linelle-v · 1 year
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🎶Shall we dance?🎶
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starmahgalaxies · 1 year
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I couldn't decide which one to do so I did all 3.
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Alimor as Ruikasa cuz I am not sane 💛❤
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transallukazoldyck · 3 months
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random alimor moments that make me go feral: 1/?
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teatitty · 6 months
So, you have some alikou headcanons? 👀 (@sayakxmi)
Sigh. Yeah I sure do anon lets see how many I can remember I just woke up but here we go
Narratively and thematically, AliKou works better than AliMor because they are both direct parallels to one another but brain too foggy to really delve into that yet just know I think about it A Lot
Dragon-Phoenix imagery with Kougyoku as the dragon [because east asian dragons are heavy based on water and rivers etc] and Alibaba as the Phoenix. Kougyoku dressed in reds and Alibaba in blues so they match one another
I wasn't joking when I said the Ren siblings only know Alibaba as "the thief boyfriend" because Kougyoku never mentioned his being a prince only that he was "a stubborn quick witted thief" so in my AU's it takes them a while to learn he is Also Royalty lmao
Alibaba has no idea they even consider him her boyfriend so the first time one of them refers to him as such he has a record stratch "you what" moment
Considering that in canon the reason Alibaba finally fully turns against Sinbad was him using Kougyoku as a puppet I simply think it would've been funny if as a big "fuck you" to him he'd ended up marrying her
Obviously Balbadd is a republic not a monarchy now however! AliKou endgame of them living in Balbadd and being members of its council but where Kougyoku deals with international country relations, Alibaba deals with finances and trade
It's customary within Kou for a husband to gift his wife a pair of "marital hairpins" but since my Alibaba doesn't conform to gender norms, it's actually Kougyoku who buys him a hairpin when she notices his hair becoming longer. It has jewelled flowers on it
As respect to Balbadd's traditions, Kougyoku takes part in a Mehndi ceremony the day before their wedding and continues the practice of wearing it for any big festivals or celebrations
They don't have kids ever so don't ask but they do fix the poverty situation
While he gets along with most of his in-laws, Alibaba and Koumei have a rivalry few can understand
Morgiana was Kougyoku's maid of honour and yes she cried about it
They're not the type of couple to kiss or hold hands in public but it is normal to see them sleeping against one another
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wesselston · 1 year
I don’t know if I’m supposed to make an introduction, but I’ll make one anyways since it’s fun.
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My name is Koda, and I won’t be mentioning my age, you should get why though. I use any prns, but I like he/him and its/it the most!!
I’m honestly mainly going to post more about magi more than anything else, but I’m interested in other things. I’m just too lazy to actually mention them.
I’m a writer, and an artist. Although I’m not really sure wether or not I’ll show my art.
I just downloaded Tumblr for the first time, so I’m not actually sure if dni exists here, but for now I’ll just be lenient and let most things slide unless it’s really crazy and offputting.
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If you couldn’t tell already, Aladdin’s my favorite. I’ll talk a lot about him than most characters.
I’m really basic, and I don’t really like most magi ships honestly, but I rather not get into that. I really like alimor though!
I think I covered most of it?? I’m not sure, might’ve forgotten something, but I’ll worry about that later……
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brawltogethernow · 2 years
What's a ship or character you haven't drawn/written yet, but really want to?
This is a little complicated because if I'm vibing with something extremely hard and don't at least knock out some script-style shitposts for it it's because there's like, an obstacle. Like I'm hyperfocusing on something but specifically the version of it that exists in someone's incomplete AU fanfiction, or it's something that I haven't actually read in over ten years, didn't finish, have no desire to revisit, and remember only some details of, which my brain has still decided it's the season to be obsessed with. If this goes on long enough I will extract the chewiest bits from the thing for use as raw materials in origfic, making the answer "blorbo from my brain" and theoretically diverting the itch somewhere.
...........All that said.
There are... This is going to be a horrifying glimpse into my digital organization system. There are 2500 separate notes on my phone I've filed as Magi. Which is. A manga. About the Arabian Nights, if they were also DnD, with the power of friendship, and socioeconomic-driven political drama?
Most of them are at least vaguely alimor, which is one of the canon relationships. Over two thousand of them are for one AU. I have published *checks* seven. Seven Magi posts and no fic.
For comparison I have like, a thousand notes each under GG and misc. mxtx and about 3.5k each for Marvel and DC, and everything else sorted by fandom is like, significantly lower. There's ~750 ML and nothing else is breaking 500.
The discrepancy is because these Magi entries are, like...okay not BAD, but incoherent. I'm very no thoughts head full about the vibes of this property, and I never landed in a fandom hangout to encourage me to become civilized enough to communicate. I basically spent summer of 2016 to winter of 2018 running through the woods on all fours writing little journal entries to myself about how if Alibaba and Morgiana could fuse like Steven Universe gems their fusion would have the terrifying combination of the former's brainpower and the latter's complete lack of anxiety debuff+ability to kick through granite barefoot, and also a second set of teeth that's only visible when they grin really wide, for reasons.
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discolesbo · 2 years
magi obvs for the fandom one + ja'far & kougyoku for the character
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Judar
Least Favorite character: Cassim
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Juhaku, juhaku, hinahoho x rurumu, drakon x sahel, alimor (not in order)
Character I find most attractive: Ok so I am not attracted to people so I can't really answer. Since I'm assuming this refers to sexual attraction... but if i'm allowed to mention the asexiest character (attractive in a non-sexual way) then my answer is Hakuryuu
Character I would marry: Uhhhhh honestly probably Morgiana
Character I would be best friends with: Probably Alibaba or sum... be loser nerds together...
a random thought: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh did you know that Alibaba likes swimming and Hakuryuu doesn't? Ohtaka said so in a backstage
An unpopular opinion: Lmao I have so many. The fact that I don't like Cassim is already one. Many ships I don't like. Many charas I don't care about. Some of the arcs in the beginning are boring. I don't think alimor development has a big problem, etc. If you come at me to argue about this i will steal your toes.
Non-canon OTP: Juhaku
most badass character: Honestly probably Kougyoku
pairing I am not a fan of: I will not say anything I will get fucking murdered
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I actually cannot think of anything right now imma be real. Like ok I wanted more of Judar but I don't think he's a screwup. Arba got kinda dumped to the side i guess
favourite friendship: Juhaku Alibaba and kougyoku
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: adopted by RURUMU. Or adopt lil' masrur he's so cute <3
Ja'far first
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I love his hat so much i love green so much literally top aesthetic
All the people I ship romantically with this character: None. He just like me fr, single and working all life :']
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I guess most of the generals...
My unpopular opinion about this character: Uhh idk what are unpopular or even popular Ja'far opinions. I guess I uh like him in the beginning of magi too when he was just nagging at Sinbad. And like i'm no the biggest fan of the uke-fication.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Finally kick sinbad in the nuts
my het ship: No
my fem/slash ship: No
my OTP: No
my OT3: No
my cross over ship: No
my kink: as if i'd have any
a head cannon fact: tf the fuck is a "head cannon fact"
my gender bend: what?
Then Kougs
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: Character development queen
All the people I ship romantically with this character: None. Like i've come to reluctantly accept alakou if that were to become canon but like, i dont ship anything
My non-romantic OTP for this character: idk her friendships like with judar and alibaba?
My unpopular opinion about this character: If she wants love then she should get it. Plus sinbad mistreating her led to her girlboss moments so i don't think that makes the writing sexist (no i don't think that's a popular take but i've def heard it lmao)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Can't think of anything. She was great
my het ship: No
my fem/slash ship: No
my OTP: No
my OT3: No
my cross over ship: No
my kink: i still don't have
a head cannon fact: still don't know what this mean
my gender bend: male koug would probs be hot. i mean, asexy
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444names · 4 days
Names derived from Tolkienesque forenames, theological angels, and superlatives, excluding the letter "E"
Abalth Ablaracalla Addacild Addalith Adradrata Adûna Agasin Agudir Aihir Ailúk Aindil Ainvannat Airdaiang Aladacir Alattant Algranákhôr Alimor Alindand Amild Amitë Amling Amragudil Amran Amranor Amron Amrothair Ancil Ancir Andil Andir Andis Andor Anduin Andust Anfainúmil Anfalm Angoldach Angor Animuzgal Animë Annar Antan Antar Anthorophon Aradardan Araglirman Arail Aramag Arand Aranduil Aranur Araphang Arashan Arasin Arassad Aravanwë Arazaphoron Arazôn Arcir Ardannas Ardar Ardil Ardilthôr Ardir Argos Arinwë Arinúmil Armaurvia Arthéod Artullik Atamalabar Athil Atillion Auglúk Azimair Azrandaind Azraphil Azrazôr...
Bador Baharfinar Balfan Bardaiahang Barombur Baron Bightarast Bithothim Blarikar Blarunna Blatar Blorn Blund Bofthôn Boldor Bombar Bomir Bormtor Boros Braca Brach Bragorl Brahráin Brast Brazil Brazran Brimbusil Brion Briën Bryar Bulkanwë Bëorl Bëorn Bëoron Bórwar Caldorlion Caldur Carah Caran Carma Catron Chaphil Charin Cilaugdur Cilimrardar Clorn Clowmaca Clurtz Coori Cothaphirë Cranamil Craphon Crinil Criën Curiën Curtil Dalin Dallos Dardancaróf Dorbarad Dorina Dorod Doron Drant Driah Duicir Dular Durionna Durust Dusilmon Déallinúvir Déomir Déoth Fainnardaia Faldant Fanarcir Fangolwë Fastirion Fatalma Filúk Findir Finzil Firyah Flain Fland Flant Folorn Forion Foron Frind Frindumo Fréago Fréagold Fréagon Fréagor Frórindómir Fëangon Fílimloth Fírdarost Gabadamar Gabar Gadrin Galadan Galast Galingrik Gallouglik Gamilkardin Gamrouglin Gamsirë Gasin Gildil Gildon Gilgancalca Gimbal Gimrah Glast Glindrat Glinin Gloolgalain Golionwë Gorfil Gortur Graph Grapharcir Grararth Grathor Griondran Grohilúk Grontata Grómil Hadaming Halcwin Haldil Haldë Halin Hamroddor Hamrondir Hamûl Hangoldum Hangor Hanwë Harata Hardair Hardal Hargormanth Haronwë Hassuirë Hingloon Horomë Hossir Huaqqibûn Hubbithon Humbrion Hunnarimë Huoldor Hushorië Hyath Hyavi Hámaminduin Ibaulë Ibûnah Idurl Ildarantho Imbrinar Imiryaviad Imoilir Indanch Indli Indorn Isildir Iskil Iskin Itchinc Jophor Juild Kirim Kusilgash Kílik Lalanthôr Lararë Latandor Limin Lithia Londandum Lossunír Lothon Loughâl Loungon Luilin Lumaiar Lurth Léotha Makil Malaca Malitho Mamanth Mandusil Manthoron Marat Mirmaras Mithramrons Muanassion Muladorthir Mulair Mulfin Mulfwin Mírdil Nahtar Nakar Naraiadil Naraphar Nauglas Ningrossion Nittârin Noisrah Nurvir Nólin Nómil Olcaldwyn Oldog Ollia Orlim Palas Palfwinros Paláf Phast Plador Polór Powyn Primanil Prondil Purlada Purviarun Rangoldir Ranor Ranthéod Razazach Razôr Rildon Rintor Riont Rondor Rophamin Ríand Sacali Sadomë Salar Salbah Salchub Saldal Saldorod Salik Salinar Salmil Salthôr Samlimog Sanim Sanáinbri Saughtil Sauglador Sauglitë Saugloth Sauglúk Saulast Saust Scalfin Sharfil Sharros Shmorlaihin Shnáin Shnáincil Shnákhîm Shnákhôn Shnárin Shoril Shossandir Siaron Simlin Singwin Skinindil Slimundor Slion Slorroador Smacir Smalast Smalmo Smancaláf Smandurucir Sméawin Sofur Soomë Soorfin Soorost Soron Souglon Súriandurië Tabaglor Taldil Tamracir Tamûl Tanbrapho Tanch Tanur Tarda Tardagon Tardir Tharavor Thardag Thargor Thing Thingran Thongwin Tiust Tuolwë Tuolór Turimron Turin Turind Tzagdur Tzazim Túrimir Túrisir Ufingun Ugassil Ulkhar Ulmaalthrór Ulwin Unkasil Uolóin Urondorod Urubifunkas Urunkan Uzgan Valadacir Valaurth Valdadûnan Valgas Valliahamli Vanin Vanwë Vathéod Vidufin Viduin Vincalik Vorman Vánamir Vánar Vánast Vánatalast Waindë Winca Winimë Worod Yáviah Zachalg Zadan Zadrór Zagoldog Zimbucargil Zophoroddoc Zophos Éodróg Éodwyn Éothar Éothiahadoc Éothor
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red-spider-lilies · 2 years
Damn, the scene in which Alibaba gives Morgiana the necklace so she could have an spare household vessel is just so sweet!! I don’t like how Ohtaka handled alimor in the end, but this ship definitely has adorable scenes at the beginning :’)
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Ruikasa as Alimor <333
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Alibaba: I asked a girl out.
Aladdin: Oh, I’m sorry.
Alibaba: Why?
Aladdin: Well, I assumed she said no.
Alibaba: No, she said yes.
Aladdin: Oh, well, I’m sorry for her.
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malockser · 3 years
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It's been 4 years since Magi's manga ended and since Alibaba and Morgiana got married ~ 
 If you like it pls give a heart, this helps a lot :) 
- By MaLockser ~ 
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yui-kuromori · 3 years
Friendly reminder that Alikou was one of the best romances I read in manga in a really long time and for some reason the author decided to break it apart and have the one character that should have stayed single marry the mc in the weirdest turn of events
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sunshine-alibaba · 3 years
Alibaba, sprinting into the room: Ask me why I love you, Morgiana!!
Morgiana, a bit skeptical but she's used to things like this by now: ...Why do you love me, Alibaba?
Alibaba, pulling out a 200 slide presentation, bouncing up and down and grinning like an idiot: I’m so glad you asked!!
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s2pdoktopus · 3 years
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Me making ship children again! Featuring the AlaKou and AliMor ships.
I've read fics were Sinbad returned. I honestly didn't quite get the ending. But I think it'll be funny if Sinbad returns and there's the crown prince of Kou and Alibaba's kid calling him "Grandfather" right off the bat. Lol.
And like, he kinda gets why Alibaba's kid is all chill with him considering the whole "I'll treat you as if you were my son" thing he said to Alibaba, but the child of Kougyoku? Yeah, he still doesn't believe the "I forgive you and thanks for the peaceful world" thing Kougyoku said. Even then, he doubts Kougyoku's brothers will let their nephew near him.
While the little Kou prince carries himself around the way Kougyoku does, there is something about his verbal tics that is NOT of Kou at all. (Finding out that Aladdin is the child's father gave him the same shock as finding out that Alibaba is alive.)
Alibaba's child on the other hand is like Morgiana; silent and strict, except when she becomes comfortable enough the sunny personality of her father comes through. It's a total personality flip.
I'm honestly just bored and currently looking around the AlaKou stuff. I think the big family of Ren will be happy to have a tiny addition. XD
So additional thoughts:
Kouha spoils him rotten, he has assigned caretakers but Kouha steals him from them.
Koumei is his teacher. He generally sticks to facts but throws in his opinion from time to time. No way he'll allow his nephew think Kouen was inferior to Sinbad!
Hakuryuu is his teacher in swordsplay. Hakuryuu thinks he's not the best option considering his own weapon of choice being a spear but Kougyoku assures him that he's doing well.
Hakuei teaches him how to properly conduct himself in front of others. Unfortunately, with Aladdin, Judal and Kouha's influences, it's been hard.
Judal is just a big brother figure (he's supposed to be his magic teacher but he doesn't wanna). Sometimes he takes the kid to town and gives the entire palace (especially Ka Koubun) a heart attack for an entire day. (Aladdin is always there to assure Kougyoku of what really happened. Kougyoku will give Judal a scolding later but it doesn't really affect the former Magi)
Kouen is where the young prince will run off to if he doesn't want to do anything. No training, no studying, Nada. And Kouen generally lets him. The former emperor will talk about the history of the world while the prince sits on his lap listening intently, being educated without knowing that he is.
With Kougyoku being the empress and Aladdin helping the people adjust in the new world, both parents aren't always readily available but it's fine. Their family will cover for them. The little prince understands. They will always spare time from their busy schedules to accommodate their child. They make sure that for every festival, they are both present, every special occasion, every country visitations, everytime the Saluja family visits or asks them to visit, the family of Kougyoku, Aladdin and their kid will be together.
Aladdin sometimes takes his child with him on his adventures, during this time he teaches him magic, shows him the world outside Kou while helping people and the like. With his teleportation magic, he "kidnaps" Kougyoku so that they can have a humble family dinner (and maybe even go out as a family later in the day). As long as no one finds out the empress is not in her chambers everything will be fine. The Ren family as well as Aladdin's friends will make sure no one discovers.
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