#Appalachian life
legitalicat · 1 month
Appalachian Trailer Park!Sihtric - dating (SFW)
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AN: This was supposed to be headcanons but now it's just turned into ramblings oops. This is not necessarily meant to be a universal Appalachian experience portrayal, but it is basically very close to mine and most people I grew up with. 😅
Collection masterlist here!
CW: Some sad moments, character death, AFAB!reader, talks of murder, talks of violence, blood a little, FLUFF (like tooth rotting kinda vibes)
Pairings: Sihtric Kjartansson x You
Word count: I'm guessing between 1 and 1.5k but I'm not real sure 😬 I kinda went crazy I will admit
You had lived in the same trailer park in the foothills of Appalachia your entire life. Despite anything that might lead someone to believe different, you liked it here. True, part of you longed for more. But how could one find more when their heart belonged to the mountains?
And maybe the cute guy who lived in the trailer across from yours had part of the reason to do that.
See, Sihtric moved in with his grandma, across from you, when you were both just entering high school. Your momma found out that Miss Ethel's daughter had been killed by her husband, and she had to take in her grandson because of it.
Miss Ethel was a lovely woman. She always volunteered to watch everyone's kids, during the summer she'd help provide the lemonade and the jar for catching lightning bugs. If anyone needed anything, from a cup of sugar to knowledge on hiding a body, Miss Ethel was there.
So, your little community welcomed the boy without a doubt. He didn't really cause any trouble, for the most part. Mostly just cussing in front of the little ones without thinking or throwing something in a fit of anger and making a loud noise.
Surely, wasn't a punishable crime.
Though it helped that you, the girl who helped tutor anyone who asked and baked cookies for the miners to have after their shifts, was sweet on him.
And boy, was he sweet on you.
He was working on his dirt bike in the driveway and you stepped onto your porch. Immediately, he fumbled around and dropped his wrench and cussed like a sailor.
Your cheeks heated up and you would debate to yourself on whether to go back inside or pretend like he wasn't there.
But your eyes connected. You waved. He waved. And it was the easiest thing in the world.
You started dating that same night, after he offered to teach you about his dirt bike and it ended with him kissing you.
Despite the doubts, you and Sihtric stayed together through it all.
Every year in high school began and ended with you walking through doors of the school hand in hand.
You both graduated, though him only by a thread.
He was there as you started college two towns over, close enough to commute daily so were still together.
You watched as he started working for the local garage.
When you were both twenty, Miss Ethel passed.
It felt sudden, especially for Sihtric, but you found out she had been sick for a while and just hid it from everyone. Including her grandson.
If anyone asked him, you were his rock.
You explained the situation to your college professors, and if you could make sure to keep up with your assignments according to the syllabus, they would find a way to make it work.
So you all but moved in with him officially in the weeks following. You had originally planned on waiting until you got your degree.
But you felt the need to take care of him. And at first he was just angry, angry at everything and the world and the gods and even God who he didn't believe in. He was going to work and coming home and going straight to bed. He wasn't eating, wasn't talking to you.
So, like any good girlfriend, you told him either he let you help him or you would beat him with a broom.
For the first time in weeks he laughed. You started staying with him that night and you just never left.
Before you knew it, you had graduated college, gotten a job in your field, and Sihtric was being poised to take over as shop foreman in the next few years.
And yet, you stayed where you were.
The trailer was nice. It would be fine until you got enough money saved up to buy a house big enough for the brood that Sihtric seemed to want.
For now? For now you had everything you needed. Sure the windows leaked sometimes if the rain rolled down the metal wrong way. Sure, Sihtric would sometimes have to spend a few days working on something else that broke.
But you had him. And that was enough.
The weeks may have been dedicated to work, but the weekends were for you.
Yes, you both always went to bed together. You always were affectionate (the man was a hugging machine after all).
But Saturdays he would wake you up by running a bubble bath for the both of you, using your favorite scent.
Then you would go get breakfast, usually going to Tudor's Biscuit World so he could get a bacon egg and cheese biscuit bigger than your face. You would get, as you called it, a deconstructed pot pie that you joked with him you would leave him for. He would tell you that would give him more money to work on his car.
But he would get you a pot pie at least once a week just because it made you smile. And you would get in the way help him at the fourteen million car parts stores he would go to just because you loved seeing him do what he loved.
Sometimes you'd go to the mall. It was slowly dying, all the family friendly fun stores quickly leaving. But there were still some good parts.
Like Rural King where you could get free popcorn and look at turkeys, chickens, and rabbits (plus any dog that people brought with them).
You would inevitably get sad when you were reminded you couldn't bring home the animals. Like, tears in your eyes, heart aching sad because you just wanted them to have a home.
Which would be forgotten, until you came back at least, when Sihtric promised you he would buy you a milkshake and a stuffed animal or a book of your choice.
Sihtric watched as you practically skipped to the bookstore. You spent an hour there, talking about books you wanted to read but couldn't buy because you couldn't buy the whole series and you were not doing that to yourself right now.
So, after getting your milkshake, you would go find a stuffed animal that spoke to your soul.
He would carry around the contenders for you, because it was those specific ones that spoke to you and you couldn't risk putting them back until you were certain.
And when, inevitably, you came to two that you couldn't pick between, he would tell you get both.
He spoiled you, truly.
Sometimes you would go to a local bar. Not because you personally drank, but mostly because watching drunk people do karaoke tickled something inside your brain.
It also meant Sihtric would wear his white tank top, which showed off his arms in the perfect way. And maybe you would be jealous over the way women looked at him. But how could you be when his arms were wrapped around you all night.
The man was not at all subtle about showing you off.
And if a drunken idiot got too bold with his words about you, Sihtric would suddenly be in protective mode. His voice firm and commanding when he gave the warning to the idiot, making your face a little hot (which you swore had everything to do with embarrassment and definitely not how his voice affected you).
If that wasn't enough to deter someone, and they dared touch you, that was it.
See the only reason you and Sihtric had not been banned from this bar was because Sihtric played just inside the rules.
No fighting in the bar. Fine. Sihtric wouldn't.
He would just gently move away from you before grabbing whoever touched you and throwing them out the door and into the dirt.
He would spend a few minutes wailing on the idiot, getting hit a time or two himself since he had had a few drinks.
But he would come back, knuckles busted, some blood on his shirt or spattered along his face, a bloody lip.
He would settle back in his spot as a waitress brought y'all an ice bucket and the first aid kit (which they regularly replenished now because of Sihtric).
You would get him just cleaned up enough, his hands in the ice for a few minutes at best, when he declared he was done and tired and just wanted to be with you.
So you would drive home, with a tipsy Sihtric singing loudly whatever love song played on the radio cause you would need further proof of his love.
You would settle into bed, being held close to him as you read to him until he fell asleep, and you followed him soon after.
Sundays would depend on you.
Sihtric practiced Norse paganism. You parents were very active in their Methodist church. It caused some conflict, especially when Sihtric started talking about your future children.
If you wanted to go to church with them, Sihtric would kiss you before you left to go and be in the parking lot to pick you up afterwards. There would always be flowers waiting for you. Sometimes it would be dandelions, as you insisted they were beautiful even if they were weeds, sometimes butter cups, and sometimes you got lucky and he had seen tiger lilies.
He would smile at you and kiss you while he handed them to you, ask if the service was good, and then take you somewhere to get lunch.
If you didn't really partake in their church, you both would stay in bed until noon. When you would wake up, you'd crawl out of bed and cooked some breakfast foods that would wake Sihtric up. He would sleepily stumble in the kitchen, grabbing the coffee you set out for him.
Sunday was a lazy day. You guys lounged around the house. Sometimes you both would play video games, sometimes you would watch a show.
There were times when Sihtric's friends from work, Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth, would come over on Sundays. You liked those guys a lot, if you were honest. They were all respectful of you, and kind, and Osferth cleaned up after them so you wouldn't have to. And mostly, they made Sihtric happy.
Sihtric and you would walk over to your parents' for Sunday dinner around 5pm.
Despite the differences in beliefs, and the way your dad not so subtly didn't really like him, Sihtric was respectful and kind to them.
He was the one who insisted you come, telling you he would give anything to have dinner with his family one more time, even if he didn't remember his dad fondly. Family was important to him, even if yours didn't like him, and he wanted you to have that
He would stay quiet, even taking his hat off when your dad would say grace.
He would make polite conversation, always eagerly bragging about you whenever he got the chance.
Sihtric would compliment your momma's cooking. She liked him, but since your dad didn't she tried to act like she didn't.
But she always managed to get him a little extra food to take home, would put his favorite cobbler in the dessert rotation, and make sure his favorite drink was always somewhere to be found.
Your dad was polite. That was about all he could manage. And that was fine, according to Sihtric, because he knew your dad couldn't bitch him out for making you happy.
Sunday nights would end back in your home. You would listen to his talkings of your life together. The promises he made.
He insisted once he became foreman, he would buy you a big house with a dishwasher and enough room for all the animals you could ask for.
You two would be able to have a family of your own, ideally with four children or more, and he would give you everything.
You assured him you knew he would keep the promises he made you. But you always thought to yourself how you would be perfectly content with him, here, forever.
You had a roof over your head, food in your kitchen, electricity and water on demand, and a whole lotta love. You had Sihtric.
It was a simple life. But it was yours.
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Side note I could not find the original source of this picture if someone knows please let me know.
Taglist: @foxyanon
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samantha-paige-howard · 8 months
Vlogging Appalachia- Grayson Highlands state park fall harvest festival-...
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fortunaestalta · 3 months
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bebs-art-gallery · 30 days
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Young Man in Churchyard (1938)
— by Peter Weiss
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becomingvecna · 4 months
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intheholler · 9 months
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bebx · 2 months
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something-feral · 4 months
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Rural Quebec, Appalachian mountains, 27.08.23
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grvyrd-drms · 11 days
2014-2016 creepypasta fandom RUINED everything cause i keep wanting to make a post about how toby likes homemade/shitty diner waffles cause lyra used to make them for him all the time and then i REMEMBER.
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legitalicat · 1 month
Appalachian!Sihtric quotes with YN
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Y'all I am so grateful y'all are enjoying Appalachian!Sihtric.
Collection masterlist here!
CW: Language, dead squirrel, fishing, period talk
Sihtric: Baby, why are you crying? You knew we were going fishing.
YN: *sobbing, literally* I thought we would throw them back!
Sihtric: You sweet summer child.
YN: Why do you keep sending me pictures of your friends with their babies?
YN: Correction why does Uhtred keep having babies?
Sihtric: Call it inspiration.
Cashier: Honey, are you okay? Well. Is your girlfriend okay?
Sihtric: *sets five different hygiene products on the conveyor belt, looking confused, then grabs five candy bars* I don't know all she gave me was a size and I'm just guessing.
Cashier: Bless your heart.
Sihtric: So yeah, my family actually has practiced paganism for centuries and I plan on continuing with our children.
YN's Dad: Our grandchildren will be Baptized.
Sihtric, in his mind only: When YN stops calling me daddy then I'll ask for your opinion.
Sihtric, actually: Sir, respectfully that will be a decision YN and I make when the time comes.
Osferth: Does Sihtric not mind you helping me all day? Some guys have thought I'm trying to steal their girlfriends.
YN: No. He said when you can field dress a deer without crying then he'll be worried about me leaving him for you.
Osferth: *blinks back tears*
YN: *storming out the front door of the trailer* Uhtred!
Uhtred: *had genuinely just been minding his business, sitting on the picnic table in the yard* What?
YN: Why the hell did you put a fucking squirrel in my freezer?! I had a fucking desert in there that now smells like fucking dead squirrel!
Uhtred: Sihtric said I could fuck.
Sihtric: I said the deep freezer, idiot!
Taglist: @foxyanon
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powerlineprincess · 10 months
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A book that always inspired my love for photography, "The Neugents: Close to Home" by David M. Spear, a friend of my father's who photographed this family in rural Madison, NC on Tabacco Road. (my hometown)
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oldedo · 2 months
I often think how lucky younger folks are to be born in a country and in an era when being bi or homosexual is more or less accepted. Certainly more so than when I was young and growing up. I didn't even know what gay was until my early teens---and the word used back then was not "gay." It was years later that I could finally accept that I was tending strongly toward gay, if I must label myself. More accurately I enjoyed going to bed with men much more than the experiences I had with women. I still rejected that idea when I first began intimate relationships (or one-night stands) with men. Homosexual? No, not me! Sometimes I think how different my life would have been had I been able to love whomever I wished. But that's all past. I Japan, no matter the gibberish we can read in media, gays have not been accepted. They were never fully rejected either to the extent they have been in some other countries---and those are not only western countries. There was never the strong religious basis for most, but it is still mostly considered more of a fetish that people could control enough to get married and have a family. Play time is over, it's time to grow up and get serious. I still know lots of married guys who are secretly gay (or not so secretly) to their wives but go out seeking men. That in and of itself is nothing special to Japan, but it is still going strongly in 2024. I suspect there has been no gigantic change among younger men as I know several who are married but frequent gay bars or clubs or places such as 24 Kaikan in Shinjuku. Most guys, and I suppose gals, are not "out."
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I adapted years ago. The slight changes even in Japan are an improvement, but there is still a ways to go to get where I wish things had been back in Appalachia when I was growing up,
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kimberly40 · 11 months
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A Southern Tradition: The Dogtrot House-
Prior to the advent of air conditioning, an understanding of local environments enabled southerners to build in ways that buffered the harsh climatic realities. The dogtrot, also known as a breezeway house, dog-run, or possum-trot, is a style of house that was common throughout the Southeastern United States during the 19th and early 20th centuries.
The main style point was a large breezeway (instead of a hallway) through the center of the house to cool occupants in the hot southern climate.
The dogtrot is also known as “two pens and a passage”. One room was typically used for sleeping and the other for cooking. The covered open center passage was the main sitting room in warm weather that was cooled naturally by breezes that intensified in the open passage. The center passage was often used as the dog kennel and thus the name dog trot.
The original dog trots were made of logs with a fireplace on each end. Later dog trots were framed with wood siding.
The first time I ever heard of it was from the “Outlander” Series. The house in Frasier Ridge was a Dogtrot house.
•Read more at Dogtrot houses at https://craneisland.com/2019/11/06/a-southern-tradition-thedogtrot/
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becomingvecna · 3 months
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crypticzie · 6 months
Why is it socially unacceptable to want to live in the woods and travel to the local park to cause people to think you’re a new appalachian cryptid?
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bebx · 1 day
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The First Omen
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