#Clyde Logan Reader Inserts
eddiesfaerie · 2 years
ADCU Masterlist
(Adam Driver Character Universe)
most works are NSFW and contain 18+ content, minors do not interact!
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Softer | Part 2 *
Kylo Ren whisks you away to a remote planet to be sweeter with you. He finds it much more difficult than initially planned.
Fructus Tenebris (series) 1. Eripio
You have a bit of a run-in with a hunter in the garden. Gladly, Kylo is around to mediate. 
Pet *
You accompany the Supreme Leader to one of his meetings. Unsurprisingly, you become desperate for attention.
Kylo and Sleep
So Pretty Like This *
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Mirrorball * | Part 2 *
Your first time meeting detective Flip Zimmerman is out on the dance floor.
Going Under
You struggle to figure out why Flip Zimmerman wants to help you out.
Losing You
Flip and Sleep
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Long Sleeves * | Part 2 *
A two part, chaotic summary of the trials and tribulations of you and Charlie’s blossoming relationship as it’s pushed to its absolute limits.
On Our Way Home
On a late Friday night, you take the subway home with Charlie after spending the day with him at his rehearsals. 
Date Night
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August *
On a humid, late summer afternoon, Clyde makes you a couple of promises. 
Shooting Stars *
Clyde takes you on a drive up the mountain to admire the stars, you see more than you were expecting.
Look At You *
sub!Clyde needs help voicing his needs.
In The Morning *
More Than Friends
In The Rain
Being a Brat *
Horny and Annoyed *
Soft!Dom Clyde *
Tippy Toes
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Midnight Snack
You get hungry at 4am. Sackler makes you something to eat.
I See You (nsfw-ish)
Double Date
Kiss It Better
Sackler and Sleep
Types of Kisses
Morning Sex *
Caught *
Nasty But Sweet *
Confessions *
Sleepy (nsfw-ish)
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Bent *
Blowing Bubbles *
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At Gas Stations
Brat *
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Some People Just Need A Little Pampering (Clyde Logan x F!Reader)
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Mellie always cut Clyde’s hair. That how it had been his whole life, ever since she was old enough to read her fashion magazines and wield a pair of scissors. All throughout school Clyde sported the latest in Mellie’s favorite hair styles. When he reached high school and started growing his hair out to cover his ears, Mellie still insisted on being the one to trim it. When they’d sit at home, waiting on Jimmy to come up with another cauliflower scheme, Mellie would busy herself with Clyde’s hair, practicing her braids and using her new irons to try and master the art of curling hair. 
This was why, when Clyde found himself standing in the middle of the hair salon with no Mellie in sight, he figured he would come back another time. He paused for a second, calling out a hesitant, “Mellie?”, and cringing at the way his voice broke when he raised it. Clyde waited a few seconds for a response and when he got none he took it as his sign to leave. Spinning on his heels, Clyde grabbed the handle to the door, trying to get out as quickly as he could and avoid any awkward encounters. He’d just drive home and call Mellie up when he got there, to see if she’d be around the salon tomorrow. Just as he was opening the door, he heard a voice coming from behind him. 
“‘xcuse me, sorry ‘bout that. I was in the back. I thought I heard you callin’ for Mellie, she had to run out real quick but I’m sure she’ll be back soon. In the meantime why don’ you have a seat an’ wait for her. Or if it’s somethin’ simple you need I’m sure I can handle it.”
Clyde felt himself freeze in the doorway, that voice was something magical, sweet and warm like honey. He turned around, trying with no avail to force down the blush that was creeping up his neck. He was grateful that his hair was so long, it covered his neck and his ears, both of which he was sure were very red. It was then Clyde realized that turning around wasn’t really going to help his situation. The woman that accompanied that delightful voice was lovelier than Clyde could’ve imagined. Right as he pulled himself together and was fixing to say something to this pretty little angel he found, she opened her mouth again. A blush dancing across her soft cheeks, she stuck out her hand, “My goodness, I completely forgot, my name is Y/N.” Clyde stared at her hand before raising his prosthetic up as if to show her he couldn’t really shake too well. Her smile didn’t falter for a second as she put her arm down in favor of reaching out with the other. Clyde bit back a smile as he took her hand in his and shook, choosing not to focus on the electrifying feeling of her skin on his, “Clyde. I’m Mellie’s brother.” 
Y/N’s bright E/C eyes lit up with understanding, “Ohh so you’re the famous Clyde I been hearin’ so much about.” Clyde felt the heat rising back up to his cheeks and shrugged. “Mellie talks about you and your other brother all the time, Jimmy was it? Anyway, what can I do for ya, Mr. Clyde Logan?”
Stuttering, Clyde tried to explain, “Well, my hair’s been gettin’ a bit long. Thought it might be time for a trim. Mellie’s the only one who cuts my hair though.” 
Y/N nodded, “Oh yeah, I’m sure she knows exactly how you like it then. Well, she stepped out a little while ago but I’m sure it won’t be long now if you just wanna wait for her.”
Clyde started to protest, explaining that he could come back later and didn’t want to be a bother. Laughing, Y/N gestured around the empty room, “As you can see we got a whole lot goin’ on, I’m pretty busy at the moment.” Clyde didn’t know how to respond so he stood there silently while Y/N watched. After a moment she gave his arm a light shove, “Aw c’mon Clyde I’m just teasin’. I don’t think you could ever be a bother to anyone.” She turned away from him at that, though Clyde thought he might’ve caught a blush dusting her cheeks again. “Anyway, you can take a seat wherever you like, or you can give Mellie a quick call if you want. I’ll be around so if you need anything just holler, ok?” 
Clyde nodded and took a seat in the closest chair, watching as Y/N busied herself tidying up the salon. He found he really enjoyed watching her move around the room, she had an air of comfort around her that made everything she did seem natural and right. He was so caught up in watching her that he choked a bit when she turned towards him expectantly. Laughing lightly she asked,“You mind if I put on a little music?” 
Clyde shook his head, praying that his face wasn’t too red though it felt like it was on fire. She giggled and he melted into his chair a little at the sound, “How ‘bout a little Seger, huh?”
He quickly sat back up, “How’d you know?”
She rolled her eyes, the warm smile never leaving her face, “You’re wearin’ his shirt, Clyde.” 
The blush returned to Clyde’s face full force and he knew there was no way of hiding it this time, “Right, yeah, ‘course.” He sputtered, trying to respond to her without making it clear how embarrassed he was, “Yeah, that’d be great. Unless you’re not a fan, you don’t gotta play music for me if you wanna listen to somethin’ else.”
She dismissed his concerns with a wave of her hand, “Who doesn’t like Bob Seger?”. She walked over to the stereo and fussed with it, picking up her phone and scrolling quickly through her music. Clyde heard the strumming of the opening chords to ‘You’ll Accomp’ny Me’ drift out of the speaker. Y/N started humming along, glancing back at Clyde with a small smile and a raised eyebrow, “This good?” Clyde nodded, a smile gracing his own features.
Y/N turned back to her work, shaking her hips to the music as she moved around the salon. Now, Clyde had seen his fair share of women dancing to all sorts of songs at the bar but nothing beat the sight in front of him. He felt his chest fill with something he couldn’t quite place, warmth and longing and who knows what else. He didn’t really want to go falling in love with this pretty little hairdresser but he had a feeling she wasn’t going to give him much choice. Or maybe he’d just been on his own for too long. Paying more attention to Y/N’s hands he noticed she was organizing all sorts of cremes and what looked like some clay in a jar. Before he could even think he was opening his mouth, “What you got in that jar there?”
Y/N hummed in response, glancing at Clyde with her eyebrows raised before looking back down at her hands. She picked up the jar in question, “Oh this? Mellie’s been tryna branch out lately, we’ve been offering little facials and what not.” 
Clyde felt his face contorting with confusion, “Yer puttin’ that on people’s faces? And they pay you fer that?”
Laughing, she set the jar down again and put her hands on her hips, “Yes, they do in fact pay us for this. Have you never done a face mask or nothin’?” The look on Clyde’s face must’ve been enough to answer her question, “Of course, what was I thinkin’. Even with Mellie as a sister, you don’ seem like the type to pamper yourself. You should try it sometime.” 
She turned back to her station, moving a couple of things around before she looked back at Clyde from over her shoulder, “Well c’mon now. Get over here, I’m gonna give you your first facial, on the house.” 
Clyde stayed sitting, “‘re you sure ‘bout that? Won’t Mellie want you savin’ that for real customers?”
Y/N turned back toward Clyde again with a no nonsense look in her pretty little E/C eyes, “You’re family Clyde. And if Mellie did have a problem with it, then I’ll take it out of my pay. Let me treat you Clyde, everyone could use a little pamperin’.” She pulled the cutest puppy dog eyes Clyde had ever seen and he found he couldn’t say no. With a hefty sigh, Clyde stood from his chair and walked over to where Y/N was, her arms splayed out on either side of her with her hands on the counter of her station. 
In a few long strides he was standing directly in front of her, so close he could count each of her pretty little eyelashes. Neither of them said a word, Y/N seemed to be holding her breath as she stared up into his eyes. Clyde held back a chuckle when he saw the heat rising to her face. She averted her eyes and coughed, “Right, so, just take a seat an’ I’ll do the rest, alright?”
He nodded and sat down, eyes on her the whole time. He could tell she was a flustered, and felt a tinge of pride at the knowledge that he had been the cause of such a lovely lady losing her composure. He watched as she went to adjust the volume of the music, ‘In Your Time’ sweetly playing from the speakers, and dim the lights. Without realizing it, Clyde started to sink into his seat, the low lighting, his favorite music, and a pretty girl just itching to take care of him proving to be enough to get him to relax. 
Y/N made her way back over to the station, grabbing a headband from the counter. Leaning over Clyde she slipped the fabric around his head, successfully pushing his hair out of his face. Glancing down at Clyde’s flustered face, she giggled and spoke, in a lower and more relaxing tone than she had before, “Have a little faith, Clyde. Just let yourself enjoy this.” Clyde tried his hardest to keep his face neutral and nodded, though it proved more difficult than he thought when he was eye level with Y/N’s chest and she was saying things like that in that voice. He schooled his features and took a deep breath as Y/N turned back to her station. Clyde continued watching her as she mixed a few of the substances from the jars together before facing him again. When their eyes met she laughed again, a light, breathy sound, and shook her head, “You can close your eyes now, Clyde, I’ll warn ya before I do anythin’.” 
Blushing, Clyde shut his eyes and steered his thoughts towards the music wafting over from the speakers. He heard Y/N take a few steps around him before he heard her speak again, this time from right behind him, “Alright now Clyde, I’m gonna keep it simple for ya since it’s your first time. This is a sugar scrub, it should smell like apricot mainly. Then I’ll do a mud mask, should smell like coconut.” Clyde jumped a little when he felt her fingers dancing on his face but he got used to the sensation very quickly. She gently massaged the scrub on his face and he felt like he was putty in her hands. When she had gotten around his entire face she paused, “I’m gonna quick wipe this off and then apply the mud mask, ok?” Clyde hummed in response, his eyes still closed and his body more relaxed than it had ever been, especially since he’d gotten back to the States. This time, when she slowly started wiping his face off with a warm, damp towel, he didn’t flinch. He basked in the heat of the towel and Y/N’s soft humming. He heard her move to the station, the sound of her fingers lightly tapping the counter and then she was next to him again, “Last step, this is the mud mask part. Now I’m gonna apply it for ya an’ then you can just rest until it dries, just try an’ keep a straight face, okay?”
Clyde hummed in response, keeping his eyes closed and basking in the feeling of calm, “Whatever you say sweetheart.” He opened one eye ever so slightly and got a glimpse of Y/N’s flaming cheeks as she tried to brush off the pet name. Clyde had to make a conscious effort not to smile right then. And who could blame him for being pleased that he could have that effect on such a wonderful little lady. Clyde was glad he had steeled his features when she started applying the mud. At some point she had warmed it up so it was about the same temperature as the towel. It was thick and heavy on his face, smelled like heaven too, and Y/N’s soft fingers were gentle and sweet on his skin. All too soon his face was covered. He felt the touch of Y/N’s fingers leave his face and had to stop himself from following them. 
Y/N coughed slightly, “You can open your eyes now if ya like, or you can keep relaxing that, I’ll be here if you need anything.”
Clyde nodded slightly and continued to lay with his eyes closed. 
Soon he felt his face getting tighter. He opened his eyes and looked around, spotting Y/N in the corner sweeping and moving to the music, “Uh, Y/N is it supposed to feel real tight?”
She paused her work and giggled, “Don’t you worry Clyde, that just means it’s drying. It might be ready to take off, lemme come get a look atchu.” Setting her broom down she practically skipped over to his chair, “Well looky there, you’re cracking. Means we can take it off. Don’t suppose I could get a picture first?”
Clyde looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like a dried up old river in the desert or something, he had no idea why she’d want a picture of him like this. Grey mud ashy and cracking on his face, the purple hair band wrapped around his head, dark hair sticking up from him laying on it funny. He looked back over at Y/N before realizing his mistake. She’d pulled out those damn puppy eyes again, “Now don’t you go makin’ that face at me darlin’. How am I supposed ta say no to you lookin’ like that?”
Her concentration broke as a wide smile bloomed on her face and Clyde swore that sight alone would make him go blind faster than staring at the sun ever could. “Well darn it Clyde, you figured me out pretty quick.” She laughed lightly, “Does that mean I have permission then? I’m sure Mellie’d love to see this, and I certainly don’t mind havin’ pictures of people as good lookin’ as you on my phone.” 
Sputtering, Clyde couldn’t help but ask, “You think I’m good lookin’?” 
The look on Y/N’s face was one of pure confusion, “Now, what kind of question is that? Are you kiddin’ me? ‘Course I do.”
Now Clyde was thankful for the mask, regardless of how crusty he may look at least it covered the blush on his cheeks. 
“I guess someone doesn’t get told he’s handsome quite as often as he should, your ears look like they’re burnin’ up.” Y/N laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind one of Clyde’s ears as he clenched his jaw in an attempt to quell his embarrassment. “Don’t worry honey, I won’t tease you anymore. Just lemme snap a picture, hold on.”
Clyde mustered up enough self control to respond, “Now, I never said I wanted ya ta stop teasin’. But go ahead, take yer picture, not like I could say no ta ya after all you’ve done anyway.” Y/N snapped a couple of photos, showing them to Clyde for approval. He honestly couldn’t care less, he didn’t think much of having his picture taken, but she seemed so pleased that he had to let her keep them. 
Smiling down at him, Y/N thanked him and proceeded to grab another hot towel, “If you could close your eyes again Clyde, I’ll get this mud mask off of ya.” 
Eager to feel her touch again, Clyde obliged. He relished in the feeling of the soft towel breaking away the clay and letting his skin breathe. He was drawn out of his thoughts when he heard the song change and the upbeat intro to ‘Take a Chance’ started playing. He felt the last of the clay being wiped away and was about to open his eyes when he felt something soft press against his cheek. He froze, not daring to breathe, “You said you’d warn me before ya did anythin’.” He opened his eyes, a smirk growing on his face. Y/N, trying to play it cool despite the blush covering her face, shrugged, “Felt inspired by the song, what can I say? Call it a kiss for good luck, you look like you could use a little.” She turned away, busying herself with the items on her station’s counter in an attempt to move on from the conversation. Clyde stood up, taking a small step so that he was right behind her. Placing an arm on either side of her so she was pinned to her spot, he cleared his throat. She turned to him, seemingly unaware of his movement, and was startled by his proximity. The blush that already stained her cheeks flared up yet again. Clyde smiled, “That’s real sweet an’ all but I’m not quite sure a kiss on the cheek will bring me enough luck.” He glanced down at his arm and then back up at her, “I’m an awful unlucky person.” Y/N fought a smile and tilted her head up towards his, “Well, how could I say no to you when you’re lookin’ at me like that.” She lifted her hands up to meet his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. Clyde let go of the counter and brought his good hand up to cup her face, while he placed his other at the small of her back. He pulled her in closer to him and bit back a gasp when her body fell flush against his. She tangled her hands in his hair, tugging the headband off and throwing it to the side, not caring where it landed. 
When the two finally broke apart for air, Y/N chuckled, “If that’s what I get after givin’ you a facial I can’t wait to see what you’re like after a home cooked meal and a nice massage.” 
Clyde smiled, “Well, how ‘bout you come ‘round to mine tomorrow night. I’ll treat you to the home cooked meal and we can see about that massage. I’m sure you could guess I’ve never really had one of them either.”
Shaking her head, Y/N smiled softly back at him, “Well, we’re gonna have ta change that. You need some good ol’ fashioned pamperin’. And I’m more than willin’ to pamper ya, only thing I want in return is for you ta keep callin’ me those sweet little names in that voice of yours and keep kissin’ me like that.”
He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer again, using his good hand to tilt her face back up to meet his, “Darlin’, I think that can be arranged.”
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Hello 👋🏻 I’m Hailey, I’ve been on tumblr since probably 2012 or so, and I’m a huge fan of reading fics. I’ve dabbled in writing, but it’s been years, so while you may eventually see original stuff, this will be primarily for reblogging fics that I’d like to keep track of - and not lose them in my likes from my main.
Nearly everything I read is 18+ so please don’t follow (or read!) if you’re not!
(Also I read primarily reader-inserts, but I try to avoid anything with y/n)
Any recommendations are always welcome!
My favorite (hyperfixation) character is always changing, however here are some staples characters & fandoms you can expect to see reblogged
• Marvel
•Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
•Matt Murdock/Daredevil
•Frank Castle/Punisher
•Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Moon Knight
•Star Wars
•Kylo Ren (absolutely no Reylo here)
•Din Djarin
•Poe Dameron (occasionally)
•Stranger Things
•Eddie Munson
•Steve Harrington
•Billy Hargrove
•Dean Winchester
•Clyde Logan
•Adam Sackler
•Spencer Reid
•Joel Miller (the Pedro version)
•Carmy Berzatto
There may be more I’m forgetting but those are the basics! I’ll try to update the list if I find myself sharing a bunch of a new character. Happy reading!
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kylosupremeimagines · 4 years
Clyde Logan A-Z Fluff
(Special thanks to @driversmutbucket​ for helping me with this!) 
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A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?) Pet names, oh god, the amount of pet names that man has for you. At the beginning of your relationship you actually thought he had forgotten your name. Darling, sweetheart, baby, doll, sweetness, sweetie, honey, precious, angel, pumpkin, sweet pea....etc Clyde Logan is one affectionate teddy bear. He is so sweet with you that he gets teased about it by his friends and family- Jimmy often pretends to vomit. In public he makes it know that you are his woman.
B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you) Even if it’s a little cheesy, one of his best memories would be his first date with you, no matter how long he knew you beforehand. It shows that you have an interest in being more than just friends with him and gives him hope for a future family. He will remember even the smallest of details such as which way your hair is parted.
C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious) Dog, he loves their loyalty and unwavering affection,  although he doesn’t have one of his own, he would love to have one eventually. It would be comforting to know you had a protector when he was working long nights at the bar.
D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?) It is simple, really. A big family. With you.
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?) If he isn’t working, Clyde loves having dinner with you, then snuggling up on the sofa with you and reading. Enjoying the peace and just being with you.
F = first date (what was it like?) He wanted to do something extremely special so he brought you out to a lake, planning a cute little picnic. There wasn’t really anyone else around and he brought your favorite foods, so it was perfect.  He even brought some wine, but wouldn’t make you drink it if you’re not a fan or don’t drink alcohol. He manages to kiss you, and stars was it the most loving kiss you could ever share with someone.
G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?) He’ll laugh at just about any hilarious thing someone does, and certainly shows his teeth in that wide, amazing grin of his. His laugh sounds genuine to his entertainment, coming deep from the chest.
H = hugs (do they like hug? What kind of hugs do the give?) Clyde Logan is a goddamn teddy bear. He gives the best hugs. Warm, firm and enveloping. He loves cuddling you, he could all day. Sometimes he does. He isn’t particularly cuddly with other people, being a bit shy. You know once he has babies of his own he will hardly put them down due to all the cuddles he will be giving.
I = instrument (do they play an instrument?) Considering that he only has one hand, he can’t exactly play any instruments. But if he used to play, it most likely would’ve been an acoustic guitar. Though now he still can sing pretty decently.
J = joy (what brings them joy in life?) Family. It’s all he really needs to be happy in life. He would give every ounce of love to his family to the point some people believe it’s a bit excessive. However he would not care about their opinion as his family and the ability to love them gives him more joy in life than he knows what to do with.
K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?) Clyde can be quite the mix with his kisses. Usually he will be loving with them, not afraid to show you physical affection. He’ll run his thumb over your cheek as he leans down to deepen it, lips dancing passionately against yours. He loves that one second yet meaningful good morning kiss.
L = love (how do they act when they have a crush) Jimmy once referred to it as “love drunk”. When he met you he was completely distracted, couldn’t think of anything else but you, and he told you as much. He would mess up drinks at work- something he never did, trip over his own feet when he saw you and be unable to form sentences.
“My brother is damn love drunk on ya y/n, it’s like aliens have removed half his brain.” Jimmy Logan
M = memory (what’s their favourite memory?) Over your time together, his favorite will end up being your wedding day. It symbolizes that you truly will spend the rest of your lives together. And it would make one great day. Imagine the sex that night with Clyde 😉
N = no (what is their pet peeve?) Clyde likes  to know where you are and that you are safe. He hates it when you don’t let him know your plans, or don’t answer your phone or reply to his messages. He will work himself into a state, thinking the Logan curse has struck again if you don’t get in touch in a timely manner.
O = occupation (what’s their dream job?) To be a father. That’s the ultimate for Clyde. He is happy running Duck Tape, and doesn’t yearn for anything beyond that in his career but being a father? Dream job.
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?) An absolute bloody pushover. He will spoil his kids rotten, shower them in love and affection and let them know they are goddamn miracles to him. Clyde will be the kind of dad that has your children’s friends wishing he was their dad. Your place will always be filled with your children’s friends, noisy and happy.
Q = questions (do they believe in the super natural? Aliens? Anything along those lines) He isn’t too sure what to believe but considering he’s a firm believer in the so called Logan Family Curse, it’s probably safe to say that he does believe in something. He gave into the old ghost stories his siblings would tell him as a kid and it would scare him shitless. He refuses to deny the existence of some intelligent life out there in space. And the list goes on.
R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?) Clyde May doubt how well he can express his love, but sometimes he can do so without even trying. You can see the love in his every action, ever facial expression, every gesture. He will remind you how much he cares and do little things for you. Although sometimes it’s with advice from Mellie, he plans the best dates for you. And man the list goes on.
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail) You. It doesn’t matter if he’s physically with you or you pop into his thoughts, you will make him smile each time without fail. Overall his family will do the same as it’s the most important thing to him.
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average) Clyde adores you beyond belief but he knows how to keep his boundaries. He wants to be around you as often as he can but knows when to back off. It’s not like he can’t handle being away from you as long as he knows that you’re doing alright and are safe.
U = unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable) Clyde has the tendency to pay more attention to how others are doing before he checks in with himself. He asks you a lot how you’re doing, sometimes to the point where it’s a few times an hour. It can leave you to worry about him when he’s neglecting himself.
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?) Opposes to video, he’s more likely to take photos. Why why put together a whole photo album that you can look back on years down the road and reminisce about your life together with the family?
W = wedding (what was the wedding like?) The wedding would more than likely be out in the woods right by the family’s cabin. All your friends and family would be there, Little Sadie would be the flower girl, and Clyde would be more handsome in that suit than he’s ever been. Overall it would be a great time, and you’d even be able to stay at the cabin for your honeymoon if you wanted. Though, he will feel a little off not having the ring on the traditional finger so you two decided that you too would wear yours on your right ring finger.
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?) Not that it should be anything for him to be embarrassed about, but he has a huge soft spot for animals. He had a dog he adored in his childhood, and a lot of other pets that came in and out of his family’s lives. He wouldn’t be opposed to having a few animals with you; though he wants to get at least one dog.
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, sent, word anything) Other men perving on his woman. RIP them, cause he will go straight up feral on their ass.
Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons) Clyde is always happy to wake up when you are in his bed. He loves those slow lazy mornings where you cuddle and  make love lazily. His sleeping is a bit all over the place. Sometimes he sleeps incredibly heavily, other times restlessly, especially if you aren’t there. He still has occasional PTSD nightmares from his service. Luckily they are becoming less frequent.
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ohsolonelyghosts · 2 years
clyde being a little moany sub who 💦 too early and then gets rlly embarrassed and thinks she won’t like him anymore and he gets rlly upset but she’s like it’s okay. stan baby clyde
Too Early
Characters: Clyde Logan x Reader
Word Count: 913
Note: Mmmf I love this idea! Been sitting on it for a moment, but it's finally time to release it! I know it's a bit shorter than everything else, but I've had a lot on my plate. Regardless, hope you enjoy!
Contents/Warnings: PIV Sex, unprotected sex, creampie, premature ejaculation
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“Sweet pea?” Clyde called, as he entered your shared apartment.
“In here!” You called from the bathtub, scrolling on your phone.
Clyde appeared in the doorway, causing you to turn your head to look at him. You gave him a sweet smile, beckoning him to sit on the toilet and talk to you about his day like he usually did.
You both spoke for a short time before you could feel your boyfriend’s eyes burning a hole into your skin. You turned your head to look at him, humming. You batted your eyelashes, knowing he wanted something from you.
“I’m going to be honest, darlin’,” Clyde spoke out, swallowing harshly. You could tell his eyes were drifting over your body.
“I absolutely need you.”
Those words were like magic to you, quickly setting your phone down and washing off your body before pulling the drain. Clyde handed you a towel and helped you out of the tub.
He leaned down, kissing you, his arms wrapping around your waist. You placed one of your hands on his chest, gently shoving him off of you.
“Can’t you let us get into the bedroom?” You laughed out softly.
Clyde followed behind you, yanking the towel from your body. You turned around, mouth slightly ajar. He grinned right at you, backing you up against the bed. He pushed you back against the mattress, leaning down and kissing at your lips.
His tongue fought its way between your lips in a teeth-clashing kiss. You both were so desperate to have each other, it was amazing how Clyde’s clothes were still on.
Before you knew it, you were on top of your boyfriend, kissing down his neck. You loved listening to his little whimpers as he begged for you to move down his body. It gave you an indescribably powerful ego. You sucked a deep purple love bite into the crook where his shoulder met his neck, grinning at your work.
You moved your hips in a circular motion on top of his lap, listening to him whine and moan for you. You giggled, grinning at him. You helped him take off his shirt, followed by his shorts.
You kissed down his body once more, from his lips to his abdomen, listening to him enjoying himself every second. When you were met with his cloth-clad bulge, eyes flickering up to meet his own. You mouthed at the cloth, before pulling off his boxers.
You licked his cock from base to tip, sucking gently on the tip for a moment. You listened to Clyde grunt, humming around his cock as his hips bucked up into your jaw. You gave him more of what he wanted, taking his full length into the back of your throat.
You gagged on his cock, continuously taking him all.
“Fuck, sweet pea,” he groaned out, which was music to your ears.
You had decided that was enough and didn’t need Clyde cumming down your throat. You released his cock with a pop sound, listening to him sigh at the loss of your warm mouth.
Moving up to his hips, you straddled him. You moved your hips down, your dripping heat dragging against his saliva-covered cock. You teased him for a few more minutes before angling his cock so you could sit on it.
Placing both hands on his chest, you began to move once you adjusted to his size. Clyde was always a tight fit, and you wondered how on earth his cock was that big. His hand gripped at your hip, his head tilted back in pure pleasure as you rode him.
His soft moans were more than enough to get you going, riding him at a faster pace than before, feeling his grip on you tighten even harder. You were sure he was going to leave a bruise, as he had done many times prior.
Without warning, Clyde’s hips rutted forward, moaning a bit louder than he had been before. You could tell he was cumming, and you happily rode him through his orgasm.
Clyde felt embarrassed after the fact, and you could see it all over his face.
“I’m sorry, doll,” he spoke, clearing his throat. You giggled a bit at him, shaking your head and pressing your finger to his lips.
”What do you mean you’re sorry?” You asked softly, raising your eyebrows at him.
You collapsed against him, giving him a kiss to the side of his head.
He shrugged, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
“Came too early,” he grumbled out, eliciting a soft laugh from you.
“You’re fine, I don’t care if it’s early or not.”
“I can finger you or whatever, I want you to get yours,” Clyde spoke, nodding toward you.
You shook your head in response, letting his cock fall out of you.
“What I would like though, is a rag to clean up.”
Clyde chuckled, seeing his own cum on his stomach, as well as leaking out of you.
He disappeared into the bathroom, you heard running water before he appeared in your bedroom once again. Your boyfriend helped you clean up, throwing the rag in the hamper before joining you in bed again.
He pulled you into his chest, leaning his chin down to kiss at your lips. You rested your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“I was out of breath anyway.”
You both shared a laugh, with many more small kisses until you both fell asleep.
***Clyde Taglist***
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@mrs-gucci @thepalaceofmelanie @loganluckylover @emi11ie
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
Mr. Handsy {Clyde Logan x wife!Reader}
@icarusinthesea :
Okay, okay. I think I've thought of something. Eh, it's a mediocre idea, but it does it for me. Fighting with Clyde followed by sweet, hot, nasty make up sex. I can not think of anything else. But whatever you write I'll love. 🥰
author’s notes: hello, hello! writers block has been hitting HARDCORE as of late, which is kind of a bummer, but luckily I’m feeling a bit better now! @icarusinthesea​ thank you for this request!! I hope it was worth the (very long) wait, and I send love to you, friend <3 <3
warnings: fluff. smut. club brawls. violence against an asshole. protectiveness. dom!Clyde. oral sex (m receiving). rough sex. unprotected sex/creampie.
(possible) tw’s: non-con touching (not by Clyde). physical conflict. sex in a public restroom.
word count: 1.9k
my general taglist peeps! @safarigirlsp @babbushka @mrs-zimmerman @dirtytissuebox @thepalaceofmelanie @einmal-im-traum @charliesahottie​ @gotham-city-uber-driver​ @gildedstarlight​ @slytheriin2002 clyde’s taglist peeps! @goddessofsprings​ @icarusinthesea​ @lumdelacour​ @readingreaver​ @eagerforhoney​ @trubluepensfan​ @beachwoodmonet​ if you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, the sign up is linked here and can also be found in my description :)
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You had a bad feeling about this place from the very beginning, from the moment you stepped into this stupid sleazy club for your co-worker’s birthday.
Clyde decided to tag along, mainly to hang out with the other poor guys whose wives dragged them along tonight.
The bass pulses your eardrums as you make your way over to the booth that they’d claimed, saying some very loud ‘hi’s’ and ‘hello’s’ to everyone before taking a seat on Clyde’s lap.
Your outfit certainly matches the locale of tonight’s party, sexy and risqué while maintaining at least some coverage and dignity for your larger areas. Clyde’s been having some trouble keeping his eyes, and now that he can, his hands, off you.
His calloused flesh hand runs over your thigh and hip in a soothing manner, mindless in its movements over your exposed skin.
Soon, a good dancing song comes on and no matter how much you try to beg Clyde to join you on the crowded floor, he refuses, insisting that you go have some fun with your friends.
His eyes keep a close watch on you, knowing that unfortunately, it’s highly likely that some bonehead Joe will come along and think he can touch without permission.
He finds himself in a sort of entranced state, watching the way your hips move when you dance, watches your skin bounce and jiggle with each motion, sees the way the multicolored lights bounce off the sequins on your dress…
Sure enough, said bonehead Joe dances his way over to you, not-so-subtly checking you out from a bit of a distance before making his approach.
Clyde almost instantly leaps into action when his hand touches your hip and he slides in behind you. Thinking that the man behind you is Clyde, you start grinding against him a bit more, smirking.
But, only after a second or two, his motions and touch begin to feel awfully foreign. You’ve just truly begun to doubt your dancing partner’s identity when he leans down to whisper in your ear.
“Keep dancing like this and I’ll just have to take you home, babygirl.”
Goosebumps form on your skin in disgust the moment you hear an unfamiliar voice, yanking away from his grubby grip.
“How dar—“
“Hey, you!”
Your eyes widen and you look around the man to see a very angry-looking Clyde storming his way over to where you’re standing.
He turns the handsy man around with a hand on his shoulder, then gives him a shove. “Can’t ya see she’s married, asshole? Don’t you ever think ya can just go ‘round here, touchin’ what ain’t yours.”
“Don’t ya even start with me right now, Y/N. I can’t believe ya didn’t stop ‘im, can’t believe ye kept grindin’ against ‘im.”
Your eyes widen. “Clyde, p-please, it’s not like tha—“
“I thought I told ya t’ can it, Y/N.”
You shudder at his commanding and harsh tone, immediately backing down and biting your lip as the tears swell in your eyes.
The man wears a small smirk, giving Clyde an equally rough shove backwards. “And what, you’re telling me she’s yours? Bullshit she is. Who’d ever wanna marry a one-armed redneck like you?”
Big mistake. Clyde used to just stand down and shut off whenever someone made fun of his disability, but usually now, he just gets fucking pissed.
Sure enough, his jaw clenches and he quickly lunges at Mr. Handsy, forcefully knocking him to the scuffed dance floor. Often times, mostly due to his kind and gentle demeanor, you forget that Clyde’s a veteran. A special ops veteran, at that.
You can’t deny that bearing witness to his unbridled anger and dominance isn’t at least a little bit sexy, even if you do feel incredibly guilty about not realizing sooner that it wasn’t Clyde.
Like the coward he truly is, and that many men like him are, he flees the scene quickly when he looks up and sees the anger in Clyde’s eyes.
Meanwhile, you instantly rush up to him, apologizing repeatedly. “Clyde, I’m so sorry, I thought it was you and I didn’t mean to—“
He snatches your wrist, bending down so that his hot, slightly strained breath wafts across your face. “You’d better yer slutty ass into the restroom right fuckin’ now.” He growls, letting you go.
You nod, whimpering under your breath as you scurry off into the bathroom.
He follows after you, pushing you into the single stall before reaching around to lock the door.
“Clyde, please, I’m so sorry. I promise that I didn’t know it wasn’t you until he spoke and I pulled away right after that. I would never…”
He holds a hand up and you trail off, then crosses it back over his chest along with the other. When you look up at him, ready to apologize further, he gives you a subtle head shake and a faint smile.
“Get m’ cock out.”
You know, then, that he’s not mad, and you know exactly what he wants from you. You step up to him with a small smirk and pop the button on his Levi’s, pulling the zipper down before reaching in to fish out his half-hard length.
“Now stroke it. You know how I like it.”
Your hand holds a steady grip around the protrusion, starting off slow but quickening randomly, just as he likes it.
His head tilts back onto the cheap tiled wall, nostrils flaring as he exhales shakily. “Thaaaaat’s m’ girl, just like that.”
You speed up just a bit, focusing your pressure and ministrations on the upper half of his shaft, moving the little bit of excess skin up and down his shiny pink head.
“Mmmmffhhh.” He groans through pursed lips, hips rutting forward into your touch.
Suddenly, he pushes your hand away, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment to cope with the sudden loss of stimulation on his pulsing arousal.
You get onto your knees, using his shoes as cushioning.
“Mouth open.”
Your jaw falls open and he wastes no time in moving himself into proper position, sheathing himself fully in your mouth.
“Ghhhohhh, s-shit.”
You’re choking right off the bat, shoulders shaking with each violent cough.
“Yeah, take it. Gon’ make ye choke on me, shove m’ cock down yer lil throat ‘till ya can’t breathe no more.”
You somehow manage to moan around him in between your gags and coughs, lungs panicked for the rough cutoff of airflow by Clyde’s length. Tears begin to swell in your eyes, soon running down your cheeks.
His eyebrows are tightly knitted in the center of his forehead, skin glistening with the beginnings of sweat as his hips rut into your cavern even quicker and rougher now.
Clyde has to physically pull himself away from your mouth, shuddering as his cock bobs and throbs angrily at the loss of friction. His hand splays out on the wall, chest heaving as he takes a moment to re-gain composure.
Then, he looks down at you, gaze sizzling your very skin.
“Up. Turn yerself ‘round n’ bend over, ass out n’ legs spread nicely.”
You put yourself into the position, wiggling your ass just a bit for play after pushing your jean shorts down, earning you a harsh smack across your newly-exposed skin. He smirks when you squeal softly, giving himself a few lazy strokes as he steps up behind you, lips instantly attacking your neck.
“Yer gon’ walk outta ‘ere with all o’ my marks on your neck, hickeys n’ bite marks. Maybe then everyone’ll understand who it is ya belong t’."
His chin digs into your shoulder, then he’s thrusting forward, filling you up and stretching you out to the max. You gasp, eyelids fluttering as your eyes roll into the back of your skull.
He groans into your ear, chin digging into your shoulder as he begins fucking you fast and hard. There’s nothing gentle or romantic about this union; it’s hunger and wanting, it’s pure carnal lust.
Tears quickly swell up in your eyes at the sweet pleasure currently surging through your body, tickling every nerve ending and igniting every pleasure center. 
It’s humid in the club, the bathroom no exception and already, a sheen of sweat has formed on the surface of your skin. Clyde’s good hand takes an even firmer hold on the meat of your hips, hips thrusting at an impossibly fast pace.
“G’damnit, wrapped ‘round m-me so tight, fffuck Y/N. Such a lil’ cccunt, love shovin’ m’ b-big cock in ya, ssssplittin’ ya right in half--christ.”
You love how his accent gets thicker and thicker at times like this, so much so that sometimes you can’t even make sense of what he’s saying. It’s adorable.
“Mmm, C-Clyde! Please baby, please mmmake me cum!”
His lips latch onto the side of your neck, sucking as hard as they possibly can while he reaches around to rub your clit with the cool metal digits of his prosthetic. 
Your hips instantly grind down on him, a shaky gasp leaving your lips. “Ohh god, mmmmmfffuck--right there! Yes, yes, Clyde!”
“Say y-yer mine.” He growls into your ear, panting. “Tell everyone who ya bbbelong to. Scream ma name w-when ya cum.”
“Y-Yours, all yours, Clyde. I’m yours!” You whimper. 
Clyde fucks you with everything he’s got, biting into your skin and sucking more of the flesh until you’re littered with marks. It’s not long before you’re tumbling over the edge, body trembling as you release all over his shaft with a shout of his name.
“Clyde! C-Clyde, fuck!”
Not long after you, Clyde falls over the edge, desperately rutting and fucking each drop of his hot load deep into your spasming cunt.
“Y/N, g’damnit...fuuuckin’ s-shit!”
Both of you are rendered breathless as you come down from your respective highs. His lips and tongue gently soothe the harsh bites and bruises that have been left behind in his wake. 
He sighs softly when he pulls out, helping you pull your shorts back up before tucking himself back into his pants. When you turn around, he crashes his lips into yours, hands resting gently on your hips. 
“‘m real sorry fer that, Y/N; dunno what got int’ me. I didn’t hurt ya, did I?”
You smile, cradling his face in your hands. “Clyde, there is no need to apologize or feel bad for that. You know if I was uncomfortable, I would’ve stopped you or said something. I loved it, more than I probably should have, and I love you.”
His lips tug up into a soft, lopsided smile, relief flooding across his expression.
“I love ya too, Y/N, so, so much. Thank ya fer puttin’ up with me n’ bein’ mine.”
“No ‘thank you’ necessary, baby. I’m yours, always yours.”
Clyde grins, pulling you in for a hug as he repeats your words out loud.
“All mine.”
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silksandcravats · 4 years
Training - Kylo Ren x Reader
Summary: Kylo tries to teach you to defend yourself, but you’re not a very compliant learner. Part 2 now up here!
WARNINGS: explicit language, mentions of sex
A/N: This is kind of a short, uneventful piece for me but I think it’s a good set up for a steamy part 2 that I’m working on ;)
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“Get up, this time you're going to do it the way I told you.”
You let out a groan but didn’t respond. You were laying on your back against one of the black mats in Kylo Ren’s private training room. You ignored his command and continued taking in big puffs of air. Your hairline was sweaty, and you weren’t sure how long you’ve been at this, but it’s felt like ages. You were staring at the fluorescents waiting for your heart rate to lower when suddenly black waves and a frowning face were in your line of vision, glaring down at you.
“Have you gone deaf now?” He asks, not the least bit sympathetic even in your state. It was hard to believe that this was the same man who woke you up with gentle shoulder kisses and soft praises. 
“Kylo I’m tired.” You complained, squinting back at him.
“I told you we were working today, you have to learn to defend yourself.” His tone is still neutral but he offers his hand out for you to take, a tiny display of kindness. You let out one more groan to let him know how unhappy you are, but take his hand anyway, pulling yourself up.
“But why? It’s not like you let me go anywhere without you.” 
“You’re close to me, that makes you a target.” He explained matter-of-factly, before moving behind you. In an instant he moved you back into a tight hold against him that you had been working on. Your arms were locked against your chest, secured by one of his biceps, the other one splayed across your hips, and one of his legs swung around to trap both of yours. The position was hardly comfortable, but you were so tired you didn’t have any fight left in you.
“Break free.” he commanded when you didn’t even squirm. 
“No, I’m tired.” you refused, to which he responded by tightening his grip considerably, so the hold went from being uncomfortable to painful. “Ow Kylo!”
“Break free.”
“This is stupid!” You exclaim, but put up a fight anyway. You tried pushing against his leg to free yours, and you twisted, using your shoulders the way he told you, but it didn’t get you anywhere, you were drained.
“You aren’t trying. Pathetic.” He scolded coldly.
“I don’t see why we can’t take a break.” You struggle out, pushing his arms in earnest.
“The last time I let you take a break it ended up with my cock down your throat like a little slut.” He suddenly let go of you, the loss of contact causing you to fall to the mat again.
“Stop doing that!” You basically scream, leaning up on your elbows to glare at him.
“Your apparent lack of discipline is appalling.” He critiqued.
“You didn’t seem to think so last night.” you bit back.
“Last night,” he crouched down next to you, pinching your face between two fingers, “you were a good girl, and you were rewarded, were you not? Today you’re not listening to me.” he let go of your face, slapping just hard enough to leave a slight sting, before standing up and turning. 
You glared at the back of his head as he started moving towards a storage case against the wall that stored a variety of training aids, and that was the last straw. Just last week he had tied small weights to your ankles, he claimed that they were to force you to pay attention to each step you took, in order to correct your “sloppy footwork,” but in your eyes he was just being a dick.
While his back was turned you got up walking towards the door, which of course he noticed.
“You’re not dismissed.” He said pointedly, back still turned.
“Don’t care.” you grumbled.
“y/n if you walk out that door, I will make you a very sorry girl this evening.” he threatened calmly. 
“Wookies.” you said, still headed towards the exit.
“Your safeword does not apply to training.” 
“It does now,” you spat, stopping at the door to look over your shoulder at him.
“Kitten.” he called in a warning tone, voice dangerously low. You knew he was giving you a choice. You could walk out of the room right now, and he wouldn’t stop you, but you would pay for it. But at that moment, you didn’t care. You cocked a brow at him before spinning on your heel, the doors slid open, granting you an escape, and you took it. 
click here to read part 2 now!!
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themuseic · 3 years
Only Fools (Chapter 12)
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(Art credit: @clumsycopy​)
Fic Summary: Sent to Boone County, West Virginia on an assignment, you find yourself engulfed your work. How could you possibly find time for anything else? Even if “anything else” includes the tall, kind, and handsome bartender from down the road?
Word Count: 4.1k
Read Chapter 11 here.
Read here on AO3.
Warnings: Sad Times Still, Hospitals, Mention of Needles, Mention of Medical Procedures, Storms, Anxious Feelings, A Fuck Ton of Crying™. 
A/N: Hellloooooo. Okay just some housekeeping - as it stands, OF is plotted to be 14 chapters. We’re in the home stretch y’all! As promised, there is a brief summary of last chapter below the cut for anyone who may have sat it out because of the content. Thank y’all for reading, love youuuu. 
Chapter 11 Summary: Still reeling from the fight with Clyde, Reader goes to collect the data and footage alone. There, she crosses paths with and is attacked by one of the cougars she has been studying. Luckily, Clyde finds her and is able to save her, whisking her away with the help of Mellie and Sylvia to get her wounds treated.
Clyde Logan did not like hospitals. 
He had tried to avoid them ever since his own accident, all those years ago in Iraq. He was perfectly happy to get patched up by Sylvia if he had a run-in with a rogue piece of glass from a shattered cup at the Duck Tape or if he had a cough that he just couldn’t quite shake. But in his recent memory, the only time he had stepped foot into the sanitized halls of a hospital had been for the birth of Sadie, that wonderful, joyous day. He remembered how Jimmy handed over the little bundle that held Clyde’s niece, and how she had smiled and babbled up to him, bringing a small tear of happiness to the corner of his eye. 
Today wasn’t like that.
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
The steady thrum of the heart monitor was torture. Clyde had listened to it mark time since his darlin’ had been rolled out of surgery to repair her ankle, and that had been hours ago. Tubes of substances unknown to him seemed to sprout from every part of her body, and he felt his eyes starting to water for what felt like the thousandth time as his gaze wandered over her prone form from where he sat in the chair in the corner. Any other person would say that those eyes hadn’t been dry once. 
Clyde leaned forward in the creaky wooden chair and his right hand drifted up to cradle his face. He looked at her through his middle and ring finger, the digits framing his view of her. His horseshoe ring felt particularly cold against his face and he sighed deeply as he stared, waiting for her to wake up. 
“Hey, Clyde.” A soft voice beside him startled him out of his thoughts and his eyes flicked to his side to see Mellie crouching beside him, her hand resting on his leg. 
“Mel,” he nodded in recognition, his voice skipping in his throat. She squeezed his knee but didn’t say anything else. Clyde was happy to remain like that; the feeling of her thumb rubbing his knee and the sound of her breathing was comfort enough for him. 
“Have you eaten-” she began, but Clyde spoke at the same time and cut her off.
“S’my fault,” he whispered, his eyes not leaving the bed once. 
Mellie’s brow scrunched up and she frowned. “Oh no, Clyde this isn’t your fault. You didn’ do anything,” she tried to assure him as she rubbed his knee a little harder. “Don’t blame yourself.”
“I didn’t tell y’ we got in a fight last night,” Clyde whispered as he shook his head, still cradled in his hand. “She wouldn’t’ve been out there by herself if we hadn’t. Wouldn’t have...” he trailed off as his eyes drifted shut in an attempt to curtail the water that was gathering in them. 
Mellie’s forehead softened and she pushed a strand of hair out of Clyde’s face to tuck it behind his ear. “Clyde, you don’t know what would have happened. And it doesn’t matter anyway. You found her, you got her help. She’s safe now,” she reassured him as she rubbed his bicep. 
“She’s so hurt. I don’t know how I’ll face her,” he whispered, unable to tear his eyes from the girl in the hospital bed. Clyde’s lip began to tremble again and the water clinging to his lash line started to spill down his face. “I’m sorry, I gotta…” Clyde was left searching for the right words, a quest he quickly gave up as he stood up and left the room, desperate for some air and some privacy. His long legs carried him away from his sister swiftly, and Mellie was left alone standing in the hallway, helpless as she watched the broad back of her brother fly out of the doors to the hospital. 
“I’m sorry, I gotta…”
Your eyes began to flutter open as you heard sounds of distress in your room. Your attempt to swallow was a feat in and of itself, the action rough and painful on your dry throat. Carefully, your eyes began to crack open, just in time to catch the sight of Clyde fleeing from your hospital room, Mellie hot on his trail. Your heart sank.
Of course he was here to witness you, broken and helpless, laid out on the cold hospital bed. You squeezed your eyes shut. If he had any shred of respect for you, it was surely gone. You had torn his heart clean in two, and now? He couldn’t even look at you, let alone be in the same room as you.
You were sure of it. 
As tears started to roll down your face, your breathing picked up and so did your heart. Soon, nurses descended on you, ready to take vitals, take readings, and take care of you. You didn’t want to speak to them, to look at them. They set to work around you as your head fell back against the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. The pokes and prods of their needles and probes pricked your skin, but you didn’t hiss your breath didn’t catch. They could do anything to you, but the pain wouldn’t register.  
It paled in comparison to the pain nestled in your heart. 
The next day, after a restless night, the doctors discharged you. You had no reason to stay in the hospital longer; your antibiotics had been completed and your fever was long broken. And anyway, with Sylvia so close to you at the hotel, you would be able to get all the treatment you would need from her. As you sat on the edge of the bed with your back hunched, you breathed in and out slowly, trying to center and collect yourself. The dull pain in your side throbbed with each beat of your heart.
You heard your name called from the doorway and looked over to see a nurse standing with a clipboard. “You ready to get out of here?” she smiled softly, gesturing to the wheelchair parked at her feet. You gathered the strength to return her smile, and nodded. She wheeled the chair over to you and helped you hobble into the awaiting chair. 
The overhead fluorescent lights were harsh on your eyes, and you blinked tightly to adjust to the glare. Sooner than you had thought, you were at the sliding double doors that made up the entrance of the hospital, and the kind nurse pushed you over the threshold and into the crisp air.
Your heart clenched when you saw who stood before you, keys in hand, ready to drive you home. Clyde gazed down at you, his stare unwavering and unreadable. There was a pit in your stomach and you shifted in your seat. “Hi,” you breathed. He sniffed and nodded at you. “Ready?” he asked, his feet shuffling slightly on the concrete.
You chewed on your lip. “Is it okay if you drive me back?” you asked, looking down at his shoes. 
He exhaled through his nose and jerked his head towards the parking lot. “C’mon.”
Between the bulky cast around your ankle and the stitched tears in your side, walking, even with the aid of crutches, was out of the question. The nurse followed closely behind Clyde to wheel you towards the car parked out front. The ridges in the gravel and small pebbles that you rolled over caused the chair to vibrate and jerk. You seethed at the pain that shot through your side with the movement, and you pressed your eyes shut, breathing shallowly through your nose. 
You were still focused on your breath when you realized you were no longer moving. Your eyes fluttered open and you found that you were sitting right next to Clyde's grey car, and he was standing in front of you, his back pressed against the swung fully open door. 
Before you had a chance to try to pull yourself into the car, Clyde slipped his arm around your side and lifted you up out of the chair and into the passenger seat. You could feel how your face began to warm at the gesture, embarrassed that you needed this kind of care to get into a car, and you glanced at him out of the corner of your eye. A soft “thank you” left your lips as Clyde buckled you in tight, and you were answered with a small nod. 
The drive back was silent, safe for a sniff or cough here and there. You snuck a few glances at Clyde, while his gaze remained straight ahead. As you rolled your head to the side, you sighed and tilted your head into the window to stare at the trees flying past. The blur would have put you in a trance had you not been desperately trying to sort out what had happened the morning prior.
The doctors had asked you if you knew what had happened, and you had nodded in response. You didn’t want to know the gritty, embarrassing details. You didn’t want to sort through those memories alone and cold in the hospital bed.
But in reality, your mind was jumbled, your memory a whirlwind of snippets and memories. You could see the attack clearly, almost too clearly if you were honest with yourself, but you couldn’t put together what had happened after. A glimpse, a whisper of a memory formed in your mind, but the only thing you could ascertain from it was the memory of pain and burning. You remembered someone trying to soothe you. You shook your head, clearing your mind, and opted to stare out of the car window instead.
The glass of the window rattled your head as you leaned against it, gazing out the window at nothing in particular. A large sign caught your eye.
“Clyde, the hotel was back there,” you muttered, refusing to look at him.
“Y’aren’t going back to the hotel,” he replied, his stare fixated on the road ahead of him. 
“It’s okay Cl-” 
“Stop, fighting me.”
Your breath caught in your chest, and you didn't respond. A soft sigh sounded next to you, and you didn’t turn either.
Back at the trailer, Jimmy, Sylvia, and Mellie were already there to greet you, ready with blankets, food, and a stash of medical supplies so large, you reckoned it could keep you stocked for years to come. The minute Clyde helped you through the threshold, Sylvia and Mellie corralled you into the bedroom. They helped you out of the clothes drenched in the sterile hospital smell that clung to you and coaxed you into the large bed with soft touches and soft voices. After Mellie had helped settle you as much as she could, she squeezed your hand and left, leaving you alone with Sylvia. 
She plumped the pillows around you and set out a glass of water on the nightstand as she listed off what the doctor had told you before you had been discharged. She recited your medicines, when she wanted you to take them, and how. You couldn’t look at her. Your gaze remained on the covers of your bed. Your heart constricted at that thought. Not your bed. His bed, you reminded yourself. You had made sure of that.
You had done this to yourself. You didn’t deserve Sylvia’s pity. 
She whispered your name and with light fingers, she tilted your head up to hers. You allowed yourself to be posed and stared at her with eyes void of emotion, lest you break down in front of her. 
“Did you get that?” she soothed, her brow furrowed and the concern in her voice wildly apparent. You flicked your eyes back down and nodded so shallowly, it was nearly imperceptible. She tsk’ed at your apathy but didn’t push you. You were thankful for that. 
Her hand moved into your line of sight, palm outstretched, with a small pill in the center of it. “Here sweetie,” she muttered. “It’ll help with the pain.” You shook your head. 
“Really, you’re going to be in a hell of a world of pain if you try to wean off so soon. Don’t punish yourself.”
You shook your head again. 
“Take it,” a voice rumbled through the doorway. 
Your eyes flicked up to see Clyde leaned against the threshold to his room, his brow furrowed and his mouth turned down into a deep pout. As much as you didn’t want to hold eye contact, his deep, piercing gaze would not allow you to break away. His jaw set. “Take it,” he urged again, jerking his chin towards the painkiller Sylvia offered you. You moved silently as you reached out to accept the medicine and swallow it. 
The movement forced you to tear your eyes from Clyde, a gesture came at just the right time. You could feel the sting of tears you refused to spill bite at the corners of your eyes, but turning away meant he wouldn’t see them. You blinked them away before you looked back at the doorway, now empty. 
Sylvia shuffled at the bedside table with your medicine and extra bandages, prepped to be changed as needed. She took your temperature again before she turned to the door… and paused. She turned back to you so slowly, you thought she was moving through syrup, though it easily could have been the effects of the painkiller already setting into your muscles. 
Her soft and warm hand enveloped yours where it lay atop the plush blanket of the bed. Soft and warm, her eyes found yours. You could see why Jimmy had fallen for her. She was a particular sort of comforting, the kind that thrived in the medical field, the kind that made patients calm and made them feel safe. 
If you didn’t deserve her pity, you didn’t deserve her comfort either. 
“Dear, we want you to get better. Please let Clyde help you,” she whispered, caressing your knuckles with her thumb. “He was a complete wreck when he called us after he found you. He loves you so much.” Her words and her touch only made you feel worse. Each swipe made your stomach twist, each pass was another reminder that you had done this to yourself, and each word a reminder of what you had done to Clyde. 
You shook your head and slid your hand from hers, the motion sapping what little energy you had left from you. You settled back into the pillows set around your head, your eyes refusing to meet hers. Sylvia’s mouth set into a thin line and she tsk’ed once more as she sighed out of her nose. “Alright. Call me if you need me.” She gathered her things and stalked towards the door before the small “wait,” whispered into the room stopped her. She turned back to look at you. 
Quietly, and without making eye contact, you breathed a small “Thank you.” Sylvia’s features softened and she smiled. “Get some rest,” she whispered. And with that, she left you alone in the room.
Unable to toss and turn and pile up the nest of pillows that you so loved to sleep with, you stared at the ceiling as you sought out rest. The light in the room was still a golden shine streaming in from outside. It was far earlier than you would usually retreat to the comfort of bed, but between your healing body, the energy you had already exerted, and the painkiller you had taken, you were racing towards sleep, towards that quiet oblivion. Where you wouldn’t have to think of the fight, the attack. You wouldn’t have to picture Clyde’s face, so downtrodden and utterly disappointed in you. 
If you could have taken it back, you would have.
But now the closest you could get to him was through hearing the lowered sounds of his voice talking to his siblings, to Sylvia. You couldn’t make out what they were saying in the living room, and the harder you strained to hear, the more jumbled the words became. They swirled in your head, and you couldn’t tell who was speaking at once, the cacophony of noise painfully quiet and horrifically overwhelming all at once. 
You fell asleep to the sound of it.
When you awoke next, you realized your body hadn’t moved an inch in your slumber. The voices down the hallway were absent, and the golden light that had once filled the room had long since faded beyond the horizon. Instead, a silver haze drifted over the space, illuminating the walls softly. 
It was silent, save for the heavy rain that danced across the roof of the trailer, a steady thrum that buzzed through the trailer. The muffled voices were gone, and the air in the house was still. You stared, with laser focus, up at the ceiling. You closed your eyes and pretended as if the rain could wash away the disgusting feeling you harbored deep in your stomach. As if it could wash away the memory of how you had treated Clyde, how you had pulled him along for months with no promise of a future. Maybe, if you were lucky, it would wash away his memory of it all along with yours.
Your thoughts were split in two by a large crunch that fell upon your ears and you jolted. You knew in your heart that it was a branch falling, cracking under the oppressive weight of the water that fell from the sky. You knew that had to be it. But a small voice, speaking from where it resided tucked away in the back of your mind, piped up. It could be anything, it taunted, jeering at you for your scare. 
You tried to push the startling noise from your mind and fall back asleep, but that comfort remained just out of reach. The whistling wind brought a chill to your bones, and the noises that splintered through the forest brought you back to just a few days before. Each noise was a beast, a predator stalking you through the night and into the haven you thought you had created in the trailer. A shudder ran through your body at the thought.
You were embarrassed, but you couldn’t be left alone with your thoughts much longer. You swallowed thickly and pushed out a small noise over the lump in your throat.
“Clyde?” you called, your voice hoarse with sleep. 
You were answered with a soft snore. You cleared your throat and tried again. “Clyde?” Your voice broke. 
You heard a hitched breath and the sound of shuffling. In just a few seconds, Clyde was at the open door, dressed in only a hole-pocked sleep shirt and a pair of boxers. He strode to your side in a few easy steps, flicked on the lamp on the nightstand, and gingerly laid his hand on your forehead, his face serious and his brow knit together tightly.
“What’s the matter? You in pain? D’you need me to call Sylvia back over?” he muttered, his eyes darting over your face. The golden light of the lamp illuminated half of his face and accentuated his sharp features knit together in concern. 
You shook your head and dragged a shuddering breath into your lungs in a feeble attempt to steel yourself. “I can’t go back to sleep.” With a slight strain of your neck, you pushed your forehead up into his palm and your eyes squeezed into slits as tears began to gather along your lash line. “Will you sleep with me?” you whispered, searching his face. For any expression of his thoughts. Your lip trembled. 
He flinched and his warm flesh left your head. He was taken aback by your request.
You should have known better.
The sharp sting of rejection shot through your spine and you shut your eyes, unwilling to bear the sight of the devastating heartbreak that could follow your next utterance. 
Your voice wavered. “Please.” You were met with silence. 
A heartbroken sob threatened to wrack your body when you were given no response until suddenly, the bed creaked and dipped under an unseen weight. 
Instead, a sob of relief broke from your chest. 
“Oh shh,” Clyde hushed as he hooked his left arm around your head, his right hand reaching across your body to palm your thigh and shift you close into his side without aggravating your newly stitched wounds. You pressed your lips together in a feeble attempt to stifle the noises that rattled in your chest as you turned your head to press into the refuge of his armpit. 
Clyde’s right hand slipped under your shirt to trace patterns into your skin and stroke your side, his fingers dancing at the edge of the gauze that was plastered to your body. There was pressure on your hair. He whispered soft assurances into your scalp, nuzzling his nose into your hair as he let you shake against him. “Shh, baby, shh. You’re alright there, you’re okay,” he crooned. “You’re safe now.” A ragged sob broke from your throat, as you collapsed into him. 
And finally, finally, you let yourself break. 
The embarrassment, the guilt - it all came gushing forward with the same force as a dam splintering under the pressure of the water it was designed to hold back. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you choked out, barely able to speak over the snot and tears that streaked your face. You knew you were making a mess of his shirt, but each attempt to suppress your sobs did nothing but heighten them. 
“Shh, sweet baby.” Clyde cooed, pulling you tight against him. Taking great care to avoid agitating your wounds, he pulled you up onto your uninjured side so you could bury your face into the crook of his neck. His hand wrapped around your torso to swirl small circles into your back. It would have felt incredible if you could feel anything besides the constricting pain in your chest as you dragged air into your lungs. As you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed, he breathed in deep, forcing your body to rise and fall in time with his breaths. 
“Darlin’, c’mon, I need you to take a breath,” Clyde murmured as he pressed kisses to your hairline. “Can you try to do that for me?” You dragged shuddering breaths into your chest between your cries, trying your very hardest to match his breathing, but spitting and sputtering over every breath. 
Clyde didn’t seem to mind. He rained soft shushes and small kisses onto you as he cradled your shaking form. He would hold you like that forever if you needed it; if he could. 
Eventually, you began to still. Your breathing evened out and your tears stopped racing down your face. Clyde shifted his body down to be even with yours and leaned his face in to kiss the tear tracks and stray droplets from your face before he nuzzled his face against your own. The moment you had the strength to speak, you did. 
“Clyde, I’m so sorry-” you started. He cut you off immediately. 
“Shh, baby. It’s alright.” He squeezed your shoulders and kissed your temple. You shook in his arms and stuttered your head back and forth. “No Clyde, really,” you tried again. He caught your lips in a soft, swift kiss. 
“No. You don’t have t’ think about that right now. Anyway, you were right, you told me what you wanted. I’m sorry I didn’t respect that.”
A sob jumped in your throat. His words were tempting you to spill over yet again. You tried to whisper his name, but could only manage a high-pitched rendition. “Clyde, I was so unfair to you. I still am sorry,” you whispered breathily, barely pulling sound and tone over your strained vocal cords. 
He sighed slowly and dipped his head to kiss the corner of your eye, pulling the salty water drops that clung to the skin of your face away on his lips. “Thank you, darlin’. We can talk about it more later,” he soothed. Soft fingertips swept up and down your back. “I want you t’get some sleep. Can’t have you spikin’ a fever again,” he cooed to you as he peppered kisses along your hairline.  
You sniffed and nuzzled deeper into the solace you found between his neck and shoulder. With a careful wiggle, you maneuvered your body so that every part of you that could be touching him was, the knowledge that he was with you bringing you comfort by itself. He folded his body around yours.
It was warm, safe. He was warm. 
“Will you stay?” you muttered, the warmth radiating from his body beginning to pull you towards sleep already. You had been so anxious to distance yourself from Clyde, and now you couldn’t bear the thought of him leaving for just a second. His right hand tensed on your back and he squeezed you closer. “Always, darlin’.”
The rain pattered over the roof of the trailer, a dull hum that danced across your ears. 
The designs he traced over your skin lulled you to sleep.
Taglist: @mind-p0llution​ @thedivinemissm​ @clydesducktape​ @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @ladygrey03​ @desiraypark​ @1800-fight-me​ @hopeamarsu​​ @kkysolo​​ @clumsycopy​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @daydreamsofren​​ @mariesackler​​ (Comment or message me to be added or removed!)
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eddiesfaerie · 3 years
Cowboy omg hi hey howdy, my lovely friend!! :) listennnn I‘m thinking bout soft dom clyde in the beginning of your relationship where y’all are still figuring out what feels good for each other in bed. but as he’s figuring out your body- learning what makes it tick and buzz, hes also finding new things you like that YOU didn’t even know you liked and he’s reeeal cheeky bout it. his smug sideways grin, “oh, did I do sumn for ya, sugar? Ya liked that huh?” PLS
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kit please…… im frothing at the mouth. i can’t do this. oh my god. oh my GOD???? i can literally imagine like, how proud he would feel, how capable of loving you, holding you, fucking you in ways you didn’t even know you craved. i think he def would be just a little smug about it - watching as your eyes go wide, mouth dropping open while you go silent, nothing but breathy pants and whines coming out of your mouth as he coaxes you through it.
“oh my god-"
“yeah, is that it, sugar?”
“Clyde- what…” you can barely comprehend this new feeling, and Clyde just keeps going, keeps making you feel good, keeps fucking or touching you in this new way. you feel like you’re exploding, or imploding, you can’t even explain how it feels, he just feels so fucking good.
“ssshh, darlin’, just feel it, feel me.”
and he’d hold you even tighter to him, letting you know he’s there while your eyes roll back into your head, body going lax in his grip as he holds you with every ounce of strength he’s got.
“feels good? yeah, my baby likes that, doesn’t she?” he coos around a deep, near sinister chuckle, voice so smug - patronizing but you don't care, you crave it. it lights a fire deep in your belly and you could cum just like this.
you whine and cry your assent, body flexing up into his, but he holds you down, making you take only what he’s giving you until you beg for more.
uhhhh in short, i love soft (or mean) dom clyde. thank you for the thots friend :)
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star-killer-md · 4 years
— for Cowboy 
A/N: This was inspired by an ask about bathing with the AD boys from @cowboy-kylo​ like forever ago. It’s also like got a fair amount of fluff just to prove to you all I am capable of writing non-painful things. I hope you enjoy some lovely soft Clyde dear! 💖
Pairing: Clyde x Reader
Warnings: none really, fluff and smut, a bathtub is involved, handjobs, this is in a word tooth rotting so beware
Word Count: 2k
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You never thought too much about how small your apartment was. For so long, it had just been you on your own, so the minuscule space between the island and the stove, the low ceilings and narrow hallways hadn’t been a bother. 
But Clyde made it feel like a tin can left in the freezer overnight and ready to burst, dying to expand. 
To be fair, Clyde Logan made everything seem small with his hand like a boxing glove—minus all the hard fists and swung punches—and his shoulders hunching in every doorway as if the world was never able to fully accommodate him. You thought maybe that was why he smiled the way he did, sort of apologetic even at the happiest of moments, like he was sorry for never quite fitting anywhere.   
Clyde made you feel small too though you were always afraid to tell him that. Knew he’d take it the wrong way and smile that sad, sorry smile and try to fade off into the corners of your bedroom, try not to ‘crowd ya’ as he’d say. So you never said it, but you thought about it often. 
Clyde Logan made you feel small in the most beautiful of ways. 
Not like most people did when they spoke over you or made stupid backhanded comments that you were meant to laugh at so as not to seem rude or when they stared right through you that way people do when they don’t give two shits what you’re saying and don’t care enough to pretend. 
No, Clyde Logan made you small in a way you’ve never been. 
He made you feel comfortable everywhere.
Sometimes, when you’d go to visit him at the bar, he’d place his hand on the small of your back, let it run feather light around your hip and rest there in the curve of the bone. And suddenly, you didn’t feel so out of place, like you were taking up too much space that wasn't meant for you. Once, you were helping him clean up after a long shift and knocked a whole tray of glasses straight off the bar top, sent the shattered bits skittering all across the floor, but there was no burn of embarrassment. Just, “it’s no problem, darlin’,” and a soft press of his lips to your head. 
Sometimes it was overwhelming, the sense Clyde gave you, finally in your proper place. 
And in his arms, when he wasn’t too nervous to hold you in ‘em—too afraid he might crush ya—you felt small and perfect and not at risk of breaking anything precious. 
It pervaded every inch of you, and occasionally you felt just how small the apartment really is. Now that you were used to the puzzle piece fit of Clyde Logan, the cold tile floors and microcosmic rooms felt cramped in a way they never did before. 
You told him a while back you’d start looking for a new place, somewhere you both can fit. 
But for now, you were still in the little shoebox you’ve called home for so long and you could hear the key turning in the front door’s lock, big, heavy footsteps coming down the hall. Clyde stopped by most nights after work these days, slept in your bed most nights too. Pounded you into the mattress and made you cry for him or let you ride his cock, thighs burning to take him deeper and watch how his pretty eyes roll back when he cums. 
And as delicious as it sounded, as much as it sent sparks off between your thighs, you had something softer planned for him. Something lovely for this man who came the closest to the human personification of southern sweet tea you’d ever known. Refreshing like the little sprigs of cut mint he kept in mason jars to chew on sometimes, cool like the feel of his prosthetic on your bare skin, soothing like his fingers scratching gently at your scalp and the way the hair on his chin grates your shoulder when he rubs against you in his sleep. 
“Darlin’?” his voice echoed down the hall. 
“In here!”
You had the bathtub all filled up with near scalding water and fragrant bubbles floating like clouds along the top. The room was hazy with steam that settled in little droplets on your skin. The top of your breasts peeked out from the water and Clyde’s eyes fell immediately to the shape of you under the surface. 
He had just his head poking through the crack in the door and you couldn’t help the smile that pulled at your cheeks whenever he got shy like this. Like he hadn’t seen you bare a thousand times before. 
“Oh, uh, m’sorry didn’t mean ta—”
You cut off his stammering, “Feel like joining me?”
“I don’t know if I’ll fit, sweetheart,” he said, already tugging off his t-shirt and sitting on the edge of the tub. 
He always called you so many little pet names. Normally you’d hate that, but it melts you a bit when they come from his mouth. 
“You’ll fit,” you said, drifting over to help him take off his prosthetic and lay it gently on the vanity. “You always fit.” 
And he did, because it’s you and him so there’s never a place the two of you don’t. 
His jeans and socks and underwear—that you bought him because you swore they made his ass look so good in those bootcut jeans he wore—lay in a little pile by your sink and Clyde’s chest is finally warm and solid against your back. 
Just where he’s meant to be. 
His legs were bent up around you, knees poking out of the water, and you brought one of his massive calves to rest between yours, kneading gently at the taut muscles. 
“You don’t have ta do that, darlin’,” Clyde said, and groaned when you unwound a particularly tight knot. 
“Shh,” you hushed, “tell me about work.”
He hummed as you reached for the soap, lathering your hands up and working it all down his legs. 
“It weren’t too excitin’, I did have ta kick out one fella—real piece a work too.”
Clyde went on and you listened, almost drowning in the way the words left his mouth and shifting around to sit chest to chest in his lap so you could work on his shoulders. His cock was half hard and twitched against you, but he lay still, hand loosely on your hip and head tilted back while he talked.
You loved the feeling of the warm, smooth planes of his skin under your hands and raked your nails across his chest, pausing to thumb at his nipples and chuckling at the catch in his voice. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say your tryin’ ta distract me darlin’,” Clyde mumbled, sitting up so you were pressed tight against him and laying his head in the crook of your neck.
“I would never, just trying to help you unwind.”
You pulled him up by the hair to finally fit your lips to his, loving the glide of him, the scratch of his beard. Clyde’s arms sloshed the water over the sides as they wound up and around your middle. You hummed when he didn’t hesitate to touch you with both. Sometimes he got a little wary about touchin you without his prosthetic, but it seemed you’d done your job well. He felt loose, all the tension released as he fell perfectly into you. 
Puzzle pieces, just the right size. 
Edges and curves finding their way into place like how the sea meets the shore: inevitably. 
You felt the sharp expanse of his ribs when your hand brushed his achingly hard length under the water. He was nothing if not proportional, your Clyde, wide and long in every aspect of himself, so that your hand barely wrapped all the way around him. 
He moaned in earnest now, resting his forehead to yours, “Darlin’, you don’t gotta do that.” 
You hushed him, moving your wrist in long, languid strokes. Listened to the breathy little noises he made and needed every one of them. 
“There’s nothing in the world I want to do more,” you said, twisting your hand just how you knew he liked it and earning yourself another gasp. “Let me make you feel good, Clyde.” 
He nodded breathlessly, tilting his head back so you could suck and nip little marks all over his collar. 
The first time the two of you had ever got a little hot and heavy, you’d accidentally left behind more than a little evidence—which you're sure Clyde got more than a tad of flack for from the guys at the bar—but you knew he loved it. Loved looking at them, loved remembering how they got there and loved the reminder of where and to whom he belonged. 
“Ya always make me feel good—” he trailed off when you bit just over his pulse, licking a hot stripe up his neck. 
Clyde bucked his hips up as the pace of your hand on his cock increased, and he mumbled a nearly incoherent apology when more water spilled out onto the bathroom floor. 
But the mess didn’t matter when his head fell back, resting in your hands and giving you a lovely view of his freckled chest, pink with the steam and all the pleasure you were pulling from him. You wanted to kiss every mole, connect them all like constellations in the clear West Virginia night sky. 
“Oh honey, you’re so pretty,” you hummed, taking in the scene before you. 
Clyde choked back a sob, pulling his pretty plush lips between crooked teeth. You felt his cock twitch in your hand and knew he was getting close. Couldn’t wait to see his face screw up with the shock of it, couldn’t wait for his arms to lock you in like he was afraid you’d stop and leave him cold. 
“Sweetheart, m’ not gonna last much longer,” he groaned and dropped his hand from your hip between your legs, thumb rubbing perfect circles around your clit. “Let me help ya.” 
You grabbed at his wrist, “Clyde, you don’t have to—”
He knocked your hand away and surged forward, bending down to wrap his gorgeous lips around one of your nipples, laving his tongue over the stiff peak and pulling back with a wet pop. 
“Let me make ya feel good,” he said, throwing the words back at you. 
The smug little grin on his face alone nearly sent you over the edge. 
How could you ever deny him that?
So you let him continue, loving the feel of his rough, calloused fingers touching you in all the right places, with just the right rhythm and stroked his leaking cock to match. His eyes stayed on your face the whole time, never glancing away, never shy or embarrassed. 
You couldn’t have looked away if you’d wanted to. 
This is where you belonged, you thought. This is where you fit. Not too big or too much, but goldilocks perfect under his gaze. 
And then his face was scrunching up—just like you knew it would—and showered him with praise as he painted your stomach with white ropes of hot release, fingers never letting up their frantic circles until you were throwing your head back and gasping with the white sting of your climax. 
After a few moments, you released his softening length and collapsed into his solid chest, reveling in the way he locked you in his embrace. 
Later, you’d make the two of you a warm drink, and let him rest his head on your breasts while you stroked his hair and listened to his breathing even out. Later you’d fuck him properly in your bed where his feet always hung off the edge, ride him so he could sit back and rest his hand on your hip and watch you take all of him, despite the size.
Because Clyde and you just fit together like that, without question, as natural as anything. 
Just right. 
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ohsolonelyghosts · 2 years
Requests are still open + updates!
Hi there everyone! My semester has just started, but I would like you all to know my requests/inbox in general is still open and I am still taking requests. Yes, I haven't forgotten the already submitted requests and am actively working on them. I look forward to putting them out for you guys.
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silksandcravats · 3 years
Love Language Series: Acts of Service with Charlie
Summary: Just Charlie doing little things for you :)
Love Language series masterlist 
general masterlist
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Showing love through acts of service would honestly come so easy to Charlie. You were tidier than Nicole although everyone is tidier than her really, Charlie thinks. So there wasn’t a need to follow you around closing cabinets behind you or tucking your shoes into place by the front door, but he still found plenty of ways to lighten your load.
Charlie can be quite attentive by nature, he shows his love for you all day every day in little ways. He’d always be pulling a chair out for you or fixing up little things around your place before you could get around to it. Those squeaky hinges on the closet door that you only seem to remember when it’s too late at night to address? Charlie’s handled it. The water bill you always forget to pay until last minute? He’ll set it up on auto-pay. 
He always seemed to know just what might help your situation, often able to anticipate your needs before you can even speak them aloud, especially when you’re mentally preoccupied. 
Let’s say your knee-deep into the second year of your masters degree at NYU, it was another late night and you were sat on the couch working through the last of your modules for the semester before you moved on to revising for your exams. Charlie would be up with you, working through his own responsiblities for the theatre company from the breakfast table, where you had enough space to do what you had to do without being distracted by him, but he could still keep an eye on you.
He seemed to always know when your cup of tea was empty, moving up to quietly take the mug into the kitchen without disturbing you. He’d refill it for you a few times before he’d cut you off, knowing how too much caffeine makes you jittery. Then he’d switch you to water, gently reminding you to have some from time to time. 
As the night moves on you’d find yourself getting colder, and you’d mentally procrastinate getting up to pull a throw blanket over yourself when you finished your powerpoint. But before you can be bothered to get up, Charlie was wrapping you up snuggly.
“Thank you.” You’d whisper softly as he pecked your forehead and moving back to the table, letting you continue your work. You’d get in another hour or so before your eyes go blearly and you knew you were no longer taking in most of the information as you. Charlie would usually let you work until you were tired and then he’d follow you to bed. 
He’d have your sleepwear laying out for you on the bed, and though you were just a few steps away from the hamper and could definitely do it yourself, he’d take each item of clothing from you as you shed them and put them in for you. He’d help you get ready for bed in whatever small ways he could, and then he’d let you crawl into bed first, making sure you were all situated and had anything you might need before climbing in himself.
Then he’d pull you close and stroke your back and play with your fingers in his big grasp, or just talk to you quietly, whatever you needed to mentally unwind from your long day.
It wasn’t like this everyday, Charlie would know you’re strong and capable all on your own, and he’d never want to smother you, but on the days when you just felt in over your head he would always be there for you.
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
Good Intentions
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End of Summer
Just to Talk
Bathroom Window
Double Trouble
Three’s Company
Piece of Art
School Days
Rotten Meat
Unsafe, Insane
Under the Blankets
On the Road (Again)
Nice to Meet You
Say Hi!
We’re Going On a Trip 
In Our Favorite Rocketship
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eddiesfaerie · 2 years
Hi! Idk of you are still taking prompts but how about "standing on your tip-toes, frustrated that you can't reach your lover's lips" with big daddy Clyde ??? Love you!!!!!
eeee i love this prompt, thank you nonny, love you too <3
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pretty sfw i think, slight daddy kink, reader is described as being smaller than Clyde (600 words)
Your brows furrow as you look around the house for him. You heard him come home, you heard the front door slam a bit too loudly behind him. You heard him mumble a curse at the loud noise that he knew must have startled yo, followed by the loud thud of his weighted walk throughout the entrance to his house.
His new big house, just fer the two of us, baby, he'd told you when he randomly sprung it upon you.
You run down the stairs, a skip in your step due to your absolute giddiness to see Clyde again. He’d been gone all day, something about the bar, you’re not quite sure.
You were half asleep early that morning when he had kissed you goodbye a thousand times over. Your face and body so warm from sleep, encased in that silken duvet he bought you months ago, he could barely bring himself to leave you.
G’bye, daddy, you had mumbled, half lucid, half dreaming. Clyde growled as he kissed you five, six, ten more times.
Yer too sweet, darlin’.
He definitely arrived late to work.
But he's home now, that's all you cared about.
You step into the kitchen, catching his giant frame hidden by the big cabinet doors, searching for something to snack on, your big bear.
He closes it at the sound of your voice, giving you that sideways smirk as he opens his arms for you. You run into them, he catches you.
You bury your face in his warm chest, squishing your body to his. You breathe him in, getting drunk off that man smell that is everything - intoxicating, earthy, Clyde. You missed him.
“Hi.” You whine into his wide chest, trying to sink yourself into his body.
Clyde smiles fondly, moustache creasing handsomely along his plump lips. You look up at him looking down at you. His eyes twinkle. Fuck, you missed him.
“Hey down there.” He chuckles, teasing you. You whine again, standing on your tiptoes, lips pulled tight in an irresistible smile, despite his teasing, trying to kiss your big man.
You pout suddenly, trying to get Clyde to give in, to lean down and connect your lips where yours can’t reach his but Clyde just smiles at you, rearing his long, thick neck back and pulling his head away from yours.
“Please.” You pout some more. He just stares, admiring.
Admiring what’s his. What he’s so lucky to have, to spoil, he thinks.
“Kiss me.” You whine absolutely delectably.
Clyde bites back a growl, letting it rumble deep throughout his chest like that rolling thunder in the West Virginia mountains that loom in the distance. Big, imposing, all encompassing.
He gives you that sideways smile again, the one that makes your tummy flutter and something clench deep inside you. That smile that makes something burn bright and dark all at the same time.
“Please, please, Daddy,” you blink at him, big, pretty eyes going shiny as you grasp him so tightly, molding your body to his, standing on your tippy toes, absolutely desperate, “please kiss me already.”
You whisper that last bit, more breathy and desperate than you had sounded before and Clyde does growl that time, he lets it out, eyes gone dark and black and hungry for you.
He growls and he finally fucking leans down and connects his warm, wet mouth with yours. You mewl into him as his tongue quickly pushes its way into your pliant mouth.
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whiskey-bumblebee · 3 years
American Pie
Pairing: Clyde Logan/Reader
Warnings: Brief mentions of returning from war/tour, brief mentions of high school bullying, brief mentions of PTSD. Despite these, this is overwhelmingly a fluff piece!!
Word Count: 871
A/N: I don’t... write Clyde... but... I wrote this? 
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“You know that song, the chevy in the levee one?” You wonder aloud to Clyde. “Do you like it?”
Clyde went silent, his hands stilling and coming to rest flat on the dining room table, where the two of you had been talking. It was his tell that he was about to have a flashback, so you were silent, but took his hands softly to ground him.
His father tapped the steering wheel rhythmically to the song. It was the first time Clyde had heard it, a mournful, folky crooner singing about Americana. His father said this was what music used to be like, real rock from the 50s. Clyde liked it. It wasn’t his usual taste, he was much more into the evolving rock sound of the 80s, and the constant comfort of country. It was the only ‘modern’ song he’d ever seen his dad like, and the drumming on the steering wheel was as close as his father would ever come to singing. It was high praise from the usually stoic man.
Clyde listened to it a lot after that, memorized the lyrics even though he wasn’t much of a singer either. He felt like the song was speaking directly to him, especially in his high school years. A lot of it reminded him of his father, the whisky and rye, the allusions to old rock and roll. 
It was the song that inspired him to buy those carnations for that girl, Tabby, and hang around the gym waiting for her volleyball practice to end so he could ask her to prom. By the time he’d worked up the nerve and rubbed the sweat off his palms, walked into the gym with the words all ready on his lips- there was another boy there. Asking her to prom. Sure as hell, they were dancing with their socks on, just like the song, laughing and twirling on the scuffed wooden floors.
They saw Clyde standing there in the doorway.
“Hey ears!” The boy called. “What’re those flowers for?”
Clyde was silent, feeling the beginnings of his first heartbreak cracking through his chest. 
Tabby laughed. “You gonna ask someone to prom? All the girls have already left. Prob’ly for the best, you shouldn’t use so much gel if you wanna yes from them.”
Clyde dropped the carnations in the trash can outside the gym, making his way back to his pickup. He drove too fast, drove laps around the town to work out his feelings, the radio on full volume. By the time he got home, he was just numb. He went straight to his room and didn’t come down for dinner. Prom was the same. He stayed home, reading comics and watching reruns.
Years later now, he was in the helicopter, flying to some hospital somewhere, focusing on anything except the pain in his arm. The radio was playing in the helicopter, the pilots singing along loudly.
“I was a lonely teenage bronckin' buck With a pink carnation and a pickup truck But I knew I was out of luck The day the music died
I started singin', bye-bye, Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry Them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye Singin', "This'll be the day that I die...”
“American Pie?” Clyde asked hoarsely.
“Yeah, bud! We play songs from ‘merica when we’re takin’ folks home.”
“I’m goin’ home?”
“Ain’t no way you’re staying in Iraq, Logan, was it? Hate to say it but if ya can’t hold a gun, they don’t want ya anymore.”
“I’m goin’ home,” Clyde said softly. 
“I’m goin’ home.”   
His eyes blinked open. He closed his hand around yours, taking a deep breath. As he focused on the room around him, he glanced down at his prosthetic.
“Anything I can do for you, honey?” You asked softly.
He shook his head. “American Pie?”
You nodded. “Yeah, that’s it. Chevy in the levee.”
He nodded. “I like it.”
“So it’s goin’ on the playlist?”
He nodded again. “Yeah.”  
Clyde twirled you around the barn, watching the bottom of your white dress sweep the floor. The reception was coming to a close now, the last of your playlist ringing out as the guests started leaving. He pulled you back in, close, and nuzzled your hair, hummed along.
“And the three men I admire most The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost They caught the last train for the coast The day the music died-”
You smiled up at him, glowing from the joy of the day, your day. You bounced around the dance floor, singing the last few lines of the song, looking around at your family. The people with drinks toasted and whooped, realizing the night was coming to a close. The DJ confirmed as much, gently telling people to gather their coats ‘cos there were only a few songs left. One of the waitresses lingered by the door with a broom, ready to sweep up the night’s dropped items.
Clyde held you tight, kissed your hair. “I think it’s almost time I take you home, Mrs. Logan.”
You hummed a laugh and pressed your lips softly to his.
“I think so too, Mr. Logan.”
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babbushka · 4 years
Zannah’s Clyde Logan x Reader Masterlist
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Chaptered Fics
Broken Jukebox [Complete]
Did Their Headlights Look Like Heaven?
Warm Palms Cool Coffee
Closin’ Time
And Then Some
Haul Out The Holly
Clyde’s Girl*
No Time Like The Present
Welcome Home
Never Stop Smiling
That’s Not Yours
A Toast to New Friends
Bad Day
Ain’t No Such Thing
Blue Christmas
White Christmas
Headcanons and Imagines under the cut!
Clyde fucking you for breakfast
Turning Clyde Logan into a vampire
Clyde being hit on at the bar and coming home to lay claim to what’s his
Clyde fingering you on the ferris wheel at the county fair
Clyde fucking you in the parking lot of Duck Tape
Clyde fucking you in your car in the Duck Tape parking lot 
Skinny dipping with Clyde Logan
Blowing Clyde on your anniversary
Rough sex at the bar with Clyde
Sweaty summer sex with Clyde
Clyde fucking you at the bar on Halloween night
Clyde being desperately horny for you
Riding Clyde’s face
Clyde choking you with his prosthetic
Clyde spanking you hard
Clyde being super horny for you
Clyde Logan being needy and wanting you HCs
Clyde giving you your first orgasm
69 with Clyde
Mutual masturbation with Clyde
The first time Clyde says he loves you
Sexting Clyde while he’s at the bar working late
Dressing up in lingerie for Clyde
Clyde yearning for you
Seeing Clyde’s cock for the first time
Clyde Logan’s dirty talk during sex HCs
Clyde Logan finally fucking you after you’re no longer feeling ill HCs
Stargazing with Clyde that goes from sweet to spicy
Being Clyde Logan’s cockwarmer
Clyde being loud in bed
Very soft sex with Clyde
Being naked because it’s too hot for anything else
Skinny dipping with Clyde
Trying to take care of a drunk Clyde
Clyde being horny at a party lol
First night living with Clyde
Clyde bending you over the counter to fuck you
First time having sex with Clyde HCs
First time giving Clyde a blowjob
Having sex in Duck Tape
Clyde being real rough in bed HCs
Random sex HCs
Fucking in a cabin in the woods
Spilling a drink all over yourself at the bar
Surprising Clyde Logan on his birthday HCs
Clyde Logan being the perfect representation of Summer HCs
Clyde being nervous about attending his first Passover Seder
Clyde Logan putting up a menorah at Duck Tape for you
Clyde Logan kissing you under the mistletoe
Clyde Logan decorating the Christmas tree with you
Clyde Logan spiking the hot chocolate at his Christmas party
Clyde Logan playing Christmas carols on the piano with you
Clyde getting scared during spooky stories told around the campfire
Clyde fighting someone to defend you and confessing feelings after
Napping with Clyde Logan HCs
Clyde Logan being superstitious HCs
Clyde cheering you up when you’re feeling down
Clyde stealing a moment to be with you during Mellie’s wedding reception
Clyde Logan navigating life with his PTSD HCs
Spending summers with Clyde Logan  HCs
Clyde Logan getting a Queer Eye makeover  HCs
Clyde Logan being touch starved at the beginning of your relationship  HCs
Clyde Logan visiting his old friends in prison  HCs
Clyde Logan making special drinks inspired by you  HCs
Clyde being a super romantic matchmaker
Clyde apologizing for a silly argument
Clyde and your special words
Snuggling on the porch swing with Clyde
Clyde Logan being possessive of you HCs
Clyde Logan taking up gardening HCs
Clyde Logan becoming a librarian instead of a bartender HCs
Meeting Clyde for the first time during the heist (soulmate AU)
Taking a bubble bath with Clyde
Sitting in Clyde’s lap and making out with him
Clyde being annoyed that you aren’t paying attention to him
Clyde being very very silly
Kissing Clyde in the hospital 
Clyde Logan being distracted by how much he loves you
Clyde Logan giving you a gentle massage after a long day
Clyde Logan learning to love bubble baths
Clyde Logan checking out your ass
Clyde Logan taking care of you when you’re sick
You and Clyde Logan talking about having a baby
You and Clyde Logan having a soft romantic moment at the bar
You and Clyde Logan adopting a small kitten
Clyde Logan taking care of you while you’re injured
New Year’s Kiss with Clyde Logan
Clyde Logan planning a surprise party for you HCs
Clyde Logan becoming a new dad HCs
“You’re drunk” “Oh yeah? Well you’re beautiful.”
Going to the farmer’s market with Clyde
Picnic date with Clyde
Clyde seeing you after his time in prison
Kissing Clyde and massaging his arm
Sitting by Clyde’s bedside in the hospital
Playing with Clyde’s hair
Clyde having a ‘plus size’ girlfriend
Clyde being silly in love lol
Clyde thinking about you while in prison
Waking Clyde up with kisses and breakfast
Telling Clyde how wonderful he is
Clyde taking you to a pumpkin patch
Clyde proposing to you
What it’s like being married to Clyde 
Spoiling Clyde because he’s an angel HCs
Spending time with friends at Duck Tape
Playing with Clyde’s hair again lol
Cuddling with Clyde 
Clyde rushing you to the hospital for the birth of your baby
Traveling with Clyde HCs
Being sweet together in Duck Tape 
You work at the prison and Clyde falls in love with you during his 90 days
Taking care of Clyde when he’s sick HCs
Clyde being sweet on Christmas
Clyde comforting you after a family argument
Clyde excited to celebrate Christmas with you
Decorating the house for Christmas with Clyde
Clyde fussing about you being too cold HCs
Being in a relationship with Clyde HCs
Clyde bringing you ribs at 3am lmao
Clyde Logan wresting someone WWE style blurb
1920s Speakeasy Bartender AU blurb
* = Contains NSFW Content
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