redtailarts101 · 5 months
My art teacher is letting me make my semester final digitally so
Epic Mickey - 6 Methods of Creating Depth
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The Six Methods:
Shading | Overlapping Shapes | Linear Perspective | Atmospheric Perspective | Diminishing Sizes | Details greater in the front, and lesser in the back.
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vampireopossum · 1 year
i’m not the only one who noticed the similarities between the phyrexians and the beetleworx right
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bniebee · 4 months
I was playing epic mookers today and whan talking to this bust in the haunted mansion he said something I hadn't heard before:
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And my sickness-riddled brain thought he meant "The Mad Doctor literally stole Oswald's ear once" like this:
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But I thought about it for two more seconds and realized he probably meant "had his ear" as in "he was Oswald's main advisor" and that makes more sense, considering how much they worked together before Oswald was betrayed by him. It's kind of a weird way of phrasing it though.
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dangoarts · 2 years
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there is a common denominator in most if not all of my fixations and it is called Epic Mickey for the Nintendo Wii 2010
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bellagrimfox · 3 months
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Headcanons/Ideas for Epic Mickey
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Oswald often gloats about how he got an appearance in Disneyland/world. Until he remembers some of the kids mistaking him for Mickey.
He hates being called old despite being made years before Mickey. (thanks @jakeneutron and your awesome interpretation of Oswald)
Oswald was responsible for naming all of their rabbit kids, but he'd always forget who's who since there's 420 of them. (I feel like this one is obvious but I thought it'd be nice to say it)
Oswald gets paranoid about his foot being stolen or cut off, to a point where he puts an extra blanket around his lucky left foot.
Oswald never rubs his right foot since it's cursed with bad luck, though his misfortune isn't often the foot's fault and if it is, it's usually someone mistaking it for his lucky foot or by complete accident.
Oswald has a huge stigma against wolves and foxes. As for dogs, he hates rabbit hunting breeds but is overall ok with them. Fortunately for Mickey, Pluto is one of the few dogs he likes.
Oswald originally was terrified of having kids (Reference to Poor Papa short), though he very quickly got over that fear once he saw his first child.
Oswald has a small interest in lost media, mostly preserving and finding cartoons long forgotten.
Fanny was Oswald's first wife and the one he had children with. She left him around the time the Bunny Children were born. Oswald remembers the reason, though he won't share that with anyone other than Ortensia.
Let's start with mechanic ideas before we get into rewrite territories.
His remote weapon could function differently but in a way that perfectly mirrors Mickey's paintbrush. To do this, let's look back at what Mickey can do.
The paint allows Mickey to create and reform enemies, thinner is pretty much the opposite. Using this fact and the original remote mechanic in the sequel, let's see if we can combine them together.
His original attacks are still the same with being able to stun enemies and effect technology. However, in the rewrite, this moveset is basically the Paint counterpart.
Now this is where the new stuff happens. His Thinner attacks are based off plasma.
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Consider this image as a reference for how his remote would look like when in Thinner/Plasma mode.
Anyways, Plasma mode can kill Blotlings and similar enemies and damage technology. For example, when you use Plasma on fireworks, instead of just igniting them, they explode into a ball of fire that can destroy walls and anything else nearby.
Consider this a part 2 of the Plasma mode idea. Reprogramming works differently when using Plasma. Whenever you fire a beam of Plasma on an unarmored Beetleworx, you will end up corrupting them which will turn them into violent drones. As for switches, they will malfunction and break, making them unstable throughout the entire playthrough.
Bonus Mechanic
When Oswald is on very low health, you can use his lucky rabbit foot to get a random beneficial effect such as healing or extra damage. Just note that you can only use one rabbit foot per level and it doesn't work on bosses.
Epic Mickey Story Rewrites
Note: I haven't played the original game yet so this is going to be based off what I've seen and read from the wikies.
In my rewrite, events in the game change in content and story based on if you've used the Paint or Thinner as the main weapon. That's just the summary but the worldbuilding post will go deep into it so please remember this for future posts.
First, the neutral path, Oswald follows the same personality and attitude towards Mickey like in the game. Though I'd add some moments of character development with extra cutscenes. These scenes would be slightly altered depending on the Paint and Thinner path but would be pretty much the same regardless of which path you take.
For example, I came up with a scene where Oswald wakes up in the middle of the night and he goes to where Mickey is sleeping. In this moment, Oswald is able to snatch the paintbrush and is about to use it on Mickey to steal his heart, only for him to not go through with it since Mickey has done so much to help him save Wasteland and stop the Storm Blot. (This is the canon name of the main villain blot. This video best clears up the confusion)
Now for the Thinner path Oswald, he's a lot more aggressive towards you and while he sees it's effective in wiping out the blotlings, he also sees that it's affecting the civilians of Wasteland and calls Mickey out on it often.
Paint path Oswald becomes more friendly and positive to Mickey, regaining the hope that he and Mick can really become brothers and forgetting about stealing his heart.
Now for the big spoilers, the last moments of the game.
I'm very happy to write this part finally.
In the beginning of the second part of the final boss, Gus says this-
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In the rewrite, there is an actual time limit for the final boss where you actually have to recover the heart before Oswald gets absorbed. However, this time limit is long on purpose, giving you enough time to defeat the Storm Blot. Of course, both the neutral and thinner path endings don't change much from the original game.
Though, if you did go pass the time limit, you would get a secret pin and a secret non canon end where it's a mirror of the regular ending but Oswald isn't there.
But on the Hero path, a different scene plays out.....
After Mickey frees his heart, it lands into the hands of Oswald who, after some consideration, hands it over to Mickey. Only.....this time, before it could leave, Oswald keeps holding it. When Mickey tries to get closer, a transformation occurs.
Oswald's body becomes an unstable mass of ink and thinner, his mouth replaced with a mess of teeth, his hands replaced with sharp claws.
As for Mickey's heart, it became fused to his chest, covered in an armor of pure thinner, making it sickly green with pulsing veins. In hero mode, the Storm Blot has brought one more trick. The last resort. The final challenge.
The Forgotten (Oz-Blot)
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bloodiegawz · 2 years
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Olive Lepfoot (he/it/they)
Twisted from: The Beetleworx (Epic Mickey)
Nicknames: Ollie/Lucky (Mika), Farceur Lepfoot (Rook), Prawn (Floyd), Jackrabbit (Leona)
House: Ramshackle/Scryingwell
Class: Freshman, 1-A
Age: ???
Birthday: September 5 (Virgo)
Height: 175 cm
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous, prefers right
Homeland: Wasteland
Club: Science Club
Best subject: History of Magic
Hobbies: Pranks, sketching, robotics (particularly animatronics)
Favorite food: Club sandwiches
Least favorite food: Anything sticky
Talent: Shadow puppets
Signature spell/Unique magic: N/A
Other: Is in possession of a mysterious remote, whose magic only seems to work in Olive's hands. It's properties are not yet entirely known, but it has the ability to send out a powerful targeted electric shock from a distance.
Personality: Olive is an outwardly serious and sarcastic individual. He prefers solid plans over spontaneity and hates when things don't go his way. However, he isn't afraid to try new things. At his core, he is a fun-loving person, and he enjoys making friends. Like Mika, he has a fiercely protective streak.
Olive is quick to hold a grudge, but it's just as easy to for him to lose it. As such, his opinions of people can seem erratic and constantly changing by the smallest of offsets. When he's in a particularly bad mood, he's constantly irritable and rather rude to most people. He tries to apologize for this, but it's hard for him to own up to his mistakes.
He enjoys practical jokes and physical comedy, and loves to play pranks on others. However, he won't laugh at their expense if they're seriously injured or if it's someone he considers close.
- He is very warm, as he has a small incinerator for a stomach (which allows him to eat without leaving much food waste).
- The "shell" is detachable, though it's a very tedious process.
- When upset, he stamps his foot.
- It was not given its remote, instead having stolen it from Crowley's office when Mika recieved their brush. It doesn't actually need it.
- He can detach any of his limbs at will, though some are harder to remove than others.
- WILL remove limbs just to freak people out.
- Sensitive to loud noises and doesn't like when people yell.
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hatred-n-hav0c · 2 months
What happened to Oswald to end like this? Did he die or something?
No! He isn't dead, just simply a host.
After the thinner disaster removed Ortensia from his life, rather than continue on, he chose to just give in to the blot.
However, rather than being greeted with death, he was instead given a chance to reclaim his life of fame, neither him nor the blot had a heart to travel to the toon world..so a simple deal was formed, the blot would lay dormant inside Oswald and have his blotlings follow his command..and Oswald would initialize these forces, as well as the Mad Doctor's beetleworx to search and hunt..for a heart.
In return, once the heart is found, the blot would return Ortensia's life to her, and Oswald, the blot, and everybody he cared about would receive freedom.
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gawz-arena · 1 year
Olive Lepfoot vs. Rose Hunt-Clover
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Olive Lepfoot (he/it/they)
Twisted from: The Beetleworx (Epic Mickey)
The resourceful robotic rabbit resident of Ramshackle. Olive is a fun-loving individual with a short temper. It's a prankster who hates when things don't go its way, but despite being somewhat selfish, they hold those close to them above anything else in the world. He often builds machines to keep him company when alone.
Rose Hunt-Clover (he/any)
Twisted from: The Flowers (Alice in Wonderland)
A young rose-turned-human thanks to a science experiment that got out of hand. He loves to learn, sing, dance, and make friends! She's very sleepy when inside, but in the sun, they're at their full potential, running and playing at full capacity for hours until the night comes. They also have a passion for romance and sometimes play "matchmaker" around campus whenever he's bored.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
Lowder Reviews: Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Alright, you know the drill at this point. I've done this twice but for the unfamiliar I copy and paste the plot for the summary, then I write on what I thought of the game and put a rating based on what I reviewed. I also should also summarize the first game in the worst way possible for people who haven't played or watched anything about it. It goes like this, Mickey creates thing, thing destroys home of forgotten things, thing drags Mickey into home of forgotten, Mickey teams up with Oswald to save home of forgotten, home of forgotten save after thing is diagnosed with explosion, roll credits. Also, spoilers for Epic Mickey 2 if you haven't played or finished the game. Also, I was playing the PS Vita version of this game instead of the console version.
Plot Summary
All has been well in Wasteland since Mickey Mouse saved it from destruction by the Shadow Blot, with the world's inhabitants beginning its restoration, but a series of earthquakes have been occurring lately. The Mad Doctor, who survived his previous defeat and mostly communicates by singing, arrives and asks Oswald to join forces with him in order to save Wasteland. Not trusting the Mad Doctor, Gus, the leader of the Gremlins, and Ortensia, Oswald's wife, contact Mickey, who enters Yen Sid's workshop once more and takes the magic paintbrush to aid him as he enters Wasteland. Oswald joins up with them in Dark Beauty Castle, explaining the Mad Doctor warned him of the Blotworx - Blotlings piloting Beetleworx-like machines. The castle begins collapsing from an earthquake, forcing them to escape; Oswald retrieves his powerful remote en route.
Mickey and Oswald arrive in Mean Street, which has been split in half by the earthquake, where Gremlin Jamface advises them to fix the disabled projectors via their control station in Rainbow Falls. They fight their way through Wasteland, fighting various Blotlings, Beetleworx and Blotworx. After heading to the Mad Doctor's lab in Disney Gulch and defeating a Blotworx dragon, they find out the projectors were intentionally sabotaged with evidence pointing to fellow gremlin, Prescott, who has been acting strangely. The group follows him to Fort Wasteland, an area that was seemly destroyed during the Blot's revolt, and help one of the Lonesome Ghosts befriend the local Blotlings, whom he believes are just misunderstood. They are then led to the Floatyard, where they find Prescott has built a massive robot designed after him, which he uses to attack the group. Destroying or trapping the robot, Mickey and Oswald try interrogating Prescott, only to have Animatronic Daisy Duck's news team and the Mad Doctor arrive. The Mad Doctor seems to put Prescott in a hypnotic trance, making him confess to being behind the chaos which convinces everyone except for the duo. The Mad Doctor later announces he will be building a new attraction as a victory celebration. The toons of Wasteland begin to accept him as their leader instead of Oswald, to the latter's dismay.
Concerned, Mickey and Oswald follow the Mad Doctor's trail through Ventureland to his hideout, which leads them through Autotopia, another area that was also supposedly destroyed during the Blot's revolt. While traveling through a projector leading to Lonesome Manor's attic, they learn what happened to the Mad Doctor after the events of the first game; he crash-landed in Disney Gulch and set up his new lab there. It is also revealed that he was the one who created the Blotworx (made from Spatters and cars from Autotopia), but was forced to cast them out due to their hostility. After saving a captured Jamface, they find the Mad Doctor's diary, from which they learn that he convinced Prescott to build him a special device to broadcast a show called The Mad Doctor's World of Evil into Mickey's world where its ratings there would bestow upon him a new heart, allowing him to leave Wasteland. He also manipulated Prescott into sabotaging the projectors to keep anyone from reaching Autotopia and discovering his scheme. Wanting to become a toon again after learning that he was falling apart due to his toon parts interfering with his animatronics, the Mad Doctor began using his technology to enslave the Guardians, the primeval spirits of Wasteland, which has been the cause of the earthquakes all along. They confront the Mad Doctor at his attraction, now revealed to be a doomsday device used to destroy Wasteland, where he demands the brush from Mickey in exchange for their friends whom he has kidnapped, but Oswald prevents this from happening as it will make him unstoppable. They defeat the Mad Doctor, whose robotic body finally gives out and is either defeated or redeemed depending on which path was taken in his fight. Afterwards, all of Wasteland celebrates Mickey and Oswald's triumph with a parade highlighting the duo's major choices throughout the game.
Meanwhile, the Petes of Wasteland (with Petetronic being present if the thinner path was taken) kidnap Prescott, presumably having plans for both him and Wasteland.
My Thoughts
Story and Characters: The story of this game is okay for the most part but had flaws with already knowing that the main antagonist was already introduced in the first cutscene but I digress. The characters of this story were mostly fine but from what I've at least heard, Oswald was too trusting of the Mad Doctor, which was a bit out of character, but this was my first time fully playing this game and I haven't read any external media or played the first game.
Gameplay: The gameplay of this game is similar to the first game but the changes were mostly with Oswald being added as a a supporting character and with abilities that are required for moments. The problems of the gameplay are the glitches but I didn't really encounter any of them.
Why I did this: So, you're probably wondering why I did this instead of doing a review of the entirety of Kamen Rider(1971) because it would take too long and due to being un-motivate but during this time I started to feel somewhat-depressed and losing hope was because of real world events and loneliness and I don't think a teenager needed to feel this(Yes, I am a teenager). During this time, I needed an escape from reality that could cheer me up and Epic Mickey 2 was that game that got me through this depression because of the simplistic story and good vibes that cheered me up.
Final thougts: In conclusion, Epic Mickey 2 is a flawed game with many issues that I love because of it's simplicity and for helping through a depression.
My Rating: 6/10 without personal reasons. 9/10 for personal reasons
So, that is the Epic Mickey 2 review. It took a lot of time for me to finish. Art post will resume on Monday. Also, thanks for everyone who has followed me and supported me. This is probably the last Lowder Reviews because it's going on a hiatus until my next Summer break. So remember, Stronger together, Riders Forever.
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redtailarts101 · 5 months
My art teacher is letting me make my semester final digitally so
Epic Mickey - 6 Methods of Creating Depth
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The Six Methods:
Shading | Overlapping Shapes | Linear Perspective | Atmospheric Perspective | Diminishing Sizes | Details greater in the front, and lesser in the back.
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loopy641-blog · 5 months
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Going through old artworks I made in my lifetime, I came across these fan art of Beetleworx based on the Early Concept Art from the video game Epic Mickey.
Kinda fascinating seeing these again, and how wonky my drawing skills were.
Maybe I should redraw these in the future sometime...
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wasteland-unused · 3 years
Ok, just look through all of this, folks. I don’t have time to put every image of  every piece of concept art I missed on my computer and upload them. There’s stuff I’ve never seen before on here!
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dangoarts · 1 year
shout out to epic mickey just kinda throwing you into the clock tower boss fight, like the worst you faced up until that point was a group of blotlings that you could knock away into a thinner pool if you couldn't paint/thin them and then all of a sudden you're staring down a literal WALL that's ALIVE and has GIANT ROBOT ARMS that are TRYING TO SQUASH YOU and the force of each hit actively knocks you off of your feet. just to make things better, number 1) it's technically a beetleworx, the harder variations of enemies in the game (thing i just connected rn the fixation never stops) and number 2) instead of using maybe like one or two slots of your paint/thinner capacity to either gum up its arms or thin off its armor so it breaks its inner workings on the next attack, it requires an EXCESSIVE amount of paint/thinner to do so, like maybe 4 or 5 slots while your current max is 3 for both (unless i'm just a reckless inefficient player lmao). additionally, if you do go for the paint path, the morally "good" path, it's HARDER than the thinner path because the paint wears off over time and if you're not fast enough, the painted arm breaks free as soon as you gum up the other arm. all the other bosses can go down in 3 rounds, but this guy needs so much more time to beat (NOT TALKING ABOUT THE MAD DOCTOR FIGHT!!!!!!!!!! HATE THAT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) no wonder i was so fascinated with the clock tower
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transfemoswald · 4 years
Hi, I made a book about my AU called Ink Drops of the Past
The first chapter is short but i plan making the others way longer
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paint-spots · 2 years
Hey doc? Could you kindly shut up now before we make you? :)
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"Look, we don't wanna fight. We're just here for the rocket part."
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"Unfortunately I am having matters far too important to be squabbling here with the likes of you!"
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"Huh? Whaddya talkin' about?"
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"Do not worry your head. I will leave you to the Beetleworx while I am busy."
Before Oswald could respond to that, the mechanical doors aligning the walls slid open, revealing hordes of animatronic bugs-- Beetleworx.
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The foes immediately charged for the three, and Oswald quickly warded them off with a splash of Paint. His feet began to move along the floor at a brisk pace.
The Beetleworx were quick to recollect their speed. It only took a few moments for their pincers to narrowly avoid Oswald's feet, and he swiftly hopped onto one of the raised platforms.
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"Ugh! We don't have time for this!"
Oswald's attention shifted over to the stage, where the Mad Doctor was maneuvering a large vehicle with a glass dome window. The man slipped inside of it, but Oswald's quick movements along the platforms allowed him to catch up with the Doctor before the vehicle could take off.
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"What!? What do you want!? Your status of being alive is very rude right now!!"
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"Give us the rocket part or we'll hafta use force!"
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"The force of kindness!"
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lilacmaractus · 2 years
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These are what the clouds above Mickeyjunk Mountain looked like before the Thinner Disaster and mass production of Beetleworx!
This is concept art for the cancelled 1943 animated film version of The Gremlins.
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