#Become Airbnb Photographer
woddity · 4 months
Airbnb and VRBO Photography: Elevate Your Listings
In the world of vacation rentals, the importance of high-quality images cannot be overstated. As an Airbnb or VRBO property owner, engaging a professional Airbnb photographer can significantly enhance the appeal of your listing. These photographers specialize in capturing the unique essence of your property, showcasing its best features to potential guests. The role of an Airbnb photographer goes…
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comphy-and-cozy · 10 months
🦋anddd could i request prompt 45 with tyson jost as a blurb?? can’t wait for these!!
xoxo love you @fallinallincurls
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Prompt: #45 "I'm marrying that sweet son of a bitch."
Pairing: Tyson Jost x Reader
Word Count: ~530
Warnings: Alcohol use and chaos
This is inspired entirely by that video of Mel yelling at Gabe for being an idiot before their wedding (if anyone has it pls send me the link bc I looked for it forever but couldn't find it)
It's a perfect July day. The sun is out, with not a cloud in the sky. Music plays through the speakers, some kind of backyard-BBQ-easy-listening playlist on Spotify that keeps the mood light, fun, ready for a party. Well, an even bigger party than the one you’re at—this is like the pre-party to the pre-party.
You’re getting married this weekend, and to accommodate your friends and family who have traveled from far away to be here for you, your fiancé reserved a large (read: huge) Airbnb for everyone to gather. One thing turned into another, and somehow it’s become the pre-game for the welcome dinner, taking place later tonight. Your entire wedding party is here, along with a few scattered members of each of your families, milling about in the pool, playing cornhole, catching up with one another after a summer apart.
But by the looks of it, and judging by the overflowing bin of empty seltzer cans and beer bottles, this gang might not be making it to the welcome dinner tonight. Barzy, Dante, Kacey, and Jesse are engaged in an intense chicken match, sloshing water across Gabe, who’s shouting complaints about messing up his hair. Beside them, JT’s shirt is off, his shoulders fried, and you’re about to yell at him to put on some sunscreen because the best man can't look like a lobster on the wedding day, when you catch sight of a curly head darting around, zooming by on a children’s tricycle—where did that even come from?
“Tyson, I swear to God, if you break your face, I’m going to kill you,” you shout at him, immediately envisioning him falling over, scraping up his handsome face the before the wedding, leaving your poor photographer to frantically photoshop out the inevitably gruesome skid mark on his face.
But he’s not listening, his eyes set on the ramp that Nate is standing proudly beside. “Babe, watch this!”
You watch in horror as he pedals his legs faster, zooming up the ramp and launching off of it before Nate is tossing a beer at him. Tyson catches it in mid-air, pouring only a small stream into his mouth before he’s flying into the water, the splash sending water whooshing over the edge of the pool. He surfaces a few moments later, shaking the water out of his curls amid loud guffaws and cheers from his mates, shouting, “Tyson! Tyson! Tyson!”
Shaking your head, you laugh, amused at his stupidity, and thankful his little stunt didn't end in a disaster. But then, a moment later, you feel a pair of strong arms lifting you up off the ground and you’re shrieking, arms flailing around. The flash of red hair is the last thing you see before they release you and you’re falling, soon crashing into the water yourself, submerged beneath the rippling pool.
When you rise to the surface, it’s your name that everyone’s chanting, and soon enough, Tyson’s swimming toward you to lift you up in his arms and plant a wet, sloppy kiss on your lips.
Pure happiness and mirth fills your soul, smiling so hard your cheeks hurt, and you can’t help it when you exclaim, “I’m marrying this sweet son of a bitch!”
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jjkxla · 2 years
Matcha lattes, unfinished letters, velvet cuffs... (18+) 
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⇻ pairing: Taehyung x FemaleReader. SugarDaddy!Tae. Dom!Tae.
⇻ synopsis: Taehyung and Vogue work abroad for his next photoshoot, but he uses this longtime break he is also in to bring his well known friends on this trip overseas into the French landscapes. The reader, happily taking this chance to spend more time with him, enjoys a well deserved vacations by being tied on Taehyung's bed.
⇻ tags: minors dni. smut, fwb, SugarDaddy!Taehyung, dom!tae, light bondage, weekend getaway, cunnilungus, multiple orgasms (female receiving), vaginal fisting, light BDSM tones, crack!fic tbh there's a few jokes.
⇻ words: 4.3k.
⇻ links: ao3.
⇻ a/n: lmfao hello again. I'm back posting fics, not sure if I'll ever manage to post all my other old fics here on Tumblr but they are all up on ao3 if you guys were ever interested. Anyways, here is my next fic, it's not that long so hopefully you guys enjoy! I enjoy comments and reblogs a lot, my ask box is open :)
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Sunlight filtered through the trees above your head, casting shadows around him like the sun took out a brush and carefully flicked its wrists on the fallen leaves around you both. You hated it. How he didn't need to lift a finger and the whole universe would simply arrange itself to flatter him so.. He was a natural type of beauty, an ethereal one at least. Everything seemed to be for the purpose of exalting his beauty; the honey colour of his skin, the dark curls of his permed and dyed again hair, sitting on top of a bench and showing off the toned physicality of his back.
And if thy right eye offends thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for. thee that one of thy members should perish, and. not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. Matthew 5:29.
The devil could take you down to hell himself and hellfire would not be enough to burn out the desire that clawed at your throat. But this was not the time, or the place for any of that. You could keep thirsting for Taehyung somewhere else, where he didn’t catch you with drool dripping down your chin or with a serious case of “fuck me” eyes whilst there were people around. 
After all, you were just friends, friends that occasionally fucked in unconventional positions (and spots). His buddies were busy photographing him in all his glory for the millions of followers he had on instagram, each one getting off and lusting over him as much as you did. 
Although, unlike those faceless followers, he actually knew you. And you’d know each other whilst he was still training to be the superstar he has become today.
“Has anyone ever told you how easy you are to read?”, you got caught off guard by Wooshik. Grinning cheekily, he raised his iced americano and sipped some from his straw.
“Has anyone ever told you how you can be a dick?”
“Struck a nerve there, huh? Don’t worry you aren’t the only one, I think at least Jennie and Hyungsik seriously reevaluated on staying behind on this overseas trip.”
“Whatever,” you scoffed, “unlike them he actually scheduled it so that we were both free from work  to hang out and travel,”
Wooshik laughed, interrupting you, “that’s cause you’re practically his sugar baby.”
“Shut it, I paid for a few things.”
“Like what.”
“Like the clothes I brought here, jackass, mind your own business.”
“Agent Provocateur doesn't count!”
“Jesus, how much does he tell you?”
“What are you guys arguing over now?” Taehyung walked back up the path, still shirtless but with a brown cardigan offering a slutty view of his chest. You tried not to stare but failed.
“How bad you’re spoiling our shortie here.”
“I’m not spoiled!”
Tae laughed, leaning closer to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. He leaned close, his breath ghosting over yours as he cocked and eyebrow up and smirked. “Does my favourite girl need more attention? Should we share the airbnb room tonight?”
Damn him. Your whole face flushed beet red, eyes shooting wide as you tried not to stutter or stumble on your words. “I-I, You- You should s- I don’t–”
“Save it for tonight Romeo, we still have two more hours on the road before we get to the cabin.”
Taehyung smirked, leaning down and kissing your nose quickly before heading back to the car, his security detail still standing a few feet away. “I’m driving,” he announced, “Y/N, take shotgun so you can spot the cows we see on the road.”
Your eyes lit up, pushing past Wooshik and heading straight towards the grey Hyundai, sitting on the front seat and excitedly clicking the seatbelt on. You could hear Taehyung laughing, his loud square smile ever present as he patted Wooshik's back and told his other friends how you’d go ahead from everyone else. 
“Marselle is quite pretty this time of the year,” Taehyung started as he moved the side mirrors, starting the engine before driving off.
You reached out for the aux cord, connecting it with your phone and sorting through one of the shared playlists you had with Tae. “It’s not as cold as I thought it would be, actually, oh, do you think we can get some matcha around here?”
“Maybe, there’s quite a few cafés but I don’t think I can order one with my shitty French,” he laughed, punching the airbnb address onto the navigation system.
“Nothing my crummy B1 certificate and google translate can’t fix, it’s been working since we got here.”
Tae laughed, glancing at you quickly before focusing on the road, “the waiter from last night’s restaurant disagrees.”
“Okay, whose fault is it that I was in flip flops and a sundress at a fucking french high cuisine restaurant.”
“You didn’t have to bring the google lady out”
“I can’t even pronounce hor d'oeuvres! How was I expected to successfully communicate!?” you demanded. 
Taehyung laughed even more, Michel Buble starting to play in the background as you both bickered. It was fun to spend time with Taehyung like this. Before his group’s hiatus he barely had enough time to go out and meet for coffee. Granted, neither one of you liked coffee, and instead opted for green tea matcha lattes. It was one of your first bonding points, before you both realised how fond you were with jazz and movies. Studying art, living for beauty, that was one of the biggest traits you both shared.
Then, of course, came the sexual chemistry, but that’s for another time. Right now, you were incredibly engrossed with each other, his hand moving from the steering wheel and holding your knee in a caring and reassuring way, pointing out whenever he saw a cow so you could take out your phone and spam your friend’s with pictures of them. It reminded you of your own car trips when you were a child. 
“Did your mom text you today?”
You glanced back at him, raising an eyebrow inquisitively, “no… did she text you?”
“Yeah, she said you don’t call her as often lately.”
“God, since when are you friends with my mother?”
He smirked, “since you answered that facetime call and I was shirtless in the background.”
Your face grew hot, you could even feel the tips of your ears get warmer out of embarrassment, “let’s not talk about my mother right now.”
“Well, we can talk about my mother then,” he grinned.
You glanced back at him, his hand squeezing your thigh before leaving to push his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose. “What about your mother?”
“She invited you for Christmas this year, if you aren’t spending it with your family of course-”
“I’d love to come,” you interrupted.
He smiled. “Great.”
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The airbnb was better than you expected. But when it came to Taehyung and his taste you could only ever expect decadence. A palazzio; bubbling champagne in small glass flutes; a box of chocolate splayed over a duck feather comforter; rose and sweet scented candles. He was a romance and beauty corporeal. 
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: 
Its loveliness increases; it will never 
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep 
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep 
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing. from Endymion, J. Keats. 
It was no time to quote the English poets but Keats had an eye for beauty you couldn’t ignore, and right here, right now, you were drunk off the view of everything around you.
Your balcony overlooked a rose garden, but as it was approaching the colder months of the year, instead of blossoming buds of red and pink you saw the deep green bushes surrounding a pond, the statue of lovely Eros and Psyche embracing each other, his wings like cupid spread out behind him. The bushes rushed around the pond like a labyrinth, twisted and confusing, with the autumn leaves falling in splashes of mahogany and burnt orange. 
The sun, still, was high upon the sky, its rays peeking through the trees and drawing the earth in lovely shadows. Your luggage was still open, clothes spread out on your twin bed whilst you searched for the cameras you packed the night before. Engrossed with the settings of your latest birthday present you failed to notice Taehyung walking inside the room. The gentle rape of his knuckles agains the doorframe.. 
So he stayed there, transfixed with your task, a cigarette hanging off his lips. Looking up at him only once the smell of it registered, smiling and leaving the camera on the bed as you walked near.
He sucked on the cigarette, cherry bright red before blowing the smoke behind his shoulder, just in time for you to lean up, arms around his neck. 
“You know I don’t like kissing you after you smoke.”
“I’ll brush my teeth,” he grinned, leaning down his lips brushing against your own, the smell of cigarette becoming a turn on whenever he was this close to you, “I’ll floss and everything.”
“You better,” you replied, leaning up on the tip of your toes and capturing his lips with your own as he took the cigarette out of his mouth.
It was like dancing, Tchaikovsky and his No. 14 pas de Deux. At one point he leaned down and scooped you into his arms, your legs fitting perfectly around his waist as he walked both of you back to his room. The taste of tobacco and smoke lingered still in his tongue and muddled all your other senses, only breaking back into clarity when he dropped you back in his bed. 
Assaulted by the smell of clean linen and a cold breeze passed through his open window. Your hands reached up, searching for the angle of his jaw and to pull him closer against you, but instead he simply clasped your hands, bringing it to his lips and kissing it sweetly. You leaned up on your elbows, watching him retreat back to where his bags were propped. 
Watching him, moved as if at home with the place he rented, the big mirror facing the bed captured the concentrated look of his brown as he looked through his things. 
You, impatient as ever, turned around and looked over the mess of his bedsheets, picking up what appeared to be a pair of brown leather shorts.
“Will I get to see you wearing this today?”
Taehyung glanced back, laughing softly and turning back to the task at hand, “I fear you won’t see me in any clothes for the rest of the day.”
“I’m more than fine with that.”
He kept rummaging, and you turned over to look more through the things he had left scattered, picking up what seemed to be a letter. You couldn’t read a word of it, seeing as he had written in hangul, but you looked over the fancy blue ink, and liked how it didn’t look like the chicken scratch that Hoseok’s handwriting tended to be.
Down, at the bottom of said letter, Taehyung had drawn a silly cartoon of a tiger climbing a tree. This fact made you laugh aloud, enough to have your lover turn around and loudly explain that it was private, to give it back.
“I can’t even read it! What does it say?”
“I’m not done with it yet.”
“But what does it say?” you insisted. 
“It’s just something I do with my dad, ok? It’s more fun.”
“Oh, so the big celebrity has travelled to ye-old-times?” you tease.
He couldn’t help but laugh, finding whatever it was that he was looking for and turning around holding out the white silk cloth in front of you.
“What’s that?”
“For you.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Well, actually, it’s more for us,” said Taehyung, walking back to the bed and making you drop the piece of paper in your hand.
“What does it do?”
“You’ll see,” he continued, leaning down and kissing you once more. 
You groaned, biting back down on his lip aware that he liked it and just slowly making out with him as he led you back down on the bed.
He laid you gently, comfortably between the pillows, and started to take off your clothes slowly. His mouth follows and kisses every new patch of exposed skin. Down your neck as you let your hair down, shirt off and mouth nipping and licking on the newness of your exposed collarbone. Your shoulders, the hollow of your neck, down your sternum as his hands expertly unhooked your bra and gently dropped it on the bed.
He moved down your body, kissing the moles on your body and only stopping to take off his own white shirt. You grinned, loving the warm honey tone of his skin, hands caressing the side of his arms. But he stopped, glancing at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes and pinning your hands back up above your head. 
“What’s the matter?” you asked, breathing already laboured from kissing him, from feeling him, you needed him badly.
“You can’t touch me tonight.”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
He raised an eyebrow, giving you a funny face that only made you start laughing for real. With one hand he easily grasped both of yours, and quickly shifted his weight to reach for the piece of white silk he had gathered from his luggage. 
Now that you had a better look of it, you noticed the silver hoop that held both pieces of fabric together. And then it clicked, and you just stared at him as he concentrated and slipped the hoop above you in the headboard, both your wrists being tied neatly in the white silk to keep them high above you.
“You’re getting kinky, honey.”
“It was bound to happen sooner or later.”
“Really? Then what else are we trying today?”
Taehyung hummed, checking your wrists were safely snug and then reaching under your pillow. From there, a big purple dildo.
You bursted out laughing, both of you did. His eyes crinkling and reaching to wipe a tear and kissing the side of your face until you thought of a very uncomfortable thing.
“Wait, you aren’t putting that up my ass.”
“And I’m not going to, doubt you prepped for anal.”
“Good… Just checking…”
“I wouldn’t do something like that without talking about it first.”
“Then what are these handcuffs?”
“You said you wanted to try it, and also how you wanted me to fist you and somehow rip your heart out from your pussy.”
Your cheeks grew red, your friends had definitely betrayed you. “Wait, so, I’m getting fisted?”
“I’m thinking about it, the dildo is just to help you stretch a bit while I warm you up.”
“How am I getting warmed up?” you grinned, wanting to know everything before it actually happened as your heart was racing against your chest, aroused but deadly nervous to this entire thing. You were small, and much, much, smaller than Taehyung at that. 
He smiled coyly, his voice honey-sweet, “that’s a surprise.”
But you had no second to think about it, with him moving down and crashing his lips on yours. He kissed you hard, drunkenly, biting and nipping on your lips before slipping his tongue inside your mouth.
He muffled out all your moans, eyes screwed shut in pleasure and tugging on the cuffs wanting to touch him as your body leaned up to kiss him back.
You didn’t like being submissive, you tended to like more taking control of the situation, but it was in moments like this, and specifically under Taehyung’s (haha) influence that you melted like butter. He guided and moved you every which way, your mind barely registering how he took off your pants and underwear, not noticing he had grabbed lube until he broke the kiss.
A string of saliva still connected your mouth, your tongue poking out of your mouth and licking it back while looking at him. A true picture of beauty and desire, his hair falling right over his eyes, only the coy smile of his visible as he squirted lube on his fingers and on the purple toy. 
You gasped, his fingers cold to the touch and making your toes curl as he pressed his fingers against your clit.
Not being tied at the ankles, you comfortably spread your legs wider, giving him enough space to look at what he was doing, making him chuckle at how eager you were getting. “You’re getting wet,” he said.
You simply moaned, eyes closing in pleasure and sinking down into the bed whilst he touched you, a small gasp leaving your lips as you felt his fingers pressing down against your entrance and pushing in.
Your hips shifted down, making him reach deeper inside you and making you shiver in pleasure. 
But just as quickly his fingers left, making you open your eyes to complain and just gasping as he pushed the dildo inside you, back arching and grunting as you accommodate to its size, which was not that far off from Taehyung’s to begin with.
“That’s my good girl.”
Flushing, you peaked an eye at him, “you’re enjoying this.”
“We both are Y/N”
You cursed as he used your name, he knew it made your knees go weak, and currently he was making your entire lower body weak. 
Honestly you had no idea what he was planning, which made this all even more unnerving, gasping once you felt his warm mouth on your clit, sucking and flicking it harshly with his tongue before pressing the flat of it against the bundle of nerves. He was giving you head and penetrating you at the same time, go figure. Taehyung managed to do the two things he liked best at the same time somehow.
You gasped, moaned, pulling down harshly on the handcuffs as you felt warmth building in the pit of your stomach, Taehyung slowly moving the toy in and out of you as he concentrated his mouth on making you unravel.
And unravel you do, your lower body tingling and making your breathing more laboured as he elicited the most lewd and wettest sounds from you. The squelches of your arousal and his saliva mixing together and echoing in the empty room as you cursed out his name.
“C-Close,” you gasped out, the silk burning on your wrist as you tugged and squirmed underneath him.
Tae leaned back, his chin shiny with your arousal, the dildo still thrusting in and out of you which had your toes curling, “cum for me,” he said, voice raspy with want.
Your vision blurred, back arching off the bed as you cried out his name, completely forgetting you would be sharing this airbnb with a few other people and screaming as loud as you could. 
Taehyung helped you ride it all out, grinning widely as he saw your body jump and twitch from his touch, doing as he wanted whenever he commanded, and slowly slipping out the dildo as you calmed down. 
But even whilst you were recollecting yourself, his fingers slipped in and replaced the toy. You grunted, feeling spent but glancing back at him you got only more aroused by the glint in his eyes.
“You’re so wet for me.”
“S-Shit, are you seriously going to-”
“Yes,” he interrupted, fingers curled and pressing against your spot making you moan again. He was slow, careful and methodical with his approach. Reading the way you reacted and sticking to what made you moan the loudest, shift your hips closer to his hand.
He stopped, used more lube, and started again. You came again. And he kept persisting until he was closer. You, on the other hand, were sweaty, weak, and had seen God at least twice already with how violently Taehyung made you cum. 
And he felt big, bigger than usual, four of his fingers inside of you and you groaned and complained, with him stopping and checking with you every two seconds.
“How are you holding up, darling?”
“G-Good, fuck, so good Christ you’re big.”
He laughed softly, moving slowly, letting you accommodate, and went down to his forearm, “I’m going to do it now love, that ok?”
“P-Perfect, I won’t last.”
But taehyung stopped for a second, worrying you, “d-did something happened,” you glanced back at him, just to notice him inches away from you, mouth crashing on yours and muffling out any moan.
You melted more against him, complete putty for him to shape and mould out to his heart’s desire. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, felt him with his clean hand brush a few of your hairs away from your face and kiss your temple. Moving back down and counting softly before he slipped his hand out and pushed his fist inside you. 
Without a second thought you came, your back arching and groaning at the first discomfort of this position and just screaming at how full you felt. How filled with him. The lines blurring inside your head, no longer sure where he began and you ended, and instead, you simply felt the entirety of him eveloping you whole. 
His warmth, the weight of his body over you, the musky clean smell of his sweat, and just how lovely his voice was. Full of praise, encouraging you as you came down from your high, slowly moving and eyes bright and drunk with pleasure. 
And just as soon as that, he slipped his hand out, sticky and smelling like you as he cupped your face once more and tilted your head up for another greedy kiss.
Lips smacking, tongue searching inside your mouth, and vibrating with his groan as you lazily responded back. The tips of your fingers tingled before he reaches up and lets your hands free. 
They fell down in a thud, with you feeling heavy as lead but light as a feather, only leaning up to pull Taehyung’s body closer and grinding down against the fabric of his pants, leaving a wet streak of your arousal on it. 
“Y/N, Love,” he laughed, leaning back, “give a second I should take my pants off-”
“Yes, do that,” but instead of letting him go you pulled him back to you, kissing his mouth, down to his chin and biting on his neck hard enough to make him wince.
But Taehyung moaned, turned on even more by the pain and with a heavy clink of his belt he was pushing his trousers and boxers out of the way. You wanted him, still intoxicated with the feeling of his skin as you made use of having your hands back to yourself to dig your nails on his shoulder blades and drag them down his back. 
Taehyung responded just as quickly, head tilting to the side as you marked him yours and reached out for a condom, shifting himself to be perfectly on top as your legs wrapped around his waist.
You were weak, on a cloud, leaving a red bite mark on his perfect chest before he gripped on both your wrists and pinned them once more above your head with a single hand. You groaned, turned on by his show of strength, and whimpered out a pathetic sound that resembled his name as he entered you. 
It was hard, tortuous, and you couldn't stop screaming even if they paid you. 
Neck exposed he left a constellation of hickeys and kisses on your skin, his hips snapping against yours in a way that was going to definitely cripple you by next morning. 
He squeezed your wrists tighter, the sharp sting of it making you tighten around him and made him stutter in his pace. You laughed, leaning up and biting on his lip, dragging it between your teeth and hearing him take a shaky breath before he snapped his hips harder. Effectively shutting you up.
And he continued like that, the old bed starting to shift with you both, headboard hitting the wall and echoing the thumps of his cock inside you as you felt your orgasm coming.
Taehyung’s laboured breath just egged you on, leaning up and kissing his neck and shoulders, biting down on his shoulder and making him moan loudly.
“F-Fuck, please, be close.”
“I-I am,” you gasped.
“Cum, fuck I want to feel you around me,” Taehyung’s voice was breezy, almost whiny, like he couldn’t hold on for longer. And how could you stop yourself when he sounded so desperate while simultaneously destroying you?
Stars was an understatement of what you saw when you finished. Colours and blurs of light mingled together, you might as well have passed out for a second with how violently you came. And he came just as hard, letting out a loud moan mixed in with what seemed to be your name. 
He collapsed on top of you, his sweaty chest flush against yours. Neither one of you moved, just feeling him grow soft inside you without any intention of leaving.
You moved your arms around him, hugging him and fingertips slowly brushing over the scratches you had left on his back. You protested when he moved to get up, with you only letting go once he kissed you swiftly. 
He walked back up to the bathroom, his cute ass all perky as he discarded the condom and came back with a wet towel, the mess underneath you becoming a problem for another day.
“Remember you have to pee.” Taehyung  only wiped you clean, glancing back at you with a princely smile.
“Please, let’s not talk about me getting an UTI, I want to cuddle.”
“I’ll carry you to the toilet and I’ll hug you while you pee.”
“Okay I’ll take that.”
He laughed again, leaning back to you and kissing the tip of your nose before picking you up and cradling you in his arms. “Oh, that reminds me.”
“We’re still not done here.”
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rahulkianjali · 1 year
Movie idea:
Sort of modern day Shravan Kumar inspired, but not the son instead the daughter in law.
The story is about a woman, Maya Saxena. Maya is in her late 30s/early 40s. She's an event manager by profession and lives with her in laws and a son named Krish. Maya and her husband had parted ways due to differences decades ago. He wanted to chase his dreams of becoming this big shot international photographer and she chose her (his) family.
Movie begins with scenes from Maya's home. How she's taking care of her in laws, Prabhakar and Nandini Saxena, in the morning- serving breakfast to one while reminding the other of his medications- and bugging her teenage son who's almost late for college as usual. We move onto Maya finally leaving the house for work.
The first half of the movie is spent in learning about Maya and her life and career and how she's accomplished both. We learn she doesn't like to talk about her husband even though she carries his last name, Saxena. One day at dinner things get a little emotional and Prabhakar and Nandini ask Maya take them to visit their son in London. She is hesitant at first but they ask her to take it as their last wish. She finally agrees.
What Maya doesn't know is that this was all a scheme by Krish and his grandparents. He had seen his mother suffering alone for a long time, he was always in contact with his dad and knew he hasn't gotten together with anyone else in all those years as well. He also knows how stubborn they both are.
Maya is anxious the whole time she prepares for the journey and during it. She keeps asking asking Krish if he has informed his father about their visit. Krish confirms several times he has (with his fingers crossed behind his back- something he got from his father). When they arrive at Heathrow, Krish lies through his teeth that his father couldn't make it and has asked them to come to his house directly. Maya is already annoyed that he hasn't changed all these years later and couldn't even come to see his parents.
They take a cab and arrive at the location. Maya knocks on the door- faint music could be heard from somewhere inside the house -she knocks again. Inside the house, a studio is set up, a man is working around some photographs and reels. He finally hears the sharp knock and walks towards the door. The door opens and all the air is knocked out of his lungs when he sees the woman infront of him yelling his name- "Samar-"
When Samar doesn't respond to her rant for a couple of seconds Maya realises he had no idea they were coming. She turns to look at her son and in-laws and it's suddenly a funny moment where they collectively find the grass and the sky very interesting.
Samar seems to finally notice that more people were at his doorstep. It gets emotional as he meets his parents and kid after a really long time. He welcomes them inside. Maya pulls aside Krish to confront him, prabhakar comes to his rescue and tells her it was all her idea and that may be she should give Samar a second chance. Maya tells them the ship has sailed.
After a quick awkward family get together, Maya announces that she's going to stay at the AirBnB she booked for them and that the rest of them are welcome to stay with Samar. After failing with Maya, the three of them succeed in persuading Samar to give his and Maya's relationship a second chance.
Samar visits Maya's place the next morning (Sunday) and offers to show her around the city while they are here- as friends -for old times sake. She reluctantly agrees. [Krish has accompanied his grandparents on the city tour so Maya doesn't have to worry about them.]
Over the course of several days, Samar shows Maya all his favourite places in the city, he has his camera with him and he's capturing the moments he remembers why she was his favourite muse. He notes how much Maya cares for his parents as she calls them every couple of hours to take updates on their whereabouts and reminds them of their medication, how she chastises Krish to look after them. Maya notes Samar has changed a lot, aged, even matured a bit. But he still remembers her favourite drink and her choice of icecream flavour when they enter a icecream parlour once.
Krish had been alternating between staying with his dad and mom over the days although Maya insisted he should stay with Samar since he never got to see him. One night, Maya accepts Samar's dinner invite. They share a meal as one happy family after a long time, Nandini expresses how her family seems complete to her now.
Samar offers to drop Maya at her place. She invites him in and things get a little serious as she starts talking about how life has been since he's left. Samar apologizes for leaving and for not trying to get back when he realised his mistake, for not making the effort stay in contact with her. She apologises too for not trying. Samar asks her if she's willing to give him a chance now. Maya more than agrees to it and one thing leads to another and they end up spending the night together.
The next morning Samar gets a call from a frantic (may be hopeful) Nandini,
"Where are you? You didn't come home the whole night, I was worried. Even Maya isn't picking up her phone-"
"Maa. I'm bringing your son home. We'll be a family again." - it was Maya that spoke on the other end.
Epilogue/mid credits: The entire family returns to India very happily.
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lvdbbooks · 2 years
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Baroness by Yushi Li, Baron Books, 2022
First Edition. 20 x 26 cm. 128 Pages. Hardcover.
中国出身、現在はロンドンを拠点に活動するアーティスト、リ・ユシ(Yushi Li)による初めての作品集。視覚芸術やメディアにおけるメイル・ゲイズ、東アジアの女性の客観化・フェティッシュ化の長い歴史を覆す、高度に演出された白人男性のヌードポートレートを制作しています。
「女性的な空間」とされてきたキッチンを舞台にマッチングアプリで出会った男性たちのヌードを撮影する「My Tinder Boys」、それをさらに拡張してAirbnbで予約したさまざまな家、さまざまな部屋を舞台にした「Your Reservation is Confirmed」、ティツィアーノ、バルテュス、北斎らの絵画にオマージュを捧げる「Paintings, Dreams and Love」シリーズなどが収録さ��ています。
Baroness by Yushi Li ‘(m)Other’
For the third edition of Baroness, photographer Yushi Li takes us on a journey of desire, fantasy and looking, through a photographic study of the male body. For Li’s debut book cover, the photographer has chosen a photograph of a penis. In a heteropatriarchy, where men are represented in the media as big and strong, here the penis is small, flaccid and trapped, presenting a playful, slightly violent, but gentle and almost comical gaze. 
The naked male bodies in Li’s works are not intended for consumption. Instead, the male body is represented in its relation to other elements in the frame, which always involves a staging of a scene, a fantasy. The domestic space and the mundane activities in the works, invite the viewer to see beyond the naked body. The man in her images is the phallus, the signifier of desire – the desire of the (m)Other. Li’s portrayal of the body is a condensation of the imaginary: the unknown paternal and maternal body– and the fantasy of the absent (m)Other.
Throughout the book, Li questions the gaze through different works. ‘My Tinder Boys’ is a set of photographs of naked young men in their kitchens — always soft-fleshed and flaccid, mostly gazing off-camera.  ‘Your Reservation is Confirmed’, further develops ideas around consumption and satisfaction. Rather than Tinder, this time it’s Airbnb — a hook-up App for houses. Each image takes us to a new room, in a new house, occupied by a new naked man and often Li herself, fully clothed, engaged in some kind of leisure activity. 
In Li’s most recent series ‘Paintings, Dreams and Love’, we are invited to look at paintings through a different lens. Inspired by classical oil paintings of female nudes, Li creates a ‘cornucopia’ of men in the diptych ‘The Feast’, while Titian’s ‘Death of Actaeon’ is re-enacted, with the artist outside pointing her bow and arrow both beyond the frame but also ostensibly at a naked man inside. In ‘The Dream of the Fisherwoman’, we see Hokusai’s writhing, erotic octopus become a fishmonger’s corpse, draped across a serenely bathing boy.
Li plays with the power dynamic inherent in looking relations further in her moving image work ‘I Hope You Like What You Have Seen’, in which Li asked different men to perform naked, mundane activities for her to watch via Skype. In these video chats, Li tries to become the digital eye, not a woman, nor a man, that is constantly looking at us.
Through both looking back at old paintings, and looking directly via the webcam, Li leads us to drift between the physical and the virtual, the conscious and the unconscious, approaching a new form of theatre, desire and spectatorship.
Baroness by Yushi Li also includes an introduction by psychoanalyst and writer Anouchka Grose.
Yushi Li
Yushi Li is a Chinese artist, based in London. She holds an MA in Photography and is now doing her PhD in Arts & Humanities, at the Royal College of Art. Li received the Royal Photography Society Hundred Heroines Award in 2019 and was one of the winners of the Female in Focus prize in 2021. Li’s work has been exhibited internationally, with a recent group show at Fotografiska, Stockholm and solo shows at Union Gallery, London and Vasli Souza, Oslo. 
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strange-spaghetti · 2 months
An update. Monday: Documentary shoot was absolutely wonderful. I felt so happy & loved working with the crew. The director is really championing me to become a drone operator for films so that is really endearing. She's been great to me. Meeting Richard Bellia (& sharing an airbnb haha) was fantastic. I love his work immensely. I was going through one of his books at the coffee table & I saw a Fad Gadget photo I've never seen before & I kind of went "oh! Fad Gadget!" & in his very french accent he tells me how that's never the response he gets when people go through his work. That morning breakfast was so lovely. Really beautiful. & the eclipse was gorgeous too. So much fun & Bellia photographed me; that was a trip. & there's a good chance those cameras that he photographed me with were the same he photographed so many bands & artists I love. F*cking killer.
Friday: I saw a Depeche Mode cover band. I had a lot of fun singing & dancing. Two middle-aged guys were all over me, but it's whatever I got a lot of attention from a lot of people, even the band... Which. God, such a bummer. The dude who does Martin's part is this gorgeous 23 year old South African knock out; the hottest guy I've ever met with the most powerful eyes & statuesque physique. We were being cute after the show & I hit on him a bit. He touched me a bit too but because of my Massive weight gain (5 .lbs big deal, but yeah, my body issues are in full f*cking swing) but every time he went for my arm I kind of retracted back.. ei. (I am in fact getting off of lexipro now. Only 2.5 months but nah, dude my body is a huge part of my happiness & it's f*cking with my metabolism & leptin receptor. Still f*cking depressed too, so whatever dude. I'm done). But yeah, I could tell the dude wasn't that interested & probably just shmoozing for social sake. We did talk music slightly. He listens to prog metal & has a proggy band on the side. I said I don't listen to modern prog, but I do listen to classic prog. He says "You listen to Rush don't you?".... God, not again lmao. He says I'm the only girl he knows that listens to Rush... What's with Christians & Rush??... But yeah, sociability, just chummy flirtation (but f*ck, so f*cking hot)... The singer was chummy too & put me on a guest list for their next show, we've been talking on IG in which! I am doing their photos & videos for them!!! : ) Oh, & no chance with the knock out since he is Very in opposition of ALL my values SO.. I'm not doing that again. Sometimes there's just no way to coexist no matter how open minded you are. You get hurt sacrificing your sensibilities for the possibility of companion & partnership & these self-righteous guys can't meet you half way... but thank christ (haha) he's not interested or trying anything because Iiiii honestly would forsake Everything for his physicality... which is fitting for Depeche lmao. Anyway. Happy, still going through sh*t (traded my romantic disorder for an eating disorder 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻) but really progressing in life & with healing. About f*cking time, man. It Can Happen.
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leads-view · 2 months
Instagram Marketing: Brands That Are Doing It Right
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Instagram has blossomed into more than just a platform for individuals to share their personal life via photos. It's now become a major hub for businesses looking to showcase their products, build brand recognition, and sell directly to consumers. Some businesses, through innovative, creative, and consistent strategies, have flourished on Instagram, setting a high standard for Instagram marketing. This blog will highlight a few such brands that are acing Instagram marketing.
1. Nike
Any discussion around successful Instagram marketing would be incomplete without mentioning [@Nike](https://www.instagram.com/nike/). Their Instagram strategy is a perfect blend of promoting products and communicating core messages. Not only does Nike have top-quality images and videos, but they also master the art of telling stories that resonate with their audience emotionally. They frequently post stirring stories about overcoming adversity, embracing diversity, and extreme sporting achievements.
2. Glossier
[@Glossier](https://www.instagram.com/glossier/) has gained a devoted following and remarkable success in the beauty industry by leveraging a digital-first marketing strategy. On Instagram, Glossier follows a 'real' and 'relatable' approach. They regularly feature images and stories from their customers using their products — user-generated content at its best. Their aesthetic is clean, millennial-friendly, and immediately recognizable, solidifying their brand identity.
3. Airbnb
[@Airbnb](https://www.instagram.com/airbnb/) utilizes Instagram to showcase their various unique listings worldwide, sparking wanderlust in their followers. They mostly use user-generated content, featuring photos taken by guests of their Airbnb experiences. Additionally, their Instagram Stories highlight specific locations, providing travel inspiration and linking back directly to their booking website.
4. GoPro
[@GoPro](https://www.instagram.com/gopro/) is another brand that leverages user-generated content splendidly on Instagram. Their feed is crowded with impactful, thrilling visuals taken by GoPro users, which not only promotes their products but also creates a community. Their posts encourage more customers to share their GoPro-captured adventures, attracting a wide range of visual content from around the world.
Fashion brand [@ASOS](https://www.instagram.com/asos/) uses Instagram seamlessly to engage with their community while showcasing products. They regularly feature their own products worn by 'real' people, not just models, under the popular hashtag #AsSeenOnMe. Moreover, ASOS's use of Instagram shopping features provides a seamless shopping experience, linking products directly to their e-commerce site.
6. National Geographic
Renowned magazine brand [@NatGeo](https://www.instagram.com/natgeo/) has embraced the power of Instagram to share their captivating visuals and stories. With a seamless mix of education and enlightenment, their posts often feature stunning photographs taken by their network of talented photographers, along with detailed captions packed with information and insights. Not only is each post visually pleasing, but it also leaves the audience more knowledgeable.
In conclusion, Instagram marketing is about more than just displaying products. Brands are building communities, sharing inspiring stories, leveraging user-generated content, and virtually bringing the world closer together through assertive creativity. A strong Instagram strategy combines a clear brand voice, engaging visuals, and seamless integration with broader marketing objectives. Every interaction on this platform is an opportunity to demonstrate to audiences what your brand is all about. Following the lead of these successful brands might just be the key to upping your Instagram game.
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smenayetk11 · 6 months
Cashflow Catalysts: Unconventional Side Hustles For Financial Freedom
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In today's rapidly changing economy, finding unconventional side hustles that can generate extra cashflow is becoming crucial for financial freedom. But did you know that there are unique and innovative ways to make money that go beyond traditional methods? Cashflow Catalysts: Unconventional Side Hustles for Financial Freedom is a book that explores these unconventional side hustles, offering valuable insights and strategies to help individuals diversify their income streams and achieve greater financial stability. Cashflow Catalysts delves into the history and background of different side hustles, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of their potential. From the rise of the gig economy to the opportunities presented by the digital age, this book unveils how individuals can tap into these trends and leverage them to their advantage. With eye-opening statistics and relatable solutions, Cashflow Catalysts guides readers towards unconventional side hustles that can turn their passions and skills into profitable ventures, paving the path to financial freedom. If you're looking to boost your cashflow and attain financial freedom, consider these unconventional side hustles. From renting out your space on Airbnb to starting a niche blog or becoming a virtual assistant, these cashflow catalysts can provide an extra income stream. With a bit of creativity and determination, you can turn these side hustles into profitable ventures and achieve the financial freedom you desire.
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Source: pexels.com
Unlocking Financial Independence: Unique Side Hustles to Boost Cashflow
Financial freedom is a goal that many individuals strive to achieve. It provides the opportunity to live life on your own terms, without the constraints of financial stress. While traditional methods of generating income can be effective, there are also unconventional side hustles that can provide a significant boost to your cashflow. These unique opportunities allow you to tap into your passions, creativity, and skills to create additional streams of income. In this article, we will explore some of these cashflow catalysts, highlighting how they can contribute to your journey towards financial freedom. 1. Renting out Your Property on Airbnb Airbnb has transformed the way people travel and opened up new avenues for earning money. If you have a spare room or an entire property that you do not use consistently, consider renting it out on Airbnb. This platform allows you to connect with travelers who are looking for unique accommodations. By listing your property and providing an excellent guest experience, you can generate a steady stream of rental income. Not only does renting out your property on Airbnb help boost your cashflow, but it also allows you to meet new people from around the world and gain insights into different cultures. It can be an exciting and rewarding side hustle that leverages your existing assets. 2. Monetizing Your Hobbies and Skills Do you have a hobby or a skill that you are passionate about? Consider monetizing it! Whether you love photography, baking, writing, or playing a musical instrument, there are opportunities to turn these passions into profitable side hustles. For example, if you are a talented photographer, you can offer your services for events, photo shoots, or even sell your photographs online. If you have strong writing skills, freelance writing or blogging can be a lucrative way to generate income. The key is to identify your strengths and find ways to monetize them in a way that aligns with your interests and goals. 3. Building an Online Store The rise of e-commerce has created numerous opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. You can build an online store and sell products that align with your interests and passions. Whether it's handmade crafts, personalized items, or unique products, there is a market for almost everything online. Platforms like Shopify and Etsy make it easy to set up and manage your online store. You can reach a global customer base and generate sales without the need for a physical storefront. Building an online store allows you to turn your creativity into a profitable venture and potentially achieve financial freedom. 4. Renting out Your Vehicle If you own a vehicle that sits idle for most of the day, consider renting it out to individuals in need of a temporary mode of transportation. Platforms like Turo allow you to list your vehicle and earn money when it is being rented. Renting out your car can be a lucrative side hustle, especially if you live in an area with high demand for rental vehicles. It provides an opportunity to maximize the use of your asset and generate cashflow without any significant additional effort on your part. 5. Starting a YouTube Channel YouTube has become a powerful platform for content creators to share their knowledge, skills, and experiences with a global audience. If you have a passion for creating videos or sharing information, starting a YouTube channel can be a way to turn your hobby into a profitable side hustle. By consistently creating valuable and engaging content, you can attract a loyal audience and monetize your channel through advertising, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. YouTube provides an opportunity to showcase your expertise and connect with people who share similar interests. 6. Offering Consulting or Coaching Services If you have specialized knowledge or expertise in a particular field, consider offering consulting or coaching services. Many individuals and businesses are willing to pay for expert guidance and advice to help them achieve their goals. Whether you are an expert in finance, marketing, fitness, or personal development, there are people out there who can benefit from your insights. You can offer one-on-one coaching sessions, group workshops, or even create online courses to share your knowledge. This side hustle not only provides an opportunity to generate income but also allows you to make a positive impact on others. 7. Investing in Rental Properties Investing in rental properties is a tried and tested method to generate passive income. By purchasing properties and renting them out to tenants, you can establish a reliable stream of rental income. While this side hustle requires a significant upfront investment, it can provide long-term financial security and freedom. Rental properties can appreciate in value over time, and rental income can cover the expenses associated with property ownership. 8. Creating and Selling Digital Products Digital products have gained popularity in recent years due to the increasing demand for online resources and tools. Whether it's e-books, online courses, templates, or software, there is a market for digital products in various industries. If you have expertise in a particular subject or a unique skill set, consider creating and selling digital products. Platforms like Teachable and Gumroad allow you to create and sell your digital products with ease. This side hustle allows you to leverage your knowledge and skills to generate income while reaching a global audience. 9. Becoming a Freelancer If you have marketable skills in areas such as graphic design, web development, copywriting, or social media management, freelancing can be a lucrative side hustle. Many businesses and individuals are looking for freelancers to help them with specific projects or ongoing tasks. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr connect freelancers with clients in need of their services. You can set your own rates, choose the projects you want to work on, and enjoy the flexibility of working from anywhere. Freelancing provides an opportunity to turn your skills into a profitable venture while maintaining control over your schedule. 10. Participating in Online Surveys and Market Research While participating in online surveys and market research may not provide a substantial income, it can be an easy and convenient way to earn some extra cash. Market research companies are constantly seeking the opinions and feedback of consumers, and they are willing to compensate individuals for their time. There are various platforms like Survey Junkie and Swagbucks that allow you to participate in surveys and earn rewards or cash. While it may not be a full-fledged side hustle, it can be a simple way to generate some additional cashflow.
Unlocking Financial Freedom Through Unconventional Side Hustles
Financial freedom is within reach for anyone who is willing to explore unconventional side hustles and take proactive steps to boost their cashflow. By leveraging your assets, skills, and passions, you can create additional streams of income that contribute to your journey towards financial independence. Whether it's renting out your property, monetizing your hobbies, starting an online store, or participating in market research, there are countless opportunities to unlock your financial potential. Remember to approach each side hustle with dedication, creativity, and a focus on delivering value to your customers or clients.
Table: Cashflow Catalysts Comparison
Side Hustle Potential Income Investment Required Time Commitment Renting out Property on Airbnb Varies based on location and demand Minimal Time for guest communication and property management Monetizing Hobbies and Skills Varies based on demand and skill level Depends on the hobby or skill Flexible, based on availability Building an Online Store Potentially high, depending on sales volume Website development and product costs Ongoing management and marketing Renting out Your Vehicle Varies based on demand and rental rates Minimal Minimal, except for occasional vehicle maintenance Starting a YouTube Channel Potential revenue from ads, sponsorships, and merchandise Time and equipment for content creation Ongoing content creation and engagement with audience Offering Consulting or Coaching Services Varies based on expertise and client base Minimal to establish online presence Flexible, based on client needs Investing in Rental Properties Passive rental income Significant initial investment Ongoing property management Creating and Selling Digital Products Potential for high-profit margin Time and expertise to create digital products Ongoing marketing and customer support Becoming a Freelancer Varies based on skills and project demand Minimal Flexible, based on project timelines Participating in Online Surveys and Market Research Minimal None Flexible, based on availability of surveys
Key Takeaways: Cashflow Catalysts: Unconventional Side Hustles for Financial Freedom
- 1. Explore the world of online freelancing to earn extra income from your skills and expertise. - 2. Consider starting a niche blog or YouTube channel to monetize your passion and knowledge. - 3. Rent out a spare room or property on platforms like Airbnb to generate consistent cashflow. - 4. Create and sell digital products, such as ebooks or online courses, to build a passive income stream. - 5. Invest in dividend-paying stocks or real estate investment trusts (REITs) to receive regular cash dividends.
Frequently Asked Questions
Cashflow Catalysts: Unconventional Side Hustles for Financial Freedom is a topic that many people are interested in. If you're looking for unique ways to generate income and achieve financial independence, these unconventional side hustles may be just what you need. In this FAQ section, we'll explore five common questions related to cashflow catalysts and provide detailed answers to help you understand these lucrative opportunities. 1. What are cashflow catalysts? Cashflow catalysts are unconventional side hustles that have the potential to generate passive income. Unlike traditional part-time jobs, cashflow catalysts are designed to create ongoing streams of revenue with minimal effort. These catalysts can include various opportunities such as investing in real estate, starting an online business, or developing a passive income portfolio. The goal is to find sources of cashflow that can support your financial goals and provide long-term financial freedom. By leveraging the power of cashflow catalysts, individuals can build wealth and achieve financial independence without solely relying on their primary income. These unconventional side hustles can diversify your income streams, increase your earning potential, and ultimately give you more control over your financial future. 2. How can I find cashflow catalyst opportunities? There are various ways to find cashflow catalyst opportunities: - Research online: Explore different websites, forums, and blogs that discuss unconventional side hustles and cashflow generating opportunities. Look for success stories, case studies, and ideas that resonate with your interests and skills. - Network: Connect with like-minded individuals who have experience in cashflow catalysts. Attend conferences, seminars, or online events related to real estate investing, entrepreneurship, or passive income. Join communities or groups where you can learn from others and potentially collaborate on projects. - Seek professional advice: Consult with financial advisors or experts who specialize in cashflow catalysts. They can provide guidance and help you identify opportunities based on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and available resources. Remember, it's essential to thoroughly research and evaluate any cashflow catalyst opportunity before investing time and money. Look for reputable sources, seek advice from professionals, and consider your own strengths and interests when choosing a side hustle that suits you. 3. Are cashflow catalysts suitable for everyone? While cashflow catalysts can be beneficial for many individuals, they may not be suitable for everyone. Consider the following factors before pursuing these unconventional side hustles: - Risk tolerance: Cashflow catalysts often involve some level of risk, especially when it comes to investing. Evaluate your comfort level with risk and determine if you're willing to take on potential financial uncertainties. - Time commitment: Building cashflow catalysts may require significant time and effort, especially in the initial stages. Consider your current lifestyle, commitments, and availability to determine if you can dedicate enough time to make your side hustle successful. - Financial resources: Some cashflow catalysts may require an initial investment or ongoing financial commitments. Assess your financial situation and determine if you have the necessary funds or access to capital to pursue these opportunities. - Skillset and interests: Different cashflow catalysts require different skills and interests. Evaluate your strengths, passions, and areas of expertise to find opportunities that align with your abilities and preferences. It's important to assess your individual circumstances and conduct thorough research before diving into any cashflow catalyst opportunity. Understand the potential risks, rewards, and requirements to make an informed decision. 4. How long does it take to see results with cashflow catalysts? The timeline for seeing results with cashflow catalysts can vary depending on several factors: - Type of side hustle: The nature of the cashflow catalyst will determine how long it takes to see results. For example, investing in real estate may take longer to generate substantial income compared to starting an online business. - Effort and consistency: Your dedication, effort, and consistency in pursuing your cashflow catalyst will impact how quickly you see results. The more time and energy you invest, the more likely you are to achieve financial success sooner. - Market conditions: External factors, such as market conditions and economic trends, can influence the timeframe for seeing results. It's important to stay informed and adapt your strategies accordingly. While it's difficult to provide a specific timeline, it's realistic to expect that building cashflow catalysts will require time and patience. Depending on the opportunity and your efforts, it could take several months or even years to start seeing significant results. 5. Can cashflow catalysts replace my primary source of income? Cashflow catalysts have the potential to generate significant income, but whether they can completely replace your primary source of income depends on various factors: - Amount of income needed: Assess your financial goals and determine how much income you need to cover your expenses and achieve financial freedom. Compare this amount to the income potential of your cashflow catalysts. - Risk tolerance: Cashflow catalysts may come with certain risks. Evaluate if you're comfortable relying solely on these unconventional side hustles for your income or if you prefer to have a more stable primary source of income. - Diversification: Some individuals choose to diversify their income streams by combining cashflow catalysts with traditional employment. This approach provides stability and reduces the risk associated with relying solely on one source of income. - Financial goals: Your financial goals may also influence whether cashflow catalysts can replace your primary income. Determine if you're looking for financial independence, additional income streams, or a complete transition away from a traditional job. Ultimately, the decision to replace your primary income with cashflow catalysts is a personal one. It's important to consider your financial goals, risk tolerance, and individual circumstances when making this decision. Best Side Hustle for 2023 | Side Hustles | Financial Freedom In summary, unconventional side hustles can be a powerful tool for achieving financial freedom. These cashflow catalysts allow individuals to earn extra income and diversify their revenue streams. By leveraging their skills, passions, and resources, individuals can explore unique opportunities that align with their interests and goals. Whether it's starting a freelance business, investing in real estate, or creating an online course, these unconventional side hustles can provide a pathway to increased cashflow and financial independence. Read the full article
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creativecourse · 6 months
60-Minute Makeovers Copywriting Mini Course Information What if you could take your website or sales page... From meh to money? From bye-bye to must-buy? From so-so to SOLD! ... All with just a few powerful word tweaks that take you under an hour? Here's the Mini-Course... ...That'll get you thinking like a swift, brilliant copywriter. (Just by soaking up the glory of visual before-and-after copywriting examples!) What You’ll Learn In This Course? The homepage that missed the emotional mark with farmers…transformed so it grabs them by the farm-fresh eggs. The gift shopping site for people in recovery that tried too hard to be “sassy”…retooled to strike a note of effortless cool. The tagline that went from “all about me, me, me” to “all about the customer” with just one word. The services page for couple’s therapy that was off-putting…. tweaked to make couples feel the love and say “We’re in!!” The tech website that went from “jumble of jargon” robot-speak to clear, personable human-ese. The opt-in for Airbnb hosts that went from snoozeriffic to snap-up-abble. The law-school course sales page that needed to stop sounding like a law professor. The financial advisor’s site that needed a few rich details to finally resonate. The wine company’s mailer that was pouring for the wrong (and cheap) crowd — given a top note of exclusivity. The transformed retail site for chic diaper bags with a mission. (Don’t let the adorable “before” fool you.) The underwater-photographer’s About page that wanted a splash of personality and resonance. A targeted email for real estate agents, who always need help standing out and converting leads into clients. The social media consultant’s Work With Me page that was sounding like too much work. The edgy branding agency’s homepage that needed more edge, innuendo, and immediacy. The “financial personal trainer” site that was training people to click away…and needed language that was more on the money. About Author Laura Belgray, founder of Talking Shrimp, is an award-winning copywriting expert and unapologetic lazy person. She's written TV spots for clients like NBC, Fandango, and Bravo, and now helps entrepreneurs and creatives to cash in on their unique personalities, become binge-worthy, and get paid to be 100% themselves. The Copy Cure, her course with Marie Forleo, has helped thousands of creative pros to master and even fall in love with copywriting. More courses from the same author: Laura Belgray
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paypant · 8 months
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propertymanagementllc · 9 months
How to Manage Short-Term Rental Properties and Maximize Profits
The short-term rental industry has seen exponential growth in recent years, thanks to platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, and Booking.com. Managing short-term rental properties can be a lucrative venture, but it also comes with its unique set of challenges. To maximize profits and ensure a smooth operation, property owners and managers need to adopt effective strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various aspects of managing short-term rental properties and offer practical tips to help you succeed in this booming industry.
Property Selection and Preparation To start on the right foot, it's crucial to choose the right property and prepare it for short-term rentals. a. Location: Research and select a property in a desirable location with high demand for short-term rentals. b. Amenities and Furnishings: Equip your property with the essential amenities and furnish it tastefully to attract guests. c. Legal Considerations: Ensure your property complies with local zoning laws and regulations. d. Insurance: Invest in appropriate insurance coverage to protect your property from potential damages.
Effective Marketing Strategies To maximize profits, you need to effectively market your short-term rental property. a. Professional Photos: High-quality photos can significantly impact bookings. Hire a professional photographer to showcase your property's best features. b. Compelling Listing Descriptions: Write captivating, informative descriptions that highlight the property's unique selling points. c. Pricing Strategy: Research competitors' rates and set competitive prices. Consider seasonal pricing adjustments. d. Online Platforms: Utilize multiple online platforms to reach a broader audience.
Guest Communication and Experience
Maintaining excellent communication with guests and ensuring a positive experience is essential for repeat bookings. a. Prompt Responses: Respond to inquiries and messages promptly to build trust with potential guests. b. Guest Manuals: Provide clear instructions and information about the property, local attractions, and emergency contacts. c. Guest Reviews: Encourage guests to leave reviews and respond to them professionally and courteously. d. Cleanliness and Maintenance: Maintain a high standard of cleanliness and promptly address any maintenance issues.
Guest Screening and Security Ensuring the safety and security of your property is crucial. a. Screening: Implement a guest screening process to minimize the risk of problematic guests. b. Smart Locks and Security Systems: Invest in smart locks and security systems for added safety and convenience.
Property Management Efficient property management is the backbone of a successful short-term rental business. a. Check-In and Check-Out Process: Streamline the check-in and check-out process to enhance guest satisfaction. b. Cleaning Services: Consider hiring professional cleaning services to maintain the property's cleanliness between guest stays. c. Maintenance Schedule: Create a maintenance schedule to address wear and tear promptly. d. Inventory Management: Keep track of inventory and replace or replenish items as needed.
Legal and Tax Compliance Ensure that you meet all legal and tax requirements to avoid potential issues down the road. a. Permits and Licenses: Obtain any necessary permits or licenses required for short-term rentals in your area. b. Taxation: Understand your tax obligations and keep accurate financial records. c. Local Regulations: Stay informed about local regulations and any changes that may affect your business.
Guest Satisfaction and Reviews Happy guests are more likely to leave positive reviews and become repeat customers. a. Personal Touch: Consider adding personal touches such as welcome gifts or handwritten notes to make guests feel special. b. Feedback: Solicit feedback from guests to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes. c. Problem Resolution: Be proactive in resolving issues that may arise during a guest's stay.
Dynamic Pricing Strategies Utilize dynamic pricing strategies to optimize your rental income. a. Pricing Tools: Use pricing tools and software that analyze market trends and adjust your rates accordingly. b. Seasonal Adjustments: Increase rates during peak seasons and offer discounts during off-peak times to attract guests.
Building a Strong Online Presence Establishing a strong online presence can help attract more guests and boost your property's visibility. a. Social Media: Use social media platforms to showcase your property and engage with potential guests. b. Website: Create a professional website for your rental property to provide additional information and a direct booking option. c. Email Marketing: Build an email list of previous guests and use it for marketing campaigns and promotions.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation The short-term rental industry is constantly evolving, so it's essential to stay informed and adapt to changing trends. a. Industry Updates: Keep up with industry news, conferences, and forums to stay informed about best practices. b. Guest Feedback: Continuously analyze guest feedback and make necessary improvements. c. Technology Integration: Embrace new technologies and platforms that can streamline your operations and enhance the guest experience.
Conclusion Managing short-term rental properties and maximizing profits requires dedication, attention to detail, and a commitment to providing exceptional guest experiences. By selecting the right property, implementing effective marketing strategies, maintaining excellent guest communication, and staying compliant with legal and tax requirements, you can build a successful and profitable short-term rental business. Remember that the key to long-term success in this industry is continuous learning, adaptation, and a relentless focus on guest satisfaction. With the right approach, you can turn your short-term rental property into a thriving venture.
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onlinemoneyshaik · 11 months
how to get money online
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here are various ways to make money online, and the opportunities continue to evolve with the digital age. Keep in mind that while some methods can generate quick income, others may require time, effort, and persistence to build a sustainable online income stream. Here are some popular ways to make money online:
Freelancing: Offer your skills and services on freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. Common freelance jobs include writing, graphic design, web development, social media management, and virtual assistance.
Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys or market research studies to earn money or gift cards. Websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and Vindale Research offer these opportunities.
Selling Products: Start an online store and sell physical products or digital goods. You can use platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or Amazon to reach a wider audience.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services of other companies and earn a commission for each sale or lead generated through your referral links. Join affiliate programs of companies that align with your niche or interests.
Content Creation: Start a blog, YouTube channel, or podcast and monetize your content through ads, sponsorships, or Patreon subscriptions.
Online Tutoring or Teaching: If you have expertise in a subject or skill, you can become an online tutor or instructor on platforms like VIPKid, Teachable, or Udemy.
Remote Work: Look for remote job opportunities on websites like Remote.co, FlexJobs, or Indeed, which offer various roles across different industries that can be done from anywhere.
Stock Photography: If you're a photographer, you can sell your images on stock photography websites like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Getty Images.
Renting Out Assets: If you have extra space, you can list it on platforms like Airbnb. Alternatively, you can rent out your car, equipment, or other assets on platforms designed for these purposes.
Online Investing: Invest in stocks, cryptocurrencies, or peer-to-peer lending platforms. Be sure to do thorough research and understand the risks involved before investing.
Virtual Real Estate: Buy, sell, or trade virtual real estate in online games or virtual worlds, like Decentraland or Second Life.
Remember, earning money online requires dedication, skill, and sometimes a bit of trial and error. Beware of scams and be cautious of offers that sound too good to be true. Always do your due diligence and research any opportunity before investing your time and effort.
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Freelancing is a popular way to earn money online by offering your skills and services to clients on a project-by-project basis. It provides flexibility and the opportunity to work with various clients from different industries. Here are some key steps to get started with freelancing:
Identify Your Skills: Determine what skills you possess that can be offered as services to potential clients. Common freelancing skills include writing, graphic design, web development, programming, social media management, virtual assistance, translation, and many others.
Build a Portfolio: Before you start applying for freelance projects, create a portfolio that showcases your previous work and demonstrates your expertise. If you are just starting, you can include personal projects or volunteer work to demonstrate your abilities.
Choose a Freelance Platform: There are several online platforms where you can find freelance opportunities. Some popular platforms include Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, Guru, and Toptal. Choose one or multiple platforms that align with your skills and target clients.
Create a Profile: Set up a professional profile on your chosen freelance platform(s). Write a compelling bio that highlights your skills, experience, and what you can offer to clients. Include your portfolio and any relevant certifications or qualifications.
Set Your Rates: Determine your pricing based on the complexity of the projects and your level of expertise. Be competitive but also ensure that your rates reflect the value you provide to clients.
Start Applying for Projects: Browse through available freelance projects on the platform and start applying to those that match your skills. Tailor your proposals to each client's specific requirements to increase your chances of getting hired.
Deliver High-Quality Work: Once you land a freelance project, make sure to deliver high-quality work within the agreed-upon timeframe. Satisfied clients are more likely to provide positive reviews and recommend you to others.
Build Relationships: Building strong relationships with clients is essential for repeat business and referrals. Communicate clearly and professionally, and be open to feedback and revisions to meet client expectations.
Expand Your Network: As you gain experience and positive reviews, you can explore other avenues to expand your freelancing network. Join online communities, attend virtual events, and network with other freelancers and potential clients.
Manage Finances: Keep track of your earnings and expenses. Set aside money for taxes and consider using platforms or tools to manage invoicing and payments.
Remember that freelancing might take some time to establish yourself and build a steady income. Be patient, stay committed to honing your skills, and continuously improve your services to attract more clients and achieve success as a freelancer.
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mixityapp · 1 year
Apple Vision Pro Is Cities' Wake-up Call to Regulate the Metaverse - Bloomberg
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Augmented Reality Is Coming for Cities
With the debut of Apple’s Vision Pro AR headset, it’s time for officials to prepare for the collision of digital and physical spaces. 
The debut of Apple’s Vision Pro is a preview of what augmented reality technologies could mean in the physical world. 
Photographer: Philip Pacheco/Bloomberg
Greg Lindsay
June 12, 2023 at 3:15 PM GMT+2
When Pokémon Go streaked across the cultural landscape in 2016, briefly becoming the fastest-downloaded app in history, thousands of players stampeded through parks, trespassed en masse, and may have injured nearly 30,000 people due to distracted driving in the game’s first five months alone.
It’s a particularly stark example of what cities could face if Apple’s forthcoming augmented reality (AR) headset, the Vision Pro, becomes as popular as the Apple Watch, let alone as ubiquitous as the iPhone. Although the jury is still out until “early next year” on the public’s appetite for a $3,499 pair of goggles, Apple’s insistence that it’s meant to be worn in the world around other people means it’s time for cities to finally sit up and pay attention to the small-m metaverse. 
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While Apple may have shouldered its way to the forefront of AR — which Cook has extolled for years — it is hardly alone. Google, Snap, and others have all recently made strides in fusing the real and virtual worlds. Without the means to monitor and intervene in these new dimensions, cities risk companies and creators running roughshod over the public realm. Just last month, for example, Google unveiled its “Geospatial Creator” tool enabling anyone to anchor digital content to real-world locations, such as Google’s own virtual takeover of Times Square by the band Gorillaz in December.
Niantic, the maker of Pokémon Go, is now building its own “visual positioning system” (VPS) — what amounts to a proprietary virtual GPS overlaid on cities, mapped down to the centimeter — to compete with Google’s and others. This not only raises the prospect of overlapping, incompatible realities owned by various tech companies, but also thorny issues around speech and property rights. What’s to stop someone from geolocating an obscene AR billboard outside a competing storefront, for instance? 
Will the Vision Pro be AR’s “iPhone moment?” Perhaps, if you recall the original iPhone’s then-exorbitant price tag and lack of an app store at launch. It took years for startups to harness smartphones’ potential to connect and transact with physical spaces and assets, producing platforms like Uber and Airbnb. More than a decade later, cities are still grappling with how to rein in and regulate these disruptors retroactively.
Now Apple and its rivals aim to go a step further by overwriting reality itself, raising a whole new host of problems. How can cities avoid repeating those mistakes in the real-world metaverse? What recourse do cities have when faced with immaterial interlopers who nonetheless have corporate consequences?
Prior efforts to confront another once-impending technological threat — autonomous vehicles — may prove instructive. In 2018, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation commissioned its own software standard, the Mobility Data Specification, for sending and receiving information from fleets of private vehicles (although ultimately scooters instead of AVs). While some players welcomed real-time regulation, others resisted its granular data collection. While LADOT ultimately prevailed against legal challenges, a subsequent effort to convince Apple, Google, Waze and others to re-route driving instructions within their apps was politely rebuffed. It’s hard to imagine the same firms giving cities carte blanche to edit their VPS.
It’s still early in the metaverse, however — no killer app has yet emerged, and the financial returns on disruption are falling as interest rates rise.
Already, a handful of companies have come forward to partner with cities instead of fighting them. For example, InCitu uses AR to visualize the building envelopes of planned projects in New York City, Buffalo, and beyond in hopes of winning over skeptical communities through seeing-is-believing. The startup recently partnered with Washington, DC’s Department of Buildings to aid its civic engagement efforts. Another of its partners is Snap, the Gen Z social media giant currently currying favor with cities and civic institutions as it pivots to AR for its next act.
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There’s certainly an argument that augmented reality could be a boon for big cities, enriching and attracting foot traffic to iconic locations weakened by remote work. “I think we’ll see a growing digital divide between cities that embrace AR and those that thwart it,” said Jonathan Askin, director of the Brooklyn Law Incubator & Policy Clinic, who has studied the legal issues stemming from AR. “With governments suffering lost tax revenue from diminished retail and commercial real estate activity, cities and property owners could benefit from smart deployments of games, cultural experiences or even just new advertising opportunities.”
“The only real issue for cities,” he adds, “is how to ensure that use of AR applications does not threaten public safety while enhancing the urban living experience.” And therein lies the rub.
For cities to gain the metaverse they want tomorrow, they will need to invest the scarce staff time and resources today. That means building a coalition of the willing among Apple, Google, Niantic, Snap and others; throwing their weight behind open standards through participation in umbrella groups such as the Metaverse Standards Forum; and becoming early, active participants in each of the major platforms in order to steer traffic toward designated testbeds and away from highly trafficked areas.
It’s a tall order for cities grappling with a pandemic crisis, drug-and-mental-health crisis, and climate crisis all at once, but a necessary one to prevent the metaverse (of all things!) from becoming the next one.
Greg Lindsay is an urban tech fellow at the Jacobs Urban Tech Hub at Cornell Tech.
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skybeatimmigration · 1 year
Requirements For Europe Tourist Visa: A Complete Checklist
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Europe is one of the most beautiful places in the world. London, Italy, and France are a few of the top tourist destinations. To explore its beauty, you may have thought of getting a Europe tourist visa at some point in your life. This moment can become an opportunity for you to explore the magnificent beauty of Europe. A Europe tourist visa is referred to as a Schengen tourist visa. If you are planning to visit Europe as a tourist, you may need to obtain a Schengen visa, which is a type of visa that allows you to travel to most of the European countries. Here is a complete checklist of the requirements for a Schengen tourist visa:
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Valid Passport: You must have a valid passport that is not older than ten years and has a minimum validity of three months beyond your intended stay in Europe.
Visa Application Form: You need to fill out a Schengen visa application form and submit it to the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit. You can take guidance from a visa consultant to avoid confusion.
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Photographs: Your photographs are one of the major Schengen visa requirements. For that, you will need to submit two recent passport-sized photographs, which must be taken within the last six months.
Travel Insurance: You must have travel insurance that covers medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation. The insurance must be valid for the entire duration of your stay in Europe and cover at least €30,000.
Proof of Accommodation: You will need to provide proof of accommodation for your entire stay in Europe, such as hotel reservations, Airbnb bookings, or an invitation from a host. Take a copy of that reservation to add it to your file. 
Flight Itinerary: You must provide a flight itinerary showing your round-trip or onward travel from Europe. It confirms your departure from that country and it makes the visa approval easier.
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Proof of Financial Means: You must have proof that you have enough financial means to support yourself during your stay in Europe. This can be in the form of bank statements, income tax returns, or a letter from your employer.
Schengen Visa Fees: You must pay the Schengen visa fees, which vary depending on the country you plan to visit. Paying all the fees initiates the process of your application, the earlier you pay, the earlier you get the approvals.
Additional Documents: Depending on the embassy or consulate, you may need to provide additional documents such as a letter of invitation, a letter of employment, or a detailed travel itinerary.
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If you are planning a visit to Europe then, make sure to connect with a Europe visa consultant who helps you in planning with their smart guidance.  It is essential to note that the requirements may vary slightly depending on the country you plan to visit, so it is essential to check the specific embassy or consulate’s requirements for the country you plan to visit. SkyBeat Immigration is there to provide the highest level of guidance and support to you.
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uj453 · 1 year
christmas lives in vigo 
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christmas lives in vigo
you would have loved the dilapidated conditions of many of the buildings. You would have loved the facades of the buildings that were standing up with nothing behind them. Windows that people would have looked through, now becoming windows of the hollowness inside. You would have loved the traces and remnants of the buildings that are no more - onto the buildings it was surrounded by. They put a yellow paint on  the walls adjacent to the one that was broken down. Probably it’s not just yellow paint but something which has more functionality to it to, than just being a marker. But the markers were so ever present in the city, it is clear they are really trying to rebuild the city, into this idea and imagination of the modern. The city boasts itself as the city where christmas lives. It full of lights, too many and too much of them. Light installations that seem that they are there just because the pressure to maintain the city’s own reputation as the city of christmas lights is too much. And this is something that needs to be done. Otherwise, there might be an identity crisis. There were sculptures and sculptures of Santa’s sleigh, of everything christmas, and many things not. Of a huge giant bear sitting, which was attracting everyone from all age groups to sit on it’s lap for a photograph. And suddenly you would see the police running in the streets with a very alert alarming whistles. And I was like shit what happened. They were clearing the way for the christmas toy train, full of adults, wearing masks, and no sign of enthusiasm. None of that young drunk partying college kids. These were adults, almost like in a public transport system. The cops kept whistling and running in front of the train to clear it’s path, the engine driver would give a couple of bells every now and then, clearly displaying his own ability to honk/bell the streets clear. Or just to remind everyone that christmas lives in vigo. 
This was all part of the fiesta, the giant wheel which would light up in various colours and have almost strobe like effects (remember, it’s teh city of lights), the kids roller coaster rides, the merry go around s, the cotton candy stores. you told me that you couldn’t afford cotton candy as a kid, and now here we were, with really sticky sugary fingers, sugar filled mouths, of so much we ate, that all just dissolved into thin air. the paella that was so good insistingly served to me by the airbnb host. the airbnb host who was widowed and lived there with her daughter, renting out every room, nook and corner possible of the flat, to let the money come in. the dog that was so sadly locked into the room, so that ‘the guests’ wouldn’t be disturbed. and the nephew who would sleep in the living room and just not get up, depite our host really screaming her lungs out. all so lively, all so energetic, with so much buzz, kisses on the cheeks, with churrizos and with cheese, with regular bread and with croissants, with a packet of local sweet snack left on the side of the bed. and yet with so much heaviness in the air. of an absence, of these fleeting presence of strange people, of the young daughter who was in her room throughout our stay. of not being sure of what you do with the mask rule when meeting the airbnb guests, and not being sure of what to do with the mask rule when meeting the airbnb hosts.
Somehow it reminded me of the truck stop cities we have in india. transitionary places. of places which would end up not having so much of their own identity. was a port town like vigo also similar like that somehow. the port is visible and clear and forms a nice lovely view from various parts of the city. from the few remanants of a castle or a fort. you can see the port, you can see the town on the other side of the water body, which is almost like a backwater, you can see through offices where people are working on computers and have huge ass windows, and you can look at offices where there was no one right then. The building said buas festas. happy holidays. and then you can see the cranes. the cranes all pointing towards the future that is going to be, of a promise land of development, and all this construction is all towards building the future of vigo we want to see. a future visible in the train station already. of basically being a mall where you have the h&m’s, the mangos, the body stores, and of course you can pick up train tickets. of this neat clean white sanitized building which shouts out vigo in huge letters on side (which is lit like crazy in the evenings of course- it is the city where you come to see the lights after all). But what about the old man who spent two to three hours in the morning trying to fill up sand in between the tiles that had been presumably new laid out just on the porch of the swanky new train station. In this new clean improved city, you donT need to see the train of course, they are hidden in the tunnels, which form the basis of the train stations and the platforms there. but where will the remanants of the sand that is being put in the gaps of tiles go? or the person who did? 
where will all these remanants go, of old buildings, of buildings that are no more. you can now access the fort through a series of escalators right from the street/road. and there was a marking for a cathedral. we couldn’t find the cathedral. we found some churches, we found lots of christmas, but somehow not the cathedral. maybe it was in one of the yellow painted walls. 
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Sarita narayan 
25/3/2022 07:59:19 pm
बस्तियाँ उजड़ जाती है ,  निशानियाँ छोड़ जाती है ,  ये दस्तूर पुरानी है ,,,,  Enjoyed reading it
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amberfaber40 · 1 year
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Heading to New Mexico? Rent the Vintage-Furnished Ranch of a Beloved LA Fashion Designer - Sight Unseen
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Şimdi sizi beyaz ve gold yansımaların kucaklaştığı bir mutfağa götürüyoruz. Bodrum'daki mutfağımız evini yeni yeni düzmeye çalışan ev sahibimize ait. Yakın zamanda evlenen ev sahibimiz, yeni evinin her detayıyla bizzat ilgilenmiş. Sıra mutfağına geldiğindeyse bu alana biraz daha torpil yapmış. Sıfırdan yaptırılan mutfakta ilk etapta ferahlık önemsenmiş. Tabi kullanım kolaylığı da yabana atılmamış! Beyaz shaker kapakların kullanıldığı mutfakta ahşap mutfak tezgahı tercih edilmiş. Samimi bir atmosfer sağlayan bu görüntü gold renkli kulplarla hareket kazanmış. Mutfakta sıcak ambiyansı korumak isteyen ev sahibimiz, ankastrelerinde retro tasarımları tercih etmiş. Alan için seçilen her aksesuarı da özenle seçen ev sahibimiz, tavanda eskitme glop avizeye yer vermiş. Diğer aksesuarlarda da country ruhu yansıtan parçalardan yana seçimler yapmış. Mutfağın bir başka köşesinde yer alan kahve bölümüyle birlikte alanda hiçbir eksik kalmamış. Fotoğrafları arasında gezinirken keyif alacağınız mutfağımıza geçmeden önce şuraya bir not bırakalım: Takip etmek isteyenler için ev sahibimizin Instagram adresi: @_birceyizmeselesi Buyurun konuk olalım.
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04.22.21 Interiorsby Monica Khemsurov If the headline of this story seems to assume that you might, in fact, be heading to New Mexico soon, it’s entirely intentional: More than a century after Georgia O’Keeffe took her first trip to her eventual home of Santa Fe — to be followed by the likes of Agnes Martin, Bruce Nauman, and Larry Bell — the state is again becoming a haven for a new wave of creatives. During the pandemic, we saw friends decamping to everywhere from Montana to Maine in search of lower rent and more access to nature, but many were bound for Santa Fe and Taos, which had been attracting increasing numbers of artists and designers even before COVID hit. Today we’re featuring one of them — the Los Angeles fashion designer Raquel Allegra, who went to New Mexico a year and a half ago in search of real estate for a healing commune she was planning with a group of friends, but ended up buying her own sprawling 8,000 square-foot vacation home in Taos, where her neighbors include Petecia Le Fawnhawk and Mark Maggiori. Allegra didn’t intend to end up with such a big house. In her home base of Topanga Canyon in LA, she lives in a relatively modest 700 square-foot cabin. But the first time she toured the Taos property, she had a powerful visceral response in which she felt the house calling her to transform it into something new, and she felt compelled to oblige. In the 7 months it took to renovate, she realized she could rent the house out on Airbnb during the times she wasn’t there, which would help her break even on costs. She also saved by filling up its cavernous 24 rooms (!) with furniture she treasure-hunted on the Nextdoor app back in Santa Monica and Malibu, where the wealthy often get rid of pieces for next to nothing. In that sense, her approach to the project wasn’t unlike her approach to her eponymous clothing label, which she started in 2002 first by deconstructing and tie-dyeing vintage t-shirts and then by upcycling disused tees from LA county jails. The home’s cozy interiors also echo what her line has since become, a full collection of sustainable womenswear that’s laid-back, gauzy, and mostly neutral-toned, with bright pops of color. Allegra calls the house a “retreat,” and credits its 5 acres of lush desert-valley landscapes with helping her — like so many artists before her — creatively recharge. We recently spoke with her about Taos’s singular appeal, the house’s transformation, and why it’s been so important to her to be able share its restorative effects with guests. If this story inspires you to start renting your own space, visit this link to get started! PHOTOS BY KATE RUSSELL Can you tell us the story behind how you acquired this house, and what brought you to Taos? The original idea was to get together with a small group of women and create an alternative-living community space. The woman that brought us all together was Sibyl Buck, who was a supermodel in the ’90s. When she stopped modeling, she started to focus on yoga and meditation, and she’s a very big counter-culture, alternative-living person. She lives two minutes away from me in Topanga and happens to be my best friend. We got closer over a period of time when I wanted to understand myself better; I’d gone through a bad breakup, and I knew I needed a deeper evolution. Because of her own journey around that, and her beliefs about the toxicity of urban living and the disconnection between nature and self, her idea was to create a space for healing, with different levels of experience based on what you could afford. So possibly a bigger house, and then smaller houses on the property, or maybe tents. But the group dissolved pretty quickly because I was the only person able to financially commit to it at this scale. That’s what brought me to Taos, though, through the lens of looking at real estate. What happened with this house, though, is that I walked in and I started to cry. The house felt like it was calling for help. I know that’s a weird thing to say, but it had been built, renovated, and lived in by a man who was a bit emotionally dark and heavy, and you could feel that throughout the house. You could feel that it was made with love, but he’d lived in it for 10 years by himself after his wife had left him, and you could feel, in the environment, his unraveling. It was like the house and the land was just calling out to be rescued, and I just couldn’t turn away. I was so full of emotion, and it was so unexpected. I live in a 700 square-foot cabin in Topanga, and that’s where I feel cozy and at home. I didn’t imagine myself living in this house full-time. I don’t need all this space. But the house said save me, and I said okay, let’s do this. Did it need saving physically, too? What shape was it in when you bought it? Yes. The amount of tiny projects that the owner had started and never finished in the house was dizzying. And I think that came from him being in a relationship with a very wealthy woman and her funding the building of the house, and you could see the difference as she moved out and he continued to build without her funds — there was a whole unfinished section that had plywood as floors and had holes in the ceiling. That was one of the bigger elements to wrap my brain around, figuring out how to integrate those spaces into the feeling of the rest of the house. It needed renovation everywhere. All the walls are plaster, and there were so many plants in the house, and there was so much water damage from them being watered. None of the switch plates matched, and most were broken. Every corner of the house needed something. But the things the prior owner did manage to do here are so incredible. He’s a rock mover, and he uses giant rocks to build water features, like the giant ones you’d see in Las Vegas. So the property is full of these giant rock walls and rock waterfalls, and there are giant rock steps placed at the river’s edge, so you can walk on these stone steps into the river. They do make the house feel very masculine from the outside, so that’s one of the things I’m working on most immediately with a permaculture landscapist, to add more of a feminine feeling. There are these giant rocks and wood pillars sticking out of the ground, almost like giant phalluses, and I can’t wait to topple them and turn them into circles where people can gather, rather than giant statements of masculinity. I met a woman on Instagram who’s a marble carver and had created this beautiful marble bust, and I was so inspired by it that I asked if she’d create one for me. We’re putting it in the front garden, so there will be this beautiful, ancient-looking bust in white marble with these beautiful wings, on a basalt pedestal. So there will be this beautiful, feminine, quiet statement in the front yard, which was really calling for that. I want the interior and the exterior to be in harmony. How much time have you been spending at the house? And why did you decide to rent it out on Airbnb the rest of the time? I spend about a week out of every two months here. Having my company in LA really holds me there, but as a creative, it’s also incredible to be able to leave LA for a week and be in nature. It almost feels like I’m off the grid when I’m here. I spend time sleeping. I spend time sitting outside and just watching birds and deer. There’s something so calming about the environment that when I do go back to LA, and into my more intense day-to-day work schedule, I’m recharged, and my mind is more open. I see things from a more stepped-back perspective. I’m a better-balanced person, a better boss. Little stuff doesn’t bother me as much. It really helps me with my overall perspective. Having this space to come to is really invaluable for me, but I couldn’t just have it and have it sit here empty. Working on the house for 7 months, I had all of that time to imagine what the best way to have the property pay for itself would be. That’s all I wanted, for it to be able to sustain itself. Airbnb felt like a logical thing to do, to have people rent the home and get to enjoy it, and that helps to pay for it. My deepest desire is for people to be here to enjoy it. I also think it will continue to evolve; Sibyl and I have discussed what it would look like to have retreats here, and reach out into that community. So it’s more of a long term investment for me where I get to benefit personally. You said your real estate hunt brought you to Taos, but why Taos in particular? That was Sybil’s doing. Taos has long been a place where artists have been called to come and create and work, from Georgia O’Keefe to Dennis Hopper. There’s something so special about the landscape here, with the oppenness and the sky and the gorge of the river that runs through it. It has a certain feeling and wildness. Valdez specifically — where the house is — is a canyon, nicknamed the Witches’ Canyon, and there have been a lot of generations of women here working the land, and having a deep relationship with it, and understanding how through that relationship we can heal ourselves, which is something I believe in. Taos is also changing a lot, developing. Lots of stores are opening here. I have lots of friends who have moved here from LA in the last year, during the pandemic. My model muse moved here with her husband at the end of last year; another friend who helped me load the truck and move out here ended up moving here a year later. Patecia Le Fawnhawk just moved here with her husband and baby. We all had ladies’ dinner last night. There’s a whole crew of women here that I love. The thing that’s different about this valley is that it’s not your classic sagebrush terrain that most of Taos is. It’s a lush valley that benefits from all of the melting snow. So there are giant willows on the property. It’s lush and green and feels totally different. The house is completely surrounded by aspens. It doesn’t feel like any other place in Taos. The interior of the house, though, does have a signature New Mexico style. Were those amazing archways and curves all there when you got it? And how did you approach your own design process? Inside the house, the shapes were all there, but it was also covered with giant-man leather furniture. The previous owner was a big guy, and it was like a man cave in here. Even though the rooms are big, the furniture was way too big for the rooms, even. When I first saw the house I felt like it couldn’t breathe — it just wanted to be emptied and cleansed and thoughtfully filled with more of a gentle touch. When I started, I knew that I would be spending time here, but I also knew I would be sharing it. So I wanted to furnish it in a way that didn’t feel precious, so that when guests were here, they could really enjoy themselves and not worry about breaking something. I wanted there to be an ease with the furniture in the house, so people could really just be comfortable and have a relaxing time. I have a hard time with environments that are too stiff or too precious, so that was my original lens through which I made all the decisions about the furniture. I wanted guests to just live and be comfortable. The most important part of decorating the house was finding that line between having things I love, and that feel good in the space, but that if they get ruined, okay, so be it, it’s not the end of the world. To me that sentiment really relates to your clothing — it’s stylish, but decidedly comfortable and easy to wear. Yes, I guess it does. I really live hard in my clothes. I do everything in them. I’m a big gardener, and I don’t mind wearing things that have dirt stains on them. Also, I started my company by recycling t-shirts from the prison system in southern California — I’ve always been inspired by things that exist already, and having a relationship with that thing, whether it’s a t-shirt or a home. And listening to that thing tell me what it wants to become. You also recycled existing furniture into the house. Can you tell us about your process of furnishing it? When you have big rooms, you need big furniture, and big furniture is expensive. I did a bunch of treasure hunting, and have been slowly putting the house together. Some of the pieces I bought in Taos, and some in LA. The foot chair in the bedroom (above) is a piece I bought from my friend Jonathan Pessin, who has a vintage gallery in LA called Not For Sale. Since I began spending my weekends gardening instead of flea market strolling, he’s been my window into treasure hunting.  We both love furniture with personality. Many of my favorite pieces in my Topanga home are from him. There are also three African Sanufo beds in the house, made by the Sanufo tribe out of a single carved tree trunk, so there are no parts that have been connected. It’s like furniture that’s also art, that also feels indestructible. They’re made from one of the hardest woods, called ironwood, and they’re heavy as hell. And yet as big as they are, the forms also have this femininity because of the way that the wood is arched and curved. They’re still very soft. One of the beds I use as a coffee table, and one of the beds is so big that when I’m here with groups of friends, we’ll lay someone down on it and do energy work on them. One person can lay down and two people can sit on either side of them, and you feel so supported by this giant piece of wood. Besides those beds, most of the bigger pieces of furniture I found on the Nextdoor app, around Topanga. I picked those pieces up over a handful of months while I was doing construction on the house, and when enough of it was done, just before the snows came, I transported them to Taos. I was able to find insane furniture for really low prices. My giant orange sofa is probably a $5,000 sofa, but I got it for $300. So many people who live in LA have so many resources that if they want something new, and want to get rid of the old thing, it might as well go on the street. So I really got lucky. The green chairs are from Craigslist; Sibyl actually found them. The rounded dining room chairs around that big copper dining room table, I found those on Craigslist too — they came out of a big cruise ship. They were $12 each. This house was so big that I knew I had to be really clever about how I was getting the furniture. There’s just so much already made, why not keep it and move it around and breathe new life into it? One thing I noticed in the photos are the amazing carved-wood shutters. Who made those? The shutters open and close the main bedroom off from the atrium, which is the center of the house. A local artisan carved them many years ago — they were already here when I bought the house. There’s a tradition of carved-wood doors in this part of the country, a tradition that takes many different forms. I recently commissioned a friend of mine, someone I met here, CJ Burnett, to hand-carve the door for my dishwasher. It’s funny, but it’s so beautiful. He and his brother are artists, and carved all the doors for the restaurant his family openened, and they’re so insane. Someday I hope to have him carve all new cabinet fronts for the kitchen. For now though there’s just one. I have so many dreams for this house, like making all the bathrooms special. When you’re hosting guests, how much guidance do you give them about the house and how to experience it? I’ll tell them about the property and the land, and things I think they should do. I have stand-up paddle boards by the pond, because it’s really fun to paddle around while the sun is setting. The swallows dip and dive and eat bugs above you. This house is the very last house at the very tip of the canyon, so there’s no other property between the house and the sunset. It sets just in between these two big hills, and there’s big green pastures and fields in between you, on the paddleboard on the pond, and the sunset. So that’s super special. It’s real soul food. There’s a giant sleeping porch outside the main bedroom, and I offer to set up beds outside so you can sleep outside and have the sounds of the river while you’re sleeping. I engage with each group or each person in a different way. I don’t do one thing for everybody, but feel the group out, or whoever’s making the reservation. I see what they’re looking to do and I respond accordingly. I have lots of favorite restaurants, and a dear friend who does horseback riding lessons. As a host, I stay very connected to the people who stay here. I do most of the communication with them, to make sure they can have the most special time here possible. There’s something for me in it that really is a give-back, and that give-back is really valuable to me. With clothing, half the conversation I have with myself when I’m making it is, will a woman feel good wearing this? Will this bring her comfort? So creating this space and knowing people are coming into it and getting this really special feeling, it all comes from the same place for me — it’s about the way I care for people, whether I know them or not. I have a lot of caring instincts. That’s really part of it for me. 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