
This empire was a strict monarchy with the king and queen of Draconaheart family raising Laurel to be the next queen of the kingdom, while Seraphine and Isabella shall be the youngest princesses.
It is also the home of Nymphs. Their mission is gone to protect the world. Laurel is the one of them, later become a Supreme Nymph. They lived in the Forest of Dreams further to the kingdom.
The language of the history book is written in kingdom's official language which only those live in the past century know to read, and made it difficult for young generation.
Lived in: Laurel, Seraphine & Isabella Draconaheart
Celebrations: Remembrance Day of Dragon Fire
Aurora Empyrean
The neighboring kingdom of Dragon Empire and is known for the home to many brave heroes and natural-born leaders, with the members of the current royal family being ones themselves.
It was monarched by the heiress whom related to Dragon Empire. She is the only queen who lead a group of skilled warriors in order to protect the magic world from the dark forces.
The rulers of two joint the team for long after the war against the forces. Soon after, two neighboring kingdom were have a fight due to unavailable reason.
Likewise, it has an unknown isle near the kingdom where the magic school built for magicians to study. The current Headmistress to the school is the friend of the late queen.
Over the years, the queen gave birth to an infant girl and sealed the barrier for a protection. The palace was in frozen over the hundred years and the queen eventually death in the long slumber. It became a desolate realm with ice and snow, cursed by the Dark Wizard. However, the princess was missing after the wizard's spirit conquered the place.
Years pass, Ella and her friends revive the kingdom. After defeats the spirit of the wizard with the help of the her late mother's magic, life returns to the kingdom. As a result, Ella ruled the land of her birth and then married Albert, once again uniting the two kingdoms.
Dreamy City
In the last century, the city was unknown and used to be the main part of Aurora Empyrean. It is an area of ​​protected islands where only magicians and knights are allowed to live. They were used to be racists that prejudice towards humans based on their magic and personalities.
Yet when the evil forces came, all the armies lost a lot in the war, thinking it was over. Fortunately, many human magicians stood up to help at the first time, and finally defeated the enemy. They later decided to unleash magic around the kingdom to work together to protect and undo racially discriminatory laws.
Over the years, the queen named the land "Dreamy City". This means they dream of being anything they want and create astonishing things they want. Soon it has attracted more tourists and visitors to see the amazing things that surround the city.
It is the country where Elise and Jennifer's family lived there. The Dufour family runs the cafe.
Aiden sometimes performs magic tricks to customers at the café, while Vanessa acts as the magical enforcement officer.
Lived in: Elise Dufour • Jennifer Jester
Queendom of Quartz
It also known as the Valley of Quartz before.
However, after the monarchy discovered the valley and found minerals, they decided to build kingdoms and towns around the forest. It is ruled by Ariel's family.
The Fairy Guardian of the Galaxy and her families have hosted many events and festivals for the kingdom over the years, such as "One-Day Royals", which is like a coronation to the royalty but is actually a quest for what the royal family give their heir has never dealt with royal duty. It's also a celebration in the Vougefleur dorm, where students perform activities such as passing the magic mirror and labyrinth tests.
In addition, crystal-loving citizens must not miss the "Crystal Festival". Still, it's not just Thanksgiving, it's also a big day for shopaholics to buy what they want at every store. Plus her parents have been so busy buying materials for their business that they've been huddling with a bunch of people. This is why Celine often has to go home for a few days off.
"Parents' Day" is also a celebration that citizens will not miss together, it refers to the Fairy Guardian of the Galaxy's parents who have long since divorced and she wants to be reunited with them.
Another festival in its kingdom, the "Fashion Ball", refers to the idea of ​​the fairy guardian, who planned a fashion show of her dreams.
Lived in: Ariel Stellareinette • Rozebelle Adoria (Blomst) • Celine & Richard Stellareinette • Claire Beaute Spiegel • Sophia Azurinova
Celebrations: One-day Royals, Crystal Festival, Parents' Day, Fashion Ball
Mélodie Kingdom
It's a most peaceful country that the citizens will live in forever and never moved out. However, the monarchy and government occasionally got a lot case from the country.
It is also where Charisse and her family resided, after she was created.
The country's architecture features traditional Chinese architecture. Therefore, it is famous for its Chinese poetry, traditional costumes, historical legends, etc., and many tourists cannot put it down.
Melody Day is a school holiday in the kingdom and a major celebration, only on May 30th. All the citizens are playing the any music instruments they be good at. Also there has a concert that are presenting to the students from schools in the kingdom.
Music Competition always presenting at every year for build a linked harmony that the Fairy Guardian of Music and her spouse had been play.
Lived in: Cadence & Calliope Symphonie • Carolina Ringelblume • Charisse Locks (/MC)
Celebrations: Melody Day, Lunar New Year, Mid-Autumn Fest, Qixi Festival, Donzhi Festival, etc.
Serpentine Ocean
The land where Alcina and Delphine's family ruled in, split it to the dry land and underwater. Before the unite to two kingdoms, there have been a war between of humans, fairies and merfolk. Until the mermaid who rescued a human prince, they fell in love and eventually married by their family's permission. Soon, they have their hybrid heir.
Moreover, the kingdom was united by Alcina's great ancestor and the King of the Ocean.
People said there's a riddle to their country for finding the treasure, "Water to the ocean sink in, snake deep onto." Currently, it written in the history book and the motif to the domain.
Most citizens are successful people and patriotic actors of the country. The nation places higher priority on physical education and psychology than on other disciplines. So, a lot of athletes and psycho doctors are born in this country.
Lived in: Alcina Oceane • Delphine Mermaid • Rory Magnus • Adonis Roseo Avalon
Celebrations: World Ocean Event • Turquoise Grand Ball
Cherry Imperial
It is the oldest kingdom still in existence on the Twisted Wonderland map. However, only citizens who live there can enter or leave the kingdom when the teleportal is open. It is ruled by the Emperor and his daughter, Crown Princess Mizuno Sakura.
The kingdom has a bumper harvest of cherries, plums, apples, etc., which is one of the reasons why the country holds the "Flower and Fruit Harvest" festival. This celebration brings together tourists alike, and has even made the country a favorite tourist destination.
Not only this festival, but the various famous poets who live there and the beautiful cherry blossom forest are also the reasons why tourists want to come. Therefore, the kingdom organized another celebration, "Poetry Appreciation Day" to honor all the poet.
In addition, its kingdom has other festivals, "Cherry Day", to commemorate the romantic love between the Fairy Guardian of Nature and her husband.
Lived in: Erika Rostlina
Celebrations: Flower and Fruit Harvest, Poetry Appreciation Day, Cherry Day
Isle of Elements
The ancient island that least people know where to. It is a small island off the coast of Briar Valley. It is the domain for the people with element powers.
The fairies take over the sovereign to their realms in ancient times. All the Fairy Queens are take orders from the Fairy High Queen, till some extent, the Fairy Queen of Justice who treat friends and enemies remain neutral to the Good and Evil people all as being equal and cannot take sides.
All places in the island are designed to medieval europe and colored in the less gloomy.
There is a cottage in the dark forest of the distant kingdom where Valeria is quarantined due to her photophobia. It is also a habitat for animals such as squirrels, rabbits, owls and more.
Lived in : Valeria Roxia
Magnolia Kingdom
The kingdom that ruled by Darling's father and it had contracted with his wife's country by the marriage. It is where Darling and her older sister born. Though it ruled by Ryder family, her family runs the pharmacy as her mother suggested and what she desires to be rather than living in royal life.
The reason why this country is called the "Magnolia Kingdom" is because it used to be a place full of magnolia trees, and it was also a place where pharmacists came to pick magnolias. They say the flowers and bark can be made into medicine to treat symptoms like weight loss and anxiety.
Living there: Darling & Artemis Ryder
Prunus Empire
The country where Darling's mother was born and lived with her relatives before marrying her father to unite the two kingdoms. It is formerly ruled by Darling's maternal grandfather until her aunt ascended the throne as Empress.
Her mother often came back to deal with emergencies or tantrums in the palace, though had been escaped from the realm long years.
Likely to Melodie Kingdom, the nation is the famous local for the visitors. Many stores around the town that comes from other countries, most of the beauty cosmetics, fashions and ancient artifacts.
Flutterville Meadow
The small village where Silvia and Annabelle lived in. It is a part of the Spring Greenland.
There is a story that these two places were started by the Harvest sisters. The older sister built an orchard and the younger sister a garden. They all focus on the plants in their locale.
The story sparked speculation about what the sisters had been unidentified. Some people think they quarreled and separated. Others have speculated that the sisters were part of a half-family where their mother died and they moved away from their father.
Pretty like Harveston Village, Flutterville Meadow is the place where many elderlies lived. It has many tourists come to see the beautiful flower meadow and celebrate the flower fest together.
There is a special place that only the villagers are familiar with, that is the Willow of Life. This is the magic tree planted by the sister on her deathbed. The wind blows, every leaf has its own melody. Villagers can hear its leaves ringing like small bells while tourists only can hear the sound of rustle.
Lived in: Silvia Schlummern, Annabelle Paragon
Celebrations: Flower Festival
Spring Greenland
It's a country with cottagecore and retro. It has fruitful harvest same as the Cherry Imperial that the citizens have worked so hard to cultivate. It has four seasons every years.
It has a pair dancing competition each years of the spring, and the winner will get the legendary prize.
There are various species out there like fairies, elves, paladins and others. Athena has lived there for many years since she was born, until she decides to live with her mother, Aurora.
Lived in: Athena Palladium • Aurora Layton
Celebrations: Fairy Gala
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Homelands Not by me:
Land of Pyroxene
Living there: Cascade Bluesette (originally lived in Queendom of Quartz)
Rose Kingdom / Queendom of Roses
Living there: Elaina Camilla
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ygoartreviews · 2 months
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Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight
Guess who's back again? It's Dark Magician Girl! The lines throughout this version feel so much more crisper than in the original art. I think it's because a lot of the lineart is highlighted by a white glow, especially around Dark Magician Girl herself; it matches really well with the interior highlights on her armor and such. The light reflection effect from the other art is maintained here to a lesser degree, moreso just focused on her sword, but also included this time is Timaeus' spikes off to the left. I really like that we get a full view of her shield and what the backside of her gauntlets look like in this version. I also love the decision to have her helmet juxtaposed over Timaeus' lower jaw. They flow so well together, creating the illusion that the helmet is part of his jaw. I must say though, I miss the highlighting effect used to imply the presence of scales in the original. His scales being more well defined here creates a little bit of wonkiness, most easily seen with his back spikes underneath Dark Magician Girl's arm that have no regard for scale placement. His pose is still cool though.
Rating: 9.5/10, It's the scales, sorry
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card-of-the-day · 2 years
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Today's Card Is: Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight
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fyeahygocardart · 1 year
FYCCA Archetype Contest/Giveaway, Final Edition
A couple updates from the initial post at the beginning of the month, which can be found here:
As far as the deadline, which has now been extended, the last full day to enter/vote will be February 7th, 11:59 EST (though admittedly I will start counting up votes the following morning). The winners of the archetype contest and the winners of the giveaway will be announced that following Saturday the 11th.
In the interim since the last post, there is now a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place archetype winner as stands now (a few votes have split the prior tie), but a 1st place vote would be enough for 2nd to take the lead.
As far as the giveaway winners, as a reminder, there will be a copy of Change of Heart (with the same rarity as the 1st prize winner) given out to two other randomly-picked voters (using random.org). 
To summarize the first prize winner’s cards, with the respective rarities:
1) The top 3 post cards: Change of Heart (Ultra), Toon World (Rare), and Dark Magician Girl (Ultra from LDS3)
2) Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and The Winged Dragon of Ra (all Prismatic Secret Rare)
3) The original 4 Charmers (Wynn, Eria, Hiita, and Aussa) - (Common from their Structure Deck)
4) Fusion Monsters: El Shaddoll Construct (Ultra from DUPO), Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman (Common from HAC1), Frightfur Wolf (Rare), and Oneiros the Dream Mirror Erlking (Super)
5) Link Monsters: The Weather Painter Rainbow (Gold Rare) and Moonbow (Ultra)
6) Synchro Monster: Black Rose Dragon (Ultra, from DUDE)
7) Xyz Monsters: Number 101: Silent Honor ARK (Ultra, from DUDE), and Outer Entity Nyarla (Secret Rare)
8) Ritual Monsters: Magician of Chaos (Ultra Rare with Blue lettering) and Megalith Phul (Common)
9) Spell Cards: Pantheism of the Monarchs (Super Rare), Dark Sanctuary (Common), Elegant Egotist (Common), Monster Reborn (Common), and Soul Release (Common)
10) Miscellaneous: Nurse Dragonmaid (Gold Rare), Noble Knight Artorigus (Ultra), Ghostrick Lantern (Ultra), SPYRAL Super Agent (Super), Orcust Cymbal Skeleton (Rare), Lifeless Leaffish + Farfa Malebranche of the Burning Abyss + Melffy Rabby + Danger!? Tsuchinoko? + Gunkan Suship Shari +Transcicada + Fluffal Dolphin + Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier + Jinzo + Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon + King of the Skull Servants (all Common).
And that (after quite a while of typing that up) is all of them.
Hope you all have a great rest of your day and I look forward to any final votes in the coming days.
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wardenmages · 8 months
baldur's gate 3 yu-gi-oh deck archetypes
combining my oldest special interest with my new one let's goooo, with the caveat I have not watched any YGO series fully since Zexal and only skimmed the synchro arc of Arc-V, so this is mainly going to be archetypes from the first 3 series simply because I stopped paying attention after that point lol
Wyll - Fortune Lady (Carly's deck from 5Ds) I like the dark magic vibe with a little bit of "forces from beyond looking over your shoulder" from them being used to read the future, but also the cards all work together in tandem in an interesting way
Gale - Magician-theme (Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, etc.) Partially because haha wizard but also I think the spell counters and the way it all flows together would fit him really well
Karlach - Guardians (Rafael's deck from DM, like Eatos) Each of them has a corresponding weapon card they're tied to which I like, and also that none of them should ever hit the graveyard. I was tempted to go with a fire theme like O'Brien's Volcanic deck but it's focused on getting cards into the graveyard, the exact opposite to Guardians, so I guess either would work depending on her arc
Lae'zel - Gusto (psychic/wind) I was tempted to go with a dragon theme but I think the combo of psychic and wind fits her very well. I used to run this deck and it's very defense-heavy and about getting the most Gusto monsters on the field at once to overwhelm the opponent
Shadowheart - Black Rose (Aki's from 5Ds) it was too easy. the flower motif. the repression of emotions and memories. being manipulated by a dark force who wants to use your powers to hurt where you could have healed. She is very Aki-coded, to me
Astarion - Light Burn/Heal (I can't think of an equivalent in the anime/manga but like, examples of monsters would be Honest and Avenging Knight Parshath) listen I almost went for the obvious vampire deck joke but genuinely I like this a lot. The light theme for that missing part of his life (returned to him during tadpoling). Despite being light/cute sometimes you can hit really hard with it and make it eerie/creepy, and I think Burn/Heal would definitely be something trained into him
Halsin - Fairy/Spirit World (Ruka's from 5Ds) Everything about duel spirits/the spirit world fits Halsin so well, esp if like I did with Shadowheart you compare the Shadow Curse to Ruka having to drive darkness out of the spirit world to save Ancient Fairy Dragon. Also it's just a very powerful deck that's deceptively cute/small but hits hard
Jaheira - Crystal Beast (Johan's from Gx) I thought about giving this to Halsin but I really think the family vibe of the crystals fits Jaheira so well, and they're all very sarcastic & stubborn like she is, she would absolutely just sit around petting Amethyst Cat even though no one else can see her
Minsc - Amazoness (Tania's from Gx) strong women kicking ass for our strong man who drinks all of his Respecting Women juice
Minthara - Volcanic (O'Brien's from Gx) the best reason not to give Volcanic to Karlach was because I like it for Minthara. I can't articulate entirely why this feels right (outside of similarities to the very militaristic saboteur vibes she and O'Brien share) but there's something about her saying "When the trivial parts have been whittled away, and I have sifted through what remains, in most cases a person amounts to nothing at all."
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millenniumdueled · 2 months
Wish of Final Effort: part 1
A great darkness begins to engulf the entire Earth, that band of shadow widening until the stars disappear. Far away from the battle, Duke and Rebecca watch anxiously as lightning flashes against that pitch black sky.
And under the ocean, the Great Leviathan roars.
"Do you hear it?" Dartz asks as the temple and the island it sits on shake. "With Seto's sacrifice, my god is almost ready."
"tell your dumb lizard to spit out my brother, you genocidal freak!!!" Mokuba snaps from his place beside his fallen brother, tears raining freely from his stormy grey eyes. "kill him, Yugi!!!!!"
Dartz rolls his mismatched eyes. "I think we've heard enough from the peanut gallery." As he speaks, an eye appears in the Seal behind him. The Seal pulsates, sending a shockwave of energy rippling through the room that knocks the spectators back, off their feet and to the floor.
Somehow, Mokuba manages to crawl back to his brother before he collapses, unconscious beside his lifeless form, one hand clinging to Seto's arm.
"There! No more distractions," Dartz laughs.
The Other Yugi gasps as he glances behind himself at his friends, crumpled on the floor beside each other. "What did you do to them?!" he demands. His hands shake.
"Don't worry, they're only sleeping. My god has no appetite for their weak and pathetic souls." Dartz's aloof demeanor changes, back to that bloodlust he radiated before, as he fixes his blue and gold eyes on his opponent. "Now it's only you and me, Nameless Pharaoh. Some quality time."
Other Yugi growls as he tears his focus away from his unconscious friends and back to the battle at hand.
Yugi and Joey stare back at him from their Mirror Knight forms, their eyes blank. Still, the Other Yugi can feel something in them, feel his Partner pleading silently with him to head the few words he had managed to utter against Dartz's control.
The Other Yugi takes a deep breath.
Thanks to Kaiba's Wish of Final Effort, he has a second chance, and 4300 Lifepoints. But across the field, Dartz is protected by an unbeatable serpent, the legendary Geh with infinite attack points.
He draws for his turn, plays Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. The first is Obnoxious Celtic Guardian, a familiar and well played monster. But the second makes his eyes widen. The nameless card given to him by the Dark Magician Girl the night he had freed Timaeus! Except now, it isn't blank. Now, the image of three knights, swords raised and crossed, appears to him clear as day, along with the name: Legend of Heart.
He can feel its power radiate inside his heart. His eyes meet his Partner's across the field, he swears he sees Yugi smile and he knows.
This is the card that will save the world.
He summons his Celtic Guardian, just to tribute the elf, as well as 1000 of his Lifepoints, to activate this new card's effect. All three legendary dragons, Timaeus, Critias, and Hermos, appear on the field at once. They let out a mighty roar as they all leap into the air, flying up, up, up into the shadows of the temple's high ceiling, until a burst of bright, white light blinds the Duelists far below.
"After ten millennia in captivity, our time has finally come again, Dartz!" booms a voice that echoes through the chamber.
When the Other Yugi's vision returns, he finds three knights, the spitting image of himself, Joey, and Kaiba, on his side of the field where the dragons had stood seconds before.
The knights stare Dartz down with 10,000 years of resentment in their eyes as they face their enemy. Each knight announces his name, Sir Timaeus, Sir Hermos, Sir Critias, and they raise their swords, crossing them overhead as the art on the card the Pharaoh had played.
"In the name of Atlantis, we have been reborn to defeat you," they announce as one. Their swords strike the ground, and the three layers of Dartz's Seal of Orichalcos are destroyed.
But despite that, Dartz still laughs. "How good to see you all again. But that's some confidence you've got! Have you forgotten our last battle?"
Timaeus raises his free hand to touch his right eye, scarred over. "How could I forget? We have a score to settle, here and now."
Dartz hardly seems shaken by the knight's threats.
But the Other Yugi hesitates. Even if these knights have some effect that can destroy the immortal Geh, those two mirror knights, wearing the souls of his Partner and best friend, stand in the way. Kaiba had destroyed Mai and Rex without hesitation. But how can the Pharaoh attack the people most precious to him...?
His eyes meet Yugi's across the field again and the seconds tick by.
The knight Timaeus looks back at the Duelist who summoned him. His perplexed expression softens as he realizes what's holding the Other Yugi back. "It's okay," he assures his Duelist. "Attacking the mirror knights won't hurt them. You'll only break the spell he holds over your friends' souls."
The Other Yugi searches Timaeus's single blue eye for the truth. Finally, he nods in understanding. His chest hurts, but he orders his knights to attack the ones that shield Dartz and his serpent.
Timaeus and Hermos ready their swords.
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ADBK: Dark Magician
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Epithet: Sorcerer Ultimata
Voice Actor: Crispin Freeman
Tribe: The Kindred
Biography: The Kindred are a coalition of Duel Monsters that are lead by a group of former students of the mighty Exodia known as the Convent of Enlightenment.. Leading them is Dark Magician, born as Arthur of Darconia, the student of Argos the Stern Mystic over three thousand years ago.
He learned many spells, and in turn used them to defend the convent alongside the likes of the Ancient Elf, Mystical Elf and Maha Vailo.
Together, they stand as the bulwark against the Undead Oligarchy, led by the Dark Master Zorc. The Convent was located on a grassy plain known as Spell Henge, their homes surrounded by rune covered, floating rocks that protected the entire area with a transparent barrier.
However, Zorc's generals proved incredibly powerful, and an army led by the King of Yamimakai managed to destroy the sealing runes that kept the protective magic around. The Convent leaders tried to fight back, but had lost some notable members in the process, including Maha Vailo and the White Magical Hat.
Dark Magician, praying to find a way to stop the Fiend onslaught, managed to summon a rather young dragon called Blue-Eyes, who agreed to help out of a mutual hatred of Zorc and his men. Together, they sent the Fiend back to the dark realm from whence he came in a Twin Lightning Attack.
Seen as a hero by the survivors, Dark Magician was made the ruler of the Convent, Argos giving him a vote of confidence. Although Arthur offered Blue-Eyes the chance to join him, he declined in order to return to his own people. However, while the Dragon Tribe in general is a longtime rival of the Kindred, Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes have not forgotten their bonds, and will help each other when the chips are down.
As for Dark Magician's exploits after defeating the King, he created an official kingdom called Druishire with the help of a sellsword named the Celtic Guardian, and they formed a Tribe now called the Kindred after their ability to attract beings with their promise of egalitarianism and sanctuary for those seeking it.
The Dark Magician now rules over his Tribe with his 12 Arcane Knights, as well as a pupil of his own named Lucille of Twilight. Though you may know her better as the Dark Magician Girl.
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