vibinglikethat · 3 months
i am here once again to say that the latest episode of the bad batch season 3, the return, was EXTREMELY good. it was EXCELLENT. it was INCREDIBLE. it is already one of the best episodes of the show.
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stars-n-spice · 1 month
I'll think about the finale being this week and everytime I do, I take like psychic damage.
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punk-dad-sharkz · 1 month
so... I finally watched tbb finale. spoilers below the cut
i bawled my EYES OUT 😭😭😭
it was such a sweet sweet ending and so hopeful and AAAFUGHTURJ
some of my favourite moments:
baryn in his little baby sling 🥹
omega letting the zillo beast out LETS GOOO 💪
CROSSHAIR. LOSING. HIS. HAND?????? HELLO??? NO MORE SHAKEY HAND BUT OMG???? the metaphor of him letting go and healing from the trauma on Tantiss by, quite literally, losing his hand and it could also symbolize him letting himself change and adapt. I'm quite normal about this
Nala Se sacrificing herself to keep the Empire from getting the research and taking Rampart with her!! She symbolized the last of Kamino... this makes me so sad but she went out with a BANG (quite literally)
Wrecker going CRAZYYY on those shadow clone operatives. I was cheering so fucking loud!!!!!
echo and emerie talking!!! it was such a pretty scene visually too
that goddamn end scene. omega all grown up and going to fight for the rebellion and old man hunter, while still worrying about her, supporting her!!!
i was sad we didn't get cx-2 reveal like we hoped, and I was holding out for it the entire episode, but honestly the way they did this finale felt like good closure, and how tech's death symbolized moving on and moving forward. Their fight is over, and they're at peace now. they're home.
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fionajames · 3 months
home - the bad batch
A/N: HEY GUYS, IM SCARED FOR THE NEW SEASON. So, I figured, depending on how these three episodes go, we might need some fluff, so here it is <3. The lyrics are from Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. I recommend listening to it as you read! Send requests please! ENJOY!
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Oh, home, let me come home
Hunter sighed as he watched Omega swing from side to side in the air, clinging to the hoop of the monkey bar. He wasn’t frustrated with Omega playing - in fact it was a very nice thing to see - in fact he wasn’t frustrated at all. 
He was just watching as Wrecker teased her, causing her to giggle vigorously. Hunter could hear something about the floor being lava, and Wrecker commentating as she played. 
Echo laughed as Omega swung around quickly and lunged at him, clinging to him as she squealed from Wrecker’s insistent teasing. “Wrecker!” She cried out, squirming away from his grasp and racing to hide behind Hunter. He bit his tongue in an attempt to contain the huge grin threatening to grow.
Hunter glanced up at the sky, squinting at the setting suns. The orange glow basked the town beautifully, the forest the playground was situated in alit with the gleam. The corner of his mouth lifted ever-so-slightly. “Time to head home,” he told the others, grasping Omega and hoisting her up onto his shoulders. 
Home is whenever I’m with you
All of the Clones were extremely touch-starved, but most then preferred no affection. Omega, however, was the most affectionate little thing Hunter had ever seen.
As the four began walking home through the streets, Omega ranted about the new friend she’d made at the park - before Wrecker had arrived and interrupted her shenanigans. The new friend was a Clone cadet, the same age as Omega.
Of course, with the antidote the Kaminoans had injected in all of them, the cadet’s age was now one of a normal human’s. Just like Omega.
The streets of Nay Mets were filled with the sunset’s glow and streetlights, familiar and unfamiliar faces rushing through the town. Occasionally the batch saw someone they recognised and waved hello, but most of the time was spent trekking back to the house.
“Can Hera sleep over tomorrow?” Omega chirped, bending over so Hunter could see her face. She gave him her best puppy eyes, wide-eyed, lovable and unable to ignore. “Please?”
“Of course,” Hunter replied, smiling when Omega cheered loudly. 
Oh, home, let me come home
It didn’t take them long to reach their house, slipping inside the unlocked door and calling for their two brothers. Tech was stood in the kitchen cooking something, humming softly. The end of the war had helped ease his humourless state, but kept all of his good features. 
Crosshair was leaning against the countertop, toothpick in between his lips as he thought. Omega barrelled him over with a hug - as usual - before being a little more careful with Tech, who was spooning hot soup into bowls.
Hunter counted the bowls within a split-second, raising a brow at his brother and smirking. “Six?” He asked, and Tech smiled sheepishly. “Phee?” A nod was all the confirmation he needed. 
The batch had met Phee only a few months ago, when she’d come knocking on their door in the early hours of the morning, asking for a flashlight when hers had run out. The whole family could see the instant connection between Phee and Tech, like a rope binding two bridges, destinies intertwined.
Home is whenever I’m with you
Phee arrived late - as usual - but with a big grin, stories and hugs. Omega followed her around with endless questions about her latest quest, asking about the other member to their trio - Ahsoka. Ahsoka came by occasionally, mostly for Omega and Echo. She’d recently joined Phee on her wild travels.
The family ate their soup with huge grins all around, even from Crosshair - who was masking his by remaining bent over his bowl. They washed up before finding a movie to watch, a tradition they’d created recently. 
Once the movie was over, Omega insisted they head into town for a walk. The batch had quickly discovered Omega loved walks, figuring it was because she’d been so confined most of her life.
And so, they walked through the town - all six of them - for an hour, taking in the beauty of Nay Mets. Hunter watched fondly as Tech held Omega up so she could examine one of the streetlights. 
He’d finally done it.
Here his family was.
Safe, and happy.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Please send requests!!!
(taglist: @skellymom, @techs-goggles9902)
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littlespacereader · 2 months
hii there i dont rly know how this works so i hope im doing it right >-<
can i perhaps req little!crosshair hcs and how the batch would accommodate him and help him? they would be the best big brothers to him ik!!! ^^ if also omega could be included too not as a cg but i think she'd be so sweet about it n the best sister :o
GET OUT OF HERE!! Don’t actually because this is such a cute idea!!! Before I read this I always saw Crosshair as more of a CG but THEN this request had my brain short circuit with ideas!! I absolutely love a Little who doesn’t want to regress but is loved and accepted by those around them that they start to regress without realizing it! And that’s definitely Crosshair! I decided not just to write a general Headcannons for him but him as a Little throughout the first seasons to the current season. So we see Little Crosshair before the empire, during and after. This is LONG, I think I got a little carried away!😅😅
(I will keep updating this every Wednesday so that it’s up to date with the show. If you’re reading this right now it is updated to Season 3 ep 11 - Point of No Return)
Without further ado, please enjoy Little! Crosshair Headcannons with the Bad Batch as Caregivers & Omega as a Little sibling! Thank you for the request and feel free to leave another if anything from this inspires you! 😄
Little! Crosshair🎯Headcannons / Storyline 🤍 (SFW)
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Tags/ TW - BAD BATCH SPOILERS, mentions of clone wars & bad batch typical violence (shooting/death), classification au, accidents, cuddles, self doubt/hatred
Background on the Republic and on Regressors in the Clone Wars era:
Just like every citizen, every clone of the republic must be tested for their Classification and have it on their file. They get it right after they’ve finished all their training and their ready to be shipped out into battle. As much as the Kaminoans would like for all of the clone to be Neutrals, they have no control over it. They just hide all notes about it and tell the republic all their clones are neutrals. But the clones know otherwise. Though most of the clones are Neutrals, there are the few exceptions. It’s rare to get a Caregiver Clone, but even rarer to find a Little Clone.
The Bad Batch have been and continue to be anything but normal. So when it comes for them to get classified, the results don’t come to much of a shock. Each one test right after the other, then waits in their shared room for everyone to come back and say their results.
Hunter is the first to test and his comes back as a Caregiver. Then Tech is up and is tested as a Caregiver as well. The two are shocked at first, never expecting their classification to come to any use. Then Wrecker test and his comes back as a Little with the age of a big kid (7-9). That…wasn’t much of a shock to the team. What is a bit shock to the team is Crosshair’s classification.
Little Crosshair before the Empire & Omega :
Crosshair is the last one to test mostly because he’s the youngest. He expects, no, he knows he’s a neutral. So when he’s told otherwise he loses it. He demands the droid test him again, then again, then again. But it’s the same result every time. He’s a Little with the age of a little kid (4-6).
He starts to panic. Before he sees his brother he takes time for himself to try and calm down but he can’t. He has this stern tough guy persona to himself. What if his brothers see him differently? What if they think he’s not as capable? What will happen when he regresses? No! No, he’s never going to regress. That is not happening.
After a moment of pulling himself together and cooling his emotions, he leaves and head back to his room with the rest of the squad. Wreck is eager to hear his classification but Crosshair just shrugs him off saying he’s a neutral. Tech and Hunter share a look but don’t say anything.
Crosshair can feel it bubbling inside, almost scratching at the back of his brain to regress but he fights it. Wrecker always regresses after a long mission. Something inside of Crosshair always yearns for him to do the same with him.
Crosshair keeps his classification well hidden. No one questions Crosshair on his Neutral classification and he doesn’t regress…that is before their latest mission goes south.
Crosshair gets hurt, badly hurts. A broken leg and possibly a concussion. He hits the ground HARD. His leg hurts and his head is pounding. Wrecker picks him up and carries him back to the ship with the others. Once they’re all safe in the Marauder, Hunter and Tech realize Crosshair regressed.
Wrecker doesn’t understand what’s happening and questions it. “Why’s he acting like that?” “Because he’s regressed” Tech explains plainly. “But he’s a neutral.” Wrecker adds, but Hunter shakes his head, “He never has been. Isn’t that right Crosshair?” Crosshair just looks away as tears start to fall from his eyes.
They start to take care of him while he’s injured and regressed. The more they do, the more Crosshair realizes his regression isn’t such a bad thing after all, So the crew of the Marauder start to learn a few new things about their newly regressed squad member.
For one, Hunter is Crosshair’s favorite person. When he isn’t around Crosshair he begins to panic and look for him. It’s an unspoken truth with the Batch that when Crosshair regresses he’s always hanging around Hunter. “Hunter?” “Over here little sniper.”
Hates cutsie nicknames. Really only accepts Little sniper, Cross, and very rarely little one.
He’s a very quiet Little as opposed to Wrecker who is a very loud energetic Little.
Though he is very quiet, he does have a voice when it comes to something he doesn’t like. He is extremely stubborn. (More below on this)
Wrecker loves to take the lead and guide Crosshair to play along with their crazy games. He’s an older headspace than him so he loves to be big brother.
Whenever Crosshair is upset, Wrecker will bring him Lula to make him. As much as he doesn’t want to admit it, it does make him better.
Crosshair is super cuddly when he’s regressed. But you can’t force him, he just walks over to either Hunter or Tech while they’re relaxing in their bunk, doesn’t say a word, and just snuggled up beside them.
Tech loves to read to him, it always seems to relax him and sometimes it makes him fall asleep with all the knowledge.
Crosshair throws tantrums often. He is a fussy Little. When something doesn’t go his way, he doesn’t want to do something, or something wasn’t what he wanted he will throw a huge tantrum.
He also fights most if not all of Hunter & Tech’s rules. They’re getting a bit tired of his constant rebellion to their rules but nonetheless their as patient as they can be with him, knowing he’s probably lashing out because he needs some attention and is too shy to ask for it.
In and out of his regression his brothers love and respect him. They don’t look down at him for being a Regressor and they certainly don’t underestimate him.
No toothpicks when Crosshair is regressed, as it’s too dangerous. Instead the Batch find him an alternative in the way of chewable necklaces and teethers. Pacifiers are labeled too babyish by Crosshair so the alternatives make him feel a lot better.
When Echo joins the team, Crosshair doesn’t regress for a while around him. Nervous of the new Caregiver on the ship, though he’d never admit it.
When he does eventually regress, Echo is extremely kind to Crosshair. Whenever he get fussy or is on the verge of a tantrum, Echo seems to have the magic touch or the magic saying that starts to settle him down. “Why don’t we go look at the stars outside?” “I don’t want to!” “Oh, well I guess I’ll just go out by myself and look at the starts. *sigh* I’ll just be so lonely.” He leaves the ship to look at the stars and find Crosshair beside him a minute later.
After their mission with the Jedi during order 66, they meet Omega. And at the same time as meeting Omega, Crosshair begins to have terrible headaches. Usually when he has a headache it turns into him regressing but this one is doing the opposite. Plus now with Omega, he can’t help but feel a slight twinge of jealousy for her.
They learn that Omega is a part of their squad. But not only that, she’s also a Little same headspace as Wrecker.
Crosshair fights with the team against being on the opposite side of the Empire. Deep down he just wants things to be the same as they were before.
When they are captured again, Crosshair hold his head in pain. Whatever was going on, Omega seemed to sense it. She takes a seat by him and takes his hand in his. “I know this isn’t your fault.” Maybe this isn’t his fault. Before he’s decided whether he was going to ask her about it or just roll his eyes, the Empire goes to take him away.
“Ct-9904 you’re coming with us.” Hunter is the first to stand up and block them from taking Crosshair but he is punched in the stomach. Crosshair is dragged out of his cell, casting one last worrying look to his squad.
Little Crosshair during the Empire (Season 1)
The Empire begins experimenting on him to keep him as their “good soldier.” In doing so his regression starts to fade away for him for the time being. He doesn’t feel the usual pull to regress like he did before.
His brothers leaving him behind doesn’t hit him at first. But when the realization and loneliness hit him, it’s like a train. Late at night in their old barracks, Crosshair lays awake in his bed. He longs for Hunter, Tech or even Echo to come and comfort him. But now as the Empire’s perfect soldier, he forced himself to push it down.
(The Reunion s1 ep 8) When he gets injured by the cruiser engine and is medically evaluated off the planet he involuntarily regresses for the first time since joining the empire. Something happens with him getting burns to the side of his head. It makes his chip or his motives to stay with the Empire wavier.
His injuries brings him back to when he first regressed with his squad. Except now he was surrounded by medical droids. He freaks out but is only restrained more by the droids until they finish the proper treatment to the burns on the side of his head. He has an accident while they treat him, something that has only happen on extremely few occasions. The embarrassment eats away at him.
Once treated he is sent to his barracks to heal. This time everything feels different. He cries as he sit in his bed all alone. He longs for Hunter, or Tech, or Echo, or even Wrecker to make him feel better.
(War-Mantle s1 ep14 & Return to Kamino s1 ep15) When Hunter is captured by the empire, Crosshair makes it a point to be in charge of his arrest. While he acts sassy on the outside, Hunter sees right through it all. When Crosshair confronts Hunter in his cell Hunter asks him about it, “Crosshair…when was the last time you-.” “I DON’T! Not anymore.”
(Kamino Lost s1 ep16) Capturing Hunter was the biggest part of his plan. Why? So the rest of the squad could come and get him. With everyone back together he offers them to join the empire once more. But again, they refuse. Crosshair lashes out. Hunter and Crosshair fight which results in Hunter taking down Crosshair.
During their escape out of Kamino, Omega and Crosshair have a chance to chat. She really just wants to connect and be an older sister to him, being a Little herself. But he scoffs her off, choosing to self isolate himself rather than make friends with Omega. There’s also something inside of him that feels a bit of jealousy when he sees Omega around the others, especially Hunter.
Crosshair save Omega from drowning. He looks around at the guns surrounding him. He wasn’t going to shoot Omega, he was saving her life! But he’s done too much damage and that shows in the way Wrecker, Tech and Echo look at him.
They offer him a choice to join them again, no questions asked. There’s something deep down inside of Crosshair that’s screaming at him to join his squad again. But his stubborn need to be a good solider wins over and once again his squad leaves him. As they fly away he can’t help but let a few tears fall.
Little Crosshair during the Empire (Season 2)
The Empire left him on that platform in the ruins of Kamino for thirty two rotations, left to starve.
By this time back with Empire he is starting to notice more and more clone question the Empire’s intentions. The first of whom that really gets Crosshairs attention is Commander Cody.
It’s like a breath of fresh air to work with Cody. But even he could see that a good soldier like Cody is even questioning the Empire’s intentions. This starts to have Crosshair thinking about the Empire’s intentions for him.
After Cody disappears, Crosshair continues to work for the Empire but his treatment gets worse and worse. The stormtroopers disrespect his abilities, he eats alone and is isolated from everything expect work.
At night Crosshair stays awake, curled in a ball crying. His regression is becoming a big issue for him. He can’t stop feeling the pull to fully regress but with how the Empire is treating clones he scared he’ll be disregarded if he did.
(The Outpost s2 ep 12) Everything changes when he’s assigned to the Outpost. There he meet another clone named Mayday who reminds him so much of Hunter. It brings that Little feeling deep down inside. It doesn’t help that Mayday is also a Caregiver and can sense that Crosshair isn’t the neutral he says he is.
When they go out to retrieve the items stolen by raiders they come to find that all their hard work has led them to just retrieve new armor for the stormtroopers that plan on replacing them.
During the battle to get the supplies back, Mayday pushes Crosshair out of the way, saving his life but injuring himself. Though he insists on Crosshair leaving him, Crosshair doesn’t abandon him there. Instead he helps him go back to the Outpost.
There were moments spent huddled next to one another as the snow blew back and forth. As injured as Mayday was, he always tried to comfort Crosshair who regressed on and off because of his worrying about Mayday. “It’s okay Crosshair, we’ll make it. Just stay close to me. I’ve got you.”
Crosshair takes his arm and wrap his around his shoulders for support. Both to support Mayday as he walks and for the comfort of keeping him close.
Eventually they do make it back to the base. Crosshair lays Mayday down for a minute as the Lieutenant comes over to the two. He begs him to get a medic for Mayday, tears falling down his face. But the Lieutenant mocks Crosshair, saying how weak and expendable the clones are and how angry he is that they came back empty handed. When Crosshair looks to Mayday, he’s passed away.
Crosshair losses it. Everything he felt about the Empire fades away. He realizes the mistake his made and more than anything wants to be back with his squad. But he’s stuck here, with the Empire. He begin to cry, holding onto Mayday hand as the Lieutenant turns away.
There’s only one way out and that’s the option he goes for. He takes his gun and shoot the man. There’s a sense of relief that washes over him. But that relief immediately turns to exhaustion. He crumbles to the ground as storm troopers run over and passes out.
When Crosshair awakes he’s taken prisoner by Hemlock and Emerie. They inform him that they’re going to use him to capture Omega. It’s with this knowledge Crosshair sets out to do one last good deed to redeem a bit of his old self.
He breaks out and goes to the communications board where he sends out an encrypted message to the Bad Batch, “Plan 88. You have to hide. They’re after…..”
The last part of the message doesn’t go through. Gas fills the room and Crosshair collapses. Hemlock walks through the gas as it doesn’t affect him. He tells Crosshair of the mistake he’s made and how he’ll pay for it. A single tear falls from Crosshair’s eye before he passes out.
His punishment is being thrown into a cell, forced to be subject to different test both of his defective qualities and his Little classification.
When Omega is captured, she find Crosshair strapped to a table unconscious. At least the two Littles of the Batch are reunited.
Little Crosshair is back with the Batch (Season 3)
Crosshair has lost hope of ever escaping Tantiss. He has his usual schedule of trying to train him to be some brain washed assassin (doesn’t work on him), then he’s experimented on and then thrown into his cell. Most nights he’s alone, left to cry. But soon, Omega starts to visit him.
At first he tries to steer her away from him. Saying mean things so she’ll leave him alone and escape herself. He feels in some twisted way he deserve this punishment. But unlike everyone who he’s felt abandoned him, Omega never gives up on him. She visits him every night.
Some nights he’s regressed, others he’s not. Omega stays with him through and throughout. She loves his little side, though it’s mostly just him crying and holding her hand through the cell door. The small comfort is needed.
They break out! Omega takes the lead getting them out of the prison while Crosshair mans the guns. He feels comfortable not making the decisions and instead letting his sister do it for them. Though nowadays his shooting isn’t as good as it used to be thanks to all the experiments to him.
Once free they crash land, steal a ship and travel to meet Hunter and Wrecker. The whole adventure brings Crosshair very close to Omega who looks after him like Wrecker used to. He now protects her at all cost.
When they land, Omega is first to run and hug Hunter and Wrecker. The happy reunion is ruined by Crosshair as he also steps down off the ship. Too much betrayal has caused their relationship to splinter. It makes his heart sink
(The Return Season 3 ep 5) Back with the Batch and back to somewhat safe place. Crosshair tries to find his place back in the group again. But he knows Wrecker and Hunter don’t trust him at all. So he isolated himself from the group, looking to instead fix his shaking hand. The only one who’s close to him is still Omega. She urges him to talk to Hunter who has given him the cold shoulder.
When Echo arrives they realize they need to go to an imperial base to help unlock a datapad from Tantiss and free the clones. The only issue, this isn’t just any imperial base, this is The Outpost.
Wrecker is kind enough to give him his old armor back. He steps inside the Marauder and changes. Looking in the mirror he sees a hint of his old self again. The hope makes his heart stop for a second.
Walking outside brings back all the memories of Mayday, something that wrenches his heart.
He lashes out at Hunter throughout their entire time at the Outpost. It brings back old memories of when Crosshair would deny regressing, throw a tantrum, eventually break down and regress with Hunter.
The only thing is, Hunter is not being as kind as he used to be. Crosshair hasn’t exactly been kind to him and the rest of the Batch. So it’s all expected.
There’s small insults thrown here and there between Hunter and Crosshair. All with Omega and Echo trying to get the two to talk to one another, knowing that’s how it would fix everything between them.
When they enter the Outpost, the team works on the datapad while Crosshair slips away, looking through the outpost, remembering the last time he was there.
Out of the corner of his eye he spot a group of clone helmets and in the middle sits Mayday’s helmet. He immediately goes over and fixes the helmets, putting Maydays in the middle to honor him. A stray tear falls from his eye as he stares at the helmet. He quickly wipes it away, unaware Hunter had been watching him.
But slowly but surely Crosshair and Hunter get on each other nerves to the point of having an all out argument with one another. Hunter questions Crosshair’s loyalty to the squad and Crosshair just lashes out, saying things only to hurt Hunter.
Their argument is interrupted by a giant monster! (Of course) During the mission to get rid of this giant monster, Crosshair and Hunter work together for the first time in forever. Crosshair saves Hunter’s life by merely getting eaten himself.
After that they just sit in the snow, breathing heavy next to one another. They look over and silently there’s a difference in the air. All the anger all the heartache is gone. What’s left is what they were before, brothers, Caregiver and Little.
They walk back to the squad. Wrecker runs over and hugs the two together in a group hug like he used to do. Echo smiles at Omega saying “See? They always work it out. And this time Hunter’s not bleeding from one of Crosshair’s tantrums. I’d say it’s a win win.”
Once they start packing up to leave, Hunter and Crosshair get a moment to talk to one another. “Hunter, I…I thought I knew what I was getting into with the Empire. I thought I was being a good soldier.” Tears threaten to spill from his eyes. It’s all too much. Now that he’s in Hunter and the squad’s good side. He feels the need to regress once more.
Hunter steps up, walking over to Crosshair, “Nobody really understood what was happening back then.”
“I’ve done thing, I’ve made mistakes.” The tears that threatened to spill start falling as soon as he turns and looks at Hunter.
Hunter decides to clear the space between them. He brings Crosshair close and wrap him in a hug, something he hasn’t had in forever, “I have regrets too, Crosshair. All we can do is keep trying to be better. And who knows? There just might be hope for us yet. It’s okay my little sniper. You’re home now.”
Crosshair just cries and cries into Hunter’s shoulder. So much being built up over time that just finally being let out. After a moment Crosshair lifts his head and Hunter wipes the remaining tears away. “I already told the squad, tonight you and I are going to spend some quality time together. Sound good?” Crosshair nods, taking his hand and being led onto the ship.
The night feels like a dream to Crosshair. He’s finally able to fully regress and feel safe doing so. He cuddles close to Hunter and never leaves his side. With him, his old chewable necklace that getting pretty worn out.
(Infiltration s3 ep 6) Things remain pretty peaceful until a call from Rex comes through. The Batch are brought to give anymore information about Tantiss to Rex.
Crosshair meets Howzer again, who rightly so, doesn’t like him. Hunter sticking up for him brings a sense of warmth and happiness to him. His brothers truly accept him again.
But seeing the Assassin clone has Crosshair’s heart stop all together. This is bad, really bad. He fears not only for his own safety but mostly for his sister safety who the Empire desperately wants. After everything the two have been through together Crosshair couldn’t be without his big sister.
(Extraction s3 ep7) Running away from the assassin is a daunting task. This clone is good and Crosshair’s shaking hand isn’t helping. He still is useful but not as good as he hoped to be.
Once outside Crosshair check up on Omega, “you good?” “Un-huh.” “Got your crossbow?” “Yup.” “Sure you can carry those supplies?” “Yes.” “Stay close. It’s easy to get lost in this terrain.” Omega smiles but rolls her eyes, “You’re as bad as Hunter.” “Oh, I’m much worse.”
As they journey through the forest to get to the pick up location with Echo, Crosshair can sense the clone assassin is close. He turns to go alone, hoping to draw the assassin away from Omega.
The assassin seems almost mad at Crosshair for not being one of the assassins like himself. As the fight goes on, Crosshair is starting to slip up. The assassin hold his underwater and he struggles to breathe. But thankfully the rest of the team gets there to save Crosshair before he drowns or worse, falls down the giant water fall like the assassin did.
Hunter and Omega rush over as Crosshair coughs up water. Both the Caregiver and the Little are worried about him.
Finally they are about to be picked up when an old clone commander Wolffe tries to stop them. But after Rex’s speech, he has a change of heart. Crosshair notices how more clones, like Cody are beginning to question the order like all of them.
Once saved by Echo and heading to Padu, Wrecker and Omega begin to regress and play around the ship. And despite it all, Crosshair joins them, letting the worries of the missions and what happen tonight.
(Bad Territory s3 ep8) Hunter and Omega worry about Crosshair’s shaking hand. He tried to hide it from all the Caregivers and even Omega but everyone begins to notice it.
So while away on a mission Hunter instruct Omega to have Crosshair check it out. Sadly though it isn’t a medical issue. It’s because of the severe anxiety and PTSD he has since Tantiss.
Despite being against it at first, Crosshair follows Omega along and listens to his older sister as she teaches him how to meditate. At first he thinks it stupid and is about to walk away but she takes his hand in his.
With a deep breath he closes his eyes and focuses. And without him noticing, his hand stops shaking.
(The Harbinger s3 ep 9) Crosshair and Hunter work as the ultimate Dad team duo against Ventress who the don’t trust or want Omega to be around.
They work extremely well together. Despite getting their butts handed to them by Ventress they both see that their main priority is to keep Omega safe. That to them is what matters most.
In the end, Ventress warns them about Padu, saying it’s not safe. While it shouldn’t bother Crosshair, it eats away at him all night. Maybe they should leave? Maybe they should hide? He wakes Hunter up and explains his worries. “No use in staying up all night worry Cross, here. I’ll protect you and Omega tonight.”
It seems Crosshair was beat to Hunter’s bed by Omega who’s cuddle against his side. Old Crosshair would’ve been jealous. But now? Now he feels happy to have both of them around. He snuggles with the two. Happy to be protected by Hunter and happy to protect Omega.
(Point of No Return, s3 ep11) While Crosshair hasn’t been on Padu for as long as the others, he feels a bit sad to see it go. He sticks with Hunter, helping to load supplies onto the ship before the take off.
Just as they’re making their last trip BOOM! The Marauder, their home, explodes. Hunter, Omega and Crosshair run to the docks to find an unconscious and injured Wrecker. Crosshairs heart stops seeing his brother so injured.
But they’ve got bigger issues. They look to the skies and see an Imperial cruiser entering the airspace. He subconsciously goes closer to Omega, knowing that they’re here for her.
The three take off, trying to figure out a plan. Hunter suggests Crosshair stay with Omega while he finds a ship for them. Crosshair happily agrees, afraid of being away from Omega. The two run away, hiding with Wrecker’s unconscious body as AZ works on him.
Crosshair can see it in Omega’s eyes and on her face. She’s guilty. The people of the planet are being hurt and she feels as though she is to blame for it all. Crosshair wishes he could say something to reassure her it’s not her fault but he doesn’t say anything.
They watch as Hunter’s plan fails. He falls into the ocean. Crosshair grabs a view finder frantically and searches the ocean. His heart doesn’t start pumping again until he sees Hunter’s head pop up from the water. “He’s okay.” He says both to Omega and to himself.
Back inside Omega stops Crosshair and tells him she’s going to surrender herself. Crosshair is immediately against it, insisting they stick to Hunter’s plan. But Omega has made up her mind. She doesn’t want to see another suffer because of her.
Her plan is simple, hide a tracker on her and have Crosshair shoot a tracker on the ship. That way they can track her to Tantiss and they’ll be able to save the other clones, Crosshair is not confident on the mission. He doesn’t agree with it but Omega made her mind up. She’s doing it.
So when Omega surrenders herself they find her tracker, leaving it up to Crosshair to be the one to put the tracker on the ship.
Storm troopers are everywhere. With only seconds to shoot the tracker he’s attacked by troopers. He stops them and then takes his position again, but this time the ship is taking off.
He shoots and…he misses. The tracker lands in the ocean and the ship takes off with Omega with no way of tracking her at all.
Crosshair just watches the ship leave, in shock and in anguish. Tears fall from his face under his helmet as the ship gets small and small before disappearing from view. He failed them, he failed her.
How will be ever face Hunter and Wrecker who don’t know? How will be able to live with himself?
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 year
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Heads up I haven’t seen any leaks or researched anything so this probably won’t be accurate pshkssbks (also no spoilers, just trailer references!)
First off, Ep3: The Solitary Clone??? Who??? I’ve seen some people theorizing that this could be Crosshair which would be SO EXCITING LIKE PLEASE!!! I WANT TO SEE HIMMMM. It could also be Rex, Cody, or Wolffe which would be great too (It better not mean Echo is leaving because omg I WOULD SOB NO)
Ep4: Faster To me this seems like it’s probably where we see Tech pod racing, I mean it just makes sense right? I think it’s either that or the Batch has to physically work faster due to the Empire finding out they’re still alive or something.
Ep5: Entombed omg fear. What is that. What does that MEAN. Please tell me it’s just like a semi-filler episode where some of them get trapped in a cave or something normal please let it be something normal and not absolutely devastating mr filoni please 🫠🫠🫠
Ep6: Tribe This one could be really cute!! I feel like this is either referring to the Batch, some actually tribe they meet, or maybe Rex’s group?? Idk, but it seems pretty tame to me :)
Ep7: The Clone Conspiracy and Ep8: Truth and Consequences no. no stop THATS SO MEAN. THATS JUST CRUEL OMG. I feel like this is a direct connection to the Fives arc in TCW and THERE BETTER BE A NAME DROP PLEASE but also IM SO SCARED. On one hand it’s two episodes so yayyy!! But on the other, this really seems like it either has to do with the chips and Fives or some big secret/misunderstanding that might cause some serious tension within the Batch.
Ep9: The Crossing I mean come on. There’s no way this isn’t a play with Crosshairs name, why would this be the title if it’s not. I’m thinking this could be where Crosshair comes back (please), or maybe just Hunter and the Batch finally dealing with the fact that he left in the first place. Or maybe Crosshair is forced to work together with them again for a bit somehow? Or they just cross a big chasm or something and Crosshair is there. Could just be that.
Ep10: Retrieval ITS CROSSHAIR RIGHT. THEY’RE RETRIEVING CROSSHAIR THATS WHO IT IS RIGHT PLEASE I’M BEGGING. I think it’s either that or the Batch goes on some typical retrieval mission and along the way either rescues one of the Batch members from danger or maybe some other person (gungi?)
Ep11: Metamorphosis This could refer to so many things, but I think it might be the whole batch or just one member having a sort of revelation like:
If it’s the whole batch, maybe they’ll change and decide to join the fight against the Empire together
Omega: this could be her learning more about the world and maybe pushing back against Hunter to decide things for herself or disagree with what he wants to do
Cody?: I feel like this could be him breaking free of the control chip, maybe turning on/leaving the empire
It could also be Hunter finally deciding to have the batch join the rebellion, or Crosshair coming back (pleASE), or Echo leaving to join the rebellion alone (NO)
Ep12: The Outpost This one comes out the day before my birthday WOOO!!! My first thought here was Rishi Station, but honestly that connection is pretty unlikely. It could be Rex’s base or maybe the building we saw Cody walking up to in the trailer?
Ep13: Pabu what. is that a guy or…
Ep14: Tipping Point oh this could be so many things. It could be Cody and Crosshair fighting and one of them choosing a side, it could be one of them dying (omg no) making the others more determined to fight the empire, it could be Crosshair coming back (PLS), it could be Echo deciding to leave and join Rex with the rebellion (DONT), it could literally be so many things. In any case, it’s clearly the lead up to/start of the big end conflict, so it’s safe to assume something serious is going down and I’m scared.
Ep15: The Summit and Ep16: Plan 99 Honestly, I have no clue. Big conflict, some crazy Bad Batch plan, my only hope is that it requires Crosshair meaning we get him back by then? Hopefully it’s not like a last resort kind of plan meaning bad things are going to happen but I mean this is star wars, I can only expect pain.
Anyway, that was so long I seriously doubt anyone will read all this but if you have any other predictions I’d love to hear them! I always think these are so fun :)
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badbatch-forever · 1 year
Pairing: Echo x Irie
Word count: N/A
Summary: Irie is a bout to head off on a dangerous mission alone, in search of her long lost sister. Echo finds himself nearly having a panic attack.
Warnings: Panic attacks, gore, description of wounds, cussing but like once, kissy kissy shit, fluff, angst
It was the night before Irie was about to leave, she insisted she went alone for this mission, as this retrieval was one betwixt her, her sister, and Dr. Hemlock. They had barely been able to retrieve Crosshair and Omega from Mount Tantis, and lost Tech along the way. Echo was pacing back and fourth, whispering curse words repeatedly and planting his hands on the back of his head. Irie could see that he was under immense stress.
"Echo?" She said shyly.
When he turned to her, she was shocked. He looked scared, like he had seen a ghost, like the way he looked when Rex, Tech and Irie had worked to get him off of Skako Minor. He looked... terrified. She didn't see any tears falling, but she saw the streaks left over on his cheeks.
"Sweetie what's wrong?" She asked innocently. His voice was shaky and nervous, almost as if he about to cry again, but he managed to say, "What d-do you think?!" As he grabbed your bicep with his flesh hand. He let go on e he realized your shock. " I-Im sorry..." He said, looking bashful. Irie looked at him with empathy. "Don't worry tough guy, I'll be fine. I will only be a week at most, less if I can. I'll do fine." Irie assured him. He signed. "But what if- what if you get hurt?! Or worse." His voice was grim. "Love, I'm more than 75% droid, my fore arms, lower torso, and entire legs are droid parts. It won't be too big of problem if I get hurt." Irie assured him. "Well I still don't like it! I lost three of siblings from that guy, and one of them died! You going alone?! Pfft! Do you have a death wish?!" He spat, grudgingly. Shocked by his sudden outburst, normally she would've smacked him across the face, but she understood where he was coming from. He didn't want to loose her with all of his heart and soul.
"I'll be fine... I promise." She said, calmly cupping his cheek. A single tear managed to find its way out of his eye, she wiped it away quickly with her thumb. "Cyare...please... Tell me you won't do this." He said just above a whisper. Irie snaked her arms around him, and rested her head on his chest, listening to rapid heartbeat pounding. "I have to, her name was on the transport data. I can't let myself leave her there to be experimented on by some insane bastard." She squeezed him tighter. For a moment he didn't want to let go of her, as it might be the last time he would ever get to see her. He pulled away first to her surprise, and turned his back quickly. "Then go." He seemed hurt. Irie wanted to talk about it more, but she couldn't wait any longer, her ride was just outside the Marauder. "Good bye Echo. I love you, so much." She said, hesitated a moment, then exited the cockpit. Those words- almost destroyed him. Right after the door closed, Echo fell to his knees, and broke out into all sobs. He managed to look out of the gunner's mount, and see the ship take off into the atmosphere. This only made him cry harder, until Hunter crept behind him, awaiting patiently. "Come Echo, we've got work to do." Hunter said softly, no hesitation or empathy on his voice at all.
About a week after Irie left, things where still tense. Echo was angry but couldn't bring himself to stay that way. He was so worried he could barely even breathe all week. Today he slept in, longer than usual. Hunter sensed something was wrong, so made his way over to Echo's side to investigate. He found Echo in bed, turning in his sleep, and sweating a shit ton. Hunter rubbed his shoulder gently in attempt to comfort him, but he knew there was nothing he could do. Echo turned towards Hunter and reach out his flesh hand, munching him in the face. Hunter groaned loudly and moved back from his bedside, which alerted Echo awake immediately.
His eyes shot open and he sat up so fast that he bumped his head on the roof of his bunk. Hunter looked up at Echo only to hear blood curdling screams. Echo's heart raced so fast, he literally couldn't breath at all. His vision was blurry, and he couldn't stop screaming on his panic till he chocked on his own spit. He gasped and coughed,then started heaving kicking the sides of his walls. Hunter didn't know what to do. Echo was still screaming till his voice broke again, into sobs. Echo ran out of his bunk and into the fresher, and locked the door behind him. He sat down beside it, and dug his head in his knees as he sobbed uncontrollably.
"What's wrong with Echo?" Wrecker asked, startled. "He had a panic attack." Hunter said bluntly. "Sucks to be him." Crosshair remarked in a playful tone. "Now is definitely not the time for jokes!" Hunter snapped back. Crosshair just rolled his eyes and walked with his crutches into the cockpit. He took was still recovering from his experimentation. Hunter knocked innocently on the fresher door. "Echo, may I come in?" No answer. Hunter was tired still and didn't feel like resting with his storm of emotions, so he gave up with little resistance. After about 2 hours Echo summoned the courage to get out of the fresher and sit down quietly on his bunk. Sleepless nights where his thing now since Irie left for her sister. She hadn't reached out a contact to him yet which didn't help his anxiety, but he couldn't contact her himself or else he could put her in danger.
Irie was able to make into the facility. She didn't know where anything was, but so far, she went unnoticed by security. She had been wondering around the endless hallways for hours, looking for where her sister may be. She had been poking in and out of various rooms all day. She began to grow tired.
Finally she spotted and open door, to a room full of clones on tables. Just clones. That she could see. She crouched down, noticing the room was heavily guarded. "It's now or never" she though. She leaned forward keeping her hands behind her back as she reached for her blaster and ran up to the TK troopers in attempt to stun them. Fire power would make too much noise. One of the troopers shot at her, but she ducked and slid across the floor, stunning him. As he fell backwards, she used him as a human shield for the other troopers' fire. She flung the body on the other trooper and stunned him directly on the head. She walked cautiously into the room, and looked around desperately.
She scanned the tables one by one, till she saw the familiar blonde hair of her sister dripping down the top of one. Irie ran up to it and started unbuckling the restraints. In attempt to wake her, she shook her body once, then twice, then "FIRE!" A lieutenant yelled. "Guess they heard the shots after all." She thought. She grabbed her sister off the table and ducked behind it.
She crouched down behind the table and shot fire power and hit most of the TK troopers in spot. Suddenly an alarm went off. Irie knew that there was no way out anymore. She made a meke attempt to comm Echo and the batch, as they may be her and her sister's last resort. She wanted to make it out alive, for her sister, and for her promise to Echo that she would return safely. The moment she commed Echo, he answer immediately. "Echo?! Are you there?! Echo, do you copy?!" She stammered. "I'm here, whats the problem my dear?" His voice was hopeful but still worried. "I've found my sister but now I'm trapped, if its not too much trouble I could really use a distraction right!" She yelled into the comm device. "Hold on sweetheart, I'm on my way!" Echo assured her. She went comm silent, hoping I'd she got caught they would trace it. Irie sighed, knowing that there was no way her and sister would make it without being captured if she didn't act fast. More TK troopers had come and charged in. Irie leaped out from behind the table, and shot at them unprotected in open space. She was shot multiple times on her droid parts , but it didn't hurt, nor stop her. She held them off as long as she could before finally, being shot in the chest, where she wasn't made of metal. She shrieked, but kept fighting, until half of her torso separated from her lower and legs. She panicked but kept shooting, until she was surrounded by green gas. At that moment, Irie had blacked out.
Echo paced nervously, he knew the risks of going to retrieve Irie, but was willing to go for her, only for her. He would do anything just for more time with her. He worried endlessly. "I don't like this Echo, I mean, is it really worth it? I'm not ready to loose another brother for his significant other." Hunter added dryly. "You just don't get it do you? What she means to me? What if it was River who was locked up in there huh?" Echo tested. "River is on a different mission!" Hunter shot back with a glare. "Oh for Makers' sake! He left you Hunter!" Echo yelled at the top of his lungs. He didn't mean it. He knew it wasn't true. It was far to late to take it back now. "Fine!" Hunter growled, the turned. Crosshair scoffed and threw his toothpick at Echo's chest plate. "Way to win an argument, I envy you." He snarked. "Shut the hell up Crosshair." Echo muttered.
Echo glanced up at the radar, and saw that the planet inhabiting mount Tantis was in bound. "Time to save Irie," he thought. As the entered the atmosphere, the landed on the complete other side of the planet to avoid scouts. No wonder she was a away for so long.
Irie awoke to a dark shadow standing before her, everything was blurry, she was in immense pain, and the lights above her where overwhelming. She breathed shakily, her heart racing. When here eyes adjusted, she recognized the face upon her. Dr. Hemlock.
"What a pleasure it is to have you in our custody today. I apologize for my lateness, there where a few matters I needed to attend to, you understand, right?" He spoke almost in a friendly tone. Irie looked around, nad don't see her sister anywhere and didn't recognize where she was at, but alas, he continued, "Regardless, I have you here because I need something from you. Just some simple information and you and your sister may go. If you refuse to share what you behold your sister will be terminated." Dr. Hemlock spoke genuinely, as if he didn't even feel the least bit sympathy. Irie's eyes widened at his words, but she wasn't surprised. "Where is the girl?" He asked in a more dire tone. "I don't know, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you, kill me if you want, I don't care." Irie spoke sternly. "Then your sister will face the consequences." He replied. "No she won't. She has no information, only me, so if you kill her, I still won't say anything, and besides, you need her for some stupid little experiments don't you?" Irie said with an attitude. Dr. Hemlock sighed, then straightened his spine and left the room. He stopped at the exit and whispered to the chief doctor, then left without a word to her. The doctor nodded as he left them reached for a knife on a medkit on a table. She gripped it tight, then approached Irie, then cut into the skin on her chest. Irie grimaced. The doctor roughly cut open the dermis and stabbed a couple veins in half, which made Irie scream bloody murder. The doctor then started cutting into Ires stomach that wasn't tech. She jabbed into one of her rerouted arteries, then yanked it out, causing her to bleed all over the table. Her flesh was exposed, the doctor could see all of the blood gushing out of her chest and stomach, she could see her ribs and muscles stained pink. Irie couldn't stop screaming. Blood started dripping on the floor, so much so that it was flowing down the drain. Until gunfire was heard from outside. Irie prayed so hard through the screams that a savior had come for her.
"Irie!" Echo called from the other side of the door as she continued to scream till her voice broke from blood coming up her mouth. Echo opened the door with his tool- hand and rushed in, shooting the doctor without hesitation. Wrecker grabbed Irie's sister Blair and Echo quickly scooped up Irie in his arms. "Oh no no no no shit shit shit!" He cursed. "Oh my god what have they done to you?! This isn't good!" Echo said, running into the hallway. Irie cried as the only noise she could make now was just rabid animal noises of pain and misery. After running and running for what felt like hours, the batch where able to get back to the marauder safely and fly off into the abis of hyperspace.
Echo set her on the table. Her tech parts where broken but that was the least of her problems. Hunter and Echo where able to stop the bleeding thankfully,though he doubted his skills in his patch job. Hunter told Echo to let her rest alone, but he missed her so much and now that there was chance she was going to die any second, he stayed by her side all day and all night, he vowed.
About 5 days later, Irie opened her eyes. She was in excruciating pain, her chest felt like it was ripped open, which it was, and her stomach felt like it was exploding. "E-Echo?" She managed to speak grudgingly. She could tell he was tired. He hadn't slept a full night since she left, and not even a little bit since she was hurt. He jumped from his chair immediately and sat on his knees at her bedside, gently stroking her hair. "How are you feeling love?" His voice seemed relieved. "Like someone landed a gunship on me." She managed to urge a joke. Tears ran down her cheeks from the pain.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I have plenty of painkillers for you." He replied calmly. She didn't want to cry or laugh because every time she breathed, it felt like a walker was crushing her upper torso. Silent tears ran down her face. "I-i missed you." She added quietly. " I missed you so much I though I was gonna die." He scoffed playfully. He stood up, bent over, and planted his lips on hers.
"don't worry Mesh'la, I know you are in a lot of pain, but it won't last, I promise. And thank you for keeping your promise too." He added. "I was only able to keep it because of you." She said shyly. " Well you succeeded on your mission. Blair is still asleep, we haven't been able to wake her yet, but she is not dead." Echo explained. After a long silences, Irie finally spoke up again, "I love you." She said softly. "Oh cyare'ika, I will always love you. I'm so glad you are home safe. I will never let you do that ever again, no matter your reasons!" He declared, kissing Irie passionately on the lips once again.
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clone-bar-79s · 3 years
Im pretty sure this has been done before but..
Thinking about how Omega grows at a normal pace when her brothers grow at double the pace is traumatizing to me. If Omega is somewhere around 10 or 11, that means the four (except echo) are mid 20s? At most... and when she gets to 20... they'd really be 40...
Just remembering rex in rebels... the white hair and souch older.. and hes only 28... but really... he is in his late 50s.
And idk how Omega will bear to see them grow so much faster. How could she not despise the Kaminoans for accelerating their growth for profit, all for a war that was only ever meant to use clones as expendable robots... how she'd possibly begin to despise the Jedis who may not have treated clones badly, but did not do anything to stop the clones from being made as fast as the droids were manufactured by seppies. Those same people who were meant to bring peace to the galaxy, but still thought it was okay to breed clones for the sole purpose of fighting and dying in battles that never ended in the ten years within which they grew and died...
All I know is when Omega outlives Hunter, Tech, crosshair, wrecker and echo, she will only be in her mid 30s or 40s... and that is way too young to lose all your brothers and it would break any human
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To my Future Child| Hunter pt 2
You asked for this,
Warnings little suggestive
Reader: Female
Part one
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"What do you think she's all happy about?" Echo asked, plants in hand looking towards Hunter and Y/n.
"Who cares." Tech spoke.
"Uh let me see. I do" Echo answered.
"If it makes her happy, then let her be, she deserves it." Tech responded standing up and placing the herbs on the open book, "stop starring its creepy,"
"Im not staring!" Echo argued as Tech rolled his eyes, "Im thinking."
"About what? That?" Tech hinted.
"I uh. No!" Echo argued, a flush coming to his pale skin.
"Just give her the damn thing already." Tech stated.
"Easier said than done." Echo responded as he watched her laughed and be twirled around, "I just dont wanna barge in on there relatioship."
"You see her as a motherly figure," Tech told, "and Im sure Hunter knows it's just a simple gift. Im sure you wont be intruding on anything."
Tech took the book from Echo to write some things down.
"I guess..." Echo spoke taking a doll out his bag, he had made it for her.
It was a clone doll, its helmet missing and was replaced with a girl's face, with big button eyes that matched hers. He had ment to give it to her on what normal families called mothers day, but got to nervous and kept his secret craft skills to himself.
"Im gonna go to Omega in the feild."
Tech sighed, "uh huh."
Echo made his way over to the group, Crosshair now up with his own flower crown on his head as he yawned, Echo coming over as Omega got up, placing one on Echo's head as he smiled.
Y/n with Hunter watched the group from a far as Hunter had a hand on her hip.
"You know. No matter what people say, you're all a good batch. A real loveable batch."
Hunter chuckled as he kissed her cheek, "thats a first."
She chuckled in return, "come on. I wanna start makin the food, they can stay busy while I do."
Hunter only followed in her footsteps, there hands holding, and fingers intertwined. In all honesty it was perfect to her, Hunter helping her with a fire, and her returning with a large soup pot confusing Hunter as he had never seen the pot before.
"Where did you get that from?"
"I have my ways."
He chuckled as they both walked towards the near by mountian, fetching fresh spring water as they returned, the two usuing team work to carry the heavy pot back.
"You like to cook." Hunter commented.
"Yeah. I enjoy it. It relaxes me." Y/n smiled.
"So. If we do settle down," Hunter spoke, "do you want to stay at home? Or do you want to continue doing missions?"
Y/n thought for a moment, "I never really thought about that."
"Oh?" Y/n questioned, "well do you want me to stay home if when we have a child?"
"Well- I- I dont know." Hunter explained, "I dont know about you know... Just uh some stuff with Omega."
"I don't know much either you know." Y/n explained.
"Right. Sorry."
"No need to apologize."
It went silent for a number of seconds both skinning the animal the boys had caught.
"Could...could I ever stay at home?" Hunter questioned.
"With the children? You take care of the kids full time?" Y/n questioned, she didnt see why not, but she knew babies needed to be breast fed, so she'd have to stay with them for atleast a month, but then again she could use a pump- could she pump that much breast milk out all at once? She'd have to research that."Yeah, I dont see why not."
"Really?" He questioned.
Y/n nodded, "yeah why not?"
"I. Well I- just felt wrong for even asking that..." Hunter responded, "I. Suppose it just doesn't seem normal."
Y/n smiled at him, "well since when are we normal?"
"Fair point." Hunter spoke with a smile, "We're far fetched from that."
He leaned over kissing her softly as she kissed back.
"You'd have to show me how to cook."
They both contuined to cut up meat and vegetables, Y/n finishing before Hunter as she started to season the pot.
The small talk wandered off somewhere to the boys of the batch, and how they'd react to there decision. Wrecker would be the loudest for sure. Tech would start talking about reading up on it. Crosshair would most likely protest, saying there still being chased down. Omega would be exicted and Echo would be quiet.
Y/n frowned as Hunter easily discussed each of the others except Echo, he always seemed at a lost of words for the reg.
"I worry about him..."
"Tech? I think he'll be fine with his nose stuck in that book-" Hunter looked up from the vegetables as he frowned, the face she made upset him deeply.
"Hey, Cyare? Whats wrong?" Hunter spoke getting up, "if you're worried about Tech, Im sure I can keep an eye on him,"
Her frown only deepened, "but this isnt about Tech is it? Is it about the baby? If you're not ready we don't-"
"No. No..." Y/n spoke, "Echo..."
"Oh." Hunter spoke, "whats wrong with Echo?"
"I. Worry about him." Y/n responded, "hes so...closed...it worries me."
"I'll be honest I don't know much about Echo, I think we still put him as a reg, and himself as a droid more than anything." Hunter responded, "I'll admit it didnt help when I pulled that stunt on him...selling him as a fake droid."
Y/n frowned as she tossed the meat into the pot, followed by the vegetables.
It was unknown to both of them, this is what parent hood was actually like, constantly worrying, and fear, and the bad batch boys felt like a bunch of kids rather than men to Y/n, but still saw them as soilders.
"Y/n! Hunter!"
Omega jumped off Wrecker's shoulders with the help of the giant himself, "Look!"
Hunter kneeled down to her as he smiled looking at her flower crown in her hands, "Thats real pretty Omega. Huh? Cyare?"
Y/n turned her head looking down at rhe creation, "wow. Im jealous! Its so pretty!"
"Ta dah!" Omega cheered pulling out a second one, "Now both you can have one!"
"Wow!" Y/n cheered, "put Hunters on him first!"
Omega followed orders and placed the crown of flowers on his head as Y/n smiled, "wow dosen'f hunter look pretty now!"
Hunter flushed as Omega nodded, "Yep! Come on! Let me put yours on!"
Y/n leaned down as Omega placed a crown on her head too, "see! You both match!"
Hunter stood back on his two feet and Y/n stood back up, the two wearing matching lily flower crowns.
"We do dont we." Y/n smiled, Hunter was still flushed in the face as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Omega smiled as the others came to sit down near the fire, they all wearing different crowns. Tech still had his nose stuck in the book Y/n had let them see as Echo messing with one of the fresh picked flowers, petting the metals with his ungloved hand. Wrecker playing a hand game with Omega and Crosshair watching his brother get pummeled by the small girl.
Y/n smiled at everyones calmness, Hunter leaned into her side as she ran a thumb over his palm, but soon had to get up and stir the pot, taking a small sip.
"I need to get something else for this. Another herb. I'll be back."
Hunter sat up, "I'll go-"
"Can I go with Y/n?!" Omega spoke up quickly.
"I believe Echo should go." Tech informed.
"Echo?" Y/n questioned, "do you want to come?"
"No. Not at all!" He spoke nervously.
"Very well. Hunter do you want to go?" Y/n questioned.
"After all I can watch the pot. You and Omega go have fun. But the suns going down so be careful."
Y/n nodded, leaning down she kissed him as Crosshair gagged.
"Stop choking on my-" Y/n stopped looking down at Omega, "nevermind- come on kid jump on my back. We have a herb to find."
"Yeah!" She cheered hopping on Y/n's crouched over body as Y/n adjusted Omega on her back as the two left.
Omega waving for both of them.
"That could of turned out worse." Tech responded.
"We should be glad Y/n can catch herself." Echo responded.
"I can see it now," Crosshair spoke, "any kid within Y/n's radius before Omega arrived would know a number of new words. And they'd all march down the street at the top of there lungs screaming-"
"-Fuck?" Tech questioned.
"-shit?" Wrecker joined in.
"-bitch?" Echo questioned.
"No." Crosshair spoke, his evil plan coming together, "it would be 'Hunter'"
"I don't get it." Wrecker told.
"Seriously? We think she curses alot? Do you know how many times cries 'Hunter! Oh! Fuck Hunter! Daddy!'"
"S-she does not!" Hunter argued.
"Your right you're probably more verbal than her."
Hunter's face went red, his ears the redest as he dug his face into a cup he was drinking from. Crosshair enjoying teasing his brother, but Echo ruined it for him.
"You guys are pretty serious now huh?" Echo questioned.
Hunter pulled his cup down, "Yeah...time flies so quickly...we're getting serious more than ever now..."
"Planning on purposing?" Tech questioned.
"Planning on...kids actually."
Crosshair spit out his drink, the others following, Wrecker separately choking on his.
Y/n held Omega's hand as they were on a herb mission.
"Its too bad Kamino never had anything like this." She spoke holding the dandelion in her hand, "its all so pretty."
Y/n smiled, "it is isnt it."
Omega looked back up at Y/n, "How'd you meet Hunter?"
"Thats a long story for another time." Y/n responded.
It was silent for a few seconds.
"Its a later time now."
Y/n chuckled, "it is isnt it."
"So? Can I hear the story?"
"When your older." Y/n told her, another few silent seconds.
"Im older-"
"A year older."
"Aw man..."
Y/n chuckled, "okay I'll tell you a little bit."
Y/n nodded as they contuined down a self made path.
"I snuck into the GAR." Y/n told her, "I'll never forget the expression on the generals faces. Priceless."
"You snuck into the Garrsion!?"
Y/n nodded with a smile, "and I fought of Savage and Maul. Two sith, with my bare hands. I proved I deserved to be there."
"Woah!" Omega beemed as Y/n spotted the herbs planted at the root of the tree, "how strong are you?!"
Y/n shrugged as she walked over, picking the plant, Omega by her side doing the same to some grass.
"Wait- but Hunters always been part of clone force 99? Right?" Omega questioned.
"Yes." Y/n spoke, "but. I. Was transferred and there clone force 99 was. In all its glory-"
"Oh! Oh! Let me guess!" Omega pleaded as Y/n nodded.
"You seen Hunter and fell in love! But he didnt love you! Someone else on the team did! Like Cross or Echo! Maybe Wrecker or Tech! But as soon as you started talking to one of them Hunter got jealous and ended up telling you how hopelessly in love he is with you! But in the end you both end up dead-" Omega went on, she had obviously found a romance holovid on the datapad given to her, "Wait- You can't die! Thats not fair!"
Y/n chuckled, "Thats not what happened at all."
"Thats good. I didnt want you to die at the end of the story." Omega spoke sitting on the grass as Y/n took a seat next to her, winding the bundle of herbs up with string.
"You and me both." Y/n smiled.
"Can I be in love? Like you and Hunter?" Omega questioned.
"One day you will be, perhaps with a boy, perhaps with a girl, maybe with neither, or with both." Y/n told Omega, "but dont worry about relationships like that your too young."
Y/n turned her head towards Omega who frowned as she picked at the dirt, "Whats wrong?"
"Are. Are you going to take Hunter away?" Omega questioned, "just leave and never come back?"
"Why would I do that?" Y/n questioned the saddening girl.
"Because he's always looking at you. And when we were in the market..."
"The market?" Y/n questioned, "what happened at the market?"
"I heard him talking to Echo about it, just you two...leaving." Omega protested.
The market? Oh...the market. The last time Y/n and Hunter, well- uh- laid together was that day, Hunter was under a serious amount of stress, last time they were in a market like that one Omega had been kidnapped. Y/n and Hunter did end up leaving that night after a clingy Omega fell asleep, both getting much needed alone time.
"I'd never take Hunter away, we. Just. Well we want to have alone time." Y/n tried to defend, "you know settle some relationship stuff."
"Oh...so you and Hunter aren't leaving?" Omega questioned warryingly, "I wouldn't want either of you to leave."
Y/n frowned, Omega clearly didnt know fully the skematics of the galaxy infront of her just yet. Hunter would have to leave one day, if not one way then another. They all would, it was just life.
"Omega, I could never leave, you all are too much a part of me now, all of you," Y/n spoke placing a hand on her shoulder as she looked up at Y/n, " so, Keep your head in the clouds, but keep your feet on the ground. Okay?"
Y/n stood up as Omega followed, catching Y/n's hand as they walked back to camp.
"What does it mean?"
"What you just told me."
Y/n smiled, "Keep yourself in the moment no need to worry, you're with us. Your family, but keep dreaming and dont stop."
The two contuined to walk, soon making it back up the hill as Omega's small hands were interlaced with Y/n's.
"Hey, Y/n." Omega questioned.
"You think you could tell me some of your old stories before bed?" Omega questioned.
"My old stories? Yeah. I'll see what I can do." Y/n spoke as they made it up thr hill, Omega rushing off to greet the others, Y/n made her way over to the pot pulling some of the herbs out and tightening the string on the group of herbs.
"Smells good already."
She looked besides her with a smile, "yeah. Wanna taste it in a sec?"
Echo nodded as she stirred the pot.
"Look. Mom- Y/n- I mean Y/n!" Echo corrected himself hands in the air infront of him in defense.
Y/n chuckled but smiled, "Yes son?"
She had thought of it as a joke- perhaps a slip of the words, but Echo's pale face turned bright red.
Y/n raised her eyebrows they knitting at the center for concern.
"Here..." she was handed the small doll as she smiled.
"Aw. This is cute. Did you make it?" Y/n questioned.
Echo nodded, his foot seemingly intrested in the ground and so were his eyes.
"Its adorable. Thank you very much." Y/n smiled, leaning over she pecked his cheek then pulled away.
"Whats her name?" Y/n asked.
"Uh...I based it off you. So...Y/n I suppose." Echo responsed rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well. Then. Mini me. Its nice to meet you!" She spoke looking at the doll.
Echo chuckled softly, "Im glad you like it."
"Im glad you made it for me."
Hunter watched her interact with Echo, he would be lying if he said he didn't watch her interact with his brothers at all times, she was so calm with them so sweet, so nice, but knew she had to out her foot down at some point and did when needed.
He was jabbed in the side by Crosshair who sat next to him gesturing harshly to look at Omega who was infront of him, the small girl held the flower she had been showing the two off in her hand as she looked at Y/n, the small girl seeming to understand a bit more after her talk with Y/n, she looked at Y/n in admiration and in longing
"Omega?" Hunter spoke, "Something wrong?"
"Hmm?" Omega questioned looking back towards Hunter, "oh. You ever think I could ever be like you and Y/n?"
"You dont want to be like either of them." Crosshair spoke as Hunter pushed him, his brother laughing.
"You're a little young to be asking that question Omega," Hunter spoke.
"Y/n told me the same thing," Omega spoke as she looked at the flower.
"Whats the problem Omega?" Hunter questioned.
"You and Y/n. You're friends." Omega told, "you're always together, you always have each others backs can I ever have a friend like Y/n is to you? One my age like you and Y/n?"
"Oh," Hunter spoke, "Kid I know its hard, being on the run like this, and your a dreamer, a big one, you wanna help everyone."
Hunter ruffled her hair as she smiled, "You just gotta make sure you help the right people. Help the right people, and well, you can get someone like Y/n always at your back, but you have to be at theres."
Omega nodded as Hunter picked her up, letting her sit on his leg, "a little something Y/n taught me was, keep your-"
"Head in the clouds but your feet on the ground?" Omega questioned as Hunter looked at her, but soon smiled.
Omega smiled as she looked back at Y/n her and Echo tasting the soup as they nodded at one another.
"Dinners done!"
"Come on kid." Hunter spoke as she got up.
Y/n helping in making them all bowls, and then all sitting down to eat.
"Excellent as always." Tech spoke eating his food.
"It gets better everytime!" Wrecker smiled.
Y/n smiled as Crosshair gave a nod in approval and Echo was too into his food to even comment on it.
"Its good." Omega smiled.
"Thank you. Im glad you all like it." Y/n smiled as he looked around.
"Where's hunter?"
"He went down towards the area from earlier." Tech spoke.
"Odd. Im gonna go see him."
Y/n got up taking her bowl with her as she left, the sky dark but some small glowing flowers lit some of her way, she made it down the hill and towards the open lay of land, forest surrounding both sides.
Seeing him sitting on a rock near the large patch of flowers she walked down towards him.
"Everything alright?" Y/n questioned.
He turned his head, "yeah. Just thinking."
Y/n took a seat next to him, "thats never good."
Hunter chuckled his bowl empty in his hand as Y/n poured half of hers into his with a smile.
"So. What are you, you know 'just thinking about'?" Y/n questioned.
"You." Hunter responded.
"Oh thats a good topic to think about."
Hunter chuckled once again drinking some of his soup.
"And well...us."
Y/n frowned, that was a sudden change in attitude.
"Okay us is here. Lets talk." She spoke.
"Mostly about the idea you had," Hunter spoke, "about, a baby."
Y/n nodded, "I just worry, and not just for the kid, but for you- for us- all of us- where do we live? Where do we go?"
"We could stay here." Y/n spoke, "Im sure theres a small city somewhere here. Or we could live out here and become farmers."
"You like the idea of being a farmer?" Hunter spoke.
Y/n look at him, "Mhm..well..imagine you as a farmer."
Y/n nodded leaning closer to him, "you'd look good in overrals."
He chuckled, "you're funny. Real funny."
Y/n smiled, "anything to make my farmer husband happy?"
He pushed forward kissing her as she kissed back.
Pulling away for a momment he lifted her chin up, "tell me more. What would I do?"
Kissing her shortly as tossed her bowl on the floor uncarrying if she lost her food.
"Well...we could tend the plants, get some blurrg, but my favorite-"
"Oh? You have a preference of farm work?"
"You chopping wood, with no shirt on." Y/n spoke messing with his chest plate.
"Yeah?" He leaned down kissing her neck, "anything else there farmer?"
She bit her lip, "yeah...what your doing."
"Theres alot more where that came from." Hunter spoke, "now I vote we make that baby now-"
Hunter picked her up as she laughed being brought into the feild of flowers and tall grass.
Laying her down he laid above her.
"Now what am I going to do with you?" Hunter teased kissing her softly.
"Put a baby in me?"
He laughed as she did, her arms wrapped around his neck.
"I love you Hunter.
"I love you to Mesh'la."
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showerthoughtsonly · 3 years
The Left and Right Brains
A tech x liaison!artist!reader
Synopsis: You work as a liaison for the bad batch, working to help smooth over possibly disputes between the boys and any other groups they may cross. In between your work, you often sketch and doodle to relax and recharge. Surprisingly enough, left and right brained people often get along very well, and you and Tech have been dancing around since you joined the group. 
A/N: So apparently I come from a line of artists getting together with engineers. Funnily enough, Im an informal artist and I just recently discovered that my type is engineers... enjoy!
Warnings: Nothing but a little muah! 
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The Marauder was peacefully silent as you sprawled out your notes underneath her belly to escape the midday sun of the planet you were on. The temperature was overall mild, enough to where it was comfortable hanging around Tech outside while he tinkered away at something near the hull, but warm enough that it was unpleasant to be within direct line of the sun.
The long grass was padded down by your fuzzy outside blanket and your notes, scribbles, and doodles were in an array surrounding yourself and the plush pillow you were reclining on. You had been called upon to act as a liaison officer for the Bad Batch after one too many missions gone foul due to contextual miscommunications and a few too many blunt statements. Tech was amazing in his ability to translate and speak alternate languages, yes, but his brash speech had occasionally (read, often) led to a blaster fight.
With your work as liaison, there had been a serious decrease in the amount of petty skirmishes and the missions had often gone much smoother with local help. You yourself got along rather swimmingly with the batch. Hunter appreciated another set of hands to help tidy the living areas along with the empathy your carried, Echo was appreciative of your special ability as a specially trained communications officer to get him in touch with his brothers in the 501st privately during deployment, Crosshair appreciated how quiet you got during your artistic stints between your work and Wrecker and Omega both liked to sit down and either watch you draw and color or join you.
And then there was Tech. You had previously heard many a story about how well engineering geared people and artistic geared people got along, but you had yet to experience it to the intensity that you both had together. Both Tech and yourself held a great appreciation for the capabilities the other held and for the beauty both your crafts held. He would offer you vocabulary while you created diplomatic poetry to different civilizations and you would keep him company while he tinkered away, allowing him to bounce ideas off you.
You shared creative spaces and spent the most time together, so you really should have expected the friendship that appeared so rapidly. And with all that shared time with whom you considered to be your best friend, who just happened to be quite physically attractive, you really should have expected the feelings that came with that.
“Penny for your thoughts, dearest?”  And there was that too. The pet names. For a while, he had tried to call you ‘my dearest friend’ and things with similar sentiment, only to find that they were a bit too much of a mouthful, especially in quick situations. And so, they were shortened to something that could almost be read as romantic in nature. It really didn’t help your little crush.
“Oh, I’m thinking of nothing in particular.” You answered, ignoring the flip in your chest as Tech sat down opposite to you on the little blanket. His knees pressed against your side and your toes sat near his thighs.
Tech smiled at you. “So you were staring into the distance with a smile and nothing on your mind?” He asked.
“Precisely. Have you finished up what you were doing?” You asked in response, glancing around his armored figure to see a few parts still strewn about the grass, the panel that normally sealed them resting against a landing gear.
“Ah, well - not quite. Almost. I got to a stopping point and decided to see what you’re up to. You did come out here to spend some time with me, no?” Tech knocked his knees against your side to send you back and forth as he teased.
“Oh no, I came out here to enjoy the lovely weather.” You responded quickly, smiling broadly as an immediate pout crossed his face. Your heart practically did backflips every time he met your gaze. It was becoming a problem, really. Especially with Hunter being able to literally hear your heart rate. Not ideal.
“Well, if you don’t want to spend time with me, dearest, I really must-.” Tech started to get up with a dramatic groan and you were quick to catch his wrist and try to yank him back towards you.
“No, please don’t-.” Your sentence was interrupted as his body came crashing down into yours, knocking the breath out of you. Tech managed to get his forearms down in time around your head, preventing him from crashing his head into yours.
The heat from his body glove-which had covered his top half rather exquisitely once his armor was off, you must say- seeped into your torso. Your heart pounded unreasonably fast and your fingers curled from where they had splayed out at your sides as soon as you were able to register how close his face was to yours.
“Oh dear, this is rather clichéd.” Tech murmured, his nose brushing yours. His knee knocked against yours from where it had landed between your legs and you had to swallow a nervous giggle, instead opting for a small smile. His breath melted over your face and you had to resist the urge to tilt your head and press up the last two inches to seal the deal.
“I don't know. I rather like it.” You hummed, hands sliding up on the blanket to knock gently against his, where the rested curled tightly into balls near your head. At that touch, the unfurled to slowly interlace between yours.
Your cheeks warmed all the way down to your neck when you realized oh this is happening. You’re both gonna go for it.
“You misunderstand. The very idea of it being cliché doesn’t negate the fact that it’s often very popular. People like knowing what’s going to happen and they take comfort in seeing it in popular media.” Tech began to ramble and you cut him off by squeezing his hands.
“Tech? What’s going to happen, then?” You asked, tilting your head this way and that so your nose could rub against his gently. His breath stuttered audibly in his chest and he swallowed before meeting your gaze.
“I… in popular media, this would be the moment where I’d…. I’d like to kiss you, please.” The way he said it so nicely made your toes curl in your shoes and you nodded happily, tilting your head and closing your eyes so that he may take the lead.
His fingers unlaced from yours to slowly trace your features from the crown of your forehead, to the swell of your cheeks, to your chin, where he tilted it exactly how he wanted and slowly, hesitantly connected his lips to yours.
Warmth singed through your chest and your hands danced up to interlace behind his neck in order to yank his body flush against yours. He let out a small sound as you did so and you took that as an opportunity to slide your tongue from corner to corner of his mouth.
He shifted just a bit and his damned goggles pressed against your face uncomfortably, digging near your eye socket right as he opened his mouth to further deepen the kiss. You yanked back with a slight gasp and he scrambled up.
“I -I’m sorry. Was that not adequate? Should I not have?” He seemed rather panicked and you waved your hand in an attempt to dispel his worries, the other hand rubbing at your eye.
“It was more than adequate, Tech. Your goggles just poked my eye.” You mumbled and he scooted forward to inspect the damage.
“Ah, my bad. From what remains visible, it doesn’t seem to have done any lasting damage, but I should probably remove my goggles next time we look to engage in… deeper affections.” He struggled for the words.
“Making out?” You offered. The intellectual genius stood up and brushed off his armored legs with a sigh.
He nodded. “Yeah, that. That’s what I said.” Tech offered you a hand up and you took it without hesitation. His hand slid up from your grasp to take ahold of your shoulder and press a meaningful peck to your forehead.
“So, next time?” You asked, wondering what this impromptu kiss meant for your relationship going forward.
“Oh yes, next time. Unless I’m wrong, which is highly doubtful. There was a high probability that we would eventually get together romantically, so I assumed that this would be the moment that we took that step.” Another kiss was pressed at your forehead and you grabbed at his hand, tilting your head up with your eyes fluttered shut and lips pursed meaningfully.
Another warm peck was pressed to your waiting lips, leaving your heart flipping in your chest.
“I would like that, Tech.” You answered as he began to lead you around the ship back to his work.
“Of course you would. You wouldn’t have wanted me to kiss you again, otherwise. Not to mention, your pupils wouldn’t have dilated, pulse wouldn’t have accelerated and your palms wouldn’t have grown sweaty.” He held up his free finger as he spoke and you had to hold back a laugh at how very Tech it was.
“My hands didn’t get sweaty. Your hands were sweaty!” You protested while wiping said hands on the dense canvas material your pants were made of. Tech merely chucked and shook his head with a sigh.
“Now, dearest darling of mine. I wouldn't suppose you would stick around and help me finish up here?” Tech asked and bonked his forehead softly against yours before gesturing to the mess of mechanics behind him.
You nodded brightly. “I would like nothing more, dearest darling of mine.” The reciprocation of the nickname had him brightening up. “I did come out here to spend time with you, after all.”
“I knew it.” Tech grinned in victory.
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trashy28 · 3 years
Get Some Rest (Tech x Reader) Pt 2
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Warnings: anxiety, angst-y ?, mentions of death/near-death experiences, blood/gore, mentions of violence, fluff at the end i promise (i would say im sorry, but im not) (bet you didn't expect this right after a fluffy first part >:))
Pairing: Tech x GN!Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Part 1, Part 2
Summary: Oh no! It's a mission gone wrong trope! I wonder what could possibly be underneath this keep-reading cutoff! It totally cannot be where the reader and the bad batch go on a rescue mission only for something to go awry leading to treating injuries, and feelings.
"Everything is going to be okay. It will be alright. You got this y/n, you got this." You mumbled to yourself under your breath as you hid behind a convenience stall on some Outer Rim planet.
Something had gone wrong, VERY wrong. The mission was supposed to be easy: get in, get the prisoners, and get out, but it had all gone downhill faster than you could say dank farrik.
Earlier in the day, Tech had tapped into a secure Separatist transmission when messing around with his datapad. The Separatists were broadcasting a signal from a supposed neutral Outer Rim planet back to their base only a system away. They had taken the native people as prisoners and were going to use them for something, but none of you could figure out what. From then on, Hunter had taken charge, deciding that there was no time to ask for approval on the mission.
When the five of you reached the planet, you couldn't help but whisper to Tech next to you, "None of this seems right. If the Separatists did take these people as prisoners wouldn't there still be ships and droids?"
Tech simply looked at you before saying, "Not if they wanted to be secretive about it," and going back to his datapad.
You let out a huff. Things hadn't been that different between you two after the kiss you shared in the cockpit of the Havoc Marauder. When in private there would be shared tender moments, like there was nothing in the world that could come between you two, but with his brothers, Tech would regard you as the friend they all viewed you to be. They all knew something was going on between you two, and you had even taken it upon yourself to rant to Crosshair one night. He said he 'reluctantly' chose to listen, but he had calmed your anxious babbling about how you thought that Tech was embarrassed that you two were something now. That brought up another fact about how you two never addressed what you could call yourselves. Any time you tried to bring it up to Tech he would either cut you off with something else he was wildly researching, or one of his brothers would walk in and need either one of you. Crosshair's words did help to remind you that "That's just how Tech is sometimes. Clones were made to be fighters, not lovers." Leave it to him to say something like that. Out of every one of his brothers you knew he was the one who wanted a normal life the most even if he didn't show it.
As you and the rest of the group began your walk from the Marauder to the closest town you found yourself falling into step next to Wrecker instead of your usual placement besides Tech. Looking down at you, he asks, "Something bothering you? It sure looks like something is,"
Looking up to make eye contact with him you say, "I still don't feel like this is right. Everything seems to be falling into place too easily. This never happens to us!"
Wrecker turns his attention back to the surroundings passing a glance over the open area before stating, "Honestly, it is a little odd, but I trust the others and their intuition as much as yours."
The finality in his tone stood true as neither of you said anything for the rest of the walk into the town square. Walking past the empty booths would have been enough to send normal civilians running at the sight, everything was ruined. Curtains torn, fruit on the floor, and vendor booths destroyed. It was a depressing sight to see, but sadly one that the group was used to, it was a time of war after all.
After a little longer of walking and reaching the heart of the city, Hunter holds his fist up and all of the groups' motion ceases. "Tech," he says, "Can you pick up anything else from that transmission or anything that could give us a clue as to what else happened here?"
"I'm working on it, have been since we landed. The Separatists have scrambled all signals, so it’s taking me a while to try and find the frequency again," Tech answers before looking around the surrounding area, "As for what happened here, I think the evidence speaks for itself."
Hunter sighs before saying, "Alright, we'll split into two groups to cover more ground. Tech, and Wrecker you're with me. Crosshair and y/n, I expect no arguments coming out of this grouping."
Crosshair scoffs as you roll your eyes and make your way to stand next to him. "Didn't plan for arguments but maybe I'll start a few just to piss you off now," you say as you turn back towards Hunter.
"Just make it back here in one piece, we'll meet back up here at 1500, and if anybody is late, we assume they have gone missing and this was a trap," Hunter says before turning away and starting to walk down one of the many deserted alleys.
"Looks like we're stuck together again Cross," you let out before elbowing his side and starting to walk forward.
Following you and shoving a toothpick in his mouth he says, "As long as you don't complain about your problems with your boyfriend the whole time this might just be enjoyable."
"Yeah, yeah, let's just get going you karking toothpick lover."
It had only been around half an hour or so of walking before you and Crosshair could hear blaster fire in the distance. You ask, "Hey Cross, am I dehydrated, or is that actual blaster fire?" Turning around to face the said man, he already had his eyepiece down checking for heat signatures and was pulling you by your arm into a space between two buildings.
"There's nothing around us, but I'm assuming the others encountered some clankers. They must have found something because well, we found nothing and have no one after us," Crosshair states before tilting his helmet down to you and reading your facial expressions, "You want to go back and help them, don't you?"
"Of course I do Crosshair! Don't pretend that you don't want to either, I know how you care for your brothers. Let's just try to make it back without alerting any of those damn droids," you reply.
Crosshair tilts his head towards a stack of boxes and towards the roof of the buildings, you were situated between. "I think I have an idea."
"Why the hell did I let you come up with the idea to get back to your brothers. Running from roof to roof isn't exactly easy and leaves us out in the open," you complain before hopping another gap in-between roofs to catch up with Crosshair.
Crosshair stops short in front of you on the next roof almost causing you to walk into him before turning around to face you, "Look, I'm just as anxious as you to get back to them, but they are all capable enough to take care of themselves and I trust them with that. You of all people should know that as well," he spits angrily, and could almost hear a growl with his final punctuation.
"I know Crosshair, I get that you are worried, but I just can't help thinking that something had to go wrong. Let's just hope that my intuition is the wrong thing," You say before putting a hand on his shoulder, "C'mon, let's make this fast."
By the time you had made it back to the town square, to your luck, you still had not encountered any droids except for the ones who were scattered all over the floor in pieces.
"Looks like Hunter got to work on these guys," you say as you bend down to touch the large gash left by a vibro-knife in the torso of a droid.
Crosshair is examining another droid with its head ripped off only a few meters from you, "Looks like Wrecker got these guys too. But the question remains: where are Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech?"
At this, you paused and drew your focus away from the droid and instead survey the area, "The real question is, why is there no evidence of Tech fighting back? There are no electro-proton bombshells and even no blaster marks on any of these guys."
"Maybe they split up," Crosshair looks at you before pointing down one of the alleys.
"Fuck, I hope you're right."
It didn't take both of you that long to find Hunter and Wrecker, but it also didn't take long for another set of droids to ambush you. That's how you found yourself pressed behind the convenience stall mumbling under your breath. You had managed to take down a few droids but were forced to take cover. The others were still scattered around picking off droids one by one just as you remembered that Tech was still nowhere to be seen. Your mind was rushing faster than you could've ever thought trying to find out any idea as to where he could have gone.
Suddenly the blaster fire stopped as you heard a final clank from a droid hitting the ground. As you stood up you looked around cautiously, and deciding the coast was clear you jumped over the stall to group up with the rest of the bad batch.
As everyone began looking over each other there seemed to be only one thought shared between the group. This was a trap and Tech was gone.
Trying to alleviate the sour mood the group was plunging headfirst into you chuckled before saying, "You guys can finally say I was right now."
The others groaned before Hunter said, "Now is not the time y/n, Tech's missing and we have no clue where the kark he could be."
"You think I don't know that Hunter?" You let out through clenched teeth before continuing, "I'm just as worried as you are right now, but let's get somewhere where we don't have to worry about droids ambushing us."
Crosshair let out a sigh from beside you, "They're right. We won't be able to help Tech if we're dead so let's get back to the ship."
Picking up what he was putting down you finished for him, "We can re-group our thoughts on the Marauder, come up with a game plan, and then retrace our steps. It will do no good thinking while our minds are in 20 places at once."
Back on the ship all of you had gathered around the small datapad you placed in the middle of the table. "Alright, I tracked Tech's datapad's last known location to here, but who knows if it even with him," you say before zooming in on the location, "We can't guarantee that it would be safe either, we all know the number of clankers they sent after us just to try and keep us away."
"As long as I get to blow something up and get Tech out, anything is a good plan," Wrecker says before heading towards the back of the ship.
Crosshair nods at both you and Hunter before getting out of his seat to go and follow Wrecker.
"I know you're really worried, you don't hide your emotions that well," Hunter says while placing a hand on your shoulder.
"No shit Hunter," you start while rolling your eyes, "I'm worried about what might happen if we can't find him, or even if it's too late and he's already gone. I don't know what I would be able to do without him."
Hunter gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, "It will be okay y/n. For our sake and yours, let's think positively."
The four of you had made your way back into the town square better equipped and without a problem. You had some of your own plastoid armor on now for a bit of extra protection in case things decided to take an even stronger turn for the worst.
"The signal from the datapad is down the alley to the Northeast," you say while glancing up from your own datapad.
The group nods back at you as you continue your way down the alley. It was quiet, the tall sand-colored buildings surrounding you couldn't help but make you feel claustrophobic. The other alleys were not like this. They had seemed to be more open, with a lot fewer canopies, but this one had canopies blocking almost all the sun. It also didn't help that it was starting to get dark.
As you reached another intersection, Hunter held up his fist to signify everyone to stop. A wave of déjà vu flashed over you, and you prayed to any gods that would listen that you wouldn't split up again. After a few moments, Hunter turned to you and tilted his head to the side, to which you answered by pointing your hand to the alley to the right. In a whisper, you add, "If we continue straight down that alley, we should reach another intersection. Tech's datapad should be there."
The four of you continued walking again and when you reached the intersection you couldn't help but let out a strangled sob. There was a pool of blood on the farthest side of the intersection that was smeared on one side. Rushing up next to the blood, you stopped mere centimeters from it as your eyes caught sight of Tech's datapad. Your hands were shaking as you reached for it and you brushed a finger over one of the bloody fingerprints. "Oh shit," you say letting out a shaky breath. How could you have let this happen; how could you allow yourselves to walk right into a trap? Now Tech was gone, bleeding out, or dead, and there was no exact way to trace him.
You see Wrecker's hands wrap around your own but don't register the feelings. Your whole body has seemingly shut off and stopped processing the world around you. Wrecker takes the datapad from your hands and passes it to either Hunter or Crosshair. You are too shocked to care as you collapse to your knees. Wrecker is at your side on the ground in seconds and pulls you right into him. The plastoid armor that would bring you so much comfort as you used to hold Tech close only burned as tears began to fall from your face. The air was thick with remorse and regret, but you couldn't hold on to the fact that he could be dead. After a few somber minutes recollecting yourself, you pushed away from Wrecker and pushed yourself off the ground, offering a hand to Wrecker to assist him. Once both of you were up and you had cleaned the sand off your pants, you turned towards Hunter and Crosshair. They were silent as ever, Crosshair had taken a seat on of the nearby crates and had his head in his hands, and Hunter had taken to looking at Tech datapad.
Breaking the silence, you spoke first, "We can't just give up and believe he is dead," startling Crosshair causing him to jump in his seat.
"Yeah, we need to think he's still out there, that the Separatist kept him alive for information," Wrecker added, backing you up.
Hunter had turned back around waving the datapad, "They were smart enough to keep his datapad here, but they weren't smart enough to wipe any messages on it."
At this, you scrambled over to Hunter's side and pulled that datapad closer to your face. Displayed was an unsent message to you that contained various numbers. "Coordinates," you say breathlessly as Crosshair joins the rest of you standing in a haphazard circle around the datapad. Adding, you ask, "Do you think those are the coords of the base where they took the prisoners too?"
"Probably," Crosshair speaks for the first time since arriving at the intersection, "Let's hope Tech's there too."
Taking Tech's datapad from Hunter, Crosshair begins off in the direction leading away from Tech's bloodstain on the ground, but also opposite the way you came. The rest of you fall into step behind him and continue your way to your destination.
On the way following the coordinates, all four of you were on high alert, but no droids had come to attack you, relieving some of the stress. It didn't help relax you guys upon seeing the droids surrounding a large sandstone castle-like building. Stopping at the crest of a hill a while away from the makeshift Separatist base, Hunter and you took to scanning the surrounding area, while Crosshair and Wrecker began to formulate some form of attack.
"Once again, I can tell you're worried," Hunter said as you both had scopes pulled out to try and find any weak points in the droid formations.
"And once again, we all are Hunter. I just hope we aren't too late," You reaffirm before pointing at a space straight ahead, "Look, they're rotating shifts. Maybe we could find a way in on their next rotation."
Hunter turns to look at you before saying, "How would we know when the next rotation is?"
"I don't know, maybe figure out what time it is Mr. Survivalist," you taunt sarcastically.
Hunter scoffs before saying "It's 1900, we could use the fact that it's dark out now to our advantage. It could help us slip in and out undetected if we want."
Nodding before standing up, you say, "True, let's go tell the others and see if it can play into their plan."
Once getting back to Crosshair and Wrecker, all four of you focused on a plan and decided it was best to split into two groups to help divide the droid forces. There would be no surprise ambushes by the droids, but instead an ambush on them. You and Hunter taking the back way in, through the gap in droid shifts you noticed earlier, while Wrecker and Crosshair would work on some sort of distraction from the front.
Wrapping up the discussion of the plan one last time before separating Hunter adds, "Remember, this is a rescue mission. Once we have Tech and possible other prisoners we get out as fast as we can."
You, Wrecker, and Crosshair nodded before wishing each other luck as they walked off from your position.
"You ready y/n?" Hunter asks.
"Ready as I'll ever be," you say back to him as you two make your way towards your position.
Once situated towards the back of the building, Hunter commed Crosshair saying, "The droids are about to rotate positions, on my word start whatever distraction you have in mind."
The two of you waited on edge while the minutes drew on. After what felt like forever the droids finally began to move. At this, Hunter commed Crosshair again with finality, saying, "Now."
From your position, you could see the blast from the explosives Wrecker had set off, along with the heavy concentration of blaster fire. The droids that were covering the area where you and Hunter immediately went to act as reinforcement to those affected by the blast.
Hunter and you ran from your location to the back of the building, quickly finding an open window. Pulling the window open more, you forced your way inside as Hunter followed. The room was empty, and most of the lights were off. Pulling out a flashlight you scanned it across the floor quickly before turning it off again to not be spotted, even if there was a small chance of that.
"It looks like we are in some type of living room," Hunter says before making his way away from the window and peeking his head around the corner of the door and into the hallway. "The hallway's clear, I would say split up to cover more floors, but seeing what happened last time I told everyone to split up... I don't think that's a good idea."
Nodding you made your way over to him to look out into the hallway as well. "I say we go to the basement if there is one. It would make sense to keep people prisoner there," You say before stepping foot into the hallway.
"Yeah, but the only problem is finding stairs that could lead to a basement," Hunter says while stepping into place behind you.
"It shouldn't be that hard, plus if Tech was still bleeding by the time, he got here, wouldn't you think there would be a trail of blood where they brought him?" You shuddered while stating the possibility out loud, just as Hunter made a noise of acknowledgment.
After what felt like hours of walking the hallways on high alert, and checking most rooms as you come across them, you staggered trying to stop yourself from walking as you finally caught sight of some blood on the ground. "Hunter," you whispered, "Look."
Hunter looked around your form to get a glance at what you were looking at, before shining his flashlight down the rest of the hall. "There's a trail too," he said while keeping his flashlight trained on the spots of blood.
"C'mon," You say as you grab him by the hand and pull him the rest of the way down the hallway.
Stopping at the end of the said hallway you are greeted by stairs to the left of you, and you turn to Hunter before silently agreeing to walk town together in sync. The stairs were solid sandstone, so you didn't have to worry about any creaky stairs, but you did have to worry about footing. Pulling out your vibro-knives at the same time as Hunter, you two started making your way down the stairs. The sight that waited for you and the bottom of the short walk would stick in your head forever. The basement was one single connected holding cell, with prisoners lined up against the bars trying to get a look at you. Some of them were crying, others wailing in pain, and some had fallen into silent spells. Noticing this, Hunter and you quickly put your knives away before you rushed to the gate with the main lock at it. While you made fast work of the lock and quickly picked it, Hunter had begun reassuring the people that we were here for help and that he was looking for someone who looked like us. With the gate, open people poured out in a mass exodus and began to make their way upstairs, without a single care of what could happen to them.
Once almost everyone was out, you and Hunter made your way into the cell where you were greeted with another terrible sight. Tech was there on a stone table in the middle of a cell with one of them, now freed, prisoners hovering over him. His armor was off and tossed to the side as he was only in his blacks, and he had a bacta patch wrapped around his torso. You rushed over to him as Hunter escorted the prisoner out of the cell and couldn't help but let out a sob for the second time today. Tech looked frail, and you hesitated to even reach out to touch him fearing that it would break him. You were immediately relieved after placing two fingers on his wrist and feeling his pulse. It was weak, but it was still there. "Hunter! I need some help down here," you call out before starting to run around the table to grab Tech's armor. Hunter came running back down the stairs at your call and once you saw him you continued, "I need you to carry him out of here. I'll get his armor, but we need to move fast before the droid realize that this was all a diversion."
At this Hunter makes his way to Tech's side without a word and picks him up and slings him over his shoulder. Grabbing the final pieces of Tech's armor, both of you begin to make your way up to the stair. Tapping the comlink on your wrist you hear blaster fire permeate through the room around you. "Crosshair, we got Tech. If I know Wrecker, he probably has some explosives, so as soon as we get out of the house, give him the word to blow this place up."
"Got it," Crosshair says before the comlink closes with a beep.
"Let's try a nearby window and get out of here as fast as we can before we tell them to set the chargers," you say to Hunter as you force your way ahead of him and into the closest room. Hunter follows you before grunting as a noise of approval. Making your way to the window, you grab Tech's helmet from where it sat under your arm and smashed it. Hunter gives you an exasperated look as he walks past you and out the window first, to which you only say, "What? It was a lot easier than putting everything down and opening it.
Once both of you are outside, you make your way to the location where you two started the mission. Reaching the spot a few meters away, you open the com with Crosshair again, "Crosshair, tell Wrecker to light it up. Now!"
Instead of getting an actual response as an answer, you could hear the various explosions coming from the area behind you.
"Nice work you two but meet up with us where we made camp before, it will be quicker to get back to the Marauder with Wrecker carrying Tech," You say into the com again before forcing yourself to walk in the direction of the temporary camp from before.
"Rodger that," Both Crosshair and Wrecker's voices come through the comlink before the transmission ends again with a beep.
The four of you, plus an unresponsive Tech, met up quickly and rushed back to the Marauder as soon as you could. Reaching the ship was a relief as Hunter had immediately gone into the cockpit and got you guys off the planet, and Wrecker took Tech to the bunks with you in tow with medical supplies.
Once Wrecker placed Tech on his respective bunk, you immediately rushed him out of the room and got to work. Removing the hastily applied bacta patch, you assessed the wound that Tech had got before he was captured. It was nasty at first glance, but you assumed it was even worse before he had the first batch patch applied. The cut ran from his left shoulder across his torso, coming to finally stop at the bottom of his right ribs. Luckily, the cut wasn't that deep, because there would have been hardly a chance, he would've survived that. Continuing your work, you cleaned the wound before wrapping it up again in another bacta patch. Standing up and observing the handiwork of your terrible medical experience, you run a full body scan with your datapad just to check for any other injuries that could internal. Thankfully, the scan came up negative and you could assume that Tech had just passed out due to blood loss. He still looked extremely pale as you stood there and stared at him, but some color was starting to return to his body.
Sitting back down, you grasped his hand in yours and looked at both hands together. As the weight of the day's events slowly started the catch up with you, you could hardly help yourself as you began to fall asleep. In a state of half-consciousness, you could've sworn you felt Tech's hand squeezing yours, but you were too tired to even process the notion that he might've.
The feeling of someone pulling your hand to their lips pulled you out of your nap and caused you to pick your head up from the side of Tech's bunk.
"Good morning Tech," you said before you could even process what was happening, but as soon as the words left your mouth your head snapped up and your eyes immediately widened. "Tech! You're up!"
Tech let out a breathy chuckle before trying to force his way up, only for you immediately to place your hand on his good shoulder and force him back down, "Nope, no getting up for you just yet. You had us all worried sir," you say while shifting your position to get a better look at him.
"I never meant to cause you guys any trouble," he says sincerely, "We had all got split up when those droids attacked us, and they caught me by surprise by sending in reinforcements."
"It's okay Tech, you don't need to justify your actions, you're alive and here back on the Marauder with us. That is all that matters," you say before gripping his hand again and squeezing it.
"Y'know while the droids were dragging me away as I was bleeding out, I couldn't help but focus on one thing," he says while squeezing your hand in return.
"Oh? And what was that?" You ask with a smile on your face.
Tech smiles back at you before bringing your hand to his lips again and placing a firm kiss on your knuckles, "I couldn't stop thinking about how I hadn't told you how much I love you."
Freezing in your place at the combinations of the words and the sincerity in Tech's tone, you couldn't help but find yourself smiling wider at what he had said. "I love you too Tech, too much. I thought I had lost you today but I'm so glad I didn't," you say with finality in your tone.
Leaning down to place a kiss on his lips you find yourself in a state of relief. Tech was back and safe out of harm's way, and he really does love you. Pulling away from the kiss, but still holding eye contact with him you say, "You still need to rest up, and don't think that kissing me will be a distraction."
Tech rolls his eye and lets out a groan before smirking and saying, "Well after I'm all healed you better make it up to me."
You smack his leg and let out a huff of frustration and as you go to walk out of the room you say, "We'll see about that one Tech. We'll see."
taglist: @bandaid-bunny @haloangel391
a/n: once again i feel like this is meh but i still dont know. i meant to have this done 2 days ago but almost passed out because of my second dose of the covid vaccine, plus i had a 6 page paper due so likeeee. anyway TAKE THIS right after the new episode, also if you guys watched it already... HOLY SHITTTT 🙏
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fanfic-cave · 3 years
The Reveal Pt. 2
Rating: SFW/PG-13
Word Count: 1.6k (nearly 1.7k)
Pairing: Hunter x Fem Jedi!OC
Warnings: Swearing (im too lazy to write the star wars swear words so its our kind of swears), trauma/fear situation, lightsaber/jedi things, mushy hug/romance, its supposed to be kinda intense and dramatic
Summary: You’ve exposed yourself as a Jedi to the Bad Batch, and not intentionally. Now its out in the open, and this ex-jedi needs to escape before things get messy. Will these rogue clones attack? Will you have to defend yourself? How will this end without someones blood getting spilled?
Authors note: Check out part 1 linked below, theres links to a few other fics i'd reccomend reading as well along this these! Theres like a tiniest bit of fluff here. I have a few other fluff/short things I want to post soon, and I have some ideas for giving the other TBB memebers some love since all I've been posting is Hunter stuff lately
Please enjoy!
Part 1 here
“Isn’t it obvious? Sera is a Jedi.”
Tech's words flipped the switch and you took action. You used the force and ripped your lightsaber out of your bag, ignited it, and took a defensive stance.
“Stay back boys” You wish your voice wasn’t shaking. The green glow of your lightsaber reflected on their surprised faces.
“Omega, stay inside.” You heard Hunter's voice, and saw him push her in, her eyes wide when seeing your weapon ignited. Wrecker took a step back, a look of shock on his face. Tech raised his hands. Crosshair eyed you suspiciously, he stood just behind Tech. You couldn’t see Echo.
“Hmm. Looks like I was right.” Tech said nonchalantly, like he had just proved a scientific theory. Well, I guess he did, in a manner of speaking.
You held your lightsaber with two hands, squeezing tight and ready to use it at a moment's notice. You started taking a step back. “Nobody moves. I walk away, and nobody gets hurt-” you sensed something in the force, and heard a minuscule movement, a blaster. You pointed your saber to Echo, who had just appeared at the top exit ramp “Drop it!”
“Easy Sera,” Echo spoke. “We’re all removing our weapons.” He looked at the rest of the boys and nodded. “See?” You watched Echo lift his blaster pistol, careful not to touch the trigger, and throw it. Crosshair dropped his rifle. Wrecker raised his hands up. “You’re a Jedi?” Wreckers face looked shocked and confused.
You tried to ignore the emotions you were feeling. You didn’t want to leave, you had happy times with them. But you were too afraid to take the risk of staying and finding out if you would survive. “I don’t want to hurt any of you” You took another step back. “Just let me go and I won’t…”
“We won’t hurt you Sera.” It was Hunter's voice this time. He stepped forward out of the Havoc, and walked past the boys. His knife and blaster were gone, left on the ship maybe. He held his hands out in front of him, slightly raised. He had a slight crouch as he came towards you, like he was approaching a wounded animal. His expression was hard to read still, but he had a slight frown on his face. You looked into his eyes and couldn’t look away. He held your gaze intensely, like he was trying to send a message to you through his eyes.
“Please,” you said, desperation in your voice. You tried to move your feet. You couldn’t, you were frozen by his look, held by him. You felt the same electric current drawing you to him, keeping you from leaving.
“We don’t have inhibitor chips, not that they worked too well anyways.” He lifted his headband and shifted his hair, pointing to a small scar. The rest of the boys did so similarly, showing they all had an identical scar on the right side of their skull.
You looked at them confused. Inhibitor chips? All you knew was that the clones executed the Jedi. Every Jedi. You didn’t know how, or even why, other than the Empire saying the Jedi committed treason.
Hunter had been taking small steps forward the whole time. Your eyes stayed locked onto his. Then, you felt something you hadn't in a long time, something you shut out.
You recognized the feeling of the force, it moved through you, awakening your force sensitivity. Maybe you reignited a severed connection by touching your saber again, maybe the strong emotions in you and everyone else caused the resurgence. Whatever the reason, you felt it move through you, connecting you to your surroundings.
After the battles on Umbara, with a lot of effort, you closed yourself off from the force. You realized now that it was never truly gone, and you had still been seeing your surroundings with your instinctual force sensitivity.
You hesitated and broke eye contact from Hunter, shocked at what was happening. You took a breath, and closed your eyes. You concentrated on the force, focusing on the feelings you felt now. Fear, love, sadness, anxiety, all of it. You quieted them, and then reached out. You felt a surge of more emotions. Worry. Fear again. But not a selfish fear. They were scared you would leave. You could sense the intentions of each of them, seeing a bit into their mind. You sensed no malice, no intention to take life.
You sensed Hunter step closer. He was maybe a foot away now. He reached out and touched your forearm. You took another deep breath, then opened your eyes, watching him. He reached his hand up to your face slowly, reaching for your mask. You made no movement to stop him, and he slipped it off of you, tossing it aside. Beneath it revealed your face, and he calmly looked into your eyes.
You realized he was trying to reassure you, comfort you. He wasn’t scared of you, despite the legendary weapon you held. You felt more hopeful, now that you saw nobody had tried to attack you. You turned off your lightsaber, never breaking away from his gaze, and dropped the saber to the ground. Everyone relaxed.
“What are inhibitor chips?” You asked. Tech launched into an explanation. The Kaminoans created the clones with chips in their brain, to inhibit the clones' cognitive functions and allow them to follow any order. Theirs were not functioning, save for Crosshair. Crosshairs face darkened as he mentioned this, he looked like he would rather avoid the memories all together. They retrieved him from the empire and removed all their chips.
The clones were forced to kill the Jedi. Thinking about it left a bitter taste in your mouth. The clones would’ve stood by the Jedi, their commanders, generals, and friends. The Jedi only wanted to protect the Republic. They were forced to murder them. They were all tricked.
But, the bad batch… your friends. You sighed. You’re safe. You don’t have to leave. “So none of you feel an overwhelming urge to execute me for holding a lightsaber? Or making a 40ft jump?”
“More like 45 feet, and no. We never were known for being rule followers.” Hunter said. He smiled a bit when he said it, and watched you process his words. You blinked back tears, and a smile spread on your face. You couldn’t believe that you were all going to be okay. A horror you felt sure of was now averted.
You felt the electrical current run through your body again as Hunters hand retreated from your arm. You looked up at him, tears threatening to roll out of your eyes. The current dragged you in. You walked towards Hunter, the heat of the moment sweeping you up. You slammed into him and wrapped your arms around his torso. You squeezed tight, and shut your eyes, tears rolling down. “You’re not going to kill me.” You spoke half laughing, half crying.
You felt his arms wrap around your shoulders, and return the hug, squeezing you back. He was warm. Compared to moments ago feeling terrified of death, the feeling of being hugged and cared for was euphoric.
Hunter pressed his face into your hair, and you felt lips press to top of your head for a brief moment. He bent down a bit and whispered in your ear “Never. You’ve protected us, and we are going to protect you.” A few more tears rolled down as he spoke, and you pressed your face against his chest. He made circles with his thumb on your back, seemingly to comfort you. The world around you just disappeared. It was just you and him. You could feel him take deep breaths, while yours were a bit more shallow and sporadic.
A minute or two passed, and suddenly you heard awkward coughing. You withdrew from the hug, looking to the rest of the boys. Hunters left hand remained on your right shoulder.
You normally might’ve felt embarrassed, but right now you were still just happy to be alive. You faced the rest of the group, feeling a little guilty. “I’m sorry everyone. I really thought you were going to kill me. I didn’t mean to frighten any of you.”
Wrecker laughed. “Don’t worry about it General, we don’t scare easy!” Your eyebrows knit together when he called you General.
“If we really wanted to kill you, it would’ve happened already.” Crosshair said. Hunter looked at him disapprovingly. You just laughed. “Thanks Cross.” He made a short nod, and walked off the ramp.
“To be honest, I’ve suspected it for quite some time. Your reflexes, agility, weapon skill with a blade, and extensive experience with alien culture and language all pointed to you being a Jedi.” You raised an eyebrow at Tech after he spoke.
“How long have you known?” You inquired. “Several months.” He replied. You sighed. “You didn’t tell anyone?” You asked. “No. I thought it was obvious.” He stated simply. He walked past you and typed into his data pad. “See you Sera.” He waved without looking up.
“Echo-“ You called up to him. “Don’t worry about it.” He waved off your apology quickly. You just nodded at him. He walked back into the ship.
You turned to Hunter. “Please don’t start calling me General…” He patted your back. “I’ll talk to them, don’t worry about it.” You breathed out a sigh in relief. You relaxed more and looked at your surroundings for a minute. Your eyes found the horizon and you saw a beautiful sunset beginning. “Thank you, Hunter.” The words escaped your mouth as you watched the sunset.
He squeezed your shoulder, which brought your attention to him. “You can breathe easy now.” The corner of his lips turned up a little. You returned the smile and nodded. He patted your shoulder, and it seemed like he didn’t want to let go. He eventually released your shoulder and walked back to the ship, you assumed it was to go to Omega.
You smiled to yourself as you stood alone. This changes everything. You felt more hopeful than you had in years.
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damerondala · 3 years
Suture Up Your Future
i was watching reservoir dogs last night and that scene in the beginning with mr. orange is so intense i wanted to write some bad batch AnGst that mirrors it (and yes, the title is a queens of the stone age song, im really just snatching ideas from everybody huh lol). im also not too knowledgeable about trauma wounds like this and how to patch them up, but i did my best so pls be nice lmao im a sensitive bitch
Pairing: Platonic Bad Batch x Gender Neutral Reader / Platonic Tech x Gender Neutral Reader 
Warnings: adult dialogue, severe wounds and blood loss, wound suturing, sad batch ™ but with a happy ending! yay! 
Word Count: approx. 1.4k 
✧·゚: *✧·゚:* *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
“Say it for me, Tech.” You were met with an agonistic cry instead of the words you needed the trooper to say. Not only to reassure himself, but you as well. “Say it,” you nearly screamed while he lay there bleeding out, “You’re going to be okay, fucking say it. You’re going to be okay.” 
“I,” a sharp intake of breath made his chest heave and a new wave of fresh blood come out of his gaping wound, covering your hands in the warm substance, “‘m guh be oh-okay.” 
“There we go, come on Tech, come on buddy breathe for me.” 
Nothing was out of the ordinary when you woke up that day. Hunter asked if you wanted to stay on the Marauder while he, Tech, and Crosshair went on a supply run. Hunter sang his reassurances to you, fully knowing you had a point when you reminded him that this planet was not the most welcoming place for outsiders. Especially the army of the Republic. But Hunter made sure they had civilian clothing to disguise themselves; this was the closest planet you all could get to at the moment, with the little fuel you had, after all. “In and out, just like that,” the sergeant cooed with a snap of his fingers to enunciate the last word of his promise. 
Echo, Wrecker, and yourself gave your best wishes to the group, then retreated back to the hull of the beloved ship. Echo toying with a new prosthetic he and Tech had been working on, Wrecker subjecting poor Gonky to yet another workout, and you occupied yourself with some tidying up. Maker knows that five busy soldiers plus one even busier medic, patching up said soldiers on a regular basis, equaled a filthy ship that was in dire need of some elbow grease. 
What none of you had expected however, was the very early return of the three bad batchers, one of them being supported by the other two. Barely able to walk and blood leaking out of his abdomen. 
Panic set in your gut upon the sight. Wrecker and Echo already in front of you, screaming their concerns and questions while you scrambled back into the ship to clear the table that was littered with empty dishes and Tech’s projects, then sprinting to your medkit to snag the supplies you’d need to treat a wound such as this. Returning to the table just as Wrecker set his vod down on the flat surface that, might you add, was much too small for his six-four frame and much too dirty for the situation at hand, but would have to do. Considering the severity of the scene before you. Tech had an enormous gash — you guessed from some sort of large knife — that ran from the bottom of his left ribs all the way to the front of his abdomen, ending just above his bellybutton. 
“Fucking bounty hunters,” Crosshair growled from behind you but you couldn’t afford to pay him any mind, Tech was damn near about to bleed to death if you didn’t act quick. You could curse the people who did this to your friend later. “Echo, he’s going to need more blood. Get Wrecker hooked up to the blood draw.” You ordered while applying pressure to the gash, Tech’s blood slowing at the contact, but still steadily seeping through your fingers. Normally Wrecker would pout about being hooked up to a machine but the sight of his friend dancing with death made him move quicker than any of you had ever seen, ripping his shirt sleeve up so Echo could begin drawing blood. 
The scene felt like a dream. Well, more like a nightmare, one that never stopped no matter how badly you wished you could just wake up and it would all be over. Instead, you were sweating through your shirt, a few tears stained your cheeks, and you were fucking covered in blood; Tech’s blood, to make the matter even more chilling. Everything happened so fast, you desperately wished you had gone on the run instead of Tech. Maybe that way you could all be sitting around this table, playing cards and giggling at Echo and Wrecker’s bickering over who’s cheating by now. 
“What do you need me to do?” Hunter stepped to your side, prepared to do anything in order to save the youngest of the squad. “Get the gauze and alcohol out of my pack.” You threw your head in the direction of the stocked medpack sitting on the table near Tech’s legs. Hunter opened the bottle of antiseptic and handed it to you, Crosshair on the other side of the table taking the gauze from Hunter’s hand. Ready to stuff the wound in an attempt to slow the bleeding more until you could properly suture him up. Dumping the alcohol inside the gash caused Tech to gasp, eyebrows furrowing and body going taut at the pain you inflicted on him. You pleaded with him to relax and help you in reassuring himself that he would be fine. Both you and Hunter continuing the verbal comfort while Crosshair unraveled the pristine white gauze and began shoving it into Tech’s side, dying it crimson almost immediately. The pressure from both yours and Crosshair’s hands did a good job at stopping the blood loss, just enough so you could begin really cleaning him up and sewing his abdomen back together. Hunter helped with handing you the needle and thread and you began puncturing Tech’s skin and pulling the thread through the tissue. 
Cries and mumbles of curses came from Tech’s lips, his face paler than any of you had ever seen before. “Shhh…eh..it,” Tech groaned as you diligently worked at his stomach. You silently thanked whatever celestial  power that was out there for slowing down the blood flow to a much more manageable pace. Crosshair’s efforts clearly paid off, you mentally noted, as you watched his steady marksman hands slowly remove the gauze while you advanced with your stitching. 
“Blood transfusion is ready,” Echo suddenly appeared, ready to start replenishing the blood Tech had lost. “Just in time,” you managed a half-smile, not entirely sure of where it came from. But looking back, you think it was out of hope. 
Tech’s glazed eyes silently caught the way your mouth curled up and he was infinitely grateful for it. To him — and the other members of the squad — you were a beacon of light in the cruel and unforgiving war you all were in the midst of. It was easy to let the darkness and the violence consume them, but the second you joined their squad as their senior medic, there was that sudden sense of hope; you were something that made all of it even more worth it. 
The entire procedure of fixing up your friend honestly was a blur for the most part. One second they were dragging Tech’s limp and bloody body up the ramp, the next you all found yourselves slumped into chairs, over crates, hell, you were nearly passed out from exhaustion on the floor next to the table Tech was splayed out on. His wound clean and stitched to near perfection, and Wrecker’s blood slowly being pumped back into his veins, bringing that beautiful, healthy tan back to his features. 
Being so tired led you to neglect the dried blood all over your arms and shirt. In your haze, you remember Wrecker gently grasping your biceps and heaving you off the grimy ground, urging you to wash up and change. When you began to protest, the gentle giant rubbed up and down your arms in an effort to persuade you, “He’ll be fine, kid. You stitched him up real good. Plus, you know how queasy he gets with blood. He’d want you to get cleaned up.” Just as the final syllable left his mouth, you felt the soft cotton of your extra shirt being brushed against your forearm, Crosshair’s arm extended to you from his place on a ration crate with a nod in your direction. A silent way of showing you he agreed with his older brother — we got him, don’t worry. 
Your squad member’s wisdom proved to be true. Stepping out of the fresher in a new shirt sans sweat stains and blood, and your skin nice and clean, you were greeted with the sight of everybody crowding around their youngest vod still laying on the table. Weaseling your way in between Hunter and Echo, you found Tech awake. Albeit less sharp than he usually is, but still awake. Breathing. Fucking alive. The weight of dread that had been crushing your chest was suddenly gone, letting your lungs fully expand for the first time in hours. A soft hand found Tech’s cheek, the tips of your fingers accidentally bumping the edge of his goggles and another smile gracing your face, this one out of relief. 
“Told you you’d be okay.” 
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wwheeljack · 3 years
Okay bc im curious and I don't think we've talked about it (well we've talked some stuff, but not Grand Scheme level of stuff) but!!!! I'd love to know, if you had the option to change the canon story of TBB after Aftermath, how would you have wanted the show to go? Like, with their adventures, getting their chips out, saving Cross, character cameos/deaths, what would you have taken out of the show, what would you have added, etc.!
I Trust and Adore your ideas over canon and I have been struck with Interest, and I'd love to hear what you'd have done with the show post Aftermath, if you're okay with sharing!
Well, I...
I'm always the most interested in emotional depth/exploration with the characters, and I think it would have been very interesting to see how the boys would really react to losing Cross (if we are going with the 'Cross is enslaved by the Empire' route).
They knew Cross for four years at minimum (and longer, in my headcanons) and he was their brother and their family.
Hunter, Wrecker and Tech would be so used to having Cross around, being their lookout and sniper, that I would have loved to actually see the brothers really react to losing him.
Have one of them call his name, expecting him to assist them, but no response comes. Hunter turns to look for Cross, then he remembers Cross isn't with them... that their sniper has turned on them, and they don't have their lookout.
Wrecker would look for his brother and make a joke that Cross would normally roll his eyes at or grumble about, but then Wrecker realizes that Cross isn't there... that his brother's gone, and they've left him behind. Wrecker doesn't have his competitions anymore, nor does he get to tease Cross, and Wrecker doesn't know what to think of losing his brother.
Tech's... even more withdrawn than normal. He does not express himself emotionally normally, but now he's even quieter and harder to read. He misses Crosshair, and yet doesn't know how to feel about Crosshair "betraying" them.
He always had Cross as his silent protector, and the one who would spend the most time with him and actually listen to his rambles, but now Cross is gone? Cross turned his back on his brothers and shot Wrecker?
The boys struggle to hide from the Empire, and have to learn how to live without the Galactic Republic giving them food and supplies any longer. I mean, in the end, the boys were raised to be soldiers, and that is all they know - and they don't have that old resource to fall back on.
I'd love an exploration not only into the loss of their brother, but how much they are unprepared for living in a world where they don't have an easy fall back they had during the Clone Wars.
I thought we would have this show start to reveal the way the Empire took over, digging its claws into everything, and how much stress that would put on the boys. Not only do they have to get used to living a life on the run, but they have to realize that all of their training means nothing now.
Of course, I'd want to see the boys start to talk about Cross and why he turned on them, though none of them are fully certain of the real reason behind his betrayal. I would keep Battle Scars to show the boys how dangerous the chips are, and to give the boys the idea behind their brother's betrayal - except I would have Wrecker apologize to his brothers, and show how they involuntarily are afraid of him because of what he almost did to them.
Say that Tech will flinch when Wrecker raises his hand towards him, even if Tech tries to fight the innate fear he has towards Wrecker at that moment, and Wrecker's heart breaks. He never intended to harm his brothers, and he becomes even more fiercely protective of his brothers after Battle Scars.
Once Tech starts to realize that his brother didn't willingly betray them, he puts all of his focus into how they can get Cross back. Reunion happens similarly to how it did in the show, except that they do try and rescue Cross - only for Cross' men to overpower his brothers and they take Cross back, wounding Hunter in the process.
Hunter can't lead for awhile and so Echo has to try and lead, while Wrecker and Tech struggle with taking care of Hunter and all of them try to adapt to having to rely on Echo and not their sergeant.
Crosshair keeps hunting them and, for each time he runs into his brothers, the control of the chip starts to break because he loves his brothers... and sees how broken they are.
They don't know what to do without their whole family around, and they are starting to break apart at the seams. They run into Cross eventually, and Cross fights the chip long enough to make it easier for his brothers to capture him.
Once they have his chip removed, Cross does everything he can to support his brothers - and to try and make them forgive him, since he believes they hate him.
Eventually he realizes his brothers don't hate him, and that they wanted him back the whole time. The brothers do everything they can to survive, and it's a struggle but they are whole again, and they are always better as a group.
Also, flash back episode, PLEASE. I want to see cadet Batch so, so badly! Let me see the boys meet up, and let me see tiny, baby Tech get his goggles, and Cross finally meet his brothers and have to learn to trust Hunter and Wrecker. Show us exactly why the Batch (especially Cross) hate regs, and how they grew up on Kamino.
I'm not certain my thoughts on the show in the long run, since we still have three episodes left, but I know for a fact I wanted to see more about Cross leaving them. That should have affected them far more than the show ever gave us...
#carifusaga#I don't like cameos that much as I want a story to be able to stand on its own#and not sure whether I'd have Omega or not#But in the matters of the boys and their brotherly bond?#I'd love to have seen more encounters with Cross#and actually have the boys respond to losing him#and give me post-Republic starting Empire!#I wanted to see how they worked/started#and how the boys would respond to a life without them being soldiers#and how they'd struggle without the resources the Republic afforded them#And give me Cadet!Batch#I WANT to see tiny cadet boys :(#Give Echo the chance to be the leader and have to realize they aren't soldiers any longer#but men on the run desperate to live and survive each day#(also explore his PTSD and how he struggled to deal with working with the Batch and their different tactics)#Give Wrecker his emotional intelligence and show him as our fierce older brother who struggles with what he did in Battle Scars#And let Tech show emotions! Let him break down emotionally about Cross' betrayal#And have him struggle with believing that Cross could have turned on them while also knowing Cross wouldn't do that#Not Tech's Crosshair... his best friend and strongest supporter. Tech knows Cross couldn't do that... but he struggles#And Hunter... oh Hunter...#Believing that he left Cross behind and betrayed his brother#that the weight of the world rests on Hunter's shoulders and all he wants to do is protects his brothers#Crosshair does everything he can to make up for what he did... and fights for his brothers like he never did before#Just... give me emotional depth#Please!#Give me actual character development#this is what I could think of for now... don't know how the last three episodes will change my heart#But ahhhhhhh thank you for asking!#sorry for rambling so much hhh#long
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
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[disco inferno playing]
(also this is the part where i 100% want you to talk more about the au)
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ok ok I'll share my nonsense because why not🔥
basically in this AU, the Kaminoans are normal people who do experiments on others to try and make the "perfect" human. most of their experiments end in failure, but there are some successes... I say successes, but it's more so just the ones that haven't ended in death haha
the Bad Batch are some of the successes. Hunter and Wrecker have undergone the most experimentation due to their high constitution, which has resulted in their extreme mutations (they're basically Wolverine and Hulk/The Thing now LOL). Tech has been their most successful experiment in terms of pure brain power, so they left him at that and just have him build super suits for the company to use. Crosshair and Echo were used only for body enhancements due to their low constitution, but still turned out very successful. Crosshair was also enhanced mentally, but that experiment almost went awry, which has caused him to be a bit mentally unstable.
as for myself, I'm not a mutant, nor am I involved with the Kaminoans whatsoever. I'm actually half-alien. one of my parents was human, but the other was an alien who came to Earth from a dying star and possesses the ability to light their entire body on fire with the intensity of a sun. I've been living on my own, away from all society for most of my life, due to me not having the best control over my powers (I totally haven't accidentally hurt or killed people nope hahaha). Hunter ends up finding me during one of his missions for the Kaminoans and mistakes me for one of their experiments. he wants to bring me back to them, I don't want him getting near me because I don't want to hurt him, he's not worried because of his regen abilities and high tolerance for pain and all that. you can tell where this is going, I'm sure XD
I figure the story would involve something along the lines of the Kaminoans wanting to do experiments on me (the nefarious kind of course), which doesn't fly with any of the boys, so they end up defecting in order to protect me 🥺
Omega works in the labs as Nala Se's assistant, exactly like in the show. the boys know about her, but rarely ever see her. everyone suspects that she has some sort of abilities and is just keeping it a secret. she genuinely doesn't know though. she knows that she has been experimented on, but Nala Se refuses to tell her what her enhancements are, if she has any. Omega is actually the one who convinces the boys to get me away from the Kaminoans because she believes they're going to end up destroying me in the process. the boys bring Omega with when they eventually leave because they're afraid she'll get in trouble for helping them escape. at some point, Omega discovers she has strong telekinetic powers (like Jean Grey/Scarlet Witch level of strong); the dynamic of the group basically shifts from the boys trying to protect me and Omega, to her and I being the most powerful ones of the whole group and have to save the boys' butts most of the time LOL
I literally came up with most of this just in the last day cause I've been mostly fixated on the relationship between me and Hunter (obviously). even though I can "turn off" my sun powers, I still am constantly afraid of hurting the others and won't let them even get near me... except for Hunter. he doesn't care if he gets burned, he'll just regen eventually. it's worth the pain.
ok I'm gonna stop there before it gets too mushy ROFL
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darkelite020 · 3 years
Bad batch thoughts & predictions ep 3
I wanna start having written reactions somewhere and predictions cause itd be fun I think to see what actually ends up happening and remembering what I thought at the time so im dumping it here, youre welcome. (Feel free to discuss if you want) if you want to keep up with it im gonna be tagging these as #jay rambles about bb
- wrecker wanting omegas food but not taking it because of what hunter said and then wrecker tries to adapt to consider shes a kid more throughout the whole ep is so cute but also its interesting cause we know the clones werent raised gently like that so its wholesome that theyre trying their best. - the scanner tech is making for the inhibitor chips is so important. They didnt talk about it a lot but YO HEAR ME OUT: so wrecker clonked his head when they crashed which they showed on screen but its 100% a cover up for this whole thing thats gonna go down. I feel like because wrecker talked about his head hurting a lot its more than just a simple thing- yes getting hit in the head hurts but my man was shot by crosshair and he complained about that less as far as we know and its a huge coincidence that they are making the inhibitor chip scanner at the same time. What if him hitting his head messed with his inhibitor chip and later they are gonna use the scanner and figure that out- maybe wrecker starts getting tempted to do bad things like crosshair. Cause in clone wars when the clones also got their chips messed with a lot of them would like rub there head or hold their head like it hurt also.
- The whole argument that random people are better to fight with than the clones is... so dumb to me??? I love the clones so bias maybe but it is not smart imo. The whole "oh but they will want to fight" thing is better than the clones made to do it?? Like, yeah, morally thats a good thing, maybe dont have clones as like literal fucking slaves for your war, but lots of clones liked it aside from the fighting itself? Like nobody likes the bloodshed but that goes for normal people too, but think of clones like hardcase who 'was just doing things to have fun' and even 99 who *wanted* to be a soldier so badly and wanted to have a moment where he could prove like his usefulness as a soldier and stuff. I get the clones are expensive but they are just vastly better. Yes the clones can train people which is their plan but like people will always be less loyal than the clones and hnnggg
- crosshair you fuckin bimbo didnt talk about how the soldiers wanted to not go with their orders like legit if crosshair said "They didn't want to do the mission" SO MUCH wouldve been different and thats wild because we all know theyd take crosshairs word on it since crosshair proved himself already and is loyal to them so if crosshair said 'actually it went bad at first' like bro
- omega has an ability and still have no idea what it is but its gonna be crazy when we figure it out cause im sure its something theyve been slipping a little into each episode and when we figure it out we're all gonna sit here like "wow we are fucking blind"
- Echo with a flashlight makes me realize something and now I worry for that boi ;-; : my mans has only one hand (which yes we knew) but I was so concerned when he was looking for the dragon holding the flashlight cause like bitch if that thing attacked him he literally cant shoot it and im sure he still has moments maybe where he tries to use his other hand like out of reflex for things and ;-;
- - I mean technically hes been like that for a while now but he was like brainwashed for a lot of it and while probably not im still worried they are gonna have that come into play somehow
- very proud of omega for taking the mission into her own hands pop off sis
- - but also she literally called for help before they went and none of them came to help like bruh wtf what were you all doing like if shes using HUNTERS COMMS youd figure 'oh fuck hunter and omega are in trouble' like yes you got to fix the ship or something but hello??? save them first???
- crosshair looking at the tally on the wall HURTS ME THANKS DAVE
- wrecker making omegas room is the cutest shit and he even gave her lula BUT THATS GONNA HURT SO MUCH WORSE WHEN HE GOES BAD AND OH MY GOD
- bad batch more like sad batch
- kind of about the other two episodes a little but: legit worried for the end of the show because they already showed 66 and that was like the big ending for clone wars and that hurt a fuck ton, and they STARTED the show with that, so like.... what the fuck is the sad thing theyre gonna rip our hearts out with at the end? I think 66 was definitely an interesting way to start because we get a better look at what went down afterwards and also that way its not super repetitive with tcw but like... yeah idk where or when its gonna end and we all know they are gonna do some shit like that again when the show is over so im excited but also deeply concerned.
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