#Alyx the book dragon
feywildfancypants · 2 months
Running Notes from The God and the Gumiho by Sophie Kim
This isn’t grumpy x sunshine. This is grumpy x grumpier
I hate that we live in a world where Korean mythology has to be related to European mythology for me to understand it. But as we do live in that world, the comparison was insanely helpful to me and I have a better handle on these creatures now
Hani definitely makes my list of favorite snarky characters.
Hahahahahahahahaha you caught the feels!
Somi 😩 you poor sweet bean!
Listen… I don’t normally condone murder but for Hani I make an exception. She’s just got style! Plus listen… we all have binged from time to time.
Oh my god Hani’s backstory is great.
Seokga— I wanted to hate him but I can’t!
This isn’t going to end sad right? Right????
Oh no…. It’s gonna be sad……
That declaration of love 😭😭😭
Oh god. The hope. The character change. The dramatic love. 👌
—this was an arc I received through NetGalley. It comes out mid 2024. I highly recommend it.
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thistle-nightshade · 3 months
Spoilers Rule
“But I don’t want you to fret, so let me just spoil your journey now, before you even get your foot on the first step, by giving away the ending…”
—Hannah Gadsby, Ten Steps to Nanette
I am an incredibly anxious bean. I can’t tell you how many movies, tv shows, and books I’ve put down and never returned to because I can’t take the catastrophic feeling of the unknown. I don’t know how it will end and my brain is certain I won’t survive the journey to get there. These are stories I know I would enjoy if I could just power through, but I’ve got a serious mental block preventing me from experiencing any more of it.
This is, often, an annoyance to my friends who recommend quality media to me. It may take me months or years to get around to watching or reading something new. I may never get to it at all. And it isn’t because they aren’t great recommendations. I go to watch it and I just CAN’T.
The best way to get me to read or watch something is to spoil everything. I understand this is hard. Especially if you are someone who enjoys experiencing plot twists for the first time, if you like having your mind blown by a story. For you it is a kindness to preserve that sacred space of the unknown so that someone else can experience the story unspoiled.
But I want none of your excitement! None of your mystery! I want the comfort of a overdone trope, the repose of a story I’ve already experienced. By telling me what I can expect, it allows me past the mental block. It gives me the ability to enjoy the story at all. And I can often appreciate the craftsmanship more deeply when I’m not deep in my feels of doom.
So if you’ve got an anxious bean in your life, ask them if they want you to spoil everything.
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dopegardenersheep · 2 years
HL & Portal / Wings of Fire crossover time bc I like dragons and both of these franchises and I want to get it off somewhere before I made art of them
This crossover is basically just the characters of Half-Life and Portal in a Wings of Fire setting. The worldbuilding is altered slightly to accustom them more, Pantala and Pyrrhia still exists and tribes from both continents are well-acquainted with each other to a degree that's beyond what the books depicted, tribes from one continent are frequently sighted in another and are found to even inhabit them.
Animus dragons (god forbid they can just thanos snap the Combine and Xen flora-fauna invasion out of existence) and scavengers don't exist in this crossover. So essentially all characters are just dragons, and humanoid entities are also dragon-esque in design
Black Mesa and Aperture Science are located on Pantala, their company names remain unchanged because I have no idea on what else to call them lol. The events of HL2 and so forth takes place in Pyrrhia
Anyway on with the characters themselves keep in mind these are only humans (and probably some robots) so there'd be no humanoid aliens like Vorts or the Nihilanth. Also because I said in the context of the world that means their names will follow the naming rule of the tribe I designated them with so there won't be last names (but I'm tempted to call Gordon Freeman 'The One Free Wing' lmao) I won't show their names yet bc some aren't finalized yet 😭
Gordon Freeman - MudWing
Alyx Vance - RainWing/NightWing
Barney Calhoun - SilkWing
Adrian Shephard - LeafWing
Gina Cross - SandWing
Colette Green - RainWing
Isaac Kleiner - SeaWing
Eli Vance - NightWing
Arne Magnusson - SkyWing
Judith Mossman - HiveWing
Wallace Breen - SeaWing
Father Gregori - NightWing
The G-Man - NightWing/IceWing
Russell - IceWing/MudWing
Olga - SkyWing
Larry - SandWing
The Contractor - HiveWing
Adding in my fav HL mod aka Entropy Zero bc I can
Aidan Walker (3650) - IceWing
Wilson - HiveWing
• Humans :
Chell - SkyWing/SeaWing
Doug Rattmann - NightWing
Cave Johnson - SandWing
Caroline - IceWing
Greg - HiveWing
Henry - NightWing
Charlie - HiveWing/LeafWing
Mel - SkyWing
• AI (modelled after) :
GLaDOS - IceWing
Wheatley - SeaWing/IceWing
Rick - RainWing
Fact Core - NightWing
Space Core - SilkWing/NightWing
Morality Core - MudWing
Curiosity Core - RainWing/SandWing
Intelligence Core - SeaWing/HiveWing
Anger Core - SkyWing/MudWing
ATLAS - SeaWing
P-Body - SkyWing
Oracle Turret - NightWing
Animal King Turret - RainWing/MudWing
Prima Donna Turret - SandWing
Grady - SilkWing
Virgil - LeafWing/SilkWing
Friendly Frank - SeaWing
Alan - HiveWing
Deceptive Danny - RainWing
Bill Cunningham - LeafWing
And... done.
Man I like rambling about things no one would hear is this what Tumblr is all about?
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ahlis-xiv · 4 years
29, 32, and 33 for the couple meme! (Your choice of which ship!)
29. How do they handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
with lots of hugs and/or taking, sometimes booze Welllll for Alyx and Ahlis that kind of comes with the territory of being who and what they are, doesn’t it? Things would fall apart if the both of them simply ignored each other when the proverbial shit hit the fan--even if it’s easiest to just do that because feelings and vulnerability is HARD ok??
It was a bit of a learning curve, let’s be real, because as much of being a go-getter and all-around tough gal both of them can be, it hurts even more to face certain things alone. Ahlis learned this lesson a lot harder than Alyx, but she’s come around I’d say. They do their best to be there for one another, even for the small things.
32. Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?
Both Alyx and Ahlis can have a bit of a teasing streak against one another, although that in itself can be tricky to navigate especially considering Ahlis’s tempestuous moods. Let’s just say that Alyx--or anyone who has the (mis)fortune of being Ahlis’s partner--has learned to become skilled at testing the waters when it comes to prickling her for a good chuckle.
33. What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions? 
Ahlis nor Aymeric expect gifts from each other, for a variety of personal reasons, but when they do they’re very much given from the heart and quite important. I imagine Aymeric has wrestled with the idea of wanting to dote upon his lady love in a proper manner as courtship demands, yet he also knows that she is quite a practical woman: a gift she can utilize for her work, such as her research or out in the field, would be much more appreciated than the typical gift one would give to a partner. And while I am sure Ahlis would still appreciate any manner of gift from Aymeric his own struggles are dwarfed compared to the reverse, because what does someone give to a man who literally can have, or has, just about anything? SIGH.
(ship number asks)
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just-jokes · 3 years
Tagged by @face-stroking-intensifies
Last song: "Titanium" by Mittsie
Last movie: Godzilla VS Kong. It’s exactly what it says it is.
Currently watching: Dragon’s Blood (the Netflix DotA series)
Currently reading: “The Way of Kings”; my brother gave it to me a couple years back and it’s been sitting on my book shelf for too long.
Currently playing: Half-Life Alyx (which is AMAZING so far) and wrapping up a re-play of Blazing Blade that I pulled my Wii U out of mothballs for.
Currently craving: the pizza cooling on my counter r/n
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heliosphoenix · 3 years
State of the Planet: 2020 Edition.
I know what you're thinking.
"How can you even think of doing one of these for this year? After everything that happened? You can't possibly be trying to do your little feel-good writeup!" 
Well...you're right. I can't. That's right, State of the Planet is cancelled.
I don't really have to explain why, do I? I have no words to describe this year and I know you don't want to hear them anyway. I understand your anger, your frustration, your sadness, everything you're feeling, I get it.
This wasn't the year you imagined and almost certainly not the one you wanted. Thanks for being there the entire way, and I'll see you next year.
Okay, I'm just kidding. I couldn't do that to you folks, I just wanted to get some more mileage out of a dead meme.
I first started this missive several years ago when I noticed that people were developing a tendency to condense the previous lap around the ol Sun into a series of terrible, horrible, no good very bad events at the expense of anything good that may have happened. I don't know why this was done, maybe as a ways to ensure that the coming year would have to be better by default.
Well...we all saw how that worked out for this year, didn't we?
As you all know I prefer to do things differently. I prefer to go out on a high note and remember all the good things that happened in the past year. If nothing else, I think it helps remind us that as much as we want to bemoan and be pessimistic about the state of our culture, society, civilization and even species, there's plenty of evidence to suggest we're not doing so bad after all.
And even thought it feels like this past year the world went out of its way to teach us some rather harsh lessons, I'm still determined to find something good that happened. So let's take a look back at some of the good things that happened in 2020:
A circumbinary planet was discovered at the TOI 1338 system.
Luxembourg became the first country to make it's public transportation free.
The Bhadla Solar Park became the largest solar park in the world.
The BepiColumbo space probe departed for Venus, en route to an arrival at Mercury in 2025.
A fast radio burst was detected from a Magnetar in the Milky Way, the first time such an event has been detected in the Galaxy.
A team of British and Kenyan scientists discovered a microbe that can block mosquitos from transmitting malaria.
A black hole was discovered in the QV Telescopii system, at 1120 light years away it is the closest known black hole to Earth.
A 425 million year old fossil of a millipede was discovered in Scotland, one of the oldest fossils ever found.
SpaceX launched their Dragon 2 spacecraft on its first crewed missions, the first astronauts to launch from US soil since 2011.
The Perseverance rover was launched to Mars and is expected to touch down in February.
The Barakah nuclear power plant in the UAE became the first operational nuclear power plant in the Arab states.
Wild polio was eradicated from the continent of Africa.
Skeletons of 31 prehistoric animals, including 200 mammoths, were found at a construction site in Mexico City, it was the largest finding of mammoth bones ever.
The 5.37 mile La Linea highway tunnel was opened in Colombia, it's the largest road tunnel in South America.
Kosovo, Serbia, Sudan and Bahrain all decided to normalize their relations with Israel.
Phosphine, a strong predictor of microbiological life, was discovered in the atmosphere of Venus.
Preserved remains of a cave bear were discovered in Siberia.
A 1634 edition of Shakespeare's final play, The Two Noble Kingsman, was discovered at the Royal Scots College's library in Spain.
The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft landed on the asteroid Bennu and collected samples for return to Earth in 2023.
The Falkland Islands were declared free of land mines.
Molecular water was detected near Clavius crater on the Moon. 
An AI algorithm called AlphaFold was able to figure out the process of Protein Folding. 
The UN commission on Narcotic Drugs removed cannabis from its list of dangerous drugs.
The EU committed themselves to reducing greenhouse emissions by 55% over the next decade.
A Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn occurred, the closest one seen in the night sky since 1226.
Comet NEOWISE passed by the Earth and was the brightest comet in the night sky since Hale-Bopp in 1997.
Among Us became one of the most popular games in the world.
Half Life: Alyx was released, the first Half Life game in 13 years (FINALLY).
Joe Biden was elected as the 46th President of the United States.
Remember all that? Good. Because that's where I'm at.
You, dear reader, are in the future. Perhaps you're reading this in the final hours of 2020, or the first hours of 2021. Or maybe so much time has passed that both those years are now confined to the history books.
Perhaps everything I listed above is not enough to overcome all the bad things that happened this year, and that's a fair assessment. Maybe at the end of the day there's nothing that can overshadow the fact that someone in China who ate the wrong bat resulted in the entire world coming to a stop. If that's your feeling, then I understand completely.
But let the record show that those things did happen. In a year full of chaos and uncertainty and anxiety and dread, there were still moments where we could objectively punch our fists in the air and say "yes!" Even if only for a moment.
So now comes the part where I have to take all the things that we just went through and sum it up in a single word. Usually I don't think about this until the day of, but this time I've actually known for months what I was going to say:
The word is...Goodbye.
It sounds both strange and appropriate at the same time, doesn't it? As we close out this year, as well as this decade (reminder that 2021 is the real start of the next decade) we can look back and realize we've had many experiences. Both positive and negative. Hopefully they were mostly positive, even during this year.
But there is at least one experience we've all shared together, especially in times like these: saying goodbye.
I will confess to you all that I have a hard time saying goodbye. Hell, I don't even like the word. Whenever I end a conversation, I always use some variant of "see you later", since, to me at least, "goodbye" just sounds so final. Though with that said, I will also admit there's some people in this world that I had no problem saying goodbye to, and I don't mean "till we meet again", I mean "get lost." And I'd be lying if I said there weren't some people who felt the same about me, but I digress.
In the last episode of his show, Red Green delivered a monologue about saying goodbye. A monologue that I am now shamelessly ripping off for your reading pleasure. Not just because it's a way to get this done quickly, but because I think what he said is very true.
Red says that when it comes to your good friends and your family, you never really have to say goodbye. Why? Because they're always in your mind. And whenever you think about them, you're together again. I can tell you from experience that works rather well, even when it involves people that I don't want to think about. But even in that instance, where our last interaction was a negative one, I can't help but think back to all the good times we had together, and for a moment I reminisce. It's nice when it happens.
We've all heard the phrase "nothing lasts forever" and we tend to dismiss it as a cliché. But we're still constantly confronted with that reality, even if we never realize it. As Al Pacino said in Any Given Sunday; "When you get old in life, things get taken from you. That's a part of life."  
We've all lost things in our lives, and I just don't mean toys that have been sold or people that we love who are no longer on this mortal coil. I'm referring to the moments in our lives where we're forced to accept that our circumstances have permanently changed, and that the way things were can no longer be the way things are. This is why you shouldn't be having kids when you're in your 70's, and no one over the age of 50 should be naked in public.
On a more personal note, this year I got that feeling once again. It's not just because I'm most likely leaving one job behind for another job, but there were things in my personal life that shifted so dramatically that I knew things could never be the same again. And seeing as how, for the most part, I liked how things were, I'd be lying if I said that this change didn't cause me some distress.
But that's all a part of growing up, isn't it? As much as I may cringe about reaching 30 years of life on this Earth, I accept it all the same. Because, if nothing else, it's a reminder that I need to keep moving forward. Is it sad that the good ol days are now just memories and dreams? You're damn right it is. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing, because even if they're not what's happening now, they still did happen. And who knows? Perhaps the days to come will be just as good, if not better. In my opinion, that's something to look forward to.
And the same is true for all of us: if we want to live a happy fulfilling life, we have to keep moving forward. We can reminisce about all the fun we've had in days gone by, but it's just as important to be ready for the days yet to come.
I think that's why New Year's is such a poignant holiday for all of us. It's a tacit acknowledgement that we have to say goodbye to the old, so we can say hello to the new.
And at the risk of making this entry so long that by the time you're finished it will be 2022, I'd like to do that now.
To all the people that have been with me since my early days, thanks so much for all that you've done. I appreciate you sticking it out with me this far and I hope you'll continue to do so for many years to come.
To all the people that I've met recently and have decided to join me on this ride, welcome aboard. We're glad you could make it and we hope you'll stay a while as well.
And finally, to all the people that are no longer here, whether they've merely left my social circle or left this mortal coil altogether, all I can say is that we've had a great run. Whatever our reasons for parting are irrelevant now and I wish you nothing but good fortune in whatever it is you decide to do. Perhaps, God willing, our paths will cross again some day. But even if they don't, I hope that every so often we'll think about each other and smile a bit.
And now I'd like to close with something different. Usually I ask you to comment below with something good that happened to you this year. You're more than welcome to do that. But if you're looking for a change of pace, may I suggest that you close out your 2020 (or open your 2021) by listening to this song from the great Ashleigh Ball and Michelle Creber (yes I know many of you are hoping to leave the Miniature Equines in the past, but I'm hoping you'll permit them one last indulgence).
This is the song that inspired me to write this missive (along with the aforementioned Red Green) and as you're listening, I want you to think about all of those you said goodbye to this past decade. Think about all the fond memories you had together and give yourself a smile as the clock strikes midnight. Even if they're not with us today, we still have all the memories of them that no one can take from us, no matter what happens to the world.
And now the time has come for me to end this missive. Let the record show that this was my final word on 2020 as well as my expressed hope for charity, kindness and goodwill to flourish throughout the world in the years to come.
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends
.And 2021 shall restore amends.
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lunova-rambles · 3 years
Lunova-Rambles Fandom List
For the most part, anything listed here is a fandom I wouldn't mind making content for! Constantly updated, listed in alphabetical order!
Key: ♧ I don’t know this really well/I’m not fully in the fandom/haven't watched every episode
(♧ can also mean I haven't read the book/s)
Big Hero 6
DC Extended Universe (esp. Wonder Woman and Aquaman)
Detective Pikachu
Disney Fairies
♧ Divergent
Enola Holmes
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Harry Potter
How to Train Your Dragon (haven’t watched 3rd film)
Justin and the Knights of Valour
Kubo and the 2 Strings
Kung Fu Panda
♧ Legend of the Guardians: Owls of Ga'Hoole
Lord of the Rings
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Missing Link
♧ Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Monster High
♧ Mortal Engines
Mr. Peabody & Sherman
National Treasure
Now You See Me
Penguins of Madagascar
♧ Pinnochio (Guillermo del Toro)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Project Power
♧ Puss in Boots
Raya and the Last Dragon
Red Notice
Rise of the Guardians
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
Spirited Away
♧ The Bad Guys
The Book of Life
The Boxtrolls
The Great Wall
The Hobbit
The Incredibles
The Mitchells Vs the Machines
The Mummy
The Secret of NIMH
The Tale of Despereaux
The Tomorrow War
Tomb Raider (new & old)
Turning Red
♧ Uncharted
♧ Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
♧ Venom
Watership Down
Wreck-It Ralph
♧ Adventure Time
♧ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
♧ Arcane
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Ben 10
♧ Boku no Hero Academia
Busted! (범인은 바로 너)
Carmen Sandiego (2019-2021)
Cheese in the Trap (haven’t read the Webtoon)
♧ Danny Phantom
♧ Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Ever After High
♧ Fairy Tail
Fate: The Winx Saga
Glitter Force
♧ Good Omens
♧ Gravity Falls
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
♧ Maya and the Three
MCU Phase 4 shows
♧ Miraculous Ladybug
♧ Merlin
My Little Pony
NCIS/any crime tv show tbh
Ninjago/LEGO (haven’t watched 2nd half of s13)
♧ Saint Seiya
She-ra and the Princesses of Power
♧ Sonic the Hedgehog
♧ Squid Game
♧ Star vs the Forces of Evil
♧ Steven Universe
♧ Stranger Things
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (haven't seen the last ep)
The Dragon Prince (haven’t watched s2~)
The Little Prince (French-Canadian show)
The Hollow
The Mandolorian
♧ The Owl House
♧ The Untamed (haven't watched a SINGLE episode but I LOVE the characters)
Trollhunters (haven't watched s3~)
♧ Wednesday
W: Two Worlds Apart
Voltron Legendary Defender
☼ I play a lot of indie games!! So I’ll do art for any ones with nice character design
Animal Crossing (Nintendo in general tbh)
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Broken Age
Death Stranding
Detroit: Become Human
Five Nights at Freddy's
Genshin Impact
God of War (newer games)
Half-Life: Alyx
Journey to the Savage Planet
Monster Prom
Moving Out
♧ League of Legends (character designs!!)
Little Nightmares
Operation: Tango
♧ Overwatch (character designs!!)
Poppy Playtime
Resident Evil
Sky: Children of the Light
Skylanders (character designs!!)
Slime Rancher
Stardew Valley
The Gardens Between
The Last Campfire
♧ The Last of Us
The Sims
The Unfinished Swan
Tick Tock: A Tale for Two
Untitled Goose Game
♧ We Happy Few
What Remains of Edith Finch
Beetle and the Hollowbones
EPIC: The Musical
Everything on a Waffle (by Polly Horvath)
Guile (by Constance Cooper)
John Mulaney (I don't really like him anymore but his old jokes are still funny)
SCP Foundation
Six: The Musical
Thea Sisters
Zodiac Star Force
♧ Warrior Cats (I mainly read about it)
Blades of Furry
Castle Swimmer
Cursed Princess Club
Emmy the Robot
High Class Homos
Hooves of Death
My Weird Roommate
Urban Animal (I am VERY behind)
I watch a variety of YouTubers too, but I probably won't make content for them so I won't include them here. Feel free to send in an ask about your favourite YouTubers tho!
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pastelroyce · 3 years
tag meme from @indecipherable-sylph that I meant to do a while ago but I forgot u__u; also I miss doing these tbh,,,
name: I’ve taken a real liking to Royce, so please call me Royce
gender: male
star sign: scorpio
height: 5′4″
time: 10pm, the perfect time to clack my keys is when bf is sleeping next to me obviously
birthday: oct
favorite band: Sorority Noise, Muse, The Strokes etc etc
favorite solo artists: :Ua
last movie: I haven’t.......watched media in ages ...into the spiderverse was the last movie i saw
when did I create this blog: fuck dude like...2012? but i’ve been on tumblr since 2010
what i post/reblog: stuff that makes me laugh and dragon age related stuff (tho that’s been harder to come by lately (’: )
last thing i googled: tarot card meanings
other blogs: I currently do not run any other blogs, the ones I used to have been wiped clean save for that old RP account i made in 2016
do I get asks?: not anymore l-lol
why I chose my url: new name and royce silver was taken
following: fuck dude i honestly do not care to look that up rn
number of followers: same answer but i think it’s like 2-something
instruments: my heart
what am i wearing: t shirt with flaking graphic and lounge pants
dream job: I would still love to make a graphic novel, but i’m thinking something involving animals would be nice
dream trip: Ireland
favorite foods: most american cuisine lmao,,,,,,,,,orz
favorite song: currently Blissth by Sorority Noise
nationality: American
last book I read: as far as trad published I’m in the middle of listening to Rise of Empire by Michael J Sullivan, otherwise I’ve been reading fanfiction from my friends at the DA FF discord server (:
top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in: Hmmm....most choices would end up with me dying of dysentery or something,,,,,,,,
I won’t be tagging anyone since I haven’t been uhh “talkative” in almost five years but thanks for the tag alyx!! <3
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aethernoise · 4 years
Can I have 2,3,5,31,35,41 for the OTP please? Sorry for asking so many at once. I just love them so much
Please friend, no apologies necessary. This will be another long one, so long that I’m actually going to split it into multiple posts LOL
2.  How’s their teamwork? Do they share well?
They share quite well and often, though it was not always so. While Alyx has always been lucky enough to have enough money to keep her comfortable (well, for her standards, at least) Aymeric’s wealth used to make her a little uncomfortable. He’s such a practical and humble soul she had trouble remembering in the beginning that oh, yeah actually, lower house or no and uncertain lineage be damned, he is well and truly in the “highborn” tax bracket--and apparently one of the small handful of things he truly did enjoy spending a pretty penny on was her. It’s not so much that he showered her with expensive gifts (and he doesn’t, really, save for the ones he knows will be useful and truly appreciated) but that her lifestyle dictated always paying her share of everything, or offering repayment in favors or trade, that’s just how your mind works when you spend years with the primary career title of “adventurer.” Being treated to things so happily and easily was hard to get used to. Great example: one time she needed a gown to wear to something Very Fancy, and he not only paid for it, but commissioned a second one in another color because then she could have two options and avoid the stress of finding something to wear to the next inevitable formal occasion. It took no extra effort on his part, the seamstress already had her measurements, after all! A most practical gift! ...and then he had to endure both a flustered tirade and her relentless insistence that she pay him back for both... 
... Basically, that was an adjustment, and so was her gradually increasing presence at Borel Manor. I think I mentioned once before that she really didn’t leave her things there save for items mistakenly left behind (and apologized for) until Aymeric, ever the height of kindness and practicality, let her know that yes you can leave things here? There is plenty of closet and bathroom space? You can even have an entire shelf to yourself in the library if you need it? Or more, I don’t care, this is your home, and it has been for a long time, even if you’re not always here. 
She is still getting used to the concept every day, but she feels much more comfortable taking responsibility for household tasks and for bringing home more books, somehow, every single time--though the Manor is fully staffed it’s still a big house and both are ready and comfortable to perform whatever household tasks need doing.
Smaller and sillier notes: Alyx is a shirt-borrower, but only borrows the shirts she knows he doesn’t wear as often, and therefore won’t be inconvenienced by their mysterious absence/extremely adorable oversize cuteness when she wears them. Aymeric can be a bit of a pillow stealer, which Alyx has tried to remedy with simply adding more pillows, but then she’ll wake up and find him wrapped around and splayed out among several like he’s a dragon with a hoard. Or like a goldfish growing to the size of its tank. He will end up with more than his share of pillows and she has just learned to deal with it and incite playful combat when necessary.
3.  Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
They are very discreet in public but have relaxed a bit over time. They weren’t necessarily keeping their relationship a secret, but in the beginning they were trying to keep it on the down-low as possible because frankly Ishgardian society had enough to talk about already with the forming of a new republic and moving on from the war and all else. If you knew either of them well you could definitely see it, and you could see it was more than just Aymeric being Classy Charming Gentleman Ser Aymeric(tm). A classy charming gentleman he may be, but he definitely does NOT steal subtle touches of the small of her back or lean QUITE so close to speak to her in a loud ballroom... certainly not lingering that half-second too long on a hand-kiss or, Fury forfend, secretly lacing fingers under a dinner table! No, these are the actions of a man in love, and one who takes great joy in teasing the living daylights out of his very, very physically affectionate partner who is having quite a bit of difficulty not tearing his clothes off before the dessert course.
These little gestures are not always inspired by spicy moods, but they are a communication of intimacy even if frequently unnoticed by the general public. They’ve become less subtle more recently, especially since word of their engagement started to get around. You might even catch sight of them kissing quickly goodbye at the airship landing or, far more scandalously, holding hands.
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original post was getting long soooo...
Nicknames: Jay
Gender: Male I guess
Zodiac: Pisces
Age: 20
Time: 18:13
Favourite bands or solo artists: Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Mika, The Feeling, Coldplay, ABBA.
Song stuck in your head: Gerudo Valley Theme from The Legend of Zelda
Last movie I saw: Shazam I think
Last thing I googled: Theseus name meaning
Do I get asks: occasionally
Why I chose my username: because I still don’t know which I want more
Following: if this means how many people follow me then 78. If it means how many people do I follow then 704
Average amount of sleep: 7 to 8 hours
Lucky number: 13
What am I wearing: green t-shirt with a Hylian Shield design, light blue jeans and odd socks
Dream job: don’t have one
Dream trip: I want to go hiking in Sweden again
Play any instruments: nope
Favourite food: Lasagna
Played any sports: I used to play rugby but I hated it
Favourite song: at the moment it’s I Don’t Know Why by Imagine Dragons
Hair colour: Dark blonde
Eye colour: blue
Most iconic song: no idea
Languages you speak: English
Random fact: when I was younger I used to be able to bend my fingers back to touch the back of my hand
Describe yourself as an aesthetic: snakes, cats, forests, oranges, purple, thunderstorms, blankets
Tagging: @booksviolinsandembroidery​ @hoshunox​ @fantastical-whimsical​
Nicknames: I don’t really have a nickname for Alyx??
Gender: nb
Zodiac: capricorn
Age: 19
Time: 1:03 pm
Favourite bands or solo artists: Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Queen, ABBA, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Metallica, etc.
Song stuck in your head: Nothing as of right now which is surprising
Last movie I saw: Some movie with Dyane Johnson and Kevin Hart
Last thing I googled: alloromatic asexual
Do I get asks: Usually when I reblog some ask meme
Why I chose my username: I’m in tons of fandoms so books, I play violin, and I like to do embroidery
Following: I follow +100 people
Average amount of sleep: Depends, between two and twelve hours lol rip
Lucky number: 19
What am I wearing: bright blue t-shirt for a strings summer camp I worked last summer and grey sweatpants
Dream job: high school orchestra director
Dream trip: Touring Europe??
Play any instruments: violin, viola, cello, bass, a little piano (and I
Favourite food: potatoes in any form
Played any sports: I used to play basketball and do wrestling (not very well)
Favourite song: right now all I can think of is Mr. Crowley by Ozzy Osbourne 
Hair colour: Dirty blonde with icy blonde balayage
Eye colour: blue/green/gray
Most iconic song: Bohemian Rhapsody
Languages you speak: English (I also took two years of Latin in high school but I’m not fluent), MUSIC
Random fact: I should be studying music theory for an entrance exam I have to take on Friday but I’m watching Trollhunters and filling this out
Describe yourself as an aesthetic: classical music, old books, vanilla, royal blue, cats, old Disney movies
Tagging: anyone who wants to I guess?
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feywildfancypants · 2 months
Running notes from Mazarin Blues by Al Hess
Oh look a fellow anxiety bean! With fun hidden socks!!!
Everyone is a sad beige baby 😬. Except the decoists 👀👀👀
Em as the grumpy enby who runs a secret bar is my favorite character
AI freak me out. But Mazarin is ok? They’re ok right??? Right???????
Mazarin is OK!!
Ugh. Megacorps are the worst. Burn everything down.
Mazarin nooooo!!!!!!
Everyone is so sad….
Fight the system!!
Langley nooooo!!!!!!!
Yea let’s get some organized resistance in here!
Em gets a bartender joyfriend!!!
Aww… it was cute.
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thistle-nightshade · 3 months
If the call to read diverse books gets you hot under the collar, I need you to lean into that discomfort a little and ask yourself the question: What would happen if I did?
First and foremost, let’s make sure we are on the same page about the diverse books effort. When someone says “Read more diversely,” what they are asking is for you to take the author into consideration when you are choosing your next read. It’s unfortunate that we live in a world where current prejudice and a long history of prejudice impact the day to day lives of minority groups, but the publishing industry is largely white, heteronormative, able bodied, and cis. We can uplift authors of color, disabled authors, and queer authors by purposefully looking for their books, especially when the publishing industry fails them time and time again.
This does not mean that you can’t read books by white, cis, straight authors. A focus is not an exclusion. All that is being asked is that alongside your normal reads, you intentionally branch out into more diverse writers.
Creating space for more diverse authors is important because people deserve to tell their own stories. Have you ever read something in your area of expertise and the author just got it so incredibly wrong? This happens with identity, too. Not only is it cringe worthy when someone outside the community gets the essence wrong, it can also be incredibly harmful by spreading destructive stereotypes. Allowing community members to tell stories about their community empowers them and helps to establish good representation in mainstream media.
Representation matters because every person deserves to see themselves well represented in a book they love. It’s so easy to feel alone, especially if you are part of a minority community. Books open up a window for us to feel more connected and to understand our identities. It’s no wonder that having positive representation has been shown to increase self-esteem.
Even if the representation isn’t your identity, it’s still incredibly important. Diversity is a teacher. We live in an age of echo chambers. It’s so easy to get sequestered into our own personalized bubble on the internet. Putting yourself in a place to listen to the stories of people different from yourself is vital for connecting with others, for understanding their struggles, and for building solidarity in our communities. It will stretch you in the best of ways.
And finally, if that wasn’t enough, we should read diverse because we deserve to read excellent stories. Diverse books are brilliant. They challenge the industry, inject new life blood into publishing, keep thing fresh and exciting. Diverse books are stunning. They are well written, and fun, and capture the imagination. Diverse books keep the humanity in publishing, because humanity is millions of unique facets joined together into a whole. Why would you limit yourself to just one?
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djfatchip · 5 years
DJ Fat Chip Was Tagged! :D
I was tagged by the wonderful @erubadhriell! ♡ Thank you dearest! ♡
OC’s + Three Things
Rules: Say the first three things that you think of when you think of your OC(s)! (without an explanation of course)
Dragon Age OC’s: 
Vivianna Amell: Forest, Resilience, Books.
Lilyann Leandra Hawke: Sunflowers, Alchemy, Archery.  
Gissella Trevelyan: Winter, Citrus, Books.
Melinda Gillian Renelle: Demons, Witchcraft, Cherryblossoms.
Mathilde Aeducan aka The Badass Mole: Gold, War, Queen.
Ravyn Zilthai Trevelyan: Ravens, Smoke, Silk. 
Mass Effect OC’s: 
Celestine Claire Shepard: Universe, Violin, Graveyard. 
Bryant Leon Shepard: Piano, Ambition, Summer. 
Yesenia Salome Shepard: Open fields, farms, daisies. 
Saints Row OC: 
Emma (Emilia) Loren - Gat: Guns, Pole Dancing, Weed.
Fallout OC’s:
Catheryne Avila (FO3): Order, Leadership, Brotherhood of Steel.
Abilene - Phoenix - Avila (FNV): Revolvers, Independence, Pink.
Captain Alyx Harkness (FNV): Sniper Rifles, NCR, Jack Harkness. 
I tag anyone who sees this! YES YOU! Are tagged! :D 
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vide0-nasties · 6 years
I'm Dark Rags and this is the Forbidden WIP List.
The Arcana
- pre-game Asra/MC: my apprentice has friends & family come to Vesuvia to celebrate the holidays. Goes as badly as possible.
- Book X Poly Clusterfuck Asra/MC/Julian: everything that can go wrong, does.
Dragon Age:
- DA:O X-Files-ish modern AU Alistair/Amell: Law & Order Special Darkspawn Unit, Amell loses faith in the Maker and becomes a jaded, hard-boiled detective. Alistair is a Mulder analogue. (Also Circle!DA:O Companion!Hawke AU, spiced with Hawke-has-a-baby AU)
- CSI: Kirkwall FenHawke: Kirkwall has a seedy underbelly and only these fuck-ups can partially un-fuck the sitch. Ft. Very Special Episodes such as: sometimes a family is 6 or 8 bent individuals and a mostly-elven baby.
- Fallout 3 3some Butch/LW/Fawkes: literally one of the top 5 filthiest anime betrayals I've ever conceived of. Appeared to me on the edge of sleep, kept me awake another 2 hours figuring out logistics.
Forbidden WIPs
- If I ever publish these fics I shit-talk at Alyx they'll be published with extreme, paranoid measures like I'm a corporate whistleblower trying to protect my anonymity. Concentrated essence of evil, tones of bourgeois disdain for proletariat, a hint of swamp water.
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ahlis-xiv · 5 years
about the muse - ahlis ildilayan
NAME OF YOUR MUSE: Ahlis Ildilayan
ONE PICTURE YOU LIKE BEST OF YOUR MUSE’S FC: (not exactly a face claim but I still...*ok hand*)
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1. Ahlis is currently an arcanist by trade, yet is very covert about her other talents (namely that of black magic). However her own aether is...troublesome, in some ways, and the use of arcanima has helped facilitate spellwork that helps with stability, among other things. 2. She’s susceptible to cold climates. Needless to say, traveling and working in such conditions is a challenge for her (but she will very begrudgingly attempt it, just ignore the grumbling lol).
THREE THINGS THAT YOUR MUSE LIKES DOING IN THEIR FREE TIME (’fraid Ahlis dones’t have a lot of that buuut...): 1. Finding a secluded spot to read a book or to relax, sometimes meditate as well. 2. Writing in her journal. 3. Study! Although she’s not stringent as she used to be.
SEVEN PEOPLE THAT YOUR MUSE LOVES/LIKES/RESPECTS: 1. Alyx Vance (friend, partner in black mage crime huehuehue) 2. Aymeric de Borel (It’s Complicated) 3. Lyse Hext (friend, sometimes confidant) 3. Lorelei Syren (friend) 4. Proxima Bisenoire (friend, fellow gossiper over tea lol)  5. Alisaie Leveilleur (friend, protective) 6. Alphinaud Leveileur (friend, also protective) 7. Serella Arcbane (fellow Scion, mutual respect & growing friendship)
TWO THINGS YOUR MUSE REGRETS: 1. Was unable to recover her mother’s remains at her death. 2. Having memory due to her injuries sustained at Carteneau; she wishes she knew who saved her.
A PHOBIA YOUR MUSE HAS: 1. Entrapment/imprisonment of any kind.
Tagged by: @aethernoise and...someone else I think, but I forget who? (thanks!) Tagging: @ladyramora, @stars-bleed-hearts-shine, @fatewalker, @castthemintotheabyss, @high-stakes-gambler, @aethersent, @dragons-bones, and whoever else wants to! Go hog wild
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robynqueenofstuff · 7 years
Something I’ve Always Wanted To Say To Those Who Complain About A Lack Of Good Female Characters.
Yes we are just SHORT on good female characters, aren't we?
‘Takes a ginormous breath’
I mean besides Ellen Ripley, The Bride, Katniss Everdeen, Imperator Furiosa, Rey, [insert surname here] Princess Leia, [One of the greatest fucking characters ever] Sarah Connor to just name the most well-known few. We only have Hermione Granger [obviously], Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Minerva Mcgonagoll, Molly Weasley, Lily Potter, Bellatrix Lestrange, Jyn Erso, Padme Amidala, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Mara Jade, Jaina Solo, Tahiri Veila, Jan Ors, Nomi Sunrider, Lumiya, Juno Eclipse, Bastila Shan, Satele Shan, Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Luminara Unduli, Aayla Secura, Adi Gallia, Shaak Ti, Jaden Korr [Optionally female], Asajj Ventress, Aurra Sing, Zam Wesell, Steela Gerrara, The Seventh Sister, Satine Kryze, Shmi Skywalker, Darth Zannah, Mother Talzin, [The fucking Hapes Consortium places women higher over men] Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, Pocahontas, Tiana, Jane, Rapunzel, Ariel, Cinderella, Megara, Lilo, Nani, Nala, Vanellope, Lady, Merida, Jessie, Dory, Helen/Elastigirl, EVA, Edna Mode, Joy, Sadness, Anna, Elsa, [Yes i think she's a good character but for different reasons than others do] Kida, Wendy, Alice, Judy Hopps, Kanga, Kala, Captain Amelia, Moana, Esmeralda, Flora, Fauna, Merryweather, Rita, Miss Bianca, Mary Poppins, Eglantine Price, Sally, Audrey Ramirez, Mittens, Maleficent, Ursula, Cruella De Vil, Queen Grimhilde, Yzma, Lady Tremaine, Queen Of Hearts, Madame Medusa, Mother Gothel, Honey Lemon, Go-Go, Chel, Marina, Eris, Tigress, Ginormica, Roxanne, Astrid, Valka, Ginger, Fiona, Fairy Godmother, Tzipporah and Miriam. Chihiro, San, Moro, Lady Eboshi  Sophie, Kiki, Shizuku, Arrietty, Ponyo, Nausicaa, Princess Kushana, Kaguya, Sheeta,  Marnie, Annie, Coraline, Anastasia, Mrs Brisby, Elle Woods, Dorothy, Matilda, Alicia Huberman, Violet, Corky, Alice Creed, Clarice Starling, Mrs Danvers, Janine Melnitz. Kylie Griffin, Junior Ghostbuster Catherine, [yeah there were already female Ghostbusters before that crappy movie] Lisbeth Salander, Mathilda Lando, Marge Gunderson, Judge Cassandra Anderson, Ma-Ma, [Madeline Madrigal] Regina George, Cady Heron, Clementine Kruczynski, M, [the one played by Judi Dench] Moneypenny,, Elle Driver, O-Ren Ishii, Julie Kohler, Yuki Kashima, Amelie Poulain, Lucy, Rose Dewitt Bukater, Joy ‘Ma’ Newsome, Grace Howard, Philomena Lee, Ofelia, Kara, [From Dragonheart] Sarah Williams, Maria von Trapp, Marion Ravenwood, Dr. Elsa Schneider, Evelyn Carnahan, Officer Anne Lewis, Dr Ellie Sattler, Paikea Apirana, Motoko Kusanagi, Carrie White, Arwyn, Eowyn, Galadriel, Yu Shu Lien, Jen Yu, Jackie Brown, Nefretiri,  All the girls from St Trinians, Bliss Cavendar, The girls on the Roller Derby Team, [Maggie Mayhem, Bloody Holly, Rosa Sparks, Smashley Simpson] Sally Albright, Jean Louise ‘Scout’ Finch, Claire Standish. Allison Reynolds, Kim Possible, She-Ra, [Plus the female characters in She-Ra and He-Man] Jem, Synergy, The Holograms, The Misfits, Penny Gadget, Jessica Jones, Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Anya Jenkins, Faith, Cordelia Chase, Drusilla, Emma Swan, Carol Peletier, River Tam, Xena, Lady Penelope, Roseanne, Dana Scully, Morticia Addams, Wednesday Addams, Lily Munster, Vastra and Jenny, Jessica Fletcher, Olivia Benson, Lilly Rush, Korra, Asami Sato, Lin Beifong, Opal Beifong, Suyin Beifong, Kya, Daria Morgendoffer, Jane Lane, Susan Foreman, Barbara Wright, Jo Grant, Donna Noble, River Song, Ace, Nyssa, Romana, Sarah Jane, Clara Oswald, [the majority of the Doctor Who companions are female] Madame Vastra, Jenny, Zoe Washburne, Kaywinnet Lee ‘Kaylee’ Frye, Lagertha Lothbrok, Claire Underwood, Uhura, Nurse Chappell, Nurse Abby, Captain Katherine Janeway,  B’elanna Torres, Seven Of Nine, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax,  Deanna Troi,  Penelope Garcia, Kima Greggs, Evelyn Salt, Starbuck, Lois Lane, Katara, Toph, Mai, Azula, Suki, Ty-Lee, June, Serras Victoria, Sir Integra Hellsing, Dr. Girlfriend, Elektra Nachios, Alex Drake, Cameron, [Even if she's a cyborg she counts] Veronica Mars, ALL THREE CHARLIE'S ANGELS, THE POWERPUFF GIRLS, The female rangers in Power Rangers,  Sabrina Spellman, The majority of characters from My Little Pony, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, The Crystal Gems, Princess Bubblegum, Marceline The Vampire Queen, Flame Princess, Princess Allura, Katie ‘Pidge’ Holt, Violet Baudelaire, Lucy Pevensie, Alice, [again] Nancy Drew, Annabeth Chase, Clarisse La Rue, Sally Jackson, Thalia Grace, Piper Mclean, Hazel Levesque, [I AM GOING TO GET SO MUCH SHIT FROM PERCY JACKSON FANS BECAUSE THESE ARE THE ONLY ONES I CAN THINK OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD]  Daenerys, Arya, Margaery, Catelyn, Brienne, Olenna, Sansa, Susan Sto Helit, Liessa Dragonlady, Tiffany Aching, Hannah Wolfe, The female characters in Malazan Book Of The Fallen, Harriet The Spy, Althea Vestrit, Aerin, Sorcha, Daine, Sabriel, Maka Albarn, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, Liz and Patty Thompson, Meryl Strife, Milly Thompson, Winry Rockbell, Izumi Curtis, Riza Hawkeye,  Mikasa Ackerman, Pepper Potts, Gwen Stacy, Black Cat, Wonder Woman [That’s a fucking no brainer], Batgirl, Batwoman, Supergirl, Raven, Starfire, Huntress, Black Canary, Zatanna, Catwoman, Hawkgirl, Mera, Katana, Talia Al Ghul, Enchantress, Poison Ivy, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Natasha Irons, Storm, Rogue, Ms Marvel, Emma Frost, The Wasp, Invisible Woman, She-Hulk, Gamora, Kitty Pryde, Psylocke, Valkyrie. Mystique, the female Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, Not to mention the girls from Fables, Rayne, Clementine, Amanda Ripley, Coco Bandicoot, Bayonetta, Ms Pacman, Valna, Yuko, Amu, Lena, Alex, Etna, Flonne, Jennifer, Raspberyl, Vulcanas, Usalia, Maya Amano, Ulala Serizawa, Yukari Takeba, Fuuku Yamagashi, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Rise Kujikawa, Naoto Shirogane, Ann Takamaki, Haru Okumura, Kyoko Kirigiri, Sakura Ogami, Aoi Asahina, Chiaki Nanami, Sonia Nevermind, Akane Owari, Fiora, Melia, Sharla, BB Hood, Morrigan, Felicia, Q-Bee, Lara Croft, Samus Arran, Aya Brea, Elizabeth Comstock, Ellie, Faith, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong, Garnet Til Alexandros XVII, Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Yuffie Kisaragi, Rydia, Rosa Joanna Farrell, Celes Chere, Terra Branford, Relm Arrowny, Rinoa Heartilly, Quistis Trepe, Selphie Tilmitt, Ultimecia, Ashe, Fran, Freya Crecent, Eiko Carol, Yuna, Rikku, Lulu, Aqua, Zelda, Midna, Alice from Mcgee, Odessa Silverburg plus all the females in Fire Emblem, Vocaloid, Touhou  and Sid Meir’s Civilization. Not to mention the option to play as female characters in most of the LEGO games plus the option to play as a female in Mass Effect, Dragon Age: Origins, Elder Scrolls, World of Warcraft, Fallout, Saints Row, Fable, Terraria, Borderlands, Jade Empire, Neverwinter Nights, Rock Band 2, Tardew Valley, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Fate, Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Town, Guilty Gear, Overwatch,  Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Dynasty and Samurai Warriors plus the enormous roster in League Of Legends, Every last female in Skullgirls, All the female Pokemon trainers, All the females from Magic The Gathering, Hit-Girl, Powergirl, Tigra, Lady Sif, Spider-Woman, Vixen, Witchblade, Lady Death, Stephanie Brown, Jem, Aeon Flux, Gwen, Morgana, Morgause, Nimueh, Maid Marian, Djaq, Lady Isabella Of Gisborne,  Irene Adler, Carolyn Berek, Serena Stevens, Megan Wheeler, Kate Beckett, Nikki Heat, The girls from Women’s Murder Club, Beatrice Adela Lestrange Bradley, Temperance Daesee Bradley, Brenda Leigh Johnson, Joanne Kilbourn, Josephina ‘Jo’ Lupo, Catherine Willows, Alex Rovias, Alicia Claus, Jennifer Tate, Sarah Kerrigan, Joanna Dark, Catherine 'Ann’ Archer, April Ryan, Claire Redfield, Alis Landale, Alyx Vance, Heather Mason, Elena Fisher, Amaterasu, Shantae, Rosalina, Chrodechild, Chris Lightfellow, Ellen from Folklore, Jade from Beyond Good And Evil, Maya from Septerra Core, Miriam from The Guardian Legend, The female characters from Dead Or Alive, And even if you choose to play as a male character in games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age there are still a number of female characters to choose from such as Liara T,Soni, Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Ashley Williams, Miranda Lawson, Kahlee Sanders, Samara, Morinth, Dr Kelly Chambers, Samantha Traynor, Morrigan, Leliana, Wynne, Shale, Flenneth, Cassandra, Even older games have ones like Jill Of The Jungle, Debra Dare, Lady Bug, Kangaroo, The heroine from Secret Of Mana, The female ninja from Ninja Warriors, Princess Rosella from King’s Quest IV. Even Princess Peach and Daisy can count as they kick total amounts of ass in the racing and fighting games Nintendo puts out. Aunt Entity, Sergeant Rita Vrataski, Polgara The Sorceress, Cutie Honey, Vicki Barr, The girls from The Babysitters Club, The ladies from The Sleepover Club, Princess Cimorene, Egwene al Vere, Elizabeth Swann, Tia Dalma, Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil, Kyra/Jack, Carolyn Fry, Mimi Kirogoe, Hana, [The mother from Wolf Children who is now one of my favorite characters ever] The girl from The Fox And The Child, Annalise Keating, Lady Macbeth, Cherry Darling, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Cybersix, Elphaba, Samantha Barker, Karen Silkwood, [who was a real person] Meg Altman, Thelma Dickinson, Louise Sawyer, Shoshanna Dreyfus, Trinity, The girls from Charmed, Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Mina Harker from The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Pauline Hargraves, Max Caufield, Jodie Holmes, Samantha Greenbriar, Thea Queen, Squirrel Girl, Beatrix De Costa [Fire], Tora Olafsdotter [Ice], Wondergirl, Dazzler, Black Alice, Dove, Gypsy, Jade Canary, Cassandra Cain, Big Barda, Darna, The Boss, Meryl Silverburgh, Mei-Ling, Naomi Hunter, Sunny Gurlukovich, Olga Gurlukovich, Fortune, Quiet, GLADOS, SHODAN, Velma, Daphne, Miss Ernst/Grand High Witch, Sailor Moon and the Sailor Soldiers, [Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto,] Bulma, the majority of the characters in Orange Is The New Black, Leslie Knope, Ann Perkins, April Ludgate, Asuka Langley Soryu, Haruko Haruhara, Nana Komatsu, Nana Osaki, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une, Dorothy Catalonia, Sally Po, Reyna, Zoe Nightshade, Meg McCaffery, Calypso, The females from The 100, Alicia Melchiott, Isara Gunther, Cosette Coalhearth, Miku Hinasaki, Leah, [from Diablo]  Melody Farklight, The Totally Spies!, Mia Dolan, Kathy Selden,  Vianne Rocher, Princess Ann, [Ann ‘Smitty’ Smith] Margaret Hale, Lauren Olamina, Sara Crewe, Mary Lennox, Jennifer Simpson, Christine Collins, [Who was also a real person] Turanga Leela, Tauriel, The ladies from Steel Magnolias, All the female Transformers, Farah, Annie Sawyer, Nina Pickering, Gabrielle, Saturn Girl, Sage, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, She-Thing, Scorpion, Songbird, Silk Spectre II, Spider Girl, Silver Sable, The ladies of the Wildstorm universe, Fault Zone, Solara, The Wink, Paragon, Lady Deathstrike, Madame Masque, Cheetah, Emerald Empress, All 20 superheroines before Wonder Woman, Alanna of Trebond, The ladies of The Lunar Chronicles, Catti-Brie, Alyx, [From the Adventures Of Alyx books] The ladies from Marvel's Runaways series, Veronica Layton, Marguerite Krux, Mako Mori, Blaze The Cat, Toby 'Kissy' Masuyo, April Ryan, Mona Sax, Fox,  Ninja Princess, Papri, Lady Master Of Kung Fu, Reika Kirishima, The ladies from the Tales series, Noel Vermilian, Shield Knight, Petra from Emerald City Confidential, The ladies from Elsword, Anna Leonowens.[another lady from real-life but perhaps best known from The King And 1] Eliza Doolittle, Ree Dolly, Hushpuppy, Unicorn/Lady Amalthea,  Aeryn Sun, Chiana, Mallory Kane, Pauline Hargraves, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato, Samantha Carter, The Tiger Woman, Barbara Meredith/The Black Whip, Hana Tsu-Vachel, Tessa Alvarado, Jo March, Liesel Meminger, Betty Barrett, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug, Shelby Woo, Jaime Sommers, Molly Moon, Torchy Blane, Eliza Maza, Angela, Demona, Fox Xanatos, The girls from W.I.T.C.H, Mona The Vampire, The Worst Witch, Ms Frizzle, Carmen Sandiego, Leslie and Joni from Cluefinders, Ren Stevens, Jules Paxton and Jess Bhamra, [from Bend It Like Beckham] Hazel Grace Lancaster, Mara Of The Acoma, Aerin Dragon-Killer/Firehair, Angharad 'Harry' Crewe, The three sisters from Ballet Shoes, Anne Shirley, Lyra Belacqua, Kerowyn, Dashti, Sadie Kane, Zia Rashid, Samirah-Al-Abbas, Lydia Deetz, Juniper Lee, Gretchen, Spinelli, Alex Mack. Or female characters for really young kids such as Lizzie Mcguire, Andi Mack, Dora, Peppa Pig, Lola, Charlie, Looby Loo, Ramona Quimby, Pippi Longstocking, Star Butterfly,  Meg Murray, Madeline, Angelina Ballerina, The lovely ladies of Balamory, Jemima Puddle-Duck, and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle. Or females from Greek mythology like Gaia, Hestia, Demeter, Nemesis, Medusa, Nyx, Ananke, Rhea, Athena, Demeter, Persephone, Artemis or their Roman counterparts. Or the ladies from Norse, Finnish or Egyptian Mythology. Or historical female figures to look up to such as Elizabeth the 1st, Joan Of Arc, Queen Cordelia, Queen Gwendolen, Ethelfreda, Boudicca, Florence Nightingale, Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie, Catherine The Great and Audrey Hepburn. You play as a female Avatar in Cooking Mama and all of the Imagine series, The Jurassic Park dinosaurs were all female, Minecraft allows female appearance through customized character skins EVEN BARBIE! THERE! I SAID IT!
But besides that entire fucking catalog, I find myself and the rest of the female population well under-represented.....Except of course for the huge fucking roster of female characters available.
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