#Black Squadron
robotsandramblings · 10 months
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❤️🖤 Black Squadron 🖤❤️
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
Uncontrollable: Part 1 (Poe Dameron x fem!reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Part 2
Summary: You are sworn enemies with Poe Dameron, but alcohol likes to tell a different story. Warnings: MINORS DNI. Swearing, alcohol consumption (drink responsibly kids), fem masturbation, heavy smut in next part. Word Count: 2.2 k words
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A/N: If you think Part 1 is descriptive, wait till y'all see part two. I seriously have no idea what possessed me to write this but here we are. More moon boys stuff coming soon hehe. (GIF not mine)
Your POV
“That was a shit job! Snap, back me up on this.” your voice cuts through the cheers that greeted you as you climb out of your X-Wing, ripping off your vest.
“You’re the one who decided it was best to ignore your commanding officer and do whatever the fuck you wanted to do!” The Commander’s voice echoed around the docking bay and people turned to watch the bickering unfold.
You were not going down without a fight. Not yet today. Never. Not when the argument was with him.
“I said I had everything under control and I was going to blast that last TIE out of the fucking sky, when you decided that it’ll be be best to let your big ass ego take control of you again and stop me!” You yell as you take a step closer to the fuming pilot.
“You could have been killed if I didn’t cover you!”
“So? Why the fuck do you care if I’m dead or alive, Commander?” Your words echoed through the hangar.
For once in your life, the commander was rendered silent. His gaze hardened and he scowled, clenching his jaw, upper lip twitching.
“The both of you need to stop this nonsense at once.” A shiver ran down your spine as you spun around to see the General walking towards you and Poe.
“All this constant bickering for weeks. You both do realize that we’re fighting on the same side, right?” She questioned as you and Poe hung your heads. “This was an overall win and you both should be celebrating, not throwing insults like a bunch of teenagers.”
You hated every single second that he was in the room with you and your sleeping arrangements at base were not helping either. Due to some stupid scheduling issue, he was your bunk mate and you both had to share quarters. You endlessly tried to opt for a transfer after every argument but the transfers were denied every single time.
“The both of you need to loosen up, go have some fun. That is an order.” You grimaced at Leia’s words but nodded.
You really didn’t like disappointing Leia. She was, afterall, the reason why you were here in the first place. She was right, you and him were fighting on the same side no matter how much you despised him. Besides, the overall win was something to definitely celebrate and you needed something to take the edge off the anger you were currently feeling.
Few drinks in and you were a different person, making up dances with Rose, throwing your head back and laughing at anything that you thought was funny. You were relatively tipsy when you leaned onto the table to take another shot, blurily locking eyes with your sworn enemy, who was leaning casually in a seat close to your right.
“Oh, look who's here to spoil my night. Commander Casanova. Thought you’d be fucking some mechanic or tech in some alley somewhere…” you slurred, leaning close to him, your nose inches from the shell of his ear.
“Ah, so you were thinking about me fucking, huh?” he whispered.
“Oh, fuck you.” You lowly laughed in his ear and grabbed the shot, downing it and slamming the glass back onto the table.
“I think you should go slow on the drinks, Y/N.” Finn chastised, patting your forearm.
“Well, I think I shouldn’t, mom.” you say sticking out your tongue and turning to walk back to the dance floor.
You continued your little pattern; dancing, drinking, peeing and repeating, till you were drunk beyond comprehension. Still, that one lingering thought remained in your head.
Poe Dameron.
Fuck, you hated him so much that you spent hours just thinking about how you would absolutely destroy him. All the pranks and ignoring rank didn’t quench your thirst for the hatred you felt. It was like an uncontrollable addiction, hating him. You hated that he was always so optimistic, brave and cocky. You hated the fact that he was such an amazing pilot and commander. You hated that he tried to save your life. You hated the praises that he would often dish out to the squadron. You hated his stupid cute face and fluffy boyish curls.
Cute? Maker, you were definitely losing it.
You stumbled towards your room, thoughts swimming nauseatingly around your head. After a few tries with the keypad, the door flew open and you stumbled into the darkness of your room. You kicked off your boots and jumped into your bed with the last of your strength.
“Ah, so you were thinking about me fucking, huh?” his voice echoed in your head as you shifted in your bed.
Yes, yes you were and still are. You’ve heard tales of his endeavors and a part of you wanted to experience it yourself. The rumors were not enough, you wanted to feel his rough skillful hands running down every inch of your body. You wanted those commanding lips of his to whisper dirty secrets into your ears till you surrendered all of your being to him.
But you also wanted that pilot with such sacrilegious and obscene sin that could even make a sith blush, cower and hide. You wanted to do things to him that were so filthy it made you squirm as you felt the heat pooling in your lower abdomen. Immediately, you bring two of your fingers to your lips and suck them, pulling the wet digits out and sliding them down your pants with your bottom lip between your teeth.
The second they came into contact with your sensitive bundle of nerves, you sigh, his name tumbling out of your mouth. You giggled stupidly at how his name rolled off your tongue with ease, the alcohol making you nearly delirious as you slipped a finger into your wetness for some relief.
Poe’s POV Poe squinted into the darkness, almost positive that he heard his name being called. He listened intently until he heard it again and it was coming from the bottom bunk. His eyes widened at the sound of your voice, and an electrifying shiver coursed through his body as he shot up from his bed. Silently, he peeked over the top bunk to look down at you and saw you writhing in your sleep. He glanced at the clock and slowly slipped out of bed, climbing down the ladder to wake you up from whatever dream you were having. Then, a gut-wrenching moan tore through the silence of the room making him stumble.
His eyes scan over your form and his mouth dropped when his gaze trailed over your right arm that was slotted between your legs. He knelt down beside your bed and stared, not believing what he was seeing. Your eyes were blissfully shut, wet lips parting slightly, looking absolutely divine in the dark. You arched your back, and moaned his name again as the shameful wet sound of your pussy filled his ears. He thickly swallowed as he watched your left hand traveled up your thigh and slipped under your resistance issued shirt to palm your tit.
“Fuck, use my body to do whatever you please, Poe.” you whined and Poe had to grip the edge of the bed tighter to physically stop his hands from moving. He knew that if he started on you, he couldn’t trust himself to stop.
Poe shifted uncomfortably as he felt his own arousal take over his body. For the second time today, you had rendered him absolutely stunned and speechless. Watching you was absolute torture but he didn’t want you to stop. You never called him by his first name, always by his ranking and you saying his name in this suggestive position was absolutely sacred to him. His name sounded like a prayer in your shallow breath and it clawed through him like a painful poison, squeezing the air out of his lungs.
The vulgar sounds around him escalated and he knew you were close. He watched with lust blown eyes as your body shudders and your toes curl under the pressure that had built up in you. Poe bit his bottom lip so hard that he drew blood as you soundlessly mouthed his name again and again.
Your POV “Ughh…”
You woke up with a splitting headache and you got up to dash to the refresher to puke as the nausea took over every cell of your body. You stared at the state of your face in the mirror above the sink and decided that it wasn’t your worst hangover look. You shrugged, pulling your toothbrush to brush the icky taste out of your mouth.
You strained, trying to remember the events of last night. The last thing you could remember was the snarky remark that Poe whispered in your ear. You roll your eyes and shake your head, stepping out of the refresher. You glance at Poe’s bunk and he wasn't there, his bed was neatly made as usual. You shrug your yesterday’s clothes off and pull on a fresh pair, throwing the dirty laundry into the basket beside the bed.
You trudged into the cantina with a scowl etched to your face, and slumped onto a bench where Finn handed you a mug of steaming coffee.
“I warned you to slow down, Y/N.” he said, patting your back and fondly ruffling your hair as you grumpily sip the coffee.
“Did I do something stupid yesterday, mother?” you say to Finn, only to hear a scoff from Poe who was sitting beside Finn.
“Not that I know of?” Finn said, narrowing his eyes and glancing at Poe.
Your gaze met Poe’s and a chill ran down your spine. He was staring at you with a ghost of a smirk etched onto his face, his eyes darker than usual. You blink and look away, confused. Soon after you did, Poe got up and left without a word.
“What’s up with Mr. Grumpy Pants?” you question, your eyes following him out of the cantina.
“Don’t ask me, I don’t know.” Finn said, holding his hands up.
You sigh and scroll through your datapad, looking at your schedule for the day. ‘Training with Black Leader’ was on the top of the schedule and you groaned, not wanting to spend the whole morning training with Poe. Still, you gulped down the rest of your coffee, said bye to Finn and made your way to the training facility.
Poe was there, his hands wrapped as he hit the punching bag in front of him, wearing a tank top and cargo pants, his jacket discarded at the corner of the facility. His muscles glistened with sweat as he pounded the bag with immense strength.
“Wanna spar, Commander?” you ask smugly, but he continued to ignore you, administering more punches to the bag.
You shrug and settle down onto the floor to start stretching as you watch him, popping a chewstim into your mouth. Something seems to be bothering him immensely because that punching bag was really getting pummeled left right and center. A wave of pleasure surged through you with the realization that something was making Poe Dameron extremely riled up.
“Today’s session is going to be fun.” You thought as your jaw worked the chewstim.
Poe continued his assault on the punching bag until every single member of the Black Squadron had arrived.
“Alright, everyone take your places.” his voice boomed around the facility.
You got up and shuffled towards Jessika, but you felt a strong hand close around your wrist, pulling you until you were flush against a wall of muscle. You swallow the gasp that threatened to escape you as you turn around to look at Poe, who kept his gaze on the rest of the members.
You continue to hold your steady gaze at him as he belted out instructions that you barely hear from the rush of blood that sounded in your ears. His hand is still gripping your wrist tightly and you were sure he was leaving a bruise on you but you were too shocked to move.
Once he was done instructing the rest, he lowered his lips to your ears.
“Spit that gum out before I force it out of you.” he whispered and you rolled your eyes.
You wrench your wrist out of his grasp and walk to the bin and spat it out before joining Poe in the center of the facility. Without a word, the both of you start sparring, Poe skillfully deflecting your attacks and advancements while simultaneously avoiding your eye contact. You draw back and prowl around Poe, trying to catch his eye.
“What the fuck is up with you today?” you say, before you can stop yourself.
“No talking while sparring.” he simply says and starts administering hits that you blocked.
“No, really, what's got you so riled up, Commander.” you tease again, picking the clearly bleeding scab.
Without subsequent warning, Poe grabs you and flips you over, your body landing onto the floor with a thud, the breath knocked out of you as he knelt beside you. As you take a deep breath and rub your aching chest with your hand, he leaned in to whisper something in your ear.
“I can use your body to do whatever I please.”
You lay there for a while, trying to comprehend what he had just said. Suddenly, to your horror, a memory left your subconscious and hammered its way to the front of your mind.
“Fuck, use my body to do whatever you please, Poe.”
He knows.
He was there.
Oh, you royally fucked up.
Tagging: @ahookedheroespureheart @mintpurplemnm
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frunbuns · 1 year
Black Squadron has just returned from a mission:
Leia: Well done. You're dismissed.
Poe: Thanks, mom.
Poe: Why is everyone staring at me?
Jess: You just called the General "mom". You said "thanks, mom".
Poe: What? No, I didn't! I said "thanks, man".
Leia: Do you see me as a mother figure, Dameron?
Poe: No! If anything, I see you as a bother figure 'cause you're always bothering me.
Karé: Hey, show your mother some respect!
Poe: I didn't call her "mom"!
Leia: No, no, no, no, Poe. I take it as a compliment.
Snap: It's not a big deal. I called Karé "mom" once and she's my wife.
Poe: Guys, jump on that! Snap is really weird.
Jess: Old news! But you calling General Organa "mommy"—
Poe: Hey, "mommy" is not on the table here.
Suralinda: You did call her "mom", dude.
Poe: You shut up. You're a liar. You almost exposed our location to the whole galaxy for an article!
Suralinda: Alright, alright. I was actually going to expose you for that story. I lie all the time. Everyone knows I lied about that, but the mom thing? That happened.
Poe: Aha! She admitted it! Suralinda is a liar!
Leia: I believe you—
Poe: Thank you.
Leia: —Son, do you want to talk about it over some tea?
Poe: ...I'd like that.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 28 days
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MLMay 2024: 100 Slash Drabbles
020. Peak - Poe Dameron/Muran (Star Wars)
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oboedreamz · 2 years
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More HC of mine. This is Norath Kev’s older brother “Zephyr Kev” *beautiful art not mine, but found online* They both have gorgeous green skin, but Zeph has the ruby eyes, while a Norath has his golden ones. Both brothers love their googles as well! I HC him as a law enforcer, Core Duro or something along those lines. Shows up unexpectedly aboard the “Colossus” one day, booted feet propped up on the control panels of the ship like he owns the place. Ugh! So many ideas! 💚💙💚💙
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galacticwildfire · 1 year
Searching tumblr to make sure someone else ships Jess and Suralinda because I could not be the only one that picked up on the sapphic enemies to lovers vibes
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dykeredhood · 1 year
Jaina Solo/Poe Dameron lavender marriage WHEN
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incorrectpizza · 2 years
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My favorites back on the page mourning their loss. My heart is so full and yet so crushed.
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short-wooloo · 2 years
So Marvel's Star Wars (2020) issue #25 has our first piece of post-ROS media
It's also a bit of a continuation of the Poe Dameron comic
Basically we've got Black Squadron (Jessika Pava, Suralinda Javos, and Kare Kun) reunited in the aftermath of the Battle of Exegol to mourn the death of Snap Wexley
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bag-for-life · 10 months
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Oh my lord - Black Squadron assemble! Now I just need a Chrimbo Bimbo either the night before or after 🤞
Honestly, 90’s teenage me would be amazed if she knew that in 2023 I would be seeing Blur, Pulp, Suede, Ben Folds (not 5 but you can’t have everything), Eddie Izzard, Alan Davies and Adam & Joe live…
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nonhumanhottie · 11 months
Getting emotional about Poe Dameron and Black Squadron at 12am
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robotsandramblings · 8 months
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went to a local comic con recently, here's my lil nerd haul 💖💸 (also got some other misc pins, stickers, and stationery)
i've finally popped my star wars figure-collecting cherry with Maul, he's my first SW figure!! (what have i begun aaaahhhh my wallet lmao)
i cannot BELIEVE i found Bad Batch pins!!! they're not the easiest to find! too bad no Echo though :(
speaking of hard to find (here in Canada anyways), the Poe Dameron comic TPBs!! probably bc the series is like 5 years old by now. (still having a very hard time finding Vols 2 and 4.)
of course i had to get lil Rodimus! my husband, forever <3
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refreshdaemon · 2 years
Poe Dameron gets his own series, but the initial two adventures are shallow.
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vincentvega0721 · 1 month
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aimmyarrowshigh · 28 days
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MLMay 2024: 100 Slash Drabbles
019. Kings - Finn/Temmin "Snap" Wexley (Star Wars)
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oboedreamz · 2 years
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L’ulo L’ampar! Another one to add to the Duros pile!! 💚💚💚
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