#Btw he is really good at playing the guitar :D he has even been to concerts with Santana
diamondsheep · 1 year
re: your tags on the music game - actually thats the only juanes song i know😅 but la camisa negra has always been super popular even over here, i remember being like 7 and listening to this song and talking with my mom like
me: so what does "tengo la camisa negra" even mean?
mom: "i wear a black shirt"
me: uhmmm.. so why is he singing about wearing a black shirt
mom: because his girlfriend dumped him😔
i actually thought this song was in italian for the longest time as a kid until just recently i listened to it again for the first time in years and realized its actually spanish🤣 (also you can feel free to recommend more juanes songs👀 he really has an amazing voice)
Asjfdkjfs La camisa negra is a pretty iconic song and yeah yeah i heard it too when i was like 7 🤣🤣 it was extremely popular back then
From that song i love this phrase :
" Todo lo que me supo a gloria hoy me sabe a pura mier-coles por la tarde y tu que no llegas "
Adjfks it is a bit of a play on words since  miercoles is pretty similar to the word mierda which means shit. So he is kinda implying that everything that once tasted like glory, now it tastes like shi- 🤣
As for the recommendations he has a song that i really like called  Yerbatero ( a yerbatero is someone that cures sicknesses with natural medicine )
And i also like these two covers of old songs that he did :
Querida ( this is one of my faves )
2 notes · View notes
spellboundbat · 5 months
Bullets & the Demolition Lovers
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Hello everyone! Welcome to my analysis of the wonderful album 'I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love' by the band My Chemical Romance. This analysis consists of my interpretation of each song on the album, as well as the relationship they have with the Demolition Lovers. This is a project I started in the summer of 2023 as a way to better understand the story of the Demolition Lovers, whom I have loved since I proclaimed myself a fan of the band in 2021. It all began with a few videos on YouTube about Revenge (which I will recommend down below if someone is interested). I already knew the story of the Demolition Lovers, but only at a surface level. The videos introduced me to a deeper and more complete version of their story. This also opened the door to all the contradictions, theories, and interpretations that came with this story. I was so captivated by all of this that I decided to delve into this deep rabbit hole and create my own interpretation of the story, and that's how this first analysis was conceived (because there's still left Revenge's). This is a way to better understand this artistic product that I adore with all my heart and also to better comprehend the masterminds behind it. I hope you all enjoy it, both fans of the band and new people interested in this whole new world ♡ ☆SPANISH VERSION: https://spellboundbat.tumblr.com/private/738189905537220608/tumblr_3qij8SfTzrPPDo1BE
Although I will be providing verifiable sources with my statements (as well as clarifying when they are not 100% reliable), I will also be discussing subjective interpretations of the majority of the songs, which may be based on interpretations commonly accepted by the fandom or the artists, but that are ultimately guided by what I consider :D
Sources can be found throughout the entire analysis in keywords related to what is been talked about.
Sorry for repeating the word "song" 86 times, really, please accept my most sincere apologies.
This analysis is quite chaotic btw.
1. Romance
There's not much to analyze in this song. It's the album's intro. It barely lasts a minute and has no lyrics. It's an instrumental with a Spanish guitar played by Ray Toro. The song is a kind of adaptation of an even older 19th-century song called "Spanish Romance" or "Romance Anónimo" (or a thousand other names, there are too many names for this song).
Allegedly, the original piece appeared in the soundtrack of the movie Dawn of the Dead, and thanks to this, they included it here (the movie is very relevant to this album and to Gerard Way; it's one of his favorite movies, and later in the analysis, we'll notice more references). Now, I say 'allegedly' because I couldn't confirm this information. I found a group of people on Reddit talking about it, and even though I searched for the movie and the supposed time-stamp, I couldn't find it. But I trust the fans :D . So, we leave this information here.
2. Honey, this mirror isn’t big enough for the two of us.
Finally, let's begin, and with a quite strong one...
The narrator (our protagonist) begins by narrating his problems with alcohol and drugs, indicating a strong dependence on these substances. He also explains other self-destructive behaviors and routines, apparently he has been hanging out with ''friends'' who are not much of a good influence, a possible reference to vampires (we will touch on this topic later). In response to all of this, he states that this has been the life he has chosen and that he doesn't care about anything else anymore.
In addition to explaining all of this, it is implied that what he is narrating is part of a discussion with his partner, who does not seem to agree with his self-destructive behavior. They have many fights, and it's possible that this has become normal in their relationship.
Throughout the entire song, the protagonist keeps repeating these verses, but that seem to be antitheses of each other:
“And well, I find it hard to stay With the words you say Oh baby, let me in Oh baby, let me in’’
“And you can cry all you want to I don't care how much You invest yourself in me We're not working out (we're not working out)’’
It's strange; these are two verses that come one right after the other, but nonetheless deliver two contradictory messages, right?
In one, it explains how, despite the pain caused by what his beloved is saying, he wants to enter and continue being part of her world, to continue the relationship. While the other has a tone of indifference, apathy, and insensitivity, revealing that no matter how much she tries, their relationship is not working.
But I feel that it is precisely these contradictory feelings that make this song so unique, soul-crushing and personal.
The protagonist's feelings are NOT coherent, and neither is his relationship. It's a turbulent relationship, just like everything else in his life.
After having dived into the vast world of super abusive couples (help), I started to notice that these kinds of strong and yet contradictory feelings are often recurring patterns. These relationships are not famous for their stability and coherence but for their explosiveness and codependency. I feel that this is what is explained here.
Our protagonist's life revolves around these themes: codependency and destruction, whether in his personal relationships or with what he consumes and the decisions he makes.
I forgot to mention that his beloved is cheating on him with his friends and HIS BROTHER, fjskahfsjkdhfjsdf...
But well, after so much elaborate analysis, we have the real and simplest interpretation from the author ¯\(ツ)/¯:
“This song is about sucking dick for cocaine.” Gerard Way, 2007
3. Vampires will never hurt you
It's one of the first songs I heard from this album and one of my all-time favorites (for obvious reasons, *cough, cough* VAMPIRES *cough, cough*). And IT'S AMAZING, but kind of complex. I put a lot of effort into my draft analysis :D
ॐ ☆*☆*☆*☆ ॐ
First, I would like to explain what the concept of "vampires" means in this album.
The vampires serve as a metaphor for toxic people in your life, bad influences who are only with you to take advantage of you. They are greedy and traitorous. This metaphor is not only explored in this album but in various eras of MCR (up to the present day :D !!!).
I mean, how could you not use vampires? They're very cool. According to a quote from an interview talking about 'Headfirst for Halos', Gerard says:
“That song [Headfirst for Halos] and ‘Vampires Will Never Hurt You’ both gave us a real sense of identity. They brought in the entire gothic thing. It was those songs that made people think we were a vampire band!”
And, being completely honest, that's very real. It happened to me too. That was one of the main reasons why I started liking this band djfksjdfkldsaf. LIKE, JUST LOOK AT THIS:
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it looks like he doesn't even get old *sus*
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Well, I've digressed, but we're back now...
Now, what happens in this song is as follows:
The story is once again set between a protagonist and his beloved.
He starts by telling his beloved that if "they" catch them, she should pierce his heart with a stake. He then wonders if the sun will tear their skin and if he will watch as the vampires rip her apart while biting and tearing their necks with their white and sharp fangs. He then desperately asks to be taken to a doctor or a church to extract his "poison" while begging his beloved to protect her own soul and, if necessary, to drive the stake through him.
I know all of this is too much, but don't worry, I'll explain it now.
For those who don't have much knowledge about vampires, everything narrated here are classic references to the stories of these beings.
First, the stake through the heart is a way to end vampires, which suggests that our protagonist has become one or is on the verge of becoming one (MEGA IMPORTANT FACT!!!). It is also mentioned how the sun is lethal for vampires (in most cases, because there are cases where they come out like a damn shiny Twilight vampire), and if humans find them and turn them into vampires and leave them in the sun, they will die.
Among other references, it is implied that both of them will die if she does not end it with him as soon as possible, as the monsters will only harm her if she stays with the protagonist.
In theory, that's what the song is about. It's like a classic horror story, with nods to our favorite blood-sucking monsters and it seems to end in tragedy (love it tho).
However, it gets more complicated and even better...
What I just described is the literal interpretation of this beautiful song. This song, like any form of art, can be analyzed literally (through text) or metaphorically (with interpretations and analyses of subtext, among other things). As I mentioned in my disclaimer, this is my interpretation of the song, based on the data I could gather and what I feel it conveys to me specifically.
Do you remember the meaning that vampires carry? Well, this is where the concept is going to be explored.
Our protagonist (similar to the protagonist of the previous song) has been hanging out and befriending these "vampires."
This is suggested by the line:
“We're hanging out with corpses, And driving in this hearse’’
Here, we confirm that vampires are not simple enemies; the protagonist had decided to hang out with them.
And it comes with its consequences; this has caused him a lot of harm, so much that it begins to affect his beloved.
[That's just like The Lost Boys (GREAT movie btw).]
He doesn't want her to end up badly, and she wants to fight for their love. She wants to help him so that they both get out of this problem together. That's why the song says:
“They come in pairs she said, "We'll shoot back holy water Like cheap whiskey, they're always there" ”
He feels remorse for his actions, wants to be purified, thinks about his love for her, how much he loves her, but he knows it's too late. He has also become one of them—a vampire. In our metaphor, this represents a turbulent and toxic person, which is the real harm he will do to her if they don't distance themselves. She would also become a self-destructive person, and both will end up digging their own graves.
But he doesn't want that. As the final and definitive proof of his unconditional love, he decides to ask her to end him to put the stake through his heart...
(Here, it could be argued whether it's in a literal sense, like she just dies, or that they simply cut ties and dissolve their relationship).
I love the parallel with the previous song. In both, the protagonist has become an unstable and toxic person, and this begins to affect their partner. However, while in one, the relationship becomes monstrous and they are miles away from saving it, in the other, the mutual love is still there, and they decide to separate instead of destroying each other.
4. Drowning Lessons
I must be honest, this song causes me too much confusion, and I still haven't fully deciphered it.
Nevertheless, I will try to explain what I have.
The song refers to certain events that repeat day after day in the life of our protagonist.
He imagines how he kills his beloved.
Yes, how he kills her.
Also, how he remembers that he will never be able to marry her.
These are the themes of the song put in the simplest way; the complicated part begins now.
We know that the song is related to their upcoming album, "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge," thanks to the line:
"A thousand bodies piled up."
This is a direct reference to the story where the man Demolition Lover (for a lack of a better name?) has to kill 1,000 bad men to be reunited with his beloved.
But there are several problems that complicate everything:
By referencing the 1,000 men, we know that chronologically, this song has to take place after the events of the song "Demolition Lovers," but I don't know at what point in "Revenge" this song would fit in.
The song talks about how HE killed his beloved, which, if we include it in the revenge lore, changes its meaning completely. I don't know if within the lore, this should be considered as a metaphor (following the themes presented by this album so far) that he "killed" her by dragging her into the world of crime (the Demolition Lovers were a couple of criminals who supposedly died when the police caught them) or if we should take this literally and accept that the demolition lover killed his beloved, and he relives this event every day due to trauma.
I think, in the end, I will leave the analysis of the lore here and come back when I finish the one for Revenge, since I KNOW that this song is essential to understanding the true story of "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge," but until I analyze it myself, I won't draw conclusions...
SPOILERS FOR THE MANGA OF NANA AHEAD! Why Nana? Because it haunts me everywhere; this story has affected my life too much (help).
Returning to the song, it reminds me too much of Ren Honjo, one of the characters from the anime and manga Nana.
Everything goes wrong with this character since you find out that he is based on Sid Vicious, the bassist of the Sex Pistols, FAMOUS (in part) BECAUSE HE WAS ACCUSED OF MURDERING HIS GIRLFRIEND NANCY SPUNGEN!!!!!!
It's just that Ai Yazawa didn't base it subtly; just look at them:
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They both play the bass, have a padlock chain, and style their hair in the same way. IN THE SERIES, THEY KEEP SAYING HOW MUCH THEY RESEMBLE EACH OTHER; IT'S VERY DELIBERATE.
Well, what happens is that Ren has a relationship with Nana. And they are very, VERY toxic. Jealousy and possessiveness mixed with the explosiveness of their love are what most characterize their relationship.
And, there's a point in the manga, a very low moment for Ren, where he confesses that sometimes he fantasizes about killing Nana. If you're a fan and follow the manga, this moment really hits hard, especially if you know EVERYTHING their relationship has gone through.
Personally, listening to this song conveys feelings similar to those with the manga. It's such a delicate, horrible, but complex issue at the same time... But it's largely thanks to this complexity of conflicting feelings that gives them the status of great works of art. Representing humans in their most beautiful moments, but also having the ability to do so with their lowest points, gives the work an incredible sense of realism. The characters cease to be mere fiction to embody the stories of flesh-and-blood people.
I feel like I should also mention that the members of MCR say that this song is cursed, lol. And that's why they don't play it in concerts. They say this because the few times they have tried to play it, something always goes wrong (technical failures).
End of fun facts, we'll see each other again when it's time for the analysis of Revenge :D
5. Our Lady of Sorrows
I know we just went through a somewhat confusing song, but I'm sorry to inform you that this one surpasses it in levels of confusion :(
My brain almost exploded trying to understand what this song wanted to tell me.
But I think that's the essence of the song, that nothing fits and it doesn't make sense xd (I'll elaborate more on that later).
When I first heard it, without paying much attention to the lyrics, it gave me the feeling that it was a very sad and violent song, VERY VIOLENT. In the chorus, the guitars sound like freaking chainsaws, and there's a very strong feeling of sore throat from screaming so much, very metal.
And everything got worse with lines like:
"Just because my hand's around your throat"
I was absolutely sure its meaning was going to be very intense.
Until it wasn't.
Later, I find out that it's a song about friendship. But not necessarily a turbulent or dangerous one like the other songs. No. A good and unconditional friendship.
Yes, I wasn't understanding anything, and my mind exploded.
Until I took the time to look up for interpretations from fans and the band on the internet, and now I consider it 100% an anthem to friendship and a very freaking beautiful song <3
How ironic life is, right?
Now I proceed to explain:
Apparently, Gerard at concerts, when he's about to sing this song, always says something like: "You probably came with your best friend or one of your best friends... I want you to turn to that motherf--ker, grab him by the throat and say, 'You're my best f--king friend, and I would die for you!'."
Also, when they say the lines in the chorus:
"Stand up f--king tall, don't let them see your back,"
"Take my f--king hand and never be afraid again,"
It refers to the fact that there are people in the world who will want to mess with you, that life itself will mess with you; but if you have your friends there, then you'll be fine. They will be with you and do whatever it takes for you, to help you, because they love you.
This message is often repeated in MCR's overall proposal when dealing with dark themes; where one often feels abandoned, the band wants you to move forward, have a good support network, people, and things that make us happy and make us understand that life can be beautiful too (this is also linked to the creation of the band, but we'll leave that for later).
This song has been adopted by the fandom almost as an anthem, symbolizing our fraternity and unity <3.
Now, about the lines and the general violent feeling of the song, I have to say two things:
Like, now having the context about the meaning of friendship and what Gee usually says at concerts, the violent lines don't sound SOOO absurd. I mean, there are times when friends joke like that. But it's still kinda weird without context, bro.
Ray Toro, My Chemical Romance's lead guitarist, wrote the music and brought it to Gerard, who wrote the lyrics. "It fitted because it didn’t really fit," Gerard recalled in Tom Bryant's Not the Life It Seems: The True Lives of My Chemical Romance. "That was something we always wanted to do – to put songs together that shouldn’t work together but do. This song was really aggro and metal...'' Now, it makes more sense that it sounds violent, right?
Before moving on to fun facts, I would like to mention how I believe there is more meaning than I explained in the song, possibly one more related to the religious parallelism it carries. But since this has already messed up so much with my mind , I'll stick with the conclusion I brought, which is usually the meaning that comes to my mind when I think of this song.
Now, to finish, fun facts:
The name "Our Lady of Sorrows" is a devotion to the Virgin Mary. If I remember correctly, I think it comes from the fact that Gee went to a Catholic elementary school (;-;) and they had a statue of this virgin.
I saw somewhere on the internet that the song is based on an experience Gerard had with a nun also in his Catholic elementary school (religious trauma? :0).
Gerard said that his favorite lyric ever is from this exact same track:
"Oh, how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying."
It's just beautiful.
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6. Headfirst for Halos
Help, this song is pure depression (or does it help you with it?)
Well, it's because it's about it.
Depression and contemplation of suicide. Also, drug use:
"And now these red ones make me fly And the blue ones help me fall."
One referring to antidepressants and the other to drugs...
And it contains many allegories to the story of Peter Pan (with the "pixie dust" and the thinking happy thoughts to be able to fly). This may be because Gerard played Peter Pan in a play in elementary school jdjsfjdslkf.
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Random photo of Frank as Peter Pan, lol.
The song is supposed to have started as a joke. They were high and having a blast. At first, Gerard thought:
''...this is the catchiest, popiest, stupidest shit I have ever heard''.
But as Gee continued with the song, he realized the potential it had and turned it into this genius piece, by adding the really dark lyrics to it.
It's worth noting that in his early 20s, he experienced issues with alcohol and drugs, as well as struggled with depressive episodes.
There's a quote of him that I like very much talking about this song, relating it to that topic:
Gerard: Really quick, just to save you some time, it’s a song about being really depressed, on a lot of anti-depressants, and wanting to kill yourself. But instead of doing that, I just wrote a song about it, so...that’s what you should do if you ever wanna kill yourself. Interviewer: Write a song? Gerard: Write a song about it.
I believe that the line "Think happy thoughts" is one of the most poignant in this song. There are times when our minds are infested with intrusive thoughts that don't let us live in peace. There are other times when these thoughts are not just thoughts; they are also an illness. And having to live with this can make us desperately and endlessly repeat to ourselves, "Just think happy thoughts, happy thoughts..."
7. Skylines and Turnstiles
This was the first song ever written by MCR. Here, it talks to us about 9/11 (an event that led to the creation of the band) and the widespread feeling that was experienced across the world, especially among American youth, after the attack. Feelings of despair, loneliness, abandonment...
Feelings that this track perfectly encapsulates. It is a vivid description of what the traumatic event was for many.
I also believe it tells us a lot about its author, our dear Gerard Way: his desire to do something different that can help people, which awakened in him after witnessing this heartbreaking event and led him to deeply question everything he was doing at the moment, his job, his life, and the world in general.
This is evident in the line:
"And if the world needs something better Let's give them one more reason now."
This desire founded the band, and I think it has been fulfilled, as throughout all these years, they have helped millions of people with their music <3.
8. Early Sunsets Over Monroeville
Warning: This is one of the most emotionally painful songs on the album!
As with "Vampires Will Never Hurt You," this song is related to the undead, the protagonist's dilemma and his lover, references to pop culture, and literal and possible metaphorical meanings :)
It all begins as the protagonist describes beautiful sunrises and sunsets while holding hands with his beloved, imagining together that their life is perfect, like a movie.
Then, the ZOMBIE PLOT begins!!!
[This song is heavily based on the 1978 movie 'Dawn of the Dead,' one of Gerard's favorite films. Throughout these 5:05 mins, we will notice multiple references to the plot.]
To summarize, the couple tries to survive a zombie attack in a mall in Monroeville (as in the movie), but plot twist, the girl gets bitten. And here is where the dilemma comes in; the protagonist wonders if anyone notices or even cares about what's happening. He reproaches himself for not having the guts to end what was once his beloved.
Here arises a moral dilemma similar to that in "Vampires," "Do I shoot her or not? Do I end her life? Can we even call it 'life' anymore? She's not here anymore, right?..."
I guess it could also be given a metaphorical analysis; I feel it could take on a meaning similar to "Vampires" itself, after all, I've highlighted multiple parallels between the two songs... The problem is that I think they need to represent different themes for me.
Let me explain, I wouldn't want the two songs to be exactly the same, I want the emotions they convey to be different. That's why I'm reluctant to give them the same interpretation. That's also why I was racking my brain looking for other possible metaphorical meanings until I gave up. I also didn't want it to turn into finding pretentious meanings just for the sake of having them. I wanted what I wrote here to be what I felt when listening to it. So, for this reason, it won't have (from my side) a metaphorical analysis.
(I forgot to mention that theoretically, it could also be analyzed in terms of social critique; but as I stated before, personally it'll just feel really forced if I do that, really like that feeling of tragic romance too. However, the possibility is still there, and for those interested, they can read this post idk: https://oneweekoneband.tumblr.com/post/149709926794/theres-a-corpse-in-this-bed-early-sunsets-over).
Now, for me, if this song doesn't carry another meaning that isn't so connected with everyday life without zombies, how can it be so heartbreaking? Ahhhhh, good question :D , here comes the other reason why this song is great... The interpretation.
I mean, listen to it again, now more attentively. You feel a ballad-type song with beautiful poetry, descriptions that can get personal without necessarily identifying with the need to kill your zombie girlfriend, melancholy, nostalgia, it's all there. And, what for me hits the nail on the head perfectly: Gerard Way's voice and emotion with his performance. It's simply heartbreaking.
This is what makes it one of the most emotionally painful songs without the need to explain them metaphorically. The literal explanation, the one about the 1978 zombies, works to make you burst into tears, and that's magnificent.
Time for some fun facts:
This started out as a tender ballad, but producer Geoff Rickly sensed there was something darker brewing under the surface and encouraged Gerard to tap into it. "Just go with what's inside your head. Don't even listen to the music," Rickly recalled telling him before his explosive performance. The producer told MCR biographer Tom Bryant (Not the Life It Seems: The True Lives of My Chemical Romance) the rest of the band was left shaken in the aftermath of the rage-fueled session. "Afterwards, everybody just left and went outside to smoke cigarettes because they couldn't deal with looking at him after he had sung that," he explained. "He had just ripped himself open in front of everybody. He'd taken it so far that it was uncomfortable for anyone who was friends with him. They hadn’t seen him as Gerard the singer, they still saw him as their buddy Gerard. It's a little scary to see someone do what he did."
(This song gives me vibes of a sad AU on AO3 for some reason)
9. This is the best day ever
This song is about our protagonist who is in the hospital and meets a patient, and they fall in love. They promise each other that they will escape from the hospital together, and when that day comes, it will be the best day of their lives.
Now, I have enough evidence to start suspecting the existence of the girl in question. First, we know that the protagonist is sick; we don't know the type of illness, but what we do know is that his time in the hospital has affected him mentally (whether it has worsened any mental issues he already had or if his time in the hospital has caused it). He is not mentally well, suffering a lot of stress, which may possibly lead to hallucinations 🤨. However, everything becomes even stranger when one hears the following line that are repeated a couple of times during the song:
"Well, I thought I heard you say, 'I like you, we can get out, We don't have to stay, stay inside this place.'"
CLEARLY, HE IS SO DISORIENTED THAT HE IS NOT EVEN SURE IF THE GIRL SAID THAT, but his pain and stress inside the hospital are so intense that he ends up inventing a whole story in his head, poor thing.
(Obviously, I know nothing about mental health issues, and maybe I'm completely off, but well, I think the song is more interesting this way).
10. Cubicles
oh shit. i love this fucking song so much…
Ok, in summary, it's about the protagonist's crush at work who never paid attention to him and then left the office. The protagonist talks about how he had her absolutely idealized, both her and a hypothetical relationship.
When he faces reality, where she doesn't even notice him and leaves work just like that, he collapses. He sinks into his intrusive thoughts, repeating to himself that nobody notices him, feels him, or cares about him. He's tired of the same routine, obsessing over someone, and it ultimately leading nowhere. Until he thinks he'll die alone, won't do anything with his life, and will just die someday. At a very low point, he confesses that he "prefers" to die alone, or at least to just die.
It's simply devastating. It's the fucking idealization of life and relationships, and how living with these expectations leads us to believe in a story that isn't real and drown ourselves in our own misery.
It reminds me of a VERY good video essay on YouTube that is the best thing that has happened to me, and I recommend it to everyone. It deals with the same theme, of course, in more depth. WATCH IT :D
AND NOW, FINALLY, it's time for our last and most awaited song...
11. Demolition Lovers
This is one of the longest and most beautiful songs (yes, I said it) in all of MCR.
It's iconic. The beginning of Revenge and the creation of one of the most relevant emo tragic love stories.
It's practically the story that the average fan of the band knows:
Two characters. They are a couple. Apparently, with no given names, only known as the Demolition Lovers. A kind of Bonnie and Clyde criminal couple on the run. In the end, a story with a tragic romantic "ending", them escaping from the police, ending their days in a hail of bullets and a pool of blood (from a shooting, in other words) where they profess how much they love each other as they gaze at one another in their last breaths.
Throughout the song, the protagonist tries to emphasize A LOT how much he loves her and that he would do EVERYTHING to prove his love to her. He recounts that after everything they went through and everything they put each other through (reference to "Drowning Lessons"?), he just wants to end up with her (the entire plot of Revenge, basically).
[Can we please take a moment to admire how beautiful this song is musically speaking? I don't know much about music like a musician does, I just mean that this song is BEAUTIFUL, and that abrupt pause in the middle with the guitar is ART>>>>>>>] *end of intermission*
I would like to highlight a couple of things and lines from this song that I think will be key or can be better understood when I do the future analysis of Revenge:
As I briefly highlighted, their relationship was also (of course, lol) turbulent; it may share certain themes with the couples from the other songs, thanks to the verse:
"I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know just how much you mean to me And after all the things we put each other through and’’
He is desperate to prove himself to his beloved, SO BAD that I don't think it's in a conventional way. It is SO prominent throughout the entire song that it raises many doubts for me. What exactly went wrong? What exactly does the Demolition Lover girl think about this? And the BIG question that "Drowning Lessons" left us with... did he kill her? dun, dun, DUN… ~*suspense*~ ...
◦ Conclusion <3
I love how this album keeps bringing up the same themes and discourses throughout its 11 songs. On the one hand, we could think of them as connected, and that it's really the same story, but I think that would be too fucking much. I believe that after so much analysis (for now), the only songs that have a direct connection to the story of the Demolition Lovers are "Drowning Lessons" and, obviously, "Demolition Lovers."
But that doesn't take away from the fact that, in MESSAGE , many are still connected. This reminds me of an anthology of different stories, like books or series. They can be told together but are not necessarily interconnected per se; their motives and meanings are.
I think this is what makes me feel this album with its interpretation, lyrics, and stories, an anthology of conceptual songs strongly based on horror stories with tragic tones and gothic romances that also let us see more about its author, understand him better, since, after all, art is a reflection of the artist and their experiences.
Bullets talks to me about idealization and disillusionment, helplessness, angst, anger, illness, loneliness, toxic people, but also about love and eternal friendship, those who genuinely appreciate you...
Bullets allows me to indulge into and experience each of these themes for myself and brings to the table a very important conversation about ourselves. We are not perfect, we are all full of flaws, and that's okay; we can all become reckless bullets that hurt our loved ones or even ourselves by piercing them with painful "truths" and destructive behaviors. This is what the main metaphor of this album, the "bullets," means to me. And as the beautiful ending reiterates to the point of exhaustion:
“all we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this’’ ♡‌
This is my take on this album: beautiful musical ( and even literary) pieces filled with stories about turbulent, passionate, chaotic, and chemical romances...
My utmost respect to anyone who has read this complete analysis; it took me quite a while to do it (me and my hyperfixations ¯\(ツ)/¯). I hope it has been enjoyable and miraculously made someone love this amazing band even more <3
Any criticism or discussion you'd like to have, feel free to engage; I'd be more than happy :D
★ Some videos and accounts that were of great help, reference, and inspiration for me to do this: @mieux-de-se-taire thanks very much for the interview transcriptions.
★ Here am tagging mutuals that might be interested in this:
★ See you all on my next in-depth analysis on Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge! The real beginning of the story we all know and love (well, not quite like that tbh)...
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abortionvibes · 2 years
Eddie Munson as your older brother hc 🧑‍🎤����🦇💀🕊️
Warrings- swearing. Also the reader is gn ;))
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. Even though he's like 19 or 20 you guys still play fight all the time
. He has no mercy either until he breaks your arm or something 🦇🦇
. Since you guys live in a small ass trailer sadly you guys have to share a room
. You guys probably have bunk beds
. Your room smells like ABSOLUTE BUTT CHEEKS though. Probably the reason why Chrissy died tbh😢......
. Eddie has been into fantasy type stuff since he was little (heavily influenced by Lord of the ring books). So when you guys were younger you both would pretend to go on all these crazy magical adventures with each other
. One time you guys were sword fighting (aka just whacking broomsticks at each other) and he hit you in the face so hard you lost your first tooth 💕💕💕
. He probably also stole your tooth fairy after that too 🧚✨
. You guys have a lot of inside jokes about those times
. When he was like 13 he played you happy birthday on the guitar ( it was so "good" it left you speechless with this face 😀)
. When Eddie discovered d&d you didn't really have a choice on whether you wanted to play or not, so let's just say you now know a lot about d&d
. Whenever Wayne has his day off the three of you would sit on the living room floor and play for like an hour or two
. Wayne didn't even know what was going on half the time, he was just there to make you and Eddie happy
. This is also how hellfire kinda started btw
. And not just "draws on your face while you sleep" no he'll pour a bucket of water on your face while you're asleep
. Sorry but this man sleep talks/ snores so have fun falling asleep or whatever
. Sometimes you call him "Edward" and it annoys the shit out of him
. To be honest you're probably just used to him playing his guitar all the time but if it's really bothering you, he'll either stop or you'll just have to go in another room
. And he'll only stop playing if you're like screaming/ throwing up/ dieing/ crying/ rolling around on the floor or giving him millions of dollars
. I imagine he gets pretty touchy when he's close with someone ( IN A NON-SEXUAL WAY OF COURSE OF COURSE)
. So he'll mess up your hair, hug you, playfully hit you all that stuff
. Eddie can't cook for shit and if you can't cook either Wayne leaves money on the counter before he goes to work so you guys can buy dinner, groceries or whatever
. "Munson Freaks"
. Will rant to you about everyone he hates at school *cough cough Jason cough*
. Dustin is like your second brother 😌
. Will throw you across the room as a joke and then laugh about it
. Gives you his old clothes, jewelry, battle vest whatever, as either a gift or just cause he doesn't know what to do with it
. "You want this?"
* Throws at your face*
. Okay but if you want to make your own battle vest he'll be so happy. Like he'll be squealing and jumping up and down like every other Joseph Quinn fangirl 💀
. He'll spend every last penny buying you patches, pins, graphics or he'll give you his old patches, whatever you need
. If you want to use any of his 🍃 or anything else it really depends
. By that I mean if you're like under 16 it's gonna be a 10000000000% no and if you steal his 🍃 he's gonna throw his guitar at you
. BUT if you're over 16 and give him a thousand dollars he MIGHT let you use his 🍃 sometimes and only when you're with him and NOTHING ELSE
. He just doesn't want you ending up like him is all 😕
. If Eddie is ever "mysteriously" gone for a couple days he's probably in jail😒
. You guys make each other laugh all the time ☺️
. If you're fruity (like him) he was probably the first person you came out too
. "Ooohhh woooowwwwww I tooootally had no idea *smiles wink wink*"
. He already knew babe 🤭🤭
. If he was in a life or death situation and it came down to either you or his guitar...... I'm so sorry but 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇💀💀
. If you're a heavy sleeper he wakes you up in the morning by playing his guitar at max volume
. He'll drive you to school and stuff
. If you need a ride to somewhere else, it depends on how he's feeling. Like if he's really bord then he'll gladly take you somewhere. But ya know if he's in the middle of doing something it's obviously gonna be a no
. Sometimes at night you guys sit on top of your trailer, stare at the stars and talk about life until like 7 in the morning ✨
. No matter if you're at home, school, public literally just anywhere (you do the same back)
. He makes EVERYTHING a damn competition too. Like who can get to the house first, eat the fastest, yell the loudest, get kicked out of the store first all that kind of stuff
. Sorry but you have no control over the radio, unless if it's your radio then you might have a little bit of control over it sometimes 🙄✋
. He'll also embarrass/ annoy you at school in front of your friends, whether you share the same friend group or not. Because he just loves you that much 😍
. Overall he might be the biggest asshole ever but he loves you so much 😌😌
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bollgrodan · 3 months
Hello, hello! Just passing by to leave you a few asks for the OC questions game!
23 for Souta (I seriously love his haircut btw) 32 for Aiko (That girl has style!) 37 for Kiel!
I hope you are having a good day!
These are going to be a bit vague and uncertain because I con't currently have a strict timeline of my ocs backstories, hope that's ok! And thank you for the compliments!
[23] What was the worst, the darkest period of their life that they have been through? (Souta)
Adapting to a new lifestyle with only one of his parents was difficult. He put himself into the role of a clown whose job was to mess with others, and treated his incapability of learning norms as if he didn't care in the first place. He was hurting a lot on the inside during those years of his life, somewhere around 7-10 years old. Meeting Nathan made life a little brighter, but Souta also blamed himself for getting Nathan in danger, which also added to his inner emotional turbulence. Once I develop his story further into his future, there may come a darker time, as his character goes through a lot of mental health issues. But this is the best example right now.
[32] Is there something they've done in the past that they deeply regret till this day? (Aiko)
Hmm well moving out comes to mind. She didn't leave home on good terms, (or she was so disappointed in herself that she couldn't return to her mother), so when everything starts going to shit, she doesn't really have anywhere to go. It leads to a lot of codependency on Kiel, and the successful future that she dreamed of rotted away. If she had stayed on the good-student path in Japan, things might have turned out differently. She doesn't like to doubt herself or her actions though, and just continues forward on the same path, for better or worse. If you asked her, though, she'd probably come up with something like "what I had for breakfast today."
[37] How would they spend a lazy day when they have nothing specific to do? (Kiel)
Wakes up at 3pm earliest, grabs some coffee and stays indoors. Probably lounges on the couch watching shitty shows being shown on TV. I imagine he still comes up with melodies for new music in his head even on lazy days, and maybe brings out his guitar to play a bit, just for himself. He often wants to be alone on days like this. I've never really given him any hobbies outside of his work, so I should think of more things he would like.
Thank you for the ask :D
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cv01doodle · 1 year
vocaloid tag game!!!!
yay thank u @hopealop3 for tagging me :D
name 10 of ur fave vocalsynths and songs to go along with em 💃🕺 3 songs max
(tagging people in tag games and stuff make me anxious SORRY LOL you don't need to do this if you don't want to btw. also if i didn't tag you SORRY AS WELL...) @marchimoon @potetopancakes :3
Hatsune Miku: dude. there are so much but. umi no searchlight by cowshi is sooo catchy it's in the SNOWMIKU 2022 album and the MV is so funny lol.
also scheveningen by pinocchioP it's really old but it's stuck in my head again LOL
behind the mask, there are dry eyes by koko wa, wonderland it's very good and it's on the miku channel for 39culture... idk what to say it's really very good
Sato Sasara: dokusou by YASUHIRO!!! it's my first sasara song but it's still my fave lol... i swear i know more... LMAO
Chis-A: this one's gonna be long i love chisei sorryyyy
revanche by aira!!!!! aira is a producer more popular on nico so i don't really expect much people to know them ;-; but they make some of my fave chisei stuff dude he's so good. this is their colorless festival song but they've made two other good songs for vocacolle as well PLEASE CHECK EM OUT
nounai kousenchuu by lesotax!!! this one is literally sooo small but literally SO GOOD good guitar good chisei vocals and funny lyrics plz listen if u got the chance
kamaboko ka mahoro ka makoto ka by mashima yuro... the lyrics are catchy and the animation is soooo cute i love chisei
Kagamine Rin: niibiro dolore by tsumiki… it’s been my favorite for a while i’m pretty sure it’s altered my brain chemistry as well LOL
pikapika candy loveism by kashii moimi (BANGER) (THIS SONG IS SO SLAY)
flower: apple and pomegranate by kuriyama yuri... this is less about flower and more about kuriyama yuri and the boys (van de shop) this song is soooooo good. like omg. it's been like 3 days
also shounin by iroharingo... classic raspy flower song with the noises and weird piano. also una is there its very good imo
#PARASITES by kanna tateisu... not much to say its a cool song LOL i love kanna tateisu's songs
MEIKO: TYQOON by sohbana! her tuning is SOOOO CUTE this was for vocacolle fall 2022 and i still love it SO MUCH
Hanakuma Chifuyu: actress by iyowa because i always become obsessed with one of iyowa's songs once in a while lol......
Kaai Yuki: okay hold on this one will also be long. sorry she's just so funny.
kyoufuu all back by yukopi like this is so funny. this wasn't even apart of vocacolle and it's still dominating the charts. it has millions on youtube. and all she sings about is the wind hitting her face and funny recorder plays in the back....... its like peak VOCALOID...
watashi wa saitei by NIMONO cuz it's vibes and also the art is really pretty
amber fever by toiki is literally too catchy. toiki makes some catchy songs
Gekiyaku: black moon rising by yoshihisa hirata is really cool like thats all i have to say it's so good. made me change my favorite UTAU lmao
Otomachi Una: precious syndrome by WADATAKEAKI!!!! nothing much to say i just love WADATAKEAKI lol and also YM works on the MV with sora and i love both of their artworks so much <3
also loved smoothie by 1202isana is SO CUTE it's the same producer who made menhera janai mon... it's been like 2 years that's crazy
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tell me about junko and rhea!! I’m curious about them :> (@legendary-alliance-stance)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING !!! this is what i’ve been waiting for. pulls out whiteboard with nonesense mathematical equations and bad drawings of a cat.
Nakayama Junko is the youngest child of a large rich family of canthan descent living in Divinity’s Reach. though the Nakayama family isn’t noble or anything, it’s a family of merchants and traders that have earned quite the wealth and good reputation among the higher circles of DR. Junko is a musical protege, whatever instrument they touch, they’re somehow able to play it just flawlessly.
Rhea is Ash Legion, though she’s never been the quiet and sneaky type. i’m not yet sure whether or not she even joined a warband in the first place, but nowadays she’s a gladium. for the longest time she was just a travelling musician, singing in the streets of Lion’s Arch, Hoelbrak, the Grove. that’s where she got her name, “Hauntingvoice”! She’s also a spirit medium, and while most people can see ghosts anyways, Rhea has quite the special connection to the mists and to lost souls and spirits that perhaps not everyone can see.
Junko and Rhea met during a concert, perhaps Metal Legion? :D Rhea, the more sociable of the two, approached Junko, maybe because they just looked overall gorgeous and Rhea wanted to shoot her shot, or maybe it was because of the spirits of dead legends of canthan history talking to Junko. Rhea’s medium powers also extend to being able to hear revenant legends voices- so that leads to fun conversations I guess…!
So, Junko and Rhea quickly become friends and bond through their love of music, Junko mastering every instrument ever and Rhea having a voice that can even mesmerise ghosts- as the two also have a generally similar music taste, they decide to create a band together! So the super cool emo rock duo “HolyHaunt” was born. the two are now best friend platonic besties :) They’re best friends btw :) Homies one might say.
Right so Rhea is violently in love with Junko. It started out as admiration, a starry eyed crush at this super cool person that can do music and has zero flaws and fears, and admiration turned into genuine strong feelings as the two grew closer together, and Rhea learned those flaws of Junko and made her fall even deeper. Junko themselves doesn’t know much about that crush at all and is painfully oblivious to it. Right now, they see Rhea as nothing but a very very close friend, but things might change as they grow.
Currently, the two are planning to go on a “world tour” even though they have maybe like four people that actively listen to their music, and two of these four are the arguing dead people in Junkos head. their world tour not only includes playing music but also helping people around Tyria fight whatever threats they’re facing at the moment. and during one of their tour stops, they meet a particular salad that is a great musician and also happens to be a cowboy, which is pretty fucking cool, so the two try to scout him for Holyhaunt- that’s a story for another day maybe. Or a story for today, however the salad still needs some work so not sure if i can really talk about them that much.
Rheas ability to communicate with spirits as well as cleanse cursed places and Junkos ability to fucking smash peoples heads with their guitar while having two gay ghosts whisper into their ear have helped the two gain quite the recognition around Tyria, though they’re now more known for their “heroic deeds” as “brave adventures” and not as super sick musician. which is a bit disappointing for them. it’s always “thank you for helping us defend our helpless village from centaurs” but never “by the gods it’s tyrian rock band HolyHaunt!” but the two will make it as musician. they will! they will.
also super important side info but Junko has a puppy called Duke. It’s very important to note!!! Duke is very small and I’m not yet sure what kind of dog he is but he’s very fluffy and chaotic and has zoomies constantly. he has very large sad puppy eyes but he could never be sad because his owners are very nice to him <3 he also frequently bites the salad cowboy because they taste like fish.
idk if i should add a cut to this but i may do it later on my laptop so sorry for the semi long post!! ,,, anyways THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT MY EMO LESBIANS ! i have things to say about them most certainly
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yelenasdog · 3 years
𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 (𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: wherever they go, it seems they can’t escape each other
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 6.09k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smoking, drinking, kissing, getting ~steamy~, but nothing explicit.
𝐚/𝐧: this kinda feels melodramatic at times, but over all i think this is an alright fic that took me forever LOL! i hope you enjoy it! btw,
this can be read as ben!rog or just rog, i just was thinking of ben!rog when i wrote it
also if u wanna listen to kiwi while listening, the vibes would be immaculate and i reccomend it :D kk enjoy
Her footsteps were mute as she padded forward on the concrete, searching furiously through her crochet bag. The box in her hands stayed tightly gripped though, Roger noted. He waited a bit until he was certain she had no chance of finding what he thought she was looking for, and that he would be her last resort.
“Need a light?”
He watched with careful eyes as the girl next to him fumbled about to pick out a cigarette from the nearly emptied box, probably just some cheap ones from the gas station near the dorms.
“Yes, thanks.”
The brunet nodded, bringing his forward to her’s and inhaling, a few loose embers falling to the ground in a sparkling orange flurry.
Roger observed the way her chipped nails on ring adorned fingers shakily held the cigarette as she brought it to her lips, taking a very long drag.
It was windy out that night (which was the reason he was telling himself he decided not to bother with his Zippo), her silky black dress doing barely a thing to keep her covered from the chilly temperatures. He noticed the blue tint to her formerly painted lips, only a pale stain of color left behind. He also happened to notice the goosebumps that graced her exposed arms and legs, and her slight shiver that came with it.
The girl nervously adjusted the twisted strap to her purse, sending a glance in Rog’s direction every once in a while, but mostly she kept her gaze fixed on the stars above. She seemed to be mesmerized by the way they twinkled so brightly, even in the polluted sky. The bottles of liquor in her purse clinked together, and she cringed visibly at the sound, a shiver being sent through her bones.
He smiled at her behavior, oddly endeared by it, perhaps even enchanted.
“What’s your name?”
She turned, taking the stick from between her lips. Roger kept his eyes glued to the plump flesh momentarily despite the movement away from the area.
“That’s none of your business, Roger.” She smiled, a playful look set ablaze in her eyes.
He looked down, putting his hands up in mock surrender.
“How do you know my name, then?” He questioned curiously, slanting his eyes and quirking a brow.
“Your band.” Her voice seemed softer, almost a fond tone set within it.
“You’ve seen us play?”
“Yeah, you guys are good.”
“You’re a fan then?”
She chuckled, looking to her feet.
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
He laughed, nodding yet again.
They stayed together for some time, silently and mutually agreeing that enough had been said. They finished off their smokes, and with that, she turned to go.
“Bye, Roger.”
He bit his lip, feeling the sting shoot through him. He was conflicted on if to make a move, not wanting to diminish his confident and cool reputation he believed he had built for himself. He settled for shouting something along the lines of “will I see you around?” (which upon thinking back over it, maybe it wasn’t that cool), to which she only shrugged and kept walking.
He could hear the bottles loudly clanking together as she sauntered off, lord knows where to. He watched her go until she turned the corner, tossing one final look in his direction before continuing on, leaving him in deep thought.
“I’m telling you, mate, she was drop dead gorgeous. And I have no idea who she is, no name or anything!”
Brian rolled his eyes, tossing his notebook across the room onto the yellow sofa Roger was resting on, turning his full attention to his distraught friend.
“Well, did you ask her for her name?”
He shook his head, rolling his eyes in a similar manner to Bri. “Yes, I did. She said it was ‘none of my business’.” He scoffed, twirling a single drumstick between his fingers while tapping his foot repeatedly, annoying Brian to no end (per usual). The curly headed man only barked out a laugh, finding the entire situation quite humorous, if he was being honest.
“But she knew the band! Said that she thought we were good. S’ like she couldn’t make up her damn mind.” He grumbled, slumping forward.
“Wait, she knows the band?”
The drummer looked at him like he had two heads nodding slowly.
“Yeah, what about it?”
Brian stood up and sighed, grabbing his guitar and headed to the edge of the bar’s stage, resting behind the curtain briefly.
“You really are thick, Roger.”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” He joined him by the curtain, noticing Tim had come up behind the pair.
“What’s all this about, then?”
“Nothing.” Brian and Roger replied in unison. Tim huffed, making his way onto the stage where the growing crowd was waiting. Cheers could be heard for the frontman as he introduced himself, saying something about how the rest of the band would be out in a second, and that they were just having some “sound issues”.
“Rog, if she’s a fan, she’s probably here tonight, yes?”
His eyes widened, and he suddenly began to feel quite dumb, not that he would admit it.
“Yeah, I suppose so…but she said she wasn’t a fan?” He trailed off, confused.
“She probably was just saying that for some reason. I don’t know, women are odd, they like to play hard to get.” Brian commented, oddly flippant for how conflicting his statement was.
Roger stood in place for a moment, still greatly confused what Brian was trying to get at. He shook his head and furrowed his brows, trying to put together the puzzle of this mess in his mind.
“Roger, for God's sake, don’t think about it, just go.”
Following his advice, Roger did his best to disregard any previous thoughts of confusion, a switch flipping in his mind. He stood taller, saying, “You know what Bri, maybe you’re right.”
“Great, go on then.” He watched as Roger bounded out with a newfound adrenaline and a smile plastered on his face, rolling his eyes for what wouldn’t be the final time that night at his bandmate’s antics.
As soon as he had made it behind his kit, he was scanning the crowded room, trying to locate the girl from last night. He watched the door throughout the performance, trying to see if she might have just come in a bit late. He held the hope she would somehow show up with him in his mind, but all to no avail.
The entire night, he couldn’t shake the thought of her lips from his mind, or the way the skin of her neck was so open and exposed, practically begging for him to attack it with his own lips. And with the way things were going thus far, he was sure that pretty face of her’s would be the death of him, he was certain, in fact.
“Find her?” Bri had questioned almost as soon as they had ended for the night, the lot of them now working on cleaning up.
“Nah. She never showed up.”
“I’m sorry, Rog. Maybe you’ll see her again soon, the campus isn’t that huge, you know.” Roger’s mouth formed a thin line as he raised his eyebrows, not convinced in the slightest that the situation proposed would occur.
“At this point I’m wondering if she’s even a bloody student here.” Roger grumbled, obviously no longer feeling the initial electric adrenaline of the night's performance.
Brian frowned, placing a sympathetic hand on his friend's shoulder and patting it once or twice before standing to go finish packing up.
It was later now, and the boys were finally leaving the bar, bidding their goodbyes to those around them. Roger walked out the front (in what Tim and Brian joked was a ‘moping manner’), hearing the bell jangle above his head, ringing annoyingly in his ear. The cold air hit him like an arctic breeze (or a ton of bricks, he wasn’t sure which description was more fitting). He shook his head and blinked a few times, as if that would rid his body of the frigid feeling. He sighed dramatically and pulled his corduroy jacket tighter around himself, watching as his breath made a small cloud in front of him.
He turned, recognizing the voice immediately.
“Having a pity party, are you?” She giggled out, wrapping her arms around her middle.
“It’s only me, so no. Not a party.”
She “ahh”-d in understanding, her mouth forming into a sly grin. Her lips were a pale pink color that night, her eyes a bright blue shade. And similarly to the night previous, she was graced with only a brown fringed dress, her matching boots in one hand, a lit cigarette in the other.
“Then what would it be if I joined you?”
He stood in thought, tilting his head. “I think then, yeah, it would be a party.”
“Do you not get cold, ever?” He added after a beat of silence, observing her ill outfit choice for the frosty climate. She rolled her eyes, muttering out a brief “ha, ha.”
Roger couldn’t help but bite his lip, holding back a laugh.
“I do on occasion get a little bit chilly. But I like the feeling.”
He tilted his head, walking over to where she was leaning against the brick wall of the dive bar. He turned to face her, not that she noticed, putting his weight on the rough surface behind him.
“It makes me feel,” she hesitated, struggling to find the right word, although she felt it was right on the tip of her tongue.
She finally met his eyes after what seemed like forever, softly nodding. To him, she looked like an angel in that moment, the street light so beautifully illuminating her locks like a halo around her. He reached a cautious hand forward, dragging it against her cheek, down to her bottom lip.
Her mind was screaming at her to leave while she still could, to somehow not fall in the mix of the infamous campus player that was Roger Taylor.
But her heart? Well, as cliche as it sounds, her heart was telling her to disregard any reasonable thoughts and just kiss the bastard, for God’s sake.
And if anyone knew Y/n Y/l/n, they knew that most times, she would listen to the latter mentioned, rather than the former. And so after several moments of unbearable silence, she decided she would. Catching on relatively fast, Roger took her flush against him, Y/n able to feel his breath fanning over her face.
She leaned forward with a small smile, placing her hands on either side of his face. Her eyes wandered to his plump and rosy lips, adrenaline pumping through her veins. But before she could make the final leap, so to say, Brian, of all people, called out her name in a confused nature, squinting, believing that it might have been his eyes deceiving him. The girl from his 9 a.m. lecture could not possibly be about to snog his bandmate.
Her eyes widened, head turning immediately when hearing her name fall from his lips.
“Brian, hey!”
“Wait, you two know each other?”
Ignoring Roger’s (panicked) question, Brian walked over, a look of amazement still prevalent in his features. She moved from Roger’s side over to Brian, giving him a side hug, Bri’s arm resting on her shoulders.
“I see you’ve met Y/n. She’s in my astronomy class.”
She smiled brightly as the neon signs lining the downtown district of bars and restaurants alike, meeting Brians gaze.
“Yup, got to love Dr. Martin’s lectures.” She chuckled, the tall man next to her doing the same.
Picking up on Roger’s absolutely bewildered appearance, still taking in the situation unfolding in front of him, Brian took the liberty of initiating another conversation.
“So, Y/n, did you see the show tonight?”
She frowned, crossing her arms.
“Wanted to, but no, got caught up in the library. I have my final for statistics on Thursday, or else I would have been there.” She locked eyes with Roger, giving him a soft smile. Suddenly changing her demeanor, she reached into her bag she always seemed to have with her, pulling out those cheap cigarettes and her Zippo. She lit one of the sticks, inhaling.
“In fact, I heard your drummer was incredible, so I thought I would try to see him in action tonight.” Her gaze never left Rogers as she conversed, her mouth pressed in a line, the rest of her face completely neutral.
“But you’ve seen us before Y/n, he’s been with the band for quite some time.”
“I mean, I wanted to see him with a fresh pair of eyes, a different perspective, I guess.”
Still mildly confused, Brain shook his head and muttered something like “Right, okay” to which Y/n softly smiled at before dropping the cigarette from her hand. Barefoot, she couldn’t reach down to step on it, have the sparks die out under her toes.
“Could one of you get that, please?”
Roger nodded immediately, his boot finding its way quickly, the toe of it making a circular motion. His eyes stayed on Y/n, as had hers before. And despite the bustling city around them, Hell, even despite Brian’s perplexed stare, it felt oddly intimate, as if they were locked onto each other’s view (not that they were complaining).
But they weren’t, as she proved mere seconds later, abruptly bidding them goodbye and heading the opposite direction.
The pair of boys watched her as she went, heads tilted and jaws dropped to where if their mothers were present, they would be scolded to “close their mouths before they catch flies in there!”.
“That’s her, you know.” Roger commented bluntly, slightly shaking his head and then popping his lip.
Brian took a moment, turning toward his friend, stuttering.
“As in, her, her? Y/n is mystery girl?” He laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. “Yeah, well, good luck with that, Rog.”
“Why would I need that, Brian?” He challenged, putting his hands on his hips, lifting his chin. Brain kept his assumed position, moving his hand to scratch at his neck.
‘Well, I’m sure if you hang out around her enough, you’ll find out.”
Rather than shouting out at him, asking him what the Hell he meant, as he really wanted to, Roger paid Bri no attention, not even giving him a second look before under his breath saying “I’ll see you later”, and in what Brian considered to be a quite shocking turn of events, bolting off in the direction Y/n had gone.
He ignored the shouts from Brian, ignored the judgmental stares and loud whispers of those who recognized him from the band. He no longer cared about keeping his ‘cool reputation’, not when she was so close.
“Is that Roger Taylor?”, “Oi, isn’t that the drummer from the band at the pub?”, “Hey, why’s he buggin’ out?” all flooded his ears, usually followed by what seemed to be snickering, making a desperate attempt to cloud his mind from his self-assigned mission. But it was no use, as he was set on catching up to her. In fact, she was so close he swore he could smell the mixed scent that was uniquely her, smoke and her perfume.
He hollered her name, God, he yelled it till his throat was hoarse, just ‘cause he could. He loved the way it rolled off his tongue, he loved the fact he even had learned it to begin with, and that alone was probably why he adored it so much.
She heard his cries, turning where she stood and tilting her head.
“Roger? What on Earth are you doing?”
He finally met her, bent over on his hands and knees, breath lost in totality. She placed a concerned hand on his sweaty head, combing through his chocolate locks. He would have shivered at the feeling, if he had the energy. Rather, he looked up with the goofiest smile she’d ever seen, resembling a golden retriever, or german shepherd perhaps, in human form.
‘D’you wanna go somewhere with me? Hang out a bit?”
She nodded, holding out a hand.
“Lead the way.”
“Mom and Dad want me to be some kind of a scientist, study the stars.”
“Yeah? And what do you think about that.”
She tilted her head, shifting her position.
“I’m not quite sure. I wouldn’t be against it, that I know. The stars are beautiful, but they aren’t where my heart lies, I guess.”
He turned to face her, their noses almost touching. She could feel his breath fanning over her face, and the proximity sent butterflies through her stomach.
“I want to be an actress.” She all but whispered, turning her attention back to the full night sky and the wonders that hung in it.
“An actress, huh?”
She only hummed a confirmation, moving her left hand to pick at the cool grass under her palms.
“I could see that. You, I mean, on the big screens.”
She turned, and Roger swore he had never seen anyone smile so big before in his life.
His own smile grew, and she nodded vigorously, the two of them beginning to laugh. He pulled her closer by her shoulders, unaware of where the conversation would lead.
“I’ll go to New York. You’ll see me on billboards in Times Square.”
“Well, that’s nice to know. I’ll just be a lone dentist somewhere, while you forget all about me, having lavish parties and such. Whatever it is that famous people do.” His voice was obviously joking, melodramatic was written all over him, yet Y/n couldn’t help but still feel a sliver of guilt.
She hit his arm, rolling back over to face him. She still had a smile glued onto her lips, both of their eyes crinkling at the edges. 
“Oh, shut up, will you? Smile will make it big, and we’ll meet again, when you’re on tour. Or perhaps if I’m filming where you’re performing! We’ll have those nights to ourselves, It’ll be a secret rendezvous.”
She turned to her back again, finding his hand on the damp green, her heart beating a million miles a second as she reached for it, slowly entangling her fingers in his.
“The papers will write about us, Rog, when they find out. ‘Famous actress Y/n Y/l/n seen leaving a hotel with renowned drummer Roger Taylor’ is what the headlines will say. God, what a scene we’ll cause.” Her eyes were full of  excitement as she spoke, her heart feeling like it was so filled with glee that it could soar out of her chest.
“Well, I wanna know the specifics.” Roger sat up, pulling her up with him, she giggled, and the brunette wrapped a hand around her waist. She sat beside him, the streetlight by the backroad she had led them on illuminating her like a silhouette. She bit her lip and grinned, tilting her head up to better exam Rogers angelic features.
“Are you gonna have some bloke waiting for you at home, hmm? Waiting for you while you conquer the world, only for you to break his poor heart?”
“Nah.” Her answer was immediate, her eyes honest as she spoke. “Only a cactus. He’ll be my only friend. I hear it’s lonely in Hollywood, Roger.” He raised his eyebrows briefly at this, choosing his next words.
“You’ll have me?”
His head turned to look at her, admiring the way the pale moonlight illuminated her, the artificial light from the streetlamps not doing her neverending beauty and justice, in his opinion. Their eyes seemed sporadic, searching each other's faces for signs of what they were doing, possibly being wrong, but they found nothing, as expected.
The yearning had become all too much for the inspired pair, and it felt like at last, all they could do, the only thing they could do, was kiss.
So they did. Roger took her face in his hands, closing his beautiful eyes, his eyelashes barely brushing against hers. He leaned forward, joining them together, finding that they immediately moved in a perfect synchronization. They were like two sides of the same coin, and that seemed to be particularly evident in that moment. By the contrast of their lips, or perhaps the aspirations of their careers becoming somehow just a little bit clearer.
But it didn’t matter, none of it did. Not in the long run. So they pulled apart, chests heaving and faces painted with childish grins.
It was quiet then, only the crickets and the howling wind could be heard. But she liked it that way, preferred it, actually. So quiet, in fact, that Roger was able to fall fast asleep, Y/n lying comfortably in his arms. She stared at the stars, then back to his sleeping figure, her mind unable to come to a consensus on what on God's green Earth she was to do. 
She settled for placing a kiss on his jaw, closing her eyes. His eyes only fluttered, never waking completely. She muttered something like “See you, rockstar.” against it, before standing up and walking away, only turning back once to see his sleeping form one more time.
That was the last time for 6 years that he would see Y/n Y/l/n. See her in person, at least.
When he woke up the next morning, he was confused to say the least, wondering why Y/n didn’t wake him, mostly wondering where she had even gone. He looked around himself, patting the green grass beneath him, as if she somehow was invisible and he had missed her upon initial glance. He had shouted for her, his throat still hurting from when he did the same thing only 12 hours previous. 
He had felt out of control, like the one he had been chasing had just slipped through his fingers (which it had). He had remembered asking Bri, day after day, if he had seen her in class, even just seen her around in general. Everytime the answer was the same.
“No Roger”, “I’m sorry, Roger”, “Not today, Roger”. It was a horrible, predictable pattern, that he had enough of. He was supposed to recover from it quickly, bounce back from her almost immediately, as there was basically nothing to bounce back from.
But he couldn’t, and due to such reasons, he supposed he finally understood what Brian had said, or warned, that night before he had gone chasing after her. He got it, in his own sad way.
And over the years, she slowly faded to the back of the drummer's mind, behind groupies, and songs, and shows, and such, just for her to resurface again any time he saw her on a billboard, just as she had promised. But he never let it show, outwardly at least.
He had made Brian swear not to tell the others, never to breathe a word of it to Deaky or Fred. He was embarrassed by it, for some reason, and that’s why he guessed he forbade him from speaking of it. But how long can you keep a silly college secret from your nosy bandmates? Apparently 6 years, tops, for Roger Taylor.
“Alright, everyone. Gather ‘round, I’ve got a surprise.” Freddie had said, his grumbling bunch of friends tired from their day’s work. Though, they usually had grown to appreciate and look forward to Fred’s “surprises”, today everyone was just a tad bit too grumpy to try (a certain Roger Taylor in particular, let’s call it foreshadowing).
“Oh, stop your moaning and whining, please, I promise this will be good!” the eccentric frontman had said, something hidden behind his back in his left hand.
Rog ran a hand through his, now, blond hair, exhaling in such a way that made Freddie slant his eyes, before giving in and rolling them at his flippant behavior.
“What’s going on, Fred?” Brian had been the brave soul to ask, stepping forward and then looking away momentarily to place his guitar onto a stand waiting not so far away.
“I thought you’d never ask.” He replied, jumping down from his place on the risers, removing his hand from his back and holding out what seemed to be 4 tickets to something. He walked down the loosely formed line of men, putting one in each of their extended palms. Roger, at the end of their formation of sorts, became concerned when Brian had burst out laughing, looking to his right, being met with Roger’s face of confusion.
Freddie, possibly more confused than Roger, pressing the piece of thick paper into his hand, his gaze falling onto Brian, who now had tears in his eyes.
“Bri, what’s so… funny. Shit.” He had looked down to the slip, the only words he needed to read to know he was absolutely screwed, being “Jaws” and “Premiere”.
Now, anybody who knew anything, knew that Y/n Y/l/n was going to be in the film that was said to become the blockbuster of the summer, playing the role of Ellen Brody (though a few had said she was far too young for the job). She had been an overnight success in the film industry, gaining popularity from the 1973 film, ‘The Sting’, playing Billie.
And Roger had watched ‘The Sting’, and you can imagine his surprise when Y/n had sauntered onto screen, red lipped and fresh faced. (He had to admit, she looked great in a suit.)
After that, the assault on Roger’s fragile heart was never ending.
Billboards began to pop up even more frequently as she was to star in more films, and it seemed no matter where he was touring, he couldn’t escape her. Whether it was posters, her face printed on newspapers, adverts in about every place business was done for one of her films, he felt like he was being followed. He had even seen an article about her in a magazine, and when he had flipped the page he was greeted with Queen’s smiling faces.
He had stopped watching them after ‘American Graffiti’.
So, he figured that this one wouldn’t be any different, and he simply planned on ignoring said film until he caved, doing his best to avoid her on the silver screen and anywhere else, which hadn’t been too difficult until this point (not).
But this? This was a whole new level of being royally fucked.
“Brian, Rog, something you want to share with the rest of the class?” John had asked, cocking his head and propping his legs up on the coffee table in front of him. Brian began to speak, wrapping an arm around Roger’s shoulders, the shorter man looking up at him with angry fire burning in his eyes.
“Well, I’m honestly quite excited. The film industry has always seemed very intriguing, actually, and I’m looking forward to meeting new people. Rog?”
“No?” John repeated, “No, what?” He waved a hand around, trying to understand what Roger’s problem was.
“I just- I don’t- I knew-”
“Roger had a fling with Y/n Y/l/n and she broke his heart.” Brain blurted out, Roger turning and immediately smacking him upside his curly head of hair. He regarded an “Ouch!” before him and the rest of the boys burst out laughing, the drummer not included in that demographic, fuming.
“Rog, darling, when was this? How did we not know?” Freddie managed to breathe out, sitting down next to Deaky on the studio sofa. He crossed his hands and ankles, his full attention turned towards Roger who really, really didn’t wanna have to do this, and who really, really was gonna get Brian back for this later. Would he untune all his guitars? Unplug his amp during rehearsals, perhaps put hair remover in his shampoo? But, that would have to wait until after he was forced to spill his 6 year secret.
“It was in 69-”
“69?!” Freddie had cried out. “It’s been 6 bloody years? And you didn’t think to tell us?”
“Well I didn’t really see a reason it would be necessary to tell you all! In fact, I probably wouldn’t have told you ever if this bloke didn’t have such a big mouth!”
“Hey, watch it.” Brian weighed in, crossing his arms and fluttering his eyes.
“Look, Roger I really don’t see the issue here. We go to the premiere, you just keep a low profile and ignore Y/n, problem solved.” John cut in, trying to be helpful.
Keyword: trying.
“And how exactly will I do that?”
“We will behave, I promise.” Freddie added, though Roger seemed to be having a difficult time believing him or his claim for the others. So Roger only scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah, I’m sure you will.”
Cameras were flashing brightly, reporters and such were shouting loudly, and Y/n was already exhausted.
Her red lips were painted like DeAngelo had done it himself, and her hair was styled just the way she liked. The heels she was wearing per request of her stylist, though, were horrible. They looked lovely, yes, but they were digging into her poor ankles, and she still had to wear them for who knew how long. She didn’t complain, though, she wouldn’t dream of it.
She would just continue her slow walk down the carpet, a sultry smile on her face. The black fabric of the gown she was wearing fit her beautifully, snug in all the right places.
She sure hoped it was, at least. Especially because she knew that he would be there.
Roger Taylor, the blessed drummer that managed to make a home in the backburner of her mind, his success coming as no surprise to the actress. She had loved every one of their records, and rather than running from his work like Roger had, she opted for going straight to the record shop, purchasing any and every Queen album in her sight. When she had checked out, the very shocked cashier had made some remark, asking something about “you a fan?”
She had thought about it for a moment, thinking back to all those years ago when Roger had asked the same thing. She smiled, shrugging.
“Yeah, you could say that.”
So when she had worked up the courage to invite the entire band to the premiere (on behalf of Spielberg, of course) she was a nervous wreck to find out they had accepted. Really, ask anyone who had any contact with her in the time from then to the premiere, they could testify that her moodiness had risen like a hot air balloon.
Now, though, she was kind of regretting that she had invited them, looking over to the sharp looking bunch, all dressed to the nines. She scanned her eyes over them, catching a wave from Brian, which she gladly returned with an enthusiastic smile. Bri then tapped Roger on the shoulder to alert him of Y/n’s acknowledgment, which resulted in Y/n’s eyes widening to the size of moons.
She turned her head, and worked to finish up her walk of the carpet just a tad bit faster. It all seemed to be for nothing, though, as in the dark of the theater for the premiere itself, she saw the seat next to her be filled, a presence filling her senses.
“Miss me?”
Their hands were all over each other, not truly caring if the tabloids caught a glimpse, just needing to make up for lost time.
They had stumbled into the golden hotel both her and Queen were staying in, the swinging doors of the New York establishment blowing a cool gust of wind in their direction.
They merely laughed at the minor interruption, their teeth clashing as they both smiled momentarily. It was soon forgotten, though, both of them having much more pressing matters in their minds.
They only came to a cease in the elevator, some old couple who most definitely did not care about whatever pressing issue the two of them felt they had, standing off to the side. (Y/n could swear she saw the older woman smirk and wink at her, to which she cocked her head and smiled.)
Once back into the safe confines of Y/n’s suite, they resumed like they had never even stopped, hands gravitating towards the others form as if they were opposite magnets, unable to be separated for too long.
“You’ve driven me crazy, you know that, right? “
She giggled and bit her lip, looking up into his eyes, their foreheads pressed together.
“Mmm? I’d hope so.”
He pulled away, shaking his head, blond locks following suit.
“Really, you have no idea. I haven’t been able to shake you from my head. You’re everywhere.”
Her excitement could barely be contained at his confession of sorts, chest heaving, trying to stay calm.
“Yeah, that was the plan.”
Roger shook his head with a dry chuckle, looking to his feet and back to her when she had tilted his head up, her finger resting on his jaw.
“Well, are you into it?” She questioned, grabbing his hand and pulling their clasped fingers in between their chests, her eyes hazy with hope.
“Yeah.” He titled his head, feigning a pondering look. “You could say I’m kinda into it.”
“Shut it!”
“Make me.”
She rolled her eyes at his stupidly provocative suggestion, and he only laughed, the two of them falling onto the plush comfort of the bed in a meshed flurry for the remainder of the night.
And if you couldn’t guess what could have possibly happened next, the black dress ended up in a pooled up pile next to the bed that night, right next to the heels that finally she had the pleasure of discarding.
The next morning, it was unlike the one 6 years ago, as when Roger woke up, he was overjoyed to find a sleeping Y/n, laying on his chest with hair splayed around her. And he had to say, he usually wasn’t much of a cuddler, but for some reason he felt so incredibly endeared, that anything else wouldn’t have sufficed.
He ran small circles on the exposed skin of her bare shoulder, the comforter concealing the rest of her limbs that were tangled up with Roger’s.
When she stirred, Roger sat up, fondly watching as her eyes fluttered open and her tongue ran across her dried lips, still carrying a hint of last night's red pigment. She looked next to her, her eyeline matching up with the covered skin of Roger’s lap.
She sighed, shifting her head to rest on his thighs as her feet dangled off of the bed. One of Roger’s hands came up to softly massage the top of her head, the other against the headboard, behind his neck. She stared at the ceiling, an unreadable expression creeping its way to her features.
“We were jacked up last night.” Roger’s voice cut through the silence they shared, deeper in the late morning than she had heard before.
“Correction, you were jacked up.”
They laughed, silence soon taking over once again. Roger sighed, closing his ever tired eyes.
“Are we gonna pay for this?”
She scoffed, inhaling deeply before reaching over to the nightstand, grabbing her carton of cigarettes. He noticed they were the same brand from college, a small smile making its way to his face at the thought.
She first lit hers, then lighting a second one for the man occupying her king sized bed (though she wasn’t even slightly upset by this, quite the opposite). She handed it to him, sticking her own between her lips and sitting up, straddling where her head had been minutes before.
She leaned forward, so close their noses were to the point where they were nearly touching. She took the cigarette from her lips, blowing the smoke to the left of Rog in the direction of the large balcony overlooking Times Square. She turned her attention back to him, though it had never really left, tilting her head.
“Do you regret it?”
“No.” The answer came immediately, no careful consideration or pondering needed.
“Right.” She removed herself from him, standing and taking the sheet with her, letting it cover her like a renaissance dress. She walked over to the balcony, leaning against the frame of the double doors. She took another drag, an adoring smile spreading across her face.
“Then there’s your answer.”
She paused, Roger tilted his head, his brows lifting.
“Of course we will.”
if u liked that hot mess pls like and rb!! mwah ily go eat protein and drink water if ur able. xx hj
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
“Truth”-related asks:
Anonymous said:
I just watched truth and man, we didn't need any of that... I'm so tired...
Anonymous said:
Me after reading that summary: We coulda had it aaaaaaaaaaallllllll, decent wri-itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg
Anonymous said:
oh. lukanette breakup. how surpri— oh wait, no it wasn't.
bunnybunblitz said:
Me, skimming your summary of truth: life is a nightmare life is a nightmare life is a nightmare abort abort
Anonymous said:
Truth was a living nightmare, and that's the truth!
*defeated sigh*
Anonymous said:
The way all that just make me start disliking Adrien so hard wow I have enough of him so hard can they get ride of him for one damn episode?
Anonymous said:
Wow! Writers got on completely new level. They somehow made people to be annoyed with Adrien, even without putting him in episode.
My meme image of “I’ve had enough of this dude,” about sums it up.
It’s almost impressive???
Anonymous said:
I have the impression that you should slowly gather materials for "Treatment of Marinette S4"
You know, when you’re right, you’re right.
Anonymous said:
Hey there... Got a lil rant, I hope you don't mind in sea of anons you're probably getting. I guess if show didn't treat Marinette as their favorite punching bag and lukanette as a thing to get over with to be back on love square bullshit I wouldn't be this salty. We all knew lukanette isn't a endgame, but we actually care about Luka ans Marinette as characters and as a couple, and we knew there was a break up brewing.
But I mlb writers for setting things up, canonizing them over provocative tweet and leave them to dust right at the beginning of s4. And, oh sweet irony as they kinda accidentally made Lukanette totally better than love square (let's be honest if they knew what they were doing we wouldn't get any breakup from narrative and character development standpoint),,, because their heroine for once is loved and appreciated but that's another discussion and they hate that for her. Also, thomas arstruck can suck my toe.
I don't know what's your opinion on soulmate and destiny thing, but I'm totally in opposite. I remember The Good Place (love the series btw!) quote about how soulmates are made with love and nurture of people and not some cosmic forces. And to see how show is pushing for Destiny ™️ I'm kinda disheartened. But I guess I never really liked love square execution in the first place when it turned out that Marinette is butt of the crush joke for 3 seasons and there's 0 development from that. Like Thomas, that's not funny running gag. Thanks for reading! Hope you're doing well!
Thank you for the rant, and I agree!
It’s so strange how all their attempts to push for the love square just push me more towards Lukanette. How do the writers do that???
Anonymous said:
Yeah that point where she exclaims Luka in shock just angered and confused me. She LITERALLY transformed because Luka was akumatized. And her being shocked is only there to get her under the truth spell.
This episode is held together by knots and strings at this point.
Anonymous said:
Wow, "Ladybug likes Chat Noir humor." Then why every time Chat Noir makes puns, Ladybug looks like she wanted to strangle him on spot.
Ladybug = us
At that point, they should’ve just said, “[The writers] like Chat Noir’s humor.” Like--writers, please don’t use Ladybug as a tool to simp for your sunshine boy, it looks really pathetic.
Anonymous said:
Based on the ellipses you used I'm guessing you're not a fan of Jagged talking about the "Guitar is my only family" song.
Oh, no actually... I mean, I do because it’s there to torment Luka, but the ellipses was because of the intentional pause in the episode. Jagged was looking sympathetic
Anonymous said:
Truth was awful, the only good thing we got out of it was a Lukanette date (yay :'D) and we got to know Luka's father (although we all been knew).
Honestly if we could find a way to edit it so Luka and Marinette properly kissed then we’d just chop it out of the episode and call it the only canon thing.
asexual-individual said:
So, given that "Truth" didn't introduce the protection charms, I'm going to take a wild guess that they're not introduced until after "Gang of Secrets", meaning that Marinette won't get any close friends that it's safe to tell her secret to.
I was legit so sure that it was a guardian benefit and now I’m just left confused/curious about what causes CharmBug. Like, what, do you get CharmBug by purifying your one thousandth akuma???
Anonymous said:
I am absolutely positive no one quality checks these episodes before they’re sent out. Ladybug getting caught off guard on Luka being Truth even though she knows he was akumatised, and the horribly upbeat music playing as Marinette lies in bed absolutely defeated is so bad there’s no way this was double checked before it was sent out to TV stations
At this point, I’m convinced that they don’t care and are jamming through episodes as fast as they possible can.
cobraonthecob said:
I'm willing to bet that the writers go through critical and salt blogs just to see what the fandom's thinking, and then they think we're serious and they sprint with whatever we say.
guys please reconsider and also lower your alcohol levels
Anonymous said:
It was awful in general, but why add the paternity thing in the break-up ep? It detracts from, well, everything else and makes obvious they are copypasting fan theories instead of thinking of plot points.
I really do think they knew that Luka being upset over Marinette’s secret wasn’t enough to akumatize him so he needed something else.
Anonymous said:
Let me get something straight: The episode was explicitly about Marinette going on dates with Luka and that they were together. Yet Juleka is once again part of the shipping squad with obligatory "Marinette is only weird because she's with Adrien"-theories, and she's totally cool with that?
Yup! :3
guys I just adore mob mentality, did you know.
Anonymous said:
Ok, but the fact that everyone considers Marinette’s crush on Adrien to be her big secret is stupidly unrealistic. They KNOW they’re all aware of it - the girl squad even figured it out by themselves before they were told and think it’s totally obvious (as long as you’re a girl cause guys are clueless about feelings right). As far as they’re concerned it’s not actually a secret so they SHOULD be spilling the things they think only they and Marinette know. I mean, I can think of dozens of possibilities for Tom and the rest of the girls already, but Alya?
We had a front row seat to the damning secret Alya knows from back in season 1, but I guess asking this show to acknowledge continuity is too much. Still, the episode could have been so much more interesting if Alya had said, “Marinette’s the one who really gave Adrien the scarf for his birthday, but he looked so happy thinking it was from his father that she couldn’t bear to tell him that Gabriel hadn’t actually gotten him anything.” (I suppose reminding people of that wouldn’t fit into the writers’ poor attempts to make Gabriel sympathetic though 🙄).
Lol, just imagine the entire battle being sidetracked by Luka being brought to tears by how selfless and sweet his girlfriend is while Shadow Moth is too distracted by how this will ruin his reputation to get him back on track.
Anonymous said:
Marinette deserves to tell Luka she's Ladybug and have some support on her side tbh, it's disgusting to see the writers breaking up clearly the only thing that brings her joy and peace currently
And judging from that one trailer, she IS going to tell someone her secret and it’ll probably be freaking Alya; you know, the girl who blabbed about her Adrien crush to Nino and is thus THE LEAST TRUTHWORTHY PERSON. (”bonus” if it’s before the amulets)
I’m having nightmares already about Alya distrusting Lila because Marinette is Ladybug and not because Alya believes in Marinette. DX
Anonymous said:
Now that it’s been confirmed (in the worst way possible) that Jagged Stone is in fact Luka’s (and possibly Juleka’s?) father, how would you handle the whole mixed family aspect considering Jagged and Anarka’s relationship, Jagged and Penny’s, Anarka and Penny’s, Jagged and Luka’s (and Juleka’s?), and Penny and Luka’s (and Juleka’s?)? Topics like mixed families and family relationships are something that needs to be handled sensibly and sensitively given how it hits home for a lot of real-world people. Since we obviously can’t trust the ML writers to handle such topics the way that they deserve to be, how would you go about it knowing what we know up to this point about each character on their own and how they interact with one another?
Luka and Juleka were “accidents,” but Anarka kept it a secret from Jagged since Jagged was already hyped up to go on his next tour and Anarka knew their relationship was crumbling (possibly he already dumped her as his guitarist and she was annoyed about it). Jagged eventually learns that he has kids and is hesitant towards the idea, but because of him doting on Marinette (who’s the same age as his kids), he opens up to the idea.
Anarka and Jagged in present are mixed between tolerating each other for the sake of their kids and being chaotic best friends. The bad blood died out a while ago and there’s occasional tension but because Anarka is a single woman not interested in Jagged and Jagged is single with a possible thing for Penny, they make it work
Anarka and Penny have an awkward relationship. Penny wants to schedule time for Jagged to hang with Luka and Juleka and Anarka is confused at the very concept of a schedule, like just take them whenever okay??? isn’t it easier that way??? and Penny is like, “...oh, I guess so?”
Jagged and Penny, it depends on if they’re in any sort of relationship. If they’re in a relationship, Penny is either open to the idea of him learning to be good with kids if she’ll eventually want kids with him, or mixed because these are another woman’s kids and it’s really awkward. If they’re not in a relationship, then Penny could also be mixed since she’s crushing on him but I could also see her either finding it sweet that Jagged wants to hang out with his kids or finding it a hassle to schedule them in.
Jagged and Luka is rough. Luka has so many conflicting feelings on his idol ending up being his father. Jagged will probably even comment on Luka’s shirt + necklace and all of Luka’s merch in an attempt to bond but that kind of comes off desperate/awkward and Luka’s not about that life. I could also see Luka taking all the stuff down and swapping out his shirt, but being hesitant to remove the necklace because it’s a gift from Marinette. He might try to wash off the signature. He knows it’s not Jagged’s fault exactly but Anarka seemed to have bad blood with him and even if they get along now, Luka’s bitter. Jagged meanwhile wants to connect with Luka because hey musician energy!! but is gonna mess up a lot and say a lot of awkward things. Marinette will probably have to be a middle man between the two because it’s easier for them to talk with her around.
Jagged and Juleka don’t have a significant relationship at first. Juleka never care who her father was and she wasn’t crazy about Jagged Stone like Luka was. Jagged does try to connect with her but they clash majorly due to Jagged being so “loud” and Juleka being so quiet. Jagged will see it as a huge accomplishment the day where Juleka says something coherent (i.e: not a mumble) to him.
Yeah though, keep in mind for all of this that I’m not a family relationship kinda girl, so this isn’t my forte (I’m probably the most sympathetic to Jagged out of the whole fandom; not to say I agree with his actions but I have a history of hating babies and children, so not cool of him if he ditched Anarka but like, I get it, doesn’t make him better but I get it from a non-realistic standpoint of “ew, parenting”).
Anonymous said:
You know what? Imma gonna ignore canon for a bit more than I’ve been doing. The only thing I take away from “Truth” is that Marinette loves Luka and Tikki looks adorable in hats. That’s it have a good Saturday! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Anonymous said:
If there’s one small detail that I thought was genuinely cute this episode, it’s Tikki posing in the mirror with her little hat collection.
Ahaha, those are good takeaways!
And yes, Tikki looked good in hats, but at what cost. (guys, where’s our jealous Tikki episode where Tikki is jealous of the attention Marinette has to give the other kwami wait no they’d just make it Marinette’s fault go back go ba--)
Anonymous asked:
Am I the only on squicked out by how Adrien acts all noble and claims he would never force Ladybug to tell him anything, but when it becomes apparent that he has to ask her a question before the akuma can he goes all ‘what are your three favorite things about me?’ :3c I mean, he had decent amount of time to think up a bunch of innocent questions that couldn’t hurt her in any way like ‘what is your favorite color?’ or ‘do you like cookies?’ or even ‘what’s the capitol of France?’ But instead he basically demands she compliment him. Coming from a guy who spent most of the last two seasons refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer that’s a bit… icky.
He could’ve phrased it in any way and he used it to get compliments from her. :|
At least Ladybug asked a legitimate question about how he felt about her guardian status.
Anonymous said:
I had this idea for an episode: Luka finds out that Marinette is LB because he is in danger. Let's say he gets yeeted off a building by an akuma and Marinette (in her civilian form) jumps after him, transforms while Luka sees it (he's shook, obviously), she grabs him and saves him from falling. I think that would be pretty epic, do you think you could write a one-shot based on that idea if you feel like that? I would forever be thankful. Have a nice day!
I like the idea, though I feel like that’s been done a lot before in identity reveal fanfics.
Anonymous said:
You know, despite them all getting interrupted, I thought the attempts at Lukanette dates was really cute. Luka picking up Marinette from school, the two trying to see who is the biggest jagged fan, getting ice cream at Andre's, it's really cute! I only wish Hawkmoth and the writers weren't such dickheads.
It’s so adorable!
Like--show, you aren’t doing a good job at getting me off the Lukanette train.
Anonymous said:
Are you sure the Lukanette breakup wasn't Marinette's fault? I mean, the episode frames it like she's refusing to tell the truth, even if it's for a good reason.
I’m not sure when I said that the episode didn’t frame it as her fault?
Things are ALWAYS Marinette’s fault, it’s literally a rule of the show.
Anonymous said:
You know the truth episode actually gives more reasons for lukanette in my opinion based of its description you said. Luka is ridiculously understanding and also almost manages to fight off hawk moth as well as taking probably a week at least for him to get to that and yet he, while he’s upset, still tries to be there for marinette. Also makes the relationships she has with her friends and family worse if the secret they think she has is that she likes adrien while dating Luka.
And oh my gosh, I feel the friends and family comment so badly. Just throwing it out there, maybe you guys don’t actually support her???
Anonymous said:
How do you feel about Luka having no negative reaction to this whole "Marinette loves Adrien" thing? I understand that he isn't exactly the jealous type, but still, it seems weird to me that he just accepts it while Marinette is dating him. I love Luka a lot, but in this situation his reaction was just so unrealistic...
Honestly, I find it really interesting. Plus, it’s Truth who’s being told those things, not Luka, and Truth has other priorities.
And--I mean, I’m positive that Luka got into the relationship knowing that Marinette wasn’t completely over Adrien. She wanted to see if they’d work and he wanted to date her. It’s both of them being a little selfish in a way and I like that.
That’s why I think he doesn’t have a big reaction to the Adrien call. He seems amused more than anything, and Luka is empathetic also so he knows not to take Marinette’s stammering/mistakes to heart because she doesn’t mean them. We already had evidence of that in “Desperada.”
writingamongther0ses said:
Even if Lukanette had stayed together, I have a feeling Alya would complain that it's not Adrien...which could lead to a character growth opportunity for her when her complaining leads to Luka getting hurt when he overhears and becomes an akuma. But that's too interesting.
Interesting character relationships??? In THIS show???
Anonymous said:
After watching Truth the only thing I can feel at the moment is bitter. Not angry, not sad, not disappointed. Just bitter.
Bitter’s a good way of putting it, yeah. *sigh*
Anonymous said:
The fact that the second episode released managed to get a bingo really says a lot about how predictable the show's garbage fire writing.
I knew the Lukanette episode would be a big card filler but DAMN.
Anonymous said:
I hated all of Truth, but perhaps the worst part was how hard they tried to remind you that, no matter how much of a good time Marinette and Luka have together, it's Adrien who Marinette will end up with in the end. From Alya rudely insinuating "girl, you're acting stupid, is Adrien at your house?", to Luka receiving a PICTURE of Adrien from a kwami, to Marinette talking on the phone with Luka while her Adrien pictures are in the background, to Marinette CALLING LUKA ADRIEN, to Truth demanding that people tell him Marinette's secret, only for them ALL to say "She's in love with Adrien Agreste.".
It's absolutely anger-inducing because it tries too hard to let the audience know to forget about Luka because Adrien is lurking in the corner and he and Marinette are endgame. The fans are right, Luka IS a second choice, but not in the way they think. Luka's a second choice, not for Marinette, but for the Miraculous Ladybug world. for the WRITERS!!!
But what bothers me the most is that everyone saying that Marinette loves Adrien is accepted as truth even when Marinette herself says she's over Adrien. Her words are ignored, how she feels is ignored, because everyone else(including the girl squad, when they're supposed to be her "friends") tells her that she's supposed to be in love with Adrien, and so she "has" to go along with it because ENDGAME. It's the show saying "stupid naive Marinette, you're too immature and dumb to know how you really feel, let someone else do the thinking for you!"
Meanwhile Adrien moving on with Kagami is accepted even when he still flirts with Ladybug(and forces her to build up his ego when he asks her what she admires most about him; I know it was a spur of the moment thing, but meta-wise, it was obvious love square pushing.), because "he's trying to respect her feelings and date someone else!" It's one of the main gripes I have with the show: that teenage girls are too emotional and confused to know what they really want, but teenage boys are mature and rational enough to make up their minds about who they love without holding any animosity towards anyone.
The all-white, all-male writing team pushes the Chinese girl's feelings aside and forces her to hide and erase them if they're not want they want her to feel, while the white boy gets congratulated with a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum and always, ALWAYS, takes the moral high ground(even in superhero form when he's supposedly goofy.). When she's the lead.
"Luka's a second choice, not for Marinette, but for the Miraculous Ladybug world. for the WRITERS!!!“
It’s just tiring. It’s not even me being sick of the love square, but it being forced into everything when it’s not even relevant. The episode strategically throws more and more of Marinette’s Adrien crush (I did the math, I know this) into the mix and it provides nothing but the same tired jokes. Heck, they keep leaning on the lucky charm Marinette let him borrow (not GAVE, let him BORROW) back in Season 1 because they basically have nothing else to go off of.
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mowu-moment · 3 years
i feel controversial & i care too much, so here's my des rocs complete tierlist
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ranked list & reasoning (ish) under the cut
1. WAYNE: hoholy shit wayne. can hardly put into words how explosive this one is to me. the intro sets a Whole Mood before swiftly (& cleanly) smacking it down into an Absolute Banger and i don't use the term lightly. very hard not to scream along with it. only detriment is that wayne the person is kinda an ass in the mmc video but that's no qualm
2. POS: basically the same thing as wayne (oh both have great lyrics btw, this one more so), only gets points knocked for being 2 minutes long and having 30 seconds of that being intro & outro. go danny give us nothing
3. WHY WHY WHY: there's a theme among my top picks--they're all hard-hitting w/ killer guitar. the lyrics are absolute batshit in a good way, but the chorus is a lil flat & i feel like in general it just needed a touch more spice to score the top spot. or maybe it's just seniority & it'll have a coup a few months out idk
4. DEAD RINGER: similar killer guitar & lyrics but this one is Groovy as Hell. don't particularly like his singing in this one & it's too repetitive if i'm feeling grumpy but there's something so magic about after the bridge. top 10 songs to twirl a flag to
5. NOTHING PERSONAL: the minute long outro irks me & it's a little bit empty but plays into that well. groovy, great lyrics, the Sexiest Guitar Solo of the lot, the screaming's a minus but it does have an emotion there. not entirely sure what one but it's there.
6. LET ME LIVE / LET ME DIE: his first time being all over the goddamn place, history was made. amazing guitar, a little worse lyrics than 1-4 i'll admit, the intro Slays me both in a good and bad way. must be a joy to play live where he can just drag out that intro & bridge as long as feels right. at least i liked it in the digital concert like that. would actually kill me in a physical concert, imagine how much stomping gets going to that beat. bonus points for presumable cowbell
7. PIECES: for once not this high for the guitar & lyrics, they're both kinda basic. idk what's about this one but it just takes me to a separate dimension & i love it so much for that. really fills those earholes. also a bit of personal meaning, heard it for the first time on the day we moved into the house i'm currently split-custody-living in (is that tmi?) & the first music video of his i saw. man i love some spaghetti on the wall
8. SLO: basically the same as dead ringer, but knocked points for a kinda lame outro & the subject matter being a little less interesting to me. still lovely.
9. HANGING BY A THREAD: not my normal fare really & the way that the ends of the verses don't really fit in the pacing of them is bleh, but it's just so reminiscent of the songs my brother puts on whenever we hang out together that it just makes me all warm & fuzzy. it's also nicely put together which is something i'll have to start saying for. the later list.
10. SUICIDE ROMANTICS: this is where i start griping about head voice & higher pitches in general. don't like em so the pre-chorus is a lil annoying. also not my normal fare but it's tender & the ending is awe-striking. imo better live where he's loud on that last line before the final chorus. not enough to bump it up though. shoutouts to love and a smoking gun, i still am dying to hear that one
11. THE PAST HAS PASSED AWAY: my favorite lyrics out of the first 2 ep's. only thing wrong with it really is the bridge getting kinda repetitive. love that last chorus heehoo. same schpeel as the Banger Category
12. MMC: this one's lower than the rest of the Bangers for being pop punk which is something the radio has made me dislike, i guess. that trope with the guitar in the second half of the chorus just kills me so much. improves greatly during & after the bridge, love that lil ragtime piano. generally the same bit as before but i do love him doing something un-romance-related. yeah fuck the establishment!
13. THE DEVIL INSIDE: reminds me A Lot of the electronic-ish cassettes i've got from the early 90's but that's just me. this one will probably move up as i get more used to it, but only a little bit. the first part of the second verse makes me like. genuinely uncomfy? but the second part of it's fantastic. ending's ass though what happened to the instrumence. bonus points for using 'reverie' that's an SAT word (maybe). good singing but returning to the gripe at higher pitches, just a little bit though
14. THIS IS OUR LIFE: feels shockingly generic for a des rocs song tbh but there's nothing really wrong with that. adore the bridge. singing's alright. kinda miffed that he doesn't pronounce the 'f' in the second 'life' in the chorus, but it makes sense here. that sort of thing won't later so i'm bringing it up now. guitar's nothing spectacular but fits nicely into the song, probably one of the most cohesive of his (especially in recent history).
15. OUTTA MY MIND: really lives in the same space as slo and dead ringer do in my head (most likely the 'songs to twirl a flag to' zone), but this is by far the worst of the three for when i'm grumpy. just. Very repetitive. back to great lyrics here but it's kinda hard to pick them out (i've heard the song at least 100 times by now & i'm still missing a few lines). still groovin'
16. RUBY WITH THE SHARPEST LIES: what the fuck actually goes on in this song by the way? not the premise or whatever it's just. so all over the place. the verses are incredible but bringing in another vocalist just for one line kills me. bridge is really cool but that one part i don't remember where it is, the one that alternates basically nothing & an Electronic Piano Chord blaring at ya? ruins it. partially anyhow. also can someone tell the people on genius that it's 'carved it in my skin' not 'crawled down in my skin'
17. GIVE ME THE NIGHT: same repetitive issue as outta my mind but it's not groovy enough to save it, shame. feels like a trial run of all the wackshit stuff he's been doing recently, with the additional vocal bits at the end & the kinda weird lyrics. it still has a place in my heart don't get me wrong but it's just fallen in favor of stuff that Commits to banger or batshit (or actually pulls off both strongly, yyy). oh yeah nice guitar alright singing etc etc
18. USED TO THE DARKNESS: similar story to give me the night. i love it i do, but it's just lackluster nowadays. also remember that under-pronunciation thing i brought up in this is our life? this is where that comes back. rampant i tell you! that second verse he just doesn't finish the words & i hate it!
19. DON'T HURT ME: i honestly don't know why this one isn't in D. the chorus bit where he just cuts it short is irksome. the lyrics aren't anything special. i don't know what i like about it. but i can tell it does exactly what it set out to do if that makes sense. respect, respect. and using missile in an analogy, he's getting creative with the vocab
20. LIVING PROOF: kinda got a vendetta against this one i think? i don't know why i hate this one but i do. it's just kinda, blah. like the perfect sort of thing to nightcore up. sentiment's lovely & i do love the lyrics even if they aren't impressive but like. it bores me to an extent
21. TICK (LIVE): separating the version i heard in the digital concert just to give it some credit, this one was actually kinda nice. another one with a nice sentiment & what he was going for is great. no clue what the second part of the second verse has to do with any of this though. and it also begins our final group, the songs that just feel empty. like there's not nearly enough going on. this one's alright though i was just hoping the studio version would add some flair. you can see where that one is though.
22. IMAGINARY FRIENDS: also got a vendetta against pop. kinda hate the sentiment here (contrast!), the chorus just falls short of what the verses prime me for, head voice is rampant, and yet i still swing along to it. it's infectious props to him. love the outro though, monkey laugh and all.
23. MAYBE, I: another empty one, like it's a four-note progression what is that. love his singing in it, and the chorus parts do round it out, but like. eh? it doesn't even give me much to say.
24. BORN TO LOSE: another flop on the chorus! too smooth i say! and i absolutely Despise the pitch-shifting thing going on. not something i was expecting him to express so points there, lyrics are nothing fancy to my Literary Mind though. initially good singing but the chorus he's just sloppy over it. the instrumental is lovely but the vocals just throw it so hard into the bin which is a right shame. fuck that outro too i hate that gimmick
25. I KNOW: here's where the bad batshit comes in. singing is some of his worst imo, does the other-vocalist thing for that bridge, genre i'm not fond of, just a soup of Stuff I Don't Like. not one i'd kill someone over putting as #1 like i can see where it comes from but. mmmmmhhhh bad. cover does NOT help his case.
26. HVY MTL DRMR: empirically i should put this one higher. but the chorus flops so goddamn hard it deserves to be in the bottom of the barrel. the verses are lovely for what he was doing back then! but then just... nothing!
27. RABBIT HOLE: i was so excited for this name but it's just sad boi hours playlist curated by some corporation you hate. probably the most nothing of them all, genuinely where are the instruments. what happened. was this one just shoehorned in as the final track just to pump numbers up. and i swear he had some autotune or something which only makes his voice worse it's fantastic naturally. also that's not what a rabbit hole is! that's not the idiom! a rabbit hole is when you go on a wikipedia spiral from jennifer lopez to group theory! not when you just have a shitty night's sleep or whatever this is! i'm not just miffed i'm downright annoyed
28. TICK (STUDIO): what the fuck happened des. how did you release this. it sounds like a 3rd grader singing for the school talent show it's so out of rhythm. singing's honestly kinda bad & the instrumental has the same problems i talked about in the live version. the last chorus is fine, i guess, but no i don't forgive him for what he did to tick.
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willowistic22 · 3 years
Ok so here are my famous!newsies headcanons from an a modern au i thought of if newsies were celebrities/famous yknow bcs I couldn’t get this idea out of my head and idk what to do with it other than making a headcanon list nabsnzbsvsnsbz anyways hope yall validate me after not posting any original content for like…. awhile now hehe
btw it got longer than expected. And I mean r e a l l y long. So if yall wanna read this better sit down and buckle up! 
He’s an artist on youtube
Like a modern day bob ross ig??
If yall know zhc on youtube just imagine that but not so rich (I don’t watch zhc btw but i do know that he does custom art on iphones and stuff and that is definitely not jack kelly)
Anyways Jack simply goes by Jack Kelly.
So jack does art challenges. Like does the weirdest requests from his fans left in his comment section and stuff
Or maybe challenging himself to make art from a specific theme or a specific media
Sometimes he vlogs too but his art videos are what his fans like the most
His merch is amazing because he designed the pattern/drawing/whatever yknow. It’s printed/sewed/whatever on the clothing and it’s good quality. It’s pretty lowkey for a youtuber’s merch bcs jack doesn’t like those merch that just smacks his logo on a hoodie
He’s a fantasy, YA, romance writer (he mixes it wisely ok?)
And goes by David Jacobs
Listen he’s a hopeless romantic and i’m pretty sure yall agree too
He wanted to stick to YA romance. The classic high school lovers yknow
But he wanted to challenge himself since he’s been writing about high school lovers since he was in high school
Thus the fantasy genre came in mind
So yeah he likes creating love in his own universe
Whether it’d be different worlds, universe, species, time periods, whatever.
He wanted to direct the movies based on his books, but he’s actually lowkey terrible at leading on his own. But he did stick to being the script writer and co-director (look idk how it works in the film industry i’m just making shit up)
He’s a solo jazz singer
Crutchie gives off Michael Buble and Jason Mraz vibes tho
And maybe a bit of frank sinatra? Yknow ‘cause he sings jazz
Also he riffs thank you very much :)
He goes by Crutchie Morris to everyone
He usually plays the acoustic guitar or piano on stage
Ok but he’s like really good with the piano
Makes the best jokes on stage too. Some are just sarcastic comments.
Crutchie asking through the microphone : “Oh, straight?”
A fan he’s talking to from the crowd : “Uhh… no, gay”
Crutchie : “no not you, the vodka”
Everyone at the concert : *laughs*
Crutchie, jokingly : “Oh, you’re drinking vodka! Straight? No gay”
(yes that was indeed inspired by that one video of Harry Styles and a fan in one of his concerts yall can’t stop me)
She’s a crime mystery writer
Think like the modern day Agatha Christie
Okok but she goes by Kathrine Plumber on her books :D
She chooses that genre bcs she’s a huge fan of Agatha Christie
Her favorite book from Agatha is Murder on the Orient Express
Oh and her books are sometime very gruesome alkjsfhakjsfb
Nobody check her browsing history, she’ll look like a murderer
Ok but I feel like she also has a youtube channel about books and stuff and sometimes like to vlog
She also has a writing tips series on her channel where she shares tips on some of the frequently asked questions about writing or her fans leave a specific question in the comment section and thought she could expand more to it in a full length video
Also she likes to vlog while she’s in a book convention
Her books are also turned into movies and she has done a great job directing it
Yall would be lying to me if you don’t think this kid would end up being a twitch streamer and youtuber (like vlogging yknow. I feel like his gaming stuff would strictly be on twitch)
And ik it’s widely agreed by everyone in the fandom that he’s a dancer of some sort so yeah he’s also simultaneously a dancer
I don’t think I need to explain any further bcs it’s just so in character
He goes by Racetrack Higgins
Ok so he likes to vlog on his youtube channel
Sometimes does stupid challenges
Maybe he’d drag Albert to do a challenge which he always says no
“I’ll just be your cameraman dude, dw”
Race : *angery*
Since Al and Smalls are the skateboard peeps™ race is the rollerblade dude™ bcs I say so
He has three cats named Racecat Higgins, Spot Clawlon, and Romeow (i’ve mentioned it before and I will mention it again hehe) and his fans loves them endlessly
You don’t think this kid would also end up being a twitch streamer and youtuber like his bestie up there?? Lmao you thought wrong (again, gaming is strictly on his twitch)
He just goes by Albert DaSilva on the internet
And yes he’s also a dancer because I say so
On his Youtube channel he also vlogs
Half of his vlogs starts with him riding his skateboard
“Hey, guys! Welcome back to another vlog-” *falls off his skateboard for not paying attention to a curb*
It happens way more often than he’d like to admit let’s be real. His fans make a compilation of it and memes on reddit
Always wear a snapback
Snapbacks are an important element to him so his merch store is really boosting his snapbacks
And just for the wormsie discord server he has one with the word ranga on it after it being born from a stupid inside joke he, race, and both of their fanbases combined share (@ my wormsie fam thank me later)
Oh yeah, his youtube besties are Race and Smalls just so we’re clear here :) (I’ll get to Smalls in a bit)
So I always headcanon Albert having two big dobermans. So his fans always want to see a doggy update because Zara and Zoey are everything to them.
Doggo vlogs are fun. It’s usually Albert taking the two good girls to Central Park for playtime or teaching them new tricks
He’s a solo rock singer
Is an amazing singer like wow none of the newsies expected him to have that sort of pipes to reach high notes
And he does it amazingly with no sweat
Also his instrument is the electric guitar to go with his amazing singing ajsfhasjfhajhf
Anyways he goes by Spot Conlon still
And his songs are very lyrical. Like very.
A lot of metaphors. No one knows what most of his songs means.
So basically Taylor Swift songs if it switched genres to rock. And not even like songs from speak now or red. But like if evermore and folklore songs were to turn into rock songs with a little bit of reputation vibes sprinkled on top. And his concerts has the reputation era vibes but make it spot conlon (hey non swiftie fans reading this i’m so sorry i’m pretty sure yall don’t understand wtf i’m talking abt)
That is also the only way i know to describe his vibe i’m sorry but i don’t really listen to a lot of rock alkjhfasjk
Anyways it’s a known fact that he wears tank tops daily that it becomes his signature look. And also an inside joke among his fanbase
Now just picture the merch booth from one of his shows and there’s like endless tank top designs for his fans to pick and choose
He’s also crowned to be the King of Brooklyn bcs of obvious reasons
But the joke is he’s a pretty tough hardcore guy that’s a cat person
She’s a badass female solo singer
Mostly does pop but the badass type of pop
Yes, she does go by Sarah Jacobs
Fans were really surprised Davey and Sarah are related
Because one is a hopeless romantic while the other is a total badass
Anyways she gives off Little mix, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, and Selena Gomez vibes
That is literally the only way I can describe it
She’s very lyrical, with a lot of metaphors
When she dances on stage, she d a n c e s
All while holding a mic to sing. And she hits all those high notes like it’s no ones business (a literal queen i tell you)
She and Spot are besties and has been known to have done a few collabs together
Their fans were hesitant about their collabs since their genre is pretty different from the other but they make it work and it slAPS
And among all her boppy songs with full choreography and backup singers, she always have a few songs she sings while only being accompanied by piano or guitar (Either electric or acoustic) which she plays on her own
He’s an indie pop artist with his trusted acoustic guitar by his side
Just think of music by Wallows and Lewis Capaldi were to be blended in together and Conan Gray for the cherry on top
But it has a little bit of Ed sheeran, Lorde, and Lauv vibes to it too
His concerts are simple but his songs are mostly very boppy so his fans still have fun either way
And it’s usually in small venues but there are times where he had a concert in a huge stadium
He goes by FINCH (yeah all caps btw)
Finches are a very on brand thing for him obviously
Has been known to collab with Crutchie and they actually make a very good team
Somehow was able to combined both genres to produce a few boppy songs
Ok ok but Finch and Crutchie have made a collaborative album (and maybe they went on tour????)
He’s a history fiction writer
Yes this is inspired by the fact that he’s 100% a history nerd (no one change my mind i love this headcanon aight)
And he explores a lot of different histories from different parts of the world
He actually helps a lot of students understand history even further for school through his novels
Anyways he goes by Specs because I say so
No one knows why that’s his pseudonym and Specs isn’t interested in explaining either. No one other than the newsies need to know it was born from a stupid nickname the newsies gave him :)
His research mostly comes from history books because of his genre which wouldn’t be a problem since he has loads and will voluntarily buy more if needed
Also yeah he makes a great director for the movies taken from his books
He’s a chef on youtube
Goes by Mush Meyers
So think if Gordon Ramsey and his youtube channel but make it mush
Yeah that’s it really
Ok but Mush is a jolly and friendly person
Other than just food vlogging he does cooking challenges and cooking tips too
Sometimes he does the cooking challenges with a friend (mostly henry but i’ll get to him later on in the list)
But he also vlogs his life
Which isn’t really often but he likes to sometimes
He’s that big of a foodie he has a food blog too
And also a seafood restaurant so that’s cool :D
Like Mush, he’s a chef on youtube
Goes by Henry on the internet and in general
Ajkfhajfjska I’m thinking about how ppl would address him as Chef Henry kajhfkjlashfjklasfjklsf
He mostly does the same thing like Mush actually
Food vlogging and cooking challenges (they do it together so) sometimes cooking tips
But Henry vlogs his life a lot
And instead of a food instagram he has a food blog
He has a sandwich restaurant
Yeah it is inspired by his pastrami on rye with a sour pickle line from KONY get mad about it why don’t ya (well if i’m not mistaken henry was the one that said it but idk i have horrible memory) 
He’s a youtuber
Ok so I have a specific headcanon that Blink majored in psychology but didn’t end up being a psychologist
So instead he becomes a psychologist on youtube
Who often vlogs jhgasjlfhs
The guy looks like he could cut you but his sense of humor once you get him talking is just *chef’s kiss* amazing
Which is why he also has a podcast because he’s also secretly great at talking
He just thinks mental health is very important, okay?
He’s an actor
Mostly on Broadway but has worked with Hollywood before
He’s usually a supporting character but has been known to understudy for main characters
Ok ik these bullet points are getting shorter and shorter but these are mostly bcs some of these stuff are pretty self explanatory since it’s very in character
Like are you telling me a kid named Romeo isn’t gonna be in some way very dramatic and end up turning that personality trait into his career?? Plus he’s very good at that?
Yeah you’re lying to me
Also he’s a pretty frequent vlogger on youtube
Look he’s a fun guy, what did you expect?
Just goes by Romeo on youtube
He’s an actor
Has done his fair share in Broadway and Hollywood but started in Broadway
He can dance but thinks he’s pretty average in it yknow
Which his fans has no idea what he’s talking about because on stage he can do flips and turns like it’s no ones business yknow
But he can sing really good and takes pride in it
Elmer would play characters that is really far off from his own personality that fans couldn’t believe that Elmer played that character
He has done his fair share in main characters and supporting characters on Broadway
In Hollywood he usually does indie and rom-com movies
He’s a fashion youtuber and basically an influencer 
Let’s be real this boy is a fashion icon
He’s not really a model but more like a fashion influencer and also kind of a fashion designer
His clothing line is very *chefs kiss* amazing
He designed it all and sometimes likes to design for his friends as well
He also does fashion tips on his youtube channel
His instagram game is god tier level (along with Tommy Boy and Sniper I’ll get to them in a bit) 
But yeah he also vlogs
And goes by Buttons Davenport
He’s an actor
Mostly on Broadway but has done a few movies in Hollywood
He radiates main character energy and he does become the main character most of the time (on hollywood at least)
On Broadway he mostly enjoys being apart of the ensemble because this boy loves dancing
But he does play a few supporting characters
He has released one or two albums too because his singing is top tier
But isn’t interested in doing a lot of live concerts with his albums
Since no one has the time to say Josephino Jorgelino De La Guerra he turned it into Jojo De La Guerra (so much for ‘a special nickname only for friends and family’)
Mike and Ike
They’re a pop boy band and bcs of my lack of creativity it’s called Mike and Ike
At the start of their career :
“My name goes first because I’m older than you!” - Mike
“You’re only older than me by 13 minutes, holy shit!” - Ike
But Ike slowly accepts the fact that it’ll be like this yknow
Anyways they’re pretty great singers
They have one direction and new hope club vibes
Tho unlike one direction they can dance (i love the boys alright but i really think it’s funny that they can’t dancelkhjjlh)
They like to switch from the guitar (electric and/or acoustic) to the piano
The amount of times their name is confused by the candy is too many 
But they like it like that lol
Anyways i’ve mentioned a headcanon where Mike has tattoos (not like from head to toe but it’s fairly noticeable to everyone) and Ike has piercings
So the only way their fans tell them apart is by that
But there are times where Mike has his tattoos covered or Ike took his piercings off in public alone. A fan mistakens them for the other twin but they still respond to the other name because they don’t feel like there’s a need to correct them since they’re mostly known by Mike and Ike anyways. When the fan posts it on instagram and tags the twin they thought it was the twin that was tagged would comment “wrong twin but nice pic you two”
Happens wayyyyy too many times. Their fans are officially scared to approach one of the two in public alone without their differentiating indicators on which is which
And yes it is widely known that they argue a lot when it comes to writing songs
Nothing out of the ordinary sibling squabble yknow but it’s a lot
But they do end up finding a solution to the topic of their argument and make a good team at the end of the day
He’s an actor
On Broadway, he’s one of those actor’s that is mostly good in just the acting and singing
He can’t dance to save his life sjdfghaf
So Jeremy Jordan yknow asj;oghajshf
No not really. He can dance a little bit
So he’s mostly the main character
But he’s widely known for his works in Hollywood
He does a lot of drama. Think stuff like Elite and Designated Survivor. Yeah those kinds of heavy drama (well idk i think those two are pretty heavy)
He wants to release his own music because he’s a pretty good singer but he can’t write songs to save his life either jgnjafjasf
And all the demo songs he was suggested by producers isn’t his cup of tea
So he’s no singer ladies and gents ://
The name Hotshot is used to name his social media platforms. He always adds a description in his bio’s that Hotshot is a nickname his friends and family use so his fans and the media refer to him with his name
I headcanon Hotshot’s real name is Tyler or some sort. No don’t ask me what’s his last name is because idk either lol
She’s a model, beauty and fashion youtuber (I’m pretty sure those are two different things tho idk i don’t watch youtube religiously anymore), and just an influencer in general
Instagram game on p o i n t
I know most beauty youtubers go by their names but uhh… i don’t think i’ve ever thought of a first name for Sniper but I really think she really would just go by Sniper Wah on the internet (Idk she seems like an Ashley in my head but feel free to recommend headcanon names to me)
Anyways she’s very fashionable
Tommy Boy (i’ll get to him just wait aight?) and Buttons are her fashion besties
The three of them pretty much appear in each other’s Youtube video not Tommy’s tho bcs he doesn’t have one lol
Sniper’s brand are huge sun hats
I have no idea how or why but that girl has sun hats vibes I can’t explain any further I’m sorry
Doesn’t have a clothing line but does have a make up brand of her own. She calls it Sniper. Yeah that’s it akjfhjf
She’s a twitch streamer and youtuber like race and albert
They’re a youtube trio everyone loves it
And yes she does go by Smalls
Oh and she also dances like her two stupid besties thanks for asking
Bubblegum is her brand (idk how to explain she just has the vibe)
She is skateboard chick
I’m imagining a video collab of her and Al on a skatepark doing stupid challenges
It’s her most viewed video
Tommy Boy
Ok ok he’s a model, influencer, and dancer
So think a male version of Gigi Hadid that dances
No he doesn’t have a youtube channel but frequently has made an appearance on Buttons’ and Sniper’s videos
Yes his instagram feed is also very amazing
He goes by Tommy Boy
People genuinely thinking ‘Boy’ is actually his last name and kinda think it’s strange but doesn’t complain
Tommy literally didn’t think people would think it was his last name. But they did anyways
Let’s just get straight to the point : he’s a famous tiktoker 
And yes, ppl are surprised at the fact that him, Davey, and Sarah are related to each other 
To the people that made it through this entire list. Congratulations and thank you for your validation. Have a wonderful evening and stay hydrated 
i will write at least one oneshot out of this au i promise!!
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contrabandhothead · 2 years
Hi there! I'm not sure if you're still taking ships on here, but could I request an Easy Co. or Pacific ship please?
I'm 5'5, pale and thin, longish reddish brown hair, very freckly and permanently blushing. My eyes are very massive and dark. I come from an Italian-American family. My dream is to one day work in science or become an engineer. My love language is Acts of Service. When someone does something to help me out that I know they don't really enjoy means a lot to me. I've been described as creative, generous and determined, but I'm really proud of my bravery and curiosity. I can become easily annoyed and self-pitying though. I love stargazing and traveling to new places to stargaze. I also love being a part of my astronomy club. I build model airplanes in my free time and (I used to be a huge theatre mom in high school) I love to sing and play guitar and write songs for the band that I'm restarting with my friends. I'm also an ENTP 6w7 if that helps! xoxo
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gif credits : basilone
- [ general ]
he also didn’t die because… he just didn’t idk what you’re talking about he came home and y’all are so happy together :))))))
man is literally like 3 inches taller than you and acts like he’s 7 ft tall
like i’m talking this man calls you piccolina as if he isn’t 5’8”
you’ll literally just be talking to him and he’ll call you about 4 pet names in 3 sentences
i think his favorites are probably stella and tesorina the most though because he really does consider you the star of his life and the person he treasures the most
always kissing your forehead and freckles
likes that you’re the perfect height for him to barely even lean down to kiss your head
he loves your freckles so much that sometimes he’ll try to count them all before bed and memorize the number, but he always falls asleep before he finishes
he definitely tries to make you blush more, especially because he’s always flirting with you
and he doesn’t hold back either, he’ll flirt with you in front of others just because he loves showing you off
literally has told people before that he has the best spouse and that no one could compare to you e v e r
he literally begged you to meet your family
he’s very formal about asking your family to even be with you
he’s the type that asks your parents for permission to date you or marry you, brings your mother flowers every weekend, invites your family over to Sunday dinners and offers to cook for them, plays with your younger cousins and gives them piggyback rides, hangs out with your father, etc.
like he does it ALL to make a good impression on them
also because he just loves that they’re the reason you’re alive at the same time he is
don’t even get me started on his family though
his mother once told you that she loved you more than him, and he’s such a momma’s boy that he fake cried to her about it just to get a hug and apology
they love you and tbh, they probably over-invite you to things
they could literally just be going to church and they’ll ask if you want to come
he’s SO supportive of your career
he’s always helping you study, or buying you books about stars or science
loves watching you tinker with your creations
literally sits there for hours just admiring you while you build things… you probably won’t even notice him for a couple minutes, and when you do the only thing he mumbles is
“i just want to watch because you look so cute when you’re focused. don’t mind me, stellina, keep going”
asks you to explain a scientific topic you’re learning about (even though he probably doesn’t understand) and hangs on to your every word on the subject
god if you do ANYTHING for him he looks starstruck
even if it’s as simple as ironing his shirt, he’ll go out of his way to show you how much he appreciates it
kisses your nose and mumbles “what would i do without you”
literally he dotes on you so much
you being a housewife? NOPE. IT’S JOHN HE’S YOUR HOUSEWIFE.
he does all kinds of acts of service for you, and you never have to lift a finger around the house
he cleans everything in the house so you don’t have to after a stressful day at work even though he despises cleaning with a passion, he buys your favorite foods at the grocery store, wraps you in his jacket and holds you close if there’s even a slight gust of wind outside, draws baths for you and washes your hair so you can relax, etc.
tbh, john can be a little overbearing at times, so if you’re ever annoyed he will recognize it and back off to allow you a moment to relax by yourself
it may seem like he’s upset and pulling away from you at first, but you know that it’s just that he wants to give you the alone time you desire
his silence also definitely stems from his own insecurities as well, he’s worried that you might not want him anymore because he was suffocating you with his presence
just seek him out after you’ve calmed down and hug him, and instantly all his outrageous thoughts will dwindle before he holds you as close as he can
he tries so hard to stop you when you’re in a self-pitying moment
that is one of the few times he will not back off and leave you alone because he doesn’t want you to feel worse about yourself
he’ll make you take a break from whatever you’re doing, and will make you something to eat while you tell him about your struggles
he reassures you of your feelings and that it’s okay to be upset, but will be there to remind you that you can’t spend forever feeling sorry for yourself, and that you have to move on at some points
never tells you that your feelings or experiences aren’t valid enough to be upset about
i mean like EVER
you could literally just be upset about stubbing your toe and he will validate your emotions
this man takes you to travel the world with him
i’m talking the WORLD
you’ve visited almost every continent, and he never fails to find the perfect stargazing spot in every nation just for you
wraps his arms around you while you both stargaze outside, burying his head into the crook of your neck and glancing at you every once in a while to admire your beauty
always lets you pick where you want to travel to next
when you ask him why, he just replies with “i don’t care where we’re going, it just matters that you’re there with me. you could tell me we’re taking a trip to the north pole, and it wouldn’t matter as long as i got to see you every day”
makes snacks for you to bring to your astronomy club meetings
not only DISPLAYS your model airplanes, but also purchases ones you haven’t built yet just so you have some more to fill up your free time with
really likes building them with you, and follows your exact instructions on what to do just so he doesn’t mess it up
does all the hard parts you don’t want to do/hate doing
even if he hates them too
always BEGS you to perform songs for him
he really loves it when you sing to him, especially after he’s woken up from a nightmare about the war
he definitely has some sort of tattoo that he got for you
not like a portrait of your face or anything, just a tattoo that represents what you mean to him
it’s small, but it’s his favorite, and i have a feeling that it’s probably a star
sometimes he traces it when he thinks of you to remind himself you’re always with him
- [ how you two met ]
he definitely tried to win you over during his war bonds tour
you lived on his street when he was just a kid, and he always chased you around till his mother yelled at him because he thought you were the prettiest person he’d ever seen
you’d grown up together, and were close before the war
but the war had changed both of you as people, and despite sending him letters, sometimes it felt as if you were talking to a stranger
you didn’t know john basilone the war hero, you just knew john was the kid who used to throw dirt at you to get your attention
it felt like speaking to a whole new person, but you were willing to stick around him and get to that level of closeness again
you could still see right through his cocky facade like you always had been able to, and no matter how much he insisted he was fine after showing up on your doorstep, you still knew that he was spiraling
after about 10 minutes of small talk and dancing around his true emotions, you eventually snapped, telling him to just cut it out and open up to you for once instead of pretending to be some legendary man with no fears or trauma
he just sighed, laying his head in your lap like he used to when you were kids before telling you about how he saw manny’s body, and that he still saw the faces of every man he had killed each time he blinked
you continued to run your fingers through his hair, mumbling soft reassurances
“manny loved us, he wouldn’t want you to blame yourself like this…” and “you were protecting yourself. its not your fault.”
he lived with you for a few days, indulging himself in your presence, even though he knew he could never have you
one night, as you were reading alone in your room, you heard john knock softly on the door
opening it, you were greeted with the most sheepish of smiles you had ever seen pass over his face
annoyed with the interruption, you stepped aside regardless to let him in
he didn’t sit down on the bed like he usually did, and you could feel the anxiety rolling off him in waves
“john, what’s going on? i’d really like to get back to my book”
his words were rushed, spilling out in an unpolished manner
“i want you to come with me on my war bond tour. i’ll miss you too much, i don’t want to go without you”
you shook your head, stepping towards him
“i can’t, you know that they won’t let me”
for the first time since he was deployed, you saw him crack a smile
a genuine one, not the faux ones he donned for reporters. it was all crooked and wonky, almost as if his face was remembering how to correctly form the grin, but it was the most open he had been in a while about how he felt
“they have to, i’m a goddamn war hero. it’s only for a bit longer… please, just come with me. i need you there. i want to take you on dates, and i know you’ve always loved to travel. it’ll only feel right if you’re with me”
you shook your head, laughing along with him before wrapping your arms around his neck
“you’re awful at asking people out. i don’t even think they could give you a participation award for that attempt”
he wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you close against his chest
“but did it work?”
nodding your head and grinning, you glanced down as your cheeks heated
“yeah, it worked… but i’m only coming for the free food”
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the-awkward-outlaw · 4 years
Hello ! Can u write an imagine where Arthur s/o kills Micah and she is banned from the gang. Would Arthur follow her ? Thank u :)
Man, I have been in the biggest writing funk for the first time in like nine months but I finally got this one done! Here you go, Anon! Sorry about the wait. 
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(Author’s note: Arthur doesn’t have TB) (BTW, Arthur is husband material and no one can change my mind)
It’s already been a long, exhausting day and it’s not even midday yet. You hate it here, always will without a doubt. Beaver Hollow is just a complete shit show and the gang has seriously deteriorated. 
You miss how things used to be. You can remember how everyone was: Mary-Beth and Tilly giggling over romance novels, Sean bragging about how tough and smart he was, Uncle’s jokes, Hosea’s stories about his past and how he always added a note of wisdom. Oh Hosea. He was just another casualty of Dutch’s plight against modern America. 
Everything’s changed since Hosea died and the boys returned from their tropical trip. Javier doesn’t sing or play the guitar anymore, no one laughs, people fight constantly. It’s a burden and a pain to be in the camp nowadays, and you hate it. The person who’s changed the most though is Dutch. He’s not the caring, almost paternal figure who was just struggling slightly to help everyone get back on their feet like he was right after the Blackwater mess. Now he seems to be on a suicide mission and intent on taking everyone in the gang with him. 
The worst thing about the whole situation is Micah. He’s always known how to butter Dutch up but when Hosea was around, he kept himself in check. Now that Hosea’s gone, he’s been in Dutch’s ear the whole time and you haven’t liked it. You’re not the only one; Arthur and John have been suspicious about the whole thing. 
Arthur’s faith in Dutch has been severely shaken. He questions Dutch much more than he ever used to. Dutch doesn’t like it, and he keeps on lying, saying he’s going to get everyone out. All he’s done is killed Cornwall, blown up a bridge, brought Pinkertons closer to camp than ever and used the war between the army and the Wapiti into his favor, even getting the chief’s son locked up during a feud. 
Arthur walks over to your tent after donating a deer to Pearson, who’s drunk again. He’s been coming to you to talk a lot more lately, though you’re not sure why. You’ve had a crush on Arthur for ages but never acted on it. You two have been friends for what seems like forever and you refuse to destroy that over some silly feelings you have. You’ve wondered if Arthur has a crush on you too. It’s just the way he acts sometimes, things he says. The way he wanted you to come with him to tell Mary he didn’t want to be her errand boy anymore. The way you catch him staring at you sometimes. How he always wants you to go off hunting with him but won’t invite anyone else. 
Just as he’s about to say something to you, Dutch calls him over. Arthur gives you a yearning look and then turns around to go see him. A few moments later, someone catches your attention, pulling you away from your work, with their voice. It isn’t Arthur, though or even John or Mary-Beth. It’s Micah. 
“Ah glad to see you’re putting an effort into keeping this place running. We can use all the help we can get,” he simpers. 
“The fuck do you want, Micah?” you snarl. 
Micah’s always been a pebble in everyone’s shoes but now with Hosea out of the way and Dutch going crazy, he’s been acting like he’s in charge of things. He keeps badgering people to do their chores (which most of them have been) and that everyone needs to pull their weight. This doesn’t bother you, what does bother you is the hypocrisy of it all. He never does a damn thing. The last job he helped with was murdering Cornwall but you felt he did it out of a personal interest and less of a needs-to-be done basis. 
“Always gotta be so bitter,” he says, smiling. “You know, if you were a little nicer, people might actually like you. Too bad nothing can be done to make you pretty though. Unfortunately you’ll just have to stick to nice but ugly.” 
You throw down the sewing you’d just been doing and stand up, marching over to him. He wisely takes several steps backwards as you whip out your pistol. 
“Give me one more goddamn reason, you cockroach,” you hiss. “I won’t hesitate to kill you.” 
He whips out his own gun and points it at you. “You don’t have the guts, little girl.” 
“Wanna bet? You ain’t the first person I killed, though I’m not sure I can really define you as a person.” 
By this time, your argument has attracted the attention of many of the others. They form a circle and watch, but no one dares interrupt. You get the feeling that most of them want you to kill him. The majority of them have had problems with him too. 
“Woe!” Dutch says, walking over with his hands in the air. “There is no need to have guns drawn in camp. Both of you fools, put them away.” 
He stands next to Micah and glares from him to you. Arthur stands a few feet behind him and shakes his head at you, clearly trying to stop you from doing something reckless.
“She started it, Dutch,” Micah says, his gun still drawn. 
“Bullshit! You’re the one going around insulting everyone. Trust me, if I don’t shoot you now, someone else will. Like Lenny said back in Colter, when you fall there’ll be a party.” 
“Watch your mouth,” he growls. “Keep flapping your gums and you’ll end up just like Lenny and Hosea. Better yet, maybe you’ll get your head shot off like good ol’ Sea-”
Before he can finish, he’s silenced by your bullet slamming into his neck. He sputters and drops his gun, grabbing at his gushing neck. People start yelling and Javier and Bill grab you, making you drop your gun. 
“Let go of me!” you scream as Micah falls to his knees. Dutch glares at you, clearly shocked. As Micah slumps down onto his stomach, he stomps towards you. Javier and Bill hold your arms tight and you can’t fight them off. 
“You know the rules, Y/N,” Dutch says quietly. “There’s absolutely no reason to shoot anyone in camp unless they’re traitors.”
“How do you know Micah wasn’t a traitor, Dutch?” you snarl. “Ever since Guarma, those damn Pinkertons have been nipping at your heels more than ever.” 
Dutch lowers his brow. “I’m going to give you five minutes to get away from here. Never come back, Y/N. I never want to see you around here again.” 
Javier and Bill let you go, but you look around, silently pleading with the others to help you. No one does and your eyes finally fall onto Arthur. His mouth is partially open but his eyes say he wishes you hadn’t done it. He says nothing though, and you feel your stomach drop. Of course he’d choose Dutch over you. He’s known him for twenty years and Dutch saved his life. You’ve only known him a few years and maybe helped him get out of a few scrapes. You’ve got nothing on Dutch when it comes to Arthur. You don’t blame him either. No matter what kind of mess Dutch has gotten everyone into, Arthur’s been doing his best to keep things together. All you’ve done is create a bigger mess for him to clean up. 
You know it’s time for you to leave. There’s no doubt in your mind that Dutch is just crazy enough to kill you, and the clock is ticking. You push your way between Tilly and Karen and go to your tent, packing everything up quickly. You feel everyone’s eyes on your back until Grimshaw barks at everyone to get to work and for Charles and John to get Micah’s body taken out of camp. You throw everything onto your horse and then run off down the path, feeling your heart break. You’ll never see any of them again, not even Arthur. Your best friend and the man you love will never be part of your life again. 
It’s been three weeks since you were forced to leave camp. You’ve gone back west, back to where you’ve always belonged. You’ve found a small cabin not too far from Aurora Basin in Tall Trees. When you first arrived, the cabin had clearly been abandoned for a long time. You cleaned it up and made it habitable. You’ve decided to hang up the hat on being an outlaw. The Pinkertons won’t be coming out this way looking for the Blackwater robbers, not when they know exactly where Dutch is, so you’re safe out here. Besides, you weren’t even involved in that mess, so no one will associate you with that. 
It’s been lonely but peaceful out here. No more having to rob people, no more feeling like you’re chasing your own tail in Dutch’s crazy schemes. No more having to worry about anyone else besides yourself. You’ve missed them though, all of them. You miss joking with Tilly and Karen, discussing books with Mary-Beth, listening to Javier’s stories about Mexico. Even Pearson’s cooking since you’re not much of one yourself. 
More than all of that though, you miss Arthur. You miss the sound of his voice, the conversations you had during long hunting trips. He was the only person you could tell anything to. There were many nights you spent under the stars with him and even a few curled against him to keep out the cold. You miss the way he smelled, the way he’d hesitatingly touch you. You two were a perfect hunting team, you were able to track and kill prey without hardly saying a word. You try to settle with the idea that you’ll just have to reminisce in the memories of him but to forget a future with him in it. Not that you had much hope for that before. Arthur may have told Mary to take care of herself from now on, but you always knew he;d never go for you. 
You’ve been fishing in the lake for some time and gotten hardly any luck. You sigh and decide to call it a day, collapse your pole and pick up your almost empty bucket. You head up the road, feeling lonely and missing the company of your family. When you round the bend leading to your cabin, you look up and see a familiar face. 
“Arthur?” you say quietly, not sure if he’s really there or not. 
He rubs his jaw and looks at you, clearly searching for the right words. You stop and look for him, your stomach clenching. Has Dutch sent him? Dutch said you only had five minutes to get out of camp, but not that he wouldn’t hunt you down. The only reason you can think that Arthur’s here is because Dutch told him to find and kill you. You hover your hand over your gun, hoping you won’t have to use it. 
“Arthur, please let me explain,” you say. “You know Micah was just making things worse. Let’s just put this all behind us, okay? Just tell Dutch you killed me, at least do me that favor.” 
“Dutch didn’t send me, Y/N,” he says softly, his hands on his gunbelt. He takes a step towards you but stops when you back up, clearly worried. He raises his hands. “I ain’t here to hurt ya, darlin’.” 
Darlin’? He’s never called you that before. He’s always addressed you by your name. If you didn’t know Arthur, you’d think he might be lying and pretending to be harmless, but you know him too well. He doesn’t lie. 
You blink heavily, feeling your eyes water. “Why else would you be here, Arthur?” 
He sighs and takes another step towards you, his hands still up. “Y/N, I ain’t followin’ Dutch no more. You said it weeks ago, he’s gone crazy. He didn’t get better when you left either. Micah might not have been around to stir him up, but he’s just gone worse. He was real angry when Charles and I went and broke Eagle Flies out of jail, tryin’ to clean up his mess.” 
Arthur goes on to say how the army tried to kill Chief Rains Fall for the oil on his land and how the gang went to help try and save Eagle Flies as he went to get revenge for his people. By the end, Arthur got trapped beneath a soldier and nearly killed. Dutch had been the only one there and could have easily saved him, but chose not to. When Arthur confronted him about it, a huge fight broke out between them and Arthur decided he’d had enough. He snuck John, Abigail and Jack out that night and then decided to find you. 
“I knew you’d come out west, Y/N. You’re too much like me, this is where you’ve always wanted to belong.” 
“But why would you want to come after me, Arthur? I understand why you left, but why come after me?” 
He lowers his hand and walks up to you until he’s only a couple feet away. “Because I care about ya, Y/N.” His gruff voice is soft, sending shivers down your arms. “Because you’ve always tried to help me. If you’d been there, I know you woulda saved my life, not leave me to die like Dutch did. I did everything I could for him, even almost died for him multiple times. I gave him everything I had and got nothin’ to show for it. I’m done, darlin’. I want to be with you.” 
Your entire body is shaking as he talks. He closes the distance between you and wraps his arms around you. What little strength you had holding you together crumbles and you sink into his chest, tears leaking out of your eyes. 
“I’m sorry I weren’t there for ya when you killed Micah,” he says, rubbing your back. “To be honest, I was happy when you killed Micah. He’s been a giant thorn in my side since he showed up and I’ve wanted to shoot him myself since Sean died. I was just shocked that you’d done it so quickly. I shoulda gone with you when Dutch forced you out.” 
You shake your head into his shirt. “No, it’s good you didn’t. If you’d left with me, Dutch would have hunted both of us down. He knows how essential you are to everything, he wouldn’t like it if you left with me.” 
He sighs and leans his cheek against your head. “Well, I’m here now, darlin’. If you’ll have me, I’d like to stay with ya as long as I possibly can. You’re my best friend and…” He pauses so long you look up at him to find his cheeks red. “I gotta be honest, Y/N, I’ve been sweet on ya for years.” 
It’s your turn to blush and you smile. “Really? Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“We had things so good, Y/N. We been friends so long, worked so well together, I didn’t wanna ruin that. Besides, I know you wouldn’t have feelings for me. I’m just an old, dirty outlaw. I ain’t worth no one’s time.” 
You grimace at him. “Arthur, I hate how poorly you view yourself. You wanna know what I think about you?” 
“I suppose, though I doubt it’ll be anythin’ good.” 
You sigh and stretch up, placing your lips against his. They’re soft, though slightly chapped. He tenses up when you touch him but after a second he responds. His lips move with yours and you trace his with your tongue. After a moment, you pull away. He’s cheeks are darker but he’s smiling. 
“That’s what I think of you, Arthur. I’d love it even more if you decided to stay with me. I’ve been sweet on you for the longest time, it’s been so hard for me to keep it out of our relationship. I just didn’t wanna ruin our friendship.” 
He smiles in and leans in to kiss you again. You feel the first surge of excitement and happiness since you got kicked out of the gang. You can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you now.
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
ACTOR’S CIRCUIT: Event Translation Ch5-7
Continuation for ACTOR’S CIRCUIT, it’s finally the time for the race~
They’re still ambassador of safe driving though...
Btw, I don’t work on weekend so expect the next update to be next week~
ACTOR’S CIRCUIT Ch1-4 / / Ch 5-7 / / Ch8-10 / / Epilogue
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A3! is owned by Liber Entertainment
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It’s finally the day for Veludo Race.
I’ve changed into the uniform, the preparation is complete!
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Eveyone’s uniform looks so cool! As expected of Yuki-chan!
This is going to be so lit!
The circuit lane is so big too!?
The vibe’s so great!
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I’m a bit nervous…
They’re going to broadcast this in the television right.
Yeah, I was told that they’re going to record it.
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Everyone has practiced well, it’s going to be fine.
Hmm? The people over there are…
Woah, they’re conspicuously pitch black!?
It’s a familiar face.
It’s the Scarecrow theatre group… I think.
I don’t want to be involved with those people anymore…
Let’s just get away from here…
You guys… MANKAI company right?
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Uh, they found us.
It’s been a while.
Kukuku… It’s such a fate to meet here.
Today, we will send you to the underworld with our pitch-black wing.
Prepare yourself.
…Their sense of evil is strong.
They really don’t change…
We won’t lose too!
Yes! We’ll show you a brilliant run!
Yeah, we won’t lose~!
You’ll regret those words later.
I’m looking forward to it.
…He’s gone.
Eh… anyway!
Everyone should concentrate in their own race and do your best.
The first priority is safety alright.
It’s going to be dangerous if you got distracted by the people around you.
Even for the same troupe, we will all become rival during the actual race, let’s all do our best!
Sakyo-kun said that it will be great if someone win and acquire the prize money on top of advertising the troupe.
Well, isn’t that the hardest thing to do…
To the theatre groups participating in the race, we will be giving out the map with the designated checkpoints, please gather around.
Then, I guess we should go soon.
I’ll be watching from the audience’s seat.
I’ll cheer for everyone!
Director-sensei, I’m going first!
I’m going first!
<Shifts to Taichi/Azuma’s Car>
Azuma-san, pleased to work with you today!
Me too, pleased to work with you.
When we received the map earlier, they said that the checkpoints differ between each pair.
I have to be careful not to just follow the car in front…
For that, I’ll be doing the navigation so don’t worry.
Calm down and let’s do this.
Hehe, so reliable!
With that, finally, Veludo Race Start!
I already know where the checkpoint is, let’s go.
As expected of Azuma-san! Alright, we’re leaving!
<Shifts to Checkpoint>
Spectator A:
Oh, the first one has arrived!
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Spectator B:
Good luck on the task!
This is the first checkpoint.
There’s something lined up on top of the table?
Ah, mini cars!
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The task is written on the paper beside the mini car, it said to choose one.
Doggy-kun, go ahead and choose one.
Audience C:
Another one has arrived!
Audience D:
Oh, it’s the Scarecrow team!
Kuku… MANKAI company, we meet again.
<End of Chapter 5>
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Tax, you look so cool!
*shutter *shutter
Oi, you can stop taking pictures already.
What happened to the navigation.
Hehe, sorry!
Ah, but the checkpoint is over there!
You checked with the map right.
Then let’s make the stop.
Eh? The one over there is…
<Shifts to Checkpoint>
Oi! The two of you has checkpoint here too?
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Ah, Kazu-kun, Tasuku-san!
Fuh, we’ll make our way first.
Go ahead and struggle behind.
They’re the Scarecrow right.
They came slightly later than us, but they got a simple task so they went ahead.
Ah, so what was the Scarecrow’s task?
It’s a tongue twister.
I see.
Then, what about yours?
Our task is to do an “Etude”, that’s what’s written!
It’s a task unique for a theatre company huh.
Kazu and Tasuku too, don’t you think it’s good to choose your task first?
Ah, you’re right!
He! They wrote the task on the mini car!
So cutez!
Alright, then~… This one!
So what’s the task?
“There’s no task, go to the next checkpoint”… eh!?
It seems that we can just continue!
Eh!? There’s that kind of thing too!?
Takato and Miyoshi pair, task cleared!
Points have been awarded!
Oh! So lucky!
But we won’t know how many points we earned?
If the points depend on the task, this is going to be a matter of luck too…
Ah, right! Let’s go see Azu and Taicchan’s etude!
Eh, but it’s a chance to get closer to victory, is it alright?
It’s true, but it’s rare to see Nanao and Azuma-san perform together, I actually also want to watch it.
Then, we should do it immediately, Doggy-kun, so the two of you can continue quickly too.
<Short Time Skip>
Haa… I really don’t know how to let go… My dream of racing again…
Even thought I’m a pro racer, I continued to lose, I couldn’t match up with my comrades, I couldn’t show my face to the team either…
Running away is, there’s no other way, even though it’s about myself…
Excuse me.
I heard you provide a luggage transporting service.
Ah, the shop looks like nothing right now.
But I guess there’s nothing to do from the beginning.
I see.
Then, I want you to transport this box.
It’s a really small luggage.
What’s the content?
I can’t answer that.
You can’t answer?
Carrying a mysterious item is a bit…
Please, I’ll give you a suitable compensation.
I have no choice…
I understand, I’ll do it.
Ah, but… I’m scared you’ll end up looking at the content, why don’t we do it together.
Hah? Then why don’t you just do it yourself from the beginning.
Well well, isn’t it fine.
Then, I’ll leave it to you.
Then I’ll take the luggage—oh!
Damn, I dropped the box…!
Hmm? The content of this box is… a car key?
Ah, I got found out.
What should I do with you now…
So, sorry! I didn’t do it on purpose!
At, at least spare my life…!
Haha, I’m just joking.
This is yours.
Have you forgotten the face of your former teammate?
I’ve arranged for a new car, so you can come back once again as a racer.
…! You…
I see, you changed your hairstyle so I didn’t realize.
As a racer, huh…
Is it fine for me to return…?
Returning and all, the one who disappeared without saying anything was you right.
I believe in you.
Once again, let’s aim for victory together.
Thank you…
There are people who believe in me…
Let me race again with everyone this time.
Nanao and Yukishiro pair, task cleared!
Points have been awarded!
Spectator A:
That was great!
Spectator B:
The exchange and facial expression really hits you!
The two of you are the best!
It was super great!
Yeah, it was interesting.
Thank you!
Fufu, I’m happy if you say so.
With this, Taicchan has finished your task too right!
Should we head to the next checkpoint then.
<End of Chapter 6>
Ikaruga-san, it will be a bit more before we reach the checkpoint… Eh, what?
Kazu and the others are there~!
But we were told earlier that the checkpoints are different between pairs.
Our checkpoint will be on the left…
Ah! I discovered a triangle~!
Wai, Ikaruga-san! That’s not the way!
The triangle comes first~!
<Shifts to Checkpoint>
Haa, we managed to reach the checkpoint somehow…
Ah! We have the same checkpoint as Misumi-san and Tsuzuru-kun this time!
This time, you mean, you have finished another checkpoint.
This is the first checkpoint that we reached you know…
Ikaruga-san was distracted by triangles so we ended up making a detour…
Tsuzuru, I’m sorry~
Nah, it’s good that we can arrive safely in this place.
Then, we’ll be going first!
Eh, you have already cleared the task?
Thanks to Doggy-kun who choose the lucky card with no task.
I was a bit jealous because Kazu-kun managed to choose the lucky card earlier, I’m very happy that I managed to get one too this time!
Seriously. I’m jealous too…
Then, we’re off!
Tsuzuru-kun and Misumi-san too, do your best!
See you.
Then, let me pick that lucky card too!
I’ll leave it to you.
Eh hmm~ This one!
Ah, it’s not the one with no task~
“Choose an item from the top of the table and use them to create a dialogue!”
… That’s what’s written there.
The top of the table…
There’re a lot of items to choose~
Basically, use this to make a monoboke huh…?
Uhh… the bitter memories are coming back to me…
It’s alright if we do it together!
I’m sure it will be fun~
There’s a triangle too! Which one should I use!
Well, Ikaruga-san will do it too so I have no choice…
I have to do it.
…Alright, let’s go!
<Short Time Skip>
Look look~, I found a triangle~
Eh, but there’s no sound…
No, that’s not a triangle, it’s a road sign!
Ah, I know!
If you do this, you can play a guitar!
You don’t even have a guitar pick!
Anyway, isn’t it too big for a guitar!
Spectator A:
On the circuit course, there’s a carrot tumbling along the lane.
That’s not a carrot, that’s a triangular cone!
Cone!? You mean, corn…?
That’s not what I mean!
Spectator B:
Spectator C:
That’s nice~ A triangular combo~!
Ikaruga and Minagi pair, task cleared!
Points have been awarded!
We did it~, The task is cleared!
Tsuzuru, let’s go to the next checkpoint!
Haa, I was really embarrassed…
But, I’m glad we’re able to clear it safely.
<End of Chapter 7>
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najatheangel · 3 years
Idol Life Ship🎶
hi ! can i have a private idol life ship ? im an aries and an enfp :D im 5’8 and i speak english and norwegian (im learning japanese and spanish rn) my family has been forcing me to be in chorus since the 3rd grade, so im pretty good at singing. i also like dancing even tho i suck at it. i have a small friend group and i like spending time by myself. i can be pretty sarcastic n childish sometimes :/ i like to draw and listen to music (mostly garage rock and shoegaze) i also really like horror films :D my aesthetic is 90s skater grunge mixed [...]
@jisungindastarrs Heyy lovlie, thanks so much for requesting. Love your username btw it’s adorable. Of course I can do that for you. I hope you enjoy it.
Your Company: P Nation. Singing was a good hobby for you and you posted Blackpink’s Whistle cover on Instagram. The staff of P Nation saw it and reached out for you to try and audition for the company. The things that stood out to them was your creativity, ability to speak different languages and talent in the singing department. You’ve trained for 4 years under P Nation.
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Number of Members: Total of 4 members. 1 Chinese, 1 Thai, 1 Korean and then there’s you.
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Group Concept: Grunge/Indie
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Your Position: Main Vocalist/ Face of Group. Your the first co-ed group to debut in P Nation. Your music style and concept is so different from most kpop groups out their. It’s a mix of live band alternative music with a sprinkle of rock. Your group is also the youngest in the company which everyone treats you like the babies and spoil you when you deserve it of course. The best part of being apart of P Nation is there is no rules when it comes to making music or creatively expressing yourself. In the group, your more like the middle child that’s always getting teased, but also receive it out of love. You tend to be the savage one in the group that no one dares to tease too much or they’ll regret it. In interviews, your the spokes person being able to handle answering questions in any language. Lastly, your known to have the most crazy hair colors of the group experimenting all kinds of styles every comeback!
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Your Scandal: You were shipped amongst one of your male members in the group which sparked dating rumors. Of course you both joked about it in weekly idol by flirting, but immediately shut it down once it got too far. People never dared to try to start fake relationship rumors again and admired you two as brother and sister.
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Girl BFF: Sana from Twice. Your personalities are every opposite, but in a sense it works so well. She mentioned in an interview one time that she admires your music and hopefully one day she can work with you. Your both also a child a heart which makes hang outs so exciting. You two can be excited over the smallest things such as eating pepperoni pizza or buying matching friendship bracelets together. Even though she’s the more cheerful one in the relationship, her energy easily transfer your way.
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Boy BFF: Mark from Nct. This man is another huge fan of your teen love and grunge concepts not to mention the splash of rock in your music it reaches out to a lot of young audiences around his age. He was awkward first impression not knowing how to greet you at many music events, but you congratulated him during his resonance promotions and the rest was history. He was the one that helped you improve on Korean and you helped him improve on Spanish so that he can interact with his Hispanic fans. You also learned how to play guitar from him so you can play while singing the acoustic version of your songs. Overall this beautiful friendship blossomed at the perfect time.
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Ideal Type: Ryujin from Itzy. You both tend to go shopping every weekend and practice choreography ever since you’ve debuted in Korea. She has been also one of your first friends supporting your music throughout your career. She talks about you almost all the time amongst her members sounding like she is so starstrcuked over you. They was also kind of teasing her saying you might’ve almost had a crush on you, but she just respects you so much and wishes the best for you. She also protects you from creepy guys that try to ask for your number in bars and clubs. 
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Your BF: Changbin from Stray Kids. This man admired your style of music, fashion sense and your ability of not caring what people thinks. He sees that strength in you that can help inspire other woman which he loves even more. When he met you, he wanted to ask you out on the spot and become the ultimate power couple, but he wanted to take his time by getting to know you as a person instead of moving too fast. Your both still young and have busy schedules so you guys haven’t officially started dating until you start getting older and feel more comfortable sharing your relationship with your friends and family. 
Since you didn’t specify for bf or gf I just shipped you with the first person that came to mind.
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How long have you debuted for: 7 years. Your songs still age very well and reach out to the next generation of teens and young adults. 
Other Activities: Model/Makeup Ambassador
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That’s all I got for you love. Feel free to come back anytime and request again mkay? Hope you have a nice day/night. 
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bilgisticallykosher · 4 years
Selfishness vs. Selfishness Redux
Pre-episode thoughts. I don't think they're going to address the dark side Everybody-already-knew-that thing right away. I'm still thinking Deceit's gonna be Virgil, but I'm also not so certain that's going to wind up going down. Because there's a lot of other stuff to get into. We know from the first Asides that stuff between Virgil and Patton is growing, and simmering. It's coming, and while that's in the future, there's probably going to be more build-up here. Is it that Patton knew about Virgil's past? Is it something else entirely? This is going to be a two hour episode, geez. 
Also, I can't believe he's actually going to the wedding. Idk. All those people saying he got the date wrong, though? First of all, Logan is in charge of the schedule, he'd never let that happen, how dare? And also, I always double check dates and invitations for stuff. I really doubt Virgil wouldn't have looked at the invitation and checked the information again. Watch me be totally wrong now. 
I don't know who I think the cloaked figure is. Could be Deceit ("like a freaking Scooby Doo villain"), could be Thomas himself. Probably not Organization XIII, but I'm not completely eliminating the option, let me have this. 
Things I'd like, but am 99% certain won't happen; Deceit's name (which I'm both hoping and expecting to not start with D), a new side, Remus and Deceit interacting on camera, or really Remus at all. Except for that green score of BOOBS, I maintain that's Remus's contribution. 
First impression of the thumbnail. You vs. Yourself???? Oh my gosh. Ohhhh, I'm freaking out. Patton looks so apprehensive, and I don't know if that's on general, or because of Roman or in response to Roman, because Roman looks so annoyed at Patton! He's so angry oh my gosh. I mentioned I wasn't ready, right? Okay. Okay. So their sprites are different styles, which is cool. Patton's looks risk-based stroll around town type of RPG, Roman's looks fighting style. 
The options for the character select???? Oh my gosh, that's. Hi, Remus. Anyway, uh, I don't know what this means, but there's three character options on top and- DARK SIDES ARE SEPARATE FROM LIGHT SIDES! Oh gosh, I was thinking maybe it was something to do with specifically Logan. Ooh, Deceit's in his lawyer outfit, nice touch.  THERE'S AN EXTRA BLANK PLAYER OPTION. I don't know if that means he'll be revealed this episode, or just that he exists. I mean, we just had Deceit's logo, Remus's reveal and name reveal… here goes.
IT STARTS WITH THE VIDEO GAME??? THIS IS THE INTRO????? THE WEDDING??????!!!!!!! Oh hey word crush. Oh hey, it's the couple! Starting to think this is a dream or fantasy, btw. Also, Lee and Mary Lee sound like...Esteban and Valerie? Maybe? Idk. Omg, Life is pain. 
This is awkward, beautiful. Pfft, hence the marriage. Photographer is great, no idea who he or the emcee are. Ooh. Crushed. 
INTRO??? EXCUSE ME??? Oh was SvS originally on 3/31? Yeah, good, play a review like all of us haven't been obsessing over what happened last time. "APRIL 13" I'm just going thi pause forever now. Oh this is going to be the angry walk in that was previewed in the bloopers, I can tell. Oh no. OH NO! And it is at night and he seriously freaking actually went to the wedding????
Oh my gosh he's so angry. Ohhh, Patton rethinking his phrasing, nice. You should never→I'm surprised that you etc. Oh Roman! Oh, maybe we should… not review. Oh boy. 
Oh there's Patton's avatar. In then guitar hero thing. Oh, Thomas is associated with the color white, confirmed??? I like how they did the notes there. So much detail. The talk sprites are great, but the expressions on the dancing sprites are worth paying attention to. Okay, Patton's still very, um, defensive, I guess is the word? Thomas is angry and bereft and confused and full of doubt, and Roman's heavily on the confused side (ha) about him aligning with Deceit. This is why he stole his hat. Great animation work, everyone, that was fantastic, artists! 
"Why didn't I just talk to them before the wedding?" THOMAS. Also, because Deceit specifically prevented Logan from being too close to the courtroom scene by benching him and not asking him what his idea of a compromise was. "I brought that up," well, you did, but Deceit kinda made it seem like you were suggesting lying to them, so you got shut down. Sorry, Ro. Listen, I love Deceit, but the boy's a manipulator. 
We learn to predict the future!!! Roman, no. Woah, Patton's just being completely dismissive. I mean he's been through some hard times the last few episodes, minus LNTAO, but damn. Oh. Roman's very much defending Patton. This forebodes very badly. This is going to explode terribly. Oh no. 
Okay, so, the thing with the feral cats. Is Roman okay? Did someone do this to him? More importantly, did he do this to me? Also, on a serious note, I'm super shocked Deceit hasn't come in yet, because he (and Thomas, and arguably Patton) is obviously regretting going to the wedding. I mean, Virgil's not coming in right away because of the reveal at the end of DWIT, but- hey where's Logan?! Logan and Deceit should both totally be here! *gasp* Except in the one on one episodes (Heart vs. Mind, My Negative Thinking, Logince; the argument) it's always primarily been the two sides that are featured with the others either not there or off-screen or making small cameos. But Deceit was and is an important part of this decision past, present, and going forward! 
Oooh, I like the Lee and Mary Lee backstory. Hm. Patton does bring good points, but. I still agree with- oh, Thomas just solidly saying no made me snort. Okay, so speaking of the coin bleeping, why the video games? I know there's more to come with it, how do they come into play? Oh okay metaphor. 
That was clearly not the good ending, Roman. Bringing up Is Thomas A Good Person again. OOH xylophone, is he a-comin'? Oh he's directly blaming Patton. Wow, Roman. 
A BAGEL?! Oh, game sssssssstore. Really? Frogger, Pat? 16 graphics. Oh there's the hotdogs. OH and there's the cloaked guy! Smashing our theories. That does not seem like Sondheim. 
The puns, oh my gosh, brilliant. Getting to the meat of them here. Gosh these graphics are fantastic. 6AM dull. 
Oh. Hm. Technically, he does not have to give him the 'dog. The building tension is fascinating. 
HI, LOGAN! Patton looking real uncomfortable at "regret." I mean, they all know they regret it now, right? Roman making fun of behoove, that's so funny, I have no idea why. Seriously, whoever's doing the art, I'm dying at Logan's expressions. Woah good thing viewers have the pause button. I'm all for not buying X-mas decorations. I'm doing my part, goyim. 
I'm counting "it's not like Kingdom Hearts" in lieu of that having been Organization XIII. Oh boy, Patton. Right thing vs. Feeling good vs. Feeling good about doing the right thing. This is falling apart. Patton's noise. 
BOOBS omg Deceit is Bowser. I love that painting in the background! Scutes! Time went from limited to being lost to poorly spent to wasted! I'm standing by the purple being Virgil. Fyi, in Judaism, doing a good thing for the wrong reasons doesn't matter, because you're still doing the good thing, even if it's just for the reward. There's a thing about it with Avraham and a King.
Roman's getting close to breaking. Reptilian rapscallian guy. And who's to say he can't be doing it for the reward and to help people? 
"... an individual's happiness and the amount of selfless acts…" that should be number, not amount, Logan! Can't judge good deeds only by how good you feel when you do them. 
Okay, here we go. How do we know what's Right? Killing and stealing is illegal everywhere, yes, Thomas, what are you doing, Thomas???
Oh my gosh, not the trolley problem. They're referring to Deceit as Denial and Roman as Passion! Oh gosh, that looks like Joan, Talyn, Dot, Valerie, and Terrence, and Leo by himself, maybe? Oh geez, I jolted. Logan index carding for trolley problem. 
Unus Annus is right, the trolley problem is stupid. Oh my gosh, Logan's giant wall of text physically pushing Patton back, I spit all over my screen. Skip All. 
Roman's… blaming himself? Oh!!! Are we getting Roman's insecure arc???!!! This is a complex issue, and Patton's having a hard time backing down, and everyone's feeling bad.
Scared?! I hear music! NO. Why is he scared, oh my gosh?????? That's not a tired metaphor. Oh! I've heard of hypoxia! It was hypothesized (and disproven) to be the reason for a specific Bermuda Triangle incident. 
Good point, Logan. Regarding theory and in the moment instincts. Remus mention with intrusive thoughts! Shocked that Logan is arguing for leisure time. Logan's self satisfied smirk at the self-sacrifice. GLITCHY! Oh he's a frog. Lilypadton. 
Oh my gosh I'm getting so stressed. Yes, thank you, Logan for the scream. I… don't. The conscientious comment. No, it's not. This seems… Deceit-y. IT IS! SHARP SIDE OH MY GOSH! Oh, he didn't rise up, he popped out in the freaking dialogue box, NO, FRICK IT WAS RIGHT THERE! And the Nietzsche and the specific examples that he used!!! I'm so angry! I DIDN'T THINK HE'D TAKE LOGAN'S PLACE AGAIN! I MISSED THE SIGNS! 
Hey guys, look, it's Deceit. Bull… frog. Lord of the lies. Oh! 8-bit Deceit theme. Okay, the first thing Deceit said about him not doing it on purpose was nice, but yeah, those words striking him is accurate. Yeesh, harsh. 
Is Patton eating his own words? Oh, uh, is anyone going to acknowledge he hit Thomas? Is that telling of the situation instead of just being a funny background event? 
The crick in Thomas's neck is so funny. SNAKES ON THE PLANE!!! ...Hm. Happy that he brought that up. Oh my gosh, Deceit's spluttering, he's like so bad at things sometimes, I love it. 
Logan! No, don’t do that, everybody appreciates you! Double curse? Pffffft, Logan. Deceit…definitely smiling at Logan's logic. Deceit is interesting here. Oh wow, yikes. He's really fascinating here. Legitimately complimentary? Oh, no, kind of not, maybe. Roman looks distressed.
"...Trees?" Roman's super pumped up. Good for him! Ha, his imitation. Deceit looking confused? Patton looking all sorts of things, I really think that Deceit is being genuine here- NAME?! I'D THIS HAPPENING? Why is he stripping? His, no, what does his glove have to do with his name? 
………. Janice? Did he say Jenus or Janice. It sounded like Janice. Deceit. No. Oh, burn, Roman. Damn, he almost got me. His name is not Janice. No. It's not. Don't even. Deceit was being so straight(ha)forward for the past couple of minutes. Awww, Roman. Insecurity addressing time? Wait, why is Deceit nodding at the hero thing? His lip is trembling, his voice is cracking and oh no! Roman just sank out.
Don't call him Janice, that's not his name. Oh he's being genuine again. Patton's talking about himself. WAIT WHAT. He had a five second cameo, omg. 
Yeah, those are the easier questions. No, Deceit, bad Deceit. Man, his facial expressions in this episode. Fractionally fiendish fibber. Oh, I like the reasons for Deceit being a part of him! That's… cute? Oddly cute, maybe. So, freaking how far in the future is the Asides? 
Stop calling him Janice, that's not his name. Oh, Deceit and Thomas bonding. That snort, oh my gosh. Oh, serious Deceit again! That reaction to "you're right" is oddly similar to that fake laugh at the end of Embarrassing Phases. 
………. Virgil's not here yet. His reveal isn't being addressed. Accepting Deceit. That's why he's so pissed at Patton in Asides. The next episode proper they're going to reveal that Deceit's accepted, more or less, and Patton was a big part of that, hugely changing his mind, that's why he's so pissed at him!!!
April 30th? Oh is this Lee and Mary Lee? I was wrong on the voices. Door-yelling! Hm. I mean. It's nice that they're acknowledging him, but I really don't think that sways the situation one way or another. Cute more background, and Thomas being awkward. They. This could have been instead of the wedding. Kingdom Hearts again! 
Oh hi, Patton and Deceit. He seems annoyed at the situation. Patton and Deceit bonding. Hi again, Leslie. Wild. 
This video really didn't go at all how I thought it would. Roman was barely miffed at Patton. Oh man, this was intense. I. Oh man. I need to process a lot. But I think we're on the right path, here. Janice is not his name!
Okay, I went on tumblr and two seconds in, I saw Janus, which I looked up and that makes way more sense. Another, more condensed post to follow. And several thousand reblogs.
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pinkafropuff · 4 years
tag bc im procrastinating but also getting along well with my writing and wanted to reward myself by @2-dream who said i can use the “shuffle your songs and put 10 on a list” and imma say something about them maybe. yes.
1. Out Of Control- Nothing’s Carved In Stone
anyway if you watched psycho pass you know where i heard this song first. FUCK this song. it makes me think of kogami. also spotify just has the fucking live version which is...okay but. goddamn. i dont wanna hear crowds man! anyway it’s been like. 6 years? it hits. it still hits.
2. Lose Control - Missy Elliot, Ciara
middle school. why. why is it stil so good? why do i STILL want to pop my booty to this song even though I can’t dance (though i can keep a beat)? 
the world may never know.
3. TRIGGER- lynch., J
idk man i love visual kei and this caught me on the tail end of me being really into it. also i STILL think guitars are the shit. i kind of think I always will. sucks that I couldn’t stick with learning BUT i love my saxophone xoxoxo
4. Emotion -Lovelyz
I don’t remember why i liked this song.
5. Five- Omoi
no this is not a mistake. coincidence tho. anyway it sounds like miku hatsune and im like. anime opening vibes. why don’t i have this on any playlists? hm. maybe my sister was right and i have too many freaking songs.
6. FOOL (Fight of Our Lives)- Sir Reg
I found this one looking for Irish made/Irish songs for Mamoru (my dalish inquisitor)’s playlist. and frankly. i really like it, but i have to be in a mood to listen to it. it sounds a little like a bar brawl and i love it. actually it reminds me of when a friend suggested a band to me when i told her about the bands i did like. and like. i had to politely say “no thanks” because i’d listened to them and didn’t really like them for the character (or myself).
anyway i have many daydreams for my edgy characters with this one. especially the use of “akuma” and the phrase i think is “the devil chasing me” and im like “mm. yes. perfect.”
8. Once Upon a Time- Toby Fox
it’s undertale. actually I forgot it was on here but i got a little sentimental hearing it.
9. Forecast - Darren Korb
this is from the Transistor soundtrack, which, btw, is not a game I played, but watched played. the music kinda hits and frankly I was pretty enamored with the soundtrack for a while after I saw the ending, and I’m still not sure if I would want to buy and play the game myself. It was pretty good but not my style. Usually, that’s why I watch game playthroughs; there are only so many things I can put up with playing, even if the story is excellent.
10. Hello Bubble - Girl’s Day
I found Girl’s Day because of a drama that I Dropped with a capital D because the guy was doing terrible tropes towards the main girl, who was, if I recall, MinAh from the group. I might have to look. I recall thinking she was very pretty. I could be wrong, but it was one girl in Girl’s Day. The drama made her look like. Average looking and she was losing her hair from stress so I was like, “this guy literally manipulating her into feeling sorry for him for something HE did to HER is disgusting. end.” 
also their song Macaron is my favorite.
i’m not tagging anyone, i told you i was procrastinating <3
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