#Christmas With the Formans
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NEW Chapter of Christmas with the Formans
CHAPTER TITLE: Christmas Eve Eve Parade
Story Summary: Tired of the hustle and bustle of the holidays and now that all of the kids are grown and doing their own thing for the holidays, Red Forman convinces his wife, Kitty, that they should book a cruise to beat the yuletide blues and just skip Christmas. However, the idea doesn’t go over well with their friends, neighbors, and the misfits that populate their basement.
Chapter Summary: The gang makes one last attempt to get Red and Kitty to change their minds about skipping Christmas. Will it work?
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27705314/chapters/131126110
Sneak Peek: .
“So, this, this is really it huh?” Eric waved his hands in the air, showing his exasperation.
Kitty furrowed her brow slightly and calmly asked, “What is, dear?”
“This!” his hands went flying up again. “I mean you guys are actually going through with this cruise thing. And for the first time ever we’re not gonna spend Christmas together as a family.”
“Oh Eric, honey, you…”Kitty pursed her lips together, he sounded so upset it almost pulled on her heartstrings. “That is just, just so full of crap.”
“Burn!” shouted Michael almost instantly while the others stared back at her with wide, surprised eyes.
Her son’s being the largest in the group. “Mom!”
Kitty didn’t even have to look at Red to know he was finding the exchange amusing. “Well, it’s true,” she said firmly, she was not going to let her son try to use guilt against her, again. “Our family has not spent a Christmas together in ages. Not since Laurie came home that one year four years ago.”
“Six,” Red corrected from his seat.
“Right, well it was still a long time ago,” she said, not quite sure why he’d thought that information was important to correct, and she didn’t have time to give it too much thought either.
“Fine, so Laurie hasn’t been home for Christmas, but she barely counts as family anymore,” Eric’s argument made Kitty roll her eyes and shake her head. “Hyde’s more family than she is!”
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70s-show-diary · 10 months
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Steven Hyde, master of thoughtful gift-giving when it comes to the important women in his life.
That '70s Show:
"The Best Christmas Ever" (1x12)
"Kitty's Birthday (That's Today?!)" (3x17)
"Whole Lotta Love" (5x16)
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thatseventiesbitch · 6 months
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my  f a v o r i t e  Eric & Donna Moments #56
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Some promo photos for That ‘90s Show
I am so happy!! Trailer and photos?? BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT ever!!!
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tophsazulas · 5 months
Inspired and based off of @zenmasterlover’s T7S poll
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okletsgetnuts · 1 year
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Steven Hyde x Reader
Y'all I'm already halfway done with the next part so hopefully this is good
Word count:4.2k+ (Aka my longest piece yet)
Warnings, swearing, smoking, making out, slight sexual themes
Point Place, Wisconsin
April 5th, 1977
Location: Eric Forman's Basement
The sounds of Gilligan’s Island fill the basement from the television, smoke in the air as you all sit in the usual circle.
“It runs on water man! I swear you guys just don’t get it.” Hyde huffs, everyone kind of spacing out on their own highs.
“No we get it Hyde, we just also hear it every time we get in this damn circle.” You say, giggling at Donna playing with her hair.
“(Y/n), do you have any candy on you?” Fez clasps his hands together, begging for a yes.
“Of course Fez, someone has to keep you fed.” You throw him a pack of milk duds before throwing a second one to Kelso, already seeing the look in his eyes.
“Man (Y/n), if you weren’t always playing hard to get I’d totally do you.”
“It’s not playing hard to get if I don’t want you dumbass.” You punch his shoulder next to you as he dramatically leans back.
“That hurt!” You smile at him before flicking his nose in response.
“You know, if you’re not careful you’re gonna turn into Red.” Forman looks at you, nodding softly to himself.
“Actually I think your mom is who I want to be when I grow up. Minus the whore daughter and smart mouthed son.” Hyde lifts his arm for a high five to which you give him in pride.
“BURN!” Kelso yells, laughing uncontrollably despite the fact it wasn’t even that good of a burn, just the first time you’ve ever retaliated.
“She’s coming along nicely right? I’m teaching her everything I know.”
When you met the group, you were this quiet 13 year old that had just moved to Point Place from Louisiana. Donna had been the first to approach you, giving you a verbal invitation to join her for lunch. Ever since, you’ve been there for all the shenanigans they’ve done. Usually playing mom for the group to keep them from actually dying. You can safely say you were not there the last time Kelso fell off the water tower otherwise all the pain of a hospital trip and Eric walking in on his parents doing the nasty would’ve not been necessary. The last year, you’ve been tired of being so quiet and reserved around the general public. Hyde offered you an apprenticeship of zen, though you mostly smoke and talk.
“Only took 4 years but here she is, blossoming into a degenerate.” Donna grabs your shoulders like a proud mom, shaking you slightly. Almost instantly the door to the basement swings open, Jackie darting in and standing in front of the TV.
“Donna, (Y/n) are you two ready or not? I’ve been waiting next door listening to Bob sing.” She cringes before walking closer to the couch and pulling you both up by one arm.
“For such a tiny little thing you sure are strong.” You spat, tinge of annoyance in your voice.
“We’re supposed to be having girls night! Facials, manicures, the whole works and instead you’re down here with the boys doing god knows what.” She huffs tapping her foot.
“Relax Jackie, we just needed a circle session to prepare for this.” You say, dramatically gesturing between the girls and you.
“We better go before Jackie drags us out.” Donna gives Eric a kiss goodbye before us three go next door for a night at Donna’s.
There's a moment of silence in the basement, interrupted by Eric clearing his throat.
“Soo, my room has a perfect view of the girls’ sleepover.” Eric points upstairs before all the boys jump up from the couch to head upstairs, hoping to steal a peek at what the girls are doing.
“Donna, remind me to buy your dad pajama pants for Christmas.” You shiver recalling her dad in just a robe and underwear. You all three sit on Donna’s bed as Jackie ruffles through the bag she brought.
“Okay since I know whatever you’re using doesn’t work I brought face masks from home.” Donna pushes Jackie over on the bed as you look through the options. As you all apply the masks in silence, Donna puts music on since she was the first to finish hers.
“So (n/n), any guys? Maybe a secret lover?” Donna shimmies her shoulders in an over-the-top way causing a laugh from you as the blush spreads through your face.
“I mean, I haven’t actually had a crush since we were sophomores. There may be one developing though so we shall see.” You grab one of the stuffed animals Jackie brought, pulling it to your body to hide yourself.
“Well who is this contender? This is history making!” Jackie grabs your shoulders to look up at her.
“I wouldn’t say that-“
“You haven’t had a love life for over two years. I mean there was the one from the house party I brought you to but that was it and it was only one night.” You dig yourself more into the stuffed animal.
“You guys are gonna scream if I say though. Maybe not angry scream but definitely scream.” Their eyes widen as they look between each other and you.
“OH MY GOD IT’S HYDE!” Jackie screams, making you clamp a hand over her mouth.
“Shut the hell up please, we already know the boys are gonna try to sneak in or something like they always do.” You say in a hushed tone, brows furrowed and face bright red.
“Oh my god it is Hyde!” Donna says, grabbing your face with both hands.
“Tell us everything.” You nod as she lets go of you, about to spill all the little moments and stolen glances.
“Dude, what do you think they’re talking about?” Eric says, trying his hardest to hear through the walls.
“I don’t know but- OH JACKIE IS ABOUT TO KISS (Y/N) I REPEAT JACKIE IS ABOU- Oh she was just grabbing her by the shoulders.” Kelso had the binoculars, watching their every move.
“They’re probably talking about boys, or how attracted they are to each other. Look how pink (Y/n) is.” Fez says, eating the popsicle he grabbed from the basement.
“Wait, is- GUYS DONNA IS GONNA KISS (Y/N)!” They all scurry to get closer the window before seeing her pull away.
“Damn why do they keep doing that!?”
“Okay there’s definitely something going on. Jackie isn’t talking at all!”
“Whatever (L/n)'s saying must be really good.” Hyde looks at your side profile, taking in the pink settling through your face and how fast you're talking.
“I'm definitely not his type though, I mean you remember that biker chick. He almost ran away with her!" Donna shakes her head at you.
"Dude you're the only person he doesn't mess with."
"Because I'm the least annoying in the group." Jackie scoffs as you giggle at her.
"Oh please you run around playing mom, that's annoying enough."
"Hey I make it safe fun, you make it no fun. Constant 'don't do that Michael, you're all idiots' it's so annoying. News flash, they're still gonna do it! " She pulls your hair and before you can retaliate, Donna is pushing down to the bed.
"Okay then how about we go see what movies are on?" The redhead exclaims, dragging you both off her bed.
"What's up losers?" You say as you barge into the basement, grocery bags in hand.
"What did you bring?" A smirk comes across your face before putting all but one bag down.
"Just a little something for everyone. First, Fez here's some family size skittles." You present them dramatically before throwing the bag to the boy.
"Okay next we have Frito's, potato chips, Pringles, chocolate for Donna specifically because I love you, some Jackie approved soda since it's never here, and beer!" As everyone grabs at the pile of food, you stand there accomplished. You make your way to sit on the floor before Hyde gets up without a word and sits on the arm of the couch. Your brows furrow at him before he motions for you to sit down in his chair. You reluctantly sit, everyone freezing at the sight.
"Why are you in Hyde's chair?" Fez asks, popping a skittle in his mouth.
"More importantly, why did Hyde give up his chair?" Eric's eyes go wide as a lightbulb goes off in his head.
"Wa-" Before he could even finish a word, Donna is elbowing him in the side to shut him up.
"No way, they're doing it!" Kelso exclaims, pointing back and forth at you both. Hyde punches him in the shoulder, causing a pained 'ow' to come from the boy.
"Oh my god it's a damn chair. Hyde take your chair back." You stand up and move to the floor, arms crossed over your chest. Of course, the guys don't miss the pink flush to your cheeks.
"Nah, I'm good right here." Hyde replies shortly, taking a drink of his beer. As you and Hyde have a staring contest between you and the empty chair, the group is looking at you two like animals in a zoo.
"And here we have the female lioness, asserting her dominance as the male tries to feign attraction." Eric speaks, in a somewhat terrible accent.
"You know what, I'm going to spend time with someone who appreciates my presents and my presence." You smile as you stand up, grabbing the only item left in the grocery bag.
"Oh Mrs. Formannnn~" You yell, running up the stairs. A silence cuts through the basement as everyone stares at Hyde.
"You guys are morons." Hyde sighs, going back to his spot.
"You totally like her!" Jackie yells, a smile on her face.
"Whatever." He leans back, drinking his beer.
"Oh (Y/n) marry me and have my babies!" Fez says as Kelso pretends to kiss someone. Hyde gets up and punches them both in the shoulder before heading to his room. Once Donna hears his bedroom door close, she looks at everyone remaining in frustration.
"If you guys don't stop teasing those two, they will never get together! I mean come on we've seen this coming for a year now." Eric furrows his brows at the girl, confused.
"Wait, you knew they liked each other for a year and didn't tell me?"
"Eric, they've never admitted it. It's just obvious." Fez states, finishing the last of that big bag.
"Actually, we finally got (Y/n) to admit to it kind of. She tried to say it's not a crush yet."
"Well can't we just tell Hyde she likes him so he makes a move?" Kelso scoffs at Eric, making Eric slowly look at the dummy.
"Of course not!"
"That's not a bad idea, but we can't just tell him. After that, we have to figure out a way to get them alone together." Donna adds, trying to figure out how they can execute this plan.
You were currently driving to the Forman's to pick the girls up for a nice dinner which Jackie weirdly offered to pay for. Apparently Donna's parents have been at it again, so she needs an escape. As you park and get out you realize Forman isn't home. You go through the basement door rather loudly.
"Where's my girls?" You call out, waiting for a response. When there was none, you look around confused on their absence. You plop yourself on the couch assuming maybe they're late.
"What are you doing here?" You jump before turning around and seeing the curly headed boy you've grown accustomed to.
"Donna and Jackie were supposed to meet me here to go get dinner but I guess they're late. Or forgot?" You huff, crossing your arms across your chest.
"So that's why you're all dressed up." He decides to turn the tv on before sitting in his chair. You realize a slight shift in his energy as he stares off into the tv, not paying any attention to the show.
"You okay?" He glances over at you before looking back at screen, sighing.
"Yep. Wanna smoke?" You nod and move closer to the arm of the couch. Before long he's back to his usual self, albeit still quiet.
"I can't believe they had me wear a skirt just to not show up for our plans." You huff, leaning on the arm of the couch closer to him.
"Well you look good, we don't see you in skirts a lot." He opens the beer can he got from his hiding spot and took a sip. You feel the heat rise to your face and suddenly you can't stop staring at him.
"Thanks I guess, I usually have to be careful with what I wear around the two pervs. Ever since Kelso got a peek under my homecoming dress freshmen year, I said no short skirts ever again. And thank god Fez doesn't know where I live." He chuckles at that last part giving a nod in agreement.
"I don't think I've been to your place either." He states, looking back at you.
"I mean the only pro is smoking in my room, but that's because it's the attic. You'll have to come over sometime."
"Guess I do." Your eyes drift to his lips and you feel his hand lightly hold your knee.
"I think I want to kiss you." Hyde finally admits, rubbing circles into your knee.
"I think I want you to." He leans in as you close your eyes, feeling him press his lips to yours. You slowly move in sync, trying to lean in closer. His tongue glides against your lips and you part your lips, a sigh escaping you. His hand moves to the side of your neck, tilting your head up as he stands to move next to you on the couch. He pulls away, both of you slightly out of breath.
"Is this okay?" He whispers, you nod in response due to your words failing you. This time you lean in, bringing him into a passionate and deep kiss. He leans you back on the couch as he kisses down your jaw to your neck. A small moan escapes your lips when he lightly bites at the place your shoulder and neck meet, his hand lightly rubbing your exposed waist.
“Steven honey, dinner is ready!” You both quickly pull away from each other, praying she doesn’t come downstairs. Your breathing is jagged as you fix your skirt.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Hyde speaks up, looking at you with a smirk.
“Y-yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kisses you one last time, knocking the wind out of you before heading upstairs. As if right on cue, Donna and Jackie come through the basement door.
“Hey, you ready for dinner?” Donna asks, both trying to hide the smiles on their faces.
“Where have you two been!? I’ve been waiting an hour.” They both smile at you, a knowing look on their faces.
“Oh shoot, we must have given you the wrong time! Well doesn’t matter, looks like you had fun.” As Jackie giggles to herself Donna sits next to you, wondering how you’re blushing even more.
“What are you t-talking about? I’ve just been sitting here.”
“Mhm, and what’s that on your neck?” Jackie grills, making your eyes widen. Your focus shifting between the two girls, staring at their smiling faces. A sigh of defeat leaves you.
“Damn I’m not getting out of this huh?” They drag you off the couch, heading out the door to finally get dinner.
The next day as you stood on the driveway of the Forman’s house you grew nervous to enter. Unfortunately your new buddy on your neck was barely budging with makeup, so the boys are going to see it. Deciding you’d rather not run into Kitty or Red, you head towards the basement door. As you enter, you quickly dart to the couch with a wave. You look up and see just Donna and Eric next to you, his eyes wide.
“Hey uh (Y/n), what’s going on?” His eyes dart between your neck and eyes, trying hard not to stare.
“Not much, I slept in thanks to that dinner last night. That food was crazy.” You look at Donna, reminiscing on crème brulée and crab Rangoon.
“N-not much, cool cool. Hey what’s on your neck there?” The smile on his face is slappable as you smile back.
“What’s it look like?” You test him, waiting for him to crack.
“It looks like a hickey, now who would be giving you a hickey?” He taps his finger against his chin before pointing at you.
“Could it be our very own Hyde?” Your eyes widen slightly before you instantly go back to your smile, this time leaning in a little to meet his face in front of Donna.
“Why don’t you ask him?” You push his forehead away from you hard, earning a groan from the skinny boy.
“You guys act like siblings more than Eric and Laurie.” Donna laughs, pulling her boyfriend back down on the couch before he could go ask Hyde. Like clockwork, Hyde comes downstairs, sodas in hand.
“I don’t know why I had to go get these.” He huffs, putting them on the table before realizing you’re here. He sits down on his chair, staring at you before giving a nod. You smile at him, leaning on the arm of the chair.
What you don’t see is Forman’s shit-eating grin because he was definitely right. Before he can say so however, Kelso and Jackie are barging in already arguing. It doesn’t take long for it to stop when Kelso sees you.
“Oh man Hyde that’s gotta burn!” He laughs, Jackie stepping on his foot.
“Kelso, shut up.” Hyde tries to keep his smirk down, but it slips easily.
“Come on just a few days ago you were offering her your chair and now she comes here with a hickey!” You’re bright red at this point, begging anyone with your eyes to get him to shut up.
“Kelso think about that very slowly. The day with the chair, remember anything else that happened? Like maybe yesterday?” Donna speaks like he’s a preschooler, which kind of works. You watch the wheels turn in his head, gears shifting as he looks between everyone before gasping.
“Oh my god, they’re doing it!” Kelso jumps earning a slap on the shoulder from Jackie.
“Kelso, we’re not doing it.” Hyde huffs, annoyed with all his friends.
“…yet.” You mumble, only Donna and Hyde hearing you.
“What so-“
“Kelso shut the hell up and sit down.” He sighs and sits on the arm of the couch closest to the chair Jackie is in.
“Where’s Fezzy boy?” You ask, not feeling the usual feeling of him staring.
“He should be here soon, something about his foster parents trying to get him baptized.” Eric speaks up, clearly amused. You giggle a little at the thought before resting your head in your hand propped on the couch arm.
“You okay?” Donna asks, getting Hyde’s attention. She rubs your shoulder a little for comfort as your head sinks into your hand.
“Just tired, you think Kitty would let me go sleep in Laurie’s room since she’s ‘scouting schools with a girlfriend’ or will Red stop her?” You smile lazily at Donna, earning a laugh from her.
“With that hickey, I think she’d stop you for questioning first.” You sigh and sit up straight, trying to wake up a little.
“Maybe circle time will wake you up.” Eric interjects, shaking a brown baggie.
“Dude, anyone tell you you have bug eyes?” You giggle and poke at Eric’s face.
“And she’s awake!” He grabs your finger and puts it down, chuckling at you.
“You know, I never saw you as a hickey girl (Y/n), thought you must’ve been a prude if you didn’t want me.” Both Hyde and Jackie punch either arm, causing Kelso to jerk back in his chair.
“You started the circle without me!?” Fez sits on the floor in front of you, pouting slightly.
“Sorry man, she was totally about to fall asleep.” Donna says, braiding a small section of your hair. You giggle and pat the boy in front of you’s head.
“(Y/n) come here.” Hyde says in a low tone, everyone else talking amongst themselves. You lean in closer to hear him.
“What’s up?” You try to look at his eyes through the sunglasses with no luck.
“Why don’t you come sit with me? Just so no one’s on the floor you know?” You blush as you look at him.
“A-are you sure?” He nods and you stand, tapping Fez to take your spot. Once he sits on the couch, you sit on the edge of Hyde’s lap. Soon, he’s pulling you into him, keeping an arm around your waist while the other lays on your knee. Your friends all stare but say nothing, not wanting to scare you off like last time. It would be hard though when all you can concentrate on is the feeling of his warm skin on yours and his breath fanning your neck.
“When did this happen?” Fez asks, mostly excited but slightly sad as well.
“Last night.” Hyde responds, causing a blush on your face as you look around the room for reactions.
“We’ll still have our weekly dinners, right (N/n)?” The boy on the couch asks you, making you rub his shoulder and smile.
“You mean us going to the candy store and spending way too much just to eat it all in one night? Yes fez, I’m not abandoning our sugar addiction.” He pumps his fist and is all smiles now.
“I didn’t know you and Fez were close?” Hyde asks you, rubbing your knee.
“Yeah, gotta make sure you boys aren’t tainting him. Specifically Kelso.” He nods and leaves a peck on your cheek.
“Okay I know we planned this but did we think about us having to be around it?” Jackie asks, huffing as kelso laughs.
“Jackie how many times have one of us walked in on you and Michael smacking on the couch?” You say, shuddering slightly at the memory.
“She’s got you there babe.” Kelso smiles at her before she slaps his shoulder.
“What so are you guys official? Or just messing around?” Donna asks, before realizing this conversation is missing something.
“You know what you come with me.” Donna points at you and ushers you both up the stairs.
“Donna why did we need to go upstairs for this?”
“Is that my favorite daughter?" you hear kitty in the other room and your eyes go wide. As you’re lead to the kitchen, kitty looks at you and instantly her smile is wider and she’s clapping and laughing.
“Finally you two happened! I’m assuming the plan worked?” Kitty asks Donna, receiving a nod from the redhead.
“Wait you had Mrs. kitty help you?”
“Just had her call Hyde up so we could be alone with you for the interrogation.” You all three sit at the dining table, kitty putting out cookies that you gladly take.
“So, are you two official?” Kitty asks, pushing the cookies closer to you.
“I mean I guess not? We didn’t talk about it. We were just watching tv while I waited for the girls, and he said he wanted to kiss me.” You take another cookie.
“But he’s practically all over you. At least as much as Hyde can be.” Donna says, looking at Kitty.
“He told her to share his chair so Fez could sit on the couch instead of the floor.” Kitty gasps and claps in excitement again.
“Honey he is smitten, he never cares about the boys’ comfort.” You think about it before the pink comes back to your face again today. If you keep blushing it may end up permanent.
“I mean I know he’s not good at talking about feelings, so I don’t wanna ask. I’d rather just let it happen.” You grab a third cookie before standing up, ready to head back downstairs.
Little did you know, Jackie was leading the interrogation downstairs, knowing the boys would mess it up somehow.
“So Hyde, are you gonna ask her out or what?” She asks, the boys looking between her and Hyde.
“I don’t know man.” He shrugs, causing Jackie to stand up.
“Well you gotta figure it out. If you actually like her you have to ask her. I know Michael and Eric told you how (Y/n) feels and I may not like her but she’s better company than you and I don’t want her all sad when we’re supposed to be talking about me!”
“She doesn’t seem sad to me.” You walk down the stairs, cookie still in hand.
“I’m back!” You move to sit with Hyde again, ignoring the empty spot Donna was in.
“Wait there’s cookies?” Fez and Kelso instantly stand up, dragging Jackie and Eric with them.
“Man they’re annoying.” Hyde sighs, stealing a pinch of cookie.
“Yep, we have pretty annoying friends. And family, apparently Kitty was in on it.” You look at him, leaning his head back over the chair. He looks back up at you and draws circles into your waist.
“Oh well, wanna go to the hub?” The look in his eyes is a tad newer, slight worry and suddenly you realize he’s asking you out.
“Little cliche but I’ll let it slide. Come on.” You stand from his lap and lean down to give him a kiss as you pull him up. The smile on your face says everything as he wraps his arm around you and lead you to the door.
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elianamarie-blog · 2 years
The Things You Give Part 28
IT'S ALMOST FAAAALLLLLLL! I am SO excited, but this chapter still takes place around Christmas and if you know me, I'm a huge Christmas person! I hope you guys like it! It maybe a little short, but I'm trying to make this like how the actual show would go. Tag list is open! (Imagine the gif as reader insert XD)
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Y/n stared down at the paper, not able to comprehend what the hell she just read. She couldn’t tell if this was a dream or not. Then, she thought it was a joke. But after she had realized that it was real, her blood was boiling and she was shaking.
“Who would do this?” Kitty asked.
“I think I have an idea,” Hyde said and pointed to the name at the bottom of the article. Below it read the name Y/n never wanted to hear from again.
“Zack,” she quivered and all she could see was red. “I’m going to kill him. I’m actually going to kill him. Mom, you’re a nurse, what’s the best way to dispose a body?”
“I know you’re upset, but there’s no need to resort to felony,” Kitty said.
“Nope, nope,” Y/n huffed, walking away with her hands on her hips. “I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to hunt him down like a dog and I’m going to do things to him that Dad did to the Koreans during the war.” She looked up at her mother and husband. “I look good in orange; I can pull it off.”
“Y/n, you need to—” Hyde began but was cut off by his wife.
“I knew this wasn’t the end when we last saw him,” she continued, adrenaline pumping through her veins. “I don’t know what he has against me, but I’m going to make that son of a bitch pay.”
“It maybe something he has against us actually,” Steven said slowly.
“You know what it could be?” she asked, ignoring him. “It could be because I humiliated him in front of you guys a few months back. Yeah, that’s it. Now he’s trying to get back at me.”
“Or both of us,” Hyde repeated, this time catching her attention.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I wasn’t going to tell you this, but Kelso, Forman, Fez, and I ran into Zack at the bachelor party.”
Her face hardened and her eyes grew cold. “What?” she spit.
“It’s not like we went looking for him,” he continued. “We were at the bar and he and his dillhole friends showed up and started giving us crap. Then he mentioned you and I snapped.”
“Is that why you were in jail?!”
“Partially. After we got thrown out, they jumped us on the street then they bolted when the cops came.”
Y/n’s glare could burn a hole through the wall. “And why didn’t you tell me?” she asked calmly, too calm.
“Because I didn’t want to upset you…and by the look on your face that clearly didn’t work.”
“Ya think?!”
“Y/n, honey, you need to calm down,” Kitty said gently. “You need to watch your stress level; it’s not good for the babies.”
“I’ll calm down after I’m through with him,” Y/n said and turned back to her husband. “We’ll talk later. Right now, I have someone I need to go take care of.” With that, she snatched the paper out of Kitty’s hands and stomped out the basement, slamming the door behind her.
“You ran into Zack and you didn’t tell her?” Kitty asked, popping a hand on her hip. “And you didn’t even win?!”
“Yeah, that was a bummer for me too,” Hyde replied and trudged upstairs. “I better go after her so that she doesn’t do something stupid.”
“Is it bad that I want to see her kill him?” Fez asked.
“Fez…” Kitty trailed off, shaking her head, but then remembered who it was. “Actually, no…no, it’s not. I want to see that dumbass pay too.”
“Let’s go, then?” Fez asked the group excitedly.
“Let’s go!” Eric answered as everyone hurriedly followed him out the door.
                                               --Time Skip--
“Where is he?!” Y/n roared as she practically barged into the Hub. Everyone inside whipped their heads at her, startled. “Where is Zack?!” She snapped her head to the guy at the counter. “Simon, have you seen him?”
The long haired blond hippie pointed a finger at the men’s room. With fire in her eyes, she stomped over to the door and started pounding on the door with her fists. “Zack! Get out! NOW!” She continued to pound on the door, yelling, until the tall brunet walked out with a smirk on his face.
“Oh, Y/n, what a pleasant surprise,” he purred, leaning into the door frame. “What do I owe this pleasure to?”
“You know exactly what this is about, you jackass,” she spat. “What the HELL is wrong with you?! Why can’t you just leave me alone?!”
He cocked his head to the side mockingly. “I don’t what you’re talking about.”
“This, you son of a bitch!” she screeched and threw the paper at his head. He ducked as the paper hit the bathroom door with a loud thud. “I don’t know what the hell I did to make you hate me so damn much, but this crap ends now!”
“Hey, hey, hey calm down,” he said gently, pretending to care. “You need to calm down so that you won’t hurt the baby.”
“How did you find out?” she asked, her voice dangerously low.
“It’s a small town; people talk.”
“And yet you felt the need to put it in the paper.”
“Oh, but it’s such juicy gossip, I just had to.”
“Or you can just mind your own freaking business. This doesn’t concern you.”
At this point, the gang had shuffled through the door, eager to watch the show.
“Yeah? Or what?” He smirked and looked down at her, crossing his arms. “You’re pregnant, not like you can do much.”
She didn’t respond, but angrily glare at him. Before she could think, she drew her leg back and swung it straight into his crotch. The group cringed outwardly as Zack whimpered and fell to his knees.
“That,” Y/n spit as she looked down at him. She watched with satisfaction as he fought to breathe.
“You…bitch,” he breathed through gritted teeth.
“What’s it going to take for you to get the hint, huh?!” she yelled at him, drawing more attention to them. “I want nothing to do with you! If anything, I should be making your life a living hell after what you did to me.”
Zack couldn’t speak as he was too busy holding his nads and breathing through the pain.
“Why did you do this?” she demanded. “This isn’t high school anymore; you’re never going to relive your glory days ever again. When you get out into the real world, no one gives a crap about who you were in high school. Face it, buddy, you’ve peaked.”
“Have…not…” he continued to breathe.
“You’re never going to be the star of the show ever again. You screwed that up when you got kicked out of your university. Congrats on that, by the way.” She knelt to his level, inches away from his face. “If I ever, ever see you again or hear you being near my husband or my friends, you’re going to be waking up in a hospital bed. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yeah?” Zack let out a breathy laugh and stood himself up to his knees. “What are you going—”
Before she gave him a chance to finish his sentence, she pulled her fist back and delivered a hard blow to the side of his face. Zack let out a pained wail as he hit the dirty floor.
“You want to keep going?!” she screamed.
“What the hell?!” He slowly got up again, holding his face.
“Keep at it, and the next time I see you, it’ll be my foot in your ass!” She turned to leave, but before she did, she delivered another hard blow to his face. Once again, he let out a screech and fell to the floor, but this time stayed down. “And that is for my husband!”
The room was in stunned silence as they watched Y/n walk out the building.
“Holy crap!” Donna cheered once she walked out the building. “Y/n, that was amazing!”
“Thanks,” Y/n said, waving her sore hand. “You know hitting someone hurts more than it looks.”
“Yeah, I know,” Hyde said. “I can’t believe you actually did that. You totally kicked his ass!”
“Yeah…it feels kinda good,” she admitted sheepishly.
“I’m so proud of, honey!” Kitty giggled. “For a minute there, I saw your father.”
“My girl’s a scrapper!” Steven cried out excited, slapping his fast into his palm.
“Awe, thanks, baby,” she cooed before giving him a kiss. “Now, about you and Zack…”
“Yeah, about that; I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t think it would be a good idea to add more stress onto you and—”
“And I don’t think it would’ve made a difference—”
“And I didn’t want you to think that—”
“Steven! Shut up for a minute and let me talk.” He closed his mouth and nodded. “What happened, happened,” she began. “We can’t change that, but I only wanted you to tell me because I wanted to do that sooner.” She motioned toward Zack who was ambling out of the diner, hunched over in pain.
Hyde chuckled. “Well, now maybe he learned his lesson not to mess with a pregnant Forman girl.”
“Hyde,” she corrected and smiled at him. “He learned not to mess with a pregnant Hyde girl.”
“Aweeee,” the group cooed.
“Are you still here?!” Steven snapped, making Y/n laugh.
“C’mon, let’s go home,” she offered, extending her hand to him. “I don’t know about you, but I’m freezing my ass off.”
“Yeah, let’s go.” He accepted her hand as they made their way to the cars.
“Can we get hot chocolate on the way home?” Fez asked as they piled into the vehicles.
                                                 --Time Skip—
“I can’t believe you came back, Teddy!” Annalyn cried out in joy. “I knew you would!”
She hugged the little bear that had come to life to meet her there on the snowy Christmas Eve. It wordlessly looked at her and touched his nose to her cheek, kissing her.
“I love you too, Teddy!” she squealed.
“What do we have here?” her mother asked, coming to the front door and looked down at her daughter. “Where did this come from?”
"He was at the door, waiting for me, Mom! He came for me!”
The tired woman knitted her brows together. “I wonder who could’ve possibly dropped it off? Was there a note?”
Annalyn nodded, handing a piece of white paper to her and clung Teddy to her chest.
“Have a Merry Christmas. Mr. C.,” her mother read aloud and felt something she hadn’t felt all Christmas long. “I can’t believe Dennis did this.”
"It wasn’t Dennis, Mom! It was Santa!”
She smiled kindly at her daughter. “Sure, baby, it was Santa.”
“Oh, Mom, before I forget,” the young squealed and hugged her mom around the waist. “Tell him yes.”
“Say ‘yes’ to Dennis!”
“What do you—”
“I’m not supposed to tell you, but Santa told me your gift from Dennis. Say ‘yes’ Mom!”
She was speechless, but nodded her head. “I’ll talk to Dennis when he comes over tomorrow.”
Annalyn squealed with delight and turned to her stuffed friend. “Can you believe it, Teddy? I get you and a dad!” She hugged the bear tightly again. “Best Christmas ever!”
As she turned to walk away, Teddy faced her mother and winked at her. Her mother stood there completely stunned as she had just seen the truth Annalyn had been talking about the entire time.
Y/n sat on the couch, sniffling and wiping her nose as Steven sat beside her with a puzzled and disgusted look.
“You actually like this crap?” he asked.
“It’s not crap, it’s sweet!” Y/n croaked and blew her nose. “It’s a heartwarming Christmas movie.”
“Y/n, it’s crap,” he repeated.
“Okay, Grinch, what kind of movies do you like?”
“You know I’m not really into things like that,” he responded. “Or the holidays in general.”
“Is it because of your mom?”
“Everything wrong with me is because of my mom,” he retorted.
“Well, like I’ve said, she’s not around anymore,” Y/n responded and laid a hand against his chest. “You can start to enjoy things that you couldn’t as a kid. And one of them being holidays.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he said and placed a hand over hers. “I guess with the twins on the way, I can start to enjoy things like that.”
“Yeah,” she answered gently, giving him a wide smile. As she leaned up to give him a kiss, there was a knock at the door.
Hyde checked his watch that showed to be past 9pm. “Who the hell is here at this hour?” He got up and walked to the door, answering it.
There, stood Edna Hyde once more. “Hi, Steven.”
“Ah, crap.”
                                              --Time Skip--
“I don’t know where to live,” Fez whined as he chewed on his drink’s straw. “My foster overly religious-pieces-of-crap foster parents kicked me out. Where the hell am I supposed to live?” He sat at a booth at the Hub with Kelso and Donna while agonizing over a newspaper with local listings.
“Yeah, me neither,” Kelso chimed in. “I can’t stay at my parents’ house anymore. I need a private area where I can raise my daughter."
“Understandable,” Fez said, nodding and turned back to the newspaper. “Man, there is nothing! It’s like I need a roommate or something.”
“Yeah, same,” Kelso muttered, balling up the paper from the straw.
“Well, I hope you find someone,” Fez said.
“You too, buddy,” Kelso said.
Donna looked between the two of them. “Or,” she started and leaned forward in her seat. “You two can, I don’t know, room together?”
The two men looked at each other.
“Hey, that’s a great idea!” Fez said.
“Why didn’t we think of that?!” Kelso asked.
“You’re welcome,” Donna said, leaning back in her chair.
“We should go tomorrow and check some out,” Kelso said. “We can find a nice place!”
“With a pool!” Fez said excitedly. “We can meet some girls there.”
"Yeah, that’s right, buddy. We can bring Betsy too. She’s a chick magnet.”
“Two guys and a baby? We’ll be the hottest ones there!”
“That’s not how I would put it,” Donna said, smirking.
“What do you mean?” Kelso asked.
“I wouldn’t think that two guys with a baby would make them available to women if you know what I mean,” she responded.
The two men looked at her confused.
“Oh, for the love of—they wouldn’t  be into you because they’d think you’re into each other!”
“Oh,” Kelso responded, it daunting on him. “Well, we don’t want that.”
“No, no,” Fez said. “We can take turns!”
“Are you asking to borrow my baby to pick up chicks?” Kelso asked, offended.
“Oh, yeah, you’re right. Sorry,” Fez said.
“No, that’s totally awesome!” Kelso said and high fived Fez, laughing. “We’re gonna get so laid!”
Donna groaned and hid her face in her hand. “Oh, my God.”
                                             --Time Skip--
“What the hell are you doing here?” Hyde asked, irritated. “I told you to never come here.”
“I wanted to hash out our problems,” Edna replied and let herself in. “I think I’m owed that.”
“You’re not owed anything,” he spat. “You don’t get to come here when you were never around. And come in by the way.”
“Come on, Steven. Let’s talk,” Edna said, closing the door.
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“Good. You can just listen.
“I don’t want to hear it.”
“God, you’re just as stubborn as me. You know what they say, ‘Like mother, like son.’”
“Don’t do that!” Steven said harshly and pointed a finger at her. “Don’t compare me to you. I am nothing like you!”
“Hey, come on, can’t we talk about this like civilized adults?” she asked coolly. Too coolly.
“I don’t need to hear you play victim and give me excuses as to why you were a crap mom.”
“Oh, ouch. That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?”
“No. In fact, I think that’s the nicer way of putting it.
“Look, Steven, I want to be a part of these kids’ lives.”
“Absolutely not,” he said curtly. “You’re not going to mess up my kids the same way you did to me.”
“Would it help if I apologized?”
Her questions surprised him. It’s like the gears in his brain stopped as he heard her say something she has never said before. “W-would it help if-if you what?!”
“Apologized. Look, Steven,” she began and took a hesitant step toward him. “I know I wasn’t a good mom to you and I…am sorry, but I want to make it up to you by being a good grandma to your children.”
He glared at her coldly. “Apologize for what?”
“Well, for everything.”
“No, that doesn’t mean anything to me unless you apologize for all the crap that you put me through!”
“I’m sorry for all the crap I put you through,” she repeated, rolling her eyes. “There, are you happy?”
He stared at her in disbelief. “Am I happy? Hell, no I’m not happy! You really messed up my childhood and I’m not about to let you do the same to my kids. I don’t know you even care as much! If you didn’t care about me, what in the hell makes you think you’re going to care about the kids?”
“Well, I see how successful you’ve become working with your dad and I wanted to watch you become the parent I could never be.”
The air in the room dropped to deathly silent, Hyde realizing what this was about. “This is about money, isn’t it?"
“It’s not about you or your money,” she said sharply. “This about me and my future grandchildren.”
“Nah, I know you,” he responded. “You want something. Are you using me to get to W.B?”  
“Now, what makes you think that?”
            “You’ve never given me a reason not to,” he spat. “I find it odd that you’re back after a couple months of seeing him and just want to suddenly be better. What—your last boyfriend just dumped you and you have no means of paying the bills? Or you owe money to���
“That’s not fair, Steven.”
“You want to talk to me about fair?!” he started to raise his voice, attracting Red and Kitty’s attention. Y/n sat there, frozen. “Everything you ever did to me wasn’t fair! I already told you everything I needed to and I shouldn’t have to repeat myself. So, get out.”
“Steven, come on—”
“No, you don’t get to decide when to come back into my life,” he snapped. “I decide when you can and right now, you’re looking at never. Get. Out.”
“But, I just want to—”
“He said get out,” Red said sternly from the stairs. “If you don’t want to be escorted by the police, you better do what he says.”
“Oh, I’m sure that won’t be a problem,” Steven said. “She’s on a first name basis with them.”
Edna’s eyes never left Steven’s cold ones. “Fine. But you’ll see me again.”
Steven set his jaw. “And what a horrible day that will be.”
“It won’t be fun for me either, boy,” she hissed.
“Edna, that’s enough,” Y/n cut in, standing between in front of her husband. “Leave, or I’ll make you leave.”
Edna snorted. “You’re cute. I can’t wait to spend more time with you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Why don’t you do what you do best and leave?”
“Oh, ouch. I have to admit, that one hurt my feelings a little bit.”
“Yeah, if you had feelings,” Steven said.
Edna snorted again. “Bye, Steven. I’ll see you later.”
“No, you won’t,” he responded and pushed her out of the door, slamming it shut. Once she was gone, he ran a hand down his face. “Son of a bitch.”
“Are you okay?” Y/n asked, comfortingly rubbing his back.
“No,” he replied and walked down the step to the couch. “She’s the most repulsive human being I’ve known…and I dated Jackie!”
“She only does that to get under your skin,” his wife responded and sat next to him.
“She does it because she wants something from me,” he said. “She heard about W.B having money, and now she thinks we do. Well, let me tell you this: I’m not giving her a damn dime.”
“As you shouldn’t,” Red boomed from the stairs and lazily trotted down to meet them in the living room. “Every single penny that you make will be going towards you and your family. You owe her nothing.”
“Exactly,” Y/n agreed and wrapped her hands around Steven’s. “Don’t let her get to you. By being upset means that she's winning. She doesn't deserve that.”
“Okay, Hallmark,” Steven chuckled and ran his hand up her arm, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Thank you.”
Y/n smiled and kissed his cheek. “You’re welcome.”
“Well, now that’s sorted out, I made eggnog and cookies,” Kitty announced excitedly. “Who wants some?”
“I’ll take some cookies!” Y/n jumped up from the couch.
“Y/n, you just ate an entire bowl of candy,” Steven pointed out.
She started at him blankly. “What’s your point?”
                                                --Time Skip—
Christmas Day….
The outside world was peacefully quiet; the birds didn’t sing as they snuggled to each other to keep it warm. The sun hid behind grayed clouds where the whitest snow of the years gently drifted to the ground, making Point Place look like a Winter Wonderland.
The Forman and Hyde—and Fez—household laid comfortably in their warm beds. For the first time in a long time, everything was peaceful and quiet, a state that they all haven’t felt in a long time. And that was the only Christmas gift they could all ask for.
Y/n stirred gently in her sleep, her eyes peeling open. She peaked at her clock beside her and it read 6:48am. She turned to her side to her handsome, sleeping husband; his breathing slow and deep. He looked younger when he slept, his lashes danced along his cheekbones and while his tousled curls rested against forehead.
“Why are you staring at me?” he asked deeply, his voice groggy.
“I can’t help it. You’re just so good looking,” she responded and combed her fingers through his hair before brushing it down to the side of his face, scratching his sideburns. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” he grunted and scooted closer, pulling her closer to his chest—well, as close as he could without her baby bump getting too squished. “You’re belly got bigger.”
“Thanks. Maybe I should’ve played Santa at the mall this year,” she grumbled.
He chuckled. “Nah, you’re way too hot for that.”
She laughed quietly and pecked his nose. “At least there’s that.”
He smiled back at her as his eyelids drifted closed. “What time is it?” he whispered.
She yawned. “Almost seven.”
“Should we get up?”
“Let’s just stay here for a little while,” she responded. “Before everyone wakes up.”
"Sounds good,” he grumbled, falling asleep again.
As Y/n snuggled into her husband’s side, their bedroom door flew open.
“MERRY CHRISTMAS!” Kitty bellowed. “Get up, get up! Santa came by!”
The couple groaned in unison as they pulled apart, rolling onto their backs.
“Mom, please, it’s too early for this,” Elena groaned, rubbing her eyes.
“Yeah, well, get used to it,” Kitty responded. “It’s going to be worse when your kids are here.”
“Yeah, let us enjoy this last year,” Steven said, pulling a pillow onto his face.
“Nope! Get up!” Kitty squeaked. “Be downstairs in five minutes to open presents!” She closed the door behind her as she walked into Eric’s room.
“You know, we can just lock the door,” Steven offered.
“You really want to do that and deal with an angry Kitty later?” Y/n warned.
“I mean, come on, we’re adults, I’m sure she won’t—”
In the distance behind their closed door, they heard from Eric’s room, “MERRY CHRISTMAS!”
                                             40 minutes later…
“Wow…another rain coat,” Eric’s faux enthusiasm filled the room.
The living room was littered with empty boxes and unwrapped gifts. Red sat in his usual chair, Eric and Kitty on the couch, Y/n and Steven sat on the floor by the piano and Fez sat in front of the coffee table.
The gifts were almost completely opened, everyone getting a few presents each; even Fez got a few things from his friends and Kitty. A leather jacket, some records, and some cash. Not to mention a bag full of his favorite sweets. The smile on his face said his appreciation.
“I know you wanted one,” Kitty said proudly. “I even put rocks to distract you. And see the suede of the jacket? It’ll keep you warm indefinitely.”
“Wow…thanks, Mom,” he said and put the jacket back in the box. “I’ll make sure to add this to my collection of the other raincoats.”
“Okay, okay, now open my gift!” Y/n said excitedly and handed him her gift. A decent sized, heavy gift.
He picked it up, surprised at its weight. “I swear to God, if it’s another box with rocks—”
“Just open it!” Y/n said, giddy.
Eric sighed through his nose as he began to unwrap it. “Wow! A box!” he shouted sarcastically. "Just like I've always wanted!"
"Shut up, Forman and open the damn present,” Hyde said impatiently.
Eric chuckled as he opened the box. “Oh, wow! Star Wars blankets. Thanks, guys,” Eric said calmly and appreciatively. “Very nice. But did you really have to go Mom’s route and put rocks in it?”
“The blankets are wrapped in something,” Y/n said, smiling.
His eyebrows knit together as unfolded the blankets. Under the blankets, was a brand new gaming console: The Atari 2600. “Oh, my God!” he shouted. “I can’t believe you bought this for me! How did you know that I wanted it?!”
“Call it twin telepathy,” Y/n responded, laughing. “Also, you may have only mentioned it a thousand times.”
“Thank you, guys, this gift is really awesome,” Eric said as Fez ‘oohed’ the gift.
“Here, I got you something too,” Eric said and reached behind the couple to their gift. “It’s for the both of you.”
It was a small, light box. “Is it a book? Feels like a book,” Y/n said as she ripped the paper open. Inside was a book and another small gift wrapped. “What To Expect When You’re Expecting,” Y/n read aloud.
“Yeah, I heard a lot of expecting parents like to read this sort of stuff to prepare for their babies,” Eric said.
“Oh, well that’s very thoughtful. Thank you, Eric,” Y/n said and set the book down. “Very helpful.” She turned to the wrapped gifts and ripped it open. When she saw what the gift was, her eyes teared up.
“What? What is it?” Kitty asked.
Y/n sniffed and held up two small, baby T-shirts that read My uncle loves me more than Star Wars! And that says a lot. Beneath it was the face of Darth Vader.
“Oh, Eric,” Kitty said softly, tears welling up in her eyes as well. “That is so sweet.”
“I hope you like it,” Eric said. “I saw it at the store and thought it was cute for them and—” He didn’t get to finish before Y/n threw her arms around his neck.
“I love it,” she whispered. “This is the best gift you could give me.”
“Oh, well, if I knew you’d be that easy to shop for, I would’ve stuck to T-shirts a long time ago.” He patted her back as she pulled away from him.
“Thank you,” she said. “It’ll look perfect on the babies.”
He smiled gently. “Good.”
As Y/n resumed her seat next to Hyde, Eric looked to Red who was giving him a softened look.
“Good job, son.”
Eric nodded towards him. “Thanks, Dad.”
“Alright, is that everyone?” Kitty asked, wiping her eyes. “Let’s all clean up and get changed and get the ham started!”
As everyone started to clean up, Eric brought Hyde and Y/n to the side.
“You think I forgot about you, my friend?” he asked Hyde. “I have your gift downstairs in your old room. It’s from our good friend, Mary Jane.”
Steven laughed. “Hell yeah, man! We’ll do circle time later!”
Eric gave him a lopsided smile and turned to return to everyone else.
Later that night, after dinner was over, Fez, Eric, Hyde, and Elena sat around circle time. Y/n leaned back as to not inhale any of the smoke.
“Best Christmas present ever,” Hyde said with a lazy grin on his face.
“Yeah,” Fez said with a dopey grin. “Whoever you got this from, Eric, knows his stuff.”
Eric laughed. “It’s Leo, man!”
“Why am I not surprised?” Y/n chuckled.
“Hey, what time is it?” Eric asked and looked at his brand-new Star Wars watch. “Oh, shoot, we still need to go to Donna’s.”
“Alright, I’ll get our coats,” Fez said and trotted up the stairs with Eric.
Steven got up to join them, but Y/n stopped him. “Hang on, I got something for you.”
“You already got me something,” he chuckled.
“No, I got you something else.” She reached into the shower and came out with a small box in hand. “Here.”
He wrapped his fingers around the box and opened it. Inside was a white, ceramic mug. When he pulled it out, bold letters were imprinted on it: Worlds Greatest Dad.
“I saw it and thought of you,” Y/n said. “I thought you could bring it to work. I hope you like it.”
Hyde didn’t respond, which made Y/n nervous, but that soon melted away when he wrapped his hands around her face and his mouth met hers. “I love it.”
She smiled into the kiss. “Good. ‘Cause I love you."
“I love you,” he whispered and pecked her lips once more.
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Hyde,” she said lovingly.
The corner of his mouth lifted in an endearing smile. “Merry Christmas, Mrs. Hyde.”
Tags: @not-shy-nanya @taysirene @05-feet-off-the-table-06 @mdittyz123 @undead-sierra @random-thoughts-003 @lieswithoutfairytales @xxivy-32 @chloem4a1 @srhxpc
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queengalaxia69 · 9 months
Jackie/Hyde and Eric/Donna!
Hello! Here of my thoughts on Jackie/Hyde and Eric/Donna separately. Also, if all of you have different answers to this post. I'm more than happy when you share your thoughts in this post or direct message me! :))
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Hyde. He can be sappy when they are alone.
Gets jealous the most: It's still debatable since they are so jealous when Hyde walks in and sees Jackie comfort Kelso. Jackie snapped furiously at the girls when they approached Hyde when they dated. I would say Jackie is the romantic jealousy type and Hyde is a rational and reactive jealousy type.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Jackie
Takes care of on sick days: both but mostly Hyde.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Jackie
Gives unprompted massages: Jackie
Drives/rides shotgun: Hyde drives and Jackie rides shotgun as his map navigates (and tries to change the music.)
Brings the other lunch at work: Jackie
Has better parental relationship: Umm, both of them had fucked up parents but I would say Hyde had better parental relationships with Formans.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Jackie
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Hyde, I would not change my mind about this.
Still cries watching Titanic: Jackie
Firmly believes in couples costumes: JACKIE
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Jackie
Makes the other eat breakfast: Hyde
Remembers anniversaries: Oooh rough one, I would say both.
Brings up having kids: Jackie
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Eric
Gets jealous the most: i do think they are jealous too but Eric is most one.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Donna
Takes care of on sick days: Donna
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Donna
Gives unprompted messages: Eric, he had magic fingers. 😹
Drives/rides shotgun: Most typically, Eric since he would pouty if he didn't drive.
Bring the other lunch at work: To be honest, related to cooking the food is hard to tell. Since Donna is a feminist and Eric is mommy's boy, Donna did bring the food for Eric once when Eric was so spoiled brat when he had a work night hour. Either way, they would bring the other lunch at work.
Has better parental relationship: Eric had a better parental relationship with his mother, of course. Donna does have a good parental relationship with her father and mother too even though they do have rocky relationships. I think both of them have better parental relationships.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Eric. Star Wars gives me trauma for life.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Eric
Still cries watching Titanic: Somehow, Eric.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Eric
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Perhaps, Donna.
Makes the other eat breakfast: Again, related food. They are a decent cook. I kinda feel like Eric would make the others eat breakfast.
Remembers anniversaries: Donna since Eric had a signature of dumbass.
Brings up having kids: Eric
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thestupidhelmet · 1 year
Do you known where I could find all those random clips from the show where the characters stage themselves and it turns into a random famous art piece? I always thought that was so fun that the show did that but I can’t seem to find it on google😭
*The Last Supper* is in "Streaking" (1x03).
The Christmas painting is in "An Eric Forman Christmas" (4x12).
And a Thanksgiving one is in an episode of Season 8.
If the show has more, please feel free to reply. These are the ones I remember off the top of my head. 😃
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NEW Chapter of Christmas with the Formans
CHAPTER TITLE: Making the Paper
Story Summary: Tired of the hustle and bustle of the holidays and now that all of the kids are grown and doing their own thing for the holidays, Red Forman convinces his wife, Kitty, that they should book a cruise to beat the yuletide blues and just skip Christmas. However, the idea doesn't go over well with their friends, neighbors, and the misfits that populate their basement.
Chapter Summary: With two days left till their cruise, Red and Kitty wake up to another Christmas surprise.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27705314/chapters/129858568
Sneak Peek: .
"We made the paper?” All sleep and confusion somehow magically disappeared and the excitement of the news seemed to wake Kitty up instantly. She took the paper out of Red’s hands, not that he put up much of a fight, “Oh, this is so exciting! What did we make it for? Oh! I can cut it out and save it in our scrapbook. Where is it?”
This wasn’t going to be something she was going to want to save for any scrapbook, Red already knew but figured he’d say nothing and let her see for herself. He pointed his finger down at the article to help her eyes that searched the over the paper.
“Where?” she squinted her eyes and then pulled the newspaper closer towards her only to pull it back a few moments later.
Red rolled his eyes at his wife’s behavior, but because he knew she’d never get a set of her own he handed her his own reading glasses. She frowned back at him but reluctantly took them and put them on.
“Well, I still don’t see anything even with these things on. Which means I don’t need them,” said Kitty as she continued to search the open paper with Red’s glasses. “All I see is an article about the mayor, weather forecast and skipping Christmas…Oh no!”
She stared back at him with wide eyes that looked even bigger behind the lenses of the borrowed glasses.
“Oh, yes,” Red nodded grimly.
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70s-show-diary · 11 days
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I wrote a one-shot alternative ending for my story Liminal Space!
Title: The Butterfly Effect (read it on AO3 or FF.net)
Summary: When Jackie and Hyde kissed on Veteran’s Day, a butterfly flapped its wings, creating an inevitable gust of wind that hit months later when Jackie and Hyde spent a summer alone in the Forman basement. But if the wind was inevitable, what if it hit sooner than that, on Christmas, just a handful of weeks after their kiss on Veteran’s Day? (A one-shot alternative ending to my story Liminal Space.)  (Rating: General Audiences/K+)
The whole purpose of Liminal Space was to adhere to canon to explain the events between Veteran’s Day (in Jackie Bags Hyde, 3x08) and Christmas (in Hyde’s Christmas Rager, 3x09). Because of that, Jackie and Hyde couldn’t end up together in the end. I know this distressed a lot of the story’s readers, so to show my appreciation for everyone who read and reviewed the story, I present you with The Butterfly Effect, an alternative ending to Liminal Space and one where I don’t adhere to canon in order to (spoiler!) give Jackie and Hyde their happy ending!
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thatseventiesbitch · 6 months
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my f a v o r i t e Eric & Donna Moments #55
Eric and Donna still being each other's best friend even when they're broken up is very special to me 🥲
Eric & Donna as Mary and Joseph (The OG "Mom and Dad" 😂)
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tophsazulas · 8 months
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Leia Forman + autumn colors
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JOMP BPC - July 6th - Contemporary
Gayle Forman’s books were my first foray into YA contemporary way back in 2013. I still remember reading If I Stay in one night, and waiting nervously at Christmas to see if I’d get the Just One Day series as a gift - and I did!
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einsteinsugly · 2 months
I love your blog to an insane degree and feel so validated that you're also a Donna/Eric stan! What would you choose as your five favorite episodes from a purely Donna/Eric perspective ---ie even if you're less than thrilled with other aspects of the episode so don't love it overall but think it has the sweetest/best/most entertaining or interesting Donna/Eric scenes.
Thanks! My parents are a lot like Eric and Donna, but with just enough differences to make it, well...not gross. My dad is an Eric/Jackie combo, and my mom is an introverted, artsy Donna. But anywho. :)
Note: None of these are post-season 5, so yeah. :)
1. The First Time (2×16). Donna's vows are just perfect.
2. Misty Mountain Hop (5x12). Donna and Eric get lost (and it's Jackie's fault, btw), and their playfulness ensues.
3. When The Levee Breaks (5×15). They're literally playing house.
4. I Love Cake (2×07).
5. Sleepover (2×08).
Although season 1 Eric and Donna are adorable, most of that season is tainted with Hyde and Donna crap, so yeah. Eww.
Bonus: Here are some good eps that illustrate possible points of disagreement and a bit more of their dynamic, beyond their general season 3 arc.
Baby Fever (3×07), Donna's Story (4×08), Battle of the Sexists (1×04), An Eric Forman Christmas (4×12), and Moon Over Point Place (2×26).
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