#my opinion is just my pov
metabolizemotions · 23 days
The creative choices on the show are as subjective as each of the viewer's interpretations.
I think a lot of why I personally feel deeply uncomfortable n resistant is the asymmetry.
I get the need for variety. The same thing may be expressed differently for different characters. A healing journey will differ from person to person. Each step is also taken on a personalized timeline.
But I can't help but think of the asymmetry of how the show dealt with Mason vs Beckett n even Dixon. They condemned Mason immediately at his worst but dug deep to show the sides of Beckett n Dixon that were still human despite it all.
The trigger shot scene with Beckett felt like 0 to 100 in his reconciliation with Maya. It felt like a 12-step program of which he skipped many steps when it came to Maya. From the get-go, we saw a sexist, incompetent captain who was demeaning to his team n constantly put them under stress n in danger, on top of endangering civilians n even equipment. For months, we saw this middle-aged man in a position of power, take perverse joy in bullying a younger female subordinate to appease his ego. That was workplace harassment. He also took out his unresolved trauma on the people around him, in this case, people he had authority over. Alcoholism was not the sole reason for all his bad behavior. Even if it was, it should not be used to excuse it.
The team, esp Maya, was trapped in this hostile work environment sanctioned by the female chief. This was a more common n insidious manifestation of toxic masculinity, one that was amplified by his position of power, n sometimes even supported by women, when their goals aligned in the power struggle.
Yet the show gave so much more grace n compassion to the bullies than the bullied. The team treated Beckett n Ross with more kindness n respect than they earned, n less kindness n more apathy towards Maya than she deserved.
Then he was given a long, carefully constructed redemption arc, while Mason, a rushed condemnation arc.
It felt like 100 to 0 with Mason. We saw Mason briefly in earlier seasons, mainly thru the eyes of Maya. We missed a lot of the in b/w. We caught him again at his worst. We only saw the side that was full of hate ideology, but not his side that was also human. We knew about his addiction n homelessness. But we didn’t see how as a young abused person w/o positive role models n a support system, he was vulnerable to these hate groups, which he clung to, when offered him just a semblance of belonging or respect. He had not learned to let go of his resentment of their parents n Maya but taught to transfer this unresolved hate to fill a meaning void.
The scene itself b/w Maya n Mason was great. It was an urgent n imperative story to tell. Maya's actions were right n necessary. But in the bigger scheme of things, it felt like a quick tie-up of loose ends, of a once-beloved brother, who came n went abruptly. Despite it being a logical narrative choice to wrap up the nature/nurture discussions of Marina n discovery that Maya's deepest fears about herself manifested in her bro instead. It's heartbreaking n yet disheartening that it was again about queer hate when it came to another main queer character on the show.
It is just jarring to juxtapose Mason with Beckett in 703 then 707. Also juxtaposing his empathy towards Maya with the lack thereof from the others, despite everyone having just been thru 706 n having witnessed Maya's breakdown. So, in a way, I see the actions of these characters as being designed with the goal to emphasize Beckett's empathetic side, in support of his arc.
When looking at a scene with 2 scene partners, what it is really about? Who it is really for? Would the scene be the same if one is replaced?
There are many different takes on this. For me, it was really about Maya, but choosing Beckett as the scene partner made the scene more for him. If it were for Maya, other scene partners would be more meaningful n realistic. Esp those who earned their right for her to be vulnerable with. Maya, who bottled her feelings, let alone spill her deeper emotions, to someone whom she never had a proper conversation with, not to mention a fraught shared history. To add, alone in a small enclosed space, while administering a shot that made her even more vulnerable.
For the realism argument, this was not more realistic to me than having Carina, for a show which took a lot of liberties. It was a choice to design the circumstances to make Carina n the others unavailable n combine 2 scenes together. Carina's also Maya's life partner n best friend. A more realistic choice for Maya to share this devastating heartbreak n grieving process with. It was a big aspect of their marriage. We saw many discussions b/w them yet when it finally came to the conclusion, it was with the least likely person, an almost stranger.
I see the trigger shot as part of Marina's baby journey I wish we get to see them undergoing together. It reminded me of 5b in that Marina's story about their own baby journey - again with someone of a fraught shared history, of a different nature - was more about him n to lead to his own bio family story. Marina's story was messy n got nowhere. And here we r, seasons later, rushing thru it.
It's not that Maya/ Carina or Marina should not have scenes with others. It's that it's usually more about the others even if it's their storyline. Or they r the backdrop for others' drama. They either isolate Marina or suddenly include them or one of them in an in-depth discussion of their private matters with others, usually something we hear about for the first time. I just don't remember something like that happening with other characters. Is it too much to ask to see a married w|w couple, with little screentime, share a meaningful conversation or moment first, also or exclusively? We so rarely see such a rep on TV. The show is not about Marina, but shouldn't their own story reasonably prioritize them?
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rainofthetwilight · 6 months
what people dont understand is that the way arin is special is bc he's. just a guy. just a kid who's a ninja fan, that somehow managed to learn spinjitzu entirely by himself. no official training, no nothing bro, just watching his idols do their things and he just. copies them. and he somehow succeeded. he doesn't need any powers, he doesn't need to be a reincarnation of the fsm, he's special just like that
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wenellyb · 2 months
I have nothing against Buddie, quite the opposite, I think it's a very cute ship but in the show, I see them as platonic.
Anyone who follows my blog knows that I love to make parallels between shows and Buck and Eddie make think of Will and Gunnar in Nashville.
They're best friends, share an incredible bond and at one point they even raised a kid together (with Avery). They have shared so many scenes that could be seen as ambiguous but they're not, because that's how best friends act. Because are you even best friends you've never had someone assume you and your best friend were dating?
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But they're not dating, they have the strongest bond and have always been there for eachother, but their relationship has never been romantic.
That's how I see Buck and Eddie's relationship.
The reason I'm saying this is because I feel like Buck would have went for it if he had wanted to be with Eddie. He would have been more obvious.
He didn't have any problem doing it when he was interested in other men. He might have done it in a clumsy way or acted like didn't know exactly how to proceed but he "went for it" anyway...
Exhibit A: Buck was hitting on TK in the 9-1-1/9-1-1 Lone Star crossover. Buck didn't say "we should meet up" or "catch up", he said "we should get together". And he didnt say it to the whole group. He waited for a moment when they were both alone.
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That's why TK thought Buck was hitting on him, because he was.
Same with Tommy. Buck was flirting with Tommy way before their moment in the kitchen.
Exhibit B: Buck admitted that he asked Tommy for a tour because he wanted to get to know him, he even asked Tommy out, after the tour. He didn't say "we should grab a beer" or "do you want to go out for drinks", he said "you should let me buy you a beer". That man was trying to get a date.
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And then in Buck's kitchen, when Tommy still wouldn't get it, Buck told him point blank that he was trying to get his attention.
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I really think Buck knows what he wants even if he's a little confused about how to get there. And I never really felt like he wanted to go there with Eddie. Buck and Eddie are each other's person but it doesn't always have to be romantic.
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camelspit · 3 months
the current debates on sokeefe/sophitz and alden rn are so funny i feel like i was forcefully put in a time machine and blasted to a few years ago
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moonshynecybin · 2 months
wanna have thoughts about Sepang pre-season testing 2015 and how that photo of the two of them wearing swim trunks happened and what else might have taken place that day/week
prompt 4! because it is my brand i must say that cal crutchlow was also there in real life for the rosquez beach date and we must never forget this. he isnt in this story but please hold that in your mind okay thank you. anyways this story is about considering what it would be like to interrogate your very sexy coworker's control issues while you are slightly sauced and neither one of you are wearing shirts. so it goes.
Vale takes a sip of his drink and looks over at Marc, sprawled out on the lounger next to him, limbs loose and easy in the glow of the sun. His swim trunks are riding up, exposing the pale, tender skin on the inside of his thighs. He's already looking at Vale.
Of course he is.
"So, you don’t like the beach?" Vale asks, to try and get his mind of something else. Marc is— Marc is competition. He shouldn't.
Marc hums. "I don’t like being in the water, it’s different."
Interesting. That's not what Vale expected.
"Why? You can swim." He's seen him in the pool earlier, hollering with his brother and dunking him under the water. Shiny and wet under the Malaysian sun.
Marc shrugs, unbothered, and Vale spends some time with the movement of his shoulders, the cut of his muscles. It's fine. Marc wont be able to see his where his eyes are lingering, anyways. Vale is wearing sunglasses. It's harmless.
"I don’t know what’s in there— I always think there’s a shark or something that's going to eat me." Marc's nose scrunches as he talks, and he looks like he's about to laugh.
"You drive motorcycles for a living," Vale replies, voice light. It seems ludicrous that Marc would be scared of something like a shark attack, with what they both do for a living. With what Marc does in particular.
Marc flicks up his sunglasses to squint at Vale, smile still huge on his face. "So do you, are you saying you aren’t scared of anything?"
"I’m not." Vale answers with a straight face.
Marc laughs. It's easy to make him laugh. "I see!"
Vale nods. "No, I’m very brave."
Marc's still laughing, strong forearm thrown over his stomach now.
Vale really shouldn't.
"But you," Vale sits up, faces towards Marc. He’s a little drunk, Vale thinks. A little pink from the sun, still pale from the winter. “You are very brave.”
"Thank you," Marc takes a long sip from his drink, lips wrapped around his straw. Jesus.
Vale shakes his head. It’s not quite a compliment. “No no no no— you take risks. Not like a normal one of us.” He flips his shades down and slumps back. Looking at Marc is maybe too much right now. “And you are scared of the ocean.”
"I don’t like flying either."
Vale blinks. "What?"
Marc shrugs, the corners of his mouth digging impishly into his cheeks. He blinks lazily, and stretches a bit. Keeps his eyes steadfastly on Vale.
"It’s all… out of my control. On the bike I can ride. I know my lines, I know when to brake, how far to lean. It’s up to me. In the sky? The ocean? It’s up to other people. It’s up to God." He shakes his head. "There's too much chance.”
Vale chews on the the inside of his cheek, turns the idea of that over in his head. "Isn’t the chance fun?" He asks. It is to him.
"No." Marc answers.
"Hm." They stay there for a second, listening to the distant crash of waves. To the unknown quantity that is the sea. Vale thinks about it. Thinks about what it means to be surprised. To lose control. To feel like he doesn't know what's going to happen next. About how Marc makes him feel like that all the time.
He really shouldn't.
"Do you want to get out of here?"
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guckies · 4 months
Qsmpblr is just as bad as qsmptwt in getting information wrong, being biased to their main and only watching one pov, which makes any analysis or criticism posts just plain bad because they don’t understand anything about the characters they are criticising.
Do your research into the character and watch the content instead of reading the wiki and calling it a day.
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crownedwille · 2 months
I've come to the conclusion that loving young royals doesn't mean I can't be critical about it, maybe especially bc I love the show so much I have such strong feelings about it, good and bad and I can love parts of canon and agree with it and appreciate it but I don't have to love it all. I have accepted that it's okay if I don't accept the ending and I don't have to force myself to support it. It's okay to not agree with all of canon and it's okay to not side with all of the creators' intentions/views. Loving a show doesn't mean you have to take everything the writers say on face value and that's the only version that is allowed to exist. Canon isn't everything and fandom is about curating your own experience that makes you happy and not miserable. You don't have to dismiss canon in every aspect and ignore it entirely, that's certainly not what I want but there is a fine line between being canon respectful, allowing some parts to exist and sometimes, yes, you just have to say "fuck canon" and move on for your own sanity and wellbeing
#especically in the first two weeks of a new release everyone is feelings lots of intense emotions ranging from ecstatic to angry#everything in between is a part of it and i know i'm also feeling very strongly about it right now#i always try to stay levelheaded and rational and see things from an objective pov and be diplomatic about discourse#i don't want any of what i say drift off too much into meaningless hate instead of the constructive criticism it's supposed to be#but when you feel so strongly about something and sometimes you really just wanna say yeah i fucking hate it lol#but i always try to explain why and give understandable arguments and not just blindly hate on something#for example - I'm aware there are fans who have some problems with s2 and don't love the season whereas i do and it's my fave#and there is a difference between expressing some criticism and justified concerns which you can understand where it comes from#and those who are just like 'oh it's a horrible season. it was so shitty and we should get rid of it' which is dumb hate and just not true#and i can't support people like that and take them seriously#i can have my own issues with s3 from a subjective pov which can also include some justified criticism as well#but also still acknowledge it as a truly good piece of tv media and the quality is top notch#and that's why you have such high expectations and have critique because it is so good and sets such a high standard#yrtalk#with that being said i understand ppl not wanting to see any critic about it if they are riding the high of happy wilmon endgame#but that doesn't mean that i can't express my own opinions on my own blog and i will continue to do so#and maybe one day i will feel differently and accept or even like the ending who knows#but it doesn't have to happen. it's fine if it does but it's also fine if it doesn't
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basilbots · 1 year
Silly Celestials Shorts - A Gift
A oneshot focused on Eclipse and an interaction with Bloodmoon back when his vampire-ness was new, and all his relationships were still pretty strained. Despite the AU name this short isn’t so silly oops | Words 1047
“Sun Man.” An all too familiar voice called out in sing song.
Eclipse scowled, stopping his pacing to direct his attention towards the doorway. His remark about the inaccurate nickname was cut short as his orange eyes locked with the others, only a single star staring back at him. Their left eye was dark and empty.
“Where’s your other half?” Eclipse scoffed, glancing around in an attempt to catch sight of their twin.
Bloodmoon- Harvest shrugged nonchalantly, “Having fun with Father.”
That was strange… Strange indeed. Rarely did Bloodmoon split up and rarer were they apart. His casing prickled with suspicion and Eclipse had to focus to prevent his damn rays from giving away his wariness. If it was the other twin at least Eclipse would have been able to expect the typical insults and aggression that would likely turn into a fight. But Harvest? They were more clever, unpredictable, and twisted than their other half.
“What do you want?” Eclipse snapped, voice roughened into a snarl.
“Just to talk! I’m not here to mock,” Harvest held their hands halfheartedly up in surrender.��
Unwillingly memories of some of their “talks” from when Eclipse was trapped in Bloodmoon’s head came to his mind. Cheerful questions and a one sided conversation as painful shocks overwhelmed his senses. Times where there was a lack of any vitriol that fueled everyone else’s attacks on Eclipse, including their other half. It made it almost worse, somehow. 
“There’s nothing we have to talk about,” Eclipse lied, averting his gaze. 
Harvest cackled, their impish tail curling up in delight “Oh nothing? Nothing at all? No shared hunger between us because the great Eclipse is above such things?”
He clenched his fists and tried to ignore the incessant aching, the unnatural hollowness that begged to be satisfied by one thing and one thing only- Eclipse shuddered, forcing himself to focus again on Harvest. They watched him patiently, a stupid smirk on their face. The urge to claw it off was strong. 
“Get to the point, Harvest,” He said, clasping his twitching claws behind his back. 
Harvest hummed and sauntered up to Eclipse. If they noticed Eclipse having to restrain his violent intentions they didn’t care. He leaned away as Harvest got up into his space, glaring down at them. Their short stature almost made Eclipse forget they were a threat. Almost.
“We’ve obviously taken notice of your little… predicament,” The last word was infused with amusement. “So, my brother and I have graciously decided to let you borrow from our blood supply.”
Eclipse stared, dumbfounded “What?”
Harvest flapped a hand dismissively, “We know you’ve already stolen from it before. We just don’t mind if you take more. No need to be a shifty little thief about it, worrying about being caught.”
The suspicion returned full force as Eclipse hissed, “Is this some sort of dumb trick? Or a way to get something out of me disguised as a gift?”
Bloodmoon hated him. When they learned their glitched bloodlust had been transferred to Eclipse a week earlier they laughed. Told him this was karma and that they were happy Eclipse got to suffer as they do. They didn’t care about him before and certainly hadn’t shown him any sympathy now.
Harvest tsked disapprovingly, “We knew you’d be ungrateful even when faced with our generous offer! It’s why my twin chose to be off with Father. Temper and all.” They crossed their arms, “It’s not a trick nor a trade Sun Man. Is us being nice too much for you to understand?”
“When it’s you? Yes,” Eclipse scoffed. “I thought you found my pain hilarious. Why the change of heart?”
“Oh, it would be delightful to see you driven mad with feral bloodlust,” Harvest grinned at him sharply and Eclipse’s mind screamed danger. “However, we can't let that happen.”
Eclipse resisted the urge to step away, putting on a sneer instead, “Why not?”
“Because Father cares about you. Can’t imagine why,” Harvest rolled their eyes, disdain leaking into their tone.
Eclipse didn’t think the mad mistake of an AI from an already fucked up animatronic could be talking, and the look he shot them said so. The hint of jealousy was interesting though. If he was hearing it from this half the other must feel the same twice as strongly. The fact they cared so much about how Killcode felt was surprising. Maybe Eclipse could use that- 
A sharp pain in his hand caused him to recoil with a hiss, Harvest’s tail having flicked him like a whip, “Don’t plot! I can see it on your stupid sun face!”
“I’m not!” He snapped back, trying and failing to not sound like a scolded child. “I get it this is for Killcode not me-“
The confirmation that Bloodmoon wasn’t doing this out of any concern for him, even if Eclipse would have doubted it anyway, made him feel more hollow than usual. Eclipse convinced himself it was just the hunger getting to him. He ignored it and leaned into his anger instead.
“Whatever. Is that all you wanted to say?” Eclipse said, internally hoping this encounter would just end.
Harvest unfortunately found his impatience amusing, “What no thank you?”
Eclipse didn’t really want to do it. Didn’t want to get into another fight. But, lacking any damn self-control, he lunged and swiped his claws at Harvest’s face. 
They jumped back with ease before they could be struck and cackled, “Lucky you that Bloody isn’t here too! Can’t leave him out of the fun, can we? Goodnight Eclipse, and have a good dinner too!”
Harvest spun around abruptly and left Eclipse to his own devices. He snarled, staring at the doorway for a few moments to be sure they were gone. When he was satisfied he glared down at the hand that swiped at Harvest accusingly. Eclipse hated this he hated it.
Growling to himself he sat down on his cot and buried his faceplate in his hands with a small thunk. Whatever. Eclipse wasn’t going to scurry off and immediately take some of Bloodmoon’s supplies. He wasn’t desperate for their help! Eclipse could last one more night on his own. He curled up on his cot and ignored the twisted feeling in his gut. Just one night.
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bookofmac · 1 year
if everyone keeps going 'why arent they more gay?' about class of '07 i'm going to explode.
the show is set in 2017, the year that marriage equality was publicly debated and then eventually voted in it and it was a ROUGH year.
also, they went to CATHOLIC SCHOOL!!! I might just be speaking for myself here, but I wouldnt be getting into a relationship with any of the girls I went to school with if i was stuck on the campus with them, like a non zero amount of the student leadership were young libs (australian conservative party's youth branch).
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads
Wren Martin Ruins It All
YA contemporary romcom
student council president proposes to cut the school valentine’s dance because it's expensive and alienating for queer/single people, but instead the vice president (who he adamantly hates for being perfect) suggests they get sponsored by a popular friendship app
he decides to secretly give the app a go to “know his enemy” but ends up making a friend, and starts to catch feelings for him...and maybe realises the guy he hates isn't actually so bad either...
ace mlm MC, aro-questioning side character
I loved this so much! great MC with a funny internal monologue
despite the title most issues or misunderstanding are sorted out pretty quickly rather than drawn out for the drama and plot. which is refreshing
I was a little nervous about the concept of ‘ace hates the school dance and wants it shut down’ - there's a bit of a stereotype of aspecs being boring Fun Haters - but I think it did a really good job of showing the specifics of why, not dragging it out, and also that he’s just a snarky fun hater in general with not much weight behind it.
There’s also no discovering of sexuality or big coming out (just one-on-one) - he already knows he’s ace, and it comes up naturally a bunch, talking about how dances etc can feel isolating, the way the friendship app called buddy being called ace-friendly can feel infantilizing, avoiding dating because of the stress of having to check upfront if people about it, etc.
I would have liked to know more about his relationship with his mum? Though I understand that it’s clearly something he avoids thinking about - going too deep into his relationship with his parents might have changed the tone a lot. but still.
ARC from netgalley thanks netgalley
#wren martin ruins it all#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#asexual books#ngl as soon as i was like oh this boy is elliot schafer coded i was a lost cause#(re aro character - I have noticed a bit of a trend of “maybe aromantic but I don’t like labels” in YA#contemporary recently that I don’t love - but it’s not an inherent issue with this book)#I’ve read a lot of YA contemporary books where the portrayal of social media and made up apps doesn’t feel right; but this one did to me!#maybe it’s because it’s from the POV of someone’s who’s cynical about it.#(and types no punctuation no capitalisation…I could see my online-communication style reflected back at me…)#Even the confrontation at the end where feelings are confessed isn’t made into some big dramatic thing in front of everyone with no#communication. But it also doesn’t feel emotionally anticlimactic.#(maybe a couple of the reveals in the confession felt unnecessarily dramatic to me? like the story would have functioned without them. )#but it's common for comtemporary ya to overdramatise silly things for the plot and im glad this didn't#possibly this is just my adult opinion about teen narratives.#The adult characters (even though they’re mostly background) feel like real people.#and it has some good friendships. also he has chickens and they are very good#it did become increasingly obvious that it was the same ppl but also they’re emotionally stupid. and like….it's part of the genre.#we all know this going in.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Dream of the Endless - A Romantic Fool
After talking to @so-i-grudgingly-joined-this-site @duckland and @notallsandmen over on this post I have been thinking about the reasons why I personally interpret Dream as a romantic and think that later Sandman stories have made a mistake claiming that romance and erotic fiction are all the work of Desire alone and not the actual Prince of Stories (and thank GOD Neil Gaiman confirmed those Sandman stories were not canon eh?)
Under the cut because as always it got long. Why I think Dream of the Endless is an old fashioned romantic with a soft spot for love stories.
I mentioned in the linked post that I don’t see how Dream and Desire can keep themselves completely separated when their realms blur so much and when they are canonically probably the two most similar of the Endless even above Desire and Despair (which I think is the reason they clash so much).  It’s also worth mentioning that when it comes to influences over mortals, I don’t think any particular Endless sibling has more of a sway than any other, they all influence us all the time such is their nature and I think it would be very difficult to claim only one Endless was totally responsible for certain things. This is the reason why they like to compete and play games with each other like they did in Three Septembers and a January with the Emperor of the United States (side note: this is one of my all time favourite comic issues and my absolute favourite of the stand alone stories).
So even if Desire does have influence over the romance genre and erotica, I don’t think that would make Dream particularly averse to them, because he is also very much responsible for love stories and stories about love and seems to have inspired more than his own fair share over time.
Starting with the obvious - he was Shakespeare’s patron. No matter what else you say about Dream, he is responsible for inspiring and effectively being the muse for the greatest playwrite who ever lived. Shakespeare’s repertoire includes a whole list of plays with romance and love at their hearts not least of all being:
A Midsummer Nights Dream
What is the one thing you remember most about AMND? The fairies yes? Titania, Puck, Oberon, etc. But the central theme and story of AMND is specifically about love. It is a very sweet story about four mortals who are caught in a love “square” and get lost in a magical forest where the fairies decide to get involved and fix their love problems (with some confusing mess ups in between) and at the same time, it is a story about how the King and Queen of Fairie are having a bit of a falling out and the King decides to play some tricks on his stubborn wife, before ultimately reconcilling with her. The play ends with a triple wedding.
In the Sandman issue A Midsummer Nights Dream. It is revealled that Dream commissioned this play from Shakespeare to be a retelling of events which happened long ago, as a gift from him to Titania and Oberon so that mortals may never forget the fae once they leave the realm of Earth forever. It is also revealled that Dream and Titania were once lovers themselves, though we have no other details about when this was, as Titania refuses to talk about it at The Wake. It is clear however that they are still on extremely good terms, care for each other deeply, and had a very close relationship even after they were lovers before the fae left Earth. Throughout the comics, whenever the fae are mentioned, it is clear that Dream is closer to them than any of the other Gods, Goddesses, or various pantheons we meet. Even though at one point he states that he does not trust fairie magic.
At the end of the day, whatever else you want to believe about Dream, Titania is the only lover of his that he remains on good terms with. So much so that even though she clearly has a husband, he is still gifting her love stories. There is an argument here that AMND is quite mocking towards Titania, who falls in love with a man with the head of an ass, and spends most of the play having sex with him and swooning over him whilst the other fairies look on in horror. I know some people have interpreted this as Dream being mocking and cruel towards her, but I didn’t get this impression at all from reading this issue. Titania appears to be delighted at the play and Dream explains clearly his reasons for commissioning it:
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The short version is that Dream commissioned a romantic and magical love story for his ex lover, so that the mortal world would never forget her when she left Earth for good.
Pretty romantic in my opinion.
The Tempest
Keeping to the Shakespeare theme, the other play commissioned directly by Dream is The Tempest. Now, there is probably a whole other meta essay to be written about Dream’s reasons for commissioning the Tempest, not least of all how fitting Prospero’s final monologue is when viewing it as a closing statement on Dream’s own endgame. But this is a meta about romance, and Dream couldn’t even keep romance out of his self-insert human!au original fiction. Like AMND, The Tempest is also a comedy (interesting how both plays commissioned by Dream were comedies when he is so clearly living in a tragedy *sigh*) and like AMND The Tempest includes young lovers who fall in love throughout the course of the play. Whilst romance and love isn’t a central theme in The Tempest, it is still a big part of the story.
I just find it impossible to take a view that Dream would shun romance when he personally commissioned two romantic stories from Shakespeare himself.
The Sandman: Overture - Dream’s Personal Love Story
But this isn’t the only evidence of Dream’s romantic inclinations. The Sandman: Overture also includes some interesting clues to Dream’s views on love stories.
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Hope asks for a story. She does NOT request a love story. She simply asks for a story with Dream, that also includes a princess. Given that Dream is the Prince of Stories, and has most definitely had interactions with many princesses over his long life, he chose to instead tell a personal story, a love story, and so we finally get the full love story of Dream and Alianora.
Even though it must hurt to relive it, even though the Cat of Dreams (not gonna spoil the twist) specifically states that they NEVER tell that story, he chooses to tell it to Hope. Not only does he tell her that story, but he ends it with a happy ending - not “happy for always” but “happy for a goodly while”.
The fact that the Netflix show chose to adapt on this love story further, by having it be canon that Dream carved their love story into the gates of his own kingdom - well, that only further emphasises how much he cares for love stories, even his own, even when the truth is it ended badly, and hurt him greatly. Would a non romantic person carve their own love story into the gates of their kingdom? I don’t think so somehow. Because even after all this time, even though it pains him to relive it, he is still a romantic at heart, and cared about Alianora and their love enough to carve it into the gates of the Dreaming.
A Mother’s Insight
Also in The Sandman: Overture, Dream’s time with his mother is particularly insightful. She is the one to point out how alike he and Desire truly are, even though he dismisses the very concept and takes offense (obviously). It seems clear to me that we are supposed to agree with Mother Night on this. She also raises two other interesting points - the first is when she realises Dream’s scheme to get his parents back together in the hopes that it will save the universe. She laughs at him, and mocks him, calling it “one of his stories”. Because even if Dream isn’t exactly the most self aware of creatures (understatement), she is exactly right. Dream, being a romantic, had hoped that his parents love could save the universe. A true epic love story for the ages. It is his romantic ideations that sent him to meet with his parents. Dream’s romantic nature is integral to the story of Overture working. If he wasn’t such a romantic, he never would have sought out his parents, he would have been more grounded in realism, and known that they would disappoint him.
The second point Mother Night points out, is Dream’s desire for a lover, as she offers to make him one so that he might stay in her realm with her. He declines of course, since Mother is simply manipulating him to keep him with her, but that doesn’t mean what she says isn’t true. Dream very much desires a lover. His whole family is aware of this. His love story with Alianora began with Desire sending Alianora to Dream after all. Dream’s wish for love and also romance is an integral part of his character.
Brief Lives - Motivations and Comparisons
Dream’s romantic ideations are also central to the story in Brief Lives since the only reason he agrees to go to the Waking World with Delirium is because he hopes that he may find and reconcile with Thessaly. His fantasies of reconciling with her are strong enough for Destiny to call him out and bring him once again back down to Earth.
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Knowing what we do about Thessaly, it is very easy to interpret Dream’s feelings about her, and his romantic ideations about reuniting with her, as not rooted in reality. I find it very difficult to view Dream as anything other than a romantic fool when he is taking road trips across Earth on the small chance he may lock eyes with his ex lover across a street and they may fall back into each others arms like in some fluffy romance novel. He is ridiculous, and this is made clear throughout Brief Lives.
In fact, Destruction definitely agrees with me as well. He calls Dream a romantic fool directly.
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Orpheus’s very existence is also a good example of Dream being a romantic. Who else could father a child who becomes famous for his poetry, his songs, and his epic tragic love story. In The Sandman, it is at least implied that part of the reason Orpheus meets his tragic end is because he is too much like his father, and the one thing that is made very clear about Orpheus, is that he is a romantic, with love being one of his main motivations.
I think adding all this together with the comments made about Dream by his own creations, the residents of the Dreaming, as well as his ex lovers at The Wake, it is clear that he is a romantic character, a character who is driven in many ways by his desire for love, and who rather fancies himself as the broody romantic hero (I just KNOW Dream was somehow involved with Lord Byron lmao). Throughout the comic, Dream often denies that he has any needs, any desires, to the extent that he denies that he is even a person, who has a life. He also adamantly denies that he has a story. Yet, throughout the comic, it is made clear that none of this is true. The reason Dream is so often at odds with Desire is because he desires so strongly - moreso than any of the other Endless siblings. It’s because of this that I think he would enjoy the romance genre possibly more than anything else. Romance is a core component of his personality. In comic canon, Dream has been directly or indirectly responsible for the creation of at least five love stories - two Shakespeare plays, the Song of Orpheus, the love story of Dream and Alianora, as well as the story that the African tribe tell their children when they come of age - the love story of Dream and Nada, the tale where their love was so passionate that every living thing that could dream dreamed of their love making.
So whilst the comics never directly state whether or not Dream is a fan of romance novels, his desire for love and romance indicates to me that he holds love stories in high regard, regardless of whether or not his annoying younger sibling has anything to do with them.
Also, not that it really counts for anything, but Tom Sturridge agrees with me. ;-)
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bluerasbunny · 11 months
i'm gonna be completely honest-
i didn't like RUIN. i wish i could say i did, but i just. couldn't understand any of it
the endings are. bewildering- why can you walk into a freddy thing with the mask on and then suddenly get an unexplained cutscene w/ the daycare music what. im so confused?? the elevator scene w/ cassie was awesome, v sick idea but again it just doesn't. make sense to me why did gregory betray her what
honestly none of ruin really. makes sense to me?? like i can't comprehend what's going on and they just don't explain anything- i want to like it, i really do, but it's explained nothing and raised 5000 questions- its another example of FNAF going so sci-fi that a casual enjoyer just can't. grasp what's going on because of the hundreds of book tie-ins that are left unexplained or the insanely complex lore that's so goddamn hard to grasp
daycare segment was awesome though!! but there's. one little downside to it.
i was right, DCA only got 5 minutes of screen time unfortunately. which is hella annoying considering he's such a brilliant character and eclipse had SUCH a good setup to be an ally and then it went nowhere
(also i hate the mimic im sorry but i just cant. comprehend it nor do i like that you have to buy a ton of books just to understand who he is. also i dont get the AR stuff either that was never hinted at in SB what the hell is going on??? why is vanny's mask VR why can we walk through solid objects whats with the headless freddy what happened to glitchtrap who the fuck is the mimic literally NONE of this makes sense?? also why can we TELEPORT now since when was this a sci-fi novel)
OVERALL; loved the daycare segment, really love cassie and eclipse- didn't like the DLC itself and found it really really confusing- it does get bonus points for cool graphics though!! just. really wish it explained things
i do really love eclipse, cassie and ruin roxy though those guys are cool- and the aesthetic of the plex is brilliant alongside the ambience!! it just didn't match up to what i had hoped it'd be
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mostlikelytofangirl · 6 months
What do you think Jin Guangyao needs the most in a romantic partner?
Hi there! Sorry for the late reply ^^;
Honestly? Given canon, I think this little guy needs first and foremost to feel respected by his partner, the assurance that he is seen as an equal despite his background and baggage.
I'll also say that he'd need to trust them, and while trust is a staple of any relationship, in JGY's case, the fact that he is aware of the things he had to do throughout his life, feeling like he is not going to be accepted by his partner would already nulify the first requirement of respect.
Can't feel respected when he is convinced that his partner is going to think less of him, or even stop loving him if they were to know everything about him. So even subconsciously he is working on the assumption that he isn't an equal to his partner if he feels like he cannot share this part of him with them.
So the perfect romantic partner for him, in my opinion, would have to be a person that not only treats him like he isn't either inferior or superior, but that can also show enough open-mindness and... let's call it grayness of morality for him to feel like he is going to be understood if/when he opens up about the less flattering side of him.
Also validation. It's very important that he is told that he is, in fact, a good boy on a regular basis :')
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
-Remembers how T’Pring looked as she watched Spock & Chapel vanish into the bathroom together after seeing them kiss on the bridge (which she knew was for a mission and didn’t hold against them but perhaps she could sense something there since they do have feelings for one another), maybe attempting to calm herself and her suspicions as she’s left alone again (and later finds she’s been left out entirely this whole time) and how she doesn’t know that Spock almost told Chapel he loved her then and there, with T’Pring in the other room waiting, and how Amanda and Sevet both think she could have more confidence in herself and how T’Pring thought that she and Spock were in this together (her holding his hand, subtly letting him know to pour slower so the tea flowers would bloom correctly, a whispered ‘well done’, the ritual is over mother) and how mere hours after she expresses to Spock how she feels: Like he doesn’t trust her, like he doesn’t care to include her in his life, how she’s trying her best to show him that she will accept him wholly, how she wants to be his partner instead of an adversary or an obstacle, after all this he’s found Chapel within the hour and is kissing her.-
#I've seen people say 'it's not technically cheating because-' and once you've hit 'technically' in MY opinion it's pretty much cheating#'taking a break' isn't synonymous with being able to kiss/have sex with other people - that's something that needs to be discussed#in my opinion...BUT ALSO. Even STILL. Not even a goddamn DAY went by.#T'PRING!!!!!! SAVE MY GIRL T'PRING!!!#Can you imagine hearing your fiancee who you ostensibly like tell you (very vulnerably - especially for a Vulcan: I didn't mind this bc I#personally assume that Vulcan partners WOULD discuss and talk through feelings though probably with a different goal than humans)#that she feels hurt that you seem to not want to include her in your life and that she feels you should take a break#and then IMMEDIATELY going to find the girl you have a crush on to tell her that you and your fiancee are taking a break and that you feel#bad about it and then IMMEDIATELY after that you're KISSING her??????#didn't feel TOO bad about it then huh!#Anyway I'm not earnestly like incensed I'm tv angry on T'Pring's behalf - love the drama bc I'm experiencing SNW from a very particular POV#I will only be angry if they make T'Pring into the bad guy somehow (like if the NARRATIVE says this is correct)#also off topic but I personally think star trek has had enough 'Vulcan culture is bad and restrictive' episodes/talking points - Enough.#Find some joy and peace through connection to an alien culture PLEASE.#I get it humans are great humans are so much freer and happier than Vulcans humans rule - Enough.#-turns to camera with a smile- anywaaaay I watched the episode once and I couldn't rewatch it for this post so <3#if any of this is wrong just chalk it up to bad memory <3#snw spoilers#idk how long an ep has to be out for that to apply#also just so everyone knows - I /do/ think it's stupid that Spock forgets how to act Vulcan when he turns fully human#but I also just expected it since star trek writers LOVE bioessentialism#I have NO doubt that if Spock turned Klingon he'd suddenly start talking about honor and being rowdy despite those things being#learned and cultural v_v#I SAY ALL THIS...and I DID like the episode! I'm complicated <3#<- just likes episodes with fun hijinks as their thesis and also T'Pring is there
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green-lights-33 · 1 year
Do you like Severus? I’d love to see him in your style 💚
ur setting me up for failure here bestie. this has been in my drafts for a real long time cause I’m scared but here u go:
just a little disclaimer that i don’t give a flying fuck how anyone chooses to characterize people in their fics or otherwise. (so if you are reading this and you absolutely hate severus, then thats okay. live ur truth💋)
oookayyy. i personally believe that a lot of people are very forgiving towards reg and evan/barty and at the same time really harsh on severus. it’s almost as if in order to like a character they think that they have to be completely redeemable. and the other way around for disliking a character. supporting a flawed character does not make you a bad person. they don’t have to be all sunshine and rainbows for your love of them to be socially acceptable 🙂👍 (let your favs be bitches and let your least favs be sweethearts is essentially what I’m saying)
i think that when he was younger he would have actually been super shy and not such an outward bully. he definitely gave back what james and sirius dished out, but in a more subtle way. he was intelligent and not impulsive. he knew that j and s had the upper hand on him so he overcompensated by provoking them. if he pushed them first, then he was in control. (pretty common defense mechanism for someone with his family situation). i think that he could also be really gentle and kind too, lily was friends with him for a reason yaknow. he only became harsh and cynical as an adult because of what he went through (in his childhood and during the war). honestly, he was going back and forth between the two most dangerous people in the world, that’s bound to fuck you up a bit.
plus, i love it when fics include lily and sev’s friendship. like. guys, platonic heartbreak is the absolute worst thing in the world!! building up the snily friendship and then tearing it apart is such! good!! angst!!! it is not used enough imo. i don’t think they ever dated, and i also don’t think he was ever confident enough to reveal how much he truly loved her. also!! him and reg have such potential as friends/ allies as death eaters. reg turned to the ‘good’ side at the last minute and so did sev. imagine if they had worked together?!? ok wait now i’m getting art ideas.
phew that got long and i cbs reading through it so if there are mistakes, no there are not 👍. did i even answer ur question? yes, i think severus is fine. is he one of my fav characters? no. but i like him the same as i like peter essentially. yes, i want to make fanart with him in it and i will do so in the near future when i finally get time :) the same goes for pete, i’m just itching to make art of him!!!
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soldier-poet-king · 7 months
Made myself mad by hate reading smthn I KNEW would probably upset me and it's just
>:( u dumb bitch u know the trads are like that why did u specifically go read an opinion by a person who u know is going to be shitty about this specific thing
I need to go look at pictures of sunflowers and calm down, since it's TOO DARK AND COLD TO ACTUALLY GO OUTSIDE
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