#Bunny Poll! not sure what I'm doing with this I just wanted to do this okay
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sexyinaratkindaway · 4 months
Interest Check: Dead Dove Kink Meme
Hello hello, citizens, comrades, and companions of the MCYT fandom variety!
This is an interest check poll.
For what, you might ask? Well, have you ever heard of a Kink Meme?
"Knight, what the Hell is a Kink Meme", I hear you ask.
A Kink Meme, as some of the more ancient among us might remember, is a relic of Ye Olden Fandom Times: a magical congregation of anonymous lovers of fiction to exchange prompts and works, usually on blogging platforms like LiveJournal. Someone asks for a prompt fill, which can be anything! It can be just asking for a ship, or having a very specific plot bunny that you just want someone else to write, and someone else sees that prompts, likes it, and writes it! And I want to organize a Dead Dove stamped Kink Meme all about MCYT, our little cubitos and their little stories.
"Okay, but does it Need to be Dead Dove? That stuff is kinda icky" Well... Kinda, yeah? It being icky is precisely why I want it to be a Dead Dove centered event. There are so many wonderful events all over the internet that focus on wholesome, nice content, but someplace as gruesome as MCYT(and its lore) can be, we all could use a place to write out our darkest fantasies.
"But wait, would that mean, like *that icky kink I don't like* would be allowed?" Yes. I'll tell you more, even *that icky ship you don't like* would be allowed. That is exactly why a Kink Meme stays anonymous, on both the prompter and filler angle: so that anyone can ask for whatever they would like with no fear of backlash, cancellation, or dogpiling. You can ask for and write anything at all: from the sweetest of fluff to the most problematic incest goreporn. That is the beauty of a Kink Meme. The only thing that wouldn't be allowed, and that is more out of a technicality than anything, is RPF. This is about the cubitos, after all!
"Wait, write? What about artists?" That's a bit complicated. I would love to be able to host artists as well, but that greatly undermines the whole "anonymity" thing, because, 1. hosting images on ao3 is hard, and 2. art styles are subject to being much more recognizable than writing styles. If someone has any ideas on how to host images anonymously, please do say so, I would love to let artists in on this!
"Okay, where would it be hosted?" I haven't decided yet! Surely there will be an anonymous collection on Ao3 for writers to post their works to, and a tumblr blog to admin the event and answer any questions users might have.
"When would it be hosted?" Hopefully in 2024.
"That sounds cool! Can I talk about it to my friends?" Eh, slow your horses there, bucko. Reblogging on tumblr? Totally fine! Sharing this in your friends-only discord server? Go for it! But, for the love of God, don't put it anywhere the actual CC's might see it. Don't put it on twitter, and dear God don't @ the creators about it. This isn't about them. It's about us, and the characters, and making weird stuff.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment down here or shoot me an ask!
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ani-bunnie13 · 4 months
scene-to-scene #7
scene-to-scene #7: episode one Meet, chapter one Meet
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this is the first scene where we actually get to infer that b*n's a shitty bf and person and general.
as nick and charlie have more of a physical and deeper connection as "best buds" nick def gets more protective of charlie. he knows when someone/charlie is clearly upset mby because hes not lacking basic human empathy *COUGH COUGH COUGH HARRY COUGH*
anyways in the scene we get hints that maybe b*n is slowly draining the energy charlie has and it's not going to end well. nick is shown to be rushing after charlie to idk investigate? its kinda sweet kinda stalk-y
an-bunnie anecdote: so i need help, do you guys want me to post the fight scene?? its controversial ik but help because its really important to the story (and i want to call out b*n on what a dick he is) it's going to be protected with expanded form and TW everywhere, i just need to make sure u guys are ok with it!
and from the poll results rn,
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starting on january 1st, there are going to be diff longer and better s-t-s episodes!! i'm very excited to start on this series because this is just the start!
thank you so much for the support on this series and my blog, i love and appreaciate you guys so muchh🤍🤍
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
AU Sneak Peeks and New Poll Because I Have Zero Self-Control
Snippers below.
No, I do not have a snippet for the Sirius/Lily story. I honestly thought that one would lose by a long shot and only have a vague idea on plot.
Anyway, each snippet is around 1500 words. MAJOR spoilers ahead. I mean, really big spoilers.
I may end up writing both of these because I love the plots so much. But I'm curious what you guys think since I do want to really start planning and writing one as my side project once my current side project Bête Noire is done.
Juggernaut Snipper – James Lives AU
Harry is 4
Harry made a beeline for James’ desk, shrugging off his rucksack as he went. Jumping into the big leather chair, Harry sat in it sideways with his legs dangling off one arm and his head off the other. He reached out towards the desk, making himself spin. James smiled as he bent down to pick up Harry’s rucksack off the floor, tossing it onto the sofa. 
“Grandpa! Guess what?” Harry asked as he stopped spinning, looking at the portrait of Fleamont Potter on the wall upside down. 
Fleamont laughed. “What is it, Harry?”
Harry sucked in a breath, the corners of his lips twitching. “WELL, I saw a bunny last night in the back garden and Sirius turned into Padfoot to chase after it and the bunny hopped right in front of me, Grandpa! I tried to grab him but Dad said he could have rabies and not to touch him but I dunno what rabies are. Sirius was more concerned about fleas because he has really, really thick fur and the fleas are really hard to get out and they make him all itchy. But I tried to grab the bunny anyway and Remus told me I should try to listen a tad better but it was a bunny, Grandpa! How can I not pet a bunny?” Harry rambled, taking a deep breath. Finally. “What’s rabies, Grandpa?”
Fleamont chuckled. “Merlin, you are definitely a Potter, aren’t you, my boy?”
Harry reached out a foot towards the desk, pushing off of it to cause him to spin again. “I guess? That’s my last name, Grandpa. Dad’s name is James. Did you know that?”
Fleamont beamed. “I do think I recall naming him that.”
“Harry,” James called, peering down at his son in his chair. “Can I have my chair back?”
Harry frowned. “But, but the sofa doesn’t spin, Daddy!”
James raised his eyebrows above his glasses. “Unfortunately, it does not. But if I can get my work done quickly, we can leave sooner.”
Harry sighed, rolling off the chair and nearly hitting his head on the desk. He dragged his feet as he made his way over to the sofa, plopping down in an exaggerated fashion and looking up at the portrait. 
“Mrs Figg is sick,” Harry told his grandfather. “Dad had to bring me to work because Remus has meetings and Sirius has work too. Sirius said he’d stop by to go to lunch with us.”
“Well, what a nice godfather you have,” Fleamont commented, his eyes sparkling. “You know, I bet Sirius is going to rush through his work so he can come play with you.”
Harry shrugged. “He had to do an in’pection of the potions room today.”
“Inspection,” James corrected, looking up from his documents to catch his dad’s eye in the portrait. “Just our normal quarterly inspection. Nothing happened to the potions’ room. Don’t worry.”
“I am not worried at all!” Fleamont confirmed, though he didn’t look convinced. “I mean you and Sirius running the business is what I always wanted! I have total faith in you both.”
James snorted, turning back to the ingredient purchase parchment. “I’m sure you do, Dad.”
“Am I gonna run the business one day, Grandpa?” Harry asked. “When Dad’s too old? I can do in’pections of the potions’ room. Sirius let me go with him once. I got to wear gloves and a hairnet and funny big glasses.”
Fleamont nodded. “I think that’s a wonderful idea, Harry! Perhaps, you’ll even invent your own potion to add to the line! We both know your father and your godfather aren’t very inventive when it comes to potions.”
Harry giggled. “Dad buys all his potions! Remus likes to take the mickey out of him for not even owning a cauldron!”
“James!” Fleamont huffed.
James winced, realizing he was going to get absolutely zero work done. “I would not risk my child’s life with my subpar potions ability. 
Truth was, Lily had always been the potioneer. It felt wrong to take her cauldron to the new house. He had the money to buy the potions he needed. What he couldn’t buy due to the apothecaries being closed or out of stock, Andromeda Tonks was normally kind enough to make him anything he needed at the drop of a hat. She had come through for some late-night Pepper-Up Potions for Harry in the past. 
Harry huffed, his legs kicking his rucksack. “Can I go do an in’pection with Sirius?”
James sucked in a breath, setting his quill down on his desk. He glanced at Harry over the top of his glasses. James didn’t need to see him properly to know he had his pouting face on. Harry and Sirius were inseparable. 
“Fine, you can pester Sirius,” James agreed, pushing his glasses up. 
Harry whooped as he jumped off the sofa. He stomped his feet, swinging his rucksack on his back as he waited patiently by the door to the office. James ambled over to the cupboard by the door and pulled out the supplies they needed to go into the potions’ rooms.
Kneeling down in front of Harry, he shoved the kid’s wild black hair underneath the hairnet before placing on the safety glasses carefully overtop Harry’s navy blue glasses. Standing up, he held out his hand for Harry. 
“Ready?” James asked. 
Harry grabbed his father’s hand but shook his head. “I need gloves!”
“When we get to the room, all right?” James replied as the two left his office. 
It wasn’t often James walked through the building. Being known as the Vanquisher was terrible even on a good day. He felt like an imposter. Everyone thinking he was same great and powerful wizard, but in reality he had been pinned to the ground and listened as his wife was murdered and his son was marked by evil. Nothing he did was heroic. Everything he did was just to protect his family. 
He tried and failed to buy Lily time to run. He lied to the public about what had happened on that fateful Halloween night. The thought of people knowing his son had survived the Killing Curse, that he was special, made James want to vomit. No, it was better to be dubbed the Vanquisher and let Harry live as normal of a childhood as he could. 
People whispered as they passed. Some trying to look particularly busy or some just shellshocked that their reclusive savior boss had left his office. Sirius dealt with the day-to-day operations while James stayed locked in his office dealing with the business side. Honestly, the roles should have been reversed. Would have been if life hadn’t gone to shit when Lily died. He had been social before, had loved talking with everyone. It had been Sirius who had been moody and a loner. Somehow, they both just changed because they had to in order to survive. 
Stopping outside the potions’ room, James bent down to put the too big gloves on Harry’s hands. Tugging his wand from his pocket, he tapped them to shrink them. Harry clapped, a wide grin crossing his features. 
“Remember, we use our indoor voice and there is no running,” James explained. “You do either of those things and you’ll find yourself with a one-way ticket back to my office until I’m done working. Understood?”
Harry nodded. “Yes!” When James raised an eyebrow, Harry lowered his voice and repeated, “Yes.”
James smiled. “Good boy. All right, stay close and don’t touch anything.”
James rose to his full height and held out his hand for Harry. They made their way into the potions’ room which was lined with oversized cauldrons in neat rows. Potioneers milled around, surrounding one person in particular: Sirius Black. 
Sirius’ hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, just barley fitting in one underneath his hairnet. He squinted at one of the potioneer through his safety goggles as he listened to whatever he was being explained to him. His head nodded occasionally before he looked down at a piece of parchment and checked something off with his quill. 
James could feel Harry practically vibrating next to him, bouncing on the balls of his feet like he was trying to get his godfather’s attention. As though sensing their presence, Sirius turned towards them and smiled. He motioned for Harry. James let go of his son’s hand and watched as he walked towards Sirius in a very slow and exaggerated form. A rare smile spread across James’ thin lips. Harry seemed to be the only person who made him smile these days.
Untitled Fleamont and Euphemia Lives AU
Takes place a few months after Halloween
Fleamont’s heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the floor in the middle of Courtroom Eight, waiting for Sirius to appear for his arraignment and bail hearing. Harry sat slumped against him, his stuffed stag and black dog clutched tightly to his chest. Euphemia bent down to speak to him, a soft hum of words ringing in Fleamont’s ear but he couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying. 
They had debated if they should bring Harry to the Ministry for hours, going back and forth on what the right thing to do would be. In the end, despite knowing he would be stared and gawked at, they brought him. Harry had seen Sirius’ picture in the paper and he had always ended up sobbing for his godfather. The small child cried for Sirius as much as he cried for his parents. Maybe, just maybe, seeing Sirius would help Harry just a tad. 
The Wizengamot filed into the room with dismayed looks. Some of those arrested in the past month had not been given any sort of due process. Some had simply been tried without any formalities, tossed into Azkaban without another thought. Fleamont knew some of those wizards were guilty. But he also knew some had not been. Fleamont had to fight for Sirius to even have a hearing. 
Sirius’ lawyer walked up in front of the Wizengamot, standing to the right of the circle in the middle of the court room. Fleamont wrapped an arm around Harry’s shoulders, pulling the small boy into his side as he leaned down towards him. 
“Harry, I need to you listen to me,” Fleamont whispered. 
The child looked up, his trainers kicking against the bench of the gallery. 
“We’re going to see Sirius in a bit,” Fleamont explained. 
Harry’s entire face lit up, his green eyes sparkling. “See-wis!”
A strained smile crossed Fleamont’s face. “Yes, Sirius, but Harry, you can’t talk to him or go to him, all right? We have to wait right here but you can wave at him. Does that sound like a plan?”
“See-wis!” Harry exclaimed, looking happy and oblivious to what was just said to him. 
Fleamont frowned. “Are you listening, Harry?”
A click sounded. Fleamont snapped his attention to the center of the room. A small circular cage rose from the floor. Sirius stood inside, his hands cuffed in front of him. He had his head bowed, his long hair looking greasy and matted. The striped prison robes hung off him worse than the one-time Fleamont had been allowed to see him when he was first arrested. Sirius had always been lean, but he looked downright starved at his point. Like Azkaban hadn’t given him more than a few crumbs of food in the month he had been imprisoned. 
“See-wis!” Harry shouted, his finger pointing to the center of the room. 
Slowly, Sirius turned his head to the right, his wide eyes locking onto Harry. Tears brimmed his eyes, his Adam’s apple bobbing. He raised his hands just a tad, his left hand giving a very small wave but it was enough to cause Harry to enthusiastically bounce and wave back. 
“We are here today for the arraignment of Sirius Orion Black, accused of murdering twelve Muggles and one wizard. Mr Black is also being charged with conspiracy to commit murder by joining the Death Eaters. How do you plead, Mr Black?” Barty Crouch spoke, his words clipped and his gaze focused on a piece of parchment in front of him. 
Harry rose from the bench and tried to walk towards Sirius. Fleamont reached out to grab him, keeping him from moving any closer. 
Sirius looked at the Wizengamot. “Not guilty,” he croaked in a strained voice that didn’t seem to belong to him, like he hadn’t spoken a single word in weeks. 
Murmurs broke out in the courtroom, nasty and hissing voices who all thought the worst of him. Sirius looked down at the ground, his body trembling. Fleamont wanted to embrace his son and comfort him. 
“The plea has been entered and the defendant may be taken back to Azkaban,” Crouch announced in a bored tone. 
Sirius’ lawyer stepped forward. “Excuse me, sir, but there was also supposed to be a bail hearing as well.”
Crouch scoffed. “A bail hearing? There are no bail hearings for murderers.”
“See-wis!” Harry cried, his stuffed animals dropping to the ground as he tried to shrug Fleamont’s hands off more forcibly. “See-wis!”
“What evidence do you actually have that Mr Black committed these crimes?” Sirius’ lawyer persisted. “Mr Black does not have the Dark Mark. His wand is in evidence, so have you even looked at his last spells cast in the month he’s been sitting in a cell in Azkaban?”
In a second, Harry broke free. He tumbled off the bench seat and ran as quick as his little legs would allow him towards Sirius. People gasped and shouted. Sirius turned to see Harry bolting straight for the cage. Fleamont took after him. 
Sirius crouched down in the cage as best as he could, his hands reaching through the bars just as Harry stopped outside of the cage. Harry grabbed for him, trying to push his body through the bars. 
“Enough! Get the child out of here!” Crouch roared. 
“See-wis! See-wis!” Harry sobbed. 
“It’s okay,” Sirius murmured, his voice cracking. “It’s okay.”
Fleamont fell to his knees next to Harry, an arm wrapping around his shoulders. Harry only fell down, a tantrum already brewing at being denied access to his beloved godfather. Silent tears poured down Sirius’ face as Harry sobbed his name over and over and over again. Fleamont reached between the bars to give Sirius’ arm a squeeze. 
“He misses you,” Fleamont whispered. “He calls for you and, and his parents every single night,” he explained, unable to speak the names James and Lily out loud in fear that he would break down in front of everyone in the courtroom.  
That seemed to be the wrong thing to say because Sirius’ body gave a violent jolt. Harry clambered onto his knees, a screech escaping his lips when he tried and failed again to fit through the bars. Sirius cupped the boy’s face with one hand, the other dangling uselessly because he didn’t have enough room to force both hands through the bars.
“Hey, hey, it’s all right,” Sirius said in a shaky voice. “I’m all right. I’m right here.”
“Mr Potter, this is highly inappropriate!” Crouch roared. “The boy needs to leave now! I never want to see him in my courtroom again!”
Fleamont rose to his full height, squaring his shoulders. “That boy is sixteen months old!” Fleamont roared. “He just lost his parents! Watched his own mother be murdered right in front of him! Now he is being denied access to his godfather!”
“Mr Black is accused of murder!” Crouch replied, rising from behind his podium. “We don’t allow accused murderers bail!”
“Yet, I’ve yet to hear any concrete evidence against him!” Fleamont shouted. “The Ministry is rounding up its citizens, innocent or not, and throwing them in Azkaban without properly examining the evidence! The trials are just shams now! Due process has been thrown out the window! I will not stand for it! I will now stand by when someone I care deeply about is a victim in this Ministry’s crusade to look strong!”
“Enough!”  Crouch shouted. “Guards, escort Mr Potter and his grandson out of this courtroom!”
Fleamont wheeled around to look at the wizards approaching them. “Touch my grandson and you will regret it!” Fleamont growled. 
“See-See-wis,” Harry hiccupped, his body still struggling to get to Sirius. 
“Stop, please, Harry,” Sirius murmured. “Just calm down. You need to calm down.”
Fleamont turned around, crouching down next to Harry. He wrapped his arms securely around the boy, pulling him back away from the cage. Harry went limp in his arms, his screams loud enough to make Fleamont’s ears ring. Sirius rose to his full height, leaning back away from Harry as best as he could in the small space afforded to him. Fleamont picked Harry up off the ground, struggling not to drop the thrashing child. 
“SEE-WIS!” Harry screamed, both hands reaching out for Sirius. 
“It’ll be all right!” Fleamont shouted at Sirius, his glasses sliding down his nose. 
Sirius didn’t say anything, his face pulling as though it was taking everything he had in him not to break down completely. Fleamont carried a squirming Harry out of the courtroom, two guards following them out. Once outside, Fleamont say Harry down on his feet and he melted on the floor to continue the tantrum. With a heavy sigh, Fleamont settled down onto the floor next to his crying grandson and waited. 
It wasn’t a few moments later that Euphemia exited the courtroom. She only had to shake her head. Bail had been denied. Fleamont would have given anything to have Sirius home with them. Harry jumped up from the floor at the sight of his grandmother, running to be babied in her arms. Euphemia didn’t waste even a second, scooping the boy up in her arms and rocking him. 
Fleamont stood up as people filed out of the courtroom. Photographers not so discreetly snapping images of Harry. He positioned his body to block the press, his hand pressing against Harry’s back. 
“Sirius looked dreadful,” Euphemia whispered. “They have to be starving him.”
Fleamont nodded, a grave look crossing his features. “That or he’s purposely not eating because he’s upset about everything that has happened.”
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nerdysleepybunny · 5 months
Hello, sleepyhead.
Welcome back my beloved cloud-dwellers! Welcome to the clouds, newcomers. I hope you're all enjoying your sleep. I'm Bunny! This is where I'll be posting a variety of different things, like fanfics, books, rambles, and more! I'm very open to requests or just general asks, but please remember that I am a minor!
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
My writing posts will have this image:
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🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
For people who want to send an ask:
If you want to send an ask but you're unsure of if it's acceptable or not, please feel free to DM me about it! We can discuss it and work something out. Though I do expect to be treated with respect. Do not rush my writing process or demand I write something I'm uncomfortable with. I treat others how they treat me! <3
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
What I will write:
Anything for pride/LGBTQ+!
Gender neutral reader
Hybrid reader
Books (short or long)
DreamSMP (I am VERY behind on lore, so if you want a specific lore era please be sure to explain it or link some clips!)
FNAF (robotic or human)
Little Nightmares + DLCs
Little Nightmares II
Among Us (crewmates will be more humanized, but the Imposter is still an alien)
Bioshock 1, 2, & Infinite + Burial At Sea
Poppy Playtime
The Promised Neverland (anime version! I have not read the manga)
Sailor Moon
The Amazing Digital Circus
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
My ocs
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
What I won't write:
Implied NSFW
You get the idea... I'm a minor you imbeciles
The farthest I'll probably go is simple kissing.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Bunny's boundaries:
Pronouns: She/It
I'm not a big fan of they, and I definitely don't want to be referred to as a male. If using it pronouns makes you uncomfortable, just refer to me as a she! <3
Nicknames: I don't have a problem with nicknames or petnames, especially silly ones! Just, y'know, don't be super weird. xD
Jokes: I'm cool with joke bullying, like "hey bitch" or other silly stuff like that!
DMs: My DMs are always open to everybody! If you have any questions or just need someone to talk to, I'm available and so is my discord if you want easier communication! But please do realize that I am NOT your therapist, nor should you be my responsibility. I have my own life and my own things to deal with. I'm just here to make friends and be silly! :3
I'll let you know if you request something that I'm uncomfortable with that isn't on here and add it, and of course do my best to give you an alternative of what you wanted!
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Anon list:
Emoji anons:
None yet!
Word anons:
None yet!
Symbol anons:
None yet!
(Psst! If you were an anon before the new pinned post, please send me an ask with your anon so I can add you to the list!!)
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Bunny's tags:
#bun updates
#buns life
#bun streams
#bun games
#bun asks
#bun writes
#bun rambles
#bun polls
#bun reblogs
Feel free to follow my tags to keep up with my posts! <3
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bloompawz · 28 days
I'm feeling less and less like a lesbian. I follow a lot of poll accounts, and every time there's a question directed towards lesbians, I feel like it's not directed at me unless they specifically say lesboy. And even then, it doesn't feel totally correct with my gender and my diamoric attraction in mind. I'm pangender/demifluid, but for the most part, I'm a demiboy. I'm also attracted to enbies in a way that isn't necessarily lesbian. Sometimes, my attraction to enbies is virenian, or otherwise not lesbian or woman-aligned.
But I also feel a need to be included in lesbian spaces because my attraction to women is still non-normative and stigmatized, and I'm still uninterested in binary men, which is additionally stigmatized. So, even if "lesbian" isn't entirely right for me, there's some utility in identifying that way for the sake of community and resources, and for explaining some of my experiences. For example, one of my relatives consistently calling my girlfriend my "friend" is definitely a result of him failing to understand the existence of lesbian/sapphic couples.
With that said, I think people get the wrong idea about me if I call myself a lesbian. I'm a sorta-woman, and I'm interested in women without being interested in binary men, which sounds pretty lesbian on the surface. But when you factor in the fact that I'm a demiboy, as well as my attraction to nonbinary people, it gets a lot more blurry.
My experiences can be described as lesbian, but if I say "I'm a lesbian," your first thought of what that means probably won't align with my experiences. Even if I point out the nuances, you'll probably be thinking of me as "woman[-lite] 4 woman[-lite]," whether you realize it or not. So it's... probably more useful as an internal identity than anything I express externally.
I think I'll still be calling myself sapphic though. The word doesn't imply that all of my attraction is woman-aligned, while "lesbian" often does, at least from my perspective. Still, if I am to call myself sapphic, I want to do it in a way which makes it clear that I'm genderqueer. I actually have some sapphic pride stuff which I still love and will definitely keep. Particularly these clothes:
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I got these clothes last year[?] and they're still some of my favorite clothes to wear. I love that it says "sapphic cowboy" with a double Venus on the sleeve, because it feels very genderqueer. It shows that I'm WLW, but not necessarily exclusively, while also calling me a boy- specifically a cowboy. It feels very affirming.
As for my lesbian pride stuff... Not sure what I'm going to do with it. Part of me wants to keep it, and part of me doesn't. I'm going to keep privately logging how I feel about it until I decide. Maybe I'll keep some of it and get rid of the rest. Maybe I'll keep all of it, or get rid of all of it. I'm not in any rush to decide. Definitely keeping my bunny plush and her matching tote, though.
Dunno, just felt like rambling about this I guess. I feel like the best words to describe my orientation at this point are aromantic/neu aro and queer. But I'm still thinking about it.
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l48yr1nth · 25 days
Rant about something [weather you like something or hate something or an oc just whatever]
im not much of a ranter, actually. me and my BIL get along well because he always has something to say and i'm always down to just listen LUL. under the cut so nobody has to look at a wall of text if they don't want to
but erhhh ummm.... its really pretty outside today! i live on a lake, and i sit in just the right spot in my living room to see out to the backyard. as we get into the summer months, the sun starts to shine directly in through the windows to blind me! but i like the feeling of the sun so it's alright. My cat's ear funk is back (smells smelly) so i have to clean them soon (she will hate me). right now one of our bunnies is in the neighbors yard cus she found a hole in the fence! we're waiting on her to come back cus they aren't home LUL. we're going to be getting another dog soon from one of my aunts. my aunt got cancer and doesn't want the dog to go to her absolute pathetic leech asshole of a son (she jokes that she's a little relieved she won't have to deal with him much longer. i could go on about this guy but it honestly doesn't matter). the dog itself will be a bit of a problem. she's completely untrained, and never learned to play nicely! we have two other dogs to hopefully correct the playing rough stuff, but we'll have to properly potty train her. probably some other behavioral corrections too. we're going to put up gates on either side of the house so she can't run away through there (our one dog, chico, used to get out that way. he stopped at some point). we were originally planning to fly the dog back cus she's a ways away, but the mutt would probably shit itself and constantly bark on the plane so we're thinking of roadtripping it. which. will. be. hell. i hate sitting in cars for so long! i can't sleep in them at all. hmm. on another note i don't think i'm going to do another semester of college once i'm done with this one. i gave it a go and, yeah! i still hate how school works! it's just high school with less classes, really. amount of classes doesn't matter i don't want to do anything labeled an "assignment". i haven't said anything to my mom cus i'm a little nervous abt it, but i feel like 2 semesters is enough of dipping my toes to know this isn't what i want to do for the next 2-4 years. i have some severe academic anxiety or whatever so it's. REALLY hard for me to have these kinds of conversations with anyone. especially my mom, cus she interrogates me like hell over this stuff. i'm thinking of getting a job or going to trade school instead. i think i could do a task at a job without having a meltdown every night fr! scoring a job is hard though so. hm. im incredibly lucky to have the freedom to make these kinds of decisions. i want to go to the beach soon, but it's been so cold out these days. i finished re-reading a medic tf2 fic recently so i'm going to get back to reading WoF! I also wanna download some mods for stardew valley but i'm really not sure where to start. i have 2 commissions to do! i wish i was high rn fr. OHH IM HAVING A BIRTHDAY FOR MY WATERMELON LATER!!!! ITS BEEN SITTING ON OUR COUNTER FOR A YEAR! isn't that insane? they're not supposed to last more than a month or two REFRIDGERATED. this thing has been room temperature just chilling for 12 months. we're still not sure if we're gonna cut it or not today so i'm thinking i'll make a poll later for it. ok thats all i can think of
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fangaminghell · 1 year
Pick three people from Team Meteor the Reborn trio despises so much and why?
Ooooooh this is a good one. And hard since a good chunk of them are friends with the trio now.
Leo: Puppet Lin, Sigmund and Sirius. Puppet Lin caused just. Shit ton of trauma for him,being the cause of death for Taka, which we all know fucked him up really bad. Thigh u guess you can say that hatred stems from fear. Leo despises Sigmund from the minute he realized what he was doing to those kids, seeing what he was doing. Sad backstory be damned- and he does empathize a little- this fucking bastard has ruined so many lives. This applies to Sirius as well. He's very glad that Saphira pushed him in that lava. Solaris didn't make the list only because Leo had told Taka he doesn't hate him. He's....torn on that, now, the more he learns about him. Still,he doesn't bring himself to hate Solaris....much. He still very much doesn't like him.
Suraya: Suraya and Blair are going to be hard, because they interact with Team meteor the least. That being said: Sigmund, Solaris and Sirius. Triple S, heh. Sigmund and Sirius are the same as Leo, but for Solaris, Suraya has a bone to pick. I feel like she just feels so....frustrated. " preserve history?" Has he not thought, once, that maybe sharing said history is the best eG to preserve? Of course, that topic is nuanced and she understands that sharing doesn't always mean history will stay preserved, but it's fucking better than literally doing terrorism and ruining lives. I think some of that anger comes from her own family too. Not her parents, I genuinely think they are the exception here, but I can see her family kinda having a similar mindset. Not as extreme, but similar, and it kinda pisses her off.
Blair: At one point, Blair pretty much despised everyone on team Meteor. If you were to ask Blair very early onto pokemon Reborn, xe would kill them all. But now things have settled. Xyr literally became friends with one of them, whom they thought was the most annoying motherfucker on earth. So right now? Sigmund, Solaris and ZEL. Sigmund xe despised the most for all that bullshit he put xem through as a child ( with potential transphobia since I'm pretty sure xe knew we were nonbinary before were even in the orphanage). Solaris was the head of Team Meteor, meaning he called all the shots, meaning he was the one that called interesting action the destruction of his home area, resulting in xyr parents and older sister's deaths( either him or Sirius). So yeah. Hate him with the core of xyr being. Okay so. If we want to be technical, Zero and Bennet were both the catalyst for Suraya's "death". But again,Blair had the time to heal and somewhat forgive them, but that anger still resides. So I think he would hate ZEL, but mostly for how they came to be in the first place. The taking away of bodily autonomy, being forced to do something some parts didn't even want to do....yeah. Blair hates ZEL cause they represent the cruelty of Team Meteor. Of so called "family". Zero xe don't hate as much,not anymore. I think Blair thinks that he needs to heal as much as xe do.
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existslikepristin · 3 years
What A... Bummer
Desc: The fic that (sort of) started it all. Sorry for the funky formatting, as this was mostly just copy/pasted from Discord, where I ran the polls. You may also find it here if you prefer AFF: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1462191/what-a-bummer-aka-i-m-so-sorry
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Tags: TheLounge, Gfriend, Eunha, Yerin, maleOC"you", mostly butt things, angry bunny, vote story, backlog story
You knock on the dressing room door. Just inside is your Gfriend... as in "good friend" Eunha. Today is a very exciting day, and it's been a long time coming. She released her first solo album at midnight and she was at the first show where she would perform it live in front of a camera.
The two of you have been close... "good friends," as they say, for a while now. And you managed to convince security to let you in so you could give her a gift before she goes on stage. After all, you're proud of her accomplishment!
You hear shuffling inside the room and know she's on her way over. You really hope she likes the present!
What was the present again?
Options: 1. Champagne, baby! You got the expensive stuff! 2. A basket of healthy fruits! You're wholesome as fuck! 3. Your buddy Yerin! Can't celebrate without a good laugh! 4. (Picked:) A buttplug?! Who the fuck do you think you are?
You hold the box behind yourself as the door opens. Just inside is your buddy Eunha, all by herself. Not a surprise since you saw her manager downstairs earlier.
And she looks awesome. Her hair is cut short again, just to her jawline, but instead of curling in like her normal bob, it flares out at the bottom. She's got on a white shirt, cut low enough to just tease at her cleavage (even though you happen to know she's hardly got any cleavage without the pushup). Below she's wearing a super short black skirt, with a slit on one side that nearly reaches her hip bone, but her safety shorts hide the real goods. You know she has some tall black heels for this outfit since you were there when her stylist picked them out, but she's barefoot for now, nails on her fingers and toes painted all black.
She shouts happily and jumps up to wrap her arms around you as soon as she sees you. You barely manage to keep her from dragging you down to the floor, putting your arms around her too. "You came!"
"Of course I did!" you shout, "Congratulations!"
The top of her head barely reaches your chin while she's on her toes. She nuzzles her head into your neck. Her hair dresser would flip her shit, but it's okay if it's just for a second, right?
She suddenly grabs the box from your hand. The sly little idol.
"Yerin told me you were bringing me a present. I thought she might be lying, but..."
Eunha tears the wrapping off the box. You'd be a little offended, but you did the same thing to the last birthday gift she got you.
"Now... what am I supposed to do with this thing?"
Eunha holds up the butt plug. You grin, recognizing the excellence of the thing. Stainless steel, polished like a mirror, a bright red gemstone embedded into it (and yeah, you got a real gem for it), and big. Real big.
Options: 1. (Picked:) "You keep it inside you, once I help put it there." 2. "WOAH. That's not what I thought it was, I swear! Yerin tricked me!" 3. "How the fuck should I know?"
"What are you supposed to do with it?" you ask as you take a couple steps forward.
"You keep it inside you, once I help put it there."
Eunha puts the butt plug up to her mouth. "Like this?" She licks it and puts it in her mouth, as far as she can at least. She looks up into your eyes, looking as innocent as she can. You would almost buy the stupid act too, but you know she's got somewhere to be.
You grab her by the shoulders and spin her around. Then you drop to your knees so your face is directly next to her ass. It takes up your whole field of vision. But still, there's no time to waste. You grab the sides of her safety shorts and yank down. As expected, there's nothing underneath and you can instantly spread her glorious cheeks to be greeted by...
Oh damn, she's already got a plug in.
Eunha giggles above you. "Don't worry. I like yours better. Help me swap them and you can keep that one."
Not a bad solution.
The plug takes a little work to get out. Eunha half-moans, half-laughs as you wiggle it back and forth to get it moving. She reaches back to spread her ass cheeks to give you better access and a fantastic view.
And eventually, with a little pop, the plug comes out. It's much smaller than the one you brought, made of silicon, and much more boring.
You stand and hold it in front of Eunha. She instantly sticks her tongue out to lick off the lube.
"It's almost like you've done this before, isn't it?" you ask with a smirk.
"It's almost like you know that personally," she says over her shoulder.
You take the brand new butt plug out of her hand and get back on your knees. Eunha instinctively spreads her ass again. You can still see some of the glistening of the lube that was there for the last plug, so it's probably at least safe to put the new one in without anything extra. Then again, the new butt plug is pretty big...
1. (Picked:) Stick it in rough. This might mess up her performance, getting you a punishment later. 2. Give her a good lube up with your tongue first. You know from experience that she loves this, and you'll be well rewarded later.
You know, you and Eunha have been good friends for quite a while now. How bad would it really be if you messed up her performance just this once... And besides, her cute, tiny little asshole just needs a real good stretch sometimes right?
Eunha waves her ass from side to side, bent over a bit, mostly for the presentation. "I'm ready for it. What are you waiting for?"
Well, she said it! You line up the top of the plug at her lube-short hole, earning you a sultry giggle from the idol. You give it a slow twist to one side, the other side, brace your elbow, and shove like you've never shoved before.
You're not quite sure whether or not you were successful. It seems like time slowed down... You felt the tension of her ass resisting the plug up to the widest part, followed by it giving way as it tapered back down. But that only took a second or so, and Eunha didn't react. The dressing room is dead silent.
Then, Eunha falls to the floor. To her knees, then onto her hands. You're more than a little worried, so you move to her side to see her face. Her mouth is open like she's screaming, but there's still no sound, until she whispers, "What... the f-f-fuck... is wrong with you?"
Her eyes slowly turn in your direction so you give her your biggest, winning smile. But there's fire in her eyes. You're suddenly feeling like you may have made a bad choice.
There's a knock on the door and a voice comes through, "Eunha? We'll be starting your stage in five minut--"
"I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!" Eunha screams. You hear the PA muttering as they walk away.
You open your mouth to say something, but you forget what it was when you get smacked in the jaw. Eunha is still holding herself with one hand, but the other is floating menacingly next to your face, nails looking beautiful but also ready to tear you apart.
Clearly trying to compose herself, Eunha lowers her head and whispers again, "Go find Yerin... and wait for the stage... now."
It's probably best not to argue. You get up and and make your way to the door. You turn back to look at her though. She hasn't really moved, and you get a great look at her thicc ass sticking into the air with your plug poking out from between her cheeks.
You know for sure you're going to get punished later, but you think maybe you should say something?
Options: 1. Apologize. You can admit, you fucked up. You'll still get punished, but maybe she'll go easy on you? 2. (Picked:) Never mind, say nothing. You'll obviously just make it worse. 3. Just laugh. Eunha doesn't have connections to any hitmen, does she?
For the sake of your personal safety, you think it's probably best to just go. You slip through the door quickly so nobody can see through the door and make your way to the stage.
Yerin is pretty easy to pick out of the crowd for you, as she's wearing her usual thick sweatshirt, plain jeans, tennis shoes, hat, facemask, and glasses that make it impossible for her to be recognized in public. She's in the back of the crowd, holding a gigantic sign that says "I LOVE YOU EUNHA I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES" as a joke. You remember the first time she said that was when Eunha was fucking her with a strap on. It looks like everyone in the crowd is too busy practicing their fanchant to really notice the overtly sexual (and nonsense) sign.
"Yo slut," you casually say as you walk up next to her.
"About time you got here whore," she says back, clearly grinning mischievously behind the mask. You smirk back.
"So, did she like her gift?"
Your smirk fades, "Uuuh. You know, she will probably have to tell you that herself."
"Mmm, I will. And then I'll take it out of her, put it back in and lick all around it... ugh, I'm so wound up. Hey. If I masturbated while we watch the stage, would you keep an eye out so I don't get caught?"
Options: 1. "Of course! I've always got your back my dude." 2. (Picked:) "You want to do it yourself? But I'm right here." 3. "Woah, Yerin. Don't be so weird. Just enjoy the show like a normal person. Sheesh."
You give Yerin a smirk and move behind her. She points at her eyes and swings her hand in a circle, her nerdy way of telling you to keep watch. You get the feeling she'll enjoy what you have in mind.
After a couple of minutes go by, the fans scream as the stage hands walk off and the lights go dim. You and Yerin join them in the cheer, welcoming your hot little buddy into the spotlight. Yerin holds her sign high and shouts her support.
As the lights come back up, you see Eunha, cool and calm like the professional she is, with her backup dancers. You're a little surprised (and slightly disappointed) at her exceptional composure.
The first note of the song hits and the crowd instantly shuts up, ready to fanchant like hell. That's when you seize the chance to shove your hand down the back of Yerin's jeans and pop the still-lubed butt plug (the one you took out of Eunha earlier and never did get rid of) into Yerin's ass. It slides in like butt...er.
Eunha jumps into her dance and Yerin jumps up and down with the music with no regard for your hand down her pants. You feel like you might get a rash. But either way, you soldier on and reach in further, until you can touch her clit.
There's one move in Eunha's dance that draws a big gasp from the crowd, where she bends over and presents her ass. Her safety shorts hide the butt plug... for anyone who isn't paying close attention. They aren't especially good at hiding how deep the crack of her ass is, and there's just one very slightly bulged out part.
Yerin moans back at you, "Holy shit, she is so fucking hot up there," as she grinds herself down against your hand, drowning your fingers in her juices. "I just want to sit on her face, pull her legs back and pump a dildo into her helpless butt."
You smile at the thought. Maybe Yerin will be on your side if Eunha is still angry when you meet back up, considering that she also wants to destroy Eunha's asshole.
Yerin doesn't quite cum before the song is over. You take your hand out of her pants just in time not to be seen by all of the fans turning around to leave. She groans in frustration.
"Let's run to the dressing room and see if she can finish me off. I was so close!"
Options: 1. "Hey wait. She might be a little mad. I may have done something a little mean..." 2. (Picked:) "Yeah, definitely! Let's go get those shorts off her!"
You confidently walk through the halls next to Yerin. The whole time, Yerin bounces up and down, distracting you with the constant thought of ass. A couple times she even turns her head, sees you staring, winks, and spanks herself. You forget entirely about the confession you considered making.
Once at the dressing room, you see that the door is already open. Weird?
Yerin jumps through the door and shouts "YEAH EUNHA!"
The display of enthusiasm is met with silence. Yerin scratches her head and walks further into the room. "Maybe her mic got stuck in her hair?" she ponders.
You walk in too. You're about to comment, but there's a sudden sharp pain in the back of your neck. You attempt to put your hand up to slap at whatever bug got in here, but your hand just falls limp. So do your legs. And your vision goes dark as you vaguely feel yourself falling to the floor.
* * *
"He's waking up," you hear a garbled voice say. All you can see are blurry shapes as you open your eyes, but they come into focus very slowly.
"Don't stop!" another garbled voice shouts, making you suddenly feel a pounding in your head. Did you go too hard on some vodka?
The voices (or just one voice really) start clearing up. You hear Yerin moaning, turning slowly into a scream. And eventually your eyes confirm it.
About ten feet in front of you, Yerin's face and torso are pressed against a bed, with her butt held up against Eunha's face. Her legs are trembling wildly. Eunha's hands are gripping Yerin's hips tight, her eyes are closed, and her legs are folded underneath her. They're both entirely naked, and you have a side view of it all.
It would be a little more exciting if you weren't chained by the legs and wrists to a wooden chair.
And you look down to see that you're naked too, other than some kind of device locked very uncomfortably around your dick.
There's a thud as Eunha drops Yerin onto the bed. Yerin is apparently exhausted by the orgasm she just had, because she's not moving.
Eunha shakes her head to refluff her hair that was being pressed against her cheeks and looks at you.
"Good morning," she says blandly.
You try to respond but your tongue feels weird and doesn't move properly so you kind of just blubber.
Eunha slides off the bed and takes a few steps to stand right in front of you. A tiny drop of her cum falls from her pussy onto your knee. Damn, they must have been at this for a while.
Her entire body is bare in front of you, practically on top of you, and it's so incredibly sexy. Under normal circumstances, this is when she would sit down and ride you for hours. But she isn't sitting down, and your dick is being painfully stopped from getting hard by the contraption it's in.
"So... do you have anything to say now?"
Options: 1. Yup. Apologize. 2. (Picked:) Yeah, you enjoyed her solo debut! 3. Nope. Nothing to say. 4. Yes.. BeGONE, THOT
You smirk, ever so slightly unsure of yourself, or if what you're saying is a good idea. The corner of your mouth trembles as you say, "Yeah, I really liked your solo debut. You did great up there."
Eunha leans over, putting her hands on the back of the chair you're tied to. It would be a great chance to stare at her perky little titties up close if her threatening gaze wasn't holding your eyes. Her face comes in closer. You can feel her fuming hot nose breaths on your forehead. Your own breath is caught in your throat, and your lungs start to burn with how long she stares you down.
"Be glad I'm a professional. And thanks," she says, very flatly.
As she stands back up and turns away from you, and you release a huge sigh of relief.
"Yerin, over here please. I'm going to need your tongue in my ass."
With a groan, Yerin rolls off the bed and crawls to Eunha, kneeling between her and you. Eunha leans forward, putting her hands on the bed for support. If there was any question about what your punishment was before now, it was pretty clear now.
Eunha spreads her ass, her perfectly painted black nails creating a frame for the asshole you love so much. It's only a few feet away from you. You can feel your dick trying to harden but the cage just makes it... well it doesn't hurt, but it's extremely uncomfortable.
And then Yerin's head appears between you and that beautiful butt. Her hands grip onto the backs of Eunha's thighs, squeezing the flawless flesh as if she were trying to hold herself up on the edge of a cliff. You know the exact moment when Yerin's tongue meets Eunha's ass. The shorty has a very characteristic half-squeal-half-moan that comes out of her every time something wet touches it. You might have thought you could look away to stop the discomfort in your cock, but that sound brings back too many memories of your entire face being buried in those cheeks.
"Oh... Oh yes. Good girl."
You watch as Eunha slowly pushes back against Yerin's face, over and over. It lasts for hours? Days? You could never tell. Her squeals and encouragement get louder, more urgent. You can't help but let out a quiet groan of your own.
But like the rabbit she is, Eunha heard. She twists her upper body to look at you without disturbing Yerin. "What was that? Do you want to fuck this ass? Do you-- fuck..."
Her eyes screw shut as a brief shiver of pleasure runs through her body. You can see her legs quaking for a moment. She's close.
"Do you want Yerin's pretty little mouth to dip up and down on your cock to lube you up for-- fffuck!"
Again, a shiver. It's longer this time, and Eunha almost falls, her feet sliding a few inches farther apart before she catches herself. There's a loud slurping noise as Yerin moves to accomodate the change and gets a much needed breath of air.
One of Eunha's hands shoots to her inner thigh and you can barely see past Yerin's shoulder that she's squeezing herself tight. She would often remind you about how she would do that to make her orgasms more intense, so now you know exactly what (or rather, who) is coming.
Even so, she manages to gasp out nearly a full sentence, "You want my ass clenching around your cock when--" The last word melts into one long squeal and trails off from there into a silent scream. Her whole body shakes violently except where Yerin is holding her down tight.
You could swear it lasts for a whole minute. Agonizing for you and Eunha in different ways. But when she collapses face first onto the bed, her knees hitting the floor softly as Yerin guides her down, it's over. Except for the few extra twitches when Yerin gives her ass a couple of licks. You release a long breath that you didn't even realize you were holding.
Yerin climbs up to cuddle Eunha from behind, kissing her neck, shoulders, and back. The two of them giggle lightly at the gentle touches, making no move to point their beautiful, still-wet asses away from you.
"Time for your fanmeet?" Yerin asks softly after a minute or two.
Eunha sighs and pulls herself away from Yerin. "Yes, I guess we should get going."
As you expected, you're not getting any. At least not soon. You casually watch the members making their way around the room, collecting their clothes and getting dressed back up.
And notably, not untying you.
"That sure was amazing," you say, suddenly nervous, "Maybe I should help set up the chairs for the fanmeet?"
Yerin chuckles, "They're already set up, man."
"But... the audio right? You know? Do some mic checks?"
Eunha stands in front of a mirror, brushing her hair to get it back to looking presentable. "Oh that's fine. Manager's taken care of it."
You struggle to think of something else to say, or to think of what's about to happen.
"But don't worry," Eunha struts over to you and pats your knee, "SinB will be coming in after the fanmeet to let you go."
You groan. SinB rejects you any time she thinks it would be funny, which is literally every time. She probably won't even unlock the cage on your dick.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Eunha smooches your forehead like you're a pet she's leaving home for the day, and then drops a key down her shirt and into her bra. It's not hard to guess what the key is for. "And when I do, I'll have cheered up, and I'll bounce on your cock harder than you can imagine."
Yerin draws in a sharp breath somewhere behind you. She's probably planning on being around whenever that happens. You can't help but look forward to it, though it sounds like twenty-four hours of torture for you until then.
The lovely ladies zip out of the room before you can get in another word, leaving you to the inevitable humiliation SinB will have for you... in an hour or two.
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jincherie · 5 years
can I ask you something about wanted universe? I was curious if they can't control the tentacles all the time or only when they want to come out?? Like, what if it goes to somewhere they don't want??? Also, jimin wouldn't like if the mc was his fated one? I'm so confused and curious about him, hE sound so mysterious hmmm does joy knows how conflicted he is since she saw him holding his back in the kitchen when mc was there? 🤔🤔
Anonymous said: hi, can i ask you something? idk if you got my other ask or not, but i was reading wanted and i was curious.. i know they can’t control when the tentacles appear, but they can control it when it’s already out? or they just go wherever they please?
AH I’m sorry for taking so long that you thought I didn’t receive your ask! I received it, but wanted to wait until I could answer it fully and then it just got a bit of a mess. I sincerely apologise, I did not mean to let it sit. 
But to answer your questions! They can consciously control the tentacles to a degree,, but really its more like the tentacles follow their subconscious train of thought and desires. It’s a bit instinctive, the way they move and behave, but they’re a reproductive organ and who tf ever has full control of that LMAO. But thats a risk! Esp if it was a situation where, for example, jimin wanted to push mc up against a wall and fuck her silly, but couldn’t for situational reasons/circumstances-- his tentacles would still attempt to follow through on his base wants, if that makes sense??? like thinking with his dick LMAO
And I don’t think jimin would oppose her being his fated one, I think it’s more a case of him not even considering that his fated one could be human! He doesnt care about messing around before his mark appears, but he’s scared because he’s not just attracted to mc’s body but to her, and he’s worried that if he got involved then he wouldn’t want to break it off even if his fated one appeared. he doesn’t want to hurt mc or himself or anyone in the future, so he is conflicted, but mostly scared. these feelings are new and unknown to him :3
Anonymous said: Honestly, your works keep me going throughout the day. As a Jungkook and Jimin stan, ‘Wanted’ and 'Tentacledipity’ are my guilty pleasures and I cannot express how amazing they are. Just bury me, I’m so smitten with your works
GAH this was so sweet tbh!!! I’m so glad you like them both!!! Tentacledipity seems to be winning the poll still so hopefully it shouldn’t be too long before I update her lol,,, thank u for reading my love !!!
Anonymous said: tentacledipity is still an absolute masterpiece thank you
bunnyca said: Tentacledipity Tentacledipity Tentacledipity Pretty please!!!
Anonymous said: I really love tentacledipity so far!!!💖
gah thank you I’m glad you like it!! ily!!
Anonymous said: I’m really really looking forward to Tentacledipity! I lived for Wanted when it came out and will stan anything from that world! Idk if you remember me but I’m Floater Bunny Anon!
ofc I remember!!!! I’ve missed u !!!! and I’m glad to hear you’re looking forward to it, especially since the next part is super juicy LOL
killer-toxicity said: How close to done are you with the next chapter of Tentacledipity
Anonymous said: Hey i don’t mean to bother you but I’m not sure if this has been asked yet 😭 when do you plan on updating tentacleipity? It’s soooo good I can’t wait! 😍😍😍
Hey babe I can’t remember if it’s been asked yet either but I’m not sure! I’ve just started uni again and my current priorities are fox rain and my friends’ birthday fics, so I’ll have to see but I will definitely keep you all updated!!! thank u so much for reading my love
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Opening Up
Clare: had read stories about the Japanese mafia claiming to be humanitarian groups that keep order in Japan. “I’m sure most of it is made up. But the mob knows how to fake running legitimate enterprises. They have office buildings, business cards, the whole works. It would be easy to get in over your head! Now I want to borrow a manga about that.” She laughed. “I guess that means boys aren’t allowed to take home ec at all? According to the paperwork Simpson handed out, it’s compulsory for girls.” She already had a feeling sexism and gender roles would need to be the topic of one of her articles. “How embarrassing. Don’t worry, I won’t take it personally and make Nastsumi feel worse.” Clare smiled at the thought of being ‘average’. “In that case, I’ll wait for Japan to buy new pants so they’ll be the right length for once.” She nodded. “I’m in no hurry and I can come back if you want me to since Emi has plans.” Clare offered. They were only going to spend a couple of hours at the mall. She kissed him again and again with more passion even though she wasn’t trying to change his mind. Soon as he stopped, Clare let go of him and blushed. “I wasn’t offering to buy lingerie. Just satin cami and shorts sets.” She expected him to sneak into her room for cuddles and making out. Nothing more. Clare smirked at Kota as she got into his car. “Why would I freak out? I didn’t even know who Yohio was. Still don’t really…” She trailed off uncertainly. Clare could’ve found out anything she wanted to know about him online but she didn’t feel comfortable violating his privacy. “Can’t be a model. A designer? Maybe an actress...West Drive’s studio isn’t far from here.” She guessed. Clare knew Murder Bunny was popular locally and in Japan, but she had no idea anyone famous would make a special trip to pick up dresses from Kota. When he helped her out and mentioned it again, she giggled. “I’m not going to embarrass you.” She still wasn’t taking his ‘warning’ seriously. So Clare had to bit down on her lip to suppress a scream when she saw who was waiting for him. She saw a picture on Instagram yesterday of Melanie Martinez’s latest split-dyed hair color, blue on the right side of her head and black on the left. The girl hugging Kota looked identical to the singer, she had the nose ring, tattoos, dark lipstick everything. Clare stared at the older girl as much as she could without breaking her promise. It couldn’t really be THE Melanie Martinez? Kota never let on he was on a first name basis with a big star. Not a single hint all the times they’d listened to her music. What if she’d said not today when he suggested giving her tour?! Clare knew what an endorsement from Melanie meant for MB and she didn’t want to act like a crazy fan so she only smiled at Melanie when he introduced them. “Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I relate to your songs so much, and I love the fairy tale elements like the big bad wolf being a metaphor for something much darker.”
Kota: looked at Clare when she mentioned the manga. "I can see if I can find some for you. I mainly read manga on an app called Manga Meow and most of them were recommended to me. Others just seemed interesting. Just watch what you ready because some are more twisted than others. I do read some dark and twisted ones, but there have been some that were too dark for me to read." he explained and looked at her. "No, but that's mainly our fault. We were invited to join in home ec when the calligraphy teacher was absent, but it didn't go too well. Tanakashi-san ate most of the batter Nakashimi was working on, some boys left in the middle saying it was boring. A few of the boys just slept allowing the girls to make the cookies from them and in the middle of the class Kodomo-san's oven caught fire so we were kicked out for our own good and we're not allowed. I wasn't able to go to the class since the teacher didn't know English and I didn't know Japanese at the time." he chuckled and smiled at her. "Thank you. Tanakashi-san accidentally sets off her anxiety, but at the same time he's helping her with it. They're dating and since they've started dating, she no longer locks herself in lockers and has become more outspoken." he assured. "But there are still some things she's afraid to say. She'll keep it in till the very end, yell it out, then bow as an apology for being loud." he laughed a bit and squeezed her hand when she mentioned buying pants in Japan. "The girls don't wear pants in Japan like ever. There are pants in some styles such as Visual Kei for girls." he laughed. "Sorry I imagined you in the pants and dressed in the Visual Kei style. Visual Kei style is their version of Goth only more dramatic in some aspects or like our Punk rock clothing. All black with chains and bondage belts on the pants, but not too many girls wear the pants even dressed in Visual Kei, they prefer skirts. Other than that your only option is skirts. In the winter girls wear cotton leggings with fleece on the inside." he explained. "I mean I did do an online poll to see how many girls would wear pants in Japan and only like 3 said they would out of millions of girls that took the poll so I'm not making MB pants for girls in Japan, but in some comments they said only Yankee's would wear pants. Yankee is an insult to a Japanese woman, but they'd call you a Yankee because you are, it's basically a term for people who live on this side of the country." he explained and smiled as she spoke. "Ok good because I plan on sneaking in your room once Emi goes to sleep. Also no one knows I'm a virgin in Japan, it's kind of like here. If people found out I'm a virgin I'd have girls offer to sleep with me and guys try to help get me laid. Not too many guys are virgins in Japan after 14 and if you are it's considered an anomaly." he explained. "Girls are the same in some aspects. Most girls lose their virginity at 15 and those that don't lie about it most of the time." he shrugged. "Girls and guys are on a similar level in that aspect." he added. When Clare spoke to Melanie, Kota suppressed a laugh and turned his head to the side away from Clare for a moment. "I'm happy to hear that, Kota did tell me you're a fan." she said and shook Clare's hand before moving beside Kota as they started walking. "So I made the dress with the shoes in mind." he said as she took the shoe box out of the bag and handed him the bag, then the lid holding the shoes in hand. "I love them." she smiled and hugged him again before walking again. "I figured you might." he chuckled. "Did you get a call from Johnny Depp yet?" Mel asked looking up at him. "Why would I get a call from Johnny Depp?" he asked curiously. "Because Johnny Depp was on Jimmy Falon and Jimmy asked for his most memorable fan experience. He told the story of how he met you and your cousin in the UK and how he lectured you both on the plane and called your parents." Melanie laughed. "Mel, that's not funny. To this day I'm still forbidden to get a debit card and I have to show my mom the inside of my wallet when I get home to prove I don't have an obscene amount of cash and it's the same with my brothers now. They kind of hate both of us for it." he explained. "Or they could be mad you came up with the idea first. Besides how does a child obtain enough money to afford two tickets to the UK, a nice hotel room, and food for the two weeks you were there?" she asked. "I cleaned out my bank account. And we would've stayed longer if Johnny didn't ask us about our parents. They didn't even realize we were missing either. Genre was staying at a friend's house and my twin was pretending to be me every now and then." he explained. "Well, he knows your full name since Jimmy saw the picture and said 'Oh that's Dakota Anderson he's the head of Murder Bunny.' and showed off a pair of MB socks he was wearing on his show saying how much he loves them. He also told everyone how he owns an MB jacket too. He has the black varsity one." she explained. "I should get my assistant to find his number and call him asking if he wants me to personalize it for him." he muttered. "Do it! He'll freak out you so need to do it while I'm here and on speaker phone." she exclaimed as they got to his office. "Later?" he asked. "Ok, do you want to go bowling after?" she asked. "I wouldn't mind, but Clare's going to the mall with her friend at some point today." he explained as he got her dresses. "You didn't tell me this on the phone." she said. "You asked if I'm free." he trailed. "Can Kota and I pick you up from the mall then?" Mel asked looking at Clare.
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