#Cookery lessons
chefkevinashton · 10 months
Barbecue Master Class 2023
Shoulder of Lamb©Kevin Ashton2019 In August I will be teaching a 5 part BBQ Masterclass via Zoom for UK residents. Even if you are  not a UK resident you will be able to see some of the videos we create when they are posted on my YouTube channel Whether you are a beginner or a skilled Pit master cooking outdoors is a great opportunity to exchange ideas, recipes and techniques.  My starting point…
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givemesomespice · 17 days
Activities to Keep You Busy While Waiting for Food to Cook
It is sometimes hard to know what to do when you are cooking and waiting for something to finish in the oven. There might not be enough time to go out or get fully involved in another activity, but you do not want to stand around watching the oven waiting for the alarm to go off! So, what are some of the best activities to do while waiting for food to finish cooking? There are a number of ways to…
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I really liked your kendall headcanon posts. do you have any more PLS
hey! thanks!
hmm. maybe this is because I've been thinking about food a lot but I think after gojo he learns to cook. like, goes on the most expensive cookery courses in the world, buys the most expensive equipment, builds a pizza oven, gets obsessive about dough hydration, makes bread. fixates on finding the most perfect fruit and has it shipped and sits there and studies it. tries to do a Bourdain and travels around and starts a blog but struggles with seeming authentic to "normal" people.
gets really into grains which are uncommon in the west. starts growing heirloom tomatoes. accidentally introduces an invasive species to the usa. does not eat much of the food he cooks. offends Stewy by offering him cooking tips for Persian food. starts cooking in "themes" and spends a month cooking duck and a month cooking paneer.. learns about combining pulses but fails to do it and still takes endless supplements and drinks green juice and bulletproof coffee.
bores everyone he speaks to by talking endlessly about fermented food. starts a fermentation station in his kitchen but at first everything just goes mouldy. eats it anyway and manages to not die of food poisoning but has profound realisation about food insecurity and invests in pioneering food technology. fungi and insect flour and packaging you can eat. doesn't care much about it though and still flies across the world to look at low-carbon cricket flour. semi-cancelled for describing eating locusts as "foul" at one point.
tries to teach iverson and sophie to cook but they're already better than him. he tries to make laminated pastry with them as a life lesson about patience (they are too old for this, and they know he's always hurtled himself at things even as he tries to make a plan) and has a temper tantrum when it's difficult. becomes obsessed with minerals in water and buys a welsh mountain and its streams but turns out they're all just full of sheep piss. makes his own apple cider vinegar and gets a fruit fly infestation. is surprisingly good at making macaroons.
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Dragon Age Fanfic Fun, Part 1: Cook Shops
Edit: I realized, oddly enough, that I wrote this with Haven and Skyhold in mind (in short, DAI - probably because that's what I've been replaying as of late, lmao.) I promise I will get around to including how cook shops would operate in places like Kirkwall or Denerim (basically, urban centers)!
This will be part one of a series that was inspired by this video by the Modern Knight, in which I come up with silly little immersive ideas that one can easily add to their Dragon Age fanfic (or perhaps any medieval-themed fic/story) with the Dragon Age/Thedas setting in mind.
I hope to maybe do a series on this, at the very least for my benefit to reference instead of getting lost and forgotten about in a notebook, lmao. So let's begin, below the cut!
Also mild disclaimer, this is not an end-all-be-all where "OMG WHAT IF THIS ISN'T REALISTIC ENOUGH??" or "ACKTUALLY, MEDIEVAL FOOD SELLERS WOULDn't..." - look, at the end of the day this is just fanfic fodder for you and your blorbos, not a history lesson. I'm bound to make an error in judgment or descriptions, don't come at me with pitchforks. 😔
So you're hanging out in Haven or Skyhold. You're building up the Inquisition from the ground up with allies and defense forces - but also the little people to sell their wares (like our favorite Orlesian merchant, Miss Belle), but what about... Food!? Who's feeding everyone!?
Cook shops!
Or, "medieval fast food." These cook shops would be strategically placed where there would be frequent passers-by, such as next to a market square, or a busy gate entrance, and cooked to eat on the go (rather than cook-to-order.) In short, you see a tasty-ass pie, you buy it, and eat it right then and there.
I can also imagine the types of clientele our varied cook shops might have; you have a wide range of people (and pockets), varying from Templars with their income, refugees who may only be able to afford suspicious cuts of meat, or members of the Chantry with specific food preferences.
What sort of food would a cook shop sell?
This is not an exhaustive list of foods a cook shop would sell in Thedas, but perhaps ideas/suggestions you can quickly use. Otherwise, I'd recommend checking out @exhausted-archivist (formally known as @old-archivist) who will easily have a vast list of Thedosian cookery that will tickle your fancy in their Foods of Thedas Masterpost (it will even specify the region in which certain meals come from!)
Also since Haven and Skyhold are Ferelden-based, keep in mind what types of foods/ingredients will be procured/used in the food being sold. There are of course exceptions, such as Belle who was recruited from Orlais, for example (so there is always the possibility of foods outside of Ferelden cuisine.)
Also, cook shops can serve a specific type of food (rather than being a mobile Walmart of sorts.) Personally, I'd be a fan of Pickled Food Merchant... mmm. Pickles.
Boiled roots
Meat/Fish/Vegetable pies
Fish wraps
Dried/Cured fruits or meats
Pickled foods
Edible plants
Cheaper cuts of meat
Fried/Buttered foods
There are also ideas from other historical/modern use of foods:
Perpetual stew
Pagpag (though I see this used in more urban areas, such as Kirkwall's Lowtown)
But what about breads and drinks!?
Typically you would go to a baker for breads, or the tavern for drinks. In short, if you wanted to conjure up a meal, you'd have to likely go to different locales/merchants to pick and choose your foods. I feel like maybe bread could be an exception, since I can't imagine a baker really setting up shop in Haven/Skyhold because, well, baking, but this is all fantasy so you know what, fuck it, add your traveling baker!
Alcoholic drinks, of course, would be reserved for taverns. When it comes to non-alcoholic beverages, I'd still suggest sticking with taverns because they have the facilities for storage (casks, wells, tubs, etc.) But, again, have your own traveling wine seller, you do you boo.
Honestly, I like to imagine Haven or Skyhold being way bigger than portrayed in the game, so perhaps there would be room for a complete bakery (I mean, we've got Herald's Rest in Skyhold, so why not?)
Just, uhhhh, I feel bad for those merchants at Haven. Because, you know. Reasons.
What would a cook shop look like?
Since I imagine a cook shop for organizational establishments like the Inquisition, you won't exactly have people selling food right out of their homes (as was done in medieval times), since Haven or Skyhold aren't exactly "towns."
Instead, temporary stalls, huts, or cabins could be used to open and close up (in short, you won't be finding any glass windows or bars to protect products. Rather, there would be a shutter or board of sorts, that goes over the gap where you see the person cooking, which would be lowered during the day (like a table to display food) and then shut up and bolted when closed. The "ovens, and cooking facilities" are placed at the front so you can see the chef cooking, just like at Subway when you watch people make your little dinky sandwich.
Another alternative, you could simply have someone wandering about with a tray of foods they want to sell and yelling at the people of Haven/Skyhold to eat it (think popcorn, and hot dog sellers at baseball games. :)
When vendors sell their food, they may also yell at passersby to eat their products at certain times of the day
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Now this is gonna be fun. You can also have a cook shop that will literally make the food for you if you provide the ingredients (obviously if the merchant has the capability/equipment to do so.) In this case, according to the Modern Knight, ingredients would likely be made into pies or stews (be wary though, as merchants might steal some of the ingredients for themselves. 👀)
Also, how does Haven/Skyhold manage to look so nice when there's waste to be had? There were cesspits or barrels used to take away waste off-site. Also, be wary of hygiene practices; especially when it comes to using spices to cover the taste/look of spoiled food!
Sus Cook Shops
I'll just leave this here, for signs that a cook shop is rather questionable:
Reheated meats/foods
Foul garnishes
Faking the contents of food (such as using beef and promoting it as venison)
Well, there you have it. A basic gist of cook shops and fast food that you can implement into your DA fic (and maybe even conjure up some OCs!) Feel free to include in the comments/reblogs any other ideas you might have! Thanks for reading!
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beholdthemem · 2 years
Been on a nostalgia kick lately, re-reading a lot of childhood favorites, and one thing in Dealing With Dragons that hits differently when you read it as an adult is that Cimorene is young.
Like- as a kid, you hear 'sixteen' and figure that's ancient. Practically grown up. In your mind she's basically the same as Kazul and Morwen, and the narrative doesn't seem to challenge that. But then you go back and read this...
"It's just as well that your visitors HAVE been honorable," Morwen said, looking thoughtful. "Linderwall's a prosperous kingdom. Sooner or later, the chance of getting hold of half of it is going to tempt someone to try rescuing you whether you want to be rescued or not."
"...that hadn't occured to me," Cimorene said with a worried frown.
...and you are abruptly reminded that Cimorene is in some ways still a kid.
Like, Cimorene's an intelligent young woman, she's very resourceful, independent and capable, but that does not change the fact that she has a total of only sixteen years' worth of life experience. A very sheltered sixteen years at that- being a princess means she's been constantly supervised, and maybe kept from learning some things that another girl her age might have already worked out. The knights and princes trying to rescue her from Kazul are certainly very annoying, but it's never occurred to her that they could actually be DANGEROUS- because she's never been in a position where they would be. Credit where credit's due, as soon as Morwen gently points this out Cimorene immediately starts doing some mental calculations to figure out other ramifications of her change in status from Princess Of A Kingdom to Dragon Princess without needing to be hand-held, but it definitely would not have occurred to her otherwise.
I think another reason Cimorene's youth never registered with me before, though- and this is a positive one!- is that while Kazul and Morwen are definitely aware of it, they don't treat her like a child. Like- they give her advice. At times they'll politely challenge some assumptions she's grown up with but never explored. They explain things to her that they might not have to with someone else. But never once in that entire book do they EVER talk down to her. There is nothing she's Too Young To Understand, no topic that's off limits, her intelligence is respected and her contributions to discussions about spells/cookery/what to do about the wizard infestation are treated as valuable. And while it's never really acknowledged, we know from Cimorene's life pre-Kazul that this is not an experience she's had before.
Honestly? I find myself wondering if part of Cimorene's constant attempts to learn 'un-princessy' skills as a kid were due, in part, to being treated a certain way while learning the traditional ones. She complained about her embroidery/dancing/diplomacy lessons, but later we realize that she... maybe didn't hate the subjects of those lessons. She's good at them. She considers them (in some ways) useful. But one thing we observe is that no matter how old the princesses in the story get, they are in some ways treated like permanent children, and that drives Cimorene NUTS. I think if those lessons weren't so firmly tied to that infantilization, she might not have resented them so much, but because they were, she was forever seeking out skills practiced by people who (even if they were of lower status) were given a kind of respect she was never likely to get.
When she becomes Kazul's princess and meets Morwen, though, Cimorene finds for the first time that she can get respect WITHOUT having to shed her princess-hood. Similarly, her youth is never treated as a point against her- it's not... an inherent personality trait. If she doesn't understand something, they never react as though that's part for the course, and that there's no way she COULD be expected to understand, they just teach her. They acknowledge her youth, and do try to keep her safe, but in the same way they would for each other. They treat her like an equal.
I like that a lot.
Tl,dr: a mentor who can let you learn while still treating you with unquestioned respect is a wonderful thing, and Dealing With Dragons illustrates that in a really subtle but effective way.
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ceceliaahathaway · 2 months
@msmelissalin Event: A Beginner Advanced Baking Class: Chocolate Soufflé Dated: 20th of March, 2024 Location: The Avenue Cookery School, Fulham
She was turning over new leaves. Yes, since getting back home to London, Cece had decided, a new year a new Cece. What did she have on the cards tonight? A cooking class. She was finally going to make Adam his favorite dessert: Chocolate Soufflé. Though, it did seem a bit ambitious for a beginner class, but she was sure the instructor wouldn't give them anything they couldn't handle. "Hi, hello! I'm here for the Chocolate Please Don't Deflate class." She let out a tiny chortle. That had been a good one. Alas, it got lost on whoever was checking her in, "Bench Six, you'll be cooking with Melissa tonight." A partner? How jolly. She never liked to drink alone and she'd brought an entire bottle of Shiraz with her, "Thank you."
After walking over to her bench, she started setting up, wanting to make sure everything was ready and poured for when her partner showed up. She'd been told drinking would be okay. She was going to need it to. With all this recent blackmail business she needed an out and tonight that was a nice oak-y red and a hopefully sturdy soufflé. Humming to herself, Cece didn't realise that her partner had shown up till, she was twirling around with two glasses in hand. "Oh perfect this is for you!" Wait a second. She knew this woman. Melissa Lin. Sure, she'd heard about her dealings, but she wasn't talking about that. "Oh, it's Melissa right? I'm not sure if you remember me, but you joined me for brunch one afternoon. We had a delightful conversation about Diors latest line.."
Snap, snap. She found her eyes widening as the instructor (correction: head chef) walked into the room and got their attention with the snap of his fingers (not exactly the most polite---) She was snapped back into silence. "Welcome Chefs," cute, "today, we will build upon the lessons from last year and venture into the realm of mastering the infamous chocolate Soufflé…" wait.. last year's classes. Was there pre-reqs to beginners classes nowadays? Pulling a face, Cece leaned in closer to Melissa, "well I don't know about you, but the last thing I cooked successfully was microwave popcorn, so this should be.. fun." At least there was wine.
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fated-normal-767 · 7 days
Wait you go to a cookery school ? Thats actually really cool . Explains some stuff (1 week bagels) . Makes other stuff way funnier in hindsight (gestures vaguely to food crimes ) .
Oh by the way unrelated but how long do you seep your tea .
yeagh 👍 I do lessons there and I also work there😁 it’s cool as hell.
Depends? Normal tea, like 10-20 minutes because I just leave the tea bag in. Iced tea I make a cup of hot tea and just leave it till it goes cold so up to like 4 hours.
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popculturelib · 9 months
Happy International Can-It-Forward Day!
Well, technically International Can-It-Forward Day is August 1st, but we're getting started a day early. To celebrate, this week we're bringing to you some books on canning and food preserving from our foodways and cookery collections.
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To start, we have the Ball Blue Book of Home Canning, Preserving & Freezing (1949) by the Ball Corporation, the patrons of Can-It-Forward Day and an early creator of mason jars and other home canning supplies.
The book gets started with a vocabulary lesson of jar anatomy, food descriptions, and common hazards in food preserving chemistry:
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The next lesson gives more in depth information on molds, yeast, bacteria, and enzymes. We thought the little guys were cute!
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Of course, can't make a book about canning and preserving without some product advertisement!
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And, lastly, a sample recipe for canning peaches:
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Image transcripts are below the cut.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
Image 2: Home Canning Vocabulary for Homemakers
FRUIT JAR is the traditional name for a glass jar made for use in home canning. There are two styles available:
The Mason jar has a screw thread neck and a sloping shoulder. It seals on the top or on a sealing shoulder, depending upon the type of cap used.
The Can or Freez jar is a tapered, shoulderless jar which may be used for either home canning or freezing. It seals on the top with a two piece metal cap.
JAR CAP is the cover used to seal a jar. There are two styles available:
The two-piece metal cap (example, Ball Mason Dome Cap) is a lid and screw band combination. The lid is fitted with a rubber sealing compound, and no other rubber is needed. The lid is used once only. The band may be reused with a new lid.
The one-piece zinc cap is lined with white porcelain. It is used with Mason jars and rubber rings.
JAR LID is a shallow cover of metal.
METAL BAND is a screw thread band that is used with a metal lid to form a two-piece metal cap.
JAR RUBBER is a flat rubber ring which is used as a gasket between a zinc cap and the jar.
COLD or RAW PACK is a method of filling jars. The jars are filled with raw food, then the filled jars are processed.
HOT PACK is a method of filling jars. The jars are filled with hot food. then the filled jars are processed.
PROCESSING is the cooking of jars of food in a water-bath canner or a steam-pressure canner for a long enough time to destroy bacteria, enzymes, molds and yeasts.
LOW-ACID FOODS are foods which con-tain very little natural acid. Examples of low-acid foods are all vegetables except tomatoes and meats, poultry, sea foods and soups.
ACID FOODS are foods which normally contain from 0.36 to 2.35 or more per cent natural acid, and foods which are Preserved in vinegar. Examples of acid foods are fruits, rhubarb, tomatoes, sauer-kraut, pickles and relishes.
VENTING or EXHAUSTING is forcing air to escape from a jar or permitting air to escape from a steam-pressure canner.
VACUUM SEAL is the absence of normal atmospheric (air) pressure in jars which are airtight. When a jar is closed at room temperature, the atmospheric pressure is the same inside and outside the jar. When the jar is heated, everything in it expands and air is forced out, then the pressure in-side the jar becomes less than that on the outside. As the jar cools, everything in it shrinks. a partial vacuum forms, and atmospheric pressure of almost 15 pounds Per square inch (at sea level) holds the lid down to keep the jar sealed. The red rubber sealing compound on Ball Mason Dome Lids, and the rubber rings used with zinc caps. keep air from going back into sealed jars.
BACTERIA, MOLDS and YEASTS are low forms of plant life known to scientists as microorganisms. These microorganisms are found in vegetable (growing) form or spore (seed) form. They exist everywhere —in the air, in water and in the soil. When they are not destroyed by cooking. they will grow in canned food and cause it to spoil.
ENZYMES are natural substances found in all fruits. meats and vegetables. If they are not destroyed by cooking. they will cause changes in the color, texture and flavor of canned food.
BOTULISM is a poisoning caused by a toxin. The toxin is produced by the growth of spores of Clostridium botulinum in a sealed jar. Spores of Clostridium botulinum are carried from one place to another by dust, wind and the soil clinging to raw foods. These spores can grow in a tightly sealed jar of any low-acid food because they belong to a species of bacteria which cannot grow in the presence of air and which does not normally thrive in acid foods. The spores are destroyed when low-acid foods are correctly processed in a steam-pressure canner which is in good working order. Home canners who use the correct methods of selecting, preparing, packing and processing foods have no reason to worry about botulism. As an extra precaution, all low-acid foods should be boiled for 15 minutes be-fore tasting in order to destroy any toxin which could be present if some error were made in processing. Thick masses, such as greens, should be stirred while boiling.
FLAT-SOUR is the most common type of spoilage in canned vegetables. It is caused by bacteria which give food an unpleasant, sourish flavor. Flat-sour is avoided by the use of correct methods of selecting. handling, preparing, packing, processing and cooling foods.
MOLD may change the flavor of the food, but is not considered harmful when a few flecks are present on top of canned fruit, jelly or preserves. A heavy growth of mold is a warning not to use the food.
FERMENTATION of canned food is caused by yeasts which have not been destroyed during processing or yeasts which enter the jar before it is sealed. With the exception of some pickles, fermented food should not be used If pickles be-gin to ferment in the jar and some of the liquid runs out, the pickles should be rinsed and packed in clean hot jars, fresh pickling solution should be made and poured boiling hot over the pickles and the jars processed in a water-bath canner to prevent further fermentation.
Image 3: Here are some tips on destroying the MOLDS, YEAST, BACTERIA and ENZYMES that could spoil your canning and preserving
WE ARE . . . Microorganisms which are found in the soil, in the water, in the air and on all surfaces with which we come in contact. If we are not destroyed by heat during processing canned foods, we cause the food to spoil: and. if the jar is not sealed when stored away we sneak into the jar and cause spoilage.
We, the molds, form fuzzy patches on food. We the yeasts, cause food to ferment. BOTH of us thrive on fruits and tomatoes and also on jams. jellies and pickles. We are easily destroyed by heat so the acid foods can be processed at a temperature of 212°F in a boiling water bath canner.
Our friends, the bacteria, give food an unnatural flavor called flat sour, and they cause food to become soft and slimy. Bacteria prefer the low acid foods—vegetables and meats. Some of them are very hard to destroy, so the low acid foods must be processed at 240°F. in a steam pressure canner.
(Image: Drawing of molds, yeasts, and bacteria with angry faces)
(Image: Drawing of a man looking through a microscope at a large, scowling creature)
We are chemical substances found in all plants and animals If uncooked foods are not used while fresh. We cause changes in color. texture and flavor If we are NOT destroyed by heat during processing, we cause the same changes in canned foods
(Image: Drawing of two men in a chemistry lab)
Not only the acidity of the food and the temperatures under which the foods are processed. but also how many of us microorganisms are present in the food and how quickly the heat penetrates to the center of the jai Consequently. to insure we are destroyed. we suggest you follow the recommended methods and times for processing each food as found in the Blue Book. And please remember to check the jars you have sealed before storing them away in a cool dark place ready for use later in the year.
(Image: eight Ball mason jars of various sizes)
Image 4: How to Use Ball Jars and Fittings
(Image: Drawing of two Ball mason jars of different heights with their lids off)
Examine jars with fingertips for nicks. chips and cracks in sealing surface.
Discard ones unsuitable for canning.
Wash jars in hot soapy water and rinse well.
Do not use wire brushes, steel wool or washing soda for cleaning jars; they are apt to damage glass.
Place in hot water until ready to fill. It is not necessary to boil jars in which food is to be processed.
Seal with Ball Mason Dome Caps or zinc caps and rubber rings. Follow directions for filling and sealing according to fittings being used.
A sudden change of temperature is apt to cause any jar to break. Never put a hot jar on a cold surface or in a draft. Never Pour boiling liquid into a cool jar.
To use for canning following step-by-step instructions for Ball Mason Jars.
For jellies, jams, conserves, marma-lades, preserves, see instructions for each section. The sections are listed in table of contents and in the index.
Ball Can or Freez Jars may also be used for canning pick/es or relishes.
Information for use in freezing, read instructions on page 95 at the beginning of the Freezer Section.
Examine top and edges of jar: both must be smooth and even. Old jars were made for shoulder sealing: consequently, the top finish is usually unsuitable for top sealing with Ball Mason Dome Caps.
Wash and rinse lids and bands. Cover lids with water. Bring to simmer (180°F.). Remove from heat. Leave in water until ready to use (Image: drawing of water being poured into a mason jar)
Fill hot jar. Leave 1-inch head space for meats, corn, peas and other low-acid foods; 1/2-inch head space for fruits and acid vegetables. Add liquid to completely cover food solids. Leave 1A-inch head space for juices, preserves. pickles and relishes: Ya-inch head space for jellies.
Remove air bubbles from fruit and vegetable packs by running table knife between food and jar.
Wipe top and screw threads of jar with clean, damp cloth. Put lid on jar. compound next to glass. sealing
Screw band tight but do not use force. Band must screw down evenly all the way around.
Process immediately. using and method for product being canned.
Remove jars from canner. Do not tighten bands after processing Test for seal.
Store without bands. right time
Use new rubber rings. Wash caps and rubbers in hot soapy water Rinse. Keep rubbers wet until needed. If zinc caps have been used. boil them for 15 minutes.
Before filling jar. stretch wet rubber just enough to place flat on sealing shoulder.
See step 3 under Ball Mason Dome Caps for amount of head space to leave when filling jars.
Remove air bubbles from fruit and vegetable packs by running table knife be-tween food and jar.
Wipe top surface of rubber and threads of jar with clean. damp cloth.
Screw cap tight. then loosen about inch.
Process immediately. using right time and method for product being canned.
Remove jars from canner. Slowly screw caps tight . quick turns may cause the rubbers to slip.
Let jars cool about 12-24 hours. Check seal .. if top of cap is low in center, jar is sealed. Do not tighten cap after jar has cooled.
(Image: Drawing of three mason jars with a diamond pattern)
Quilted Crystal Jars may be used for canning. Follow directions for using Ball Mason Jars. For preparation of caps follow instructions for Ball Mason Dome Caps.
Quilted Crystal Jars may be used for freezing. Follow directions for preparing Ball Can or Freez Jars on page 95. Excellent for Freezer Jams.
(Image: Drawing of two jelly glasses with a diamond pattern)
Follow instructions given for jelly glasses in Jelly Section. Sealing with Paraffin -use only for jelly. Do not try to process in canner Lid is only cover and does not seal airtight to obtain vacuum seal
(Image: Drawing of a person testing a mason jar lid according to the instructions below)
When jars of food are thoroughly cool. 12-24 hours:
Press center of lid; if lid is down and will not move. jar is sealed Remove band, wipe threads with damp cloth, store.
Or tap the center of the lid with a spoon. A clear ringing sound means a good seal Remove band. wipe threads with damp cloth Store in cool, dark, dry place
Check for airtight seal by tilting the jar slightly. If there is no leakage. remove band. wipe jar clean and store in cool, dark, dry place.
Image 5: Canning Peaches...Step by Step
The raw (cold) pack is shown on these pages. When using Ball Zinc Caps and Mason Jars, prepare, pack and process as shown here.
(Note: each step has an image showing what is described.)
Check jars. Be sure there are no nicks, cracks or sharp edges.
Wash and rinse jars and caps. Leave jars in hot water until ready to use.
Sort, wash and drain only enough firm-ripe peaches for one canner load. Fill water-bath canner handful with hot water. Put canner on to heat. Prepare sugar sirup.
Put peaches in wire basket or cheese cloth. Dip peaches into boiling water 1/2 to 1 minute to loosen skins. Dip into cold water. Drain.
Cut peaches into halves, put and peel. Drop halves into salt-vinegar water (2 tablespoons each to 1 gallon of cold water). Rinse before packing.
Stand hot jar on rubber tray, wood or cloth. Pack peaches, cavity side down, layers overlapping. Leave 1/2-inch head space.
Cover peaches with boiling hot sirup, leaving 1/2-inch head space. It will take 1 to 1 1/2 cups sirup for each quart jar.
Run table knife gently between fruit jar to release air bubbles. Add more sirup if needed.
Wipe top and threads of jar with clean, damp cloth. Put lid on, screw band tight...it must screw down evenly to hold red rubber seal compound against jar top.
As each jar is filled, stand it on rack in canner. Water should be hot, but not boiling. If needed, add more water to cover jars 1 to 2 inches. Put cover on canner.
Bring water to a boil. At altitudes less than 1,000 feet above sea level process pints 25 minutes, quarts 30 minutes, at a gentle but steady boil.
Remove jars from canner. Let cool for about 12 hours. Test for seal. Remove bands. Store without bands.
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maybanksbabe · 10 months
Bimbo!reader helping Pope’s mom cook !!! She’s so excited because she’s never cooked before and pope is just there watching you with heart eyes
I just know she gets the best cookery lessons from Pope's mom and learns so much!! Whilst Pope is sat, leaning against the counter with his head resting on one hand watching 😍 as they have a great time!
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clochanamarc · 5 months
so i'm watching the be.ar and i wanna write a thing abt aisling's style in the kitchen, like how she interacts and treats her colleagues, so here we go:
she's immeasurably patient with people who are trying to learn how to be in the kitchen. like she's so comforting and reassuring that people started requesting cookery lessons in recent months. in her book, unless you're deliberately trying to mess up, it's okay to make mistakes. burning the pastry, overcooking scrambled eggs, understeaming some veg. it's not a catastrophe in the least.
she does have one limit in that regard, and it's usually when people show up and deliberately refuse to listen. in particular, influencers who just want to take a few pictures while wearing clothes and accessories that are absolute no-nos in the kitchen, and people who believe they're the teacher in the kitchen and that anyone deviating from their guidelines is in the wrong. the former is just annoying, but the latter display too much disrespect for the methods that stanley taught her.
no matter how badly someone messes up, though, aisling will never yell. she'll never contribute to that kind of stress in the workplace. she'll help them clean up the mistake, show them how to start again, and then later on, when things quieten down, she'll ask them to walk her through what happened so they understand what to avoid.
the reason she'll never yell is because she did it once. her own fault; she brought too much personal stuff into the kitchen, bella accidentally spilled some garlic aioli on the floor, and aisling slid, dropping a whole vat of marinara sauce on the ground. after yelling at her (and to be clear, she yelled "dammit bella!" like she didn't explode into a lengthy rant, but she still knew the impact) she went outside, took a minute, then came back inside and apologised profusely. the look of alarm and panic in bella's face, and indeed in etienne's face, are looks she'll die before she sees again.
essentially, she knows that people have stuff going on outside the workplace. and she knows they can't help it sometimes but to bring it into the kitchen. but she also knows that, as one of the bosses, it's on her to keep her shit separate so that she can step in and help when things get heated. meaning that it's not on the staff to keep it together in a scorching hot kitchen with aggravating customers to deal with.
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sweedcuddles · 6 months
So... I'm currently a grade 11 student in the Philippines. And I find it hard to remember my lessons(I guess that's the consequence of my hyperactive imagination making me delulu).
So I've decided... I'll dump them here!
Subject's I have are:
Oral Communication (English)
Komunikasyon (Filipino)
General Math
Earth and Life Science
Cookery (My major that I took(crying btw))
Personality Development (Psychology?)
Introduction to Philosophy
Hope (Health and P. E)
I'll also dump the random stories I have that are just, rotting in my brain. Before, I would dump them in wattpad yet I feel lazy there soo.. ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧ʸᵃʸ
I think I can survive this year :).
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chefkevinashton · 5 months
Shoyu Ramen with Pork
Ramen with Pork My current cookery course is focused on cooking from South and East Asia. For lesson one I taught my students two dishes from China. Then for lesson 2 we moved onto Japan. For this lesson I wanted to show students how to make a Ramen at home. One that you can buy all the ingredients from UK supermarkets. Once you have all the ingredients assembled making Ramen is quite easy. Shoyo…
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givemesomespice · 1 month
Quick and Nutritious Salad Recipes
Eating well doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. These five salad recipes are your ticket to a quick, nutritious meal, perfect for any day of the week. Let’s dive into the world of flavours and textures that make each bite a delightful experience. Remember, a balanced diet is key to a vibrant lifestyle. With these recipes, you’ll discover how easy and enjoyable it can be to…
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00qad-fandom · 2 years
Who are 00QAD? - Part One - James
00QAD is a crossover between James Bond and the 2015 TV show London Spy and for those new to the fest and to the fandom we thought we'd introduce you to our motley crew.
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Name: Bond, James Bond Nickname(s): 007, The Decaying Battleship, Gramps, Jamie Lad, James Herbert Bond, 00Daddy Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Bi, Pan, Omni Job/Hobbies: Retired 00 turned Cat Dad/Pam's Personal Chef Fun Fact(s): Has the emotional maturity and impulse control of a toddler but the libido of an 18 year old. There is some debate among the 00QAD household who wrangles whom, does James wrangle Pam or does Pam wrangle James. Either way they are both secretly glad to be in each others lives. While stationed in Paris as a junior agent he took lessons at the cordon bleu cookery school he was top of his class in knife skills because of course he did and Pam is the only one who truly appreciates his cooking. Favourite Drink: Whiskey Favourite food/snack: Eggs
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trigopoulou · 10 months
Aristotle's definition of tragedy
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«ἔστιν οὖν τραγῳδία μίμησις πράξεως σπουδαίας καὶ τελείας μέγεθος ἐχούσης, ἡδυσμένῳ λόγῳ χωρὶς ἑκάστῳ τῶν εἰδῶν ἐν τοῖς μορίοις, δρώντων καὶ οὐ δι᾽ ἀπαγγελίας, δι᾽ ἐλέου καὶ φόβου περαίνουσα τὴν τῶν τοιούτων παθημάτων κάθαρσιν.»
“A tragedy is the imitation of an action that is serious and also, as having magnitude, complete in itself; in appropriate and pleasurable language;… in a dramatic rather than narrative form; with incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish a catharsis of these emotions.” The aristotelian definition of tragedy.
Mimesis and catharsis are the fundamental terms on Aristotle’s definition of tragedy.
Aristotle argued that tragedy cleansed the heart through pity and terror, purging us of our petty concerns and worries by making us aware that there can be nobility in suffering. He called this experience 'catharsis'. Catharsis is a medical term referring to purging or cleansing. Thus there is a therapeutic value in theatre. In other words catharsis in theatre is an emotional release. An emotional release that is not that simple since it leads to construction of ethos for the viewers.
The other principle concept in Aristotle’s definition is ‘’mimesis’’. As Aristotle mentions, the habit of imitating is congenital to human beings from childhood (actually man differs from the other animals in that he is the most imitative, and learns his first lessons through imitation). As children we learn new skills, we grow, and we change through mimicking. Put another way, we learn by acting like those we see around us. Aristotle is a strong defender of mimesis which has been ‘’accused’’ by his teacher Plato.
Plato also considers the ‘’mimesis’’ as the general philosophical principle behind all art, including poetry and theatre but ontologically is inferior as it is an imitation or a representation of reality, not reality itself, but an illusion, a mirror of something else and therefore deceptive.As Plato argues in his great work ‘’Republic’’ artists are tricksters, imitating reality without capturing its essence and always presenting corrupt images of the truth. Also, ,modern theatrical writers Antoine Artaud and Bertolt Brecht are famously labelled anti-Aristotelian in regard to the Aristotelian concept of mimesis.
Focusing on the perspective of Aristotle’s analysis we can understand that it is a solid interpretation of the essence of drama and poetry. And the weak points mentioned by the modern writers criticizing it, are due to the different context in which the meaning of drama’s purpose is interpreted. The same applies to Plato’s underestimation of poetry. Plato’s underestimation of ‘mimesis’ and poetry (and art) is quite comprehensible in the frame of is ontological system. ‘Tragic irony’ lies in the fact that Plato’s dialogues are so theatrical ...though.
Finally, Aristotle uses in his definition of poetry a cookery term ‘’ ἡδυσμένῳ’’ (ἡδυσμένῳ λόγῳ) as a metaphor to convey the grace of poetry, where the used language is pleasurable and functions as the condiment of poetry and drama ( like a condiment which is provided to enhance the flavour of the food).
All in all, Aristotle does not focus solely on the ethical but also on the aesthetical part of a fine tragedy, starting though from an ontologically vague claim expressed by the use of the word ‘’mimesis’’. We could say that Aristotle’s definition is more an existential one far from the metaphysical platonic approach or the sociologically burdened interpretations of modern theatrical writers.
Theognosia Rigopoulou ✍️
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feckcops · 10 months
So George Osborne has a new podcast. What do the victims of his austerity policies get?
“Whenever he is wheeled into another studio as an elder statesman, Osborne is never asked about people such as the Chapmans [one of thousands of disabled people to have their benefits drastically cut after being declared ‘fit for work’], or scientists’ research that shows 300,000 extra deaths were caused by his austerity programme. Nor do I expect it to be a major feature of his podcast – not when Balls himself went along with so much of the austerity agenda. Perhaps there’ll be some light ribbing about the former chancellor’s career after Westminster. How many jobs are we up to now?
“In 2003, Campbell was a salesman for an illegal war prosecuted on dodgy evidence that killed between 280,000 and 315,000 Iraqis, according to the estimates of Brown University in the US. On the 20th anniversary of the start of the Iraq war, he was interrogated on his podcast not by a relative of one of those killed, or by a maimed soldier or by one of the million Britons who marched in opposition – but by Stewart, who after the invasion became a latter-day colonial administrator in the shattered country. It is fair to say their conversation on the matter was less heated than it gets on the iniquities of Brexit.
“Light entertainment is the great launderer of political reputations. A few years ago, TV quiz shows turned Boris Johnson into the serial liar you could have a pint with. Cookery and bad dancing transformed Balls from an economist into a household name. The pretence is that they’ve shed the Westminster carapace and are now on civvy street. Yet long after he left Blair’s court, Campbell continued to help run election campaigns, while as editor of the London Evening Standard Osborne would run front pages to help Matt Hancock ...
“I spoke to the Chapmans this week. Paul’s Parkinson’s has got much worse and their benefits aren’t enough for the rising costs of food and fuel. Last winter, they didn’t put on the central heating and Lisa went over to her mum’s for a few hours of warmth a day. Paul broke his little finger in December but was so numb with cold that he only felt the pain in February ... These two need no lessons in the cruelty of politics. Someone should give them a podcast.”
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