shizukais · 2 years
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soleilocverse · 15 days
Scent Test
ASHDKJAH I was looking for something and realized I never posted my fic research of me going to Bath and Body Works and genuinely sniffing every candle they had out so: here are my notes w/ typos and all :) I sorted them roughly (bc on the spot) from Best to NO primarily thinking about what soleil would like but inevitably influenced by my own tastes
scents I found Strong got an * in front, no-gos got an x (increasing number of x's based just how much i was like ❌❌❌❌❌❌ on first impression)
findings: - soleil would like the mellow-er scents over the super strong ones which is fine bc cyrill wouldn't have brought any of those anyway - would go Bonkers over the ones that smell like fresh laundry or the others' creamers or other little day-by-day surrounding scents. - he also likes bake-y and fruit-y scents. and lavender!! i don't really like lavender so it was surprising the first time i sniffed one and brain was like :00000000 he would go for it, and then by the end I was like HE WOULD GO FOR IT - meanwhile he dislikes floral-y or perfume-y scents and strong woods-y or cologne-y scents as they would be triggers for him - and then ofc, the names and scents of candles i wind up using in fic :)
this was. a four page document btw so be aware when you hit read more. at the end of this fic research I personally walked away with a hot cocoa and sugared lemon zest candle btw ^^ i'm ngl the hot cocoa was 80% bc it reminded me of ness
Hi [here is my initial visit ^^ and i said hi to orient myself bc i did Not have a game plan going in]
- the linen and lavender is v mellow but he would LOVE this. It's got like a subtle spiciness and reminds him of dryer sheets
-The bubbly rose is surprisingly sweet, and v mellow. Smells fruitier than champagne toast I think it's the cranberry
But the champagne toast is even More mellow
-the hot cocoa and cream smells good :) the Choco is v up in ur face but not overpowering
-*Merry Cookie
-*Spiced gingerbread smells like merry cookie but w/more spice lol
-*sugared lemon zest is v strong and v sweet and zesty
-*limoncello is somehow More strong and just as good, much more straight up Sugar Candy (Soleil would prefer the sugar zest)
-* the sundrenched linen smells v laundry-y, I think Soleil would like the smell but it's also v strong 
-*Spiced citrus Grove is really strong but it's really nice, I think it would subconsciously remind Soleil of both Cyrill and athena
-crunchy English toffee smells like toffee :) v sweet and not Strong but getting there
-Cinnamon caramel swirl
-straeberry pound cake smells v sweets and if U really inhale u can smell like, a super ripe strawberry that's sat and gotten super juicy, oops Soleil would like that a lot
-peach belline really peach sweet w a hint of zest (the sweet orange ig)
-the white pumpkin smells spicy but has a nice warm tone to it, probs the caramel
-Winter candy apple v sweet and mellow
-the champagne apple and honey is lightly sweet and mellow
-the raspberry mimosa is v sweet
-same w/ midnight blue citrus w/ the mango, v nice and mellow
-the lavender vanilla is v underwhelming so I think Soleil might like it, esp bc like lavender and soothing qualities or so he's heard
-raspberry thumbprint is v There if u know what ur looking for, has a good mix of the two but it's kinda weird bc they're So mixed? Idk
-vanilla bean
-punpkin pecan waffles has a warm effect to it (probs the maple syrup but otherwise is too difficult to parse)
-vanulla bean noel isn't v strong (the lotion is stronger)
The after scent on it is v warm likecaraml scents
-*Crushed candy smells more like candy than the twisted peppermint
-peppermint sugar cookie has a??? Kind of mellow scent to it? Like smth from bath time? It might be the creamy butter??
-tis the season has a v appley kind of scent that mixes well with the spice and it's quite mellow (Soleil would like this one a lot)
-straeberry snowflakes faintly sweet and faintly like, creamy ig (w/ the whipped cream)
-the cinnamon spiced vanilla is not as good as merry cookie but it's not bad (not as in ur face)
-wildberry ube is fruity and sweet but it has a lingering after scent
-laundry day straight up smells like a laundromat Including the like, heat of them but Soleil would Not be familiar with that and would prefer linen and lavender
-iced winter balsam smells v lemony (eucalyptus)at first but then the pine and balsam come in except they kind of linger after that
-winter pear forest smells brightly of pears w/ some woodsy undertones. If u like. Inhale really hard the pear picks up
-cocoa roasted chestnuts is v acceptable but I can't tell what it is lol?
-cedar and suede is v underwhelming so acceptable
-holiday just smells really spicy, so does cinnamon stick
-frosted coconut snowball is nice but hard to parse
-sugared pomegranate smells nice but it's afterscent is kinda :/
-balsam and bergamot inoffensive 
-luminous and a thousand wishes kinda hm. Not enough to like not enough to dislike
-*bright Christmas morning is v fruity sweet and would be nice if it wasn't so strong
-pistachio toasted vanilla has that v nutty lingering scent
-frosted cranberry has an undertone that's kinda strong and not v fruity
-palo Santo and sage is mostly underwhelming but has a lingering scent
-xSpiced apple toddy
-x Birchwood orchard
-x vanilla Birchwood and idek what it's trying to smell like
-The sugared snickerdoodle smells more like wax than anything else? Maybe i got a dud
-Golden Berry Mistletoe is v hard to parse, but it smells like it would be in a bathroom
-christmas cider just smells like Spicy?
-*So does the sweet cinnamon pumpking but that one's super overwhelming
-Falling flurries hard to parse
-mahogany teakwood intense
-idk what winterberry ice is trying to smell like but no
-idk what coffee and whiskey is but I don't like it
-black cherry merlot, also it reminds me of the chiropractor for some reason
-gingham hard to parse and has a strangely like ??? Planty great [idk what this means past me] kind of underscent
-*eucalyptus mint bc too strong (also idt Soleil likes mint), I think eucalyptus spearmint is like the same thing but either way. Same vibes. Also the second didn't mix as well??
-*under the Christmas tree v piney or. Woody ig lol
-eucalyptus snowfall smells like eucalyptus so
-Frozen lake smells too much like Irish spring
-winter smells spicy and woodsy
-xxFlannel smells too much like cologne
-xx same w/ Woodlands tho that has a more woody smell 
-xx mahogany balsam
-xx same for veviter glow
-xxwhite gardenia too perfumey, reminds him of his mom
-xx rose water ivy for same reason
-*xx cactus blossom for same reason
-xx Japanese cherry blossom for the same reason And it was kinda nauseating
*Xx tree farm vvvv woodsy and v strong
-xxxxxx vanilla patchouli was just Nauseating. I also dk what patchouli is tho
-*xxx holy shit the peppermint hot chocolate is So Strong
Xxx idk wtf leather and brandy Actually smells like cause it's neither of those and it's not good
Pt 2 [i went back. not realizing candle day candles were limited time only and wanting to scope some of those out]
-Hot pink cocoa really does smell like ruby chocolate but it's also erring towards too strong
- the caramel frappuchino smells Exactly as advertised, Soleil would love this bc it reminds him of mornings
-i did not like cozy cashmere at first bc it's kinda perfumey but then caught the lavender and vanilla which Soleil would like, even w/ the sandalwood bc the sw is not Too strong
-Brioche French toast is really sweet and the maple syrup is really up there
- bordering on dislike the afternoon rainfall is way too sweet for what it advertised, I think it's the aloe which I always get in my bubble tea lol
-linen sheets is way too strong and cologne like
-*xx leaves is way too strong and spicy, was expecting it so smell clear and crisp or smth
-xx cuddle weather is spicy again, why is everything so fucking spicy
*Xxxxx vanilla birch the birch is So Strong
-* Palo Santo reminds me of just straight rubber
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plague-of-insomnia · 2 months
just saw the new kuro chapter…. sebaciel shippers are gonna lose their minds
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kyouka-supremacy · 8 months
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I'm only now realizing that Gogol so readily, enthusiastically, full of trust holding Dostoyevsky's hands in chapter 95.5 is... A lot, given that, although we don't know what his ability is yet, we DO know that at least in two cases he caused instant dead to people by only touching them. And yet for Gogol to take his hands in his own with no hesitation......
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seedlessmuffins · 3 months
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the modern montreal: a legacy of 125 years of hockey excellence le montréal moderne: un héritage de 125 ans d'excellence au hockey
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randomprose · 10 months
man, tianshan have really gone so far, huh. the old guan shan wouldn't have let he tian corral him around the whole night. drunk or not he would fight to be conscious and would be half way to sober now out of sheer anger and annoyance at he tian. he wouldn't sleep in the closet on top of those new towels and he'd put up such a fight before letting he tian pick him up.
this new guan shan lets he tian wrap him in a towel, sleeps on top of fresh new towels because he's now comfortable enough to impose on he tian. he lets him pick him up and his only protest is of being waken up, clutches at he tian's robe instead of pushing him away, sleeps in his arms knowing he tian won't drop him.
and when he tian slips and he cheng catches guan shan's foot leading to the most humiliating shit to ever happen in his life so far, (whereas the old guan shan would've never let any of that shit happen in the first place and would be pushing, shouting, and cursing at he tian), all guan shan does now is cover his face and cringe in embarrassment as he continues to lay in he tian's arms because what else is there to do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(also, he cheng is still clutching his foot. so.)
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russellius · 4 months
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thinking about uncle G hours
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metabolizemotions · 23 days
The creative choices on the show are as subjective as each of the viewer's interpretations.
I think a lot of why I personally feel deeply uncomfortable n resistant is the asymmetry.
I get the need for variety. The same thing may be expressed differently for different characters. A healing journey will differ from person to person. Each step is also taken on a personalized timeline.
But I can't help but think of the asymmetry of how the show dealt with Mason vs Beckett n even Dixon. They condemned Mason immediately at his worst but dug deep to show the sides of Beckett n Dixon that were still human despite it all.
The trigger shot scene with Beckett felt like 0 to 100 in his reconciliation with Maya. It felt like a 12-step program of which he skipped many steps when it came to Maya. From the get-go, we saw a sexist, incompetent captain who was demeaning to his team n constantly put them under stress n in danger, on top of endangering civilians n even equipment. For months, we saw this middle-aged man in a position of power, take perverse joy in bullying a younger female subordinate to appease his ego. That was workplace harassment. He also took out his unresolved trauma on the people around him, in this case, people he had authority over. Alcoholism was not the sole reason for all his bad behavior. Even if it was, it should not be used to excuse it.
The team, esp Maya, was trapped in this hostile work environment sanctioned by the female chief. This was a more common n insidious manifestation of toxic masculinity, one that was amplified by his position of power, n sometimes even supported by women, when their goals aligned in the power struggle.
Yet the show gave so much more grace n compassion to the bullies than the bullied. The team treated Beckett n Ross with more kindness n respect than they earned, n less kindness n more apathy towards Maya than she deserved.
Then he was given a long, carefully constructed redemption arc, while Mason, a rushed condemnation arc.
It felt like 100 to 0 with Mason. We saw Mason briefly in earlier seasons, mainly thru the eyes of Maya. We missed a lot of the in b/w. We caught him again at his worst. We only saw the side that was full of hate ideology, but not his side that was also human. We knew about his addiction n homelessness. But we didn’t see how as a young abused person w/o positive role models n a support system, he was vulnerable to these hate groups, which he clung to, when offered him just a semblance of belonging or respect. He had not learned to let go of his resentment of their parents n Maya but taught to transfer this unresolved hate to fill a meaning void.
The scene itself b/w Maya n Mason was great. It was an urgent n imperative story to tell. Maya's actions were right n necessary. But in the bigger scheme of things, it felt like a quick tie-up of loose ends, of a once-beloved brother, who came n went abruptly. Despite it being a logical narrative choice to wrap up the nature/nurture discussions of Marina n discovery that Maya's deepest fears about herself manifested in her bro instead. It's heartbreaking n yet disheartening that it was again about queer hate when it came to another main queer character on the show.
It is just jarring to juxtapose Mason with Beckett in 703 then 707. Also juxtaposing his empathy towards Maya with the lack thereof from the others, despite everyone having just been thru 706 n having witnessed Maya's breakdown. So, in a way, I see the actions of these characters as being designed with the goal to emphasize Beckett's empathetic side, in support of his arc.
When looking at a scene with 2 scene partners, what it is really about? Who it is really for? Would the scene be the same if one is replaced?
There are many different takes on this. For me, it was really about Maya, but choosing Beckett as the scene partner made the scene more for him. If it were for Maya, other scene partners would be more meaningful n realistic. Esp those who earned their right for her to be vulnerable with. Maya, who bottled her feelings, let alone spill her deeper emotions, to someone whom she never had a proper conversation with, not to mention a fraught shared history. To add, alone in a small enclosed space, while administering a shot that made her even more vulnerable.
For the realism argument, this was not more realistic to me than having Carina, for a show which took a lot of liberties. It was a choice to design the circumstances to make Carina n the others unavailable n combine 2 scenes together. Carina's also Maya's life partner n best friend. A more realistic choice for Maya to share this devastating heartbreak n grieving process with. It was a big aspect of their marriage. We saw many discussions b/w them yet when it finally came to the conclusion, it was with the least likely person, an almost stranger.
I see the trigger shot as part of Marina's baby journey I wish we get to see them undergoing together. It reminded me of 5b in that Marina's story about their own baby journey - again with someone of a fraught shared history, of a different nature - was more about him n to lead to his own bio family story. Marina's story was messy n got nowhere. And here we r, seasons later, rushing thru it.
It's not that Maya/ Carina or Marina should not have scenes with others. It's that it's usually more about the others even if it's their storyline. Or they r the backdrop for others' drama. They either isolate Marina or suddenly include them or one of them in an in-depth discussion of their private matters with others, usually something we hear about for the first time. I just don't remember something like that happening with other characters. Is it too much to ask to see a married w|w couple, with little screentime, share a meaningful conversation or moment first, also or exclusively? We so rarely see such a rep on TV. The show is not about Marina, but shouldn't their own story reasonably prioritize them?
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kayime · 5 months
he tian sponsors
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he's stuttering 🥴 so cute..
momo more than ready spending his husband wealth 🤑_some good teacher he has
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honeybyte · 9 days
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some goobers in love
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knitmeapainting · 8 months
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I'm back, baby.
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shizukais · 2 years
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Mushishi + Manga Chapters: In the Cage (ch.19)
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soleilocverse · 2 months
Ch 19 Commentary
"Cyrill takes it gently and rubs his thumbs over the two fleshy bumps at the bottom of his palm, not scenting yet."
u have NO IDEA. how much i wanted to call the bottom part of soleil's palm the "ball of his hand" but google was like ? ??? ? ?HUH? that has always been referred to as the "ball of ur hand" in my head so imagine my >> when i was like. wait. is that a thing (thinking it might not be a thing. which it is not dHFSKJDF)
“Have a seat and I’ll let you know in just a sec~”
This line makes me so happy for some reason? Just like, Cyrill's penchant for showing off overriding any thought he might have for it worrying Soleil? Cyrill really Does like showing off and I feel he hasn't had as much of a chance to do so but now that everyone's getting more comfortable w/ each other, he's letting himself do that more. Also i think he's just getting a little pent-up which makes him want to act out more, and part of acting out is being a bit of a show-off.
this for sure relates to him saying he's "scented with a cutie" and immediately wishing he hadn't, bc he doesn't want to overwhelm soleil/make him uncomfortable but it's a lot harder to Not be so loose/flippant when they're getting more comfortable around each other. (i've hopefully left it ambiguous enough as to what soleil Is feeling about that slip. it's not just cyrill's POV, i think soleil is just straight up having unclear feelings about that interaction)
Ray breaks his concentration because he emerges from where he’s been in his office and unlocks the door from the inside first and exits through.
Aaa, it's not like, a Long-term solution bc it's just not possible that someone's going to be home every time + able to get to the door when someone else is coming home but, trying to spare Soleil that panic right after a Fresh reminder of how much the dead bolt upsets him, makes me soft. (tho maybe it's not the Most effective method either since he didn't actually tell soleil he was going to do it. so the two of them each sat there with some brainpower dedicated to waiting for the others to get home. i have more thoughts on this/their relationship/the way they interact (or don't interact) with each other but they r stewing still and not yet words.)
"'Is there anything else I can help with?' He asks and sits up straight when Cyrill turns towards him."
This interaction is pinging me so hard. I think it's that he's p much completely at ease, he's not asking out of anxiety or bc he thinks he Should be helping
And then - "He sits up primly, with his hands in his lap, when he’s done.
'Anything else?' He asks with a tilt of his head and a swish of his tail. He quickly quiets his tail."
i'm ngl i think it would make cyrill slightly insane @ soleil sitting up straight, waiting for direction, and smelling so sweet and pleased. also I am going insane bc genuinely, soleil just wants to be pleasing and liked and to be safe (and those three are currently all bundled together). and i'm thinking about the pyramid of needs now, i think this section gets me so good bc soleil would Also like to be told he's done a good job/Feel like he's done a good job and he has so rarely had the opportunity for either, esp not for smth he actually Enjoys. so his ease and soft eagerness here makes me want to crawl up some walls. I think it's also funny that he then immediately brushes off cyrill's thanks. "Oh, it was nothing." Not to you it wasn't!! And not to him either!!
“Yes.” He forces himself to say even though his throat is tight. “Yes, I—”
Originally, this line was "Yes, I want that." and then he looks down to his lap but then upon reread, brain was like WOAH that's so forward of him idk about all that just yet, even tho he's riding the high of this successful candle making. and then it was a "yes, I—i'd like that" but then it was so succinct/abrupt in terms of the Structure and still slightly too forward but then i realized, like. he's genuinely choked up by emotion anyway. he can force himself to say the first Yes because he wants to make sure cyrill hears his answer (and he's good at forcing out answers, Yes's especially) but the rest of it is all uncharted territory and i was like, ah yeah, ig he just Doesn't say the rest of that and it Does actually work for his chara.
SNEEZES, me realizing cyrill and soleil paralleling each other here-->cyrill saying he Wants wrt doing puzzles/naps etc again, and hoping soleil can hear just how much in his voice. soleil being unable to Say he wants but hoping cyrill can see it in his face. lies down, they r so,,, earnest and dear to me and trying so hard, lies down again
CLIFFHANGER? ahskf idt it's Quite dramatic enough to be called a cliffy but :3 esp compared to my usual tendency to wrap things up softly
this ch was broken off of last bc it was getting too long and while this ch was genuinely a bunch of plot-relevant padding/set up (setting up soleil being able to let someone else watch over ness, esp while he himself is napping. what i just pointed out @ wanting to feel like he's done a good job, another set-up for going out somewhere together) i was also like. i need to pack in the fluff bc we r about to take a trip back to angst town. here comes one of those two (three.....four?) steps back moments in the "healing is not linear" vibe
Ness quickly bustles over to pull down the blanket that hangs over that side of the couch and to lay it over Soleil, uncomfortably using him as a prop and pressing all his weight through one arm straight onto Soleil’s ribs so he can reach it.
Forgot I wanted to talk about this bit bc!! Like, I was just thinking about how bony and heavy and not-body-conscious toddlers can be and like! Ness is getting used to being able to do all of that, like in ch 17 where he throws himself into Soleil's lap in the park (and that doesn't end so well), his default is changing from worrying about pressing on bruises/really Hurting his mother or even considering that to be a possibility which is great! That's absolutely the better scenario in Soleil's eyes, even if it means now he's stressed about a more squirmy, wriggly, energetic Ness (but that stress will lessen over time too ^^ as his default changes from worrying that Ness will be Too Much). And i think ness will also slowly work out these new boundaries look like ^^
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luck-e-charms · 1 year
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genesisgijinka · 1 month
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spirit-of-anime · 1 year
When you’re the weirdo in your crew ~
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Bonus :
But actually they’re just the same ^^’
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