#Aespa girls
authorhjk1 · 2 months
Mother and Daughter
(Kwon Eunbi X Winter X Male Reader)
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With tears in her eyes, Minjeong quickly unlocks the front door. She hates it. She hates school. She hates the other girls. She hates the guys. She just hates it!
"Welcome home, dear!"
"Hi mom."
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Minjeong is able to hold back a sniffle as she heads to her room. Her mother, busy with making dinner, had her back turned towards her. When she turns around, expecting her daughter to tell her about her day, she is surprised that she already left.
Inside her room, Minjeong throws her backpack onto the bed. With clenched fists, she kicks a dirty sock under her bed. Why does she have to watch this shit everyday? A boy and a girl messing around during the break? Both of them sharing meaningful glances in class?
Minjeong stops herself from kicking her bed. She tries to calm herself down by taking deep breaths. This wasn't the first time she had to watch one of her friends make out with a guy from school. So why did it bother her so much today?
She shakes her head in annoyance. What does her friend has that she doesn't? Isn't Minjeong funny? Isn't she polite and caring? Isn't she pret-
Minjeong's eyes fall on the mirror. Is that it? She sees her sad face in the reflection of the clean glass. Is she unable to find a boyfriend, because she isn't pretty enough?
"Oh man!"
Minjeong lets herself fall face first onto the bed.
What is she supposed to do then? All her friends are bragging about boyfriends and...and... and sex...
Minjeong shakes her head. That's exactly the reason why she finally wants to have her first time! She hates feeling this way! She blushes when it's a topic of a conversation. She wants to know how it feels.
Raising her head slightly, she glances at the mirror again. What is it with her? She is desperately trying to ignore the obvious. The thing, or rather things, she can't change.
She is, well, naturally pretty, if you can call it that. Rather cute than sexy, but that isn't so bad. Is it?
Minjeong's eyes finally land on her cleavage. That must be the problem. She hates her chest. Why does she have to be so small? She sometimes hears the guys talking about the girls in her class. Allegedly they even made a list, ranking all the girls.
"I'm definitely last."
Minjeong groans in annoyance.
Why isn't she growing bigger? Her friends all look way better than her. Especially Karina. She is Minjeong's best friend. But in moments like these, Minjeong hates her guts. Why does Karina have it all? A beautiful, sexy face, a big chest, full thighs, a round ass.
"What is wrong with me?"
Minjeong kicks her legs into the mattress, feeling like the ugliest girl in the world.
She hears her mom knock on her door.
"What is it, ma?"
"I made us dinner, sweetie."
"A minute!"
Minjeong tries to pull herself together. Looking at the mirror again, she checks if her eyes have become red from crying.
Eunbi watches her daughter sit down on the other side if the table.
"Are you doing alright, honey?"
"I'm fine, mom."
Eunbi raises an eyebrow in suspicion, but she doesn't pressure her. At least not now. She has always taught Minjeong and her brother to respect other people's boundaries, so she always leads by example.
But throughout the unusual quiet meal, Eunbi starts to become more concerned about her daughter's condition. Minjeong just pokes at the meat on her plate, instead of actually eating it. How is she supposed to cheer up her daughter?
You come to mind.
"Are you excited for tomorrow, Minjeong-ie?"
Minjeong raises an eyebrow in confusion. She doesn't even remember what day it is, too busy thinking about how to become more attractive. Should she eat more? That way she could make her chest a little bigger maybe. But she doesn't want to get called fat at school. It's a dilemma.
"What day is tomorrow?"
"It's the 10th."
Eunbi gives Minjeong a meaningful look.
The tenth...
"(Y/n) oppa!"
Minjeong is suddenly smiling brightly. She almost forgot that you would come home tomorrow. After not having seen you in person for almost half a year, Minjeong is longing to hug you for hours, once you are back.
Eunbi smiles as well, happy to see her daughter being finally in a good mood.
"He will come home late though, so you will see him on the day after tomorrow."
"No but. You have school."
That's something Eunbi always prioritizes. School. It sucks for Minjeong. She hates school. But she gets why her mother has that obsession with school.
After her husband left her, Eunbi had to take care of both of you, while needing to find a job as well. Because she didn't go to college or anything, it was hard for her to find a well paying job. Once you were old enough, you started working at a sporting goods shop, having been interested in soccer and sports, since you can remember.
You were able to help your step mom out enough to make up at least a little bit of the damage your father had left. But your already bad grades started to suffer even more. And eventually, you dropped out of school.
That's why Minjeong doesn't argue further with Eunbi about staying up late and welcoming you. It's not like you are gonna run away, before she can even see you.
"Talking about school... How is it going?"
Eunbi rests her chin on her hand, looking at her daughter.
"I-It's alright."
Eunbi notices how Minjeong is suddenly very interested in the food in front of her.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yes. Everything is great, mom."
Minjeong manages to smile at her, before looking down again.
"And how is it going with your love life?"
Eunbi winks at her sheepishly.
Minjeong looks at her puzzled mother, embarrassed that she was going to take it out on her.
Eunbi always told the both of you to be open minded and always listen to other people's perspectives. And that includes relationships as well.
"I-I don't have anyone."
"Oh, that's alright, sweetie. You are still so young."
"No I'm not. (Y/n) is only a year older than me. And Karina and the others all have boyfriends already."
"That's true."
Eunbi nods, now realizing where her daughter's sour mood might come from. But that's not something she can actively help her with as her mother. Respecting Minjeong's boundaries, Eunbi decides to not press her further. If she needs advice or someone to talk to, Minjeong knows that Eunbi will be there for her either way.
While Eunbi starts doing the dishes, Minjeong goes back to her room to finish her homework. Math. Something she could totally live without.
As she tries to read the next task for the next problem, her mind seems to be somewhere else.
"Come on."
Minjeong grumbles, annoyed with herself.
She eventually finishes her homework. Later than she hoped though. Realizing that she has to go bed now, because of school tomorrow, Minjeong starts to get ready for bed.
Debating on what pajama to put on, she looks around her closet. They all look ugly to her today. She really hates this. How can she be sexy, if she doesn't even have sex clothes?
Suddenly Minjeong feels this tingly excitement creeping up, when she remembers the purchase she made a month ago. Today isn't the first time she hated her body. It's more like an every day occurrence. But the last time it was this bad, Minjeong got herself something to make her feel better about herself.
She takes her chair from the desk and puts it in front of her wardrobe. Her mom is not gonna come into her room today anymore, already having said good night. Minjeong gets on the chair and then on her tip toes, trying to reach the parcel at the back.
Once she got her hands on it, Minjeong opens it, taking out the underwear that's hidden inside. She is so glad that she was able to buy it online. If she would've had to buy it in a store, she probably wouldn't have had the confidence to do so.
A smile creeps onto her face as Minjeong puts the box back to its rightful place, before starting to put on the lingerie. Karina told her once that she got something similar in black for her boyfriend. Hers is peach colored though. She feels the smooth fabric hug her skin as she slowly puts it on. After a couple of moment, she checks herself out in the mirror.
White stockings wrap around her slim legs, making her look a little thinner than she usually does. The peach garter belt around her hips is actually more of a tiny skirt. Minjeong is able to see a hint of her lace panties, even without needing to lift it up. The small bow in the front is a little darker than the rest. The same goes for the short strings that connect her belt and her stockings. Minjeong's stomach is fully exposed and she can't help but let a hand wander over it. She is proud of at least that part of her body. Not everyone looks as fit as she does. But the bra still looks a little too big for her.
Minjeong sighs in disappointment. It has the same lace patterns as the skirt, but she is unable to fill it completely. Why doesn't she have her mother's genes? She always envies her. Her mother has had a couple of boyfriends throughout the years. They were all unable to focus, whenever Eunbi wore a low cut top. But why can't Minjeong be like this? She wants to turn all the boys' heads in class, when she enters the classroom.
But looking into the mirror a little longer, Minjeong realizes that she isn't as ugly as she thought she is. She might not have the biggest chest. But apart from that...
Minjeong gets on the bed, finally, at least a little bit, comfortable in her own skin. She mindlessly lets a finger run along the straps of her bra, looking up at the ceiling. Her naked thighs slowly start to rub together. Suddenly, Minjeong is horny. She doesn't even remember what she thought about a moment ago, after she lied down. But the increasing heat in her lower area makes her reach out for her laptop on the desk.
With shaky fingers, Minjeong types in the address of the porn side she usually goes to. It always feels wrong and dirty, whenever she opens it. But she can't stop.
Minjeong scans the home page, looking at the new videos that came out, after she watched something last time. Her cursor finds itself on a video she hasn't watched before.
Once the video starts, Minjeong quickly skips past the annoying scenes of the woman, showing off her body. She reaches the point where the guy fucks her doggy style. Minjeong watches how the woman's tits sway with every thrust. Jealous, but turned on even more, Minjeong finds her right hand rubbing her lace panties. She is wishing so desperately to be that woman. She finally wants to get fucked like her. She wants to be able to tell everyone that she isn't a virgin anymore.
Eunbi yawns as she steps out of the bathroom. She feels small butterflies in her stomach, thinking about you, coming home tomorrow. She hasn't talked to you properly in so long. She wants to tell you how proud she is. What a great man you've become.
Wondering what the two of you should do together during your stay, Eunbi passes Minjeong's room. She stops in her tracks, when she hears light moaning.
"Fuck my little pussy harder!"
She furrows her eyebrows. That's not Minjeong, is it? Is that why she disappeared so quickly into her room when she came home? Is this the reason, why she acted like this during dinner? Is she hiding her boyfriend from her?
Eunbi is disappointed. She hoped that, when the time comes, Minjeong would tell her about everything. Curiosity slowly starts to creep in.
"Maybe just a quick peek."
She slowly turns the doorknob, before looking inside.
Minjeong is thrown out of her blissful moment, when she hears the door crack open. Horrified by realizing that her mother just saw her masturbate, she quickly closes the laptop and covers herself with her sheets.
"Go away, mom!"
"There is nothing wrong with doing this, Minjeong-ie."
The young girl's cheeks flush red. This must be one of the most embarrassing moments of her live.
"I-Please leave."
"Minjeong-ie, I want to us to be as close as we've always been. You don't have to be ashamed by what you are doing. It's totally normal."
"Yes. I do it too."
Minjeong covers her ears, not wanting to hear about her mother's sexy life.
"Don't be so childish. We can talk about this like adults."
Eunbi finally opens the door completely, before stepping inside.
"You look really pretty by the way."
She slowly walks over to Minjeong.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
With a warm smile, Eunbi sits down on the edge of the bed.
"The colour matches your skin really well. And your body is just perfect. I'm still surprised you haven't found anyone yet."
Minjeong seems more sad than embarrassed now.
"I-No one likes me. I'm not pretty enough."
"How could you say something like that?"
Eunbi's heart brakes as she gasps in surprise.
"You are the prettiest girl I've ever seen. You are by far better looking than all the girls your age."
"Oh please, mom. I will never be as hot as you."
Eunbi can't help but feel a little warm inside at her daughter's compliment.
"Don't say that. Everyone is pretty in their own way. Tell me something that I have that you don't. I'm sure you can't-"
"Y-Your chest."
Minjeong's shy comment makes Eunbi look down on herself. She glances back at her daughter, who is lying on the bed, looking up at her with a sad look on her face.
"Oh come on, Minjeong-ie. Yours aren't as small as you think."
Eunbi reaches out and feels her daughter's tits.
"They are maybe not as big as mine, but bigger doesn't always mean better."
"It does."
Eunbi shakes her head.
"You are not ugly, just because you don't have a big chest. Your face is so gorgeous. And you take so much care of your body."
"You are lying. You could sleep with any guy you want. The guys in my class won't even look at me."
"You are lying to yourself. Who wouldn't want to be intimate with a girl like you?"
Eunbi cups Minjeong's cheek with affection.
"Everyone it seems like. No one likes how I look."
"That's rubbish."
Eunbi unconsciously lets her hand wander over Minjeong's body.
"If you think no one is paying attention, you have to dress a little more provocatively. Your own body is not the problem."
"You mean dress more sexy?"
Eunbi takes another look at her daughter's outfit.
"This lingerie looks so good on you. Anyone would want you."
"But I can't walk around in lingerie at school, can I?"
"That's true, honey. Why don't I show you tomorrow how I dressed, when I went to school? It was good enough for your father, you know?"
Eunbi winks at her daughter playfully, her hand resting on her midriff.
"Fine. But can you please leave now? I-I want-need to..."
Minjeong trails off. Still embarrassed to voice her need for pleasure.
"Of course, baby. But don't watch stuff like this. It can make you addicted and it's just not how sex works."
"Then how am I supposed to..."
Minjeong's cheeks redden once more.
"Just think about a guy you like. Or something you want to experience."
"What do you think about, when... when you, you know?"
Eunbi ponders for a moment. She would've said that she takes herself back to the best moments of her own sex life. But that would hit a nerve right now. She is finally on the same wavelength with her daughter. She doesn't want to give that up now.
"I think about actors, or singers, you know? Maybe a guy I've met in the mall. Something like this."
"And what do you imagine doing with them?"
Eunbi thinks for a moment, if this isn't a little too much. But she finally decides to be honest.
"I usually just imagine them having sex with me. I usually start by kissing. And then, they ea-eat me out, you know?"
Eunbi can't help but be a little shy as well. This is the first time she talking about how she pleasures herself. With her daughter no less.
"I wish I knew how that felt."
Minjeong's confession makes Eunbi's heart ache.
"And how do you, you know?"
Minjeong rests her hand on her own panties. Eunbi can't help but notice the proportions of her hips and waist. How is her daughter not getting laid 24/7?
"Well, I sometimes use toys. But I usually do it with my hand, like anyone else."
"I see."
Minjeong looks away, but Eunbi feels like there is more she would like to know.
"I sometimes have trouble fin-finishing. Especially without the videos. C-Can you maybe show me?"
Her daughter's desperate eyes make it impossible for Eunbi to say no.
"Of course, baby. Give me some room."
Minjeong scoots to the right side of the bed as Eunbi starts to rid herself off her jeans. The younger one can't help but stare in envy at her mother's body. Every part of her seems to be made for perfection. Minjeong can't find a single flaw on her mother's body.
When she slowly pulls down her black panties, Minjeong takes in the sight of her mothers vagina. A weird feeling overcomes her. Is that where I came from?
It weird to think about it, so she brushes the thought away, when Eunbi finally sits next to her. Both of them rest their heads against the wall behind her bed.
"You have to warm up yourself first. So don't go in immediately. Start by teasing yourself."
Minjeong watches her mother as she starts to play with herself. Her fingers circling around her snatch and around her clit as well. She let's her own hand wander down her body, until it disappears inside her panties. She tries to mimick her mother's movements.
"Try to find something that feels good for you. I usually do this."
Eunbi forms a V with her pointer finger and middle finger, using it to slide up and down along her clit. Minjeong follows her movements once more. A deep sigh escapes her mouth at the new found feeling.
"That's the part where you start to think about someone. Think about a guy you like. How the two of you would kiss."
The both of them start to enter their own worlds, lying side by side. Minjeong catches herself altering the shape of her mouth as she imagines herself kissing the hottest guy at school. Karina's boyfriend.
"Once you are ready for the next step, start to push your fingers inside of you. You should be wet enough by now."
Eunbi follows her own words, letting two of her fingers enter her snatch. A deep moan escapes her mouth as she thinks about the last time she had sex. Meanwhile, Minjeong winces as she tries to put two fingers inside of her as well.
"M-Mom. It's not really working."
"Are you not doing it right? Let me try."
Without thinking, Eunbi lets her own fingers slip out of her, before she reaches inside Minjeong's panties. Minjeong moves her hand away, feeling her mother's fingers resting on her lower lips.
"If you've never done this before, try one finger at first."
Eunbi sinks a finger into her daughter's pussy.
Minjeong moans as she feels her mother's finger move inside of her. Her walls tighten as she feels it glide along them.
"You're really tight, baby. Guys like that."
The younger one can't help but smile.
"I'm gonna try two fingers now, okay?"
Minjeong nods, watching her mother's hand inside her panties. Another moan escapes her, when a second finger joins the first.
"Oh god."
Another breathless moan escapes Minjeong's mouth. Eunbi told her to imagine herself with a guy she likes, but she is unable to do so. Her whole body and mind are focused on the two fingers inside of her. Minjeong catches herself slowly grinding against her mom's hand, letting out small whimpers.
"That's a good girl."
Eunbi said that a thousand times before. But this time, she feels dirty saying it. She realizes what she is actually doing. She is fingering her own daughter. She watches how Minjeong's eyelids flutter with every stroke of her fingers. How her back slightly arches off the wall. Her thighs rubbing against each other.
That word sounds so dirty to Eunbi's ears, when Minjeong releases it in another needy moan.
The sight of her daughter shaking and moaning around her fingers proves too much for Eunbi. Her left hand finds its way towards her own pussy. And eventually, she starts to finger herself and her daughter at the same time.
"M-Mommy. This is the-the best."
Minjeong can't help but mewl. Her eyes are still closed, her empty hands trying to hold onto something for stability. Her mind gets overwhelmed by the pleasure that radiates from her mother's fingers inside of her.
Eunbi starts to finger herself faster as she feels her daughter's walls hug her fingers more and more. She has never done something like this with anyone before. The warmth that starts to rush through her body is something different than usual. It awakens something more primal in Eunbi. Her vision becomes a little fuzzy on the edges as she keeps fingering her own daughter.
When she looks at her, she can see Minjeong squirm on her sheets, begging her mother for more. Eunbi licks her lips, feeling the younger girls juices on her fingers. She eventually submits to her urges.
Eunbi removes her fingers from Minjeong's cunt, earning a disappointed and needy moan. She edges herself even more, moving her fingers to her mouth. She tastes her daughter's pussy juices on her finger.
Minjeong's eyes widen, when she sees her mother licking her fingers clean, before she starts to reposition herself. She ends up between Minjeong's legs, pulling down her panties.
Even Minjeong herself doesn't know what's going on with her own body. She can't help but buck her hips towards her mother's slightly parted lips, eager to feel another person's mouth on her pussy.
Her needy plea makes Eunbi finally throw all caution out the window. Flattening her tongue, she uses a big swipe along the length of Minjeong's pussy, to lap up her juices. The slightly salty taste hits her taste buds.
Minjeong's hands find themselves in her hair as she holds on for dear life, feeling her mother's tongue exploring her most intimate part.
She can't help but say that word over and over again.
Eunbi starts to eat out her daughter, succumbing to the pleasure of her fingers, which still move inside her own pussy. The thoughts that tell her how wrong this is are being pushed to the back of her head. Her lust takes over. She wants to show her daughter how this feels like.
Mother and daughter moan in tandem as one eats the other out. While Minjeong's moans echo through the her room, Eunbi's stimulate the younger ones pussy even more. Her humms make her squirm on her sheets.
"So good, mommy."
Minjeong loses herself in a world of unknown pleasure. She has never felt this before. She feels how the warmth, starting out from her pussy, starts to spread through her body. A tingling sensation with it. Almost like waves. They rush through her, elevating her from one plateau to the next. Each gives her another spike of ecstasy. Another idea of what heaven must feel like.
"M-Mommy, I-I..."
Minjeong loses the ability to speak as she also loses control over her body and mind.
Eunbi watches in awe as her daughter orgasms in front of her. Wave after wave rushes through her body from head to toe. Each one stronger than the the previous one. Minjeong's hips lift off the mattress in a failed attempt to contain the pleasure within her.
Minjeong becomes undone in front of her mother's eyes. Eunbi, unable to look away from her daughter's climaxing body, eventually reaches her own high. She buries her face in the mattress. Shame and embarrassment are mixed with raw pleasure and love. She never even thought about doing this with her own daughter.
Hi guys!
I tried to write something a little different than usual today. I got the idea for this from someone I text with on Wattpad. There will be more chapters for this, I hope you will look forward to them.
Stay healthy!
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ourdadai · 4 months
ᨳ̲ karina ( aespa ) lockscreens
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thankyou-taeyeon · 1 month
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WINTER 221216 GIRLS (kbs gayo daechukjae)
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elryuse · 2 months
May I request Subby Yandere Karina? The reader never realizes how obsessed and manipulative she is until everything is too late?
Caught In The Spider's Trap
Yandere Sub Karina X Male Reader
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Y/n had always admired Karina from afar. As a backup dancer for Aespa, the pressure was immense, but watching her flawless movements and electrifying stage presence always calmed his nerves. Her fiery crimson hair, a stark contrast to her icy stage persona, held a magnetism that drew him in.
Their initial interactions were professional, respectful exchanges during practice sessions. But what started as a simple admiration blossomed into a sweet, unspoken feeling. Shared smiles across the practice room, lingering touches during dance routines - a silent language bloomed between them.
One rainy afternoon, after a particularly grueling practice, Y/n found Karina slumped over, clutching her stomach. Concern flooded him. "Karina, are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.
She looked up, her eyes glazed over with a convincing hint of pain. "Just a terrible stomachache," she mumbled, clutching her abdomen tighter.
Without hesitation, Y/n offered to take her home. The drive was filled with stolen glances and comfortable silence. As they reached her apartment, a shy smile played on her lips. "Thanks for taking care of me, Y/n. You're a lifesaver."
He felt a warmth spread through him. "No problem, Karina. Just glad you're feeling better."
The following days were a subtle shift in their relationship. Karina would linger closer during practice, brushing her hand against his during routines. Late-night texts inquiring about his day became a routine, her messages filled with emojis that sent his heart fluttering.
One evening, after a particularly long practice session, Y/n caught Karina staring at him with a melancholic intensity. "What's wrong?" he asked, concerned.
She sighed, her gaze dropping to her lap. "It's just... I feel like I'm always second best. Winter's the leader, Giselle has the rap, and Seulgi… well, Seulgi's Seulgi," she mumbled, a hint of bitterness in her voice.
Y/n placed a hand on hers, offering comfort. "That's not true, Karina. You're the heart of the group, your vocals are phenomenal."
She looked into his eyes, a spark of something deeper igniting within them. "Do you really think so?" she whispered, her voice trembling.
He leaned in, his face inches away from hers. "I know so," he murmured, the space between them charged with unspoken emotions.
Before he could close the gap, a loud laugh shattered the moment. Winter, their leader, stood at the studio door, a mischievous grin plastered on her face. "Caught you red-handed, lovebirds!" she teased.
Karina recoiled as if burned, her cheeks flushing crimson. "Winter! We weren't doing anything!" she stammered.
The moment was broken, the shy flirtation replaced by a nervous blush. Y/n, his heart pounding, retreated, unsure of what had almost happened.
The incident, however, triggered a change within Karina. Her admiration for Y/n morphed into a possessive need. She craved his constant attention, his every glance. Her attempts to sabotage group activities whenever he interacted with Winter or Giselle became increasingly subtle.
One day, as the group practiced their latest choreography, Karina "accidentally" tripped, landing right in Y/n's arms. The fall was convincing, her pained expression so realistic even Winter didn't suspect a thing.
The incident earned her a day off practice "to recover." While the others toiled in the studio, Y/n found himself at her apartment, tending to a "sprained ankle" that didn't seem to impede her ability to walk around him in skimpy pajamas.
She batted her eyelashes innocently, the scent of lavender oil filling the air. "Stay with me a little longer, Y/n," she purred, her voice dripping with a sweetness that sent shivers down his spine. He felt a pang of guilt at the thought of leaving her alone, especially since she seemed genuinely hurt.
As days turned into weeks, the pattern continued. Karina perfected the art of the "convenient" injury or sudden illness, securing Y/n's undivided attention. He found himself spending more time at her apartment than his own, a prisoner of her manipulative charm.
One evening, as they snuggled on the couch, a movie playing softly in the background, Karina reached for his hand, her touch lingering longer than usual. "Y/n," she began, her voice barely a whisper. "Do you ever feel like we're meant to be more than just friends?"
He looked into her eyes, the familiar sparkle now replaced by an unsettling intensity. A knot of worry tightened in his stomach. "Karina, we…" he stammered, unsure how to articulate the growing unease he felt.
Before he could finish his sentence, she leaned in, her lips brushing against mine, Karina finished, her voice a husky murmur. The innocent facade she'd so meticulously crafted crumbled, replaced by a raw hunger that made Y/n flinch. He'd seen glimpses of this possessiveness before, fleeting moments brushed aside as fatigue or performance anxiety. This, however, was different. This was a predator sizing up its prey.
He tried to pull away, but her grip tightened on his hand, her crimson nails digging into his skin. "Don't you see, Y/n?" she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "We're perfect for each other. We have this connection, something the others don't understand."
Her words sent a shiver down his spine. This wasn't the sweet affection he'd grown accustomed to, but a twisted, possessive love that reeked of desperation. He stammered, "Karina, I… this is too fast. We need to talk about this."
But his pleas fell on deaf ears. Her lips met his in a searing kiss, a desperate attempt to claim him as her own. Y/n, caught off guard by the sudden shift, found himself responding instinctively. However, beneath the heat of the kiss, a cold dread coiled in his stomach.
He pulled back, gasping for breath. "Karina, this isn't right. We can't just…"
She cut him off, her eyes blazing with a feverish intensity. "Why not? You care about me, don't you? You worry about me, spend all your time with me." Her voice cracked, a hint of vulnerability peeking through the facade. "We have something special, Y/n. Don't you feel it?"
Her words hung heavy in the air, laced with an underlying threat. Y/n felt trapped, caught in the web of her twisted affection. He cared for Karina, yes, but not in the way she craved. There was a line she'd crossed, a line that blurred friendship with an unhealthy obsession.
He tried to reason with her, to explain the boundaries she was violating. But his words were met with tears, accusations, and a chilling display of possessiveness that left him speechless. Her manic behavior was a stark contrast to the playful, bubbly Karina he thought he knew.
The more he resisted, the more desperate she became. Her "accidents" escalated, turning from minor injuries to elaborate schemes that ensured his constant presence. Her apartment became a gilded cage, filled with lavender oil, her favorite scent, a constant reminder of the suffocating grip she held over him.
One night, as Y/n lay awake, staring at the flickering neon lights outside her window, a sense of dread gnawed at him. He had to escape. He couldn't live like this anymore, a prisoner in her delusional world.
He formulated a plan, a desperate attempt to break free. He feigned enthusiasm for a weekend getaway with friends, a lie that felt like swallowing sand. Karina, predictably, protested, her voice thick with suspicion. But Y/n held firm, insisting he needed a break.
The weekend was a blur of nervous glances and guarded conversations. The weight of Karina's expectations hung heavy over him, a storm cloud threatening to burst. As Sunday night approached, dread clawed at his throat. He knew returning to her apartment meant surrendering to a life of manipulation and control.
Back at her apartment, the air crackled with tension. Karina's smile was strained, her eyes glinting with a dangerous possessiveness. "You had fun, I hope?" she asked, her voice laced with venom.
Y/n forced a smile, the lie tasting bitter on his tongue. "Yeah, it was good. Relaxing."
The following days were a descent into paranoia. Karina monitored his every move, his phone calls, his texts. She'd lash out at any mention of Winter or Giselle, accusing them of trying to steal him away.
Then, came the final blow. Y/n received a text from an unknown number, a single picture attached. It was a photo of him and Winter, laughing during the weekend trip, clearly taken from afar with a zoom lens.
Karina's face contorted into a mask of rage when he showed her the picture. "Who sent this?" she snarled, her voice trembling with fury.
Y/n shrugged, feeling a pang of fear twist in his gut. "I don't know."
But she didn't believe him. The accusation hung heavy in the air, a poisonous seed blooming into a monstrous paranoia. She became withdrawn, locking herself in her room for hours on end. When she emerged, her eyes held a glint of manic determination.
One evening, as they sat in silence, Karina reached into her bag and pulled out a small, sleek phone. "Look what I found," she said, her voice devoid of emotion.
Y/n's heart plummeted. It was his phone – the one he'd claimed to lose a few days prior after a clumsy "accident" staged by Karina. Panic clawed at his throat as he realized she must have used the downtime to meticulously go through it.
"How-" he stammered, but the question died in his throat.
Karina's smile was a predator's, devoid of warmth. "Don't worry, darling," she purred, her voice laced with a chilling sweetness. "I just wanted to see what you were hiding from me."
She scrolled through his messages, her eyes narrowing with every playful text from Winter or friendly exchange with Giselle. Y/n felt paralyzed, exposed, as she unearthed every innocent interaction he'd had with the other members.
"So, these are the girls who 'stole' your attention, huh?" she spat, her voice dripping with venom. "These are the ones who 'threatened' our connection."
Y/n tried to explain, to plead that it was all just harmless friendship, but Karina cut him off with a sharp laugh. "Friendship? Don't insult me, Y/n. I know what I saw."
Suddenly, her demeanor shifted. The anger melted away, replaced by a cloying sweetness as she reached out and stroked his cheek. "But don't worry, my love. We can fix this."
The way she said "love" sent shivers down Y/n's spine. It wasn't affection, but a possessive claim that made him feel like a prized possession. He knew then that escape wouldn't be easy.
The following days were a chilling display of control. Karina used the information gleaned from his phone to isolate him further. He was forbidden to see the other members, his phone confiscated, and his movements monitored like a hawk.
The cheerful, bubbly idol he'd once admired was gone, replaced by a woman consumed by a twisted possessiveness. She showered him with affection, but it felt suffocating, a gilded cage closing in around him.
One night, as Y/n lay awake, staring at the ceiling, a desperate plan began to form in his mind. He knew he couldn't fight her directly, but he had to find a way out. He started leaving subtle messages for Winter, coded phrases hidden within seemingly innocuous texts he was forced to send under Karina's watchful eyes.
It was a risky gamble, playing a double game in his own prison. But the fear of a future trapped under Karina's control outweighed his apprehension. The messages, cryptic and desperate, went unnoticed by Karina, her focus solely on keeping him close.
Winter, thankfully, was perceptive. After days of deciphering Y/n's pleas for help, she contacted their manager, discreetly sharing the encrypted messages. The situation unfolded quickly. Security was alerted, and a plan was formulated to extract Y/n from Karina's grasp.
The day of their pre-recorded performance arrived. Y/n felt a knot of anxiety tighten in his stomach. It was his chance – the only opportunity he might get. As the girls prepared backstage, a tense silence hung in the air.
Karina, oblivious to the impending rescue, fussed over his costume, her manic behavior reaching new heights. Finally, it was time. The girls took their positions on stage, the familiar pre-show energy buzzing around them.
Just as the music began, a pre-arranged signal flashed in the corner of Y/n's eye. It was his cue. With a surge of adrenaline, he faked a sudden cramp, collapsing to the floor in a convincing display of pain.
While Karina was momentarily distracted, Winter, who was in on the plan, took her place next to him. In a split second, security personnel materialized, whisking Y/n away from a bewildered Karina who screamed his name in a desperate attempt to hold on.
The escape was swift and discreet. Y/n, shaken but safe, was ushered into a waiting car and driven away from the venue. The weight of the past few weeks lifted from his shoulders as he sank back into the soft leather seat, the city lights blurring into streaks of light.
He knew the fight wasn't over. Karina's possessiveness wouldn't disappear overnight. But for the first time in weeks, he felt a flicker of hope. He was free, and he wouldn't let her manipulate him back into her twisted world.
The news of their internal conflict spread like wildfire, shaking the K-pop world to its core. Aespa's future was uncertain, the damage done by Karina's actions seemingly irreparable.
Y/n, still recovering from the ordeal, received therapy to deal with the trauma. He missed the stage, the rush of performing, but the thought of returning to that environment, knowing Karina might still be lurking
Weeks turned into months. Y/n, cloaked in a shroud of therapy sessions and public scrutiny, slowly pieced his life back together. Aespa, however, had fractured. Winter, Giselle, and Seulgi went on a hiatus, their future uncertain.
One day, a knock on the door shattered the fragile normalcy Y/n clung to. His heart hammered against his ribs as he peered through the peephole. Fear, cold and primal, coiled in his gut. It was Karina, her crimson hair a stark contrast to the pale winter light outside.
But she wasn't the same. Gone was the fiery idol, replaced by a woman with haunted eyes and a manic glint. Her smile, once playful, was now a chilling display of predatory possessiveness.
"Y/n," she rasped, her voice hoarse, a stark contrast to the vibrant idol he once knew. "I knew you'd come back to me."
Before he could react, she shoved past him, the door slamming shut with a sickening thud. The familiar scent of lavender, her signature, filled the air, a suffocating reminder of the past he desperately wanted to escape.
He tried to flee, his legs turning to lead as he stumbled back. But Karina was quicker. With a swift movement, she slammed him against the wall, her grip like a vice around his arms.
"You left me," she hissed, her voice barely a whisper laced with venom. "You left me after all I did for you. After all the ways I showed you how much I love you."
Tears welled up in her eyes, but they were not of sadness. They were tears of a twisted love, a love that demanded his complete and utter devotion.
Y/n stammered, words failing him as she traced her manicured fingers down his cheek. He could feel the tremor in her hand, a mix of raw emotion and unyielding control.
"Don't worry, darling," she purred, her voice a sickeningly sweet melody. "We can fix this. We can be together again, just like before."
Her lips, once soft and playful, were now rough and demanding as she pressed them against his in a searing kiss. It wasn't a kiss of love, but a claim of ownership, a forceful reminder that he belonged to her.
He tasted her desperation, a desperate hunger that mirrored the manic glint in her eyes. She ran her hands over his body, exploring him with a possessiveness that made his skin crawl. There was no escape, no fight left in him.
As her touch ignited a chilling fire within him, a morbid clarity washed over Y/n. This was his fate. He was a prisoner in her twisted love story, a possession she wouldn't relinquish without a fight. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: he would never truly be free from Karina's obsessive grasp. The dream of a normal life, the thrill of performing with friends – it all faded away, replaced by the chilling reality of a love that had turned into a suffocating prison.
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froopis · 2 months
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Sometimes, you gotta be bold ✰ Just rock the world (boo-ya!) ✩*⢄⢁✧
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julieheartt · 4 months
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⠀꒰͡⠀ׄ⠀ᰈ̠᪾۪⠀𝒯᮫𝔥ᥱ 𝖻ı𝗋𝖽᥉ 𝗁᮫ᥲ᥎࣪ᥱ ᥣᥱ𝖿𝗍 𝗍𝔥ᥱ 𝗍𝗋ᥱ᮫ᥱׅ᥉⠀⠞𝄄𝄅𝂅⠀⃘ᬂ⠀ׅ ᮫⠀⠀◌ʾ
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⠀ı̣᪾⠀✿ׄ᭡۪⠀ׅ ⠀⡿𝅥⢀⠀𓂃⠀◟᮫◯◌⠀ᥣ᳔𝕙ᥱ ᥣıᦋ𝗁⃨𝗍 𝖻᥆᪾𝗋ᥱ᥉𝆬⠀𓏸⃘⠀꒱ׄ𑁬
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⠀꯭𔓕⠀ׅ ⠀𝒪ᥒ𝗍᥆ 𝗆ׄᥱ, 𝖩ᥙᥣıᥱ⠀࿙࿚۪⠀ʿ🪷⃨⠀𓄹⠀᮫ׄ⠀ 𐙚ֺ𝅥᭡⠀⿻࣪ᱽ⠀ׅ ⠀𝅥𝅦
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𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗀𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 credits.
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madisonmakesgifs · 1 year
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aespa in “Girls” + 🌈
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intakitoo · 1 year
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◝ 📰 ❥ ♣️  ⊹
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Thanks for 25 followers <3
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njmvers · 11 months
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hands on your knees im angelina jolie
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🧴 𝗃𝖺𝖾 ハ 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗲 🐚 ๑
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gaecoo · 1 year
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seulcaty · 14 days
  𐚁 ꫬ   ۪   karina ( aespa ) lockscreen
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authorhjk1 · 2 months
(Kwon Eunbi X Winter X Male Reader)
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First chapter: Mother and daughter
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ourdadai · 3 months
✿ ningning ꒰ aespa ꒱ lockscreens !
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harper11 · 7 months
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ઈઉ     ݁     🖇    aespa gigi      ִֶָ      ✰
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isaeecore · 8 days
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₊˚ ⊹ we could meddle about 𝜗𝜚
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froopis · 5 months
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tesao d 5 Giselle do aespa 🫦🫦
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