#Alice Hamilton
attibar · 4 months
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We've finally reached the last set of THSC Tarot Cards! 🎉
Apologies for taking so long; life threw me a lot of curveballs. That and it was also difficult figuring out characters for the remaining cards.
Set one
Set two
Set three
Set four
Set five
Set six
Meanings under the cut:
The Sun
Upright: Happiness, success, optimism, truth, and diligence
Reversed: Sadness, procrastination, pessimism, lies, and failure
The World
Upright: Fulfillment, harmony, completion, integration, travel, and unity
Reversed: Incompletion, shortcuts, delays, and emptiness
Upright: Strength, courage, compassion, focus, persuasion, and influence
Reversed: Self-doubt, weakness, insecurity, low energy, and raw emotion
Upright: Ending of a cycle, transitions, getting rid of excess, powerful movement, resolutions, and intuition
Reversed: Resisting change, fear of new beginnings, dependency, and negative patterns
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lady-griffin · 10 months
One of the best and personally one of favorite romantic moments I have ever seen comes from the Syfy miniseries of Alice.
Now it has been a while since I’ve seen this series, so I can’t really speak about the quality of it as I don’t remember everything, but what I do remember and absolutely love from this show was the main couple of Alice and Hatter and the ending.
Alice has returned to the human dimension and she’s obviously changed, but can’t explain to anyone why and then her mom calls her out to meet their new neighbor or like a construction worker (for some reason?); and there’s Hatter, in the real world, and Alice immediately rushes to hug him, beyond happy to see him again
And I have always, ALWAYS, loved how he hugs her back and how his face looks when he says, “finally.”
Then they start kissing, which was lovely and all. Plus, the mom was super confused, which is pretty funny, because there’s just no logical explanation for why this was happening from her perspective.
But for me, THE romantic moment of this scene, that has been ingrained in my heart and mind for 13 years, was seeing just how happy and relieved Hatter was to have Alice hugging him and being with her once more. 
I loved that moment 13 years ago and I still love it to this day.
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lavenderfables · 11 months
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Syfy Alice (2009) dir. Nick Willing
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thsc-confessions · 10 months
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hexagonaldragons · 5 months
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bittwitchy · 3 months
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Caterina Scorsone as Alice Hamilton Alice (2009), Dir. Nick Willing
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toastedclownery · 2 years
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Sudden urge to draw minor characters
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maryfreedom342 · 9 months
Alice decided to take a vacation and go sailing with Vi
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There is no semantic load in this picture, it’s just that Vi is standing and complaining that some person took and flew off the yacht without paying for the operation at all, what kind of people are so ungrateful, and Alice is pleased to hear such news, and not all this "horror" in the world
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Does anyone remember the 2009 SyFy adaptation of Alice in Wonderland? I’ve just found it again after years and it’s so good!
I ship Alice and Hatter so much and both of them are my favourite characters.
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jaytoons7 · 1 year
Extending the Calvin/Curtis family for Shifted Timeline because this family has a serious grip on me.
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While the basic info is pretty decently explained here, There's a bit more detail under the cut if you're curious.
(Info, Oldest to youngest. Not all parents have names.)
Charles Calvin: The child of Janice Calvin (Mother) and Aiden Calvin (Late Birth Father). Currently a government pilot.
Matteus Guardsmith: Related to Charles on his late father's side. Aiden's sister took her husband's last name, Guardsmith, After marriage. Currently works as a guard at the Wall.
Alice Hamilton: Related to Burt on his late mother Caly's side. Her brother kept his last name, Hamilton, After marriage (Which was also Caly's maiden name). Currently a news reporter.
Erin Houston: Related to Charles on his mother's side. Janice's sister kept her last name, Houston, After marriage (Which was also Janice's maiden name). Currently a Cycle Punk.
Burt Curtis: The child of Harvey Curtis (Father) and Caly Curtis (Late Birth Mother). Currently works at comms for the Toppat Clan.
Harrison Calvin-Curtis: The child of Harvey Curtis (Father) and Janice Calvin (Mother). She is both Charles and Burt's half sister. Currently works for the CCC.
(Harvey was an only child, So there's no cousins from his side)
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definitely18 · 1 year
Just some news:
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whatever ur alice syfy ship is: star wars au?
(Asks that make me Google "Is time travel a thing in Star Wars"? Apparently the answer is technically yes, but only once. Good enough for me.)
“Alice, you know I love you, but this is insane!” 
She pauses, just for a moment, fingers hovering over her worn nerf-leather pouch. “You love me?”
It’s almost comical the way he freezes, eyes widening, the racing of his mind almost visible. “I-of course I do, uh, buddy. Pal. Anyway, that’s not really the-you’re going back in time to kill your great-grandmother, so I’m not sure it’s really the time to talk about-”
“I’m not going to kill her.” She resumes packing, shaking her head. For the moment, at least, she’ll let his little slip go (there may not be any point in saying anything anyway, if this works), though she cannot stop the slightest smile from tugging at her lips. If only his smuggler buddies could see him now; his reputation for being calm, cool, collected, and in control would shatter to a million bits. “I’m going to talk to her. To stop her before the dark side can take over.”
He gulps, glancing around, though it’s only the two of them in the room. Maybe he thinks the Force itself reports back to the Empire; for all she knows, maybe it does. “Right, sure, just going to have a friendly chat with the woman who led the takeover of the entire known universe. I’m sure that couldn’t possibly go wrong.” 
She grimaces. “It couldn’t possibly be worse than this.” There are only three groups left now: the Empire, the enslaved, and the dying. The last of the rebellion was crushed years ago, and with it, the last of the hope. Alice has poured every moment since then into this: desperately trying to finish her parents’ final project, a time machine they could never quite get to function. Now that it is, she knows exactly what to do.
“Um, yes, it could. ‘Course it could.” He looks at her like she’s suddenly announced a distant relation to Jabba. “You could die. Or stop existing.” 
Sweet, sweet man. She shakes her head, dropping the last of her supplies into her pouch with a sigh. Turning to him, she offers a weak smile. “Technically, she and I aren’t even blood relatives. Grandmother adopted my dad. So even if Patricia dies, I should still exist.” 
“Should. See, I really don’t like that should. If she dies, maybe she never raises your grandmother. Maybe your grandmother doesn’t know enough about kids to take in your father. So maybe your father lives across the galaxy, and never meets your mother.” 
“That’s a lot of maybes.” She arches a brow. “When’s the last time you slept?”
“Sometime, probably.” There’s desperation in his eyes now that breaks her heart. “Even if you don’t kill her, even if everything goes to plan, you might still erase yourself. Without Darth DeWitt, your parents might never work together, and-”
Frustration wells up inside of her against her will. She’s dealt with this, she has; she’s faced head-on all the ways this could possibly go wrong, has swallowed down her desperate fears, and now he’s digging them all back up, and she cannot deal with it. “I’m not more important than the whole universe, Hatter!”
“You are to me!” 
The fight seems to drain from both of them at once, exhaustion overtaking them. She sags back onto her bed, sitting upright and watching him. For several long moments the only sounds are their harsh, unsteady breaths. 
“You don’t mean that,” she says finally, quietly.
He matches her tone, though he can’t meet her eyes. “Part of me does. Part of me wants to smuggle you away to some remote colony somewhere too far and too small for the Empire to care. So long as we paid our taxes and kept our heads down, we’d be alright.” 
Oh, it does sound tempting. There are planets like that, she knows; not many, and not overly comfortable, but survivable. And if she changes things… Even if she continues to exist, there won’t be any coming back. Whatever world she makes, it won’t be her world, and if there is a her, she’ll be back in the past. No room for two Alices, right? Literal lifetimes away from all of her friends for the rest of her life… Her heart twists. “And the other part?” The words barely come.
One breath. Two. “The other part of me knows you’d never forgive me, or yourself.” The words hang between them, an undeniable reality. She can’t stand the thought of this, but neither can she run from it. Abruptly, he chuckles. It’s weak, forced, and clearly for her benefit. “Besides, I really hate paying taxes.”
It’s a pitiful excuse for a joke, but she laughs all the same-laughs until she cries, and he crosses the room, gathering her into his arms with a tentativeness that quickly fades, lost in kisses to her hair and softly whispered words.
“Let me come with you,” he pleads, when she’s calm.
She’s shaking her head before she can think. “It’s too dangerous. You could be killed.”
“I live for danger.” He takes a breath. “Besides, I’m not more important than the whole universe.”
You are to me. She wants to say it, but it wouldn’t be true, anymore than it was when he said it. So instead, she brushes her lips against his-softly, just once-and exhales. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have backup.”
“Never hurts, no,” he agrees too quickly, looking adorably dazed. She releases him, pulling the strap of her pouch over her shoulder, and he hesitates. “Alice?”
“You said you didn’t plan to kill her. But if-if this doesn’t work, if you talk to her and she chooses the dark side… What’s the plan then?”
She offers him a grim smile, pocketing her lightsaber. For the woman who would be directly responsible for-literally-billions of deaths? “Off with her head.”
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raven-honey-royal · 1 month
Hello tumblr!!!
I have a fanfiction plot that I'm writing that I want to see if there is any interest.
Firstly, the fanfiction will be a Once Upon A Time, Her Mad Hatter, Syfy Alice, Pirates of the Caribbean and Peter Pan one. It will be cohesive and make sense after I finish writing it. Now onto the plot:
7 year old Princess Oriana loves going on adventures and learning new skills, but 3 years later, her need for knowledge finds her stuck far from her kingdom. Years later, raised into madness, she returned to her home now burned. Driven by her growing insanity and a need for revenge, she makes herself a shadow. While on her mission, she must find out who she really wants to be and who she can truly trust and who she truly loves before it's too late.
Before the madness and grief make her blind to love; for the love of a hatter is a dangerous thing, but the anger of a princess is killer.
This will be a long fanfiction and in the later chapters there will be some smut.
So if you're interested in that, please let me know by liking this post. Also if you'd like to help me by letting me know if I should post it to AO3, fanfiction.net, wattpad or here please do.
Thank you,
Rae 🖤🖤
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valkyries-things · 2 months
“She was an American physician, research scientist, and author. She was a leading expert in the field of occupational health, laid the foundation for health and safety protections, and a pioneer in the field of industrial toxicology. She also became a professor of pathology at the Woman's Medical School of Northwestern University in 1897. In 1919, she became the first woman appointed to the faculty of Harvard University. Her work led to improvements in safety and regulation, and is sometimes credited with leading to the founding of the United States' Occupational Safety and Health Administration.”
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thsc-confessions · 9 months
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"i think I might be the only Alice Hamilton fan and it's ridiculous all she said was 'breaking news the toppats are dead now' and I was sold" submitted by anon
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citedesdames · 3 months
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