#asmr personal attention
The full video is now available with early access on my Patreon here! It will go public on March 29, 2023 @ 4pm PDT! 
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jamessixx · 6 months
Sweather Weather, dove il freddo si svela come un alleato, danzando con maglie avvolgenti e colori autunnali. Scivola dolcemente tra le pieghe di morbidi maglioni, accarezza il tuo stile con la brezza fresca della moda. Difatti, con "Sweather Weather", ogni giornata diventa un motivo per abbracciare la bellezza della stagione e riscaldare il tuo guardaroba con eleganza e comfort. Scopri il calore della moda invernale con i nostri capi unici e crea il tuo stile distintivo sotto il cielo grigio dell'autunno.
Sweather Weather Coversong", dove la magia della musica incontra la calda nostalgia della stagione. Con le note avvolgenti di reinterpretazioni uniche, il tuo cuore ballerà al ritmo di melodie coinvolgenti, regalandoti la sensazione accogliente di un abbraccio sonoro. Quindi, le coversongs di "Sweather Weather" trasformano il freddo in un viaggio emozionante attraverso armonie riscaldanti e testi che fanno eco alla magia dell'autunno. Scopri il fascino di queste reinterpretazioni musicali, avvolgiti nella loro bellezza e lasciati trasportare in un mondo di suoni che catturano l'anima della stagione. Inoltre, esplora il tuo lato musicale e avventurati nel magico regno delle "Sweather Weather Coversongs", dove ogni nota è un caldo rifugio nel gelido scenario dell'autunno.
Questo è l'incantevole connubio tra la magia musicale e l'atmosfera avvolgente di "Sweather Weather" dei The Neighbourhood. Soprattutto, per il loro inconfondibile stile, la band crea un universo sonoro che si fonde perfettamente con l'accogliente nostalgia della stagione. Le armonie malinconiche si intrecciano con testi avvincenti, trasportandoti in un viaggio emozionale sotto il cielo grigio dell'autunno. Dunque, "Sweather Weather" dei The Neighbourhood è la colonna sonora perfetta per i momenti in cui il freddo si fonde con la bellezza della malinconia, creando un'esperienza unica e coinvolgente. Incontra la potenza emotiva di questa canzone, lasciati avvolgere dalla sua atmosfera e immergiti in un mondo dove la musica e la stagione si fondono in un incantesimo indimenticabile. In conclusione, ascolta le note di "Sweather Weather" dei The Neighbourhood, dove il suono incontra l'anima dell'autunno.
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crazygorgeouslife · 1 year
ASMR Really Chatty Friend Does Your Makeup | Personal Attention ASMR-MA...
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artbyfuji · 3 months
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honk if u love summer rose pin-ups 🍓🍫
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toxiccaves · 1 year
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a couple gz centered scribbles
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fairytalefem · 3 months
My first pov asmr video is now up in which you are a unicorn and I brush your mane and pick your hooves and polish your horn 🦄✨
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iraprince · 1 year
i just want to tell you i love cookie, he is everything to me.
THANK YOU i have gotten attached SO fast and i have so much fun with her so it's made me really really happy to see that other ppl enjoy her too :D that one comment i got abt finding him comforting makes me wanna do like. silly self-indulgent pov art, even...
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sollucets · 2 years
33 with Gavin/Freelancer? (I am so predictable requesting them but. listen) or any other pairing tht strikes ur fancy!!
33: saccharine
hi calico! thank u for sending me a prompt 💜 i think this might be an instance of taking it a little too literally
"Gav," they call out into the house, not looking up from the contents of the saucepan. "Darling, light of my life, apple of my eye, treasure--"
The rush of wind that accompanies a rift cuts them off, and they laugh a little as familiar arms loop around them from behind. "What do you need me to do?"
They snort. "Can't I say extremely saccharine things to my beloved boyfriend without an ulterior motive?"
"I suppose you can," he concedes, "but you definitely aren't. What is it?"
Casting a brief glance back at his knowing little grin, they return their eyes to their project, one hand at the ready with a whisk. "Can you make a bowl of cold water? I'd meant to just let it sit, but the timing's wrong."
And maybe, just maybe, they could chill it themself, but this is time-sensitive, and it's water, so it's better if he does it. Gavin pulls away, and after a moment they hear the sink running. Another moment later, they feel the familiar flare of Gavin's magic, just the slightest touch. If he didn't want them to, they'd never feel it at all; this is part of something they'd asked him to do to get a handle on different people's auras, to get used to feeling magic around them.
Gavin's is like the brush of fabric against newly-shaved skin, silky and smooth and often fleeting. (Not for them, though, they think, with a deserved trace of smugness.)
"Will this do?" he asks, returning to them with a glass bowl of water that steams a little when it comes near the stove.
"Wonderfully, thank you," they say, leaning up to kiss his cheek distractedly. The second he puts the bowl down they transfer the pan into it, the hissing drowning out every other sound for the ten seconds the sauce needs to quench.
When they pull it out, the caramel sauce in the pan has settled to a perfect warm brown, and they grin triumphantly, turning the stove off. "All set. If you want this on your ice cream, get it out before it's too cold to pour."
He doesn't comply right away, and they glance over their shoulder again at him to find him doing that birdlike little head-tilt he does at particularly human things. "I wouldn't have thought that was how you made it," he says aloud.
"It's just really hot sugar," they say, realizing a second too late they've left a massive innuendo window open. It really pays to be more careful about your wording, living with this man.
Sure enough, the "suits you well, then," comes right on cue, and they scrunch their nose up and go back to stirring. They don't even try to fight back the fondness. He'd said once, quiet against their ear in the sleepy moments before full blackness, that their happiness felt like bubbles to him, shimmering and beautiful and popping soft against his skin when it's directed at him, and denying him that isn't worth even the pretense of exasperation.
Gavin returns from the freezer with the open ice cream container, and when they turn to face him, he grins, that slow, spreading one they've come to love. "You have a little something," he says softly, reaching out. "Just... there."
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stimperfect · 7 months
★ x ★ o ★ x ★ o ★ x ★ o ★ x ★ o ★ x ★ o ★ x ★
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anawkwardlady · 1 year
to think i'm old enough to have lived through the "liking ASMR is the weirdest thing ever and you clearly just have a kink" phase. Tbh, I introduced my friends to ASMR by showing them my favorite video at the time... Which was a roleplay of a masquarade party so I guess I understand the "its a sex thing" misunderstanding......
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jamessixx · 9 months
Super super tingly sounds for your relax. Sei pronto a scoprire un mondo di sensazioni uniche? Benvenuto nel regno incantato dei "super super tingly sounds"! Senti la magia scorrere lungo la tua pelle mentre ti immergi in un vortice di suoni irresistibili. La nostra collezione esclusiva ti porterà in un viaggio sensoriale senza precedenti, dove il rilassamento e l'eccitazione si fondono in una sinfonia perfetta.
Dimentica lo stress e lasciati trasportare da note cristalline e vibranti, che accarezzano dolcemente le tue orecchie e catturano la tua immaginazione. I "super super tingly sounds" sono più di semplici suoni: sono un'esperienza coinvolgente che ti avvolgerà in un abbraccio di benessere e serenità.
Sia che tu stia cercando una pausa ristoratrice nella tua giornata frenetica o vuoi arricchire la tua routine di relax, i nostri suoni ti accompagneranno in ogni momento. La varietà di opzioni disponibili ti permette di personalizzare la tua esperienza, creando l'atmosfera perfetta per te.
Non aspettare: esplora la vasta gamma di "super super tingly sounds" e immergiti in un universo di emozioni sonore. Scopri il potere curativo dei suoni e lasciati cullare da melodie che solleticano l'anima. La felicità è a portata di orecchie – abbraccia i "super super tingly sounds" e lascia che il tuo spirito balli al ritmo di una nuova armonia.
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phierceasmr · 10 months
You deserve so much ✨️
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protectcosette · 1 year
ASMR channel recommendations 👀👀👀
Absolutely!! Some of my faves:
Whispering Willow ASMR
Sarah Lavender ASMR
Luna Bloom ASMR
Jocie B
Goodnight Moon
and then very specifically Abby ASMR's 'Fixing You' video
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asmrsexy · 2 years
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Celaine's ASMR
ASMR Girl In The Back Of The Class Plays With Your Hair 💇‍♀️ Personal Attention, Layered Sounds
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cinematicasmr · 2 years
ASMR in a Herbal Healer's Swamp Hut. Flower Elixirs. Herbal Face Mask. Medieval Fantasy -- by ATMOSPHERE
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