#Alma Del Mar
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overlyobsessedoddity · 3 months
Recently watched Brokeback Mountain 🏔️ and I just had a wackass dream where Alma sees her husband kissing Jack and is just super into it
She then spends the rest of the movie trying to have a threesome without scaring her husband off/letting him know she knows and that accidentally turns into a poly relationship???
I’ve been searching desperately for an hour to see if anyone else sees my vision but the answer appears to be no😭
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agresteee · 2 months
Era tan difícil escogerme? 🪁
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quynnns · 7 months
I love cinematic parallels 🥰
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nouvellelune97 · 21 days
Es normal que se me aparezca su nombre en casi todos lados?! Ayuda!!! 😭
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mi-universo-poetico · 9 months
Ya no quiero sentirme más así, este desatres de que ni se entiende y ni quiere estar en su propia piel...
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ennis breaking down when they’re leaving after that first summer and jack crying as he drives off after seeing ennis after his divorce…
jack has so much hope, enough to return to augirre the next summer to ask after ennis, enough to leave his family at the drop of a hat beachside he thought ennis’s divorce meant he was finally ready to have a life with him
but jack didn’t see ennis break down after their first summer together. he didn’t know that ennis had already decided they couldn’t be together, not like they wanted to. that he’d resigned himself to probably never seeing jack again, and forced himself to be ok with it
jack held out hope for years and years that one day they could be something more, maybe. that he could convince ennis to go off with him and that they could have that sweet life together and be safe, together. but that was never an option for ennis
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tsnbrainrot · 1 year
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the bit in the brokeback mountain script that describes the church ennis & alma get married in as a ‘pine box’ 💀💀 i’m off to slurp on a glass smoothie ✌🏻😭
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mimundotag · 12 days
Si el verdadero amor...
Si el verdadero amor existe pues me alegro, porque otras personas se lo encontraron, aunque me entra envidia verlos juntos
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luanggie · 3 days
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robinthegloblin · 2 months
so i saw this post somewhere saying that they wanted a fic where ennis, jack, and alma were all in a polyam relationship - that alma saw them kissing but instead of being disgusted she found she was into it. i have some thoughts about this, and it’s not a call out post where im going to be rattling off all the ways that i think op was wrong, it is an interesting concept, i was just thinking about how personally i dont think it would happen.
one) we see through the course of their marriage the slow resentment and change that occurs, and while i am not sure why alma and ennis got together in the first place, they were happy at the beginning. the rift between alma and ennis increases after they have kids, and it only seems to escalate all the way up and through their divorce. 
i think, from alma’s perspective, she recognized that the man she married was not the same one who continuously rejects her and expects so much from her. ennis constantly ignores alma, he leaves her to take care of the kids and to cook and do her job and he places his occupation and work over hers - i dont think alma knew how to fix it, how to make ennis pay attention to her. i am sure she blamed herself in a way and most likely experienced loneliness being stuck in this position. 
when she finds out what ennis and jack are doing, all the feelings that she had been left to sit in bubble up. this was the 1960s, the whole concept of this story is about hatecrime and homophobia - in alma’s eyes it is disgusting and shameful and putrid and this was the man that she had married. she was left and cast aside for something vile and wrong and it hurt. perhaps maybe in a different story she could have found it appealing in a way, but it’s not just “oh she hasnt explored sexually, there’s a chance she could be into that stuff” it’s also the divide between her and ennis and the emotions that she had previously suffered through and the guilt that she could now blame on someone else. it wasnt her fault that ennis was cold to her, but up to this point that’s what she thought; when she sees them, it’s the tipping point and realization that it wasnt her, but it was this gross affair. 
two) from ennis’ point of view, alma is a tether. she is a force that keeps him safe and “normal”, she is the right and traditional thing to do. but she also sort of is a cage, he has to be “normal” and has to love her in order to accomplish this. she is a way to “fix” himself.
piggybacking from another post i saw, there is also the fact that she is a woman. i believe the other person said something about how being with a woman for jack and ennis is different than sleeping with another man because she doesnt pose a threat to their relationship. the woman is simply a necessity and cannot give either of them what they truly want. and that’s all that alma really is, she is only required so ennis can fulfill tradition and be left alone (we see that later after they divorce the amount of times it’s brought up to him that he should settle down again).
three) i am not quite sure what jack would think seeing that alma never really was something he had to worry about. it was always ennis’ work or his deep connection to his hometown that really proved a problem. i do believe though, that being in a polycule with alma and ennis not something he would like. having relations with other men was something he constantly looked for, that he needed to “sustain himself” as he said when he and ennis were arguing about the lack of time they had together and adding a woman to the mix wouldnt be what he was looking for. he could have sex with a woman at any point in time, adding alma into the mix is only taking away his one place that he can get the satisfaction he wants. 
feel free to add on or correct me, i have only seen the movie, though i do want to read it, and have watched it once. this was not meant to be a call out post in any way shape or form, simply a pondering of why the three of them wouldnt work and my take on their complex relationships.
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ambedo-blog · 1 year
por mis dudas e inseguridades, lo arruino todo
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agresteee · 3 months
Ambos perdimos el mismo juego que iniciamos. 📀
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Escapando sin maleta, sin mapa, sin meta
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milagro-24 · 2 months
Oh Jehová, tú me has examinado y conocido. Tú has conocido mi sentarme y mi levantarme;Has entendido desde lejos mis pensamientos. Has escudriñado mi andar y mi reposo,Y todos mis caminos te son conocidos. Pues aún no está la palabra en mi lengua,Y he aquí, oh Jehová, tú la sabes toda. Detrás y delante me rodeaste,Y sobre mí pusiste tu mano. Tal conocimiento es demasiado maravilloso para mí;Alto es, no lo puedo comprender. ¿A dónde me iré de tu Espíritu?¿Y a dónde huiré de tu presencia? Si subiere a los cielos, allí estás tú;Y si en el Seol hiciere mi estrado, he aquí, allí tú estás. Si tomare las alas del albaY habitare en el extremo del mar, Aun allí me guiará tu mano,Y me asirá tu diestra. Si dijere: Ciertamente las tinieblas me encubrirán;Aun la noche resplandecerá alrededor de mí. Aun las tinieblas no encubren de ti,Y la noche resplandece como el día;Lo mismo te son las tinieblas que la luz. Porque tú formaste mis entrañas;Tú me hiciste en el vientre de mi madre. Te alabaré; porque formidables, maravillosas son tus obras;Estoy maravillado,Y mi alma lo sabe muy bien. No fue encubierto de ti mi cuerpo,Bien que en oculto fui formado,Y entretejido en lo más profundo de la tierra. Mi embrión vieron tus ojos,Y en tu libro estaban escritas todas aquellas cosasQue fueron luego formadas,Sin faltar una de ellas. ¡Cuán preciosos me son, oh Dios, tus pensamientos!¡Cuán grande es la suma de ellos! Si los enumero, se multiplican más que la arena;Despierto, y aún estoy contigo.
Salmos 139:1-18
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Ven déjame amarte de la única manera que se.
Ven eligeme, elige amarme, con todos mis miedos, inseguridades, conflictos, se que amarme no será fácil, pero prometo amarte por muchas vida, en muchos universo, de todas las maneras, de nuevas formas y con otros colores....
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