#ASMR for people with broken earphones
jamessixx · 1 year
Se hai rotto gli auricolari e stai cercando un modo per ricreare l'atmosfera di relax dell'ASMR, allora non cercare oltre. Esistono molti modi creativi per sperimentare l'ASMR anche se hai a disposizione solamente le orecchie. Se hai problemi a sentire l'ASMR attraverso le tue orecchie, ci sono fonti audio digitali come "ASMR for people with broken earphones" che puoi sfruttare per usufruire di tutti i benefici dell'ASMR. Sentire suoni di sottofondo come pioggia, rapide e pianti di bambini aiuterà il tuo cervello a calmarsi, rilassarsi e avere un sonno più profondo. Dai un'occhiata a questa sorgente di audio ASMR per scoprire nuovi modi per aiutare le persone con auricolari danneggiati ad apprezzare l'ASMR.
Cuffie https://amzn.to/3pMlSV7
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
what’s your name? Stephanie.
how tall are you? Like 5′4.
do you dye your hair? Yes. It’s been awhile since the last time, though. Sigh.
what was the last thing you drank? I just took a sip of my Dr. Pepper.
is it okay to drink from the bottle? If it’s your bottle. 
gold or silver? I like both. what type of earrings are you wearing, if you have your ears pierced? I’m not wearing any currently.
ever heard the song 2 step? do you like it? Yeah. Wow, this just aged this survey.
who do you look up to? My mom. is your mum an important part in your life? what about your dad? Yes, absolutely.
do you know what a pyromaniac is? are you a pyromaniac? I do know what that is and I’m definitely not one.
ever had a fake tan? if yes, ever been called a carrot? I’ve never got a spray tan, gone to a tanning bed, or used a tanning lotion.
do you know who kaz cooke is? Nope.
do you know who i set my friends on fire are? Nope.
don't you just hate people who try and blame others? I can’t stand people who can’t take responsibility and accountability for their actions. Like just own up.
what do you think of heavy metal? I don’t listen to heavy metal.
what do you think of pop? I like it.
do you know someone called crystal? If yes, are they nice? Nope.
ever broken someone's heart? My first ex said I did.
ever had a broken heart? Yes, and it’s definitely not a good feeling. <<<
ever been so angry you smashed a mirror? No.
how many bones have you broken? Just one.
got any sisters? Nope.
do you swear? Sometimes. 
are you on myspace? I don’t know if my account still exists out there, but I haven’t been on in over a decade. 
how are you today? It’s only 3AM, so we’ll see how today goes.
when was the last time you showered? A few days ago.
did you use soap or body wash ? I use bar soap. 
who was the last person you were on the phone to? My mom.
if you married the last person that texted you what would your full name be? Uh, that person is my dad...
what color underwear do you have on? Blue.
do your eyes get sore after crying? Yes. And puffy.
do you like Italian dressing on salads? I do.
are you currently taken? Nope.
where you taken this time last year? Nope. 
what did you have for breakfast today? I haven’t had breakfast, yet, but I already plan on getting one of my faves delivered. 
who did you speak to first when you woke up today? I haven’t gone to bed, yet.
what color paper is the nearest piece of paper? White.
is your printer on or off? I don’t have a printer, but my brother does and I think he keeps it off.
was there a reason you were named what you are? My dad said there was some character on a TV show at the time named Stephanie and he liked the name, so he suggested it to my mom. When I was born they both felt it was fitting and went with it.
does a family member or friend have the same name as you? No.
do you even like your name ? Sure.
if you were a coffee cup, what would you look like? Uh.
so what type of music are you into? I like variety.
what's your favorite band/singer at the moment? I don’t have a new current favorite.
what's your favorite knock knock joke ? I don’t have one. 
do you have a tail? No.
do you like February? ...sure?
what can you hear at the moment? The ASMR video I’m listening to.
what's your best friends name(s)? Her name is mom to me.
how many grandparents do you have? Only two that are still living.
do you know what conjunctivitis? Yes.
what's your favorite energy drink? Starbucks Doubleshot. 
so, are you taking this coz your bored? No, I always do surveys during my nighttime routine. I just like doing them.
besides this, what are you doing? Listening to/watching an ASMR video.
what were you doing this time yesterday? The same thing. Like I said, this is my nighttime routine.
so, have you got your ears pierced? I do.
if yes, have you or would you get them stretched ? No.
so what's your favorite movie? I have many.
do you like birds? Sure.
when did you go to the toilet last ? A few hours ago.
when you look to your left, name one thing you can see An Alexander Skarsgard calendar. 
do you think its ever alright to lie? Gah. I mean...
what color speakers do you have? I don’t have any speakers apart from the ones built into stuff like my laptop, phone, and TV. I don’t have a set of separate speakers.
what color earphones do you have ? They’re yellow.
what's black and white and red all over? A newspaper.
so how has your day been ? It’s only 3 in the morning.
what's the funniest thing you’ve seen engraved in a footpath? Nothing comes to mind.
do you catch trains often? I’ve never ridden on a train.
what about bus’s? Not anymore, but I sometimes had to take the bus in college.
seen the movie dirty dancing? Yes, not a fan of it. <<< Me either, honesty. I don’t get the hype.
what about the pacifier I think I’ve seen parts of it.
when was the last time you fell over? I almost fell trying to get in my chair the other day.
so what are you plans for the weekend? Same stuff I do everyday.
are you a simple person? I think I make a lot of things complicated.
are you the type of person that stresses over pimples? Not anymore. I rarely get them, and if I do it’s typically just one or two. 
ever canceled something because of a pimple No.
do you have a dog? if yes, what’s its name? I do, her name is Princess Leia.
anyone gonna sleep over tonight? No.
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heyletsbeorganised · 5 years
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This is often a big question for many because either they need somewhere functional or somewhere motivating. Below is a list of possible places that are easily accessible that hopefully will work for you and your study, also with tips to ensure practicality.
Not your Bed!
I don’t know how many times I’ve said to myself that I’m going to study on my bed because it’s comfy and it’s a reward. I also don’t know how many times I’ve fallen asleep on my phone without even opening a book!
Your body registers your bed as a sleepy time spot so will somewhat shut down when you lay there, thus feeling tired and unmotivated.
Because there is no desk you often have to slouch over to write, which just wrecks your back making you want to lay down and therefore fall asleep.
Just don’t do it, trust me.
A Desk
Obviously I have to add this in. Many people have a desk but still find it hard to study at them so here are a few ways to make it easier.
Make sure it’s clean! You aren’t going to be motivated if you first have to do the annoying task of cleaning.
When you sit down make sure you have all the material you need e.g. your pencil case, notebooks, laptop, a drink, any snacks etc. this way you don’t keep getting back up and can work through pesky procrastination.
Make your space inviting by adding decor that makes you want to spend time there e.g. candles, plants, posters, or desk organisers.
In my study I have this cupboard which has one side which I have accumulated a bunch of goodies that I never know I’ll need when studying. These include blankets, jackets, sweaters, socks, hats, heat packs and pillows. These just help me keep going like in the second bullet.
The use of a planner or list to jot down what you want to get done as soon as you sit at your desk can help give direction to your study session.
The Library
Pretty much every school, institute or town has a library that you can go to for a number of hours and get on the grind. Yes I know, some are loud or dark or unidealised but here’s how you can make the best of the facility.
As for your desk you need to arrive at the library having everything you may need. Some days I’ve arrived with a massive tote full of binders, folders, pencil cases, laptop, chargers and pens. While this gives you major nerd vibes it allows you to spend 6+ hours there if you have to.
Bring earphones with a device that you can listen to asmr, white noise but preferably not music. I personally prefer podcasts because I can tune out but are not as bored as white noise leaves me.
Take a drink! Always take at least water because you don’t want to sit for hours in a dry air conditioned building without it.
Take a friend. I don’t really like social study because I get more done alone but if taking someone with you will actually get you to do some work, do it!
A Park
Now we get onto some more creative and less conventional destinations. The park can be a hit or miss, there are bugs, the weather is sometimes not ideal, it can be loud etc. So if you are interested in not only getting that cute pic and actually studying read on.
Try and find a table if you are writing. Slouching over for hours is painful and just don’t do it. If you are just reading for a class or watching lectures, a bench or tree may be perfect.
If you plan to sit on the ground definitely take a blanket or something to lay down on the ground. Also try and take a device to limit slouching as you can sit it on your lap.
Sitting in a park alone can be dangerous in some cities so use this to do group study or catch up with friends.
Take a hat and layers because the weather can change in an instance.
The Beach
Obviously this option won’t be accessible to everyone and has the same limitations that the park does which a few extra must haves such as a beach towel, hair ties, and sunscreen. However some of my study sessions when I’ve felt most girl boss is at the beach, it just feels like you are getting so much more out of your day by also being able to say you went to the beach. It is also incredibly pretty which is a major motivator for me.
A Coffee Shop
One of the most studyblr things is studying at a coffee shop but for good reason. Like many I suffer from procrastination problems, mostly stemming from my love of food. When you are at a coffee shop the food and beverage is at your fingertips which promotes longevity in your study. The vibe is good and you can always get the bonus insta pic. However where I live coffee shop culture is not as prominent so it can be awkward to sit in a small store for more than an hour.
Like the library take all you need and make sure you know what tasks you’ll be completed e.g. if writing an essay on your laptop make sure you go somewhere that allows you to charge your device.
If you feel awkward about maintaining a space in an establishment who needs to serve as many customers as possible, have a chat with the owners and just check whether it is ok. Most of the time they will be fine with this because it promotes repeat service.
While coffee is one of the most loved things in this community be careful of unwanted downs and crashes after that caffeine wears off.
Shared Living Spaces
These include dorm rooms, dorm study rooms, friends apartments and big study groups. While these areas encompass many of the above tips I do have a few that can help with studying with people and friends. It is fairly likely that at some point the study is going to stop and the talking is going to start. To avoid this you can use a few strategies.
One of these would be taking flash cars which you can test yourself and friends on if you are studying the same thing.
Two, if you are working on the same thing e.g. taking notes for a lecture, organise to collaborate. For example you can all do your notes and go through them at the end so you can add things you picked up on so that everyone has extensive notes. Similarly group projects can be broken up, this way everyone stays relatively on task with as little time as possible used.
Take a small whiteboard for math or science classes because if one friends can do a harder problem the whiteboard allows them to explain their working easier to the group.
Take breaks. Being around many people at once for many hours can be overwhelming and stressful which can cause anxiety if you are also stressing about getting tasks done. So organise for everyone to get food or do something after that can help you all chill out.
Your car
I don’t know if this is weird but I love just driving somewhere and sitting in my car. I love getting in my back seat and studying there, it’s like a little couch in a pretty area. No one can interrupt me and it is usually quiet. I live in Australia with black interiors in my car so often the car gets hot so I’ll have to wind down my windows but I also have many things in my car like blankets and jumpers which can help if it’s cold. I don’t really have any tips for this step but I understand that it wouldn’t be an option for really long study sessions
you can do this before social activities, classes, extra curricular or as a separate study time on it's own
The Gym
I know that some people love getting active and this can actually be a good place to study, however most of this has to be done via earphones. In a recent post I discussed how you can make the most of your time by listening to your study by listening to notes, lectures, educational videos or readings. By also studying while working out you can get very motivated which often extends to when you get home. Again I don’t really have many tips to make this work because it usually wouldn’t last longer than an hour but just remember that this is always an option!
Thanks everyone for reading this post and if you have any ideas or things you’d like me to talk about send me an inbox or ask! I have not been posting that regularly this year and i have only just started actually writing proper posts so give me some time to get good. Love you all and happy organising.
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fern-poets · 5 years
Study essentials 101
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Always know why you are doing this... let’s say you want to be the best surgeon ever, or, perhaps the most badass engineer, mathematician... you know the drill. The things is that when you have a core goal, no rain, cloud, break up, or failure can ever stop you from being one step closer to that goal.
Find your studying spot and time: yes. Are you more an early morning or a “what the hell is sleep- student”? Perhaps you will thrive on productivity sitting by your desk, while others lay on bed, the floor... pick your poison. *joke intended.
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If the weather is cold, I aaaaalways suggest choosing one sweater/cardigan/pullover that A) keeps you warm enough. B) Is not too warm to make you feel awful. C) You will use only AND EXCLUSIVELY on study sessions. Yes. The thing is tricking your brain into the studying mood... it’s like wearing a uniform to school, or as a superhero... you get that.
If you had poor sleep the night before: according to several studies, the #idealnap lasts exactly 20- 30 minutes in order to be as rested and not groggy as possible. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/napping
If you are TOO HUNGRY... on the edge of ravenously shaking at the kitchen door, try, for the love of life, not to overeat. You want to keep it steady and as healthy as possible not to feel bloated. (Trust me, food baby ain’t lying). The trick here is avoiding any issues or uncomfortable feelings, so you do not quit the hard work by rolling under the blankets and talking to that pack of Oreos in your tummy.
Take yourself seriously. Honestly. Respect your self. Do not cram all your notes eight hours before the test. You will suffer a faster neurological damage, not dramatically, but this will harm your brain long term. Pulling an all nighter is just productive when you need the adrenaline to work on an essay, or something artistic, while logical, scientific duties cannot be fitted violently on your beautiful brain. Take care of it, because it’s taking you places... plus, you are not going to actually learn a thing. It’s just short term memory, and I think life is about all the beauty we find in knowledge and wisdom.
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When you are emotionally exhausted; people got the best of you, your family caused tension, your best friend was not such, your couple/date/crush threw your heart by the window. I know it sucks. But if you feel way too bad, this is life giving you a wake up call: YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR MIND TOGETHER AND FEED YOUR SELF ESTEEM. Precisely; don’t say you love yourself in the mirror thirty times. Prove it by cutting the leeching, toxic assholes out of your life, eating healthy *mostly, going for a run, standing up for yourself, doing what you love... and most important: knowing that nobody, no matter how hard they hurt you, can ever take a piece of you away. Ever. You are still you, and he/she didn’t take shit from you. You are still *insert your name*, broken, but fixing yourself and being better away from the bullshit.
Still emotional, even if I’m in a good place: try to step away from it. Do not sleep, I personally don’ t find it refreshing... try going for a walk, playing an instrument, meditating... activities like those will help you get out of the box and realise that 99.99% of the times, what causes you anxiety is SUCH A LITTLE problem, and a fixable one. Don’t ever walk away from the fears of the problem. They will make you the fierce ass person you want to become.
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Feeling lonely: we all have felt these way. I’ve got you. All you need is a cuppa’, your beloved ones close, a good movie and a journal... have a cozy day/night. Make yourself feel at home and safe. After meeting those needs, try spending time with people who nourish your mind and soul, not just the “partying hard friend” or the “Why are you so boring” type. Only folks who love who you are and what you do. When alone, grab a cup of tea (as you please) and journal the next phrase: “Dear Me: this is how I feel...” you will be amazed by how fast the reasons and causes pop out of yourself.
When you JUST CANNOT FO-CUS. This one is tricky. You have all your previous points on fleek... then comes your baby bro crying, or your mum yelling to get the laundry done, or dad watching Federer beating an opponent. Take your time. Breathe. *shocker coming* Give some attention to them. Do small talk about the game, offer help with the laundry, hug your sibling. Be engaged in giving love to your family/ source of distraction and try to ask for a little peace (which probably won’t happen, still the love is contagious) go back to your spot and put earphones on. If you are into peaceful studying, try Chopin, Bach and Mozart. If music is not your thing, try ASMR’s of rain, libraries... any kind shall help. Particularly one song named “PANDORA by Hans Z.” Brings hoy and focus to my day. Also, try putting down your phone under the bed covers, on airplane mode on, or find a good app to block social media for a determined amount of time.
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Remember: stay consistent. This is a story of you, the effort you put into your dream and how bad you want it. How bad do you want that good grade that will get you into a good University? Or how bad do you want to learn about the Krebs Cycle and the amazing processes your body makes daily to keep you breathing? How bad do you want to be the smartest and most educated athlete out there? Or the brightest actress that knows what a freaking astrolabe is for? I hope from the bottom of my soul that you find this helpful. I hope you know I’m here for you, because I also suffered through high school. I am not perfect, however I’m strong and resilient on making my dreams come true, one day. One day at a time, my friends. If you find this helpful, share it. This is life... sharing knowledge.
Stay curious,
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