ciaheyhimm · 5 months
What is your book about?
Thank you for your question, Anon!
My book focuses on an alternate universe set during WWII, in 1942. Hitler was assassinated and Himmler took power, focusing on (politically) dividing the German territories in two major parts: Burgundia Maior, with Berlin as its capital and Burgundia Minor, with Prague as its other capital. Himmler has to deal with a big issue: Reinhard Heydrich. Heydrich, in this universe, is promoted to Reichsführer-SS and commands Burgundia Minor. He's in charge of taking care of the most difficult and dangerous side of the Reich. Heydrich's rapid rise to power is seen as a threat by Himmler, despite being very close in the past. As time will go on this will inevitably lead to a civil war. Who will win? Well... that's to find out.
The whole story will be told and described by the protagonist, her name is Heike Günther. She's in charge of the Female SD Department in Prague, under Heydrich's command. In this universe, females can have high positions in the hierarchy of the SS, but only under strict rules. Heike will present the problems, her relationship with the two figures of Himmler and Heydrich (but not only them) and her fears of having to face a civil war that no one wants.
If you want to know more about her and her connections with Heydrich and/or Himmler, please, don't be afraid to ask!
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flipjack · 9 months
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Gillian Jacobs in "Ivona, Princess of Burgundia" at Juilliard, October 2002.
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tsublue · 1 year
Unpopular asteroids in ASTROLOGY
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[Always mostly recommend using Astrodienst to look up the asteroids if you don’t know where xx.]
[Also my asteroids finding post is here]
• California - 341
where you lead groups of liberal people; associated with being unoffended by alternative power relations and, relatedly alternative sexuality - Overall a field where you feel yourself as a leader and no one and nothing can hold you back from it. Like you have a strong magnet to that source - (Especially powerful if it’s placed in a fire sign) Would be really cool to know all of yours, mine is in Leo.
• Achilles - 588
Where you can accomplish great things, but only with the help of someone else.
• Adelinda - 229
Where you are more likely to hesitate or proceed this topic carefully.
• Mireille - 594
Where you are welcomed and respected for, primarily in your profession.
• Botolphia - 741
Where you easily attract women or feminine elements.
• Brigitta - 450
How you use your home; as a role in your life.
• Brixia - 521
Realm where you resist others advice and sticking strongly to your own instead.
• Burgundia - 374
Where you have a style that influences others significantly.
• Cheruskia - 568
Where you can do no wrong in the eyes of the public.
• Chlosinde - 938
Where you demonstrate high charisma or attractive qualities.
• Eichsfeldia - 442
Where despite your talent, those near you must clean up the messed you’ve made.
• Ekard - 694
Where you make an ideal social example.
• Kordula - 940
Where you are associated with high status surroundings.
• Kovacia - 867
Where your wishes will be satisfied no matter what.
This post is a bit short, but hopefully still helpful!
I’ve had this song stuck in my head for couple of days now~
Hope you have an amazing month!
Always love, Tsunami
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house-of-mirrors · 2 months
What's gonna be the vibe with the Last Duchess. She referenced the War of the Roses, supporting the Yorks rather than the Lancasters. She's a papist and annoyed by the Church of England. Accused the Empress of being a bigamist. Does she consider the resurrected spouse to be a different person than before? Empress is not divorced and remarried... that we know of. (RPF is fine - Queen Victoria)
The city of G-. On the roof. What could that be? I can't think of any G-initialed cities important in England at the current time or the time of the War of the Roses. Only one that comes to mind is Gloucester which doesn't seem to be the proper level of significance.
The Masters know her but hate her. The hatred is mutual. What problem happened in Burgundia. Why do they feel their rule is threatened by her. What's the beast's craw. Yet Fires has put a lot of trust into her to save London, which is not something to be taken lightly. Hmmmmmm.
Anyway, Orsinio thinks she's cool because he loves anyone who hates the monarchy. Calling the empress a false and unfit ruler? Hell yeah, he's down for that. Can't wait to learn more about her!
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gardenofkore · 1 year
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Et quia solum Guilielmum Capuanorum Principem habebat superstitem, veritus ne eumdem conditione humanae fragilitatis amitteret, Sibiliam sororem Ducis Burgundiae duxit uxorem, quae non multo post Salerni mortua est, et apud Caveam est sepulta. Tertio Beatricem filiam Comitis de Reteste in uxoris accepit, de qua filiam habuit, quem Constantiam appellavit.
Chronicon Romualdi II, archiepiscopi Salernitani, p. 16
Beatrice was born around 1135 in the county of Rethel (northern France) from Gunther (also know as Ithier) de Vitry, earl of Rethel, and Beatrice of Namur.
On her mother’s side, Beatrice descended from Charlemagne (through his son, Louis the Pious), while on the paternal side she was a grandniece of Baldwin II King of Jerusalem (her paternal grandmother Matilda, titular Countess of Rethel, was the King’s younger sister). The Counts of Rethel were also vassals of the powerful House of Champagne, known for its successful marriage politics (Count Theobald IV of Blois-Champagne’s daughter, Isabelle, would marry in 1143 Duke Roger III of Apulia, eldest son of King Roger II of Sicily).
In 1151, Beatrice married this same Roger. The King of Sicily was at his third marriage at this point. His first wife had been Elvira, daughter of King Alfonso VI the Brave of León and Castile and of Galicia, who bore him six children (five sons and one daughter). However, when four of his sons (Roger, Tancred, Alphonse and the youngest, Henry) died before him, leaving only William as his heir, Roger II must have feared for his succession. In 1149, the King then married Sibylla, daughter of Duke Hugh II of Burgundy. She bore him a son, Henry (named after his late older brother), and two years later died of childbirth complications giving birth to a stillborn son. As this second Henry died young too, Roger thought about marrying for a third (and hopefully last) time.
It is possible that Roger’s choice of his third wife had been influenced by the future bride’s family ties with the Crusader royalties as Beatrice was related with both Queen Melisende of Jerusalem and the Queen’s niece Constance of Hauteville, ruling Princess of Antioch. Constance was also a first cousin once removed of Roger, who had (unsuccessfully) tried to snatch the Antiochian principality from her when her father Bohemond II was killed in battle 1130, leaving his two years old daughter as heir.
Beatrice bore Roger only a daughter, Constance, who was born in Palermo on November 2nd 1154. This baby girl (who would one day become Queen of Sicily) never knew her father as he died on February 26th.
Nothing certain is known about her widowed life, although we can suppose she took care of her only daughter. Beatrice died in Palermo on March 30th 1185, living enough to see  Constance being betrothed to Emperor Frederick Barbarossa’s son, Henry.
The body of the Dowager Queen was laid to rest in the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, together with her predecessor, Elvira, and her step-children, Henry, Tancred, Alphonse and Roger. Through her daughter, Beatrice would become Emperor Frederick II’s grandmother.
Cronica di Romualdo Guarna, arcivescovo Salernitano Chronicon Romualdi II, archiepiscopi Salernitani Versione di G. del Re, con note e dilucidazione dello stesso
Garofalo Luigi, Tabularium regiae ac imperialis capellae collegiatae divi Petri in regio panormitano palatio Ferdinandi 2. regni Utriusque Siciliae regis
Hayes Dawn Marie, Roger II of Sicily. Family, Faith, and Empire in the Medieval Mediterranean World
Houben Hubert, Roger II Of Sicily: A Ruler Between East And West
Walter Ingeborg, BEATRICE di Rethel, regina di Sicilia, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 7
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mrdaringdickie · 3 days
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versinator · 7 months
Villamosra szivarozva
Kriptaajtó magasztosan vértanúja vésze Leszakadtak titkán pirkadtak írisze Hinárra sarkadi törvényesen drámákat Húrjának szőlőhegynek fotográfiák szavalat Mari egyenlőség kímélted hitünkkel Kihallgatás világrészekre hajóit erőivel
Tapsviharba legrútabban agyrém eperfánk Szántak alkonyatra célszerű tengünk Gyilkolok elődöng katonalovat nusi Melódiáját börtönablak szinésznek rákosi Rátalálok nyilával föleseng könnyével Mélyin radomérnak közönségnek elmével
Betörjed bukkantam szeráfi megdermessze Hahotázva rójja hatodikára tűzvésze Kizárt kettőbe cséplés magányodat Bűvölget önhitt reménybe palotánkat Felkötve aranyhintón haragomtól édennel Sorompóját tamásnak közhuszár ijedelemmel
Csipkebokra elborong zsolozsmámat feledjünk Hölgytől szívgörcsöt terzinák hódítunk Hivatás rajtád rémeset pilisi Vonókon brüsszel izsó horatiusi Horatius emlékezzék fodornak gőgömmel Kongottak talpköve fojtón vaskezeddel
Betyárok pompát tornyán fölengessze Szédülnek forrj őszöm pásztortüze Kriptabolt mérted zászlónk nyájaikat Rómait hali tükrözik orcádat Preparandiába megcsapta kioszkban tündökléssel Varja könyvekbe füvekre ideggel
Villámba gyilkoltál fölveszi koszorúnk Gárdonyitól morse burgundia sóhajunk Berta bárhogyan simogatod kihágási Bénákon havának ívbe körösi Ráfeküdjem lovagoltak ügyük kövével Borulás fajomnak melódiát férfifejjel
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filmchillnet · 8 months
The Awkward Weekend Un grup de prieteni uniți se adună în Burgundia franceză pentru a împrăștia în sfârșit cenușa prietenului lor mort. Când văduva își aduce pe neașteptate noul iubit, weekendul ia o întorsătură, iar toate prieteniile și relațiile sunt puse la cap. https://filmchill.net/movies/the-awkward-weekend/?feed_id=1474
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mcdermottavery82 · 1 year
婚禮中的隱性費用 Wedding Ceremony On-line
我們的 Kenéz Zoltán 博士社會機構在周五組織了一場慈善舞會,其收益將用於癡呆症部門的翻新。 由於過去幾十年最嚴重的經濟危機之一正在襲擊該國,當地社區的幫助力量得到了極大的讚賞。 我們在 Vác 不斷加強社交網絡。 我們的市政當局組織並運營著 Jószomszéd 網絡,我們全年提供財政援助和食品捐贈。 Burgundia Street 老人院的門面裝修也開始了,我們最近在同一個地方開了一家新的洗衣房。 小型 外燴 桃園 我們感謝該機構的管理人員每天所做的大量工作。 我之前曾報導說,去年 12 月的一項法律修正案使歸正會有機會獲得瓦茨市政府擁有的財產的所有權,他們維持的機構目前在該市運營。
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在一個證書、表達式中驗證多個不同的域名。 加拿大議會從皇冠、基諾獎金中除縮寫外還包括了定義。 幾乎任何事情都可以用老虎機以創造性的方式完成,我們為此更加高興。 鼓吹壓迫無產階級的國際歌在犯罪集團的一次會議上被逼入絕境,這只不過是第一次。 事實上,我們希望確保瓦茨的所有綠地都井井有條。 城市開發商之前保持了市政當局擁有的綠地秩序。 在私人土地上,所有者必須割草,這是法律規定的。 但是,如果您的產品保修索賠成功,您可以針對更換的產品或維修的部件向製造商提出配件保修索賠。 您有義務在發現錯誤後立即報告,但不得遲於發現錯誤後的兩個月內。 同時,我們提醒您注意,自合同完成之日起超過兩年的時效期限,您將無法再主張您的配件保修權利。 外燴 自助餐 對於使用過的物品,此期限最長為一年。 如果 BioTech USA Kft. 該網站還包含我們網站正常運行的詳細指南。 但由於我不是數學天才,hu clear - 由 János Gáspár 創立。 本案也按上述規定對產品在貸款期限內的存續情況進行審查,使酒館在此期間消亡。 為什麼我不能用銀行卡充值,而且已經用完了? 許多類似的案例已經發生在人類,藍色歐洲。 但是,在緊急情況下,他們必須遵守中央實施的宵禁,以保護那裡的工人及其同事。 在春天,通過遵循相同的規則,可以防止冠狀病毒在無家可歸者收容所傳播。 疫情過後,我們又聯繫了友好城市的領導。 的確,它只是在線的,但我們已經開始與 Deuil-La Barre 市長 Muriel Scolan 一起規劃未來。 九月中旬,在十週年之際,我們法國姐妹城市的市長邀請瓦茨代表團參加了一場美食和文化活動。 我們感激地接受了邀請,我們將在秋天看看健康狀況允許的情況。 不過,希望聖誕廣場的美景能讓大家在這等待聖誕節的日子裡心情好起來,這是以前從未有過的。 星期四,在匈牙利中部地區殘疾人協會的院子裡,我們頒發了“為 Váci 殘疾人士”頒發的獎項。 感人的儀式結束後,我們參觀了部分被水淹沒的建築,並與協會負責人商量,明年當地政府將支持他們的外立面改造計劃。 沒有兩天是一樣的,沒有人是一樣的,沒有問題是一樣的。 沒有模板可以用來解決這裡的很多問題。 除了一般社會工作外,我近年的工作主要是籌辦康樂活動、慶典和小組活動。 無家可歸者臨時住所為那些能夠在生活方式住宿和社會工作的工具和方法的幫助下養活自己的無家可歸者提供為期一年的住房。 該服務是應個人要求提供的,他有義務根據他的收入支付報銷費用。 在漢堡的一家賭場,當指控是恐怖行為威脅時,他的參與已經受到了感謝。 來自數十億年前爆炸的恆星的原子在太空中奔跑,但並沒有停下來。 有心率指數在國內的應用經驗,就是對你帖子最好的說明。 除了書籍,還有大量的資料收集標籤和手稿供社交分享。 兩三名成人和一兩名兒童只能入住特殊地點的家庭房。 信用中心想幫助那些不知道在哪裡尋找貸款計算器程序的人,因為某些地方存在巨大的 Linux-Windows 爭議。 胡乾淨,這還真是戳到我的鼻子了,這老流氓注意什麼了。 屋頂上的電線也捆綁在一起,一個過濾系統覆蓋了所有人。 從這裡開始,賭注大大增加,在道德教育的背景下,提高貼近生活的決策情境。 他們去了一家購物中心,經過長時間的考慮,購買了過時的免費老虎機,突然間,有人像核閃光一樣擊中了他們的後背。 匈牙利小麥一直以其卓越的品質而聞名,很長一段時間我都不會樂意與我的孩子們分享。
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ramonmartinhistoria · 2 years
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ciaheyhimm · 5 months
Important Request!
Hello reichblr, Beatrice here. I have a huge request to make: I am currently searching for a person whom is willing to become the official artist for my upcoming WWII themed book called Burgundia. I can share more details in DMs about the plot and what the full story is about.
I would love to have someone whom would think of doing the illustrations for the characters and the book cover(s)! Of course, I would pay them for it, but this is something we can discuss more together.
For more details please contact me here or on Discord: bea.a
Thank you for your time. Please, share this! 🤍
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Loyset Liedet (attributed) - Charles the Bold surprising David Aubert - 
David Aubert (before 1413 – working 1449-79)[1] was a French calligrapher who transcribed and adapted courtly romances and chronicles for the court of the Duke of Burgundy. In addition to finely presented works, illuminated at Bruges and other centres, for the Dukes Philip the Good and Charles the Bold and the Duchess Margaret of York, he completed manuscripts for Antoine de Bourgogne and Philippe de Croy.
Charles (Charles Martin; German: Karl Martin; Dutch: Karel Maarten; 10 November 1433 – 5 January 1477), nicknamed the Bold (German: der Kühne; Dutch: de Stoute; French: le Téméraire), was the Duke of Burgundy from 1467 to 1477.
His main objective was to be crowned king by turning the growing Burgundian State into a territorially continuous kingdom. He declared himself and his lands independent, bought Upper Alsace and conquered Zutphen, Guelders and Lorraine, uniting at last Burgundian northern and southern possessions. This caused the enmity of several European powers and triggered the Burgundian Wars.
His early death at the Battle of Nancy at the hands of Swiss mercenaries fighting for René II, Duke of Lorraine was of great consequence in European history. The Burgundian domains, long wedged between France and the Habsburg Empire, were divided, but the precise disposition of the vast and disparate territorial possessions involved was disputed among the European powers for centuries.
Loyset Liédet (1420 – after 1479, or after 1484), was an early Netherlandish miniaturist and illuminator, running a workshop which may have been of some size. Although he was very successful, and patronized by the leading collectors of his day, his work does not attain the standards of his finest Flemish contemporaries, with whom he often collaborated on large commissions.
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kay-law · 7 years
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The color burgundy is actually named after what is now a place in France, but was once its own Germanic nomadic kingdom, Burgundia. The color originates from the deep red-gray color of the wine made in this region as early as the 5th/6th century. The Burgundians are now considered what author Norman Davies calls, A Vanished Kingdom. He writes about them, and several other lost groups of people, in his book of the same title.
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Matthias Archduke of Austria, aged 21. Holy Roman Emperor. 1577 Inscribed: Matthias. D. G. Archidux., Avstriae. Dux. Burgundiae.
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queenfredegund · 4 years
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MEROVINGIAN REGINAE | Suavegotha Regina (c. 515-540s)
Principal wife of Theodorich I Rex, to whom she bore at least one daughter, Theodechildis I Regina. According to Gregorius of Tours, she was the daughter of Sigismund, King of the Burgundians, and perhaps of his wife Ostrogotho, daughter of Theodorich the Great, meaning she was twice of royal descent. Her dates of birth and death are unknown.
“Igitur mortuo Gundobado, regnum eius Sigimundus filius obtenuit, monastiriumque Acaunensim sollerti cura cum domibus basilicisque aedificavit; qui, perditam priorem coniugem, filiam Theudorici regis Italici, de qua filium habebat nomen Sigiricum [...].
After the death of Gundobad, his son Sigismund inherited his kingdom. With great care and attention to detail Sigismund built the monastery of Saint-Maurice d’Agaune, providing it with chapels and living accommodation. Sigismund lost his first wife, the daughter of Theodoric, the King of Italy, although he had a son by her called Sigeric.”
DLH, III, 5. Quod Sigimundus filium suum interfecit
Very little is known about her life. She married Theodorich around 516/517, perhaps to establish a political alliance between the regnum and its neighbours the Burgundians. 
“Huius filiam rex Theudoricus accepit.
King Theuderic married his daughter.”
DLH, III, 5. Quod Sigimundus filium suum interfecit
As the wife of Theodorich, she may have lived in Mettis (Metz), capital of the regnum, Colonia (Cologne), Magontia (Mayence) or Rementium (Reims). It is unknown how she reacted to the war between her former country and the franks, nor to the execution of both her father, step-mother and step-brothers in 524 by Chlodomer Rex.
“Statimque interfecto Sigimundo cum uxore et filiis, apud Colomnam Aurilianinsim urbis vicum in puteum iactare praecipiens, Burgundias petiit, vocans in solatium Theudoricum regem. Ille autem iniuriam soceri sui vindecare nolens, ire promisit.
Sigismund and his wife and children were murdered out of hand: Chlodomer ordered them to be thrown down a well at Saint-Péravy-la-Colombe, a small township in the Orléanais. He summoned King Theuderic to his assistance and set out for Burgundy. Theuderic showed no desire to avenge the wrong done to his father-in-law, but promised to march in support of Chlodomer.”
DLH, III, 6. De interitu Chlodomeris
According to the later Flodoardus, she was known as a benefactor for the church of Rementius as she had summoned to her deathbed Bishop Mapinius of Rementium († 550) and granted him of the third of her fiscus on the villa of Virisiacus (Verzy).
“Huius quoque temporibus Suavegotta regina Remensi ecclesie terciam partem ville Virisiaci per testamenti pagniam delegasse reperitur. Quam partem ville ipse quoque presul Teudechildi, prefate regine filie, usu fructurario [...].
It was during the latter's time that Queen Suavegotha bequeathed by an article of her will, to the church of Reims, a third of the domain of Verzy. This property was ceded by the bishop to Teudechilde, daughter of Suavegotha, in usufruct [...].”
HR, II, 1. De successoribus beati Remigii
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