#Ciele’s Asks
judesmoonbeauty · 2 months
Hiii, I just started playing ikevil and I'm loving it so far so I decided to convince a friend of mine to play. She got interested when I told her about the powers that they have and would like to know more about them. I'm halfway through Will's route so I haven't learned about them all yet. Would it be too much of a spoiler if I asked you to tell me what everyone's power is?
Hi Anon ✨ Sure thing!
Besides William being able to control people with a direct command while looking into their eyes. The other powers are as follows:
Liam: Invisibility on demand. Pretty self-explanatory.
Harrison: Lie detection. When he looks into someone’s eyes he can tell if they’re lying or not.
Elbert: Can make you relive your most traumatic memory if he steps on your shadow.
Alfons: Can make you see an illusion for a limited amount of time if he touches the nape of your neck.
Roger: Superlative Hearing. I forget how far he can hear, but even with Liam visibly disappearing he knows where he is at because he can hear his heartbeat.
Jude: He can put you to sleep for a period of time when he touches your forehead.
Ellis: He can bind a person together by their wrists when he touches their head.
Victor: JP players are still learning about him, but what we have seen from his 1st year BD story, his ability involves issuing death commands - an individual will die euphoric death instantly. However, he is heavily under wraps and no one truly understands if this is his sole ability or if he has others.
I hope this helps 🌙
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luchigeon · 1 month
I feel like ciel would be that one kid snitching on people who vape in the bathroom, not because he knows it’s bad….but because hes a spiteful little shit and wants to see their downfall
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he totally would
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icantdothistodaybruh · 4 months
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oya-oya-okay · 5 months
I would like to see what short of friendship they have. Also, do you think Malleus told Lilia about the seal he saw on Ciel's eye?
I think Lilia would have seemed very annoying to Ciel, but it seems to me that they could still have a good conversation.. And!! I THINK LILIA WOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT CIEL WAS FROM ANOTHER CENTURY. Here!💘💘💘 👇
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About the seal! Lilia would understand that this is something really serious and difficult for Ciel. It is better not to injure the child more and let him just live quietly and be friends with other guys💔💗💔💗
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idolomantises · 7 months
which character from either of your webtoons were the most challenging to design?
Bugtopia: Cale, don't have his design on hand (too many spoilers) but it was AGONIZING redesigning him. particularly picking out his clothing. he originally had tattered clothes based on his canvas design, but I realized that this is New Cale and he'd dress differently. he's still difficult for me to draw for some reason
Monsters and Girls: Ciel. Literally took me half a year to figure out his design. This asshole bird was a nightmare to figure out, because I dont like using more than white, black and gold for my angel designs (keeps it cohesive), as well as me having a personal vendetta against drawing bird characters (nothing serious, I just cant make their beaks and feet look good). I'll likely redesign his leg colors in the future.
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blondeaxolotl · 29 days
I can't help thinkin if Frances saw how skinny af Sebastian is despite hating him she'd order him to be force fed LMAO. PUT MEAT ON THOSE SKINNY BONES. ((it never works ????))
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If you think Sebastian is bad, you should see Othello
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tejennnn · 2 months
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((Always angry boy)) Swi with Absinthe!!! 🇨🇭 Based on Kübler brand from the Neuchâtel region.
((Reference + bonus under cut))
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The Kübler bottle! (Source Liquor(dot)com)
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Scrapped concept because I can't do the bottles ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
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This cat has the same vibe with him somehow
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Also idk maybe I should draw him with Liech as the green Absinthe fairies.. or Liech with Absinthe drinking trinkets someday
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thefawnfallacy · 1 month
Ciel likely wasn’t spoiled as the “spare” child in the same way as his brother. Privileged, yes, but less so treated to his each and every whim. The reason he is now seen as spoiled and otherwise able to get away with literal murder is because Sebastian is the one spoiling him despite having all the capabilities to not spoil him.
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azuresins · 1 year
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The Phantomhive Ring Nonofficial merchandise, fanmade, custom. ·3D modeled in SolidWorks by @noirserviteur ·3D printed using resin, then cast in sterling silver ·Fitted with blue sapphire (+ diamond chips, soon)
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tipotape · 11 months
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10. Through a Kiss
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Hi @tohru-n!! You're too kind. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my fanarts 💖💞
Yes, I've read "Those Gentle Slopes that Lead to Hell" before!! Such a beautiful fic! I read some of it years ago, and although I haven't continued reading the newest chapters, I still remember how compelling it was. There are so many scenes I love, but if I had to choose, then this is the one I remember and like the most:
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I've always been so fascinated by the concept of taking soul through a kiss ever since I first watched it in the anime. It's arguably a very generic scene we can find in many Kuroshitsuji fanfics, but there's just something about it I can't get enough of. In this fic in particular, I love how surprised Ciel was. If I remember correctly, Ciel already had a bit of a crush on Sebastian at this point, but they were playing games in which showing weakness could be considered losing. Ciel, who had always acted strong and aloof, was so taken aback by Sebastian's answer at this scene. This glimpse of flustered and unsure Ciel is something I found really endearing ^^
Lastly, thank you to the wonderful @k-s-morgan, the author of the fic who has given her best sharing this story with us, and also for giving me permission to draw and post this fanart ^^💞
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judesmoonbeauty · 28 days
My sister, who is a fan of Jude, says to me, Why does Jude look so meek in his prince card? With a gentle look and coiffed hair. However, I see that according to the voice lines, he is still the same Jude as always
His Hair- The story that Cybird announced as the plot of these cards is that he is attending a ball and must look the part of a noble to get close to the other nobles for info. Our messy-haired Jude of course would naturally groom his hair, in order to fit in more.
That look on his face - At first glance, I thought the same. Jude looks very subdued, but that’s because he’s also playing the part of nobility. However, knowing his character and how much he hates nobility, coupled with the fact that he’s such a tsun-tsun, I think he looks more uncomfortable in these clothes and his prince-like behavior than just being meek. Still, Jude can be gentle when he wants to be, and perhaps he’s trying his best to be so here. (Everyone’s perspectives about this can vary.)
About his lines - I’m not fluent in JP, and it’s hard to translate the nuances, but in card line 1, Jude seems to start off using his elegant, “Queen’s English”, which is proper English, but switches to his usual manner of speaking when the MC is questioning him. (That’s my take on it).
Also (and this is just me using my imagination along with knowing what I do about his character), I feel like he would be saying these lines in a way only the MC can here while they are surrounded by dozens of others at a ball, otherwise they’d blow their cover.
Just imagine: MC’s wincing through the pain trying not to make a fuss while holding onto his arm as he escorts her, and when she falters because she rubs against a sore he says, “Oi, put all your weight on my arm. I know your feet hurt. If you look like you’re gonna cry every time ya take a step, I'll kidnap ya.”
And I agree with you no matter what he wears or how he acts, Jude is still Jude. As you can tell, he enjoys seeing our MC us cry so much he’d want to kidnap us for it😌
Sorry for the word salad!
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luchigeon · 2 days
do you happen to have any dadbastian doodles or sketches about? i love those two sm
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I have this doodle ! An old idea, it stayed in my wips for so long
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I'm very sorry you're feeling so sad today.
How about Sebastian and Ciel with flower crowns?🌸✨
Or a beauty and the beast AU?
I had a choice...
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and I ended up doing both🥀
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oya-oya-okay · 5 months
Imagine Ciel trying to use a cellphone for the first time, but he ends up accidentally blinding himself with the phone's flashlight 🤣
IT'S PERFECT!❣️ Let's imagine the scene when Cater helped Ciel buy a phone💕:
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a-sad-writer · 6 months
Ok, but supernatural investigator Ciel who's attempts at getting proof of ghosts and the like at supposedly haunted locations are frequently being messed with by his demon Sebastian who messes with the EVP and spiritbox and all that because Sebastian likes to tease Ciel as a silly way of flirting.
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finn can do no wrong, not because he doesnt commit atrocities but because wrongs dont count if its him😊
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