#Brian Kelly x reader
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Brian Kelly x Punk reader
You first meet when Brian literally runs into you. while he's on his skateboard 
(he was probably trying to impress his friend)
You get knocked down and he helps you up
He says he is sorry 
Then that's when he realizes your style of clothing
This man is head over heels in love!!
He probably asks you out and tries to play cool but fails in masking his excitement
He will take you out to like to get something cheap and simple like slushies or ice cream
He'd try to teach you how to skate
If you got a scrape from him teaching you to skate he’d blame himself.
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slaterbxby · 10 months
“𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣, 1979 𝘾𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙠𝙞𝙙𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚, 𝙊𝙣 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙪𝙥 𝙤𝙛𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩. 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩.”
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I write for—
Christian Slater
Jason Dean
Mark Hunter
Brian Kelly
Binx Davy
George Kuff
[request more C. Slater characters.]
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“𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙄 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨, 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙣𝙤-𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙪𝙥; 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙪𝙥.”
Requesting info, & request/blog rules.
Requests: open.
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twistnet · 1 year
comforting them after a bad day [ chicago fire ]
⋯ CHARACTERS ; matt casey, kelly severide, leslie shay, sylvie brett, stella kidd, brian ‘otis’ zvonecek, joe cruz, christoper herrmann, violet mikami, evan hawkins, greg grainger
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when matt has experienced a bad day, he tends to get very quiet. sometimes even a little snippy whenever he’s asked if he’s alright. he recognizes that acting this way isn’t going to make his day any better, but it takes his a little bit. let him clam down, and once he’s done that, he’ll seek you out. quietly apologize for being snippy, and telling you that he’s just had a bad day. you can ask him how his day was -- he’ll tell you everything and at some point, slowly wraps his arms around you and leans his head atop your shoulder. inhaling your scent immediately calms him and he’s already starting to feel better
kelly tends to let everything build up. almost insisting he is fine and there’s nothing to truly worry about. and no matter how much you push, he’ll maintain the same story. until something just absolutely breaks him and everything that he’s kept bottled up for month finally comes pouring out. he’ll cry -- more of his eyes tearing up as he refuses to let them fall. but he practically falls into your grasp as you pull him into a hug. it’s really all he needs, just the comfort of having you near him as he talks about different things and lays his heart out on the table. card your fingers through his hair and just tell him that ‘it’s gonna be okay’. that’s all he needs for now
leslie, much like kelly, can be stubborn when it comes to talking about any bad days. however, she’s different as she’ll give one of the briefest overviews -- almost as if she’s giving a report, and then insist that she’s fine. all of her emotions comes out when she drinks, and you can tell she was anything but fine, considering the amount of drinks she’s already had. she’ll crumble into your arms, looking for your warmth as she begins to babble about her day and everything she was feeling. she’ll cling to you, but it’s truly something she needs as you’ve noticed her start to calm the longer and tighter you hold her
sylvie will seek out comfort after a bad day. honestly, any type of comfort will help, but if given the option, she wants to spend her time cuddled into your side with her head resting either against your shoulder or chest. she doesn’t talk much about her day -- only just to tell you that it wasn’t one she would want to experience again before eventually falling asleep. she feels better with you, nothing you have to do aside from allowing her to cuddle up to you
stella gets all quiet and short tempered. it almost takes you by surprise, until she makes a comment about her day. to which you ask her what she needs -- as she often wants different things depending on what had taken place. and once she makes her request, you’re dropping everything to do it. often, her go-to answer is to ask to be held in some way. honestly whichever way is comfortable for the two of you at the time. 
brian is going to get super quiet after a bad day. meaning that whatever had taken place, must have really hit him hard. like most of the others, he will seek you out almost immediately. he needs comfort and wants to decompress from what he experienced for the day. kiss away his tears, hold him tight -- he’ll take literally any form of comfort so long as you are willing to give the time
joe takes a lot of things to heart, and while he’s been able to keep himself from taking each thing he wasn’t able to do so personally, there are times in which he can’t help but feel that. especially after a bad day. he’ll seek you out, looking for some comfort as he gets the day off his chest. he’ll immediately wrap you up in his arms, tucking his face into your shoulder. he won’t talk about it right away, wanting to see you and tell himself that seeing you is better than any bad day he’s experienced. and while he’ll come clean about his day eventually, he’s just wanting to spend as much time with you as possible
christopher tends to get angry -- never directed towards one person, just as his frustration of the day grows, it gathers to a point where he may explode and accidentally take his anger out on the closest person. he realizes that mistake literally seconds later and calms down immediately. taking a few deep breaths before sitting down to tell you. he finds comfort in your touch and will show you by kissing your knuckles before apologizing. he’ll spend the night making it up to you, and in turn, it helps him settle in and finally gain some closure for the day
violet will put on a brave face and will power through the rest of her shift until she can have a moment to decompress. which is usually once she gets home and she can let her emotions out about her bad day. depending on the scale, there will be tears and she’ll hold onto you tightly as she lets it all out. she wants to be with you, and most likely won’t be getting up from her spot unless you manage to coax her to either eat or take a shower. otherwise, she’ll be content laying against you until she feels ready enough to detach herself form you
if anything, evan grows more frustrated with himself. slowly begins to fall down the rabbit hole of ‘what ifs’. trying to think about what he could have done differently to change the course of the day he’s been having. he’s patience wears a little thinner and sometimes he can be a bit of a pain to have a conversation with. until he gets home and he crumbles, talking your ear off about how his day had been until he practically runs out of breath. he feels better afterward and can usually move past that day but it will always stick with him as he could have done better
greg tends grow quiet, almost closing in on himself and trying his best to get through the rest of his shift before going home. the second walks through the door, he’s immediately finding wherever you are in your shared home and latching onto you with already tear blurred eyes. he doesn’t really want to talk about it just yet, just needs to hear you talk gently to him and hold him close. he’’l eventually come clean about what took place, but he needs his own time to think through what had happened
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cloveroctobers · 4 months
A/N: do people still read for this show? Not what I originally planned for my final piece for my feb. fluffs but when you binge watch reality tv (Love is Blind) you can’t help but to redirect some place else right? Rip to that Kelly piece!!! Also this allows me to be all descriptive with a synopsis intertwined! + I’m only at the beginning of season 5 of Chicago Fire so I know I have a long way to go although I know some spoilers here and there…
In short: Chicago Fire meets Love is Blind.
S/N: this is lengthy!! So if you have the time to read this and interact, thank you! Also I apologize for joe’s being the shortest of the bunch—at least I think it is since there’s not nearly enough content of him up here. I didn’t want to hit the mark with writing this which I’ve surprisingly only done once on this site. I wanted to do hermann as a potential older contestant? Don’t know if that’s the right term but again didn’t want to over do it so maybe another time! Enjoy 😬
ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ.
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He originally had no interest signing up for this show despite some producers reaching out to him via emails + phone calls and kinda harassing him in person about it! but after careful thought and consideration, he went through with it. He’s not really into people giving their opinions about how he operates so being viewed by the world was another weird feeling regardless of his politician era!
Matt decides to be open after meeting some of the guys who share their perspectives and seeing some familiar faces that he didn’t expect to also be here.
He’s not really nervous, deciding to just go with the flow and actually takes it serious despite talking through a wall.
Matt Casey is a man who is willing and ready to settle down and that’s his goal. He’s not sure if this place or set up will bring that but he knows he has nothing to lose.
Most of his dates go well, they’re honest, driven—for the most part and somewhat humorous and he’s able to quickly narrow it down to picking you.
He’s as sure about you as you are with him. Conversations feel comfortable for Matt, your voice quickly putting him at ease although you joke that you’ll probably sound like shit once you look back on the footage. And he gives you butterflies whenever he says your name in greeting.
You’re the only ones choosing to continue going on dates with each other immediately and nobody else. They say when you know you just know right?
Matt shares his dating history but it doesn’t scare you away like he almost began to worry about. You share your history as well and nothing the both of you say in the pods is alarming for each other… besides the fact that he’s a firefighter.
Sure it’s an admirable profession and you assume he’s in good health but it also scares you a bit at the fact that you could be a widow one day because of his job.
Politics is unfortunately brought up too but you both don’t dive too much into it thankfully. You both know where you stand and he tells you that his time as a politician was a mess and not really his lane which you don’t doubt. NEVER would have guessed it tbh.
Conversations are always meaningful and you both don’t hesitate to share your values and future goals with each other.
You’re open and there’s no secrets: including family.
He’s the first to propose out of the men and you’re in tears since you wanted this for a long time. You say yes and are a bundle of nerves the rest of the night until you’re face to face.
The attraction is just as strong as it is in the pods and as for the appearance you only assumed he was a dark blonde—that’s about it.
Matt can’t stop staring at you and you have to remind him that he has to propose in person, which makes him blink harshly with a shake of his head, laughing to himself, patting his pockets until he finds the box.
It’s a halo teal sapphire oval engagement ring and it’s perfect.
You can’t help but to initiate the kiss and Matt wipes the faux sweat off his forehead after, happy that you took the initiative before gaining confidence to go forth with the next kiss. You note that he likes to hold the space of your back (a lot) while staring into your eyes along with you locking your arms around his shoulders.
The giddy feeling is mutual when you get back to the headquarters, sharing the deets to your temporary roommates/cast mates turned friends.
The pre honeymoon phase lets you physically be in tune with each other. You take note of each others routine. Matt is the early riser but you have to remind him that he’s on vacation and can stay in bed longer with you although it’s always instilled in him to be up early.
He likes sleeping with limbs tangled and being the big spoon, hand in the valley of your chest which you hold just underneath your chin while you sleep. He’s always on coffee and breakfast duty since you may sleep later but not too late.
He won’t make the bed if you’re the last one out of it but if you’re in the shower (badly singing) that’s not stopping him from plopping right back on it hands folded behind his head and ready to doze back off.
You catch him but he says, “what? I was just resting my eyes,” such a dad answer already! you both give each other a blank stare before he snorts first, making you laugh right with him before pecking his lips.
He’ll color coordinate with you but can’t say it’ll be a common thing unless you’re going to events together or it happens on accident.
He checks in on you whether in the hotel room when it gets quiet or when you go down to meet everyone else before falling into separate conversations.
I don’t believe there would be any doubts between you two if you share similar goals and ofc not all things can be peachy!!!although everyone stamps their approval on your relationship. Not that either of you cared much tbh but you appreciate it regardless!
It’s when you ask about who’s the first person he’ll call to tell about your engagement that takes a bit of a turn. He doesn’t say it’s his mom but probably his niece who will obviously do the job of telling his sister which you kinda find cute but encourage him that talking to his mother and sister is important if you’re going to be in his life.
You’re aware of the disconnect that Matt has with his family but if you have kids you’d want your kids to know their father’s side of the family as well.
“What’s there to know? I already told you everything.”
“…I’ll figure it out. Right now I just want to enjoy my person to be.”
“Nice save.”
“Right?” He winks, pulling you on top of him.
You don’t wait until your wedding night to have sex—unless you’re a traditional person then by all means he’ll respect your wishes although you make it very difficult and you know it. That doesn’t mean you can’t do other things!
He does end up calling his sister first and she thinks it’s a joke before Matt’s showing your face on screen. The casey’s are usually direct people but she’s polite in greeting you and can’t help to let out a few wtf’s and, “are you on something? Maybe politics rotted your brain with you deciding to go be involved in a cult?” when the screen is brought back to Matt.
You’re laughing at the look on Matt’s face because you’re sure you’ll get the same reaction from your family.
Diving back into what a regular lifestyle would be with Matt is an adjustment. He’s gone a lot as a lieutenant and you manage to see each other in the early mornings and late evenings. You’ll have your own job so you try not to let it bother you too much but coming home to a empty house allows you to debrief from a stressful day (which you don’t handle well, maybe you’re a crier when you get easily frustrated) but you still check in with a call or text to see how it’s going with your fiancé.
You agree to have date nights at least twice a month since having dinner together is tricky. Matt forgets sometimes :( but always makes up for it!
Matt’s great with his hands whether with construction (he’ll always fix something in the house or anything you purchase that arrives broken!) , firefighting, golf (which you find to be a complete snooze fest but you’ll tag along if Matt’s alone just to whip the golf cart around the course mainly but Matt’s fails to take your father/uncle/brother’s advice about letting you drive—earning you to get banned from the course. The owners are quite fond of Matt and didn’t have the heart to ban him but you? Had to stay out!) or let’s just say it, sex! Loves holding your hips to guide you just right, wrists above your head, or simply just holding your hands while he’s on top.
He learns you’re not the best driver—being heavy on the pedal (a few unpaid speeding tickets under your belt, just two or three tops!) but at least you excel at gymnastics and tennis?
I don’t see there being any or much drama with any other cast mates since you know how to solely focus on each other and communicate even if it’s something simple/minor.
Eventually Mrs. Casey will come around to meet you and you see where Matt gets his intense eye contact from. It runs in the family since you also got it from his sister but you handle it well. She has no issue drilling you to the point Matt has to tell his mom to back off since she doesn’t get the best mother of the year award.
See…there’s that bluntness you have to take in and hope you don’t get whiplash. You have to remind Matt to relax himself since he did say that he forgave his mother but sometimes the harshness still came out from all of them.
Picking your dress is what makes this more real for you, more than the ring and you know this is fast. The fastest you’ve ever gone in a relationship but when you think of marriage you think of someone like Matt so any worries you may feel seem to wash away—not completely but enough!
And they come right on back walking down the aisle, all eyes on you. Matt is so handsome, waiting at the end for you, carefully taking your hand in his and whispering how stunning you look.
When it comes to the vows is when Matt gets nervous that he refers back to his cheat sheet and you find that adorable along with him getting choked up at some parts telling you his promises. “…You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of this moment, getting the chance to be someone’s forever. Being beside you for the rest of time is all that I could have hoped for. You’re my walking dream and I can’t believe I had to go on tv just to find someone like you! Guess this worked out in our favor and I promise to love you and those other crappy shows you force me to watch for as long as I can. Which will be a long looooong time, by the way.”
There he goes making those butterflies flutter in your belly while also making you smile so wide that he can’t help but to match.
You go next and the words flow as you stare into his eyes, holding his stare while placing one hand on his chest. Your words are just as loving and Matt knows you’re genuine, you never not once shown him that you weren’t.
You both agree to get married with a dip of a kiss, a promise of love to infinity and that love is blind.
BONUS: definitely love slow dancing together and hand holding a lot + hand kisses, a honeymoon doesn’t happen right away—maybe a year later in Australia ;), you both purchase a house together after two years—a fixer upper 😒 that Matt has to convince you to get but it is the house style you’ve always wanted plus you were great at bargaining so you got it cheaper than the asking price, you’ll adopt a dog after six months of marriage since you babysat pouch one weekend and truly believed it was your destiny to be a dog parent first—no you didn’t discuss it with Matt deciding just to surprise him one day at home—you can only imagine how that went, and I get girl dad from Matt so I envision two girls + a boy…which was unexpected since you weren’t really trying the last time but argue amongst yourselves!
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My baby! I want nothing but the best for you!!! Shut up, Don’t ruin it guys.
He’s down for the show and is the one to reach out to the producers after joe brings it to otis’ attention. He signs them BOTH up and joe is confused on why?? But Otis claims he won’t do this on his own and would never ask his actual brothers to do this with him because they’ll give him shit for it and knows joe would truly have his back. Joe gets soft hearted at this tbh and would never argue against that and they both surprisingly get picked!
Otis is excited but nervous all in one. Could his forever significant other truly be here in this building? Otis just really wanted somebody to love s/o JB! and for them to actually love him back. Why was that so much to ask for?
He feels like he screws up majority of his dates and expresses this to joe and the other guys they make friends with. They’re encouraging, pushing Otis to keep going although he’s honestly ready to go home but the last date makes him glad he stuck it out.
He meets someone who is just a little bit nerdy like him but he still takes the cake. He’s into sci fi while you’re into fantasy but you find a bond in that. You also inform him that you have terrible eyesight with grandmacore glasses and dryly blame it on your actual blind mother. She wasn’t born blind but a tragic accident left her that way. It takes a minute for Otis to catch onto your dry humor but finds he likes it.
Which leads to him asking about your profession guessing a comedian but you snort and say you’re actually an assistant writer/artist for a well known graphic novel company. Otis doesn’t need to hear anymore, half heartedly joking about marrying you right now!
You don’t call him by his nickname at all which Brian appreciates. Quickly learning about his last name and culture you test it out with your own name giving your first and middle name and Brian agrees that he likes the sound of it already.
Big note taker out of the two of you! He doesn’t want to forget anything while you tend to have a great memory with shitty eyes. You can actually blame it on too many nights growing up playing video games on the computer.
He makes it known that his Russian isn’t the best but he gets by and even teaches you a few words and sentences that it becomes a thing in greeting.
The gift giving to each other is so sweet as you have a sip and paint date, Brian gifts you a Zhostovo tray that has lots of detail that you appreciate since you once had a hand painted serving tray that belonged to your late grandfather, which broke recently while you took care of your mostly bed ridden mother.
He also lets you borrow his famous helmet and fills it full of wild flowers + peonies and you’re laughing about it joking, “I’ll have to wear this when we meet.”
“Would you, really?” “As long as you promise to help fix my hair afterwards.”
He didn’t expect you to do that but he’s in for a shock.
Part of him begins to worry the quicker he falls for you, wondering if you’re dating other people + even asks the other guys because one thing about Brian? He’s gonna search for the tea and get answers no matter who likes it or not! and you do speak on it before he brings it up that there’s one other person you’re talking to but it seems one sided, meaning they’re more into you than you of them and that you recently just broke it off which allows Brian to let out a big sigh of relief.
From hobbies to having heart to hearts, Brian is ready to make his final decision and wants to pick you if you’ll have him. You like to make him sweat just a little bit, taking your time answering and finally let up with a, “hell yeah zvonecek, thought you’d never ask!”
“Yeah well I was starting to regret asking since you took forever and a day!” “I was building suspense.” “And here I thought you were into fantasy!” You laugh and speak your farewells soon after, ready to meet each other the next day.
The led up to the big reveal is nerve wrecking but when those doors open the both of you are wide eyed although you have your back to the doors with the helmet on. Brian runs to you and you have to remind yourself to move your feet, spinning around as you meet him past the middle.
He shakes his head at you smiling at the fact that you actually did this, and surprised that those printed large framed glasses were able to fit under it too, gently pulling the helmet from your head to place on the floor so that he can also get a good look at you. Hair a mess and all!
“Look at my husband!” You grin after he slams his body into yours in a tight embrace.
He’s a shaky mess but you don’t mind holding him upright, holding his face in place as you study every inch. “I thought your spirit was beautiful before but you even have the face to match.” He’s rolling his eyes at you but he can’t help but to let a smile slip out himself. You’re making his heart thud like crazy and he says he needs to sit before he actually collapses.
“Wow, is this real life?” Brian finds himself asking multiple times as he rests a hand on your thigh and you nod and kiss him to show him it’s the real deal.
“Me and you baby,” becomes your thing and he has to keep chasing your lips because he can’t get enough of them.
You caress his face a lot and he remembers that physical touch is your love language. You didn’t lie about that! But he enjoys your touch and you playing with his facial hair that he left out. He gave nothing about his appearance away and you were okay with that. You were pretty patient and liked the element of surprise! You’ve always been creative so you tried to picture it all and even drew some ideas in your sketchbook.
“Oh right! The ring! This is crazy, I’m sorry.” Brian has to pry his eyes away from you as he searched his pockets and realizes that he either forgot it or dropped it somewhere.
Which you help him look for just for it to be in his back pants pocket, you had to be the one to pull it out with him bending over searching a potted plant. “Hey! We didn’t even have a date face to face yet and you’re already grabbing my ass?”
“It’s our ass now, genius. And I’ve found it, you’re welcome.” You hold it up in between you and Brian rubs his face in embarrassment but you’re smirking at him.
He’s down on his knee and imagines this is how it would probably always be with you. He’s down bad for you already, hands shaking again as he reveals a goregous ring. It’s a modern take on a three princess-cut grown diamonds. They are encircled by a halo of baguette and round accents and from its side it appears as floating diamonds which is breath taking.
“My man has fabulous taste!”
He exhales relieved, “You like it?”
“ Shut up and kiss me.” You demand and Brian doesn’t hesitate. Here’s a little secret, you can’t get enough of his lips either.
When it’s time for the pre-honeymoon, you don’t keep your hands off each other. If you want to wait until marriage, he will. If you don’t? It’s fair game. He eats well ;) he’s passionate and attentive, you can be a little on a rough side—don’t let the grandma glasses fool you but you always have a safe word and have Brian tell you what he wants and what’s too much if you push the envelope too far. Words of affirmation in bed definitely sets him off and you love it just as much. You love to take care of each other.
He doesn’t understand how active you can be before and still have the energy to be up at the crack of ass ready to prepare breakfast and eat. You are a bit of a routine person but if it has to be altered it doesn’t bother you much. You don’t take yourself too seriously which brian likes.
You will force him to do mediation with you on the mornings of your pre-honeymoon and affirmations to say in the mirror—which is weird at first but once he gets the hang of it and believes it you leave him alone to do it on his own. You open him up to new things and just to be himself. And he opens you up to be more in tune to your own feelings and not just everyone else’s.
Meeting Joe is just what Brian wanted and you reveal you and Joe went on one date together in the pods but he wasn’t the one who had more interest in you it was another guy. And Brian is a scoffing mess once he sees him again, “that walking protein shake? Really?!” Whaaat? I friendzoned him didn’t I? I only want you, Kartoshka.” You peck his cheek and nip his ear, leaving him a blushing mess and joe is wide eyed in disgust. “What did they just call you? Get a grip man.” “Shut up, joe.”
There could be a little drama with the meathead who is in disbelief that you would pick Brian over him and tries to show off despite being with the person he picked to marry. But it’s obvious he’s not attracted to them and is belittling to them. You set them straight in front of everybody and thankfully the girl calls it quits with him.
Brian finds it hot that you’ll stand ten toes down for him just like he will for you. And that stamps more approval from joe that you’ll make it as a couple, gaining a big hug from him which you return.
When you return home, his baba is already there and he comes clean since he actually wanted to wait until you were both settled that he’ll start reaching out to some family although you already made calls to your besties as soon as you got off the flight. Brian felt pride at the thought of someone being excited to tell their loved ones about him.
He felt incredibly lucky to be loved by you and hoped you felt the same so he didn’t B.S. to his baba about you. You didn’t understand much of their conversation but the woman yanked you into her arms. Your eyes went wide at her strength but a thumbs up from Brian over her shoulder meant all was okay.
Brian talked highly of his baba so ofc you wanted to make a great impression more with her than anything. She was the one who always believed in brian while he experienced tough love from his mom and big brothers so you couldn’t lie and say that her opinion mattered less when it mattered the most!
You were both nervous meeting each others family and friends, although you found comfort in joe and his fiancée already being friendly with them but the both of you were relived once it was all over.
It was mainly 50/50 on both sides who were in shock that this was happening and had more concerns than questions—which was the same thing in both of your eyes when each side stated this but you both understood that your loved ones had the right to be skeptical.
You were positive that Brian’s mother didn’t care for you or really approve, his brother’s attitudes felt condescending but they said they would be there whether to support or to see this fail was their own business but at the end of dinner they seemed to ease up some leaving the hounding to be done by their mother instead.
Your mother on the other hand was a simple woman. She felt along Brian’s face and smiled saying to you, “he gets points for being a cutie. If you love his heart and he’s good to you, then I’ll be more than happy to call him my son in law.”
Which definitely lifted your spirits!
A home routine for the both of you wasn’t traditional considering that Brian had joe for a roommate and his fiancée decided to move in with them and baba was in town again. Brian had a bunk bed with one twin sized on top and then a full on the bottom so there was that! He planned to get rid of it, worried that you were judging him but you just threw your hands up in the air silently saying you were keeping your thoughts to yourself.
You alternated spending weekends with each other. You lived on the outskirts of town where the historical houses were, inheriting an old Victorian from your late artist of a grandfather where you resided with your sickly mother. You had a caretaker who became family so you didn’t have to feel guilty when you would spend weekends at Brian’s.
He loved chatting with your mom when it was his turn to stay at yours. There was wittiness behind that shell of quietness and she loved having tea tasting with Brian in the garden.
He’s a talker so any time he isn’t talking would be when he’s pissed, when he’s sleeping, or when he’s deep into a book trying to process everything before he’s yelling at the pages.
The both of you like lounging on the couch, feet in his lap while he’s into a novel and you’re sketching.
Pillowtalk is absolutely a thing in this soon to be marriage! Early mornings are a common thing for Brian so he sets his alarm just ten minutes before he has to be up for work to talk to you about the most randomness things because he likes picking your brain.
You get familiar with firehouse 51, meeting Brian’s chosen family and even bringing your mother along just to say hi and always sensing when Brian just needs to see you or hear your voice + hanging with your mom is always a plus. She’s a pretty cool lady too!
And baba also likes her!
Brian would be the type to want to know what kind of dress you’re going for so he can create mental images himself but you won’t budge! He even peeks through one of your random sketches to see if you drew about it or have a vision board buried somewhere to give him an idea. He’s not patient when it comes to the wedding and can’t wait to marry you.
He’s never been so secure in his life!
He’s a sweating mess on the day of the wedding and goes into a dry heave but he’s thankful that his family is there to bring him through it. It means a lot to have everyone there, even his actual brothers!
You on the other hand? Like to dance your worries away tbfh. When you’re nervous you like to throw darts or break out into a mini dance routine that starts off with a moonwalk every damn time—which Brian caught once or twice. “What the hell was that and why have I never known you could move like that?!”
Long story short your alcoholic deadbeat dad was a tap dancer and even started you out at the age of 3. You picked up things pretty damn fast but found you were more passionate with other forms of art although dance was obviously still there.
And your mother was an ice skater before her accident brought on other health issues, so yeah you could move on your feet which was another thing Brian could add to the list of things he loved about you.
So you may have broke out into a routine in your dressing headquarters once you were alone in spanx before getting into your wedding dress. Then? You were good to go.
Brian was glad that you didn’t spare any details about your attire besides the fact that you were wearing a dress. Vintage was kind of your thing and you took your mother’s dress that she brought from goodwill years ago transforming it into just what you sketched. That’s right, sketched with the help of your designer best friend.
“I’m speechless babe,” Brian breathed as he scanned over the details of you in front of him, “I don’t know how you expect me to give my vows when you look like that.”
You smile sweetly at him, head titling to the side, “just wait until you get me out of it.” Winking at him.
He puts his head down, rubbing at his brow, face pink and warns you through clenched teeth, “remember we’re in church, in front of a priest…” which earns laughter from everyone.
You give your vows first because you surprisingly can’t wait to claim your love to Brian and you seem so at ease speaking about him while he’s melting from the lights and nerves! It’s natural for you and maybe it has to do with you being a writer but he wants to hold onto every word that you say for a lifetime.
When it’s his turn he’s a stuttering mess and the comforting squeeze from joe and the caress of your fingers underneath his chin makes him stand up tall. “…I never thought that I would ever find a love like this before. A curveball that knocks you off your feet but you find that you’re okay because it’s the most loving yet dorky person behind it that sends it your way. I am so grateful that you chose me to spend forever with and I hope that—wait—and I know that I can be just the right guy for you. I am so ready to do everything and more with you, including getting old and saggy together. I’ll even give you first dibs on plucking my first strand of gray hair out but I know you probably won’t because you’re so ready for change and seeing what the world has to offer. And I’m ready to offer you love, devotion, and a huge chunk of that world. I’ll always look foreword to saying I do with you right beside me.”
You’re kissing him before the priest gives the final say, which you suddenly remember pulling away and laughing, “sorry, we’re supposed to wait for you to tell us to do that. But I couldn’t resist, this is my forever person! So hurry up and get on with it so we can go round two.”
“Forgive them…and they say I’m the impatient one.” Brian jokes while the priest is shaking their head at you two before moving on with the ceremony and the both of you are a smiling mess, forehead to forehead, excited to put your lips to good use again with the answer of: love being blind.
BONUS: honeymooning in the states was okay with the both of you. You had time to see the rest of the world and Brian was a bit indecisive about where to go so you both closed one eye and threw a dart each at the map landing on Massachusetts of all places! Another round later and your destination was Salem. The both of you brought back weird but cool trinkets to decorate at a later date once you found a reasonably priced home. It takes time and Brian is more than willing to move elsewhere from joe and his vocal fiancée! If you get what I’m saying! He was fine with them keeping the apartment 100% while he was ready to build more life with you. He wanted your mom to move in with you two but there was no chance in hell that she was leaving the Victorian behind…so visits were a common thing at your remodeled (Brian was sick of old houses that didn’t feel updated so he was ecstatic finding this updated listing!) typical Chicago style four bedroom home that was built in 1883, Brian did his podcasts a lot in the cozy large basement and you even joined in sometimes since he always deemed you as his number one fav guest!
halloween? The both of you went off with the costumes with you on makeup duty (that Brian hated sitting hours for because his ass ached okay but always loved the end results and the decor), you’ll go to conventions together since you had the hook up thanks to your job, you’ll help out at Molly’s when they’re swarmed with customers—although you weren’t a drinker but knew how to make a mean firestarter, you’re both cat people until Brian ends up allergic and the hairless cats creep him out so the idea of having pets kinda went out the window, and I also picture him with a kid or two but he’s heavily nervous based on hereditary facts + being a good dad but you both don’t have to have it all figured out yet being worried is enough evidence that he will be 🥹
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Listen…Kelly didn’t want to be the guy that did this just to meet more women or anything like that but he thought it would be fun and had time off that he needed to take so why the hell not?
He didn’t expect to be around these many guys and their egos, including his own but here he was!
Casual dating was right up his alley so that’s how he kept it at the start. He knew at some part of his life he may want to settle down but he never had a grand example of what that would look like honestly.
Which is why he wouldn’t be so screwed up if things didn’t work out here…so he hoped.
He wasn’t heartless like some may believe!
Majority of the dates seem to go by fast but he knows how to keep conversations going so it only makes sense along with his imagination going wild trying to picture each person he’s talking to although it really shouldn’t matter but it does to a certain point for him…
One voice in particular sounds familiar and part of him feels like he can’t shake it but he continues talking to her although she seems to skip around some of her background.
However Kelly isn’t all that interested in family backgrounds but feels like talking about anything else like: what do the weekends look like for you? Tell me about your first crush. Most spontaneous place you had sex or made out at. Are you a beach or mountain person? Corny things like that.
He’s made the mistake of mentioning his position as a firefighter and immediately picked up on the tone of those that found more interest in that than anything else he had to say…which got old fast and made him start mentally crossing them off.
He kept talking to the familiar voice and then there was you, the complete opposite to everything he spoke of. When he asked you these questions and you brought up that you already knew that he was a firefighter since the others wouldn’t shut up about it and that you weren’t interested in sliding down his pole made him choke on his beverage in laughter.
“What if I told you that I grow cannabis for a living?” “I’d say…how’s that working out for you?” “Then I’d say idk because my phony friend took over and although it’s supposed to be recreational I really can’t get past the smell so whatever! I’m actually a forensic analyst and we can move on past the basics.” “Well…if it makes you feel better, I smoke cigars.” “It doesn’t.” Kelly laughs with a shrug, “okay then.”
You’re surprised that Kelly wants to go on another date after your first encounter and you very honest about it. “Give yourself some credit. I see something in you that can be worth it.” Kelly doesn’t hold back. “Oh please. What’re you really here for?” “What do you mean?” “Why’d you come on the show for? solely entertainment? “i came here because I was told I don’t get out enough.” “Is there some truth to that?” “When you work as hard as do, yes. You know how it is.” “Sure I do but I also know how to have the right balance.” “I can smell the Vegas on you.”
You keep Kelly laughing and find it odd that you have him somewhat figured out and he’s still trying to get a read on you.
Sooner than later you open up to him—which isn’t something that you do really but it’s something about talking with Kelly that feels different than with all the others. You didn’t pay much attention to the other girls who felt a way about you and the other girl that still got to go on dates with Kelly. It really wasn’t that big of a deal and you didn’t see the point in having envy towards anything. Things that are meant to be will be don’t they say?
The next time you meet the both of you talk about any and everything and it doesn’t feel forced. Just a natural convo between two strangers trying to figure out if they could be each others one. “Hey, are we friends now?” Kelly asks after he ends up telling you about his old friend Shay. You sigh and dramatically say, “if you say so but you can’t tell anyone.” “You are brutal,” he’s laughing again wiping the corners of his eyes, “thanks for letting me talk. I haven’t spoken about her in awhile.” “Ah don’t mention it. Most people say my shoulder is comfy which I don’t understand since they’re broad thanks to many years of being on the swim team.” “Oh shit okay! Were you any good?” “I had no choice but to be. Didn’t know how to swim so my dad made me learn to become a swimmer…which is why I said I’m more of a mountain person rather than a beach or whatever you enjoy doing more. A lake! That’s right, you’re a lake guy.”
Then there’s the subject about fathers and that’s a lengthy one! You didn’t intend to get so personal but it seemed like this Kelly guy brought it out of you—considering you’re friends now or whatever. You only tell each other one thing physically about each other but it’s only because you both let it slip. You’re aware he’s got blue eyes and he’s aware that you have a sleeve tattoo with one of them being a moose.
“Why a moose?” “Why blue eyes?” Kelly rolls his eyes, “stop being annoying.” “Fine. It’s my favorite animal and I’ve got two but the big one, that moose is in a tux smoking a pipe.” “…I can’t even picture that but I love it if you like it.” “Well maybe one day you’ll get to see it.”
Which makes Kelly raise his brows. He wasn’t expecting that but he recovers fast before that date ends shortly after. And he has no problem sharing this info with the guys he’s closest to back at the headquarters.
He becomes conflicted when he has another date before he learns it’s Brittany who’s been using her middle name instead of her first. Now he’s irritated because he felt like she should have just been honest from the jump and not play around.
Brittany’s apologetic and Kelly can’t help but to ask how she’s been and how things were resolved with her family. She says they’re in family therapy now but she moved out to Thomasville, GA. She can’t lie and say that she’s not curious about how things are going with you and Kelly but she makes it clear to Kelly that you don’t share much of what goes on in your dates + felt like your attitude sucks.
“Why? Because she told you to probably mind your business?” Kelly asks.
Kelly doesn’t like how it seems like Brittany begins to speculate or almost bad mouth you since she doesn’t know you like he does. She can sense this may go left so she tries to clean it up saying that you’re not as open as everyone else but atp Kelly doesn’t care about the info given and she also says that you’re nowhere near ready to be married to him.
He ends the date early and lets the producers have it but the producers warn him and Brittany not to say anything else about the matter to anyone. Kelly doesn’t owe them shit, telling you exactly that Brittany is his ex wife from an impulse marriage in Vegas and he hasn’t seen her in years or knew she would even be here.
You’re listening, not saying much and Kelly feels his heart rate spike thinking that you’ve left but you’re laughing now. “It all makes sense on why she was being so nosy. I think she’s curious about a round two with you.”
“Nah, not gonna happen.” “She didn’t know you would be here either.” “I told her my name first and she lied using her middle name instead. So she had to connect the dots at some point.” “You’re right but you felt something before and recently to keep pursuing her so you can’t just brush it off now since she and the producers lied.” “…why does it feel like you’re trying to push me out?” “I’m not.” “Yes you are!” “Kelly…I’m just saying I’m not here to deprive you of anything. Her being brought back into your life again might mean something.” “Like what?” He snaps, “that I go back to old habits?” You’re not sure what that means but you shrug, “I don’t know but you’re both here and you should figure it out.” “Is there someone else?” You pause because you weren’t expecting that, “no, Kelly. There’s not. It’s just you. I’ll talk to you later.”
He’s upset about this but he’s got a few more days to get it together. He really slows down and talks to Brittany most of the time before his final date with you then he has to make his big decision. It’s somewhat tense between you two and quiet but you don’t ask any questions about Brittany because why would you want to spend your time talking about another woman?
Once you get past that tension and you’re both bringing laughter out of each other, Kelly knows you’re the person he wants to talk to the most at the end of the day and he knows the decision he’ll be making tomorrow.
When he proposes the next day it’s along the lines of, “I know what this feeling is and i know I’d be a complete dumbass if I let you slip away. You’re exactly what I need to get through just a day so I can only imagine what life would be like with you in it all the time. Will you marry me?”
And when you’re face to face, the both of you have shit eating grins on your faces and can’t help but to laugh. “We’re doing this huh?” “Only if you want to.” He bumps your shoulder as you sit beside each other, knees touching and him running his fingertips over the ink on your arm.
“I think I have to see what I’m working with first.” “Meaning what?” “Plant one on me, duh.” “Oh! Is that what you want?” He’s teasing. “I mean…a big part of how you kiss me is on the list: if I should spend until the end of time with you.” “Did I ever tell you that you’re something else?” He’s grabbing the sides of your neck and you’re running your fingers through his salt and pepper hair. “Eh, I’m used to it already.”
He likes the way your nose crinkles when you’re being your usual sarcastic self and he’s staring at you with a glimmer in his bright blues before he’s diving right to you.
You hate to admit it but the man knows what he’s doing with his lips + tongue and he knows that you’re enjoying it based on your body language. “Did I pass?” You’re playfully glaring at him, trying to slow your breathing + taking note of the gap in his smile and say, “give me the ring, damnit.”
It’s a 1 carat emerald diamond with French diamonds (he explained to you) that extend half of the way around the band. They say everyone thinks about what their ring would look like but you also never thought you’d find love again after being cheated on multiple times. It was evident that Kelly put thought into this ring and into you.
So you grip his cheeks and kiss him again before wrapping him into your arms, feeling the tears in your throat. Kelly rubs your back whispering, “I’ll do my best to make you happy.” “No need to worry, you’re doing great so far.” And you’re laughing again and enjoying the feeling of being in his arms.
The Pre-Moon added to the energy of being a fiancé and fiancée. You’re wearing Kelly’s cap backwards and this is marked as Kelly’s fav outfit on you yet. You in the warm weather is the perfect view in Kelly’s eyes as you settle into your hotel.
He’ll definitely pull you into the shower with him since he doesn’t have to shower alone now. You caught on pretty quickly, enjoying the makeout session and wondering hands but you don’t take it further than that, just sticking to teasing on the first night.
He’s the partner that likes to sleep with the tv on although it doesn’t make sense to you. He’ll be taking care of the electric bill if he keeps this up outside of the show! Lots of pillow fights, “catch this!” and WWE moments that lead to more makeout sessions. Leave it up to Kelly and he’ll never leave this room. He likes walking around shirtless a lot trying to get you riled up but if he hasn’t noticed you’re a tough cookie.
It’s when he goes out onto the balcony ass naked shouting good morning to the villa, you’re yanking him right back into the room while he’s laughing. “Is there a problem?” “Yes! Why are you sharing our business to the rest of the villa?” “Our?” Kelly questions with a smirk while you keep your eyes only on him. He’s stalking towards you now after you created space between you two. “That’s what I said. Now put some clothes on!” “Is that really what you want?” “Are you planning on going skinny dipping at the pool?” He thinks about it letting a wide smile greet his face. Shaking your head you say, “never mind!”
Neck kisses and nose kisses are a thing between you two. The attraction is magnetic and 1000000000% there but you don’t officially do the deed until you’re back in Chicago on a houseboat he brought and is renovating to resell.
You wake up in complete bliss, his arm tucked underneath your jaw and fingers touching your shoulder which he kisses the back of. You’re staring at your ring, crooked smile on your lips as he’s peppering the side of your face in good morning kisses.
“I didn’t get to show off my lingerie.” You pout recollecting how the events of the night happened on impulse—but a good impulse nonetheless.
“You could model it for me now.” Kelly suggested, “or…we can shower together and get ready for the day. Meet everyone at 51.”
“You didn’t even tell them yet.”
“I told Matt and Dawson—Gabby.” He informs.
“Then I can meet them but want to wait on everybody else.”
“Okay,” he’s ready to get up but you’re pulling him back, “let’s stay in bed just a little bit longer. It’s still early.”
He can’t cook for shit and his stove isn’t repaired yet so a trip for bagels, coffee, and tea for you was a pit stop before heading over to Matt and Gabby’s where you meet little Louie as well. You and gabby understand each other’s humor and like that you’re honest about knowing how crazy this marriage thing may seem but the focus was on the present that leads up to marriage. You would put in the work if kelly does and so far it’s been great but honeymoon phases can wear off…
You have your own place and didn’t like staying on a houseboat by yourself, so a weekly routine did include you staying back at your own place while Kelly would spend many nights at the station which you stayed away from until it’s brought to your attention that Brittany shows up to the station based on a text she “accidentally” sent you. “Look who I picked up to have lunch with”
Here comes the drama the producers were looking for! It was an off guard photo she took at a table they were sitting at for lunch and you didn’t give her the satisfaction of replying. You would just wait until Kelly showed up for breakfast…hours later. He sent a good night text that same night and you left him on read which he tried not to think too much about.
Finding your front door unlocked was alarming and this was his first time being at your place, which was pretty nice. He calls out to you but he can smell the food so he quickly turns to his right to find you in your kitchen.
“Hey,” he starts, making his way over to you to peck your cheek before rubbing his hands together at the food spread and taking a seat at the island counter, “…what’s up?”
“How was your day yesterday?” You start, stirring the contents in your tea cup.
Kelly’s diving into his food and shrugs, “t’lright. Busy as usual. Missed your call on your lunch break and then reached back out to you once my shift was over. Figured you probably fell asleep right before.”
“How was lunch with Britt?” You casually ask sipping at your tea mug.
Kelly stops chewing, bright eyes flicking back to yours.
“And don’t hit me with the ‘what’re you talking about?’ She sent me a photo on purpose although she tried to lie about it.”
“…it wasn’t planned.” Kelly starts.
“No, why would I willingly go out to lunch with her if I said all that I needed to back in the pods?”
“You tell me, Kelly.”
Kelly tightens his stare, “Stop. Don’t do that.”
“I’m not doing anything but trying to carry a conversation with my fiancé. Questioning why he’s hanging out with his ex wife…that’s all.”
“We weren’t hanging out! I just told you that. It wasn’t planned. I went to go pick up lunch for the squad and she so happened to be there having lunch by herself and she invited me over. I sat down and then we talked. I was only there for five maybe ten minutes sitting.”
“That’s five to ten minutes too long for not having anything else to say.”
Kelly lifts his shoulders, “I don’t know what you want me to say here.”
“You should have told me instead of her trying to gain some sort of one up on me saying that she picked you up when she actually didn’t. Which is weird as hell by the way.”
“I can’t control what anybody does but I do agree, I should have mentioned it last night although nothing happened but you didn’t answer any of my texts.” “Don’t try and flip this on me.” “I’m not! This just feels like you’re trying to start with me over nothing.” “Is it really nothing though?” “I’m not your loser of an ex okay and I’ll never be that. I know how that feels and I won’t steer you wrong. I love you, okay? If you have any doubt, just put your trust in that ring.”
As he mentions this it feels like the engagement ring burns against your skin but you’re staring at Kelly, taking his words and knowing they have weight to them. Blinking you step back, “I have to get to work, enjoy breakfast. And don’t forget to lock up on your way out.” Is all you say before sliding a key his way.
And he watches you leave while he rubs his face is frustration, pushing the plate away from him and no longer having an appetite.
The both of you are hard workers and push your personal business to the side as you enter your work places. However that doesn’t mean in the free time that you don’t think about each other. This was your first disagreement…if you want to call it that but your feelings for each other were strong and demanded to be felt.
You didn’t see Brittany as a threat at all, finally deciding to send back a text letting her know that whatever she’s trying to get at has clearly passed her by and that there is no need for her and kelly to continue any contact. If she didn’t respect that then there would be hell to pay :)
Thankfully she gets the message, saying that she’s already on the next flight back to Georgia and Kelly is at yours first since you’re the one with a late night. He’s made himself comfortable on the couch, watching sports, and you don’t head to the kitchen that has take out on the table, you head right to where your man is on the left side of the house. You plop beside him and he side eyed you, turning the tv down before turning his head to you.
You tell Kelly exactly what you told Brittany before apologizing about being somewhat accusatory but not about how this made you feel. He’s aware of the hurt you faced prior and know it’s a big deal giving your heart to him. He promises that he’s not going to break your heart and you promise that you’re learning to be more trusting.
Every other weekend when Kelly’s not working on the boat you head out to his lake house, liking the views but not the idea of fishing—but it’s baby steps with you.
It’s the little things that the both of you are getting the hang of. Kelly’s hasn’t been in a long lasting committed relationship since his first engagement but he knows he likes being with you doing the things you like to do and having new experiences on what he likes to do with you. It’s all about sharing and Kelly jokes that you’re not the best sharer.
Meeting each others families at a little get together at your place also puts each other into perspective besides word of mouth to each other. Everyone that the both of you socialize with agrees to be at the wedding (even Mr. Severide who asks Kelly off to the side if he’s really serious about you but it’s not like he’s taking advice from him!) which you actually pushed to the back of your mind although it’s coming up pretty damn fast!
Very protective over each other even when speaking of one another, lots of squeezes you’ll give each other in passing: he’ll squeeze your shoulders when you’re hunched over your laptop looking over something for work when you should be off-reminding you to relax, squeeze your hips and move you aside so he can get by, you both like to rub each other’s back when you’re hugging, if he’s sleeping with his back to you, you’ll use his bare back at your pillow, he’ll throw you over his shoulder the minute you start bickering with him over something, you can ask him something as simple as what type of food to eat based on two options and he’ll say something annoying like, “both,” with a shrug and you’re ready to playfully choke or slap him on the back of his shoulder.
He loves his mustangs and you love your broncos. The both of you will swap cars for a day or two just because or you’ll grab the wrong key—he thinks you do it on purpose. He basically lives at your place now and it’s the norm for you two.
What may not be normal is that feeling in your stomach the sooner the date to your wedding approaches. Kelly always tells you that you can talk to him, that the both of you should be able to talk to each other if something is bothering you so you have a conversation three days before the wedding.
“Do you think we’re ready to be married?”you ask one morning in the bath while Kelly is shaving his face.
“Is anyone?” He says staring at you in the mirror, “If the relationship is real I think most just let the nerves get the best of them and may look for a way out. You don’t think we’re ready?”
“I mean…we’re still trying to learn each other.” “True but you’re scared to take that jump aren’t you?” “Yes.” “Okay,” he goes silent for a moment, “is there anything I can do that will change your mind?” “About getting married in three days? I don’t think so. Are you ready to get married?” “At the start in the pods I wasn’t sure but talking to you made me feel hopeful again I guess. I haven’t really thought too much about it recently but I liked seeing you wear the ring and it was like we were just living without the label. Now that it’s coming up…I might be unsure again because I’m getting in my head about it…but I’m positive you’d make a great wife.” “…Maybe.” You had your doubts about that title just like Kelly. “No, you will. And it may not be in three days, weeks, or months— “or years,” you interrupt.
Kelly exhales with a roll of his eyes, “but you will and I personally want to keep getting to know you.” “Good, glad we agree on that.” He’s stepping to you now and squats down beside the tub, reaching for your cheek to place a kiss on your lips, “just making sure you’re prepared to piss a lot of people off. I assume this means no big show at the altar?” “You would love to do that wouldn’t you?” Kelly grins, “only to the producers, not our family or friends because those producers kinda deserve it especially since I heard them making bets on us.” “We don’t owe them a damn thing.” “Yeah, you’re right. Just thought I’d pass it along and see what you think. So…still my fiancée for now?” He tests and you nod your head, “cool, what do you want to do today?”
And you smile in the fresh morning and Kelly admires just how pretty you are when you have your mind made up. There was still love written in your eyes the longer the both of you had eye contact as you say, “I’ve always wanted to go to Belize.” “Yeah?” Kelly quirks up his brows, “think you can get a bag packed in thirty minutes before the camera crew get here?” “I love a challenge, Kels.” You’re standing up now and Kelly wraps his arms around you, lifting you from the tub, “so do I.” He says into your neck before setting you down on your feet and slapping you on your bare backside to get going.
You’d like to state that you’re not very impulsive but jumping on a flight with a man you agreed to marry after a few weeks of talking behind a wall but chose to ditch the wedding speaks volumes! The both of you are nowhere to be found (Kelly makes sure to call Boden about his minor absence after a day in Belize) but you both know at some point you’ll have to return to reality, for now being with each other without the constant worry about what will happen next is the most freeing feeling you both received.
For the audience: Is love blind for this couple?
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Otis was lucky Joe loved him like a bro, otherwise he wasn’t sure he would really try out for this sort of thing…although he knew it would be nice to be in love.
Especially if it turns out to be genuine.
He gets excited being in the pods and actually liked going on dates and felt like he can be quite the romantic if he puts in the effort. However he knew he couldn’t dive right in and had a balancing method that worked out in his favor since most of his dates seemed to hit off but still lacked something.
There was one that was questionable and a little weird that he had to dip out on but for the rest of the ladies he could say he had a solid time.
There’s three contenders that he’s socializing with and one of them steps out of the experience with joe because she felt like her connection was stronger elsewhere. Joe appreciated that honesty and wished her well before continuing with the two women.
It’s still early so he doesn’t have to have it figured out now but he does take into account how he feels chatting with them. Both match his energy yet one is more…sexual than the other and ofc joe doesn’t mind it but he wants to make sure there’s more than just the physical if the plan is to get married at the end of this, so he makes note of that.
Then there’s you who makes him feel like he’s right at home, someone who feels like a friend that he can love past the platonic.
You have inside jokes, drag all those dance movies especially, “save the last dance,” (never magic Mike tho! Which makes joe scowl and roll his eyes) and joe is comfortable admitting that he’s into rom-com’s because who, “doesn’t love a good love story,” but is absolutely into action movies with a detailed storyline as well.
It just feels like you both come to terms with wanting to talk to each other every day and feel happier in doing so. So…he makes the decision on choosing only you to focus on and awkwardly tells the other woman who simply shrugs it off saying, “you’re probably old, fat, and balding in the middle anyway and you’re not as funny as you think. Your lost, asshole.”
Leaving joe wide eyed and caught off guard at being dragged. When he tells you about it you scoff saying, “she’s the one who lost with that nasty ass attitude. Don’t listen to a thing she says because we all know she doesn’t know her times tables anyway. And I think anyone would be glad to have someone like you in their corner so screw her.” “You mean that?” “Cross my heart and hope to fly.” “Thats…not the saying.” “Well who the hell hopes to die? Not I! I’m not even in my prime yet.” Joe chuckles, “that’s fair. Thank you for that.” “Of course, now dinner with Kanye or are you taking the twenty grand…?”
May let out a sigh of a, “I love you,” during your many talks and once he realizes he says it out loud he’s scrambling trying to save himself but you’re shushing him.
“I mean I am pretty fabulous so it’s about time you share those same views.” You start, “and I’m sure I love you too and what this little life will be.”
Which was all the confirmation joe needed to continue working at what this could be and that’s exactly what you both did.
He’s only nervous when he has to face you. More worried about what you’ll think about him physically after that previous dumping brought up his baldness unknowingly and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t curious about you as well but the heart always knows what it wants.
“You’re gorgeous, honey.” He says as you’re caressing his head then his cheek and he’s holding on your waist. You wink and say, “as are you and we got the heart to match so sounds like a win don’t you think?”
You both give each other a nice spin hyping each other up before joe’s down on his knee to propose with an engagement ring.
A 2 Carat Pear Diamond that’s twisted along the band with more diamonds on its side.
“Ohhh, impeccable taste Joey! This is chef’s kiss but you’re already the best gift a girl can ask for and I can’t wait to be your one and only.” Joe’s all heart eyes as he’s getting to his feet to connect your lips.
And you’re both letting out a sigh like this is where you’re meant to be.
The pre-moon is even better. Superior weather and views + being with the man you can see the future with. You’re quite aware of joe being big hearted and it doesn’t disappear. Breakfast in bed, he pays attention and gives his input on fits when you ask for it—even when being self conscious he’ll still compliment you reminding you of your worth, making requests of saying ‘I love you,’ morning, night, and even when/if you’re getting on each other nerves. He knows he’s a blanket hog since he gets cold easily but thanks to the hotel sheets being tucked in so tight he can’t pull the covers too much but promises he’ll do better when you get back home, you help him shave the back of his head, and he’ll help you with your eye drops since you flinch too much doing them yourself.
You’ll spend a lot of time snacking and lounging on the balcony + night time swimming and sunbathing. “I don’t need that,” he says to the sunscreen and you give him a look before he’s sighing taking the cream from you, “you’ll have to get my back,” “always boo,” you state knowing that joe will learn to not argue with a esthetician.
Meeting Otis already feels like you know him since joe talks quite a bit about him. And it’s just as easy talking to Otis as it is talking to Joe and he deff gives baby brother energy so you know there will be no issue looking at him as such. The party goes by smoothly and you catch joe staring at you from across the tiki bar and shoot him a funny face before carrying on although you do feel giddy knowing that his eyes are only on you.
You’re both tipsy and love drunk when you get back to the hotel so it’s no surprise that you both end up underneath the covers. Joe kisses like he’s got all the time in the world and takes his time even further exploring your body and even once he’s in between your legs. He has no problem telling you how you make him feel in your ear and you both learn just how vocal you equally can be.
The next morning is just as loving but Joe’s hangover is not although he claims he didn’t have that many drinks. You on the other hand have a high tolerance and provide just the best hangover juice to cure it while massaging his head with peppermint oil, along with a cucumber facial he tries to eat, and beginning to take care of Joe’s marked up back. He hisses as you rub aloe on his back, “hey! A warning would have been nice you know?” “Well at least you know now,” you grin pecking one of the scratches while Joe scoffs at you over his shoulder before placing a kiss on your forehead.
Lots of forehead kisses and hugs from behind. Lots of rants from him that you nod along to and although it may seem like you’re not paying attention you’re actually a great listener although you space out sometimes. When you get back to Chicago this doesn’t change once he gets back to work and he’s talking about his day. You do have great commentary and know which conversations require that same commentary thrown in while he’s going off or when to wait until he’s done.
“So…how was your day?” He’ll say after awhile, seeming to finally take a breath, knowing both of your fields of work were way different. He assumed you had more peace of mind but there were some clients that liked to show their ass and when you first started with your cousin not only did they try to get over but so did your clients so you had to bring out a different side to you and stood on that.
Which meant renting out a new space and separating from your paternal cousin who was holding you back. Once you did that it seemed like everything in your life started to work out, including joe.
You were saving up to get your own place, growing tired of living in the downstairs space which was like an apartment of your aunt and uncle’s who raised you. You never really had to live on your own although many judged you about it being in your adulthood but you were thankful that you don’t have that experience of being forced out like many friends did. You paid your way once you knew how to manage your money. Joe was more than welcoming you into his space but you kept questioning if Otis was okay with that…
If you’re a black reader (or POC or wearer) and use wigs as a protective style/preference, you can almost guarantee that Joe will steal a black wig cap for his head at work since his caps might not be clean and he’s sure 51 wouldn’t notice. But you did!
Sunday dinners are a thing at your aunt and uncle’s which is something Joe wants to incorporate in your own home life. Having dinner with family is so important (even eating with everyone at 51, joe holds dear to his heart) and likes that it isn’t tense like it would be with his dad and Leon. He helps your aunt with the dishes while your uncle chats with him and you’re working on plating the dessert.
They’re asking the tough questions he’s prepared for. Where you’ll see this relationship going in the next five years after marriage? Would marriage still be on the table if you choose to keep seeing each other and not go through with it? How you’ll handle disagreements? How many kids if the lord is willing/ how you’ll raise them and in what faith? How you’ll plan to support each other in life?
You don’t interact with Joe’s father since he doesn’t either. One day you were sure he would tell him but his tío is aware of his choice, which is concerning at first but tells Joe that he hears the sincerity in his voice. You do have a hour long conversation with Leon who gives his stamp of approval, calling you, “sis,” already which makes you grin knowing that his spirit is just as infectious miles apart. He’s direct in questioning your love for his big bro and you give just the right answers.
House 51 is welcoming, more brief, and humorous. The usual standard questions: what do you do for work? Hobbies? Why on earth would you pick Joe to marry? Lightheartedness which is more easy to deal with than the seriousness of your aunt + uncle and Leon.
The tour of the firehouse is eye-opening along with the few stories joe tells you about. You know when to give squad 3 shit back whenever you pop in and the older men become family too with lots of texting in a group chat without joe—which he’s confused on why but accepts it after some time knowing it’s no ill intent but definitely side eyes severide if he feels like he’s getting too close to you for his liking but ultimately knows you have no interest in anybody but him.
Leaves out that he had a minor dating history with sylvie and is awkward when you two meet. Otis finds this amusing and slyvie is confused on why Joe is being weird but says nothing more than that. You eventually find out that the two use to date + how it ended + they’re still friends and you shrug, “okay…do you want to see any of my exes to make yourself feel better?” Joe’s giving you wide eyes and spits out, “that’s only going to give me high blood pressure, so no thanks.” You burst out laughing against his chest, “then let’s finish our show.”
You don’t mind having times where you don’t do much but you also like a balance of doing more than just simple. Joe takes those hints and tries to come up with ideas here and there in his free time and if you’re not feeling it you’ll come to some sort of compromise.
Things feel natural between you two like you’ve been in each others lives for a decade already. Was that enough to carry you through marriage?
You feel pretty in your dress and not nervous which makes those in your corner eye each other. You usually always keep your composure but most expected you to be a little nervous but you weren’t. You knew what you had waiting for you out there and it felt right. The conversation you had with Joe the night before last also made you content with your decision.
The compliments were flowing as you stood in front of each other with soft smiles. The ceremony felt as fast as this proposal and you had the honors of going first, “…I met a guy with a heart of gold and wants to see the best in everyone. The one who constantly makes me feel like it’s okay to accept love past a friendship and see a lifetime worth of memories in his eyes. I love how we are together, show up for each other, and that I am the only woman in your heart. Marriage is the biggest leap on top of this proposal and I’d be honored to be your wife. To show you just how much love I can give in return….”
It’s Joe’s turn, “…I usually don’t have the best judgement when it comes to love but you’ve shown me that anything is possible. That I made the right choice and can push to do whatever my heart desires and I’m positive that’s you. You’re so uplifting even with your sense of humor and I think that’s the best thing I can ask for. Someone always having my back but also knowing when to tell me that I don’t need to give everything away if people aren’t ready to accept it. I knew I could love you not only in the pods and yeah I wear my heart on my sleeve a lot but I won’t be ashamed of that. You never make me feel ashamed of that. This is the most insane experience that I was forced into which I can thank my boy, Otis for! but it brought me to you and I can’t be mad at that. I love us and I’ll love us even more with time. We have a bond that is meant to last so I know we’ll still make in due time…”
Which is why you chose to hold onto your engagement longer because that felt right. You both moved to your own drum but Patience felt like key in this relationship. You didn’t want to break up but just grow and it made the most sense although many were clueless at this being the route you both took including the producers.
You still had an engagement party at firehouse 51 since the producers didn’t want to include the reception since you both didn’t go forth with a marriage. “You’re probably gonna regret that when the real marriage happens buddy. They pay for all that crap.” Otis whispers over champagne and joe groans before he remembers, “well I’m sure her uncle will help out since he was in the CIA or something…I hope.”
Before long you’re both on the dance floor, happy with where you both stand in the now and what’s later to come.
ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ. ಇ.
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sjhhemmings · 6 months
Chicago Fire Masterlist 🔥
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Character List (closed for requests):
Brian Zvonecek
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Jeff Clarke
One Shots:
Give me a hug?pt.1 - Brian Zvonecek
Give me a hug?pt.2 - Brian Zvonecek
It was was never you - Brian Zvonecek
I couldn’t resist - Brian Zvonecek
Buy me a drink?pt.1 - Brian Zvonecek
Happy Birthday - Kelly Severide
Welcome Home - Jeff Clarke
Fighter - Matt Casey
Chief’s Daughter - Brian Zvonecek
What you need - Matt Casey
Forbidden Love #14 - Brian Zvonecek
Deep Cuddling #21 - Brian Zvonecek
Various Question Sentence Starter - Brian Zvonecek
Midnights #5 - Jeff Clarke
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persage · 1 year
'Cause my boy Otis deserves better
Summary:When you spend your time at 51, you draw Otis on the sly. Everyone notices it, except him. Until fate gets in the way
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Word Count: 2.5 k
Maybe it's the way he moves his hands. Maybe it's how he moves the dark curls from his face. Maybe it's the way he wrinkles his nose when he's tired after the shift and starts working at Molly's, tirelessly.
Or it's the way he writes, with his head slightly tilted to the left.
It could be just the way the light fits between his features and makes him pure, bringing out his light skin stained by many small moles. Perhaps it's his dark eyes.
You really don't know. You just can't help but drawing him.
You'd like to draw his eyes after you've seen them even closer and realized how deep they really are, because you're sure they are, more than anything else in the world. Or, again, maybe it's the way he curls his lips as he smiles.
It's probably all together and he doesn't even realize it while a few meters away you're crouched on a chair, in a corner of the 51, almost invisible and your hand moves over a sheet and captures his image, without mistakes or smudges. You could be drawing Brian with your eyes closed by now.
"Are you still here?" Your half-sister, Leslie, asks, noticing you. You've been spending a lot of time at the 51 lately (and equally at the Molly's) officially because you're soon to be Boden's new secretary, secondly to spend time with Lesley. What you didn't expect was to find yourself spending most of your free time observing Brian, scribbling his face here and there, forcing yourself from time to time to portray other colleagues as well so as not to arouse suspicion. "Let me work Lesl" You reply, letting the pen run across the paper noisily. "Our Little Artist" Kelly teases you, ruffling your hair.
"When will you set up an exhibition with our portraits?" Herman asks, chuckling. "That wouldn't be a bad idea you know" Mills replies, winking. "Think about it y/n" You smile uneasily.
"I should find better models" You reply as Cruz and Otis - Brian - shake their heads. "Listen to the nonsense" Your eyes meet and you smile at him and he reciprocates before the siren of the imminent call forces him to leave. You sigh.
He fascinates you just like he torments you, you long for him and at the same time you are afraid to get to know him better. There's something sweet, genuine about him and you admire his courage and his work, but at the same time you're terrified because deep down what do you have to offer? What can make you interesting to him? You're just a failed student who needs to work here to make some money, a failed artist who has lost her inspiration, who can't help her sister in a difficult moment, who didn't get a degree, who can't control the emotions.
"You never color it" Boden has noticed one day, admiring your drawings. "I think it would ruin it" You have replied. The truth is that you are convinced that to do this, especially when it comes to Brian, you should need to see the color gradations of his skin, his face, his freckles or his eyes. It is incorrect to portray a subject and complete it inaccurately. You will use color on his drawings when and if you can see him at very close range. Closer than the Molly's counter or the 51. For now you settle for pencil or pen.
Sometimes you dwell too much on his well-defined lips. It's one of the parts you like to draw the most, after the eyes. Then you look at the finished drawing and wonder if you are experiencing something that will never happen, or not experiencing it at all. And with every call they come back with wounded expressions from a difficult intervention and some new scar on the body or the soul ans you wonder if it really makes sense to waste all this time.
It must be said : fate works in a curious way at times.
You're -again- drawing Brian, he's wearing his uniform and he's approaching the truck laughing with Mouch. The 51 is quieter than usual today and there are few calls, an unusual thing but you don't mind. You smile when Brian turns to face you and pretend to be focusing on someone else, momentarily terrified that he will think you're crazy. You place your pen on the table in front of you, tie your hair into a spooky ponytail, then start over with the care you reserve for important things. Brian  sighs, turning back in your direction, Mouch's hand on his shoulder as he shakes his head repeatedly. You wonder what they're talking about, you get the distinct feeling that it's you, and you feel your heart pounding in your chest.
Stupid little girl.
" Someone has a crush" it's a voice behind you. The worst voice you could hear in this situation: Joe Cruz. Brian's best friend, roommate, his other half.
"Of all of us Otis? Why?" Cruz sits across from you, a hand under his chin and an inquisitive expression on his face that does not hide his happy grin. And you're terrified, now there's no way Brian won't know about it now. "I don't have a crush. I draw all of you Cruz" you reply, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks.
"Yeah sure. You draw me once in a while, once of Herman, maybe three times of Kelly because it's particularly handsome, but I'm sure most of them are about Otis." You shake your head.
"What makes you think that?"
"I've been watching you Little Shay. You know, it's pretty obvious. You're not as good as you think at hiding." You open your eyes suddenly and feel your face get hot with embarrassment. Brian's eyes are still fixed on you and this with Cruz's words short-circuit you.
"If I were you I'd make a move" You need some fresh air. You get up and head for the exit, forgetting the notebook with your drawings on the table in a hurry.
When you come back for it, an hour and two cigarettes later, it's gone.
Two days, seven hours and a new notebook later, your half-sister has abandoned you at Molly's, a beer in front of you to finish and the light chatter of the last remaining customers. Someone sits next to you and lets their chair clatter to the floor. You don't turn around and stay focused on the beer because you know all too well who's next to you. Your senses alert, your heart furious. Brian.
"It's amazing" the voice is warm, but slightly high in pitch and secretly insecure. You shrug. "Thank you" you reply. Your brain is so muddy that you don't even wonder what it's referring to
"This is yours" now you look up and you see it. Brian's hand just reaching out to give you back the notebook. You stare at him dumbfounded. You admire the way the light falls on his face, how he smiled lightly and the lips you've always drawn so carefully, even more beautiful at that non-distance. For several seconds you don't say anything, but you stay still to study him, to study his colors, his embarrassed, sweet expression. Everything seems to stop to you.
"Otis, can you close?" Question Herman before leaving the pub, making you awaken and ashamed at the same time, realizing what you're getting into. You take the notebook without saying a word and start to get up and leave, but the boy's hand stops you, gently grabbing you by the wrist. It is soft, despite the hard work his skin is not rough. His warm skin seems to burn yours, leaving invisible marks.
You look at his fingers wrapped around your wrist, then at him, his dark eyes still fixed on you. He lets you go slowly, almost reluctant to break the contactn and you realize that he has the power to make you sit back, without saying a word.
"Sorry," you say sheepishly, looking away and letting your hair fall in front of your face to cover the blush on your cheeks.
"You shouldn't apologize" He replies, continuing to observe you. You feel his hand approaching your face, his fingers lingering near your hair, and you know what he's about to do, and you wish he would. You would like to him slowly pull your hair back, put it behind your ear, to let his big fingers slide against your skin and you would like to tilt your head to one side, to let yourself go to that contact. But he doesn't.
After a few moments he pulls his hand away, thinking maybe he's going too far.
Sure, your notebook is filled with portraits of him, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
"You're good" He whispers. "You're really good little Shay, you shouldn't waste such a talent." You just smile, let a sheepish chuckle leave your lips. Brian doesn't say it, but he feels like he's never heard a better sound in his life. He wonders how he didn't notice it before. Of course, as soon as you arrived at 51 he immediately set his sights on you, but he never really did it with an intention: partly because you are Shay's little sister, partly because he never thought he had any chance despite what Cruz said.
In short, Cruz doesn't always have brilliant intuitions when it comes to women.
Maybe Dawson's jokes could have enlightened him, sure, but anyway...Brian has never been a phenomenon with girls, in a barracks full of men like Kelly Severide why would you have to look at him? And instead you looked at him all the time, drew him so much that it filled entire pages, tracing his features with a pen and making him look much more handsome, bold, courageous, appreciable than he probably was. Because you see him this way.
"At first I didn't know whether to come to you or keep the notebook," he admits. "Then I thought it was a good excuse to talk to you."
"You don't need an excuse to talk to me Brian" you answers automatically, without thinking. He smiles, feels his heart melt in his chest. Hardly anyone calls him Brian, especially at the station.
"I needed to find the courage" he murmurs, clearing his throat. "It's easy in the barracks, between one joke and another but talking... I mean for real... It is different. Especially with someone like you"
"Someone like me?" you raise an eyebrow as he smiles. He is impossibly beautiful as his cheeks turn pink.
"An interesting girl, a curious one. An artist y/n"
"You're the only one who thinks of me like that. Artist."
He shakes his head. "That's not true, we all think so and if you start showing your drawings the whole world would do it" You shyly grab his hand which is still on the table.
"Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me." He hold yours back and intertwines his fingers with yours. He seems made to hold your hand, he seems born to grab you, to keep you close. And you wonder if hugging him gives the same effect, if even his lips are made to kiss yours.
"Listen, y / n ...." he takes on a serious tone of voice and you almost worry.
"Why have you never colored me? I mean, do you see me in black and white somehow? Does my aura tell you something? I'm not an artist, so I don't really know how these things work, but it scared me to death. Do you see me in any strange way?" he looks nervous
"Is that what worries you?"
"What else should?"
"I mean you find the notebook of someone who drew you too many times to count and you're worried about the fact that I don't color you?" you use a hint of sarcasm, realizing this confuses you.
Part of you feared there would be a different reaction, not anger knowing Otis, but at least a detachment, a rebuke. Anyone else would have been upset, but not him, he seems happy. He studies you carefully.
"You think I haven't seen you?" Your eyes widen and total silence envelops you. "What?" You're the one who doesn't understand now.
"Do you really think I haven't noticed that you spent your time looking at me and drawing me?" he shakes his head, amused by your shocked expression  "You've been going on like this for months, aren't you going to pretend that you don't believe me?"
"I..." You can't say more. He laughs and you look at him, and then start laughing , because Brian has written "liar" on his forehead. "No, you didn't understand a damn thing my dear Brian" You retort.
"Oh I don't, but Cruz does. It was just hard to believe"
"And why?"
Brian doesn't answer, he caresses his goatee thoughtfully and you understand that you won't get the truth. Not yet. "Because you're beautiful y/n, people like you fly too many meters higher then me. In short..."
"I've looked at you from the start, Brian." You confess, this time without shame, your will to make him happy is stronger than any embarrassment. You know he needs to know it, to realize his value, for once to be the protagonist, the hero of your story, of your drawings, of your life. Him and no one else.
When silence returns, he turns to you again.
"So? Why didn't you color me?"
"I've never colored you because... I had to see you up close, really close, to be able to color you the way I want" you simply reply and he opens his mouth to say something, but he can't formulate anything, not when you continue. "Modigliani painted empty eyes, without pupils, because he couldn't paint what he didn't know: the souls of the people he was portraying. He only painted those of his partner Jeanne. I suppose it's the same for me. I can't color you without knowing the your true colors, without knowing what undertone your skin is or the paths that the veins form on your body."
Without realizing it, you've started to run your fingertip along his wrist, where the vein pulsates under the skin.
"Do you think." His voice is hoarse, scratched with emotion and excitement. "Do you think you'll give me the chance to let you find out?" He asks shyly. You nod with a slight smile.
"Are you asking me out Brian?"
"I'm asking you for dinner, then let's see what happens."
"Only one?"
"Maybe more than one"
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samantha-chicago · 1 year
Chicago Fire Materlist
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Vagas (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Candidate (Firehouse 51, Matt Casey, Kelly Severide X Reader!Halstead)
High School Girls (Kelly Severide x Reader, Firehouse 51)
Comfort (Brain ‘Otis’ Zvonecek, Firehouse 51 x Reader)
Judging (Kelly Severide x Reader, Jay Halstead, Benny Severide, Jennifer Sheridan, Firehouse 51)
Back In Town (Reader x Adam Ruzek, Kelly Severide, Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz, Jay Halstead, Will Halstead, Intelligence + More) Part I, Part 1 *NSFW* Part 2
No Air (Adam Ruzek x reader, Kelly Severide x sister!reader)
That's Alvin Olinksy (Leslie Shay x Halstead!Reader)
I Love You Both (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Reunion *NSFW* (Kelly Severide x Reader) 
Soft Launch (Blake Gallo x Reader) - SMAU
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cutielando · 9 months
Thanks a million♥️ So for the Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek requests I was thinking something along the lines of (reader aka y/n) is a new paramedic at firehouse 51 and everyone including Brian is shocked when she takes an immediate interest in him by flirting with him in front everyone… it’s not a perfect idea so pls feel free to adjust where you feel necessary, this is more of like a guideline than anything.
I was watching the episode where Terra Little joins 51 for a training shift and Otis is attracted to her but of course she chose Kelly Severide instead🥱 so I thought it would be a nice change if Otis is the guy she instantly gravitated towards because it’s very possible I mean he’s adorable common.
instant attraction
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Pairing: Brian "Otis" Zvonecek x Female!Reader
"And that would be everything" Sylvie said as she finished giving you a tour of the firehouse.
Joining the 51 had been nerve-wrecking for you ever since you found out your transfer had gone through, mainly because you knew how tight everyone was and you didn't want to intrude on anything.
"Thank you for showing me around. This is much nicer than the last firehouse I was at" you said, admiring the trucks and the ambulance, which was so much nicer than your previous ones.
"How was your last firehouse?" she inquired, not having received much information about you from Chief Boden.
"Typical boy house. I was the only female in the entire house, so you can imagine the atmosphere. The only one who wasn't bothered by my presence was my partner, but we were the same age, so that helped a little" you explained, continuing to walk around.
"I can promise you that it's going to be different here. Our guys are the best, you're going to fit right in with everyone" she smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, steering you in the kitchen direction.
You didn't say anything as you slowly walked towards everyone, each of them minding their own business in the kitchen.
"Guys, this is Y/N. She's the new paramedic I was telling you about" Sylvie announced as you stopped in your tracks where everyone could see you.
"Hi" you said and waved shyly, not used to having so many intimidating pairs of eyes on you at the same time.
Each of them got up and introduced themselves one at a time, wishing you a warm welcome.
"I'm Brian, but everyone here calls me Otis. Welcome to 51, I hope you'll feel at home here" the most handsome man you'd ever seen said as he stood before you, hand outstretched.
You slowly brought your hand up and shook his, electricity quickly spreading through your body when your skin touched his. You inhaled a deep breath, Otis doing the same, which made you smile because it only meant that he felt the connection too.
"Y/N, nice to meet you. I'm positive I'll feel more than welcome here, especially with you around" the words stumbled out of your mouth before you could even think about stopping them.
You saw a slight blush coat Otis' cheeks as he looked around at his colleagues, all looking at the interaction between the two of you with much interest.
Otis cleared his throat and made you snap back to reality, suddenly becoming aware of everyone staring at the two of you and your hands still holding onto each other.
"Otis, why don't you finish the rest of the tour? Show her where we sleep when on shift and the lockers and showers and everything" Sylvie spoke up, sneakily winking at the flustered firefighter.
"Um, ye-yeah, sure. This way" Otis said and motioned for you to follow him.
You turned around briefly to look at Sylvie, who winked at you and smiled, making you smile back.
"She did this on purpose, didn't she?" you asked him, trailing after him down the corridor.
"Sylvie? Yeah, she likes to think she's Cupid and her main goal in life is setting people up every chance she gets. I'm sorry about this" he said, scratching the back of his neck.
"You don't have to be sorry, I'm not complaining one bit" you smiled at him, trying to show him that you were enjoying the situation to the fullest.
"Oh, great. That's, um, that's good" Otis said, cursing under his breath at how awkward he sounded.
"You haven't done this in a while, have you?" you questioned, trying to ease the tension.
"Is it that obvious?" he laughed, the rigidness in his shoulder slightly lessening.
"Maybe just a little" you laughed with him.
"I'm just not used to women showing interest in me first. It's always Casey or Severide or anybody else that gets the girls. It's never me" he explained, which made you feel a little sad for him.
Otis was nothing short of hot and extremely handsome, you couldn't understand why women wouldn't approach him.
"Well, if you're asking me, you're way hotter than everyone else in this firehouse" you leaned in and whispered in his ear before walking away.
You heard Otis inhale a deep breath behind you, making you smile.
You had a feeling you were going to enjoy life at 51.
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Field Trip
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Kelly Severide X Daughter!reader, Firehouse 51 x Severide!Reader
Summary: House 51 finds out you're being bullied after your class comes to the house for a field trip.
Warnings: Bullying
Reader's Age: 8
A/n: My first Chicago fire fic! This takes place season 4. There will be a second part.
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Kelly packs your lunch while you got dressed. He looks toward your room to see you if you were coming out yet.
"Y/n! Hurry up! We're going to be late." He shouts zipping your lunch box up and reaching for your backpack.
"Coming!" You shout. He goes to set the lunch box in you bag before he notices a crumpled-up paper. He grabs it and uncrumples it before reading what it said. It was a field trip permission slip? Why didn't you tell him yet? He knows you, he knows how excited you get about field trips you'd never forget.
"Okay I'm ready." You said coming out of your room.
"Hey why didn't you tell me about this field trip?" He asks reading the paper over figuring it might be somewhere you wouldn't think he'd allow you to go. It was to fire house 51, why would you hide that from him. He had known there was a class coming to the house but he didn't know it was yours.
"Cause I don't want to go on it." You shrug putting your shoes on. He grabs a pen so he can sign it
"Why not bug? You love coming to the house." He says, as he signs the permission slip.
"This is different then going there with you." You say grabbing your bag. He looks at you questioningly.
"Please come. The guys would be so excited to see you." He says as Matt walks into the kitchen. You guys were still sharing a place with him. "Matt wouldn't everyone be excited to see y/n at the house today?"
"Yeah." He says confused.
"Dad, Uncle Matt it's not the same." You claim as he hands you the permission slip.
"I don't know what we're talking about." Matt says going around the counter to get a drink.
"Her class is coming on a field trip to the house today and she doesn't want to go." Severide says.
"What? Why not?"
"I just don't want to. Can we go now?" You ask putting your backpack on.
You sat on the bus on the way to the firehouse. You knew this was a bad idea but you were doing it cause your dad wanted you too.
"Hey Y/n?" You don't respond. "What? Cats got your tongue?" The guy behind you pushes your head.
"Leave me alone Brad." You mumble glaring at him.
"No what are you going to do cry to your mommy? Wait you don't have one." He laughs looking at his buddies.
"At least I have a dad that isn't a drunk." You quip back at him. He glares at you but sits back when the teacher looked your way. You looked out the window watching the building pass. It doesn't take long until the bus pulls into the firehouse. You stand up putting your bag back on and looking at your teacher.
"Okay everyone! Stay together no wandering off, listen to the firemen. They didn't have to let our class come by to see the firehouse but they did so be on your best behaviors. We're going to have pairs, that I'll be picking. So-." She goes through the names in alphabetical order by last name which was how she did the pairs. You crossed your fingers, Brad is right before you when going alphabetically. "Brad and Y/n." You groan looking at him and he just smirks. She eventually gets through all of the names. "Okay stay with your buddy at all times. Now single file let's get of the bus."
Everyone leaves the bus and finds their buddy. You stand before Brad frowning. Kelly and Matt were waiting to see if you'd come. Kelly hadn't mentioned it to anyone else. Matt was just curious mostly as to why you wouldn't want to come. Boden stands outside to greet the students and notices you rather quickly.
"Ms. Gates. Hello I'm chief Boden."
"Hello Chief nice to meet you. This is my class." She motions to the 12 3rd graders including you. You looked at squad table where your dad was grinning having seen you.
"Hello kids." He smiles. He decides not to greet you by name but he smiles back at you when you nod hello to him. "Welcome to firehouse 51. This is Otis he's going to be giving you a tour." Otis scans his eyes over the crowd of kids noticing you.
"Why do they call you Otis?" A girl in your class asks him.
"It's because I am the elevator guy." He explains.
"Oh." She says though she clearly still didn't understand.
"Okay lets start the tour!" He grins. You don't really pay attention since you've grown up in this firehouse. Brad seemed interested in it which meant he wasn't bullying you. Which means no one here knew you were being bullied. You had it handled, you didn't need to tell your dad.
You were intently listening to Otis talk about things you already knew. It was better then staying at the school you guess. Soon the tour was pretty much over. But because of Brad you got separated from the class. He got distracted looking at something, you tried to tell him to hurry up because you didn't want to get in trouble when Ms. Gates couldn't find him. He didn't listen though so now your separated from the group.
"This place is small I can find my way around it without Otis." He claimed after you pointed out that your were "Lost" you were you knew where you were but he didn't. "Now hurry up the teacher is going to notice cause you walk so slow."
"Uh huh." You mumble.
"Couldn't hear that." He teases laughing.
"You're just making us more lost." You say as he continues you taking you everyone except where you should be.
"Shut up. I know what I'm doing." He scoffs.
"Sure you do. Your just an idiot." You say under your breath. You didn't think he could hear you but he did.
"What did you say?" He asks halting his steps.
"I said you're just an idiot." You said a little louder. You looked around to see if anyone was around but nope of course not.
"Whatever at least I have a mom unlike you." You didn't say anything just walking toward the common area since you knew at least Mouch would be there. "Don't ignore me!" He says chasing after you pulling on your backpack to stop you.
"Hey." You yelped you didn't notice that Herrmann and Mouch were walking down the hall and saw you, they couldn't hear you guys but could see everything. They already knew you were here, they saw you with the class but they just waved. They didn't want to bother you when you were with friends. Well herrmann wanted to but Mouch stopped him. "Let go."
"What're you going to do huh? You're weak you can't do anything." Brad laughs in your face pushing you to the ground, you were quick to get up about ready to tackle him. The bullying was never physical it was just insults and stupid comments. You kicked him in the crotch causing him to fall to the ground. This was their cue to break it up.
"Woah there kids." Herrmann pulls him back right before he can fight back while mouch holds you back when he notices you try and swing at Brad.
"Why are you fighting?" Mouch asks, looking between you both.
"She kicked me for no reason! I was just trying to find someone cause we got lost." Brad lies.
"He pushed me! So I fought back." You said hoping they'd believe you. They knew the truth but you didn't know that. What you just did was starting to settle in and you were worrying about your dad's reaction.
"Okay kid." Herrmann looks down at Brad. "I'm gonna need you to tell the truth."
"I just did!"
"No you didn't! You pushed me I was just fighting back!" You argue. Mouch tightens his grip on you to make sure you don't try to fight him again.
"You're the liar. You kicked me for no reason!"
"Alright! We saw it happen. We want to know why it happened." Herrmann says sternly. You grew silent not wanting to admit it.
"She called me an idiot."
"Did you y/n?" Herrmann asks loosening his grip but keeping his hands on brad's shoulders so he could stop him if he did try anything. Mouch did the same with you noticing you calmed down a bit.
"Yeah I did."
"Wait how do you know her name?" Brad questions.
"Why did you call him an idiot?" Mouch asks ignoring Brad.
"He keeps commenting about how I dont have a mom... And he got us separated from the class and he claimed he knew what he did. And he is one!"
"Am not!" He argues.
"Yes you are!" You say before he tries to fight you again. Herrmann holds him back though while you lean back into Mouch to farther yourself from Brad.
"Take him back to their class. I need to talk to Y/n." Herrmann says to Mouch.
"Seriously how do you know her name?"
"My dad works here." You say. Brad's eyes widening but Mouch started leading him away before he could respond.
"How long?" Christopher asks you kneeling to be eye level with you.
"How long what?" You ask even though you knew.
"How long have you been being bullied and does your dad know?" He clarifies studying your face.
"Uncle Chris it doesn't matter." You say, you didn't want to talk about it.
"It does matter." You're family. Kelly is family so you're family. Maybe even a little more than kelly, you're his daughter's best friend and spend a lot of time at his house. Cindy watches you sometimes when Kelly is on shift, you have a nanny so normally your with her but when you can't be then you're with Cindy. "Even if you dont tell me I have to tell your dad."
"You can't! Uncle herrmann I have it handled."
"Handled? That didn't look handled."
"I just handled it. Please don't tell dad." You beg him. He shakes his head, he wants you to trust him, but he'd want kelly to tell him if he found out one of his kids were being bullied.
"You have to tell him or I will." He says before standing again. "I can be with you when you tell him. Now let's you get you back to the class."
"Okay." You mumble looking at ground.
"Y/n! I said no wandering and to stay by your buddy." The teacher says as you and Herrmann walk up.
"That's my fault Ma'am I had to talk to her about something so I sent her buddy back so I could." Herrmann explains to her.
"Okay. I guess that is fine then."
"Bye Uncle Chris." You say trying to shoo him away.
"You have a firemen as uncle?" One of your classmates ask grinning
"All of my uncles are firemen." You say which was true, you've known most of these people your while or most of your whole life, so you call them aunt and uncle. Other than Mouch and Otis they're just Mouch and Otis but you consider them your uncles either way. Herrmann smiles before walking out to the apparatus bay.
"Why didn't you mention that?" Ms. Gates asks.
"I thought you knew my dad was a firemen." You shrug. The teacher nods.
"Y/n you didn't tell your class about us?" Otis asks acting offending.
"Sorry Otis." You shrug before he goes back to the tour leading you all back to the apparatus bay to teach you about the equipment.
"Your dad works here?" Nate, one of Brad's friends asks in a whisper.
"Mhm." You nod not taking your eyes off of Otis. You could feel Herrmann and Mouch watching you as you sat beside Brad and his friends. They wanted to tell Kelly but wanted to see if you would first.
"Then who is he?" Jackson one of his other friends ask also whispering.
"Kelly severide." You motion to the table. Kelly talking to Capp about something.
"Really? Then why hasn't he said hi to you yet or talked to you?" Brad asks in a taunt.
"I dont know. Shush I'm trying to listen." You whisper looking over at herrmann.
"I bet you're lying just to get attention." He says louder than he meant making Otis look at you guys.
"Keep it down please so the people who want to learn can."
"Sorry." You say.
"If he's really your dad you'll go over and say hi to him."
"Ms. Gates would be mad if I leave the group again. I'm not doing it leave me alone Brad." You mutter
"That's cause he isn't your dad. You're lying for attention I knew it." Jackson laughs. You try to ignore them listening to Otis talk about something.
"Her dad is probably just some loser that's why she's lying." You look over at Herrmann and Mouch. They kept their eyes on you and the boys but were talking to each other.
"Your uncles won't be there next time." Brad says looking back at the firemen who glared at him, he turns back to Otis.
"Didn't she tell your kids?" Mouch asks herrmann.
"Annabelle didn't mention anything to me. Cindy would've said something if Annabelle told her." Hermann says looking at his friends.
"Severide doesn't know?"
"No. I heard from Casey that she didn't even want to come on this field trip. I guess we know why now." Herrmann says as your class comes out on to the apparatus floor again.
They watch you sit beside Brad and two other boys who were talking with Brad. The two men keep an eye watching you four talk. Noticing how you'd look at them every few minutes or so. They could hear one of the boys say you're lying for attention. They glared at Brad when he looked back at him. Brad turn around quickly, Herrmann smirks, he's never been happier to have a kid scared of him.
"Why are you glaring at that kid?" Dawson asks walking over to them.
"We caught y/n getting into a fight with that kid." Mouch says.
"He's been bullying her. She hasn't told anyone though." Herrmann says.
"Oh." Dawson say looking over at you, you are currently whispering to the guys next to you. "Have you guys told kelly yet?"
"No I'm giving her the chance to first. For now we watch." He says leaning back on the wall.
"Cause that isn't creepy." She chuckles patting his shoulder before walking away.
"Okay kids lets eat lunch and get back to school?" The teacher's voice breaks your thoughts. "Find a place to sit and eat with your friends just stay out of the way of the firefighters please." You get up and walk over to Herrmann and Mouch.
"Hey kid. Everything alright?"
"I'll tell dad... Not right now though I'll tell him tomorrow."
"Tell me what?" Kelly asks as he walks up behind you.
"Uh.." You look at herrmann for help. He nods slightly and you look back at your dad. "I'm being bullied... I got into a fight earlier."
"Who? Those boys you were talking to?" Kelly looks at them.
"Yeah. But dad im fine! I have it handled.." You say.
"Have you told your teacher?"
"No.. I haven't told anyone. Only reason they know is cause they caught us fighting." You mumble looking at the ground. You know you should've told him when it started but a lot has been happening lately that you thought it was better not to worry him.
"Okay... I'll talk to your teacher. Go sit at squad table and eat your lunch." Kelly says. "And bug please tell me next time."
"I will I promise. But I did totally win that fight! Ask them." You say proudly.
"Uh huh." He chuckles hugging you.
"Thank you guys." You say to mouch and Herrmann hugging them before running over to say hi to Capp.
"Thank you two for helping her." He says to the older men.
"Of course, if you found out my kids were being bullied id want you to tell me and Cindy." Herrman assures.
"Of course we'd tell you. Also she really did do some damage to that kid." Mouch says grinning. Kelly smiles shaking his head.
"Okay I need to talk to her teacher now. Thanks again."
"Hi Uncle Capp! Hi uncle Cruz!" You smile as you take your book bag off your back and sit in Kelly's seat.
"Hey baby Severide." Capp smiles. "What do you got for lunch?"
"A sandwich. Dad can only make a basic lunches." You say pulling the lunch box out.
"That's why we don't let him cook for us." Capp jokes.
"Who were those boys?" Cruz asked you.
"The guys who've been bullying me. But I already told dad and he's dealing with it." You say pulling out your sandwich.
"You're being bullied?"
"That's what I just said." You mumble taking a bite of the sandwich.
"Why didn't you tell us? We could've rough him up a bit for you." Capp jokes.
"I already did. I faught him in the hallway earlier and I won." You say smugly.
"Way to go." Cruz grins high-fiving you. "How did gig do it?"
"I kicked him in the crotch." You whispered. Capp laughs high giving you.
"Good job." He grins.
"Thanks." You say with your mouth full. You look over at your teacher and Kelly. He seemed frustrated but you couldn't hear what they were saying. "
"He'll get the teacher to do something about it. If she doesn't, you have a bunch of firemen who can scare him off for you." Cruz grins. You nod looking down at your food.
"Hey Y/n how was the tour?" Otis walks over to the table smiling at you.
"It was good. Sorry I missed some of it. Brad the guy I was paired with got distracted by something.. And than he wouldn't let me lead the way back."
"It's okay."
"Hey Otis our little y/n here got into a fight today and won." Cruz smirks proudly.
"No shit. When?" Otis leans on the table.
"When we got lost."
"That's what herrmann was talking to you about."
"Yeah. Him and Mouch had to break it up." You say grabbing your cookie from the lunch box. "Dad is talking to Ms. Gates about it." You motion to where kelly was at.
"It'll end up okay." Otis assures. Kelly walked back over looking angry.
"She said she can't do anything." He says sitting down in one of the chairs.
"What? Why not?"
"Something about school policy and kids needing to handle it themselves I don't know."
"That's bull shit." Cruz says. You look over at Brad and the other two boys. You thought it would end not that you told your dad but it won't of course.
"Hey we'll get him to stop. I have one rule though you don't start any fight okay? But you end them okay?" Kelly asks you taking your cookie and breaking a piece off of it before handing it back to you.
"Yeah I won't start any fights I promise."
"So tell my y/n how did you win that fight?" Otis asks.
"Fight?" Sylvie asks walking over.
"What happened?" Stella says coming over as well.
"Our little severide here got into a fight." Cruz grins.
Even if you are being bullied, you know you'll always have support here.
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
'Am I interrupting something?'
A/N: I used my OC here instead of reader due to her age. In her world, I doubt a few of these guys would have been around when she was this young, but for the sake of this little fic, they are!
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“Am I interrupting something?”
As Battalion Chief of Firehouse 51, Wallace Boden had been and would continue to be witness to many unconventional happenings. Though most of these occurred outside of the Firehouse, typically on jobs in less typical places, he of course had to make room for such antics in the building that a large number of men and women lived in for twenty-four hours at a time.
This, however, was something he had not prepared for. Crossing his arms over his chest, he dipped his head dangerously low. “Why,” he began slowly, “are three of my men in a single shower...” He glanced down. “With a toddler?”
Said three men, in nothing but white vest tops and shorts, visibly grimaced at such a statement.
“Context, Chief, please,” Hermann said.
Boden’s expression turned icy. “That’s what I’m asking for.”
“In! In!”
All heads turned down at the little chipper voice. Beatrice Casey stood squeezed between the men in the single shower cubicle, her sopping wet, soapy hair stuck in odd angles. She was grinning widely, despite the water raining down on her face, and her hands were making little grabby motions towards the chief, who valiantly stood his ground.
Sighing, Otis squeezed baby soap into his hand from a bottle. “You’ve gotta get in, Chief.”
Boden’s brows had never risen higher in such a short amount of time. “Excuse me?”
Cruz shrugged. “She says you’ve gotta get in. It’s your own fault for letting her see you.”
Herman rolled his eyes and nudged Cruz with a sharp elbow. Ignoring Cruz’s protest, he turned an imploring look on Boden. “She’ll cry, Chief,” he attempted to explain. “You don’t want that.”
To be quite frank, Boden would rather any other unconventional happening than this...whatever it was. Uncrossing his arms, he brought his hands to either side of his face and took his time peering at each man. Otis had bent down and was scrubbing at a dark mark on the front of Bea’s top. Hermann and Cruz thankfully had the good grace to look ashamed at having been caught in this situation. Which, annoyingly so, Boden still was not understanding.
“What am I missing here?” he asked curtly. If he did not receive an answer in the next thirty seconds, there were no possibilities of evading his raised voice. Of course, he would remove the baby from the room first.
“Casey asked me to wash the chocolate off her,” Otis said, still scrubbing.
“Which somehow translated to ‘give her a shower’ as compared to ‘just take her to the kitchen sink’.” Herman was obviously unimpressed.
“Her clothes were dirty too!” Otis argued. “I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, so I got her in the shower, and she wanted me to get in with her, so I did.” He shrugged. “Then when Cruz came in, she wanted him to get in, and when he said no, her...” He glanced tentatively up at the others, who seemed to grow even more shameful, if that was at all possible. Though Boden honestly believed anything was possible at this point.
“Her bottom lip started trembling,” Cruz interrupted, subconsciously raising his hands in emphasis, “and her eyes welled up with tears—”
“So you got in,” Boden finished.
“Yeah.” Cruz nodded, offering a forced smile which was clearly not lightly received. “Then Hermann came, and...you get the picture.”
Boden took a minute. He looked at Bea, quite happily stood under the flow of water as Otis rubbed soap into the stain and gently wiped around her chocolatey mouth, and then back to Hermann and Cruz, who both honestly looked as though they’d do anything to just leave.
He extended an arm out towards them, blinking as he pulled the facts together. “So, what you’re telling me...is that the three of you were bested by a toddler?”
There was silence for a moment, before the men nodded in agreement.
“Yes,” Otis said.
Cruz clicked his fingers. “Exactly.”
Hermann winced. “Kids, man,” he said. “They’re like kryptonite.”
“In! In! Chief!” Bea aimed her grabby hands in the Chief’s direction once more, the brightest smile adorning her little face. The men turned discreetly questioning glances towards him, each silently wondering if they’d have to make more room.
Boden had never been lucky to have biological children, but he didn’t count himself inexperienced in the matter. Whether through the compassion of the job, or the leadership he had over people he may as well consider his own, he could handle a three-year-old. More specifically, he could handle Beatrice Casey.
Grabbing up a towel, he stepped towards the shower and knelt just outside. “Ahh,” he said as he opened the towel and wrapped Bea up in it. “You, little Casey, are finished for today.” At the tell-tale wobble of her lips and the sudden glazing of her blue eyes, he stood to his feet and tutted. “Now, I’ll have no tears. None at all.” He picked up some extra towels and threw them in his men’s direction.
“Get going,” he ordered. His voice was firm yet swirling with a common hint of amusement at the situation now that it had all settled down, and once they’d left his sight and he sat down on a bench with Bea, he allowed himself a small smile.
Chicago Fire Masterpost
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five, except i don’t know when to stop writing so i guarantee there’ll be more than five
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Charters I write for
Master list Wattpad. About me
Edward Nygma
Jerome Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska
Dean Winchester
Demon dean
American horror story
Tate Langdon
Kit walker
Lanna winters
Jimmy darling
James Patrick March
Kai Anderson
Tasm!Peter Parker
Stranger things
Eddie Munson
Johnny Knoxville
Billy Loomis
Stu macher
Ethan Landry
Jason Dean/ JD
Veronica Sawyer
Pump up the volume
Mark Hunter/ happy harry hardon
George Kuffs
Hemlock grove
Roman Godfrey
Gleaming the cube
Brian Kelly
Criminal minds
Spencer Ried
Adrian Chase\ Vigilante
Spencer Charnas (ice nine kills)
Andy Biersack (black Veil Brides)
Gerard Way (my chemical romance)
Frank iero (my chemical romance)
The fabulous killjoys:
Party Poison
Fun Ghoul
Texas chainsaw massacre
Johnny Slaughter
Herbert West
Art the clown
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callmemana · 1 year
Chicago Fire Fanfics:
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Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek:
Blake Gallo:
Jimmy Borelli:
Joe Cruz:
Kelly Severide:
Matt Casey:
Peter Mills:
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sjhhemmings · 7 months
“It was never you.”
brian zvonecek
a/n: this story went in a completely different direction than I intended and I am so sorry 😭, I might actually have to go back and try to write the prompt I wanted to because it’s too good and this story turned out so wrong. i’m sorry for breaking everyone’s hearts in advance. gah, anyway sorry for aggressively posting today, it’s my last day of freedom as everything starts for me again tomorrow. I hate Mondays.
warnings: alcohol, swearing, angst (no happy ending 🥴)
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Walking into Molly’s at almost midnight, your sight as soon as you step into the bar makes you wish you never even showed up.
“Hey Y/N, over here!” Your best friend Gabby says waving you down to sit next to her at the bar.
“Late night?” She asks while handing you a drink and spinning in her chair to properly face you.
“Yeah, I didn’t get off until 11 on the dot. Traffic back home was a nightmare and changing into real clothes sucked because I haven’t done laundry and god, I wish I just stayed at home.” You exclaim since out of the corner of your eye you see Brian dancing with another girl. You also tried to take a sip of the drink Gabby gave you, but it turned out to just be water.
Working at Med is your dream job. You honestly wouldn’t trade it for the world, except when it comes down to the fact all of your friends are firefighters and you guys are almost always working opposite hours of each other. Then you would trade it. Trade it for a proper night out every once in awhile to be social and enjoy the company of others.
Gabby turns to look over her shoulder at the sight your repressing tears for and sighs.
“They’ve been all over each other all night, i’m sorry pumpkin.” Drunk Gabby says pulling your head into her chest to give her a hug.
Pumpkin. Pumpkin is Gabby’s drunken pet name for everyone. Once that girl has a few shots in her system everyone becomes pumpkin.
“I need a shot.” You announce looking at Herrmann who is stressed trying to get every person’s drink right.
“Oh my god! I am one person! If only my bartenders and co-owners weren’t drinking on the job maybe I wouldn’t be so swamped!” He muttered under his breath which kind of pissed you off.
“Okay Mr. Fireman who’s also Mr. Bartender, I get it your job sucks, you’re having a rough day, but so am i! I just got out of an 8 hour surgery that I basically performed by myself since my resident wouldn’t know his own head from his ass if someone didn’t tell him, and now I’m sitting here having to watch the guy i’m in love with basically get a lap dance over there stone cold sober, so please, get me a shot!” You half shout half beg at your longtime friend, who genuinely sympathizes with you and gets you your order.
6 shots later you’re drunk off your ass and rambling incoherently to Gabby who probably hasn’t understood a single word you’ve said in the last 15 minutes.
“You know I’ve given the last 2 years of my life to this guy, who barely recognizes I exist! I try to flirt, I try to make myself seen, but either the scheduling Gods won’t let me near him, or my consciousness who thinks everything I do is embarrassing won’t let me near him. I’m constantly losing!” You babble out to Gabby who is nodding along with her eyes shut so you know she’s probably asleep.
Taking a deep breath in, you look over to see Otis and his girl of the night and pout. That should be you. Sitting in his lap, nibbling on his earlobe in a sexy way, purring- okay purring what the fuck is up with this chick? What does he see in her besides a short skirt and a quick fuck? Oh that was rude…but you’re drunk so who cares.
The bell at the front door dings and the last person you would ever want to show up, shows up. Kelly Severide. What the hell is he doing here?
“Okay, time to go home,” He tells you basically announcing your departure to the remaining 8 people in the bar catching the attention of Otis.
“But I don’t want to!” you say back with your voice laced in attitude as if you were a middle school girl who didn’t get her way.
“Nope, I wasn’t asking, let’s go.” He demands trying to stand you up.
After a few seconds of the both of you arguing, Otis’ one night stand to be comes and starts talking to Kelly.
“Hey baby, what if we get outta here, she obviously doesn’t see a good thing in front of her when she has it so someone worth your while might as well take your offer.” She says biting her lower lip and trailing her finger up his bicep.
Kelly looks at her with complete disgust about to turn her down but you butt in before he gets the chance.
“That is my brother you stupid bitch.” You mutter not talking directly to her but you said it with enough emphasis she got the gist.
“Excuse me!?” the random girl yelps out like she’s a puppy I just kicked. This causes Otis to get up from his seat and see what’s going on.
“Is everything all right here?” He asks Kelly who seems to be the only adult in this situation. But again before he can respond you butt in.
“No, get this thing on a leash.” You say which causes the girl to yelp out again.
“Y/N stop, Otis everything is fine.” Kelly says trying to grab your arm and leave but you wiggle yourself free.
“No everything is not fine Kelly!” You say but before you can explain the walking mini skirt speaks up.
“Are you really going to let her talk to me that way Oti-bear?” She says with puppy dog eyes attached to his arm now. Seriously what is this chick’s deal?
“Y/N what is your problem?” Otis ends up asking,
“Otis, she’s drunk, i’m taking her home now.” Kelly says grabbing ahold of your arm again.
“Of course, always having your big brother fight your battles.” Otis says rolling his eyes to turn away but you’ve had enough.
“I was in love with you at one point you know that?” You say stopping Otis dead in his tracks with whatever the fuck anyone wants to call her now still on his arm.
“What?” is all he mutters still not turning around.
“You know the least you could do is face me as I say this?” You say absolutely not caring anymore.
Finally turning around to face you Otis sees the tears about to spill over your eyes and doesn’t know how to feel.
“I was so in love with you. For the last 2 years you spent almost every waking moment on my mind. I would go to events because I knew you’d be there, I would always be watching you from afar afraid to ever approach you and mess anything up between us..if we ever had anything. I don’t even know if you would be able to call us friends. But I loved you. I just know that I was so in love with you. You were the man of my dreams. The guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But you’ve never looked at me twice, it’s always the other girl if there is one. Everyone has tried to tell me you don’t hate me, and that you’ll come around, but in the end it was never going to be me. Even this thing was going to choose Kelly over you but the second she got shot down and ran back to you, you took her in with open arms. Why? What about me Brian? What about what we could’ve had? Why can’t I ever be enough for you?
“It was never you.” Is all he says in response.
“What?” you’re the one at a loss for words now.
“You never could pick up on the hints could you? I’ve seen your longing stares from across the room, and the flirting, I’ve seen all of it. But It was never you. It’s not that you’re not enough for me, it’s that you were never an option Y/N. I don’t want to be with you. Is that clear? Can you understand that yet? It’s nothing personal it’s just it was never you.” Brian explains with absolutely no remorse.
“Go to Hell, Brian.” You say as your turn around and cry into your brother’s arms. The only thing you could ever want now is to just die.
“Jesus Otis.” Is all Kelly says as he rolls his eyes at the other man and walks you out of the bar.
“That was harsh.” Gabby says getting her stuff and following the two of you out of the bar.
“Hope you’re happy.” Herrmann then says walking out and leaving just Otis and the mini skirt alone in the bar.
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persage · 1 year
FORGIVEN- Brian Otis Zvonecek
Summary: You and Brian haven't seen each other for months, distanced by pain and resentment, but the past comes back to knock at the door a night like any other (but not without the help of Brett and Joe )
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Warnings : Mention of Panic Attack and past abusive relationships
17.30 PM
"For the last time, Sylvie: I don't intend to come at any double date with... her." It's been about ten times that Otis has told her this, yet his friend hasn't stopped pestering him since the morning.
"It's not a double date!" Sylvie replies "You are just coming to the the Street Food Expo  with me, Joe and y/n."
"And I bet it's a coincidence that we are four people and two of us are a couple and then there's me and y/n. If this isn't a double date..." He mutters, shaking his head.
"Come on," She pleads "if you'll come, y/n won't be hanging around me and Joe all the time but at the same time she won't be in danger being alone at home. You know, since she has broken up with that asshole, Marcus, he follows her everywhere. He has even stopped by my apartment a few times, we haven't opened the door but it was scary as hell."
Otis tries to ignore the painful pinch in his chest at the mention of Marcus and the fact that he is now your ex. He tries to stop the anger that boils in his veins at the idea that someone could even think of hurting you. "Right, and you can't ask anyone else?"
This is not how he wants to say it, he doesn't know why words escape his lips like this. "No Otis, I can't and you know it too. You were her best friends, you still are." He shakes his head again, Brett nails him with an accusing look. "Come on, I'm begging you. If you don't want to do it for her, do it for me."
And truth is, Brian would do anything for you.
He has already done it, everything.
He has tired to save you for two years from that toxic and wrong relationship you got yourself stuck into, getting a door in his face and a broken heart in return. When Marcus has forced you to choose one day, you've chosen him.
"I don't even like the expo" He replies but now he's already convinced to come and Brett knows it.
"Pick us up at half past eight, be punctual and..." "But I do not -"
"Be on time and wear something nice, okay? You never know what can happen" After lingering for several seconds and insulting himself with at least fifteen different offensive expressions, in fact, Otis sighs and gives up.
"Alright then."
"Oh thanks!" Sylvie throws her arms around his neck, euphoric
"Thank you, thank you, tha –"
"Let's be clear about one thing, though" he interrupts her without breaking away "first: you owe me a favor, and secondly... You are aware that if this is a move to clarify things between me and y/n it won't work, right?" Brett giggles in amusement, pulling away but still holding him by the shoulders.
"Don't worry Otis, this night is for me not for you."
And Brian doesn't know why, but when Brett leaves a strange feeling pushes between in his chest and throat, something like an itch that he can not soothe. "But if you still want her, I'm sure y/n needs you"
This perhaps makes him feel almost worse.
9.15 PM
Friday night is almost as sacred to you as Christmas to your mother. Although practically everyone thinks of you as a pub girl, you love to spend Fridays at home, on the sofa wearing only a tank top, bra free, with sweatpants, a glass of wine and Marcus by your side back during the good old days, when he still was the guy you fell in love with in high school.
There was another time then when your Friday nights - but also your Saturdays and Tuesdays - were the Mollys.
Brian, to be more specific.
Your Fridays has been Brian at one point. When with Marcus it was all ups and downs, all messed up and sad and pathetic, you have found yourself there more and more, with that sweet, nice fireman you had slept with once, during one of the many breakups with Marcus, and who then somehow had became your best friend.
A friendship you've always  paid dearly for.
A punch once. A kick in the ribs. A glass on the head yet another time. Every time Marcus has remembered that Otis was still  part of your life, it has gotten worse. And you have accepted everything, without saying anything to Brian, because you were sure that if he knew that what you were going through was somehow his fault - of his texts and his calls-  then he would have felt guilty forever and you didn't want to. Also he was going to kill Marcus, and you didn't want that too. He would have tried to save you. Indeed he did it to be honest, after two years of friendship, after two years of lies and subterfuge, after two years in which you swore you had left Marcus so many times.
"It's really over" but then you always came back to him and Brian could only watch you self-destruct in the name of your sick love, of a life you didn't deserve, a man who have convinced you that you're worthless without him.
And that's how you feel now: worthless and pathetic.
Brian has tried to save you, even putting Antonio in the middle and reporting Marcus.
He did it without your knowledge, while you were still unconscious in a hospital bed, after Marcus threw you down the stairs.
A concussion, bruised face, broken rib and arm. Even that wasn't enough to make you give up.
"I fell" You have said to the police, saving his ass again one time.
"You didn't have the right" you have yelled at Brian, later, with an IV still in your body. He couldn't look at your swollen and pale face, he couldn't touch your cold skin. He couldn't accept that the best person he knew, the only woman in the world from whom he had willingly accepted a friend-zone because he would have wanted you in his life in any way, the person he called at the end of every difficult shift and  knew how to calm him like no one else in the world, you, his precious y/n were a mess of bruises, tears and broken bones.
In his heart he blamed himself for everything, because he should have stopped it, he should have killed Marcus, he should have asked you out after your first -and only- night together instead of waiting days just to find you with him again.
He should have understood sooner that he was the right man for you, gathered courage and stepped forward.
Brian could not understand that you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.
"I can stand up for myself"
"Oh I. see it. Fuck I'm tired of finding you like this, I'm tired of standing still while you let that son of a bitch kill you."
He raised his voice and waved his hands in the air gesturing in a way that for some reason scared you and covered your face to protect yourself.. Your body instinctively reacted to the only thing it knew by now: violence and Brian looked at you with the biggest eyes in the world, scared of himself.. He brought a hand to his face, trying to hide how much that gesture of yours struck him, then he leaned towards you and gently as if you were made of glass, he embraced you.
It was the last time.
When you met again, Brian was at your door. When you met again, you had just discovered that no, he hadn't given up on the Marcus investigation and had continued to put Voight and his bloody cop friends in the middle.
"I did it because I'm your friend y/n fuck"
You opened the door just enough to see his face collapse as you yelled.
"Then maybe you shouldn't be. I don't need you"
It's been four months. Somehow you found the courage to leave Marcus when you saw him try to lay hands on Sylvie, one evening when she came by to see how you were doing. 
You've moved in with her, you've taken your life back in your hands . You've never seen Brian though.
"Hurry up y/n" Brett intimates.
"Take it easy, Joe will surely be late anyway" You reply, putting on your lipstick.
"There's been a change of plans," Syilvie says hastily, pulling on her black boots.
"Joe and Otis will be picking us up in a bit."
"When were you going to tell me he's coming too?" you scream, your voice  high-pitched, smearing lipstick in your cheeks in anxiety. You clean yourself quickly, so hard it feels like you want to peel off your skin and you try not to notice the way your heart has started pounding at the mention of his name.
You tell yourself that you can do it, that it's okay, that you're ready to see him again even if you know it's not true. For a moment a little voice whispers in you ear that you shouldn't go with them, but you can't: the idea of being alone still scares you.
"Please wipe that depressed look off your face" she begs.
"You know what's depressing? The fact that you have invited him because I can't be alone, at my age. It's all so absurd."
You shake your head, trying to smile
"Of all the people in the world you had to invite him? You couldn't invite... I don't know, Kelly? Dawson?" You ask, putting on your favorite jacket at full speed.
"Because he's your best friend and you miss him more than you care to admit and he's the only one you wouldn't be ashamed to tell what Marcus is still doing to you. Besides, I know he's the only one you could bear to spend some time with right now, he's special to you." she replies, bringing out the best of her innocent expressions, while you roll your eyes and just pray that it will end quickly.
You like less and less the fact that deep down you know how right Sylvie is: Brian Zvonecek is without a shadow of doubt the only person in the world who has managed to understand you, he was also the only one to touch the deepest strings of your heart when you thought it was made of stone after all the years with Marcus.
He has crushed your soul in a way no one had before and he did it with kindness and delicacy, without having to do anything more than be himself.
He has taught you to still believe in good people and in true love, the one made of caresses, of sharing, of sweetness.
You've figured it out too late and repaid him treating his like he didn't matter, like he wasn't important.
You know it's his greatest fear, being abandoned, being left behind, being less important to others, being the last wheel in the cart and you hurt him in the worst way.
No matter how much Sylvie and Joe keep telling you that it's not true, that in cases like yours it's a normal reaction, that Marcus has manipulated you for a long time, that Otis doesn't see it that way and that he will understand if you talk to him: you just can't look at his face now.
9.45 PM
"I still don't understand why I can't be in the front sit." Otis mutters, turning to look out the window at the Chicago nightscape.. It's just the beginning of the evening and he's already tired of the palpable tension between you two, he's tired of having to keep his head turned away because he can't bear the sight you, he's tired of feeling your eyes on him.
"Come on man. Sylvie 's my girlfriend it's normal that I make her sit here, Have you ever heard of gallantry?" Otis shakes his head. "Yes right, gallantry"
Sylvie turns towards you, she gives you a look to give you courage but you don't speak, you remain silent, you throw a few glances at Brian from time to time that he doesn't reciprocate and you are here, still, to torture your hands wondering if you should have stayed at home.
He hates you.
He hates you and you can't stand it.
When Cruz's car stops suddenly to avoid colliding with another car you are thrown forward hard. It's an instantaneous gesture, so quick, fast and natural that he doesn't realize it and maybe not even you. Not really.
In a second the fireman's arm is in front of you, as if to protect you, keeping you in your place, avoiding any kind of danger.
You don't even hear Joe and Sylvie's curses, you and Brian are still in your moment, still In the instant in which after so many months your bodies are touching again, and under layers of clothes you can both feel a shiver shaking your bodies .
"Everything Okay?" He asks, his voice shaking, realizing what he's just done. He withdraws his arm slowly, reluctantly. He hates to admit it, but he would like to stay like this forever.
This little contact, it seems enough for him and he feels like a fool.
A poor idiot in love.
You nod. "Everything fine?" You ask, looking directly at his face for the first time. You've missed his dark eyes so much that you can't quantify it in words, so much that the world exists only in his gaze and you wonder how you haven't realized before all this, how wonderful and big his eyes are.
How much you need his gaze on you.
He reciprocates with an intensity that scares you, that doesn't seem real. Marcus has never looked at you like that. Not even once.
Not even at the beginning.
Brian, he has looked at you like that all the time.
If he's still looking at you like that then maybe he doesn't hate you.
But then, as soon as he comes to his senses, his gaze returns hard, cold, distant, all hope is lost.
When the car starts again, he turns around and puts a distance between you two. The world is suddenly colder. He shifts his eyes to you, again and again, being careful not to be noticed.He thinks you are beautiful. He thinks you're beautiful and you seem better off without that asshole.
He can't help but be happy about it.
"It's going to be a long night," Joe murmurs softly.
I'm sure of that too, Otis thinks, still looking at you sideways.
He's never been lucky with love, of course, but with you it's something that goes beyond love, beyond friendship, beyond everything. Something he can't describe or name, but still hurts terribly
10 PM
Brian doesn't hate y/n, at all. He could never, not even when you  have decided to cut all ties. What makes him angry is never being able to fully understand you.
You are a mystery, even though he knows you so well. One second you're a strong and independent woman, the best he knows, the most talented, the liveliest and nicest, the next you're Marcus' puppet, silent at her side, submissive, afraid and dull.
Sure, it's not your fault, but he can't help but get angry to see how you let an ordinary man shut down someone as amazing as you, it angers him to know how little  respect you have for yourself to think you deserve something like this. No matter if it's over, Brian will carry this anger with him forever maybe.
Brett goes out of the car, clutching Cruz's arm, announcing that they're going to go for a walk on their own.
"No" You say instinctively. "I mean, I thought we were supposed to be together." You continue then, hoping you haven't offended Brian.
"We need to discuss something, then we'll catch up with you" Brett replies winking at Otis and walking away before he can reply.
Cruz doesn't know if his friend has the  strength to do it anyway. He is confused and upset to have you here again, Joe knows this and isn't entirely sure of Brett's plan.
"You're crazy" Joe whispers.
"They both need it, I can't take it anymore"
"You realize we're pretending to still be together just for them, Sylvie, you're crazy"  Joe shakes his head.
"it's crazy that those two don't talk to each other anymore"
Brian watches you, the way you bite your nails tense, the way you move your knee, and bite your lip. You are agitated and something more: scared. "Everything Okay?" He asks, his voice hoarse.
"Yes, yes, don't worry, it's just that I haven't imagine a night like this"
"And how have imagined it?" He asks. You shake your head, smile just letting your hair cover your face red with embarrassment.
"I didn't expect to see you Bri, I wasn't ready"And he almost wants to yell at you that you drove him away, and he doesn't need to talk. You know the face he makes when something makes him nervous, recognize it and remain silent. "I think we should go" he says he points to the stalls.. He starts walking then he stops and turns to you.
"I knew you'd be there, but it doesn't make it any easier"
You nod. "I'm sorry, I'd give anything to..."
The words dies in your throat.
"Me too y/n" he replies, hinting for the first time a smile under his mustache that you like so much.
"Come on, let's go get something to eat" he whispers.
You walk behind him.
It's not all solved, but it's a start and for now it already seems almost a miracle.
10.15 PM
You see him everywhere, it takes your breath away.
Marcus is in every shadow, in every man, in every corner and you can't help but tremble with every step you take. Your hands are shaking, your legs are limp and you're breathing hard but you don't want Brian to notice.
Marcus is in your head, just in your fucking head.
"Do you prefer ketchup or barbecue?" Brian turns to you, wallet in his hands, an almost serene expression on his face. It takes you a while to answer, to understand. You remember that you're at the hot dog stand, that everything's fine, that you're talking to Brian and Brett and Joe will be back soon and it'll be even better.
"I ... Nothing" You whisper, your voice trembles, your eyes move from side to side looking for something that can justify your fear, the shiver down your spine.
"You sure? Oh girl that's fool" He comments, giggling. You place a hand on his clutching wallet.
"No Bri, there's no need"
You don't want him to pay. It's not right.
"Look, it's okay. I'm still mad at you, but I'm also happy to be here and it won't make me broke" You don't even smile, you keep looking around you and you feel the air getting heavy, almost oppressive.
"Dude" One of the guys from the truck intervenes."Watch out for your girlfriend, she doesn't seem so well" Otis doesn't bother to say that you're not his girlfriend, he gently pushes you out of line as soon as he realizes you're shaking like a leaf and looking paler than ever.
He hates himself for not noticing it sooner.
"Ei ei y/n, what's going on?" You shake your head.
"it's nothing, it's All Right"
You can't tell him. You can't reopen this wound. Brian would freak out, look for Marcus.
What if... If he is really here?
He would put himself in danger for you, you know he would. You can't let it happen.
"I just need some air" You move away but Brian, quick as lightning, grabs you by the arm.. The gesture takes you back in time, where the hands holding you are not those of the fireman and they are not delicate at all but mean, cruel. You stiffen and Brian realizes it without you having to speak.
He seems to read your mind, he's always been good at it.
"Sorry" he whispers.
"You didn't do anything Bri. I'm not made of crystal, you can touch me"
You start walking again trying to erase the fear from your heart and he stops you after a few seconds, looking you up with his big dark eyes as if the whole world dependeds on you and you alone.
"Don' t look at me like this"
"Tell me what you have then"
You feel the tears tingling in your eyes when yet another shadow takes the form of your ex and feel your chest tighten and you want to die.
"Why? Damn Brian you should hate me! Stop worrying about me, I don't need you"
The man looks away, his jaw clenched and his brow furrowed.
You realize what you've said:
I don't need you.
You take a step towards him and try to grab his hand.
"I...I didn't mean...I" And you wonder how it's possible to mess it all up again so easily.
Otis' hand trembles in anger under your fingers.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"I will never stop worrying about you okay? I've tried and I just can't! It would have been wonderful to do it, to forget about you in a hospital bed bacause of that son of a bitch but there isn't a single, fucking day that I don't think about it and there isn't a day where I don't wonder what I could have done to stop it. And God, there isn't a day that I don't regret not making you fucking leave him earlier. For months I've spent every fucking second wondering how you were doing. So no, it's not about you. It's me. I, I need to know. Tell me what's wrong with you." He raises his voice but Brian doesn't scare you.
Come on, he's different and the way he looks at you... he's not angry, not really, it's something different and maybe worse: disappointed, desperate, scared even.
Terrified of realizing how his life depends on you.
"I see him everywhere" You confess in a faint voice, looking at the ground.
"I see Marcus everywhere and I'm terrified that I won't be able to figure out when he's really there and I'm scared of him, and I'm with you and he hates you so much and I'm scared he might hurt you. To you and the others and me.... I just want to erase him from my life but he's everywhere no matter what.
I left him he's everywhere and he'll never stop" Brian pulls you to him without thinking about it, as if months haven't passed, as if not a single day has passed. He squeezes you tight, you melt into tears with your face against his chest, sobbing like a baby.
"I'm sorry for how I behaved"
"Shhh it's okay, it's okay I know, I know don't worry I'm not angry. I swear it's okay"
He kisses your hair, kisses your forehead and every piece of skin he can reach and you've never felt as much at home as with him now.
"Marcus isn't here, and even if he was I wouldn't let him get near you, ever" This is exactly what scares you, but you don't say it, you don't have the strength.
"I don't deserve it" He shakes his head. "No, you don't deserve it. But I would do it anyway, even if you were the worst person on earth. And you're not" You smile as he slides his fingers through your hair.
"I think that Brett and Cruz have abandoned us"
"Actually, I'm kinda cold and I've never finished Galactica you know? " You confess.
He laughs, just moves away from you.
"You're so full of surprises" He fixes your hair and dries your tears with his tumb.
"Wanna go home?" He asks."
"No, I...God I don't know. I...I want to be with you. It doesn't matter where." You reply. You don't wanna rush things. The smile he gives you is priceless, you would spend hours looking at him like this, perhaps all the rest of your life if possible. You only care about him, the way he gazes at you and is so close, the warmth of his skin and the sparkle in his eyes.
I love you, you think.
I love you, Brian.
The realization falls on you like a Boulder. How can you only notice now?
It has always been so clear.
"Oh, seriously?" Laughs Otis "So how about we take a Taxi?" You nod smiling.
"As I said I need to finish Galactica"
"But you hate Galactica"
"But I love you"
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samantha-chicago · 2 months
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soccer-love · 2 years
Forever you
Sam Mewis x fem reader 
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Sam Mewis x fem reader
 Y/N Pov.
“Okay, He’s just not that into you or My big feet greek weeding?” Sam asks as I exit the bathroom, I laugh as I see her.
She’s in her favorite grey Nike hoodie; her blanked pulled up to her chest, cuddled in.
“Sam-“ I say but she cuts me off.
“No we’re not watching Tomb Rider again, we watched this movie like a 100 times.”
“Sam.” I repeat and she finally stops scrolling through Netflix and looks up at me.
“I can’t watch a movie with you tonight, Kelley set up a Date with me, some friend of her that lives here.” I explain and see her jaw drop.
“I’m sorry.” I add but she shakes her head.
“No, go. You shouldn’t let them wait.” She says and I nod.
“Okay, see you later.” I say, grabbing my key, wallet, phone and a jacket.
This is the last Camp this year and it’s in Santa Barbara, Sam and I are roommates. Honestly I just love it, she is one of my favorites on the team (Even I would never say that out loud).
I see Kelley standing in the hotel lobby with some guy.
“Oh, this is Y/N, Y/N my old friend Brian.” She introduces me and he smiles at me politely.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” he says and I return his smile.
“It’s nice to meet you too.” I say, even I’m not sure if I really mean it.
“Great, have a nice evening you too now go.” Kelley interrupts almost kicking us out.
“Chill.” I say and follow Brian.
He leads me to his car and we drive to a fancy restaurant somewhere near the beach.
“So what position do you play in?” he asks after the waiter brought or drinks and took or orders.
“Midfielder, what do you do for living?” I ask back and he starts a whole speech about his work as a High School teacher and what excuses his students tell him why they couldn’t make their homework.  
I nod and smile, try to laugh about some things but it just gets more boring, the food is great. And when he goes to pay at the waitress table I take a look at my phone, I missed a call from my mom and there’s a message from Kelley asking how it goes. But I only have eyes for the background, it’s a picture of Sam and me from last year. We had a Camp two weeks before Christmas and they decided it would be a funny idea to go around to hotel, caroling. Sam dressed up as reindeer and I as a elf, she carried me on her back around and it was honestly just hilarious.
I want her to be her instant of that boring teacher guy, Sam would be funny and make me laugh the whole time, while we play smash or pass with the other guest and share dessert like we always do.
Fuck I miss her right now.
 “So Y/N, I really loved our dinner but should we take this date somewhere else?” Brian asks as we leave the restaurant.
“Uhm…I would love to but I have practice in the morning and it’s already late.” I lie, tomorrow is my day off, I just don’t want to “Take this date somewhere else” if you know what I mean.
“That’s okay, I’ll give you a ride back.” He says and gives me a smile as we walk back to his car.
 Sam Pov.
I watch Y/N leave and wipe a tear away as she closes the door behind her, she looked so breathtaking, the dress/suit hugging all her curves perfectly.
I let out a sigh and turn the TV off, a couple of minutes later there’s a knock on the door and I practically run to open the door. Maybe it’s Y/N and she decided to stay.
“Hey, sis.” Kristie says as I open the door.
“Hi.” I say, trying to hide my disappointment.
“The team wants to make a movie night and I wanted to ask if you and Y/N are coming.” She explains and I shrug.
“Y/N isn’t here, she has a date.”
“Oh…Sam…I’m so sorry.” Kristie says and hugs me, I told her about my feelings for Y/N shortly after I realized it.
“Come on, you need to get your mind of her.” She says, taking my hand as she steps back.
“I don’t know.” I say but she cuts me off.
“I won’t take no as an answer, come.” She pulls me out of the room and down the hall, we stop at Alex and Kellys room, most of the girls are already there and I sit down next to Pino.
“Okay please anything but Love-Drama I can’t take the “Oh my god I love you but we can’t be together” movies right now.” Sonnett demands as she and Abby come in with snacks in their hands.
“Okay, any suggestions?” Alex asks, scrolling through Netflix.
“Tomb Rider.” I say, suddenly feeling the wish to watch Y/Ns favorite movie.
“Yeah but the new one.” Pino answers and somehow everyone is okay with the movie choice.
 At the scene where Lara ends on the island after the boat sank, I miss Y/N usual comment about how hot Alicia Vikander looks. I pull my phone out of my pocket and the first things I see is her smile as my background picture. It’s from last Christmas, I’m dressed as a reindeer, Y/N is on my back dressed as a elf, she looks so beautiful in the green suit, laughing about something I’ve said, holding onto my shoulders. I can exactly remember the moment after, she leant down to kiss my nose and left a red lipstick mark there.
“Now you look like Rudolph.” She whispered and laughed at my face, sadly the person that took the photo already walked away so this moment only exist in our memory.  
There I can still feel her lips against my skin, I can hear her laugh, I can smell her sweet sent, that’s where I can still feel her.
That’s what I’m missing in the last months, I feel like I can’t feel her anymore. We’re drifting apart and every time I try to hold her she’s slipping through my fingers, it’s like I would try to catch smoke with my bare hands.
I put my phone away and stand up.
“I’m gonna go back to my room, I’m really tired.” I excuse myself and they nod, only Kristie gives me a knowing look.
 I lay down in my bed and look over at Y/Ns empty bed, there’s a stuffed animal sitting next to her pillow, another memory rushes through my mind.
“Come on, Sammy please. I can’t do it because of my hand.” Y/N begged, we we’re at the beach in Los Angeles and stooped at a sport store. Apparently if you could hold yourself on a pull-up bar for more than a minute you win something. Y/N broke her wrist a couple of weeks ago, she could still play soccer but wasn’t allowed to do anything with her hand.
After a couple of minutes I gave in and managed it to hold myself for three minutes, Y/N chooses a grey elephant. “He is a Salvador Dali elephant and his name is Samanther.” She said with a serious voice, I laughed about the fact that she named him after my nickname.
I get up and grab the elephant before laying back down, holding the animal close to my chest. “Why can’t you just want me?” I whisper to Y/N’s empty bed “Why can’t you be mine.”
  Third Person Pov.
It’s almost 1 in the morning when Y/N enters the hotel again, Brian tried to kiss her as they arrived at the hotel earlier that night but she leant back, not wanting it at all.
Instate of going inside she decided to go for a walk, clearing her mind a bit and the cold night air helped her relaxing.
Sams bedside lamp is still on but the blond midfielder is asleep when Y/N comes in, she goes into the bathroom and chances into her pjs and brushing her teeth, when she goes back to her bed she notices the grey elephant is gone.
As she looks around she sees Sam is holding something close to her chest, just a grey ear looks out under her blanket, slowly trying not to wake her up Y/N kneels down in front of her.
She watches the sleeping woman for a while, admiring her, with her thumb she touches Sams cheek, feeling the soft and warm skin under her.
Out of a sudden, Sam opens her warm blue eyes, looking back at Y/N, there’s not a single word spoken, there’s no need to.
Slowly and as gentle as possible Sam cups Y/N check with her hand, leaning forward but still her eyes are looked with Y/N’s.
They lean closer and just when there about to feel each other’s lips, Y/N closes her eyes and Sam does the same. And without a single back thought or worry but finally they meet in a soft, loving kiss, sharing feelings they both hold back for so long, in attempting to not ruin their friendship.
When air becomes a problem they pull away, but there still close enough to feel each other’s breath against their skin.
“I love you and fuck I’ve loved you for so long, to long.” Sam whispers in the space between them, breaking the silence.
“Samantha I love you with everything that I am and I feel the love that I have for you even in the last tiny corner in my heart.” Y/N answers and somehow it’s obvious now, both of them realizing the sings they ignored for too long.
The moments they caught the other one staring, the times they feel asleep watching movies just to wake up cuddled close together, the team meetings where they always sat next to each other, or the late night talks they had.    
Sam wraps her arms around the other woman and pulls her into bed next to her, holding her close to her chest, like the elephant before.
And for a long time, they just lay there, holding onto each other, feeling each other’s fast heartbeat.
“Why did you go out with him?” Sam suddenly asks, remembering why Y/N weren’t there when she fell asleep.
“It was Kelley’s idea, she wanted to get my mind onto something else, but it was really boring.” Y/N answers, turning onto her stomach, looking up at Sam.
“He is nothing compared to you. You are the only one I want, I want your loud, funny, charming and sometimes foolish everything. I want you.”
“You are everything I want too, everything and more.” Sam says, letting a tear falling down. She doesn’t care what happens outside this room, there’s nothing that could make her leave, not even if the world was ending right now, the only place she would want to be is here, safely wrapped in Y/N’s arms,
 3 years later:
Y/N takes Sam’s hands in hers as she smiles at her.
“Samantha, I love you with everything that I am and I feel the love that I have for you even in the last tiny corner in my heart. You are my person, my favorite, my best friend and the love of my life. There wasn’t a single day in the last three years that I didn’t think of you. I love every little moment we shared together and I love that even when we lost both sets of our car keys that we still could laugh about it. And still after all this years of knowing each other we still have something to talk about every time we two are together, we never got bored of each other, I honestly just can’t get enough of you, you still make my heart jump when you smile at me and I still feel like my skin is on fire when you touch me. Love isn’t easy, it’s not perfect but loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done and to me you are perfect, in every way. I will be there for you, as your wife, your friend, your team mate, your soul mate. I love you and all I have left to say is that I’m gonna love you till the day I die. ” Y/N ends, watching a tear running down Sam’s face, but she isn’t the only one crying today.
“Y/N, my lover, my bestie, my everything. When we first meet, a part of me knew that you’re something special and that you will take a special place in my heart, but I never imagined that I would end up here, marrying the love of my life, the person that knows everything about me and never gets bored of my creasy ass, I never imagined that you’d be my forever. But now, I am so happy that I get to call you mine, for the rest of my life, I love you!”
It takes much for them not just to kiss now, instead they wipe there tears away.
“Y/N.” the weeding officant says making both of them look at him.
“Do you take Samantha June Mewis as your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, in good times and bad, for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” Y/N answers, sliding a ring onto Sam’s left ring finger.
“Samantha, do you take Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N as your lawfully weeded wife, for better or for worse, in good times and bad, for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” Sam answers, sliding a ring onto Y/N’s left ring finger.
“By these acts and according to the laws of the State of Massachusetts I hereby pronounce you wife and wife.”
There family’s and close friends cheer behind them as the couple leans in, kissing each other softly, letting each other feel there love.
“I love you.” Y/N whispers as they pull away.
“I love you too, Mrs Mewis.”
 It was a small weeding, only close friends and family, many people would think it wasn’t a perfect day to get married, it was a cold rainy December day in Boston, but for Sam and Y/N it was perfect. Not just because it was exactly two years, two months and two days after their first kiss, it was perfect because they had each other and that was enough.
They love each other and that’s enough for them.
That’s everything they ever need.
And everything they could care about in the moment they shared their first kiss as a married couple.
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