#Conrad Hawkins imagine
multifandomsimagine · 4 months
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Imagine Conrad waiting for you to get out of surgery
"You're going to be okay," Conrads says, his hand gripping the end of the hospital bed so tightly that his knuckles are turning white, as he stares at your unconscious body being wheeled to the O.R. He can feel the others' eyes on him - AJ, Kitt, Bell, Devin - but he doesn't look at them. He can't tear his eyes away from you because he's afraid that the moment he does, you might disappear. He has to stay alert. If your condition worsens, he has to be ready to diagnose so they could get to a solution as quickly as possible. Every moment counts especially with your life on the line.
They reach the O.R. and Conrad is about to follow the team into the O.R. when he feels a hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks. His eyes follow the arm back to who it belongs to and he sees Devin,. "Conrad, you can't."
He shakes his head. "Devin, I can't just stay here. I need to be with her." He paces around his friend, running a hand over his face. The anguish on Conrad's face is clear as day, tears forming in his eyes. "I can help. I need to help."
Devin can only give him a sympathetic look, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You aren't in a rational state right now. You're anxious and worried which is understandable but if you were in there operating on her, that could affect your judgment." Devin takes a deep breath. "You know we'll do everything we can to save her. It's hard but you have to let us work."
He knows Devin is right but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. Leaning against the wall, Conrad lets himself slide down the wall until he's sitting on the floor. He hears his friend walk into the O.R. but he doesn't watch him go. Instead, all Conrad can do is stare at his hands. They're stained red with blood, your blood, from when he had to put pressure on your wound in an effort to stop you from bleeding out. He could go and clean up, scrub his hands until the reminder of your life-threatening wound is gone but he can't. He doesn't want to stray too far. What if things took a turn for the worse while he was gone. No, he has to stay here so he could get any updates as soon as they're available.
Resting his head on the wall, he stares at the ceiling. His arms resting on his legs as the tears fall down his eyes. All he could do is wait and hope for the best. "You have to be okay."
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Pairing: Conrad Hawkins x Reader
What happens when the love of your life loses the one that he loved?
The one he built a home with.
The one he had a child with.
What do you do when the love of your life loses the love of his life?
It wasn’t something she had planned. To fall in love with him. It was slow. Gradual. Like the morning sun rising on a summer’s day. There was a time when she was oblivious to it all. The way he’d smile. How his face lit up when he saw her. How his body relaxed when she entered his space. She was oblivious to it all until she wasn’t. Sometimes she wishes she still was because it didn’t matter how many times she told herself this was wrong; it felt right.
It wasn’t intentional. She didn’t plan it. Mostly, she would call it a coincidence. How she would end up in the hospital with an injury or wound. How he would be the one to supervise her care. Sometimes she would be coming in for check ups and he’d just appear. Like he knew she’d be there.
She knew too much already. Short snippets from his friends of how he lost Nic. How he was left a widow, single father and mourning lover all in one night. She never brought it up. Neither did he. Gigi was his constant now. His sun. The anchor that kept him standing. The person who pulled him home. She adored Gigi. A wonderful child with an intelligent mind far beyond her years.
‘She got that from Nic’.
He told her that once when they were both sharing a coffee in the hospital cafe. She had come in to visit a friend who was going into surgery. He happened to be going on a break. It was natural. Smooth. Every time they met, it was like tieing a new knot to the invisibile string that kept pulling them closer together.
She had met all his friends. He had met some of hers. They became each others’ friends and at times she found that they all ended up at the same places: the local bar in town, sometimes restuarants and even at parties for their fellow friends.
It was all a coincidence after all because the love of her life had lost the love of his life. She had no intention of stepping her foot into something that was not hers. A life that did not belong to her. A man that she adored and his daughter who came to adore her.
After all, what do you do when the love of your life loses the love of his life?
You love him from afar even if it breaks your very soul.
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humblequestvinyl · 2 months
i'm not pretty
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SUMMARY: while dating one of the hottest boys on cousin’s beach, and an accidental like on an old instagram post, singer y/n l/n realizes exactly what her relationship with the entails, and past girls she might have pissed off.
inspired by i’m not pretty by megan moroney
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lowercase is intentional! wc: 0.7k
warnings: reader is blonde today (i promise this will make sense), belly being kinda a bitch!! (peace and love), use of nickname/relationship nicknames (babe)
a/n: guys this is not my best work but thats what i get for not writing since november
y/n called out as she sat in the kitchen of the susannah fisher’s beach house, and the boy turned the corner, giving the girl he loved a wide smile.
“what’s up sunshine?”he questioned, resting his head on the shoulder of the blonde, and he could see instagram open on the girl’s phone, “who’s this?”
y/n pulled up a profile, with her face filled with confusion, and she heard conrad groan as soon as he saw it, “is it someone bad?”
“my ex girlfriend.”conrad told her, and the girls lips shaped into an ‘oh’, before tilting her head slightly.
“but i thought you and nicole were just a fling?”she questioned before conrad went back and tapped on the profile once more, “sunshine that isn’t nicole.”
“that’s belly.”
isabel conklin. the girl that had always loved conrad, and could never move past the breakup between the two. even now when she was interested in his brother, and conrad was dating y/n, the girl couldn’t move past the boy that should have been hers.
“yeah, that explains a bit of it.”y/n shifted back in her seat as conrad walked across the island, and raised an eyebrow at her, “what! you and i both know she wasn’t exactly nice to me the last time i was here while she was.”
y/n was right, belly wasn’t nice to her the last time the two were both at the beach house together. in the blonde’s words, the girl was a bitch. but she tried to be as nice as she could for conrad’s sake, knowing how much the conklins meant to his family.
“did she comment anything?”conrad questioned, and y/n shook her head no, “maybe she heard one of the songs you wrote and accidentally liked the post.”
the blonde gave the boy a look, knowing how wrong he was, “i love how naive you are.”
“i am not naive!”conrad argued as the blonde walked away, up towards the guest bedroom she had been staying in at the fisher’s beach house.
“keep telling yourself that babe!”y/n shouted before she climbed up the stairs, and into the room where her guitar sat, just screaming at her to write a song for her upcoming EP.
the girl had recently been signed to a record label, and while the inspiration had been there, the words wanting to be sung had disappeared from thin air. until now it was almost like a fire had been lit under her as soon as she got the instagram notification, all the words wanted to spill out of her.
it was almost hours before conrad finally peaked into the room, to see his girlfriend hovering over her song book, with her guitar playing and he could see himself in the background of her video.
“somewhere out there, my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend is scrolling through my instagram.”she sang, and a small smile crept up onto conrad’s face knowing this would make her ep.
“tearing me down, passing the phone around like there’s nothing better to talk about.”the blonde went on, playing what conrad would call a beautiful cord progression on her guitar, “zoomin out, zoomin in, overanalysing.”
“head queen of the mean girl’s committee.”
“but whatever helps, keep telling yourself i’m not that pretty.”she finished, before turning off her video, finally noticing conrad standing in the doorway.
“that’s going on the EP isn’t it?”he questioned as y/n stood up, wrapping her arms around the boy she adored.
she looked up at him with a wide smile, before nodding slightly,
“you know me so well, lover boy.”
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“We got you” - Requested
Conrad x Female Reader for @virtualreader
Warnings- Mention of injury, fear of hospitals and slight angst, but happy ending 💕
Spending the next 6 weeks between my cousin and her boyfriend while recovering from my leg surgery isn’t exactly what I had planned but what my mother says goes, even if I am a grown women with the capacity to make her own choices.
So here I am, with both Nic and Conrad for the next 42 days.
The good news was that my leg was no longer trapped in a heavy cast but that didn’t mean I was mobile. My wounds are still healing which means if I attempt to weight bear my stitches could possibly burst.
The days were long and often spent alone as both Conrad and Nic took up shifts at Chastain, but the good news is that with each day I was slowly healing and getting stronger … or so I thought.
See, what you need to know is that I have a small problem with pushing myself, it must be a family trait because I’m not the only one.
Come day 15 I am restless. I wasn’t made to be bed bound. I didn’t even want the surgery in the first place, hospitals scare the hell out of me and the Last thing I wanted to experience was people prod and poking around me, yet sometimes life gives you choices you cannot say no to.
Nic introduced me into a wheelchair next to the bed to allow me a little more freedom when the pair were pulling double shifts, she warned me to still be careful which I promised but I suppose I wasn’t careful enough for what happened next.
It started off as a dull aching pain in my side, which I experienced off and on since the surgery so I did my best to ignore it, and that, well that became impossible when with one abrupt movement from the bed to the chair my stitches split.
An ear splitting scream left my mouth as I doubled over. Both Nic and Conrad come scrambling in and straight to my side to assess the damage. Despite the pain I knew from the way they looked at each other it wasn’t good.
“Please, I can’t, I can’t …” panic seizes me and I struggle to get my words out. I can’t go though this again.
“Y/N we need to get you to the hospital!” Nic breathes as my panic worsens.
I squirm around, trying to escape their grips, as my throat closes up completely.
No hospital. Not again.
I shake my head as tears leak down my face.
“Hey hey, you need to stay still” Conrad commands but I barely register his or my cousins voice.
I don’t even register the fact that the wound was being held together by a single belt.
The last thing I saw was my cousins eyes as she lent down to check on me before I drifted into the unknown.
I didn’t know how long I was unconscious but once again I wake up to that familiar sound of machines.
Nic and Conrad surrounded me once more as I recognise where I was.
Both people see the subtle signs of panic in me but this time Conrad takes ahold of my hand and wipes away the already forming tears.
“It’s okay, it’s okay” he speaks softly.
“We are gonna be here every step of the way, you are gonna be just fine I promise”
Feeling the effect of his soothing words I begin to calm myself.
With that, Nic starts her physical exam on my leg as I see that I’ve been patched up again. Luckily for me there was no second cast but I knew that the recovery time just doubled.
I gripped Conrad’s hand as I work though the current pain, my body finally feeling the events of the last 12 hours.
Once Nic was happy with my state she left me to rest and as I close my eyes to finally sleep the last thing I hear is Conrad’s soothing voice.
“It’s all gonna be okay now, we got you”
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tracybirds · 3 months
Happy March of the OCs Part 2!
okay, so I don't really write with OCs very often, but I do like thinking about side characters and giving them random backstories and families and things :) So here's some more sims posting, this time with all the characters I've pulled out to pad up the world!
Sara Cavanaugh
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Sara is Kat Cavanaugh's sister, and they love each other a lot but cannot stand to be together for longer than approximately four hours. Kat thinks Sara is materialistic and vain, Sara thinks Kat is pig-headed and selfish. They're both right and they're both wrong, as often is the case when it comes to people. Sara does appreciate material things and takes pride in her appearance, and she can be quick to judge based on appearances, but she also works hard for very little thanks and cares very deeply about her community.
Eleanor Rigby
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Eleanor is about eight years old, and she's Captain Wayne Rigby's daughter. I picture him as a single dad, and someone he worries about a lot and that a lot of his grouch with Kayo was misdirected anxiety about having to constantly leave Eleanor behind while he was working overtime. Eleanor's super resilient though, and mostly saw bouncing around her friends' homes as a bit of an adventure. She love love loves the outdoors and is a huge 'Into the Unknown' fan. Her biggest dream at the moment is to become a vet at a zoo.
The list continues under the cut ><
Aidan Hawkins and Theo Hawkins-McCready
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I imagine by the time Virgil meets Cass, she's a single mum with two very rambunctious sons, but for my sims save, I'm playing a little further back in the story haha, so meet her fiance, Aidan, and eldest son, Theo. Aidan is a very romantic and outgoing person but it's paired with intense insecurities and poor communication that creates a very tumultuous relationship for Cass. They both love each other, and Cass gets swept up in his grand gestures, but they struggle a lot with co-dependency and trust issues. Cass sacrifices a lot for Aidan at the expense of her career and eventually they split. Theo right now is just super cute lol <3 He's about three or four when Cass meets Virgil, and his younger brother Jordan (not pictured) is two.
Lesley Hoffman, Franklin Hoffman-Casey and Dante Hoffman-Casey
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This is Colonel Casey's family :D Lesley is her wife and they have two children, Franklin and Dante. They're good friends with the Tracys through Val of course, and although they grew apart a bit after Jeff disappeared, they're still considered family friends. Lesley and Val met through a mutual friend and connected over their shared love of music and breakfast foods. Franklin is about Kayo's age, just a little younger than John, and Dante is between Alan and Gordon. Lesley "and the kids" get a brief mention in this story here :)
The Patterson Family (aka Space Controller Conrad's Family)
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Conrad's family are ultra high-achievers and high-expectations and they expect big things from Conrad - he's the youngest and as he says in the episode Long Haul, his siblings are heroes in his eyes (a fire-fighter, a police officer, and a paramedic) and he feels the pressure. I kinda roll with the idea that he's several years younger than his siblings, similar to Alan being several years younger than his brothers, and so here they are. Anyway, this is them in the sims world! From top left to bottom right: Daphne and Ed, then Lawrence, the fire-fighter, Raelynn, the police officer, and Quentin, the paramedic. I have more thoughts, but they're mostly about Conrad so I'll move on for now ;D
Joanne and Walter Hackett
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Joanne and Walter are Madeline Lemaire's parents :) I put the Lemaire's in a big giant house, and then made myself sad by headcanoning that they wanted kids and couldn't have them, and so I moved in her parents to make things seem a little less lonely. They're much more sensible than their son-in-law, but mostly see him as harmlessly eccentric. Walter is really into fishing and constantly taking Lemaire out on the boat for a boys day (which he hates lol), and Joanne is very into throwing dinner parties and trying out new cocktail recipes for her guests.
David Reeves
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David is Tycho's twin brother purely because I think I'm funny xD He's a bit geeky and works as a primary school teacher, coaching a kids' football team and things. Because Tycho's busy jetting off around the world, David keeps a guest room for him and takes in his mail and things (I know paper mail probs won't exist but SHH). Their parents died when David and Tycho were in their twenties still, so they make sure they do Christmas and birthdays and things together and catch up as often as possible.
Gregory Moffat
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This is Gregory, who is Moffie's teenage son (and also my son) and I am extremely fond of him <33 He's pretty quiet really, and plays bass guitar in a band with his friends. Moffie was a little exasperated, because he learnt the cello first and she had visions of seeing him play in an orchestra and things, but he got into an argument at the first practice and ultimately ditched it. He also like art and architecture and is very loyal to his friends.
The Taylor Family
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I love the headcanon that Lucille and Lee are siblings, and I also love that she came from a large family as well (it makes sense in my head) and also I stole @avengedbiologist's idea that all the siblings have L names because I love it. I aged up the family to show you what they look like, but I haven't fixed them up fully so it's just a general idea :D Anyway, here we have Connor and Payton Taylor, and then Leonard, Laura and Lily. Leonard is the oldest, then Laura, then it's Lucille and Lee (twins for maximum ow), then Lily is the baby of the family.
I have actually written them into a story (veeeeeery loosely) here :)
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felicitysmoaksx · 7 months
JJ’s Fic and Moodboard Masterlist Updated 2/28/24
Best Friends Brother AU || One Chicago || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese: Police Officer || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Single Dad!Severide || One Chicago || Kelly Severide Centric
Halstead Brothers Adopt Reese || One Chicago || Gen
Merlyn Twins au || One Chicago & Arrow || Tommy Merlyn & Connor Rhodes
One Chicago x Jatp Fusion || One | Two | Three || One Chicago & Julie and The Phantoms || Mult-ship
The Andi AU || One | Two || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric & Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
The Resident x One Chicago Crossover || One | Two || The Resident & One Chicago || Gen: Conrad Hawkins & Sarah Reese
Ballet au || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Voight Family Values || One Chicago || Gen and Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese as a Former Black Widow || One Chicago & Marvel Studios || Gen: Sarah Reese & Bucky Barnes
The Sisters Halstead || One Chicago || Gen: Makayla Ward & OC
MCU Spiderman Meets The Amazing Spiderman || Marvel Studios || Gen
Mockingbird || One Chicago & DC TV || Gen: Sarah Reese & Dick Grayson & Mult-Ship
Severide & Reese Step-Siblings au || One Chicago || Gen: Sarah Reese & Kelly Severide
Burgstead Pregnancy AU || One Chicago || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Superstar Juke AU || Julie and The Phantoms || Julie Molina x Luke Patterson
NHL Star! Connor Rhodes || One Chicago || Connor Rhodes Centric
What if Paulo took Daisy with him when he left Clump? || Irreverent || Gen: Paulo Keegan & Daisy
Marvel Comics
The One Where Tony Survives (Alt Endgame Universe) || WIP (Series)
A Handful of Moments I Wished I Could Change (And a Tongue like a Nightmare that Cut like a Blade) || Complete || One Shot
Two Worlds (One Family) || Complete || One Shot
The Darcy Lewis Chonicles (Series)
Just Tony || Darcy Lewis and Tony Stark || One Shot
Julie and The Phantoms
Found a Time and Space || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Juke & Williex
In These Small Hours (Series) || Complete
Hollywood Tragedy Aftermath || Complete || Bobby | Trevor Wilson Centric
Do You Hear That Love? || Complete ||  One Shot  || Willie x Alex
Melancholy Kaleidoscope || Complete || One Shot  || Julie x Luke
Little Wonders (These Twists and Turns of Fate) || Complete || One Shot || Julie x Luke and Willie x Alex
One Chicago 
You Held Me Up on Your Shoulders Way Up High || Chicago Med and Chicago Fire || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese and Kelly Severide 
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || Chicago PD || WIP (Series)
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || WIP ||  Multi-Chapter || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess 
Blood Thicker Than Water || One Shot || Complete || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Married But As Friends (Series) Chicago Med || Complete
Delicate || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You Could Still See the Best in Me || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Cause I Clutched Your Arms like Stairway Railings || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Freeze Time, Baby Rewind  || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Friends Don't Look at Friends That Way || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Come Back Be Here (Series) || Complete
Never Stop || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Guilty by Association || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
If I Drift in the Wrong Direction (You Turn the Tide) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You & Me || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Reader Imagines (Series)
Apartment Fire || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling
Doctor Visit  || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Halstead brothers Will & Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling, and Manstead if you squint
One Chicago Soulmate AU || WIP (Series)
Your Words (Burned into My Skin) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
In Your Eyes (and it all makes sense) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sweet Nothing (All You Wanted From Me Was) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Long Story Short  || WIP (Series)
Rare as a Glimmer of a Comet  || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Voight Family Values || WIP (Series)
Yeah, I Just Wanna Take You Home || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Hold On, I Still Want You  || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Interlude: What If || Chicago Med || Complete || Drabble || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Bottled Up Feelings are Silently Screaming (You Were Breaking Down) || Chicago Med || WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
What Happened in Russia, Didn’t Stay in Russia || Arrow || Oliver x Felicity (An AU season 2 rewrite) || WIP (Series)
You’ll Always Be My Girl (or Felicity’s first scar and Oliver’s lecture) || Complete || One Shot
Slade’s Promise (Or Oliver’s Overprotective But with Good Reason) || Compete || One Shot
DC TV/Chicago Med Crossover
Mockingbird & Co.
The Same Little Breaks In Your Soul || Chicago Med || Arrow || Titans ||  WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
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strwbrrysauce · 2 months
that’s so unnecessarily funny. but it makes sense
imagine if he went by his middle name though. he’d definitely want to be theo instead of theodore.
100% had a phase where he went by theo
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incalescentia · 1 year
@tiny-as-a-firely // prev. post
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“Jacques Maillet, 2013. The Savoie.” It’s the first thing he can bring himself to say since they had arrived and his voice cracked mid-sentence. Ava’s eyes bore into the side of his, begging to tell him something surely enough, but Conrad nervously grabbed his glass of water and chugged. He wished this was alcohol. “Eh, no. Something white. Red stains my teeth.” Dora likes red, you idiot. His thoughts were daggers aimed at James. What did Dora see in him? Conrad couldn’t imagine what they had in common. He had trouble speaking to James longer than twenty minutes on a good day. Always steering conversations toward himself, where he had traveled, what he has seen, and who he has been seen with. Standard New York socialite working a cushy corporate job given to him solely based off of his last name. Maybe Conrad was exaggerating. Maybe he shouldn’t be staring threateningly across the table. He hoped it wasn’t obvious. That he was jealous. It was jealousy. His gaze found Dora again, tilting his head to the side and raising an eyebrow in skepticism. Really? This guy? “What part of town did you live in before you left, Dora?” Ava questioned, sounding like she was getting into interrogation mode. Manhattan. St Marks Place and 1st Ave. In the apartment you’ve been to a hundred times, Ava. “Oh, my god. So we have all lived in this area and have never met until now. It’s funny how this city is, isn’t it?” Dora must have answered because Ava was rambling on with a laugh. The waiter interrupted to take our drink orders, a grace from God. James went against Conrad’s suggestion and chose an obnoxiously expensive white wine. They brought it out to them with haste, chilled in an ice bucket, and poured them each a glass. Standing tableside, waiting for each of them to have a taste before walking off. The way most snobby French restaurants did, where the rich and powerful pretended they knew anything about what they were drinking. Embarrassment washed over Conrad. He has spent his life surrounded by people like this. Technically, his parents were these people. But, to sit across from Dora and have her see him fully submerged in this world, one he always diverted away from, made him shrink in size. She didn’t belong here either. They should be at the Indian place two blocks from the apartment, where they would sit for hours and challenge each other on who could eat the spiciest curry. Conrad never won. 
But would that be what Dora would want now? All these years later, to come back and fall into the same routines? It’s long enough that they might as well be strangers. Conrad doesn’t know a single detail about how she’s been living, except she had a job at the New Yorker. That James knew first. That she didn’t call him when she got the offer, or when her flight landed, or when she was mere minutes away. She didn’t want to see him. She doesn’t want you.
“Yeah, Dorothea —” James was smiling, prepared to boast about his new girlfriend, when Ava cut him off.
“Dorothea? That’s your full name? Dorothea Hawkins?” Gears were turning in Ava’s mind. It was the same look when they spent late nights at the offices consumed by thousand-paged literature and she discovered something worthwhile. Ava glanced between Dora, then Conrad, then Dora, then Conrad again. “That’s your fucking ex-wife, and you’re sitting here pretending it’s not? Are you fucking kidding me right now, Conrad?” Her words are venom, meant to poison Conrad. The least he could do was explain himself after spending the last year and a half with Ava. She deserved that. Not someone with his mouth half open, unable to produce any sound because he doesn’t want to scare off one person at this table and it’s not his fiancee. Center stage, all eyes on Conrad. Other dinner guests pretended they weren’t listening as Ava’s voice rose with dismay. “Wait, you were married? To Conrad?” James chimed in. He sounded more puzzled than angry until it clicked for him too. “That’s… messed up.”
When Conrad finally spoke, he couldn’t stare at anyone but Dora, swallowing the lump in his throat. “Yeah, we were married.” There was plenty he could have added to that to calm the storm. That it didn’t matter they were married because that was five years ago and his feelings for Dora subsided long before he met Ava. That Dora forgot about him too. That they were adults and they could have this dinner without hitting repeat on history and stealing glances of affection. But he would be lying, and Conrad couldn’t do that. His silence was enough for Ava. “Screw you, Conrad.” She threw down her napkin in a fit of fury, pushed back her chair, and stormed out.  James stood up with her, gawking with disbelief between the two.  “I have to go after her.”
They were alone. Chest heaving with every deep breath. Neither waver their eyes from the other.
“Hawkins?” The edge of Conrad’s lips twitched; he almost smiled. 
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bi-bard · 2 years
Goodbye’s so Much Harder ‘Cause We Were Happy - Conrad Hawkins Imagine (The Resident)
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Title: Goodbye’s so Much Harder ‘Cause We Were Happy
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins X Reader
Based On: We Were Happy
Word Count: 797 words
Warning(s): break-up
Summary: (Y/n) gets their dream job. The only catch is that it means moving away from the best relationship they’ve ever been in. Conrad is heartbroken, but he wants to support the person of their dreams.
Author's Note: This is very short and I'm sorry.
Masterlist for From the Vault - Taylor Swift Writing Challenge
I jumped when I heard Conrad yell from the front door. Still, I didn't move. I just stood at the counter with the letter in my hand and my other hand clasped over my mouth.
"Hey," he said as he walked in. I looked at him. His smile dropped when he saw my face. "What's wrong?"
"N-Nothing," I cleared my throat, finally moving my hand away from my mouth. "Nothing at all."
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Conrad, I got it," I said. "That research project I wanted to be a part of. I got it."
There was a moment of silence between us. I was about to speak up again when he suddenly ran over and pulled me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him and let myself finally cry.
"I'm so proud of you," he muttered, pressing a kiss to my head. "Congratulations."
He had been the one to convince me to try to be a part of the project in the first place. I was ready to shrug it off as another far-fetched dream that probably wouldn't happen. And now, I was here. I had the letter in my hands. I was doing it.
"There's... There's a bit of a catch," I stepped back, looking back at the letter.
"It's outside of the country."
"We knew that," he replied. He was right. We had discussed it before I ever signed up. "That's okay. We'll figure it out."
"Are you sure," I asked.
Conrad cupped the sides of my face and kissed me gently. I grinned against his lips.
"I'm sure," he mumbled. "Now, where do you wanna go to celebrate?"
I smiled at him. How had I gotten this lucky?
--time skip--
It was only a few days before I was supposed to be leaving.
Conrad had managed to get a few days off to spend time with me.
As we lay in bed, taking the time to have a quiet and slow morning, my brain started wondering. With that came the guilt. The guilt of holding him back. Of forcing him to wait while I went to see the world on my own.
"What are you thinking about," Conrad asked in a whisper, his hand holding my face, thumb tracing my cheekbone.
I let my eyes close for a moment, enjoying the brief moment of peace and the interruption from my thoughts. When I opened them again, he was grinning at me gently, eyes so full of love that it almost overwhelmed me.
"Nothing," I replied just as quietly.
"You only get that weirdly blank look on your face when you're deep in thought," he said. "What is it?"
"I'm just thinking about leaving," I admitted.
Conrad kissed my forehead, "So am I."
I let out a quiet sigh.
"It'll be okay," he promised. "We'll figure it out. I'll wait for you."
We sat in the next silence for a long time before he looked me in the eyes again. He must've seen something that I didn't say.
"You don't want me to," he asked.
"I... I don't want you to feel stuck," I said, feeling tears in my eyes. "I can't imagine doing that to you. We have no idea how long I'm going to be gone. I don't want... I don't want to be a weight. You don't deserve to feel like you have to love me when I can't promise to be everything that I should be for you."
Conrad rolled away from me, arm leaving from where it had been wrapped around me. He just stared up at the ceiling in silence. I watched him. I watched the gears turn in his head and watched his chest rise and fall. I searched for any sign of any reaction at all.
"I love you," he finally said softly.
"I love you too," my voice cracked a little bit as I replied. "That's why I'm doing this."
He turned his head to look at me, "I'm still going to wait for you."
"I... I just need to know you're not doing it because you have to."
He nodded.
"You were... You are the best thing that's ever happened to me," he continued. I nodded back. "And hey, we had a good run so far. No harm in a break between legs."
I let out a small laugh that sounded more like a sob, "Yeah."
More silence.
"Thank you, Conrad," I said softly. "For everything."
"Thank you," he replied. "For loving me."
He reached a hand out and grabbed mine. I looked down at our intertwined hands.
I knew then that we were over. But I was able to accept something more in that moment. We had been happy.
That was all that mattered to me.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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Imagine you and Conrad buying a house together
Walking into the house, the emptiness of it did nothing to lessen the excitement you and Conrad felt as you both looked around the room. It had taken a few months for the signing on the house to close. With lots of back and forth between the previous owners and your real estate agent, not to mention the piles of paperwork you had to complete, it was a miracle that the deal was finally able to close. But now that all the t's were crossed and the i's were dotted, you and Conrad were ready to begin the phase of your life and relationship.
There's not much to look at now as the house was empty of everything except for the big appliances the seller decided to leave for you both. Plus you would probably have to do some deep cleaning before you officially moved in just to make sure that everything was spotless but the possibilities were endless.
"I can already see it," Conrad tells you, coming up from behind you to wrap his arms around your waist, head resting on your shoulder. Moving his left arm, he points to the area before you. "We can put the coffee table here." Pointing to the wall next to you guys, he continues: "and then hang the tv there and put the tv stand underneath to avoid the glare."
Leaning back to rest against his chest, you nod. "Then we can put the couches here. My loveseat would look good there."
"You sure you don't want to get a new one? It's getting up there."
Gasping at his statement you turn around to face him. "I love that couch. It's still good. It's been with me since my college days."
"My point exactly."
"Maybe I should rethink this whole house business with you. The couch and I are a package deal, you know." Though you shake your head as if you're serious, the smile on your face lets Conrad know that you're only joking.
He laughs at this. Moving his head closer, Conrad cups a hand to your face and pulls you in for a kiss which you are happy to return. When he pulls away, he doesn't move too far as he opts to rest his forehead on yours. "If that's what it takes to live with you then bring in the couch. The furniture we have doesn't matter as long as I get to wake up next to you."
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imaginingyourfandom · 3 years
hurt - conrad hawkins
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fandom: the resident
pairing: conrad hawkins x reader
warnings: none
request: you get into a car accident and get brought into Chastain.
requested by: anonymous
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One minute you were driving to work, the next everything was ringing and you couldn’t see very well. You could make out the ambulance that had come to an abrupt stop next to your car and they were quick to help you out of your car and into the ambulance. 
You were in and out most of the journey and could hardly give a coherent answer as they rushed you to the hospital. When you had finally gotten to the hospital, you could see the doctors and nurses rushing around you and you were pretty sure you recognized Nic.
“Y/N, can you hear me?” She spoke softly. You grunted in reply as one of the doctors listened to your lungs, “We are going to help you, just stay calm.”
You grabbed her hand and asked her hoarsely, “Conrad?” 
She patted your hand, “He’s on his way.” 
The doctors and nurses continued their work as you continued to slip in and out of consciousness, luckily you didn’t have many injuries but they did have to take you for a few scans before they knew the extend of your injuries.
Nic had been the nurse in charge and made sure to stay with you every step of the way as she wheeled you to get an MRI and CT scan. When she had wheeled you into the room, Conrad was quickly at your side.
“Babe, how are you?” He asked softly.
You looked at him with tears in your eyes, “It hurts.”
“I know, I know.” He soothed as he pressed a kiss to your head.
“What’s going on?” You asked softly.
Conrad helped Nic move you into the room, “You are going to have an MRI scan before having a CT scan, we have to make sure you don’t have a brain bleed or bleeding anywhere else.” He explained it to you softly as he and Nic moved you onto the bed. 
When you were placed in the machine, you got scared and began looking around in fear. Conrad placed a soft hand on your face so you could look at him, “I’m going to be in that little room right next you and talk you through it. I’m going to be right there and I promise it will be over before you know it.” You nodded your head as he walked into the room and you could still see him.
“I’m right here,” he promised.
And he had kept his promise through the whole process and didn’t leave your side at any point. He and Nic made sure you had painkillers and fluids during the whole process and when all the tests had been done, they had moved you to a single room so you could get some rest.
“How are you feeling?” Conrad asked as he sat next to you on the bed. You had refused to let him sit anywhere else, you just wanted him close and reassurance that you weren’t alone.
You sighed as you snuggled closer to him, “I am now. Thank you for staying with me. I hate hospitals. I don’t know what I would have done without you, it was just all too much.”
He pressed a kiss to your head, “I know but you’re fine now. Just get some rest, you need it.”
“Promise you won’t leave?”
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”
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humblequestvinyl · 1 year
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SUMMARY: after a secret relationship with a certain resident from atlanta, singer y/n l/n writes a song about all the way he makes her feel nervous.
inspired by nervous by maren morris
cw: implied smut & swearing
lowercase intentional! wordcount: 0.6k
a/n ive been watching the resident sm lately and forgot that they put gold love (i think, havent gotten there yet) is at the end of s2. also this is based off of the hq tour performance!! ps, thank u for sm love on hummingbird <333
devon turned to conrad as the group of doctors walked towards the front, with barricade right in front of them. with a small grin spread across his face, conrad shrugged, “know somebody.”
“you’ve gotta know more than just ‘somebody’.”nic told him as they waited for the show to start before mina spoke up, “these seats went for $500 resale.”
the three turned to the surgeon, all with a surprised look on their faces, causing mina to shrug, “i like her music too.”
it was about an hour or so before the show began after the opening act, and as soon as y/n came out, her eyes locked with conrads, causing a big smile to spread across her lips. every single time she was in the middle of the stage, her eyes never left his, making damn sure of it too.
about halfway through the setlist, she heard the band start up the slow intro to the next song, and sent conrad a wink, before walking back up to the microphone, keeping contact, “you make me nervous,”
“put my reservations out of service, making me feel like every secrets worth it, its working.”she sang, and saw a small smirk fall back onto conrad's lips, knowing exactly what this song was about, “tryina hide my desire below the service.”
the two kept eye contact for a few moments, before y/n broke it, and looked over at her bandmate, “you make me wonder, how this part of me went undiscovered.”
“taking my heart out of its zone of comfort, like summer,”y/n continued, looking back over at conrad and his friends, “by the time its gone, you want another.”
taking the microphone off of the stand, y/n walked towards the front of the stage, right in front of conrad, pointing at him subtly, “you make me out of control, out of our clothes,”
“motion in slow, yeah,”she continued as conrad watched her walk around the stage, putting on one of the best performances he had seen, “you take me, you take me in my feelings,”
“through the ceiling, leaving my inhibitions exposed,”y/n walked back over to the mic stand hooking it back up, “you make me nervous.”
“every little move you make, you make on purpose.”she pointed at him again, before raising her arm, “tracing my body like you’re learning cursive, researching.”
“just how high of a touch can take a person.”
y/n jumped right back into the chorus, before dancing around the stage, and finishing up the bridge. slowly making her way off the stage, the star made her way over to conrad, with a big grin on her face.
“you make me nervous.”
“put my reservations out of service,”y/n sang, seeing all the shocked faces around her, joining in with the screams, “tryina hide my desire below the surface,”
standing on the barricade, conrad gripped her sides, keeping her steady as she towered over him, both with big grins spread across their faces, knowing she had just revealed their little secret.
“you make me nervous.”
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“New Love”
Conrad Hawkins x Female Reader
Warnings - Mentions of injury and loss/death but with fluffy ending 💕
With all the drama in the morning, I did not expect my day to get any better. Running late from the minute I woke up to having car trouble and catching the bus in a storm seemed to set the tone for the day.
Apologising to Marion and the other staff, I rush into the sliding doors of the Chastain Park Memorial Daycare.
“Wow whoa, you look … well” Conrad laughs as he drops of his daughter Gigi, through those same doors.
Gigi looks up at her dad, scolding him for laughing at her teacher which makes Conrad smile grow wider.
He holds his hands up in defeat, wishes his daughter a goodbye and sets himself off to work on the floors below.
My luck continues to run downhill as the day goes on as I begin to feel weak, nauseous and the people in front of me start to spin.
I try to keep myself steady and on my feet as things slowly start to fade.
I hear Gigi call for her father, right before I lost my footing, instead of hitting the floor like expected I fall against something hard, something solid.
“You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes love”
Was the last thing I heard from Conrad before I gave up trying to keep my eyes open.
Reawakening again was an experience, I’ve always hated being ill and despite working in a hospital I can’t say I ever liked them.
As I slowly gather my bearings I see a familiar face coming towards me.
Conrad knowing my history and how I feel about being cooped up in certain environments, gets straight to the point.
“ Look, I know you hate being sick, but you need to let me care for you.”
I can’t help but scoff at this “I’m not sick Conrad, I just felt lightheaded and fell”
“I’ll be the judge of that” he answers.
Just as I’m about open my mouth to speak again I hear a small voice behind us both.
“Is Y/N going to be okay daddy?”
I look over and see little Gigi with panic written across her face. My heart broke for her, being best friends with her mom meant that I’ve seen her from the day she was born, to mourning Nic’s death to who she is today.
I try to give her a smile as she comes running up to my bed. Her dad spends time to comfort her before sending her back up to daycare with one of the nurses and then off to check my results.
After checking in on his daughter after everything she has seen this morning, next on Conrad’s list was to seek out Bille to confirm Y/N’s results after having her admitted.
He had to admit this morning had been rough on him, He had known Y/N though Nic and she had become a valuable part of his life and in raising Gigi. Seeing her so vulnerable, panicked him and he has spent the rest of that time chasing away that unfamiliar feeling.
He couldn’t lose you like he lost his wife.
Finally locking eyes with Bille, his move faster beneath him to find the answers he needed.
Billie, who already knew what Conrad was after passed him the iPad with Y/N’s information open.
“Her CT scans and Nero exam are all clear. She’s all okay”
Conrad fought the urge to hug his colleague as he releases a ragged breath, fighting his legs which threaten to give out before him.
While it was common for Conrad to care and fight for his patients, this reaction was new even for him but it didn’t take long for Billie to come to the conclusion.
“How long have you been in love with her?”
Conrad looks up with a confused expression, his eyes fighting some sort of internal battle.
“Conrad is okay. You are allowed to find love, it’s what Nic would of wanted for you. You know that”
Hawkins knew that Billie was right but he just wasn’t sure if he was ready yet. Even if he was falling in love with the preschool teacher.
There was only way to find out.
After what felt like an agonising wait, Conrad finally reappeared to give me the all clear and out of pure joy and instinct I grabbed onto him and pushed him into a hug.
What I didn’t notice at first what how Conrad didn’t fight or pull away, in fact he settled into the hug and closed his eyes, just enjoying the embrace.
Something in my mind told me that he needed that hug more then I did. I stayed with him calmly until he was strong enough to pull away.
“I … I umm… I was thinking we could…”
He couldn’t get his words out and was visibly getting frustrated.
I brought myself to his face and planted a soft kiss on his forehead.
“I would love too” I whispered.
“One day at a time” he whispered back, his throat threatening to close up on him as I see tears in his eyes.
I made a promise to myself to do my best and always honour his love for Nic.
“Daddy is Y/N going to be new mommy?”
For the second time that day, Gigi has snuck out of daycare to come find her dad.
Realising that Conrad hadn’t gotten full control of his emotions just yet I decided to take over.
“No sweetie your mommy will always be your mommy, I’m just an extra special friend to your daddy” I try to explain, gently.
“Is that why you two was kissing?” She asks innocently as heat rises to my cheeks.
“Erm yes, is that okay?”
Gigi nods with a smile that matches that of her fathers one earlier on today and jumps on the bed to join the pair of us.
“I wouldn’t mind having two mommies, I just want daddy to be happy again” she says, hugging Conrad, giving her consent to the potential blossoming relationship.
Today may of started terribly but it doesn’t mean it ended that way…
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harvestleaves · 5 years
Flu Shot Season
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Prompt by Anon: Conrad's bf has to get the flu shot for work but doesn't like needles. Conrad makes fun of him at first but then does it for him/ tries to make it fun when he realizes it's actually hard for him
“Conrad, I don’t like needles! Why do I have to get my flu shot this year?” You pouted at your boyfriend as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Because you work in pediatrics and those little kids are Petri dishes for infections and viruses. It’s not that bad, plus the hospital requires you to get it. It’s just a little prick in the arm, I know you can handle more than that. If you’re good, I can reward you later in the bedroom,” Conrad grinned with a wiggle of his eyebrows as he eyed over you, making a note of the way the scrub shirt pulled against your biceps.
“Conrad, it’s not funny, I really don’t like them! I haven’t liked them since I was little. You know I’m allergic to bees and I’ve been scared of needles ever since I had to have an epi-pen when I was five,” you whimpered, finally blinking back a few tears as you finched away from where Conrad was starting to pull on the blue gloves.
“Babe, wait.  You know I’m just joking, right?  What’s got you so upset?” Conrad asked when he saw the tears and leaned in to pull you close to his broad chest, carding his fingers through your hair soothingly.  “Hey, just breathe.  Talk to me handsome.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry.  I don’t mean to cry, I’m just scared.  I really don’t like needles.  I’m scared,” you finally mumbled as you pressed your face into Conrad’s neck, your tears soaking into his scrub shirt.
“Hon, I’m so sorry.  I didn’t realize that you were that scared.  What do you tell your patients up in peds when they have to get shots?” Conrad soothed as he pressed a kiss to the top of your hair, rubbing your back to soothe your suddenly ragged breathing, not wanting you to work yourself up into an panic attack.
You took a shaky breath through your nose before you looked up at Conrad with teary eyes and shrugged.  “I u-usually try and distract them, or they hold onto their parents’ hand, or we give them a lollipop afterward,” you explained as you took another shaky breath to soothe yourself, reaching up to rub furiously at your teary eyes.
“Okay, do you want me to call Devon in to give you your shot?  That way you can hold my hand and I can distract you better?” Conrad offered as he pulled back to study your face, gently wiping away a stray tear with the pad of his thumb as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
You bit your lip as you thought of your options before nodding your head and pressing your face back into Conrad’s shoulder, hearing him page for Devon to come to the room before you felt Conrad’s breath tickle your ear as he spoke once more.  The words made your face turn five shades of red as you pressed your face further into his shoulder in embarrassment and slight arousal.
“Don’t worry, when we’re done here I’ll take you into one of the on-call rooms and suck you off.”
“Deal,” you sighed softly, a small laugh slipping past your lips as Conrad pulled you closer and kissed your cheek, his scruff lightly tickling the skin. 
Taglist:  @cactiem @the-resident-imagines @ivvitm1109 @whumperwriter​
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cactiem · 6 years
Wake Up
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Pairing: Conrad Hawkins x Reader
Requested: Anonymous
Summary: After an accident you pass out. The whole time Conrad is worried.
GIF Not Mine
Everything happened so fast. One minute you were checking the patients vitals. The next you were on the floor, your ears ringing. You weren’t entirely sure what had happened. It appeared that the patient was in a psychosis from their injuries and started attacking you. They had pushed you and because of that you hit your head on the side and fell to the floor. The ringing in your hasn’t stopped. All you could make out was the muffling sounds of your coworkers milling around you. You heard someone shouting that they need help in here. Then someone was calling your name. It sounded like Conrad but you weren’t entirely sure. You tried to stay awake for as long as you could but you felt your eyes starting to droop and soon you slipped into unconsciousness.
Beeping was the first thing you heard when you came to. You slowly opened your eyes, adjusting to the lights beaming down on you. A piercing headache in the front of your head made it’s presence known. You turned your head to the side and there you saw Conrad sleeping. His hair was ruffled in a way that is done when someone has been pulling at it in frustration.
You reached over and nudged him slightly to wake him up. It worked as Conrad was up and alert when he saw you were awake. "Thank god you’re okay." He said, getting up from the chair and over to you. He moved a stray piece of hair out of the way, his hand ending up cupping your cheek. "I was so worried."
"I’m sorry that I put you through that." You apologised, your hand reaching up to his and giving it a comforting squeeze. You knew that one of his fears is losing you and today it came close. Conrad leaned in and gently pressed his lips onto yours. Nothing needed to be said in that moment. You both knew what the kiss meant. It meant that you love each other and that neither of you are going anywhere.
Requests are open
Tag List (Still Open): @mayasmedberg @lunarmoonwolf @princess-of-the-fandoms @live--aloud @harvestleaves @swatchdogs-andsodapop @sweetdayme4427 @controloffandoms @purposeful-path @inlovewith3
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jakeperalta · 5 years
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I’m fine, okay? But we have to do something.
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