#Armand x denis
The Devil's Minion meta analysis
It was as though Armand feasted upon the feast, drinking in that part of life which he could not share any longer except with his eyes...
...and he watched as the boy drank deeply ...consumed it slowly, his eyes fixed on Armand.
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"He was busy with his human boy, who was dining at the desk on silver plates of meats and fish. A decanter of white wine stood next to him, and though he was feverish and weak from last night, his skin was florid and his heat and fragrance were a torment to me. Not apparently to Armand, who sat in the leather chair by the fire opposite me, turned to the human, his arms folded on the leather arm. The boy filled his glass and held it up now in a salute. 
"My master," he said, his eyes flashing on me as he smiled; but the toast was to Armand. 
"Your slave," Armand whispered with a deep intake of breath that was passionate. 
And he watched, as the boy drank deeply. I could see him savoring the wet lips, the mobile flesh of the throat as the wine went down. And now the boy took a morsel of white meat, making that same salute, consumed it slowly, his eyes fixed on Armand.
It was as though Armand feasted upon the feast, drinking in that part of life which he could not share any longer except with his eyes"  
Louis telling Daniel what he witnessed of Armand watching Denis in Paris, 1870. IWTV p248-9 Knoff
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If Armand could possibly arrange it
he watched from a chair nearby
a dark-eyed Cupid with a tender approving smile. Hot, nerve-searing, this witnessed passion, Daniel working the other body with ever greater abandon, aroused by the dual purpose
    ...If Armand could possibly arrange it...
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Armand watching Daniel watching him with Louis.
and he watched as the boy drank deeply
consumed it slowly, his eyes fixed on Armand.
...consumed it slowly, his eyes fixed on Armand...
Yes, watching is their thing.
And when you're a telepathic vampire, you are also 'watching' from inside the human's mind.
Consider: The mechanics of vamp/mortal lovers presented in a more explicit way in TVA is the most significant insight Armand's relationship with Marius sheds on TDM. A&D can, and do, make love the same way M&A did, with mouths and hands and emotional intimacy and blood for Armand and orgasms for Daniel.
"Daniel loved the feel of the hard gleaming white hands moving over his naked flesh, rather like satin gloves. And the brown eyes that seemed to draw Daniel out of himself; ah, the delicious disorientation, the certainty that he was being carried downwards, out of all things physical, and finally the hands closing on his throat gently, and the teeth breaking through the skin. He closed his eyes, his body heating slowly, only to burn truly when Armand's blood touched his lips." Armand and Daniel, circa 1980. TQOTD p89 Knoff
Yet A&D also pick up thirds for sex when they get cruised.
"Men and women fell in love with Armand, of course, "so innocent, so passionate, so brilliant!" You don't say. In fact, Armand's power to seduce was almost beyond his control. And it was Daniel who must bed these unfortunates, if Armand could possibly arrange it, while he watched from a chair nearby, a dark-eyed Cupid with a tender approving smile. Hot, nerve-searing, this witnessed passion, Daniel working the other body with ever greater abandon, aroused by the dual purpose of every intimate gesture. Yet he lay empty afterwards, staring at Armand, resentful, cold." Armand and Daniel, circa 1980. TQOTD p86 Knoff
1st rule of VampChron: read between the lines
Daniel loves that Armand is a monster. Armand loves that Daniel is human. These two are deeply romantically and erotically in love with one another as species as well as people
Daniel wants to be a vampire with Armand. Armand wants to experience as much of a human life as possible with Daniel
Becoming a vampiric predator is Daniel's greatest wish. Yet Armand is so vigilant over Daniel's humanity he will not let him see him kill even when he begs
This is the fundamental dynamic of their lives together between 1977 and 1985
The 'flight gap' that Daniel inserts into his story to tease Lestat simultaneously with a 'sex gap' - leaving out the method by which he and Armand journeyed from Pompeii to Rome just as he leaves out what they were doing in that hotel bed he awakens in next morning- is an effective device, to cause the reader to compare Armand to Pandora and the other vamps revealed to be able to fly for the first time in this volume, think about what other vampiric powers Armand is logically using- and intentionally inserted by Rice in that sexual context
Riceian vamps cannot possess humans, that is beyond them, but Akasha speaks in detail to Lestat of using mind gift to enter human minds and psychically know their experience and senses secondhand. Other vampires speak of it in other volumes
Just as he did with Denis, Armand can share, can savor Daniel's sensual experiences in his mind
Or Armand can go into the mind of any third who is in their bed
Any strong vampire could do this. Armand himself is particularly talented with mind gift 
Armand is excited vampirically by human physiological responses to sexual pleasure- canonically Riceian vampire bodies don't have libido and they don't have orgasm- but the ecstatic peak from blood, and erotic pleasure they get from their vamp senses of touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste, make orgasm seem trite. Witnessing human sexual pleasure can be temendously eroticly satisfying to a vampire
The context lends itself to the opposite question- why not? They are living a life together in NYC, involved in the real world of 20something culture surrounding them. They are a young, horny, bisexual couple during the 1977-81 zenith of the sexual revolution when swinging became mainstream, and both are getting something out of encounters with thirds
Daniel tells us "I am the Devil's minion and he gives me my every wish." Armand showers him with satisfaction of human desires: plentiful and varied entertainment and intellectual pursuits, fine food and drink, safety, freedom and adventure, luxurious properties and beautiful possessions, novel and plentiful sex is naturally on this list of good things. Armand confirms "tell me what you want, Daniel, and I'll get it for you"
Daniel feels "passion" for these thirds, loves the "Hot, nerve-searing" sex
Armand loves it too. It's the sexiest virtual reality game ever and playing it was his idea
Armand genuinely being "tender", him genuinely "approving" of Daniel's "passion", this affirmation sends Daniel in "ever greater abandon" the intensity is enormous, more so for "dual purpose": being shared by his telepathic lover
And then the sex is done and Armand's mind is back on his vampiric body and Daniel is left looking at him sitting cool and unaffected across the room, Daniel feels empty and cold, of course he does: it's sub drop, and he's resentful of the unfair imbalance that Armand can play at this but Daniel is totally shut out of vampirism, and more inescapably human than ever in these post-coital moments
Daniel describes their thirds as "these unfortunates" because as a fellow human he knows they can't really consent to being used as Armand's virtual reality avatar. They are taking up a role similar to Denis's silver plates of meats and fish and they can never understand that because they don't believe in telapathic vamps
Thirds are also "unfortunates" because Daniel is just as uncertain as we are- as with so many thing with TDM, grasping Daniel's uncertainty is crucial- if they may end up Armand's dinner once they are out of his sight. No matter how many roomfulls of humans Armand seduces with a twitch of his finger, no matter how "in love" they feel with Armand, Armand loves only Daniel. And you can bet your ass that kicks Daniel's pedal. He's no lamb, our Daniel. That hard vampire kink is a serious kind of darkness
The fact that Daniel is bisexual: feeling "passion" for both the women and the men, not a hetero/homo/ace lamb suffering rape on the regular by Armand-as-depraved-bisexual-nasty-stereotype isn't a matter of 'how the reader would prefer to headcanon Daniel'. It is crucial understanding
Crucial in understanding Armand's development from suffering because he had selfishly manipulated Louis to respecting his lover and giving him self-determination, to learning to love selflessly even at cost to himself. TDM is Armand's redemption story. Any comprehension of his character arc is lost with misreading of Daniel's genuine "passion" for both the women and men
And crucial understanding of Daniel, who is slammed with surprise horror at his bloodlust and murderousness once he is a vampire. He thought he was proving he could be a bit predatory with these thirds, as with joining in Armand's exploitative billionairism, but even as Armand shared the adventure of robbing and looting he would not let Daniel see him massacre narcotic traffickers. Armand let him maintain his romantic delusions that feeding on human death was not horrible, a horrible price to pay for immortality. This understanding is lost with misreading Daniel as humiliated in the encounters with thirds
Daniel describes Armand in this context as a "tender" "Cupid". Passion is not a synonym for rape. Tender is not a synonym for assault. Cupid is not a synonym for rapist. Listen to the text. Take the text at its word
The Devil's Minion does not exist in isolation. It exists within and is illuminated by, and in turn illuminates, other parts of TQOTD story, and other volumes
In a way this paragraph is the key to understanding The Devil's Minion thread of TQOTD, and all the nuance between the lines can only be unlocked with the illumination of *all* the lore in the first three books
Against-text headcanons are wonderful, fun, personally beloved and the indispensable fulcrum for transformative fanwork. No one wants to stamp on anyone's personal straight, transmasculine, strictly gay, asexual, enby, victimised, or other Daniel Molloy. Because VC is a series, a grasp of the actual textual canon of each volume is necessary to other volumes and understanding the characters arcs developed across volumes
And it's a bit disingenuous to accuse the TV show of 'straightwashing' Daniel into bisexuality. A good working definition of bisexuallity is feeling sexual passion for men and for women. Bisexual is and has always been Daniel's textual orientation.
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nothing-but-paisley · 8 months
Thinking about Armand's relationship with food and sustenance.
Much of his trauma relates to hunger--watching monks slowly starve in the monastery knowing that would be his fate one day, then being starved by his captors as a human AND as a vampire. Finally he inflicts this suffering on weaker vampires.
The first thing Marius does is feed him. Marius later becomes a literal source of nourishment by feeding Armand his blood, which he compares to honey. Armand often describes the lavish, abundant food at the palazzo. It's easy to see how he would grow to associate food and love.
That's especially interesting in light of his treatment of Daniel. When they first meet, he pulls his go-to coven master move (lock up+starve). A major turning point in the relationship happens when Armand orders everything on the menu for Daniel at the Copley. An abundance of food reflects emotion. It's how Armand expresses care.
On the night of the first blood exchange, Armand declares his love by feeding and feeding from Daniel. (Feeding is also an act of ownership: "you are mine, beautiful boy.")
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crosscountryrally · 1 year
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X-Raid confirma alineación de cuatro autos para el Dakar 2023: Przygonski y Halpern con el Plus T1+, Krotov y Al-Qassimi con el Buggy
El equipo X-Raid buscará prenderse en el Dakar 2023 con un nuevo auto que pretende que vuelvan a pelear los primeros puestos, luego de que el último par de años privilegiaran en alineación al Q Motorsport con el proyecto de Audi. Esta temporada X-Raid llega al Dakar con un nuevo auto cumpliendo la normativa T1+ con una alineación de duplas veloces en Kuba Przygonski y Armand Monleón y el argentino Sebastián Halpern con Ronnie Graue llevando el debut del MINI JCW Rally Plus. Además, el fiable y querido MINI JCW Buggy volverá una nueva edición tratando de meterse entre los primeros pero sin la reglamentación T1+: Khalid Al-Qassimi y Ola Floene pilotarán la primera unidad con Denis Krotov y Konstantin Zhiltsov en la segunda.
X-Raid cumple 20 años en el Rally Cross Country y buscará sumar otro gran resultado a su potente historia donde han ganado seis ediciones del Dakar en 2012, 2013 (Peterhansel), 2014 (Roma), 2015 (Al-Attiyah), 2020 (Sainz) y 2021 (Peterhansel). 
Kuba Przygonski es la principal carta del X-Raid de cara a este Dakar y el polaco llega con nuevo navegante en Armand Monleón que viene de ser el copiloto de Lucio Álvarez en el Dakar 2022 y el Mundial de Cross Country donde ganaron el Rally de Kasajistán. Antes, Monleón fue navegante de Gerard Farrés en los SSV. Przygonski, ex-motard que llegó a ser P6 en motos en 2014, viene compitiendo en los autos desde 2016 y acumula ya 5 Top 10 en 7 participaciones con mejor resultado de cuarto en 2019 y 2021. En 2022 pilotando un MINI JCW Buggy del X-Raid fue sexto, un resultado bastante notable considerando que el Buggy estaba en desventaja mecánica con los T1+.
El mendocino Sebastián Halpern buscará mejorar el octavo puesto del Dakar 2022, donde también corrió con el Buggy en desigualdad mecánica. Después de iniciar su carrera en los Quads donde llegó a ser segundo en 2011, Halpern se pasó a los autos donde consiguió la novena posición con un programa privado en 2018. Desde entonces estuvo fuera de la competencia hasta regresar junto al probado navegante Ronnie Graue en 2022, también entrenando en el Mundial de Cross Country.
El Dakar 2023 comienza dentro de 11 días, el 31 de diciembre en Arabia Saudita.
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madnessr · 1 year
Reunited Preview
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Summary: 300 years had passed since 1725, where three vampires had lost the only thing that mattered to them. Now in the year 2025, they are reunited with the one person they cannot lose again.
A poly Lestat, Louis, and Armand x Reader relationship
Preview Warnings: None
Reunited Masterlist
For your scheduled hour, you did nothing but play and enjoy. Playing Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker, Waltz of The Flowers; to Saint-Saëns The Carnival of The Animals. You played it all, a gentle smile tugging at your lips whenever a note hit so beautifully. Sending shivers down your arms and goosebumps, you never failed to get when music was played. 
You hadn't changed one bit. 
Perhaps you would've grown shy while performing if you knew, but this moment had no significant meaning to you. You're just doing your job, simple as that. But what meant so little to you made dead hearts begin to leap again. What it meant for them to see you again, thriving, living, and mortal. Three-hundred unforgiving and torturous years did they spend without you. They spent years getting over your death, and while getting over you wasn't ever accomplished, continuing to survive was. Although blood lacked its taste, the night air its crispness, and music its charm. You stood there on a small stage. Single-handedly providing their miserable lives with color again. With meaning. All they've long forgotten what it meant to be, or instead feel human again, this was the closest they'll ever get to being so vulnerable. 
Lestat, although having been the most stubborn about accepting your death, was now struggling the most to understand that you were, in fact, alive. Right in front of him, so reachable, so obtainable. But he didn't dare move, frozen in his chair as he watched you. He had dreamed of you every cursed second you were apart, and some part of him didn't want to accept this as reality. Countless nights did he awake in his coffin, arms that had been around you in his dreams now empty. He never minded how cold his skin felt, but nothing was more challenging than the loneliness you left behind. His grief denied him this moment, compared to Louis, who felt nothing but joy; he just couldn't, unlike Armand, who shared the same happiness and disbelief as Louis. 
He was certain you weren't really there. 
To wake up alone after this moment once more, after something that felt so real. So Lestat stayed where he was, silently grieving the only sun in his life that didn't hurt, and enjoyed the sight of you in front of him, alive once more. 
But before you knew it, and any of them wanted to accept, your time was up, and a young pianist came to take your place. You bowed, unaware of the three men who had watched your entire performance with bated breaths. 
As you left the scene. One thing was understood between the three of them; the world wasn't the same without you. They had been given one thing they never had themselves, a second chance. One thing was for sure, they won't lose you again.  
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
Vamptember Day 4 - Messy Eater
(Professor!Marius x Student!Armand, Rated M!!)
Marius receives an email from one of his students the day after he sends the book list out. The class hasn’t met yet; five days left of the summer break. He never really knows what to expect from students who reach out early; questions, or excuses, or garden variety lack of boundaries. 
This one is a a very polite Hello, sorry to bother you so soon. I was wondering if you have extra copies of the textbooks available during office hours. I will not be able to purchase them for another few weeks and worry I might miss the first few assignments. Normal enough, Marius thinks. Always a few of these. But then a I’m looking really forward to your class, I read your book when it came out a few years ago and it really shaped the way I viewed higher education.
Flattery is always appreciated, of course. He rubs his temple as he reads over it a few more times, both to store the compliment and to file it away as a tactic. Students like this come and go, who try to be sweet, to gain Marius’s favor. It’s not a useless trick, to tell the truth. But he likes to know when he’s being deceived.
Either way, he answers promptly. Of course, here are the office hours, come by any time to reference the texts. He sends the message along and forgets all about it.
The class meets at the end of the week; one of those huge introductory lectures that Marius hates a little bit. Not as engaging as his smaller groups. He likes to learn his students names, and it can be hard when they sit so far at the top, sneaking out the moment he shuts the projector off. But it goes well, they seem alert. His jokes land and they ask questions, which is all he can ask for. And he’s forgotten all about the email when he dismisses everyone, and he’s putting his laptop back into his bag as someone lurks in his periphery. 
He sees the legs first. Slender and long, endless stretch of bare skin before the end in the frayed hem of cut denim shorts. So short that the white of his pockets are peeking out, just a bit. 
“May I help you?” Marius asks. 
The boy shifts his weight, adjusts his messenger bag. The smallest shorts imaginable, but an oversized sweater that dangles down to show off a shoulder. The strap of his bag rubs a faint pink mark that blooms beneath a spray of freckles. 
This is a tactic, too, he thinks. There’s always one of these students, trying to gain Marius’s favor. Making suggestions like it can help their grades. And, though he’ll deny it for eternity, it’s not an entirely useless trick, either.
The last one flashes in his memory. Lydia. Mouthy freshman who would argue him in front of the whole class, and he’d have to keep her after. And her mouth was good for other things, too. He stares at the pink mark on his student’s shoulder and recalls the way his handprint would glow on Lydia’s ass cheek afterwards.
“I emailed you?” the boy says. Marius is too suspicious already to hear the lilt in his voice as anything but a ploy. He shifts again, and rolls one of his feet to the side, and Marius can’t tell if that’s sincere, either. He glances down to watch, to see the vaguest hint of in-toeing. They’re low cut Cons that show off his ankles. “I’m Armand? I emailed you about referencing the text book?”
“Oh,” Marius says. He smiles, tries to reign his suspicion in, to seem normal. “Of course. Why don’t you come to my office?”
They make small talk on the short walk through the hallway. Armand speaks softly, but his eyes are alert. Marius wonders if it’s an act. He hangs back, fusses with the strap on his bag as Marius unlocks his office, invites him inside. He grabs the book off one of the high shelves.
“Is it okay if I eat?” Armand asks. “This is my only break today.”
“Of course,” Marius says. He smiles again. He sits behind his desk, opens his laptop. He’s only half working, puttering around pretending to be busy as he watches Armand. 
Armand sets his bag down on one of the chairs and digs through it. He pulls out a notebook and a peach. He chews at his lip as he searches one of the pockets for a pen. 
I read your book when it came out a few years ago, his email said, and Marius pulls it up on his laptop to read it again. He glances from the words to the boy's face. 
“How old are you, Armand?” he asks. 
“Excuse me?”
“I thought you would be an older student. You said in your email that you read my book when it came out.”
“Oh,” he laughs nervously. He scratches at the back of his head. “I was ahead.”
Quite the non-answer, but he doesn’t say anything else. Instead, he pulls the chair to the side of the desk, nearest where Marius is sitting. He opens the book and tilts it to where Marius can see.
“Is this the right chapter?” he asks. Their knees brush as he takes his seat. “I had a few questions, I was hoping you could explain to me.”
Marius shifts. Stares. Well are you ahead or not? 
“I’d imagine this would be easy for someone with your reading level.”
Armand bites into the peach. His free hand drifts on the desk, grazing Marius’s wrist. He watches Marius’s face as he does it, as the juice drips down his chin.
The silence is arresting. Marius glances at his open office door. The juice glistens on Armand’s pale skin.
“You’re making a mess,” he mumbles. “Do you need a napkin?”
And it’s a tactic. He knows it. It’s a deception. The eyes are too sharp, too amused. 
He chews slowly and his throat moves as he swallows. He licks his bottom lip.
“That would be great, thank you,” he says, and leans across the desk to take Marius’s pocket square. 
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apoptoses · 1 year
One of the many (many!) reasons I love your take on D/A so much is because it takes me back to that bit in QoTD that goes something like “in the very midst of life they plunged”, which is imo the core of their relationship and the bond they share with each other. Whatever they get up to together? It’s only a thing because they get to experience it together and they experience it fully. Truly the definition of two mfs who’ve tried everything once. Partners in crime 4ever imma cry!!! And yes ofc Armand getting freaky at the doctor’s office DEFINITELY counts, so excited for this xoxo DA 🥹
Oh, DA, thank you 🥹
And like, I have this thing about seeing all of a person.
There's an intrusive thought I have a lot about c-sections. How if you have a c-section the doctors will see more of your body than you'll ever see yourself, and if they let your partner come around the curtain to cut the cord then they will also have seen your insides. Imagine not knowing what your own stomach looks like but the person you're with has seen. That's like the most fucked up form of intimacy possible.
And that's something I come back to with Armand and Daniel and the concept of them experiencing things together that they'll never experience with anyone else, and experiencing them to an extreme no one else would take it to.
So in this fic I have this bit:
He couldn’t deny that the idea turned him on once Armand put it in his head. Being so sexually obsessed with someone that you had to know every part of them, that their outsides won’t do. That Armand had to know the shape and form of his organs as well as he knew his face or his hands. Had to know things Daniel didn’t even know about himself. The worst injury he’d ever gotten was a broken arm. He remembered the visceral feeling of seeing his own bones on the x-ray and he wondered if Armand would feel the same once he turned on the ultrasound machine.
And then it just spirals from there, with Armand doing everything he can see to see every part and function of him possible to see in this exam room.
And idk, the intimacy of it gets me. Modern humans are shaved and washed and sanitized like walking embalmed corpses and I think Armand would want to get beyond that and see the messy parts, the visceral things that could be considered gross. He's a little freak who wants all of Daniel.
I hope you like it when I post it!! Just promise to take my hand, trust me, and look past the tags this once (because nothing I write is ever as extreme as the tags make it sound lol) 🥰
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fenicenera83 · 1 year
“And the last book focuses on the relationship between Marius and Armand. It may have been a moment when he returned to Armand, as it may be that in the end Marius, Armand and Daniel, they found their way to stay together.” That’s absolutely true and I wanted to mention it in my last message. If you take BC’s ending into account, what you get is the three of them all finding their way back to each other and very likely learning to live together in love and harmony. My point was simply that the text is the text, and trying to play off Daniel leaving Marius (whether it was what Marius felt or what Daniel actually did kind of deviates from the point I think) for Armand as something that didn’t actually happen or that didn’t impact their dynamics is also falling into the trap of conveniently ignoring certain parts of canon to make them fit into our own headcanons x
I am happy to share the thought that they are finally reunited, together, as they should be. I don't know maybe I explained myself badly, and I apologize my English is not the best, of course Daniel has returned to Armand, I'm not denying this. Nor do I deny that this created 'misunderstandings' between them. What I mean is that we don't know what led to this decision or even if it's definitive. It might just be Anne Rice's need to put Marius's character on edge in some way. It could be that she decided to push Daniel away so that Marius had to somehow grow as a character again. And then it's really strange, because Daniel goes back to Armand, and Armand goes back to the palace, without him. What's the point in Daniel going back to Armand if Armand leaves again? And what's more, this separation brings Armand back to confronting what he feels for Marius. So what's the point? That's why I'm not so attached to the word 'lost', there's a lot that doesn't add up. But that's probably just the opinion of old bones, always needing clarity.
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self-shipping-chaos · 2 years
Hello! Welcome to the blog! You can call me Shark or Omen, I answer to either. A few things to note:
Please DNI if you are not 18+
There will be yandere content on this blog, if you don't like this then don't interact
I'm not gonna tolerate anon hate, I will simply block and move on and yes it is possible to block anons
I'll add info about my self inserts as I finish making them
My f/os are as follows, feel free to send in asks about them and my s/is
Cyrus (Pokemon)
Giovanni (Pokemon)
Archie (Pokemon)
Maxie (Pokemon)
Cynthia (Pokemon)
Cyllene (Pokemon)
Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Doctor Octopus/Otto Octavius/Olivia Octavius (Raimi, Spiderverse, TSSM, the animated series, comics, PS4)
Pretty much any Mark Sheppard character (Crowley (spn), Charles Walker (Medium), Cecil (X Files), Kipling (Doom Patrol), Arnon (Charmed), Badger (Firefly), Charles LeBlanc (Xtinction: Predator X)
Yoshikage Kira (JJBA)
Jotaro Kujo (JJBA)
Rohan Kishibe (JJBA)
Lucifer (Obey Me)
Mammon (Obey Me)
Leviathan (Obey Me)
Satan (Obey Me)
Asmodeus (Obey Me)
Beelzebub (Obey Me)
Belphegor (Obey Me)
Barbatos (Obey Me)
Diavolo (Obey Me)
Stephen Arden (Species)
Maxim Horvath (Sorcerer's Apprentice)
Comte de Reynaud (Chocolat)
Boris "The Butcher" Blavasky (Man Who Knew Too Little)
Denis Brabant (Scorpion Spring)
Armand Gamache (Three Pines)
Leland Drury (White Fang 2)
Hugh Weldon (Pete's Meteor)
Andrés Galan (Matador)
Ricardo Morales (Law and Order LA)
Chandler Manning (The Lodger)
Angel (Maverick)
Gabriel Duvall (Law and Order SVU, but rewritten with more consistency)
Ares (Wonder Woman 2009)
Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin (Batman)
Dr. Stephen Strange/Sinister Strange/Heartless Strange (MCU, What If...?, and comics)
Michael Myers (the original 1978 version)
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface
Pyramid Head
Valak (the demon from The Conjuring 2 and The Nun)
Cardinal Copia/Papa Emeritus IV (Ghost)
Father Jim DeFroque (Ghost)
Mary Goore (Repugnant)
Father Gascoigne (Bloodborne)
Moon Presence (Bloodborne)
Amygdala (Bloodborne)
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Bloodborne)
Bob Velseb (Spooky Month)
Granthem Du'Met/Hector Munday (Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me)
I'll add more as time goes on
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feefeewrites · 2 years
A rose by any other name (smells just as sweet)
Comte de Reynaud x reader
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Chapter two: Aunt Armande
Before you can properly open the door, a small figure forces it open and barges in to the front room.
Knowing that purposeful stride from anywhere, you ask tentatively: "Tante?"
Without any proper introduction, welcome or a "Bonjour, how do you do", she spits at you with her usual venom: "Ah, finally she graces us with her presence. Got too much city airs to let your poor aunt know you've returned?"
You did not expect to see her here, right in front of you. You had hoped your arrival had stayed unnoticed.
Fumbling for an answer you replied eventually: "I did not know you would recognise me, ma tante!" A blatant lie, you just figured cousin Caroline would have dragged her off to le Mortuare by now. You had planned to visit her there, when you had time.
"You did not know if I still lived here, did you? I am old, not senile. You were always a shit liar" - you tried to deny her former statement but- "Ne mente pas, I can see it in your eyes." Her face softens a bit: "Now come here, silly girl."
With surprising force the woman pulled you down to her level and wrapped her arms around you. You hugged the woman, who, you realised, was so much smaller than you remembered. Tears gathered in your eyes; you did not know you had been missed in this small town.
Releasing you from the firm hug, both of you rapidly blinking away any moisture in your eyes, she reached over suddenly to tug your ear. You remembered the sensation just like it was yesterday. Boy did that take you back to getting reprimanded after some prank or badly planned exploit when you were a mischievous child. "Seven years! No letter, no telegram, no nothing! Let me take a good look at you at least."
She took your chin between her thumb and forefinger and turned your face towards her critical eyes. She harrumphed: "Ah, face just like your mother. Lucky for you, you didn't take after ton père. Your father made even an ogre look handsome."
"Acted like an ogre though," you replied earnestly.
She snorted. "That he did, child."
She promptly looked from your front room into the kitchen. "I suppose you have nothing to feed me yet, since you arrived only this morning. I'll make us dinner, then we can catch up, eh? Only because you're my favourite niece though."
"I'm your only niece, aunt Armande."
"Quite right and don't you forget it."
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The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 8 - Parisian Nightmares
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Summary: With Neil MIA you have some time to think about everything that happened. But you are not allowed peace at all..
Warnings: Swearing.
Author’s Notes: The longest chapter yet, so sorry for that. It’s a little bit of a filler slower one so hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think!
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Supposedly the idea of having lunch with TP would have scared you more if it was not for the way he guided you through the experience. He ordered food from the dining hall and made sure you had your coffee before starting any serious topics. Your tired and confused self really appreciated the efforts.
“So what do you want to talk about?” you asked after finally feeling more like a functioning human being.
“I thought we could discuss the things to come…” he briefly searched for the right words “Parts of it is what Neil already knows, but some details are not meant for him” he looked at you with a serious gaze “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, of course” you nodded, feeling both intrigued and nervous.
Ever since the topic of The Algorithm has been first breached, you hoped to learn more. Probably Neil’s presence would have helped at the moment, but if that was not possible then you just had to face the truth calmly. If not now, then when?
“Can I ask something first?”
“Go ahead”
“My recruitment… it wasn’t just because I was recommended by my professor, was it?” you felt like you already knew the answer but had to ask anyway.
“No” TP smiled “I knew from a good source that we had to recruit you”
You stared at him, desperately trying to comprehend what he meant. Suddenly you understood Neil and his despise of half-truths.
“Can I ask who’s that source?”
TP just smiled apologetically, and you groaned.
“Right. Did Neil know?”
“No, I only told him that you have to be enlisted” at your questioning stare, he added “It’s safer that way” he shrugged as though it explained everything.
It did not, but you began to understand that it was not meant to make sense. A sentence said during one of your early lectures rung out in your head: Don’t try to understand it. Feel it. Maybe that was the whole point.
“So that’s how you know that I’ll be needed during the plan? From the source?”
“Kind of” he grinned again “It’s a very reliable source, I must add” he looked at you pointedly and laughed at your confused face “I swear this will get clearer with time”
The reassuring smile made you feel somewhat better. Taking a sip of the coffee, you considered what was being said.
“When does it all begin?”
“With action in Kiev Opera in a month, more or less. But in reality, it already began years ago”
You frowned, feeling your head go blank. TP was smiling, clearly enjoying your utter confusion.
“It’s okay, you’ll catch up eventually”
“Thanks, that’s encouraging” you lightly smacked him in the shoulder.
“I’ll give you more information leading up to Kiev and then after” he explained after a short silence “But you can’t know the whole progression of events. I’m the only one who is cursed with that”
The sudden change in the tone made you stare at him curiously. But his face was like a mask.
“For now though, you don’t need to worry about it” he smiled again “I’m sending you out on a quiet mission to Paris with one of our agents”
That was surprising. But you could do with a distraction.
“Okay… what’s the deal?” you leaned onto the table and flashed him a brilliant smile.
“You have to research one shady guy in Paris. It’s just observation so no need for engagement. The only trick is that you have to pose as a newlywed couple” he looked at you expectantly.
“How long will this take?” you tried to focus on the details, not to think too much about the implications of the cover.
“Three weeks” he smiled at your glare “What? It’s gonna be nice! Three weeks in Paris and all you have to do is observe our target, Pierre or whatshisname, and cosy up with Jasper” the overly enthusiastic tone made you laugh.
“You made it sound almost fun” you admitted after calming down a little.
“Well, it’s always a break from spending time with Neil” TP looked at you with an amused expression “I’m sure you could use some of that” he winked.
You shot daggers in his direction, all the while feeling your face grow warm. Admittingly, time without Neil could be useful. You just were not sure it would do much at this point. You were beyond saving.
“When do I begin?”
“You’ll have a mission briefing tomorrow, and that’s also when you’ll meet Jasper” you nodded “And now I think you should rest a little” he eyed you carefully.
“You’re probably right” you both got up “Thanks for the lunch and the chat… It helped” you smiled lightly.
“My pleasure” he ignored your outstretched hand and gave you a quick hug.
After a small hesitation, you returned the gesture. It felt familiar, and you had no clue why. 
“If you ever need anything, you know where to find me” TP smiled at you warmly.
“I’ll remember that” you grinned back and moved to open the door.
“Oh and don’t worry about Neil” you stopped in your tracks and turned to stare at him “I know that he can be extremely annoying, but he really cares about you”
You were speechless and could only nod in response. The Protagonist laughed at your expression before shooing you out of the room with a gesture. You gladly did just that.
*** One thing was for certain, life without Neil could be boring. You found out that much from the moment you came back to your room. After making sure the main casualty of the mission – your dress – was in the washing, you spent most of that afternoon staring at the ceiling. You were mostly thinking about how much your life has changed in the last weeks. And trying to avoid thinking about him because that could never end well. But of course, the universe had other plans.
Just as you were dealing with the fact that the dress was utterly ruined, your phone buzzed. It was late, and the number was used solely for personal reasons, so the sound made you frown. You looked at the screen to find a text message from an unknown number:
“How’s the dress?”
There was no signature, but you knew.
“How did you get my number?” you replied and quickly saved his contact details.
It didn’t take him longer than a minute to respond.
“Used the charm you’re so quick to ignore”
Ah, Anna’s help then.
“Couldn’t imagine not bothering you for too long”
You covered your face with your hands for a few seconds before typing back.
“The dress is ruined, so thanks for nothing”
The speed with which he responded took you aback. Surely he’d have better things to do...? It did not seem so.
“It’s hardly my fault, is it? That wasn’t my idea” you could almost imagine the self-satisfied grin.
“Point taken” you hit the sent button and then took a deep breath.
It’s not too early for double texting, is it?
“Where are you?” you typed another message before throwing the phone on the other side of the bed.
When it buzzed again, you regretted the decision. Pretending that you would be able to resist reading the message immediately was pointless. You reached for the phone and read his answer:
“On the way to Boston airport”
Great. At least now you knew that he is not around, and you can have time to think. But with those texts, it might be harder to do. Before you could overthink the response, another one came through.
“Be honest, how bored are you without me?” you wondered how someone could be so annoying via text message.
“I’ve been assigned a little mission in Paris, actually. With Jasper. So not that bored, thank you very much”
This time it took him longer to respond. Approximately 6 minutes. Not that you were counting.
“You’ll be bored soon enough if you’ll be stuck somewhere with Jasper. What’s the cover?”
You did not like the assumption, but who were you to argue.
“Newlyweds enjoying honeymoon” you typed back and closed your eyes.
Somehow his response to that information mattered a lot.
“I guarantee you’ll wish it was me soon enough” Fucking hell.
“That’s a bit narcissistic, don’t you think?”
“Maybe a little. But once you meet him, you’ll know I’m right”
“Well then I won’t hesitate to report back after the meeting” you replied and made sure to prepare yourself for the mission brief.
After you were done with planning the outfit and packing your folder, you glanced at the phone.
“Please do. I need to know what dear Jasper is up to these days”
“If you’re so curious about him, maybe ask Anna for his number ;) Sure she’d never deny you anything”
You weren’t sure where that came from, but sure enough, you were not going to take it back.
“Wow… Is that jealousy I’m sensing?”
“You wish” you glanced at the clock and realised how late it was.
“Goodnight, Neil” you sent him another text and went to the bathroom.
When you were back there was a message waiting for you.
“Sweet dreams, darling”
You groaned. In the end, it seemed like you will not be able to get a break from Neil. What a shame.
*** From the moment you stepped into the conference hall in the morning, you knew that Neil was right. Jasper was not one of the most entertaining people you have ever met. When you were introduced to each other he barely glanced up from the folder to look at you and half-heartedly shook your outstretched hand. You took a long look at him and his short brown hair and hazel eyes. He did look decent, to be fair. But he was not Neil. And you hated that your brain made that comparison straightaway.
“So what’s the task, boss?” the first time you heard his voice was when he addressed the Protagonist.
“You have to observe the target, Pierre Armand, who’s an inverted weapons dealer. You’re supposed to watch his every move and send daily updates but don’t engage. That will be the job for another team” TP looked at you both intently “Your cover is a newlywed couple going by the surname Morgan and who have just moved into their lovely suite next door to Armand” you’d swear he winked at you.
You glared back while your newly assigned partner studied the folder attentively. You wondered if he ever did anything else.
“When do we leave?” you decided to break the uncomfortable silence.
“Your plane is tomorrow afternoon” you nodded “Any other questions?” when neither of you spoke, he added “So I’ll leave you two to get acquittanced”
You stared at TP panicked, but he only flashed you one cheeky smile and left the room. That did explain why he and Neil got along so well. Grudgingly you turned towards Jasper, who was still pre-occupied with the damn folder. You cleared your throat, and he glanced up.
“So… have you been working here for a while?” you were shit at small talk.
“For three years now” he eyed you up sceptically “You’re the new recruit from London, aren’t you?” you could almost hear the condescension.
“Yes” it was not looking promising “Neil recruited me, and we’ve just been on a mission together in New York” you added.
It was a mistake. At the mention of Neil, Jasper’s eyes flared up, and he looked at you sharply.
“I heard that mission was a major fuck up” the vicious smirk took you aback “And poor Neil got shot”
You could only stare in confusion at the man in front of you. Boring and clearly having issues with Neil. Just bloody perfect.
“Anyway, I got to prepare” he got up “But mind you, Paris won’t be at all like an operation with that idiot” he glared at you.
“And what’s an operation with him like?” you were genuinely curious at this point.
“Overly dramatic” he made a grand gesture with his hands before slamming the doors in the wake of his exit.
He did have a point there. You sighed, grabbed your documents, and exited the hall. On the way to your room, you decided to give in to the temptation and typed a message to Neil.
“With grief, I have to admit you were right about Jasper”
You were not expecting a response instantly, so the buzz when you were pouring coffee into the cup made you jump up. Neil could make your life harder, even remotely.
“Told you. How is he doing?” you read the reply and grinned at the casual tone.
“He’s grumpy and hates you for some reason. Can’t wait to be stuck with him for three weeks” you sighed and accepted the grim fate.
“Sounds like him then. You never know, you might bond over your shared hatred for me”
You nearly choked on your coffee then. A fellow agent passing by on the corridor stared at you. This could only get worse.
“Think my hatred towards you has nothing compared to his. Any ideas why he’s like that?”
“Nothing concrete, but I’ve got a few vague theories. I’ll tell you when I’m back”
“Hope so. What time is it there?” closing the door to your room, you could finally behave like an idiot.
“Past 11 pm. Excited for your outing with Jasper?”
Asia then… You tried to think about any possible places he could be but came up with too many options.
“Not at all. Fully expecting my days will be spent wandering around Paris alone or watching French HGTV”
You decided to look through the folder to distract yourself from the increasing stress. This time you were supposed to be Amelia Morgan, wife to Nicholas Morgan. Amelia’s occupation was being an accountant, which sounded extremely boring, but at least you would get to experience the city. Your study was then interrupted by another text.
“You can always message me if you’re bored”
“Careful because I might”
“You better” To that, you did not know what to say,. so you just got lost in the preparations for the mission. This one was not looking good but there was no other choice. So you just focused on learning about your target. At least this time, there was no one to distract you.
Until another text came, a solid hour later.
“One clue about Jasper: Anna”
Oh not her again.
“Don’t tell me he’s hopelessly in love with her”
“Perhaps… And well, she has eyes for someone else so” and then “Not to be smug naturally”
You grinned at the screen.
“You do sound smug”
You had to admit that if Neil’s theory was true, it was rather heart-breaking for both Anna and Jasper. Not that you felt sorry for either of them.
“He might decide to take revenge upon me by breaking your heart”
You stared at the text and the many implications he could have meant it by it. And it was too much to figure out right now. Instead, you just typed back:
“Good luck to him” and then, with heart thumping wildly “Would you care if he did?”
You tried to ignore the phone when the answer came. But after an agonising minute spent reading the same two words over and over, you gave in.
Right… You just had to add that question to the long list for when he’s back. You closed the folder with a flourish. All mental coherence was gone.
*** It turned out that Neil was not right about everything. If Jasper ever intended to claim and then break your heart, he was utterly shit at it. Since the day you moved into your cosy Parisian flat, he barely spoke a word to you. Most of the time, he was buried nose deep in the mission briefs or books related to strategies and secrets of arms dealing. If you had tasks to complete, he would often sideline you before doing the job himself while ignoring any help you offered. To put it straightforwardly, he pissed you off.
And yet, his eagerness to be entirely self-dependent meant that you had time to discover Paris and relax while still completing the mission in any way you could. You also had more than enough time to text Neil, who always responded to your messages promptly. You sometimes wondered if he ever slept or did anything but talk to you. Not that you did mind, of course.
Your patience towards Jasper, his silence and superiority complex snapped for the first time after a week and a half. You have both been sitting in the living room of your condo, just after finishing quiet dinner. You were bored, extremely so. You have reached for the television remote with the intent to put on some background noise to ease the tension. But the moment you have switched the tv on, Jasper spoke:
“Don’t turn this shit on, it’s distracting” he has not even lifted his head from the folder he was studying.
You glared at him sharply and decided that you have had enough.
“Distracting from what? It’s not like you’ve not read this at least five times today already”
That made him look up. And he was not happy.
“I’m working. You should try that sometimes” he eyed you pointedly.
“I would if you ever gave me a chance to do anything” you shrugged, already not liking the conversation.
“I gave you a few opportunities, but you were just lazy” he placed his documents aside and went back to glaring at you “All you do is knock around Paris and stay on your phone for hours” a vicious smile appeared on his face “You’re texting Neil, aren’t you?”
You were taken aback by the whole situation and unable to deny the truth. “Even if I am, that’s none of your business” you were desperately hoping he would shut up.
But it was too late, and Jasper has clearly been triggered.
“That’s quite pathetic. You should know he never actually cares about all those girls he flirts with” he seemed to judge you “And I don’t see why you could be different” the smug smile was cruel.
Now you knew why it was better when he stayed quiet. You scrambled for any words of defence, but he managed to hit the mark. Swallowing hard, you schooled your face and replied in the most neutral tone you could muster at the moment.
“I think you’re just pissed Anna prefers Neil over you”
That worked. You watched with satisfaction as his eyes widened, and you silently thanked Neil for the information.
“Anna has nothing to do with this” it was his turn to stumble over the words “You’re just unwilling to face the truth” this time his harsh words lacked the sureness.
You were winning.
“So are you” you shrugged “I’ve had enough of this. You can go back to your precious mission briefs” you got up and left the room without a further glance.
You had to admit that his words did upset you. Even when you almost certainly knew he was wrong your brain had its own doubts. Because what if he was right? That would hurt, more than you could acknowledge.
But before you could begin the overthinking, the phone you threw onto the bed buzzed. He always knew when to message.
“How’s married life with Jasper going?”
And naturally, he always asked the right questions too. You did hate him for that.
“Now I know why it’s better he reads his documents instead of talking” you replied and debated what to do next.
“What did he do?” Neil quickly texted back even though you were pretty sure it was early morning hours for him.
You did not want to get into a serious conversation over the texts.
“He got a bit riled up and said some bullshit that wasn’t fun to listen to” that seemed like an easy way out for now.
“Do you want me to send a team to eliminate him? It would look like an accident”
You laughed at the tempting proposition.
“I’ll think about it”
“Are you alright?” you stared at the new message.
You were not exactly alright.
“I will be”
Why did lying feel so bad?
You switched off the lights in the room and lied on the bed. Just a week and a half to go. You’ve got this… right?
*** The last week in Paris passed in relative peace. Mostly because you and Jasper stopped speaking to each other entirely. Occasionally you would notice his cruel smirk appear when he caught you texting, and you did your best to ignore it. However, it did hurt, and you had to admit that one argument has managed to uproot all the confidence you have had.
Peace ended abruptly on the penultimate day when it became clear that you were being followed. Jasper caught on to the fact after he noticed someone shadow you on your walk through the city. You hid in one of the cafes as soon as he has signalled the fact to you. You knew he was right the moment a random man peered into the darkened premises and then went on to loiter nearby.
“Right, what do we do?” you looked around, trying to stay calm.
It seemed like no one else was onto you. Jasper already looked pissed off, and you wondered if it meant that more pleasant things would be said.
“I suspect they’ve got doubts about the authenticity of our story” he was intensely scanning the horizon, looking for any threats “He’s still there, waiting for us to blow the cover or prove him wrong” he turned to you with the most unhappy face you have ever seen.
“What is it?”
You were not sure you wanted to know the answer.
“We made it this far. I’m not letting them fuck it up” he leaned towards you and closed the gap.
You were frozen in horror before your brain caught up with the fact that Jasper was kissing you. Then you closed your eyes and tried to reciprocate with the minimum effort needed for it to look believable. It was pretty horrible, to put it simply. He was kissing you sloppily with a tempo that you could not match. You felt his hand clumsily entangle in your hair only to make you flinch when he ripped out a few hairs. After a solid 30 seconds long snog, you decided that had enough. You leaned back, ignoring the overwhelming urge to wipe your lips with the napkin. He stared at you briefly with that same disgusted face before discretely looking for your trail. The man was gone. You could only hope it worked as you exited the café, holding hands.
On the way back to the apartment, you refused to look at him, somehow hoping that would get rid of the awful way you felt. Naturally, being a spy did involve doing things like that but for some reason, it was not easy. You hated the fact that your brain kept on rewinding memories from New York and, in the process, making you feel worse. Once you made it back, you locked yourself in the room, leaving Jasper to fill in the report. You were tempted to message Neil just for the sake of knowing his thoughts on what happened.
“Today was my lucky day, and I got to experience PDA with Jasper. Send help”
That would do nicely, right?
“Must say I didn’t expect that”
As you were desperately looking for something to text back, your phone did something you did not expect it to do. It rang. You stared in shock as Neil’s number flashed as the caller ID. With a shaking hand, you picked up the phone and pressed the green button.
“Neil?” your voice sounded incredibly awkward.
Great start.
“What happened?” hearing his voice after those three weeks felt surreal.
Was it your imagination, or did he sound slightly tense?
“Um… we were being followed outside, so we entered a café. The tail was observing us and…” you took a deep breath, suddenly extremely nervous “And Jasper decided to kiss me to authenticate the cover”
Neil was silent, and that did not help with the irrational anxiety, so you rambled on, losing control of what you were saying.
“Well, it was more of a snog judging by how it lasted for thirty seconds, but I think they bought…”
“Okay, stop” he interrupted you abruptly “I’m not sure I want to know the details”
“Why not?” somehow out of the mixture of anxiety and insecurity, annoyance emerged “Are you jealous?”
You regretted the question as soon as it left your mouth. And did not want to know the answer. Luckily he did not respond. Instead, he did what Neil does best:
“Who’s a better kisser?”
You could not believe the nerve of this man.
“You can’t be for real” you muttered and heard him chuckle on the other side.
“It’s a legitimate question” you could picture the shrug and a cheeky smile.
It seemed like the initial awkwardness was gone. At least for him.
“I…” you huffed, unable to express the mess of emotions you felt.
“Oh, I know it’s you, but I’m asking about me and dear Jasper”
If he were in front of you, you would have punched him. But instead could only let out a frustrated groan and attempt to answer the question. There was only one way to do it.
“You” you mumbled, making sure your voice was barely coherent.
But of course, he heard you.
“I’m flattered” he had the smug tone nailed to the t.
“Fantastic” you sighed “Why did you call me?”
“I just wanted to hear your voice”
“And to get you to answer the question”
“Of course” you sighed again “Now I should finish before Jasper barges in” That was partially an excuse, partially a real concern as you glanced nervously at the thin doors separating the rooms.
“Sure, don’t want you upsetting your husband. However, I’d love to see his face when he hears that I kiss better than him” Neil mused, and you gave yourself the liberty to just listen to his voice.
“Well, I’m not telling him that so feel free to do so when you meet up”
Your ears perked up at the sound of footsteps in the hall. Surely Jasper would not eavesdrop on you…?
“I’ve got to go, bye Neil” you hoped your tone sounded at least half as urgent as you felt.
“Goodbye, love. Don’t let that idiot get to you”
“I’ll try”
You hung up just as the doors to the bedroom opened. Sure enough, Jasper was stood there, with a scowl on his face.
“What were you doing?”
“Just being pathetic, I guess” you shrugged and walked past him without a glance.
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yannicks · 3 years
MCL Live 2D Sprites
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Mme. Delanay:
M. Patick
Mme. Shermansky
Adelaide (Amber-Nath’s Mom)
Armand (Violette’s Dad)
Arnaud (Alexy-Armin’s Dad)
Audry (Kim’s Mom)
Charles (Charlotte’s Dad)
Crystal (Rosalya’s Mom)
Denis (Kim’s Dad)
Francis (Nath-Amber’s Dad)
Eric (Peggy’s Dad)
George (Leigh-Lysander’s Dad)
Normal | Hospital
Georgia (Capucine/Karla’s Mom)
Geraldine (Peggy’s Mom)
Giles (Kentin’s Father)
Henri (Melody’s Dad)
Irene (Charlotte’s Mom)
Isabelle (Iris-Thomas Mom)
Jean Louis (Castiel’s Dad)
Josefa (Melody’s Mom)
Josaine (Leigh-Lysander’s Mom)
Lucia (Su’s Mother)
Manon (Kentin’s Mom)
Mei (Li’s Mom)
Paul (Capucine/Carla’s Dad)
Peter (Rosalya’s Dad)
Phillipe (Su’s Dad)
Valerie (Castiel’s Mom)
Victorie (Armin/Alexy’s Mom)
Wang (Li’s Dad)
Chicas (Ep. 19)
Normal | Military
Lola (Kentin’s Spinoff)
Vendedora de animales
Cookie (Kentin’s dog)
Daemon (Castiel’s dog)
Napo (Lola’s dog)
Peluche (Kentin’s spinoff present)
Normal | Roto
HS-Guys  X - UL X - LL X
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Batdad and Sons (Batdad!Reader x Batfamily Headcanons)
Despite both being men, you two remind Gotham of Thomas and Martha Wayne.
Because one of you is a gentle ray of sunshine who is deeply involved in charity work and seems utterly committed to making the world brighter.
Thomas was rather hands-off towards Wayne Enterprises, preferring instead to focus on his medical career and charities that actually affected change for the underprivileged in Gotham. Bruce remembers Thomas always having time for him, stopping everything if Bruce needed to talk with his father.
And the other is a strong, ruthless businessperson with style, grace, and sensuality, who can somehow manage a dizzying array of businesses while still being the ideal spouse and parent in the public eye.
Martha was the head of Wayne Enterprises and an involved boss - she personally saw to the upkeep of each branch of the company (she was the one to hire Lucius Fox). And even with all of these heavy demands on her time, she always appeared in public with Thomas at all of his charities and was involved enough with Bruce to help Thomas plan every family outing.
So, yeah, up to you which one the public thinks you are
Bruce has a constantly-updating social media presence that is run by the Batcomputer’s AI - it keeps tabs on where he is fighting crime and discreetly has Bruce’s account post things about being on the other side of the city
Bruce will occasionally post a romantic photo of you two
You run your own social media account - the Batcomputer automatically reblogs/retweets/likes whatever you post.
You have a lot of cute pictures of the family which the public goes bananas for.
Bruce is a Slytherin. He no longer visits the Pottermore site.
You find yourself making puns a lot while the family is on patrol.
Example: Mr. Freeze has just been defeated by the team.
YOU: Alright, time to put him on ice!
Bruce tends to groan at these because you have a tendency to interject them at inappropriate times. Once you got him to giggle in front of Selina because whenever she talked you just matched her tone but only said “meow”
“Meow meow meow, meow-meow meow meow-meow-meow meow. Meow.”
You do end up kidnapped a lot, as an important Gothamite public figure, and Bruce is generally quite impressed when you escape, because you can either talk an adversary to distraction, or use trickery to escape, or -most impressive - you once convinced a member of the Penguin’s gang to reconsider his life choices and let you go.
Once he got out of jail, Armand became your go-to party planner.
He also now helps Penguin with legitimate events at the Iceberg Lounge. Go figure.
The two of you are avid devotees of “The Great British Baking Show”
Alfred never has a soggy bottom.
Dick spends the most time hanging out while you two make stuff, so he’s into it as well
Jason pretends not to be interested, but he’ll still tell you when bread is overworked.
Alfred is so full of wisdom and advice
And he is not afraid to get physical when needs must
Riddler once broke into Wayne Manor
The two of you basically dismantled him using Alfred’s combat medicine training and your own knowledge from working with him
Riddler had several broken bones, severe lacerations, and a mild concussion when he was wheeled to Arkham Asylum’s medical ward
“Y/N Wayne and Butler - BATMAN AND ROBIN????” said the tabloids the next day. Dick couldn’t stop laughing.
Alfred enjoys opera while cooking and baking, but isn’t averse to classic rock.
He also enjoys Beyonce.
You insist on Alfred having a regular day off, but he insists that he doesn’t need one.
“Please, Alfred. For me.”
*sighs* “...Very well, Master Y/N.”
Ravenclaw. He’s a Ravenclaw, definitely.
You two know all the choreography to “We’re All In This Together.”
And all the songs from the High School Musical series
Since he was little, you took him to every premiere of every Disney movie he wanted to see, press be damned if they made snide remarks about your son wanting to see a princess movie
This tradition has not stopped. Dick’s social media shows pictures of you two still going to every premiere - only now the two of you bring underprivileged children and kids from the orphanage to share in your fun
There’s a picture of you looking very Zen and sitting cross-legged on the red carpet as a bunch of kids swarm around you and one somehow has ended up on your shoulders. Behind you Dick can be seen wearing Mickey Mouse gloves and grinning wildly at the camera, kneeling with his arms around the shoulders of two young orphans
You personally don’t like clowns and trapeze scares you to death, but you never deny Dick when he asks you to go to the circus.
You once bought Haly’s Circus back from the people Mr. Haly had to sell to and gave ownership to Dick. So, technically, the two of you co-own Haly’s Circus now.
Dick once auditioned for Disney Channel (unbeknownst to Bruce). He still can’t quite bring himself to watch Wizards of Waverly Place, knowing that he almost had a role.
Speaking of Wizards, Dick thinks of himself as a Gryffindor - but he was sorted into Ravenclaw.
Jason gets really emotional over romance - whether it be real or in a movie or a book
He will never forgive Mr. Wickham for what he did
You have had to talk him down from chewing out people who think Catherine and Heathcliff are an ideal couple
And of course, he has shot his television at that one scene in every romantic comedy where things go wrong just before the two leads get together.
A Gryffindor.
Has a sleeveless shirt that asks if you’ve bought tickets to the gun show. Since he has an extensive gun collection, the irony is somewhat lost.
Doesn’t like to be questioned. Likes to question. You bridge the gap using sarcasm, mainly.
He is a superhero movie fanatic. However, he hates it when the love interest dies.
He does smoke, but he knows better than to do that around you. Roy always snitches on him
Roy is very intimidated by you, for some reason
More intimidated than by Jason, that’s for sure.
Maybe because you’ve made Ollie cry before (long story involving too many bottles of tequila, Oliver asking if he was your type, and you responding)
He tends to listen to you when he won’t listen to anyone else
You’ve proven that you don’t put up with much when it comes to him
“I’m gonna shoot this guy right now-”
“Jason you sit your butt down right now!”
Sleepy. Too sleepy to do much.
Can be found sleeping in the weirdest places. Once he was asleep on top of the wardrobe in Dick’s room, and had no clue how he got there.
You have since insisted that he maintain a strict sleeping schedule.
Unfortunately, you are ignored.
You once gave him glasses that had pictures of his opened eyes instead of lenses as a gag gift. He uses them daily.
Tim likes to watch Jackie Chan martial arts movies. Or the Office. Or Friends. Depends on how many hours he’s been awake.
Tim is always listening to music - anything with a beat.
It helps him stay awake. The longer he stays awake, the louder his music gets. 
Tim does not like ice cream - on family outings, he gets sherbert.
He’s very picky. You spent five days picking out the color of the sheets in his room because the current combination “bummed him out.”
He forgets that you aren’t supposed to draw on walls and uses his room’s walls as a piece of scratch paper.
You make him clean it himself.
This was unwise. He leaves it as is until there’s no more room.
Has an addiction to online gaming. He doesn’t know it, but you are his biggest rival online.
Because he always tells you “just one more round” or “until I lose”
So two hours later, when he still hasn’t logged off, you log on and grief him until he rage quits.
Then you console him as he complains to you, and you suggest he take a break from the game for a while.
You wonder sometimes if this can be classified as emotional torture.
It’s for his own good, honestly.
Hufflepuff and proud of it
As I mentioned, he is a startlingly good performer.
Has secret aspirations of being on Broadway - either in the Hamilton revival he’s planning for twenty years in the future or perhaps in something by Sondheim
His artistry continues into other realms
He writes fanfiction. This is not a drill.
To your eternal embarrassment and silence, you have become an avid reader of his work. (You created a fake account just to reblog and comment your support. Damian is unaware of this)
If you decide to send him to school (Gotham Academy or wherever), he gets into a lot of fights.
Mostly in defense of others, but also the occasional “he looked at me funny” or “said something about my parents”
I’d recommend home-schooling or online school for Damian. It fits better with his schedule so that his sleep cycle isn’t completely thrown off, and it keeps him away from the little creeps running wild in Gotham (there’s a statistic floating around that 80% of the Joker Gang is under 18, and it isn’t completely inaccurate).
He is a history buff, particularly when it comes to battles and battle tactics.
He knows battle strategy back to front
And yet he struggles with Checkers, and for some reason, Monopoly.
Damian was not given a middle name, so whenever you want to middle-name him, you make up some absurd placeholder.
“Damian Fingercrumpet Wayne, get down from the chandelier!”
“So help me, Damian Stipplenibbler Wayne, I will take away your zoo membership!
“Damian Montague Sasparilla Carthaginian Wayne, I want to talk to you right now!
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Taken from @requiemforrose
A) Their full name: Marius de Romanus (only two people know this full and real name: Pandora and Armand)
B) Age: 38 in mortal years, around 2050 in total years adding up mortal and immortal
C) Height: 6’6 (i haven’t decided yet)
C1: Hair color: Blonde hair, almost white
C2: Eye Color: Light blue eyes
C3: Built: Lean and muscular
D) Pronouns. He/him
E) Species: Vampire
F) Favourite beverage and/or meal: Blood.  As a human, he loved wine and fruits like peaches; really soft and juicy fruits.  He wasn’t much of a meat eater because he hated the heaviness of it.  Marius was a “snacker” more than a meal eater.  Meaning, he was always eating something: fruit, olives, nuts.  Find Marius and he’s likely eating something small.  But he was very active and had a fortunate metabolism.  
G) Hobbies and favourite pastimes: reading, writing nonfiction historical accounts, historiography
H) Something they’re exceptionally good at: Painting
I) 2 things they really enjoy:
1) Reading in a quiet room in front of a fire while lying on a couch.
2) Sitting in the Chateau garden writing.  He will take occasional breaks to look at the plants or stare up at the sky and think.
J) 2 things they’re not really fond of:
1) Loud people.  He really doesn’t feel like there’s any reason to be loud and/or obnoxious.  
K) Listening to the same story over and over.  He’ll just outright finish your story for you and walk away if he’s in a bad mood.  Good or mild mood Marius would listen to it but be grumpy and slightly annoyed on the inside.
L) Their favorite kind of weather: He generally likes the spring because the weather is mild-- not too hot, not too cold with a gentle breeze.  But he does enjoy standing outside as it snows.  The cold doesn’t bother his already frigid body.  There’s something about the soft falling of snow and the gentle sound of it landing that is comforting to him.
M) A few interesting facts about them:
1) He’s a Capricorn.
2) He is an excellent whistler and will often whistle when he paints or sculpts.
3) He hates westerns.
4) He loves the show Horrible Histories.
5) He owns absolutely 0 pairs of jeans or shorts.
N) Favorite movie or music genre:
Favorite Movie: Blade Runner, The Name of the Rose, or the Seventh Seal.
Music Genre: He likes classical, of course.  But you’re likely to hear artists like Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Johnny Mercer, and Bing Crosby come from his room.
O) What’s their dream profession? When he was human, his goal was to be a writer/historian/anthropologist.  He wanted to wander the known world and write about everything and everyone he came into contact with.  Fortunately, Marius did get to do this; he got to live his dream.  Unfortunately, it was this very thing that led to him getting kidnapped and turned into a blood drinker, stealing him from a life he was quite content with.
P) Is there something or someone they cannot stand? Why?  He has a hard time stomaching the presence of Santino.  He can choke back his utter disgust and endure the man.  Marius is too reserved and polite now, too honorable and committed to self-control and moderation that he can easily hide any extreme emotion.
Q) Did they do something extremely dangerous at some point in their life? His whole immortality until 1985 was dangerous simply due to the fact that he was keeper of the Parents and therefore always in danger of being caught, attacked, or otherwise abused in some way that might lead to his death, or worse, the death of Akasha.
R) Is there something they wish they could do/achieve but can’t? He wishes he could open up more.  Marius is a very self-reflective man.  His problem is even in self-reflection he denies seeing certain things.  But he knows enough to see that he is angry and bitter, and he can’t seem to heal because he is too prideful and reserved to truly open up to someone.  
S)  Is there something in their life they regret? Leaving Pandora, abandoning Armand, letting Lestat see Those Who Must Be Kept.
T)  Do they have any siblings? Family? Loved ones? He had three older brothers and two sisters, one older and one a month older than him.  Marius was the youngest, which made him the most spoiled.  He had one daughter that he has never spoken of that absolutely no one knows about.  At one point, for about 300 years, Marius followed his family and his ancestors.  Not even Pandora was aware he did this.  I suppose he thought it would seem too pathetic, too sentimental.  He experienced a period of depression around that time and he “severed” his connections with the mortal world.  One of the things he did other than burn and bury his own writing, which he saw as corrupt having come from a monster such as he, was burn the records of his family.
U)  Are they a morning or night person? He has no choice but to be a night person.  As a human, he was a morning person.  He was the sort to be up before the sun rose no matter how late a night he had or how much he drank.  He would watch the sun rise, exercise, eat, and then work or venture out if he was traveling.  
V) Do they have a pet? What kind? If not, what kind of pet would they want? Marius has no pets and wants none.  He had fish but they, well, died when Akasha ripped his home in two.
W) How would they describe themselves in 5 or less words? Wise, considerate, contemplative, introverted, artistic
X) Do they have a goal in life? What is it? He wants to be that thing that remembers time.  He is obsessed with the continuation of awareness.  He wants to believe in the presence of something that knows all of time, even though he knows it is impossible.  But he feels he owes it to time to remember it.  That is why he studies, learns, listens, and watches.  Everything he writes down so as not to lose it in an overworked mind.
Y) Is there anything in their life that’s stopping them from succeeding? He’s so very lonely and won’t even admit it.  He somehow lost the ability to connect with people on an emotional level.
Z) Do they have an item that means a lot to them? Nothing.  He has no relics from his past-- his home burned down three times and was torn into pieces once (by Akasha).  That’s four times he has lost absolutely everything.  Once he lost everything for the final time in 1985, he has pretty much not let himself value any physical object or ‘thing.’  He has a lot of beautiful things, but none of it anything he is particularly attached to.  Anything of his could be broken or lost and he wouldn’t care.
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caravaggiovagabond · 4 years
@haugtekinn cont. from [x] 
The feeling of revulsion that overtakes him at the sight of his age old acquaintance is something that Armand cannot deny, from the body that appears as barely more than a corpse to the rasp of the nickname that he had become so accustomed to being pushed forwards towards him on decaying breath. Alfredo is a perfect example of what can happen when a vampire goes rotten both inside and out. 
“Forgive me,” the mannikin of a boy drawls, sounding anything but apologetic, ski-slope nose wrinkling. “You’re not exactly easy to miss. I simply followed the smell.” 
Small, shining black shoes move hesitantly across crumbling rafters that creak as though they may be about to give way completely beneath even his minimal weight. There’s an old, cracked Christmas bauble lying on the floor beside him and with one nudge from his toe, it disintegrates. Sharp, almond-shaped eyes move away from the pile of festive dust, fixing themselves instead upon the old vampire slumped in his ‘nest.’ 
“Can you really do no better for yourself than... this?” There’s thinly-veiled disgust upon Armand’s youthful features as he pauses, seemingly reconsidering his words. “Though perhaps I’m mistaken. Perhaps such a place is quite suitable for you.”
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour
Janvier 10. Mariachi – Bar à bulles (gratuit) 10. Pierre Bastien, Dominique Grimaud, Françoise Crublé, Gilbert Artman, Jacky & Gilles Dupéty – Souffle continu (gratuit) 10. Jemek Jemowit + Infecticide + Manu Louis – L'International 10. Les Lullies + Cheap Riot + Slow Sliders – Olympic café 11. The Choolers Division – La Station 11. Holiday Inn + Il Nux Il Mord + Bracco – Olympic café 11. Illnurse + Toscan Haas + Parallx – Glazart 12. Art & Technique + A_R_C_C + Bleno Die Wurstbrücke – Le Cirque électrique 12. Seppuku + Cosamentale + LV2 – Le Zorba 12. Serge Teyssot-Gay + Christian Vialard : concert littéraire sur les textes d'Eric Arlix – Maison de la poésie 15. Anne-James Chaton – Jeu de Paume (gratuit) 16. Harald Fetveit – Le Chair de poule (gratuit) 18. Francis Dhomont (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 18. Dollkraut Band + Die Wilde Jagd + Abschaum – La Maroquinerie 18. Warm Drag + Laurapalmer + Le Réveil de tropiques + Viot + Uzhur + 205SKatokosmos (fest. OFFF d'hiver) – Point FMR 18. Vril + VII Circle + Sam x Sam + Anechoic – Glazart 19. Armando Balice + Ingrid Drese + Jérôme Noetinger + Loïse Bulot + Robert Hampson (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 19. Throw Down Bones + Terdjman + Frontal + Techno Thriller + Huile + Frank Sabbath (fest. OFFF d'hiver) – Point FMR 19. Krikor (dj)+ Godzilla Overkill + Losless + Grand 8 & Pabloïd – Petit Bain 19. Peter Hook & The Light – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 19/20. Robert Hood + Manu le Malin + Ancient Methods + Ron Morelli + Rabih Beaini + François X + dj Marcelle + December + Myako + Beurette sentimentale + Marion Guillet + Neue Grafik + dj Prophet + Entek + IG Culture + Mab'ish – Concrete 20. Catherine Bir + Raphaël Mouterde + Francisco Meirino + Roland Cahen + Yoko Higashi & Lionel Marchetti (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 22. Emmanuelle Parrenin & Dominique Regref – La Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel) 23. Marc Melià + Tryphème + The Ekpyrotic Scenario (aka Modgeist) (fest. Chorus) – théâtre de Vanves 24. Rouge Gorge – Le Chair de poule 24. Fred Palem & Le sacre du tympan – Gaîté lyrique 24. Le Singe blanc + Secte + Jeanot Lou Paysan – Le Cirque électrique 24. Terrine + Philémon + Bâton XXL + Johan Mazé – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 25. La Secte du futur + Shiny Darkly – Supersonic 25. Léonie Pernet – Gaîté lyrique 25. Martial Canterel + Poison Point – Petit Bain 25. David Sink + Crave + Panzer – Pop In 25. Moyō + Law & Haktion – Le Klub 25. Aaron Moore & Erik K. Skodvin – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 25. Easter + Robert Görl + Céline Gillain (fest. Closer Music) – Lafayette Anticipations 26. Tirzah + Stine Janvin (fest. Closer Music) – Lafayette Anticipations 26. Chloé – Elysée-Montmartre 26. Thelia Zadek Band + Mia Vita Vioenta – Olympic café 26. Deux Boules vanille + Craow – La Station 26. Turzi + Zombie Zombie (fest. Chorus) – théâtre de Vanves 26. 999999999 + Boston 168 + Inhalt Der Nacht + JKS vs Mayeul + Parfait + Léa Occhi + Lacchesi – Concrete 27. Pan Deijing + Jessica Slighter (fest. Closer Music) – La fayette Anticipations 29. Dominique a – Salle Pleyel 29. Zézette + Business with the Clouds + Echoplain – Gambetta Club 29. Tiny Tramp + Officine + Pavel V. + Astralopithecus – Les Nautes 31. Deena Abdelwahed – Gaîté lyrique 31. Go!Zilla + Siz + Deaf Parade – Supersonic (gratuit)
Février 01. Le Comte + Christine + Atoem – Palais de le Porte dorée 01. Negative Space + Volition Immanent + N0v3l – La Station 01. Lust For Youth – Supersonic 01. Autrenoir + Linda Olah + Uriel Bartélémi – théâtre de Vanves 01. Cylene (François Bonnet & Stephen O'Malley) + Kreemer (Cameron Jamie & Dennis Tyfus) + Xavier Boussiron – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 02. Tempers – Supersonic (gratuit) 02. Fraction + Frédéric D. Oberland + Clara De Asis + MTUA + Raphaël Mouterde + Sébastien Roux + Fantasia Nei Dessert & Romain Al'l + Hourvari + Aloyse Lucas (fest. Les Sonifères) – DOC 02. The Residents – Gaîté lyrique 02. Shabazz Palaces + Dälek (fest. Sons d'hiver) – théâtre de la Cité internationale 03. Mesce basse + :such: + Duncan Pinhas + Alexandre del Torchio + Isothesis & Alexandra Radulescu + Opaque + Armand Lesecq + NO3sis (fest. Les Sonifères) – DOC 03. Aidan Baker + The Eye of Time (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 05. Nadja + Saudaa Group + Lacustre – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 06. Binidu + Hilgege – Supersonic (gratuit) 06. Brendan Perry – Petit Bain 07. VNV Nation – Le Trabendo 07. Tomaga + Jozef Van Wissem + Noyades + La Jungle – Petit Bain 07. Subtle Turnhips – La Pointe Lafayette 08. Manu le Malin + 3FAZé + DKLé + Nawak – Glazart 08. Headless Horseman + Ø [Phase] + Joton + Electric Rescue – Rex Club 09. Psyche + Sarin + Law & Haktion + Cassie Raptor b2b Mila Dietrich  – La Station 09. The Ex : "Ethiopian Night" (fest. Sons d'hiver) – salle Jacques-Brel (Fontenay-sous-Bois) 10. Therapy? – La Maroquinerie 11. Massive Attack feat. Liz Fraser jouent « Mezzanine » – Zénith 13. Pierre Bastien & Philippe Dupuy + Laake – Petit Bain 15. Peter Kernel + Totorro – Petit Bain 15. Codex Empire + Schwefelgelb + Philipp Strobel + Panzer – Petit Bain 16. Anthony Braxton + Dave Douglas & Bill Laswell (fest. Sons d'hiver) – théâtre Jacques-Carat (Cachan) 19. Bruit noir + Red – Point FMR 21. Mlada Fronta + Absolute Valentine + Neoslave – Petit Bain 21. Collection d'Arnell Andrea + Katzkab – Bus Palladium 22. Marquis de Sade – Petit Bain 22/23. Nils Frahm – Le Trianon ||COMPLET|| 24. Nils Frahm – Le Trianon
Mars 02. Boy Harsher + Kontravoid – Badaboum 02. Lydia Lunch & Marc Hurtado jouent Alan Vega et Suicide – Silencio 02. Shlømo + UVB + Charles Fenckler + Darzack + Delta Funktionen + Keepsakes – Studio du Lendit (Saint-Denis) 03. Camera – Olympic café 07. Scratch Massive – Gaîté lyrique 07. Gum Takes Tooth + Usé + Society of Silence – Badaboum 08. FTR + Deadpan – Olympic café 09. Deeat Palace – La Station 09. Paulie Jan + Witnesses Without Hands + Mod303 & The SHADERS + Alexandre Navarro (dj) (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 10. James Chance & Die Contortions – Supersonic 12. Yann Tiersen – Salle Pleyel 12. Dominique A – Espace 1789 (Saint-Ouen) 13.  Helluvah + IDK IDA + Cebe Barnes (dj)(Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 14. Parade Ground + BadBad + The Wheal + Versolo – Supersonic (gratuit) 14. Stefan Rusconi & Tobias Preisig + Étienne Jaumet (fest. Paris Music) – Église Saint-Eustache 14. La Colonie de vacances – Cabaret sauvage 15. Rubin Steiner (fest. Paris Music) – Crypte archéologique du parvis de Notre-Dame 15. Bertrand Burgalat (fest. Paris Music) – Musée des Arts et Métiers 15. Zombie Zombie (fest. Paris Music) – cathédrale américaine 16. Christ. + Alexandre Navarro (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 17. Giulio Aldinucci + Paskine + Waveland (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 19. thisquietarmy + Haxo + Ilia Gorovitz (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 20. Oomph! – La Machine 22. Delia Derbyshire (diff.) + Lettera 22 + Evil Moisture + Caterina Barbieri + Drew McDowall : "Coil's Time Machines" (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 22. The Young Gods – La Maroquinerie 22. Crystal Fighters – Gaîté lyrique 23. Pierre Boeswillwald (diff.) + Max Eilbacher + Andrea Belfi + Sarah Davachi + William Basinski & Lawrence English (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Snapped Ankles + Wild Classical Music Ensemble + Man from Uranus – La Maroquinerie 23. Les Harry's & Stefan Neville (fest. Sonic Protest) – Châpiteaux turbulents 24. Warren Burt (diff.) + Mats Erlandsson + Okkyung Lee + Low Jack + BJ Nielsen (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Chantal Acda + Miles Oliver + Julien Ledru (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 25. Laibach – Trabendo 26. Jon Porras (Barn Owl) + Mathias Delplanque (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 27. Strangelove + Background (dj) (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 28. Scanner + Openendedgroup & Natasha Barrett + Raphaël Imbert & Benjamin Lévy – Centre Pompidou 28. Euromilliard + Humbros + Peür + Pumice (fest. Sonic Protest) – La Station 29. Perturbator – Le Trianon 29. Jandek + Confusional Quartet + Société étrange (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de l'Échangeur (Bagnolet) 30. Marc Almond – Le Trianon 30. Seabuckthorn + Rach Three + CollAGE D (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 30. Lahcen Akil & les Chaâbi Brothers + Suzanne Ciani + The Coolies + Lemones + Les Statonells (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de l'Échangeur (Bagnolet) 31. Fuji Kureta + Mei (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève
Avril 02. Schtum + Shit & Shine (fest. Sonic Protest) – Mona Bismarck American Center 03. Han Bennink + Jean-François Pauvros + Anne-Laure Pigache & Anne-Julie Rollet + Parlophonie (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de Vanves 04. Dust Breeders & Mattin + Lydia Lunch & Marc Hurtado jouent Suicide et Alan Vega + Anna Zaradny (fest. Sonic Protest) – église Saint-Merry 05. Bégayer + France + Frédéric Blondy joue "Occam XXV" d'Éliane Radigue (fest. Sonic Protest) – église Saint-Merry 05. Beirut – Le Grand Rex 05. Rendez-Vous + Qual – Gaîté lyrique 05/06. Nadia Lauro & Zeena Parkins : Stichomythia – Centre Pompidou 06. Molecule – Gaîté lyrique 06. Dylan Carlson + Julien Clauss + Hermine + Lee Patterson + Ut + Blenno Die Wurstbrücke (fest. Sonic Protest) – Cirque électrique 08. The Specials – La Cigale 10. Daughters – Point FMR 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 17. Teenage Fan Club – Trabendo 17. Soap&Skin – Le Trianon 17. Apparat – Gaîté lyrique 20. The Horrorist – Rex Club 21. The Parrots + Johnny Mafia + Halo Maud + Grand Blanc + Marietta + Robbing Millions + Oktober Lieber (fest. MOFO) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 22. Fontaines D.C. – Point FMR 22. Faire + Buvette + Oko Ebombo + Black Devil Disco Club + Fujiya & Miyagi + Rendez-Vous (fest. MOFO) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 23. The Luyas + Barbagallo + Human Teorema + Arnaud Rebotini + Aquaserge + Il est vilaine + Onze Onze (fest. MOFO) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 27. She Past Away – La Machine 27. Chloé : Lumières noires – Le 104 27. Bérengère Maximin, Fred Firth & Heike Liss – Instants chavirés (Montreuil)
Mai 07. dEUS – La Cigale 10/11. Dead Can Dance – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 11. Christina Vantzou + Eiko Ishibashi + Jan Jelinek + NPVR (Nik Void & Peter Rehberg) – Le 104 12. Massimo Toniutti + François Bayle – Le 104 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Eliane Radigue : musique (diff.) pour "Continuum" de Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves – Centre Pompidou 24. Beak> – Gaîté lyrique 24. Shonen Knife – Petit Bain 28. Alice in Chains + Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Olympia 31. François Bonnet + Knud Viktor + Jim O'Rourke + Florian Hecker (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio
Juin 01. Eryck Abecassis & Reinhold Friedl + Hilde Marie Holsen + Anthony Pateras + Lucy Railton (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 02. Bernard Parmegiani + Jean Schwarz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 19. Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Juillet 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel 11>13. Kraftwerk – Philharmonie
Août 23>25. The Cure (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 13. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre) ||COMPLET||
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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sangcreole-archived · 6 years
Tag Game!
Tagged by: the lovely @i-want-my-iwtv (thanks, girl!)
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs(or whatever) you would like to know better.
(A)ge: 252
(B)irthplace: France
(C.)urrent Time: 11:08 PM
(D)rink you had last: Fraudulent attorney
(E)asiest person to talk to: Armand and David, and sometimes Lestat, depending on the subject.
(F.)avourite song: Have You Ever Seen the Rain - Creedence Clearwater Revival
(G)rossest memory: I’ve abundance that I would rather not share.
(H.)ogwarts house: Ravenclaw, of course. Though I cannot deny that I have many traits from Slytherin, my values have always aligned with a quest for knowledge and natural curiosity.
(I)n love?: Unfortunately.
(J)ealous of people?: No.
(K)illed someone: Countless.
(L)ove at first sight or walk by again?: Depends on the person...
(M)iddle name?: I don’t have any.
(O)ne wish: To be human.
(P)erson you last called: Lestat. He was nearly an hour late to our date, I wanted to know what happened. 
(Q)uestions you are asked the most: Whether or not I’d consider marrying Lestat. 
(R.)easons to smile: The world is full of beauty. Right now, the magnolias are in season and there are jazz singers in every club, pouring their hearts out into the microphone. There is a child about to try their first beignet, and a waiter that smells of coffee and sweat about to check out after a long day of work. Humanity is wonderful.
(S)ong you last sang: I don’t sing.
(T.)ime you woke up: A few hours after sunset. A little before ten.
(U)nderwear: What about it?
(V)acation destination: Someplace new. I’ve been thinking of Côte d’Ivoire recently...
(W)orst habit: I can be extremely stubborn and spiteful.
(X)-rays: What about them? I’ve never had one taken. I’m not even sure I’ve ever been to a doctor’s office.
(Y)our favourite food: Anything with blood
(Z)odiac sign: Libra
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