hxarts4k · 2 days
potions class drama
Rp partner: -> @drarryshipperandsnover
{ Contains BL. }
{ Harry x Draco }
{ Plot: enemies to lovers }
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{ Harry was distracted by whatever was in front of him, he was trying to write notes about what he was supposed to but the thing in front of him was making it harder for him to make notes. } “ What even is this anyways.. is this supposed to be a globe of some sort.. I’m so confused. “ {Harry was looking at the thing, he couldn’t break eye contact with it, he was minding his own business though. That’s kind of all that mattered to him. }
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freeusemuses · 2 days
Darkness. Pitch black darkness, and an undeniable feeling of dread building in his chest. Something was wrong here. He couldn’t move, held in place—distantly, he could hear noises—voices?—rumbling through a fog. Where was he? What was going on?
And then, all at once, he felt whatever had been holding him give way, and he fell forward—sliding out of some strange pod. He groaned, gripping his forehead as he stumbled onto his feet, the ringing in his head mixed with the ringing of alarm bells. This place—he had enough sense to recognize it was some kind of alien craft, appearing almost organic in nature—but it wasn’t like anything he’d seen before.
Groaning, Nate lifted his gaze, glancing to other stranger pods in this room, before raising his voice. “Is anyone here? What’s going on?”
In the next instance. A figure in gleaming silver armor landed with an odd grace in front of him. The Githyanki female gripping her blade, which was pointed directly at Nate's chest. Vertical pupiled yellow eyes narrowed. "Abomination! This is your end!"
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immortalmolloy · 2 months
Daniel was a bundle of nerves and excitement as he entered the bar. He hoped that he would meet someone tonight. Sure, he would like to get laid like any young man his age, but it was more than that. He hoped to meet someone special. Someone who was interesting and different than all of the other lame assholes Daniel had ever met. He was desperate for a real story, something no one else could write. He hoped that this would be the night that lightning would strike and illuminate his life.
He wasn’t exactly sure who he was searching for until his gaze stumbled upon him. The first thing Daniel noticed about him was how breathtakingly gorgeous this man was. Daniel was pretty sure he’d never seen anyone this devastatingly beautiful before. And there was something about him. Maybe it was his aura if you believed in that sort of thing. He seemed to radiate this electric energy that drew Daniel in like a magnet. He didn’t know what it was yet, but he just had a feeling that that this guy was unique. His gut told him that this guy had a story to tell. So he approached him and tried his best to act confident and cool.
“I mean, if something happens, I’m cool,” Daniel said. It was no secret to Daniel that a lot of queer people frequented this particular bar. Maybe he’d be extra lucky and he’d get a story as well as getting laid. Would someone so gorgeous and mysterious actually go for him though? “But I really want to interview you.”
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victoriousssss · 4 months
Closed starter 🎬
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Riley's life has been changed since her first big role in the movie. Too small for the Hollywood's first line but extremely important for a beginner in the industry. She did it and she was so happy! People began to recognize her, meet her on the street and ask her for photos and autographs. This was the dream come true!
But she didn't want to stop on one role. Riley Page has her long way to the top and now she was just on the first stage of her new life. That's why her friend-manager suggested her to try herself in different ways. One of them was a casting for a music video for a band called Metallica. Who were they even? Some dirty guys playing noisy music? Riley was sceptical about it but her manager assured her that they were one of the hottests things in America, and that this collaboration will help them both.
Whilst her team did all the paper work, Riley was preparing for her take. Just some acting warm-up and she'll be the best. But once she entered the room she was flabbergasted. There was a ton of pretty chicks of different nations, races and even body types! Riley gulped, sitting near one of the girls in the line. "Are they all here for the casting?", she asked quietly but got only a sarcasmic chuckle. "First time here? Never thought that someone doesn't know how the "casting" goes for the metal bands", the girl said with a smirk, making Riley feeling anxious. Was there something she didn't know?
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steven-g-rogers · 1 year
//Closed Starter. @agentpeggycarterrogers
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Steve was exhausted.  It had felt like he’d been fighting for decades now.  Although that was probably true.  It had been a long time.  Just one thing after another, wearing him down until there was only Captain America and nothing left of the man before.  Ultron had told him that without war he’d be nothing, and for a long time that as all he believed.  Ever since the war every part of him had been chipped away.  Losing Bucky.  Crashing the plane.  Being pulled out of the ice only to find that the thing he’d died trying to destroy was back in the hands of people using it to try and take over the world again.  Loki.  SHIELD.  Ultron.  His own friends.  By the time Thanos had snapped his fingers, Steve had already lost everyone he’d ever had.  Some of them more than once.
But he’d kept going, because that was all he had.  Until Scott had shown up and given him a glimmer of hope.  So he fought again and won.  He lost more, Natasha and Tony, but there was hope underneath.  Hope that maybe, thanks to time travel Captain America could be handed off for good and he could be Steve Rogers again.
He’d had concerns though.  Concerns that he’d talked to death with Bucky.  Would everyone be okay without him?  What if Peggy didn’t want him?  What if he’d changed too much and he wasn’t the man Peggy had fallen in love with?  What if he messed up the timeline?  But in the end Bucky had assured him he’d be okay.  That they all would.  The timeline couldn’t be changed, if Steve went back and Peggy took him back, then that was what was meant to happen.  If not, then that was meant to happen too, and at least he’d know for sure that there was no place in this world for Steve Rogers anymore.
Even knowing that, he was frozen in place.  He had been travelling through time for weeks now, fighting and sneaking around as he put the infinity stones back where they belonged.  He was beaten up, exhausted, and terrified.  This was the moment.  He was going to see Peggy again.  His Peggy.  And if she rejected him, he wasn’t sure what he’d do next.
He brought his hand down, knocking on the door.
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hvbris · 3 months
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@mossyent . sniper verse starter
It was Cassandra's first time off-base, but really, this was just another base. Less secret, sure. Still not exactly freedom. Her eyes scanned everything around her, a little frown knitting her eyebrows together. But what could have looked like innocent curiosity was in fact careful planning. This was it. Her first real shot at running away with Mina.
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For now, though, she still had to play along. After 2 years of somewhat excellent behavior, they had loosened the leash. She couldn't ruin everything by being rash. So, she smiled at the man -tall, very tall- she had been paired with. "Hello," she said politely Well, coldly, really.
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imprvdente · 4 months
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@multipleoccupancy . King Arthur gets robbed 🤷‍♀️
It wasn't the first time that Fish had to travel the universes to indulge Dimitri's newest whim. In fact, she was sure that his requests were becoming increasingly ridiculous. After asking her to bring him the Apples of the Hesperides because he was craving apple pie, he had now told her to fetch him the Holy Grail, no less. All because he couldn't be bothered to wash his goddamn mugs. You'd think that after 20.000 years of being alive, the man would do his chores.
She was hoping for an easy trip. Get in, get the Grail, get out. Simple enough, right? Especially with a magical door that led to virtually anywhere. The only problem was that she didn't really know where the Holy Grail was kept, in this big castle. And the more she roamed the place, the more likely she risked getting caught. She was pretty sure that if a guard saw a woman with a sword and a pair of jeans, they'd think she was a witch or something.
She climbed an endless flight of stairs for the umpteenth time that night, finally finding herself in a dark, secluded room atop a dungeon. And finally, here it was. Dimitri's newest mug.
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"Bingo," she said to herself, too enthralled in her victory to hear the footsteps behind her.
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freeusemuses · 1 month
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“Oh, what’s that? This is supposed to be your dorm?” Cinder smirked as she leaned back on the large and very comfortable bed that she had placed herself on—she knew that this wasn’t CMEN’s dorm, of course, but it was the dorm of one of the targets she was tasked with keeping a close eye on. And what was a better way of keeping a close eye than this? “Well, if you want it back, you’re gonna have to force me out.”
"So this is how my day is gonna go..." Drake sighed. His long scaled tail thumping on the floor behind him. The dragon Faunus had just gotten out of one of Port's rather overlong lectures, and his brain was mush. All he wanted was a quick 18 hour nap, but that was clearly not in the cards for today.
But hey, there were far worse ways to spend the later half of one's day. Plus this woman was fucking gorgeous. And was practically offering herself to him. His tail swished as he stepped into his dorm room, closing and locking the door behind him. "If that's the way you want to play?"
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immortalmolloy · 2 months
Daniel was wandering the city in search of a story. He had no destination in mind. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking for, but knew he’d recognize it when he saw it. He needed a real unique story, something that would make his career and that no one else could write.
The sound of music drew him in. He found himself watching a performer busking on the corner. The young man was ridiculously pretty. The melancholy music seemed to flow from his very soul. The violin was an extension of himself. Daniel was in awe. He’d never seen anything like it.
A small crowd had gathered, a few of them dropping money for the talented performer. Daniel waited until the other people had dispersed, then he approached the musician. “You’re incredible,” he blurted out, immediately embarrassing himself. “I mean, I’m a journalist. My name’s Daniel Molloy and I’d love to interview you.”
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cervidae-demon · 4 months
Rest. That's what he was told to do. So he did. Appart from the time he spent cooking in the kitchen or around people just to keep the illusion he was doing 'fine', alastor spent most of his free time curled on his armchair or on his bed, trying to heal from the angelic wound.
This was taking way too long in his opinion, his usual injuries took two days to heal, three at max, and he didn't like to be in this situation of needing to take useful energy just for this.
So to save most he what he could, he decided to take his fawn form when no one was around, just to be sure in case of danger he'd be able to protect himself.
He wasn't aware that his body felt safer and safer at each nap, this hotel, it's people, had a nasty effect on him, he was... starting to trust that they wouldn't harm him. So even when the door opened, the radio demon, in his tiny form, wouldn't wake up.
To anyone coming into the room, it just looked like a wild fawn was sleeping on the deerman's bed, curled like a cat.
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letsstaytuned · 3 months
"Charlie! There you are. I've been looking all over for you," Alastor announced upon finally finding her.
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"I have a brilliant idea I want to discuss with you regarding the hotel."
It had been a couple days since the tarot card reading and the following kiss. They hadn't seen each other much since then, Alastor keeping busy with Overlord duties and really just trying to figure out how to approach the situation.
But they couldn't avoid each other forever and the Radio Demon thought the time had come to try to overcome the awkwardness.
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mr-tony-stark · 2 years
closed starter for @firestorm-heroes
Tony stepped out onto the party deck and surveyed the room.  The party was in full swing, full of Avengers, Agents, and plenty of hangers on, hoping for their chance to touch fame.
He pushed his sunglasses up.  He wore red lenses to hide the red in his eyes.  It had been something he learned a long time back, and now they were a signature piece that he was able to hide with his playboy look.  It was getting harder to hide his true nature these day. With all the supernatural stuff in the world coming out, the fact he was never seen in the daylight was hard to explain, but thankfully he had his armor to protect him now.  As far as he knew no one knew, and he planned to keep it that way. 
He spotted the new meat, Layla at the bar with Clint and Natasha.  The two had been sharing a flirtation since she joined and while he knew he couldn’t take it further without risking her finding out what he was, but it was still fun to play along.
“Enjoying yourself?” he asked as he sidled up to her.
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clown-demon · 8 months
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It was the day that the Decay of Angels set their plan into motion. Sending out Nikolai to get the job done. His task was to lure the Agency into their trap. However, with Dazai's warning to them, they never took the bait.
Nikolai waited on the chair, hearing the buzz of chainsaws go off and the reek of blood as the government officials' torsos came crashing to the floor. Any moment now, the police would come and deal with it.
Nikolai got caught, making no attempts to resist arrest. And the plan failed. leaving the Decay of Angels having to twist it into something else
The magician was sent to be executed for his crimes. A lethal injection. He gladly took it, then left a body double he had handy and fled.
The body was of someone who looked exactly like him. Someone he killed long ago and preserved for such occasions. When inside his cape, all time stopped. So it kept it from rotting and would look like his corpse, falling from the injection.
He had an antidote for the lethal injection he already prepared. He would good at poisons and how to counter them. With the antidote, he injected it into himself. He then fled to an area only HE and Dazai knew about.
The news came out the next day, claiming the killer clown was no more. Having an image of his body, dead in the paper for proof. No one cared much about it except for governments' family and friends. Nikolai DID kill a bunch of high end officials. But his death would reach the Decay of Angel's ears, figuring they lost the member without the plan being told.
Soon a man came to visit Dazai, claiming he was in Nikolai's will. And that he would inherit everything he had. It was personal, so the man was sure to step Dazai out from any ears to tell him such info.
He gave what was needed, the deed to the house, the bank information, everything that was Nikolai's, then apologized for his loss and left.
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hvbris · 2 months
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@multipleoccupancy . it's tea time 🍵
While Samantha didn't regret her choice of leaving the field to work as HR for the Program, she did miss her favorite agent and closest friend here. Killian was still on active duty, which meant that she saw him much more rarely than before. But whenever he was in the office, he always popped in for a chat and a cup of coffee.
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Luckily, today was one of those days. When he walked into her office with an empty coffee cup and a smile, she beamed at him. "Killian!" she exclaimed, already picking up her own cup (which had a big sun with sunglasses on it) and standing up. "How was Seattle? Tell me everything!"
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deercursed · 6 months
Starter for @the-expatriate
A quiet day, mid-day. The deadest time of day. The only sound in the dingy bar was a radio, a static-laced version of a golden oldie creaking out to the one or two regulars in their corners, and the bartender, the only people in the bar.
Then the door swung open, a heavy bang as it smacked into the wall, the person who opened it having put her whole weight into it. She stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame for a moment, just a silhouette from the light pouring in. Then she took a stumbling step forward, with a clicky-clack. She had hooves. And her legs were like an animal that would have one, bending back, from what could be told under her clothes. Baggy, cheap clothes. She staggered up to the bar. It became clear from proximity she was heavily augmented, her face having barely perceptible lines from where things had been implanted and bones moved, and they were fresh. She stared at the bartender for a moment, and slumped onto a barstool.
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rubbarband · 11 months
Hunters and Heroes
closed rp and starter with @team-vlts
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"Must we do this all the time we meet M.T? You're not gonna beat me with my new abilities." Desmond's arms were a metalic color, Iron rubber, a new move made for the swiss army knife of villains, the massive monster, M.T!
Des hopped down to be ground level with him. "You know we been looking for you, I knew if anyone could tell us about your little mob group it be you. And you're surrouded...isn't that right Kal-li?"
'Three heroes are on standby, Mavric, Merrymaker and Sire-redwall' Desmond's visor lit up, the voice of Kal-li, she was his AI partner and there with him in the outfit.
M.T sneered , trying to fly up he hit an invisible surface, the, was shot by needles.
"Red...let's go." Desmond charged.
"Right master Desmond!" a man with a rodent body drew his sword
The battle was long and eventful, and they almost caught their perp, Desmond enlarged his fist and was going for the finishing blow. When Suddenly M.T's Quirk evolved, and at the WORST time, his portal power opened up, and it shimmered like a remote flipping through channels, it blinded the group putting them on the defensive, and out of the portal fell a group of people and some weird shadow monsters.
"Wha-" It was enough or a distraction for Merry's quirk to be knocked away, and just when they got him.
"Nice try rubbarband, you won't be getting me in a trap like that one again!" M.T cackled as he beat his massive wings, and they were too late to stop him.
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Desmond ran but was attacked by the weird shadow wolf creature baring his path. "Outta the WAY!" He punched through it so hard he didn't pay attention to the rest. "DAMNIT M.TTTTTTTTT!"
'Desmond...those people.' Kal-li brought his attention to the four brought before then...other heroes?
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