silentmagi · 10 months
Akumatized Marinette and Akumatized Nathaniel vs. Lila (Ladybug Hero Marc) - Hunting A Liar And A Writer Finds Out A Secret
Knitting Fairy and Evilustrator were having fun with their target, the liar that was trying to hide from them. The spotted defender was doing the best he could, but as she kept talking, he could see her plots unravel...
And he was tempted to drop her.
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underwxrldprincess · 6 months
Ms. Mendeleiev: I asked you to bring your most valued possession.
Marc: And that's what I did.
Ms. Mendeleiev: I meant bring in an object. Now please put Nathaniel down.
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darkwitch1999 · 3 months
Simpleman AU (But without Simpleman because that villain was CRINGE!!!!!)
What if instead of Marinette dropping the kids off with her grandfather Rolland Dupain, she decided to go to one of her friends for help? More specifically a creative and artistic duo of friends, one of whom has experience with babysitting children. Enter Nathaniel Kurtzberg and Marc Anciel! Knowing that the comic book duo are already hanging out at Marc’s house to work on their comic, ignoring the fact that they are also babysitting Marc’s little brother, Aimé Anciel, and not even bothering to ask them first because she’s so dead set on helping out Adrien, Marinette brings Manon, Ella, Etta, and Chris over to Marc’s house.
(Marc and Nathaniel stare incredulously at Marinette as she finishes explaining her situation. Meanwhile, are Chris and Manon chasing each other around the living room while Ella and Etta are jumping on the couch. Aimé is drawing a picture with crayons and paper on the coffee table with a Reverser doll sitting next to him, paying no mind to the other four rambunctious children.)
Marinette: (looks at the comic duo with pleading eyes) So it would just be for a little bit and I swear, I’ll hurry back as soon as I can! Please?
Nathaniel: (exchanges a look with Marc) Is she serious? Marinette, you know we’re always willing to help you out, but Marc and I still have pages of our next comic to finish before our next meeting with our editor in a couple of weeks.
Marc: (speaks hesitantly) And besides, we are already looking after Aimé and I don’t think we can look after four more kids…it’s just a lot more than I am used to…
Marinette: I know it’s a lot to ask and I swear I’ll owe you guys big time if you do this favor for me. I should be back within an hour at most to finish the client’s request. Besides, I babysit these four all the time. It’s super easy!
Nathaniel: (raises an eyebrow) Then why can’t you take the kids with you if it’s that easy? Or ask this client to come over to your place to get their costume fixed?
Marc: Nath has a point there, Marinette. Who even is this client, anyway?
Manon: (puts on the brakes and stops running upon hearing Marc’s question) Marinette is going to help her boyfriend! (Manon starts running again before Chris could catch up to her)
(Marinette’s face immediately blushes red and her posture stiffens with embarrassment. Marc and Nathaniel couldn’t suppress the smirks growing on their faces.)
Nathaniel & Marc: (turn to face each other) Called it!
It took a bit more time for Marinette to plead her case and convince the comic book duo to watch the kids but after a quick sidebar, Marc and Nathaniel decided to babysit Manon, Ella, Etta, and Chris while Marinette was gone to make a fool out of herself again in front of Adrien. But their help doesn't come cheap.....
Marc: (smirks) Alright, Marinette. We'll watch the kids for you.
Marinette: (beaming with gratitude) Oh thank you! Thank you both so much!
Nathaniel: (holds up a hand) However, in return for our services, we expect a payment of half of whatever you earn today from babysitting.
Marinette: WHAT?! That's totally unfair! You're only watching them for an hour!
Nathaniel: Yes, an hour of our time that we could be using to work on our comic which we will be getting paid for once it's published, but instead we will be using that hour to look after five kids.
Marc: I mean sure, we could simply just watch the kids for free out of the goodness of our hearts, but I do believe some compensation for the work that we will be missing is more than fair.
Marinette: You will both get a THIRD and split it between the both of you!
Marc: (shrugs his shoulder) Oh well, if that is the best you can offer us, Marinette, (walks to the front door and proceeds to open it) good luck with the kids.
Nathaniel: (calls out) Hey kids! Grab your backpacks! You're going back to Marinette's house!
Marinette: (panics) WAIT! (sighs in defeat) Okay fine...I'll give you guys half...
Marc: (closes the front door)
Nathaniel: (calls out) Never mind, you're staying here!
So for a while, things are going well. Marc and Nathaniel keep the kids calm and entertained with drawing activities and playing with the plush dolls of Miraculous superheroes and villains that Marinette brought with her for them to play with...
(Ella and Etta make the Rena Rouge and Carapace dolls kiss each other. Manon makes the Ladybug and Chat Noir dolls kiss each other. Aimé makes his Reverser doll and the Evillustrator doll kiss each other, which causes Marc to blush profusely while Nathaniel is laughing his ass off.)
Chris: (cringes and shields his eyes) EWWWWWWWW!!!!! Stop it! You guys are gross!
After a while though, Nathaniel suddenly gets a notification on his phone, reminding him that the latest issue of his favorite comic is going to be released today, and the artist who drew the comic book illustrations was going to be hosting a book signing at the book store. While he was initially excited, he then soon realized that he couldn't go and leave Marc alone with the kids. Despite Marc's insistence that he would be just fine being alone with the kids for a little bit and that Marinette is probably on her way back anyway, Nathaniel refuses to leave Marc alone. So like any other healthy couple would do, they came up with a compromise, which involved Marc tricking Nathaniel outside and locking him out of the house until he got his comic signed.
Though things stay calm for a bit, after a while Manon, Ella, Etta, and Chris start getting a bit rambunctious like typical young children. Running around the house, getting into things they are not suppose to (like messing with the pages of Marc and Nathaniel's comic and putting them out of order, reading through Marc's diary, etc.), jumping on the couch, fighting over the dolls, etc. Meanwhile while all this chaos is going on, Marc is desperately trying to call Marinette to see if she was on her way back soon since it has been well over the hour that she promised she would be back by. Unfortunately, Marc keeps getting sent to voice mail over thirty times because Marinette is too busy overcomplicating her plans as usual. Marc then starts to become anxious and panics, which goes unnoticed by every child except for Aimé since he is the only one who isn't running around the house. Being only 6 years old, Aimé doesn't quite understand his brother's anxiety/panic attacks or more specifically how to help but he thinks that Marc is most bothered by the loud noises of the other children running around and then tries to get everyone's attention by turning on the Ladybug and Chat Noir movie. The movie immediately captivates the four children's attention and they all sit quietly in the living room to watch the movie. Unfortunately, Marc is still having a panic attack despite the room having quiet down. Aimé tries talking to Marc to help him, but again, Aimé is only six years old and has no idea how to help calm his brother down. So he then decided to get Marc's phone and call his boyfriend for help.
Nathaniel: (picks up the phone as he leaves the book store) Hey, Marc! I'm heading back right now. How are-...
Aimé: Nath! Something is wrong with my big brother! He's breathing weird!
Nathaniel: (confused and starts to worry) Aimé? What do you-...(realizes what Aimé is talking about) give the phone to Marc, Aimé! Let me talk to him.
(Aimé holds the phone up to Marc and puts the phone on speaker. Nathaniel can hear Marc's shaky, hyperventilating breaths from his end, causing him to become increasingly worried.)
Nathaniel: (sprints as he talks on the phone) Marc...Rainbow? It's Nath! I'm on my way back, you're going to be okay. I'm going to stay on the phone with you. Please, just try to breathe with me. We'll do it toget-...(hears Aimé cry out in alarm) Marc? Aimé, what's going on buddy? Hello?! Can you guys hear me?!
Marc: Yes, Shadowmoth.....
Nathaniel: (his eyes grew wide filled with fear and panic) Oh shit....
Yes, Marc gets reakumatized in this "What If" scenario. I couldn't think of any new akumatized identities that Marc could be turned into. I was kind of leaning on this being a "Reverser 2" type deal. For instance after Marc is akumatized into Reverser again, he immediately reverses the children (minus Aimé) into becoming well behaved children who sit quietly unless told otherwise. Then he goes on a crusade to hunt down Marinette to reverse her into revealing her true feelings to Adrien since it was because of her obsession with Adrien that got him into this mess in the first place (or at least from his perspective) and much like everyone else, he has grown tired of her overcomplicated plans.
So what do you guys think of this "What If" scenario? I've had this idea in the back of my mind for a while. Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on this scenario regardless if you like it or hate it.
@andromeda612 @nerd-chocolate @artzychic27 @msweebyness @imsparky2002 @arny20252 @princessbutterflysposts
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artzychic27 · 11 months
@fresm-ay, I see your Spider!Marc and raise you… Bee!Nath
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bymasefield · 4 months
I also made this one which is my favorite, it's basically akumatized caprikid uwu
I had a whole idea for a fanfic about this but I don't have time :'3
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kurtzvillant · 1 year
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Miren que belleza de arte 🥰🤧🥺, los roles se invirtieron, ahora la akumatizada es Marinette y el civil es Nathaniel, muy contrario a Marinette civil y a Nathaniel akumatizado como demoilustrador. Marinette está semidesnuda pero Nathaniel está cubriendo su cuerpo mientras se dan un apasionado beso de amor ❤️😍. Este fanart es para un fanfic para mayores en Wattpad que aún no he subido, es una sorpresa para más adelante
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maddascanbe-blog · 2 months
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Here they are! The BOIs!
I hate drawing male characters (which is why this took so long) but we finally got it done!
Max is the only character who retains his age. I like the Kid Genius with his Jock friend archetype. He's 13 her and quite honestly looks younger. He met Kim on the first day of Highschool. They became best friends, and Max helps Kim study on the subjects he struggles in (Namely science and math) And Kim keeps him safe, both from potential bullies and getting trampled in the hall.
Speaking of Kim, fuck that plot line of him being a total ass, you can't make him a himbo in the making and then rip the rug out from under us! In this one Marinette either didn't have that experience or it was some rando. Kim does have a bit of crush on Chloe, he likes that she's very direct, but it never gets past that. And once Ondine expresses her interest, he changes focus. Kim is surprisingly good at History.
Nathaniel... We'll get back to-
Ivan is almost the exact same as cannon, I have no issues with Ivan or his relationship with Mylene. The only addition is he carries a lot of guilt about being the first akuma. The villains scare him about as much as the rest of the cast but he's terrified of the butterflies. Having your mind unexpectedly invaded messes with you. At least everyone else had Heard of Hawkmoth by the time they got akumatized.
Marc, I changed because I felt his and Nathaniel's personalities were a bit too similar. In this one, Marc is a bit more confident. He has aa pretty good group of friends, he already knows Nathaniel and Marinette. But he doesn't have much confidence in his writing. Which is why Marinette has to help him talk to Nath. Just trying to make him feel more like his own character, not an excessory to Nathaniel. Of course Marc isn't in the akuma class, which he is very happy about, but he fit here for the redesigns.
Okay! So Nathaniel- I don't really like him. He had like- 2 episodes where he's relevant (3 if you count Penalteam) but he's an akuma in his first and an ass in the second. Other than that he doesn't really do anything. But I don't want to pull a Thomas Austruc and character assassinate- so instead we are simply mostly removing him from the narrative- Here me out!
Nathaniel is in Marc's class, and he mostly interacts with the akuma class through Alix (His best friend) and Marinette who he knows from art club. His crush on Mari and later Ladybug is still there, they are teenagers after all. And Chloe still revealed his crush, though it wasn't so much to be cruel as it was just "Huh. Dupain-Cheng, figures", and he is very embarrased about this. I don't know how to re-write Reverser without making him an ass though, so I'll cross that bridge when I get to Marc's other designs. Please give me suggestions, I need help.
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
why is everyone always hyping up Ms. Mendeleev as this amazing teacher who takes no bull when she really isn’t? in evil illustrator, Mendeleev sees Chloe picking on Nathaniel and even physically rips his sketch book out of his hands and embarrasses him in front of everyone. but not only is Mendeleev more focused on him drawing in class, she only scolds Chloe but doesn’t punish her for being disruptive. in Marinette’s flashback, when Marinette arrives to class late looking downtrodden, she yells at her in front of everyone instead of waiting until the end of class to talk to Marinette privately. she doesn’t ask her what’s wrong, she doesn’t shut down Chloe’s offensive comments about “looking more depressed than usual” and “she wants to design clothes but can’t keep hers clean”, and she yells at Marinette for accusing Chloe of putting paint on her seat by stating that she had no basis to do so. this woman sure does yell a lot doesn’t she? Mendeleev has zero empathy for her students and has no business being a teacher. if we’re going to call out Damocles and Bustier, she deserves a call out as well.
No no, you have a point. I find I want to argue with you because I'm one of those who likes Mendeleiev substantially more compared to the other teachers, but that's just it: when compared to the other teachers.
Other than Damocles as the Principal, Mendeleiv is one of only three teachers we've been introduced to in the whole of the series. Well, until the Art teacher in season three, but even he has the same issues as Bustier and Damocles of admonishing the other students while saying nothing against Chloe.
Chloe issues aside, Bustier's teaching methods are "nice", but notably useless and not age appropriate. She was shown teaching the class about a fairy tale, and not even a specific one. Just about how a Prince saves a Princess with a kiss, with "true love" being the lesson rather than the literary implications or analysis in what I can only assume is a literature class.
Then there's D'Argencourt, and do I really need to get into this guy?
So I think part of the reason here is that of the very few teachers we've gotten any focus on, Mendeleiev is the only one who has actually ACTED like a teacher. Not the nicest teacher, no, but at least A teacher.
She was admittedly harsh in how she went about things with her students, but she had valid points and reasoning behind what she did.
Nathaniel in Evilustrator was drawing in science class, a subject he is struggling in.
Rose was spraying perfume in class without consideration to the hazards it could cause. Someone could have a health issue. Plus...y'know...the canon problem of the perfume being VERY FLAMMABLE.
And she's the only teacher who has at any point at least scolded Chloe for her behavior. Which given how everyone seems to bend over backwards to appease her or admonish her victims, that's saying something.
Plus out of all the school staff who have been akumatized, Mendeleiev had the most sympathetic reason. Then there's her aborted storyline in the New York Special. So she comes off as a teacher who wants to be liked and do right by her students, even if her way of going about her interactions seems harsh, and I think that's the aspect that the fans have taken notice of.
It stands to reason we've all had a teacher like her in our lives. Strict. No nonsense. Didn't let us get away with anything. And it also stands to reason that having that teacher in real life made us dread that class.
So yes, Mendeleiev is no saint. But she at least IS a teacher who ACTS like a teacher. A strict teacher who takes no excuses and seems more impartial (at least when compared with Damocles and Bustier who make it quite obvious they're under Chloe's thumb even if it's in different ways and for different reasons). She could do with some education on empathy and communicating with her students. But she's still at least doing her job as an educator to teach them.
At least until the writers ruin her just like they ruin everything else because they saw what the fandom came up with and decided we can't have nice things.
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padfoot-lupin77 · 4 months
(Idea from @weirdly-specific-but-ok )
•They are French… no comment here
•There A LOT of people (kids? Doesn’t this place have adult police or something??) that fight bad people at night with their hero personas
•Marinette has blue hair (is it natural? If not I need her hair dye it’s awesome) and she’s a fashion designer?
•Marinette likes Adrien, who as Chat Noir (do you pronounce this Sha (French)or Chat?) has a crush on Marinette’s hero version Lady Bug
•There’s a mean blondie named Zoe UPDATE NO SHES NAMED CHLOE who we don’t really like? I think??
•A mutual of mine is OBSESSED with a red haired named Nathaniel which is the only reason I know of Nathaniel’s existence
•There’s a show and a movie (or multiple?) and I think one of them has real people in it. Not sure.
•There’s a teal haired guy called Luka. I’d like his hair dye too.
•Dude is Adrien’s dad the shows main villain??? Wtf
•There’s something (or someone?) called Akuma leading to the word ‘akumatize” but I’m too scared to google it
All info coming either from random posts I’ve seen or Pinterest
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kikigeh · 2 years
I decided to write down the most striking information from the season 5 bible leak. DO NOT INTERACT if you want to go into the season blindly but do interact if you want to discuss it. Heavy spoilers under the cut.
A few things to note before we go on:
The document's final revision is from 2020, this means that THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT FINAL and the information might differ from what we will be seeing in the end product.
Also, a show's bible is meant to go over the key points of the story and characters, it's not necessarily a synopsis of everything that you'll see in the show so save yourself the immediate belief that the season is going to suck because character A or thing B are not mentioned in length here.
The bullet points go in order of appearance in the document, hence the jumps in subjects.
With that out of the way, let's start. FINAL WARNING, leave if you don't want to be spoiled.
It is revealed that Marinette had a crush on Kim prior to the show starting. Confessing was a bad experience for her (thanks to Chloe) and that's the reason as to why she's so hesitant to confess to Adrien.
At the very end of the season, Ladybug and Chat Noir will finally be able to use their special powers without transforming back. They'll be able to use Lucky Charms/Cataclysms more than once.
Adrien will find the courage to tell Gabriel that he doesn't want to be a model.
Adrien realizes that he feels something special towards Marinette and, realizing that Ladybug will never love him back, he decides to pursue her instead.
Adrien and Marinette will have their first kiss on episode 23 "Collusion".
Gabriel, owing a favor to Tomoe Tsurugi, wants Adrien to be with Kagami.
Nathalie is described in the document as "eventually emerging as a surrogate mother to Adrien".
We will either see or hear what happens when Chat Noir uses his Cataclysm on a human being in the episode "Destruction"
Ladynoir's relationship will change; without Chat Noir's flirting and with Ladybug finally accepting that she needs him (no longer pushing him away), they become a perfect duo of platonic, supportive friends.
Lady Noire and Mister Bug make an appearance in Season 5 once more.
Ladybug will be merging the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous herself becoming "BugNoire".
The merging of the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous create a brand new Kwami whose ability is to grant a wish (Like Dragon Ball's Shenron). The magic formula is found within the Grimoire; Gabriel, however, does not know how to decipher it. This is why his goal is to find someone who does.
Ladybug/Marinette finds out Hawkmoth's identity. Chat Noir/Adrien, however, will NEVER learn about it.
Nathalie was introduced to the Agrestes by Mrs. Tsurugi. She was hired because she was a hunter of magical artifacts.
Nathalie is secretly in love with Gabriel and follows him blindly, however, she has a secret plan for herself and wishes to fuse the miraculous so that her own wish can be granted: Make Gabriel fall in love with her.
Monarch will akumatize people and then send out a miraculous their way this season.
At the end of the season, Gabriel will give up the butterfly miraculous and someone else will get a hold of it: Lila.
Lila has several identities and several families, somehow. She goes by Lila Rossi, Cerise and Iris Verdi for different scenarios.
Scarabella will make a comeback for the two episode special.
Chloe's butler's name is Armand; he's the only person who cares for Chloe. More about this will be brought up in the episode "Adoration".
Zoe has feelings for Marinette, but she doesn't dare to tell her. This will also come up in episode "Adoration".
Zoe will become the holder of the Black Cat miraculous during the two-part special.
Contrary to popular belief, there are no written implications about Juleka and Rose's relationship despite it being shown on-screen. Neither are there any implications about Marc and Nathaniel's.
Kim was ALSO in love with Marinette in 8th grade. He is said to be the root of Marinette's problems in the episode "Derision".
Kagami is described as having "powerful feelings" towards both Adrien and Marinette.
Luka will leave in Mid-Season 5 as to not compromise the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir. He will leave with Jagged to Brazil, where he meets with Su-Han who will teach him Mirakung-fu. He'll go back to Paris in the finale.
Felix's new identity as the Peacock holder is called "Argos".
There will be several instances where we're reminded of Marinette's anxiety, mostly induced by her fears both as a civilian but also as Ladybug.
Marinette gives up on Adrien (or attempts to) and starts realizing that she may have feelings for Chat Noir, who has changed a lot since the end of S4.
Adrien asks Marinette out, which further complicates her feelings since she believes her crush on Adrien is detrimental.
Marinette is convincing herself that the one she loves is Chat Noir in order to forget about Adrien but he, who has given up on Ladybug, is intent on pursuing Marinette this time around.
There will be an apparent complete reversal of the lovesquare which may only culminate with Andre The Ice Maker's appearance to help them figure some things out.
Plagg and Tikki hurt from watching Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Chat Noir struggle with their feelings, which is why they opt for removing their miraculous and handing them out to other holders (Alya and Zoe).
Marinette thinks Zoe has a crush on Adrien. We know that that isn't quite the case and she is the object of Zoe's affection instead.
Lila and Chloe become the next class representatives. Lila is able to manipulate and control Chloe; because of their joint efforts, they become Monarch's strongest minions.
I think the only three things I heavily dislike are:
1. The fact that Adrien will NEVER find out about his father 2. Lila is not a compelling character, so the show is definitely going to suffer with her as the lead villain. 3. Felix is not mentioned much, if at all. Seems like the sentimonster arc might take a backseat but then again, things could've changed during production from 2020 to 2022.
But other than that, I don't see why anyone would read the document and firmly believe that it's underwhelming. If anything, I find most of it extremely exciting compared to the other seasons. Only time will tell.... but anyway, until then, don't miss today's release of episode 1!
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imsparky2002 · 11 months
Coward and Proud of It
(Nathaniel is drawing in his sketchbook after another akuma attack, and notices his classmates looking embarassed, their faces riddled with guilt.)
Nathaniel: Why do you guys look like that?
Alix: Dude, we’re such horrible friends! We forgot about you again!
(He looked confused. She sounded sincere, but why?)
Rose: I can’t believe we left you behind! We’re supposed to look out for each other!
Nathaniel: Uh, what are you talking about?
Nino: We didn’t go back to look for you dude! We were too busy saving our own skins. (He looks ashamed. Nathaniel realizes what’s going on.)
Nathaniel: Are you talking about the last akuma attack? You think you abandoned me?
Kim: Yeah! You were nowhere to be found. Weren’t you looking for us?
Nathaniel: Uh... no? Guys, you didn’t leave me behind. I left you.
(The entire class gasps in shock.)
Chloe: What are you on about, Kurtzberg?!
(He just rolls his eyes at the girl.)
Nathaniel: Whenever I am able to do so, I slip away from you guys. Afterall, Akumas seem to have a magnet for our group. And the best way to avoid getting killed is to lay low, away from the source.
Adrien: You make it sound like we’re a liability to you!
Nathaniel: *Bluntly* You are. You all run around like headless chickens, instead of ducking for cover and keeping your heads down. If this were a zombie apocalypse, you’d fail horribly. Well, except for Adrien and Marinette. Somehow you two always manage to avoid the brunt of the attacks. Not to mention you’ve never been akumatized yourselves. Main character energy if I’ve ever seen it.
Marinette: Yeah... that’s the reason. *Internally sweating*
Max: Nathaniel, you make up one fourteenth of a group. I am pretty sure we’d realize if you had abandoned us.
Nathaniel: Well, Max, for a guy with such a high iq, you clearly weren’t smart enough the other four times I did it.
Alya: Hold on a second, you’ve left us FIVE TIMES?!
(Nathaniel nods. He doesn’t understand why everyone seems so surprised.)
Nathaniel: You make it sound like it’s such a hard thing to do. When you’re all freaking out like that, it’s easy for a quiet guy like me to slip away.
Alix: (Talking about the Art Club Squad) But every time we texted you in the group chat, you acted like you were trying to find us. You even said you understood how panicked we got.
Nathaniel: Yeah, I was lying. You think I’m gonna reveal my escape plans? Then you’ll wanna join me, and I can’t have anyone from this class, even my friends, putting a target on my back via association.
Juleka: *Mumbling* Ouch, dude.
Chloe: Hmph! Well if you’re so elusive, tell us how on earth a nobody like you managed to survive all these attacks.
Nathaniel: Why should I tell you? You’d just try to join me next time.
(Rose uses her puppy dog eyes, and he caves.)
Nathaniel: Alright, fine. But I’m not taking any of you next time, you hear me?
(They grumble and nod.)
Nathaniel: Ok, Stormy Weather was pretty easy. All I had to do was avoid Alec, head home to my house, shut all the windows, lock the doors, hide under the bed, and done. For some reason, Akumas usually attack anyone unlucky enough to be outside. If they don’t have a specific victim in mind that is.
(The classmates all mutter in agreement. He had a point.)
Nathaniel: Next up was Guitar Villain, and once again you all ran off together, not even thinking of splitting up. And it seems none of you got the idea of just pretending to like the music. That’s what I did, just copied what I saw Ivan doing in class the day before, and headbanged like there was no tomorrow. I find the music to be cringe as all hell, not to mention the singer’s a deadbeat dad with an obviously fake English accent, but I had to fake it to make it.
Juleka: *Muttering* He really is a scumbag.
Nathaniel: Then there was Frightingale. I didn’t escape by myself, since I got a helping hand from a certain cute writer who I had been in the music video with. Turns out we had both been crushing on the other for awhile, and finally had the courage to ask eachother out. He took me to a safespot with the other kids in Mendeliev’s class, they took a liking to me, since I actually bothered to ask about their lives. You do realize that the kids besides Marc, Mireille, Jean and Aurore have names right?
Marinette: Of course we did!
Nathaniel: Really, what are they?
(The class is unable to even come up with a guess.)
Sabrina: Uh...
Nathaniel: That’s what I thought. Anyway, Zombizou was my favorite. Me and the Science kids got to kick love-zombie ass, and in order to avoid suspicion, Marc and I kept making out whenever they were near. It was so awesome! (He blushes before getting back on topic.) So yeah. You guys never abandoned me, I abandoned you. And before you say anything, no, I’m not sorry.
Alix: *Looking forlorn* But dude... we’re your friends!
Nathaniel: Well, you are. Most of the Art Squad is, but the rest of you only interact with me if you need something for your ships. You realize I’m an accomplished cartoonist, right? The Ladybug comic I work on with Marc is a huge success. I’m just as important as the rest of you!
Kim: Dude, we aren’t saying you’re not.
Nathaniel: Well I wasn’t important enough for any of you to notice I was being bullied by Chloe?
Chloe: Oh please, Kurtzberg. You got off easy.
Marinette: She made everyone’s life bad, Nathaniel. Not just yours!
Nathaniel: When you get bullied, everyone coddles you. When I get humiliated in front of the class, nobody besides my art friends came to comfort me, to explain to me why I got akumatized, why I was right to feel angry about what happened. Marc’s class also took the time to explain to me how it was creepy to write my self-insert being in love with a real classmate. They’re the reason I apologized to you, Marinette.
Chloe: Well if they’re so cool, then why don’t you join them!
Mylene: Chloe! We wouldn’t want that! Nathaniel’s our friend!
Nathaniel: Actually, that’s what I plan on doing next year. No offense, but I can only tolerate like half of you. I’d rather be with a class that actually recognizes my value, that takes the time to ask how I’m doing. If that makes me a background character in your world, so be it.
(He gets up and sees Marc waiting for him.)
Nathaniel: I’m not some helpless little lamb that gets lost whenever there’s an akuma. I’m a survivor, a coward, and I’m proud of it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna make out with my boyfriend.
(He smirks as he sees each classmate with their jaw on the floor.)
Turns out our Nath wasn’t abandoned after all. He’s just an escape artist. This felt so cathartic to write, and I hope you enjoyed it. As usual, let me know your thoughts in reblogs, replies, posts, and asks. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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kuraidesuraven16 · 9 months
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Ladybug miraculous Marc and cat miraculous Nathaniel. Got the idea of the background from an AO3 fanfic I read where Marinette gets Akumatized to princess justice.
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kilfeur · 11 months
La représentation LGBT dans ML (The lgbt representation in ML)
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Avec Zoe qui a été confirmé comme perso lgbt pour la série. Certains doivent se demander pourquoi Julerose ou bien Marcaniel n'ont pas été confirmés en tant que couple officiel. Disons que l'envers du décor c'est compliqué, bien qu'on commence à voir des ships gays c'est souvent des perso très secondaires et pas souvent des perso principaux. Rare sont les romances lgbt soient mise en avant, il y a bien Korra x Asami dans la légende de Korra ou bien Steven Universe ou bien She Ra. Sauf que dans l'envers du décor, les créateurs ont dû se battre avec les producteurs pour pouvoir diffuser ça.
On a majoritairement des couples de femmes mis en avant mais peu de couples d'hommes dans les séries occidentales. On voudrait qu'il y a plus de représentation diversifié mais dans l'envers du décor c'est compliqué pour les créateurs qui aimeraient mettre des perso lgbt en avant mais ne peuvent pas pour x raison. Par exemple Julerose aurait pu être confirmé avant mais malheureusement certains n'accepteront pas que le couple soit canon. Et souvent ce sera soit les producteurs ou bien la chaîne qui les diffuse par exemple l'épisode où Marc se fait akumatisé à cause de Nathaniel, beaucoup voyaient dans ces deux là une romance gay. Et on sait que Thomas Astruc s'est inspiré d'un de ses amis pour créer le perso de Marc Anciel d'ailleurs si on enlève le M de Marc ça donne "Arc Anciel" probablement en référence avec le drapeau lgbt qui est un arc en ciel.
Et devinez quoi ? Cette épisode a apparemment été interdit de diffusion dans certains pays alors qu'à aucun moment Marc confesse ses sentiments envers Nathaniel et ainsi de suite. Pareil pour Julerose, où c'est vraiment du sous texte et dans le doublage français c'est assez évident que c'est un couple. Mais pas de baiser ou que ce soit pour le confirmer. Je pense que l'équipe aimerait confirmer ces deux couples mais malheureusement ceux au dessus d'eux ne sont pas du même avis. Ce qui est dommage en soi, car souvent les fans aiment voir des histoires gays. J'imagine que pour Zoe, ils ont dû aussi convaincre ceux d'en haut aussi que la chaîne pour les laisser diffuser cette épisode. Mais bon la représentation lgbt c'est compliqué même dans une série destiné à des enfants.
With Zoe confirmed as a lgbt character for the series. Some may wonder why Julerose or Marcaniel haven't been confirmed as an official couple. Let's just say that the other side of the coin is complicated: although we're starting to see gay ships, they're often very secondary characters and not often main characters. There's Korra x Asami in The Legend of Korra, Steven Universe or She Ra. Except that behind the scenes, the creators had to fight with the producers to get it on the air.
Most Western series feature female couples, but few male couples. We'd like to see more diverse representation, but behind the scenes, it's complicated for creators who'd like to feature lgbt characters but can't, for whatever reason. For example, Julerose could have been confirmed earlier, but unfortunately some people won't accept that the couple is canon. And often it's either the producers or the network that broadcasts them - for example, the episode where Marc gets akumatized because of Nathaniel, many saw in these two a gay romance. And we know that Thomas Astruc was inspired by one of his friends to create the character of Marc Anciel. In fact, if you remove the M from Marc, you get "Arc Anciel", probably in reference to the lgbt flag, which is a rainbow.
And guess what? This episode has apparently been banned from airing in certain countries, while at no point does Marc confess his feelings towards Nathaniel and so on. The same goes for Julerose, where it's really subtext and in the French dub it's pretty obvious that they're a couple. But there's no kiss or anything to confirm it. I think the team would like to confirm these two couples, but unfortunately those above them are not of the same opinion. Which is a shame in itself, because often fans like to see gay stories. I imagine that for Zoe, they also had to convince those above them as well as the network to let them air this episode. But lgbt representation is complicated, even in a show aimed at children.
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darkwitch1999 · 3 months
Simpleman AU: Marinette's Voicemail
So in my last post about this AU, I mentioned that Marc tried to call Marinette thirty times after being left alone with the kids for WAY over an hour like she promised but kept getting sent to voicemail. Today while I was at work, I started thinking about what the voice messages would sound like as Marc desperately tries over and over to get a hold of Marinette. I wasn't going to write out thirty voice messages since I figured it would get repetitive and boring, but I did write out the highlights to give you a general idea of how Marc slowly breaks down with each attempt. I apologize in advance if this sucks.
Marinette’s Voicemail: You have thirty-one new messages. Playing messages…
Voicemail #1:
Marc: Hey, Marinette! It’s Marc. I hope everything’s going okay with Adrien’s costume. The kids are doing fine. Everything’s fine. I was just wondering if you happen to be on your back now. Not that there’s any need to rush back that is! Take your time! It’s just been a little over when you said you would be back and I just wanted to check in to see if everything was okay on your end. But you’re probably busy finishing up Adrien’s costume right now, so I’ll get out of your hair. If you could maybe call me back when you start heading back, that would be great. Thanks.
Voicemail #2: 
Marc: Hi, Marinette! It’s Marc, again. Everything’s okay over here. No need to worry about the kids, they’re doing okay. Just checking in to see how you’re doing. I…uh noticed that you are staying a bit longer than expected…n-not that there’s a problem with that or anything. Please take all the time you need. Just please be sure to call me once you have finished up if that’s okay. 
Voicemail #5: 
Marc: U-Uh…hey Marinette. It’s me again checking in. I-I’m sorry if I keep bothering you…just wondering if you’re coming back soon. I-I mean…things are still fine…ish. The kids are getting a bit… “restless” and I may have sent Nathaniel out on an errand so I am kind of by myself…but everyone’s still alright. Please call me back as soon as you can.
Voicemail #10: 
Marc: H-Hiiiii Marin-...NO! Manon put that down! Ella! Etta! I told you two to stop running in the house! No, no, no, no! Chris, I said no touching my mama’s bat!
Voicemail #11: 
Marc: H-Hey Marinette…sorry about that last message. The children have gotten a tad bit more “restless” since the last time I called. Any chance you are almost back and just forgot to call me? I mean…that’s totally fine. I wouldn’t be upset or anything but if you do get this message…please call me.
Voicemail #15: 
Marc: Marinette….heeeyyyyy…so I know I said in my last few messages to “take all the time you need”, but by any chance would you be able to cut your flirting with Adrien short and come back, please? I would really appreciate some help, please. I mean…things are still somewhat under control here, but I could use a hand…
Voicemail #16: 
Voicemail #18: 
Marc: (Marc called Marinette accidentally while he was banging his head on the phone) Idiot! Marc, why do you have to be so stupid, stupid, STUPID!!!!! You just HAD to kick Nath out of the house! “Oh, don’t worry, Nath! I can handle these kids and Marinette will be back soon anyway. I’ll be fine, I swear.”. Idiot! Idiot! IDIOT!!!! What were you thinking?!
Voicemail #19:
Marc: Um…hey Marinette. Uhh…can we just pretend that the last call didn’t happen? Yeah, I think I might have butt-dialed you by mistake while I was talking about…uh…something else. I-I swear nothing that I said was directed towards you. Anyway, please call me back soon.
Voicemail #21:
Voicemail #23:
Voicemail #24:
Marc: H-Hey…Marinette. Look, I’m sorry if I was rude during my last couple of calls. I-I am just feeling a bit…overwhelmed and a little stressed…please don’t hate me. I swear, I wasn’t seriously going to tell Adrien. Please just call me back already…I-I…don’t know how much longer I can hold out for…
Voicemail #29:
Marc: M-Marinette…I-I’m at my l-limit…I-I don’t know what else to do! Everything is not okay! Everything is falling apart! Everything is CHAOS!!!! The girls and Chris are running wild and I don’t know how to make them stop! (Marc’s voice starts to break) Aimé is never like this! H-He’s…a-always so well behaved! He’s such a good kid! Aimé! I-I…love you s-so…much and I’m s-sorry if I never tell you enough how much of a good boy you are…
Aimé: Marc, are you sad?
Voicemail #30:
Marc: (shaky, hyperventilating breaths and sobbing are heard)......
Aimé: Marinette? It’s Aimé. Can you please call my big brother? He’s very upset right now.
Voicemail #31:
Hello, Marinette. I know that you are busy foolishly attempting to flirt with Adrien, so I’ll make this short. I’ve got a message…no, a warning for you all right. There is no more Marc! Reverser is back in town! And I’m coming for you, bitch! See you soon…(evil laughter)
Marinette’s Voicemail: End of messages…
So yeah...Marinette's screwed. Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions. I'll also answer any questions regarding this post or this AU in general if you have any.
@nerd-chocolate @andromeda612 @artzychic27 @princessbutterflysposts @arny20252 @imsparky2002 @msweebyness
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artzychic27 · 11 months
Just a little fic idea I had to blurt out, I’m tired, feel free to throw in ideas and we’ll see where this goes (Includes elements of WandaVision, I may make a WandaVision au, we’ll see)
One morning, the Akuma Class all wake up to find Paris has become sort of a medieval fantasy world, less dark ages, more Renaissance Faire complete with peasants in colorful clothing, fairies flying about, the occasional dragon flying overhead, phones and laptops are replaced with pen and paper and carrier pigeons, Jagged’s a famous bard, etcetera
At first, a few think, “Oh, I must be dreaming.”
But the rest are, “Uh, how are we all having the same dream?”
While walking around and trying to figure out what’s going on, they end up in the town square where a crowd has gathered, just in time to hear some trumpets blowing and for Butler Jean to announce the arrival of the Prince
And to their surprise… It’s Nath! (They didn’t even realize he wasn’t with him) He looks… Happier. His smile looks more genuine even though he’s not around Marc, and he doesn’t look the least bit embarrassed by all of the praise he’s receiving
Nathaniel: *Catches a rose in his hand* Love you, too, rando!
Those who are still so sure this is a dream world join in on the cheering, catching the attention of everyone until it’s just awkward silence. Then one guy screams, “IT’S THEM!” The crowd gets into a panic, Nathaniel is escorted away, and when Akuma Class is wondering just what the hell is going on, a team of knights surround them
The only ones who stand out are the two in magenta and mint armor (Psst, it’s Denise and Lacey as the head knights) They order the other knights to seize the Akuma Class, but they manage to escape and find refuge in an alley
They get some answers when they find a few wanted posters with their faces on them plastered on the walls, labeling them as traitors to the crown
Ivan: Kim, what’d you do?
Kim: Nothing!… Though, I’m sure I did do something.
Going against their better judgement, they sneak through the village while avoiding knights out for their heads, (Though, Marinette and Adrien sneak away) and manage to make their way over the palace walls with some help from Ladybug and Chat Noir, and find themselves in a hedge maze. While walking and speculating who could be behind this, they begin to suspect Marc because it’s a fantasy world and of course, he would make Nath the prince. That doesn’t explain why he made them traitors, though
While walking, they come across Aurore, a weather fae watering a rose bush with a rain cloud. She’s about to call the knights, but Rose goes feral and tackles het to the ground with her hand over her mouth. While she’s restraining her wrists, Aurore suddenly goes limp and there’s a brief moment of them freaking out until she seems to wake back up, sounding panicked and wondering where she is until she sees the outlaws and is like, 😑
Aurore is kind of dismissive when the outlaws question her, but before they can notice, they hear some knights approaching, Rose gets off of Aurore, and she goes back to screaming for help all of a sudden while they run away
Nathaniel is in his bedroom with Marc, who’s consoling him about earlier, giving him nothing but compliments, and swearing to stop the traitors until Nathaniel asks him to stop talking about them, when they get an alert from one of the knights that the Akuma Class, Ladybug, and Chat Noir have snuck in
The outlaws (Their group name for the time being) sneak all around the castle to look for either Marc or Nathaniel, but come across Jean, now a minstrel. He’s about to warn everyone until Rose goes feral again and tackles him to the floor She restrains his wrist like with Aurore, and it’s the same effect. Jean goes limp for a second, wakes up and freaks out, and he sees the outlaws and is just-
Jean: Oh, it’s you guys.
Ladybug: What’s with the attitude?
Jean: Don’t act like you don’t know. Honestly, I’m surprised he didn’t go all ballistic when he got Akumatized and tried to make you all disappear into like this alternate universe where you never existed or did like a Groundhog Day thing where you’re forced to relive awful moments until you learn the fucking lesson he’s trying to teach you. I mean, that’s what I’d do, but I’m petty like, 24/7; it’s a real problem.
Sabrina: Enough with the pronouns game! “He” who?!
But before Jean can answer, knights storm in, Rose gets off of him, and he goes back to talking like it’s the Middle Ages
The outlaws split up all around the castle to avoid the knights. Ladybug and Chat Noir manage to make it to Nath’s tower where they find him standing on his balcony serenading some song birds like a fucking Disney princess. Chat Noir makes the move to take his wrist, but nothing happens like with Aurore and Jean
Ladybug: Nath?
Nathaniel: … Is that any way to speak to a Prince? No matter, you need to leave. I can’t have either of you interfering when my knight brings the traitors to justice.
Ladybug: Nathaniel, listen to us; Your friends-
Nathaniel: They are not my friends. They are not even my subjects. They are traitors, as are you both. You are outsiders, and you are trespassing here. And I want you both to leave!
Later, when Marc returns, Ladybug and Chat Noir are gone, and he informs Nathaniel that the knights have caught the outlaws
Ladybug and Chat Noir emerge through a wall of purple static and find themselves back in Paris… Or part of it, at least. The rest of it is encased by a purple forcefield. While they wonder what that could mean, they’re confronted by Austin Tomassian, who looks seconds close to slapping them both across the face. It’s when he shows them a video Armbruster sent him, that they realize why Nathaniel got akumatized
After yet another- quite destructive- Akuma that went to attack the school, the Akuma Class evacuated with help from Ladybug and Chat Noir, but left Nathaniel to trip, fall, and get his leg crushed by falling bricks. Alix made a move to help him, but Ladybug insisted that they had to keep going since the Akuma was right behind them, and they all just left. Fortunately, Denise rushed out of an alleyway where the Science Kids were hiding, threw the bricks off of Nathaniel, and carried him to safety with the rest of their class before the Akuma saw them
Cue Judgmental/Disappointed Austin Tomassian Glare™️
Tomassian: Go fix this, now! He’s got my boyfriend locked in there doing God knows what! It’s been an hour since we’ve made out, and I’m going through withdrawals, man! *Pushes Ladybug and Chat Noir back into the forcefield*
And that’s all I got. Feel free to add on, or something, but like I said, expect a WandaVision au
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wolflover2426 · 6 months
Crack Prompt: Marc and Nathaniel are busy coming up with a special arc for their superhero comics and wonder about their classmates who have been akumatized except for two which are Adrien and Marinette.
It eventually leads to a discussion of the first arc with an akumatized Adrien fighting against Ladybug and Chat Noir. The second arc was a bit more tricky because the duo knew just how much Marinette has the skills to be the most devastating akumatized villain ever so they had to include the rest of the class except Marinette to flesh out the details.
It all spirals into oblivion like Alya coming over with a conspiracy board of just how much damage an akuma Marinette can do and also doubles as a meeting to come up with ways to make sure Marinette never gets akumatized.
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