#As the gods will 2
Group F Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is of Kiyoshirou Ushimitsu, a man with long, black hair, worn loose. there is a small bleeding cut on his left cheek. the second image is of Su Moting, a woman with wavy brown hair pulled into a ponytail, and brown eyes. she's wearing a blue shirt. end ID]
Kiyoshirou Ushimitsu
Ushimitsu is an absolute powerhouse competitor in the death game he finds himself in. Strong and clever, he often wins challenges in unorthodox ways. But when it comes down to it, all he cares about is the survival of himself and his beloved Akashi. Gays stay winning 🌈
Su Moting
Half god half monster girl who is fully human. Cringefail losergirl who is the chosen one but also sucks at it
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anewgayeveryday · 10 months
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Kiyoshirou Ushimitsu from Kamisama no Iutoori 2|As the Gods Will 2-MLM
Requested by Anon
Status: Alive
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❝Yandere Ushimitsu Headcanons❞
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⤷Me? Coming out of hiatus with smth no one asked for with a fandom no one knows?? It's more likely than you think..
⤷Also I hc as Ushimitsu as bi with no preference and Demisexual, and I'm gonna have 2 give u a more detailed personality here, sorry if it isn't you
⤷ Gender neutral reader, maybe one or two mentions of AFAB parts?
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Ushimitsu is basically already a yandere, but he's definitely more on the peaceful side, not because he is against violence but because he does whatever you tell him to
I don't usually give Yanderes preferences when I write them but Ushimitsu is the exception, Because of his backstory I cannot see him being with someone bitter, cynical or pessimistic. He loves Akashi because of how determined and hopeful he is
Ushimitsu's loves someone who never gives up, believes in people and sees the best in them, basically of your a Shonen protagonist your his dream partner
You meet during the first death game with the onis
As you see in the manga, Ushimitsu is devoted, He literally turns back time because he can't live without Akashi, he will do anything to protect you
He always looks out for you in games, you basically have your own bodyguard, if you ever get split up he's not happy, and he's not above pouting until you get back
He really doesn't care if you don't like him back, he's happy to pine for you as long as he can be near you and keep you safe that's good enough for him
He's basically Op in the manga, like deadass he really has no weakness - Besides you of course
Ushimitsu's not dumb, he's quite smart, but he's willing to throw all logical thinking aside when it comes to you
S/o says the moon is fake? He always knew it, he swears he saw it rip one day
He has quite low self-esteem, after all the ridicule he went though while he was younger, he seems himself as less than you, you are a shooting star and he's simply an observer, there to watch your beauty as you burn eternally
Even if you say you love and and want to be with you, it's not that he doesn't belive you, he just doesn't think he deserves you
He's quite easy to manipulate tbh, if it's you he's like a puppy, you tell him he needs to bulk up? He'll do that, cut his hair? No problem, whatever you want
He's quite soft, he just wants to be loved and held, but he's his own worse enemy, some days you have to hold him down and convince him he's worthy of love
Even with god's powers he's quite soft, all he really uses it for you, he wants to know where you are? Let's see
If you become God with him he's gonna be even more devoted, you belong as a diety and he just wants to worship you
He really will do anything you want, top? Bottom? He's happy as long as he's with you and making you feel good
He loves to kiss you, having his hands on you, not always in a sexual way, he just likes to feel you and make sure you're there, that you're not just something his brain made up
He likes kiss your neck, the idea of you marking him however? God just the thought of it gets him excited
He really likes it when you claim him as yours, he can actually get quite jealous, and he's not above complaining about new things taking you're attention
Malewife, he's a great cook, his food is to die for, he loves seeing you happy,
He doesn't mind cleaning up as well so it doesn't matter if your naturally messy
He loves when you top him, even if your smaller than him, feeling you on his lap
He whines, and begs, and whimpers, he really has no shame, whatever you want <3
He really only has eyes for you, I said this already but he gets jealous really easily, he just wants your attention
He loves giving oral, pls sit on his face, he wants you to suffocate him with your thighs, doesn't matter how big or heavy you are, if you hover he will pull you down and hold you there, he could stay there all night if he wanted
He's like strong af, he fights like a giant demon dog and wins no problem so he can carry you no matter how big you are
There's no negative self talk with him! You're perfect to him just the way you are, fat rolls, hip dips, acne, chubby face, flat chest / ass? He does not care, if you're insecure he'll just use his God powers to rewrite the universes beauty standard to you
He's really into body worship, when he says you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen? He's not lying, it feels so genuine and makes you feel so loved, it's hard to be insecure around him
He loves compliments and pet names, he just wants you to feel loved and safe
Whenever you sleep / nap together he always wants to hold you, he feels better if you're there, he's woken up a few times without you there and he's had a heart attack, jumping up and freaking out before you came back from the toilet
You once forgot to tell him you are going to the store, one heart attack and multiple teleportations all around the world he didn't let you leave his sight for a while
He follows you everywhere, scary dog privledges
He'll do anything for you, just say the word
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animate-the-arts · 10 months
thinking about as the gods will and how traumatic it would be
and now sobbing cause i cant sleep without thinking about it
(i watched this)
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soupy-the-only-one · 2 years
All the High Schooler on earth, forced to kill each others just to help a gay romance: AM I JOKE TO YOU
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starlight-bread-blog · 3 months
Me: I shouldn't disturb Neil Gaiman. I shouldn't send an ask unless I really have no way of getting the information otherwise. I'll check old interviews and all the articles that vaguely mention the subject. Of course it goes without saying that I'll read though the FAQ in its entirety. Only then, will I send an ask. However, I'd be very polite and praise his work, as anyone would. I'd also keep it short, because I don't want to waste his time. But I'd keep it very very respectful. I'd be sending a message to a very talented, amazing author that deals with god knows how many like me. Or I'd just stay in the dark and not send him an ask. Yeah, I'll do that.
My Dash:
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sillylittlegaymer · 2 months
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gerardpilled · 4 months
I hate when an artist gets exposed for being a bad person and people start the narrative “why would you even want to listen to their shitty music” when are we going to be freed from the idea that only good people create good art and bad people create bad art. It just makes it harder for these types of people to be exposed because now you got people thinking “how is this possible, his music is so good!”
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Man this scene in FNAF 2 movie is gonna be wild-
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vavoom-sorted-art · 8 months
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what happened on the drive home from tadfield...?
Edit: this happens on wednesday after the paintball arena (and the wall slam), not after the nopocalypse! I am well aware they took the bus! ^^
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nitw · 1 month
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this is the funniest boon ever. and right after an interaction where zeus was like "my wife just pretends that she hates me LOL playful insulting is what keeps a marriage strong 👍"
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brown-spider · 10 months
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I would immediately ask him the stupidest questions. “Did you have toilets back then?” “Do you know what an oven is?” “Things must’ve been great before guns were invented, huh?”
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hansoeii · 11 months
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head empty, no thoughts. just turtleneck crowley
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sidcrosbrainworms · 1 year
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today’s ao3 experience
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