#Ask valentine
kroashent · 1 year
We know a lot about the unique traits of Winter Fae, but what are the unique traits of Summer Fae?
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The Sidhe, the Fae of the Northern Islands, divide themselves into the Summer and Winter Courts, drawing various traits and abilities from their associated Court. Most of these traits are fairly general and common, but not universal among individuals. The Courts each hold dominion for half the year, known respectively as Winterule and Summerule.
The Unseelie, the Court of Air and Darkness, are dominant during the months of Kerzu (The Dark Month), Kler (The Ice Month), Skeotrenn (The Rainy Windy Month), and Gwenngaouenn (The Thaw Month). Unseelie Fae draw their Druidecht from aspects of Winter, night, death, ice, and cold. In Bediz (human) belief, they are seen as aloof, cold, and somber due to this association, and are viewed as the more dangerous and hostile, in general. However, Unseelie Druidecht also draws from aspects of hearthfire and rebirth. Unseelie tend to act more measured and calculating than their Summer brethren. The Unseelie Court have a reputation for restraint and subtlety, favouring refined dancing and somber music over wild, energetic displays, aspects of which often carry over to personal interactions, which rely on measured speech and calm logic over impassioned rhetoric. This gives them an air of cold aloofness that puts many at unease.
Unseelie tend to have eyes and hair of cool colours, but also tend to be darker or lighter than their summer counterparts in skin pigmentation. They are naturally immune to the cold, and their skin is often cold to the touch. During Summerule, Unseelie feel overwhelmed, lethargic and angry. Their hud is considerably weaker during the warm months.
The Seelie, the Court of Flame and Light, are dominant during the months of Bleuñvadegou (The Bloom Month), Eost (The Month of Harvest), Gwengolo (The Month of White Wheat), and Du (The Darkening Month). Seelie Fae draw their Druidecht from aspects of Summer daylight, light, growth, flora, storms and warmth, which gives them a positive reputation. They also draw from the destructive aspects of fire and disease. They are seen as mischievous, passionate and energetic, but often cruel. Seelie are more prone to flights of fancy and unfinished passion projects than their Winter kin.
The Seelie Court have a reputation for unrestrained passion, favouring cacophony and energy over measured display. They tend to be outgoing and gregarious, but flighty, unreliable and prone to changes of mood and interest. Seelie Fae tend to talk faster and louder than Unseelie.
Seelie Fae have brighter and warmer colours in their hair and eyes, but tend to be more middle of the road in the lightness or darkness of skin tone. They do well in the heat, and their skin is warm to the touch. During Winterrule, they feel stifled, agitated and bored, with their Hud being weaker during this time.
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bluegiragi · 4 months
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patience and indulgence.
early access + nsfw on patreon
(hey i drew this comic in collaboration with the very talented author prettyunhinged, who wrote an amazing fic to go along with it!!! please leave a comment and kudos if u read it, it's so perfect >.< but also do look at the tags first lmao )
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probablymoons · 4 months
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"If It's Sex You're Looking For..." Designed by Judith Johnson for Hallmark, 1971. Archived from The Peculiar Manicule.
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hellsitegenetics · 3 months
this valentine’s day i would like to profess my undying, ardent love for the callistephus chinensis (china aster)! the flower that contributed to me giving myself my name!!
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not only are they a part of the (superior in my opinion) family of asteraceae, but also the genus’ (callistephus) etymology is derived from the greek words “kalli-” meaning “beautiful” and “stephos” meaning crown. they have beautiful chrysanthemum-esque blooms and come in all sorts of colours (my favourites being purple and white).
straying away from taxonomy a bit, asters in general are one of the birth flowers for september (my birth month!). they symbolise hope, faith and wisdom. and according to greek mythology, astraea (“star maiden”: goddess of purity, justice and innocence) cried because there weren't enough stars in the sky and when her tears hit the earth, they caused asters to bloom! continuing to follow the greek myth, she was the last goddess to live amongst the humans after the golden age, symbolising the decline of hope for humanity along with the decline of the ages. she left and became the constellation virgo i believe!
some more fun fun facts, asters have a most frequently observed number of n = 9 haploid chromosomes (2n = 18 for diploid). the numerology of the word “aster” also happens to be nine and guess what! september is the 9th month of the year! is it obvious i really like the number 9? almost as much as i love asters <3
String identified:
t at’ a t g, at t cat c (ca at)! t tat ctt t gg a!!
t a t a at t ( ) a ataca, t a t g’ (cat) tg t g “a-” ag “at” a “t” ag c. t a at cat- a c a t c ( at g a t).
tag aa ta a t, at ga a t t t ( t t!). t , at a . a accg t g tg, ataa (“ta a”: g t, tc a cc) c ca t 't g ta t a ta t t at, t ca at t ! ctg t t g t, a t at g t agt t a at t g ag, g t c at ag t t c t ag. t a ca t ctat g !act, at a a t t = 9 a c (2 = 18 ). t g t “at” a a t a g at! t t 9t t t a! t a t 9? at a c a at <3
Closest match: Caligus rogercresseyi isolate FCH chromosome 9 Common name: Sea louse
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raycatzdraws · 4 months
idk if u still have requests open, BUUUT i personally never knew remlits could fly back up and thusly never threw one off skyloft. i was shocked when i saw a clip of someone doing that. maybe that w sky + the links?
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Alternate ending under the read more!
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(Twi doesn't know the remlits fly, but he knows Sky can SOOOO
Sky knew what he was getting into xD )
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tf2-ask · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! our artists have worked hard and painted valentines! perfect for congratulating a loved one!
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jellitaro · 5 months
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i had a dream that this meme existed with them and i had to make it please take it
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matching icons for you and your *reads crumpled up note tossed in my direction* WIFE???
free to use these as pfp just like + credit pretty please or ill bite
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wispscribbles · 4 months
late but
Happy Valentine’s Day 😌
Thank you Chloe !! Happy late valentines :D This is a great opportunity for me to share some 141 valentines wips that I didn't finish in time
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xtaleunderverse · 4 months
Hey XChara how many explosions have XFrisk and XMuffet caused this month so far?
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He has lost count. Everyone is focused on wearing ear protection from the explosions.
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beybuniki · 4 months
Any bkdk Valentine art?:)
gay chicken
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comradekatara · 3 months
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kyoshi warrior power couple 🪭🪃⚔️
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kroashent · 1 year
What are the rules for reversing a TF in canon? As opposed to non-canon things.
Well, it really depends on the transformation and the circumstances behind them. Some are very easy to reverse, others almost impossible.
Cast Magic in Kroashent, or Huderezh is established along 4 "aspects", each of which inform the effect and longevity of a given casting. These are: Druidecht, Fis, Fáistine and Amainsecht.
+ Druidecht (Druidry) is the raw power behind a casting. Its basically the "battery" that magic draws upon. The Druidecht of the Oceansong, the spell that creates the mermaid Marie-Morgane, draws from the energy of one of the most cataclysmically powerful Wyldstorms to ever hit Alvez, meaning it has functionally infinite power to draw from, while a small charm from a lesser source may only last a few minutes or even seconds.
+ Fis (Knowledge) is the targeting of the power upon a subject. The stronger the Fis, the more potent and powerful the casting is. A spell targeting "someone who enters this room" is going to be less focused than if a person's true name and specific details are used. The Oceansong, again as an example, weaves the spell together with a person's truename. Basically, the Oceansong becomes a part of their identity, rather than just a temporary effect placed on a person with a less focused casting, so is much harder to dispel.
+ Fáistine (Prophecy) gets into possibilities and probabilities. Huderezh, in essence, is reality manipulation. It is much easier to make a spell that "blows a paper off a table" than "a human is turned into a wolf". The more "likely" an event is to occur naturally, the more stable the spell is to be. Transformation effects usually require a lot of power in the other aspects for initial casting and longevity, because, in most circumstances, their Fáistine is comparatively unstable compared to other types of castings.
+ Amainsecht (Eloquence) is the final aspect of casting, and basically determines how well the other aspects are woven together. Amainsecht can be used to counteract the inherent instability of a casting as base reality tries to re-establish itself by providing "outlets" to establish the timeframe and circumstances of an effect. If there is a way to dispel a casting, beyond the spell just falling apart on its own, it is almost certainly established by the Amainsecht. To use a non-Kroashent example, in Disney's Gargoyles, the terms of the original spell that freezes the clan is predicated on "the castle rising above the clouds". At the time of casting, an eloquent way of providing an outlet for the spell, but in a way that essentially makes it exist in perpetuity... until the castle is transported, brick by brick, onto a Manhattan skyscraper.
Most castings, transformational or otherwise, are short-term affairs to accomplish a specific goal. Longer term curses, such as the Oceansong or the Blood of Conomor (the Curse of the Garwaf) tend to be more elaborate and are harder to dispel.
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ireallyymissu · 4 months
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happy monday guys ✨
if you love me
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utahlive · 4 months
Happy Valentines Day, UtahLIVE nation!
we interrupt today's broadcast to wish you a happy Valentines day, and to give a little gift from me to you!
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Enjoy, have a great day, and see you tomorrow :]
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heartorbit · 3 months
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happy valentines day... 2!
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shanastoryteller · 2 months
“What’s going on with Percy?”
Kingsley looks ups from his paperwork to find Amelia looming over him. Not exactly a common occurrence, since he’s well over a foot taller than her. “Brooks?”
“Merlin, don’t speak to me about Percy Brooks,” she says, pulling a face. She’s the one who brought him up! “Weasley.”
He blinks several times, rolling through Arthur’s children until he lands on the appropriate redhead. A bit uptight, considering his parentage, but Molly can fret with the best of them up until she gets fed up and settles matters with her wand. “I could get Tonks in here, if you want.”
“Do they know each other?” she asks in interest. “They were in different houses, and a couple years apart.”
How does she know that? He knew that, but it was against his will. “Tonks is dating him. Or trying? I’m not totally clear on the specifics despite her best efforts.”
He hadn’t anticipated how much work it would take for him to dodge a trainee determined to complain to him about her love life. It speaks well of her future in the field, at least. Or poorly of his own abilities, but he’s fairly confident in those, so he’s comfortable giving her the credit here.
“Great, a harassment case waiting to happen for our department,” she says dryly.
He rolls his eyes. “The only person he’s complaining about it to is Tonks. Who takes it as encouragement. Which, considering the cause and effect, it very well might be.”
“That’s what I’m talking about,” Amelia says. “What’s what this kid?”
Kingsley is lost again. “Can you get a little more specific?”
“Crouch’s department has become efficient, and dare I saw, effective over the last couple months. It’s certainly got nothing to do to with Crouch, since he’s been useless for nearly a decade. The only thing that’s changed is Percy. Who attends every meeting, claiming Crouch sent him to take notes, and then memos and policy get signed and sent out of Crouch’s office when I know for a fact Crouch is too busy harassing me to do his damn job.”
He tries to avoid the obvious answer because it’s the most ridiculous. “You think it’s him?”
“Who else?” she returns.
Well. “Do you… want me to arrest him?”
“What good would that do?” she demands. “The department is operating smoothly for once. I want to know what his deal is. Is he loyal to Crouch? Plotting against us? Just really passionate about bottom thickness?”
Not according to Tonks.
If he was alone, he’d bang his head on his desk until he’s unable to remember what Tonks’s voice sounded like and then maybe he’d know peace.
“Everyone’s got to start somewhere,” he says. “You’re noticing. Maybe that’s what he’s after.”
“I’m noticing because I notice everything. He’s taking significant steps to ensure people don’t notice. How’s he supposed to get promoted that way? Or transferred?” She shakes her head. “He’s doing it for a reason. Do me a favor and find out.”
Why can’t she ask him something simple, like hiding a body or burying evidence?
Now he has to spend his lunch break listening to Tonks talk about her not-boyfriend.
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