#Amd working hard so wanted to express that i am cheering for him and love him
mrfoox 1 year
Me writing a ton of sappy shit: this is true and genuine and easy
Me, trying to say it: um -blushing-I... I think you're... Haha... You're great
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nikirikistan 10 months
Ramen mishap
~ heeseung ~
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饾拺饾拏饾拪饾挀饾拪饾拸饾拡: 饾拤饾拞饾拞饾挃饾拞饾挅饾拸饾拡 饾挋 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拝饾拞饾挀
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Despite being on your period, you had brought all the ingredients and were delighted to cook ramen for your lover. You wanted to do something special for him because he's been working extremely hard.
You enter the kitchen and begin cooking, hoping to finish before Heeseung returns home.
You started by creating the broth, then adding ramen noodles and reheating it with dumplings your "mother in law" made as heeseung would call it. Everything is going well, and you have a slight smile on your face. Everything smelled delicious. Looking forward to seeing Heeseung's reaction to your food.
Just when you thought everything was going fine, it all went wrong. Heeseung's favourite ramen topping, beef brisket, was taking too long to cook. You expected it to take half an hour, but Heeseung was going to arrive in five minutes.
While you were in a state of panic. Flipping the brisket every few seconds in the hopes that the bright pink will turn brown. It didn't work. Your face became warm, and you noticed drops on your cheek. You knew it was dumb to cry about brisket, but your emotions are out of control right now.
Heeseungs opens the door when he notices you cooking. He adores you as you stand in the kitchen looking as stunning as ever. You hadn't noticed him walk in and wrap his arm around your waist. But he also hadn't notice you crying.
"Hey, sweetheart, it smells so good."
"mhm." You murmur, hoping he doesn't notice your tears.
"Sweetheart, is this beef brisket?" He stated he was excited, but this just makes you cry more because you failed to prepare a basic supper for him.
You sniffled, attempting to calm yourself so Heeseung wouldn't worry, but having him here only invites more tears.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Hearing your sniffles, he turned the stove off, carefully rotating you around to face him. "What is going on?" He had a worried expression on his face.
"I'm sorry hee." You said, looking down, not wanting to face him.
"Babe, take a look at me, what happened?" He remarked, gently lifting your chin with his hand while maintaining eye contact.
"I wanted to serve this all before you arrived." You whispered, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"It's okay, sweetheart, I love seeing you cook." He murmured, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
"Really?" He nodded taking an apron from the top shelf, puts it on, and smiles at you. "Sweetheart, let us cook together, it will be more fun." He tried to cheer you up.
"Thank you, hee." You replied, reaching for him and squeezing him into a hug. "I love you."
"No, thank you for preparing this for me, sweetheart. I love you too."
"Of course hee." You responded, running your hand through his hair while he assisted with flipping the brisket.
"It's also a good thing you didn't finish in time...I get to see you in this cute apron." He smirks as he turns to face you.
He always knows how to make you feel better. I can't wait to marry him, you thought, butterflies still here for him.
Finally, you both enjoyed ramen while talking about your days.
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a/n: i wouldnt be able to get up from my bed amd cook ramem馃拃 but fr i get more sensetive then i alrdy am when im on my period</3 what other kpop grps/idols should i do?
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maybe-its-micheal 3 years
Like an Orange Spark...
/rp /dsmp
Ghostbur watched as Dream, Tommy, and Techno talked. He was sure he had just known what they were discussing, but now the context seemed to slip through his fingers... he was used to the feeling, though, and shrugged it off. He tried for a few minutes to pay attention, but kept forgetting what everyone was talking about, amd decided to do something else. He turned his back to them, and let his eyes wonder across the snowy landscape.
It was really was a lovely day, the leaves of the spruce trees swayed slightly in the chill breeze, leaving shadows dancing on the ground. A few small bushes peaked up over the snow, dotted with red berries, and the sun sat in the center of the cloudless sky. Ghostbur heard a slight rustle from a near by bush, and spotted a hint of blue from behind it.
"Listen, Techno, you owe me. Im calling in that fav-"
"Friend!" Ghostbur yelled, interrupting whatever it was Dream was on about.
Techno's expression, a mix between anger and concern, shifted to pity as he looked over at the ghost. It was odd seeing the man who he'd once fought alongside like this... he was a capable leader, and a dangerous enemy. But that was in another life...
Tommy was tense, and flinched as Dream snapped his head around to glare at Ghostbur. He grumbled something under his breath before turning back to Technoblade. "Look. I dont want to make this a big thing-" Techno put a hand up to interrupt as he gave Dream a serious look. He turned to Ghostbur, handing him a lead.
"Hey, Ghostbur. Me and Tommy need to talk to Dream, but I saw a patch of blue flowers on the other side of the village. How about you take Friend and see if you can find them?" He asked.
"Ok!" He responded excitedly. Blue was his favorite, he was always looking for more. "You guys have fun!"
He tied the lead to Friend and ran his grey fingers through the soft wool. He turned to go, hearing a few hushed sentences as he walked off.
"He shouldn't have to watch something like this," Technoblade whispered.
Dream scoffed. "Not like he'd remember anyway. But now that he's gone, I want Tommy to..."
And the voices trailed off. Wilbur decided to fill the quiet by talking to friend- that always cheered him up! "Today I've been spending lots of time with Technoblade!" he told the sheep. "We brewed a whole bunch of invisibility potions together, it was lovely. You know, I think they may be his favorite kind of potion, he kept going on about how much he wanted to share them with Tommy." He gave a slight chuckle, then stopped walking. He turned around to look back at the group. "Technoblade seems to really like Tommy. I cant imagine why..." he said with a jokey smile, eyes fixed on Tommy. He was a bit hunched over, still looking at the ground. Every so often he looked up, nervously glancing to Dream with big, glossy eyes, and then looking back down. Ghostbur frowned. "Maybe that was a bit mean to say. I was only joking," he clarified to Friend. "Tommy isn't all bad."
Ghostbur turned back around and kept walking. On his way to the village he got to thinking about Tommy... he could be really annoying, there's no denying that, but he also had a lot of good qualities. He remembered when they were first making L'manburg together; those were good times. Tommy had been very brave, then, and determined too. No matter how grim a situation looked he never seemed to be afraid of Dream, he just kept going. Maybe he was just a naive child, but in the end... the details were fuzzy, but Ghostbur was sure that in the end it was Tommy who did something to secure the future of their nation.
In the quiet he couldn't help but overhear some of the conversation taking place back over the hill. Their voices were getting louder, maybe they were all excited about something. A smile dawned on Ghostbur's face- maybe they'd sent him away because they're planning a surprise party! He stopped walking again, and did his best to listen.
"I am not handing him over to-" Techno's voice yelled.
"... control over... give it to me! Him. Give him to me!" Dream responded.
"You've done enough dam..."
"... never should have trusted..."
"I dont want to kill you."
It was hard to keep track of who was saying what, but it didn't sound much like party planning. Ghostbur went back to walking- he could see the wooden roofs of buildings in the distance, which meant he was getting close to the village.
In all the yelling he wondered why he couldn't hear Tommy's voice. Maybe he just hadn't listened hard enough- that was probably it. Being quiet is quite unlike Tommy, Wilbur thought.
"Come on, Techno... favor... my..."
"I dont want... can't betray him agai..."
"...Im sorry."
Theseus... he wasn't sure why, but that name lit something up in the back of his mind. It was only there for a moment, like a flickering spark. A memory. Phil had told him and Techno about Theseus when they were kids... it was a bedtime story, he thought. He pinched the bridge of his nose, and shut his eyes, trying to focus on it, and see if he could get the spark to come back. Friend looked at him with a tilted head and bah'ed, as if to ask why they stopped walking.
"... can make a deal..."
"Hand him over... want..."
"I'll never fall for..."
"He's just a kid, Dream. He..."
Wilbur could see the spark in his mind- a little glowing dot of orange bouncing around in an infinite void of grey and blue darkness. Then, all at once, the spark lit up, erupting into a flame that filled his entire mind. Ghostbur jumped backwards with surprise, falling into the snow.
His mind took him back to another time; another life, when he was another person. The war was still going on, the first one with Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy. Eret had already betrayed them.
In his mind, he saw Wilbur- himself- no, Wilbur- standing on the banks of a lake back in Dream SMP territory. An oak path stretched over the water like a bridge, and Dream stood to one side, Tommy on the other. They both held a bow and a few arrows.
Fundy and Tubbo were there with him, and so were George and Sapnap. Everyone was deadly silent, except for Wilbur. He was counting, loud and clear, his voice echoing over the scene.
"...in it for me..."
"...give you... ever want..."
"Fine, its a deal."
"...I'm sorry, Tommy..."
"... Theseus... cliff... the person he took refuge f..."
"... seen it coming."
The talk was drowning out the memory... the firelight was flickering, and peices of the scene were covered with grey darkness and splotches of blue again. Ghostbur was desperate to hold on, he held his head in his hands and pushed his eyes shut tight. "No no no no no," he muttered to himself, hoping for it to stay just a few moments longer. Through the fading light he heard his past self reach the number 10 amd stop counting... Tommy and Dream turned around to face eachother.
"Please, Techno, I dont want to go," Ghostbur heard from back in reality. Tommy's voice was breaking through his memory... it was all falling apart.
"Come on, Tommy. Take off the armor, don't make me do this the hard way," Dream replied.
"I dont want to, Techno. Hes going to kill me, please!"
"I'm not going to kill you if you cooperate. Hurry up," Dream barked.
The memory was almost gone. There was no more Fundy, or Sapnap, or oak path. It was only water as a heap of bubbles disturbed the surface. When they cleared Ghostbur could see Tommy struggling in the water. He was about to reach the air again, but then-
An arrow plunged itself through Tommy's heart, killing him instantly, and it all came flooding back.
He was snapped back to present day, and running back to the three. Friend was left behind in the snow. Dream shot Tommy. That was the memory, how Tommy lost his second life. Dream shot him. "You BASTARD!' He shouted at the top of his lungs as he sprinted back the way he came. "You fucking BASTARD!"
Then the darkness started to come back... Ghostbur balled his hand into a fist. Dream let out a yell... and it all went grey.
Next thing he knew, he was seated with Technoblade in the house. He looked around. "Oooh! You're brewing! Are you making invisibility? Thats your favorite potion," he told the pig. Techno looked up.
"No, its... harming." He replied. "I thought- you know since you're undead it would work kind of like skeletons and zombies."
"Aww, it's for me? Thanks! But why would I need to heal?" He paused, feeling a bit cold. There was a draft- maybe a window was opened upstairs.
"Because-" Techno stopped and looked at the ghost. "Do you not remember?"
Ghostbur paused. "Hmmm... well I know Dream came to visit. And then... something about an arrow? No, that wasn't it... I guess I dont really remember. What happened?"
Technoblade sighed, and set the potion down. "Nothing big. Im just glad youre ok."
Ghostbur laughed, "well yeah! It's not like I could die again!" That draft was getting big- he looked down.
"Oh." He said. There was a massive hole in his yellow sweater, but the grey akin underneath was left unharmed. "How did..?"
"Dont worry about it. Phil is already working on making you a new one, too, by the way. It'll be blue."
Ghostbur gasped. "Oh my god!" He exclaimed with a smile, "thats my favorite color!"
Technoblade chuckled. "I know, Ghostbur. I know."
"I should tell Tommy," the ghost decided. "Where is he?"
Techno's face fell. "He... had to leave."
Ghostbur shrugged. "I don't remember that, when?"
"Just a few minutes ago... he went with Dream."
Ghostbur smiled pleasantly. "Thats nice, they really are such good friends."
"Yeah..." Technoblade replied. "Friends."
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iamwickedlovely 6 years
Cody Fern x Reader [Sweet Love, Sweet Escape]
- Part One-
Request and plot from: @del-rcys
Genre: Drama | Romance
Synopsis: Y/n is an upcoming singer and decides to take things slow as her career starta to kick off. One night, after performing at a local bar, she meets a guy there who goes by the name of Cody. Y/n talks to him about her alcoholic doesn't support her, but she wants him to get better. Her mother is the only one that seems to be supportive of her daughter's career at the moment. Soon, y/n and Cody hit it off, and an epic journey begins through passionate love, romance, family, and of course... music.
Warning: May contain foul language or sexual content.
I am sorry if I went deep in the beginning, or something. I'm now writing out part 2. I hope you guys will like it! I'm up for advice and requests! :D Thank you, guys! Wait, so I suck at poetry, but I threw in something, though, lol. 馃槄
You were at the age of ten when you picked up your first guitar at a music store. You held onto it as if it were magic, and you ran your fingers on the strings just to hear the sound. It filled you with wonder, and you started to dream. Your heart ached for this instrument; it filled you with desire and happiness. You even giggled when you continued to stroke on the instrument.
Your mother noticed your fascination with the guitar, and it warmed her heart, and she gave a soft smile that never reached her eyes. Her eyes was full of sorrow. Your family was broken up and poor, but despite all that, you grew up to be a sweet, young thing. You showed compassion and kindness to anyone who was hurt, especially animals. You even shed tears when your hamster died, or finding a dead bird on the lawn. One thing your mother never saw, was watching you smile. All she ever wanted was for you to live life to the fullest, and to be filled with love and laughter. Your mother made it her life's mission to put money on the side, from her job as a waitress, to buy you the guitar you've played in secret.
Two years have passed since then, and you were twelve with two sisters. You were the oldest, and your father expected more out of you to set a good example. In short, he was the hardest on you.
Christmas day came around the corner and the family couldn't afford much. Your mother continued as a waitress, and your father lost his job as an engineer technician. The company he worked for ran into financial issues, and they had to lay off the majority of workers, including your father. This led him to binge drinking on alcohol at the local bar, in turn, he became an alcoholic. It was not pretty, because he was an angry drunk. He would come home to argue with mother, occassionally striking her with bare hands. You and the sisters would hide in your rooms. It went to the point you guys would even lock yourselves inthe closet, and cover the ears while holding onto a favorite stuffed animal.
One evening, your mother knocked on your door, to reassure you that your father left. You pulled your blanket, it covered you, down to peak to look at her face. Evenugh you were twelve, you understood how your mom recieved the bruise, but you decided it was best not to question it.
Your mom cleared her throat, and gave you a big luggage for you to open, "Oh, my sweet baby, I wish you had a better life than this," She started to tear up, and stroked your hair to calm you down, "I love you, and I want you to chase your dreams. I brought a surprise, I remember seeing you play with a guitar, so I just," She handed the case to you willingly, "Please open it."
You blinked, and felt a tad excitement stirring as you took off the blanket, and hovered your tiny fingers on the case. You asked quietly, "How do I open it, mommy?"
Your mom gave a slight, saddened grin, amd opened four lockets on the side to reveal the guitar you played at the music store.
You stared, trying desperately to comprehend. You gazed at your mother's eyes to ask, "Is this mine?"
She nodded, choking up, "Yes, baby, yes!" She planted a kiss on your forehead, "It's best if you don't speak to your father, or sisters. Let it be our little secret," she winked.
[Years Later]
You sat in a spotlight at a local bar, with a guitar on your lap, and a microphone in front of you. You were on a bar stool, and you were ready to play, but you also felt nervous. You were too hard on yourself, so you were anxious, wondering if you were any good. You cleared your throat, and your voice began to escape in a mellow, soft tune. It was slow, and you touched the strings of the guitar with grace. Tears struck your eyes, because you bottled you're feelings for too long,
"I can't express my feelings well,
no matter how much I try.
You've told me not to dwell,
No matter how much you've made me cry."
The song was about your alcoholic father, of how much pain he caused you throughout the years, but you still loved him dearly. The audience stared in silence. Most of them had to take out tissues from crying.
Once you were done, the room remained quiet, since the people on the seats were trying to process the song. A few minutes after, they clapped and cheered for you. Then, you ended up getting off stage to take your leave. You honestly didn't feel like staying longer, because the song took a lot of energy out of you.
However, a guy, with blonde hair, kind of wavy and short, stopped you from leaving. He stood over you, and he talked in an attractive accent, "Beautiful song, a bit emotional. I loved it, mind if I buy you a drink?" He furrowed his brows, and smiled lightly, "You look like you're in need of it."
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He's right, you thought, what did you have to lose? He seemed polite, and you fancied his voice, so you nodded, "Okay. Thank you, what's your name?"
He chuckled, "Right," he offered you his hand to shake, "I'm Cody Fern. Pleasure to meet you."
You tilt your head, where did I hear that name before? Your eyes widened, "Oh my god. Oh my god," you tried hard to contain yourself, "Shit, fuck. Ah, sorry," You pinched your nose bridge in embarassment, "You're the new cast on American Horror Story! I love your character. Haha, goodness." Breathe, [y/n], just breathe.
His grin widened, he was feeling amused by the reaction,"Ah, so you've heard of me. I feel flattered," He offered his arm so he could lead you to a couple of stools, "Can I escort you, mi'lady?"
You couldn't remember the last time you enjoyed yourself, especially being around good company, "Absolutely, sir!" You held onto his arm, and the two of you walked together.
Once you two sat on a couple of stools at the bar's counter, he glanced at you in question, "So, sorry, but I never did get your name." The bar tender gave you guys a couple of cold beers that seemed to be overfilled. Cody mouthed a 'thank you' to him.
I pressed the rim of the glass to my lips, and sipped, blech, why didn't I go for wine? Your nose wrinkled in distaste. You blinked up at Cody, "Oh, right, I'm sorry. I'm [y/n]."
"That's a beautiful name. Has a ring to it, if I say so myself." He winked, and took a swig of his beer.
You couldn't help, but notice he still carried an accent, so you had to ask, "Uh, can I ask where you're from?" He is a damn good actor, you thought admiringly.
He laughed, "Australia. Down under," he paused to drink more of his beer, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but this tastes a little funny." His lip made a pout. He definitely disapproved the drink.
You grinned, he is too cute. You agreed, "I actually thought the same thing, must be the beer. Hey! I can propose a better idea," your eyes flashed wickedly at him.
You managed to pique his interest, "Anything in mind?" He wondered.
"Hmm," you tapped your chin with an index finger, "Pizza and wine, then walk around on sidewalk under the moonlight? Maybe tell stories?" You hoped he would jump at the opportunity, because you found yourself enjoying being around him.
He quirked his eyebrows, "So, a date, then, and we didn't even exchange phone numbers yet. Count me in!"
You both exchanged smiles as you two left the bar, leaving a good enough tip on the table.
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