#Amber Kain
sc0tters · 6 days
i need you to confirm im not crazy…poch is kinda 👀
when he has a good win I let myself agree with that point 😭
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hayheadd · 3 months
UPDATED clangen pathologic warrior cats... directed at no one in particular. made in dollmaker called clangen catmaker
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Anna, Aspity and Var
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Grief, Rubin and Lara
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Eva, Yulia and Maria
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Aglaya, Block and Simon
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Murky, Sticky and Taya
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Georgiy, Victor and SImon
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Grace (with dirty paws), Khan and Notkin
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Saburov, Saburova, Oyun
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Andrey and Peter Stamatin
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Capella, Vlad jr and Big Vlad are in the first one I'm only allowed 30 images.... anyway.... as a fun little bonus
Medicine cats
Snakeheart (Daniil Dankovsky)
Small tortoiseshell tom with white paws, a red spot on his chest and amber eyes
Bullheart (Artemy Burakh)
Massive fuzzy golden tabby tom with blue eyes 
Ratheart / Miracleheart (Clara)
Lanky dilute calico thing with bright yellow eyes
Miracleheart is the name she chose for herself, but everyone calls her Ratheart to mock her instead 
Stickpaw (Sticky)
Lanky golden tom with green eyes
Murkkit (Murky)
Small lykoi she-cat with blue eyes
Knotpaw (Notkin)
Gray tom with brown spots on his nose and ears, a dog collar around his neck and yellow eyes (Resembles Jester)
Soul-and-a-halves are basically the cat distribution system. They find humans for themselves 
Sparkpaw (sight) (Capella)
Tall ginger she-cat with blue sparkly eyes
Her mom Daystar (Viktoria Olgimskaya)
Elegant long-furred white she-cat with sparkly yellow eyes
Gracepaw (Grace)
Long-furred white she-cat with tired blue eyes and stuff stuck in her fur
Antkit (Taya Tycheek)
Brown and dark ginger tortoiseshell she-cat with bright yellow eyes
Dogpaw (Khan Kain)
Round small dark gray tabby tom with bright blue eyes
Whispersong (Eva Yan)
Elegant round light yellow she-cat with blue eyes 
Newteye (Peter Stamatin)
Cream tom with green eyes 
Newtclaw (Andrey Stamatin)
Cream tom with green eyes 
Scarletsight (Maria Kaina)
Blueish black she-cat with amber eyes 
Her mom Nightstar (Nina Kaina)
Elegant tall long-furred black she-cat with amber eyes
Highstep / Smallspider (Vlad Jr)
Tall dusty gray tom with yellow eyes
Shadowflower (Victor Kain)
Round gray tabby tom with blue eyes
Mistchaser (Georgiy Kain)
Old long-furred silver tom with yellow eyes
Rockfang (Stakh Rubin) (Rubyfang)
Parcially bald black tom-cat with yellow eyes and fur on his chest, paws and tail 
Riverpebble (Lara Ravel) (Gravelpebble)
Long-furred dark gray with black spots, a fuzzy tail and blue eyes
Sleektalon (Bad Grief) (Owl/Filin)
Small ginger tabby tom with green eyes
Robinsong (Anna Angel)
Dark ginger she-cat with yellow eyes 
Molesight (Katerina Saburova)
Dusty silver and black she-cat spots with bluish gray eyes
Dustwatcher (Alexander Saburov)
Light brownish-gray tom with greenish gray eyes 
Applebird (Yulia Lyuricheva)
Tall golden tabby she-cat with green eyes
Bullface (Foreman Oyun)
Massive brown tabby tom who wears a bull skull and has light blue eyes
Wormleg (Aspity)
Lanky dark brown thing with gray eyes
Thornlily (Aglaya Lilich)
Tall blue she-cat with light green eyes
Ashenstep (Alexander Block)
Dark ginger tom with bright blue eyes and gray paws
Crookedcrouch (Var)
Dark brown crooked tom with one yellow eye and one blind blue eye with a scar over it
Willowblossom (Willow Mellow)
Dark brown she-cat with green eyes
Willowdancer (Nara)
Tall dark blue she-cat with purple eyes
Bigbull (Big Vlad) (I KNOW it's a dumb name but what else is there for Big Vlad.)
Fat ass ginger cat with blue eyes 
Mudheart (Isidor Burakh)
Light brown tom with blue eyes
Skystar/Skychaser (Simon Kain)
Old long-furred white tom with blue eyes
The theatre??? I don't know the??? Silentden the??? Whisperden?
Foulplay (Mark Immortell)
Gray spotted tom with green and blue eyes
Ratcather (RATCATCHER)
Black and white (mostly black) she-cat with blue eyes
Birdfaces (Executors)
Face covered with a raven skull, cloak made of red feathers, flowers and leaves with raven bones sticking out. Usually shown sitting down in the performances, so only the front paws are barely visible beneath the cloak
and Silentfaces (Tragedians)
I don't know where they got the masks
Fellow traveller
Dark brown tom with green eyes
Crimsondove (Aysa Klyonina)
Dark ginger she-cat with a big nose and amber eyes
Viperpool (Farkhad)
Black curly-furred tom with amber eyes
general info/context:
They were the same clan but fell apart (Steppeclan)
Spireclan, Termiteclan And Humbleclan
All medicine cats named -heart
Queens are replacement for in-game mistresses, they're not nursing mothers. They're instead like mothers of the whole clan. There are also queen apprentices that can only be of queen blood. They get -sight names until they become full queens (leaders) and get -star.
Moonspire - Polyhedron (the kits call it the playden), Bullplace - Abattoir, Hollowpool - Cathedral
Polyhedron is made of ice that doesn't melt, Abattoir is made of that kinda ancient brown dusty ice that has diseases in it, Cathedral is a bunch of tall sticks and a puddle (melted ice) (fail)
Herb mates are also another cat class only special kin cats can be apprenticed to. They have -dancer names.
The powers that be are Starclan. Aka the giant kids. No idea how that explains them being like a literal government. Maybe everyone is super religious. I mean maybe god is real. Warrior cats
Daniil was a kittypet that lived in a veterinarian clinic
Rubin was unofficially apprenticed by Isidor, never got the -heart name.
The guardian cats are also in this au. A clan full of medicine cats. This is the place where Daniil lived and Artemy studied, but they didn’t know each other (Capital basically)
The Stamatins are former kittypets and den builders that used to live with the guardian cats.
The army is also another faraway clan that is full of warriors that fight by the orders of Starclan whether they like it or not
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zerokurokawa · 6 days
An excerpt from my fanfic that I'm currently writing on Wattpad: REVERSE | Tokyo Revengers
Amber, my mother, was a very laid back woman. She would often do spastic shit like cut all her hair off because it was bothering her while working in the ICU. Currently, she has a pixie cut. Standing at about five foot five, she was tougher than any woman I know. She would work herself to the bone one night and then get up the next day to go get a new tattoo added to her sleave. Amber was the definition grunge. To me, she looked like a Winona Ryder but with tattoos and a nose piercing. Don't get me wrong, she's a genius when it comes to the medical field, but it's like she loses her mind when she comes home and lacks common sense - like the bike incident.
She also gives me stupid ass nicknames.
"Sweetie pie," She hollered while walking in the front door, "Mom's home, come give me a hug, I've got some shit to tell you! You would not believe the night I had."
"Mom, its fucking 8am on a Saturday morning, why? Why must you do this to me?" I stumbled up from the couch and walked over to her. All of a sudden, panic came over me. I had forgotten that Baji, of all fucking people, was also asleep on the couch. We had a movie marathon late last night and fell asleep. Baji was at the other end with his face buried in the pillow. Thank God he had long hair. Now, if only he could stay unconscious long enough until my mother goes to bed.
"The ER was rough last night, a bunch of punk ass kids came in all busted up," My mom froze, staring at the edge of the couch. "Who is that?"
"Oh uh…." I stammered. "My friend stayed over last night."
"That does not look like Zoe and I know she's your only friend." She said, peeking around me.
"Throwing shots at me now, are we? At 8 in the fucking morning mom?" I yawned.
All of a sudden, I hear a sleepy, manly groan. Peeking out from the curtain of his black hair, Baji sat up and stared at my mom dead in the face, eyes still blurry with sleep. He has no idea what's going on and neither does my mother.
"Let me explain…" I tried to console my mother before she got pissed that I had a boy in the house.
"You're fifteen, Val. Why do you have a boy staying over?!" She gestured wildly, but quietly, at Baji.
Baji still has not moved. He just keeps staring. I'm either royally fucked, or my mom is going to be cool with it. You never know with Amber.
"Keisuke… this is my mom, Amber. Mom, this is Keisuke Baji." I stared back and forth between the two. "I tutor him at school and we became friends, FRIENDS, and we had a movie night. By the time the movie was over, we had both fallen asleep, ACCIDENTALLY."
I stared hard at my mother in her face, willing her to understand my meaning and to please not embarrass me; but oh she started.
"Keisukeeeeee! It's nice to meet you! I'm glad you've been taking special care of my special daughter. She likes to do dumb shit, she got it from her brother, Kaine. God rest his poor soul."
"Mom, Kaine is still alive…" I put my head in my hands as Baji stood up. He wasn't wearing a shirt, which made shit even worse.
"Well, for the time being at least." She said stoutly as she stared at a shirtless Baji.
Noticing my gestures to put his shirt back on, he grabbed it, said a quick "hello", and then ran off to the hallway bathroom as my mother's laughs followed behind him.
"No but seriously, what the hell, Valerie? You gotta boyfriend now?" She turned to me with a straight face.
"NO MOM, Jesus, he's just a friend of mine. I can't have guy friends?" I emphasized the friends part. I decided to go and start making breakfast for all of us considering this was going to be a very awkward and long morning. I was getting the dishes out when my mother speaks up.
"So this is the part were I need to give you the talk, huh?" I turned around and just looked at her.
"Mom, God, please… no." I begged.
"You're having boys stay over and I want to make sure you're being safe! I started at a young age and I wanted to make sure-" I cut her off.
"Mom, I'm a virgin and will stay a virgin for a long time." I looked at her with a fake smile, trying to get her to shut up before Baji came back from the bathroom.
I heard a cough coming from the hallway as Baji stepped out and leaned against the fridge.
"I apologize for my rude behavior, Mrs. Delrey. My name is Keisuke Baji and we accidentally fell asleep while watching movies last night. I'm used to sleeping in a cold apartment and got hot. I'm sorry." He calmly explained and stuck out his hand for my mother to shake. She smiled at him and nodded in response, shaking his hand and greeting him properly.
"It's nice to meet you, Keisuke. I'm Amber, Valerie's cool ass mother." She smirked while making that statement. "I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom." She also likes to make Mean Girls references.
It was true though, my mother was very cool. She was chill about a lot of things. I didn't have a curfew and she would let me drive around in her expensive BMW when she was home. She also wouldn't care that Zoe would come over and stay weeks at a time with me.
I finished cooking breakfast as my mom practically interrogated Baji. I sat the plates down passive aggressively as she asked him the infamous question:
"Are you in a gang?"
The silence was deafening.
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
The Dead Guy Death Match Bracket Is Here!
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Round 1 will be split into 4 waves of 16 24 hour polls and each wave will be posted 24 hours after the previous. The first wave will start on Tuesday the 18th of April at 3pm BST
The matchups are listed under the readmore and will be hyperlinked to the polls when they go up.
The matchups were all randomised although I did make minor adjustments if I thought one was much too unfair.
Also tagging @tournamentdirectory as I haven't already
Wave 1:
Charles Foster Kane (Citizen Kane) Vs Gavroche Thenardier (Les Miserables)
Leif (Bug Fables) Vs Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon)
L (Death Note) Vs Jonny D'Ville (The Mechanisms)
Noah Czerny (The Raven Cycle) Vs Lee Everett (The Walking Dead)
Pat Butcher (BBC Ghosts) Vs Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts)
Captain Orimar Vale (Skyjacks Campaign Podcast) Vs Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Diallos Hoslow (Elden Ring) Vs Rachel Amber (Life Is Strange)
Andrei Grandier (Rose Of Versailles) Vs Constance Blackwood (Ride The Cyclone)
Spock (Star Trek) Vs Maria Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Kravitz (The Adventure Zone) Vs Sal Fisher (Sally Face)
Mari (Omori) Vs Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Nate (Leverage) Vs Max (Sam and Max)
Owen Carvour (Spies Are Forever) Vs Vylad Ro'Meave (Minecraft Diaries)
Neil Perry (Dead Poet's Society) Vs Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)
Flapjack (The Owl House) Vs Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Loki (Marvel) Vs Adam Faulkner Stanheight (Saw)
Wave 2:
Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) Vs Diggory Graves (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Hugo Oak (Kipo And The Age Of Wonderbeasts) Vs Leonardo Hamato (Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie)
Chara (Undertale) Vs Magnus Chase (Magnus Chase)
River Song (Doctor Who) Vs Micheal Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Catherine Earnshaw (Wurthering Heights) Vs Tara Maclay (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Laudna (Critical Role) Vs Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy)
Mia Fey (Ace Attorney) Vs Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)
Meiko 'Menma' Honma (The Flower We Saw That Day) Vs Claire Foley (Professor Layton)
Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler) Vs Skelly (Hades)
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil) Vs Portgas D Ace (One Piece)
Polly Geist (Monster Prom) Vs Hua Cheng (Heaven's Official Blessing)
Avatar Kyoshi (Avatar The Last Airbender) Vs Galivar Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
Pink/Orchid (Animation Vs Animator/Minecraft) Vs Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls Animated)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) Vs Stoick The Vast (How To Train Your Dragon)
Evelyn Hooper (Less is Morgue) Vs Manny Calavera (Grim Fandango)
Kokichi Oma (Danganronpa) Vs Silco (Arcane)
Wave 3:
Eurydice (Greek Mythology) Vs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead)
Jack Twist (Brokeback Mountain) Vs Charles Vane (Black Sails)
Howard Hamlin (Better Call Saul) Vs Jason Grace (Riordanverse)
Nora Hildegard (The Vampire Diaries) Vs Gerard Keay (The Magnus Archives)
Manny (Swiss Army Man) Vs Matoro (Bionicle)
Wen Ning (Mo Dao Zu Shi) Vs Kikyo (Inuyasha)
Yuri Nakamura (Angel Beats) Vs Simon Kain (Pathologic)
Deep Throat (The X Files) Vs La Signora (Genshin Impact)
Esmeralda (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame Novel) Vs Ursula Zandt/Silhouette (Watchmen Comics)
Nageki Fujishiro (Hatoful Boyfriend) Vs Tuba (Infinity Train)
Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice) Vs Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption)
Oda Sakunoske (Bungou Stray Dogs) Vs Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
Duncan (Dragon Age) Vs Junpei Yoshino (Jujitsu Kaisen)
Quincey Morris (Dracula) Vs Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen)
Deadman (DC Comics) Vs Breakdown (Transformers)
Draal The Deadly (Troll Hunters) Vs Castiel (Supernatural)
Wave 4:
Matsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer) Vs Midori (Your Turn To Die)
Kelsier (Mistborn) Vs Peter 'Parker' Yang (Malevolent Podcast)
Tadashi Hamada (Big Hero 6) Vs Noriaki Kakyoin (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Erik (The Phantom Of The Opera) Vs Matthias Helvar (Six Of Crows)
Tigerstar (Warrior Cats) Vs Boromir (The Lord Of The Rings)
Joel Miller (The Last Of Us) Vs Pedro Madrigal (Encanto)
Rufus Emeterio (They Both Die At The End) Vs King Arthur (King Arthur)
Bunny Corcoran (The Secret History) Vs Lenore (Nevermore Webtoon)
Sliver Of Straw (Rain World) Vs Bow (Inanimate Insanity)
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place) Vs Nicholas D Wolfwood (Trigun)
Tiso (Hollow Knight) Vs Okudera (Yakuza 5)
Koki Kariya (The World Ends With You) Vs Horst Cabal (Johannes Cabal)
Mr Boddy (Clue) Vs Garret Jacob Hobbs (Hannibal)
Eddie Kaspbrak (IT) Vs Emily (Corpse Bride)
Ash Lynx (Banana Fish) Vs Ophelia (Hamlet)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) Vs Kili (The Hobbit)
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scionofsucc · 1 year
Fuck the "cannon" answer what is it in your heart
To me he is and always will be green
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mistalintu · 2 years
MY FIRST MK OC, AMBER (blame Takii for everything)
Name: Amber Alvarez
Aliases/Nicknames: Grandma Amper
Gender: female (she/them)
Origin: USA, Earthrealm
Species: human
Weapons: shockers
Powers/Abilities: electricity resistance, martial training
Amber was a small gang member back in her hometown. Unfortunately for them, the Black Dragon got a contract to destroy said gang. She was given a chance to switch sides, which she did, and later executed her former boss.
She worked for Kano for about 30 years, not once failing a mission. But it didn't mean she was loyal. Kano had done a lot to earn her hatred, from that first raid when her friends were killed for not betraying the gang, to Kano murdering a fellow Dragon she loved, Maria, for rejecting his advances.
When Kain (@takiisieju ) rebelled against Kano, Amber was one of the few older mercs to support him. She killed those of her squad who didn't support the rebellion and was sent to the Special Forces with their heads as a negotiator.
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Template and art by my friend @takiisieju
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
Tim's special rock gifts who gets one?
Kaze: For sure, it's nothing spectacular. Pretty average rock with nothing to special about it, except that it contains a fossil. Not that he knows what it is but finds the texture of the rock quite interesting and for whatever reasons decides it's a good one for him
Kumo: Not right away but yeh, actually the first thing he gives isn't even a rock it's a chunk of Amber (perhaps with a feather in it? Boi notices their interest in the flying things so ) He likes the colour reminds him when the sky changes colour in the morning and at night
But also gives him a random rock with a piece if quartz/ quartz like crystal in it- sparkle reminds him Kumo's horns (clesr quartz depending on ghe light kinda looks white as well so)
Kain: You bet yah.
Just any funky rock, maybe a unique shape, or something giving it a unique colour.
Sielu: Not at first but as they connect Tim starts bringing them things (consider it payment heh, for the secret music lessons)
A lovely stone smoothed by water, a little chipped in spots
Also semi opaque smooth turquoise "rock" - it's actually glass.
Mustang: No rocks for him sorry. Not allowed to touch his collection
Cid: Undecided he might find other random objects left for him to find instead
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hawksights · 1 year
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( @justaradioguy ) ->
"Lieutenant?" he calls, just to grab their attention. He extends a box out to them, which he'd attempted to wrap but ultimately didn't do so well at. It's at least passable and provides the same satisfaction of tearing off.
"I hope it's okay to give you what's at the top. It's the softest thing I've ever made. And then at the bottom's a flashlight, so you don't need to worry about the shadows. They can't really exist in direct light. If it runs out of power or anything, you can come get me no problem. They're not super easy to get ahold of, so I wouldn't recommend letting just anyone fix it."
It's an intuitive device and not likely to need a repair, he knows, but... well, he wants an excuse for them to come find him anyway. "Happy birthday."
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The Colonel told the rest of the team their birthday on purpose, didn't he. Why? They had no idea. Did he get some sort of amusement out of it?
Or, was it his honest attempt at trying to give them a reason to smile?
Fuery's presence had the ability to do that on its own with how he carried himself, but the present in his hand told Riza he remembered what day it was. Did he really... he didn't have to go out of his way for them. Their birthday wasn't anything special, especially here in Wonderland when they all had more important things to be doing. Cid undoubtedly needed Fuery's expertise with all this technology. He was needed.
Yet, he went out of his way to make them something anyway. Make. Carefully, Riza tore the wrapping off the package to reveal something incredibly soft. A quilt! Unlike the blankets from the Comodeen, it was theirs. Solely theirs. Amber eyes lit up at the sight of it while a smile made itself at home on their face. Blankets were always welcome in their home, but here? Where they didn't have any of their own? Even more so.
They almost missed the flashlight. Almost. Yet, that gift's purpose was more obvious than the first. He heard their fears, and not only did he validate them, but he gave them a way to combat the shadows. Their smile remained as tears welled up in the corners of their eyes. How thoughtful. How incredibly thoughtful and kind Kain Fuery was.
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"I love these, Fuery. Both of these. I haven't had my own blanket since home, so I really appreciate you taking the time to make this for me. And, well..." They paused, biting their lip for a second as they set down the box. "It means a lot to me that you gave me a way to combat the shadows. I know it's not quite professional, but... would it be all right if I gave you a hug? As thanks?"
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brendan-block · 2 years
Kain crossed the room over to the tall, thin human, "Are you busy, Brendan?" he inquired gently. Onyx eyes looked upon him fondly, his smile soft, almost sad. He was feeling lonely, to be honest. - theeldritchmortician
Brendan was seated in the plush armchair next to the bookcase where he kept his catalogs on past kills. His attention was focused entirely on three of the larger volumes, which had been taken down and spread out before him, each currently opened to reveal pages filled with graphic photos of his dead victims. All were noticeably blonde, blue-eyed, attractive women with their hair styled short.
Several months ago Brendan had received a series of anonymous texts from someone who not only knew about his nasty little 'hobby', but also his specific taste in victims as well, and the memory of it had been plaguing him again. The last of the texts was what upset him the most, even now: the accusation that he was still obsessed with his ex-girlfriend Miranda and that the women he chose to kill were nothing more than a lookalike stand-in for her.
The evidence was there in his books. Every single blood-stained, mutilated face staring back at him was a copy of Miranda. The similarities were too great for him to deny it. But did that mean that he was still obsessed? Did it mean she still had a hold over him? Was he no longer in control?
The sudden, unexpected sound of Ka's voice made Brendan jump and he dropped his books to the floor with a loud gasp. He'd been so consumed with his thoughts that he hadn't heard him come in. Seeing him now, though, it dawned on Brendan that he hadn't yet told Ka about his 'hobby'.. and that he'd just had a mountain of evidence to his crimes laid out in plain view for him to see. With a soft curse he quickly scrambled from his chair to the floor to clean up the mess.
"I wasn't doin' anythin'!" Brendan told him, sounding awfully like a child that had just been caught misbehaving. "I mean.. I'm not busy. O'course I'm not busy. I always ave time for yeh, Dearest!" A nervous smile. "Let me jus'.. uh.. pick this up first, yeah?" He hurriedly snatched up a few sheets of paper and a handful of polaroids that had fallen out, then, despite it paining him to do so, he stuffed it all into one of the three books without sorting any of it properly. After that he stacked the books together and stood back up, with the bundle held to his chest so that Ka hopefully wouldn't see anything else.
"Now, is everythin' alright?" Dark amber eyes looked over Ka with worry.
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joeb91 · 4 months
Assorted fandom archive tags
Some tags for various different things I'm a fan of
Nier , Automata
2b , 9s , a2
Brother Nier , Papa Nier , Kaine , Emil , Grimoire Weiss
Mass Effect
Commander Shepard , Garrus Vakarian
Yugioh , Yugioh TCG
Yugi Mutou , Atem , Seto Kaiba , Katsuya Jonouchi , Anzu Mazaki , Bakura Ryou , Shizuka Kawai , Mai Kujaku
Marik Ishtar , Thief Bakura
Dark Magician , Dark Magician Girl
Life is Strange , True Colors
Max Caulfield , Chloe Price , Rachel Amber , Alex Chen , Steph Gingrich
Death Note
Light Yagami , L Lawliet , Misa Amane , Ryuk , Rem
Near , Mello
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Shinji Ikari , Rei Ayanami , Asuka Langley Soryu , Kaworu Nagisa
Misato Katsuragi , Mari Makinami
Spider-Man / Spider Verse
Peter Parker , Peter B Parker , Miles Morales , Spider Gwen
Miguel O'Hara , Spider Noir , Peni Parker , Peter Porker , Pavitr Prabhakar , Spider Punk
Eddie Brock / Venom
Batman / Superman
Hatsune Miku / Pokemiku
Inuyasha / Yashahime
Ace Attorney
Soul Hackers
Lollipop Chainsaw
Soul Calibur
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universomovie · 5 months
Amber Valletta - British Vogue January 2024 Covers
British Vogue January 2024 CoversSource: vogue.co.ukPublished: January 2024 In this picture: Amber Valletta All people in this magazine cover: Edward Enninful – Editor-in-Chief Charlotte Wales – Photographer Poppy Kain – Fashion Editor/Stylist Eugene Souleiman – Hair Stylist Sarah Jo Palmer – Hair Stylist Shingo Shibata – Hair Stylist Janeen Witherspoon – Makeup Artist Kanako Takase – Makeup…
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pennzance · 7 months
Ghostbusters: Port Huron (Episode 13)
Episode 13: The 5th floor
September 11th, 1998
Field Operation report by Amber
Today, we got into the main complex. It took a bit of work by other people to clear the debris of the elevator car enough to get a ladder up to the ground floor of the building, and then a little more work determining who was going where. The crayon eater sent my team to the top floor, probably to get us away from each other. That was fine with me.
I only served 4 years, but even I had heard about Julius Kaine. We used to read the court martial dockets for fun in our downtime in the warehouse I worked in as a materials manager, and his name came up a few times. Each time the charges were dismissed, but there was a clear pattern of physical and sexual abuse that seemed to follow the guy around and being near him sets my teeth on edge. As far as I know, the Marines finally kicked him out five or so years ago, and he was a Colonel at the time. He probably promoted himself when he became the boss over in Flint.
Jackasses aside, we took the stairs up to the fifth floor. The basement didn’t have stairway access, and after seeing the Chamber, as Bryan insists on calling it, I’m not surprised. I’ll bet the basement was elevator access only and required a special key, but we’d have to do bit more work on the remains of the elevator car to determine that to be the case, and we don’t have that kind of time.
I was ready for the main complex to be a warzone. Just packed with all manner of nasty, unbelievably vile entities. To my shock, it was not wall to wall atrocities. Most of this building was host to offices, records rooms and administrative in processing. This was where patients were dropped off, diagnosed, and then shunted into the various dormitories or wards that specialized in their care.
Except the 5th floor. The 5th floor was used for hydrotherapy and lobotomies. No, I don’t understand how those two go together.
My team consisted of myself, Remy and Tim. Remy grew up in New Orleans and moved north to Detroit looking for stable employment and came to absolutely the wrong state for that. Tim was born and raised in Port Huron, but moved to Flint after High School to work in the factories that surround the city. They’re solid guys and we’ve been working well together, but I’ll admit I miss my normal team. Our dynamic is just a lot more fun.
We encountered 4 major entities on the 5th floor. The first and my least favorite was a rather psychotic bastard who had it out for me, personally. Maybe he just had a problem with women. He wasn’t loud or flashy, but he was violent as all hell because he choked the ever-loving shit out of me. While I’m writing this, I have a cold towel wrapped around my incredibly red and irritated neck. Busting that son of a bitch was the most satisfying part of my day, once I was done coughing and I could put his phantasmal ass in a trap.
The second was a small, dripping child. She wasn’t a threat, but Remy kept slipping on the water and falling down. She’d peak around a corner and then run and hide. We only caught her when she just… stopped in the middle of a room. My mother used to have seizures and that looked kind of similar. Enough that I don’t want to think about what might have happened to that girl.
Our third major ghost was a nurse that seemed absolutely determined to slice Tim open with a bone saw to see what made him tick. This one greatly complicated our search for the second ghost until we got her into the trap. I almost got hit with a syringe. She was a nasty old biddy.
Number four was the worst. Between the Choker and the child, I kept seeing shadows out of the corner of my eye. Once the Nurse was in a trap, I caught sight of it again, but it didn’t pounce until we caught the little girl. This thing was a shadow creature, crawling up the walls and along the ceilings. It didn’t make ANY noise, and whoever it attacked couldn’t make any noise either. Tracking this thing down was a pain in the ass, but we tried to trap it in one of the lobotomy rooms. That did not work out well.
I think it was Tim who missed the shadow creature and hit the oxygen tank. Why there was still oxygen IN it, I have no idea, but being in a smallish room when a tank full of oxygen explodes is a quick route to getting tinnitus. Also knocked on your ass. It stunned the shadow beast too, but by the time I could get back up on my feet it was trying to escape. I could barely see it jump into the elevator shaft. We ran down the stairs to warn the others and try to find it, but by the time we got there it had possessed Dabonovich. His eyes were solid black and he was screaming without any noise, but he was also trying to kill Eric. I reacted on instinct.
Apparently kicking a former hockey player in the testicles is an excellent quick exorcism technique. The thing poured out of his eyes and mouth and tried to get away again, but Eric grabbed it with his Proton Gauntlet and almost stuffed it physically into the trap I had. We almost high-fived until Eric realized that would have been a very bad idea.
We helped Dabonovich to his feet. He was really out of it, but he was alive. Remy and Tim helped Microwave finish sweeping the 4th floor while we limped back down the stairs to ground level. We had the front door propped open now so we wouldn’t have to climb the ladder from the basement anymore.
Our extended operation had attracted some onlookers. Paranormal fans, ghost heads, or even just people interested in Eloise were milling around on the other side of the street that went past the main complex. I heard some scattered applause as we helped Dabonovich into the crayon eater’s truck. Eric helped me find a calm place to sit down and we took a breather for a while. I had been running on adrenaline for way too long to be sustainable and my entire body hurt.
Bryan and Jeremy came to find us a little while later. I might have fallen asleep for a minute, I can’t remember. I handed Bryan my car keys because truthfully, I was in no condition to drive. I don’t really remember getting back to the Best Western, and while the guys talked excitedly about something they apparently found, I turned in for the night.
We have one more day here at Eloise before the county expects their results. At this point, I could give a damn if they’re happy or not.
0 notes
Title: Vampire’s Kiss (Chapter 29: Unreachable Sin. Part 15 of 18)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Shingo Yabuki, Orochi, Yashiro Nanakase, Leona Heidern, Kain R. Heinlein, Chizuru Kagura, Kusanagi, Goeniko, Chris
Pairing: Iori Yagami x Kyo Kusanagi (main one)
Genre: AU, BL, Supernatural, Fantasy, Gothic Fantasy, Adventure, Slow-Burn, Eventual Romance, Dark Themes, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Human/Vampire Relationship, Human/Demon Relationship
Summary: This vampire already has bad luck on his side, yet he decides that his next prey going to be a certain redhead vampire hunter. However, the very little he knows how this encounter will end…
AO3 Link
The redhead hunter started waking up. One thing he was sure of: it’s been a while since he slept so well. How long had he been sleeping? As Yagami opened his eyes and sit up, he noticed how dark it was inside the room as the blinds were closed. There were also lingering signs of the presence of a certain brunette. Just where in the world went that trouble-making vampire?
The hunter got up and switched the lamp on top of the night-drawer. At the same moment he grabbed his pants from the chair, that also had Kusanagi’s jacket hanging on the back, he heard the door being opened. It was no other than Kyo. For some reason this vampire spoke in an unsure tone ‘‘Oh? So, you’re awake. Perhaps, I should check on you later...’’. Seeing Iori so provocative, wearing nothing aside that long white shirt, confused the nocturnal creature - he simply didn’t know how to act. Yet, his honest reaction spoke for himself, even if it was only by widening his eyes and swallowing his own saliva.
At first, the redhead did not understand the reasons behind this vampire’s curious gaze. "The heck you are staring at? Don't just stand there and close the door, you stupid vampire." replied Iori in an irritated tone. Surely, the red hunter would have another reason to be more careful around this immature stupid vampire. Yagami sat on the edge of the bed, and while putting his pants on, he asked ‘‘Anyway, where have you been and how long did I sleep?’’. Kyo awkwardly answered ‘‘Well, you slept the whole day, that’s for sure.’’. While Iori raised his eyebrow in suspicion‘‘Oi, you don’t need to stare like that! You looked so calm and peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb you. I just wanted to let you rest as much as you needed. That’s why I asked one of the inn-keepers we were extending our stay. And, of course, I got a couple of bottles with ethereal oils for myself.’’.
Now this brunette adds in a slightly annoyed tone ‘‘I know~ You can thank me later, or, how you love to say, use that whip. We can stay here at least until next evening.’’, and softening his gaze, he added ‘‘ You need to learn there are times you should stop for a bit and just take a break. Besides, if you feel sick or tired, I can’t feed on you. That would be pointless and you may even die. Plus, who will put me down if I go berserk or what if that thing takes control over my body? ’’. The nocturnal creature exhales through his nose and sits next to Iori. The redhead hunter just couldn’t avert his gaze from Kyo, who’s amber eyes sparkles with affection ‘‘So, if you are all right, I’m all right too. That’s why, if you won’t take care of yourself, then I’ll make sure that you do. Besides, there would be no fun in defeating a half-dead person~’’.
Yagami closed his eyes and sighed. What a persistent and stubborn vampire, or so he thought. Since Kusanagi seems to be in better mood, the hunter uses his chance, and now as he fixates his serious gaze, Yagami changes the topic ‘‘You won’t change so easily, huh? … Since we have all night ahead, I’m ready to listen what you have to say. Go on, I’m waiting.’’. Of course, Kyo cracks a nervous smile as he takes his eyes from the redhead, while replying in a slightly shaky tone ‘‘What are you talking about?’’. Iori replies in a calm yet serious voice ‘‘You know perfectly what I want to know, Kyo. What horrible thing happened to you in the past?’’. The brunette lowers his gaze and answers nervously ‘‘ I’ve told you enough… Besides, you would just blame me for all that happened. Perhaps, you would even throw me through the window when the sun rises. I’m a disgusting monster and deserve to suffer slowly for all what I did, ain’t I?’’.
While the brunette hugged himself, Yagami could see the nocturnal creature’s fingers sinking deeply into his skin until they became pale. Kusanagi even started to feel how something began to choke making it almost impossible for him to speak up. Kyo’s wide-open eyes have become watery, yet he managed to continue, in a pitiful tone, ‘‘Why do you want to know that? Even you would say that it is my fault and see me or treat me the same way as tha-at… that hunter. So, no. There’s no way for you to learn about that!’’. It seemed that the more the nocturnal creature spoke up, the more his body becomes stiffed and the less he could remain stable. Kyo leaned forward and placed his hands on his head, ‘‘Why?… Why do you want to know that!? I-I don’t want to go through that suffer and humiliation again! It’s so cold and dark... It hurts! Please. No. JUST STOP ALREADY!’’.
The vampire was trembling and whining so badly, that Iori could see that Kusanagi’s hands were soaking wet, even through his covered face. All of a sudden, the brunette fell silent. However, the silence didn’t last long: Kyo’s lips started to tremble upon murmuring something in barely hearable voice. Even the redhead hunter’s voice didn’t reach him at all. Perhaps, the vampire was sinking deeper and deeper inside his world made of painful memories. Iori was the one who could pull out the brunette from never-ending darkness. He couldn’t hesitate any longer and before placing his palm on vampire’s back, he spoke up in a serious tone ‘‘Enough. Snap it out!’’. The brunette was startled even by that careful touch, but still turned his head towards the source of the voice that was talking to him. However, something was off…
Kyo’s gaze was staring, lost into the void, empty, yet filled in terror. Perhaps, Kusanagi was already drowning in that world. Just as Yagami leaned closer to the brunette, he was frozen on the same spot after hearing a begging scream ‘‘DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME, YOU SICK BASTARD!’’. All of a sudden, sharp nails slashes across the hunter’s chest. As the blood splashed like a stream, Iori felt on the ground with a painful groan. Unfortunately, as the deep crimson liquid splashed on Kusanagi’s cheeks, a familiar scent of Amaretto reached the vampire, and he finally returned to his senses. All of a sudden, Kyo could hear his own loud heartbeat ringing inside his ears.
The creature of the night stared at his stained nails, breathing rapidly. That tingling sensation of dark warm liquid against his fingertips managed to awaken his primal instincts, fit for a perfect killer. Kusanagi could feel how his body was aching to taste the mellow scented blood of his prey. However, as the Amaretto scented blood was dripping from his fingertips, the brunette’s eyes traced the path of the falling droplets. It was that brief moment when the vampire broke free and went against the call of his cursed nature. When he noticed Iori’s hard panting, whose shirt was now being dyed in red, the brunette quickly rushed to his side. Meanwhile, Yagami placed one hand on his wounded chest, and with the other one tried to push himself up. However, his attempt ended up with a failure, and he found himself gazing at Kusanagi instead.
After sitting on his knees, Kyo placed his arm behind the hunter’s back and brought him closer to his own body. Of course, the brunette felt guilty, even if he cannot figure out what just happened. The fear of someone dying on him was stronger than his instincts. The closer he was to Iori, the harder it was to fight-back against his greedy desire to feed on this human. Nevertheless, the vampire closed his eyes and shook his head. After opening his eyes, Kyo spoke in an apologetic and sorrowful tone ‘‘Oi… What happened to you? Hey! Don’t you dare to fell asleep on me…’’. Hell, he knew that if he didn’t stop the bleeding, Yagami might die: he had to act fast. After a quick scan of his surroundings, he found nothing. Just before he could do anything else, he was interrupted by the sound of opening door, which was followed by the angry voice of one of the inn-keepers ‘‘What a hell are you up to? Keep quiet! You disturb other customers’ rest, you dumb idiots!-’’.
Apparently, it was a redhead diclonius woman wearing a black jacket and red tank top, lastly a pair of tight jeans. However, her indignant gaze changed after noticing the bloody scene and the vampire holding his prey. Of course, it shocked Irene, who just nearly growled ‘‘The heck happened here?… You scum! Using our inn for your nefarious purposes. I won’t forgive this! ’’. The brunette just stared at this woman, desperated, ‘‘I beg you! There is no time to waste. Help him first and then you can do whatever you want with me…’’. The long-haired diclonius covered her mouth with her palm and shook her head ‘‘For fuck sake… why can’t you two stay calm and behave?’’. As she clenched both of her hands into a fist, she turned her head away and called one certain person ‘‘Hey, Sonia! Please, bring me a band-aid and first med-kit! A man in Room 104 is injured!’’.
After Irene turned his look at this couple, she started to demand ‘‘The heck you stare at? Move! He’ll die if your lazy-ass won’t do anything. Grab any piece of clothing and cover his wounds, you dimwit!’’. Surely, that was like a harsh slap into this vampire’s cheek, but it helped him cool his head. All of a sudden, he rushed to accomplish this task. As Kyo pressed the messy bed-sheet against the redhead’s chest with both of his hands, the brunette tried to comfort the wounded man, however, the concern in his voice over-powers it ‘‘Please, stay strong! Just a little and everything will be fine. Hang in here, Yagami…’’. Just as Irene was about to open her mouth, a shy, yet serious voice behind her, interrupted her ‘‘Sorry for making you wait!’’.
It was a long-haired brunette, with a longer fringe split in half on the sides, who gave a serious look despite having such big eyes. Unlike previous time, this young woman wore an official outfit - aquamarine shirt, and gray below knees skirt and black panty-hose. Sonia rushed into the room, carrying a first aid kit with both of her hands, and tripped. Irene turned her head and hastily stretched one of her invisible arms to wrap it carefully around her partner’s body. As the redhead diclonius made sure that this brunette was standing safe on her feet, she softened her eyes towards the woman and addressed her in calm and deeper voice ‘‘Be careful next time, Doctor Warden. You are needed more than ever~’’.
The long-haired brunette could only widen her eyes and shyly reply, as her cheeks dyed in darker pink ‘‘Irene…’’. As she kneeled , Sonia opened the med-kit. She finally regained her serious face and took out the medical spirit and grabbed a white bandage. While the brunette unwrapped the bandage, she politely addressed Kyo ‘‘Could you, please, remove that sheet and make sure that the area around your friend’s wound is exposed and accessible?’’. Unfortunately, Yagami didn’t desire to be a part of this: as soon as the vampire removed the bloody bed-sheet, the redhead tried to push himself up. Yet, his effort was utterly crushed by the strict demand from this woman, who soaked the folded bandage in in a generous amount of medical alcohol ‘‘Stay still. Right now your duty is to let us wash your wounds and treat them.’’. It seemed that Kusanagi didn’t want to argue with the brunette: after all, Yagami's life was in this woman's hands. So, getting scolded or receiving an avalanche of the redhead's complaints could wait until he fully recovered. The vampire exhaled through hid nose and placed his hands over Iori’s bloodstained shirt.
This action was followed by Kyo's apologetic look "I know you will kill me for this when it's over. But it is for your own sake.". As he closed his eyes, Kusanagi grasped the shirt more tightly. After he opened his eyes, the vampire unbuttoned Iori’s already ruined shirt with one sudden movement and exposed the redhead's chest. Certainly, it was nearly impossible and painful to look at the awful-looking bleeding wound.
On the other hand, Sonia shed no sentiments towards the injured person and kept her poker-face. Even her given tasks were short and clear "Hold him down and do not let him move. That is one of resistant types.". After turning her head towards the redhead diclonius, she gave another demand "Irene, I need more bandages and alcohol.". Her words were followed by the other woman’s calmed acceptance of the task, while she left the room "Got it."
Kyo let the redhead rest his head on his knees. At least that could help prevent the hunter from hurting himself, if he started to struggle too much. As he held down Iori's hands by the wrists, the long-haired brunette brought the bandage soaked in medical spirit close, near Yagami's injured chest. The woman warned them before starting the procedure, in a calm, yet polite tone "It is going to sting a little. So, please, endure it.". One thing for sure was that burning pain, when the cold alcohol touched the redhead, it made him thrust his chest forward and turn his head on sides. Fortunately, the vampire’s knees were soft enough to absorb the hits, yet holding the hunter down wasn’t an easy task at all. More so, as Yagami roughly breathed, his chest bloated at the same rhythm.
Seeing the fearsome vampire-killer suffering like this, made Kyo feel bad for Yagami. While he observed the redhead, an unbearable pain flooded his chest as it were his own. And yet, all he could do was to comfort Iori ‘‘Just hold on a little bit longer. You can endure it, I know that. Besides, I’m here by your side. And when you get better, you can call me a stupid vampire as always.’’. At that moment, the nocturnal creature tightened his grasp around the hunter’s wrists.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 28 Link
Chapter 30 Link
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
Dead Guy Death Match: Round 2
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Round 2 will be split into 2 waves of 16 24 hour polls. The first wave will start on Saturday the 29th April at 3pm BST and the second on Sunday the 30th April at the same time.
The matchups are listed under the readmore and will be hyperlinked to the polls when they go up.
Wave 1:
Poll 1- Gavroche Thenardier Vs Queen Serenity
Poll 2- L Vs Noah Czerny
Poll 3- Pat Butcher Vs Orimar Vale
Poll 4- Rachel Amber Vs Constance Blackwood
Poll 5- Spock Vs Kravitz
Poll 6- Ianto Jones Vs Nate
Poll 7- Owen Carvour Vs Neil Perry
Poll 8- Maes Hughes Vs Adam Faulkner Stangheight
Poll 9- Diggory Graves Vs Future Leonardo Hamato
Poll 10- Magnus Chase Vs River Song
Poll 11- Tara Maclay Vs Laudna
Poll 12- Mia Fey Vs Claire Foley
Poll 13- Grelle Sutcliff Vs Portgas D Ace
Poll 14- Polly Geist Vs Avatar Kyoshi
Poll 15- Lewis Pepper Vs Gideon Nav
Poll 16- Manny Calavera Vs Silco
Wave 2:
Poll 17- Eurydice Vs Jack Twist
Poll 18- Howard Hamlin Vs Gerard Keay
Poll 19- Matoro Vs Kikyo
Poll 20- Simon Kain Vs Deep Throat
Poll 21- Esmeralda Vs Nageki Fujishiro
Poll 22- Beetlejuice Vs Oda Sakunoske
Poll 23- Junpei Yoshino Vs Quincey Morris
Poll 24- Deadman Vs Draal The Deadly
Poll 25- Mitsuri Kanroji Vs Peter ‘Parker’ Yang
Poll 26- Tadashi Hamada Vs Erik
Poll 27- Boromir Vs Pedro Madrigal
Poll 28- King Arthur Vs Lenore
Poll 29- Sliver Of Straw Vs Chidi Anagonye
Poll 30- Okudera Vs Koki Kariya
Poll 31- Mr Boddy Vs Emily
Poll 32- Ophelia Vs Kili
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bboyplankton · 1 year
2022 Playlist
1. Ab-Soul – Church on the Move
2. Action Bronson – Ninety One
3. Adekunle Gold feat. Stefflon Don – FYE
4. Adekunle Gold – Win
5. Adria Kain feat. Leila Day – Classic
6. Adria Kain – Lost One
7. Adria Kain – Melt Into You
8. Alexis Ffrench – Colours
9. Alex Isley & Jack Dine feat. Bas – On & On
10. Alex Vaughn – So Be It
11. Ali Gatie – Thinkin Bout You
12. Amber Mark – Bubbles
13. Ambré – Superstitious
14. Ant Clemons – In Between
15. Apollo Brown & Philmore Greene – Keep Goin’
16. Ari Lennox – Tatted
17. Arin Ray feat. D Smoke – The Mood
18. Armani Caesar – Queen City
19. August 08 feat. Jhené Aiko – Water Sign
20. Avril Lavigne feat. Mark Hoppus – All I Wanted
21. Bad Bunny feat. Jhay Cortez – Tarot
22. Banks – Holding Back
23. Benjiflow feat. Niji Adeleye – The Chill
24. Beyoncé – Plastic off the Sofa
25. BiC Fizzle – Turnt Shit
26. Big K.R.I.T. – Would It Matter
27. BigWalkDog – Pray
28. Black Eyed Peas feat. J. Rey Soul – Double D’z
29. Boldy James & Cuns – Earned Not Given
30. Boldy James & Cuns – Foot Prints
31. Brandy Haze – Look What You Made Me Do
32. Brent Faiyaz feat. Tre’ Amani – Addictions
33. Burna Boy feat. Blxst & Kehlani – Solid
34. Calvin Harris feat. Normani, Tinashe, & Offset – New To You
35. Cautious Clay – Butterflies in August
36. Che Ecru – 4 This Moment
37. Chris Brown – Harder
38. Christina Aguilera feat. Nathy Peluso – Pa Mis Muchachas
39. Col3trane – Lights Out
40. The Cool Kids feat. Larry June – All or Nothing
41. The Cool Kids – Home Improvement
42. The Cool Kids feat. 6lack & JID – Lightwerk
43. The Cool Kids feat. Pell & A-Trak – Too Bad
44. Cordae – Super
45. Curren$y & The Alchemist feat. Styles P – Whale Watching
46. CyHi – Help Me God
47. Daddy Yankee feat. El Alfa & Lil Jon – Bombón
48. Dave East, Buda & Grandz, & DJ Drama – Prison Yard
49. Dayglow – Deep End
50. Dayglow – Then It All Goes Away
51. Denzel Curry feat. 454 – Sanjuro
52. Destin Conrad – It’s Yours
53. Devvon Terrell – Hating Interlude
54. Dizzy Wright & DJ Hoppa feat. Chris Webby – Outlaws
55. Doe Boy feat. Rowdy Rebel & 42 Dugg – Ain’t My Fault
56. Drake & 21 Savage – Spin Bout You
57. Dram – Wham
58. Dreezy – 21 Questions
59. Duke Deuce feat. Glorilla – Just Say That
60. Duke Deuce feat. Lil Thad, Dubba G, & Glockianna – Respect
61. DVSN – Bring It
62. DVSN – Take It Slow
63. Dylan Synclair – Open
64. Earl Sweatshirt – 2010
65. Eli Darby – Up
66. Ella Mai – Leave You Alone
67. Emotional Oranges – Make Me Wanna
68. Emotional Oranges – She Gotta Man
69. Fana Hues – Breakfast
70. FKA Twigs feat. Jorja Smith & Unknown – Darjeeling
71. FKA Twigs – Oh My Love
72. Freddie Gibbs feat. DJ Paul – PYS
73. Future – Back to the Basics
74. Future – Puffin on Zootiez
75. IDK – Breathe
76. IDK feat. Denzel Curry – Dog Food
77. Jack Harlow – Lil Secret
78. Jada Kingdom – Next Time
79. Jalen Santoy feat. Cyanca, Erick Lottary, Well$, Reuben Vincent – Dismissal
80. Jalen Santoy – White Rice
81. Jesse Reyez feat. 6lack – Forever
82. JID – Crack Sandwich
83. John Legend feat. JID – Dope
84. John Legend feat. Jazmine Sullivan – Love
85. John Legend feat. Jhené Aiko & Ty Dolla $ign – Splash
86. Jor’dan Armstrong – Emotions
87. Juicy J, Lex Luger, & Trap-A-Holics – Hit the Smoke
88. Justin Garner – Cry On Me
89. Justin Garner – These Fires
90. Kenyon Dixon feat. Susan Carol – Here
91. Kranium – Early in the Morning
92. K. Roosevelt – Golden Hour
93. Landon Thomas – Feelings
94. Larry June – Organic Adjustments
95. Larry June feat. 2 Chainz – Still Boomin
96. Lucky Daye – Feels Like
97. Lucky Daye – Over
98. Lupe Fiasco feat. Nayirah – Autobots
99. Lupe Fiasco – Naomi
100. Marc E. Bassy – Having Fun
101. Marc E. Bassy – How Dare I
102. Marques Houston – Right One
103. Maverick Sabre – Can’t Be Wrong
104. Maverick Sabre – Get Down
105. Megan Thee Stallion – Red Wine
106. Method Man – Guillotine
107. Metro Boomin feat. A$AP Rocky & Takeoff – Feel the Fiyaaaah
108. Mickey Factz feat. Ayo Shamir – Regrets
109. Mikhala Jené – Black Love
110. Mikhala Jené – The Switch
111. Miraa May feat. Raye – Go Girl
112. Miraa May – Akeem’s Outro
113. Naomi Lareine – Just Met
114. Naomi Lareine – Paris
115. Nas – Reminisce
116. Nez feat ScHoolboy Q – Let’s Get It
117. Nia Sultana feat. Che Ecru - Cristal
118. Nick Grant – Spellcheck
119. Nnamdï – Benched
120. Nnamdï – I Don’t Wanna Be Famous
121. Ogi – I Got It
122. ØHenry – Belong With Me
123. Omar Apollo – Tamagotchi
124. Orion Sun – Pressure
125. Paul Wall & Termanology feat. KXNG Crooked & Wais P – Clubber Lang
126. Paul Wall & Termanology – Recognize My Car
127. Pharrell Williams feat. 21 Savage & Tyler, the Creator – Cash In, Cash Out
128. Pink Sweat$ feat. Kirby – Better
129. Pink Sweat$ feat. Sabrina Claudio – Waiting On You
130. PJ Morton feat. Wale – So Lonely
131. Pusha T – Brambleton
132. Pusha T feat. Kanye West – Dreamin of the Past
133. Quavo & Takeoff – Bars Into Captions
134. Raheem DeVaughn feat. Arrishun – Catching Feelings
135. Raheem DeVaughn – Retrograde
136. Ransom feat. Simone Pash – Can’t Complain
137. Ravyn Lenae feat. Steve Lacy – Skin Tight
138. Rayana Jay – Unfair
139. Royce Da 5’9” – Dead President Heads
140. Saba feat. Krayzie Bone – Come My Way
141. Saba – Stop That
142. SAFE – Yonge Street
143. Samm Henshaw – Enough
144. Samm Henshaw feat. Tobi Nwigwe – Take Time
145. Siergio – Clothes On
146. Siergio – Take You Out
147. Smino – No L’s
148. Smino feat. Lil Uzi Vert – Pudgy
149. Smoke Dza feat. Steven Young – Right Now
150. Snoop Dogg – Crip Ya Enthusiasm
151. Steve Lacy – Give You the World
152. Sy Ari Da Kid – Vantage Point
153. Syd feat. Kehlani – Out Loud
154. Symba feat. Pusha T – Never End Up Broke Pt. 2
155. SZA – T-Shirt
156. Tank feat. J Valentine – Slow
157. Tank & the Bangas – Jellyfish
158. Tiana Major9 – On God!
159. Tim Lyre – Real
160. Tim Lyre – Spanish Lime
161. Tink – Goofy
162. Tobe Nwigwe & Fat Nwigwe – They Want It, But No
163. Tobi Lou feat. T-Pain – 2hrs+
164. Tobi Lou – Busy
165. Tyler, the Creator & Nigo – Come On, Let’s Go
166. UMI – Too Late
167. Vedo & OG Parker feat. Baby Tate – Come First
168. Vedo & OG Parker – Face Down
169. Vince Staples – Player Ways
170. The Weeknd – Is There Someone Else
171. The Weeknd – Out of Time
172. Westside Boogie feat. Storm Ford – Killa Mode
173. Westside Gunn feat. Busta Rhymes & Raekwon – Science Class
174. Wiz Khalifa, Big K.R.I.T., & Girl Talk – Put You On
175. Wizkid – Everyday
176. Xavier Omär – Feelings 4 You
177. YG feat. Mozzy & D3szn – How To Rob of A Rapper
178. YG feat. J. Cole & Moneybagg Yo – Scared Money
179. Yuna – Don’t Wanna Know
180. Yung Bleu feat. Kelly Rowland – Freak Freak
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xienxie · 1 year
Gaya Desain Lampu Meja Amber Antik
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Apakah Anda sedang mendekorasi rumah atau bisnis, Anda akan menemukan bahwa ada banyak pilihan yang tersedia untuk dipilih ketika datang ke lampu meja amber antik. Dari art deco hingga fontana hingga grapshopper, Anda dapat menemukan beragam desain yang sesuai dengan gaya Anda.
Desain Lampu Meja Antik
Apakah Anda sedang mencari lampu baru atau tertarik untuk merenovasi lampu lama Anda itu adalah salah satu hal penting yang harus anda perhatikan saat membeli rumah adalah memilih gaya lampu yang indah karena ketika malam hari akan membuat rumah kita terlihat nyaman dan indah, lampu meja amber antik atau antik dapat menambahkan sentuhan unik ke ruangan mana pun. Lampu klasik ini sering digunakan dalam suasana romantis dan merupakan cara sempurna untuk menambah kehangatan pada dekorasi musim gugur.
Jika Anda sedang mencari lampu amber vintage atau antik yang tepat, mulailah dengan melihat elemen dekoratif yang ada di ruangan Anda. Beberapa gaya paling populer termasuk desain modern, industri, dan Seni dan Kerajinan abad pertengahan.
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Gaya ini memiliki garis yang bersih, tekstur halus, dan diselingi dengan nuansa netral. Anda mungkin juga mencari lampu yang lebih modern dengan dasar baja ramping dan kap lampu putih.
Pertimbangkan Menambahkan Lampu Meja Vintage
Menambahkan lampu meja amber vintage ke rumah Anda dapat memberikan kesan kecanggihan pada ruangan. Gaya menggabungkan logam modern dengan kayu gelap. Ini adalah pilihan populer bagi banyak orang yang ingin menambahkan sentuhan gaya ke rumah mereka.
Di masa lalu, lampu meja digunakan sebagai sumber utama pencahayaan ambien. Mereka juga menyediakan pencahayaan tugas yang sangat baik. Desain modern saat ini telah mengambil konsep ini selangkah lebih maju.
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Cara terbaik untuk menentukan apakah sebuah lampu asli atau tidak adalah dengan memeriksa kondisinya. Jika dalam kondisi buruk, Anda tidak bisa mempercayainya. Anda juga harus memastikan detail perbaikan penjual itu sah.
Ide Desain Lampu Meja Terbaik
Grasshopper Vintage Amber Table Lamp adalah perabot yang terlihat sangat bagus yang pasti akan menyenangkan selera yang paling diskriminatif. Lampu meja Grasshopper ini menawarkan label harga yang sangat lumayan, tetapi apa yang Anda bayar adalah apa yang Anda dapatkan. Lampu meja ini hadir berkat desain cerdas yang memadukan kegemaran modern dan pecinta modern untuk perpaduan gaya dan bahan yang eklektik. Lampu meja ini memiliki tampilan yang mengesankan di ruangan tanpa membuatnya terlalu kuat. Lampu meja adalah perabot cerdas dan berkelas yang dapat menjadi bahan pembicaraan di setiap ruangan rumah. Snoopy
Lampu meja Snoopy dari Flos adalah cara menyenangkan untuk mencerahkan kantor Anda. Lampu meja beroda ini diimbangi dengan dasar marmer putih dan dilengkapi dengan bohlam halogen 72 watt dan kabel berlapis kain bergaya retro. Itu salah satu penjual terbaik Flos, dan pasti akan bertahan dalam ujian waktu.
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Lampu meja Snoopy juga hadir dalam versi yang terlihat sedikit lebih modern. Basis kayu yang direklamasi adalah sentuhan yang bagus, dan logo Snoopy yang ditempelkan pada dasar lampu menjadi pusat kantor yang bagus. Bohlam halogen adalah pilihan yang bagus, dan peredup sensor sentuh membuatnya mudah diredupkan. Banyak rumah - rumah baru yang menggunakan desain lampu yang unik karena itu berfungsi untuk meningkatkan daya tarik pembeli, bisa anda kunjungi beberapa situs penjualan properti online seperti idrumah.com.
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