#Carina showed Maya what love and family was like
maggiesawyer · 27 days
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You're not allowed to touch the beautiful life that I've created, because you would ruin it. I have love that we never knew existed as kids, and I wanted you to have that too, but you don't want it. And I won't risk losing it.
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mayasdeluca · 1 month
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[Maya] didn’t know what love was until she met Carina. Now she knows what love is, and she’s willing to put aside her competitive nature and her flaws to really make sure that love is the focal point and is what really matters in life. - Danielle Savre
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Andy Herrera x DeLuca! sister reader. Carina brings her sister to the firehouse and they both secretly fall for each other. Then one day Andy gets hurt on the job and after she is released from the hospital she goes and confesses her feelings to the reader. After secretly dating for about six months the two are caught kissing by both Maya and Carina who both freak out but are happy for the two. Fluffy and angsty, please?
All you need is love
Summary: Meeting your best friend’s girlfriend’s sister.
Pairing: Andy Herrera x DeLuca!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1494
a/n: can we talk about how underrated Andy is in her own show??
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Looking around the downstairs of the firehouse, Y/N has an impressed look on her face as she nods. “Your girlfriend is the captain of this place?” She peeks into the barn where the firetrucks are located, letting out a small ooh sound.
“Yes.” Carina laughs, her brows raised as she stares at her younger sister. “You like it?”
“Yeah, it’s cool.” She shrugs, trying to seem nonchalant, but Carina knows her sister.
Grabbing her arm, Carina starts leading her upstairs. “Let’s go, they’re cooking dinner and we’re joining them.”
Y/N gasps. “Is this one of those situations where your girlfriend tries to make a good impression on me, because you won’t date someone who doesn’t get along with me?” The words come out quickly, at times stumbling over them.
“It totally is.”
With a sigh, Carina rolls her eyes. It is that kind of situation. She just doesn’t want to feed Y/N’s ego by letting her know how valuable her opinion is to her. But she knows.
When they walk into the kitchen, Y/N notices Carina’s girlfriend stiffing a pot, having seen a picture of her, but she isn’t the one who takes her attention. A brunette setting the table is. It’s like she can’t take her eyes off of her.
“Carina!” Maya exclaims when she notices them. “You’re here early.” She turns off the stove and walks over to the two, wiping her palms to her pants first.
“Our shift ended early.” Carina kisses her before pulling her near Y/N. “This is Y/N, my sister. This is Maya, my girlfriend.”
“Hi!” Smiling, Y/N shakes Maya’s hand. “Nice to finally meet the famous Captain Maya Bishop. Carina talks about you all the time. Maya is so hot. Maya is so muscular. Look at this picture of h-”
“Y/N!” Carina slaps the back of her head. Giggling, she steps away from Carina’s reach, rubbing the spot she got slapped on. “Behave.”
She rolls her eyes. Maya looks between the two, not sure how she should react to the two sisters. “Uh, it’s great to meet you too.” She points behind her, where the rest of the team is, introducing everyone to Y/N. They all wave and smile, saying their his, but Andy walks up to them.
“Hi!” She shakes Y/N’s hand. “You’re doctor too?” Andy looks at the white doctor’s coat she is wearing.
“Yes, I didn’t want to be the family disappointment by not becoming a doctor.” Carina glares at her, but Y/N ignores her. “I’m in general.”
The two stand a little bit too close to each other for someone who just met each other, but the others pay no mind to it. They just finish cooking the food and gather around the table, immeasurable bombarding Y/N with questions.
She answers to them to the best of her ability, though most of her attention is on Andy.
Humming quietly to herself, Y/N looks through the patient files on the tablet. She keeps glancing at her phone, frowning when there’s no new notifications. Her and Andy have been texting nonstop ever since they met, but now, Andy hasn’t answered to her in hours. Usually it doesn’t take her that long even if she’s working.
With a sigh, Y/N pockets her phone and sets the tablet down to a table. She has a surgery in half an hour, but until then there’s really nothing to do.
She turns towards the sound, her brows furrowing once she notices Andy walking towards her. “What are you doing here?” She meets her halfway. “Did something happen?”
“There was an accident during a call, but I-“
“Are you okay?” Y/N’s eyes start going up and down Andy’s body, looking for any significant injuries. She has a bandaid near her eye, but nothing else catches her attention.
“I’m okay. I wanted to see y-“
Y/N interrupts her once again, “are you sure? Did you already see someone? I can page someone over.” She takes out her pager, but Andy grabs her hands.
“Y/N, I’m okay. I wanted to see you, because I need to tell you something.” Nodding, Y/N stays quiet, giving her the space to talk. “I have feelings for you,” she starts, her voice quieter now, “and I would really like to take you out on a date.”
A big smile appears on Y/N’s face. “That’d be nice.”
“Okay, great.” Andy nods, smiling too. They look like two lovesick fools in the middle of the hospital hallway. “I’ll pick you up today at eight?” She raises one of her brows. “Wear something casual.”
“Got it.” Grabbing the tablet again, Y/N starts backing up slowly. “I have a surgery to go to, but I’ll see you today.”
Andy waves with a grin before walking away, feeling victorious.
Knocking on the door frame, Y/N walks into the locker room. “Hi, mi cara.” She smiles when Andy turns around.
“Hey,” she walks over to her and grabs her hand, pulling her deeper into the room to kiss her, “I am so happy to see you here.” Andy grins, moving them towards the rest room.
Y/N giggles. “I’m happy to be here,” she kicks the door closed once they’re inside the room, “the others have already gone home?”
“Yeah,” she kisses her, “we have all the time we need.” Pulling away momentarily, Andy pulls the doctor’s coat off of Y/N. “You look incredibly hot in your scrubs.” She eyes her body up and down.
“Even when I’m all hot and sweaty?”
“Even then.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N pushes Andy to sit down on the bed before getting on top of her, draping her arms over her shoulders. “You look very hot in your work clothes too.” She mumbles, going back to kissing her.
Andy grabs the sides of her waist so she wouldn’t fall. Y/N’s hands are about to go down to the hem of Andy’s shirt, but the sound of the door opening interrupts them.
Their heads snap towards the now open door, where Maya and Carina are standing, both shocked to see them together.
“Carina!” Y/N struggles to get up from Andy’s lap. “What- what are you doing here?” Andy stands up as well, her eyes wide. Truth to be told, she’s kind of scared of the Italian, especially now that she walked in on them making out.
“What am I doing here? What are you doing?” Her hands start moving in the air. “Since when have you two been together?”
They glance at each other. “Like, six months.”
“Wh-“ Carina groans, throwing her hands in the air while mumbling in Italian, which makes Y/N scrunch up her face. “Six months and you didn’t think to tell me?”
Y/N shrugs, “sorry, there was never really a right time, so, you know,” she glances at Andy, trying to come up with some kind of explanation, “it just never came up.”
Carina has her arms crossed over her chest and her face is in a deadpan look. Maya has a tightlipped smile on her face, “well, I’m happy for you two.” She turns to look at Carina, her brows raised.
With a sigh, Carina walks over to hug Y/N and Andy. “I’m happy too, but you are supposed to tell me things.” She points at Y/N once she has backed away from them, giving Maya room to hug them both.
“I’m not ten anymore.” Y/N smiles, holding Andy’s hand.
“You’re still younger.”
She sighs, but nods, there’s no use to fighting Carina. “We were about to go out to eat, do you want to join us? Or did we interrupt something?” Maya smirks, looking at the jacket still laying on the ground.
“Maya!” Carina looks at her with wide eyes. “That’s my sister.”
“Oh, shut up, you had a study on orgasms.” Y/N picks up her jacket and puts it on. “We’ll join you, but I think we have to change first.” She looks at Maya and Carina’s nice, fancy clothes before turning to her and Andy’s work clothes that they’re still wearing.
“We’ll wait for you in the car,” Maya states while they step out of the room, “don’t take too long!” The door closes.
Andy turns to Y/N. “That’s one way for them to find out.” Laughing, she grabs Y/N’s hips. “I’m guessing you’re borrowing some of my clothes?” She mumbles and smiles when Y/N nods. “I love to see you in my clothes.”
“Don’t start anything now.” Y/N raises her brows, pulling away from Andy to go to her locker and grab some of her extra clothes from there.
“After dinner?”
“Definitely.” She kisses Andy and winks at her, before going to the bathroom to change her clothes, leaving Andy to the locker room with a grin.
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englishstrawbie · 6 days
Station 19 7x10
I snuck in a rewatch during my (slightly longer than it should be) lunch break. It was an excellent finale, IMO. I really wanted to enjoy whatever they gave us and go out on a high. And they delivered for me.
Once again, this is going to get long…
Maya being stuck in the fire and imagining everything that’s waiting for her set up the theme of the episode. It felt fitting that she thought about Carina and the family they’re trying to build, it’s where her storyline has been leading all season and, once again, shows how much she has changed and grown since the Maya we first got to know.
I’m very grateful that the incident didn’t put her off being a firefighter. I was trying to make peace with the idea of her moving on, but I’m much happier with this outcome, knowing she will continue to grow and thrive both personally and professionally.
Do I wish that we’d seen more of Carina’s reaction? Of course. But we got to see Carina fighting the wildfires too and I’m so glad they included her in that way. Although they definitely missed a trick not having Maya see her in the forest, rather than at the hospital – I expected to see Carina just after Andy was taken away in the Aid Car. That would have been a really emotional moment.
“Suit up”… the scene of Carina getting dressed in the yellow suit was a highlight of the episode for me, especially with the superhero-esque music in the background. ��� (Gif-makers, I can’t wait for you to do your thing!)
Carina telling Maya that she’s pregnant, all their happiness, the kiss, the throwback to the proposal – even their annoying hand placements were back! I loved that moment, it was perfect for them. 🥰
I loved all the firefighting, watching them working together and struggling but eventually getting their part of the fire contained. This show is at its best for me when it’s about the team and fire, the scary moments and the way they always come together and win.  
Powell dying in the fire tornado, watching her little body get pulled in… I’m sorry, but it made me laugh. 😂
It took a while to get used to the flash forwards, but I like that they showed us what each character wanted in their future, without making it canon, because it leaves the possibilities open.
Carina and her three kids – and Peggy and Dayna still being around! (Running her own clinic, just like she also dreamed, I’m sure.) Travis living his best life with Vic and Dominic. Sully and Ross getting married. Vic taking Crisis One national. Argh, seeing Dean again made me emotional. 🥺 Sully doing more for vets. Ben watching his kids grow up. Pru becoming a firefighter too. Even Beckett (and you know how I feel about Beckett) envisioning his future with Ross’s sister, that made me lol but it was sweet.
I didn’t see Andy and Jack coming. I saw a few jokes about it earlier this week, but I didn’t take them seriously. I don’t think it was necessary. I can only think that they meant it to be a full circle moment – but, for me, the full circle moment was Maya as captain of 19 and Andy as Chief, because that’s what they used to talk about. And I absolutely loved that, especially with Pru being there too. ❤️
The wigs though. 😂 I took me a minute, but Andy’s hair reminded me of a girl I used to go to school with.
ETA: oh, I forgot! Captain DeLuca-Bishop finally! 😍
Ben going back to being a surgeon… yeah, we all saw that coming. 🙄
Vic and Travis, true soulmates, getting their happy ending. I love that for them.
This show has been such a big part of my life since Marina came along four years ago and I’m going to miss it. It’s given me so much – friends and community and a return of my love of writing. I’m grateful for all of it (except 5B 😜).  ❤️❤️
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she-karev · 25 days
Mother's Day (Marina Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Three
Fandom: Station 19
Ship: Maya x Carina
AN: Happy Mother’s Day guys! Here’s the last chapter of this Mother’s Day story that will focus on our favorite Station 19 couple Maya Bishop and Carina DeLuca as mothers to Liam.
Summary: Maya and Carina have a party at the station with the others where they sign the adoption papers making them Liam’s official parents.
Words: 1179
May 12, 2024
“Did you get the cake?” Carina asks Maya in excitement while feeding Liam in a highchair. Liam smiles widely at Carina feeding him another spoonful of banana baby puree from a jar. Maya enters the beanery smiling and carrying a large white box with a manila folder on top.
“Yes, I did, and I think your gonna like the design I picked out for this very special day.” Maya sets the box on the table and Carina wipes Liam’s mouth before picking him up so they can go to Maya.
“Did you bring the-”
Maya answers her question before she can finish by picking up the manila folder that contains the adoption papers for them to sign and take to the courthouse tomorrow, “My love do you really still doubt me after all these years?”
Carina grins at Maya’s smugness, “It’s a big day today and we can’t afford any missteps.” Carina turns to Liam and speaks in a baby voice, “But lucky for us your mama is organized and never forgets her keys let alone a paper making us your legal mommy’s. And don’t worry if you feel lonely because we’re gonna give you a little brother or sister to play with soon. You just have to be patient.”
When Maya and Carina heard the good news from the fertility doctor that Maya’s eggs were successfully fertilized with the sperm, they selected from the donor catalog they decided to freeze them. They wanted to wait until after they adopted Liam to give him a sibling because they wanted to focus fully on him and making him a part of their family.
Maya smiles at that thought, “Now Liam being a big brother is really important. Your gonna protect your sibling and teach them things we can’t.”
“That’s right.” Carina lightly bounces Liam in her arms, “If it wasn’t for me your Zio Andrea wouldn’t know his head from his butt.”
“Hey, come on I think I could’ve survived being an only child.” Andrew walks into the beanery carrying a large blue gift-wrapped box with his wife Amber DeLuca nee Karev walking beside him carrying their 1-year-old daughter Lucy in her arms. The women can see that despite Amber looking elegant in a gothic sense with her black turtleneck hugging her torso and black pleated pants she looks tired and disheveled.
Amber exhales as if she was running a marathon, “We’re not too late, are we?”
“Nope your right on time.” Andy Herrera tells her as she enters the beanery with Vic, Ben and Bailey, “We’re just waiting for Montgomery and Gibson to show up.”
Andrew exhales in relief, “Thank God, we would have come sooner but the struggle was real getting Lucy out of the house.”
Carina chuckles and leans face to face with Lucy who looks adorable in her denim overall dress with her short wavy brown hair up in pigtails, “Don’t worry Lucy, I forgive you because you are the most adorable nipote in the world!” Lucy giggles at Carina’s exasperated voice.
Amber smiles at her sister-in-law, “Well your adorable nipote has been very active lately.”
“And very stubborn about what she wants.” Andrew chips in and whispers to Maya next to him, “I ‘terribili due’ non sono uno scherzo.” (Translation: The terrible twos are no joke.) Amber puts Lucy down to her feet and she immediately runs to Maya hugging her legs causing Carina and the others to aww at the adorable sight.
Maya chuckles and picks up Lucy in her arms who stares up at her with huge blue eyes, “Come on she’s not even two yet.”
“Oh, try telling her that.” Amber tells her as she sets up the table while Andrew walks over to Carina smiling at his nephew who grins at him.
Andrew chuckles at Liam’s squishy face feeling nostalgic, “Yep enjoy this age while you can sis because pretty soon, he’s gonna start scribbling on the walls, scaring you half to death when he tries to climb the stairs by himself and pulling your hair when you end bathtime.” Carina chuckles at Andrew’s misery, “Seriously you guys enjoy this age of innocence it goes by so fast.”
“How strong is the coffee here?” Amber asks Andy.
“We have military issue if you can handle it.”
“I’ll take a cup.” Amber moves to the coffeemaker.
“Make it two.” Amber nods at Andrew’s request. Gibson and Montgomery enter the room carrying balloons and greeting everyone with smiles.
“Hey, we’re not too late, are we?”
“Nope we wouldn’t sign these papers without everyone present.” Maya tells Jack.
Soon Beckett, Theo, and Sullivan come on and they gather around the counter where the manila folder is. Carina turns to Andrew and he gladly holds Liam for her with Amber next to him carrying Lucy. Maya takes a deep breath before opening the folder, taking the paper out and grabbing the pen from her shirt pocket clicking it.
“Here we go.” Maya looks at Carina who smiles in joy while Vic is on the other side of the counter filming this moment on her phone with a smile. Maya signs her cursive on one of the two dotted lines on the bottom. She holds the pen out to Carina with a smile, “We’re halfway there.”
Carina smiles taking the pen, “Let me finish it then.” Carina leans down the counter and signs her own name below Maya’s. As soon as she finishes everyone around them cheers. Maya laughs and brings out the cake revealing the design. It’s a white rectangular sheet cake with a blue wave like ocean at the bottom with Goldfish crackers swimming in it and a reel with a line in the frosty sea. Across the white sheet written in blue frosting on top is ‘O-fish-aly Ours!’ Liam DeLuca-Bishop 05-12-24’
The group chuckles and awes at the cake with Carina joking, “Bambina you have now reached cheesy parent status.”
“Well, it’s all for my son.” Maya takes Liam from Andrew’s arms and smiles at him, “Did you hear that little dude? I’m officially your mama!” Liam smiles wide as Carina wraps her arms around Maya’s torso pulling both of them against her.
“That’s right bambino, we’re your mama’s in heart and paper now.” They coo at the baby while Andy gets two blue baby bottles that are filled with white wine instead of milk. She gives them to the legal mommy’s with a smile.
“Courtesy of Tia Andy so you guys can toast properly to getting through the first year with him.”
Maya chuckles at the bottles, “Thank you.” Carina holds up her bottle to toast and Maya does the same, “Cheers to…not dropping him on his head.”
“Or swallowing a safety pin. Cheers and a happy Mother’s Day, mommy!”
Maya smiles at the coincidence of both the adoption date and Mother’s Day set at the same time as if fate knew they were meant to be mother’s all along, “Happy Mother’s Day, mama.” They clink their bottles and celebrate their first day as official parents to their beloved and beautiful son.
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angelofverdum · 13 days
Station 19 7x09
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I'm so emotional right now. I can't believe it.
I've been fighting with this dam show more than I should have because it's not that good honestly but my gawd I'm so emotional right now, like they are my family.
Everybody is leaving and It's so sad. Like hello? Come back what the hell? It's not fair
Can you imagine if instead of wasting 3 seasons with Krista, we could have had Peter and Zoanne as showrunners making great storylines?
I'm not saying it wouldn't have been cancelled by season 7 but the ride would have been so much better.
I'm not worried about Maya being trapped in the fire, they totally getting her out of there. They know that Maya and Carina are fan favorites, and I like to believe they are smart people.
If there's a small possibility that the show gets picked up, a spin-off, a movie, idk whatever they'll lose it if they touch that bisexual couple. Love the tension tho.
So, Vic and Travis are leaving. I'm not sure about Travis bc he really likes the latino guy but who knows.
Maya is gonna get scared about what is happening and gonna quit, trying something safer.
Warren is thinking seriously about being a doctor again. Nothing against him but please don't take him back to Greys I'm begging.
However, you can bring back Carina all you want. Give her a spin-off if you wish, call it Deluca's Anatomy where she opens a private practice and her wife is there too.
I love Andy and Maya's friendship and we got to see a bit of what it was back in season 1. It helps you to see how far they have come. I wish Vic would have been there but I get that she had to deal with Travis.
Now, Why did they bring Theo just to try to kill him? That was so funny to me.
I love all the easter eggs: Monogamy is for the weak, Maya's jacket, Hughie, Calling Ben "Dad", etc etc.
This episode was definitely special. The focus was the fire and everybody got their turn to shine, there were no dumb side plots.
I'm kinda done talking because they are all leaving and I'm just a girl with feelings.
BUT I do want to talk about that hot scene because listen:
Maya was so in the moment she didn't know what Carina was talking about.
Maya's hand placement
Maya's reaction when Carina says "hot" the third time
Maya chasing after Carina's lip
Carina's tongue
Eye contact
Maya getting comfortable because she knows she is about to touch the gates of heaven
Mind you, this was the moment Maya got Carina pregnant
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Can you a 'twoshot' out of the oneshot where Maya and Reader get into a fight and Reader runs off? Please please please I love the big sympathic and genius brain of yours ❤️
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A/n: This is not proof read whatsoever because I am really exhausted of the week. Also it is a bit longer then expected because I got carried away. I still hope you like it ♥
In the rage you were about to sink into, you thoughtlessly headed for an old bar where you´d often spent your time when you needed to blow off steam for whatever reason. This, was on the outskirts of Seattle, on a connecting road to the next town; a perfect and quiet place where no one would try to look for you.
Unlike other places of this type, it was extremely quiet in this place.
Silence affected people differently; some loved it and others felt uncomfortable or even afraid of it. But you enjoyed the absence of annoying everyday noises and the kindling of silence, tranquility and peace.
While you sat at the bar and waited for your beer, you let the impressions of this place work on you. All the images, the soft sounds of the old music box and the sensations. Everything that people left behind had accumulated on the walls over the years. People may not have realized how much of themselves they leave in placed they visit- sadness, joy, pain, anger, fear, insecurity.. All this was buried deep in the walls, decorated and covered with dull light.
And you, too, did your share of these emotions today.
"Is the seat next to you still free?" a bit frightened, you turned your head to the female voice and your eyes immediately catch blue eyes which nevertheless shone like ice water in the stuffy and smoky air. "Yes, of course. Have a seat."
Filled with initially growing uncertainty, she perched on the stool beside you and as soon as she found a reasonably comfortable position, waved to a bartender. Besides you, she was the only female along all the men in this bar. "What can I get you?"
"An Asti Pink for me and a whiskey for the lady here." She winked at you, a smile lit the pretty face as she casually rested her elbows on the bar and stroked her shoulder-length, black curls. The black tank top, that she was wearing, riding up thereby revealing a black spot on her side; about a level with her hip bone. Just visible enough to make you curious.
It appeared to be writing, but you could not make it out in the darkened atmosphere. Before you had a chance to inspect it further, she turned back to you, sliding over the drink she ordered you earlier and you looked up, caught, letting the blood thaw and flush in your cheeks. Her lips formed into a wide smile. "Like what you see?"
You swallowed hard and fled your gaze in another direction; one of your hands digging behind your neck while your other hand reached out for the cool crystal glass that held your drink. "Thank you, but I don´t usually drink.."
"Honey, by the looks of you, you´ve had a rough day. And if you´ve had a hard day, you have to drink something hard too." she interrupted you and you just nodded, pouring the first sip into your body.
It was already after midnight when Carina and Maya were still awake, trying to determine your whereabouts. Silently, they were across from each other; Carina sitting at the dining table, playing around on their cell phone, texting and calling any of your friends and family asking if you´d came to their place.
But everyone denied it, even Andy, who they were hundred percent sure you would show up there sooner or later. "Thank you, Andy. Please call us and let us know if you hear anything from her."
"Nothing?" asked the blonde with trembling hands as the brunette angrily threw her phone on the wooden table. She was nervous, sick with fear and worry.
Restless, she walked in small circles between the kitchen and living room. She knew that you were a grown woman who could take care of herself but as a Captain of the fire brigade, she knew about the sick world out there and that it could get extremely dangerous.
"She´s not with Vic, not with Andy. She´s not with the boys and neither with the girls at Grey Sloan. Nobody saw her!" Carina shook her head grumpily and did not dare to look at her girlfriend, still deeply angry about the blonde´s behavior. "Why can´t you at least think one time before you act?"
Carina sighed as she sat desperately in the dark, only a small light from the lantern in front of the apartment encased the room, pinching the bridge of her nose with thumb and forefinger, feeling the stabbing pulse of her headache behind her eyes.
The Italian was waiting for your return, stroking her curls thoughtfully, not sure where else to look for you; there were no sign of your whereabouts. No one had heard from you and the worst thoughts were rattling in her head. "Do we call the police?"
"There is nothing they can do, babe. She is old enough and gone less than 24 hours. They would not even file a missing persons report."
"So we just sit here and do nothing, hoping she shows up again?" the brunette yelled desperately, completely frustrated and tired only to get a nod in return. She began to nervously fiddling with the clasp of her watch.
"Sei serio? Sembra fantastico." (Are you serious? Great!)
You were pulled onto the small dance floor by Cassy, your new acquaintance, and giggled as she showed off her drunken, nonexistent dancing skills. Soft music that didn´t invited to dance hummed through the pub, the lights were dimmed and embellished with a few LED´s, and at the bar the same bartender was still mixing drinks as desired.
"Come on, pretty woman. Swing your body and dance with me" she said loudly and a charming smile touched her lips which curled around the straw of her cocktail. You scrutinized her, her black hair falling in her face as she fixed you with her brown eyes.
Cassy came back to you, a grin curling her lips as she danced around you, sliding her index finger tenderly over your shoulder as she leaned towards you from behind, whispering in your ear. "C´mon, Y/n. Let´s have fun" she pronounces your name like it´s something special and even though you did not know her, you were attracted to her; so familiar and yet a total stranger.
A shiver run through you; her hot breath on your ear giving you goosebumps. She pulls you closer by the hips and aims to provocatively rotate her hips on your back. You absorb every shift as she moves gracefully to the music. Her hip swing must be from another planet; so erotic, so secy and just plain inciting.
The black-haired had turned you around skillfully, her front pressing against yours. Again, she let her hands wander; over your shoulders, down your waist to your hips and bridges the last gap between you. She stretched out her hand to your face; her thumb gliding delicately over your cheeks while her eyes seemed to study your face.
Cassy´s face was approaching an immoral level and you tensed up as your thoughts led you to what you were about to do; suddenly remembering your two wives, who were probably sitting at home sick with worry, hoping for your return. You were a faithful soul, you would not allow yourself to make such a huge mistake to cheat on them; for the three of you it was clear from the start that the first misstep would lead to separation.
And you did not want to risk that. You loved Maya and Carina too much, even more than yourself, to hurt them that badly just because of a little accident from the firefighter, who took her bad temper out on you. "Cassie.. we should not be doing this."
"For what reason? You´re young, have some fun." she whispered, taking another sip of her drink while placing her free hand on your hip; her face moving to the crook of your neck to place soft kisses on your tensed skin. You shook your head and pushed her slightly away from you to meet her eyes. "I have a wife at home.. two to be honest. And I am happy with them."
The black-haired looked at you in dismay, her eyes wide and her pupils dilated from all the alcohol coursing through her blood. "If you´re so happy, why did you end up here on your own?"
Silence reigned on your side. Even though you knew that exact answer to that question, you were not able to answer it; no words passed through your lips. You stare at her briefly, barely able to take your eyes off her as you want to leave without saying goodbye. But she grabs your arms and you turn back to her. "Here, in case you change your mind."
You stared at the napkin she held out to you, probably stuck in her pocket for a few hours, with her number on it. Hesitantly, you too the piece of paper with you, stowed it in one of your jacket pockets, which was placed over your arm and disappeared from the bar.
You just wanted to go home, back to your wives.
Maya stood at the open window of their shared apartment and breathed the cold air of the night deep into her lungs. Darkness enveloped all of Seattle and the only light that wrapped the room was the faint glow of the street laps. Only a few cars were on the road and they drove carefully on the narrow streets. There was hardly a person to be seen at the roadside.
Lost in her deepest thoughts, she ignored the creaking of the lock on the front door and your figured fitted across the hall. You were unsure whether what you were doing her was right and whether you were still welcomed at all.
You had no idea what time it was, but what you did know was that you were wet to the bone, freezing and shaking non-stop. On top of that, your head started pounding and you felt like shit.
"She´s finally back" the brown-haired reported and jumped up from her seat. She walked out of the living room and saw you standing in front of her, completely soaked. "Y/n, we were so worried" she whispered happily and hugged you tightly.
Astonished, the blonde looked at the young woman in front of her and you lowered your head so as not to have to meet her eyes. Maya almost whispered a soft ´hi´ and your face showed absolute surprise at her gentle manner, your point of view pulling up and meeting hers. Unsure, the blonde looked at you and for a split second the world seemed to stand still, blue and your eyes tied an invisible bond.
"Are you okay?" Carina´s hand went to your chin, forcing you to look at her. All you could see in her soft, brown eyes was pain, fear, anger and desperation. Wordlessly, you took her hand and entangled your fingers with hers. "Where have you been, bella?"
"I was in a bar and I met someone.." You started to whisper, having a hard time saying the words out loud because they amounted to nothing but the truth. You pulled the wet paper out of your jacket pocket, on which the writing was almost impossible to read. You held it between your fingers for a few seconds, bit your lip and exhaled deeply, replaying the experience of the past hours in your mind. "There was a woman. We drank, we danced.. This is her number"
You looked back at the blonde who had not moved an inch from her place in the living room. You could not tell what she was thinking and how she was feeling at that moment. Only that her eyes started to glitter in the dull light and her chin started to twitch with nervousness. "Do you..?"
"Kissed her? Made out with her? Slept with her?" your question was addressed to Maya, who dared to quietly ask the question that was burning in her heart. "No. I could not, never would. I love you both too much to hurt you like that."
Maya´s tearful eyes closed automatically of relief.
She bridged the last centimeters between you. Her lips were warm and soft and when they touched yours, it was like a horde of butterflies were flying around your stomach, making your anger at her go away instantly. The blonde was so worried about you and just needed this closeness now, had placed her hands on your neck and pulled you even closer.
"I am sorry. I should have asked how you are and should not have taken my mood out on you. God, I should not have used your past to hurt you." Maya´s hands fell on your hips, gently pressing her fingers into your sides. Carina, who quietly stood aside so that you could talk, moved onto your spine and drew circles on it, letting you shuddering under her touch. "But please, promise us to never do this again. Please do not just leave without any way to get in contact to you, not knowing where you are"
A small grin was unavoidable and you laid your head on her chest, letting Maya resting her head in the crook of your neck. Soft kisses covered the thin skin of yours and made your eyes droop. "I promise"
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Long tangent. Started as marina and andy but got carried away. Don't read if you're sensitive and can't handle being critical of media.
On screen this season have we actively seen Andy interact with maya about the pregnancy? I want to say no. We really haven't seen a lot of Andy to begin with(it really feels like they leaned more on moving the story of the station through ross. Which just feels lazy and unnecessary. Ross does not need to be a focal point. Yes we get the bits about Andy trying to find ways of saving money without getting rid of anyone. But other than that she's just there. She got captain and then just really became this background character... they really said this is her only personality.)
But I digress, so Andy is the one to tell the team about liam right. At the ross/sullivan thing. But that just feels so lazy too. We get the moment where maya(as always) is supportive and there for Andy's captaincy christening or whatever, and the little moment before that where we get a flash back of them at the academy. Plus in episode one we get maya kind of giving Andy the pep talk. But other than that🤷‍♀️
So yea it just feels really lazy to have Andy suddenly be in the know about maya and carina and the possible struggle of adopting liam.(yes things can happen off screen but there's so much important talks and interactions happening off screen while irrelevant things happen on screen. TV is visual. We should be seeing and experiencing these moments)
This season has spent so much time on characters that do not need it. So many dynamics that do not need it. But when it comes to maya and andy... one of their root relationships, like andy and maya have been special to this show since s1... but we can't even get them actually talking?
Like we can't see andy talking about how far maya has come. Can't see her telling maya how happy for her she is? Nobody thought this would be good scenes to film? Andy who was there for their wedding, who helped convinced maya to stand up to Lane and invite her mom to the wedding?? Or like it would've been cool to have Andy come over to their new home, Andy having moments with liam in an "aunt herrera" type of way...(like just anything that could kind up resemble baby prue).
It really is just maya and carina in their own bubble until the writers suddenly want to put in a line(that feels half assed or last minute) to show "Hey yea remember the firehouse is a family"...)
This also reminds me of the way Jack's story is just resolved off screen after like 1 or 2 episodes? They could've drawn it out, could've shown the team, shown andy(give her something more than background captain character) being there for him and helping him find his next calling.
The way they just so easily write him out but then have him lingering in moments like the funeral and andy captain thing...like if they cared at all about their og characters they could've given him more.
Instead we got an episode storyline with beckett and his family(and like cool we see where the alcoholism comes from) but the continued desperation to have the audience sympathize with beckett. The continued way of trying to have the audience forget he spent a whole season and a half tormenting, harassing, and abusing his power while putting his team and civilians in danger...(no he doesn't need to be condemned to his actions-although the story has done no hesitations about condemning maya at every turn-but it would be nice if his story was actually well rounded. There was no real consequences for him. No real inner reflection when it comes to what he did to maya and the position he put the team in. Same with Ross. They really just wrote her as complacent(and wrote most of her time as chief with the only concern being her relationship with sullivan... but we're also supposed to forget that while they constantly have them talking about their marriage and how much they love each other and blah blah. Girl couldn't even balance being chief.)
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loveislovealways · 1 year
Station 19-It's All Gonna Break (6x13)
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Well, we can all agree the opening seen of Marina in today's episode was straight out of fanfic. I like the way they picked up the new episode as they have left in the previous episode there was flow to it(not jumping into another scene) Carina saying that she felt saved with Maya is a good acknowledgement for Maya's efforts to win her wife and making her wife priority and making her feel safe. Somewhere it was ok for Maya to feel little bit of disappointment so we have to let it slide as she is also a human.
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The trio between Miranda, Ben and Carina was really funny and nice as to expose the clinic and their dirty work. In past couple of episode Miranda and Ben were the only people seen communicating with Maya and Carina which is a good thing to get some input and advice from them.
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The Fake Pregnancy somewhere I felt it was kind of cruel to put Carina through this bcoz we all know how much she wants to get pregnant, to make her go through this pain was unfair. I know we all were thinking about Carina finding out she is pregnant in this episode but I am glad that she is not pregnant bcoz somewhere in future or coming episode we would miss out on Marina moment to find out they are pregnant. Finding out in this clinic would be like robbing Marina pregnancy moment.
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This explanation on building a strong foundation to build a relationship was so important for their relation to survive bcoz as we all have seen that Maya-Carina relation was never stable since they have met (the got together-cheating with jack-getting back together-pandemic-marriage-demotion-having kid-blackmailing-arguments-distance-getting hurt-separation) their relation was not stable for a long time, there was some kind of chaos after every stability. Now the writers are showing the correct way to form a strong relation, which was not done before so the point to build a strong foundation I think it was so important to talk through things and solve your problem rather ignoring each other. I personally love this scene. Its one of my favourite scene between Marina.
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Carina, finally opening up her feeling and fear to Maya and letting her know that even she wants to fix things its not just one-sided, it was again so important because she need that trust and validation from Maya that she will always be her priority no matter what, as we all know where Carina comes from giving mental issue in her family and taking care of them, with so much of insecurities she needs Maya to show the love and care and not shut her out from her feeling, that's why she said to win her back slowly because she can't keep her heart on line again, even she is scared for it to break again.(Finally, we will get Maya taking Carina on a date)
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Finally, Dixon tempting Maya by giving those pics of Ross and Sullivan, This is such a big temptation not only to get her captainship back but also proving tp people that she was right about their relationship in first place(blackmailing is wrong, she knows it) but we have to trust Maya to do the right thing, the work she has put in therapy and working so hard to get Carina back, so we just have trust the process becoz if she blows this up, there is no coming back from this, I trust this new Maya Bishop.
P.S - Feel free to discuss about Marina as I love to talking about them.
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acetv · 29 days
One thing I hope they address on station 19 is finally deal with Maya captaincy. Granted I've only really seen YouTube clips but it feels like it's never dealt with. She was forced to step down in order to save her house and then it's rubbed in her face along with being bullied. Yeah while spiraling she made bad choices but honestly she was backed into a corner with no support. I'm not dismissing Carina but Maya life wasn't in her hands like it was the teams and later Carina was a different problem. Maya wasn't allowed to show herself as a leader if she wanted to keep her job. She didn't get a hearing or anything and time after time it's proven that she is being kept in place by the higher ups. The one time it seems like she has a chance at captain again and she doesn't take it they make it about her wanting Carina more than her job and it's some big growth on Maya's part.
This isn't true Yes she loves Carina and their family and yes they are more important than her job but it doesn't mean she no longer cares about her job. She is just simply done with the drama like she told Jack and she knew she never had a chance at it so why throw her hat in with everyone else's? Carina married Maya as a captain, her getting that spot back wouldn't have affected their relationship negatively as long as Maya went about it the right way. Carina didn't like how Maya was allowing the job to affect her health. When they started over Maya made it clear she still wanted to be captain again that it was important to her but she wanted it the right way. Carina was ok with that but she was traumatized by Maya behavior because it brought back old trauma. She didn't move back home because Maya turned down the chance. In fact I'd say Carina was legit worried about Maya until she saw that Maya was resigned to being stuck as LT. but she was taking herself out of the drama and that's why she was ok going home for good because Maya was taking care of herself.
Maya at the stage of realizing in order to grow or become captain again she'll have to leave her home and family but for the moment she's ok being Andy's sic but not forever.
I see one of two things happening Andy steps down realizing the job not what she truly wants and Maya becomes captain or Maya is offered captain somewhere else.
Yes I'm aware it's unlikely to happen but I can hope right
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caribbean-ace · 1 year
Alright so it’s been a hot minute since i’ve been here, life truly gets in the way and i feel that i’m going through the motions but finally after the buzz has settled i wanted to reflect a bit on Station 19 season 6.
I think we’re standing at a different place than we were by the end of season 5 and i believe that’s great. We went from that insanity -not in a good way- of season to something much much better. Few changes were made and it showed from the very beginning of season 6. To put it simply it was raw, by far the rawest season in terms of storyline, obviously because of what Maya went through, the repercutions it had on Carina and so on… Mental health was the overall arc for season 6 and honestly? I loved how it played out… Fair to say a LOT of people saw themselves in Carina and Maya which sparked the conversation -the very much needed conversation-
It was a rollercoaster but i’m glad we went through those moments because it lead to a healthier outcome instead of a quick fix it showed a more realistic side of a journey that can’t be taken lightly. On the other hand i wished they would’ve handled the Beckett story a bit better, by the end of it the writers made a good job by Vic checking up on him and just sparkling that conversation. I enjoyed the brief love triangle between Andy/Eli/Travis, it would have been funnier that they explored that angle deeper but i guess it turned out alright.
The expectations were so high when a female chief was announced but it turns out that it was just another love interest for a man, love to see it (please notice the sarcasm). While i don’t mind that Ross had history with Sullivan i kinda hated how her character just became the woman simping for the guy. They tried to redeem her a bit but it wasn’t enough. I would have LOVED that she actually made some changes within SFD to support women and actually make things better. Remember the storyline about fighting sexism? Yeah, me too. Anyways it was terrible that she was shamed for having a consensual relationship with another adult but it makes me grit my teeth the double standards: the whole you’re heroic for basically organizing a mutiny but when someone breaks protocol for saving a life that’s wrong or having a relationship with someone who outranks you but we’re totally ignoring that too, i get it, it’s for the sake of drama but certain things needs to make sense.
All that leads me to Andy being captain, we all saw it coming, there’s no way Maya was going to be captain again -at least not while being on 19- and while it should have been handled a bit better (the woman does have ambitions and putting a pause to pursue her dreams to heal does not mean she needs to abandon it) i think Andy deserved something a bit better, not just: alright you’re captain now. At least her first “shift” as captain was packed with action but still…
And that also brings me to Theo: at first he was like alright, laid back dude, gets the job done but the second he got promoted it’s like it flipped a switch on him especially being such an ass to Vic for absolutely no reason like ??? But at least she left him, i really liked how she pointed out that being happy for her friend does not mean she’s not supporting him (i wonder if that friendship also extends to Maya, after yk, call her a nasty person and do absolutely nothing to stand for her. Yes i will always be bitter about how everyone turned their backs on Maya).
Jack can’t seem to catch a break and God knows what’s gonna happen to him but at least he’s healthier and trying to stay out of other people’s relationships which i’m glad. I loved how Ben and Miranda where kinda there for Maya and Carina (i say kinda because it’s not like Maya had the greatest support out there but Ben did listen so that’s something. Also shout out to Diane, she’s incredible and i love whenever she appears)
Finally -because this is way too long lol- we know where we are standing in terms of Maya and Carina growing their family, for a solid minute i thought well, they are being ambiguous because it’s probably leading to that but no, it wasn’t. I wasn’t mad that they didn’t make Carina pregnant by the end of the season, if anything the scenes where they are discussing how many kids and stuff makes it so much more meaningful because Maya is obviously in such a better head space. Oh and just as a quick comment: Carina should have gone to therapy too, she needed to heal from that rocky period of time and it would have been cool to see her perspective, even if we saw sneak peaks with Vic, Miranda and Diane i believe sitting down and leading to a backstory would have been so much better.
If you got to this point i love you, i wanted to ramble a bit and finally found the moment to sit down and put this together (it’s a bit all over the place, just like my brain but bare with me). Catch you on season 7🤍
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mayasdeluca · 3 months
“I love you. And I’ve never said that about anyone before except my brother, so it means something.” Is this about to be tainted?!
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We should have known once seeing this shot that it was someone Maya recognized immediately and how she reacted. (Danielle’s acting is going to ruin us all as usual.) For her to find out that her brother is protesting the rights of her community, her family, possibly as a new mom?
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We also know that Danielle had a stunt double for this episode. We heard shots fired in the trailer. Are they from Mason? Are they directed at Maya? Does she get injured? It seems like Carina isn’t at the parade, she’s somewhere with Bailey. Will they find out about the attack and see Maya getting brought into the hospital if they’re at work?
If we aren’t going to get happy Marina with their baby at the Pride Parade, I need to see Maya completely confiding in Carina about discovering that her brother who she hasn’t seen in god knows how long is against her being who she is, having a wife and a family, being queer. We need to see this conversation. Give me Maya breaking down in Carina’s arms. It would show so much growth in Maya too, how far she’s come and how there used to be a time where she would shut Carina out when something like this happened with her family, she’d be in denial (Season 3)…let Maya lean on her wife and let them get through it together and discuss the hardships of being a queer family in the US. That what happened at the parade is unfortunately realistic and normal in this country. How it can be even the people closest to you or the people you love who end up betraying you the most.
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metabolizemotions · 20 days
The clinic scene was the best one so far. It told us how the immigrants were dehumanized n ill-treated but showed how they were treated with respect n care at the clinic. Carina was so kind, empathetic n considerate yet professional towards Beatrix. Beatrix's body language was so defensive n insisted she could speak English. She must have met many rude n condescending healthcare workers. Carina chose to speak Spanish to put her at ease n make sure she understood fully. She kept seeking consent, knowing Beatrix's rights n bodily autonomy were so violated. Then personally following up on her too.
Joey was well-incorporated into the diff scenes, esp the father-son duo one. His talk with Maya quickly escalating... Andy asking if they were done, Maya being like OMG yes! 😂.
I love this little scene n the one at the party where they hugged. They seemed genuinely happy. I wished this friendship was portrayed differently but I am excited to see in the next episode where they would be working side by side again. N Andy better be captaining hard. After all that captaincy drama, now we see Ross n Sullivan at the forefront?
I'm actually glad they didn't have Travis jump straight into another relationship n Vic straight back with Theo. Andy n Theo saying the speak Spanish too lol. Also a good contrast of their optimism n Joey's nihilism.
And the re-creation of the truck top scene, of them in the exact same positions. Jack is missing. Dean is gone. It is emotionally manipulative n I approve.
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But the Tully part, no... really no...
Ross came in, compromised everything she said she was for Sullivan. After Surrera, they had been really pushing so hard for Tully, esp this season, filling in blanks n retconning details. Sullivan's more like lead now. So much screentime on him n Ross from the mundane to the dramatic. The others got so little. Even Andy's only captain n mostly background? They spent more time developing Beckett's arc than hers.
I wish they had just focused on the OG n wrap up their stories well. Instead of this forced romance n random new characters.
It's clear they really didn't want the longest-standing couple to be the main couple cos it's w|w. Even tho I'm not fully on board with how Beckett's redemption arc was handled, the way they didn't even consider Ross was wrong at all turned me off. Esp with her talk about wanting both love n career. N not wanting to play small n be a chess piece. After what she did that to Maya.
After the divorce, Andy's just been adrift, w random storylines that didn't move her forward. She became everyone's support n was only all about captaincy. Then they punished Maya's ambitions n made her focus only on family (not that she shouldn't n there are life stages but it's the framing - almost implying she should know her place). Why wasn't the show more about these women thriving at their careers n relationships, on top of their friendship? Vic too.
They really want to spin an illicit affair all the way into an undying love story... Like trying to build a castle on mud n kept decorating it...? After Sullivan fell out with Ripley over Claire - supposed love of his life. Then he told Andy that Claire was cold... n Andy was the one, then now...?
So Ross's sis was supposed to be the audience surrogate... I liked her, but sorry, she didn't win me over. Esp when this original truck scene reminded me of Vicley, whom I loved...
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englishstrawbie · 2 months
Station 19 7x03
I've been holding off sharing my thoughts on the new season as we transition from 'writing for 10 episodes' to ‘writing for 10 final episodes'. Let's face it, 7x02 threw a lot at us. Too much, I would say. I get that they're navigating the cancellation, but they're setting up too many storylines and not giving themselves enough time to actually tell them.
I think it's obvious that Marina's storyline is suffering. A new baby, a new house, Carina's lawsuit, Maya's brother. And ok, I knew I wouldn't be as engaged with the baby storyline as most, but jeez... give me something. As an ensemble show, we'll never get to see everything we want to see but, right now, it feels like they're not even giving us what we need to see. Decisions are made and storylines move forwards without showing us the conversations behind them. Right now it's just a bunch of scenes glued together.
This week's episode gave us some of my favourite moments so far, mostly the Carina and Bailey scenes. Flustered Carina, Bailey and Ben gifting them some of their baby stuff, Carina's joyous love for her new son, Bailey putting Carina to bed and scolding her when she comes back to find Carina on her tablet, helping her see that she didn't do anything wrong and explaining why the mom might be suing her anyway. I absolutely love the way their friendship has evolved over time.
Then there was Maya thinking about how she is going to navigate her job, with Carina and Liam at home. And Maya going home to her family at the end of the day because they were what she needed after such a horrible day. 🥰
I'm gutted about Mason. I've been championing his return for years, but not like this! I was glad to see Maya tell everyone at the beanery table, it's something she could easily have tried to hide out of embarassment. I get the feeling that Mason will be part of Maya's big story in episode 7 (I think?) and I'm curious to know how that is going to play out.
I loved the Maya and Andy moments. I'm glad Eli told Travis some home truths, it was about time - I hope he heals after this. Oh, and Pru in the line up at the station and Andy calling her Little Miller. 🥹
But then these lovely moments are overshadowed (in the Marina fandom particularly) by the frustration that, for the first time in seven years, we have a Pride episode that omits Marina from the storyline - the show's biggest, longest lasting and most popular queer ship. And the Pride stuff wasn't great, let's face it. But it's all about balance. Yes, these moments were good and important, but they didn't need to happen in an episode about Pride. I totally understand the frustration of fans wanting to see a queer family they love and are losing soon be happy and celebrated in this episode, and feeling let down when it didn't happen.
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jmflowers · 2 months
I don't want to gush but gahhhhh I love hygge universe so muuuch!!! There's just something about how Maya and Carina interact with each other. They have a bunch of things to work out, Andrea is quirky and Bea is a handful but there's just so much love underneath. Ok just kidding...I'll gush.
I LOVE that you chose to come to my inbox and gush/not gush. Thank you soooooooo much. I actually read this aloud to my mom? (She wasn't as excited as I was, of course.)
Hygge Universe is one of my most prized creations because it's kept me company through like... a year and a half? Two years? Of my life. I always wanted to create a family!fic universe because @a-windsor 's Thing!Verse meant so much to me when I was just a wee little fic reader. I'd never found the right fandom for it, though.
And then I was in college and I was surrounded by men all the time, talking about men who made films and men who acted in films and men who told stories about men who did men things. It was like drowning every day, so I came home and wrote soft, loving stories about women who loved each other and their children and got to have happy endings.
I didn't know it at the time, but I was writing about a little boy whose fictional birth is just a couple months before my real nephew. (And almost exactly a month before my youngest niece, and mere days after my high school best friend's little girl...) I'm waiting to see if the universe pulls a fast one and bestows another child in my life who'd be the same age as Beatrice. We'll see...
But anyways, yeah! I wanted it to be a place where under everything, there was always love. Andrea was a slow-growing conglomerate of ideas shared by friends and pieces of people I love (mostly my brother) and snippets of his moms. I love his trajectory of starting out as this weird, nerdy, intelligent kid and growing into someone capable of putting himself and his own needs first, while still showing up and loving others. That's probably something I wish for my own brother, honestly. Andrea as a teenager and a young adult (I've written a fair bit for him that hasn't yet been shared) is just... cool and kind and adept at reading others. He's got jokes, too.
Bea, though... I think she came out of my head fully formed. There's never been much question for me of where she's going and what she's going to accomplish. I want so badly to have the time and the readership to tell her entire story. (Hopefully that dream comes true.) She's all the spunk of each of the second-borns in my family and a touch of the bravery I see in people I admire and so much of who Carina and Maya were when we first met each of their characters. She's one of those kids who start out sure of themselves and then face a setback and aren't really sure how to recover right away. But she does - I promise. There's a happy ending for both of these children who live in my head.
It means the world to me that anyone cares even a fraction of how much I care about this universe. It's been one of the greatest joys of my life to share it with others. Receiving the love refuels me to keep writing away at it, even though the deadline of the finale is looming. I hope this community that's been built still exists when the show is over. I'm not done telling stories about Station 19 yet.
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angelofverdum · 18 days
Station 19 7x08
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Omg, they are closing storylines. The end is near.
First, I want to give their 10s to the people who brought real Latinos to the show. I'm so happy when they speak proper Spanish on TV.
Honestly, this episode wasn't really that special besides that opening scene with Maya and Carina, that was the cutest thing ever.
But we can see how they're setting the ending for the characters.
Andy is happy because she is the captain and a good one too. That's the only thing she ever wanted. I'm glad they didn't bring a male character just for her to have a happy ending.
Vic is getting crisis one. She is moving from Seattle and she doesn't give a damn about Theo, well yes.
Natasha is finally getting married to Bob. Congratulations I guess.
My sweet broken Maya is not broken anymore. She has so much love in her life now. I could cry just thinking about it.
Carina and Maya's little family is so beautiful. I know we are not going to experience Carina's pregnancy but I hope they let us see just a bit how moody Carina gets and how Maya deals with it.
4 things I like to point out about the engagement party:
Andy ate everybody up. She was the best dress in that party.
2. Carina's dress was ugly I'm sorry. It just doesn't feel like Carina. Btw, I'm still not over Carina wearing her wedding dress to that party last season, piss me off bad that shit.
3. They have no idea how to dress Maya in formal attire. She looks like Danielle to me. It's not like she has to wear a suit because she is tough and goes to the gym, because I know she got married in a dress, but I don't know that hair is wrong.
4. Idk how I feel about Liam's biological dad being in the picture, I know we aren't going to see that. But it feels like they are saying boys need a male model in their life. You know what Mason said in the last episode.
Maybe I'm overthinking it but it feels unnecessary to me. Like I get the social worker had to look for his bio dad but they could say he wasn't interested and that's it.
But anyway, you know how important this was for me? This hug. My besties for real 😭
I was gonna look for a video or a GIF (I didn't tho) when Maya and Carina told everyone they were getting married, outside a hospital after Warren's surgery, and Maya and Andy barely touched. Like things were bad between Danielle and Jaina my god.
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Now, in Grey's Anatomy, Jo is choosing OB over general which means she is taking OB completely for the show, so no more Dr. Carina Deluca for real. Every time they have a pregnant mom it'll be Jo's case, and I know it's already like that but sometimes I had hope that Carina would appear for a bit but I guess not anymore.
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