#Buy foot scraper
personalgrooming · 19 days
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Revitalize Your Feet with the Ultimate Callus Remover! Say Goodbye to Rough, Dry Skin and Hello to Smooth, Soft Feet. Explore a Wide Range of Callus Removers Online at Friztyretail in India. Our Selection Offers Powerful Yet Gentle Solutions to Remove Calluses and Restore Your Feet's Natural Beauty. With Convenient Online Ordering, Achieve Silky Smooth Skin from the Comfort of Your Home. Don't Let Calluses Hold You Back – Shop Now and Step into Comfort!
Buy personal care products Online In India At Affordable Cost Form Friztyretail
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ahleezeruinavt · 8 months
Old people are like: Well kids these days don't want to work! No- it's not that. It's that almost every entry level job that isn't fast food or retail requires almost 3-4 years of experience in the industry, and almost every internship that would give me "industry experience" requires me to be in college (something I do not have the money for). Every single job I've looked at- even simple ones- are asking for 3+ years of experience in the industry or a degree. Every internship I've looked at requires me to be enrolled in college.
People don't just sit around and go "lol i don't want to work!" it's that even jobs that would be working as a SECRETARY are requiring years of experience before we can even get our foot in the doors. It's frustrating but everything ends up boiling down to how old people refuse to look at the fact that the reason it was SO EASY for them to get jobs when they were kids was because they could exploit you, and they knew that if you were fired another kid would walk in looking for a job too. Now pricing for anything is SO HIGH that no one can buy anything.
When buying a car I was told 7-9 year leases were becoming the normal. People can't even buy houses because prices have gone up too damn much due to people being exceedingly greedy and buying 4 houses and renting them out, making money while they sit on their asses all day. Rent for apartments where I am is about $1300 / month for ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS! It's absolutely ridiculous and people have their heads so far up their own asses that they want to ignore it and blame it on how "this generation wants to be paid $15 and doesn't accept the pricing that comes with it!" No! That's just inching us towards the minimum wage that we SHOULD be at given inflation! Other people raise the prices because they don't want the "undeserving" minimum wage workers who won't "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" to afford anything! To the people who are making all the money we aren't worth anything because we won't "just get a better job". Not to mention anyone that wants to do remote work is seen as lazy because we don't want to spend money on the $4.50 a gallon gas that we're gonna be paying to commute to and from work! Remote work has proven to be great for disabled people and people who do not want to waste that money on gas, but of course it's labeled as "lazy" because its convenient for those that would actually benefit from it. But god forbid companies realize that they don't NEED the office space of a sky scraper when people are comfortable working from the safety and comfort of their own home.
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jynxeddraca · 1 month
Toilets in Faerûn
This was supposed to be in the sewer post that I made but realized I was focusing a lot on toilets so it is now it’s own post because I can.  Once again, not doing the links because links make it so no one can see my posts for some stupid reason.
According to a Reddit post, supposedly, Ed Greenwood said that people use chamber pots that are emptied into 'nightsoil' buckets that are later dumped in cesspits or picked up daily by wagons while the wealthy have sluice toilets. Historically – this is indeed what people did.  I only have one major issue with this: chamber pots were used when sewers didn't exist, and sewers do exist in several cities canonically.  So while this would work well in an area that doesn't have a sewer – cities that have sewers wouldn’t use this method.  2nd minor issue is that this is Faerûn. Faerûn has magic – so while chamber pots might still exist, I think it won’t be so cut and dry as ‘do business in pot and wait until wagon comes’. 
Now the only spell that consistently comes up when magic cleaning is discussed is the cantrip prestidigitation – which is “a minor magical trick that novice spellcasters use for practice”.  There are multiple things it can be used for, but in regards to our purposes it can be used to “instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot” (1cu ft = 12in/30.48cm on all sides).  Both things in quotes are directly from the Player’s Handbook.  This spell features heavily in my head.
Now for my headcanons!
I’m thinking enchanted "Self-Cleaning" chamber pots are semi-common in the land (probably not the cheapest thing in the world, but not an exclusively wealthy person thing) and use prestidigitation to clean themselves.
Honestly, items charmed with prestidigitation are probably fairly common in general.
Gross as I think this thought is: I’m not totally convinced that toilet paper exists or is terribly common in Faerûn. 
IRL, there is evidence that toilet paper was used in China as early as 589 AD, and by the early 14th century were making millions of packages of toilet paper annually.  But Faerûn is more or less based on Europe.  Sadly, toilet paper in the western world was not invented until 1857 and before that people used some variation of their hand, snow, seashells, ceramics, stones, leaves/moss, sponges/clothes on sticks that soak in vinegar between uses, and corncobs to wipe their butts after. 
Truthfully, I see ceramic scrapers being much more common regardless of toilet paper existence – most would be enchanted to clean your butt, but regardless of enchantment you only have to buy it once.  It’s even easy to travel with. 
Toilet paper would be a wealthy flex of ‘I buy this thing on a regular basis that I only ever use to wipe my ass’.
I refuse to believe that people don't wash their hands after using the toilet (I don't care how unrealistic it is, hand washing is a thing in Faerûn).
I mentioned this in the sewer post as well, but: Since there are sewers in Baldur’s Gate, I fully expect most homes, especially newer ones, to have some kind of toilet that connects to the sewers.  Though I still think mostly you would have to use a bucket of water to flush the toilets.
While the only faucet you see in game is in the House of Hope, in game it is clear there is some amount of plumbing because Astarion talks about ‘drunk naked patriars in the fountains’ and you can even talk to a couple of people who are trying to get water from Lower City fountains, but none of them are working currently. 
Lower City would have numerous fountains so people can get water for drinking, cleaning, cooking, etc, and not have to walk too far to get it. But - while not unheard of - it wouldn't be common to have indoor plumbing itself, let alone a flushing toilet.
Indoor plumbing probably would be far more common in the Upper City and a flushable toilet would be a huge flex.
There is no plumbing at all in the Outer City. 
For toilets, the Outer City uses a combination of outhouses, chamber pots, ‘night soil’ wagons, and refuse pits to deal with bodily wastes.
Also mentioned in the sewer post: Blackgate and Rivington would have their own "sewer systems" since those are the first places visitors see.
But neither are technically within city limits so probably more along the lines of a glorified cesspit/giant septic system that I'm sure someone has released a gelatinous cube or something into to keep the waste level down.
Outer City residents do have one surprising source of income and that is selling dung. Both pig dung and access to old outhouses that stopped getting used because they got full - because both are good sources of getting saltpeter which is used in explosives. (Fun fact, the best saltpeter is made from pig dung).
Bonus thought:
Since prestidigitation cleans things, the dirt, grime, etc has to go somewhere. I used to go with that it just 'knocks off' the dirt but now I'm starting to headcanon that there's "normal" prestidigitation - which is a minor magic trick, and an advanced "cleaning" prestidigitation that basically disintegrates the dirt/grime/whatever.
That or all the stuff that is removed by this spell is transported to an elemental plane of 'ew gross'.
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How To Spend Your Winnings: World's Most Expensive
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If someone is already rich beyond many people’s wildest dreams, how do they achieve that special feeling of ‘splashing out’ on something? If you and your peers can afford everything then how does one show off? The answer appears to be to buy the most outlandish and expensive things. An item that almost anyone can own has been altered just enough and made with such materials to ensure that it cost the most, although judging by the following list, correct as of May 2013, there is no accounting for taste. House In Mumbai, India, your humble abode could be in Atilia where a price starting from $1 billion will get you a 400,000 square foot sky scraper with underground parking, 3 helicopter pads and a ‘health’ level to call home. Not a bad use of bricks and mortar. Car Such is the price of the $3.9 million Lamborghini Veneno only 3 have actually been made. Surprisingly, or maybe not, the fastest “only” ranks number 3 most expensive at a much more reasonable $2.4 million. Handbag The Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond Purse, made of 4,517 diamonds and 18kt gold took 10 people 8,800 hours to create. The result is an exquisite heart shaped purse valued at $3.8 million which actually sounds quite reasonable given the jewels and craft. Watch Time is precious however watches appear to be priceless. Literally in the case of the Jaeger Le Coultre Joallene Manchette, with no actual listing price this silver and sapphire crystal watch comes adorned with a choice of diamonds or onyx cabochons. The estimated value is anywhere over $26 million. Record Given that all songs can be streamed online at the click of a mouse and carried around on an mp3 there is something quite touching about the value placed on owning a physical record. The actual existence and the history of the object adding to its monetary value gives this writer a sense of hope in an otherwise crazy world of riches. Such is the power behind the story of the most expensive record it stopped me in my tracks. On 8th December 1980 Mark David Chapman asked John Lennon to sign a copy of his and Yoko Ono’s Double Fantasy album, five hours later he shot him fatally. Used in the court case for Chapman’s fingerprints and with Lennon’s signature this went for £400,000 in 1999. Pet The Chinese Crested Hairless puppy will set you back for around $4,000, famed for winning the world’s ugliest dog title. Alternatively an English Bulldog could cost around $3,000. If dogs are a little too mundane how about a White Lion Cub for $138,000? Although it would be wise to consider Siegfried and Roy at this point. To consider how much an animal costs is a wonderful paradox because the animal itself is blissfully unaware of the concept of money. They do not know of food prices, working for a living, luxury accommodation or a trip to the barbers. All that matters in their world is companionship, food, love and shelter. In return they will give you unquestionable loyalty. On that note I think I’ll end this article there. Thanks to Dave from www.webuydamagedcars.co.uk for supplying us with this post. Dave is a huge fan of cars and contributes regularly to motoring blogs. Read the full article
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cricutmachinemaker · 1 year
6 Must-Have Cricut Joy Accessories
When you purchase a new Cricut machine, you are often faced with choosing the right tools and accessories that accompany your new machine. In this blog, we will be talking about must-have Cricut Joy accessories, tools, and supplies. Cricut Joy is slightly different from Cricut Maker and Explore, so there is quite an overlap between Cricut Joy and other Cricut machines.
The machine has a fine-point blade, so you must buy replacement blades and housing. These blades are exclusive to Cricut Joy and cannot be used in Cricut Explore or Cricut Maker. That being said, let's move on to the accessories that you need with Cricut Joy.
Cricut Joy Cutting Mats
Cricut Joy can cut smart materials without the mat, but you will need a cutting mat if you plan to use other materials besides smart materials. With the Cricut Joy machine, you will get a green 4.5’’x6.5" StandardGrip Cricut Joy cutting mat. But we suggest you get a longer 4.5’’x12" cutting mat if you want to cut cardstock or standard vinyl. And if you are planning to use more delicate materials, such as thinner paper or vellum, you should get a blue LightGrip mat in 4.5’’x6.5." or 4.5’’x12."
Cricut Joy Starter Tool Set
The set includes the three most essential tools for any project: a weeding tool, a scraper, and a spatula. These three tools are helpful in weeding iron-on and adhesive vinyl, using transfer tape, and keeping your mat clean. The weeding tool, which looks like a dental pick, removes negative space vinyl from a project. It is a must-have tool if you work on vinyl projects. It's practically impossible to eliminate the excess vinyl and glitter iron-on without it.
The scraper tool removes the leftover material from your mat after cutting something with many negative bits. It works best with paper, but it also works with other materials. The scraper tool can also be used as a bone folder to get a crisp edge and as a burnishing tool when using Cricut's transfer tape. Pulling paper off a cutting mat can be tricky; that's where the spatula comes into the picture. The spatula easily slips under paper projects and lets you carefully ease them off the Cricut mat.
Cricut Joy Pen & Adapter Set
One of the coolest things about the Cricut Joy is that it is good at cutting and writing. Cricut's other pens won't fit in Cricut Joy as its carriage is too small. So, you first need to find the right Cricut pens that will fit in the Joy tool clamps. Cricut Joy pens are available, including gel pens, infusible ink, and metallic markers. They all are available in a variety of colors and sizes.
If you plan on making writable labels, you will need a pen. Note that the gel pens and metallic markers do not work with the writable labels but will work on cardstock and other materials. With Cricut Joy, you get a standard 0.4 black pen, but to create different types of writable labels, you will also need other colors. You can even use infusible ink pens and markers. When you insert the pen into the carriage, do not put it down; just set it there and close the clamp.
Cricut Joy Smart Vinyl- Removable & Permanent
Decals are a fun and inexpensive way to personalize your coffee mug, water bottle, phone case, laptop, wood signs, and walls. The smart vinyl is cleverly designed without a mat; you just need to place the smart vinyl into the machine. The decals made from removable smart vinyl can be easily removed and re-applied elsewhere.
The Removable Smart vinyl is available in various colors and sizes. We suggest you get a single 4-foot-long roll or a sample pack with five 1-foot-long pieces in different colors. If you want to make permanent decals, you must use the permanent version of smart vinyl. It also comes in various colors, finishes, and sizes.
Cricut Joy Transfer Tape
Transfer tape is handy when transferring complicated, delicate decals to a blank item. Cut some transfer tape and stick it onto your decal, and bond it using the scraper. Then lift the decal with transfer tape and press it onto your blank item. Use the scraper again to remove the transfer tape carefully, and you will notice that your decal is perfectly applied.
Cricut Basic Trimmer
You won't use this trimmer in every project, but it sure comes in handy when cutting something in a perfectly straight line and at the right angle. While making cards, this trimmer will give you precise edges. You can also cut down larger materials not made for the Cricut Joy.
We hope that this blog has given you some clarification about the essential Cricut Joy accessories. But if you are still not sure what you need to get started. You must first purchase Cricut Joy Starter Tool Set, plus the mat and pen. Next, you must decide what kind of project you will work on. If you want to create decals, you could start with Cricut Joy Smart Vinyl-Removable. For such projects, you will also need some Transfer tape.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What accessories do you need for Card making?
If you are serious about making professional-looking cards with your Cricut Joy, you will need Cricut Joy Card Mat to make insert-style cards. For this project, you can use the card stock that came with the machine or envelopes. You can also buy a Card-making kit.
Where can you buy the accessories for Cricut Joy?
The Cricut Joy accessories are available on Cricut's official website and other online sites. You can also purchase them from offline shops like Joannn and Michael's. Check the shopping sites regularly so you don't miss out on some really good sales on accessories.
What is Cricut Infusible ink pen?
Cricut Infusible Ink pens have a special ink that merges with the base material in a chemical sublimation process. The ink in the pen turns into a gas when heat is applied. Next to iron-on is the best way to personalize your fabric.
Visit: Cricut.com/setup design.cricut.com/setup cricut.com setup mac cricut design space setup Cricut setup
Source: https://cricutsetupexploreair2.wordpress.com/2023/04/13/6-must-have-cricut-joy-accessories/
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gutter-guard-au · 1 year
Why Buy a Gutter Guard?
Gutter guards are an effective way to avoid clogged gutters and reduce maintenance expenses. There is a wide selection of styles available, depending on your requirements.
There are various surface tension helmets, including PVC covers, mesh screens, foam inserts and surface tension covers. Costs, materials used and ease of installation vary between these options.
Keeping Debris Out of Your Gutters
Gutters protect your home from water damage by diverting rainwater from the roof, walls and foundation.
Nonetheless, they can become clogged with leaves, twigs and other debris over time. To prevent this from occurring, you should clean your gutters at least once a year.
To complete this task, you'll need a step or extension ladder, a 3" paint scraper, hose with a high-pressure nozzle, yard waste bags and gardening gloves.
If your neighbourhood has plenty of trees, regularly inspect your gutters. Maple trees produce vast quantities of "helicopter" seed pods which can clog up gutters quickly.
Thankfully, you can keep leaves and other debris out of your gutters with a gutter guard. These devices come in various materials, but most work by creating a micro-mesh screen that blocks large objects from falling into your gutters. The screen also keeps out dirt, pine needles, and insects.
Preventing Ice Dams
Ice dams are one of the leading causes of home damage during wintertime. Water can seep into your house, leading to significant issues like warped floors, stained ceilings and soggy insulation.
Installing gutter guard Adelaide can prevent ice dams from forming on your roof. Whether made of solid aluminium or perforated screen, these guards keep debris out of the gutters, making ice more challenging to create on top.
Moreover, not all gutter guards are created equal. Some may not be strong enough to support a cubic foot of ice that weighs approximately 60 pounds.
Preventing Damage to Your Gutters
Gutters are an essential element of your home's drainage system. They direct water away from your house's foundation to prevent soil erosion and safeguard its structure against structural damage.
Unfortunately, gutters can become clogged over time, especially during heavy rainfall. This could result in rotting fascia, mildew and other issues.
Installing a gutter guard is one way to keep your gutters clear and free of debris. These covers shield your gutters from leaves, twigs and other unwanted materials.
Gutter guards come in two varieties: screens and brush guards. Screens are the most popular option, as they block a range of debris, including large leaves and smaller particles like pine needles.
Gutter guards come in various materials, such as mesh or micro-mesh screens. Mesh guards are more effective at stopping smaller debris than screen guards but require professional installation to ensure a perfect fit.
Preventing Damage to Your Roof
Gutter guards help prevent water damage to your roof, decreasing the likelihood of wet shingles. They also keep debris on the ground at bay, which could otherwise lead to pest infestations and leaks.
Gutters come in wide varieties, from brush to micro-mesh. Some can be installed by homeowners themselves, while others require professional installation.
Installing screens is a cinch. They slide under your shingles and angle downward to keep out leaves and other debris.
However, they're not designed to stop finer debris like twigs and pine needles. Furthermore, their porous nature leaves them vulnerable to wind damage, potentially leading to brittleness over time.
What type of gutter guard is right for your home depends on its needs and budget, but a quality one will give you peace of mind while cutting down on maintenance expenses. Plus, professionally installed gutter guard Adelaide should come with a warranty.
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Mad Scene from Woolworth's
By Langston Hughes and Charles Leonard.
WOMAN---poor and bedraggled
FLOORWALKER---very elegant
SETTING: A backdrop painted to represented the interior of a Ten Cent Store with brightly colored counters of assorted merchandise, candy, paper flowers, cosmetics, and a soda fountain. At left is a phone booth.
CURTAIN: The WOMAN wanders in the store and looks around. Sings.
I went down Euclid avenue
With only ten cents to my name,
But when I passed the Ten Cent Store
I thought I'd go in just the same.
I walked up and down between the counters
Where so many pretty things are piled,
And what to buy with that one thin dime
Almost drove me wild:
Now I'm standing in the Ten Cent Store going mad with a dime. If I only had a dollar I could have such a good time. I could buy some peanut brittle and a jigsaw puzzle, too, But I've only got a dime so I don't know what to do. Over there I see some lip sticks, and here I see some lace, And on Counter Number Three there's a hat-frame to fit my face. Back in the hardware section I see a skillet I've been needing, But here in front's some fish food for my goldfish that need feeding,
And over yonder is a rhyming book on how to make songs rhymn----
So I'm standing in the Ten Cent Store going mad with a dime.
Shall I get a frame for pictures---or a picture for the frame? Shall I spend my dime for hairpins---or get a bingo game? Shall I buy a curtain-pole---or shall I buy a curtain? A plaster for my aching back---or for my corn that's hurting? Shall I get some ink for the fountain-pen---or a fountain-pen for the ink?
Get a key chain made of leather---or a key-chain with a link? Shall I get some after dinner mints or wait till after dinner? Get one foot of three inch ribbon---or three feet one inch
The struggle is terrific! Oh! I can't make up my mind! So I'm standing in the Ten Cent Store going mad with a dime.
Shall I buy a socket---or should I buy a hammer?
Or get a set of buttons for my old man's pajamas?
Or should I get some cleanex to wipe the baby's nose?
Or buy myself a half a pair of half-silk nose?
Should I get some perfume called Passion After Dark?
Or a leash for Fido when I take him to the park?
Should I eat my dime up in cakes and soda pop----
Or go across the aisle and get a sofa pillow top?
Should I get a monkey on a stick---or a monkey that won't climb
Aw! I'm standing in the Ten Cent Store going mad with a dime!
Shall I buy a box for pencils---or a pencil for the box?
Shall I buy some sox for baby---or a baby for the sox?
Shall I buy some eggs to beat---or a beater for the eggs?
Shall I buy some pegs for dishtowels---or some dishtowels for the pegs?
Shall I buy a porcelain sauce pan or a sauce pan made of tin?
Or shall I buy a piggy bank to put my one dime in?
Shall I buy a glass for the toothbrush---or a toothbrush for the glass?
Buy some paper for the shelves---or some paper for my Spanish class?
If I only had a quarter to buy two things at a time---
But I'm standing in the Ten Cent Store going mad with a dime.
Should I buy a carrot scraper for making salads raw?
Or should I get a corncob pipe to give to my grandpa?
Should I get some toilet soap or some Lux for lingerie?
Odorono for my sister---or some Life Buoy for me?
A strainer for the coffee? Or some catnip for the cat?
A jobot for my mama? Or a rat trap for the rat?
A tie rack? Or a towel rack? Or a fancy bonbon plate?
Or one of them ten cent carpet slippers---and TO HELL WITH THE TEN CENT MATE!!!!!
Should I get a painted turtle named Sid---or one named Hyme? Aw-ow-ooo-oo-o! I'm standing in the Ten Cent Store going nuts with just a dime!
Miss, gimme a malted milk!
No, make it a cherry coke!
No, wait! Gimme a banana split with hardware sauce!
Wrong! I mean lemon pie with whipped hammers!
Change it! I want a peanut butter bracelet!
No, a rat trap on rye!
Um-huh! Rather have a tin tooth brush!
No, make it a coffee beater!
Wrong! Gimme Listerine with lime!
Aw-oh! I'm standing in the Ten Cent Store going nuts with a dime!
What on earth is the matter with you, Madam?
I got a dime.
Why does that call for screaming? Disrupting
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the routine of the store. What's unsual about that?
It's a dime.
Well, perhaps I can help you, Madam. I'm interested in old coins. I used to be a numismatist.
Huh? Is that something else I can buy?
Say, this is unusual. Series G-X-16, year 1871. Why you have a rare coin here, Madam! It may be worth as much as twenty-five dollars---or more.
Huh? How many dimes is that?
That's two hundred and fifty dimes.
Man alive! What I dould buy with all them dimes! A lip stick, a dust pan, some catnip for the cat! A hammer, a hair net, Lux, a frame for a hat. . . . .Mister, where can I find out?
I'd suggest you call up the Federal Reserve Bank. They can advise you.
Where is the phone? Show me, quick.
Right behind you, Madam.
Say, Mister, you got two nickles?
I think so.
OPERATOR, gimme the Federal Reserve Bank. Yes, the bank. This is Cornelia. I'm in a hurry. . . . .Hello! . . . . .Hello! Federal Reserve Bank?. . . . .I got a 1871 serious G-X beat old dime here. How much is it worth? . . . . .Fifty Dollars! Huh?. . . . .Fifty Dollars!
Thank you!. . . . .Now, what-all I'm gonna buy with that dime! Fifty dollars worth of dimes.
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Oh, my Lawd! Where is my dime? My dime! My dime! My dime!
Aw-oo-ow! I'm in the Ten Cent Store going nuts without a dime!
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Best Disposable Manicure and pedicure tools from Sunil bajaj
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Manicure and pedicure tools are small pieces of equipment, which tend to be used by estheticians working in salons and spas. They are usually made of plastic or stainless steel and are used for massaging the skin or removing calluses. They are also used to cut cuticles and clean up nails. Disposable manicure tools and Disposable pedicure tools are convenient for the users. They can be used for just one client and then disposed of. They are also easier to clean and disinfect. You will find the complete blog here .
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personalgrooming · 17 days
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Total Foot Care Package:
Frizty Foot Callus Remover is not just a callus remover – it's a comprehensive foot care solution. Treat your feet to a spa-like experience with our multifunctional product that acts as a callus remover, dead skin remover, foot scrubber, and foot cleaner all in one!
 Silky Smooth Results: Experience the magic of silky-smooth feet with our powerful callus remover for feet. Uncover the natural beauty of your skin and flaunt your soft, supple feet confidently.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 3 years
hi mama! ✨some smutty and/or fluffy fredcanons for fred wooing a feisty muggle girl? I LOVE YOU CONGRATS BABY
hi phia!! also love that you called them fredcanons I love that
✨ - Fred wooing a fiesty muggle girl 
they would definitely meet at a concert
like Fred would be vibing and not paying attention and he bumps into her and steps on her foot
and when he turns around his apology just falls away because there's a very pretty girl standing there but before he can say anything she’s yelling at him
“will you watch where you’re fucking going? you’d think because of how giant you are you’d have some spatial awareness but I guess not. Just keep your sky scraper lookin ass out of my way.”
he’s immediately entranced by her but before he can even ask her for her name she’s disappearing into the crowd and his hopes of ever seeing her again fade away with the thumping bass
that is until later in the week when he bumps into her at a record shop
Fred has the day off from wheezes so he decides to go exploring around muggle London, and he stops into an interesting looking record store to pick up some more muggle music
and lo and behold, the same girl from the concert is standing there, reorganizing some of the records
his heart is beating out of his chest and Fred’s afraid that she may not remember him, but the second she looks up and their eyes meet he can see a glimmer of recognition in her eye before it’s replaced with a hint of something else
“well, well, well, if it isn’t the walking skyscraper! come to step on my foot again? maybe break it this time? Or perhaps you wanna take some records out instead? I’d recommend that section in the back, no one really buys those anyway.”
no matter how many times he tries to get her to talk to him or acknowledge his presence she just keeps working and answering other people’e questions and it only makes him want her more.
so every spare moment Fred has he finds himself wandering back into the record store, browsing the seemingly endless collection and trying to get her to crack a smile
“hey, y/n you really turn me on,” fred chuckles, gesturing towards the spinning record player on his left
“fred if you keep making stupid jokes like that im going to have to ban you from the store.”
“oh please, y/n. you would never do that, im your favorite customer, you’d be lost without me.”
“lost without you? more like I want you to get lost don’t you have anything better to do?”
but fred can see the faintest hint of a smile on her lips, and he knows his plan is working
he finds that saying stupid stuff gets the best reaction out of y/n, so he makes it his personal mission to be as annoying as possible
“hey y/n, who are the Beatles? were they like, famous?”
“hey y/n, have you ever heard of this band called The Who? bet not, they’re super underground.” 
“hey y/n, how come you guys don’t carry any one direction? they’re the best musical artists of this century.”
“Weasley will you shut your mouth before I shut it for you?”
but fred can hear the fondness in her tone, and he gives her his best smirk. 
“what are you gonna do, kiss me?”
“will that shut you up?”
fred bites his lip and takes a few steps closer to her. “why don’t you do it and find out.”
and what Fred doesn’t expect is for y/n to grab him around the neck and pull him into a hard kiss. he’s so shocked that he doesn’t even react before she pulling away and he ends up just staring at her dumbfounded for a few minutes.
“now be a good boy and stay quiet for the rest of the day and maybe I'll kiss you again.”
come join the celebration! 
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balladeer-angelo · 4 years
64, 86 carlosxreader 🥴❤️
I gotchu bb 😘 this one’s got some ZANG to it
It was just some harmless flirting. At least, to you it was. Maybe even to the bartender polishing a freshly cleaned shot glass. She’s gotta be used to seeing these kinds of interactions day in and day out, whether she wanted to overhear too much or not. But to Carlos, who was quietly nursing a glass of beer in an empty booth, it became more and more of an objectionable offense the longer he watched you and one of the men he worked with getting along just a little too well. And he swore that he knew what you were doing. Or that you knew what you were doing. To him.
Though you were casually leaning back in your seat at the bar, legs crossed and body facing the man you were chatting with about non-work related matters, he always caught those little glances you would toss his way to peck at. You knew he was watching. He doesn’t have to mull about whether the way you tilt your head when you would speak to show off the skin of your neck is blatant or purely accidental. Because with you and with him, it’s never an accident.
The warm light hanging above the counter brings a shine to your eyes when you laugh at something his co-worker says, playfully giving his arm a light nudge. Carlos starts to drink a little more briskly. His glass was now half empty, and he squinted from across the bar as you leaned in close to whisper something in that man’s ear. You didn’t even cup your hand over your mouth to hide what you were saying. You might as well have been whispering to everyone in the building who could listen. Your eyes flicker in Carlos’s direction and he almost chokes on his lukewarm beer, feels it threaten to creep up into his nose.
You laugh again and so does the man this time. Carlos somehow finds just enough restraint in him so he doesn’t slam the bottom of the clear glass onto the table, lest it shatter and bring unwanted attention. Though he does place it with a little more of a heated oomph. He wipes his mouth with his forearm and strides over to the bar, boots thumping against the wood with purpose. He doesn’t even acknowledge your new friend when he gets close enough.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” He mumbles in your ear, sounding more worked up than he looked.
You finish your drink and smile at him like you don’t know what’s about to happen. “Sure!” You give a friendly touch to his co-worker’s wrist, still smiling. “It was lovely chatting with you. See you around, Paul!”
Paul returns the sentiment and you slip out of your seat to follow Carlos toward the back exit. Even in the chill of the night, your skin feels deceptively hot beneath the silky material of your blouse. Maybe it’s the cocktail. Maybe it’s the anticipation. He checks every open corner and nook in the dimly lit alley beside the small tavern, one of his many habits, and once he determines that the two of you are completely alone he closes the space between the both of you.
“So, you wanna tell me what the hell that was all about?”
You have to crane your neck slightly to take a good look at his face and you’re able to verify that he’s not necessarily mad, but he’s not exactly pleased.
“I’m not sure what you mean.” You answer with a coy grin. He shakes his head.
“Oh no, don’t you start playin’ dumb now. You know what I mean.”
“I was just having a nice, cordial chat with a new friend. That’s all.” You say with a shrug. He doesn’t feel like buying it just yet.
“Yeah? You always get that cozy with every new friend you make?”
“Sounds like someone’s a little jealous.”
He actually laughs at that. His eyes leave your face and find a more interesting spot on the brick wall behind you. Someone carved the words, call me! along with a line of dashes and numbers. Someone else responded with their own carving that read, AS IF.
“Did you know that Paul used to work in Umbrella’s tourism firm, the Paraguas Line Company?” You tip your head to try and gain his attention again, but he wouldn’t let you have it. He was looking at a slew of graffiti instead.
“He’s taken people everywhere. Europe, Africa, South America. He’s seen it all. He’s done it all. From drinkin’ out of coconuts on soft white beaches and splashin’ around in oceans bluer than curacao liqueur, to munchin’ on a fresh quiche for breakfast outside of a little cafe in The Côte d'Azur and harvesting Sorento lemons in October.”
He’s tapping his foot now, still refusing to look at you even though you also catch him stealing his own glances. You notice that those quick peeks seem to get snagged on your lips every time. This makes you grin and he gets stuck in your teeth, too.
“You wanna know somethin’ else about Paul?”
The muscles in his jaw visibly tense just a bit underneath all of that dark scruff and he puffs out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
“Lemme guess, he’s got a shinier pension plan? A timeshare in the Bahamas? Any other fantastic fringe benefits I’m forgetting? Uhh... Oh! Does he have dental? I bet he has great dental.”
You expected this amount of snark for how much you rattled him throughout the night. It was oozing out of him like when you take a scraper across a heavy slab of honeycomb. Seeing him get so riled up was more blood-pumping than taking down a horde of the undead.
You boldly take a step closer to him, carefully pressing your chest against his. You lean up on your toes and whisper in his ear.
“His wife is a researcher at the Alexander Institute of Biotechnology in Chicago.”
Carlos sighs through his nose and he slowly brings his arms up to place his hands on either side of your head against the wall behind you. His forehead is pressed against your collarbone.
Got ‘em.
“He says that she’s wonderful at what she does. The best and brightest out of everyone there. Oh! And they actually met while Paul was guiding a cruise across the Mediterranean coast, and at that very same lemon grove in Sorento. Isn’t that romanti-”
His lips are rough and demanding when they find yours, catching your breath and discarding any more trivial things to make room for his tongue. You do your best not to smile into the kiss, you really do. You try to match his frustrated tempo with a few placating licks of your own. But he’s just so damn cute when he’s embarrassed. His teeth give your bottom lip a stern pinch before he releases to scowl at you.
“You must think you’re pretty funny, huh? Cute, even.”
You shrugged once more. “Maybe a little. I definitely am cute, though.”
Carlos hummed, giving you ample time to get everything out of your system now before he ended your little game.
“And he does have good dental. His teeth are pretty nice.”
Even through the fabric of your shirt, you can feel the blazing heat coming from his palms as they slide down your arms, your elbows, bringing the blood in your wrists to a simmer.
“Glad you had a good time. Now, I’m sure you know what comes next, don’t you, fox?”
Though he looks to be in better spirits, at the moment, you can’t stop yourself from pressing your lips together to hide your cheeky smile. You take your time as you answer him, walking your fingers up his chest and innocently picking lint off the collar of his shirt.
“Burgers and a shake? I am feeling a little peckish.”
He shakes his head, pulling you even closer.
“Another drink to shake off all that embarrassment?”
“You wish.” Your arms are coiled around his neck now.
“Hmm... I dunno, Corporal. Why don’t you tell me?”
The hands that had been burning a steady path down your waist come to a halt at your hips to snake around for a good grip on your ass and haul you up. The wind is practically knocked out of you and a breathy whimper slips past your lips. He’s got you trapped between, literally, a rock and a hard place, with the hem of your skirt slipping up and over your waist.
He discovers then that you weren’t wearing anything else underneath. That has him practically panting on the spot.
You were enraptured by the intensely potent look in his eyes that held you just as tightly, that bruised you as lovingly as his hands did to your supple body.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.” He growled with a greedy sort of spark that you’d never heard before.
“Don’t be mean. That asshole’s name is Paul.” His eyes roll at your lighthearted chiding, but soon he’s huffing abruptly against your chest when he feels your hand dip past his pants to rub his erection through his boxers. The chill of your fingers has him jolting and bucking into your touch.
You completely undo his belt and then pop the silver button on his jeans, teasing his lips with a quick swipe of your tongue as you leisurely pull down the zipper.
“And I don’t care what you do,” He helps you push his pants and boxers out of the way, releasing his aching cock to the night air. He lowers you down just a bit, just enough to have you lined up perfectly. He adjusts so your knees are slung over his arms. Carlos swallows hard, breathes heavily against your lips as he eagerly waits for you to say it, chants it in his mind.
Say it. Say it, please. It’s almost too much! Please say it!
“Just fuck me, Carlos.”
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jasontoddshoe · 4 years
Strictly Business // Jason Todd
Chapter 9 - The Gala
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual themes, Violence, Bloodshed, broken bones, kidnapping, guns, bullet wounds, crying, near death experience,
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Your dress took a while to shimmy into a zip up by yourself but you finally managed. It was definitely easier when you had Jason to help you but he was off somewhere else in the house getting himself ready. He was acting like this was prom or something, saying he didn’t want to see you until you were ready. It didn’t really phase you until you started getting dressed, you really wished you’d had some help then.
The gala had technically started already, but you didn’t care enough to make it there on time. The only thing Jason wanted was to just be there in general, so he wasn’t mad about it either. You smiled at the finished product of your makeup, admiring your craftsmanship before cleaning your mess up. You were finished getting ready so you headed down to the living room with your small silver clutch that held your phone.
Jason was sitting on the couch, donning a black suit with a red shirt and black tie. He looked amazing, and you couldn’t deny that. At the sound of your shoes clacking against the marble stairs, he looked up. His eyes met yours, catching you staring at him. He smirked slightly before noticing your figure. His eyes traced your every curve as he took in the lovely sight. He stood up, draping his suit coat over his arm as he walked to meet you at the bottom of the staircase.
“You look amazing (Y/n)” he commented, offering you his hand to help you down the last step. You gave him a small smile, feeling much more shy now that he was there. His eyes never left you, but you couldn’t force yours to leave him either.
“Thanks Jaybird, so do you” you replied quietly. “So, should we make our grand entrance at this shitty thing?” You asked, grabbing his bicep while staring up at his eyes. He nodded, his shaggy hair that he hadn’t styled bouncing slightly as he did so.
“Let’s go fuck some shit up” he answered, a devious smile making its way into his face as you laughed.
You held Jason’s arm tightly as you entered the grand venue the gala was taking place at. You never realized how much influence Roman Sionis had in Gotham until you saw some of the very powerful people indulging in the complimentary champagne. You were no exception to that, holding a glass of your own in the hand that wasn’t lopped through Jason’s arm. Jason wasn’t drinking, he wanted to be able to stay on alert. You however, were just along for the ride.
Jason turned to you at one point with a smirk on his face. He delicately slid your champagne glass out of your hand and placed it on a random table behind him.
“Come on doll, we didn’t practice dancing for nothing” he commented before leading you to the dance floor. You laughed lightly, following him willingly. As soon as he stopped you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him close.
“Sionis is death glaring you right now” you whispered in his ear, glancing at the man behind Jason’s shoulder who looked furious. Jason wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning down to place his lips by your ear.
“Good, I wanted his attention” he responded. “He was looking at you like a piece of meat, I ant him to know you didn’t come alone” he added quietly, spinning the two around around while making it look like he was dancing casually.
“Don’t draw attention to yourself Jay, you don’t want him connecting the dots when Red Hood comes after him later” you reminded, making him nod and shift his gaze to your face. “What’s so important about this specific event?”
“He’s got a deal going down tonight, big one, and I’m not gonna let that happen” he explained shortly, emitting a sigh from your lips.
“What kind of deal? Drugs? Guns?” You followed up, feeling slightly annoyed at his lack of information. He gave you a pointed glance, as if he didn’t want to say. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Because I know when I tell you it’s gonna piss you off” he muttered, letting go of you and giving you a twirl.
“I’m a big girl Jason, I think I can handle it” you raised both eyebrows at him.
“Drugs, lots of them, they’re going straight to the srteets and he’s aiming for the teenage market” he answered, making you grit your teeth slightly. “I knew it’s piss you off” he commented, eyeing your clenched jaw. “Relax, you have an audience, remember?” He whispered.
“So what’re you gonna do to stop him?” You questioned. He was about answer you, when the song ended and Sionis decided to address his guests.
You grabbed Jason’s wrist and pulled him along with you as you went to get some hors d’oeuvres. One good thing you could say about Roman Sionis was he knew how to feed a crowd, but that was it. While you and Jason were getting yourselves something to eat, you heard that dreadful sound.
“Ah, there she is. Just the girl I was looking for” you let out a breath and spin around to see Roman smiling widely at you. “Who’s your friend?” He asked, looking Jason up and down.
“Derek” you stated, not wanting him to know who Jason was. “I met him here actually” you added.
“Of course, you wouldn’t come with a date” he stated, it sounding more like a command than anything. Jason really had to fight the urge to pop him in the jaw at the sound of that. “Walk with me, we need to have a chat” you gave Jason a look before slowly walking toward Roman. He placed his hand on the small of your back and started leading you away from the crowd. You smacked his wrist so he moved his hand off of you, but kept walking.
He led you into en elevator that took you up to his disgustingly familiar office, and you felt a pit forming in your stomach. The slight heels on your shoes clacked against the marble floors, echoing in the empty room.
“How’d you pay off the debt?” He asked roughly as soon as the door clicked shut and he knew you were alone.
“What?” You asked confusedly.
“A week ago money got wired into my account under your name in the amount you were in debt to me for” he stated. “I’m only asking one more time, where’d you get the money bitch?” He asked, grabbing a handful of hair from the back of your head and harshly pulling it toward him.
“Ow fuck” you grunted. This must’ve been the ‘business’ Jason has to do and redused to tell you about. “I stole it, how else do you think?” You lied, wincing as his grip tightened.
“Bullshit, it would’ve gone public if you stole that fucking much” he growled, pulling your head back so it rested on his shoulder as he stood behind you.
“Well contrary to your belief, sometimes I’m good at my fucking job” you retorted. He shoved you forward, letting his fingers slip from your hair and making you stumble foward toward his desk. “I don’t understand what your problem is, you got your fucking money, now leave me be” you turned around to face him. He grabbed your hair in the same spot again, pulling your head back so you were looking up. “Jesus, what is it with you and the fucking hair?” You growled, taking your heel and stomping it into his foot. He let go with a yelp.
“Fuck” he exclaimed. “Look princess, we’re far from being done” he stated. “Boys!” He yelled. Suddenly a couple men stormed the room, immediately going for you.
“What the fuck” you mumbled to yourself. You slid out of you heels and took a slight deep breath in. “Never done this in a dress before, let’s see how this goes” you muttered, using your shoe to smash some glass figurine on his desk.
You grabbed a large shard and shoved it into one man’s leg. He cried out in pain before falling to the ground. You felt a warm liquid run over your hand but that wasn’t your concern at the moment. Another man grabbed your shoulder. You placed a hand on top of his and whipped around, quickly mustering up most of your strength to flip him into his back, stomping onto his arm. A sickening crack sounded through the room, followed by him yelling in agony.
You fought a few more of them off before you simply became out numbered. Two men carried you out by your arms, and another one held your legs, leaving you powerless at that moment. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Roman slipping on his black mask, and the next thing you saw, was darkness.
You were woken up to a harsh light being shined into you eyes. You scrunched you’re face, trying to pull your head away from the light through your grogginess, you started to realize what was happening. The chains around your wrists and ankles weren’t exactly forgiving as you tied to pull against them.
“What the-“ you muttered quietly, opening your eyes fully as the light went away. You recognized the city line and assumed you were on the roof on his building. “Why the fuck are we on the roof?” You asked, trying once again to pull your feet away from the chair they were chained to.
“You might want to take a look down sweetie” Roman replied. You looked down to see you sitting right on the edge of his near sky scraper height building. “Now, I know that you know I don’t take lying to me very lightly” he started, walking slowly around your chair in a circle. “You didn’t steal that money, and you didn’t use your other option to buy your way out” you crinkled your nose at the mention of that day. He stood behind you, placing his hands on your bare shoulders and giving them a small squeeze. You tried to wiggle around to get him to let go, but he wouldn’t budge. “So now, you’ve got three options. One, tell me where you got the money; Two, my old offer still stands. Sleep with me, and I’ll forget this all happened. Or three, this chair you’re chained to, goes falling down the side of this building” he listed.
“You’re literally old enough to be my dad and the fact that you want to have sex with me so bad is just really fucking creepy” you commented. He growled and grabbed the back of your chair, tilting it forward so you were hanging even more over the edge. “Ok! Ok! I’ll tell you” you stated, leaning all the way back in your chair. He smirked to himself, bringing your chair back down into all four legs. You quietly tried to pull your wrists and ankles from their confines, but the chains were on too tightly.
The only ways out of this were as Sionis listed. You didn’t want to tell him that Jason had wired the money to him, you definitely didn’t want to have sex with him, but you didn’t want to die. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a flash of red. You sucked in a deep breath and shut your eyes tightly.
“Option three” you said quietly, tucking your face into your shoulder.
“What was that?” He asked, roughly grabbing the chair.
“I pick option three” you spoke up just a little. He sighed, gripping the back of your chair tightly.
“I’ll see you in hell” he growled before roughly shoving you over the edge.
You screamed loudly, hoping to god that Jason was coming to grab you. The chair hit the side of the building and shattered, leaving you without it but still chained up. Tears streamed down your face quickly, the feeling that you were still falling getting to you.
Finally, you felt someone grab your waist tightly. You let out a relieved breath at the familiar feeling of swinging on a grappling hook. You opened your eyes and looked up slightly to see Red Robin was your savior.
“Tim” you breathed happily. He gave you a small smile while safely landing the two of you on a nearby rooftop. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you” you mumbled, enjoying being on solid ground again. “Speaking of which though, I wasn’t exactly expecting you”
“Yeah, Red Hood called me and Robin for back up as soon as Black Mask walked off alone with you” he explained. “I can get these chains off, but it’s gonna hurt a little. Is that ok?” He asked. You nodded shutting your eyes again as you let Tim free you. “I’ve got your suit too, figured I’d grab it on the way out”
“Thanks, where’s Red Hood and Robin?” You asked, taking the small bag with your things from him. You stepped behind the stairwell entrance and quickly changed.
“Both on the roof where you just were. Hood’s going after Black Mask, and I think Robin’s with his goons” he answered, tucking the gadget he’d used to free you back into his belt securely.
“So I’m a little confused, what exactly is the goal here?” You asked, adjusting you’d hair so it was out of the way while walking back toward Tim.
“I think Hood’s just trying to get Black Mask into custody, but he seemed beyond pissed when he went after him” he replied. A sigh left your lips as you shook your head.
“Ok, you wanna go with Robin and I’ll see if I can catch up with Hood?” You asked, taking an earpiece that Tim held out to you. It was pretty easy to put on, but Tim had to help you turn it on.
“I figured that’s how it was gonna go. Me and Robin will finish up with the muscle and meet up with you and Hood when we’re done” he commented. You nodded slightly, letting Tim grapple the both of you back up onto the roof top you’d just gotten pushed off of.
It was pretty easy to weave through the fighting and slip back down stairs into the building. As soon as you made it back into that horrid office you saw Jason and Sionis in a heated fight. Neither one of them seemed to be letting up on any attacks.
Both men were bleeding from some place on their body, but it didn’t seem to deter them. Jason spotted you out of the corner of his eye, and you wish you could tell what he was thinking by the look on his face. His helmet was in the way from telling, so you just decided to help him out. As good as you and Jason were at fighting with each other, nothing compared to what it was like when you teamed up. Sionis held his own for a minute, but against the both of you there was no way he stood a chance.
Jason ripped Sionis’ mask off of him and tossed it to the side. He got a grip on his hair and lifted him off the ground. He tossed his body against the leg of his desk, making the older man groan in pain. He looked up at Jason with a bloodied face and beaten body, breathing labored from taking all of Jason’s blows.
“It’s over Sionis” Jason declared, standing up y’all as he caught his breath. You stood on Jason’s left side, slightly behind him silently looking over his wounds. “You’re gonna rot in a cell, like you deserve”
“Over? If you think this is over, you’re sorely mistaken” Sionis spat shakily. Before either you or Jason could react, you felt a white hot pain sear through your abdomen and the roaring sound of a gunshot. You fell to ground with a gasp, clutching your gut in agony. Your hand immediately was coated in a thick layer of blood, and the last thing you heard was another gunshot and a cry of your name.
Tag list: @mortifiedmoon @myraticm @brainwashedbyhitoshi @avengerdragoness @thefemalethatwrites @boujeegoblin @roseangel013bf @vividhoods @katsukijason @wolfiemichele @grincheveryday @i-love-sleeping-and-dreaming @fuzzycloudsz @polireader @grey-water-colors @ijwtkms @annie-daetris @ppeachygemss @mayahoelland2013 @kaykat2105 @calcatss @distressedearie @read-in-the-night @justifymyfeelings @areabdhar
If your name is slashed through that means it wouldn’t let me tag you!
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what-the--curtains · 3 years
Chapter 5 – The Outsiders
(Mando x f!reader)
Summary: A new lead brings you to a new planet where you search for any trace of the child. Unable to locate him the two of you stop in at a Cantina and when a fight brings the two of you to a hotel new information comes to light, and not just about the childs whereabouts
Notes:Happy new year! Hope your all treating yourself and others with kindness! As always thank you for the likes and shares❤️❤️
TW:swearing, drinking, mentions of drug use/abuse
Tagged: @crazycookiecrumbles
Word count: 6.3K
Nar Shaddaa, Hutt Space, S-12
Exiting the ship you take in your new surroundings. The city was highly technological; filled with high speed trains, sky scrapers, constant noise and the richest and poorest members of the galaxy. It was a true Ecumenopolis and there’s no mistaking that you’re out of your element in it.
“You’re right.” You remark, causing Din to look over to you “I do hate it.”
“Here” he says, handing you a set of knives to go with the blaster he’d previously gifted you. “Bow and arrow would stand out and it’s best we blend in.” You take them, concealing the blades in the sleeves of your cloak.
“Anya, stay close” you whisper, pulling up the hood so as to shield the majority of your face from any passersby. The likelihood of you being recognized was exponentially higher than it had been during previous visits and anonymity was something that needed to be taken seriously here. Anya sniffs at the polluted air, miraculously picking up the child's scent in minutes.
The two of you pursue her with heads down, maneuvering through the crowded sidewalk lining the busy highway where speeders rip up and down the tarmac towards their destinations. She leads you off the main road and down a side street backlit by the various neon hues radiating off the signs attached to the strip of cantinas and clubs. Anya sits down and you and the Mandalorian exchange a look of confusion.
“There's no way the kid’s in a strip club,” he states.
“Ya I figured,” you snap back, the unintended harshness catching you off guard, “the water must have washed off some of the scent”
“What does that mean for our plans?” he queries.
“It means they just got more difficult.” You reach out through the force hoping the child may have caused a ripple in it recently, you can feel he’s one the planet, but there’s nothing to suggest his whereabouts. The situation wasn't being helped by the intermittent noise coming from the groups of intoxicated people moving between bars. You let out a groan of frustration causing a few nearby garbage cans to rattle and fall over subsequently startling a couple who were making out near them.
“C’mon, let’s find a cantina, cool off, maybe someone’s seen the scavengers that ambushed the base.” he offers, not wanting any more attention drawn to the two of you.
“Best idea you’ve ever had Mando.” You say, slapping him on the shoulder as he escorts you into one of the many cantinas lining the streets of the city.
The club was packed full of creatures from all across the galaxy. You’d seen places like this before, having even been inside them on more than one occasion. Sometimes clients wanted to take the gladiators out to show them off as a demonstration of power and wealth. The clubs were usually loud with dark corners, expensive drinks, illicit drugs and company you could pay for.
This place was no exception and honestly you’re surprised the Mandalorian had set foot in the cantina, you thought this would have quantified a den of sin to him and his creed. You push through the crowded dance floor taking a booth in a far corner in an attempt to disappear into the background. This task was helped by the dim lighting, loud music and general drunkenness of the patrons.
“What do you want?” you ask, pulling your hood down, feeling confident no one would recognize you.
“I don’t drink in public,” he explains taking a seat.
“And I don’t drink alone” you state, staring down at him.
“When was the last time you had to drink alone?” he asks. If it wasn't for everything you knew about his personality you would have thought that was some kind of line. Unfortunately, you must have been speaking too loud as your statement had drawn the attention of a nearby Balosar.
“Well I can make sure that doesn’t happen” the Balosar slurs clumsily placing a hand on your hip and moving his groin too close to your ass for your, or Dins liking.
“I wasn’t talking to you leave” you state calmly, and the man releases you walking off as if nothing happened, before the Mandalorian could even formulate his next move.
“Here’s the deal, I'll drink if you tell me about that trick of yours” he offers, watching the Balosar disappear back into the crowd.
“Deal” you say, turning to the bar. You make your way over through the mass of what we’re likely criminals or the ultra-rich, though oftentimes they fall hand in hand. This club didn’t smell like the lowbrow places you’d been to early on in your career, no it had that perfumed soaked scent of a millionaires mansion trying to masquerade the smell of fraud and blood that built it.
“Hey can I get two retsas, one with a long straw” you shout over the synthetic music blaring throughout the club to the Togruta bartender. You rest your elbows on the counter leaning forward, biting gently on your thumb as you turn your head, gazing over the crowd to where the Mandalorian was sat, absentmindedly stroking Anya’s head.
“Here ya are love” the bartender says, you turn back around to face her smiling as you hand her the credits and take the drinks back to the table.
“What’s this?” Din asks, picking up the straw slightly.
“Straw.” You say as if it’s obvious, taking a sip of your own beverage as you pull back into the booth “you can stick it up under your helmet. Then no one has to see your face”
“So how do you do that.” He asks referring to your ability to seemingly send people away.
“Do what?” you ask innocently, causing him to push the drink away,
“Fine.” you say, and he pulls it back towards him “the truth is I don’t really know how it works. Just does”
“Like magic” he states, maneuvering the straw under the helmet.
“Not a witch” you return, watching some of the liquid drain from his glass.
“The kid can heal can you?”
“No, I never learnt, I think only certain Jedis can. My specialities lie elsewhere.”
“Like the mind tricks.”
“Amongst other things but mind tricks are the simplest. Heads are easily influenced afterall.”
“Jedis'' he laughs audibly. It was the first time you’d heard him do so and you were taken aback by how pleasant it was. Sometimes it was easy to forget a human being was underneath all the metal.
“Why are you laughing? They exist.” you say smiling, still caught up in his laugh.
“I know I’ve met three now. I just think it’s funny that the kid is more qualified than you” He jokes. Your mouth opens, somehow feeling both admired and insulted by the man sat across from you.
“Say aren’t you a Mandalorian” a passerby interrupts
“No he’s not.” You say, sending him on his way with a flick of your wrist.
“You have to teach me how to do that.”
“You just have to put your mind between a state of complete serenity and complete control. Once you tap in, it’s easy enough to use, but you have to keep at it, it’s a skill and it's remarkably easy to lose.” You say gesturing for him to continue drinking. “Well that and a genetic predisposition for force-sensitivity.”
“Oh seems very easy,” he says.
“Well if it’s easy enough for a child to do.” You return.
“Did you use it to get the upper hand on me when we first met?”
“Maybe.” you respond finishing the last of your drink, only just noticing how lightheaded you were. It has been a while since you’d had a proper drink, but even so being this much of a lightweight wasn’t something you wanted the Mandalorian to know about.
“But you don’t use it all the time?” he prompts.
“No, not always safe. That why I was kept on Vryssa. Guess the empire, or ex-empire or whatever the hell they’re calling themselves these days, were hunting down any remaining Jedi” you explain, lightly tapping your fingernails along the empty glass.
“Can you choke people?” he asks, causing you your eyebrows to raise involuntarily.
“Only if they buy me dinner first,” you quip, watching as he finishes the last of his drink evidently not bothered by what you had just said “ but yes, I try not too unless absolutely necessary.”
“The kid tried it on Cara once.” he says laughing for the second time that evening.
“Fuck,” you snort, partially coughing up your drink “what’d she do?”
“She was beating me in an arm wrestling match.” he chuckles, more so at the sound you had just emitted than anything else.
“So you also need a kid to help you win an arm wrestling match?” you tease.
“Don’t start with me, I’d snap your arm like a twig if we went at it.” Did he know how what he was saying sounded? If so, what was he hoping to achieve by it? He’s about to ask another question when you put a finger up “More drinks” you say scooting out of the seat and making your way back over to the bar.
“Back so soon?” the bartender asks
“Drinking’s a specialty of mine” you say with a smile “Same as before please”
“Of course” she wipes her hands on a towel before heading back to make the order. You rock back and forth on your heels until she returns, but not with the drinks.
“If you’re looking for something stronger” she offers, pulling out a packet of what you recognize as spice. You’d done your fair share of it in the early days of the arenas. Trainers used it to control their more unruly fighters, and you found yourself falling under that classification more often than not. It had also come in handy when you had to deal with some of the less pleasing clients who were paying for your services. After you made it to the big times you were weaned off it by San who couldn’t have you overdosing and losing him money. Your hand reaches out for it but you stop yourself, knowing if you took it the Mandalorian would find out and you’d lose his trust. Something which you hadn’t realized mattered so much to you.
“I’m good for now, thanks though” she nods putting it back and returning with your drinks “If you change your mind, names Ynre come find me” you smile grabbing the drinks and moving back through the crowd. Sitting down you decide it's your turn to ask a question.
“How did you know I was a tracker?” you slide the drink towards him and he catches it with ease.
“ A bartender told me you’d helped him find his daughter, I thought you were isolated from the rest of the world.”
“Living has its cost even if you're off the grid” you begin “we needed credits as well, we offered our services to find those who had been taken, most of the time, all memory would be removed before they returned to the real world.”
“Why did you let him remember.”
“Somethings need to remembered, so they don’t happen again” you say, absentmindedly moving your index finger around the rim of the glass
“What’s it like.” He asks “Being one with the galaxy.”
“Pretty uneventful until you showed up in my life.” you say pointing a finger at him as you take another swig.
“Well I can’t imagine anything much happening on Vryssa. Is there anything on that planet except for mud and trees.”
“Some people like the mud and trees, it’s the poverty that stops most people from staying long. Mining isn’t the industry it once was.”
“So that’s what the planet is known for fuel?”
“That and the most hangings during the war, tall trees make for excellent gallows.” Having finished another round of drinks you go to stand up again, hoping when you went back you wouldn’t be offered the spice again. You weren’t sure you’d be able to deny it a second time.
“I’ll get the next ones'' he says standing up. You sit back down, breathing out a sigh of relief as you watch him walk over to the bar. As he reaches the counter you watch him order placing his hand on the bar turning to talk to a Twi’lek, Arkanian and human who had appeared around him. You take note of the body language, it’s plain to see what their intentions were.
Whether it was for the armour or something else you weren’t sure, but there was no denying the Mandalorian had something about him that made him undeniably attractive, even if his face was hidden. He allows a few of them to trace their hands over his armor, the helmet disabling you from gauging what he was thinking. As you watch the scene unfold you smile to yourself finding it somewhat amusing, but at the same time you feel a knot form in your stomach. You brush it off as you see him returning back to your table.
“Armour kinks really a thing then?” you ask nodding your head to the women who were still staring at him from the bar, as he hands you a drink.
“You have no idea,” he says,sitting back down. So he was experienced, you hadn’t been sure what his creed had said about sex. Your mind drifts back to the cave, causing you to wonder what else was going on under that armour. It was hard to say you wouldn’t if the opportunity presented itself, not that it ever would, most days you were unsure if he was even indifferent towards you and vice versa.
“Any more questions” you ask, freeing yourself from your thoughts, which you chalked up to the alcohol, not enough sleep and too much time alone.
“Are you sleeping?” you're taken aback by this question, why had he asked that. Noticing your concern he continues “When you fall asleep in front of me it’s hard not to notice the night terrors. You ask for me in your sleep. Do you know that? ” You did, but the nightmares were none of his business.
“Well if it’s your name I’m saying it really must be a nightmare, either way I couldn't tell you about them if I wanted to” you lie, hoping your smile would snuff out any suspicions.
“Are they about the fighting rings?” he asks, a sense of guilt hanging in the air.
“No, those stopped a few weeks in” You mumure, refusing to make eye contact with the helmet. He’s about to press for more information when a group of Zabrak walk in. You hadn’t noticed how late it had gotten and trouble usually starts after 1am.
“We should leave, gangsters and you’re too drunk to be of any use.”
“Shut up” you say, downing the last of your drink and cocking your head as if you had just proven some kind of point before pulling your hood back up. As you stand your foot gets caught in your cloak and you stumble. With one strong arm he stops you yet again from plummeting forward, catching your waist just in time.
“I’m not drunk, I just tripped!” you exclaim, trying and failing at hiding a smile as you stare up at him. If it wasn’t for the helmet you’d have seen the grin that had been plastered on Dins face for most of the evening as well. The two of you are almost out the door when you feel someone pull your hood down. The culprit, a tall, handsome man, has moved in front of you, blocking your exit.
“The huntress, you got out,” he exclaims moving towards you causing you to take a step back.
“You have the wrong person” you lie, trying to move past him but he steps in front of you again.
“I wouldn’t forget you, not after what we did,” he looks from you up to the Mandalorian “She’s worth every penny you spent Mando, the best,”
“She says she doesn’t know you. Now move.” Din interjects, succinctly cutting him off. You try again to move towards the door but once again the man steps in front of you.
“C’mon for old times’ sake.” He goes to pull you into him. Tiring of the interaction you drop down one of the knives with an aim of shanking him. Before you can, you hear the distinct sound of metal against skin as Dins fist connects with the man's face, knocking him out.
“Let’s go” he says, pulling your hood back up and ushering you quickly out the door, having now gained the attention of the group at the bar.
“Someone’s following us” you whisper, as Anya begins to emit a low growl. “bounty hunters. Five of them, I can take two if you get the rest.” Without looking at each other the two of you turn, in sync, to face your stalkers.
“Quite a bounty on you two.” One shouts, spitting out chew onto the street, “between the underground, the empire and the gladiators you’re the galaxy’s most wanted duo.”
“Walk away. While, you still can.” the modulated voice says as Din moves his cloak back, revealing the blaster at his side.
“Five versus a drunk Mandalorian and a girl. I like our odds. You don’t mind sharing do you Mando, we like to try the merchandise before we” The lead Zabrak drops to the ground before he can finish his sentence. One of your knives embedded deep in his throat you maintain eye contact with the other four Zabrak as their leader sputters out the last of his breaths. They draw their weapons and an array of blaster shots sound throughout the alleyway until only two of you remain standing,
“You okay?” The Mandalorian asks, giving you a once over.
“Ya, but you’re not.” You say gesturing to the knife currently lodged deep in his side. He reaches up to pull it out.
“Don’t,” you exclaim, grabbing his hand in yours, causing him to look down at you. You quickly release it, worried you may have just crossed a personal boundary. “ It needs to be removed carefully, it’s close to a vein. If you take it out you could bleed to death before we can patch it up.” you explain quickly. “C’mon there’s got to be a place around here somewhere.” The good news was there was a hotel in sight as you turned the corner, but the bad news was that it was upscale. Security would be increased and the knife currently embedded in the Mandalorian would stick out like a sore thumb.
Noting Din’s slowing pace, and aware of the knife's close proximity to a vein and how more movement could dislodge it, you opt to head into the hotel. You enter through the high reaching, stained glass doors depicting what appeared to be a ball of sorts. You sit the Mandalorian down in an armchair near one of the romanesque pillars lining the foyer, hoping to obscure him from the front desk.
Leaving Anya with him you make your way towards the desk, fortunately, due to the late hour late the lobby was essentially vacated. You look up, making eye contact with the concierge as you do, you pull down your hood hoping it would make you appear less threatening. You realize your error when you see a look of panic plastered on his face, likely caused by the flecks of blood marking your hands, neck and face. You see his hand reach for the phone. You make it to him as he's dialing, placing a finger on the hook switch ending the call before it starts.
“Please, we were ambushed on our way back from town, I’m here on a trip for my father. He's an ambassador, the Mandalorian is my bodyguard. We need a room, we can pay any price.” You plead apparently convincingly enough for him to place the phone back down on its receiver as he begins the process of checking you in.
“Seperate rooms I assume.” He says inputting the information
“No ones fine” you say. Noticing the look of judgment coming from the concierge, you continue “He doesn't sleep.”
“Don’t worry, everything here is kept very secret even from your father.”
“No... we… we’re not..” you decide to quit while you're ahead. He ends up offering you a cheaper rate for the room, you being an ambassador's relative and all.
“Thank you” you say sincerely as he hands you the key.
“How’d you manage that?” Din asks upon your arrival
“What can I say I’m an impressive negotiator” Helping him slowly to the elevator, looking back to the concierge offering him a look of thanks once again.
“You sure are.” he says as the elevator doors close, reopening again on the 21st floor.
“Not bad,” you murmur, taking in the room as you sit him down on the king size bed. “I’m going to get some medical supplies, don’t take that knife out until I’m back, and try not to die.” you say, tossing him one of two room cards before exiting the room, descending in the elevator to the main floor and exiting back into the street with Anya at your side.
The two of you dart through the alleys the street lamps illuminate the puddles forming on the pavement beneath your feet. You turn into the first pharmacy with an open sign and begin gathering the necessary supplies from its shelves. One of the benefits of being on a planet run by crime lords was the availability of cheap, illegal and oftentimes more efficient medicines. You’re reaching for a bottle of Shesharile Vodka to use as an antiseptic when you feel something watching you. You turn just in time to see a black cloak disappear into the adjacent aisle.
You follow it over to the next aisle but it moves just out of your view. You carry on into the next aisle, then the next, following the shadow frantically until you reach the cashier who gives you a side eye suggesting to you that there was definitely no one else in the store. You pay for the supplies and make your way back out into the rain which hits against your hood lightly. The soft padding helped to drown out the sense of foreboding that had been with you since you left the hotel. A nearby rib cat runs into a garbage can, making you jump. Startled, you look behind you, but there’s no one there. You shake your head, what was going on with you. It must just be the drink, or the lack of sleep.
You continue to tell yourself it’s just your imagination even when you hear your name whispered into your ear as you re-enter the hotel. Making a bee-line for the elevator you manically press the close door button, the elevator opens once you reach your floor and you swipe the key card. You rip the door open at the sound of the beep, briskly closing it behind you, chest heaving. Your panic worsens when you look to the bed and notice the Mandalorian was not where you had left him. Your eyes scan the room uncontrollably until you hear a faint buzzing coming from the bathroom. You swing the door open and look down to the floor where you see Din sitting. The knife lays next to him as he works at cauterizing his abdomen's broken skin back together. You bend over slapping his hand hard enough for it to retreat away from the wound.
“I said to leave the knife in.” You chastise stepping over him and squatting down to get a better angle of the gash.
“It’s fine, I've done this a hundred times,” he says nonchalantly, once again picking up the pen. After a few minutes of playing tug-of-war you manage to wrangle the cauterizer out of his hand taking it with you as you make your way back to supplies you’d bought. You pull the vodka and return to his side pulling the cork out with your teeth before applying a small amount of it to a towel.
“This might sting” you say as you wipe it against the lesion with gentle strokes. As you do he remains stoic, there’s not even a flinch. A notable sign of someone who was used to being in pain.
“I” he says, but you cut him off, preventing him from making a case for cauterization.
“Shut it, it could get infected, we have no idea where that knife has been. Plus stitches heal better than burns.” You state matter-of-factly, fetching the needle and thread from the supply bag.
Mandos POV
He can’t stop looking at your face as you stitch him back up, you were focused, but there was no sign of stress. You were calm, relaxed as if it was a second nature to you, something that was to be done absentmindedly. You must have done this before, maybe in the early days of fighting. Low brow gladiatorial battles were often messy and crude, you must have had your fair share of wounds when you were just starting off. His mind wanders to the comment you made about burnt wounds healing poorly. Had you seen the many that covered his body that night in the cave? Did you think he was hideous? Why did he care so much, seemingly all of a sudden?
“There. All done” you say, biting the string and applying some bacta to the now closed skin. As you stand up he notices a dark stain glistening through the back of your shirt.
“Wait,” he says quickly, trying to get your attention.
“What?” you ask, turning to face him still wiping his blood off your hands. He’s shocked you hadn’t noticed, based on the amount of blood the laceration was deep.
“You’re bleeding” he says, watching as you casually turn to look at your back.
“Come here” he says, taking another step towards you, concerned you don’t seem bothered by the news that you were bleeding profusely.
“I’m fine, it’s just a reopened old wound. I’ve had worse in the arena.” You say. Every time you brought up the arena, a twinge of guilt came over him. He wouldn’t let any harm come to you again, not while you were with him.
“Stop being stubborn.” He says. He’s about to grab you and force you down, but he rethinks his approach. Instead he places a leathered hand gently on your shoulder, turning you to face him.
“Let me help. Please.” This does the trick and he looks away as you remove your shirt which was now soaked through with blood. As you make your way over to the bed he sees the large open wound going up your back, it was red, swollen and bleeding. He puts some towels down on the bed and you lay down on your stomach. Upon closer inspection he notices the markings going up your spine. They were still prominent even amongst the healed over scars. His hand hover over the ancient scripture which matched up with those on your arms and face.
“Is it bad?” you ask, pulling him out of his trance and stopping him from tracing his fingers over your skin.
“Yes, it’s reopened a few times by the looks of it, did this ever heal?”
“Don’t know can’t reach back there” you mutter.
“It’s infected, it needs to be cleaned, and closed, it’s not deep but it’s too wide for stitches so it’ll have to be cauterized.”
“Just leave it. It’ll heal” you say pushing yourself up onto your elbows. He places a firm hand on your shoulder stopping you from fully extending upwards.
“Or it won’t and you’ll die and I’ll be back to square one.” He says, hoping it's enough to convince you to let him help you. He sighs a breath of relief when you lower yourself back down onto the towels. He positions himself over you, pouring some of the opened vodka into the lesion to cleanse it, noticing your back arch slightly as it does. He takes off one of his gloves, offering it to you.
“Bite down on this”
“This some kind of thing for you.” you ask, taking it from him.
“Or don’t cauterizing isn’t a walk in the park.” he says watching as you reluctantly place it in your mouth before turning your head back to face out the window overlooking the city below. Apparently it was a thing for him, but he shakes his head of any kind of desire in order to focus on the task at hand.
“This will hurt.”
Your POV
You feel the flame hit your skin, but you refuse to flinch, not wanting to appear weak in front of the Mandalorian. You remain still as he cauterizes your skin back together as the smell of burnt flesh fills the air around you. You find yourself wondering how high his tolerance for pain was, if he could essentially melt his skin back together without so much as a twinge. You found yourself exceedingly grateful for the leather which was likely stopping any noises being emitting unwillingly. He closes it up and you feel his hand go to your neck.
“I’m not dead” you say unmoving, your body was still in shock.
“You hadn’t moved in a while, I just wanted to make sure.” He says reaching for the salve,
“Leave it we may need it later.” You protest, but he ignores you, putting it over the wound, evidently not in the mood to argue with you. After a while you stand up and make your way to the mirror to check out his handiwork, not too shabby you think.
“Well now you’re not going to bleed out, you should get some rest” you say, throwing him his glove back before picking up your shirt and rinsing it out in the sink. You lay it out to dry over the radiator in the bathroom.
“You rest i'll take first watch” he says
“Seriously” you say emerging from the doorway “you lost a lot of blood.”
“I won’t be able to rest until the kid’s found.”
“No use to it if you're half asleep, off your game and get shot down one parsec in.” you retort. With that he accepts defeat and gets on top of the bed spreading out his legs and placing his hands behind his head. Careful not to disrupt Anya who was curled up on the bed's corner. You pour yourself a glass of the leftover vodka, swirling it around as you gaze out the window of the 21st floor. The city lights illuminate the sky as if it was daytime, you couldn’t understand why anyone would choose to live in such a place.
You gaze over to the Mandalorian, was he really asleep? He looked like he was, you’d never seen him splayed out like this before. Must be the only comfortable way of sleeping in all that clunky armour. You still couldn't wrap your head around how he kept it on all the time. Staring back out the window you imagine what life will be like once you’ve gotten the child back and you're free to lead a calmer life. After a few hours you hear the rustle of bed sheets. Turning your head you watch as the Mandalorian maneuvers off the bed with ease.
“Batteries recharged?” you joke, finishing the last of the vodka.
“I'm not an android” he replies, not having caught that it had been a joke. You make your way to the bed and get under the covers which were still warm from where he had been sitting a few moments ago. You rest your head back onto the pillows and shift to your side pulling the covers over your head to block out the lights of the city.
“What are you doing?” he ask
“I’m trying to get it dark enough to sleep.”
“I can close the curtains”
“And you'd just sit in a chair in the dark like some kind of weirdo?” he doesn’t respond after that and you doze off before another conversation can be started.
You wake up with the sun in your eyes, you must have de-cocooned yourself sometime during the night. Shit, you’d slept through the night. Not something you’d usually be upset at but you felt guilty for making Din take the majority of the watch.
“You should have woken me up, I would have taken another watch” you say sitting up in the bed and stretching your arms up to the sky, the tightness of the closed wound pulling slightly as you do.
“It seemed like a restful sleep. I figured you needed it.” You hop out of the bed and go to the bathroom pulling your blood stained shirt back on, muttering out a gross. The heat from the radiator had crusted the residue into the fabric.
“I’m gonna go get some towels from the front desk do you need anything” you ask scratching Anya’s ears and grabbing a room key. He shakes his helmet no.
You make your way to the desk, taking note of the assortment of well-dressed creatures moving throughout the lobby in the light of day. They stare as you pass through the lobby either disgusted by your bloodied appearance or suspicious of your intent.
“Must be a bounty hunter. I wonder if she has any idea what’s being auctioned off tonight. Should I ask” You overhear a woman ask as you pass by
“Good morning” a new concierge says.
“Morning, can I get some towels.” You ask, nonchalantly rifling through one of the many pamphlets littering the desk.
“Of course anything else madam?”
“ No, that's all thanks” you say, taking the towels. “actually yes this auction what’s that all about.”
“Oh yes the collector, he's having one tonight. Its location has been kept top secret. It changes each year to add to the excitement.” they explain.
“How would one go about getting an invite?” you implore, placing the towels back down on the counter.
“They usually find you. If you're rich, important or dangerous enough that is.” They say offering you a smile.
“Thanks” you say, formulating a plan the second you start your walk back to the elevator.
“I’m, so sorry” you say bumping into a woman who had been flashing around an invite when you had first entered the lobby. Slipping your hand into her shawl you grab the thin piece of paper pocketing it as she exclaims something along the line of how they're just letting anyone in these days.
As you re-enter the room you hear the shower turning off.
“You shower in that thing” you ask when the door opens.
“Not the towel.” He says “where are the clean ones?” he asks, tossing the bloodied fabric onto the floor.
“Got something better. A lead” you say throwing the invite on the table.
“We won’t get past the door, looking like this” he says. You hold up a finger and dial the front desk putting on the voice of the woman in the lobby.
“Hi it’s Mal Ytha” you say looking at the card, “the dress for tonight should be delivered to room 2108, yes its changed, thank you” you say hanging up the phone.
“How do you know it’ll fit?” he asks.
“She looked about my size.”
“If you’re planning on going in alone to get the kid, think again.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, invites got a plus one which means you get to be my bodyguard.” This gets a laugh.
“What” you say, his laugh still taking you by surprise, its sound not quite matching up with the gruff Mandalorian you knew.
“ It’s just a funny thought, you needing a bodyguard.” He says as you open the knock at the door.
“Thank you”, you say, taking the towels and garment that had just been delivered by a member of the hotel staff.
“Shine up your armour princess, the event starts in an hour and its inner city, so we should probably drop our stuff back off at the ship before we head in ” He nods in agreement.
You get back to the ship and drop Anya off with the rest of your stuff, not willing to risk bringing her into another auction room. You change in the cockpit, the bathroom was too small and you didn’t want to devalue the constitution of the dress, afraid it may cause you to stand out. If the rich could spot anything it was someone masquerading as one of them. Fortunately your ability to guess proportions were right and the dress fit almost perfectly. Dins rearranging the armoury as you lower yourself down his helmet doing a double take when you enter into his line of sight.
“Don’t worry I can still run and fight in this thing if needed.” you say, assuming that’s why he had been staring for so long. Little did you know he was staring because he’d never seen something so beautiful in the entire galaxy. He couldn’t take his eyes off you.
“I’m not worried.” He says clearing his throat, trying to get a hold of himself.
“Good”, you say slipping the knives into the pants concealed beneath your dress.
“Shall we” you say, gesturing to the door in front of you.
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How To Spend Your Winnings: World's Most Expensive
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If someone is already rich beyond many people’s wildest dreams, how do they achieve that special feeling of ‘splashing out’ on something? If you and your peers can afford everything then how does one show off? The answer appears to be to buy the most outlandish and expensive things. An item that almost anyone can own has been altered just enough and made with such materials to ensure that it cost the most, although judging by the following list, correct as of May 2013, there is no accounting for taste. House In Mumbai, India, your humble abode could be in Atilia where a price starting from $1 billion will get you a 400,000 square foot sky scraper with underground parking, 3 helicopter pads and a ‘health’ level to call home. Not a bad use of bricks and mortar. Car Such is the price of the $3.9 million Lamborghini Veneno only 3 have actually been made. Surprisingly, or maybe not, the fastest “only” ranks number 3 most expensive at a much more reasonable $2.4 million. Handbag The Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond Purse, made of 4,517 diamonds and 18kt gold took 10 people 8,800 hours to create. The result is an exquisite heart shaped purse valued at $3.8 million which actually sounds quite reasonable given the jewels and craft. Watch Time is precious however watches appear to be priceless. Literally in the case of the Jaeger Le Coultre Joallene Manchette, with no actual listing price this silver and sapphire crystal watch comes adorned with a choice of diamonds or onyx cabochons. The estimated value is anywhere over $26 million. Record Given that all songs can be streamed online at the click of a mouse and carried around on an mp3 there is something quite touching about the value placed on owning a physical record. The actual existence and the history of the object adding to its monetary value gives this writer a sense of hope in an otherwise crazy world of riches. Such is the power behind the story of the most expensive record it stopped me in my tracks. On 8th December 1980 Mark David Chapman asked John Lennon to sign a copy of his and Yoko Ono’s Double Fantasy album, five hours later he shot him fatally. Used in the court case for Chapman’s fingerprints and with Lennon’s signature this went for £400,000 in 1999. Pet The Chinese Crested Hairless puppy will set you back for around $4,000, famed for winning the world’s ugliest dog title. Alternatively an English Bulldog could cost around $3,000. If dogs are a little too mundane how about a White Lion Cub for $138,000? Although it would be wise to consider Siegfried and Roy at this point. To consider how much an animal costs is a wonderful paradox because the animal itself is blissfully unaware of the concept of money. They do not know of food prices, working for a living, luxury accommodation or a trip to the barbers. All that matters in their world is companionship, food, love and shelter. In return they will give you unquestionable loyalty. On that note I think I’ll end this article there. Thanks to Dave from www.webuydamagedcars.co.uk for supplying us with this post. Dave is a huge fan of cars and contributes regularly to motoring blogs. Read the full article
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customized door mats have emerge as the fashion as one might opt to be welcomed with their name or company logo on a mat. Many people are choosing customized Christmas door mats as items or for his or her personal use all through the festive season, personalised dog door mats for those who are keen on pets, personalized coir mats which are notable as dirt scrapers and moisture retention from footwear in addition to personalised bar mats for bar counters.  personalized yoga mats and personalized prayer mats are penetrating the market with first-rate demand as many humans pick meditating on a yoga mat or prayer mat. those personalized ground mats are price effective and custom designed to preferred length and branding.
industrial mats
We layout and manufacture commercial entrance mats of diverse sizes and uses. Our business door mats or business walk off mats normally incorporate a brand and we make sure that worldwide high-quality requirements are met. To create an effective tool for promoting the logo most clients normally ask for business runner mats, that may cover a larger location to make sure that the brand is seen on the day or in the course of the period of the occasion. We additionally have industrial gym mats which are used for as a really perfect end in gyms in addition to business rest room or shower mats for the gym bathrooms. other than these industrial workplace mats, we've got industrial non slip kitchen mats which can be additionally termed business eating place kitchen mats specifically designed for kitchens and eating places to cover slippery surfaces where too much oil is used.
custom mats
generally human beings have special preferences, and most understand what they want and what they are looking for, as a result we produce customised welcomes mats mainly designed to preferred length and design. A custom door mat is generally located at an entrance to a commercial enterprise or save and therefore is frequently the first point of touch that the purchaser has along with your enterprise, so why not custom brand it to give a very good and lasting first impression. numerous realty companies are resorting to purchasing customised residential door mats to provide to their customers as souvenirs and we custom make those brand mats exactly as they want it. With all that said, we also provide you with a stylish innovative manner to walk-off on as we do custom printed mats generally referred to as jet revealed mats where there is a combination of phrases and pantone colorings for your carpet mats. We additionally concentrate on manufacturing custom rubber mats, normally known as Digi scrap or rubber mats which can be all rubber kind of heavy-obligation mats which might be extremely durable and non-fibre mats.
commercial mats
commercial rubber mats are in particular designed for business entrances or wherein there's very excessive foot site visitors every day, as an instance buying shops. those commercial ground mats can be branded as properly however maximum are bought plain due to the fact the daily visitors method the industrial front mat needs to be washed normal which is a lot of labor for most customers. business runner mats are typically very thick as most are placed in recessed regions to permit clean glide of sliding doorways if there are any.
Anti-fatigue mats
Anti-fatigue mats are ideal for bars and kitchens. a few might choose to call them anti-fatigue bar mats or anti-fatigue kitchen mats which reduce the hazard of slipping on moist or greasy surfaces. Ergonomics now play a very essential element of employees and groups at the moment are required with the aid of Labour rules to provide business anti fatigue mats and that has caused most saloons, and barbers to adopt those varieties of mats.
gym floor mats
in case you are searching out a ground masking to prevent ground harm, then fitness center mat flooring will do the trick. The extended want for safety and comfort has caused nearly every gym company to install heavy duty gymnasium mats all around the global. Heavy obligation gym mat is vital for two roles, this is to beautify the floor and as a cushioning aspect. The installation for gymnasium rubber mat is typically very clean and can be DIYed and in very few times want for adhesive glue as they self-lock. fitness center mats are usually for sale on-line and anywhere.
Interlocking mats
Interlocking mats is a prevalent term for interlocking rubber tiles, interlocking rubber foam mats and interlocking % tile mats. those types of interlocking tiles are made from an injection Moulding device and has a unique interlocking design which could join tiles to make up any duration relying on the location you require. Interlocking ground mats is available in general colours however mainly in black due to the less expensive value of manufacturing. We do not brand those interlocking rubber mats as they burn beneath any shape of immoderate heat.
Rubber door mats
Rubber door mats are generally used in many entrances due to their low attrition properties and are used for commercial front systems. most rubber mats are premade and may be provided through chain stores like developers warehouse, Makro stores and Mr charge keep. we are one of the few rubber mats groups that do custom made business rubber mats and tiles. We make our black rubber flooring from recycled fabric for this reason their fee effectiveness. maximum rubber mats are used as industrial mats or heavy commercial mats.
For more info:- Commercial entrance mats
Premium logo mats
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lemeleze · 4 years
This is a little pizza guide that is pretty much just a quick summary of some useful information in Joe Beddia's book, Pizza Camp. The dough recipe and general spirit I am providing is from that book, so you should go buy it if you like what you see here. As I develop my own pizza craft, I will continue to update this page. Please experiment, too! Try different ingredients and % in the dough, fun toppings, etc. and send me the results.
Note: If you struggle with kneading or folding, there are many great online resources to help you. Sorry! One day maybe I'll have photos of myself performing those actions, but not yet.
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For sauces, a great place to start is with a basic tomato sauce: a 14oz can of tomatoes, a pressed clove of garlic, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, and salt to taste. Fridge it for a while to infuse. For cream (white) pizzas, you can blend a cup of heavy cream with a tablespoon of any oil (extra virgin oiive oil, chile oil, sesame oil, whatever, really.) and it will emulsify to a spreadable sauce. You can add whatever else you want in there, and salt, of course. As my own sauce game develops, I'll update this.
First, the cheese. Most pies need cheese. Get good low moisture mozzarella, about 2 cups per pizza. Ideally, a few pinches of fresh mozz before or after baking too. The rest is up to you. I love the look of big toppings spread across a pizza (like the eggplant above). So stick a big piece of kale, a whole mushroom, a big chard, etc. on there. You have my approval. Most pies deserve extra-virgin olive oil, basil, and/or parmigiano/pecorino after baking. Some deserve balsamic vinegar.
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1. Whisk to combine the water, sugar, and yeast. Add the oil and flour and mix with a spatula just until there are no dry parts remaining. Cover the dough and let it rest 30 minutes.
2. Uncover the dough and knead in the salt with wet hands or a wet dough scraper just until the dough is smooth. Cover and fridge for 24h in a bowl or bin.
3. Remove the dough from the fridge and leave it covered for 15-30m. On a well-floured surface, perform 2 folds: pat or pull the dough out to make it longer in one direction and fold the two ends out to the centre, one at a time. Like a less precise single turn you would perform on a laminated dough. Turn the dough 90 degrees and repeat.
4. Divide the dough in two equal portions. Repeat the folding technique for each and close their keys after the final fold by tucking it under and rolling a bit to tighten. (Maybe some day I'll provide photos for this. Sorry! For now, Google it if you're unsure.)
5. Flour the tops of the doughs and cover. Leave to proof until they've doubled in sized, roughly 3-4 hours. 
6. An hour before you will be baking your pizza, preheat your oven to its max with a pizza stone or steel inside.
7. To toss the dough: begin by ensuring the both sides are well-floured. Press out from the centre to begin spreading until the dough is about half a foot in diameter. Leave about 1/2"-3/4" untouched for a nice crust. 
8. Pick up the dough and lightly pass it from loose knuckle to loose knuckle, turning it a bit each time, until it is roughly 14" in diameter. Pay attention to any thin spots developing in the dough and pursue spreading the dough on your work surface if any thin spots do appear. 
9. Transfer the dough to a well floured peel and quickly top it as desired. Do not spend long doing this or the dough will stick. 
10. All ovens will be different. I recommend using the rack second closest to the bottom (low-middle). This way the bottom crust will cook well and once the broiler is turned on, the top will not be too far to get blasted with heat. Play around with different positions in your oven to find what works best.
11. To move the pizza to the oven, place the tip of the peel at an angle near the back of the stone/steel and lightly shake the pizza loose while removing the peel. Again, you will need to play around with your oven to know the ideal ratio of bake time vs. broil time. I recommend starting with 6 minutes highest temp, 4 minutes broil and seeing how it goes. The pie should take 10-12 minutes total.
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