agonizedembrace · 1 year
Their first meeting; what's meant to be just another hunt for Evelynn. Seeking to sate her hunger, nothing more.
At the time, the demon didn't take note to the fierce and determined gaze the rogue held. Only the venom in her words, the sheer will power withheld to resist her charm. It's that alone, that causes her to linger, because not many before her have done such a thing.
Evelynn allows herself to be closer, feathery steps that cease any distance. Her hands that grace the rough skin -- scarred, the demon wonders if she could add to the collection -- ghosting contact. She finds thrill in which the human tenses, muscles that coil at her mere presence.
"Demon," an insult, at least of some attempts. One that hardly even affects Evelynn who chuckles at the idea. It only further drives her, a certain eagerness that holds in her gaze. Eyes that quite literally light up as she circles around her. "Leave."
A mock pout, accompanied with a whine as Evelynn steps behind the human. Hands finally settle, resting on each of her shoulders as she hums in faux consideration. "But darling, you're just so interesting."
The human tsks, rolling her shoulders in a last attempt of ridding contact. Evelynn shakes her head, keeping her grip and presses her chest into the woman's back. Her chin sits ontop of one shoulder, leaving her breath against the bare neck left wide open from the face mask.
Tension fills the air, Evelynn savors the taste. A tease of what she initially wanted, yet far more entranced with the sheer willpower of the human within her grasp. Emotions flourish from the human, a whirlwind that nearly takes her by surprise.
As much as the hand wielding the kunai.
It doesn't get far, Evelynn's lasher faster than the human expects. Muscles strain, the woman attempting to free her arm and hand from the grip with no results. A groan, of slight pain, as she relents and lets the steel fall to the dirt with a pathetic plop. "Oh love, you'll have to be be better than that."
"I'll kill you."
Evelynn laughs, from her stomach. She leans even closer and lets her lips ghost the human's neck. "Is that a promise?"
The woman grunts, desperately trying to rid Evelynn's touch with no prevail. Her gaze is furious, attempting to cut right through her. "Yes."
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The night of a blood moon, an excuse for Evelynn to hunt in plain sight. It is then, that they meet again.
This time, in another life for the human.
Summoned by none other than a priestess, whose heart teeters on a darkness that Evelynn cannot resist. The human with dark locks, tied into a messy pony tail and jade eyes that feel too inviting. By now, the demon recognizes the slight hum her chest burns, the excitement that settles within her as the priestess swallows thickly.
"You came," she says, voice wavering.
I made a promise, Evelynn thinks to herself. "You called." Is what she says instead, her smile growing in the moonlight. A glorious red, glistening on present horns as she remains still.
An awkward silence doesn't last long, the human glancing around before sheepishly rubbing at the back of her neck. Yet her gaze turns cold after a moment, and Evelynn is not a fool to recognize the determination that burns. "Your tales... intrigued me."
Evelynn takes the first step, twigs that snap beneath her weight. "So you know who I am."
"Evelynn," she confirms, tense for a moment. The demon knows where the woman's hand lies, the hidden kama within her robes. Ever on the defensive. "Your beauty holds up to their words."
"Careful love," but a smile is already growing, feeding her ego further. "You might just get me to blush."
She won't, but it's always fun to toy with the ever fragile emotions of humans. And it seems that this one holds quite the grip on her own, not breaking the stoic expression as Evelynn takes another step. Interesting.
Within arms reach now, Evelynn extends a hand, one that fully presents her demonic features. Skin that turns a deep red, long lanky fingers that curve into dangerous claws. Her smile remains, devilish as always, as she awaits the human's next move.
And as predicted, the kama that's drawn from her robes. It whips from the right, leaving Evelynn ample time to back up before following the priestess' movements. Her lashers are quick to grasp both arms, a reminder of all those years prior, before she flips both of them over.
They both tumble for a moment, each providing a grunt of pain (or annoyance, in Evelynn's case). While the woman only makes a few attempts of easing herself from underneath the demon's weight, she eventually relents with a twitch of her nose. With a thoughtful hum, she leans forward and finds delight in the way the human presses her face further into the dirt rather than be so close to her.
"Won't you tell me your name, love?"
And oh, the stare she receives is all so similar to their first meeting. The heat held under such beautiful eyes stalls Evelynn for a few seconds, that she nearly misses the feint blush that dons the human's cheek. "If you must know -- Akali."
Her turn to swallow thickly, Evelynn pauses. The soar in her chest, a return of emotions she swore to never resurface consuming her. It is enough of a distraction, that Akali gets the upper hand and pushes Evelynn off her. Slowly does she sit up, her (lack of, she swears) heart pounding against her chest. Cruel is the world, to have her go through this cycle once more.
"You're fast," comments Akali after a moment, not sensing the inner turmoil that consumes Evelynn. A compliment, entirely missed, as Akali is the one to step closer now.
Evelynn collects herself, rising to her knees. Her jaw lifts, a position she's not keen on using for a human, yet she pushes her pride aside. "I could give you so much more."
Everything about her screams the human, the primal desire to consume and at the same time exist along side her. To enjoy, even if a short period, what was taken from her.
Akali scoffs, kneeling down herself only to pick up her kama and sheath it within her robes. "Not yet."
"Is that a promise?"
Slowly standing, the human returns her gaze to Evelynn. Who waits eerily still on her knees. The pleading look that consumes her features, while irresistible to many, seemingly takes no affect on Akali.
Yet -- "Yes."
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"I promise Eve -- " a tired sigh that escapes Ahri's lips, hand resting on the demon's shoulder. They'd been at this charade all day, hours that pass by so slowly in anticipation for this so called rapper the fox had discovered and contacted the other week. "She'll be worth it."
To trust Ahri feels wrong -- perhaps it's purely due to the fact Evelynn's aware of her origins. Even with a turn of a new page, it's hard to digest and yet the diva swallows her own pride and grunts out a fine.
Little did she know what Ahri had managed to accomplish -- to meet her again.
Never fully healed, feeling incomplete as years pass. Bitter as she watches romance bloom around her between the centuries, for those who are undeserving. Quite frankly, she could feed off her own agony if she wasn't so stubborn.
It doesn't help that whoever this rapper is arrives late, having to be escorted by their newest member -- Kai'sa -- to the top floor. The door only has to click, beginning to open that something festers within Evelynn. So primal and real that she cannot breath for a moment.
She only has to see such a messy ponytail to know.
"Ahri." Evelynn whisper shouts, because she's not about to scare her away. And all she receives back is a knowing, shit eating grin from the woman. All the while, the so called rapper and dancer enter the room with cheerful greetings that Evelynn barely registers.
When her gaze finally returns to those who entered, she forces a deep breath. Her stance comes off not interested -- for she's far too lost in emotions she's yet again shut away. Arms cross along her chest, raising her head and really, it appears she's looking down at her.
"I'm so glad you made it!" Ahri's voice is bubbly, quite the opposite vibe that Evelynn provides. She's quick to pull the other into a hug, that the demon feels lips twitch at. No, she's not jealous. "I see Kai'sa was able to help."
To which said woman provides a polite smile, already noticeable the quite troublesome aura Evelynn continues to present.
"Yeah, she was a lot of help, thanks."
Ahri releases her from the hug, a hand that lingers on the woman's back that Evelynn narrows in on. Oh, she's going to kill her. "Well, Akali -- this is K/DA! I'm obviously Ahri, and you met Kai'sa already." Her hand gestures to each that she mentions, pausing only as she turns to Evelynn. "And this is --"
A chorus of blinks emits from the entire band as both the demon and Akali speak at the same time. Silence takes a grip hold of the room as the two stare each other down, neither relenting before Ahri awkwardly laughs (knowingly, Evelynn is really ready to give her an earful later).
"Great! I see you know of her."
Yet, Evelynn sees the poorly masked confusion that Akali holds. Feels it even. The word left her mouth unintentionally -- like she was possessed to and it certainly wasn't the demon herself that compelled her to do so. As Ahri continues to go on, about the plans for the band and what she hopes for them to accomplish, Evelynn does not draw her attention away.
Lured in, once more, just like all the previous meetings. The ache that returns, desiring to remain close and to not let go.
So it seems the world really does wish to torment her.
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"Please -- Eve..." a plea, from staggering breaths as the human clings to her.
This request is not one Evelynn wishes to fulfill, it never is. Too long now does she witness this misery, to be left alone for years to come, only to painfully have her heart torn out anew. To love is her curse, the burden she chose those years ago, and it still continues to torment.
Akali grips her shoulder, strength waning for a moment as Evelynn carefully cradles her in her arms. The river gently wafts around them, down to the pond not too far away. The demon is slow to remove the rabbit mask that dons the human's head, letting it drift down the stream. "You have to let me go."
"I promised --"
Weak smiles, between both. "I know, Eve. I know."
It is Evelynn that's the first to break, tears that begin to carve a path along her cheeks. She could scream at the world at how unfair this is -- but who is she to complain? She is a demon who takes life from others time and time again, only for her own gain. For what is yet another human's death meant to mean to her?
They'd made it this far, near the spiritual world, where the line blurs between that and the living land. They knew the stakes, and perhaps, deep down, Evelynn needed this. Each death, each beginning continue to tore her apart.
For her to die here, would mark the very end.
Never again would she be born anew.
"You did come back," Akali says, letting a hand cup her cheek. "You have to stop killing yourself over me."
Leaning into the touch, Evelynn says nothing. She allows her tears to soak Akali's clothing, letting the unbearable burn of her chest consume her. Anger takes a hold for a brief moment, because Evelynn knows she's right.
This time, it is Akali who grants fragility in a laugh that cracks. That turns into a muffled sob. Evelynn is quick to tenderly hug her closer, lashers that coil protectively around the two of them.
"Will you..."
Evelynn knows what she wants to ask, it cuts through her. A stab to her own chest, to be the one who has to grant an end. Only once before, has she allowed herself to be Akali's end -- to feed off her. This, however, feels different.
Though she doesn't give a response, she shifts her hand from Akali's back. Along her side and finally palming her stomach, bitterly letting her magic begin. It is the first time that her charm takes effect, even after all this time.
That she allows the full force of her charm.
Agony lingers in the air, all around Evelynn as she lets her claws begin to draw into the skin of her stomach. Prickling and creating the smallest pools of blood, a taste she's never longed for. She makes the mistake of shifting her gaze to Akali's face, whose pupils have dilated and -- damnit.
Lost to her charm, but not enough to disregard the real emotions that bid between them.
Evelynn doesn't stop the growl that comes forth, leaning down and bearing her fangs. Akali is fast, pulling her closer and tilting her head to offer her neck. It is an offer she accepts, albeit reluctantly. Her teeth sink in, breaking skin and the surge of further agony swells the demon's senses. A misty wall that drives her to continue, to forget what's actually happening.
Even as her claws run deeper, teeth that continue to sink into her neck -- this is one of her gentler kills.
"I love you, Eve." Takes her by surprise, all motions ceasing at such strained words -- at such a confession. She knows this, it is a feeling that continuously dwells within the human, that she finds comfort with, but to hear it now shatters a part of her. They are words she'll never hear again.
Love has always been her downfall. What has made her weak.
The words linger -- they WANT TO BE HEARD, but Evelynn cannot speak them. Instead she does the one thing she knows.
From a gentle to one of her most brutal kills in a matter of seconds, and just perhaps this was Akali's intentions. Evelynn's emotions have always been her biggest weakness (besides for the human herself), and as she rides the upmost high of the agony she feasts upon. That she allows herself to be lost in -- it feels empty.
Even as lashers continue to tear apart Akali, as she holds on for seconds more to the last of her life. Evelynn draws away from her neck, to witness the last of her tender gaze. To witness there's no remorse, no bitterness. Just acceptance.
Her life passes with a smile.
There's no more pulse, her body is but a bloody, limp mess in her arms that stains the river they reside in. Evelynn should feel fulfilled, a meal that's been statisfied.
Instead she feels nothing but pain. Longing for a love she'll never have again, a burn that'll consume her from the inside out, until she's nothing more.
Evelynn still grips the lifeless body as she begins to shift, trudging down the river until she hopelessly allows herself to collapse in the middle of the pond. Where the rabbit mask gently drifts, nudging her in the hip.
Bloody hands lift it, creating stains on the white porcelain before she finally lets out a heavy sob.
"I love you too."
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uno-writing · 2 years
This is @queer-verse’s ask on ep 250!!🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋🥨🥬🍦🍧🧊🐇🍩🥖📦🌻
Ep 250!
This is prolly mostly gon be in caps warning
- not much to say except
- John coaching Blyke from the sides? Blyke telling John to get his shit together???? Giving him a pep talk? Plsssssss 😌✋
- blykes improved fr
- like I went back to the turf war episodes
- it might be bc his opponent was less powerful but he took way less damage and dealt a lot more of it in a shorter period of time
- his strat isn't just attack dodge go in head first
- ofc John played a part in this but it was nice to see that his stupid decision to become a vigilante to get strong wasn't completely useless
- ardfgvdwrd everyone in uno is attractive. Even Zeke... If he put his hair up...
- anyway it was nice to hear john give his analysis
- like in super power based animes or manhwas/ mangas whatever, u can usually see the flesh and bones of the fight, if you will
- like u see the decisions the characters make as they study their opponents
- we've never gotten it from John. He's such a troll but he's actually really good at fighting. Like I'd his tactical skills are prolly superior than all the other main characters
- that shit is like breathing to him, we saw how easy it was for him in this ep
- and man, did he work hard to get strong. Obvs his talent had a lot of potential, but I think it took him more practice to get as good as he is than the other high tiers. Idk. Clearly they worked hard to, esp blyke, but idk. He seemed to dedicated to it, like Blyke was (is?)
- and the fact that his power increased by a whole number (I think) when he didn't use it or practice for more than two years is impressive
- um, this was supposed to be short idk where all this came from
- anyway, John in the end? Omg. Those last few panels were so fuckin badass.
- like actually, goddamn. I so sorry we didn't get to see the rowden royals faces
- I wonder when the rest of the gang will show up (we need a name for all six of them together, no super six is not acceptable)
- or literally any of the others lol. Sera's gon be so proud of him. If she's not, Im gonna be worried about her bc she's clearly too stressed
- arlos gon pull an isen and just be so done
- meanwhile, isen would pass out seeing on John fighting again
- Remi's jumping in the minute she sees. If she arrives after shed being that one field trip teacher and doing damage control, clearing everyone out, talking to the authorities, making sure safe house kids are okay.
- blykes confused bc he doesn't know how to congratulate/celebrate w John while also being pissed at him (bc obvs, they'll win. John ain't losing to those punks sorry and there's Blyke too they're ded)
- Dylan is adorable btw
- But yeah
- proud of john
- I hope we get his thought process while fighting
- boba anon 🧋
Lol to add to ep 250, I found it fucking halarious when they were like "where did that kid come from? He's so POWerfuL" (talking about Blyke) when there were literally four other people, one of whom was standing right there, that are stronger than Blyke. Like their king was probably as strong as Zeke.
At first I was trashing the rowden royals for being so cocky despite being weak, but I realized that legit no one around could fight them. Granted there were four of them, but they were acting super powerful despite prolly being below/around 5. (we're gonna get their stats and I'm gonna so off) Prolly they dominate their turf wars. Which really shows us how freakin insane Wellston is. High tiers are rare, and two god tiers in one place is probably unheard of.
On the flip side, maybe whatever authorities were there had the power to stop them but couldn't be bothered? And obvs the bystander effect was taking place but to think that there wasn't a single person stronger than them?? (Yeah ik people were just being cowards and there probably was someone as strong as them somewhere in the crowd but still) Wellston really is hella op.
You can just add this on to the end of what I sent earlier lol sorry
*It probably was half vigilante work and half fighting John
*Like he fought John a LOT and yeah, he got his ass kicked
*But he lasted longer each time
*And fighting John had to give quite a lot of experience just bc he’s such a good fighter
*Lol aside from ‘Main Cast’ I’ve been calling them ‘Chaos Crew’ but I think main cast just sticks better lol
*And Wellston is CRAZY powerful
*Like the turf war episodes were against the #2 school in the region
*And their STRONGEST was 4.9
*Like…6 of the top 10 at Wellston are stronger than that
*Wellston’s completely cracked dude
*And there’s 3 god tiers there
*Like they’re supposed to be like 2% of the population
*And there’s 3 at one school!
*I think that just bc of the way that society is in UnO that people have learned that strength=authority
*So like the Rowden Royals are stronger than the security so everyone’s just like “well damn. guess we’re screwed”
*I think their levels are definitely elite tier, probably not high tier tho
*Like Blyke was having very little trouble with them and he’s like 5.0
*So I doubt they’re all high tiers bc if they were he’d probably have more trouble with them
*And they’re not midtiers bc the healing dude and Arlo’s mentioned that only elite tiers and up can extend their abilities to other people
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my boyfriend never texts first
Remus just wants to not be the first one to send a message every once in a while. That’s not too much to ask, right?
relationship: romantic remrom, background remy and emile (also romantic)
warnings: major character death, extended mourning (secondary warnings- brief discussion of religious holidays, brief underage drinking mention, a lot of all-caps) notes: unrelated, human, hs/college au. virgil, emile, and remy are here too. If you need anything in the secondary warnings (or one of those latter three characters) edited out, please let me know and I can put that up for you!
Remus always texted him first. Always. It didn’t matter the situation, didn’t matter the time date place name face. Who what when where why. It first started when he texted hi roman :) when they first got phones; for whatever reason, Roman just never texted first. Either he’d call or they’d talk in person.
No matter. Remus could cope.
May 1:
8:37 PM tody i saw you by my locker 8:39 PM *today 8:42 PM why didnt you say hi?
May 2:
9:30 PM a teacher talked to me today 9:30 PM wanted to talk about how i’m doing after 9:52 PM well you know. he’s a sick bastard
Really, it wasn’t too much to ask for, was it? He just wanted to see him text first once in a while! May 7:
3:32 PM: by the way idk if you got this last time 3:36 PM: my class ring size is the medium 3:44 PM: hopefully you order it by the deadline :P 4:03 PM: no idea when the deadline is 4:20 PM: bLAZE IT 4:24 PM: sorry i have like 0 money so i got it from the consignment shop 4:31 PM: i hope you like synthetic rubies!! leaving them with ur dad 10:40 PM: update. i cried for four hours with your dad.
June 2:
7:30 AM: gRaDuAtIoN dAy!!! 7:32 AM: there’s cookies in the reception menu 7:35 AM: snickerdoodles your favorite [eyes] 10:02 AM: i’m getting some for u 10:05 AM: [kissy face] 7:40 PM: the announcement was Weird 7:43 PM: anyways i have the snickerdoodles (Remus couldn’t go over to where Roman was staying, so he left them in the living room. He knew Roman would appreciate them. Hopefully he’d come over (wait, probably not, given...))
Well, actually, he could understand why he never texted first. June 11:
12:14 PM: roMAN 12:16 PM: [Attachment: Remus_Picani-Kleitman_Acceptance_Letter.pdf] 12:18 PM: YEAHHHH 12:24 PM: I’m sure you got in too SEND ME YOURS WHEN YOU GET IT 12:32 PM: WE MIGHT SHARE A ROOM YEA 12:35 PM: [Attachment: celebration.jpg]
Everyone was probably saying that he ought to just move on, but to be honest, he couldn’t... Actually, to be honest, no-one had told him to move on to his face yet. In fact, everyone was surprised he was doing so well, given how bad the circumstances were! The situation was stressing him out so much, even his dads were gently advising him to rethink things. (Well, that was part of the territory with one of them being a therapist and the other being a barista.)
“I got y’all some kouign-amann from the cafe,” said Dad, putting it down on the counter. His shirt had SLEEP scrawled on it with a Sharpie; it was the one that Remus had made for him as a joke. He still wore it. Huh.
“Sweetie, what’s a queen amahn?” asked Papa.
“It’s a... er, it’s like a... this is kinda like a croissant that had dreams of a muffin tin and salted caramel. One for you, babe.... then one for Doodlebug-”
“Can I leave some for Roman?” asked Remus.
They exchanged a glance.
“Of course you can,” said Papa with a smile. “Your candle’s on the table. Also, I got the news about being accepted into university? Good job, kiddo. You know, that was your father’s alma mater.”
“Are you sure you want to go to school right away after...? No problem taking a gap year.”
Papa glared at Dad. “Be nice.”
“I’m sorry, Remus, it’s just...” Dad put down his coffee. “If you’re not ready, if you need more time-”
"I’m sure,” said Remus with a grin, trying to get rid of what he just remembered. “Trust me.”
“Please find a good way to put away the snickerdoodles, they’ve been there since last week!” shouted Papa.
June 12:
12:12 AM: its twelve twelve make a wish 12:15 AM: hey when does your phone bill go out? 12:20 AM: im just saying that would Explain some things 12:22 AM: i know your dad pays Everything like a year in advance 12:34 AM: tell him i say hi 12:34 AM: 12:34 MAKE A WISH
July 12:
3:30 PM: guess who’s a double major in bio and theatre!! 3:32 PM: marine biology babey 3:53 PM: it’s good for the SOUL 4:04 PM: this cute octopus reminded me of you by the way 4:10 PM: [Attachment: for_roman]
August 14:
6:24 PM: moving in is the Worst 6:32 PM: by the way i got a single 6:35 PM: no roommates 6:41 PM: still have the bunk tho 6:44 PM: also got ur favorite pillo
August 30:
2:12 AM: roman it is like two o’clock in the morning what the Heck are you doing here, 2:15 AM: if u see me wave Hi 2:32 AM: ok >:c 2:42 AM: dont mind Me just studyin on top of the planetarium 3:15 AM: tbh i didn’t even know we go to the same campus? haven’t seen you around or anything 3:17 AM: shit phones gonna di
September 28:
2:20 PM: i failed my test 2:22 PM: idk what to d 2:24 PM: *do
September 29: 7:30 PM: remember that octopus you gave me that eats negative emotions? 7:32 PM: it works!!
October 3:
1:10 PM:  You’d like the theatre program, really 1:15 PM: just so u know they’ve listed your name as an ‘honorary member of the class of’ 1:19 PM: that’s really nice of them. idk if your dad knows
October 23:
9:45 AM: i had to explain one of our inside jokes 8( 9:52 AM: i can’t Explain the deodorant thing that was One Time 9:55 AM: also why i’m called The Duke 9:56 AM: its bc you said it. not my fault 9:58 AM: its still cute pls call me that still 9:59 AM: pancake brunch pancake brunch pancake brunch October 31: 6:12 PM: sun’s down! joyous samhain 6:15 PM: i remember when you sewed me that octopus btw, the one that eats ucky feelings 6:19 PM: how long did it take you to get the laurel sachet into it?? 6:34 PM: also thank you thank you thank you for helping me find a friendly church to celebrate all saints day 6:47 PM: that year was a NIGHTMARE because you forgot to get your white candles and carnelian, and i forgot my holy water, so we were driving around town like Madmen 6:59 PM: it was worth it though 7:03 PM: i left you a script, i think you’ll like it.
November 9:
11:19 PM: i miss you so so much.
November 10:
12:20 AM: ignor this i drank like 12:24 AM: a lot 1:15 AM: i’m sorry i should’ve been with you 1:22 AM: i shouldve been there With You. 1:45 AM: but i wasn’t 2:20 AM: i didn’t know thered be a 4:11 PM: shit i just saw these. Sorry to bother you December 2:
10:10 AM: hey roman, been a bit. yea sorry about last time. too much of the Alcohol 10:13 AM: gonna go over to my parents’ house 1:00 PM: if you wanna come over, you can. dad’s making snickerdoodles and papa’s gonna watch atla (yes i still have that dvd you got me do not @ me it’s with your candles on your table just like everything else) 1:03 PM: that was on the dot, i’m happy.
December 21
8:34 AM: hey, it’s snowing 9:13 AM: couldn’t help leaving you some hot cocoa. and snickerdoodles of course 10:12 AM: i love you Remus went to go help his dads with making breakfast, but by the time everyone was done cleaning and they had finished watching some shitty Hallmark movie, he remembered that he had left his phone upstairs. Going upstairs and looking at it, he felt something in him break.
[2 Unread: Roman <3, bf’s dad]
10:22 AM, Roman <3: Why are you texting this number? 11:15 AM, bf’s dad: Remus, disregard that last, I’m so sorry. I just found his phone and I saw only the recent message first
The phone started ringing. Remus answered it as quickly as he could.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Sanders I didn’t know that someone was actually getting these messages I thought the line was out,” he said within a few seconds before the person on the other side sighed.
“No, it’s quite all right. And Virgil’s all right, by the way, if you prefer. I... I was just looking through his things for the first time. You know, it being a holiday and all... Memories, things like that.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
“I just turned the phone back on, I’m getting a lot of messages.”
“Oh.” Remus stared at the wall, trying to come to terms with everything. “Well, I--”
“I’m not going to stop paying for his phone. I’m sorry, I just... I still have his voicemails on it, and I can’t stand the thought of it going offline either.”
“Right, I... I listen to it too.”
“I happened upon the last one he sent to you.”
“You looked at the messages?”
“I only looked over when I stopped getting new ones, but I saw the last question he sent you. For your ring size.”
“Yeah? He asked my ring size so that he could--”
“There’s no easy way to say this, but.. I found something of his. Can you come over?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t, but can you please tell me what it was? Please?”
“I really think I should tell you this in person.”
“Please, Mr. Sanders. Please, I... I can’t manage that.”
He sighed. “All right, Remus. I found an early acceptance letter to SJAU, and... and a ringbox.”
Remus felt his grasp on the phone grow weak. It fell onto the bed, Mr. Sanders’ voice still clear.
“I think he was going to ask for you to....”
“No, we... We were just out of high school, I-- that doesn’t make sense.”
“He always was one for those romantic gestures. There’s some poems here, too. A life-plan. I’m not sure exactly what malacology is, but--”
“Mollusks. Like octopi and squids.. Sorry for cutting you off, what was that?”
“Some of it’s in your handwriting, but one of the entries is ‘ask him’, for the day after... you know.”
God, he could hear his sad smile through the phone. He knew exactly how Mr. Sanders looked right now just talking to him, probably wearing that hoodie that was too big on him, in a dusty room full of things that used to belong to the most vibrant person that Remus had ever met.
But then Roman had died.
He was the most wonderful person, and he had just died.
“I’ll come over to deliver the ring to you. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s... that’s fine. Uh, call my dads first, though. They’re still not convinced I’m doing okay.”
“I understand. I’ll talk to you later, Remus.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sanders.”
The line went dead in his hands.
Remus held himself and wept.
December 28:
12:30 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: Mr. Sanders, would you like to come over for our New Year’s party? 12:34 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: It’s a tradition we had. You don’t have to if you’d rather not. 12:45 PM, Virgil Sanders: I’d love to go.
January 1:
12:00 AM: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 12:05 AM: [Attachment: :)] 12:07 AM: we are all smiling in this photo and for that i think we deserve a hug. 12:10 AM: this rings the most beuatifl thing i’ve ever fuckign seen. thank you,, 12:14 AM: never gonna get rid of it <3 12:16 AM: it looks Good on my finger 12:30 AM: jsyk your dad’s asking my dads for the kouign amann recipe 12:32 AM: thats a pastry, i left those for u a while back 12:39 AM: okay i’m crying a bit but honestly, i love u 12:44 AM: I love you so so so much, Roman
Somewhere out there, whether it was from some wonderful paradise or beyond the veil or even only in wishful thoughts, Remus knew that someone was saying I love you too.
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oh-theatre · 4 years
Objection!: Chapter 18
Chapter title: Two Ways Home
A/n:  WE ARE BACK IN THE COURTROOM BBY!!! I lovE IT. And them I did it btw! I did the kiss ™ t-the one in the snow?? Yes, that one because it melts my heart ahahah the irony. Anyway, they are baby and I love them and would die for them. Ughhh I hope you enjoy I know how bad this is but I love writing so hopefully idk?? leave me some comments!! I'm a mess sorry
oh god they're moving too fast arent they..sihiawdhiw i always do this
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words: 4034
summary: The gang returns to court!
pairings: Eventual logicality, prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing, abuse, graphic descriptions, tickling mention
Ao3 Link  
“You're late” Virgil huffs opening the door, Roman presses forward, an apologetic smile falls upon his face. “Come on princey” He says, taking the judges hand leading him into the house. “Go help Dee pick a movie, I need to finish up a few things and then ill make some snacks,” Virgil says trying to go, leaving Roman but the judge isn't that easily shooed.
“Woah slow down...Virge, is everything ok?” He takes his hand gently, Virgil turns to him matching the steady beat of Roman's heart, he nods. “Ok, I'll go help with the movie and you?” He squeezes the detective's hand “Take a breather” Virgil does just that simultaneously resisting the urge to lean forward and connect their lips. What is wrong with me?
“He's waiting” Virgil cocks his head towards the coach, Roman nods smirking, his nose scrunching quickly. He scans Virgil once more before feeling it safe to retreat to the couch, a small figure already enveloped in a mountain of blankets lays. Damian quickly scrambles to a more conscious state as his small eyes fall upon Roman.
“RoRo!” He squeals jumping into the judge's arms. Ignoring the slight pain that seizes his body he hugs back, embracing the child he holds so dearly. “I missed you!” He pulls away still clinging to Roman's neck. Roman smiles at him, unable to allow his shiny pearls to gleam. He's just so happy. The little boy wriggles impatiently in his arms, playing with Romans more than fluffy hair, it bounces under Damian's touch.
“I missed you too niño!” Roman assures, ruffling the younger boy's hair. He laughs falling back onto the couch, he grabs the remote handing it happily to Roman, he wriggles comfortable in his blanket cuddling up to Roman. “What's the mood for tonight?” He wonders opening up Netflix on TV, Damian shrugs, his eyes entranced.
“Christmas!” He exclaims throwing his hands in the air, missing Romans face by an inch “It's snowing!” He marvels looking towards the window, indeed it was. It fell slowly but it seemed the November air had cooled away as the light breeze of winter took its place, ready to cover the world in a soft layer of possibility.  He could see it, he hadn't meant to but his mind was not his own. The image of squealing laughter as he raced down a snowy hill, Damian in front of him holding on for dear life.
“It is Dee!” Virgil affirms, he stands over the couch his hand ruffling Damian's hair. The little boy crawls up on his father, Virgil situating him on his shoulder taking him to the window. Damian places his hand across the frosted glass, astonished laughter as it chills him. Roman stands to join them, Damian waves to the unknown hoping a shimmer of something might greet him back. Someone, something out there will grant his ever so silent hopes.
“Bye-bye snow,” He says, his fists closing quickly as he waves goodbye. Roman chuckles allowing Virgil to swift past him, landing on the couch. Damian snuggles once more under his mountain of blankets allowing the warm pressure to calm him. Roman sits next to them handing the remote to Virgil, giving him full control. He takes it his hands tracing the buttons carefully, the bumpy exterior awakening him.
“Thanks,” He says, he looks to Damian who watches the blank screen with intent “What are we watching buddy?” Damian shrugs fully morphing into his father, clearly seeking an adoring hold from the man. Virgil allows him now checking on Roman. “Any requests?”
“How about ‘Elf’?” Roman suggests, Virgil watches him hesitant “Its a classic! You just gotta...believe” He teases, Damian cheers clapping his hands together. Virgil shakes his head knowing that what the child wished the child gets.
“Elf! Elf!” He chants, Roman points towards him looking at Virgil. He groans finding the movie quickly. It starts slowly and Roman has trouble focusing, the soft hum of the radiator, the awfully quick noises from Damian as he reacts to everything. It feels more natural as they get into it, clearly, Virgil had a long day. On multiple occasions, his head would fall slightly onto Roman's shoulder before jerking awake. Roman didn't mind, he even encouraged it once when it was maybe too much.
“Virge, rest, I've got Dee” Roman whispers, Virgil blinks at the reflection of the movie playing. He sniffled nodding, Roman pushes his head carefully onto his shoulder letting him warm up to the judge. Virgil was asleep in minute, steady breathing as his chest would rise. The movie finished quickly and it seemed the Tormine family was fast asleep. Damian had clearly been consumed by his mountain of blankets and snored sweetly. Virgil had clutched to Roman his presence soft on the judge. Oh, woe is Roman as he stirs the detective awake, his soft face bubbling as his eyes adjust to the outside world. “Sorry just...the movies over and..” He pushes Virgil's ruffled hair away from his eyes. “Thought you might want to sleep in your own bed” Virgil yawns nodding, he struggles to get up but soon enough is waddling away, Roman laughs watching him go. He wraps Damian up his arms watching as Virgil returns.
“I forgot my son” He mumbles, Roman stifles a wheeze placing Damian gently in Virgil's arms. “Thanks,” He says, Roman nods their eyes meet. The tired storm behind Virgil's eyes intriguing the fading flame in Romans. “Thanks for…” He starts slowly, getting closer to Roman's mouth. “Tonight” He whispers meeting Roman's lips, their eyes closing in unison. A little groan from Damian pulling them apart. “See you tomorrow Ro” Virgil says disappearing into his room
“See you...tomorrow,” He says, the tickling sensation upon his lips leaving a satisfactory mark. “Virgil” He muses, he collects his things making as little noise as possible. Closing the door behind him, the silent night falls on him only increasing the volume of his thoughts.
This has to be a dream
“We are back in the courtroom” Patton taps his desk excitedly, the echo ringing through the room. He shuffles through his papers a familiar buzz in his heart as the door opens behind him, the urge to turn his head watch who enters overwhelming him. Hoping, almost praying its a certain lawyer. His urges win however as he watches Logan diligently speaking to Reeve as he makes his way down the aisle, the young intern frantically taking notes. He blushes as if a teenager once more focusing back towards the empty witness stand, feeling a light brush of air while Logan walks by, taking his place on the opposite end of the courtroom.
“Your client” Patton smiles at George as Virgil and Remy lead him in, tight hold on his constraints of a prison. They take him to his end of the desk, handcuffing him to the table. He's silent as he moves, little to do about anything as the world moves on without him. It almost makes Patton sad to watch, and harder to read.
“Thanks, guys,” He says, a light squeeze to Virgil's arm as he passes, receiving a lingering feeling as the detective walks away. Virgil watches him for a moment but retreats to his chair.
“Mr.Hart?” Patton looks up smiling at a young intern watching him expectantly. “Mr.Tolentino wanted me to let you-
“You can just call him Logan,” Patton says, his smile remains placated. Reeve fidgets uncomfortably but nods as he continues on.
“Um...Logan just wanted to let you know that he is going forward with calling Annie to the stand.” Patton bites his cheek but nods, his smile fades staying resolved. “He has also decided to call Brandon to the stand, and he was wondering whether you were calling Carlton” Reeve finishes feeling as if the words were not his own. Patton shakes his head softly, he looks to Logan who seems to be buried in mountains of work, he hides a disappointed pout.
“Yes...I'm sorry Brandon? Brandon Hoff?” Patton checks, looking back to where two children sit where their mother, all sadly eyeing George. Reeve nods, Patton takes a deep breath but stretches a pursed smile. “Great thanks Reeve,” He says, the intern scurries away, himself betrayed by his words. He doesn't agree with Logan's methods but he is a good lawyer...but Patton is too. He re-focuses taking a seat next to Logan. Soon the trial begins and Patton is instructed to call his first witness.
“The defense call detective Carlton to the stand” Patton calls, feeling as discouraged as before. He avoids looking to Logan, knowing the usual hopeful glance the pair shares wouldn't be returned today. Once he's sworn in Patton begins, knowing his intuition could fail him he simply prays. Prays that Carlton, that everything he's built this case on...won't fall apart. Please, don't let this man be guilty. “Detective Carlton, you were recently discovered at a hostage scene correct?”
“Objection! Leading the witness” Logan declares, he barely grazes Patton with his eyes, the man's stomach sinks. He knows he shouldn't be thinking about this right now, but...had he done something wrong? Had he shattered everything he had ever built up, his friendship? His trust? Was all of it...the kiss, out of pity?
“Patton?” Roman whispers, Patton jerks back realizing his own condition.
“Detective” He starts, he looks to an unfazed Logan, right there deciding he knows his path. “Do you know this man?” He points to George, a moment of hesitation before the witness sucks in a sharp breath.
“I've never seen that man before” He admits, Patton smirks “In my entire life” He adds, Patton nods satisfied as a tiny groan, ever so slightly escapes Logan's mouth. Check and mate, mister Tolentino. His next move may be deemed risky, and Roman certainly won't enjoy it and yet…
“I want to submit that detective Carlton be admitted as an expert witness” He requests, the room falls silent. Logan, surprisingly, is the first to move. He stands abrupt from his chair and points towards Patton.
“Absolutely not your honor! The man is convicted felon!” He claims, Patton cocks his head, his smirk returning.
“Exactly the reason I propose this, not only is he a convicted felon but one who has admittedly worked with the so-called ‘Alphabet Murderer’. Which means that unless he perjures himself, he knows more than most. More than say...Brandon or Annie Hoff” Patton explains, Roman cant find a rebuttal.
“That's ridiculous” Logan huffs looking to Roman for confirmation “Your honor?”
“Let it be known to the court and jury, detective Carlton is now an expert witness” Roman bangs his gavel, a rush of excitement as it passes through him. Logan glares, his nostrils flaring as he resits himself. Patton wears a triumphant smirk turning back to Carlton. “Watch yourself, detective, one wrong move…” Roman threatens, as his job. Virgil can't help but feel a sense of pride. The judge doesn't get enough credit.
“Thank you, your honor” Patton sighs “Carlton, has mister Hoff ever contacted you or attempted to?” The detective laughs shaking his head, he scans Geroge.
“Him? Please...if he was the murderer, you would know” Carlton scoffs, instantly clutching his throat. Almost surprised by his own words.
“Do you know who the alphabet murderer is?” Patton inquires, the entire room leans forward allowing themselves to dangle at his anticipation
“Absolutely” Carlton grins, Patton digs his nails deep into his palms, stopping just before the skin breaks blood. “Haley Bloomington” He seethes, Virgil and Remy share a look, both with the same idea.
“As in the precinct captain?” So much more happens in Patton's mind, everything falls into place, he feels lightheaded. He looks to Logan, a helpful plea is administered, a stab to the heart as Logan...ignores him.
“That's the one” The one? The one who Patton took all his complaints about Liam to? The one who Patton pleaded, begged for help? All these years-
No, focus.
“Thank you, no further questions,” Patton says “I also suggest that we hold on cross-examination until further notice,” He says before retreating to his seat. Roman watches but nods.
“Court adjourned,” He says in a practical whisper. The jury clears out in whispered murmurs, each giving a look towards Patton as they move through. Patton says a quick goodbye to George as the detectives lead him away, shuffling his papers. He feels the room around him gain quiet until two quick feet make their way out and its just him and Logan. He refuses to look towards him, a mixing bowl of emotions, not sure which recipe to follow.
“Patton” Logan stands at the desk now, across from Patton. The lawyer turns, his brows in a knitted furrow, he tries to scowl but instead places a worried pout.
“Oh, now you-”
“Would you like to go on a date with me on Friday?” Logan wonders, his hands fidgeting carefully behind his back. Patton softens, oh…
“Yes, absolutely” He whispers, Logan purses his lips bouncing on his heel. He nods before carefully leaving the room, the door closing behind him. Patton presses his file against his chest, trying very hard not to swoon. “Yes...absolutely” He repeats, just for himself.
“And why is that?” Logan wonders straightening his bowtie, he tilts his head as the mirror reflects his image.
“Because this is Patton's first date in almost a million years,” Virgil says from the couch, his position quite extravagant. Roman chuckles from the ground as he plays with Virgil's hanging hair. “This night is for him, I mean seriously...the last person he went out with was-
“Liam” Logan breathes, his strict posture falls as he watches the sky fade. The outer world becomes less prominent as he loses himself in his own mind. Virgil hops from the couch and takes his stance in front of the lawyer, he slaps his hands away instead taking Logan's lopsided bowtie into his own hands, fixing it. The Friday night of the neighborhood dim.  
“Exactly” Virgil pats his chest once he's done, Logan moves onto his hair suddenly feeling his confidence drain with him. He wasn't sure what he was doing, Patton assured him everything was fine but that couldn't be true could it? And that's not what he deserves, if Logan could he would summon a plane to Europe right now. Seat himself first class with Patton by his side, his eyes marveling-
“But isn't a date about two people? About both of us?” Logan genuinely requests. Coming down from dream.
“Not this one dude. This is for Pat” Roman says drumming his fingers in the air. “Sorry, but it just isn't about you tonight.” Roman shrugs, Logan dusts himself off choosing to heed their words, he shows off his outfit carefully. “Two thumbs up from me. Love the vest” Roman compliments
“It looks great” Virgil nods, he fixes one strand of hair before squeezing Logan's shoulders gently. “It'll be great, just...make it great ok? For him?” That's all I wanted to do
“Mmhm” he hums going towards his watch, placing it slinked on his wrist. One more check in the mirror before gathering his coat and things. He wishes he had a bag to carry with him, his phone rings out. “Don't want to be late” he mumbles to himself, he turns to his friends. “Good?” He checks
“Perfect,” They say in unison.
“Perfect!” Patton says in his home, feeling as though time just wasn't enough. “It has to be perfect Em!” He says gathering his keys. “Logan probably thinks me a fool, this is simply to amuse his own ideas” he sighs sadly, knowing how deep this fear runs.
“Surely you don't believe that Pat!” Emile exclaims sitting in front of the couch watching as the twins play in front of him. “You've been friends forever! And Logan asked you, and seemed more than excited to go with you”
“Ugh, I don't know anymore. I mean Em...what am I doing?”
“Going on a date...doi” Remy reminds returning from the bathroom. Patton rolls his eyes playfully.
“Thank you captain obvious!” Patton jokes, Remy blows him a kiss, receiving a swat from Emile. ‘No I mean...what am I doing? I don't have time for this, I have kids...a full-time job. I don't have time or space for heartbreak” He sighs resigned, leaning over the couch.
“Now who says it's going to be heartbreak, Patton?” Emile says as Valerie presents her latest creation. She makes her way to Patton showing him all the same, he picks her up smiling brightly.
“Beautiful Val” He commends, kissing her softly on the forehead as he releases her back to play. She joins her brother Remus in his quest to save the world in lego form. “Ugh, maybe I shouldn't go...so I got caught up with the children or something,” Patton says wistfully, the twin gleam at the idea. The bounce up rushing to their father, enveloping his legs in their tiny arms.
“Papa! You have to go! Mister Logan loves you!” Valerie squeals, Patton blushes picking her up, he boops her nose to which she recoils giggling. Remus jumps around him, poking him gently.
“You have to! Then! Then! Mister Logan can teach me new words!” He claims, Patton laughs picking up Remus next. Emile watches happily, Remy takes his place next to his partner. Remus points to them “Look! Look! Rem and Em will take care of us!” He claims, Patton nods.
“You heard thing two,” Remy says, Patton smirks “We got them Pat” The lawyer smiles gratefully as he hands one of the twins to each of them. He moves to his room finishing up the cleaning as he moves around, wanting the room to be clean for when he returns, to drown himself in his embarrassments. He turns to find the mirror showing him his reflection, had he always looked so tired?
“Hey you,” He says, maybe only slightly joking. “You're going on a date!” He points his fingers wagging. “Oh god, what am I doing?” Patton sighs rubbing his forehead. “You can do this” He laughs, an actual laugh, it's bright. He might be losing his mind, but he plants himself. “Ok Patton, look at you. You've got this, you...deserve this. Well no...you definitely don't-” He groans turning away “Just cancel Pat,” He says his hands shaking over the phone, he just wants it to go well. To see Logan smile, just as he deserves, he wants him happy should that be too much?
“Patton! There's a car in your driveway!” Remy calls from the living room. Well, now or never. He takes his coat and gloves from the stand, walking out. He gives the children two quick kisses on the head before a deep breath reigns him in. His hand circles the cold knob, twisting as he steps into the timid air. Logan steps out of the car, double-taking as he sees Patton in his doorway.
“Oh! I was coming to-” He stops, his eyes trace Patton. “You look...wow” He smiles, Pattons night is made. Just that small twitch of the lip as it moves upwards.
“Well, you look-” Don't make it weird, don't make it weird “Amazing”
“Thank you” He nods extending his hand, Patton steps into the snow taking it.
Well, here we go.
“Oh my!” Patton laughs, his hand meeting Logans across the table. “Did he actually?” He checks allowing Logan to comfortably fiddle with his hand. Logan nods affirming his story, the room lights with the candles that float.
“I kid you not, he fell asleep” Logan recalls, Pattons smile only grows. “The case was just that boring I suppose, it really is a Roman thing to do” Logan guesses, Patton takes a sip of his water. Logan does the same with his wine, trying subtlety to get it down.
“Only Roman” Patton smiles, the waiter stops by delivering their desserts to mark a night of love-filled happiness. A successful dinner thus far. “Mmm tiramisu” Patton digs in, his eating gracefully as the sweet dessert tickles his upper mouth.
“I do enjoy a simple chocolate cake,” Logan says himself as he takes a delectable bite of his food. He pushes the plate slightly towards Patton. “Would you care for a bite?” He offers, Patton pulls the fork from his mouth, a lopsided smile.
“Of course” He tries, a sweet but bitter taste befalls his mouth. “Care for a bite of mine” Logan takes it, trying not to cringe inwards. It's not bad, just incredibly sweet, made to Italian perfection but not his style. “Too sweet?”
“Just like you” He retorts, a coy smile spreads as Patton blushes his eyes darting quickly to suddenly very interesting candle.  “Sorry” He shakes his head, Patton giggles.
“Don't be, thank you,” He says finishing his dessert. Logan quickly does the same, and somehow once the check has been paid the pair make their way outside. The chilly air only growing in cold, Pattons not sure why but he interlaces his arms with Logan, the lawyer blushing excited when Patton does so.
“Are you having a good time?” Logan checks for what seems like the fifth time tonight, Patton stops him taking his shoulders.
“Ok, you've asked that a lot tonight. Is everything ok?” Patton wonders, the taller man adjusts his glasses. “Lo…” Patton moans softly, wishing to return the fun that logan has gifted him that night.
“I just want this to go well for you” Logan replies, his throat growing hoarse. Patton chuckles his breath visible in the air.
“Logan” He starts so carefully, in a way that Logan wishes his name should only be uttered by Patton. “This isn't just about me. You know that right? We should both be enjoying this night, god I hope you are” He jokes, his voice shaky. “I want you to have a good time, and if you aren't that's ok-”
“I am” Logan confirms, his interruption causing a sweet smile upon Patton.
“Well good, I am too” He bounces taking Logan's hand “Where to next?” He asks looking up to Logan. The lawyer looks back at him. He turns Patton towards him studying his face, under the snow Patton practically glistens. The snow begins to fall softly, coating the brim of their glasses, they laugh looking up.  “Snow reason to end the night now” Patton teases.
“Really?” Logan groans, an amused smile failing him. Patton giggles falling into Logan's chest softly. The warmth that spreads around him is something that overtakes him. Patton recoils a bit holding to Logan's scarf, twirling it gently. Logan places his hand under Patton's chin as he leans in meeting their lips. Patton returns the soft gesture still clutching to his scarf, his gloves wrapping further around it. A careful click as they pull apart, Patton's undeniable smile as he meets Logan's eyes. He laughs as the snow falls directly onto the lawyer's nose taking his glove to wipe it away. Logan fails to resist the urge to giggle as the wool tickles him.
“Oho…” Patton smirks “Logan Tolentino...are you ticklish?” Patton checks, Logan laughs away, turning his face away. “Oh my! You are!” Patton claims
“Please don't tell Roman” Logan begs “I don't want to know what he would do with that information” Patton giggles delighted imagining the judge locked into battle with a very flustered Logan.
“That's alright, I can find other ways to get you flustered” Patton leans in kissing Logan once more, not sure how long he's waited to that so casually. As if second nature.
“Ways...that I don't mind” Logan nods, Patton rolls his eyes playfully as they continue their trek through the snow, closing the door on a night that can only be described as perfect. Because it truly was, the evening had been something of a new experience for both of them. Patton had never felt so safe in someone elses arms as they played with his fingers, Logan had never felt so invested, so truly passionate.
They were…
In the most professional sense...
In love
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asmolqueen · 4 years
Mission Accomplished
@sanderssidescelebrations Pairing: Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Morality | Patton Sanders, Dr. Emile Picani/Sleep | Remy Sanders, Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders/Deceit Sanders Prompt: Mistletoe Warnings: sympathetic Deceit and sympathetic Remus, Remy is drunk in the end and so is Remus Summary: Lola and Ramona are gay disasters. Peyton does her best to help them. Operation Logince is in the works. Also it's Christmas time. btw this is a genderbend story- Yes I’m aware this is very late. I’m also working on the others still- Read on AO3
“Peyton, help me.”
“How are you expecting me to help, if I have no idea what you’re talking about?”
“I think I’m in love with Lola?”
Peyton stared at her best friend in disbelief for a moment. “Excuse me, what?”
“Like, I’m so impressed by her? She’s like, seriously smart, and absolutely gorgeous by the way — I can’t make sense of how a person just naturally that pretty? — and like, her way of speaking so articulate? She’s just- I think she might be who I’ve been looking for all this time?”, the brunette girl sighed, almost sounding lovesick.
“Woah there, hold your horses, Ramona, don’t get your hopes too high, you remember what happened the last time you thought a girl was the one?”
“Yeah, kinda weird how Remedee and Delaney are already engaged-”
“Well, I don’t think Remedee would be Lola’s type or the other way around, and like I said, the’re engaged, Patty.”
The blonde rolled her eyes and adjusted her glasses. Usually she’d be ecstatic to help her friend in these kinda situation, but she’s been hurt twice in a row and this was a different kind of crush or being in love than Delaney or even Ramona's Ex-Girlfriend.
This was Lola.
Their best friend.
The only reason she had met Virginia.
This was completely different.
She needed proof that this wasn’t going to flop.
“Give me three days.”, Peyton suddenly said, looking back at the girl in front of her. “Then I’ll give you an estimate on if this will work and how long it will take. Sound good?”
Ramona jumped up and hugged the blonde with so much impact, that they almost fell off the coffee table that Peyton had been seated on. “Thank you so much!”
After she got back up, Ramona dusted herself off and smiled sweetly. “I’ll be off then, Rem asked me if I wanted to join her and Dee at Dinner tonight. She claimed that Dee set her up to ask me, but when I said that I was at your place, she looked like a lost puppy, so I had to say yes.”, she chuckled. “So, I’ll text you?”
“See you, Rori!”, Peyton called after her ash she watched her escape through the front door of the apartment. “Virge! I need to talk to you right now!”
Her purple haired roommate and girlfriend stepped out of the room, a black ball of fur on her arm and a grumpy look on her face. “Whaaaat? Pandora and I were trying to take a nap back there, you know?”
“Sorry, Stormcloud, I need you to dig around a bit for me, though.”, She explained got up from the table, heading toward the slightly shorter girl. “You’re adorable, you know? Oh and, Virge, I think you’re okay, too.”
Virginia just stared at her in disbelief. “Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend? You must’ve finally met Remedee, was she here instead of Ramona and tinted your innocence?”
“Honestly, you’re terrible.”, she deadpanned before kissing the girl on the cheek. “Let’s go cuddle with Pandora and then I’ll explain what’s up?”
“Sounds fantastic.”
After a while of them just lazily petting the furball that Pandora was, Peyton began to speak.
“Ramona is all head over heels for Lola.”
Virginia froze for a moment before jerking her head to the side to look at the blonde. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Why would I be! This is terrible!”
“No, actually, this is fucking perfect!”
Peyton gasped, though it was rather fake, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to change her girlfriends habit of cursing in every situation. Nonetheless, she followed the sound with a rather squeaky “Language!”
“So, why is it perfect?”
“Remember the call that woke us up last night? Lola needed advice. She couldn’t sleep, which is old news, I know, but!”, she paused for dramatic effect. “This wasn’t casual insomnia, Lola and I both know what that feels like and that wasn’t it. Her mind was twisting and turning and no matter what happened, her thoughts drifted to our perfect little princess!”
Peyton squeaked, in excitement this time. “And I have the perfect plan!”, she exclaimed before pulling out her phone and texting her brunette friend.
Open File Mission Name: Operation ‘Logince’ Status: Accepted Code Name: Agent P Agent’s Personal Info: Peyton Elizabeth ‘Ma’ Hart, 23 — In A Relationship Accomplice: No One Miss Prince Would Expect Estimated Success Rate: 78% Estimated Date Of Success: 1st Of January Close File
Permission To Let Miss Peyton E. Hart Take On The Mission And Let Her Do Whatever She Feels Necessary?
Agent P Can Not Answer Any Questions About The Mission. She Did Not Expect Miss Ramona Juliette Prince To Pick This Option, As It Is Unavailable As Of Now.
Do You Accept The Terms and Conditions And Swear To Trust Miss Hart?
[YES] [NO] [*insert curse-word* you.
[*insert curse-word* you.
Thank You For Responding. I Will Now Let You Talk To Miss Hart.
I saw, you doofus. I need’a eat with Miss Remedee Kathrina Prince and her girlfriend, miss Delaney Guja for dinner, if you’d excuse me?
Gladly! Say Hi from me!
A few weeks after that, the friend group met for their yearly Christmas party, which was more of a calm get together, if you ignored Remedee’s whole behavior, this year it was held at the shared place of Emilie and Ramona.
Peyton and Virginia thought this to be the perfect opportunity to carry out their plan. And they also had a woman on the inside.
Although Emelie wasn’t too keen on just playing with her friends feelings and getting into their relationship, she agreed when the girlfriends explained that both girls had deeply fallen for each other and that they had their reasons to ask for help.
The party was, like every year, set on the night of the 25th. It had been going rather calm, even Remedee was slightly reserved, which had scared Peyton and Ramona a slight bit, but she didn’t mention it, and they had all just exchanged gifts and everyone was being rather cutesy about it.
There were kisses and hugs everywhere, which had Peyton’s heart melting, she loved how they were all just a big family.
After Virginia had slightly hinted at the more-than-friends behavior René and Emelie had toward each other and that they had to find out what that was later, she reminded her girlfriend of their mission. They gave Emelie a small sign that they had talked about before and got to work.
The smallest of the bunch had excused herself to go to the bathroom, her girlfriend had distracted her best friend with some cute photos she had taken of Pandora. And maybe some couple pictures, but Virginia didn’t need to know that.
Emelie had gotten to her part, talking to Lola about the psychology behind dreams, it was a subject she knew the black haired couldn’t resist.
While the plan had been going as it was planned, Remedee and René had sneaked into the kitchen to pop the first bottle of champagne. That would be a problem that the bunch would have to deal with later.
Delaney had to leave earlier, her little sister, Amber, had called, it was something urgent, but she didn’t tell the others why, just that it would be fine and they should continue having fun.
“So basically, our little sunshine is… Actually a sunshine? Or are you just that good at photoshop?”, Ramona had asked, laughing.
Peyton had tried for quite a while to get Ramona in the right position, they needed all of it to be perfect, and had grown frustrated at this point.
How do you make a person move backwards?
As Emelie had noticed that, she gave her friend the tiniest of nods, trying to communicate to her, that she got it.
Because, in comparison to Ramona, Lola didn’t like to be too close to people, so if Emilie moved closer to the black haired, she would subconsciously walk backwards.
That did the job, both unbelievably oblivious girls were now standing back to back, with Peyton and Emilie smiling at each other, hoping the girls wouldn’t notice.
Virginia, who had never went to the bathroom in the first place, had been impatiently waiting on top of the staircase, a huge grin on her face.
“Yo! Teach, Princey!”, she yelled and held her arm out over them.
Peyton held back a squeal while Emilie quietly chuckled.
The mentioned girls were both looking up to see the small arrangement the purple haired was holding.
A mistletoe.
Lola was the first to look down from it and turned to her crush, staring for a bit.
After a while of mentally cursing every single Disney villain she could think of, and that were a lot, Ramona also decided to look away from the mistletoe. Lola was as red as her favorite dress, and the brunette suspected that she’d look the same. “Well, I- I know the rules but if you- I mean we don’t gotta, you know? Like, if you're not wanting to, that’s fine with me- I just-”
While Ramona was trying to form a sentence, Lola considered her chances.
It was a fifty/fifty in her book. Either she would be rejected, or not. She was gonna regret it anyway, but who cared. She would take advantage of that moment.
So Lola did a thing that no one expected, she grabbed the collar of her crushes shirt and pulled her close. “Zip it.”
And then her lips were on Ramona’s.
Virginia almost let the mistletoe fall on top of them in the attempt to keep her composure and took a few pictures short after, the angle possibly not the best, but she knew none of the technically unoccupied girls would be able to move apart from the grins that were getting wider by the second.
As Ramona stood there frozen, thanking whatever deity helped her, Lola grew more and more anxious over her decision. She was about to pull back when the brunette put her arms around her neck and kissed back.
Que a wolf whistle from the general direction of the kitchen.
“Get some, sis!”, was yelled, rather drunkenly.
Both immediately jumped back and Ramona turned to her sister. “Rem!”, she yelled, her voice cracking. “Why?”
“Well, you know?”, Remedee said, still sounding very drunk, getting closer to the bunch with René trailing behind, “Revenge.”
And the way she said it, so serious and sober, had almost scared Ramona, until her twin started laughing and almost falling over.
The brunette girl turned to her best friend. “Peyton?”
“Don’t at me! You granted me permission to do anything!”
“So you decided to make my roommate pull a Brutus on me? How considerate.”
“I asked. And if it weren’t for Virginia I wouldn’t have been able to do it!”
Lola just blinked for a while before clearing her throat. “Excuse me?”
“Riiiiight... So you weren’t in for any of it but I kinda broke my promise?”, Virginia started as she was supporting René and standing with the group.
The black haired raised an eyebrow. “Virginia?”
She sighed and decided to load the literal weight on her shoulders onto Emelie and also finally get rid of the metaphorical one of breaking a promise. “Ramona told Peyton she likes you the day after you so graciously woke me and my cat up because you couldn’t sleep because you’re too gay for this shit. So we talked and figured out we needed to get you two together and well,” the girl looked at her accomplices. “We didn’t think you’d be the one to initiate that. So I’m not sure about these two, but I’m still stunned.”
“So you planned that.”
“And you all knew about it.”
“Pretty much?”
“And all of you kept shut in front of me?”
“Looks like it.”
Lola nodded. “I’m impressed. That’s literally the first thing ever that you were able to keep from me.”
Peyton’s face lit up. “You’re not mad?”
“Babe, we literally had her and her crush kissing, why would she be mad?”
“Good point.”
Ramona, who was kind of embarrassed at this point, just linked arms with Lola and let her away from the group, so they were sitting on the couch now, talking. Both of them still had the slightest tints of pink on their faces, but both had smiles on their faces.
“Mission accomplished!”, Peyton said, looking back to the others, wanting to hug both her teammates, until she saw how Emilie had to try to keep René away from trying to kiss her.
“You need help there, Em?”, Virginia had asked with a smirk.
“Nope, I’m fine! It’s fine! I’m good.”
And just like that, the team had another mission. Taking care of two drunk disasters who were absolutely horrible.
At least two of them woke up without headaches the next morning.
Open File Mission Name: Operation ‘Logince’ Status: Accepted Agent: Peyton Elizabeth Hart Accomplices: Virginia Church, Emelie Picani End Of Mission: 25th of December Mission Accomplished Close File
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thehellishtrinity · 4 years
Uh I think before they got rid off Virus? Thanks for wanting to do this BTW you're the best
((np my dude!! sorry for the wait gfjs, now without further ado, summary under the cut! be warned, it’s pretty long))
I believe where you left off was:
Script confronts Virus about taking over Muse and attempts to chase him off. However, his plans go awry when Virus uses Script’s check (remember, Script’s check is mind control and Virus’s check is copying other people’s check) against him. Virus brainwashes Script by implanting fake memories into his brain, making Script think that he’s spent his whole life with Virus and that Virus is his closest friend. Unintentionally, these fake memories of being close to Virus leads Script to actually develop a crush on Virus. (part 2)
Hayden (from sassytictac) and Math (from immadeofmath) try to confront Virus to chase him out of Muse’s body. It also doesn’t work because the damage dealt to his body doesn’t affect him, but rather Muse. So Virus uses the opportunity to knock Muse’s conscousness out effectively. 
Then, Firewall (from ask-the-overworked-firewall) sends Page an invitation to meet. Script warns Page not to go because he thinks Firewall is bad news (he saw Firewall attack Virus and was scared by it because, again, he’s brainwashed and doesn’t know Virus is a virus) but Page goes anyways. Firewall tells Page the situation about Virus and how Basically Things Are Fucked. Page goes home and has a sad breakdown then gets his shit together and gets to work.
I think Page gets chase out of the sector, my memory of this is very hazy and I’m having trouble finding the corresponding posts. I think Virus and Page end up battling, but Page loses and barely makes it out alive. He flees to Firewall’s place and recovers there until he’s at his full strength. 
Then Page returns to the sector, ready to take Virus on again. When Page first arrives, he finds the sector protected by Virus’s defense wall. So he gets to work on taking it apart. When he finally cracks the code, he’s granted access back into the sector! And there he is met with Virus! Virus tries to get him to leave using Script’s check, but Page made himself immune to the influence of checks so it doesn’t work on him. He and Virus battle until finally Virus forces Page to the ground and kills him with a bolt of lightning.
Surprise! Page isn’t dead! He used his check (Page’s check is the ability to alter SQUIP code without there being any consequences. Basically coding without limits, who needs to remember coding rules?? Not Page) to make himself functionally immortal. They fight endlessly with Virus killing Page and then Pagecoing back to life. The tide turns when the anons manage to distract Virus and Page whips out the broken code of Muse and Script. Incomplete Muse and Script join the battle and manage to knock Virus out. Page restores Muse and Script’s code and banishes Virus from the sector. 
Act 1 ends here.
Act 2 begins with the trinity still coping with the aftermath of dealing with Virus. Muse and Page both have nightmares and PTSD, basically. Script is dealing with heartbreak because he was in love with Virus, despite his memories of him being fake. It’s tough. 
An anon gives Muse an M!A where his fears are personified. Naturally, Muse’s fears take the shape of Virus. Fear!Virus terrorizes Muse for ten asks, revealing that his real name is Deimos. Deimos eventually fades into nonexistence but before he does, he calls Muse out on his cowardice, saying that Muse’s pride and inability to reach out to others is affecting the ones around him. This gives Muse a lot to think about.
Time passs. Muse begins to start preparing for something but he won’t say what. He trains, trying to level up his physical powers for an unnamed threat. Meanwhile, Page receives an M!A that allows him to know everything that Muse does. He learns that Muse knows Virus will be returning, because Virus has many failsafes. He has code left all over the SQUIPweb that can hep ressurect him in the event that he’s killed. Muse cannot say anything about this explicitly because Virus left an unremoveable collar that physically makes him unable to say anything about Virus’s plans. (more on what was mentioned) M!A ends and Page loses all of the knowledge he gains. Script and Muse approach him again to get him back in the loop, with Script doing much of the talking because Muse cannot.
Then, the trinity are approached by a pair of anti-virus programs. They are called Melissa and Wally, or the twins for short. The twins claim that they are hunting down Virus and that according to their latest radars, Virus was last seen in the sector. The trinity are skeptical, of course, because they are unsure whether they are being deceived or not. In order to prove the truth of their statement, the twins bring out the body of Rowan, Rich’s Squip. Rich’s Squip Rowan has been MIA for a very long time and no one knew what happened to her. The twins explain that she was attacked by Virus and they’ve been working on patching her code up to try to recover her.
In the meantime, Muse is up to mysterious shenanigans again. He reaches out to an unknown person for potential help regarding the Virus issue. In the meantime, Script starts to dream more and more. He spends a lot of time asleep, just dreaming random fantastical dreams of a strange person with long hair and a sharp smile. This will be important later.
Muse reveals to Page and Script that he’s been contacting someone who could help, but the price of their help is very high. Page and Script are doubtful but they decide that they are at enough risk already, they may as well take the deal. The mysterious person turns to the anons for help, telling the anons through a message to send in M!As of any kind.
The person uses the M!As to crack a hole in reality and manifest on the blog. (The logic behind this is that M!As can inherently alter reality, so the person piggybacked on that capability and altered it for their own purposes.) The person reveals himself to be Muse from the Reverse World. Also known as Remy. Remy is from the April Fools Event where the Reverse World duo took over the blog. The Reverse World is an AU where Muse is the virus instead and virus is the SQUIP he’s infecting. Basically, the squips are viruses and the viruses are squips. Remy quickly reveals that he can break the fourth wall. The reason for this is that Remy’s check is knowledge. He has infinite knowledge of all things and is thus aware of his status as a mere character on a Tumblr blog for Be More Chill. Remy also reveals that the price of his help is being given a copy of Page’s check because Page’s check is honestly kind of OP. Also the twins are still there and they don’t seem to like Reverse!Virus a lot (we will call him Dov).
Remy kicks his plan to help the trinity off with having Muse train with Dov. His reasoning is that it will make Muse stronger and make him stop cowering before Virus’s presence. At the same time there are mysterious sightings of an unknown program manifesting in the sector, but the program usually disappears before anyone can detect it. This will be important later.
Remy gathers the trinity up for a planning session. They go over what they know about Virus already: mainly that he can’t die, somehow always knows their plans, and is very strong. Remy reveals the reason Virus cannot die is because he has these things called anchors everywhere. Anchors are small backup versions of Virus that can activate when the most recent Virus perishes. It’s functionally the same Virus resurrecting over and over again. These anchors are spread out in hidden pockets of the SQUIP network and are incredibly hard to find. Remy offers to deal with this issue by gathering the anchors for the trinity and storing them in one convenient location: Muse. Now, all the trinity needs to do is figure out how to destroy all of the anchors.
Next, Remy addresses the issue of Virus’s supposed omnscience. The reason why Virus always knows what they are planning to do is because he is connected to Script and Muse’s memories. Thus, whatever they know, he knows. To address this issue, Remy states that he will be wiping Script and Muse’s memories of the planning session when it’s all over. Thus, the responsibility of executing the plan falls mostly onto Page. To these ends, Remy states that he will be modifying Page’s power capacities to make him stronger because he is not strong enough at his current level to stand a chance against Virus. 
Finally, Remy gifts the trinity with a knife embedded with Remy’s code. This is a special knife because it can destroy Virus’s current body in one blow. It can also be used to destroy Remy. It can only be used once, so Remy advises the trinity to use it well. Planning taken care of, Remy launches his plan into motion. Page, Muse, and Script all shut down from the overload and things go into chaos for a while. Jeremy passes out from the pain. The sector goes black.
While the sector reboots itself, Remy ressurects Virus and invites him to a dance. It is then revealed that along with the deal Remy made with the trinity, Remy also made a deal with Virus. He programs a temporary host for Virus to use and tells Virus that the host will not last long, so he will have to find a real SQUIP host soon enough. Remy then bids Virus good luck and leaves Virus with a parting gift: Virus can no longer access the checks that he copied from the trinity. While Virus deals with that, the trinity reawaken and the sector goes back online. Virus resolves to hide in the void for the time being. 
The trinity are all fine! As promised, Script and Muse no longer recall a thing and Page has custody of the Special Virus Killing Knife. The twins are also mysteriously missing but that’s a topic for later.
Page asks Muse to check his code, intending to get the Virus Anchors out of the way and destroy them while things are still peaceful. Unfortunately, things are not that easy and apparently no one can touch Muse when they approach with the intent of modifying his code. Muse literally, uncontrollably, teleports away whenever it happens. Page correctly concludes that Remy pulled some type of tick on them. Thus, presenting the first problem: how to destroy the anchors in Muse’s body. It’s unsolved for now.
In the meantime, Virus is chilling in the void and answering asks when he wants to. He reveals a little bit about his creator, expressing not the most friendly behavior towards them. We also get a glimpse at a brand Virus has been tattooed with. It’s the mark of Virus’s creator. Then, we are introduced to a new character! Their name is Maii and details about them are a bit vague but what’s important is that they are on Virus’s side.
Back to the trinity, Script has somehow gotten worse. His heartbreak and pining over Virus as led him down a new path of questioning his self worth and realizing that he feels alone despite his friends being around him. He’s depressed, bois. He recognizes that his feelings for Virus are fake but he cannot let him go because being with Virus makes him think that he’s happy. He also goes off about realizing his memories of Virus are fake but the emotions that developed are real, because to him those memories were real to some extent.
Things with Muse aren’t so hot either. Muse is passing out at random intervals and waking up to a blurry figure calling him. He’s also getting hella headaches. On the flip side, the corruption of Virus’s temporary host is also getting to him and he too is passing out. Curiously, when Virus passes out he seems to see a hazy hallway that looks oddly like the trinity’s home... A new member has also joined the Virus team! Her name is Hierophant and she appears to have influence over dreams…. hm…..
Page hasn’t been idle either! He’s been up to mysterious shit. Muse catches him working on something but Page cannot tell him what it is he is doing because Virus will know if Muse knows. Muse is incredibly frustrated with this but he can’t do anything about it. After time, Page finishes the mysterious project he’s been working on and states that he hopes it never has to come to use.
Time passes yet again. Script dreams endlessly. In fact, it seems as if he’s always sleeping, like he doesn’t want to do anything but sleep. It gets to the point that Script starts confusing dreams and reality. 
And then one day, Script wakes up. Or maybe he falls asleep? He can’t tell anymore, there’s no difference to him. He gets ready for his day and heads to the kitchen. Virus walks in shortly after, telling him that it’s time for his shift with Jeremy. Script and Virus banter a bit. Things are nice.
While answering asks, Virus explains why the trinty are so fundamental to his plans. The reason being, of course, that they are just the right type of SQUIP that he needs to use to achieve his goals. The goals themselves are still quite vague…
Script also has a conversation with Muse about being careful of Virus’s oncoming advances. Or maybe it’s a dream? Unsure. People are also unsure if things are dreams or reality. We see Virus with Hierophant, telling her that he entrusts a not stated task to her. Hierophant claims to be ready for the task, and we see her weilding puppet strings that appear to control what looks like Page.
Meanwhile, anons start to speculate that Virus has taken over Muse again. They are correct. Virus has indeed taken over Muse again and is holding him hostage in Muse’s mindspace. Think of this as the equivalent of taking your emotions and shoving them into a mental jar, except your emotions are a Squip’s consciousness.
And that brings up to where we are now in the story!
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skeletaldarling · 5 years
They can’t know
Emile lives with Patton and Virgil and hates being sick. He refuses to let his boyfriends (Toby and Remy) know that anything is wrong though, he doesn’t want them worrying about him. (Human au btw). 
If you have any advice or ideas, let me know! I love feedback and I want to improve so... 
(I kinda feel like I did a bad job with keeping Emile’s character but I’m thinking he’s just feeling off cause he’s sick so he’s not as loud and bubbly.)
Pairings: ORE, lots of platonic Patile?(does Emile x Patton have a name??) background Prinxiety
Warnings: Throwing up, hospital visit, little bit of swearing, I don’t think there’s anything else? Let me know though!
Patton rushed into the bathroom as soon as he heard the retching from the living room. Emile was leaning over the toilet, shaking and gasping. Patton grabbed a cloth and ran it under warm water, he silently handed the cloth to Emile as he sat back on the tiled floor. They were quiet for a moment, Emile wiped his face and groaned. Patton frowned, “Emmy, you’ve been throwing up for two days. Maybe you should see a doctor?” 
Emile shook his head, “No, no. I’m fine, it’ll pass.” He smiled weakly, “Don’t worry Pat, I’ve got you taking care of me.”
Patton sighed, “You should at least tell Remy and Toby, they-” 
“No! I don’t want either of them to see me like this,” Emile interrupted, he coughed loudly. “Please Patton. Don’t tell them.” He pleaded. 
Virgil appeared in the doorway, “That cough sounds worse man. By the way while you were throwing up, Remy called.” 
Patton shot Emile a look, Emile glowered at him and coughed again. “What did you tell him?” 
“That you were sleeping, he seemed understanding once I told him work had been tough today.” Virgil stuffed his hands in his pockets.
Emile nodded, that was a lie, he hadn’t been to work in a week. He coughed weakly. Patton gently pushed Emile’s bangs out of his eyes, “Please take a nap. You look terrible.” 
Emile nodded wordlessly and let Patton help him off the floor. Virgil stepped out of the way as they went down the hall to Emile’s room. 
Patton flicked the light off as he left, leaving Emile alone in his dark bedroom. His throat itched and his mouth tasted like garbage. He tried to get comfortable in the piles of cushions and blankets. His limbs felt like lead and he just lay there, he wanted to sleep so badly but his mind wouldn’t shut off, under the covers he felt hot and itchy. The moment he tried to shove off the blankets his temperature dropped and he shivered. He craved warmth but he was too weak to reach the covers again. He moaned and curled into a ball. Shivering in the dark, his eyes slowly closed and he tediously fell into an unsettled sleep. 
When Emile woke the clock read 7:16pm. His sheets were still in a heap on the floor but he wasn’t cold anymore. His throat still itched and his head ached. Emile slowly eased himself up from the cushions and coughed violently. As he lowered his feet onto the ground again the door opened quietly, letting in a stream of light. 
“Hey Emmy,” Patton said gently. 
Emile coughed again, “Hi Patton.” he croaked. 
Emile stood from his bed and stumbled forward a few steps. He gasped as his head spun and he attempted to regain his balance. Patton rushed forward to support him. He frowned, “Em, you look worse. Please, please let me invite them over, Remy and Toby are helpful and they care about you. They could help you better than I could.” 
“No. Please, I can’t-” Emile groaned, he suddenly lurched away from Patton and ran into Virgil as he tried to escape down the hall. He moaned again and pushed past him, he kicked open the bathroom door and threw up into the sink. Patton and Virgil rushed in just behind him. Virgil gagged and shut his eyes, slowly backing out of the room as Emile vomited. Patton squeezed his shoulder and closed the bathroom door so their anxious friend couldn’t see them. He rubbed Emile’s back as he retched. “Aw, Emmy. I’m sorry kiddo.” 
Emile rinsed his mouth out and coughed. Virgil slowly opened the door again, he quietly watched Emile sit down on the closed toilet lid and Patton wash the sink. No one spoke and the silence sat uncomfortably in the room. Emile groaned and slumped against the toilet. Patton sighed sympathetically and rubbed his shoulder. 
“Virge!” A voice called from the front door. 
Virgil tensed, “Shit,” he muttered. “Coming Princey!” 
He gave Emile a look of apology and ran to meet his boyfriend. 
Patton watched him leave before looking back at Emile, “Roman may as well know you’re sick,” 
Emile frowned. 
“Roman’s probably staying the night so he’ll see you anyway and I want to sit on the couch, taking care of you because you are a stubborn idiot who refuses to let his boyfriends know he’s sick.” 
Emile considered this before reluctantly letting Patton help him up. “Thanks Patton.” 
“Anytime kiddo.” 
“Hey guys,” Roman called. He was sitting on the armchair, Virgil was on his lap with his head buried in his boyfriend’s neck. His smile faded when noticed Emile leaning on Patton with his pale, sweaty face and tired eyes. 
“Emile, you feeling okay?” 
Patton lowered him onto the couch and rubbed his shoulder, “Not really,” Emile muttered, “Please don’t tell Remy or Toby though. I don’t want them to worry,”
Roman nodded, looking slightly confused, “Okay.” 
Emile exhaled and leaned further into the cushions, maybe if he was lucky he might sleep a bit. He snuggled into Patton’s chest and closed his eyes as the others put some Disney movie on. 
Emile faded in and out of sleep as the movie continued but he sat up when he starting coughing again, he didn’t want to cough on Patton so he sat forward. He tried to take a deep breath but ended up coughing louder, it didn’t stop, Roman paused the movie and Patton rubbed his back as Emile tried to breathe through the endless chokes and gasps. He struggled to get air to his lungs, he wheezed and clambered to his feet, he stumbled into the bathroom and leaned over the sink as the coughing fit intensified, he saw his bright red face in the mirror and choked more and more. He could hardly see straight anymore. He coughed once more and saw something red in the sink, oh no, he thought as he coughed up more blood before his vision went dark and he crumpled to the floor. 
Patton yelped as he rushed into the bathroom to see his best friend lying in a heap on the ground. Virgil ran in closely after and gagged the moment he smelled the blood that remained in the sink. Roman had his hand on Virgil’s hip and spun his boyfriend into his chest to protect him from the sight and smell of the crimson liquid that stained Emile’s lips. Patton choked back tears as he described the scene into his phone. Roman gently leaned Virgil against a wall where he rubbed his tearful eyes. Roman propped Emile’s head up and gently pulled him into a better position. 
Patton shakily took the phone away from his ear and hung up before bursting into tears, Virgil took a few deep breaths and wrapped his arms around Patton. They hugged for a moment. Virgil silently let tears soak into Patton’s sweater while he sobbed loudly. “It’ll be okay Pat. It’ll be okay.” 
Emile woke up in an unfamiliar bed, his head felt like it was full of fog and his throat burned. He slowly shifted his head to see Patton curled up against Virgil. They were both asleep, Patton had his knees pulled up against his chest and his head resting on Virgil’s shoulder who had his arm around the smaller man. 
Emile moaned quietly as he attempted to get comfortable, it felt like the entire world was sitting on his chest. Every part of his body ached. Patton stirred, he soon noticed that Emile was awake and he sat forward quickly, “Hey Emmy.” 
Emile smiled weakly, Virgil blinked as he woke and awkwardly adjusted himself in the chair. 
Patton stood and knelt next to Emile’s bed. He squeezed his shoulder. “How are you feeling Em?”
Emile attempted to respond but no voice came out, he tried again and whispered, “Better,” he watched Patton smile sympathetically. “Where am I?” He asked softly. 
“Hospital.” Virgil responded. “You coughed so hard you passed out.” 
Emile frowned, “I remember blood.” He murmured. 
Patton rubbed his shoulder, “You were coughing up blood but the doctor said you’d be fine. He did tell us specifically what happened but I completely blacked out once he said you’d be okay.” 
Emile smiled softly, that sounded like Patton. He grimaced as his stomach hurt, he sat up too fast and loudly gasped in pain as the feeling intensified. Patton grabbed his arm, “Woah!”
Emile shook his head and hugged his stomach as he felt the vomit rise in his throat. Virgil caught on and leapt for the bin in the corner, he handed to Emile just in time for him to throw up loudly. Patton made a sad sound and rubbed his back. “Aw Em. I’m sorry.” 
Emile shook his head and weakly smiled at Virgil as he took the bin away. “It’s not your fault Pat, please don’t be sorry.” 
“Okay kiddo.” Patton gently eased him back down into the sheets, “Relax Emmy.” 
Emile looked up to see Remy enter the room, closely followed by Toby. They both saw Emile lying on the hospital bed at the same time, he looked so small, so sick. “Oh, Em,” Toby muttered, “Come here baby.” 
He rushed forward to wrap his arms around Emile’s shoulders. Remy swept the bangs out of his boyfriend’s eyes and kissed his head. “Oh babe. How could you not tell us?” 
Emile shrugged slightly. “I’m guessing Patton told you?” 
Patton nodded as he stood. “I called them as soon as we got here, don’t get mad. They needed to know.” He left the room with Virgil before anyone could respond. 
Toby frowned. “Why would you be mad at Patton? Did you not want us to know you were sick?” 
“I didn’t want you to worry.” Emile responded quietly, god that sounded so stupid now, his throat itched with the effort of talking. 
Remy scoffed quietly, “Babe, I love you but that’s shit.” 
Toby gently nudged Emile over and lay next to him. “Remy’s right. Baby we could’ve helped you. You should’ve told us.” 
Emile nodded, his throat still hurt and the thought of talking was exhausting but he spoke quietly, “I know. I’m sorry. I just -” He was cut off as he started to cough, he leaned forward a little and coughed more. Remy frowned and sat on the end of his bed, he took Emile’s hands. Toby rubbed soothing circles on his back. Once the coughing stopped, Emile leaned back and groaned miserably. 
Remy squeezed his hands, “Aw babe.” He kissed his cheek, “Just go to sleep, we’ll stay with you.” 
Toby nodded, “Is there anything you need? How do you feel?” 
Emile wriggled further into the sheets, “My throat hurts but I’m fine.” 
Toby kissed his cheek and let him snuggle into his chest, “I’m sorry baby, we’ll take care of you, try and get some rest, okay?” 
Remy gracefully slipped off the bed and dragged a chair over to the edge. He gently took Emile’s hand and kissed it. “We love you babe, sleep tight.” 
Emile slowly fell into a light sleep, his throat burned and his muscles ached but he felt his boyfriends hold him as he slept fitfully. They were warm and they were sweet and they stayed with him all night, and then another week at home. He watched them work together to make him sleep or drink. They made him food and comforted him when he coughed. They cuddled him and did everything in their power to make him feel better. 
He saw Patton’s smirks and giggles when Remy brought him food, he noticed Virgil’s slight smiles whenever Toby kissed his cheek and promised to make him better but he honestly didn’t care. Emile had two wonderful boyfriends that loved him and looked after him and he was glad to be that lucky. 
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roseamongroses · 5 years
Antithesis (11): “the point of no return but with less drama”
[Specific-Summary]: With senior year approaching, some stresses are inevitable, and they’re certainly not looking forward to them, but for now it’s summer and it’s okay to breathe a little while longer.
[General Warnings]: Implied Emotional Abuse, Implied Physical Abuse, Bad Parents are Bad Parents, Mild Sexual Content/jokes, Mentioned Homophobia, Mentions of underage drinking (backround), Some Catcalling,Cursing  
[Tags/mood:] highschool au,  fluff and angst but its all good, chat fic, teen stress, its flordia no snow we die like men [Pairing:] Roceit (Roman Sanders/ Deceit Sanders), hinted future/possible logince/roloceit/loceit [Characters]Roman Sanders/Deceit (Dmitri) Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Remy (Sleep) Sanders, Nate Sanders, Dragon Witch (Diana)
(Ao3) (Previously)
(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
Pattattack: WHATS UP BITCHEs
Royal-tea: not that pat’s some pure innocent baby but
Anxie-tea: that’s incredibly out of character.
Pattattack: oh this is remy lol i dropped my phone in the ocean
Anxi-tea: sounds about right
Pattattack: ahaha my dads gunna kill me but oh well
Log-in: That is not comforting
Pattattack: It shouldn’t be. You know my address just in case lol
Pattattack: aNYway, why are the twins willingly matching names Pattattack: anf finishing each other sentences
Anxi-tea: we both wanted to change our names but we have the same weakass humor Anxi-tea: so now i hate everything
Log-in: Why not just /change/ your name again
Anxi-tea: logan i know you’re the baby out of like 12
Log-in: I’m not the youngest and there’s only eleven of us.
Anxi-tea: crayon munchers don’t count aHEM so as the oldest i must assert my dominance
Pattattack: ah much better
Log-in: ...them arguing?
Pattattack: the last time they got along i lost an eyebrow and all of my dignity Royal-tea: church camp was wild
Log-in: I thought your mom wasn’t religious?
Anxi-tea: mom isn’t, momma was Axi-tea: they mainly took us for the free meals during the summer tbh Axi-tea: but for some mysterious reason we are no longer allowed to return
Royal-tea: im that mysterious reason
“Dmitri--You’re--Stalling,” Roman said between pants.
“What? Stalling?” Dmitri said, thumb tracing Roman’s lips, “I would never.” he smiled a bit seeing Roman’s disbelieving look, “Ro, c’mon, would I ever lie to you?”
“You did say I looked good in those jeans…”
“You did.”
Roman rolled his eyes, turning away “They were horr-” he yelped, flinching into the car seat, “Remy what the jesus fucking fuck-”
Dmitri looked up unimpressed to see Remy crouched over, shirtless, and waving through the window of the passenger seat with a shit-eating grin.
Roman opened the door, with a scowl, “Do you plan being an asshole or does it just come naturally to you?” he grumbled.
Wrapping an arm around Roman’s shoulder and pulling him to his chest, Remy grinned, “Oh no darling, this asshole is exclusively you-” Before he could finish, Roman jabbed him in the ribs with a pointed look.
“Fine, fine I’ll keep it decent,” He mocked, ducking into the car, “You mind if I steal him for a bit?”
“Do you really care?” Dmitri said.
Remy lowered his sunglasses, eyes unflinching, “Oh I don’t.”
“What he asked?” he shrugged.
Roman pursed his lips, “I’m sorry Remy will be leaving n-”
“It’s fine,” Dmitri said, “Go have fun,”
“Yes, I’ll be fine,” he paused, “I’m not lying, really, I’ll be okay. ”
Roman studied him, before nodding, “Alrighty then,” he said, Remy hooting as he dragged him towards the ocean, laughter soon following.
He watched them go, small smile, before slumping in the car seat. Breathing in the thick, salt air easy, he listened to the chatter of students passing by. He watched how easy it all seemed to flow together,
It shouldn’t had been note-worthy. Just another day at the beach, just another day. And Dmitri faintly remembers a time when it was, when he didn’t see his aunt at every turn of his life. When his dad would surprise him and let him skip school for the day, and they’d come back home pockets full of sand and burnt to all hell. How they’d later get hell for it, but it was okay, and easy, and it’ll pass--- get better--- soon enough. It was enough.
His phone rang, and he didn’t have to look up to know it was her. Without thinking he already picked it up, before stopping. Of course he felt his sinking dread, of course he felt the crawl of anxiety wash over him, the excessive wave of thoughts trying to find what he forgot to do or what he did wrong, but he couldn’t make himself answer the call.
He didn’t want to, he felt that he had to, but he didn’t know why. She’s his guardian, so he should. It could be an emergency, so he should. She’s done so much for him, so he should listen to her, talk to her, pick up the phone and save his future self the trouble and just answer it.
But he didn’t want to.
So he didn’t.
Fivemoreminutes: diana Fivemoreminutes: dianaaaaaaa Fivemoreminutes:diaannNNAAAA
Diana: what.
Fivemoreminutes: you’ve been sulking…..
Diana: oh really i didn’t notice.
Fivemoreminutes:yikes somesones touchy
Diana: leave me the fuck alone nate
Fivemoreminutes: cmooooon im being considerate Fivemoreminutes: btw can you tell my girlfriend im being considerate???that i can be considerate???cause shes not answering any of my calls
Diana: you’re a bastard you know that? take a fucking hint.
Fivemoreminutes: what if i were to tell you dmitri is @ the beach thing and we can fuck with him
Diana: id tell you to fuck off, i dont want to be near him
Fivemoreminutes:what????you dont want to be petty?get a little selective entertainment???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Diana: being petty is what got me here dumbass.
Fivemoreminutes:god girls are so touchy
Diana: you really want to fuckin die today huh
Fivemoreminutes: it wAS A JOKE anddddd
Fivemoreminutes: so absolutely no petty shit?? ;)
Diana: No petty shit just bring me my fuckin misery and pie
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uno-writing · 3 years
Hello! I saw your matchups and thought they looked fun! I haven’t thought about this series in like a year I need to go binge read it what have you done- anyway you can write whatever kind of matchup seems most fun for you. S/Os are more like best friends ADVANCED MODE for me anyway lol. I’m tall, pale, and wear glasses and thats pretty much all that stands out about me but it be like that sometimes 😔👌 I don’t really like talking to people I don���t know because ~✨Trust issues✨~™️ Am I right gamers lol- but if someone comes up to me I’m not about to ignore them that’s rude >:( I’m really loud with people I’m relatively comfortable with and I hate being serious (haha running away from problems go brrrr) though that can cause problems since my sense of humor can be pretty dark or not make sense at all to most people lol. Apparently threatening to burn down Taco Bell’s until they bring back cheesy fiesta potatoes isn’t “a healthy coping mechanism” (btw cheesy fiesta potatoes came back like 4 hours after I said that COINCIDENCE??? lol) I thought it was funny tho so that’s what matters. I can’t stand people who can’t understand what I’m trying to tell them, or people who doubt what I know/what I’m capable of. Also people touching me but I can tolerate that if I really like the person, however I will not hesitate to hit them purely out of reflex if they don’t warn me first lol. I overheat easily and can’t see all that well when it’s bright, so I prefer to stay inside. I love to play video games or just any game, especially friendly competitive games or strategy games. I also like listening to music and drawing because I’m not unique so tragic so sad. I like people who are confident because that’s probably the only way we’re going to talk lol, who can join in on my jokes because fun lol, who are above average intelligence so I don’t have to explain every other word I say or have them just stare at me blankly, and just respectful people lol. Sounds like a lot but it’s a pretty low bar lol. My zodiac is Libra but I don’t really care that much about it, and my love language is quality time. I don’t remember the characters so I can’t say ghat there are any I don’t want lol. Feel free to write spoilers if you want to though, I don’t really care that information is probably stored back in my mind one way or another. Alright that’s all I got hope you have a nice day sorry this was so long byeeee
Hi! I totally get that. I won’t think of this series for months and then there’s one thing that just drags me back into the rabbit hole 😂😂
I would match you with Isen for both platonic and romantic! I feel like the two of you would compliment each other well.
*Isen strikes me as someone who’s more on the extroverted side of the spectrum. He doesn’t really seem to have a problem talking to people and (aside from people he’s scared of) he’s pretty confident.
*He also strikes me as the type of person to make a lot of jokes or to use humor as a coping mechanism. I don’t think he would start off with dark humor, but I think that after a while of making jokes back and forth he would progressively get darker as time went on.
*I think he’d be a mix of wanting to stay inside and also wanting to spend time elsewhere.
*I can confidently say that he would carry one of those tiny fans that plug into the bottom of your phone and any time you mentioned anything about the heat he’d whip that sucker out.
*I can also guarantee that he would burn the taco bell down with you while Remi and Blyke would just be NO-
*I mean, the first thing he did when he found out about ability amps was talk about how easily he could beat Arlo up.
*He doesn’t seem very touchy in my opinion, maybe only when he’s like really sleepy he’ll try and lean his head on you.
*I think he’d really enjoy writing while you draw. Just having some music on in the background and you two doing your own things.
*If you ever drew him, he’d ask if he could have it and carry it around. He’d CONSTANTLY brag about it to Blyke
*I feel like he sucks ass at video games. Like he brags about how good he is and then makes a whole bunch of stupid mistakes and barely knows the controls.
*I feel like the two of you would be quite chaotic together and probably stress Remi and Blyke out.
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